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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 19 Jan 1872, p. 3

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, . THE MERCHANT, FRIJ)AY, JANUARY 19, 1S72. ===========o==~=========~========c====::==:===~=-=~~~~~~r====:=======~~~~~~~~~~--Dr. J. Ball & Co's STOVES! ST~VES!! AT Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitre E Y E-0 UPS. y their use, the shrunken 11nd enfeebled syo! B either in young or old, is at once supplied. with that belit and indispcnsible anima.l ST o~TE 'S ·' l UUJN IN iHE BLOOD SABBATH SCifQQL LIBRARIES AND · !.. McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nothina but the purest materials used, and req 11iring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Their compo5ition consists solely of In view of important changes to be made in my bus~ess, du.ring the latter part of February, I would offer the remamder of my "' WINTER STOCK AT Pure Color, Piir·e White Leacl, Pun White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Turpent,ine, & Dryers, ccarefully and scieuti:fically com· bin ed. Persons in want of The consumer can have any de· sired" shade of color neatly put UJ; DRY GOOT>S, in Ca,ns, and all he requires to buy will find this tt good opportunity of getting Goods at with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole ca,n he done by himself, or by .,.,.N~~ A ~mp\ ' any member of his household. GREATLY REDUCED RATES. t)tim~~ HE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the in· la..nt-A1 teria"l Blood. The nerves J'e:sume thtnr h~bita.nts of Bowmanvillo and surrounding tone; the vessels recover their powe1·: the globe country, tha.t he has the a.ssumes its proper shape, siz.e. and brilli~nc):; a.Udieeased o.ctif>n is arrested and cured. Thell' BEST SELECTION OF STOVES objE>ct iis to bring the sight to a 11u.tnral focu~ 1 by restodng the dimi11i~bed convexity or :flatness cvur ffered .in the Town, comprising of the Cornea of the Eye, which is gradually raised to ita original convexity,causing the rays Cooking, Pco·lor, Box, and c,,al of light to Converge on the retina without the Stoves, of the latest pattm·ns, aid of convex lenses Qr g la8Bes; thu;,: a. special r<::mdy for these whose eig-ht fa beginning to fail ancl of the Best W oi;k?nanfrom age. They add "\-ita.lity and strength to the - ship, eye thus securin~ a proper secretiou,a.nd remov· ing ~he cause of n.11 organic diseases. This won- which he will sell as cheap as iu any ?vlarkct iJJ dorful effect is produced without pain_or the the Dominion. possibility of injury to the (lye. ~!any of our most eminent physicians, oc~ul Also for the ists, students and di vines, h<.lov e had their sight perJJlanently restored fo1· life, and cured of the following disea;,es: · 1. Impaired Vision; 2. or Presbyopia, or l!'ar Si~htedness, or Dioinesl':I of V"ision'wcommonly BASE BURNER AND HEATER called Blurring ; 3. Ar.thenopia.,or eak Eyes, 4_ . Epiphor·a, !-tunning or \Vatery Exes; 5, Sore I Call and examine Stoves and pricea before Eycs-Bpecially treated with th(· Eye Cups--purchasing elsewhere. cure guaranteed; 6. Vteakuess of tllt'l }tetina, or Optic Nerve; 7. 01)thalmia, or Infl~\mma tion of the Eye and its a.vpenda.ges, or imper· Hard ware of all kinds. Paints, Oils, feet visio11 fruro tbe effects of Inflammation; 8. Putty, Glass, &c., &c. Photoph_cibw., or Int()lm'A.nce of Light; D. Q,vororked ]!;yes; 10. ~IyJes?pia-n10ving spec~!:! or. floating bodies before the eyes; or Obscurity of Vision; 12. Cataracts! Partial Blinchieafi; the loss. of sight, -. Any one can use the Ivor) Eye Cups '.nthout Ilussia .itn.d the of })uctor or l\:Iedicine, i-su ~\.~to recei\·e An Assortnient of Tinware. C'urn1non Iron Stove P-i'pes, Gallo·1c1J immediate benetlcii..l resiilts a.nd never weur Pipes, Dwmb Stoves, &c., d!:o., spectacles; or, if using nnw, to lay them aside forever. \Ve guuro.ntce a <:mre in every. case kept on hand where the directions are followed, or will refund tho money. Hot Air Drnms made to order. T REWARDS. --;O;-- We have just opened one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK The Pe1·uvian S1n·up, a Protected Solution of the Protoxtcle of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of «n aUinent, as easily d'l gesterl mul rtsstinilated wUh the bloorl as the stinplest food, It increases the :J"antity of Natu1'e's Own 'Htaliztnu Auent, Iron 'in the blood, and . ctt1..cs "a thoil:sci1id ills," si1nply by Toning up,Invigorating an<l Vitalizing the System. 'l'he enriched and 'Vit<tlized bloo ~l per1neates eve1'y pm·t of the body, 1J·epr:ti'r iny <la11iages <t'ltll tvaste, sea'rcliiriy out 1no'rbid sem·etions, ltnd leaving nothing /01· <Usease to feerl upon. This is the sem·et of the wondei'f"l success of this .-einedy in c"1·iny Dy speps,i a, ,Liver Com,plaint, D1·opsy, Clwonic Dtm·rlu~a,Boils, ~Ym·v.ous Affections, Loss of Constit,,Uonal Vigo1', Di.·eases of the Kidneys and Bladclm·, Female Compla, l nts, ltnd all disea.·es orlginaUng in a bad state of the 1>lood, or <tc· companierl by deb'illt11 or a low state of the s11stein. Being free 1 1 OF Sabbath School Libra1~ies Celebrated American · and Rewards ever offered for sale in Bowmanville. Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purchase Re, wardl., will please to remember two· things ; First, Our Stock of School Books is no old stuf!; picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. We have sold 011t and refilled our shelvea, half-a-dozen times during the post year, and have now purchased so la.rgely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Plea.~e come.and take them away. Second, We have not mai·ked om books at high figures, with the view of taking off a large dis count. 'l'hey are nmrkecl low for general sale, and a discount of TEN PER CENT~ will be allowed on purchases ranging from $1. to $50.; ,over that amoun FIFTEEN PER CEN1'. will be allowed, We respectfully invite an inspection of our "'l TINVVARE Chills tiruJ, Fevers, H1t11io1·s, 2309 Certificates of Cure, \J ..... _. .di\lal;;/ 0'1":' LO""" oeoeic"e's VY .Iii .a\, -'iii · ,& PURE WHITE LEAD, A htrge stock just received, for aut·· mnn painting, imported direct from the English l\fanufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the Celebrated Parties indebted to me will much oblige, by settling the same as soon as possible, , , w. MCMURTRY SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. Bowmanville, April 13th, 1871. From honest Fa.rmera, ~!cch::tnics and 1\:fc1'chthe most improved plans, ants, some of them the most eminent lea.din"' professional and busineS8 men a.wJ. women of ccf. ucation and refinement, in our eo\lntry, may be Workrnanship seconcl to none in aeen at our office. the Domvnion, U ndei.· dah: of March 29, Hon. Horace Gree~ ley, of the New York T1·ibt(,ne, writes: "J. Ball, of om· city, is a c0 nscieutious and respon- All kinda <-'f Job bing <lone on the Shortest tible man, who is inc~pable of intentional deccpNotice, nnd at rea.sona.ble prices, aion ur i_ 1n_positio11. EDWIN HORSEY. Prof. W. ?t>Ierrick, CJf Lexin~ton, Ky., wrote April 24tl1, 1869: \\-?ithout my Spectacles I _pen Bow1nru1villc, l(ith...-\..ugust, 1871. 40-1y y"lu this note, after us:ing the PaLent 1 vory Eye Cups thirteen <lays, and this morning- perused the entiro contents ot a. Daily N ewspa.per, and nll with the ur.rn.miistC'd Eye. 'l'r1:!!Y am I gra.teful to your noble invention, may Heaven bless and preseL"ve you. I been using spec";a.cles twenty; I am seventy-one yel1l'B old. Truly yours, Prof. \V. }.ferrick. REV. JOSEPH SlIITH, 1\i'.[a,ldtm, ?tlass., cured of Partial Blindness, of 18' standing, in one minute, by the I>atent Ivory Eye Cups . E. ELLIS, late \1a.yor of Da.yton, Ohio, wrote us Nov. l5tb,1869: I have tested the Patent Ivory Eye Cups,i:trnd I am satisfied they good. I am plea.sed with them; they are the greatest invention of the age, Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on J'ro11i A .lcohol, l1i an.. y for'r n, its ene1·gizin,y effects a/1·c 'not fol- EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF t"1·es, to strung, healthy, and: happ_y men and women; aJid in1Jalids cannot,reasonably hes- ~ itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the uzass. Pa1nphlets Fi'"ee .. tvealr-, sickly_, suffe-r· i ng crea, ... lowed by correspon<Ung i·eaction, b"t ar·e permanent, inf"· , sing stren,yth, viyor, an.d new Ufe into all prtl'ts of the systmn, and b"ilr.l in(f up an I1·on Constitution. 'l'lwu.sands have been changetl bf/ the "se of th-ls 1·emedy, f1·om' Pocket Books, Albums, 'Vriting Desks, Ladies' Compa1iions, Blotters, Inkstands, Note Paper, Envel?pes, &c., &c. ~ Remember the Store, next to the West Durham Steam Printing and Publishing House, King Street, Bowmanville, · · ROOSTER BRAND, giia1·anteecl piwe. ALSO o_ J.P. DJ;NSJllOBE, P1"op1·ieto1', No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. §old by Druggists generally. - all standard colors, oils v11,rnishes, and pa,inters' materials, Call and see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated ; for a,ll these goods will be sold atRediwed figiires. MURDOCH BROS. NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS. For the worst cases of Myopia, or 1rear-sightments, applied to the IvonY E.YE·CUPf:l 1 has proved a. certain cure for this dise3.8e. erlness, use our New Patent M_,ropic Attach- T. DARLINGTON, HAVE J11;,t received a Ch·1ice lot of have received and opened out a Dr. J. :Ba.11 8G Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is recommended by tboue~ndeJ.... for 20.00 Gallons of NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, ,C. BARKER, MANAGER. MA.CHINE OIL of different kinds. . Threshers and all parties requiring such oil, a1:e specially invited to inspect the vanous qualities, the prices being fal' below anything ever offered in this market. fJDOl«JE ,ASSORTMENT OF 500 Cook, Pa.rlor, lta.11, a.nd :Box Stoves, ·irriving, and now on exhibition, the · largest and cheapest stock of --. -- Eyes, a.nd Eye-lids, afao "Vcak Eyes, W:1tery Eyes, Over-worked }~yes, Intolerance of Light, A1naurosis1 or Obscm·ity of Vi8ion, or Specks on moving Bodies beiore the Eyes, VVeaknesa of Retina, a.ud 1na.ny other diseases of the Ey~. · All pet·sons wishing for frill particulars, certificates of curee 1 prices, &c., will please send"yo1n' address to our Agent, who will send our Treatise on thd Eye, of fGrty-foui· pageii, free, by return mail. Dates, Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels, NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY. .c\lso Bar1·elr; and Boxes of Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST A.U con.rultation 1oith us free. Beautilfu.l C21:r.ulies, "'ith an assortment of GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIACE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County - of Durham. FALL AND vYINTER GOODS. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. -o--- · Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is E. B. CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who has ou hand an assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. Nov. 24th, 1871. CHOICE BISCUITS. MOWER THE S. B. BRADSHAW · JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. ownmnvllle, Aug. 8th, 1871. rn .. H p D1bdington has a.gain received another lot of REAPER WOOD'S thoos celebrated :PtTitE LEAF TEAS; Qnality is the- Test of C/tcopncss. Bowmanvillc, Dec. 22nd, 1870. n12-tf BUCKEYE. Self-Rake . - I·lows, Straw ,C utters, Cburns, and all 'kinds of DON'T FAIL TO CALL A'r would taku this opportunity of thanking his ·numerou$ friends forihe very liberal patronage he has received· · He feels satisfied that notb.~ ing but For 1Y.IASON'S Harnes~, Saddles, Trunks, Vahses, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability and cheapness,,cannot be excel~ed in this vicinity '£0 tb(}f.ltl in ARREAl{S, he would sa.y LOW PBICES and open to-day. z 0 0 ~ · 1.'ht;) Sub~cribe1· having pun:hased the BUSINESS AND STOCK of tl1e late l"ticha.rd lY'Irutin, will be>d to see AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ---o·--MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF' EVERY DESCRIPTION, OLD CUSS TOME RS AND NEW ONES BowMANVILLE, June 13th, 187L A full Stock of Groceries and Confectionary kept on hand. TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & I SPLENDID NE"\V HEARSE, ' ' SON, N.B.--It ii! my intcnt:ion to Sllpply the YOU MUST PAY UP! Tho ~c Superior 'Workman.ship, has gained for him such · a steady incr~ase of bueiuess-much lM"ger than former yea1·s; and he truHtt1 tl1at by co u NTR y 1'RA DE with who have already settled, will pleaM accept our hearty thank!!. S. MASON. Bowm<1..nv-illc Dec: 3rd. 1869. nlO R E M B !S T N A R B A M N E R GROCERY DEPARTMENT strict attention to business he will continue to i-eceive their support. ~ N returning tnanks to their nutn~rous Customers, and the Public generally, for 1)ai:t fnvor s wou1d respectfully invite their attention to our present stock of Furnitu re, as we hllve latelY added thereto, that we ma.y ther~by be enabled to supply a.ll parties who ma.y please to favm; U,s .,,.ith a call. Great inducements held out to those pureha.sing at our Establishment. Pictures. Looking Gle\sses, &c., fraJned to order, and in every sytle, Samplef· of tbedifferent kinda of Mouldings can be seen at lhe "\Vare-roo1n . \Ve would also beg to inform you, that 1 lHtving purchased a. CONFECTION ABT, a.s was formerly done by lvir. l\iartin. H HORWOOD Bowmanville, Dre. 7th, J871. 10-tf we !')hall be ready at all times, to attend Fnnm·a.h1, on sh01·t notice, and reasonable ter1n~. N, B. Coffins kept on hand, ;md made to order, n.t the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI1·URE WARE-ROOlfi. King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa, Ang, 26th, 1870. BOUNSALL, R, I MPORTER,inl\L\')!UFACTURE all the varieties of DE~<\.LER Opposite J . W. Fowke's Store. -will Ee found, as usual, well supplied. an POULTRY WANTED. p1·epnred to pay the highest ina.tket IM1VlENSE! I A1'I price for a.11 kinds oflwultry, dressed. Try it for Yourselves SIMSON BltOS., } ' '. E. Bowmauyiilc, SIMSO~, Italian & American Marble. A Ja1>ge imported Stock of A ln.rgu an<l choice selection of FRESH FIELD, AND GARDEN' SEEDS MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, Oshawa.. J3owmanville, Nov. 14th, 1871. o45-tf . S. B. BRADSHAW, ~\.ll those tha.t are in a1Tears must pay up, especially the Hardware acrcount. S. B. B. Bowman.ville, .Ta.n. JOth 1 1872. ly-15. a.lwaye on hand, of superior 'vorkinanship, and T S! , at lowest price~. Just i:oceived. Bowinanvi.Jle, Sept. 21st, 187L l ly And all other Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than for eucloHiago bu1·yiug lotf:!, , than any one else m Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., Town: Wrought or Cast !?'On Fences FIRST-CLASS PICTURES Taken in A 1 Style, at FLETCHER'S tfICTURE GALLERY, HARD TO .BELIEVE. TRUE NEVEI:.iTI-IELESS ! Insolvent Act of 1869. tario, the United Counties &f Northumberland ti01:1 of North111nberaud Durham. ~ land and Durhrun. 'l'o 'VlT: In the matter of :MORGAX \VOOD 1 au Insolvent. _ On FRIDAY, the NINTH chy of February next, the undersigned will n.pply to the Juc\ge of the. said Court, for a discharge under the said kept on lrn.n.d, er wrought to order. respectfully requested at the '\'orks, A call is Canada Province of On-1In the Count.yCourt Coun- of the United King 1Street, Bow·mct:Jit1ille October, 1st, 1869,. l:lf SIGN OF' THE RED FLAG, King ::ltrcet, East. Bownw.u ville, Nov. 28l-L., 1871. 47·tf. 'WANTED! _A · NEVV PICT'U'RJI: GALI.Ell.YI respectfully the THE Subscriber that. having up New ricture with the lic1 fitted informs a pu1J- A large stock of MARXUS MAYERS, Cloths, Dress Goocls,Sti·ipecl, Chec/cecl rateful to a. gcnerou~ p\l.blic, for past liberal and plain Shawls, Winceys, patronage, begs 1nost respectf11U y to ::i.nno. l .'llce that GU a<.:count of incre::i.aing business Flannels, Blankets,Linens, be now Occupies Wool Goods, Hoise1·y, l'H,E WHOLE OF HIS OLD STAl'W, Gloves,ancl Trimmings. and hM filled G 1 Act. all bought before the adYftnce in pricee. , MORGAK WOOD, , Darlington, 6th .lan., 1872. 14·5, 600 to purchase every Shelf, Hole and Corner, "'ith an · CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY FOR THE Groceries Vc1·y .(}hea1J. Good Cooking Raisens only 5 cents a pound, ·<tnd still che11,per by th~ Box. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks. HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPES1', T the the lea-&t troubler01ne, most complete most lMtiug, 1.:vcr invented. a11d They used Gv.llery, all MEN'S STOG-BOOTS AT $2.25. A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent Exceedinglychoiceassort!llentofGoods , lower than iast year comprising MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, Os'bol'ne Sewing Ma.chine. give this renewal of the Agency, as,since we recei ve<l the appointment, there have been othe1·s rr;prcsenting themselves as .Ag en tr;, in. \Vest Dtuha1n :GUELPH, D ec. 4th, 1871. · ~less r~. R . & H. O'llara, Bowman\'ille. These are to certify tha.t you are 9uly .~P· i1oint1:1d our authorised Agtmt for, the \\i est R~d1ng rJf Durba.m, and North and SQuth Onta.r10, and the South Riding of Victoria.. "\Ve will!1ot l·eco·Ynise the actions of any othe1· pa.rty clauuing io be our Agent, unless .the Machine pa~s through yo11I" hands, l!lelling m the above ternLot'V, from and n.fter this date. We do not bind ourselves to any Mach ine sold of our manufacture,in said territory, unless gofng direct from the Fn.ctory to you~ 0I"der 1 or to tha.t of any Qf your sub Agent~. R.espectfully yours, GU ELI' H s~wI::iC- ?rIACllINE \V ~e SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. ·Cotton and Woolen Goods-are adva1{cing, but you ca,n buy them at El· liott's for a short time, at the old prices. Now ie the time to secure what you need. CLOTHlNG.-Gentlemen in want of a good :dtting suit should eaJ.J early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. Satisfaetion,guarnnteed in all reasonable eas011. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur, Hampton, August 2ml, 1871. bp-023-mH and recommended by many of the best Breeders h1 the lTnited States and Canada, Ruch as G. B. Loriug,.., Salem, 11nss., Pre.::iide.nt :.'1 ew Eng la.nil VV ool li1:uwers' Souiety; 'John S. I~.oss, l1ennepin, Ill.; rrofe~sor 1'-I. 1'-files, of the State Agricultur.U College, Lansing, Mich.; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'l'oronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On ea<:h :!\-lark is stamped the owner's They will be name and the Sheep\; numb~r. sent jreB, by mail, or express, for only fo1w cents (,(J&fi, and will last for TWEN·FY YE.tltS. Gti"' Cash must accompany a.11 cuders. ARCHIBALD YOUNG, J11., Sarnia., Ont. Orders addressed to the MERCRA~T and OB SERVER Office, for any quantity, will be filled at the above·mentioned price, as q uickly as the ~fe.r·ks cn.n bo made and sent. C. BARKER, Bowmain-ille, Dec. 28th, 18il. ly·m13-ol. he is prepared to take Life-like Likenesses, in every .etylo of the PhOtographic .A.rt. ANDERSON is the cheapest place iu Town, co. 20 per cent. Caps, Furs, Biitfalo Robes A lot last Season's Tweeds at Hats, Pcipe1· Collars, N eek Ties, 'bel~w Cost. Gent's F'urwishings, &c. The wliolc of the Stoc_k having been w<:ll Luught Gent's suitt'I made by the best 'vo1·krnen. Every Garment m~de to fit. An inRpection of specimens is invited Entrance opposite Hall. ~he entr~ce to the Town rr you want a. good pair of BooLs Ol' Shoes go to L. w. SEXTON. ANDERSON & CO. The very best Stock always on hand made to order in the latest style by MR. J. wmau.,ille, Sept. 27th, 1871. $26. REW ABD. having c01ne to onr knowledge, that certain_ I TPedlars itre selling Spectacles and Eye Glas:s· purporting to be of our make, a.nd to bear ! If you want a nice sett of Fms, for your lady, call on M. Mayers. Biitter, Eggs, Mittens, Socks, wicl Y wrn taken as Cctsh for Goods. All lcind,s of Fiws altei·ecl and 1·es. }'. HILL· pafrecl. Bo\vmanville, Oet. 5th, 1871. 'l'h2 best ._Black 'l:eas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town. BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN Highest price paid for Raw Furs GLYNN. TO THE PUBLIC. HE UNDERSIGNED i:! prepued to do ,a.ny amount of C-ustom Sawing-, at his Mill, rear of I~ot No. 19,6th Con. Da.rlin.llton. ltates -Pine :S2 per thousand; Homlock, and Basswood, $2.50 i Hardwood, $4. He will also pay the highest price in ca.ah, for sound IIardwood an:cl Basswood logs, delivered at tho l\iill. . '.l'HOS. SMITH. ~mll Darlington) Dec. 7th, 1871. Co. P .S. ··Each of our Agent!! will have a·writtcn certificate vf Ag1; ncy fron1 us, which purchasers should in sist on seeing. Bowruan ~-ille, De.c. 21st. 1871. R . &H. O'~A . m n12-o41 our'B sta.mped thereon, '"e hereby caution the public against all such imposters, as MR. AARUY llucKJ.l!:R is our only. Agent in "\Vest "1.~fE into the µremi f!cs of the Subscriber, Durhn.m; and a l{ eward of $26. ls }1i:ircby offerLot No. 12, in the 3rd Con. Cartwright, a. ed for the a;ppreheneion and con'"iction of all Steel'~ coming two old. 'l'ha owne1· :mch imposterl$ as try to defra.ud the public by can have hiln, on proving }n·uperty, a.ud paying offering I.heir trash as ou1· make. e:iq)enses, LAZARUS, MORRIS, ,~ CO. J. GEDDES. 1\fontrcal, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7 ·tf Cartwright, Jan. 3l'd, 1872. 14-tf C. STRAY STEER. Warranted to fit, or no Sale. T Bowma.nville, Sept,28th, 1871. MARKUS MAYERS· Give us a i'riat AHDERSON & CO. Bo\vn1anv·illc, Sept. 13th, 1871. ~mpire Str,p.w-Qutters. Jacob Neads, IRON FOUNDER Bowmnnville, r-.,~ ov. 24th, 1871. 50.

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