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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Jan 1872, p. 3

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THE MEHCHANT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1872. 1 Dana's Patent Sheep Marks. most complete ever in vented, 1'h1;1y used and recommended by n1any of tho best Breedcr11. in the United States and Cann.da, such as G. D. Loring, Sa.lern, Mass., President N e\v England '\Vool Grllwet"8' Sociely; John S. lioss, Henne· pin, Ill. ; Professor Jt'L ~Iiles 1 of the State Ag· ricultural College, Lansing, !\:licb. ; Hon. Geo. l3ro,vn,, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each 1vlark i~ sta1npod the o'vner's nau1e and the ~beep's number. 'l'he.Y' will be aont f1·cc, by n:iail, 01· express, for only jov.·r cent8 each, a.nd will last for "1'WKNTY YEAUS, Gb ...... Cash must accompany all orders. AHCHIBALD YOUXG, Jn., Sarni&, Ont. Order$ addressed to the )!EUCHA~r and OB SERVED. Ofticc, for any quantity, will be filled at the above-1nentioned price, as quickly as the 1'.:Luks c:~n be made a.nd ~6Ut. · C. BARKER, Bowmanvil101 :L:lec. 28th~ 1871. · ly-n113-ol. J. Dall & Co's Patent Ivory and., Lignum Vitre STOVES! STO YES!!_00RN FOR SALE I MARKS ARE '.!'HE CHEAPEST, THESE the mvst last ing, t he troublerome and 1 E Y E-0 UPS. McOLUNG BROS. will sell Crockery China, Glassware. and Lamps, for the next 30 days, AT COST, prior to ma.k· Ing a change in the Grocery Department their use, the shrunken and enfeebled Byeither in young or old, is at once suv:phed G!~·e, STOVES '! T WHOLE, OH, CRACKED. John McDougall SABBATll SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND - - - -- - ----------- AT Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody his or her own Painter. Cash paid for any quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens at _ McOLUNG BROS 'vith that best and inclisRensiblo animal stimu~ HE SUBSCRIBNR begs to infor1u the in· lant - A1te1·-iat Blood. '!be nerves i·e.sume their h.abitants of Bownui.nville ttnd surrounding tone; the nJri;sels r~c over their power : the globe countl'y, that he hn.1:1 the assumes its proper, size, and brilliancy; BEST SELECTION 01<' S'fOVJ<;S nUdiseased acti"n fa arrested and cured , Their objf'ct is to bring the sight to a natnral focus, by r<!Storing the di1ninished co:1vexity or flatness ev+Jl' ffered in the Town, comprising of the Cornea. uf the Eye, which is gradually · . l' to its convexity,~::i.usin_g the rays Ooolcing, POJrlor, Box, a11.d C't,al o~ light to converge on the i·ctina 'v1t.hout tp.e "'tove,.. 0 ; tl e lcttest kitte·rns aid of convex len;;ee or glasf!es; thua a speo;;:1al 1J "" ~· l . ' Te1ndy for these whose si~ht is begi nning to f::i.i.l arid of the Best W 01~ anfrom age. They add vit.ahty and -strength to the , ~hip 1 eye thus securing a pl·oper sccr~tion,and n.nnov· ing ~he cause of a.11 organic diseases. '!'his .won· ,vhich ha will s~ll as cheap as in any Market in derful effect is pruU.uceJ. without pain or the thf.l Dominion. lea.<Jt possibility of i nj ury to tlH1 eye. · Many of our inost eminent physicians, occul· Also Agent for the ists, students aJld divineH, have had their 1:1igbt perroaucntly restored for life, u-nd cured of the follo,ving diseases: 1. In1paired ·vision; 2. or Pref>byopi1: 1 ., or }~ar Sightcdnos~, or of V ision, commonly llASE BURNER ANJJ ILEATER called Blurring; 3. .L\.sthenopia,or "\Veak Ey~s, 4. })piphora, l{unning or \Yatery Eyes j 5. Soee Call and exa.mino Stoves and prices Lefore Eye.s-speci.:i,lly t1·e:ited with the Eye Cupsp11 rch ~1g elsewhere. cure guru:anteed ; ti. \Veak11'Ss of the lietinn, or Optic Nerve; 7. Opt.lrnJ.m:ia, or Infl.amma· tion of the Eye and it~ appendages, or imper- Hardware of all kiilds. Paints. Oils, feet vision frnrn tlie offect:-.i of Iufl:irnrnation; 8. Putty, Glass, &c., &c, Phntoph oQi;~, or Inio\erancu of Lig ht; !J, OverYl orked Eyes; 10. ){ydesopia-rnoving speck8 or floating bodies before the eyes; A. nw.urosis, --Y-X T or Ohflctu·ity of '.Tision; l:l. Cataracts, PLutial · V V Blindness; the los.'J of sight. Any one can tlHe the Ivorr Eye Cups without An As.,ortnient of 1'inwarc. R~,.ssia and tho aid of Doctor or j\'feflic1ne, H(J a~ to l'eceive Oom1non Iron Stove Pipes, Gallo1vs immediate benefici:..l results anrl never \venr Pipes, Durnb Stoves, tf:c., &c., spectacles; ori if using now, to lay the1n n.1:>ide. for eve1·. \.\l~ :;u~rantet! a cure ln every case kept on hand where tho directions are followed, or we will l'cfund the tnoney. . Hot Air Drnms made to order. NOTICE. my sons, Charlef! lI. and \Villinm R. Cawker. I lieniby request a.11 {tersons indebted to tn~ by book aecount or otherwise, to cn.ll a nd settle · forthwith. sold out my interest in the busine!ls HAVING lately earl'ied on by me in Bowman ville to REWARDS. - - : 0 : -- j ELIZABETH CAWKER. Bowmauville, Jan. 9tb, 187~. o2-ml6-tf \Ve hnve just opened one of the I 1 '· . A few only of those splendid TWEED SHIRTS at S. J<'. HILL'S. LARGEST- AKD BEST SELECTED STOCK OF · Parties wishing to replenish their. School Libraries, or to purchase ReWitrds, will p.letLse to remember two things: 1'1rs" t, Our Stock of School Books is no old stuft; picked up at Auction Raisins, Currants, Figs, Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. We have sold out !tnd refilled our shelves, hn.lf-a.-dozen times during the P"St year, and now pm·chasecl so hugely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. Second, We lrnvc 'not marked our books at high figures, with the view NU'l'S IN GREAT VARIETY. of taking off a large discount. They are marked low for geDeral sale, and ...i\Jso Barrels 11nd Box~:o of a discount of TE~ PER c~N T. will be allowed on purchases ranging from Beautiful Candies, Sl. to $50.; over that FJFTEE~ l'EH CENT. ,vi]] be allowed. Celebrated American T. DARLINGTON,. H J uat rccei \'e(l a. Choice lot of .A.'~lE ever offered for sale in Bowrnau ville_ NEW FRUITS, T I N A R E Da.tes, Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, 2309 Certificates of Cure, ' vitb a-n assortment of From honest ],armers, :&:fccha.nics and i\ferch· !l.ntH, 1m1ue of them the inost eminent lea.ding Hot Air FLLrnttces fitted up on the most improved plans. CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington has again received another lot of We respectfully invite Ml inspection of our McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the purest materials used, ,and req u.iring no further mixture of Oils, Tqrpentine, and Dryers. Their composition consists solely of Piire Colo1', Piire White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of J.'m-pentine, &: Dryers, ccarefuily and scientifically combined. The consumer can have any de· sired sl;ade of color neatly put uiin Cans, and :i,ll he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brnsh, aS the whole c»n .be clone by himself, or by any member of his household_ profeasiono..l and bu1:1iness me11 and wo1ucn of ed· ucation and retinement, in our country, mny be seen at our office. Undel" date of ?!iarch 29, Hon. Horace Gree· ley1 of the Now York T1·il;, 'vl'itus : "J. Ball, of QUr city, is a. conscientious and respon· tible ma.u, who is incu.pable of iutentiona.l decep· !lion ·1r jll?J>ot1ition. Prof. \V. Jtferrick, of Lexinqton, Ky., wrote April 24th, 1860: "\Yithout 1ny Spectacles I _pen Jnu this not.e, after using the Pa.tent -lvory Bye Cups thfrteeu days, and this morning perused the entire contents ot a D;:Wly )l'°ewspaper, and nll with the llllassisted Eye. Tl'i·uly ain I b'Tateful to your noble invention, iuay Heaven bless ~ll preserve vou. I have been using spec"'Acles twenty yei:tl's; I am sev· enty-one yen.1-a old. 1.'ruly your~, Prof. W. ,:rvlenick. Ri:v. Jos:&:PH Sr.IITH, Malden, J\,curedof Partial Blindness, of 18 year~' standing, in one minute, by the Patent Ivory Eye Cups. E. C. ELLlS , late \iayor of Dayton, Ohio, wrote us Nov. l5th,1869: I have tested the Pat· ent Ivory Eye Cup11,a.nd I am satisfied they are good. I run pleased with them; they the greatc:!lt invention of the age. W 01·kmcmshi1; second to none '<n the Dominion. All kinds of Jobbing <lone on the Shortoat Notice, a.nd at reasonable prices. , EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF tho·· celebrated :P'C':S.E LEAF T:E:AS, Quality is the Test of Cheapness. n12-tf llow1na.nvill!j, Dec. 22nd, 1870. · EDWIN HORSEY. BowmanvlUc, 16thAugust, 1871. Pocket Books, Albu1ns, Writing Desks, Ladies' Con1panions, Blotters, Ink.stands, ' 46-ly 'l'he Subscriber having purchased tho BUSINESS AND STOCK of the late l\.ichard Martin, will be pleased to see OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES · A full Stock of NE A R-S I G If TED NE S 3. Note Pa1ler, .. A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS, for For the 'vorst casea of J.lfyopia, or 1tca1·-si0Jit. v.lne.:i:s 1 use our New Patent 1'-fyopic .Attach· ments, applied to the IvoRY EYE·CUPS, ha.a proved a Ci! cui·e for this dis'E!ll.!\e. Groceries .and Confectionary kept on ha.nd. Envelopes, . &c., &c. :Or. J. l3a.ll & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is recomm ended by thonsa.ndR,. for Inflamed Eyes, and Eye-lids, also Weak Eyes, VVatery Ryes, Over-worked Eyes, Intolerance of Light, Arnaurosis, 01· Obscurity of Vision, or Specks on moving Bodies bctore the :Byes, Weakness Of Retina., an<l 1nany other diseases of the Eye. All persons wishing for full particulars, certifica,tes of cures 1 p.i:ices, &c., will please F.1end your add..l'flSS to OUl' Agent, who will send eiur r!'1·eatisc on th~ Eye, of forty-four }Jngca, free, by return Jn ail. AU con~ulla.tion IUff' Remember the Store, next to the West Durham Steam Pi-inting and Publishing Hou&e, King Street, Bowmanville. N.B. --It is my intention to supply the PU RE WHITE LEAD, .A larae stock just re<:bivecl, for painting, imported direct from the English Manufactmers,inclucling James' Gem1ine, and the Celebrated C 0 U- N 'l' RY TRADE \Vi th 9hristmas and New Years, at Low Pr~ces will be found at McCLUNG BROS c. BARKER, :MANAGER. CONFECTION ARY, as ,.,,·as formerly done by Mr. J\£a.1·tin. H HORWOOD Bow1nanvillc, Dec. 7th, 1871. Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST 10-tl .ROOS1'ER BRAND, ,(j'U(!,1·wnteed-piwe. ALSO 1l'ith v.sjree . all st>inclard colors, oils varnishes, and paintel'S' materiJtls, Call ancl see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated; for all these goods will besolcl atRecluced Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who has on hand an assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. i-,- ov_ 2~tb, 0. BOUNSALL, MANUl'AC'J.'Ull.E R , I JHPOR'.l'EH, DEAI..1ER in all the va1-leties of rn REAPER THE 1871- s. B. BRADSHAW UJ. ... Italian & American Marble. A la1:gu and choice !!election of WOOD'S figuns. 2000 Gallons of H MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, o.hYays on hand, of superior workmanship, and BUCKEYE. n.nd all kinds of Self-Rake. .MACHINE o'f different kinds. OIL Threshers and all parties requiring such oil. m:e specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being.far b~· low anything ever offered m this market. MURDOCH BROS. have received and opened out a would take this oppo1tunity o( thanking bis numerous friends for the very liberal patronage ht! h~s received, Re feels satisfied that nothing but p . at lowest prices. Straw Cutters, Churns, AGRIOUL TU RAL BOWMANVILLE, June 13th, 1871. lV1·ov,ght o·r Gast Iron Fences Ior encloa.iag- bul')'i-11:; lots. -------Cook, Pa.rlor, :S:all, SOO LOW and a.nd :Bo:z: Stoves, ·Jtrri v ing, and now on exhibition, the hu·gest and cheapest stock of CENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE 'CO.ODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham.· JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanvtlle, Aug. 8th, 1871. fJHOl(JE ASSORTMENT Superio:!' . Workmanship, OF haf:I gained for him such a ateo,dy incrca~e of bwriuee.<;-tnuch larger t han former years; and .he trusts that by z 0 0 rn ~· I ·M P L E M E N TS . Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., keRt on ha;ud, Qr wrought to order. respectfully requested at the works, Oc.tQbcr, lst 1 1859. A r:a.J.l is ----o'- - MAOHINERY Ai'iJJ CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRlPl'ION. King Street, Botl·1nanville 1-tf WANTED! 500 MEN to t)lu·chase TO T_f-IE PUBLIC WALTER SPLENDID NEV{ HEAHSE, ! ' SON, MEN'S STOG-BOO'l'S A1' $2.25. ru.~ded thereto, that ~~-e ni~y ther3by be enn.blcd to 1::mpl!ll:r all pnrtles \vho may please to favor u& ~1th ~ cn.l~ Gro.a.t inducemcnt:i held out to tho.'!e p1n:cha8i11g at ow· Establishment. l:iicturea. Lookrng Glasses, &c., fra.mctl to orde1·, and iu ovcry sytlc. Sarnplef of thedifferent kinda of ~fouldings ca.u be aeen at !he \Y aire-roq1n. ,yti would also bog to inforn1 you, that) havh110 ,.,. pur· chased a returning tbn.nks. to _ their ~1un..~ro~ '0nsto1ners, and.the Public genornlly, for favol's, I K'voutd respectfully invite. then- attention to our present stock o_f Th.U'niture, as we havO lately ANDE:EtSON is the c11ea.pe1:1t place in Town, CO. 've shall h; ready at aU thncs, to attend }""', on riliort notice, and reasonable torms. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, t·nd made to oi'\ler, \l-t the NEW DOMINION REP.AIL FURN11URE WARE-ROOJIC King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store, OH11:.1.,vn, .Aug. 26th , 1870. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. strict attention to business he '~'ill continue to receive thefr support. If you wa.nt a 'good pa.ii- of Boots or Shoos go to 48-tf. ANDERSON &·CO. HARD l BELIEVE The very best Stock always on hall<i" made to ordef in tlJ,~ lat~~t style by .tlR. J. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. GLYNN. S. B. BRADSHAW. All those that are in arrears must pay up, esS. B. D. pecially the Hardware account. llo1Vmanville, Jan.10th, 1872. ly-15. TRUE NEVEit,THELESS ! Warranted to fit, or no Sale. Give us a Trial. ANDERSON & CO. THE GRllAT REMEDY FOR Groce1·ies Very Ohea11. Good Cooking Raisem only 5 cents a pound, ..,nd still cheaper by the Box_ CONSUMPTION :11.nd acknowledged by lllnn}' prominent physl· IMMENSE! ---o--- Try it for Yourselves SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Those that have tried, are con vinccd that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower tlum than any one else rn Town! elans to be the 1nost Ucllnblc Prcpnratioo ever introdueeU for tht'.! RELIEF· and CURE of all _ LThis UNG COMPLAINTS. well-known romcdy is offered to the -public, snnctioned by the experi"n~c of over forty ycurs, nnd when resorted to 10 ~t'ason, t1eldom fails to effect a speedy cure of Vougbs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Inftucnza, Whoo1iing Congb, llonrseness, Pains or Soreness in tile Chest and Shle, Bleeding at tho Lungs, Liver L°\. N E-Wto g-cncroui; public, for past liLeral Gratefi1l patronage, begs moat respectfnlly to aul'ICTtT:B.E GALLEl'?.Y! not·nce that on account of increasing bnsiniilss . ~ open to-day. by n timely resort to this s~nrd remedy, ns le proved by hundredt-i of te!!UmoiJlnls received by the proprietors. CONSUMPTI omplalnt, &c. ·~1 AN BE CURED lie, that. having £tted uy a New l'icture A large ~tock of THE WBOLE OF' HIS OLD 81'AND, Gallery, with al the Cloths, Dress Good.s,Striped, Checked and has £lied CLOTHING.-Geotleme.n jH want· of" good fitting suit should ooll NODEBN Ill1PROVE1l1ENTS, (/,nd plain Shwwls, Winceys, early at Elliott's Fa.~hionablc Tailoring Establishment. Flannels, Blankets,Linens_, every Shelf, Hole and Corner, TlIE S ubscriber rcspcctflllly informs the pub~ he now occupiei-.s Cotton and Woolen Goods are advancing, but you oan buy them at El· liott's for a shoi't time, at the old prices. Now i~ bhe time to secure what you need. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAr,1 OF WILD GHERRY d.o"'s not dry 1lP a Co1'gh, and leave tltl! e<.tu80 behind, tJB is the case ulitl&. nt.6St J'!'eparations, bu.tit loo·ens and cleau.se8 the lunos, t.nid aiz,,iy3 ir>~llution, thus removino tlto OWU86 Of the 001npta·i nt. Wool Goods, Hoisery, Gloves,ttnd T,.inimings. he is prepan::d to take Life-like · Likenesses, in every style of the Photographic Art. with :m Exceedingly choice assortment of Goods comprising all bollght before the adv:i.nce in prices. An inspection of specimens isinvited J~ntra.ncc Satisfaction gua;·nntoeu in all reasonable eases. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. Hampton, August 2nd, 1871. bp-o23-m54 CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those w11ose occuputlo:q requires nn unusuul cxcrci!o of the vocal <a·gnns, will find this t.hc ONLY l>RKP.,IL.\TIO:'i whioh will effect- GROCERY DEP ARTMENrI· will be found, as usual, wdl supplied. I opposite the entrance to t11e A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than iast year - Hall. L. w. SEXTON. Hcits, Caps, Furs, B1c{j-'alo Robes · Papm· Collars, Neck Ties, Gemt's Fu1'nishings, Jee. '!'he whole of the Stock having been well bought BA~GAINS TO THE PUBLIC. his l\'.I1H, No. Dllil·lington. -Pine $2 per thouS.1.lld _; Hemlock, and Easswood, $2.50; Hardwood, 54. He will a..lso pn.y the hi ...heat prico in aru:ih, for sound H _ o.rdwood and Ba'.ssVt-o6d logs, delivered at the 1\-lill ~ re~r of POULTRY WANTED, to Bowman.,.ille, Sept. 27th, 1871. ually a.nd instantnneously relieve their tlltn.c.ul· tios, JJcwarc o:t Cou:ntorlelt1. · llemtmber tl!M the genutne TVWtar'.s Dal1Jam 1uu mi the nut3fde 1oropper the 3ignature of 111. BUTTSt!, anrl tlieprinted name of.~M_pro.~ priUora, "Sl!.;T.H W. F'O JVLE <f SO .. VS, ROS· TON. u .&U olhera are base imftation.1. E;,;am· ine the wrapper corefuUy beforepu.rchadng. (\no Dollar a Thitll· SiiJMiles for Fire Doi~"· l"U1'P.'\.Rt:D BY UNDERSIGNED iB prepared do I THE any amount of Custom Sawing, at Lot 19,6th Con. Battis A lot last Season's Tweeds at Gent 1s suits by the best \Yorkmen. Evury Garment ma cle to fit. WILL RE GIVEN having corne to our knov.rledge, that Cel'tain 20 per cent. below Cost. I TPedlars are .selling: Spectacles and Eye Glassthe public against all such impo st~rs, as ~fR. .AAnox 13ucK r.11:n ia our onlv Agent in Weijt Dnrba1n; nnd a B,e,vnrd of $'26, is hercbj.· offered for the apprehension aud conviction of all BJH).b.irnpmite rs as 1.ry to defr3:,Ud the pu,bl~r; by offen ug t.~eil- tr{ls{! lW QID' ~a!J..e\.~ ~"\.?,ARDS, MORRrs, & hlo11tl'ct1.1, N!)V. 3th, 187J. n{ ·t:f es purporting to be of Our make, and to bear our names eta.mpotl thereon, we hereby caution If you want a nice. sett of Furs, for - your lady, call on M. Mayefs. All kind,~ of Fiws e<ltered arn:l 1·e- ". E. SIMSON, SI:\iSON EROS., } J3ownu1.nvi1lo. Osba.wa. 045-tf Bowmanville, S ov. 14th 1 1871. Aj,\f prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds o{l)oultry, dressed.. THOS. SMITE!, Dn.rlingtou, Dec. 7tht 1871. 3mll A large imported Stock of STRAY STEER. into the premises of tllc SHbscriber 1 Lot No. 12, in the 31·d Co 1L. C:i.rtWl'ight, a Steer co1ning two old. 'l'he owner can h~vo him, on proving 1Jt·<1p~rty, and pa.ying eXlJOfiliCS. SETK VJ'.. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Masa., AJ;icJ sold b)' Dtuggiata IUlrJ. Dealers gClle1·ally. FRESH FIELD, AND GARD:GN SEEDS Just rn ei-ved. Bowmanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. The best Black '.l:'eas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town. :pcvind, Bv.Ue;·, E'ggs, 3J-ittens1 Soc/cs, and 1 ly j ,YCl.1'1! taken as Ga.sri for Goods. S· I'· lULL· co_ I Highest price paid for Raw Furs Bowm8nvillc, 8ept,2St.h, 1&'71. Em.pi.-re Straw-Cutters. Jacob N<e:ads, C A.~lE BQWP1~11viqe! Oet. 5tli 1 1871. . MARKUS r,iAYEE S· IRON FOUNDER :Bowmn.nville, No"· 24th, 1871. J. GEDDJ~s:.Tall. 3rd, 11.<72. 14. Cartw11~ht,

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