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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Feb 1872, p. 3

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':PHE- MERCHAN1\ - ~RIDAY,=-FEBRUARY -2., ~2. Dr. J. Ball & Co's Patent Ivoi·y and Lignum Vitre STOVES! STOVEti ! ! CORN_ FOR i St\j..,E ! E Y E-0 UPS. y their _use, the shrunke1.1 and enfeebled eye, eitl1er in yotmg or old, is at once supl,)hed with that best and iudispe·n;;ible animal atim~ ta.ut-..;41 t~i·ial Blood. r11he nerves resume their tone; the YeS!sele racover the~r power: ~h~ globe nasutne>i its proper oihapo, su:e. and bnlli~~C)'." i v..lldisen.sed actian is arrested and cured . I heir objt>ct fa to bring tho sight to a n~turalfocus,by rcstorinr:r the diminished convexity or flatness of the Cornea of the Eye, which is raised to its original cOn vexity,~ausil'!g the rays of light to conYcrge on the retina. without t?e aid of convex leuses QT glasses; tlntff a. spe"11al remdy for these whose sight is beg_ i nning to fail from age. They '*'tJrl vi~lity and !!trength to the eye thus securing a prope~ se~ret1on,and _l'CIDOV· ing ~be cause of <·ll organ1c 9iseascs. ~hls won· d~rful effect is produced without pa.Jn 01' the least possibility of injur.Y to the C)'.°C: Many of 011r most errnnent physwH\ll!;1 oc~ul· ists, students and divines, )lave ha.d then· sight pennanently restored for life, and cured of the following di.seafSe~: . 1. lmpaircd Vision; 2. or ~~e~byo111a, or Far Sighted11es1:11 ol" Dilnness of V1s1on~.. rco1nD?:,only called .Blurring ; 3. Asthe11opia1 or i,"\ ea.k l!.yes, 4. Epiphora, l{unningor 'VateryEyes; 5. Sore Eyeoi-apccially tt'eate<l with the Eye CuJ?Scure gi.w..raut~e<l ; 6. Y.l eakue~ of the l{etina., or Optic Nerve ; 7. Optha.luna., ol' Infl.~ma· tion of the l!':ye and its appeu<lnges, or .imperfeet visiou froro tbe effects of In:flaJnmat1on; 8. J?hotopbobia., oL· Intolerance of Light; 9, Over\.\""orkcd Eyes ; 10. 1'.-1ydesopia-inovin.g spec~!J orflou.tini.,: _ bu(lie::i,..b;forethe eyes; Ama.uroi!.1Si or Obscunty of Y iswn i 12. Cataract", PartiaJ Blindness ; U-.e loss of sight. · Any one cID1 use the 'I'~?r' Eye C1lJiS with?ut the aid of Doctor or ~1ed1c1ne, so ni:'I to rece1vo imroedin.~ ben1;ificiu.l results and never w~ar 1;peetacle~; or, if using nn\Y 1 to lny them a8lde forever_ \Ve guarantel? a. cure in every. case where the dil'ections are followed, or we will ref uncl the ruoney. From honest l!.,arnLe1·~ 1 ::.\fechanics and Morch· ants, some of then1 th e most eininent leading profi:s.::ional and bui:iinessmen and women of education, and refinement, in our country, 1nay he seen at our oflic". ·under dati: of :&:In.rch 29, Hon . .I;Io:nce G;teley. of the New York T1·ibunc, writes: J. Hall, of ~urcity, is a co~scientious and respontible man, who i.;:; in u::i.po.ble of intentional deccp· eion ·1Jr imposition. Prof. "\V, 1'-lerric.l<.i of Lexinc:ton, Ky., wrote. ...<\.pril 24th, 1869: "\¥ ithout mv Spectacles I _pelt y'"lu this notl:l, a!te~· using the 'Patent 1 vory Eye Cups thirteen days, and this morning perused the entire contents of a Daily Newspaper, and all ,.·.rith the unns.sisted Eve. Trt1.!Y arn I gta.tefnl to ~your noble invention, may Heaven bless .d'nd preserv-e you. I ha.,.e been using spec":.acles twenty years; I am sev· enty-one years old. 'l'ruly yours, Prof. W. J\.1er1ick. REv. JosEPH SMITH, ]i.fa.ld"n, ~Ias!'l., cured ._-,f PartiaJ lilin<lnef.!S, of 18 years' s:tanding, in one ininutc, by the Pntent Ivory Eye Cups. E ·..C. ELLIS, Inte ::\fayor of Dayton, Ohio, 'vrotc us Nov. t!Sth,1869: I have tested the Pa.t1::1nt IYory Eye Cups,and I am satisfied th@y a,re good. I n1n pleased with them; they the greatest invention of the age. STOYE S! HE SUBSCRIBER .b eg· to inform the of Bo\'i'manv1.lle a.nd surrounding coU.ntry, that h~ ha.a the 'WHOLE, OR CRACKED. John McDougall SABBATH -SCHOOL LIBRJARIES AND AT B T NOTICX. A YING sold out my interest in thti busi ne$f:I lately carried on by me in Bownutn..-ille to tny sons, Charlefl 1\-f., and William R,, Cawker . I hereby all persons indebted tom~ by limok account or otherwise, to (.mU awl $ettle forthwith. ·E LIZABETH CAWKER.. Bowmnn"ille, Jan. 9th, 18·72. o2-ml5-tf H REWARDS. --:0:-- BEST SELEOT101'! 01" STOVES ever ffered in the Town, con1prising McCL UNG BROS . .will sell Crockery Ohina, Glassware. and La.mps, for the next 30 days, AT OOST, prior to making a change in the Grocery Department We have just opened one of the Coolr:ing, Pa1·lo1", Box, and C,Ytl Stove8, of the lat<JSt patte1·ns, and of the Best Worknut.nship, , 1 LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED &TOCK OF A few only of those splendid ,Vhich' he will sell a~ c4.eap as in any :ZVIa,rket in the Dominion, · Also .t\.gcnt fo1· tl{c TWEED SHIRTS aL 's omething lon·g wanted by Everybody-Everybody his or her own Painter. S. l<'. HILL'S. I , Sabbath School Libra1·ies ancl R10wards ever of!ered for salG in Bowm"u ville. -.- -·· Celebrated American T. DARLINGTON, BASE BURNER AND IIEAl'ER Call and exaimine Stoves and prices before purcha~iug 1:1lis1:nvhcre. T 1· N 2309 Certificates of Cure, Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purchase Rew11rcls, will ple11se to remember two things: _ First, Our ~tock of Scliool Books is no old stuf!; picked up at Auction Hardware or all kinds. Paints, Oils, Sales, nm: ha.s it been on our Shelves for years. \Ve have sold out and Raisins, Currants, Figs, Putty, Glass, &c., &c. our shelve:;, half~a-dozcn times during the post year, and have :Oa.tes, Lemon, Orange refilled no~'t purchased eo largely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please ~XT come rtnd take theln avmy. V V a.nd Citron Peels,, Second, We have not 1q1n·ked .our books at -high-figures, with the view Att Assot·t1nent of Tinwcire. Ru. ~sia . (Htd NU'l'S IN GREAT Y ARIE'l'Y. of tnking off a large discount. They ai:· e marked low tor general s"le, and Com·mon Iron . F:Jtot·e Pipes, Ga.Uou;.~ > .1:\.lso BruT1;ih and Boxes of Pipes, Dwm,b ~toves, cf:c., cf:c., a discount of TEN PEU c1em will be allowed on purchases ranging from $1. to $50. ; over that amount FIFTEEN rrm CKNr: will be iillowed. kept on hand · with an assort1nent of Hot Air Drums' m"de to order. . CHOICE BISCUITS. . We respectfully invite an inspection ofour Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on the most improved plans. OF HA\TE J McLEO:D'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imedi11te use, and nothing but the purest materials used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. 'l'heir composition conr.;i.stf) solely of woL received a Chai co lot of NEW FRUITS, ARE Oasb paid for any quantity of '.f~rkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens at McCL UNG BROS 'lVO'thnia:nship seco·n d to ·none. ·in,. the DomVnion. All ki.n(h: of Jobbing done on tl10 SJ1ortcr;t Notice, and at reasonable prices. Darl:iw· toDbae noa.inreceivedanoth; r lot of 0 0 tho<Ja celebrated EXTENSIVE - AND VARIED STOCK l'tT:RE LEAF TEAS, Qv.aUty is the 1'est of C:hcapnm. Howmanville, l)oc. 22nd, 1870. n12-tf Pocket .Books, Albums, Pure Color, Piire White Lead, Pu1·e WMle Zin c, Linseed Oit, Spir'iis of 'l'mpentine, &: Drvers, ccarefullv rmd scientifically combined. " 'l'he consumer can have any desired shade of color neatly put UI> in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or by a.ny member of bis household. Bown-.a.nv:rle 1 lGthAugu~t, 1871. EDWIN HORSEY. 40-Jy PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just rece,ived, for aut, .. umn painting, imported direct from the English M:anufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the Celebrated The SubscrilJer having purchased tho BUSINESS .AND S'l.'OCK of the late IUchard l\Iartin, will be plea.sPd to see 'Vri ting J)esks, Ladies' Co1npanions, -Blottel's, I nkstands, · Note Pa1ler, Envelopes, &c., &c. A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS, for Christmas and New- Years, at Low Prices will be found at MoCLUNG BROS ~ Remember the Store, next to the West Durh"m Steam Printing and Publishing House, King Street, Bowma.nville. ROOSTER BRAND, g·n aranteed 1m;1·e. ALSO OLD CUSSTO:M:ERS AND NEW ONES A full Stock of NE A R-S I G HT ED NE S 1:1 . For the woi·st cases of Mye>p1'!!-z. or .~twr-3i{Jht ednese, use our K t1W Patent Myopic Attaohn1~nta, applied to the IvoRY EYE-Ccrrs, ha.n Groceries and Oonfectionary kept 011 ha.nd. proYed a cflrtain cure for this disease. ail standard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. . Call and see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated; for all these goodswill besold at Reduced figiwes. · 2000 Gallons of Dr. J. :Ba.11 & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is recomme"nded by thmuuwds, for Inflamed ):}yes, and Eye-lids, also Weak Eyes, Watery :Eyes, O\·er-work1;d Eyes, Intolerance of Light, Amant·osis, or Obscurity of Vision, or Specks oh moving Boditls beio1·c the Eyes, Weakness t:>f Jtetbrn·, n.ud other diseases of the Eye. All persona wh:!hing for full particulars, certific::ttes of cures, prices, &.c., \·.rill please send your act·lress to our Agent, who will send our rrreatise on tho Eye, of forty.four pa.ges, free, by return mail. All con11ulta.tion with 11s free. N.D.--It is my intention to !!!Upp1y the cou~YTRY TRADE c. BARKER, ,lfANAGER. MA.CHINE OIL · a~ was formei·ly done by )fr. Martin. H · HORWOOD Eowmanville, Dto. 7th, 1871. HARD TO BELIEVE.I . I ,-rRUE NEVEI~THELESS ! lO·tf of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil, are specially juvited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being fa.r below anything ever offered in this market. Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is E. B. CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who has on hand an assoytment of Eye-Cups, &c. Nov. 24th, 1871. o. I BOUNSA_LL, 600 Cook, Pa.rlor, Hall, a.n.d :Box Stoves, .'\fPORTER, MANUF ACTUl.tE 11., on DEALER in aJ.l the va.ri..ctics of Italian & American Marble. .A large and choice selection of Groceries Very .Cheap. Cooking Raisens _only 5 centll 11 arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of S. B. BRADSHAW MONllM,ENTS AND CRAVE STONES, .Bo~~od ahvays on hand, of superior workurnui:,hip, and at lowest pric2s. pound,_ and still cheape1· by tho HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TIHWARE m the County of Durham. GENERAL I · --- JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. W1·ought m· Cast Iron Fences would take t}iis opportunity of thanking his numerous friends for the very libe1·al patronage he has received, Ile feels ~atisfied that not.11ing but SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. for endoiob.g burying lots. :Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hn,nd, Gr 'rrought to order. respectfully requested at the ',vorks, October, 1st, 1869. · A ca.11 is J(Vn[! Street, Bowma.nt·iU.e 1-tf MURDOCH Cotton and \Vo 0 len Goods are advaneing, uut you ea,n buy them at Elliott's for a short time, at the old p1~ces . . Now is the to seoure whitt you need. CLOTHlNG.- Gentlemen in want of a good :ll.ttin1r suit shoult e11,l.l early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. Satisfaction guaranteed in all reasonable cases. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. bp-o23-m~4 Ifampton, August 2nd, 1871. LOW PBICES WANTED .. aoo to purchas~ have received and opened out a ' ·nd ()801()£ ASSORTMENT OF Superio:t' Workma.nship, has gn.ined for him. such a, stea.dy inci·ease of business-much larger than former years; and ho trusts th&t by AfEFS i':JTOG-B001'S ,11' $2.25. = co. i;; Lh0 cheapest place in 'l'o\vn. Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST THE The Pe;·itvian Syt'up, <t Protect· ed Solution of the P,·otoxi<le of Iron, is so conibincd fi..s to hct1)e the charactet· of an aliment, as easily <liyested mul <tssimilated wUh the l>lood as the simplest food. It increases the '..l"ant-ity of Natu1·e's Own Vitaliziny Ayent, I1'on in the bloo<l, mul cu1·es '. ' athoi.isanrl ·ills," s·i'niply . J'italiziny the System, The en1·iclied <tnd vital'izetl blood permeates every part of the body, sea1·chiny out 11w1·bi<l sem·eUons, and lewl!bny nothiny f01· di.·ease to feerl upon. This is the secret of the wondet'ful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com.plaint, DroJMY, Chronic Dla1·rhcca,Boils, N<wvous Affections, Chills and Feve»S, Hnmm·s, Loss of Constitutional Viaor, D·lseases of the Kidneys anrl Blad<lm·, Female Complqints, rcpai1·i11,y da1nagas a1id 1vaste, b11 To1ii1ig u.p,Int'iyo1~ati1ir1 ari<l R,EAPER FALL AND WINTER GOODS. If yon ,vr1,11t a good pai.r of Boots or Slw1J~; go to strict attention to business ANDEHSON & c;o. WOOD'S hEil will continue tO rt-ceiYe their support. The very best Stock always 011 hand 111ade to order iii the latest style by lvlR . .J. GLYNN. B.UOKEYE. i~10,vs, S. B. BRADSHAW. .All tho;;e thaL nre in arrears must pay up, es· p1;icin.lly the Ha.rd,..-are ;\ccount. S. B. B. Stra"\v and nU kinds of Warranted to fit, or no Sale. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. Give us a Trial. -ANDERSON & AGRICULTURAL BowMANVILLE, June 13th. 1871. IMPLEMEN co. froni A.lcolz.ol,t.. i1i an,y a barl state of the blood, o,. accompanieil by debUitJJ or lt low state oftlie system. Being fl ·ee f-01·11i, and a.ll diseases orl_ y ,lntit,l ng ·lii ---0·--JvlACHINERY AND C:AS1'JN(;S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bo,vmanvil1e, Jan. 10th, 1872. ly-15. energizing euects are not fol - , lowe<l by com·esponclina 1'eactlon, but are pcr1narient, iti.fu, sin(J Strf31igth~ vigor, a · n (l TieuY its IJYlJ\!IENSE ! Try it for Yourselves Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than t.lmn any one else in Town! TO TIIE PUBLIC _A NEVV l'ICTtT:RE GALLElt"fI G life into all pm·ts of the system, <tnd buUding up an Iron Constitution. WALTER WIGG & 1 ' ' SON, · ---o·--- A hwge stock of Cloths, Drnss Goods,Striped, Checked IJIPROVENEN'J.'S, J'r!ODERN ancl plain Shciwls, Wi.nceys, every Shelf, Hole and (fornar, Flannels. Blankets,Linens, ho is prepared to take lVool Goods, H oisery, with ::i.n Gloves,and T1-iffnLife-like Likenesses, Exceedingly choice assortment of Goods niings. in ever.r style of the Photc:i~raphic A rt. co1npTising 1111 bought before the a,dvanee in pric-0ii:. An inspection of specimens is invited E~trance oppo3ite the entrance to the Town, (/aps, 'F'-u~rs, Bit:ff'alo R obes . Hall. Paper Collar", Ne~k T-ies, A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent L. w. SEXTON. G" e nt's Furnishings, &c. ' lower than laRt year 1 · T ro..teful to a i;cne1·ous public, foi;- p:-:Rt liber~\l . pa..tronagi£.1 begs 1nost re spectfully to annot·nce that on acc1nmt of increit:;i11 g; bnodnli)ss.. ho now occupi(!S HE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that. having titted "P :t New ricture 1'Ji f; 1-f!HULE OF IiIS OLD S1'AND, · Gallery, with all the 1\ returning tnu.nks to their nuln~rous Custon1ers, and the Pnhlic gen.era.Uy, for paat favors, I ,vould respeetfully in vite their attention to our present stock o_f Funuturo, as ""e have lately added thereto, thr.i.t 've may therzby be enabled to supl_JlY !l;ll parties ,.,-ho m~y please to !!lvor us \\ith a call Gie! jnduccinents hd<l out to those p-:.irchrunng at our Establishment. ] icturea, Lookinr. tJlasscs &c fr amed to order, and in every sytle. Snmplef of theclifferent kinds of )1ouldi.i'igs ca.n LO soe~' n.t lhe Ware-room. \Ve 'vonlcl also beg to info1·u1 you, that, liaving pur· 1 cha~ed a IIii jib~ jfi~lif' iveak, siclcly, suffering c11·eatal'es, to strong, healthy, ancl lutppy m en an<l women; and invatltls cannot ·>'easonl·b/!y he-5· -itate to afoe it a t1·ial, See that ecich bottle ha.s PERUVIAN SYRUP blo wn fr1, the glass. Pa1n1:tl1lets Pree. by the tise . Thousands have been change1l of'thi~ 'renierly,--j'roni ~ J.P. DINSJJIO.R.E, Proprieto;', open to-day. No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YOllK · Sold by Drug2i st111 gcutn·ully. SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, we shall be ready At aU Hrnes, to attend li', on short notice 1 ~nd re"loson.ihle terIU1'. K. ~. Coffins kopt on hand, ;-,nd made to order, at thu NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNJ1URE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. Obhawit, Aug. 26th, 1870. J DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT 48-tf. Dowman,ille, Sept. 27th, 1871. I A);J prepared to --;ay the highest mnrket THE UNDERSIG_l'i _ ' _E_D, is pr·pareq to .do for all kinds of pon1trv, dressed. 3.llY of Custom Samng, a.this :\1111, II ' POULTRY WANTED, I· TO THE PUBLIC. amount GROCERY DEP.ARTMENT will be found, as usual, w.,11 supplied. A lot last Season's Tweeds at Gent's suits made by the best WQrknnm, -E.,,ei·y Garment made to fit. - - - - " - - - - - - - -fl)~ ..... ,.;;;;,r, 11111.&i "11 $ ieiie1w · A'8:0 · ri'he whole of the Stock having been well bought BARGAINS ·'WILL .R E GIVEN 'l' ba,v~g com@ to onr knowledge, that certain. Pedlar!> a.re__selling &pechitclea a.nd Eye Glaa.s20 per cent. below Cost. I ee purporting to fie Of our make~ and t.o Oear If you want a nice' sett of Furs, for "vour lady,. call on M. Mayers. J v }rl'. E . 'SI~ISON, SilViSON Bl-tOS., Bowmanvillo. Osbn,va. 045-tf Bowmanville, Nov. 14tb, lSil. · rear of Lot No. 19,Gth Con. Darlington. Rates -Pine $2 per thoueaud; Hemlock,, and Ba ·ss· · wood, $2.50; Hardwood, $4. He Wlll also pay the highest pi·ice in ca~b, fo:r~!Ound FJ:~wood and llmwood logs, delivered at the MilL Darlington, D~c. For Harness, ·saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Bells, &c., whioh for style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity ~o MASON'S The best Black Teas in Town. The best G1·een Teas in Town. · f . . Biitt01 Eggs, M-itten«, Socks, _and Yarn taken as Cash few s. r. HILL· I our names stamped tht!l'tl~)l1 1 \Ve hereby caution the public against all such imposters, as 1'-In. AARON nucK.L'E R is our only iu 'Vest Durham; and· RewHd of $!6. is hereby offered for the n;ppreheniion and conviction of all 2moh imposters as try to defraud the publio by oITei·ing their trash as our make. L.AZA RUS, MOTIRIS, & cq. Mont .. eal, Nov. 8th, 1871. n7 .tf Bowmamille, O·t. 5th, 1871. 7th, 1871. THOS. SMITH. ;,'mn All kinds of Fun a ltered wul repaire cl. Highest, price paid for Rav.r :Furs Buwma.11vill.e, Sept,2St;b., 18il. STRAY STEER. A1tl~ into the vre1uiscs of the Sub~c1.·, L ot N o. 12, in the :Jrd Con. Ci.trt\Vl'lg-ht, a Slie<2.l', cmning two years old. The owner can ] hin1, on pl'oviug pnipcrty, !l.nd 'l_)~tying A large importecl Stock of' in Al{.REAI{.S, he would say C Empire Straw-Cutters. YOU MUST PAY UP! ThC>se "\\·ho have a.h-eady settle,}, ·w-ill ~Jleitse a,c. ' FRESH FIELD, AND GARDNN SEEDS Just received. Bowmanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. cept our lwa.rty tha~1ks. J@lcob Nea.ds~ r.xpen!'l<'R. MARKUS rJ:AYERS· J. GEDDES. C:.v1·tw1 ·igh t , J a11 . 3rd_ , 1872 . 14 I R 0 N F 0 UN D ER. Bow1nimville 1 Nov. 24th, lSt7 J . 1 ly S. MASON. Bo,\o'lll!lnvillc Di;c 3rd. 18GU. nlO "

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