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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Feb 1872, p. 4

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- THE MERCHANT, POETRY. " IT IS· .WELL'" B) BI.SHOP D ~h\NE FRID.A Y, FEBRUARY-2;- 1872 Belo' ed, " it is 'vell " God s waJ s always ught , Aud love is o'er them all Though far abov1:1 our sight Belo\ ed "1t is well 1' '!hough deep and sore the rs1na.1t, I:Ie "ounds v.:ho s skill d to bind And hea.l.l! t11e broken heart Be1·:n tJd, "1t rn "ell I' Though eor1ow clouds our -way r'\\-"lll inak.e tho JOY rno1e deru 'I hat ushers in the day · Beloved, ' it uo 'veil '!he path that Je sua trod, 'rhou.glt tough a.ud dark it be Lead:;:, home to hea\' en a.ud God. THE FARM. The Farmer's Hohday (From the Canada. Farmer ) fhe prtlB1'nt fames, espcma.lly among- t}.e 11'l. 1 ns fu remo~t 111 en 1hza.t1on are chuacter 1zed b-v 1nce3~ant M.:tlv1tv urgent competition 11nd restles!:I er terpr1se Vl1th a large da.>19 1 1n d eed, life 1s from beg1nn1ng to end a perpetual struggle rlha.t this condition of tlungs is other w1at' than hurtf d to mu1d and body- 1n1m1ea.l to man s phys cal and moral hea1th- we do not belie\ e By the benefcant ordering of the .Al m1ghtv the sentence of labor pronQun,..ed upon our race as the punJ.Shmcnt of the first .. re" 1!110n has been tranl!1nuted lnto a ble:i1~1ng ,--and from the enforced exe rcise of ou1 power.1 t1pr1ng life s best eUJO)llHmts as v.:ell as its noblest achenetncnts nut tml u11rel eved-cont1nuous drudgery-is an evil, neverthele.s'5, &nd not only a bard lot but unles1 ele'\ u.ted by l!o1ne gra.ncl motlve \l'ill prove unfruitful eithe1 of real p10 fit or pleuui:~ 'lhe gai.h, if any, \Vtll be pur chaaed ::i.t too gi eat a cost 1tc1e.xatwn from "ork and 2ecreat1on in sou o form, ::ire good for all of us l 111a relief 1.s moi e needed in s01ne ealhngs than in other.s, and pe1har>s ltS neceas1ty ts less felt by the far iner than by roost men This ar se!I p ~ tly from the n iture of lns occupat1on) 'vh1ch ia 1nost ly in the open an, :-i.nd 1s, 1noreove1, not con tnnll'lu!il o.nd pai tly bttcause the relnx:ahon which othe" men mtist n1ake comes to him in the ordinary course of ]11111 business Henee it l~ not surpns1HJ to i1nd ftom the sLu.~u1t1c.a: of 1n01ta.hty tbat Lhe a.oerage on of lifo 1~ vu~ much in favo" of t1H1 farmer, as cotnpnl"ed with the U.'i ern.Je in g,ny othe1 ca.JU ng Vhth the Canadrn.n farmer, seed tin1e, sum iner aud harveat arc e1ophl\hcally the busy .5eo\U!oJ1s of the ) e<i.r- seasons all to short for tho \\Olk that hs_s to be urowded into tlw1n-a.nd long dayS1,l'Hnng early and \\01k1llg·tatc, are the Qtduu\.ry e:xpe1 ence of eveiy one engng-ed on a fll.nn dnllng the busJ period But with the ""inter comes u. wek:;ime chane.e :Not only the s!101 tened dayij curt;all the hours of I \bor, but the occas or.s for wok aie ve1y na.ri'ow ed Some c.1ty people indeed, 1ma.3mc that during '\1i1nte1 the fin mer has._ ltte1ally noth 1Jg t) do 1 hn.t b ho\\ eve.. , a r;rea.t mtstake In ell ordered f:i. :-m 1 o :peuod of the year rn n. sca,.on of dlenes!I, and tbcre 1s plenty of occu patll'Jon i.o p-o£tnbly ull a large port on of the 1nonths of fro8t and s~orm tbat tn tlus chms.te 'l he effectually p1ccludc all £.11ld ope1ai.1011s ~i1e of JStock w:ithout which farm ing IS sca:n;ely 1,n er ino1itable demands at th s t me a. Ja ~e amount of attention auU 11'> s1nall labo" lll ad ditlun the mr.lket1ng of produce, tho prepara tion of :fhtnvood both" £01 the increased dem3uc1':! of the cold seagon anU in ~hcrpahon of the com iug busy t·me and a 1 u ndr~d other requnements of the farm ot hous1.;holJ 1 w1U br1ng ibundant occnpnt1on fol:' the winter dajs rihere ue those too, who mu:i.t l .... b01 either in cutting and haul in'"' Viood for r.;:.i.le or in so1ne other "\Vay to ca111 the Jucans of subiusLence, or eke out the too et:anty p1ofits of the eummet s \\Olk In new settlt'lntlnts and bt nsh farm11, mori.:o\ er thet:e is usuall.} nlenty tu do ni chopping and clearing the l 1ncl talnng saw logs to t 1ie mill, or oth~r wo"k for >\h1ch t he \\'intlll' lS the be.:it o onlJ t rne In short the \\inter is a season of com pa.rative lernure only a!ld not b) any 1nea 1s a huh lay t une of ind.olencc or play lSow it 1s ob..,10 uily t11e iutm~st and tlutJ of t11c farmer to 1nal{e the be'-lt use of this compaI atl\e lhe oppor unity it allows for po"itnc litcrco.t~on !o!hould not be lu~t l aim hfe ar rural home w111 be more at ti actne, t() the ) oung ~spt:c1allJ If not made a. ceaeelP:ss I1Ju nd of task \Vork :.u::d d1 ud,.e1 v The sea.fon is one th \.t invites much plea!M\l1t social inter cou1~e, ~ud it JS" ell fo1 young and old to cnlh "late a11 unselfo:i.h iut,..r"'st 1n those :nound the1n, to mix 1n the soc1etv of their fello\1 s and t tke a 111 the d11nns a id kuul1y vihc"'s of g )Ud ne1ghboi1$ 'lhe are othe1 still 1 nore \a.luabl~ usca to \ lneh the w1ntcr leisn1 e of the fl.rm ca,n be tua.tle s.ubse11i 1ent J he lon; e'i en1ngs afford ex ce fout onpo1tu1nties fo1 profitable reading, or f 01 1aeutal culture in o her 'l aJ ;;i 'Ihe ma.n -.,.o; ho '\ ould cultn ate lns farm inte!hgently and to the 1 eat vd10 would not f:!ee him self ou-1-stnppcd in soo1al sta.nd1ug and comme-r L:rn.l s ecesl$ by h1 :$ more enterpn~u1g fellows, n11i,v ii.: td fJuu1g th1s season too farmers' duh" c lll tno"'t convrniently hold t!ieir meetings au 1 U cse a'<:JOClll.tior. s are ctl.pable of bccouung 1 )HJ nto..nt lll"~tl..G of instruction and unprovo n1ent al!! "ell !l 3 prornoten3 of ne1z:,hborly feel 1n.; Y\ e should be .,lad to see them 01g-a1uzed in t'\ ery diah1ct "'\vhere ngncultura.l S<>eieties h n e been!ihed 'l he prudent rat'mer will not neglect th1~ fa.-.. orable i:1ea.son for attending to hu;: w:counta, though to do this properl;) "' !ew minutes tlatly t1uoug11 the \Vhole ye:i.r -will ha\e to be ~pared for malc.1ng the neces~ary entries The plan of operations for the co1n1n 0 ves.r may no'\ also be d1..lly considered, a.nd ull need ful prepar at ons forei11~cn and attended ~o 111 time 'l hcse ar-e a fe,\ of the \Vays lll which the b1eak 11i the fa.rmers busy life can be put to ood acoo~nt ':I he time need ne\ ei be lost 0 '!he relaxation alone is no incon"idernble boon ~nd specially <l1shngu1sbes tins oecupat1ou and which no \nse man \\ill under\ale or th1ow tt,"' ay Let no fa.rm_er who would rise to the t1 nc d1gn1t:i of his calling choose for himself or impose on others a life of mcessa.11t toil deG"rad ing the man to,~ meie anuna.l, and vol untau]y reducmghfe to a \veary strn~gle in pro cuung the raean~ of living rrhc farmer, at all e'l-eUtE, may be t hankful that to him tbe1e comes a season wht::n. he maJ with a clear cc1iscH~nce cnJOY compnrati ve rest from h1a. labor gI\ e freer play to the so<.: al inshncts of his heart an<l sat isfy to some extent at least the era vmgs of the mind Farmer.!l n1uat work," it has been said, and Vie v;onld add that if they would be hcfl ltby a.rul bn.pp) they must also rest a.,. Preservmg z arm. Too s fanner should have a. Cll.<l1 of hnse~d 011 nnd a brush on liand, and wbonc\er he buys a new tool he should soak it well with the 01l 1and (l.ry it by the fh e or ir. the sun befo1 e tunng Ihe wood by this treatment is toughened and strengthened, and rendered impervious to the water Vi,T et a hay rake, l'lrd when it dnes it will to be loose in the JOl.nts 1 but 1f well oiled th13 "\vet will ha' e but slight eff@ct Sho> cld a.Jlcl fo1ks are 1)reser\ed from checkmg and cracku1,; in the top of the handle by (nbng, the wood become!'.' lil.S 51no0Lh as by usc 1 and is fru le"-s Uable to blil)ter the hand '"here long U5(1d A::x:e a.nd hn.mmer ha.n~lee often breg,k off whe1 t the wood enters tb,o, tron , tlns part par t culo.rly should be toughened Wlth 011 to secure dura.b1hty 01l1ng the "'ood in 1.he ey6 of the axe." ill p1event its swelling and shruil:Jng, and isometrmeil getting loose rrhe tools on a large eofit a. la1 0 c sum of lnoney, they should be of the 1uost approv~d k1nd1 lt 18 poor wconomy at the 1)). esent el'.tra.vagant pr1ce of ltt.boi to ~et men to\\ ork: with o.id11u1.a·y old fadnoncd im pltment:il Labo1ers should be rt1qu1red to re turn their tool1;1to the converuentp1acesprov1ded E~ery a Single 10om, and that contamed furmturc Forty Second Year. of the meanest quality The wretched UODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1872 looking Ueds, the broken chau~, the n aked ll b d f ll f l l lh e cheapest of Ladies ?t1agaz1nes beca.u1J:e " a s the an u o coa s a most explI· it <S the best t For the p:i'-'t forty t"t\07carsthe of the ve~y beet k1nd' ----o---lllti on the hearth, told of poverty in its Book hai:i been consulered the guicle o women most naked toun On one of the heels Jay in c\e1ything that 1~ c ilculated to elevate the a fe1nalc whose cuuntenancei sallo\v and sex Ihc old fam1liat ~H 1 ters 'vl1ose stoues eu.ac1ated, indicated the rava~es of g11cf have larr,ely oontnbuted to tlns end have all rather than of d1sease The close obsc1 ver been retained. Manon H::i.tland, !1u Chu1ch1ll Lo1use S and chea.p M a.t any stoie in Cana.da or out of could still detect there the 11nge11ng traces Dorr, Metta Vretorrn, Yicto1 s Annie Frost lt, a.t of beauty B' the exprrU16 en1bers sat a l\:frs 0 !\. Ilopk1nson Sue Chestnutwood, How to Prevent 01! Lamps Burstmg voong girl, pe1haps ol se\enteen, cloth ed 1Yfrs Denison etc have a reputation for ex with a. th111 c ll1co go\' n Po\ erty und suf cellence in then ·w:nt1n1:,r:-; far above all) others ln the lYiagazllle hni.: A la.te number of the s~oe;it fie .A.11ie1 1~an con f ( cring h n.d no t e ff :teed t he b cant) 0 h er Out Colored F u1l11on l'lu.tes are the inost cor tans a va.luable le tte ~ Loin Prof J M Bar countenance, --o~ and her eyes though red w1th rect of any published In t.l1e conntr) SIGN OF TRE GQ!diJEN LlON Dour, of La. Gran"e College, 1.ii!!.AOUr1, on a very \Veepn1g, and her cheek pallid 'v1th g11ef, JJEA UTIFrru S:l'E£'L J'LA:l".ES - Of the:ie In this depaitment a g1and display is fihO"\\n of tho most beautiful des1C'>n ~.iIDple de\ ice fo1 p1tn tJntlng the bursting of 011 "ere still inost lo\ ely Shit e1iug with the L adv s Book gn cs foui tl!eri eMh year originating in Pans LonJ.on, and New York under the able management 01 1gn1al Jl<fusu; - Godeys 1s the ouly magar la..m1Js It consi: ~a simply in ra.~Len1ng ~he cold, she "\\as slcad1ly pe1 s111ng her 'vork, King Street, :Bowmanv1lle of I\<I1 s M J REDMAN (lnte l!i~ Thomas ) burne1 on with a cork tn!Sti:u.d of a s12rew 1 \\henl for that was the sole derendance for daily zine 111 "hich n1usic prt::pared ex1 reBsly for it --0-f J. appe trs 1f an explo:non does take pla e, the cork "'\v1l 00 J.liodel Cottagei - Ihc only magazine iu tlri8 1 1 J uha, said the rnothe1 , du 1 :t.y aside ) otu country tbat g1ve 8 thc s~ designs is the J ad) s blow out lea.'\ mg the lamp and 011 in.. act He HERE DO YOU BUY YOUR \O\l 01k, and go to bed You \\ 11 perish \\ nb 13ook FOR THE has e... periment.ed for over twenty year;, Jn exgot up expressly for our own trade Custon)etS can iely on getting a. GROCERIES 'being the q11est1on, J ~I ...-:old D? auu 10 [,c~ On$ In thrn \\ e are aJ.-;io alorw good fit, elegant 1:1tyle, and beaut fullv trimmed plosive gaesee, and ha'.3 proved the co1rcc . . ncss would respectfully gn e a. hint to thoe:c in per Bnt, n1otlier, replied Julia, bttishiug \Ve ha'\e also u. Children 1'3, a Ho1ticultural, - - o -ple:ritJ thn,t he keepseonstantly on hand afi.1st of th1s plan up\Y atds of ftH;1 hundred t1n1ee a Il ealth depn.1t1ne11t I I h 1 I p10 and a0de 8 Inva7uablc .Reci; pts upon cverv 11ub class stock of dunng- h s leetu es Fo1 1n:ita.ucc, 1le fill$ a. a\Ht.) t l~ tear \V JIC "is gat 1e11ng, 1 UHi:ietl 1f1 - - -,the tailor, that I \VOn d Jec"t fo~ the Bondon, Nursor) K 1tchen House s~rong c1~3 det.:ante1 of one quart capacity with ha' e lt don e th s e'ii eninJ , and besides and J"'aundry .A large stock of the most stylish and se1\lC('able goods 11n11orted In with eqnal \olumes of ole'i.ant gas nnd oxygen thc1e is notb1111'.1' left in the house to e 1t iu 'J iled E11g1 a/nngs - 'I hi~ns a l.leries of engra.v this connect1011 1s shO\\U a full vtu1ety of tnmm1ng:i, buttonli!, &c to a.nd ph1e;B the month ti.:;htly with a cork 'Vhen the n1orn1ng !!!>So that I must fnnsh tL1.s ings thnt no"ono has attt\Inpted but oursehr~$ match 111 a,ll <.:olo1tJ (7 h 1 d her Ladu:13 Fancy J Vork Dqxt1t1nent -Some of the g,e."l~es are fired it will blow the cork o it b ef ore I 81~ep ....~ 11 d aoain Dress-malcing done to order r.i st-class style s e P IC he designs lll tb1s dcp~rtment pri ited n1 Mtd those who buy from him "ill never regret w11.h a loud e.,ploswn u.nd fore , but tbe deca11 nee LI.le " ith iene\\ ed as:s1d Ult\ colors in a style unequalled that they are able to answe1, But 'vhe1e '\as the father and husbanJ In ~<ld1tion to all the above atttact1ons, there ter '\vh1eh he hol<la dun.n.; the experiment I ll Gone to sea 1 1v1ll be :published montl1ly n double pag-e en lns hand is uu banned 'Ihe saime expc111:ne1lt all tlns tun e? ..Dead 1 No " I buy from John McMurtry " ]:\ o An unfoi tunitte debtor 1 nunure<l in graving the ge:pe1 a.l title .of '\vh1ch \\tll be ~frs tnay be tried with an 01dina.Ly lamp v.1 h pe Heavy Enghsh Wool Beavm s ancl Fanc>J UvM'coatvng8, FLOUR, nson 1 ~o But he ,\as tipplinq in a Lohpop's PaLty We p10Ullse these sketches feet safety 'The rea'>on v;]1y the gla;i;s does not P (outline 1u then chrnacte1) to be supenor t o anJ Tweeds, Shirts, Drawe1S Hats and Gaps, Colla1s, coffee hon.:ie,upon the fee he had that <la) Ly of the kind heretofore published OATMEAL, bu~n.k is beca11>;e the:ie is a. rea.dy exit for the and Findings 'l'apest1y, Wool Um on, Hemp acc1clent sectued for transacting a little T~}{.:&'lS CORN;lfEAL, AND force, and there lS ng ncecsSlty fo1 rupture Ihe piece ot la \V bus111ess And '~ho 'vas be 1 Outi cop:., one year gg Garpeting,Floor Gloths,Rugs,&c, Gwrtains CRACKED WHEAT ol..,£~nt gas and oxygen exert a g1 eatl:lr explo Once he v1-as the most spleud1<l la"ycr in 1,~o copies, one year 7 M Damasks, Table Linr.w, Toweling, Blankets, Ho18e Covers Plain and sn:e foroe than can po~ISlbly tc:ke placl! \Hth any the Clt\ oi-- but no\\ 'vas HU outcast Three cop1c~ one j eu1 10 00 Fancy Flannels 'l b' j I I l b f 1 Fou1 copies, one yea1 m1xture of hvdro ca1 hon vapor and s.tmqspher10 d Fresh arrivals of Crockery and run l""-LH d c cu.1 u ia 1t o ta1. ing a Flve copies one j ear and l1.Jl extra copy air Tl1e only da.n;;ci. wheh appl ed to an oil littl-", had wound a chan1 al o t h1n1 Vi h1ch Fancy Woolens, Sha\< ls, Nubrns Sontags, Ladies' aad Ch1ld1en's Wool to the Person g~t t1ng up the ch b Glassware l~rnp, \~ould be to tbro\\ ont the in-flair.eel w10;;: he ine.ffectuan, struggled to brea\ One making six copies l4 00 Unde1-clothmg Infantile Clothmg beautiful designs, richly Embroideralong "'\vith the cork, the 011, a.ccordin' to the alter a.uoth er of lns clients ]eft bun, and B1ght copies pne ye.tt1 and a.n ext14 eopy ed Complete Stocks m Goods sent to all part· of the '!"own one afle1 anothe1 of lusiriend::i fou:1ook him to the :person getting up the clu1 1 P1ofes~ors e:r.:per1011ce \'\ould ~eldom J~ c1er, I a' ma.king nine copies 21 00 11 t l l t t I lf h 1 Ignite Ihe device is not patented, and it ap un l a mos unll.\\ ares o nmse , e OU .Eleven coples,one year and an extra. copy to the perflon getting up tho club, pears cffeet1ve and i ea~oi able enough to knock h11nsc1t penniless, l1ousel ess,i""1endles~,antl a st1 eet drunka1d ll1s compan1on sank un ma.king tv.elve cop1e!'I 27 50 )[one but fhst class hands employed.m each depa,tment, and aJI ill the other patent safety non ex:plos vo con der t he blo,v, a11cl becan1e an 1n-i;al1 d His To n.ccomocla.te our subanbeia, we \nll club w01k guaranteed ti 1' ancee: !n"'"o the shade beautiful Jnha 1a1sed 111 tendetnco.:s and \v1th Artl1ui s Hon1e ].1agazine and Cluldrens MOT'l'O,-Best Goods, Low Ptices, Libll'I al 1'm'11u, Lmge Biisiness, and '1 l .> b t IIour at the foll :nY1ng pnce"- l f uxury, 0.1aw11 e gueveu, ut as \'\all' The receipt of S4 00 Wlll pay fo1 Godey 5 How to Keep Well First Paper absolute \'ant, pressed, she aroused herself Lady s. Book and . A.rthtu s Ho1ne Mt gaz1ne for 1Jrompt vay to me~t the ex1geney lorn J ear she bad one yea1 BY .M. !UlGAREI MA.."RIA IHt.E" STE.El ONLY lhe 1eecipt of $::150 \\ill po.y ft:11 Gode:i; s Without health there can be but partial do supphed the scn.AtJ ltv111g of the f11m1lv, whilst her unuatu1al parent was e~pcnd1ng Lady s Book and the Children s Hour fo1 0111J Corner Krng and Simcoe St@ mei:1t1c economy at h·st geneu:illy sp~ak1ng (waol of lhe Ontono Bl\llk ) ety cent he could get for the mad<lenrng yep"" D oI\nrs WtII pn," f or G odej s L a d J s lVC \ h t:!n health fails there Hi rui end of ...11 econo e\ Oshal' a, Oct 18th, 1871 l 1quo1 B u t 1 t \\aa ev1 <l en t tJa l t lier::; t 1ength Book ly Arthu1'sH0meMagazu1e andCh1ldren11 my Sad it .!! for the poor man 13 household was g1adually s1nku1g under the ta! k Hour for one year ' ,..,hen eich.""lle~s enteu1 the re,- \~hen the father J uha 1ny, daughle1, again saul the in~al lhe moue\ mue;t all be !:lent at 011e time foi King Street, Bowman ville c.:.inuot go to hn daily labor, when the mother is 11..l 1uother, 1n a voice feeble and choked.. any of the clubs, and additions may be made to pre\ enteLl from cirry1nr: out her plans of ac. w1th guef \Vhat 18 to beco1ue of ns I feel clubs at club rates ' d hI ' l Canada subscribers must send 24 cents 4dd1 t1v1t) aud industn , when dou~o1s and drugs t ltaa. I cannot stan it 1nuc onger,e.n< yC1µ tional for overv ii,ubscTipt1on tP the Lady s tail e up at one sweep the , _ ivH1~s of the par>t, \'Ill die fro1n exposure Book and 12 cents tor either oftheothermaga· HE subscriber ia to bruld a.nd re O, mother, dor.'t say so, tephed Julia, 1n unes to pay the Amenc...'in and the e:i.rn1ngs of the p1ese11t and there 1s no pall' Ho\V ro U ,I!l 11H'I -In rom1tt1ng bv mad, -. 1esource (orLhe mo:;it prudent but rnuning 1nto a tone of assumed cheerfulne~"- but 'vh1cL tre1nble<l with emotiuu for God haa not Post Office Order on i:>hiladelplna, or a Draft debt I have, therefore pl1.1.ced health foremost '11 on Phdadelpb1a or New Y 01k, pa.ya.ble to the Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, order of L A Gorley is prefcta.ble to bank in my lll!jtruchons upon Jomestic economy f orsak en ns yet II e \Vl sust::un ua Oh \vho would hnve suppo:'\ed that VI e notes If n. Dratt or ~Post O:fhce Order can Ptllhapi: you are surpnsed th~t it should fot'nl a of every de111cr1ption, a.t abort notice, a.ndon could ever have been rednced to tlus 1 ~ not hc'Procured send States or Nation roa.ttonable terms pa.i t of ln.Ji ruction at all, ar.d are dup cs~d to Dear George, they lit.y all the blame on hi1ri, al Bani.. notes think that he:llth is a blessing fo1 \\}nch \Ve can LA GODEY, but it belongs to thooe who nrnde/mrr q <lprnk Addio·N E C only be tban.l: ful v.:hen we have it, and res1gued aJd He was geuerous and uoble once, and 1 ci Sixlh & Choatnut St· PJ1ilade]pl11a 1 U S when it is takHn aw iy Health, J1owevcr, u; '\vould hive scorned the icle:t of teeing bis Oamagea Punted and Trimmed. very much mo1e with n 0111 O\\n reach then rn "1te and child suffer want 1 But uow he generally aupp08ed, co1nmon, common does not notice itJ and "e ~oon sh al 1 be per m, and conn(lon pre~ entJ, es wlncb do n1ueh gone I feel it ' And heie the disconsolate and, therefo1e I "01 ld ea.rnc:oitly iecvmmcntl woman burst rnto teais, and Julia, 11ot JI ON 1' RE AL 11 N Ji: SS the subJect to your cnreful at ""ntlon so that 'v1th!:ltand1ng all her f'tforts, "ept alond rROSPEOTUS FOR 1872 Dut God bnd seen the suffenn,s of these you may n~ver forget that ' 1 how to keep" ell " Dunng t\\ent) fhe )Oars tlie circulation oI _ <>n the prem1aei!!I, ~ere spec1a.l attention i.s IPYen two lovely beings, and piepa1ed deln erancc IS a far easier and more U6eful les~on than "ho"\V the Vil itnesa has 1nc1eascd fron1 800 to about to &II The father bad found his way 20 000 to be cured when we ill I shti 11 dn 1de fo1 t!icm hJn1e .uu1d tha pelt1ngs ol the sto1111 The PLArFOitM \.V c stand where wo al\' ays stood ~his a1t cle in o tive sectlGne I 'Ihe cho1ce of Cnrriage wmk, and GeneuJ wnidow curta111 \\W3 dra"\'in a. little aside, an(l look for success to that aid \'f hwh has h1th :t houte II Light, III lht' use of b"th1nga11d tlnongh n brok en p ane of glass he hatl erto helped us 1'7 Exte1nal cloa'."lhuess V'" )Ten~1Ja on OHANG.Rs.-l'Le Dfliily V.htne:11s, bit11erto is Jobbmg seen and h eard all that p·<sed His heart I Tie Oh') i:e of ((, HoUJe - [he mporLance w.-is penetr Lted, remor.!3e fasten ed on bis Qued at noon o.nd 2 4 and 6 0 clock p 1n , w1ll dunng the sesa1on of the Don11JL1011 Parha.ment, of tlus cons1de.rat1on cannot be too s rongJv nn soul (tutl he bo,ved do\\ n and sole1nnly and possibly the te~fte1 appear also o.t 6 ln the All worlc done at this atablishrrien pie.:.sed upon wom~11 who may become tl1e vov,;ccl, that, God strengthen111g hrn1, he nwtn1ng aJl other editions cont1nu1ng as hereto "n cs of attlSans or tradt":Jmcn Too often '\Vould never again clr1nk 11. drop of alcoholic fore Puce, $~per annum in advance Jn \Veekl} \V1tuess - SubKC11bers to the warranted. they think that 1t does not belong to them t :i dunk H e rose jrom hi~ knees,nnother be Semi \Vec1dy \V1tnCGS"'\HU after 1st J~n ua.ry lnter et e, and the inlltter is left to John or ing, a.ncl as he entered lns cl\velhng:, s:t1ll be Rll}'phed v. ith a ·1 r1 \"\ eckly of th1;1 shape m1cl A cnll 1e respectfully sohc1ted somewhat under the ot hquo1, be size of the IJresent ])ailj VV1ti1ess nh1ch will and Clotlnng made to order m first-class style, go to 'l hon1:tS thoee fat;.! words,' It do:;en t si"'rnfy .T MORIUS 01 &nyth1ug wJll do fo1 uB aie heucl, because add1es~ed lno wife and c'nkl 1n a tone ot af be found to coutam about as innch matter as tlie present Semi\.\" ~ekly, thu:;:; makinu :tn ad THE OBSERVER, (the 01g«n of it onh· conce1 n~ the health and bDppn1ess of fect1on \\ 1nch ha<l. not ::;nlu L"'tl then ea1ri lor dition of fifty per cent to the reM11ng 1nattfl1 tbe1nselves und thcl r bdclrcn for many years o1 n1ontbs Doth started ut1t, ns though son1e without any add1t1on of pr1ce the Bible Chnsban Den om matrnn, 'l n \Veekly hfe -\~or ls thn,t ale nfnal'...hen1d \\}Pn fif'e1y ,01 ce had ndd1<:s&ed them f1o u1 bea,en, but Witness 8 2 per aunum in advance one of t1ie best Family Papern little v. as $lO.Id The inorn1ng carne and ~:1:ontteu.l (\\T eekly) \.~ itness -1'hrn p 1pe1 of drehf'I 01 " gentility ' of furniture arc ln prmtecl m the Domrn1on) chtbbcd the fi1'St th ing the father did, \Vas to se lrch will cont1uu e l'.\f th\! same shape as hither to but que,,t1on which are co'l.s1de1e<l as stnlt1y fem out the \Va::;lHllJlon1uu pledge, and sign it Wll1 be larger by the breadth of a column each with the MERCHANT fo1 l'wo m ne obJ·cts of interest If the hou15e be low Now he felt th,,.t he" as a iescued inau, and wa) on every- page thus making an aJcltt1on of Dollars per annum, m advance and da..111p there w ! be ~e.ues a.Jld rheuma. the cn erg1es of h1 s m1nll as 1t reht:ved from fifty per ueut to th1:1 reading inatter \ t1sms and colds, and depref.3100 of 1;p111t"' t o bondage, 1ga1n acted 'v1th their .f011ner Witness 1 $1 m advance CLUBS \\ ork antl to be cheerful-·will be' un~e1 tl1fficul po" e1s He soligbt the court roon1, and as \Ve ha\ e nevor been alJle to off c1 an" 1nduce ties' because \\hen i.he an is nJ1eft.Cy so.turo.ted he entered 1t1 lus former pa1tner s""aw the ment \vh1ch bas bo1 ne frmi; equal to the ag,,1st a.nee of those whoQe s1ncere f11end ~b l'p for the \\1th m01sture it reful'3eB to receive the addi change, tuid shaking l111u fJJ the hand, ex cnterp1rne h~ r romptecl them to exertion <>n tional portion 01Ie1 ed to it fiom the lunzs and cl tanedour behalf You refor111 cd, 1 1n,u't tou, Geoige1 ~kin \\hich therefure returns into the 1:1,y1:1tem In all cd1t1ons where one petwn 1em1ts for 'l'y1one, Nov 2nd 1871 Ye.;i bJ Gods help, I lune, ancl a. ie'" 1110 one) ear in ad' ince fo1 eight pe1~ona be \;rill 'lhe 01 unl:ealthy yapors, ~lso be entitled to one copy additional fo1 hunself in en ts ago I <.:.1gued the pledge which ot11se ill a. d"eJllng , a1e deb:i.rred figm 1 he law\ er, an1azed, l1eld up lus hand~ 01 anj pe1 :::;on 1cm1tting $8 foI cur public;itiona the1"" u~u l "av of er;capc into f eah dr-y atr and excla11ned-Giac1ous hea\.ento. \\hat "'\'itll he entitled to one dollar : 1 \~orth a.dd1t1onal ..:\.D' \.N'IAGEIS - \\ e heie Elnnounce cheaper .'.l.Jld thus ep1dem1c diae!i.:5e$ a1e much mote com c lTinot tlie ,V.,slungton1ans accomplish - -0 tha1t can be got [lJlf'\here else, lnd 1no11 u1 a drunp than tu a dry localitv Jf tlitt H1s tor n1e1 asBoc1ntes and adm1rers crowd cbea-pe1 ad,ert sing we th1nk,1 111 prop01t1on to exposute be to the north mo e fne1 :vi11l b!.l e ed nronnd b1n1 to sb tr.e Ins hand, and 1n e reulat10n tha.n l~ offered m ~ anad 1. \\ hethe1 quued town m the chill dall.. roorr<.:i If t..hc1e ti.\C minutes, rllc street drunkarU 'vas rein the pu.pe1 s a1e good 1 aa \\ell as cheu.p the pub a1e bo.d dla.:.ns and polL1tedau the inha~1tants stated rrhe reformed n1an 6 eJ e n101stned he are the best Judges All the depui tment.s of reading matter \\ill be kept up as he1etofu1c will be liable to chole10t aud typhus, and con us he fer\entlJ eJaculated, Go<l. bless )O~l We are giv1n15 iucre::i,sed attention to the c0n1 1:mmption Md scrf)fnla, be...,ause, as >Hll be fil.) lr1ends for tl11s inerc1a.l department 13ut come GP.orgc, Sf.nd l11s pnrtnr.1, \~1th It 1s our int0utlon in future to l1a1ie ::i.t least more fuC.y c t ln. ll"tl in llnothei ser.t1on the the fumll1ar1ty ot foru1er <la'\ s, con1e,you one s.enal stor' ruu.runc in each edition of the ~tmo,,pliere is thus filled with he pou;onous \V1tne55 and gcne1ally more in the Daily .a..ud vapo s "llh1oh go !llto the system and en.use n1ust plead the cause of this 'v1do\\, "\\ he>1'.e w~ hope a.h10 to p1esent W all 1eacler~ one O't' p1operty is at st tke, ar1d here is th e fee, and two wood engraviu a per week d1sea:ie aDd death as surely as the fat:i,l d.ranght he plac0 d lU his h"uds a $100 bill If "e CONSTITUENCY -TbQ Vrt<. . 1tnesa u; the \Yorl~1ne. of the poI.aoner If there be only on"' room ln gain the causc1 it will 'he 1ncrea.sed to $500 mans papel' the merchants paper the fa1 n1 which a1e to be huddled fathe1 "'"d mother and ~he r1forn1~d 1nebr1ate secniecl stunned er s p.i.per tbe clergyman s par e1 , tnc ladies ch ld-ou1d llerhaps A ]oclger-he ~lth, cleanb \\Ith 0'3ton18h1neut, as prosperity thus pour po.per, the childten s paper, the teetotll.ler s A\ ING assumed the bu8mess lately carried on unde1 the name and ness, and propnetj beCQme alm.o$t nnposuble ed uron hlln , but lfi a fe\V 11.lOmen t~, "tth p~per the Chr1St1an s pnper JOHN DOUGALL & SON, style of " Consn,ul & Co " and havrng had nen,Ily YVbat urgent need, ~hP.11 to teach yourch1ld1en Ins forn1er v1go1 and 1:.1.1..H.nuen, h e was ehc1t PuorRIEro.a~ the importance of theae things, tha.t they may ng the e' id en . . e in t11e cnse 1. lie rooiu I a.fter\va1ds use therr infl uence n1odcstly but w \S thronged'\ ith people, "\'.ho listened to IN THE TWE~TY e"l'ery question w1t11 the inten:,est interest firmly i\ifcn l:n e often no i. rue to t:!:nnl.. aLout such At last he rose to plead the case, and as his with ample famhties for the splend1d nuncl, under. the ex.c1tement of his m and therefor1:1 it is doubly needful that FOR 18721 strange ~ntuat1on, and the clt::Bae to acqune woman should kno\\ and should b~ able to poiut '~hat he bad lost 1 bu1~t 1nto st1ains of su r out to the r huebanG.s, nnd e\i:IL rf need be to pass~ng elcquence~ a d"ep n1u11nur of pleas TJIE JLLUSTRA1ED A SUITti~OF the l lar. dlord.B whr.t i~ necef.! n1y fo:r +he health ura 'v~is heard t 1 11 oughout the roo1n 'I ho and respectabiEty of then- fam1hes ~cheerful Jtny, af teI a n1on1 e nts consultation, gave well lighted e: posure, a d1 y well dra..1ned t ten 1'e1 d1c t 1n ia"or of bis chent, and he flatters lumself that he can offei tlv; elling (if pOEi!.nole on i~ :;1Avelly 8(1il) a l 1t as that w is pronounced by the foiewan,the A FIRST~CLASS FAMll:.Y MAGAZINE. chen t1:nd two or Lhree bedrooms, wheie father aud1ence bnr~ t 1nto lo ld applause , in one --o-and mother, boys and girls m y have .seemly u1 :.nnent 111ore, the '\ it.low's agent hnd plac HRl NOT OGY - The B1a111 and 1ti:1 Fnncfaon!I eL11n lns han<l. the stipulated Jee Location of the Organs, with d11ect1ons for comfori_.aUle iest by n1Jht, and .t1pace by It l\M neilr!s lnset, nnd Jnha, lvorn dO\'\n culture and tra1runer, and the Relat1ons of Mind day, ought to be tns1st1;d upon 1riore rent must and Body descubcd. of cou1oe ..b" given 1han for"' misora.ble and un with 1nc"~sn.nt labor, 'vas look1ng despond PHY Sl OO:.'{O~IY, oi the n S1gns of Character 1ngly into th'°' stn:et, \\I en suddenly a car healthy hovel, but evt':ryv;1se \Voma.n commenc \V1th illustra.t1ons 1 and how to Read tbe1n, 19 n. than any othzr House m the trade, west of the City of :1i'fontreal, and r1age stopped before the door 111 a 1110· special featu1e he hopPs that by ing- housekeep1,ng will eet hcr!ielf to 1h1r6 n1eut 1no1e, a ser\ ant bc.mung a Uundle ETHNOJ.JOGY, or The Na(1Mal H1Jto1y ot .1.1'lc'n increa"ed outl&y by :;:reat,er el::.inomv in fu.rm Illustrated, will be gn en knocked ·t the doo1 ture &nd dress, or n ini:sccllaueoua expenditure, PBtSIOLOGl A...~D ANAJOMY - lhw 0-garuza Is tlns the house of Ls.l\yc1 - - - t1on, and funct1oni; of the huma.n which swallows 1.lp the " l1ou ~ shnre of tho said he, add1ess111g Jnhn body WJth the 1awa of bfe fl.Ud health \Vhat poor 11uin a means Be~ude::1, the 1ncrea9e of Ye<.:., she rephcd, lint 2ny father 1s not a~ we should eat and drink, hov.: clothed $.»dhow he may merit a fair sham of public vatronage health 1 st1eng~h, and Gheflrfl1lncrirs {three in1por home to exercise sleep and live 111 ~cordanee "\\1th Bowmanv1lle, March 17, 1871 n24-ly tant requ1~1tes for WOJ kmg and n1a1 intt inone:i) I""' toH to Jea\O this bundle 1'iLh you hygienic principles I'ORIR.A.ITS: sketches and bio.!l"ra.phies: of lc"d would soon i epay the add1 ~1 onal ]1ouse rent and dell\ el th1s note, and he hnnded the 1 l he hand- iug men and \VOmen in all depart 1nen ts c life, II Light ~Plants turn their lcavef> to the a1 L1c es to the 'vonder1ng girl r are special features " rit ng\\as lHH fa~hcr s but'\ hat it could P:\.tn::i1rf:! J E.!.CHERS AND OrnEllS - As a gu1de h.::ht they tn11ve under the 111fluence of the mean, \\a:; n101 e than she could ln1ag1ne.,L...... 1n eaucahng aTf'<l:-tro.unng Ohildreu, this Ma.go. bles .. ed sun, \\hereas they become sickly, and Bl.At le t n1e bl\ e vou a copy of the little note z1ne has 110 su pcnor their b11ght colo1s are 1 blanched 01 -wh1tcned, as explanatolj GET YOUR :?viuch gene1al mformahon on the leachng v;hen kept in d:i.;rkncs.'.5 S1r Humphrey Da."'\ y, topi~ 0£ the day HI given and no effort!.\ 11re Denr lu.ha-LTse th e a.rt1cles oj cloOnng spared to make this the inor:it 1ntc1csting and in an eminent ph1losophe.. founU. by e:::i:penment 111 Ln~ bundl(l for J-Ouraelf and inothe1, and structive as well a,,_ tbe Best Pictorrn.l ] aro.1!i; Oct Oct that red rose trees, carefully ('~eluded frotn the come nnn1cd1ately to ine The carndxe 1'-1a.gazine t:vc1 p Jhlishcd 11ght, p"oduce rosee almost white Vegeta.bles w11l '\\at for .;01 Do not deh1,,for I ~1 s h F.S~ADT!Slf.ED - I he JoURl>'.A.L has 1eac11cd it 51th Yohnµ.~ ... It has $teadily incieased nt Jn.v and fruit nre o.lso favorn,bl) affocted by l1~h t- to see yon 'Your Father, Gco1ge or duuug the many ye us it has Leen i)ubhshed tbe~ npen sooner and ~hen· flavor become.:. TIM - ' Good mornrng, Mike, shurn and its earl) out, ye are Might I Bew1lderetl, she rnshed nu lo her n1othe1, a11<l was never fn-Ol'e popula1 DO\V riche1 lt is good for ma!l also to hva in h 0 h., rtnd read the note Hope sp1ang up Pl the 'l.1'.:llMS -Monthly, at $3 a year, Jn ad'¥a.ncc be bould to axA what started yees tins morning" eome places. To have plenty of wutdov.:s in a soul of the disconsolate \'ilfe, and nnab<l as S1n,,,le n1.J.1nbe1 s,80 cents Clubs of te n 01 more MIKE-" Jist be aisey, Tim and I'll tell ye m a pffy Ye see, I was $2 eacl1 and an extra cop' to Agent house, a.nd thol$e \Hn<lows uilm1ttm2" the be~uns shri wa11., unassisted, she a1 ose Jnnn he:r bed tould, y1sterday, that 1.fiothcr Gray, av 'l') rone, had got home We are offering the most liberal PrenHums of the :n~mg, noonday, or ""Western su11 1 \v1ll pro I .::ee }10,v 1 t 1 ""', sud s!..e, (tud has sa.i; ed Inclose 15 t.:ents fo1 a ea.mple numbct -..v1th new an ilbgant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its 1notc: the he Llth and 1..I'.!o'erfulness, 8treni:-uh n1y dear liusband 1 conie let ns go in1.n1e P1ctonal Poster and Prospectu!:I, and a complete meself could ha1clly slape a wmk, all mght, tlnnkmg av the digestion and good colo of the inm;t,tea now diately to lnm ' Both sobbNl with JOY as Liat of Premiums Address, S R WELLS, 'Publisher the chape goods And shu1e enuff, its the full sto1e he has- THE GREAT FAVORITES thn.t gli\~::i is cheap the light of hen.ven is a the suni;:h1ne of happ1er <lays d,Lwned upon 389 Broadway, New York In a fr.w moruents ntore, the happi; 11:1.xury v; b1ch all m:ly ~ndea.vol' to obt~nn Tho ~he1n p1les and piles av the natcst patterns, and he'd give ye the want of p1oper h.ght in !choolrooms produces '\Ife n.rd daUJhtcr \Vele locketl 1n the pns makms av an il11gant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-iive effeeti:i that sho\v the lmportance of attend1ng s1onate eu1brate o! the r cfo1n1ed d1l111karu Cm ts, Tay for most nuthm, and the Baccy for a tniie less" tis unnecesstuj to hncc it fa1th er, but inf NEW DOMINION MONTHLY TL\fto it 1n d\'iell nG-a It ha!J been found that "An shme its funning me ye are, Mike, wouldn't the man he AT I'HE teache1 a and pupils become slu 0crgu~h a:;::id atupe ftce it to sat, that law) er - - - 1n. a short tune reco'\ ercd h1 s properlj, lus iufl.uence, afther b1eakmg do1"11" Jied in a.n ill ltghued 1001n, \Vhile the ej ef.i of the and his fuends, that his wife reco\'ert:diand PROSPECIUS FOR 1872 MIKE-' Breakmg down, is it Shure he knows a tlmck wurth two a> teacher have a st.ranglilly painful and e-citt:d th11t fron:1 thut 1.lay forth, t..hc I tthe r, n1otb.el that I'llJISt tell you what it is, T1m, if you want to git a appeat'ance at the end oI a dtt' of such d eprc~s and dangl1ter \H:1e an1011;;..,t the happiest of ing and difficult exei tions grate name when youre ded, and be called a fi1lant10fized, filosthe happy 'l"b1s J ~ the oldest nr.d has the lri.rg F F S ile1, and a public bmifactho1, Jist tell all you1 e nabours,and the cat circulation of any literary mn,;a.:ane 111 Can ada. It aims at being a Cana.d1an nst a' mankmn, about Gray's chape sto1e, and you'll do morn both 111 the t.:haracte1 of its matte n.nd 11;i Qpen for the good av you counthry, than iver St Patrick did for ould 1ng the way to Canachan '\Vnters In the lat Ir eln,ncl, when he bamshed all the toads and snakes out av it ter field 1t has up to the p1esent be~n 1:i., E.FFECI 01r 'VAR - ' Scvcu 'ca11::i' flA11t The Lawyer Reformed so fa.r as rthnuneratuig it1:1 ontubutors and its that rover "as m it" 1ng,' Sa) s Je1e1ny Taylor, "~;ts a \'hole p.ubhsherfl is concerned, but as its mrculat1on The to\\n clock had ahead~ slrnck tell k1n1':;do1n buck 1n learning antl \Htue, to is fair, v in hopes that a. good ad~ ertunng TIM- ' I'm much oblaged to ye, fo1 the bit av advice, and won't deThe -wind .1noanecl dolefully us lt found its w Inch they are creeping, it n1ay be, a \1 hole patronage 1nay yet put it on a paying basis tam ye, there'll shu1 ely be a grate run, and may bee I'd miss VVe do not think our Ca.nnd1an homes ca.n fii d way through the c1 e\i ices ot a dilapidated" some bargams The top av the mormng to ye "-I'm off to elsev;here n. pubhca.t1on at once so wholesome cott1ge, and as the rain pattered on the so interesting, and so Canatlmn aud we ask ail Gra)r's \\1ndov,, 1t told ho'v con1fortless \\as: all Gnef knit s t\\ o h earts 1u c1o3cr bonds Canadi ... 11~ to !lusta1u it Its c1reul11tion lB '\Vlthout On that n1gl1t n1nnJ a fannly than happin ess t:n er can, and con1111on sttf 3 500 New Dom1n1on i\-Ionthly One Dollar and :Ii.ft) cent~ per n.nnum ui advance Old drel'i closer around then comfortable fne fer1ngs :itc Jar stronger links than l:Offiu1on subscribers l!!endin.g the na.1ne of :1 ne1v subscr1b sides, us they listened to the elements iag JOVS &1 with their own, \\1ll get t he tw·o foi: 'lwo ing oround them nut there "as one poor Dollal's A..d, c1 hs1ng in :New Dominion ~iont h All wo1k executed m the Late·t bu1ld1ng to Vih1ch '"'c ha'e alluded, ,vl1e1e ScholariJ are freiquently to lie n1ct with, ly pe1 Eight Dollars was no con1fortable heartl1, but ei. eryth1ng who are ignonint of nothu1g-:;av1ng then Styles, with N aa,tn&'.lls and Despatch JOHN DO'C GALL & SON, loolml desolate and lonely, There was but own iguo1auce -Zwnniernian Bowmanville, Sept 18!/'0 tf-52 and at Low61lt Rates p R.OPRIETORS for them after us1ng they should be put a\vay clean nnd bi 1ght The mould board!:\ of ploughs are apt to get rusty from one season to another ~'en if Eheltered, they should be b1 ushed over w1th a few drop" of od '\\fen put tnva.y, and will then remain in good order till wanted Fa~ m Journal Teniple ~ 1 asliio1i, Vshaiva Fall and Winte1·, 1871 and 1872. Large Supplies New Seasonable Goods. Coffee -! and TEA JUST as GOOD, JOHN THE HOUSEHOLD. MILLINERY. MANTLES 1\fANTLES MOMURTRY'S SUBSCRIBE W l 1 D RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Groceries and hovisions I fa DRY GOODS. $5 I I and General .Advertiser. GROCERIES AND BOOTS AND SHOES W M:OBBIS' s. TREWIN, CARRIAGE SHOP. .. For the best and cheapest T 75 CENTS ANNUJ\I[, DRY GOODS, n GROCERIES, Cl{OCI{ERY, AD YANCE A Blacksmith's Shop BOOTS & SHOES, J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, TYRONE. AS USUAL The Promised News Mr. J. Milne, H YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, an rrIIE CORNER AHEAD, ADVERTISE ·} The 54th Volume Purchase of Merchandise in the Cheapest Markets, :fhrenologica.l J our:nal, P GREATER INDUCE~iENTS Good Tweed !For $10.50. -o- Attention, Promptitude and Courtesy, CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Bra.dy a.nd Mike Flynn] CORNWALL BLANKETS 1871 1871. Clan Tatan's, PRINTING The Choicest Variety, the cheapest TEMPERANCE. ~iEROHAN~r OFFICE ' GOODS IN TOWN. J. GB!Y, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goo els. F. Y. COWLE.

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