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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Feb 1872, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Circulates largely in the Tow11sh1p1 of Darling ton Clarke and Cart vri.ght It I!: & common platform opan to the free discussion of all ques t 1011s m. wh ch the general publ c a.r<' concerned. TJMUIS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job l'rinting Office, · KING STREE1 . BOWMANYILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad . vance The Merchant and Obser. ver $2 00 RATES OF AD V..t!.RTISING R alf do Q a rtc1 du One column $35 per :m ium AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Ili RR LOSCOMBE BARRIS1ER AT LAW SOLICITOR ni CHA"' OF.RY itc 19 10 POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL H EADS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c Trans eut advertisements 5 ots per line first in @e t10rr and 2c per 1 ne each subsequent one BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRID~Y FEBRUARY 9 1872 Very we! says he do ii An lI vnsn think NUMBER XIX EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE . --a · CHANGE FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID SELECTIONS of POETRY The Dymg Girl to Her Mother \l'o.lls and floor v. here the a.s ass l.' had dragged their ble-ed ng 'rnt m ulo g and it iva· c urentl) reported aid bel eHd by or TIME 0.Fr rcF. -Ove) l\.:fcClung s Store stun a.s J ?tr Bnmaco1hb a Dental I oo n:3'. flat Bo vmanville Oct 27th 18G 8 ly 1 r a n ~ leav B wmanvdle Stat on Montre;i.l t 1 t:i as ,,Hows GOI G E,!ST GOING WES't' JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Pap r H2.11ger &c &c 0 ::\{a. l l\1 xe<l 8 35 a m I P:\..~aenger 7 35 a m 4 .30 p m I Mail 11 03 · m l a:i,,i.! ge 7 So p m I Mixed 4 30 pm "\fal ~30pm Mal 1125pm. Stag-e leav es B od ca H otel for CV'ety tra1n Fall a.nd Winter Good.s, AT All k1 ds of vork promptly attended to and satisfa,c;t on gutii t i:! <l Res dence- :\ ext do01 cnst of the Bible Cl r s t an Church rYRONll 92 tf T)'l"one "l·roh 8th 18G9 For Sale, Or To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, VETERTNAJIY (.H !\.DUAIJ:: OF ONTAlUO D vY :M:OLEOD S, SUJIQEO Y VETERINARY COLLi:GJ: · THEatHO( SE no 'C an be consulted ns to the dtSeases of Horses :i.nd ( attle at Glover e: L very Office Kmg St .Bo ma.r.v Ile J n 4th 1872 14 lm t:omn1eneed the pract ce of h s profess 01) B EGS t J form the liil11a.b1ta.nts of Bowman Vllle and surround n 0 country that he has v.1th or ithout Seven and a half .Ac s of nd p r:ese1 t occup cd by D~l4v dso pply on the Premrnes or to Dl DAVIDSON vma.uv1lle Jul) 14th 18"0 Outbuil<l ngs an I Orcha d. GENERAL STORE, ttxceedtngly ch ea.p a.nd Eugme Woolen Mills HE SUBSCRIBED begs t forrn ti · I I he of West Durham that he s p epa edto d o all descr 1 t on of \Voolen 1\{n \Ufact r lg &c ln the best style and at lowest iu,tes FOR CASH man} tbat those ngon z 1g er ea fo1 help I want to go l 01ne as h l lying equc~t "·lnch ha l ~tarte l the i e1gl bor3 f 1 on1 then Io the hone of the ransomed the d :vdl ng o iest slurn here on the I gbt ol the er tel dee l, A stranger and p lgr m. no mo1e would I roam (Jh mother a vee.t mother r 'vant to go horn~ n1 .. 1 t alttl le heard echo ng throu 0 li tie de; erted 1 ou~e Seit anO'els ru-.. wa t ag my so 1 to co Vf'Y From tt s da.rk droary vorld to the br 0 ht On :P,{r Worm wold s strong nerves the r ealms of d ay tale~ toll lnmof fi..,ureiseen at the w111do a, Jet l Ot J. OUl aiiect on n l J St f t de.ta. :1 l o r C.... l 5t 1a my SP.v our- to d e the1 13 g a n and light~ nly ter10 \ljly appea r ng and d s a.pp ear ng had no effect He t ook the house The trifl es of cat th cannot 1 re me to stay Its J OYS and ts treas 1 es n 1st soon I ass awa.y off the landlords ha1 1., at a nom nal rent I am enry o al! a 1d lo longer voi.: 11 roam Oh 1notl e vef!t lnvtl e I "A.n t tn go hone and when quest1ont1d 1er.~ ct ng ih ghostly F ~ t me we must 1a t. but f me lo not tena.nt$ "'ould r:ihak~ 1 a head and p cser e a m vsteno is s len ~ "h ch was interpreted .lfv ~1 rob 1 ng bod\ tl Sav o "'° 11 keep to nman tl ·t h ~ coul l tell a great <leol if T1ll 1t wa. ce i 1 H IB ltkeueg3 an<l JPJ.fu ly nw: To pra se II m fore B r at hai e n tl e akies he <lared She Bm1led and t rued gentl) ns if to rest rh s wn! enough to n1ake 1 s superst1t1 L ke a.n 1nnor.en t babe on t i.'! fond mother~ ous ne gh bors vie~ 111111 'v th awe and in bi ea ~t W · gaz d for a momeut -oul' de;:i, o .. as gone \ course of time avuid h 01 He was kno\Tn Io th bosom of Jcsus- he1 spirit had flown to be of eccentric hab ts ha was e spected to be a n ser But no one } ad ever inter "" T LITERATURE fared with lnm duung tie year. he dwelt ll1 the house wh ch S r Roland s mmdcr had darklilned \ri th a cu ee 1 The Fatal Gift, All ardors for OR THE BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIIvIACOMBE L D S Te e th. Ext racted at Twenty five Conts Rooms over ]tfcClung Bros Store1 1 B o v nl.n vill e Oct lat 1870 f or Wool Cash paid or Cloth given m exchange WILLIAJllI TUER ly 3! STORY OF .A NECKLACE .A. s mp lo follow named Job Hardcastle who was too idle or stupid or both tow ork at a tiade ran Mr Worn voids few eriands Darlmgton May ?5th 1871 Tailoring PROMPTLY EXECUTED I LOOK .AT THIS ! Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDOJS (Established lSOS Hnn OFFICJIB. - 1 Old Bro'd St Pall llbll London A lao A ge1 t for the ' ell known dug h '1 garden-\ here i !':ieful 1oots bad long u'mped the plac· of flowen- and orro1I rn G HOV THE NECKLACE WAS SOI D watched tb.e house \Y hen hie n1aster was a.b .AG UN AND ONCE MORE sroLEN AND sent At fi.fot 1 e \\as not allowed to ren1a.1n rrow A. GHOb.l' \l PICA RED TO T HE MAN all n ght l t t as age ~re pt on an l thought WHO DOUGHT IT wh ch "ould not always be put arnde haunt It Wllo'l someti mg 1 trange a id sad to oee ·d and tror bltd him he "a· glad to kno1~ l O\\ the m scr grasped the costly gems that a fello1v creature was neat him CHAPTER III (Cont nued) Sh aw Cutte1 s from 5 to $50 Fa i an 1 mng Mills not their equals in this Co11 nty Root Cutte1 s second to G:z..~EBAL '\.GENCY YOR C..L~ADA -24 St a.orament l\fontre~J none in the Dominion and Grain s ubscnbed and investGd Ca.p1taJ. and Reserved G1 inde s that will g -ind 30 to 40 s Fund £1 965 000 Ste1 ling bush per hou1 Funds invested m 10<:1 000 Come and see for yourselves a.t the FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SEW INC MACHINE, at turne 1 the1n ovur a 1d O\ er And CA.le l nted So1netnne111 n tho dead of the night l e their ,alue in lns mind and longed to call would etart fro n a. d1ean1 uid with the then1 his O\'i n But J 1s nia.nner "a.a ~t 1d dt?we of ala1m on h s brow and 11 s gray 10 1Sly cold a. he said Thev are prettv and hau !ms hug l11th fright I oteu breathless n8 tf hreak rn to obtain rt Not that Ive ao1 ti e t le Teal I\ tr1e that he hacl so often ng ~h ch \fo ld be the best way a sett ng ti g to Jooc but thev m ght ill se me I earl and I· gl e I at 1 D l the phantom t it wI en 'o t cu.n c } o y e 1ly u sit tie scene of l 18 a1 d- I m J on moll ers o " b otl er J obn of Sir Rola)\ aclu 1 You re a iool sno.rlcd tht' m ct: W th a. conten1ptuo l ~ ex lainut on D1akt! cly ig agon · · 1 Ancl ( so to wl at l 1 Afay le oa d Job cu1tl; sl oak off t l e n iset :; ch tch on l 1s slee\ e pose 1 How long 1 a s he been h eLe ? nsked {'lo- be Continued ) a1 d l nn do n stairs Job w io ' as &till n aste1 t tier ng let bun o it aml called after l 1n Nigh upon an hour Long enot l"'h to be as he 11 ent do11n the garden pat! Good mght An Effecting Story wery sick oi ]us o vn co1np ~ ny an l don t m ~ter Wont ye lelne )Our love for the A C ALIFO R~IJ.. EDITOR LOSSES llIS ~ IP£r-hke1111n \\ellenotgh to oblige lnn1 w th little gal 1 Ho ho I o mine IUS MODEL O:BITUA.RY Infuriated d tl e wa1 t of tact wi th Give 1ne your arm Let n1c go and ri] \\Ltch Job lad pro luce 1 th uecl lace m {} rom the San sco Co,ll ) myself of l 1m faltered the old n an "ho the pr~s e nce of l i:s nephew the nnser hur A d ~con ~olate el tcir tl l ij ben1oans lus could scarcelv ettstarn lnrusclf Bit l r t ried to\va1ds nn an 1 gnatch ng a \\ ng depall d 'PO rse bmd ti s handkerch ef aro1 ncl t y l eo I stick Jto11 a con c1 st t cl h 111 \\. th it 'lh is u1v 1tt c11cd No morQ ' \ tll tbo se Job v1 o was not without feclu1g winced re_peatt!<llr. . - - ~'!:> lov g hands pull off m~ boot· and part my Nor JoU stDggenng un<ler the expected back bau a.M only a true wife can a little wh e.n he saw tl e extent of the rn J uy 1 r:.ay nrn.ster f I had got such a attack slue! led bis lead 11 th Im am o will e er those \\ lh~g feet xeplcmsh tl e t;!tal house water 1 a1l J\ o more '\\ill sl o hole in my nob ns ti 1s ere I d take h ll tQ 'oc1fe1C'uSlJ No1 c o ti at l\rise a1n d t Lei tempestuous sto11ns of wi n tLe dootor now n1aster I a n t going to sto. 1<l 1t I tcr and b u ld the I ic w thout <l JSturb ng No doubt- no doubt you "011Jd ass can tell ye "I at ate) 01 h1t tmg me for 1 the inan who doted on her so nrtles ~ly Her memorv is en1baln ed n n1y l eart oi h 1turU!I H .hot wasteful !<enselee;s anun 9. l ti at ) ou Ha uune I say I 11 anted to embalm h er bod) but I foun d are Yo t \ ould g· and pay good s Rasca.1 l av nt Jou 1ecu tryu g to i 111 I could emb drn l e1 merr orv cheaper I sh1llir gs fo1 a hill penny 1o th of st cki ig me 1 Co ldn t you I ave kept the necl ptoc ied Eh Mt dget a ne ghbor ot m :ne a pl.,tcr and a Lottie of d tel water Hold lace out of ' gbt till ti at i uffin had gone 7 very p1 ctty gravestone If1s w le Wa!'! con your ton-=i Hi a id help lne up eta r~ A1 l to r d1cu1e me-ro se h s susp on of si n1pt1ve a1 i be kept t on l an l sever1.l \ears 1n fl t c1paL1on of her dt!atl1 J3 t she In wl t Lal onee 1 ecn the bu I dro" n y tr th-1oh Hh I coul l k 1l vou ral hed sp1inft au 1 h ., hopes \v~rc blast lll 0 1oon bit 1 ch ht\ g ascerta ned As 1 e ad a1 ceU i:ia 1 w tl stick up ed Nei;er shall I fo1get the poor 1nnn s that iL \ as tie \'i an ect 1oom n the l 01 sc ra sed Job- no v ieally t r gl te 1ccl-rt sbed gr el wl en I ask etl lnm to pa1t Wltl it ' 1t Skinnt!I and 1nay vou nev er kno ., Mr \Vttr nwo1d l atl converte l into a ~ t to the doo1 opei ed 1t 11nd mad e l is e>i.cape what 1t I! to hA:\e JOlr 150111 1ack~d v. th hng eating and sleeping apart ment for W 1th mal mou.s satuifachon Wor1nwold <lu.;.ppo ntm nt as mine las been tu d he hin1sr.l f eat John D ake 1 s sister a son dre Y \he bolts n1 d pit the chain bar~t into n flood of t ears Hi" sp111t "as and the only near relal ve he po!sessed He ~1 all stay out a n1gl t in the sheets mdced utterly brokon I had the follQwtng epI~tl e eng rined o l There waa a st; on John D1akc s cl ar will do !nm good He grows too saucy I her tombstone actcr For ) eurs he l ad bet':n <luft1ng from feed him to o well I 11 keep I 1m moie [cut of a \'.V illow I ee LCut of a Lamb bad to wo1se He had been tued I atcly for spa ely !or the future the chaiteung dolt tn th ~ Corner ] in th s Corner ] takrng I act i 1 a b uglary an l he lad onl) He 11 be Ju m ble e ough rn the morn ng Tu t!. e lffmo y of eat;ap~d imprisonment beea u~e tl e1e was Worm" old lrag.ed hun·dl to the hiding 1All TH.A. not cv1dcucc eno igh to convict l n H i:i pl ce of Jri. Hches with diffic ltJ fo1 t e face wore the hard s 1llen look of utter i: xc te111ent that ha l hitherto su:ita1ned bnn " fe of MOSES SKD!l'I ER E·q reckl·ssness and when WOI nwoltl began was passing away Th~ precious stones fo1 i,., MANUFACTURES PRICES En rusk lien Nov 24th 1870 Bowmanville Farm Implement Forward mg Agency R. W JAMES Agent Bowmam lie Dec 14 1871 nll ly Ineurancea: against loss by Fire are effected o t he moat favorable term~ a.nd losses I W1th ut reference to the Board in Lor.don 0 DRUGS AND MEDICINES iT THE J DODSWORTH Inspector RIJS'IOUL BROS Gen Agenttl Montreal D. PE.ATE, l t\.ILOR R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent for Bowmanville and Vicimty Bowinanv1llo June 14th 1860 Ill 0 Bowmanville Drug Store. J HIGGINBOTHAM, ITOUI D u oz:,t r es1 ectfully tender his r>m 'l cere thanks t o h s umerous fn ends and custon1ers and to the public generally for the ,. ' ery 1 bera.-1 suppo11; he has received s nee h s co1nmenc ng in business and hopes by conti nued stnck per s01 a1 attention to bus ness and offer ng nothing but the purest articles at the most casonable ;pnccs to ensure a continuance Ge ntlem en s & Boy s Garments MADE I~ 36 43 39 4 I of fair \aluc but vou v1ll find them a tro thle to you How ~o 1 In this way The re are men in the cha inond tiacle wlH> know the ~iie shape de fects and va.lue or eveiv sto1 e al \Ca cer ta1u wei~ht The..r;e. ha\ e been lb; you per ce1ve caref tll) ~ elected and n1atcbed Suchanecklacenlbtbekno;i. 1 to nianvand wo Id be ea· ly recogms·d if offered Ly rte lo id breathing o[ Job in lus heavy slu nbers would reassureh1n1 and he would lu~ dowIJ again mntm lr1ng rhatJk heaven twas· Lt a. drcanl I It wou d b· ft!arlul indeed to awake to the couvwLion that I was dy1ng \Vlth no living soul a band to Sl cco lr me H g0 ing the diamond necklace to his: be~rt !t!1 Wor1wold lastened hon1e E er; now and the i hJS bind went mto h10 vest p·cket and the ·\ones wore felt to reproach h 111 for the 111hus1or he was aggia\aungly r solent What am, I here for 1 he renea ted 'Why been tse I \Vant son1etl11ng I suppose Yo l ~ay it was so it it 'vasn t What do I Yant 1 \Vhy tnoney? I cant] ve upor a r any mvre than you can and I ' ant a bed for I have had to bolt hom 111\ lodr. ng bcc:iui;;e Icou111tprip1t JSo' '\O k1ov allabott \\lnch he lad already suftered such au ~gon.} offtar weie ca1ef1ll.)!d ana Gentlemanly Ed tor of t1 e Trombone Te ma $3 ~ year in i.dvsnce .A. Kind :M·ther a.nd E xempla. y W ife \li en he had satrofied h mself that the door and shutters '\ere: I ropeil) secuie<l h went to bed- \\c rnuet not s~v to rest, io1 Office e' c Coleman s Grocery u1 '] wo Fl ght of Sta 1s Knock H11.rd t the paH ol bis hurt had foa\ered him t:iOll1e tw tnges of con1 puuct on concer 11nn Job \ isited hu1 consci~Ill:e and l tossed to a1 d fro ' sl ng then ght' ell ov 1 Nov ·· I e I ad olten do ie befo1e m s ch Wo Shall M '" Thee Mother W · Shall Mis l hee THE ~1EWEST llo~manville STYLES B.EI.IANCE Mu11ttl Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED I840 July 27 1869 CHARLES TOD, .BREAD AND :BISCUIT NEAR p(jST OFFICE · CJ.N.lDA. CHIEF 0DflCES l 31 ST JAMESJl'lRJ£El M01'1 rRI AL PQ DIRECTOR S WALTER SRA?< LY Ezq 'MP DUNO.A.N MA DO::-tALD Esq llA.JOR 'l E CAlH'DELL . Obau·ma.n BOW:MANVILLE 0 1dera Punctuall) A ttituded 'Io B St Hila tJ Tn Hol'iOBABLE J.o:r=r:N Ha vl s burg Ont RESIDENI SECRETARY -JAME'!_ GnANT Iv nl Oct 1st 18"0 SPECIAL FEATURES. THE Ei-<TtRB PROFITS belong to and are di n d ed amongfJt the Pol1cyho7.dtra LIVES DECLIN ED BY Ol'HER COlll'~I.t:a or on w b ch a i.. e-»t a P1 smi-um would bi!: r t.qu rod ca.n be assw:ed a.t tZe ord nwry 1ates of thia: So01et~ J. Fletcher, GENERAL KHG I don t 1n1nd telhug you t 1at 1t i~ JUSt th1s that makeR n1e '\\Ilhng to pait \Tith it for what I gin e of public patronas;e And that was-lo v l11uch 1 asked Worn1 J H ' ould caU special attcnt on to h s very superior stock of ~ ol<l eagerlv 1hrteen lund ed po111 l~ ifr \\or11 wol<l i~ what I gai; e t or tl ~! necklace ea1d vl 1cl are su1e to give the best satisiaction. G1lea 'vha saY1 .no harn1 in 1 ethng _p. cool A well selected stock 0-f h rn lr d by the tramact on f he could I DkuGS.,_ ga.\e a check to tl at amo\l:'nt f()i: htee CU1a GlfE1'<lICALS 1no1 ds a1 cl l.d d not begr ldgc it It is too much to 1 sk i t 1s mQre than P,iTENT MEDICINES the atones are" orth tnn tt cri::d the in1sl:!r, BRUSHES fonale pnbhcl:r 'Tery true nodded t1 e dealer DYE S'".rUFFS, GROCER, STREET BOlVofANVILLE COMBS SHOULDER BRACES SUPPORTERS Etc Etc keµt co ta. tly on }13.nd still cl tchmg- and eyern~ the ·parklmg t1 rngs Its too much M1 G lcs Gilessmile I careles, ly Then I ,. Le n takenu that e all a nd yet I cousrlcr my aelt a. f111r Jl dge itf ~uch th1nge Anyhow '\I EXr <loo west of Dunstan a Fa.nC) Store .L't If you r equire good a..nd chen.p i:oods g ve tl em a call n3 Ho<N--rr an ille Oct lvth 1869 l nder · 8pecial a1"? angem~nt SPECIAL AUCTIONEERS Fo1 the Township ot Darlington pay n.e No:x FoRFEITAIILE 1;)0:LIC E'3 rn.l!.u ed uude1 wh1oh only 10 !!)- or 20 A n1 ual P ay mente me r eql rred eacb I a yment 8eour ng a Policy for a sum a.esured pro pm tionat e t o tl e at tl e '\i er~ lowest pnces nurnber of pi:em1ums pa ] a1 1f ree f om j t 1e Horses and Cattle C of pre OILS PAI1\T Im not afraid but whit I shall m·ke my 1uonei; of th~m and he held ot t his hand COLORS V ARNJHSES and WHITE LEAD for the necklace as f t1 e matter was e1 d ed n ns H fro p T P HILLIPS HAMPfON 01 MOD.t:lUTE PREMIUMS and inost l be.ral cgn ditions. r~ a.-i:on te t g en t o sales &c ou nble ter m.a Prospectuses Proposal Fo1m11 &c s I plied 0 n applic:i.t1on at th6 Head U lice 01 a.ny of But'\'. orm\ old ~Ul 5 n no such hurry to One inon1en t fr1encl here a N B -Coun try St oreheepers suppl ed on the part w th it most advantageous terms aome one co1u1ug 111 Attend to him for A cl o ce select on of LAMPS for saJe cheap '[ ni 1n no ht uy nnd I 11 wa1t- 3 cir., I 11 some tune to execute Bowmanv1l1e Dec. 9 1868 6m Medicmes And you thrnk t ecause I om old or d sohtur.) l onr.:i he reviewed the I ast saw and co lnted 0 ice whe l in i i;ery dark weak that you can compel 1ne to subn: it to h1n1;i:clf as he \'.a3 wh n fortune sn iled and and lonely part fJf the road 1 e was about your uncouSt;JOD tlile de1na nds 1 sho ted tie · lair s· ti e g ii had prom nod to be hi. to draw it out and sola e h1n1 self with a an,.,1y old rnan Go a vny Then u en oty brn 1ght back the mJ<iortune· gla.11ce of the spark hug J8\'\ els but the you a v1lla1u t l nt n11;sa.il1t<l h in-his endeavo ~ tu itigau thougl t was abAndoned \T th a st trtlecl I n w1 at vol ha\ e n1acle his I osr twu-that gentle gn ' hvpe1ul g lanoe u oun l 1 nn Jegt an'\i one should lie le l replv You leJt llle tony o vn rtso ces 1rog1 ost1cat 01 s of ltiUt;ccss 111U l1ei a11.1cnL lurk1r~1¢ar wboladdninellu11ntenhon 'vi en poo1 n1otbe1 d1el "hv did not 'ou l ro n1scs to v it io1 b ru for )errrs N 01 Then there ca.rue u1onl1m u L. end tl a.t he ket!p 11e out of evil co1npanJ and g vc c uuld he h rl f om l msdf ho~ as he to 1 was fQllO ved by .sou1e person or persona tl e n1e tns to do better 1 It \\ s ti ie c13 and ed fo1 n oncy he leJ,IDe i to lo'\ie the dto.:'!S who had !ta ked h m from the office of such hke wh J took pity 01 me '"' ien I to value 1t far fru be)ond ts 'vo1th 116 Jnbe ,,_Gil~s tlrn.t formgner H16 '-'Wae naked and st.a1 vmg..,....a.nd i I J.: I a.t R3 h1 s-~t1>re ine:reased the image(;[Jii11 knees trembled under hnn and he e.xpe:::id theru tis your fa tit not n 1 ne beciotl ed fa<\ed ort of bio 1 c <It Ho v ed one of the I ennies rece1\ el f1 on1 Giles 1- 1 feed you cned the n11sc1 Do JOU "ell too he rem em be1 ed ti eu p 1rt ng on two stout lads~ to l eep tbe1n near b1m kuow that I was well to do uni l I "u How and yet ho v t e1 der she wa. Faie until he could snt11fy hill self that it fool eno igh to be security for y our lather 1 well she s~nd-t h e v-. ords :\ermed to be not the case All the while the wmd blew He itt led o.nd ruined n1e Am I to go 11.ng1ng 10 hi s llOYl'-farcw ell I glve and rage~ ·nd roar d a10und h s thm form tluo lgh the sa ne p1oces8 " tth h i equall) you back yo1 r trot 1 If "e e'er ineet buffc!I g lnm so ·P tcf lly ti a he had \Vorthless son 1 aga o I sl · ll 1 IO) that rt may Le 1 hen vou n1uch aJo to ~tand ngan st lt But hia Not a word against the dead voc1fe1 :it hM e rdr ri ed to the God J 011 am now fo1 dreaiy l veil 1g vhosc ti re·hold tbe foot cd Drake conung towards bun w1tl cicr cb gettrng and l1>ve overcome the hatelul of \Vonian never crgssed whose valls never ed fi t Not ~ "u1d aga nst ti em or- vice l hnt JS r o ;v for ever separatn g u11 echoed 1nth the merry laugl1tor of tie Or you d st1 ke n e eh 1 Fell n e to tie Ile I ad told hunself scores of tunes that ) oung 'vas in mgbt at la11t l\1ore eagerly ear ti a id then rob me I suppo'e 1 An l it '\as better so a w1f~ woL ld have been than e\er 1 e pre!sed onw~ud lliventing an as \Vorm\lold ietrented betore l 1s fierce an expe1151\ e iuc mbe1ance an<l that no errand f I Job H ardcastle which at as nephe\o\ he shd Ins h and 1 ito the pocket man was tu bla r c 101 gathenn up 11ches 0 little outlay ~ s poss ble woulcl tuke lnm ti at I el 1 the d1a1uond necklace for his old age Bit some! 011 to night I e Thuo cl d n y lacoratetl ·pmt ci l out 11 even a· Rachel 'veep ng 101 } er ch dten Br tone iav of 1 ght p e1 etrnted tho despan of my ·O I '11 e 1 nd e1 tuker took l is I ay m Job prmt ng an l ti e sexton owed me a little account I sb01 Id not I ave gotten any other waJ Why shoul l 11 0 p ne 11.t the mv~ter ous ' ay s of P1u' idcnce anl vie n ty 1 (Nata contnd1u1n ) agoi ' .a ng t lo · wl skey '1 op )-\\ell I believe 1 ..-witt......-.:pend mv d 011; in crncke1 s tlus morn1ng :> BW AR!Tm!ETIC -S ck gent walk Bar I e·per l and· l m\ crack er. ' I cl he tastes I can1 ot stand the1n hr111 tly 101 the cr ckera g i' e rr e ~0111 e "as Thu keep~1 g1veti Lull s rr1 e b1nt cly He pour~ lt out su1ell!ii of 1t sbal es lna hea I Don t thmK [ can go il rt G ve me " OI e vb1skeJ for the brandy Ear k.t::eper 1 ande l 1 1 ou t the wl is key Hd turns o 1t a fu.11 glass dr111ka 1t dow n. and then sta1 ts OL t Bar keep·t - bulil ou !hero yot o not J 01d me lot that wl 11l<e) Srnk geut - I gave you the brandy for tho wliake) ou WelJ ,ou al it paid me for the bi r dy I"' sr For he n1 1.: st be got t he Agenc1eB JAME S GRA"l l R es Sccrctn..ry W in. Barton, E~JHSKILLE~ ~ les prom1 tly attended to on re;'.!aonable terms. AGENr FOR 130\'I MA~ Hl r ll C :(lARKlllt 23 ly Mrs. C. BOUNSAI.L, KI NG S I .BOWMA:t\ VILLE Observer Olli e Jun e 24tli K l[ g St B l GS to anno nee t o the p blic that she u no v opem g a choice selec..-t1on of B ON N ETS HATS RlBBONDS lLOJVERS FEATHERS VELV~TS iid AIILLT:E. ERY n gi; e .i.l lu ch :vJll be sold at the lo Mt pos R blo pl ce con ta. m g L st s of 1 000 ~t'! H!pape s a d eat. best part ot I alf ~ n ho r ~as conl!nrriecl tnat es sho u g the cost of adverts ng alao Worm 01d with the d ·mo1 us I ilden be ma y seful h1 ts to <1.dvert sera and somo ae count of the ~xpenences of men who are kn~ n t'1'een his hands \\as 1 a fever of doubt SUCCESS]'UL ADVERTISERS The and unpahence He \\avered b tween the AT :M ONTREAL PRICES t as firm a c p opr ctor§ of the Ame1 Jean N ewspap" fea1 of beu go e1rttacht>d ancl an sane de Advertll:nng A gency P~rk Row New York sire to po!'!sesa tl e Jewels One s nall cir E RAVE 1'I OW <\. COMPLETE asgort an 1are I 41 01:1sessed of unequaled fac1ht es o 1e cumstunce d ee ded l 1n1 As G Jes went to ment of P&per Bazt! wl cl ve -w 11 R ell at cu 1 g tho insert n of advel't1f:! el1le1 t s n all Montrea P1 ce.s The paper is f t he b e t quhl !\ e spapers n.nd Ptl'lod cals s.t lewest rates l ~ Ue!'t.k Jor a note wl e1e'fl1th to pay the ity and we gu¥'a.ntee that no e of t l f. B November 9th 1871 foreigner l s open chquo book caught tick together '!he follo ring is the Bowm uv1lle "" t It I " Pl ened tl at Jabe Gtles, nc v cus temcr wu.s a forc1gne1 wl o wLShe l to sell ll per ons who contemplate mak ng con t acts 1th ne spapers for the mser t11)n of so1ne old co us and b et een the d tl1c1 lty Adv e t semen ts should send to of om pt eh end ng 111 at he ·a <l an l mak Geo p rng l m comprehend r I , turn the mtri f r a C c la. or encJose 25 cents for tl & cacies of lour wet)hts and measures th~ ONE RU1'1DRED PAGE PAMPHLET TO A:OVE:RT:CSEB.S ! Rowell & Co A 0 39 P.APEB HA.GS W No · PRICE LIST PE:R lOOC _ Size 7 Si 8 8 10 10 11 11 ~l Suk ' elv-0t or S av Bonuet3 elija.n.ed &e. as us al ti nl Do'1 ro_.,..nv ll13 Oct lat 183!) - - ----- t 2 s b,- Ma iill· ISSUI: D Bl ROBERT ARMOUR. 13owmau v1lle D e c 10 186-D NOTICE. JOHN MoDOUGALL ti 36 3 4 6 6 7 8 10 12 14 20 9 10 11 Si 1 95 l3 o yn 1 ao 12j 13! 15 130 2 00 2 30 2 80 330 3 55 423 5~0 12 13 14 lo 17 17 18 19 680 6 60 740 980 All pel dOl rs t cs1 ass ng on the property kn·1'in . 25 30 '1e F o dden l.i u~ rJ.11 bi prosec ted No 14 21 ll 9.0 14 23 14 00 WHITE r.E.A DAGS j 1 2 H O 2 20 2 55 3 00 3 30 3 75 4 35 4 95 5 GO 660 855 10 00 11 50 J 20 thousand-before he could learn the rest an the stone.s at his feet the desk \\as closeu la l be no lon 0 er St 11 dazed b) tl e violence of tbe blow ifE S bsct1ber in returning thanks to the doubted the deale1 s truth he P t up I , hr J It came m coutact ml ab tants of We1:1t D ll'ham for the liberal s ppo1t wh ch t1 cy ha\e given him begs tom W th trembl ng eagernc,s he paid for rnth a (·aiful gash JUSt above tho temple orm all tho e who are in want of a. lns purcha>1e 1n n te :;, n I 1cl he rlrew from froni "hell the blood \!far:s fttst fio ~ing 'lbe a secret pocket in h s '~a ,,tooat aud then tl iobbini::i smaiting sensation ,vas no , rn hurried a\VO.) a.1ar1ned at the prospect of creae ng to agony and l old 1 g t ~ } and that they cat be supplied by h m as cl eap ~ lieu g overtaken bv n ght ere he teache l k erclncf to the v.: 0 und he :-.taggered to tl e any other l ouse in the t ade He has also for sale the celebrated ho1ue and deposited the necklace in a pl ~ce door A OARD. the mi,ers eye 01 es nft glance showed him that · che<1ue had been cha" l for one SI e was dead aid had died poor b1 t those Old gent" 0 orng 11 to a fit I do behe1 e she bad helpe<l an l ta ight f llo eJ her to that cunn1ngly con tr ved receptacle wh ch n utterel Drake Here Job brrng some her grave "1th tt:ars-a r d blc8:;111gs Who DIJ one could disco\ er \y1thout bis a.~s1st '\ ate1 foi 'fHtr n1aste1 Be quick \\Ot ld rnourn for l 1m wl en tl e <leath he No no gasped the rn se1 I want noth dreoded overtook h m nnce He had passc I 1101 gh ll e gale of tl e ing-n th ng hut to b<! r:id of you Go-go Ihen be began to th nk wl ot a burdan unall1orecout when a. gustof,vnd 1nore Here" money-hem" a slnlhug \~ell and anxiety h s wealth had been I o 1 Yiolent than anv of tie preceding oneb "ell here is 111 o Sl ame on Jou fo1 de 1 any hot1r~ of toil it 1 ad cost to an1a5s ll ; wl irle l m dly round tie cornc> of the pr1'!1ng me of the1n Take th en1 and go ho' manJ 1rnkef ii hour· lest he · o Ild house there "a.'3 a luud crash and a loose !\.nd in Lit; eagerne1s to be rid of h s v1s1to1 lose 1t Dear as t \l'a~ there were paLns !late lay at Mr \Vorn1wold s feet broken l!IO: that he n1 ght l!learch for tl e dian1ond::> aud penalties atlached to its possesa1on ar.<l Worm \Vold pres:;cd the 1noney upon hnn into frag1nen t~ ho sighed dol·f lh as be tl ougl t so and Pshaw cned Drak e rudely What lS rem1 led h mself that it :vas for b :.. wca tn He } ad etagg1red back as it fell half stunned by tt e -v olent blow Lt 1nfhcted on the i sc of that 1 l should "nnt some more the vo ing baronet ~as depr "ed of 1 fe his l eal 111 ts descent His hat v;as in the morning Pt:lake it soverings w thin a !cw feet of wl ·ro he lay broken-· ac te pan began to make itself Heie" water-what" it for 1 asked Tab Wo11nwold was in general n. brave n1an folt-a1 din the lnll wb ch followed lie counng in wnb a Jr g And 1 ere 1s a th ng and scot ted tl.J e 1 le l of 'isions or epu ts co 111 ear large drop· of somcth ug falhn 0 as I p eked up Just outStdc the door Is it but to rnght as he lay t1 er w th hIS " vou1s 1\-Ir~t 1 D1lke1 11 e w .,er \Y1th a \\ Id cry s!l.atcl e 1 ti e necl lace from l 1s hand He 1einem lierc l 1 O\V that he was holding it 1 etween h1s -fi 1gcrs, "hen the slate struck In n and n stead of droppn g it back mto lus pocket 1 e c1ted f \UC' nd of wl rl e tie m sei lnd ln° purchase m the secret place wh ch I eld h ' hoard Pale and panb g w1tl1 fie1 0 l t he l rop ped into a chair It \\M gone-gone 1ound httle comfort frorn theae assurancc a I gave lo I the brnn ly for the cracke rs sir Well yo i a nt j i d me for the oracl ers 'Vt!ll i 1 vou have )Olll c1ucl e1s) et Why 1' life the 11d Ile of riddles 7- Be cause "e inust gn e 1t 1p When yo i are r mmug from a mad bu11 to be slow 1sn t ta be s rre When should you apply a sovereign ie medy to ) o 1r tooth 1-When it ,. a ki y The music a11 ' 1 o cau niake h1s beai 11 s forget time inay be excl sed ior not keeping it A youn6 \\ td ow "a!'l ed why she W Q.'J gm g to get 1 ar r e l so soon a fte1 the death of her t rst husban I -Oh lo. sad she I do it to preyent trettmg n J sell to tleath on RCCOUI t f my dear l OIU T Do I e I ank sa1 I 'ouog Mr Sim h to Miss Franms wl o Lee1 qu zzug h m But Ed ard I have been details of the n mdcr a cold ch 11 crept lor an l OUl Fiauk twenty fiH years and I shot ltl like o'er him and 1 e thr 1st 1 ts bead \lnder tht: to try some otLer name J :.JSt for a. cha1 ge vi v1dly picturing the horrible clothes ~as Fl RST CLASS STOVE II must h.1 e let it fall on the eai tl D1arr1onus by Jo\ e ex..clarmeJ Drake step11ng forward to take a 11ear glance RUTTAN rl HOT AIR STOVE, of ,.[etJ A long 'valk w aa before bun for ren1.s ale Job Hitn1castle can1e ~1ambh1~ along the A NEW PAINT SHOP ,I a. nt1 g i n all t.q b n.nchea r a s tyle a.n<l at cha o-es to su t all You J 11trontt~e 18 respect ;( ll J eri. wsted 0 HF. SUBSCRI Blrn h as >ented the Paint T Rho1 over )fr G Han s Sho v Roo n vhere he v 11 b e I rep are<l to execute C::n $1 70 2o0 2 ul 8~ 3 2o Sole Agent betwee l Port llope at d 'Io o ltl.'I N B Flou1 Sacks lll Stock 7 9 : 6i by 81 8j 10 11 S1z· wh1cl ~no in uati at all the 1Jnnc1pal railway stat ons n Canada I t ts JUSt t1 e th ng fo Churches Halls and public buildings He s also manufacturing the BEST Age it for "th e ~cl HOT AIR DRUM tn Canada. C Bo\.RKER B o vmanv1 le Oct ' th 1871 " MORRIS01'1 3m 2 B.HYME AN:O LIME. A ltttle Rhyme came J st in t me And all about the best of Lune L me fro111 the \Vest of the very beat :Not beat in fl.UY 1uarter r me that will t1-lwa,ys stand the t est "\\ l en ma.kt g into mortar I will try and keep u. goo l 1:1 1 pl) For1t1aal ays anted That when you a.ll corne to buy You 11 not bt1 d sappo nted Yo l ill always find it dry an l f 1 e h And that 1s sometb ng bonnie So come a.long and try thus L me But don t forget the n)oney Hours of dehve:,y f1am N nea..m to F ourp m Uon1e1 of 4,ncen and Ontario Street Sewing Ma.chines. & Wilson the Howe the Osborne Se v1ng nee ~he eler passage to odrr t h m and started Lack open 111ol tl ed when be saw }us nHlale1 s wol l let ~sted tax 0 athercr3 Y t on the coucht1on other hand he 11as equalh feaif 1 of resrd SI ut ti e door Don t yo see how the iug 111 son1e lonely place wl ere a r unour of candle 1s ng and wast ng 1 Wh :i.t made Lis sav1nga rntgbt expoR C hnn to the ' 8ltS of br rglars After long sea.rob he has baen _you l ght one before I en ne bon1e 1 'Vbat !O fort nate as to 1neet t1 i l on~e tl at co ld Jou want with one 1 Don t you cost e;u1te l bun A respectable red br ck com me en ol gh w1thot: t sucl wrlful extra\ a high 1n and near Londo1 nn l l\.lr Worm fortaOlc looking <.lwell ng 1n c cry way ga ce 7 tedly Vi hii.t 1 r1chculoul! ich~a A wo1th less st11ng of l e.... de ~bat 1;1 all I ot even good ln1 t at o e rrasl I assure yo John-mere trash In fac t I ho gl I ti em laughter that man \it ctory !rlone Uhose Go awny \: d youI papE:t I a l ] renchman Ncv.sboy v1\h "h ch 1 e bad fast ened In ieclf rn h e All I ght yer hon r here!! &nothc1 wl ere be 0 an to wonder \hether lns ea1~ dece1· ed t I e Gerrnan s ha got a lunvf 111 ck1n Madam said a croso tempered phJ uc a1 h 1n No tht!rc th ey \\ eie a.0 a1n those to g1v~to g 'e 'to a ch Id-a little girl 1na1 t1c1 late n1uunur ugs and si;: z ag the to a patient il \\Omen '~ere nd1n1t.ted to parad1ec then ton~u es woulcl 1t n I ru-I m fond of -that s all i istol that a \ ays la.y under hH; I I llow he purgatory Aud l'!Gim e ph; s1c1aus 1t allow Job Hardcastle bur:s t into a loar of asked loudlJ 11 ho spoke But the nme1 I uduled it o t of sight No no you are m1etaken le aa1d ag1ta Int] is postl re he fell asle~p \Ta1..1ng ai;, a. clock 1n a cl l rch close by began to 11.triz:e tlelo1roftl\O ~.:'!tleseu1dsdedawav the~ were followed by oth~r.s so !tT an 0 e that he sprL ng up in I e bed \.'"01ces we1e wln>ipern g so c ose to him that instinct iveJ, he p1t out 1 s I anl to grasp the sp\!ake1~ Then ien1e111.Jen )g tie c1a ~ the arch reply No card· Shall I help yo to ah"lit I said a young ge1 t] e111n.n adJressing n bou nc ng co lntry uu l 'Y\ bo l\a& prepar ng toJuinp hom a car nage n front ot hie oilice 11 ank yo s r owecth repli d the g il I it I dot t smoke N owsboy Evemng paper edit1on E1 enrng po per -te1 th Another gr at Ger Well fev er I l!earrl the like o master vol a run1 uu ed to practice r·J hed the lady vonld A L L AM LIN E STEAMSHIPS. Ln e1pool London ond Gkisgow Fon ick ts or 1nf nna.t on apply to W A NEADS A gent B Q m:in tlle June 9th 1871 tf 30 i FOR LI VERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN NMAN LINE of Royal Mail Ste·mers ·ail Ivery ng from N ew Y o k e ory Saturday and l h trsday r1ckets sold to a.nd from 1'ELLO WLEES & QUICK Agent Bo\\man,1 E nglun l I ,;:land and the C ntment at as low i at es a. by any other I ne J'd n G Dalv lo :Brpadwsy New York Bo"« manv1lle Jt ne 9th 1871 lROS BOWDEN Bowma~ille ~fit:rch 11th 1871 no24 tf DR CARSO N'S DR. DAVIDSON, Colle of J>hY MEDICINES. Vic GRADUAfE of th· Roy·l Under~adua.tu a.nd W t oria s cw.ns of Engl~nd a.nd Un1vers ty of College Cobourg 0 0 'fJ:IE GREATEST :PUBLIO BENE FIT OF THE AGE zema.n flf the Univers ty of I'oronto and f;-nivrus ty of Qu.een-ii College Kingston. Mem ud for wh ch notice the ma.ny fe.::.t11non1als ber of the College of Phys cian! and Surgeom {a. few of them i;nclosed in ' vrar pera ai'Ound f 0 itar 0 s irgery and Iteeidenc~ on K~ ach bottle ) with a numerous list of respectable S tJ et second door of l\rlr May D&.r person! names who testify to the super o qua.I Hotel t es of hia various C0mpounds viz L ng Syrup · A Bo wmanville Vetermary Surgery &. J :MARTIN RM P 6 GB Con:it pat on Bitten: L1v~r Compound Co gh Drop'-'·· w O\ m Specific ffice u I{ l!i Street east of Heuderaen I '8'" The ttbo:ve :Med c nes can be obtau1ed fr om Hotel R ndellae L 1bertv Street 1 ea1 D Stott :Bo"tmtfl\."llle 1(, Fothergll ~ e :v t l G R a.11 vay Stat 01 Bowma.nliille. Calls punc aotle L A Gam·PY Oro o ually attende 1 to Vt:tenna.ry n1ed c1nes ;i,lway1 m47 ly ., b·nd ly bp mri29 on8 O . . Pn n Rel c er &c · 0 ! val t ve1 C·n<lle reto1tccl Job S lei ce and q nt the room Do yo i 1espectal le cit zens' ho prefi;ir to pass the r w1th sud ness ' l.L d l is r 1af:lter esteemed hear I 11 e ui lSler 'oc1fer ited '8 one prool of l11s ho 1esty An I hdn t Im · gomg amt I l gr unl led Job I lost an' ti mg 1 He was it of becl rn an Bo.,vmanville Aug 3 18"1 n-14 n ghts an 11 eep then fa·o1i10s bevond the gospel gorng up and pork gorng <lowu dense atmospl ere of tl e London sn1oke I ght t nayther-now then 'Yous ul'i'oays un1stn t laugl nor nothing elae I t 1 stn 1t str1ktng n light ~ ith hands that '\>Vhata to becon1e uf 1 s 1 Tl c mn11ste1 a l F~e"tiV'ell, Tl ere "ere tnany such hou!les on e\ e1 y goin on at n1e about sometl ng or J oth e1 I'. ell I ·I ould like to see th ti ere cl 11 tremLleu so they almost defeated the pur vise· l 1m to go West m th tho hog· Yo J cln t hght i l asked th e mioer Slde stleets of thcin - terraccs tr ingles !l at 1 ·o fond o '°u master-that I I ose & A sl1ort time s1nce as a " ell known n a.a: a"Rd sq 1ares of th e1n all so n nch ohke prupp ug h nu;elf ag<uust the door for he should And he '"'ent off lnto another Ago. l be func ed he licaid the inurwur ter over a grammar school was censuring a BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS was. &1ck and faint-You did nt do it 1 Wba.t that it "r1.S h an.l ti.) tell one fro H another chuckle out01de the door mg vo ce s 0 h All- all lost Goltl-Jewels pupil for tho dulneSI! of lns con1prehens1on "olic tors Conveyancers,NotanesPublic vet the lio se Mr \Votm volt! sec uetl hail do )Oi.t inea.n and consent111g to instruct J 1m In practICe, The unser felt that bl8 stiength 11as fat -all not been d"e:lt 1n for )Cars nor could any Why twas l mas ht t WI a match out failrng and afraid of l 15 nephew whooc OFFTGE AT Mr Mo?t:lur la th1s a f11endly 't\ arn1ng l the 1n1ser he 5atd Is not the price of n per ny l un al ways a l cnny 1 when the boy 1n1 ocently one but him elf b fo nd hard) enough to o lua own pockct-h m as is up stairs a. fixed stare unne1 \ ed lum he reluctant!) t y s Sto1-e lo 1 lly excla1 ned Orio ·ome one ployrng rep! ed No m they sell them two for OF11CE IN OsBAWA-Fire:t door no1th of th tenant it waiting to ~ee ye l rod iced half a. sovereign a trick upon me 1 If so let them beware thiee half1 encc "l en the) o.rc ~tali P ost Office It was a house of ill on1en The oldeet Rascal cried J..Ir 'Vorm wold forgetting Mone~ to loan at lo'v rater; of mt&rest I can t spare rnore f ohn- I really can t Jor I om "ell acmed Two good raat red Inshm·n on a certarn E F;REWELL I LB R MoG·n Jl A mhal 1trn\e bad dark tales to tell conc·rn hi· rnJ u;ics u his wrath Haven t I told Take that a 1d go or I 11 call m the pol c" A P'"l of n ockrng lat ~hter echoed ·"cas10n oocnp etl the eame bed In th e J A:YES RUTLEDGE B A 11 g it If a fraudulent trader had e1 er rnk you repeatedly n ve1 to a<lnnt any one In mormng one o! them rnqmrc<l of tlie other torouoH JOU I I \\ill-I 11111 tb1or h the lonely house and then a Bo man"\<,lle Dec 17th 1869 0 en 1p l is abode ainongst them it was l'!afe my absence especially myi uffauly n< phew Den ms d d you hear the tb1 nder last mght? You needn t trouble then said John sile1 ce followed, liroken only by lm 01' n JSo Pat did 1traly thunder 1 Ye· it thun to ha' e been rn that hot se If cl olera or Is 1t he i s tppressed breathing Gro111ng desperate Job nodded eaulJ The rncon ven ence Wlll be._youia dered as if Juven and airth would come to any oth~I ep1dcm1c vuuted the ueigltbor How dared you ?-Low dared vou 1 Mi not nnne for of comoe as yon vran t ·hell m his uncertatnt) Wornrnold suddenly gether Why thrn d1dnt J e wake me fot houd it wa.s there it made 1ts greatest ra.v out more hbernlly the E .. ult will s mply Jlnn 0 opon hll door and emeiged mto the J e know I cant slape whm it thunders age; the gang of coiners who 10 th8 spec1 Wormwol ladded pnmonately The followmg powerful appeal was made I d d not m t him cned Job now then be I shall have to come agarn all tl1e sooner pa·sage b1, hght m one band hts pistol ors d180 u1se of a fore gner co 1nt and coun ln a Yankee court of JU·t1ce by a learn ed CAUTION He milted h ss·lf Ht Jrnocl<s and oays He spun the com m the ntr ·I pped it nervously grasped in the other te·s, v1ctmnsed all the t1adespeople round The feel,Jle ghmme1 of hs mall candle member of the bar -Gentlemen of the Jury, Th er I will it mto Ins wa ·tcoat pocket and lelt the I em sole agent for L!l.Zt\.RUS& MOR about r ented it o.nd to coi.: er it with h e Old rn m J No says I do y·n thmk my client 1'1 o hves m a Qnly 1 t p a sp.,.cc 11n1ned1n.te 1y a cund pleasant \<l.llev whn1e lnnd ts n cl a.rd the ery well ia.J ~ I all I room followed by 1118 1nclc \ ho wa.Q on RI;:; perfoeted Spcotacle· and E1 e Glas mg disg1ace an 11 orror th ere bad been a wa t sa' $ I e hi n bit m t1 e datkuess beyond thcic soil" fo1t1le wo ild le gu !ti of ·te·lmg ses They i eve1 s ipply or emplov rnv dreadful rn 1rde1co1n1111tte 1 \\ tl 1n its wa1l1 was a sh tt n 0 to the door when 1 e puts thorns tn! 1 he 8"W blln sa'eh barred ho ttred a tall shadowy form whoo· ex I tlle ·ke u. of cotton I l thrnk not-I reek h, foot ag nit No oa)s he I ] kc' tie our of the I ouse Yo 11 i at SOJ orJ A yo lg baronet i n m~n::ie1 \ wealthy otl ers IIoweveI spec o 1s the pretence "-nd I gue" on not- I calc late not t sai I '011 t. t to th t g abont the s lly tunkc t I w s fool t>h end ed a1 ins 1 v te l bun tu Iullow aa it gentlemen ol tl e Jury that you I ad better u adc 1 bern tl it they have thetn do not and fooh·hl y goo<l na\ red ·uffered himself ins11e of t best B iJed to\\ ar i e the i;taircase 0 be lit n Tl e i I W: gn cs a. sbo e al! ~cndg eno i. : g1 to b 1y 1 let.aired l n for a nomen bring u y ehen t In I ot gtulty for 1t J ou beh e' e it "OU "ill ba ii w nd el if y au do to be decoyed he1e aoJ. ' as see n no iuore It \HI.Iii no t 1u man to resut a tl nll of eonv1ct bun he and hlB ~on J an n "1U t hrash J ' A "-RON BUCKLER agent for Bowman unti l the polv·e d acovered b s 1P.: na na 1n tne backwards an Qay1 he I an1 in Tl en They l 1g1 t fa1 cy- as JOU cl a t 11 It nde W ·· the wl ole ol yot the cellar Tl ere "ere ot1ll trace 0 on the says I my o1 Jer,'" to pit! y· out agun cen· I IJoll-tl at it '.\I RS valuable and ter1 or iww and the miser 1ecoilecl ville nml vi ou ity L. QUICK. :U:oGee,, adaJ te I for tl e re8ldence of one of those I a du t Lor }(o answer '\:as returned s.;ive the ruur soon make 1t a desert murs seem~U tu fo1m t1 enlstl ea lnto tl e --A ebu1cl mcmlier at Golesb.rg lll word· Lost lost All lust I as h11:1 pe v reL t Ia s~d to $2v a year and What 1' lost 1 Good I ea' e> s lave I arose at d spoke 111 m.eetlng-sa1d le Gieat Cesar heres a nice state of aflalrB he1es tl1e 'r I -~--"---~---= --- --

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