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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Feb 1872, p. 3

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.. -·----- -~ THE :MERCHANT, FRIDAY, Fli::SRU.A.RY 9, 872. Mrs. E. Cawker, in retiring f rom busines$, begs to return he1· sincere tba.nks to her n umerous patrons, for their l ibera.1 support d uring the time she has b·en io business. A t the same time-, @he be.~s to announce, tho.t she has retired in £aver of her two Sons, ·whom she trusts, by STJNG1' ATTENTION TO BUSINESS nud supplying- a FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, i11T h11ibitanta of Ilowma.nville n,nd surrounding country, that he has the HE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform the to still mel'it thnt patrona;e ao liberally bestowed upon her. BEST SELECTION OF STOVES ever ft'ercd in the Town, coffiprising 1 CORN FOR SALEI John McDougall Something long wanted by Everybody- Everybody his or her own Painter, 1n view of important changes to be made in my busines~. during the la,t .. ter part of February, I wottld offer the rerrrnfoder of my WHOLE, OR CRACKED. A few only of those splendid Stall No. 1. Market Buildings. Cooking, Par·lor, Box, ancl C, al llowma.nville, Jan. 18th, 1872. 16-tf. Dr. J. Ball & Co's Stoves, of the latest patte,.ns, and of the Best Workman. ship, which he will s~ll aa cheap a.s in a.ny ?i-Iarket in the D_nmrnion. Also Agent for the TWEED SHIRTS at S. · F. HILL'S. Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitia EYE-CUPS. BASE BURNER ANJJ HEATER l ant-.A1 ter-ial Btood. The ner·vcs resume their tone· the Vt! SSel.s recover their power: the globe Call and ex.amine St.01:es and prico3 before assu~es itf:! proper i;, size, and brillianc:'i'.; purchasing elsewhere. a.lldiseased ac ti@n is a.rresteG,._nnd cured. 'fhe1r objt>ct is ti) bring- the sight to a n~tn 1·al focus, by restoring the diminished convexity or flatness of the Cornea of the Eye, which is gradually Hardware of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, &c., &c. r:-i.ised to its original eonvcxity,causing the rays of li""ht to converge on the retina without the ah.l ~f convex lenses ar glasses; thus a special remdy for theee whose sight is beginning to fail r\.._ from a.<Te, They add vitality nnd strength to the eve thi'.:s securing a pt·oper aecretion,and rernov-· llus.~ia and i1)g ~be Ct\l186 of all o rganic, rrh ia WOU- An Assort?nent of 1'hiwarc. flel'fnl effect is produced without pain or the Gomrnon Iron Steve ]Jipes, Gallows leMt possibility of injury to the eye. ljipes, D·urnb Stoves, d}c., JJc., Many of eu1· most eminent phy:licians, occulkept en h~nd ii:ts student s 'and divines, haYe had tlieir sight per; n.tly restored fo1· life, and cured of the Hot Air Drums made to order. following diseases: 1. In) pai red V ision i 2. or Prt:sbyopia, or Far Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on Sightednes~, or Dimness of Vision, commonly the most improved J.?!ans. c:illed Bhuring ; 3. AHthenopia.,or Weak :Eyes, 4. Epiphora., Running or Watery Eye.s; 5. $ore Eyes-specially treated with tbeo Eye CupsW orlcmanship seconcl to none vn cure gua.rn.nteed ; G. Weakness of the Retina., the Dominion. or Optic Nerve; 7. Optha.lmia,, or In fl~mma. tion of the Eye a.nd its appendages, or imperfect vision f1·nm tb.e effects of Inflammn.tion; S. All kinds of J obbiug done on the Sh art est Photopbolna, or Intolerance of Light; 9. OverN otiet, and at rea>1onable in·ices. \Vorkcd Eyes; 10. 1\-lydesopia.-moving ~pec~H EDWIN HORSEY. or tloa.ting bodie.s before the eyci:i; Amauros!s, or Obscurity of \ 7 ision; 12.~Catarn.cts, Parttal Bown: ~nville, 16thAugu:st, 1871.· 40-Jy BlindnesR ; the loss of sight. A11y one can use the lv?r1 Eye Cups with?ut the nid of Doctor or ~Ied1c1ne, so as to receive jmmecliate beuefici:J. results and never wear spectuclcs; or, if using now, to lo..y them aside forever. \Ve gua.rante~ a. mtre n1 every case '"'here the directions are followed, or "\Te will refund the money. B with that be9t n.nd ind1spenslble nnunn.1 y .t~hcir .use, the ahrunlcer: and en(eebled aye, either 1n. young_ or·. old, 1~ n.t on~e supt;>lied sbm~~ T. DARLINGTON, Celebrated American ff1\.\TE Just received a Choic~ lot of McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the purest materials us©d, and req 11iring no fmther mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. '.f.lhei l' cow position coru;ists solely of · NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, WINTER STOCK AT TI N -W- R E Da.tes, Lemon, Orange a.:n.d Citron :Peels, NUTS IN GR~AT GREATLY REDUCED Persons in want of RATES. VARIETY. Cash paid for any quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens at McCLUNG BROS Al.sol Barrels and noxes of Beau.titull. Candies, with an a.sso1'tment of DRY GOOTJS,, . CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington has again received a.not.her lot of tboas celebrated will find this a good opportu!lity of gettillg Goods at PURE LEAF TEAS, Quality is the Test of Gheapnm. BowmMi.villc, Deo. 22nd, 1870. n12-tf 'UNlIEAitD OF LOW PRICES. Parties indebted to me will much 0blige, by settling the same as soon as possible. P.iwe Color Pi,rc White Lead Pv.11·e White zinc, Linseed Oil, Spir·its of 1'ivrpeni'ine, &: D1·ye1·s, ccarefully and scientifically combined. The consumer can have any de· sired shrcde .of color n eatly put nr, in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paillt is a Brush, rts the wh61e can be done by himself, or by any member of his household. The Subecriber purchased the BUSINESS .AND S'l'OCK of the late Richard 1fartin, will be pleasf'd to see W. I\{Cl\iURTR Y SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. Bowmanville, April 13th, 1871. PU RE WH !TE LEAD, A large stock j ust ·rec~ived, for aut... umn pa.inLing, imported direct from the English Manufact urers,including Jam es' Genuine, and the Celebrated 2309 Certificates of Cure, From honest Farmere, lt-Iechanics a.nd Mercha.."'1.ts, some of tbeu1 the moet eminent leading professional and business men and women of ed. uca.tion and retinelnent, in our country, may be seen at our office. Under dat(-i of March 29, lion. Horace Gree· ley, of the New York Tribune,· writes: ~' J. Ball, of ~ur city, is a conscientious and respon. tible man, 'vho is incapable of intentional decopsion or i_~position. Prof. W. }i!Ierrick, of L exint:ton, Ky., wrote April 24th, 1!:169: Without m.v Spectacles I _pen y>u this note, after using the '.Pa.tent 1 vory Eye Cups thirteen days, and this morning perutted the entire contents ot a Da.ily Newspaper, and all with the unassisted Eye. 'I)l_!_l:Y a.m I gr:\teful to your noble invention, may H eave n bless f\nd preserve you. I bn1fe been using spec~acltis twenty yea.L-a ; I a.m yeara old. Truly yours, Prof. W. ~1e.r1 ick. R EV. JOSF.Pll Sr.ttTH, )1alden, Mal's., cured of Partial l:Slinclnese, of 18' standing, in one r.!linute, by the l"atent Ivory Eye Cups . . E. 0. Rr.Lrs, late \1ayor of Dayton, Oh10 1 wrote us Nov. l:')tb,1869: I l1ave tested the Pa.tm1t I vot'y Eye Cups ,and I a1n satisfied they are good. I am plea.Red with them; they are tbe gl'eatest invention of tha age. OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND ROOSTER BRAND, g11.a1·anteed znire. ALSO A full Sto ck of Groceries and Confectionary kept on ha.nd. REWARDS. --:6:-We have just opened one of the . A Lar1e Stock of NEW FRUITS, for ,. , N.B.--It is my intention to supply the COUNTRY TR.ADE with LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF CONFECTIONART, as woo Ohri1tmas and New Years, at Low Prices will be.found at MoCLUNG BROS all standard colors, oils vamishes, and painters' materials. Call and see how cheap " house can be painted and decorated; for all these goods will besolcl atReclucecl fig1i1·es, 2000 Gallons of formerly done by lt-Ir. Martin. MA.CHIN:B 01L H HORWOOD Bowma.nville, Dt>c. 7th, 1871. 10-tf Sabbath School Libraries and Re,vards eYer offered for sale in Bowrnanville. Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purchase Rewards, will plea~e to re.!llember two things: First, Our Stock of School Books is no old stuff: picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. We h11ve sold out imd refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen times during the p-st year, and have now purchased so largely, that we h[LVe not room to exhibit them. Please c01he and take them awrty. Second, We lrnve not marked our books at~high :figures, with the view of taking off a large cliscount. They are marked low for general sale, a.nd a discount of TEN l'ER CENT. will be allowed on purchases ranging from $1. to $50.; over that amount FIFTEE:< PEH CEN'l'. will be ailowcdWe respectfully invite an inspection of our 0. BO UN SALL, I MPORTER, MANUFACTURER, nn DEALER in all the varieties of · N Ji,' A R-S I G HT ED NE S d. For the worst caa.e:3 of ftfynpia, or Near·t!ighttldnas, use our New Pa.tent h-Iyopic Atta.chu1ent~. applied to the IYO.BY EYE·CUPS 1 ha! µroved 9i cel' cure for this dis-ease. of different kinds. Threshers n.nd all parties requiring s_uch oil. are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below anything eve1· offered in this market. Italian & American Marble. A lnrg1; and choice selection of 500 Cook, Parlor, Ha.11, and Box Stoves, arriving, imd now un exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of :Or. J. :Ba.11 & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is rccomn1ended by thousands for J~yei; ::uuJ Eye-lids, also Vil ea.k Eye&, \Y ~tery Eyes'. Over- worked E7es, Int.oI~i:ancc of Light, _<\.maurosis, or Ob11cunty of Y1s1on, or Specks on moving Bodiee bc;iore the Eyes, Weakne2s of Retina. aud many other diseases of the Eye. All pel'~ons wishing for full, certificates of cures, prices, &c., 'Yill plense send yoy.r address to our, who w1ll Hend {)Ur TJ"eat1t::e on th1· Eye, of fgrty-fo ur pagefi, free, by return mail. Alf. consultation with us free.. rn ... . 00. MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STDNES, always on h:\.nd, of superior. workmai1ship, and ~t loweat prices. · .. l .JO- Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is E. B. CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who has on hand an assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. NOY. P <Q_ R- ~ TV1·ought 01· Cast Iron FenceB ~ GENERAL HARDWARE, CARllllHlE GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durham. for e·nclo$iag burying 1oh. JOHN 11.tlcLEOD, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hand, (;r wi·ought to :n·der. re:ipectfully requested u.t tho workl!l> October, let, 18B9. A call is King Street, Bowmanv-ille l·tf EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF f 24th) 1871 . S. B. BRADSHAW z 0 0 Pocket Books, Try it for Yourselves Albums, IMMENSE! Those that h~ve tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else m Town! A large stock of . Cloths, Dress Goods,St1·iped, Checked and plwin Shawls, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets,Linens, Wool Goods, Hoisery, Gloves,and Trimmings. all bought before the advance in pricaa. MURDOCH BROS. W cllington Building'<. Bownmnville, Aug. 8th, 1871. have received anu opened out a W1·iting Desks, Ladies' Co1npanions, Blotters, Inkstands, Note Paper, Envelopes, e-- CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TUE G]:{E.AT RKMEDY F>)~ would.. tako t his opportunity of thanking his numeroue friends for the very libeni.l patronage . he has received. He feeb satisfied that noth· ing but &c., &c. LOW PBICES Remember the Store, next to the West Durham Steam Printing and Publishing House, Killg Street, Bowrnanville. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. and nckr.owlcclgc.l IJ)' 1w11:r 1-:·m ;1in~·,!t phri.,lcfans to bC! the rn.o"t Ucli:1b l<· l"rq:::r11.!l·m evt':- · and A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than JaRt year c. Lu introduccd for the RELIE~~ i:a-1 CU!!.E of <i.E t>.TG J..l ~011/'fPY, i\ l"1'"'1'1fc~_ \J .... J.;(,......., ~..~-l.\/ .... ·'«> ~ BARKER, MANAGER. 'l'hi~ wcll.k nO\VU remcrly fa offt· r r ~I 1u t i!<~ p uUUt\ S.'.l.IH~tio:1cd by the G.:;:p0ri0nce of O\ 1;t· fol'ty years , anrl '""hen rcsorte 1l to in or·:1,o;:, seldom fnil Hto cffcCt a i;peedy c::rc or Coughs, Colds, Croup, ilueuza, \\'hooping A lot last Season's Tweeds at Su:oerio:i:: Workmanship, ... ha~ gained for him snch a. steady increase of business-much l~rger than former; and he trnets tlrn.t by 20 per cent. below Cost. Gent's suits by " t he best workmen. Every Go.rmcnt made to fit. · HARD TO BELIEVE. TRUE NEVEI~THELESS Ul'(i·Jlitl~li ; .r;~ }·~ ~ Cough~ l~r.n ·':5 ~> ncss, l'al.i:rn 01· So1·cnvss in ~.~ a~ Clle8t auil Stile, llkc<Hn~· at t.t.e Lungci, Lire~· ! DIRECT IMPORTATIONS.- Complnlnt , .lie. cor~SUMPTION CAN BE CURED or \'illn C:J[fii:'i · SINC·;,}~.'. The best Black '.l'eas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town· by n timely resort to thifl> i.;t:rnrlanl r~merl;r, .1:; ls proved by hundreds of testimonial s rr.cdn·d the proprietors. Butte?', Eggs, Mittens, Socks, and Yarn .taken as Cash f 01' Goods. Good Cooking Raieens only 5 c~ntli a pound, "tt·nd still cheaper Jay the s. F- HILL· Box. Groce,ries Very Cheap. DH. VliSTAR'S EALSAM clof':> n.ot d;·y 1<.:l> a Ccu(fh,!. l:"i !: ~~ fl, ·1 ca11s .:: hcl:ind, v» i.1 t h n craw ·w:fi' t;:.·.· 1ll'<'J1fll"Ulim1s, (JHt it l,QOGCil.11 (\"Hd c{;-{f I .' · th o {uJ1g .~ , and alla.yB i rriUdi,""' r.>· ··· r cnioviurJ the cause o[ the l'oJni1)l(<i.i; ·, strict attention to business CLERGYMEN, LAWYJ::RS, SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. h e will contin ue to receive t heir anp1)ort. -o--- nuJ. :ill those whose accupntion 1 cqt:ir:_, " , · · usttt1l t' xcrrise of the vocal or~·nn '- t \'i·:;; :· 1h1s the ONLY Pnti:r,\r:.ATIO:"'\' w h ic h w:'.i ·· · ·. · n:illy ~ 1 :H l Jnst:m1a1wously l'ri!::i ve the:: ·.. ~,: tics . IlC't"l"are of Co·v1tc~ · ; ~u.-:: . Remember thaJ, t.'i.c 9c'md.1c )r'"i.;im"i; :: .: ·~ S. B. BRADSHAW. I A ll those ·t hat are :in arri:are n111st pay up, especip,lly the Hr1J:dwai·e account. S. B. B. Bowmanville, Jan . JOth, 1872. A NEVV re@peotfully informs the pubfitted uf a. Now Picture MAYERS, rateful to a qenol.'ous public, for pa.i;t lib~ra.l patronage, begs most respectfully to o.nnot'-lloe tha.t on account of inc1:e&sing bueiniM. he now occupies Cotton and Woolen Goods are ad vancing, but you ean buy them n.t Elliott's for a short time, at the old prices. Now i~ the time to secure what you lleed. · CLOTHlNG.-GentJemen in want of a good fitting suit ~hoult oa!J · early at Elliott's Fu.~hionablc Tailoring Establishment. Satisfaction guarnnfoed in all reasonable cases. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. Hampton, August 2nJ, 1871. bp-o'.t3-m54 Juu1 mi the 011i sid'.! Wr(lppi:>r the .-;.ign1:/'i11. "f. r: UT'J'S, ·i wul th ~ p1·i:1l1:li 1w1i!e of 1'. ,'1c; -'"'" prie-tors, "SETH J?". 1"0 J VL R ,y. SUX .~ 1 1.' ·J i i J'Ojv_n All ethers c.1·e U.r:ic imitd.·i.mt3. J:.T~; ;·n. tntl the t nY1pi1er cm·1·flllly kfr.JTG J!m ·c.'ir~i1:.;·:· Ono ll1.1llar a Ikill.h Bi~ IlLiltL~ for I"hc r:.Jl.11·~. Ji!ICT'O'RE ctA:t.I.ERY! G Subscriber TI-IE lic, tha.t, having G.W.Jery, with al the ly-1!'>. l' P.El',\Rl~!) .BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, lloztcn, ~·:""· · And eold by Druggi1;1t1:1 awl Dcal-:'rs g'P.:J~l.'<1.~ly. THE WJJOLE OF HIS OLD STAND, ruid hM filled open to-da.y. POULTRY WANTED. prepared to pa.y the highest ma.rket I .A.1f price for all kinds of ponltry, dressed. 'l'. E. SIMSON, SIM SO::< llHOS. , } llowrua.nviile. Oshawa. 046-tf Dowmanvi lle, Nov. 14th, 1371. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, he. is prepared to every Shelf, Hole and Corner, Exceedingly choice assortment of Goods comprising Life-like Likenesses, in every style of the Photographic Art. DON'T FAIJ_j TO UALL AT An inspection of specimens is invited TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIQQ ·returning tnanlts to their num.:irous Oustomers, and the Public generally, I N1vould respectfully invite their attention to our present stock of Furniture, STRAY STEER. A}IJ! in to the -premises of the Subs~riber, Lot ~o. l!, in the 3rd Con. Cartwright, a Steer, ooming two old. The owner c:in have hin1, on proving property, a.nd paying exp :nses. J. GEDDES, Ca.r\\'.-right, Jan. 31·d, 1872. 41 Hall. Entrance opposite the entrnnca to the 'rown C L. W. . SEXTON· · Bowma.mill·, Sep~ 27th, 187L Hats, Gaps, Fwrs, Bii{j'alo Robes Pwpe1' Collars, Neck Ties, Gent's Furnishings, &:c. 'l'he whole of the Stock h a.ving been well bought SON, $25. R:E:WAR:C. h&ving come to our knowledge, that certa.ia I TPedlars are sellini; Spectacles a.nd Eye Gla~s BARGAINS. WILL RE GIVEN TO TH E PUBLIC. rrFru UNDER.SIG)IED is pn1pared to do nn y AJnt)unt of On Rtm n Sawing, a.this Mill3; reftr of Lot Ko. 19, 6th Con. Dn.rling'ton. ltate -J)ine iB2 per t]1ousnnd; H1.~m lock, and :Uass· wood, $12. 50; H ardwood, $1. He will also pn.,v lh ~ lii ~h cf'.t price in cash, for i:iound Hanhvood r.nd Ba..sswood log!!>, delivere4 at the 1filL THOS. SMTrH. l>arlinb--tou, Dec. 7th, 1871. 3mll es purporting: to be of our make>, and to bear om· namee: stainp9d_ther~on, >'>'e hereby ca.tttion the -public against a. l'5ucb im_p.oste r~. a.s lrIR. AARON I3t' CK fiER is our 0111} Agent in \Veet Durham i anU a. R e wa.rd of $~ . is hereby offered for the a:pprehcnHiou aJJd conviction of a.11 ench impo~ters ~a try to defraud the public by offering their trash a.sour make. If you want a nice 'sett of Furs, for your lady, call on M. Mayers. for fa.vo;a, &8 've lately added thereto, that we may ther~by be enabled to suppl~ parties who ma.y please to favor ua v-ith a. call. Great inducemeilts held out to those purchasing at our Establishment. ficturc1, Looking Glasses, &c., framed to ordt:r, and in every eytle. Samplef of thedi.fferent kinda of Mouldings can be see;i a.t lhe Ware-room. VI e would a.lso beg to inform you, tba.t. having pur· chased a. " _ GROCERY · DEPARTMENT will be foµnd, as usual, w.,tl ~upplied. SPLENDID NE'W HEARSE, For Harness, Saddles, Tr,mks,, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability and cheap· 11e11, cannot be excelled in this vicinity To tho·· in ARREARS, he would.;,ay MASON' S All kinds of Furs altered wnd repaired. Highest price paid for Raw Furs A large imported Stock of we shall be ready at a.11 times, to al;tttnd Fune:rals, on short notice, Mid re.M1ona.ble tcrme. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, und made to order, at the NEW D01 1i11YION RE.TAIL FURNI'lURE ·WARE-ROOK King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J, W. Fowke's Store. 0'1l·wa, Aug. 2tlth, 1870, · FRESH FIELD, AND GARD~N SEEDS Just l'ecei ved. Bowmanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. 1 ly YOU MUST PAY UP! LAZARUS, MORRIS, l\-Ionti·ea.l, NO\'", 8th, 1871. Bowina.nville, Oet. 6th, 1871. ,~ 00. n7 -tf · Bowmonville. Sept,28th, 1871. MARKUS MAYERS· j ' Those who h ave aln~itdy settled, will pleaso nC cept our ht':ftrty tl1aoka. r 1 S. MASON . Bowm<J.nv.ille Dt1c 3rd. 1869. nlO

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