I &.SL.- - . , L = THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, . - : · & us£ 7 ZS F.EBRUAHY 16, 1872. .:::,.,....-x~-~·-::=:::::::::"""'::::::::::::~:=:::==::::::::::======c=:::::::====::::::::;:;:;;;::::::=:::;::;;;::;::="""""'""'""':;;::~ -~ -"'~~~--==-=--~~-~7~~~"-=·~ - ~::::::-:;;:;;:;:;;;;::::::::::==============:.o~==c==-===================-=-=-=-~·-=-,.-=-:::--::: - -::;-:;:-=:. -~ ::::::::"::;;:;;;:;; CERTIFICATE OP AGBNOY FOR THE HARD TO BELIEVE. 'TRUE NEVEit,'1.~l:i'.ELESS l Mr~ . . E. Cawker, I Osborne Sew'l.ng ~ta.chine. \Ve give this in rotiribg fro1n businC!'I(:, begs tg return .her sin· cere thank! to her n umerous patrons, fot their liberal 111up1)01·t during the time she ha.s been in bu~iness . At the ~3 Q1C t ime; she begs to .an· nounce. that she h as retire<l in favt!lr of her two · Sons, wf1om she trusts, by I !I AT n ~ THE 19 ~ ===== ===::==:=:::::;:-::=::::====;==::============-IDCl-"""=.C:,,..-==;::;:= -·--··· NOTICE. y \rl.tj"G sold out my interest injihc HAlately on by me Bown1anville to t~$.1-ried i~ bw:int~ . R () 1ny sons, Cha.flcn ~f:., nnd William R. Cr.wker. I hereby reqneiot Rli persons indebted l;o m,. by book n.ccount 01· othorwis&, to call and settle forthwith. we first renew~l of the J\.gency, as,siuce re~eived the appointment, there have S1"IU07' in \Yest Durham :)1cssr~. bee-n othc.:·rJ represent.ing themselvos a.s Agentsi G1·oce1·ies Very ()heap. Good Cooking Raisen& only 5 cents a pound, iind Box. ~till AT:~-~u:~~;~,g1~ BUUNESS & H. O'Rn.ra., Bowma.nville. These are to certify tl;i.a.t you aro duly ttIJ· 1minted our authorised Agent for the \Vest Riding of Durham, and North and South Ontario, a.nd the South Hiding of Victoria. Vl e will not recognise the actions of .n.ny other party claiming to be our Agent, unless the !vinchine pa.ss through your hands, selling in the .'.\bove territory, from a.nd .n.fter this d·ate. \Ve do not liiind ourselves to w:nl"ant n.uy Ma· cbiue sold, Qf our manufacture, in sn.id ter1;itory, R. GUELPH, Dec, 4th, 1871. cheaper by FIRST-CLASS AR'I'ICLI!~, the Ito still n-rnrit tb.nt pf'.tl'onng~ so liberally be3to ·.":'"I ed upor1 her. N G M N ~ ~ ELIZABETH: CAWKER. Bownianville, Jan. 9th, 1872. o2·mrn·tf McCLUNG B:&OS. will sell Crockery China., Glassware, and Lamps, tor the ·ne~t SO days, 4T COST, prior to mak· Ing a. change in the Grocery Department :CORN FOR SALEI Stall No. 1. ~.fttrket Buildings. Something long wanted by SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. . ' - - - - ---------- Bo>-;ma.i1villc, J" nn. 18th, 1S72. --- --- 16-tf. Everybody-Everybody his or her own Painter. IVHOLE, OR CRACKED. John McDougall A few only of those splendid TWEED SHIRTS at S. I<'. HILL'S. · ~ . . . i , . . . . . . . ; Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitro unle8' g<·iog ·lirect from the Factory to your order, or to tho.t cf any of yom: suu Agents. lk·pectfully yoms, G 1:1~LPH SnwINQ :h-fAcH1i-·t: Co. Iliott's for a. short time, at the old priooo. you neQd ·, ' Co'oton and 'N oolen Goods 11.re advancrng, but you ea.11 buy tham ~t ElNow is the time"to secure what ---- r= Y E·C U P S ·. ___ ________ B either Jn young old, rn once suppliect ..,\"itll that befit :tnd indispensible r.n.:in1a.J. y _their .1Bc, the shrnnkc:J? antl enfeebled e~-e~ 01· T. DARLINGTON, HA"'{]~ t~~ stimu~ Jw·t.. ix::eci \'!.!d :.i. Oho ice lvt of j ' :P.S.·- --]~ach of onr Agents 'Yill Lave ~written ertific~tc.d Agonc_yfrom us, which purclmero should imwt 0 " seemg. R. & H. O'HARA. Howml'.J.l\'illc; Dec. 21, 1871. CLOTHlNG ..,.,..Ge11tlemsn in want of a good fit.ting early at Elliot. t 's F"-"hionable Tailoring F.A!!Abliehmsnt. --- ~uit should oolJ R E M B M B E R Satisfttetion guar:.nteed in itll nmsonablo casea. HENRY ELLIOT'.!.', Jm·. Ha,mpton, August 2nd, 1871. bp-o!!l-m.!'4 . ·! ~ T ~ N A A N T And :iJl other s 111 MURDOCH BROS. ha.ve received ~nJ FIRST-CLASS p'JCTURES Ta.ken in A 1 Style, at open<:ed out 11. PLETCli!~R'S PICTURE I.kn-nna.nville, Nov. 28~h, GALLERY ,<JIGN OF THE' RED FLAG, King Street, East. 1871. 1'1-~ · ~soRTMJ?-..Trm~ 80 1 tJ 'lJ1 ' 11Jft f.I.~ _I_ lant-A? terial Bfoo,l. 1'110 nervet:i 1·csum.e their tone; the vcr:isels rec:ovcr their powe1·: 1..he globe a.s sumea its proper shape, eiz.e. a.111"1 b1·illiancy; a.lldiseased actien is arrested r~nd cured. Their Prepared for imecliate use, and nothobj"'ct is to bring the sight to ·~ m1.t.n1-al foous, by ing but the purest materials used, i·estoring the diminished convex.ity or flatness of the Corn&a. of .th0 Eye, which i3 gradually and requiring no further mixture of r~dsed to it!! o:·jgina1 (' ~:'.l. .,· cxity,causi ng tho rayr; Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. of light to C·Jll \'l!f"C cu t.J1e retina ,hiLhout the aid of CO!lVeX h::l~<ie:I'; Ul' g}aO!SCS j thus t\. Speeial rfheil' COll!l)OSitiOH COlll~if>tJ:S !:!Ole_ly of remdy for the1:1e whorse sig·h t i~ beginning to fail : '..J . · L from age. They a,d<l vit·lity andstl·eugth to the i l ·ure Goloi·, Pure lYhite ead, Pure NUTS IN GREA'l' VARIETY. ?YO thu~ llOoul·ing ~ prope~· s>)~r'!ttimi,a,i;,? ;cmovU'h,.i.tc Ziaic ·Li,ri.seed Oil S1r.:i i.r~ ing th1:! c~use of a.11 nq;an1c du.e""8e;::. ....-~sus won.., ,1 ' · . ' · ' ' ri\.lso Ba:rl'eh! ancl Boxes of derfl1} effect i!I produced withou.t p~in 01· the ·ii..S of 'l ·Ult'pen,fi· 'fl· e, J..~ JJ.1·ye·rs, least pvssi.bi1ity oi injury to the eye. . , , ~· f 11 · J · · "f' ll , - Many of ol\r most eminent physicinn~, occul- c~a,J.e U J ann sc1en_ t1 lCtt ;} con1~ ·with a.11 a.<JSOl'tmcnt of hits, r,tudenh and did tJ11s, l1:i.\·e h itd their sig-ht b1ned. · perm::i.nently restored for iife, a.ud cu1·cd of the following disense8 : 'l'he co11.sun1er can have any de.~ 1. Impaired Vision; 2. 01· Pr~abyopini or lfa.r sired shade of . colo1~ neatly put UIJ Darlington ha!! again received !Lllother lot of Siphte<lnes~, or Dimness o{ Vieim;., coID.f:llOnly ca1led Bhu-rin"';... 3. 4.flthenopia, 01· VY cak :F.y~~, . in Ca.ns) and all he requires to buy th<J3S celebrated 4'. Epivhora.,l1u.nni.ngo,..VVatei·y 1~ycs; 5. Sore "\Vith the Paint is ·a .Brush) as the Eyes-specir.!ly keated with the Eyo Cu~s- whole C"n be done by J1imself, o·· by cure gnaraut6Cd ; 6. \V ci~knc!:l:~ of the Itetmo., "" l Qlutlity is the Test of G7iuipnes~ . or Optic Kerve; 7. Opthahnia, or Intl.an1maa11y rne1uber ofl}_is household. tion ·of the Eye and it!$ appenda.rre2i 01· imperBowman"Villo, Dec. 22nd. 1870. n12-tf fect vision fi·nw the effects of Inff.'1ro!Iuttiun ; S. Ph9top1wbia, or Intolerance of Ligl1t; fl. Ovcr\Vorked J~yes ; 10. l\fydcsopi::t.~111.nving ~p~c\\.1:1 or floa.ting bodi0s b:::ifor c the eyej;j _; .A_1naurosis. A large stock just received, for aut... , or Ob~turity of V""ision; 12. O.:i,t~ract1:1, Partial umn painting, imported direct IJlindnesf:l i the loHa of sight. Tho Subscriber lw.ving pun:hascd the Any one cnn use the Ivory Eye Cup:'.:! ycit}w11t from the English Manufacthe u.iJ of Dostor or liiedlcine, so ::i,s to receive BUSINESS AND S'l'OGK tnrers,including J ame8' immc'1i;:1,te bcnctlci:<.l 1·e!>!ults r.nd never ,year spectacle~; or, if using now, to fa.y the,n1 a.sid' Genuine, and the fore:n:r. Vile g uarn;nt,ee a cure in every case of. t11c late llichnrd Mru-tin', will be plcas<'d to 11ee Celebrated whero the directions are followed , 01· 1'f"e ·will 1-~ fund the money. OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS NE. W FRUITS, l Raisins, Currants, Figs, -Dates, Lemon, Ora.nge and. Citr on Peels, 0111h paid for any quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens at McOLUNG BROS '·· CHOICE BISCUITS. PUBE LE.AF TEAS,' PURE VVl-HTE LEAD, 2309 Certificates of Cure, BOOSTER BRAND, giiamnteecl p1.w·~. .ALSO , 47-tf. ~DON"l' l!'or }farnese, FAIL OF . TQ OALL AT ~l:ASON'S Saddles, Trunks, Valises, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. II FL·on' honest .Farmers, Jrlechanic8 aud }'Ierch· ants, ~ome of then1 the Jnost eminent lc11.ding professional and business n1en n.nd women of education and rotinement 1 in our country, ma.y be seen at our office. Under dn.te of ~.faroh 29, Hon. f!tJraes Gree· h1y, of the New York Tribune, ·writes: "J. Ball, Gf our city, is a conscientious n.11d respontible man, whG is incapable of intentiom:i.l.de.c-Jp· ~on ur ilnposition. Prof. W. Merrick of Lexington, Ky., wrote - . A fnll Sttick of aJ..l s ta,ucla~l'Ci colors, oils varnishe.<J1 and paiiiters' materials. Call iind see how cheap a house can be painted and decora_ted; for all these goods will be1mld atRediicecl Groceries and Oonfectionary kept on lJa.nd. Whips, Bells, &c., which for etyl0, durability and oheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity To tho:?a in .A.IlREAI:.S, he would say April 24th, 1869: \i/itbout my Spectacles I pen Y""'ll this note, after u sing the Pati:::nt 1 vory Eye Cups thirteen days, s.nd this monling perused the entire C(tntents ot a Daily N OW$_t):...i.per, a.nd 11.ll with the unassisted Eye. rr~Jy am I grateful to~ your uo~lt!! inventioa, Jlli..y lleaYen blesi'J and I'reservo you. I have been ueing spec~acles twenty years; T a1n S(lV· i.f!~;ick. year· old. 'l'ruly yom~, Prof. W. Partial BiiodnQ.ss, of 18 yettrl3' stnnding, in on~ minute by the Patent Ivory Eye Cup!!: . E. Er,Lrs, Me \foyor of Dayton, Ohio, wr"te ue:N"v. l!'ith,186!.l: Iha.ve testedthePa.tent Ivoi·y Eye Cups, and I tun sa.tisfiect they aro good. I a1n plea.aed with them; they are the greatest invention of the age. jig·iires. 2000 Gallons of N.B.--It is my inten t ion to 11u.pply the COUNTRY TRADE A Lar1e Stock of NEW FRUITS, for Christmas and lltw Yea.rs, at Low Prices will be tonnd at XcCL UNG BROS MACHINE OIL n.~ with Rev..ToSF,PJl s_ MITH, Jlfol<loll, Jlfo8'.,curedof a: of different 1-cinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil, are specially invited to inspect .the vari] · t · . th ·i b · a f; , b ous qua. I ·leBJ e p1~ces e1no a1 ~'low anything ever offered in this mark:et " '.I. was form erly done by I\{1·. !li!artin. H HORWOOD 13owri1anville 1 Dec. 7th, 1871. I I I .......... ·B lO·tf DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. I ( · YOU MUST 'Tho~(l PAY UP plea~e I NEAR-STGH1'EDNESS. 5QFv For the worst cM6s of llfYOJ'iaz. er Nd<J.i·-~ 1·ght.-lness, uso our New Patent Atyopic Attach- whn lun·o alraady settled, will cept our heri.rty thanks. D~c ae nlO . ments, nppliod to tho IToRY ETE·Ccr>, h.. "Proved ;, Cllrtain curo for thh· d i12as·. arriving, and no'v 011 exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of MANUFACTURE ll, .-a.r or, .aa. ' I :MPOii/l'ER, DE.e... LER in all the Ynrit>tie!l of -and :Box Stoves, ~ YOO.ii., ,.,.. --- "ll l 'f'I' 11 0. BOUNSAL~, Italian & .American Marble . A large and choice selection of S. MASON. ·· Bowmq,nville ..\; 3t'Cl. 186D. .L'\. NE-W:t>IC'lt'O'It~ OALLEitYI re3pectfully informa the THE lie, tha.t, having fitted up n. New Picture Sub~ci·jbcr pub~ -~----------- - -, :Or. J. :Ball & Ckls. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. T8 recomn1 en<led · by thOll!!!ands, for Jnft.~ml.'ld Eyes, o.nd Eye-lids, D.lso Weak Eye1, 'Va,tery :S:res, Ovor-wol'ked Eyes, Intolerance of Light, .Afuauro!l:is, or Ob11ctu·ity of 'Vision, or Speck!! on moving Bodies before the Eyes, 'Vea.kne:!s 0f Retint1i, nnd many other diseasee of the Eye. .All peraon1 wishing for full particulars, certit!cD.tel'I of cures, prices, &c., will please 2end your at.l.di-i;se to our .A.gent, who will aend our 1.'re.'.\tise on thti Eye, of forty-four pa-arell, free, by reti.u·n ! CEMERAt HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, ANO TINWARE in the · County of Durham. MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, n.ly.-~,~,~ m1 ---o- JOHN :McLEOD, WellingLon Buildings. Bowmauville, Aug. 8th, 1871. ' h:lnd, of 5upcri01· ·wol'kmri.nship, and ,.,t lowest price~ . W1'01ight or Gast Ji.on Fences SABBA'fH SCHOOi-A LIBRARIES AND for enclo~ia.g buryi1)g lots. Gallery, wit'h all the Furniture . Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hru1d, or wrou£,;ht to order. respcctfnl1y l_'C\l\lestcd at tho worb:, Octoberi let, J.869. 1WODERN TMPROVEMEN'l.'S, t~ke A call i11 mail. h e: i!l ine1n1.l·erl to .AU ron1ultat·ion ·with mf1·ee. J{ing 8lt·ee,t, BCft1JJnanv£llt 1-tf REWAliDS. --:o:- We hitn. ju!!t opened one of the in ei,.ery style o! the Photogrotpbie'.Art. open to-day. I An inepection of spccimenfi isim·ited Entr~nce Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is E. B. CRYDERMAN, Httmpton P. 0. who has ou h~nd an assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. · NoY. 24th, 1871. IMJilI:ENSE ! Try it. fo:t· Yourselves .ThosQ that have tried, are convinae<l that S. F. HILL sells his Goods a<; low or lower than th0,n any one else ih 'l\~nvn LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF H·ll. opposite t11e entrance to the To~n1 L. W. SEXTON· ]3rn·.·n1.i:,n.-ille, Sept. 27th, 1871. S. B. BRADSHA.W ~1 I Sabbath School Libraries and Re'\vfirds ::<. ha.ving come to on1· kno\vlcdgo, that ccrta.i..D. I 'l'PedWe ar1J sellins Sfie<itaclea and Eye (i}:.t.:;ac~ purporting to be o ou;r 1na.ke, a.nd rn~r 11~.rne!! Ata.n1pccl thereon, ·v..-e hcrel5y ! to bua.r oa.uti0n tho µublic again11t all liilUCh imposte1·s, 11.s !vltt. A!\ RON llucn:r,En . is our only .._\gent in Weat Durlvtm ·; a.nd a Rev..·~rd of $:MS. i11 hereby 0lierBd fol.' the apprehenaion R.nd conviotien of a.11 tmah. imp0sters M try to defraud the public by (offering their tra~h al! our make. JJAZARUS, MORR.IS, & CO. l-iontreal, Nov. 8th, 1871. Bown1a.nville, Oet. 0th, 1871. n7-tf ner offered for S1tle iu Bowrn11nvi lie. GROC:ERY will be found, as usu111, wt;.[! suppli~d. would take tbis O})portunity of thanking hie numeroua friend~ for the very liberal pntl'onage he hM rl:!ceivod. . I-Io feels rrn.tir.fiecl t:l·J.3t noth· in;; but . I A large imported Stock of LOW ·nd FRESH FIELD, AND GARDEN SEEDS Bowma1~ville, Parties wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to purchRs~ Rewards, will please to remember two thinga : First, Our f'ltock of School· Books is no old stuff, pibkecl up ttt Auction Sdes, nor has it been on om· Shelves for years. We have sold out and refilled our shelves, . half-a-dozen times during the P"st year, a,nd have now purchased so largely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. a.11 bought before the aid.vani;,~ in price@. - Second, We have not marked our books at high figures, ~vith the view of taking off a large discount. They are ina.rked low for general aale, and A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent a discount of TEN PER CE:i'T. will be allowed on purchases ranging from lower tha:n JaRt year $1 . to $50.; over that amo.u nt l"IFTEEN PER CEN1'. will be allowed. , A large stock of Glot/,s, Drcss.GooiJ,s,St·riped, Checked cmcl plwbn Shawls, Wi.nceys, }'lrtnriels, Bla nlcets,hinen-s, Wool Goods, Ho·i sery, Gloves,and Tr·i?n: ?Wings. f Just. received. Sept. 21st, 18il. 1 ly \Ve respectfully invite an inspection of our A lo& last Season's Tweeds at EXTENSIVE 20 per cent. 1'elow Cost. Gent's suits made by the best wo1·kmen. Evory Gs.rmunt mad1:1 to fit. AND VARIED' stocK OF baa ~ained £or him su..::h A 11teady ii1er0Me of bue1ir..e~s--n1uch l!U'ger than former y;:~.re: _; and ]10 t!·nstfl th;i.t by The best · Black Teas in Town. The best Green Teas In Town. Pocket Books, Albums, Writing Desks, Ladies' Companions, Blotters, Ink.stands, l I I THE GREAT REMEDY FOR Butfor, I;gg.~, ,lfittens, Soc/cs, and Y r;i.1·n. taken a,~ CJ1isli for GooM. s. F. RILL· &trict attention to business CONSUMPTION nnd acknowledged by nrnny promiu11nt physicfan1 to be the ino st )leliable l'repnration ever introduced fOi' the ltELlEk' l\ud CURE of all 1.~ will oontin1.ie t o receive Lh-oir 1..mp1)ort. LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'f.Wa wcll-J..-nowu remedy is offcrtld to the public, snnctionad by the expe\·ienoe of over forty yenr!l, and when rosorlcd to in ~!!&son, Mldom f:dls to cfl'cct a speedy cure of Ceughs, Co!lls, Croup~ Bronchitis, In· S. B. In view of important clmnges to be made in rny businesH, during the latter part of February, I would offer the rema.i11tler of my BRADSHi~.W. to a Gl'a.tcfnl patrona.:;e, MAYERS, i;;eucrottK public, for pa..~t libera.l flnenz11t.Wbooplng uough, Hoarseness, rains or Soreness In the Chest and Side, Bleeding at the Longs;Llver Complalnl, &c. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by n timely resort to tll.la etan.dttrd remedy, a11 .j WINTER .AT J'lll thor.e that are in arrel\ra ro.u~t t)~y up, ~8pecially t.he ..!:Iardwttre accou11t.. S. Il. B. hege mo6t restH~ctfully to ·annoi·nce t.h f1..t on nccount o{ increasi ng· hnsine!!11 . he now occupien Note Paper, Envelopes, &c.., · I. I J3owman"lille, J~u . 10th, 18"72. 1y-1ti. TlfE WllOUi; OJi' liIS OLD STAND, ·nd haa filled ~ Remember the Store, next to the West Durham Stea,m Printing ancl Publishing House, King Street, Bowmanville. POULTRY WANTED. to t.hc n::nrket I "'-\)f prf'JJM'<:d f0: kirnh of pc;11ltr;,· dressed. priet~ ~11 c. BARKER, Js proved by huudrod8 of tesUmooiula received by the proprietora. ~ OR. VllSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY doea not dry " 'P a: Cottgh, and li!!al.'6 tTia Cf.:nU6 bchi1ia:, af is tho cCJBe with. 'TM"t 1Jr13pa1·ations, but it ·loosens attd cloa,lSll!I tl~c lu-nus, anti allays i1'2oila:tion, thus ~(:lnwving the cauao of the compla:,nt. GREATLY REDUCED - RATES. Persons .in want of l1~iy high~et every Shelf, Hole and Corner, JfANAGER. ==========================--= ==-=~ - ~ ---~~- 1 Sil-l80N. ER.OS. 1 O;:hn.wn. 'J.'. E. SIMSON, } Bown1a.uvill~. -·~~-~ =:~vj lle:_~· ov~ 14th, 187.1.. o45-·t ! I 1 · ·- ·--- - OLEMYMEN,' LAWl:ERS, SINGERS, nt1d all thoso wbo!lc oocnpa.tion requlrea an un· ui:;niol exercise of the vocal organs, ,.-111 find this the·ONLY PREPARATION which will cft'cctually nu.d in1't:tntaneoudy i-eliove tlieir difficulti~. STRAY STEER. will :tln<l this a good opportunity of g.etting Goods at 1'~o. th~ 1 . ~- · with an Exceedingly cho!ceMsortment o!Good1 coinpn srng - .. TO THE PUBLIC re~pectfµlly a~ !! illto pl·cmises of th<' Suhsci·iber, · CAME Lot 12 in the 3rd Con. C:~rtw1-ight, a,. H at,s, Caps, Fm·s, Buffalo Robes Paper Gollais, Neck 1'iM, Cicnt's- Furni8hings, $c. T·he w~ele WALTER WIQG & SON, N returning t11W1 to their num""rou11 Cuatomer1, and the Public generally, for pa.st fa.,.-orB, I would invite their attention t.o our present stock of F.urniture, we have lately added thereto, that we may tbe1·eby be eua.bled to 1upply all partiee who may pleaee to favor"-' Grea.t inducements held out to those purchuing a.t f:?Ur Establithment. Picture.!!, Looking GW-!see, &c., framed to order. a.Dd in every· aytle. Sa;mplef of tbedifferent kinds cf ,Mouldings can be 11ce:u. atlh· Wa.rc-room. \Ve would also beg t-01nft1rm you, tba.tt ha.Till~ pur· chased & "'ith & . ·hcis 01' th~ out~Wt wrap,pet' the aigna~ura of "I 11 UTTS,:! and theprinttd name a.f'At proprietat's, "SETH W. FO.JJTL-E"t.f· S0.1..VS, .BOSTON." .All ot7uwa at·e base £.mitation1. Exami-n~ tlu wrap])el" carefully lie/ore purchasing. Oll! D~hr a llolllo. Six Jloltl0< for llro Miri. PRltl'ARED DY Ee,va.rc o:f C!ounterfeit1. Remembei· thae the ge1iui?te fJ'i1tar's Balloin Steer, coming two years old. rrhe O>"nler can have hin1, on prodng property, ll.nd J?~yiug expenses. cf the-Stoc.:khaving been we11 bought Cartwright, J D.n . 3rd, J. GEDDES. 1872. {l BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN call. ,TO THE PUBLIC. Parties iudehtod to me will much oblige, by settling the snme as soon as possible. fl\HE UNlJlU~SIGNED is m-eu·red to <lo If you want i. nice sett of Furs, for your lady, call on ¥. M;a.yers. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, Boston, A.lld aold by Druggiehaud Den}6l'a gc~arallr~ r.r....., w. NI Cl\![lJ- 111 ~R Y 1 siGN Of 'l'HE Q-OT,,DEN LION. .l nny :;;.mount of Clll3trrn1 Bn.wl'ng,. . at hi;; '!\J ill rca1· of Lot No. lB,6".;h Con. ·o;;:.rlin~rto:u. l~.atci:'i -Pine $2 per thou1ma1d; :l:Il:mlock, r...nd Brtss· ·wood, $2.50; I:Ia.rdwoo<l , $1-. Ile will also pay the hig-hc:lt pr.ice in c:i.uh. for 1wtu1.d f.Ia1·Jt~·oo\"l .:in d. .B::i..runvood logs, deli vend at the ].fill. THOS. SMlTH. 3rnll All kinds of Ji'cu.·1·s cilterv;d cvncl nF(~i.1·ed. we shnll be rea(lv a.t a.11 timel4, to a.ttend Fun~ra.111 1 on 11hort notice, aud ::.·euonable t&rms. N. B. Cofil.na ~ kQpt on ha.n<l 1 t"nd made to order, a.t the .. Highf'st il\'lc0 ;>aid for Raw Furs NEW D6.WJNION RETAIL FURNI1UBE WARE-ROOJ{. King Street East, Osha"":Va. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store, {8·tt. Bo.wmanville, April 13th, 1871. Bo\\·ni.$~1 vi:LH~. Seriti28th 1 J 8'7 l ~ iliIARKUS MAYERS · ) ) 1 ' i r