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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 16 Feb 1872, p. 4

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: :ae+zxs; 9E ES! W 11 ; _.._ I wn mac ; , ~~--- THE ~ ....----::----=:=- ---::;y;-;-;;,,,,_ ~_...,..+j_:;.ru:£~~ ~ MERCHANI', FRIDAY, .FEBRUARY Hi, 1872 POETRY. A Child S Question \.ht le playful loving 1.:h11J. 'V1thahe3.rt bumfulo(glcc - - -'1 aud "arm t,J c but a s» allo" ah time t bng the gh'> from io tr l ps witlr a do·en secon"' b st \ eeu the :. v Wlowl:I tl i:n '\OU "l l n~ver fall fa:>m taking l~ dunK as nrn.ny hav e I I ' v r::tt:::=""'. ~~:=::..~~--====-- -==-==-===;:e-:=== ==-=-=-=-=------=--=-"'=="::-=::cc.=c.c Build Your Own Monument -DY n Forty Soco;d YeaI --- GO DEY S LADY S BOOK FOP. 1872 j l{tr l:!p111ts unro1S.ha1ncd aind '\\tl 1 1 unn1n.,, in~o rnr \. s tdden thought h::id struc'c her tl ei \. nd filled her min l with cnie 1:t:an1ma what color iobes i n 11ea. u '\V ll httll'I ch ldrcn w1.:a1' 01 wh te 01 bl I Sttonld so hke to kno1v 01 a 1 ess of ever) . ,; nned hue Or :li 1 obo :18 v; Jute as wo v 'I ~ f. . k~ the'Scal1 clean by fr qttent 1:9_-B1ete 4' I{!).Vf 'j4!:1ing ..---If the 1 ~cly l~ lahea,lthfil ~o11.1iton t;he. be!jty1e\ell \eof I t ~. t t fl ' Tl ncvcr:rith11g that1~calc1latec to ele"R.te the ~ ~J ,.u ,;tI.· / o uu \O o ro111.~ nor ul l::is 1ese sex Ihe old ftmiltar 'r1ter,, v;hose s v les hnn lhn0 nn l '"OnlOtl\ c ~its gro·wetl ~ to n1c will cor10Ue aud Llc.:i .1.ov J:h ild 0£ have hugely coutnbut"'d to thlf! end ha\ c; nll :vas1ung theit.: tfhe chcapc~t of I a.d1ea :.\faga.z111ee: bccausl-! Yes, Lu1Idyou1 o'\n monument Not 1tir:1thebe!:lt 1 Forthep::t.5tfortytVioyelioilrt..1e of o-1an1te nor lnarble These will crtnnbJe Book haa been cons1de1ed the rude ol '\\Omen - - PHEf rs ---u---- of U1e te y best lnnd I' 0 1Vinter, 1871. a,1ul 1872. Large Supplies New Seasonable Goods. and TEA JUST and chea~ rt~ a.t a11 { sto e in Cana lt ~t i llll ,y ill thin be pu1k of\ ith pu1e ~ft yater occa::ii.on Uy awJu 0 a little borax to the tt~r Ihen l:... cep th13 head as cool as poss1L'e an l the hau w1ll not only not fallout but vll"' 0 Innerly ~llca~qf! 0 ha.n fn.lfa bec::i.. Be tht: sca 1 18 not 1 01 t c eau sha ll on laf'!t bn1c '\ lio~e 1 o::cr1pt1on i;hall pe11~baUle matcun.l a u1onnn1cnt \Yht ch been l etau ed GOOD, 01 I SUBSCRIBE I row br1gl tc1 and clearer :is eter11al roll 011 .Build rt not 111 the cen1eteiy 01 gra'c '~Icl 'I/h ere inou1ne1 go to "ccp o'er the lo\ ed an l LlJe lost Build it 1 ath e1 "heie Lt: 1:. do not 1n.ll whe1e JUj .ind te}Ol<..nn"· shaU 5,vcll the hearts ot nil ,, ho J age~ ~1~1; ~ett.A VH~~k~~s~:1ct3~ e S 0~~t~0 1t:S~o~c~ 11anon Horland Iu0 Cn icn1 I Lo 11:1e '3 THE FARM Good and Bad Neighbors ,n tho Frnld (l 1orn 1 ' Budd rn the hearts of ·ppenrs M:ANTLES 1 MANTLES! FOR THE l: i:i.e your beet cndea\ Ol 3'. Mode Cottagt:J - Ihc only innga.zJne ln this d countty that ll H.!8 these deHgnrt 13 th"' Lall} ii bl I l ·-' 1 d 'FRERE DO Y01 BUY Yoon l 01 a. g1entle \ 01ce had JUSt hrgan to es.s t e n 1i; t t acta w. un ness an I Book got 111 ox1 I essl ~ f 1 ou1 owu ti atl Cursto1 c1 :.( "' i el 1; on ct tu ..,, a 9 Of OCEI IES? bc1n,,, the q 1eat on J \1 '.\..l 1nte1ustiu0 a1ticleha1i1ec...::11tlJ a1 cared 11001 80fJo\C uncl words of "l81'.]oin 1)> D I'] I I goo l £t clegn.nt style 11 l beu.utifully t mined Her s1~td to add ess would rc8peetfull) give a l mt to thos"' in pel I f ti f C ti 1 J 1 th n._ ' rawu [! 1 C;;Sfln& n ~ H3 \VC aLe l\ so a one - omu e1~ 0 u JJt o.nn:loH on eie go·d Labor1nthecauseofhn1nnu1t:v nl Wehave ali:!JaCh1llreni:;:aH01~1cultu ~t plex1ty ' tbnt he keeps oonsta.ntly o 1 h0'111d ,.,fitKt l 01 X clue lea1 ._. } ,. o..i \ 111 l tap1vcal in:Sucn c of pl ut~ 0r n proxu'.t.l ty \lI nc Du obd to the ate t 1 0 .::i ib e -0..nd n, Health depa1tn1cnt cla:,s stock of DHl!.."S (Jf)ODS DEP11.l~J MENr In accents soft and m ild 'Ith e::.pecrn.l ief<rcnce to the advantage of number 1u thZlei"t. poti:nbfe tn 1 e dnd :;on Go et s Tiid utble Rer.e,pts ·upon e\o Y f.ub g 01V]Il0' Swede tnrni1)s and r: 1ano-olds tooe ler 11 ti l t ti e 11car t f) c r' o ti l~ lS a JCCt for th>J Ho 1do1r Nu1ae1y l{itchen l:rouse And l iay of gloty seemed to spiend A 1~1 go stocl of the mos tyhsl 1 l se1 \ rceri.ble good."! iu l ort l 0 0 ~ ' WI JI s c cc ln and ] J iunclrJ th I'! cm11 cc on 1$ hown a full va.1 cty of tr mmu10 buttons &1.; t'\1oi:nl the llv0::ly cl il<l [ l e f 11 w ng rn [l, 1 abi clg .ni;:n~ of the nrtiule u vnt 111cn1 w:h1cn th >itonn5 of tt no ca.u T, ted Engrav igs ~ rhrn 1s a ser BS of en,,r:.'i.;1; match l l n. 1 0]01 It >va:i ueru l'i; obser'\:i.tlonof tl eculb at01::1 l vet rlc t.roJ lhe 11..1 cr1pt1011 "ntten 11.,,sthat no one las ttemp cl but o:.:irsehes 11 1 "&'>en n.bovc \\ e all hall \H' n D1ess inahng done to 01 der in li1 st c.ass style oftleH01!th ttle1e Hegood i.n · bid ne1gl opon 1t u;~U be hfln<leddO'\\Dfro1n(;'rncHt f.adics }1l1icv W01l JJe..partrnent-S me of and tho.:1e who buJ f1om hun ' 11 ncve1 egiet \.robe of p rest white b tl '°' 0 t bl }cl tl Jn to cll1..;ra.t 100 and will be cle~l n,i ct he dcmgnt11 in tills department arc prmted m that they nr£ able t o ans-.. ei 1 bc B 01H e en in l ve:,e a c\ \, ma l o colors 111 a. style uneq_ 1a1le :t '\\ h1ch nc er shall ::io1l and ne\ G1 te 1 fri,1 me1s 1 ot1c cl th \ <> \ th l el1 i,} e \ ne hi ght a'> le 1 1 ~ us in en shall lJ ~ e 011 e nth In adc11t on to all th~ ibo\ o ltt1auhons thei e In that l"u 1 of holy 1 0 ht I bur from John McMurti v e otatel1\h(:>n lo.nte lneartoth ein The) :.tudfiomcartll Jt '\\IH be transfenet1 by ·w1llbcpubhshed monthly:\ en Heavy E iglish Wool Beavei s and Fancy Ovei coatings l~O w:tntcd to ~!\ll th ~+ t ee the ln sba.nd 0.; th1;: then1 to he.,ttv:~1 1 a 1d there 111 h tn& t g1av1ng tn6 general title of uh ch will be :&frs .... <l l I " to :i1 that. lovely iolie I F'LOU 0 l 1e yo 11 gooU deeds will slnnc 1 <.har Lol por a Pa1ty We prom sc the"'c sketches 1 iceocls Slm ts D1 aitm s Ifals (tnd Cc"1'8 C'olla1 And JOIU the happj tluong \ l 1111 thasbeen t11osedt1atthoolm\ L 1 IS f1l\:ll1D'llrrbtthroloh eteiual Joes (outlu1e1nthe11chructer)tobcsupenorto any 0.&.2!;£1( \Yho al vays s ng of Jesus lov~, ctncl Fi iclrngs 1a1r~t y 1xrool U 11on He ip in fa.t:t~-st i.ftL'iodU'Cluiq into l.:in"'l:ind by tl e I hon><flnc~~ 0ln ° pass the $'.tllO'C :-;. ot 01 ti o k nd heretofore 1l l 1tihed co n~ ME AL A.l\D In ncvc ending eong then·..mai!ter;; M r ~1..ll' e(l~_a Carpeting Flo01 C'wths Rugs &c Cu1 tains , ""' when they r t le hfe and are hen }'of no 1nore Then? light onceop" 01cyea.L"TE .. I'tfS $3 00 CBACKJ D IYH.flA.T b ten \U1cya.r<ls 'eJt Ol t 1u d!irl\.ll"S :\one c:tn poi t to ("'o cor1es dne year '1 oiceli11g Blcinkers Ho1 e Cove ' Pl 1,n an l I watthed the t :-.o a!I the1 sll.t tlovtfl 0 00 rhcy \Vele n. l ll t\ a1 It.I ough tl e v s & tl 1n tis then Lencf11cto1s N 1e c u1 s1 cal J I 1 ec voi es one year 7 50 Ai d ta.Jked the subJect o er Taney .hannrls Fresll llJnal> 0£ C1ocke1) ll1 cl 1000 fi1end::;h11) letwecn some pl n t.<J tle e l~ of therr1 as the i:nen.ns ol t""e11 reae1 ipllon loUl uop1e"' on yeai I pulyed they may in hcavt:n bt.: fo tnd Farrey ¥\ oolens Shawls Nubns Sont>tgs Lad es au l Cmldicn s Wool cun1ty bctween oth~rs Oi\to one of tho .N l1t>;11tsnlo with 1atlt1leJorth~good l 1 vcc pies oneye:l.i ai<l ne:diaco1>) Glasswa1 e ' ' I en th a world is no Inoro o bl to the per~ n gettinf!" ~1 tJ c cl tb U ndAi clothrng Infantile Clotlnng beautirnl dc,1gns 11cl b Emb101de ver1; e1rly Rorn ..n a1tho n(trnec tl :i.t the iecer\cd hon1 then1 he' incu]cntcd no ina.klng u::coples " H 00 Ih11.t they among t} e "White robed ba.nd eel Comr lete Stocl.s rn \ ne is t.t enontJ w th 1-:be ca.bbago And I vutucs bt ~he power of a h v1og exan1ple, Eight copies ne J en.r and a.n extra cop) (";foods ~cnt to iill pait~ of tl1e 1 o n In heaven may swell the Btr-i. n t1 csc f t t:ts "\'iere ob:::ioi\e l by u ore than one I 1101 <l1uf::they ino::(1uct the 1gnor1nt by auy to the person gett u g I tl o club GitOCEHIES AND BOOTS AND SIIOFS 9 Of HalleJuJah to the Larub nuthu u1 tho sixteenth ccnluf) w ts ol YJS<I m an l grnce 1 u1 ch l th cv m·kmg J me cop " 1 00 --------~- ~ t ] tt t t 1 l Ele' en COJ?IC n1,, year und an exti a c py \'Vbo ched tha.t they wight le1gn None but fost cla~s lnnd& employed m eac' Jcp11ii ,ent 1nd tll i'viodcn1 c1 lt1 utorf:\ la\ e not1eed uLl el ~eta of \ 1 c :1. 111 nor 11 Cl n sen 11 en ""' cte v to ti a J t..!1'801 get~ g 1 p tl e cl~b 111 01 s could be tru.J y blP.SSG. l a.ncl so tliev n. 1:1nn1lia1 kin l IS tha.t t1 e acne .i. r ce 1s a b3.l1 lna.l 1ng twelve copies 27 50 >1 oik gun1 mteed And not f l tbe1n alone I pt<t) cr1sheJ i'.lih tli lll Tl ey built to rno 1u 'To accon1odate ou1 sul s11ber::i "e ·will olub ne1.,,hbor the "'n. dener 1na.kf1 the fli:tn1ercnunks P But for aJl the chilchon dear n~it forthcn1seJ\C!'.l Tl).~ 11 sc1 bcl no wthArtl111s II0roc J\-Iagaz;ne:;tn c Chhhcn1 MO'l 10 - Bcsl Good< Loi Pi ice· Libc1 al 1 nm· Lai g BH~inecs a d \Vho ln the road of folly stray :w to the cabbo.'"' tnbe the ~tg1 c lturist 1.s \veil nienioiinl oj gi ea ti ess~ goo<ln ee<!l., or , ll t lC I;[ou 1 A.t tho folJoil 1ng prices pi um:pt pa9 l s <.1.vl. e ho\ well the corn fto\ er (Genta C! on the heads of then: fello'\ Jll ell l he Ihe receipt of $400 '\lll pay fo1 Godeys \"lhere dangers e\ or near ONL"Y 11 n ~) flo, 1ahef! tnnd lus ce 1 eal cro1 ,., ~ 1 1 ,.., orld \ U Lady s Bool an 1 .L Ll u1 s llome i\ir baz1ne for 8 no bcltci It~ their l av tua ln ed · I t.> 01 c _yent n nu o her I ce a.nd ho ~ the l u1 I :;i tln1otit ln Jt \~H von i lloVi the r ex.u.u1ple 1 rhe rece1pt of $ { oO \ ill p~y tor G de~ 8 Uorne1 hmg ond Rn~coo " l al \ayg attc1 d<i bu~ cHp8 )( 1 cas He fu1tl e1 'iV1ll yon Jn c ana JJe n1crc usel eis r1rones 1 ] !Uly's Boo1~ a td tl c ( hildrcn s Hour for one (vr~t of tl..u Ontario B[l;..01: ) not1cca ho veiy v gmouslythc plants of.... 'iheat If yon 'voul d not th0n be 1 p aull doing 1 year Oshaw& Od 18tu l 871 anll 1~ e flo n she~ nm 1 1 J..S ta.res D101up ed b\ a clr\ inc ell LI tv strn e c' 1::IJ F1' e Dollats "ill pay £01 Godoy ~ l acly s -~- --~.....:::::::-t=: --=:.....~ ~-.::::::..;:;.::::.:::_= -=====-=="' (From Homt' and liealth ) 11 e"e ob c1vati ns have w1th1n the 1 s., yert1 d P to clo sornet.tnn('I' to lJenetit and bless I Book Arthu ~ }[ nie M:.igazui~ :.i,,n 1 Cbild~on 8 .J n Hout for oua ye:u Krng St1eel, Bowman ville 1.1 u Rrt. pell Jo Ne11.1 alg a - I he following 01 tv. o led in a. fe places to somo 'ery pra.ct1 othe1s Tt:ach your children d1hoently n.nc1 The money n1ust all be l'!cnt at 01H~ tune fo1 ha c been sent ua lake one half on nee of "al e il au I sucuessful tn:ifo v. ith 0 ir root Cl 018 }JI l \ e1f 1l15 to " lk Jn th ~\ U.) s of J:-11 tue any of the t.:h be ii.ud ~d hons ma.J be made to Miminoniac 111 ui omica of\\ ater a dose )f 0 1c tea Thc'le e peiiments ;.i,re hardlJ 50 ,vcll Jato\ n t ....1 l p1et) chee1 tl e hef\1 t of tho r:-t1nnr e1 c111bS at cl ib lates "1th "or...ds o[._k1ndness u1Jhold the ,\ cak Canada subsor1be1s must send 24 c"nt~ a hU spoonful th1ee 01 fou1 tunes a. d1t.y of tcne1 l f the az11cultu11st'5 cf tlns country t.s 1s desunble l h l tl t1onal fo1 everj subscnption to the Lady s 1 1 eeded Auothe1 co11csponde1it l:londa the fol They ine not fJr ly \ il 1able in themseh es but n'\ 111 \ t eherr s ~i°~l tlh ~rtul1 J3ook ai1d 12 cent8 tore thEi of the othc1 n1aga b uild vnd 1e lowiug liora~ radish root hruused a.i1d bonnd j they appeai to l !)f'll a. field of J esoatch v. hiuh dlDC:i 0 ' nl,., C&lt owar t l t e1n t ct1e a:.:icl 7. 1 cs to pav the A111e11c~n postngc l"'~Ie sse \\l n p~ueu a so 1c1 t1l e a.11( Hovr TO Rzm1 -Iu le1n1tting by inail a l po the face Ot 'vherc' ei t Iie paui 18 1oc ~tod in all I rob ...bihty "ill lea.d to othe.r: llllporta.nt caie v, :it.,;h O\ c1 and p10\ 1de fo1 tlie lone Post Office Order on Plu ladelph a J. t a. Draft Buggies uncl r!uttm s \V1ll often give relief when tl e1 1nennH fail icsults I nllud..: to the gro th t0f,ethe1 lu t] u I ly ... nd hornel ess 01 phnn be if:l ~ble courte on Ph1la lclph1n. 01 New York payable to the Ei/ cacy of Re i~ccnnCtt on-It 1s sta~U in tl e sa1ne l , ::; of the S ~ e le t u111p a.n l the n tUl OU ud kn d ln all , our 11 tl conisc J..Jet oi ler of l.i A U odey !I profe1a.ble to banJc. of tt\ ory de~cuptlon r. t "ho1t not oe r.ndcr nr:itc· If a. Di nJt 01 a rost Office 0 1der ca.u Ed~nbv..rgh .ll!edtcal .1oti1'11a.l tha.t at a 1ecent goJd \\ e ai:e ai'tar~ of th..., difficul y w th.,. h1ch )QUI " c.rCls chst1l \\l don) aud J our lip s not be 1 iomtrcd send lTn te<l btn. cs or Nation rflason.nble te1rns lnceting of the Glasgow ?\Iechco Ch1rurgrnal SrJ for some hm~ la 1 the S ve le h 1.iS been cult1 d1op Enr-eetness tb \t all those tbout \OU nl :Bank notes LA GODEY 1mt Ilntam anl nHtj 1u11:1bc th e sel1t1111cnts of t1uth, beau :\..d he~ .. c cty not one wr.s able to u.cldu.c:r.,fnc \ated 1u mm1y l ultionr:i of i::-1 t11ngle instance of a re vn.cc1natec1 person ha"Vln0 thiitto shoh\1.Jh~t:ni!' thaHu11'cou d~rn.ble L:lS ty and good1 e l3 \il ich 11\ e inhl g1ow 11 ~ E ( 4'1) Sixth. & Chostn lt Sts Cv.rnagos Pamted and 'II.mmed rh1ladolpln· al en !Small pox 1he se11tunent miinta.1nc-a. tncts tst.illti.X'ation.. hn.!,,; 'b.te.n a.bandoned It )OUT 0 \\11 breast rr~i cu shall YfJUI 111erno1y per ANNUl\1, m ADV ANOE tl at whe1 fjtnall p@x pie\ ails every individ lal s th:.refo1 e, ;y1oet f f?PoiMaut ttiba.t it ha.s 1 e"'ll l c 11cc1ous in the hearts of tl ose yon lci:n e b n f f t 1 I 1t f,o 1u'tl v.,~ain to ftourrnh 0111 auy"' ol~ hen"' 11 belnnd j 0 1 an 1 j our goo d deeds c101 c in ~ o\e V(l jears c age in 1n in co ett oi.J11 i Y, -, Je sus I flue ;;ihall constitute Jo vou a per ought to be 10 va.ceuiate<l VVe belieVe tlns ll! J.n t::oiiJunetwu with the m r. ngolcl :tnd th1., not pctual in eJUOJI~l legible to all-c1t:ar the Ulll\iCisal i.J011'1Ct1on of impal t al incdH.:al only in the bor-t t Hill) soils b lt Oil the poor lnight .. L \oil us as the :;; ars lll n1 0-h1 s iJl 0 ~ T E d.. L ~v I '1 }l 0 b~er,cn; 1n all parh of the woild cxl1n.uste l gr 'els of B ctlfor }Rhlre-n c.: int1y <lit lern - S hnta; lJarbli a Ti i on the p1c1m <JB \ e1e spec1a.l att"'l t1vn i g '01 l'HOSI'EC1 U8 I OR J87' I"ll'.parcd Coffee Leai~s npltcc of - Dr \here the ra1nfa.ll docs 1ot <l.Id tlw 1.h,f11Ci3;) of to all (xa1dl1e1 (Engla.niJ) ha!! made a ctuious d1l:lCO\ the soil fot the nvciat;c H-1111 :il fa.11 of 1"'1.U 13 Saved at Last <'IJ 'l'IZ That Jen.): CS of the coffee plant nHtj there tie lea~ of Lll the F. c) sli counties ben G' Du "lug t ~eut.1 five y ca.rr. tlie cue ou of CAnrnge "mk rtml Geneial be substituted for tl o~e of teas nthout any con only aoout >.Q 1nches (1t w t.<i <.J ly abo1 t Jo the V\ it e!!s lrn_s n<:re1..1ioed f1om 800 to about 1 T~J(;u .._;~ El\ TO:N bleloss of t11e 11ecuhar pro1e1ties belon" inche s u 1 70) Iheuw e of ctll.n ttJon1stlJ IS 20 000 'l le1· Jobbrng 0 "" PLATFOR~! -\;ve litaud ~~here \Ve :i,lwaye stood Dr G 1n examunng at a <lc.!sc ibc 1 bJ M Joh 1 P 1rsei of v.,r lh 1 oton A ee"' e1 l ell ldren " e10 s1tt111g rot: ud an I l )O'k for ..uccc"'f.I t) tha.t ru 1 \ l d 1 l as huh ig to the 11tttir g 1ocer s shop a great \ an...::t\ of teas. n tit:ed that no~u Bedford Dull cnil J ir Apr i fo 11 th'21I chc"\;J f ul IuesiLle t1::i.e1e can1e fl.. 1ap at crto helped us one chc~t lnbell.,<l _.\..ssam 1 ea Ii d ~very pe 1 ou ndB of mangoldr.; p..:r cie an l a loth...::1 l rill tlier· 1001 On ()pe1nng lL tLe.} fono 1 u CF lNGE.S - I Le Duh Y'\ 1tue1>3 lutbeLto rn All wo1k don' at tins stablishnwn f 110 } 1 ] J h l tl L L ! t l tl ~uerl :i.t l oon and 2 4 ttnd G o clocl p m "ill r.:1llnrn.1peti.rauce Ouhu1pucl::tsu t..>i;omLJ l i;i 'vsniuiw 0 e oecnv uc lStout::i. '\Ye"l) \\ea er (H. nsu QISanc:inJ ieie duringthesesonofthe])otnJn1onPa1hament v. a11 anteJ found it to be vre1 a1e<l cc ffec leaves lhe p nt of S"' edes J 1. th al i uv. \\ he1 ve I II l t:\ .1d lie \Va1 cohld and hujng1 YI u1Jt LEgl nd 1 os~1bly the1e'1.fte11 iJ.l l ea.r also at 6 in tht: st.,he1noutwcleti.veastlen.1lyas"cc11th1ee i{t: luc111tog1ve J1o son1c oo toea,aut 1n01nn13allothcr ..ea1t1olscontnung&~hcrcto were Hl sm all I raome ltS not rn1111 e( )C llo t 00 I I b rt l d I au<l Clothrng l11ade to 01de m fust-class stylt·, 1:,0 w someonlyt"oine 1 o1clstooe chturnp l he s e lcr 101n t e&to1 rn 1ey asu.: 11 1n fore nee $3pera11nuu11n ad\anco A c11ll 1s iespectf 11lJ isolic1~e d 0 lu11sh fo1 th~topern,twn but conven cnt for in a to c 11e 111 Lv r nc~ her son ba<l JC ne to J ri '\Veokly ~Vitne~B. Subscribers to the J Im OBS.t<;RVE:fb (the 01gan of J '>101mrs 1ngw1tl itl:!IOOn sudy1eldngactrou ]Jlca.~ :..>\cdeEJg rO"\C:tvl ~c aiclrtl..! rvsoun Laol c tlo.tinc ihci htclfclt lier heai t wann Sem1,\eeklj\\itnes8 Jl aftti 1st T:i.:nuary the Bible Chnstran Denommation :\nt nfusion acccrtablctf) ma.nj 011 ac uunt of healthy B efoi:c \i0 n.do1 ted th is I 111 C\Ur la. d lu\\ uds :t f"::\lloi when 111 tiouUle I'S! e us1:d be suppl cd w1tlfa. l'r1 \Ve<1kh of tha sba1e and 1cfuse u~y,"':i.m..t..o l:OW a l;ijrn1p t. [\lL We SlZe ot the present Daly V\1tnesr..; wh1d1 Yi-lll one of the best Family Pape1s its eompni atn e chcapn("SI!! 'lho d1etttlic qu'*I :.i.< to ~ tn th111k < f her o" n dea1 bo1 nn1,l tried to be lo lnd to con ta 11 about ll..S muc 1 inattei as t1on settled the d1 h net;t~ of tl o t1a 1 actt n I t t e 1 n to rnts 1 cJMI I b3 th econ 1 ~ k l l 1 o a 1v I Jor «t 1 or as l 1; on kl the 111 ~sent Semi \\ eekl't th 1s 11 alnng nn a 1 p1mtecl m the Domnuon) clubbed B w na. n 11~ 0 t l t 1 <,::r;9 1ema1n~ f~rplmu;hmentto pr event actston1er 1 (Jctobe1 audt}ii;y cm~ utin Le "ling $ \ 1 li otl c.: ~o le to b1rr1 wll:n lo 1 i 0 ht d1t1011offiit1 te i.Jent to the reac.hng ln~tter 'nth the MERCH<\.Nr for Two frombei nilJmpoeedon aJ1 ~h11 y 1 ng-coffoc 11 en n1n !P~ h ~l py as th~ li>l~l f f tirJ 1o ln \\U.Ht SothC.) btonghttle~::n l01 Jl1 wtth out -..ny adhtion f I ice It \VeekJy Doll us pe.i annum rn 1tclvance ID l~ ilot'Hcr 1 nH~)l':l ne 1 ~ c tr doll Ji tl c lld - 11 1...: b. 11 ~ ~"'at ]), tlie [llC \\hi le U[l \V itness $2 pet ann 1m in 11(1va.ncc I o wnnts tear ., Al <' .~ ' ., ·" ""' .J }lontrcal (Weekly) \\.1tness I hie: po.per I 11' l uop 7 Gm gl - lLe Iudtanapohs 1~ t CN .. ays same and '\i eq1 al s ecE!' ~ "f'Y"<' ""'Cc t !l: lv p~l was gettn1g ie.t 1y foi: h 1ln1 As lro Rlut w11l contn t e of the ean e suape as h1thc1to b it go\ a g1cate1 \\eight l c1 nc c tlw:Y. we c ti .e1c thev a;:;k~<.11 1111 :1.bollt i s \O.)abcs,t le ,ill be largc1 by tJ1c h1ea.dth of i col mn each ) 01 the past two 01 tlnce weeks an avlirage 1 er have <lo1w w L]1 tunups only \ tu o Hi c )UlltrH r c had Vl"llecl and the I '"l.Y on every p l<gE' thus mak1ng an \dd 1t101 of la) f fmt"\ or fifty perHons havinO' the' hoop It ben.1 theu estaohi:>h d th ~the "'IO tl \ 11 o IS vcr; els Le l nu soi led lJl lie an fifty :pet cent to tht: re&ding tr I tte 'Vt11<1kly ing cough \ is1t the purif'I: Lll'--' roon1 of the gao ::. ~ ,1 tl n l I t JI ti 1 't I s '\\ 1tnes11 $1 n ad" t t oe ~ " "' Cit11 l rla1 t:s d.Q t,teq,p.iy ha\;Irl"' pu.rt cu "'WCieu lE!l leC y, e tng 1en1 tl. )Qt:, 1 'vorl" A cuie w efftictetl by the 1k.1.so1,fco l nc'Jihl OH1 '" ~ at ir lyf ( ire in ..~ the ie snf1e11ngs and c1anoe1s, n.ud espec1al!J o..bout I CLUilS in 0 ine 01 i;1x times tncl ataj""lllg ten ort fifteell ~ \ Ve hav e neve1 been nhl to oITer t ny U H uce 1 e 'o' a0 c lit \rlllch lie W'18 w1ecked ~ n 0 tht! 111tere t n ... flli1,-t I t 1 1 rob::tblc hit \" u ~et~ O\ e1 ta en l> ~· u. i,: 10l 1::11 t r· :i1c u ent wl ch 1 as Loruc fru ten al to th as~ist minute:> e::\ch time Rolicf LR fo t us 1 Uy witI + ' d 1t aurJCS f om rio1nc cmanah01 c tl" f 0111 the d l " ..,,, ' auce of tho >;c '" 1 ~e tiinccrc fnen ls} t f 1 t he 1n iJ.da.y sett 1e :Ulct 0,..1 !'; 1 11 \VI.LS uven a><uote b t , th t t loots or- tJ e leav,,s of rt. l)\,nt "Jneh l !'l g r1.tcft I l ' II l en1erpuse ::ts p 01np c .l em o cxe1 I n on u1c t1:.t8llt-: 1 to piece" A t 1e mew \Ve1e oi.u btihalf P1opn7 t 1.S1ullpo11b~Lett( to it~ nai,;,l boi loi;;t U \t HlJ elf and one co1npan1on We In all el t1on 'd c 1c uc i)eIBo l!..!IT ts fo1 testerl case is~ n record of ly '\'iho c<iught tl e 1Ihc\r j~~ ifthe.1 f¥t1~ l"ftOJ J.. le1gtn0 eU.. weie 1bto\ l u1on le b eacl "here iny one year inr.d\anccfoi c1 ht per"cns he will - - 0-i-;m:'.1.11 pox fro1n open1n::>' of a letter r ce vc<l fr-0111 examu at o l of the st bJf' t thn.. H the foll , mg conir :tdo sqp" q ieJ, lea\ lllJ n1 ~ theie alone be entitled tr one copJ a.t.I(htton~l for llln self alcnmpos tion 0 l L 1 1 l ( f tl slnp for ol my person rem1ttu ~ $8 fo:r Ol l I ubltcat1ons t f11e1 1 iu the d sta. 1eo ~ ust 1n 1g dov. n ~~ifh conol nston - Tf thcr ~tl ~ d W:OJ i'lJ 'l'! l! i. ic le i cen Ile e 1toI O lt: '~Jl1bcc-nt1tle l tooncd llats '01thndd1t010.l 1 tl e h sense J he 1 l V!!1J c1au cxp1cl\Sell his op n oftheS:1;eli>tLU'ufpru\t then1:'l;ns-ol l 'i t:OS1m1 hrn tt.1~ t \\H.:kcdrc s Lilt l \\OTderinl .A.D\ i~liO lt.S-'Wo here annot~ue cleiiei 1E1n that the contagwn could u t nn lcr tl16 c i la.t - ftheyrtpp enrtoab301)thesam ccon:c>htn chlnnt I 1Jtden1Jacc 11 hnt 01net1nie papers than car be t;ot an..,, he~ cbe inll cuts from the soI 01 thu tmoor hc1 c~we aie bcfo1 c l lS death an l he had l ecomc a ser1 cheaper ad,e1 t1H1ng l\ o th nl u1 l r poi ti )11 to ct m!'itances hln e Leen imported any othe1 va) tha.n is offered 1'1n Canhudu, VtVl hetheb1 I lc1 ipc Yt ice ui U. c of Q1t -A n e 1 cal iut.t H Ml} nol ue 1 o tho opinion tlrn.t Juangold o s 11~)1 ig Ch11st1 u1 a~ remar knlJlc for ctlncufo,+1on 1e pn.pers tre goo afj ' e as. c e l ie p \ as h 0 l Ll.Ll b CEll 1 e f ore f OI Ins he vos 1;;omctlung thnt I1l:$ pie) are tl e be::.t J 1 l~ca _,_\ll the clcp wtlncnts 0f exchange says }here ::ttc' u o 1-s. 1 1 Is of n em ts flo1n 1t81not oi lts e'.fu. E;lj, l )'f ~E:f tot.¥~ qY D.·tf:e *' l l"!<.l1 c Wlnle 1Jing on the Leach ea.ding1nattc1 will be kept np as heretofore lemper~nee and dos JJg JH bv uo rocaus itl e laMt 111ayb ~\1;ndra. c ~ft1 rra ~tfOt&t i u%hefo c he cli~d, hec!Ic\\ a B1ble fron1 VVcrue~1v1ng1nc1ease lattent1on t,) the com of them '\i\ e i10 toll that tie ~n ou t ofq111n Lhe f :i.c:t thu v t.nt of l nr ·~ledge do '1 not cl n in b1~ l oson1 nn 1 p1e11"&ccl 1t t l Ii e 11 p 1 hen me1 l.'lal depru:troent COl{I~ER n e sent f1on: Ph1la 1elph a. to the\:\ est tlns , d he ha 1ued 1t to iuc mcl Bob this It is ur 1ntent1on in futn1e to have at leaflt h tb e Impo rt a ice o I tl1c c 1isco\ cry l<S . 1 . . 1 1 ' l one saual story runnin 11 each eel hon of tho yea.1 l S ur and g:ieatei tha.u eve1 bef re 10 best f u e 1 d I be' er f 1 ~ n1 oreove~ the <.t1J\lantage of ptnn1nng U> in1metli kltas behen tl \V 1tness ~1 d generally ~no1e 11 t] e Daily aud ln C:.1,1 forn ::t d n)g tl c c:nil~ enll£1 :i.t1on lncn ate iw1ghbo fJ the uangold and tl S, c le 11 .r. ou IJO\'\ 0 " (1l! 1trent 1 1w . vc CCll we 11ope a.lao to present to n11 r L e1s ono or 1 0 1 1 1 '~oil l R l antler a.\as denlof no1e:r 1nqun ne 11 bl d ly fro1u w} at 1 used to be I O\\C lt a to two wood engiavings per ,,eek A\ Ii'\(, cssumcd the lJLi>Hwss ! ttelv canied on unclei the 1 dme a1 d ln I 1ok1nJ ovc1 1ny ohest one CO?iSTI'IDE!'CJ: -11 e 'W tness is the \~ork1ng vi ch \HliS not to he D.::t 1 for u. sou0 ~)rC8cIIl>lng 1n a 'e Y ie ~?1 ; e ~ b el'lveP. fl7u 1 thJs 'boo] jay I pic.:l (l It up On opcn1ll0' it I saw man 8 1.nti et the me1cha lt :5 paper the fa-.:m f r themselves and t11rn111_, nie~ic iv~tak.l,P.ffll to cultn h.t1n; Othc plants in close 3uxta 1 os t1v11 style of Consaul & Co and haung had ne nly t l 1nd of ~5lf in l tl.,en e tr1 doubtedl,> CJ,,Uln ] or in~tanOO we arr.: all ~warE:: tlfrlt iike ~he iny UUl It\ 1 1 iny inother SO\"\ 11 h~nd \\ nting er I!! pape1 tho c1ergyman s paper tho ladies 1N TH'.E S\~cde tWlllJP i pdf~~O~ffi; l ) ~i) \flr'U \ble ]t " \] k f } b paper the chQd en El pttper tl e teetoto.let I!: -=- ~ In \ue lllC lln o rny HtppJ oine papei tl e Christiau a paper ine if it d e::i no iuot allo atesfe, cl:. a.:1cl akt e TWE \ TY YEARS EXPEHIENCb IN THE TRADE in our rott1:t.1.p.Yr?B in ll:\ant,,ch~t 1:icts ~1ow!Jiw1th when a boy 111 dear okl E igland I resol' JOHN DOUG..i'LLL & SON b 1t a. man wl u goes o taking it all lus hfe a nd d1ffictUtv, 01 its cf;lt Ht~;.ol1 on J nt ~cl to ren.u 1t I hd so It sho,ved i11 e l 3 ROPRI.ET01"' neglec i g natl al nnd ord:mar:i; pi;it:t.'autions 11 ilfc1eadu~ v , ,l , H~· ' \J ~ ( a f:llll er I" ~ It et , n c tu l Hl.\ to tempteu ""t,....oo,,,..1nter\als ?; rn he1e h1 _ ___ ---·--- with mnplc fa mt10, io1 the w1ll 1 u1n lus phys1c.ll c1 U8t~tutio11 and nus Bnend rea.b1 able h~ th~t hk'· t~ iS \~ae ·h1b Ii\ ,l! l 1~sus In II1 n I fouml a IOaHour I om his 1no11e r I here waa: a time during the pen1n gTO\\ th may bo 1 ceto!eJ..l by"' g .. 6!\\"l;tg it u 1 cbn !t~)n~g to Hnn now I sh au t need th1s lit 1 ~r c l t g-u when many of the troops on the JU}\CiPn l'i""l~bt>9P}ff?tliertl11rt? as31cy1ct<. l D~sellool.._ an\ 1 It' so now I give lt UI r.:.1ho1n1 nJ ULJde1 the ad'\ we of th" s uge6i il 1 A eircrunr,,,:~dft.h1nt~1on\ c~ e N~ o to tlu~ to:v.01 Bub l~c1rl 1 pini, ui; er1t ancl lt larlJ took the1..r wluskey aud qu1n ne C\e1y FOR 18721 p~ poae., Is u-0t he not a.t? to b ; gdt 'Wl 11 "'fll e yo ur sou1, us it has su. ved in1ne o u111g to :\-\ a.l'd off the..su1 l):.lf.!Od teri.dencj Jn 11~i'of BJ 1 11.nti~l"" thf sel~ witl/ sbnier olhJ:i. 1 hP-n he tell bacl... upoil the e:n.nd and <l1ec1 he flattern hnnself tl1a1 he can olle1 1HE 1LLU$TRATED that lu.::ahty to fe'\ el8 r roots for its riii,SnW1 l;i 'ffir j a.fl;]w \ u ~te thl: \VJt~ a IPHH er to J eeius on }us 11ps 0 Ha1e Jun that B1\Jlnnth you 1 "'keel Conz:eni ~ t Ap1)ltcal1.on Jo .Bu1 is - It[!.' 10 1 o uons pounded ns fine ns possible arc said to mg only '"zther ' r·~', g · m clan;c Natf · ' the Ul1'10US mother <Oh, ve 111adam Ive book :Sh lloe{ not b'.rl~ifa the sBedij 0 inJ never pnrtr·tl hon 1 lt since th it da.y, said ~ he au excellent remedy for and burn s "\ "'f b~tffm"Jl'il'1i')."'" Cl;J;Jli' l'l'i j'.l.s\.>h · b-<:~>e ulh takrn~ it f10m h' Lo,on oucl A flRST·CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE, S'l't.ond Attack of Sm,all 'B,f; -A sn1aula oa1;e <il'D il.s\'lgetha.:Jbeitie~ of ow·,~15: vat W H: nd~d ft to het _ _ 0 __ of small pox ha.o QCcurred in Chicago be1ng the ests of vnnona J nds only leduClng then1 to a Tre1nbhug she se1zeJ it, 'D.nJ. tu1n1ug to &"l'OLocry - Ihe Braui and its Functions second tin1e the l_labe11t has had the d 8ea<>e ain~ le -.; n11ety or two \f!n~tlio i,J;n 'b rnp~ "'-r t l e blauk [Ji:10'c there "as her so11 s 11a1ne Location of the Organ:i with drrect1ons for thnn my otbet Honse 111 tl1e tJarle »est of "be (_ ity 01 1'fo1 tied tnd 4 ,-,~ 9 "ulture ::i1 d tra111u1~ and the Relav1ons of Mind in e1Jbht years It is rare indeed, tha;" ~ p r he hows 111 it l.1 ture becomes SQ low · t rt. on '\i the cotch tl1 1 ~ 111 l1e1 own h:;indwrJtJJ g ,_. ' I 18 '· 1 1 r I an l Body describe son 'vill take tl1e small pox a s·cond tune a,nd tl1e bnch exist 111 u s tlS llS tny sou ' son P1nstOGNONI or the S1g11:5 of Cha -aeter p6rbaps two attacks 1n such ra.p1d 5uccess1on llc1ssa'\'edat last' sle cxclu11ned t11c1 '\'iithill stla.tiors a.n<lh(l tol{e[l.lthein H1a 1Jt iet into tear~ of JOY and thnnkfnlne s special feattue ha\ e never before been knOV\'11 It s01 ves to Ln1ber Her p1avers had be1::n ans1\ erecl and this ~ul~OJ..iOGI or Tl I'. 1'. a ai H to !! OJ ~fan l\ho'v the 11ropuetJ of re vacc1nat1011 ] t 12 an A co1T~~~ ]t; ~ .'. Jthu~Vs~r f ~, i ml i1 " ..,vouderl ul Look the Bible had been 1nadc Illu5trated 'v1ll be gn en he may rne11t a fan shne of public l at.ona,,t> cstablu,hed fact \Ve behe'>c that a. l i.:1son who io « n~H,'k: e ·· .-.g"1ierM f d h d Pnxs OOY Al'\D ANArO~IY-lh ... 01gan1~a 1 the fol wu on . . ,_ ,. use o to 1'1111 c t at poor '~ l'I war \Van tion stiucture and functions of tho human Bov manv,lJe Mnch 17 1871 nl:4 ly has been p1oper y vacc1uatcd is less lw.ble to clcchng mb"r clcr1ng JtSlS and to bea'\.cn-S ::;i body uiththa awsoflife and hcnlth \\'hat take the small pitx than one who ha.' had the pr1ncrlcsto bo lcpt nnun u1 & for fence por tsfr" rl. · ·J Ti )te8 :w. we should eat a.nd dt'lnk how clothed :1.nd how -0disease ,.A rJ · Iht'!lttmbt:x ru .Attl8e ctlt n l ttl aJ; s Jt ( ic to exercise sleep v.nd hve in ~cco1dancc \\ 1th .Alb l? i~n fro n Bfood -Albumen ia uo 1 ro lMtl 1g tha.n that flon1 a , ctn~ tnie or front .A b1ol-..en \ 1d cont r ite hca1 t unlc ck~ OUI \ by1 !)'0·nl'l'~~~ I~ic~1~~~~hea an(l 1ion-i plue::i of le::ii:l ...Juced onRi huge eca.le at Pcsth Hunga.tJ and one its p1 mi; ...~ltih flph 1tl1g- la.ttt:r maJ iu " ar<I sen es autl ina 1 · tn1 uts 01 life GLT YOUR us sec 1m l lle u incv mon nnd women m a.11 deu.,, 111 North Germany from the blood of t.n 1nals. "how no 3 gn of-ft~iY' \ dl U <tlie t et's lo:-sc an :l feel tht: th111l"ls wh1cL. cot Id no lnore be ar~ special fea.tu 1ee; Jht.i serwn sepa1at1ngwhen 1)lood coagula.tes I rapulivui.sticngthand.:iolldity ~ndeoisciient seen he::nJ 01 felt \ ~Jn than in a deep l)\.RZN'IS'JBACI 1RA.AND01Hl1l - As ~ g1 le h li d f conS1u;ts chiefly of al bumen rhe: best qun.litJ of 1 f th ~lecp can htnr see and Jecl the 1h11 1 g~ that in cd icabng and trainmg C nl lren thui J\'faga 1 1 alb imen thus ohta.rned is t1p.ns121a1e:nt a.nd soln .}!i 1 ~ t ~a'li tty, .-l~r 1 i. 0 g °u ," t l l 111 droi 1 all) said antt done about h1111 z nMe hM no super ior 1 ti d g uc 1i geneJ t 1 Jn 0rma1 on on ie 1ea u ,,,, e lhe ll 11 ou 'Wfar~us a po"1 1. 1 l~ eea!onc is 1 Oct 0 ct hlelmlwabterAan~ is uhsoldl for \ moldera,lt1ngfl ytarns un for tl,i cue mstance mucb. 1no11;; du1 Tn tlLCJ 'O) " e of hfe \ e should inntute tol' cs! of the] daly IS lg1 vcn ri,ndt n> tef[o1 ti:Jd·' e 1871 1871 an( cot tr.est J ooc li$ t uec in a 101 ° t o ma i:e t ul' . \ t rn m "t 1n ClCR ng an in pan8 by exposing to an at a terupc1 atur t f a.~lcqtt~an.9i1-f clr ~Leen au 1 "he nc...-rci the the u Clf'll t inu 1nc1 fl \\Lo \\ itbot t ]0131 ng structive l !S '~ ull as the Best l 1etonnl J l\nuly liCa1tthe m01e Mtlng thv YIOOcl 1u the a:1.n1e sight ot t l e earth r usted to tl c heavcr.ily 11agru:1nc ever ptllished TfM Uood mo mng J\1.1kc sln11 e m1d its c.iily out ye tie lVhght I hom 100"' to 112" } From ;) 000 1 Ot nda of tiec if thoiot glJy rso ui l En._., n8 fat th~u: gu1c1 lnc.., Es1A11LisHED - 1 he J ( I RN.AJ l a reach d it be bonlcl to axP what stm tcd } ces chis rnon mg blood about 110 r)'tmud$ of alb men ate obtrunecl I 1,l.!i 0 l~;:u: nwu ~ay thri~ \ 1 tl...u ced was 54th \ olun e I l ba':l steachl~ inc cased In fa MIKE - Ji st be a1sej Tim tnd l ll tell) o m ,1 11ffy Yc , c, I 1 a ~ta.costof29dolla1s 16,tOO eggswo 1tl~ld ~~ "1: Bi 01 lnrJn 0 thomanj yct.rsithMbeenptbu~Jt!d the saimc amount of albumen at a C{lSt of 00 dol HU ._ M cJ"or ~ ff::: nee po::.t not ~o good as and '\ n.s neve1 m01 e popular th in no1v tould yt>teiclrty th tt M1stbei C11y LV r} 1011e had got home I hu.7! .Although the cost 0£ e~!! ~lb11m'en lS three -0ak th~y vs1e llghtjrom then ex p 1 ence 1 Cl- R E ...t-l '1 0 F F 1 ll 'l'En:~rs - Mu11Lhly a.t $3 a. yea,t 111 n.chl\uce '"' i)hgant nc" stock '" Oaocls clmpe LS du1 t man and its ·~" Thej µse l tlie you 1 g t_r.¢i:f.l JU~t 'r.rgb;i cno ,t;h "' ~ S ingle nun1bera 0 ccn"'~ Ch1b~ of ten 01 n I ~ times as great as that of bloo<l ;:ilbntoen the for f !fi· 'i " t .' I c. uld ~ 2 et ch and an ox tr a. copy to Age1 t mcsclf could '1aidly slape L "rnk ill rn 0 ht tlnnkn J "' the '.lHF CxRE\T FAVORITES , f d fot one post -J.heVsootl n cny~tl nnc ""o ( )NLY lh,..Be 1) ll;:i.1 s fo1 Elc en Dullal'~ In VVe aro offeung the most] be1 al Pie1n uuc f n1er1s pre e11el: t ht '· L 1 0 r f or F our D oll ars E 1~Jlte-m Incloso Iv ce1 ts fot a ~an1plc number ·itli 11e 1 t"e chape goods A. ud shm P. enuff 1tB the full sto1e Le h ~$ B or ye1ng purposes Ol'\W not 1 10ld a ~a.i1 -' ·a. t ~ 1 c1g pe111 ys ue111g ll...<tct of lt~ puritJ 10< d albumen of &fficond ~uih ~ .,., n 1l$: ccdru 13 1 l l 11 ,_, ei bu u Lt 1 util n Doll:1H1 in v1.~lue Or for Jj \ e Doll us I wen Pictoual Poster and l:lr spect s 11 I :".I. com1 letc piles LHcl piles cv the n ,test J>«tt0 rns 1d l r. d g11 e) e the ty darker in color but uea.1ly all1'olu1JTu in 1va IS large tllli.J 1 h to s<nv aud m ko fr.t 1 P'OO 1 ty ~1x.. I>olla, 8 n v 1 o r u;t of Prenn un1; 1\ddte s 1mikrns rt> an 'lligw<It ncl'r 30\\ n for J31ck1} 1u Sn ent:y-ii<A tcr ls uisedla.rgely m the process of ief1n1ng st ! ie be nt ful an l ti.rtlstie Cbror110 lsn t S R WELLS Publuiher L postR and 1f laitotJr still b ottur if a.~ sa.d S he 1 retty"" highly :finished mounted and 389 Bioadw'"'Y New Yolk · C,nts T<cy fo1 mo t nuthrn and the D 1ccy foi " tulle less &'a.l above t s not fCJ. I l;> - h s not los~ it" i:ml l t) varnished S ze 10..xl t (Elfter I lhc kl Stience1 } · ( ' AT lHE TTM An ,Jiuie its fonmr,; me :i e ll e lv11 l,e uou'i.1n t tho 'nu 1 e O .A u11pl c ·c Gcnn.:; - Dr I 1u.nk H Du.vis I ,v} 1ch u. ce lar. hol ls to cxt.,.mne ncro ieta:1l price Er l t _l) will be se11t b1 mail J 0 aecure lj done up )JObt face a~ a. t rf..!rr 1u1n to afthe1 b1eakrng down of Ch1cn.go Ill hM 1501ne observa.t1on with 1 Affen e prope Yf on 1J' 'Uiecl of sucl po e\ e y 'l hiee Dolla.L vea.r1y sub~cl'tbct to Dom or N p, lN D 0 MIN I 0 N M 0 N T ll L y Mlll..1~ Bieakmg down is i t Sh me he lu ows a thuJ, 11 U1 th hvo a" them1cro~copc inthe1\ayofcollect1ugorg1uuc audip1neo1 heinl c }Jo tds :with the iosts et est<M"o1thlv n.cknowled~ed the most bea.ut1 m l.ttei of g1,Jlms u:i. the preseoc<i"of &even cal:les two ~nd a ha.If fee+ an duly ti;mp re in ful and usef LI Parlo !vi J,,.,.a~ 1e tn Amel'lc l;. J> R o s PE c r U r.i F o R l Si-. 2 that Ill irnt tell )OU what i t 1s Tnn Jf3ou w«i1t to g1t a .__ ~ Isn t She P iett) " ts a beaut f il CJ rf.lrr o of tJ p h01d and typno ma1anal fevers aud cn!el:l '\Vlth gra\ el ~ncl the niuLS use<l long t\\ o pennys and splendi 1 Pa.rlor I icture and a· lh h ·' b h 1 ;pate name when 1 oure dccl and be called a 1hls,nt10nzcd filos is magazine ~ t e olae.'3t anu a« t e M 0 of erystpela !.: sca1 I atma, rubeo1a a.n<1 ~tpthcua. wiU la;::.t fit~u -01 twen.ty :v.;ears gocd i uc,1._i.f a.t yetJ of ru;., ' orth n 9HI thaudi 1ble the cost of e!t cJic..·ulation of any liteiat'y mn.gRzuic lll Can ifei and a public b1mfacthu1 Jl't tell all } oure naboms and the and Ls forced to conclu<le~'El:1therthat th.:j_ t~~ 1g:lit ti o i is take di'n\Ql the posts -. l'.e ~ St.:upho nn<l together with De1na1e5t s l ada It a.1m 9 at being ri. C11onadia!"' lt:Ia nmne us+ a1 man],mn about Crays chape t.tme and yon 11 do morn producing poisons \ave eluded all the va1i.ous \ er,,e(I a1 d r b ult v1tE u~'W na'ils t ~Arfthc fouthly afford~ ~n oppoi tun tv for the invest both ill tho cha 11cter of ts n .aLte a.nd u~ 1 en 1 for the good a· you counth1y than iver St Patnck did fo1 ou'd d d f th fb 1 ] mtJ!lt of 'lhree Dollars such a~ ma) neve1 oc ingthe v.ay to Canadian Wl'l.te1s In the lat contr1vruices evise or e purpoge o nngmg ten (It 1nqre yea1 s ongcr ~ ~ cur ag::un u1 in -place of Jsn t She Prttt y.,. tei field it hM up to the present 1 een r.. fmlure Irel,md when he lxmishecl ll the toacL and ~n 11,es out av it the1n uode:r ..ob'lerv&tion o:c else-that those n1.flu fence ta b durabie :1nu"t not onlJ be of fo1 One Doll a n.dd1t ona.l Hiawatha s \V' u~ 50 fa!f &.<\ 1emuiJ.eia.t111c its ontributr.iis aud it$ encee eJlla.rl 1te fron1 some £if the nonnc-U e-··cret\ good m....'tterial Ou+ helw-t~U 1 uilt and , e y ()f._ Ill.$ (afte1 J eron1e Ihompson) size lo {2;J publrnha1 s is con r ned but Q.s its c rcr lat on that nh er wa' 111 rt o 'V })rodnets, in 'vluch cert&u changes ; re Snn ten mt re depenrls uri l 1fthe gQod JUdgme'lit nnd P rwe Flfte~n thDoCllhars ' 111 dbe Dl:lent P t 18 fa. 1 \Ve no m hopes tha.t a good ad. vertum g IHIIm nuch oblagecl t-0 )e for the bit av 1dvwe alicl ,vont de 1 1 ";:,. ti res , 01 rornos an e norest s patronaae m.i.y yet 1 ut 1t on.,, pa.y 111 g bas10: po::iJed to h~ve: taken p lace chn.nges wluch a)e ltoneaty of the PuiJ4er tha'n..,11pon the... cn.. rac.:tc1 ~1onthly fo1 oue y~~l Fivtt .Dolla.ra H1a \\i e do 1 °ot ti nk cw Canad an homes cit find "am' e there 11 shm ely he a grnte nm and maJ bee Id mios J hus1an the l ttle p1attlcr on \Vhen s 1dde111y she ceu.Betl Ito qrnck actwii ment 1 1hen 11::t hue \'\1><c101n pres ~ e over its e recti on, a nd b10thcrlv] l\ eprorupt behold Ii lt lVould 3 o I ln 1\d such rt n1onn Mr! Dctuson etc have a lep tal 011 for ex cellence1ntheirv.."l"itng2fa1abo,ca1yotll~1s111 the lrfagaz ne hne Our Colored FMh on Plate!! ll:l i,J e mmit co iect of any published lU the country JEAl!TUUL S:l'EEL PLATES Of these tl e I aly 9 l3ook gives fr> teen each yca.1 O u l ~:iiw c-Godeys l!'i the inaga iii c 1n ' luch 1 u1J1c pre1 a ed ex1 rcssly for it MILLI!~lER Yo --u--tn1 :::a1t n. gran d d sr 1Lloy I ~ sho \ 11 of the ll .,t bna.ut1ful design onginttt ng in London and Nev Y rk ind 1 the abl\! inana 0 et:.lent ot lvfrB iI J } EDMAN (l:.i.tell'I1ss'l'hamas) out of / JOHN su; y IViGMURTRY'S CF THE ({il)i!Jfi.'v L'O In this dep l Ring St1eet nowman,,ille --o-- -e Cai adCL Farmc1 ) j J our fello,vr icn I ! I I DRY GOODS. 'MERCHAN'r ;it R, I and a.eneral Advertiser. ° TRE\'V~N~ CARRIAGE SHOP. THE HOUSEHOLD. Iv I i ltf s:vnrn. . . For the best aucl ch.e·.s1>est 75 UENTS DRY GOODS, us n .Es s GllOCERIES, CROCKERY ' A Biacksrruth's Shop I Boorrs & SHOE~ ' <;. ,. l rYRONJ~. /AS USlJAij -=-- ---=-;:=...___====:=====::: I The Promised Ne s ill1.8, II ADVERTISE ° AHEAD, l '\ The S4th Volume Purcha&e of Metchandwe the Cheapest l\:iarkets, - ~ ,,_, Phrenoloo<ical 3ournal, lVIERCHANrr pu1 GREATER, INDU(~EMENTS Good Tweed For $10.50. I ~ and Courtesv, · 1 1 J I I =---· CHI CORNWALL BLANKETS au1 I I I (> ..., "' Tl:rn Choicest Variety, t 11 eep I '] JvlEROH~l\N,1 OFFICE, GOODS IN TOWN ~~:~:~~e ~;1:c; :1!:se~tett~!:v:;;cL ~l r. r:rri,edy JC? CJ ionic .Diar1 l wa - Pt t a tab e the patient lS th1ri5tJ inorc ~va.ter Juay oe ~<ldcd Tt should be tak~n four times .,, cJ.,,y befor mealtn1 esr1.ndon gorn~to bel DI nkl'f!fJ nori of ~/~ i 1~~e~red l3y I n-:-"'ziF= J ~~f~!;1tt ~ ~\~~\!d ibe:~t1f{}J1C1!ro~i~e:711cf ~~~n~ fo ir times the price ch< ige<l H l scr1bc fo ~~s~~v!;~~t~~ u~~~i(!~oQ~;adia~e ~o l ~heol~skTuii ~poonful of when.t flour 1n a tumbler of \'. :i.'te1 11~at 1ntil it foa.mli and drink immediatclv If cult1vntlnf the 13eantiful. " e .scatte1 the se~Lls. of h~a" enl) ilo\\ ei 5 1 ln cloi n.-c \ 1 1 1, l l l ., goo \\ t:;t OSLCr 1.y oso a.' ~1ong n_ to l u man1 .) Idleness re 110 UfVtlU';:"J,l propu:US ff) of fl1El.llkind fol when t heJ are ttJO'\ 0111 to be tuuit lb tl l [I bt' l ec Y ie ex:an p e o t l e \vort ei!3s t 1cv ::ire n.-11 act! ' l ty Fathers Bro there and Lol'er~ do not fail to s~nt 1+ "With a beou ifnl ( hromo Husbands lJ. 1te1 ~ Tnd11nl 1n0 \~ ite1 if t.bnffi;y ~ , fl 1-1aoa:i:1ne ~ l v1e lt 1\ill inal e ,; .1 t!yea f!J-'r\r] 1.. :: with delight l:Ll\ll ziahs"ac iori "lld pro·'"' a :m onthly l em udet of yout go0d taste kmd feel ng .Addre;;s \-"\ Je ngs De mo1ast8::18Broach\a.y )fi:,w Yo1k Co.,tcs oE the Ja.t'*lt 1 ,mbeJ"- or tho Ji<lci ,. ,. LY. ue 9 0 cent Rent post ft ce De1nores 1 1 Canlid1ana to E.usta1n it Its cucufo.tion. 1s 3 909 Ne\ Il >r.fliniou Monthly One ])( lla.r and :fifty {,;ents 1 e ~nuu u 1 1 aclv nee 01 l b l di th J b su sen Jer::; sen nz e name ot i oe .,. ~ sc '1 et \ 1t, 1 then O\\Jl v;ill oqt the t o f r Tt o Do! Adve1tu:nng l.ll N~'r 1.lonnn1on ft'Io11th IJ pn page Eight Dollar:s some bmgnrns< Cn 1y s 'l,h 0 top av tl e molllrng lo <c -Im oft to J® GR!i, vf]rl~Olleo {j.ood~,. F. Y. Ct1VII~E. 1870 ct-62 All wo1k executed ,n the Latest St) les with N oai:ness and Des11·tch 0 nd at Lowest R tte· \_) JORN DOUGA LL & SON PBO:PR!ETOn1.:1 Noted :for (·bea1~ '

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