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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 Feb 1872, p. 4

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' ' " POETRY. i 2 d1 LE!&&G ;; " ; THE MERQIIANT, FRIDAY ' ~EBRUA:UY 33 ~· 23, 1872 --=· 1~ . ' Forty Second Year felt at such ttnle:i to be behe'I ~d An ©ld and True Friend heved in the shortest 111te1vll.l~ hetwc1;n1 its B"'a GODE>: LADY BOOK roR 1872 son' 6f enJOJ mcnt and c' ery tnne the su±re1ei A. gentlen1an plo.yed off a i1eh Joke on of the >"t!r.y b&11t kind ' Praise 1 Give Praise hn:!! Iesolut1on to go fo,.tl1 to meet 1t 1t 1 ene lus better half the other day Being .some The cheapest of Ladies l\'.ftgr.zancs boci~uee P1aum Ilnn p 1 i.rne Hnu Jes le: ou r h1'iflsed trates to the \ ery heart in glad surprise 1Ihc 111 hat llf an 1,;picure, he took it into his bead I it !S the best ! l! or the past fcrty t" 07ears the that mo ti t J h 1 11 k t h Book hal!: been c:one:1der-ed the gu1<le t women lledeeiner fields au: better still for tbm e is the lark to fill f rning ia ""£1 ou c i e 0 a\ e a. in everything tha.t 1s calculated to ekn ate the 111 S1ng 0 earth IIis"onlrous loi:e proclann up the hours \\1th inirthful nnrn c or nt \\01st ) Jt st rai~ di iner the even ng Sn Le ad bex lhe oltl fM-tu1liar wr t<:U:I \\hose stor1es lfa:1JH1m bail Hun 111gbest rucbttngels lll tl1fl1obJ11 a11J. tb u novka U[ J el1fa1e~ t osho> Jf!l:l S(' lCI tnoto fron1 the Citj, pjhtel\ ha,ve largelv cont11b 1tedto tlns h.ine itll h I f u lc111111D 1 E l th tt n gentleman l!)f 1 ~1 flt; bec11 rcta.1ncd and chea1 tt<I a.t ttnJ at01 e in r, ~nti.dn or out of J t att1e- 1i:i1dest dn.J lia,r. its he a.nd h1lar1tJ c1ua1nttnc c-an altl Rll iruc friend \\onld 1\-Ianon l:l:;i,rl[tnd Ino Chu uhdl I >tie S glorJ it nt I 7 Bnt the cn.lme0lt1eg10111s the tplanl where hu dine WJth liel that dav As ~ 0011 as she had Dori, Metta "\ 1ctona V1cto1 S ~nu e Frost Strength and horu"'g1vc to His holj na.u1e hfe is sp1 cad out beneath the bodily e:i e r~cel, eel it all hauds \\ ent to , ork 0 g t Mrs C A IIopk111t;on Sue Chestnutwood 0 'e eruntt1 that d\\ ell on th" mountain of Z1ou 1nan l +.1 ,,. { tl l ' ~ e l\'lni Denison otc have a reput~tiou for ox P1 a ae TT U1 puuse II1m .;;ver 111 JOyfi.11 song '\\ ll;!Ie .,i eve m \ s roio. 1"' peasan s nest evervt 11ng in orde1 Perc1sely at SIX o clock cellenco ni their, nting::! fa1 abo' o n.nJ ot11ers in r ike a Shepherd J~sus w1ll guide hus chil lrcn to the sprry t "n from the sd1ool hot se to tho ~he \\ U8 J lCprued to recen c her guest A. the :h:1agaz111e line --o--MGN OF THE G(}b:f!EN LION chnrcb:iard fr m the d rr5.n1shed team in the SU npLLlUU8 du1uer wa8 an the laUle c\Ull Our Colored]aslno Plates are the n1o~t co1 \ In His a.rrnl:! He carne~ the1u u.ll day long patch of fallo'\'i or tho fishc1man s boat in thc- she \\ qs nr1a\. ed in lH r best att1n.· A gentle i ect of :iny pu bhshed in tho coun~ry In thfa lepnrtmcnt a grand d1spla.J 1s ~hown of the roost bea.utif11 d.etngn Pr nse I-Iim I raise Hun - J~su~ o ir blefisc d k k l d l l l l 1 A UTJFl L ':{:I'EJL PLATE:S Of th se I 011g1na.L1ng in Paus London and NevrYork uncler-theahll':l ll1l),l'lf1gen1e) t Redeenlet co\e to thc>1a.duct th~t pans th" yn,ll.;'i or noc Wl<.S ern a1H s ie awn1ted t 1c HJ~Uc the La1h s Bool gives roiHtei:n each ye11ir King Street Bowm.anvtlle of I\frs. J\f J REDMA1' ( ate l\fum Thomas ) the fleet tl at 0 hde~ g-host lil... e on t1 1 e honzon 'l\lth a palp1tat ug heart 'Vl1on1 ~as l1tr 01 gin 1t 1J:l s c -Uodey s 18 the on, inaga --o-For ou1 51ns He 811.ffe1e l and bled «nd died Tlns ls the perch ivhei c the ~pnit 1 luines its huebanLl 1uugu 0 hu tne to ,line? She 7'\l o in ""lnch. mu~1c prcpa1e 1 cxp1e,.sly foi it I I Fie on1 rock o u hope of eternal ;mhation ruflle l nnd dioop ng , 11 rrs and rnDt es re!1dy to t11011bl1t iL J:t>nlly nn1e:L 1 c an old ±nend appe l.J"a FOR THE HERE DO YOU BUY YOUR Ha 1 Hun Jes El the cruc1fi~d let itself do-n'Jl on ° nd tha.t hcnivcn mn perhaps a lno+her, fion1 the place\\ hence illod!l Cottagc:-J - I he onlJ ruue,.n. nc In this 1 G ROCJrnrns ? being the question J M J Loving Sav 0111 lneeklv cndunug sorroi'\ l'l encl nuy ' y they once rnovc ~ \V hen U ( drawing 10orn ~~~~rJ that gn es these de!jign11! " the Lal r; got u1 cxpref>f!ly £01 our own trade Cl f!tome1s cn.n relJ on g tt1ng n. would reEpectfully gn e n. hint to those ln per j goo 1 fit elegar11i"Btyle and b'J -i.utifully trnnined (1owncdWlththo1nsthatcr1.u~ll)p1eced H1s door d1cncd she ::m"\i hc1 h1sband, w1th )) iv. ul~s~m$ Tntb1:i,'i f a~ealsoalone plcx1ty tlrnt. l e keep15 constantly on ha.nd aflrflit --o-brow I sn11hn~ countl'.nan u We have r.lso A Childrcns clAoi~ stock of Onct: foi us l(Jecttd d.. spised a.nd foisaken t' rn\ dea1, she said, in an nnx1ou~ an i a Health depart1nent loue \\ li1:11~ 1s ~ltB ireutl~inan (If "hon1 yotl Go le'!} t Tniaiu Ule Recc 1 t~ Ron e' CIY sub Pr 1we or Gl .} TTe lfl triumphant no-r; ·poke ) ll j ou uuLen l Jee t f 01 th c ll ou d) < 1r N'uxser' 1tcI1cn 1.r ::1.ouroe A ln.rge stock of the moi'.it styll1lh ,ind ser'\1ceable goo<lri imported an<l ]Jaundry this connection ui shov;n a full'"y C1f tr1mm1ngs buttons & \Vhy, It phed the husband con1p1al.;entl.,: 7 it~d Engravra(J$ Th s a. se cr:1of en.,:.ia\ 1 1" 1 1 Pra.ise fI1m J i rt.l e II1m J esu" 1 How Do Drams Opemte o match, in \ll colors I 1 c c lie LS ings that nG one has attempted bu.i. ou1sdves Re leemer D1' <s rnaking done 01 de? in fi1 't clciss style and t 11ose who buy from b1m "ill ne"Ver u~gret Vtcr conve1ea.t1on w1th 'a1 ous practical )'. ou ~aul a gcntlcinnn of n:1v acqnn1ntance LadieJJ F.oic'f TJ o k De1 t nent .;,onte of l:-1ea. ... e1 h: po1 tal,,, loud with hosannaha ring .fl1 that they nre ablti;i to, fu.un(nil J 1n satisfied that of them do -nnd old and ti ue fnend- Vi onld dine with he dc<:1gns in this department are pnnted in Jes 1s :)a\ iour re1gnc~h for e\ er and e-.. ill not f lly understand the cone\'t theory of t 10 l 1le t; day colors in a st~ le unequalled In addition to all the tbo\ ( trachons tlicrc 'I buy from John ll!IcMurtry ' frown Hi.m crO"tYn Ii1m-l">ro1 het nn l &ct on of drains Io tho1;c .,:1 no do not .,,1 \ e the \Yell, saHl he guod huruoredly an1 i not wil! be published, In nthly a double p l{;'e. 011 Pr1 c t o.~d J(n1g Heavy Englrnh Wool Bea,te?S and Fancy Oteicuatmgs FLOUR rr ath r then c l.10ful attention it , 111 Sl'e'n a a gentle1n tn ut you1 :icq linntor ce, nn old giav ng the general t1tle of '\\h1ch "'i\lll b e 1\-ixs }) t I \anqu1 he1 i.ell 111 llib ri) J-ef111th and Li:t e ir end 1 Lohpop s Pa.rt) "\Ve I ronuse these s1$.etche::i Tueeds Shirts, Dniwe? s JIats a id Caps Colla, s i; ery ri1mple rr ntter to unaomtttn l ho ~ ' l en 1t OATMEAL fnl Oh she er cd d stTC"-~111glj 15 theic no (outlme n1 th1r charactc1) to bcsupcnot to any and Findings 1 apesh y Wool Unwn Hemp i ru.ns 01 l\ hen f1orn some othc1 <:a l>le \ a.te1 ao ( OR. l "illfEAL, AJYD b cl~ but , on ' ()f the klnd heretofore Rubluihed '\\7here is no\\ t}iJi \1ctu1v Lo l~t1ng g1ai.:e' .; I El,1fS cu uulates on th 5oil it should esc ape by s1nl Cwrpetvng,Floo1 Cloths Rugs &c 0111 ta n s CRACKED WHEAT ~ csu1:1 hV<;!S No longe1 thy por tall!' ~ue r.heede111, N) Bl'i <l~ar One t:Ol \ UHl yflac 83 00 -:i:ng down lnto.., \~ell ma de d1a1n, but JUSt here Danictsk,, 1 'ible LulW.10 1 oioehng Blankets Ho1 se Coiei s, Plain and !j 00 Jesus hves the lrt ghtv a1 d at1011g to !itl.\e VYell, I dt!Cl ll!! ll11s 1$ too bad, ~mc1 Ins Iwo cop1e"' one year lS \ 111::10 <\ n1 Btflke 1~ 11ade for the \\ater docs 7 50 v. de in an auJL \ i one Ihree copies one } ea1 Fancy Flannels Fre'h ainvals of 010cke1} not cm"'e into the drn.nt from the to1 b v flon1 10 00 I heh t&band laughed unmo<lc1atel' bnt I our copies 01 l:l Jf.:tr \\ oolens ~ u bHh ~on[;ags Ladies' and Clnldren's 1-Y ool Shawls Fancy Glassware tl e b:"lttom of the dr1111 01 i u o~lu.:1 woi ds the hnall\ they ~at do" n co~ily togethct, and Fn·c cop cs one J e;:i,r ttnd an extra coJ y Un ler-clothmg Infantile Clothmg, beautiful designs 11chly Embioidercroocl dinner w1thont 11av to the per!;on getting up th"' club surplus\\ atcr comes tip nito the 1 a.11 a 1d not for once he hull 11 maJung six cop us 14 00 ed Complete Stocks m ("ood:!! !Jent to al1 parts oft th.e Town down u1to it Household Recipes Ing compn.nJ Eight copies one ye[l,l and an ext1 ~ oopy In all low land~ there ;; Po l ou1t a"" wl 1di vl P. to the I er1:1on g~ Lttl g 10 tho uluU {l rolH the Rntal Ne\\ Yorke1 21 QO sOJl retn;una s"'tu.rated 'v th\ "ter nnd the cl r; CIDBROPATHY l making nine c0-p1e~ I Elei: en copies one year and an cxtr;:i, copy .A Rc:c pe for lJu;cuit v; as recentl) pet1t1oned tancc of this po nt Ii om the surface \ill of cotu ~e None hut fhst :class hands emplo3 ed m each department, and itll to the p""rson cettLI1"' Ufl the dnU ( Reforn1er ) foi bJ some novice in cookery DJs.<JOh e a tc11. 'ary '1i1th th,, fa.c1htJ offered f r the 1 scharge 27 oO work guaranteed mak1ng t\'i elvc co11es :spoonful of soda in a htt e wa.tet,f.11 1 add it ton. of the ~tu plus wutcr Ii the I £un1 u.nd Ga1den <lep:1ttn1e it of I To ttecomodate our subs..ibers '\'i e w1ll club ir!OTTO-Best Goods Lov. P1 ices Libei al 1 erms Large Biisvness and ' ' hc1" th1 ~ l 0111 s Go "'1th Arthur s Hoine 1'-fagazane and Children s I 1n~ l)f tluck sou1 creatn Add a t:l.blespoo!l near the surfaf:e a.s to o.ffeot tl e iooti:i of the th~ I idepencl it Alexander :.E rco.r gH es ue Hour at the follo"-' lng pnccs p1ompt puy f 11 of salt t'b flou1,a.nd 1mx as quickly and lightly fa 1 el fl 1OP""' h n.1ns n.1e need.t.=d "'Ild slio1 ld be a 101 g 1.rt1cle on the manufuct ue ot 1.;1dcr Tbe 1ece1pt of ~100 w11l pa;; fo-r Godeys ONLY as I oss1ble Bake immediately in a brick oven 11serl 111 01dr" to I cep tlns h w of satl11aL1011 en 1.;01 1.;lud11i~ \,l;I+h the fo]h9\v111J paragraph, Lndy s Book and {\rthu1 s IIome 1\.1~ gaz1110 for one yea1 '£hm i1'the best recipe for b1scu1t I ha' c ev c1 a. lfn Hl \\ lth tl1en bottom!': In orde1 to snnpl f~ wh1cll to nHtke~ on0 s head feeJ shght fhe iece1pt of S3 W '\\ill pay fQr Gocley s Corner Kmg and Simcoe f<t£ tned but the best mnteriu.l may eas1l.} 1Je the mattir tln~ l ne of oiat uu:1 1 11 h:i.5 1 e n ly ciden·h (west of th· Ont..rro BMk ) La :i.) ! .Book and tho Clnldren a Hour for one In thus heahug of the n1anufacture of spoiled by unskilful treatment ly Os haw a, Oct 18th 1871 yea $tJl"'d the wat~i table cider '\Ve "ould not he understood as ad '\i u Jtlve Doll~zs Vi1ll pa.y for Godej s Lach s ·~~~ In ca5e of a heavy ia. t tl e water will sink c.... t1ng it rn a ~teml\j ct1ulk Ne1thet do \"i"C ··-..;:;-::::.=-=cc~:=:==================--_:::.,._L 91 l E1ead -For tho benefit of those \\ho Book .Arthur 1 Horne !\ffl.gaz nc and Children s tnuy have to live upon bl"CUltlil longer than they down until it reaches this "Water t ibl c v. lucb K1ng Street, Bowmanv1lle hcltci.:e 1n cutl1116 d 1w11 our oJ.:chards and H'n l"' fo:r one yea.r 'l'he money n1uat a.U be sent at one tune for hi c I send the follow1ng method of mak1ng fzon1 the ac ~umulu.ttun of \Vater w1Jl grn.d utlly totallJ d1scanl1ng cider, a.s was advopa.tcd any of the clubl3 11nd add1t1ons Ill-'J he inade to li,!$ht bi ead - Sca.ld a gill of new JUJlk th1 ken use until (1n the abbcnce of dra1Dfl) lt finds t. EOme years. since ancl poss1bl' as son1e zea at club rates r.Ihe a1nount of d1mnge don .. lots nny st 11 ad vocatc 1'01 nnny bihoa· clubs to the cons1sb.!TIC) of stiff '"'ruel w1th n1cal nnd natural outlet Canada. subscnbers i;pu t send 21 cents addi keep warJ.n till it becomes light Ihcn ndd to the farmer "ill of CO ll"SC dtpend UI OU the con11 la1ut3 sour cider is a spcc1ilc, :1.nJ. 111 tlonal for every i:\Ub8CJ ptlOll t} 1 be J ll 1y fl n1HE sul:scriber }5 rne:parod to bmld and re height of thrn outlet in some cases it is BO 1u~h such cas"s is one of the good th ng:; Lo be Book and 12 cent~ tor either of the othe1 niaga l alf teAAl oonfi.11 of aalt soda. the f!tzc of n. pen .l p:t1r a.s to 01 erflow the a 1rfacc and ua others "i'ii1l rece1\ t:<l "'1Lh ihanksg1'\ ing C1der &n1zzlers zincs, to pay the Ainer:ican postagt) a prnt of w::inn v. :tter antl th1cl..en I\ 1th ffrHn How ro REM Pr Jn rem thug by m~ l ti. 1 \Vhen this n~es mix the bread "1th "'ater or not the suifacc but st1ll 1s high P.nough to arv an al~ onllnat1on bnt if dyspeptics "ill Post O.ffic0 Order on Ph1la.delpbia or a D1 nit Wagons Buggws, and Cv ttei s, tak~ t 1 ttle with their dinner, they will ~ ect inilk adU ut'I salt RosE GE.R \Nit::M cl> tla.m bge to the gruVI u1g crops ou Ph1lndelvl11~l1 New Yo1k p11(}able to the find d1ge"tlon rco.tlv aided \)ego 111 fer 0 9rder of L A Godei: 1$ p1eferable to ba.nk To c' 1norc '-lcr.tly my me"1 1ng- sup1 ose 1 of e'er} derm11pt1on &t gbort notioe, andon Bo lerJ I li an Pudding -Si:ft one qua1t 1£ tl e n1anufetcture of a good p111c article, &ud notes If a or n. Post Office Order oa.n reM-On~ble terme Indian znea,l add one tablespoon£ 11 of latd a a. barrel (watEJJ. t ght} to be filled' ith common in the U1'e of it to let ou1 1uo~..le1allon 1e not be procn1e1 se1 l l n ted States )l :torat<'. u soil nnd 5ma.U openmg-s inade at cliffe1 .. nt al Bi:i.nk note"'teagpoun of ~alt, one half teaspoon of soda kuu'l'l H io all men Adrh e6' L A GODJJ:Y ~mppose \'i ater to be one half t<:acup of nice molasses pour on height!!: alone. its SH.le n lilt I rear seems to thmk that unleso apN E Coi Si>th & Cheotnut St> Carriages Pamted and Trimmed b01hng water and strr till ~t forms a ver~ still ponied so slo-wly u1011 th.e sUrface of the so 1 ples are rnade into c1de"', orchards n1e u~e Philooelph · U s le s " c take pleasUI~ in inforn11ng luru batte1 v.; ct a pudding ba.g made of ist1 ong that 1 ill be abso1bcll n.~ fa~t as it 18 ponied in In re'\v r:loth in boiling water flotu (In the - tht> Nt1th will reach a po1nt ( f !-lat irat1on at thut apples are excellent tbn gs to eat right side tUin it inside out uid put your which 1t will hold no more W8.te1 an lit will ac deed they are food aud , .. ere ne\ e1 intend rio I e1'\ie1t al. plea into c1dcr cumulate at the bottoin of the ba1rel If Ll e ed fc1 dnn] pudd1n..., batte1 in tie "-O lt n1ay invell one n1alnng ls is great an nhn~e of a good tlung 1l!OliTREAL WIT1vESS third and boil thrt>e ho ir" ' ith a bmled addition of v; ater is cont111ued the UJ t fee Ill o.s to pe \el t corn lnto wln.:ik, nrn.k.1ng rho d1nne1 Jtiy wo1d for t you will ha,.,:e a water table ,-;1ll 11sc and the surplu:o ;vatcr \~ill Ol'l. the premrnM \'V"ere epec1&l attention is Kl' en 1n1se1able dehts1on that cider 'v1ll a.11..l d1 l'ROSFEC I l) S J!'OH 18"2 to ·ll pudding ;; o:µ will not feel of Serve pass nff at the lo"\'i est open ng if the water 1s c"-t1on and cure sick hi.: crt:: 18 JllSt what '1n 0 aclrled fa,~ter than one opening ctn carry 1t off l'ilth outtcr and maple syrup or SU'"'Ol.r d138oh o.,blt!s 01 e 1 undred and fi lty q nae ks to 1uake C9xnage WO! k, and General tt 1vill rise to the next s bo'> c 11nd in 1;h1s '\\ ny During t1'i enty five the crrc lation of cd fortunes 1n <::ell1n;.;: t.1.t:i u1an.) no,.,trurr1a oi al '\'i ill if the wa.ter 18 ad ied faat enough overflow· the "\\:1tne~s ha3 JnCieased fi01n 800 to about cobohc b1tte1s It l~ the dciustou that is Plaut Cook C3 One cup 1mga1 one egg bea.t 20 000 Jobbmg the top uf the 1)nnel In all case~ the smplus fa~t n1al n g 1u; a nat1011 of drunkards It _. eu one ha.If cup butter onlil half cup sour rrulk l.'L.i..TFOR:M: -We stand where wo alv;ays stood wut.P.1 \l.r1!l rise to the 1 est op,.,n1 tg and not is the t~elus1on thut "ends cue but dred and Jook for success to that a1<l which has h1th aoda to sweeten the n1ill one tea.spoon of g:ing fall to nnd esca1 e lJy tbe uppei one erto helped us thousand of our pcorla ann 1nll1 to drunk c1 rub the butter 111 the flour titn tn th'i.'t egg OH\NGES -Ihe Da.1h W1tnc.11 hitherto i~ 1111s is exactl.J. wl at takes place '\V1th l'I.. dnnn ards g1a'e" 1here is not a ili111 5clle1 in &nd eug::i.r mix the ~p ce 111 the milk stir in and sued nt nGon and 2 4 n.nd 6 Ct clock p m will As soon rus. the lunn is op1,n el it lowers the all tl eland. tl at\\ ill not shou t Ii ts 1 u lett during the session of tho Dom1111on Prtrhament nux in flout till stiff ~nough to roll r )11 v~r\ '\{ater table to its O'i\ n le~d i:rnd 11 the w:.11ter lunen to ~Ir .t ..,rcfu s log1c l hey all go u.I d posa bly l l ei eafte1 n.ppea.1 al o at 6 in the t h 11 a..ud bake Fo1 a l 11 0 e batcli do 1ble the does not come lll fa.ster tl a,1 th e <lrain can ca11y I 1 f)r rnocle1at1on J theJ all abonn.nutc JUZ morning all othe1 ed1t1ons continuing as hereto A call is respectfully sohc1ted ngre llentfl Pla 11 b L goorl and healthy for orde1 ~h n'!l None of thenl. 1econ1nH ntl run1, foi:e Pnce $3 per annum 1n ad'>ance it off "ill hol<l it there J MORRIS THE OBSERVER, (the 01gan of cl11ld1en -B F T J n W eel l y " 1t el'\8 Snb c1 l he1 s to the b1andy w} 1sk" , gn1, lage1 not even cider, In one case I ~as told by a pr ~ct ~1 fm 1ne1 the Bible Chnstian Denummatwn But theJ all ootnmend Semi Vit eel l'\ V, itness w ll tfttir lr;;t J anua1y To Ptf'kJc 'lfea t - I h"v no 1ced rec pcs for who b:a.d di:.uns 1n success:ful or er -1.t )J that as a ~teadJ d nnk be supplied with a In\\ eekly of the r$hape and th1spurpose1nthe Ru1c(l Nein 1()1/.r, He1e this idea \'i as not correct for 1[1t' ns one tli:i.111 them as good to1 :1 \ s 1 )eutic~ 1 lnd as specifics s1ze of the present Da1ly ¥. itncss which will one of the best Family Papers he found to contll.m about ns nntch matter as is my practice ~A barrel clea.n and sweet is "'oultl low·er the wa.ter t11b c on an acr0 of foi lllfl.11\ ~ver' UlJny h lions con1pla1nts prmted m the Domm1011) clubbed Ro vH 11n v1lle Oet l8t 1869 \l 'a.yjj 1eMI~ \"\ ht!n t.htl tncat 1::5 cool it is cut g-ro 1nd and should prove 8uffic1en-1- "-o d1 n it \..11 l us \'fv ate a nat1on of dy.:i )ept1cs, and the pre!3ent St nu \Vee kl y th Ii rn i.k 11g an n.d with the MERCHANT, for Two <l1t1011 of fift} per cent to the reading rnatter as aln1oi::t C\ ery one hns some fonn of bil p lo fit the b~1 td i 1 the bottom of ,-;h1ch I pioperlJ Ent for the capillary ttra t OJ1 of ions co1111 aint we shall all becon1e topers w1.thout n..ny addit1on of price In \\. eekly Dollai s per annum m IV.h auce pnt n bn er of salt h:i.lf an inch th1!..!k la.} 11., th11 the a nl this obJect10n \'i onlll hol l goo l "\"\ itness $2 per anuurn r a h<L ce ])tffcr 1t n }t 1zzle1 01 1f the teti.clnrigr. lf the In 0 Montreal (Weekly) \V itnes:, - Thu; paper 1neat in ekin side doW11 then another layer of ent r:1 01ls posst~s the Io;, er of hol h ng "\'i uter in (lepen.c7vnt ue tu bt:: iullo\\ ed v;Jll cont1ni.le of the same i; as hither t o but i::alt an l anothet of mea.t flesh Bide down and d1ffer1;int d~g1 ees and hence no 1 ulc fox s1 acu 0 .A.ud pe1h 11 ~ t rttllDg co}un1i:nt ~r\: on the .,,_..,,u be large1 bJ the breadth of 1t col 1m11 e:teh BO on I eep1n:; flesh and 2lnn sides togotbcr It dxn1n~ \~Jll hold good the) 1naJ be and oft n c1dcr u1c u.:i \Yell as a pi.::rt1ncntconclus1on ;~ay on cvcrJ pagC" thus mu.lon" nn n<ldition of e:r 'Ve~kly rema1ns in this c< nd1t1on t 11 the fir~t to the mil Rile so f a,1 apart tb-.t the cap1llnrJ tttI ac.;t10 1 of to tJns c1 ittt:I"m I;, thP. iollo\\ 1ng re8ult of fifty pei cent to the 1e vJ1 n::. 1n ~ L '\\ ltnes.!l $";1 Ju\ ance 1c of :\fu1ch when I put tialt enougl1 111 cold the St Il entirely COllntara<!ts the ten lency of the culc1 dr1nl 111 0 '"luch we cop) frorn v.n ex CLUll~ "pnng water to muke a brine th:i..t '\\ill be;:i,1 an \Vo.ter to l';lt:el... tl fl level of the1 drain n.nQ hence. change antl w·ln h IS opportnucli,, 1l uot \Ve have never hecn a.b\~ tu offei any 111d1 cc ecs~ ll 1s [pour ove1 the meat I then llUt a we find '"here the drains Ulll too fn,r that prov1dent1 dlj ou out table ut LH18 'iYil TJ10ne No' 9nd 1871 inent wlnch has bo1ne fiu1t eq 1 il to the ass1st tin~ "i(n0 ht on the meat to keep 1t.cove1ed bv or1nc the w·ater--tn.blc HI not level but n~es nea lv o I i. lcaster \South Oarohna) 1 c/'"'er ance of tho~e "hose since c fnendsb1p foi the 11 ""J enterprtsc has prompted thmn to exertion on and keep in a cool 11ave It '\ 111 kcl'p n. ycn.1 q 1 to to the 5Utfo.ce m1<lw n hi:;tv.: cell t ue d1 ans p11llts tho partic llars of a dcspe1a.lo en.. our behalf - JACOB Slll\DERLA...."'lD but over then1 faJ.]s to their lei: 1 counter 1\ hich took place naar Zoah can1p.. In all cd1t1ons where one pe::rson rem1t8 fo1 I his hne of aturn.tion s a '\\DI l rful pl '\il Jo! 1my Cake One pint of lu l a.n lnoa.l , one - -0 g1ouncl in Cheste1fiel<l C1onnty, on Satur one J em m ach auce fot eight p ersons he will s1 n of nn. ure w11ereby mo stu1e J8 f1 riushed dav 11 h t la!Jt, Uetween 11i R.lB:so111 ..o\.rant, be entitled to ontl (:OlJY t l.J ~10 itl fut li 11::ielf 1 nt of wheat flou one tcftc p of n1oltascs 0 Ul l \lr fo,,c111 Pl\ e1 Iii r uner a c1t1zen 01 any JlOH!Oll retu tt1ng $8 for our vubhcri,hons ( nc t ea.spoon of snlt of sodn. one p1ut of JUSt an 1t is needed nna in p1opcn i rn.J.1t1tic~ \\ 111 he entitled to one <l llar ti worth ar.ld1houal p1ovidcd it U1. at the piopc1 d1ilta11c fro1n tUe ol L:n1c s te1 a11d tli l tter In ing JUSt over soui nnlk one half cup of ~l1orte111 g J! um AD\ \N:rA GEtl -We here announcC' cl eap"'1 gnrfacc If this point is too far f101n the t:; 1 the St1tc 11ue 111 Union County, North pa-pera than can be got anywhc1(: else and E!is wnes and others tIJ it -H b Hnow.N It app~ats tli lt n c11fficulty had cheape1 n.dvertis1ng -,..e tl1111k HL r itt ~ 01 tu the IO\\ et of car ill11ry att1 action will be Carohn i Cltlo1 de Cl/ Li1 {' m use l \'XtPn i\ ely tn Ger sprnr g up bet\lieen tl e parties th1t eveu111g circulation than IS offered 1n Canada VVhcther Jnan} to dnve a\liay ins,...cts 1 l.t11 an l nucc \Vo O\'e co1ne h;; the' eibht of the watl.!r -and if while Itdini.· tlong the roatl on then Vi y t~ I tl e papers are good as well as cheap the pub 1 ton near the s1;1rfat:e the c1op will be 1. lJ t:re l b'i 0 l d h he are the best Judges .All the <lep utn !:!r Lri ( f know· that 1a.ts do not 1 l c 1t Ill a. celln1 u r In attcud p1etd UJ 0 at t1ecan1p gi-0 11n ,wlnc read110" 1nattcr,v1.ll be lcpt up rt heretofore a chtch by wlnch t11 y lliJ.. , been i i the ht1.b1t of its toot<i connH J ~ 1 ntact with the wa c Froinwat· Tl ~a 'ie aheady,-;ritten '"c miy waf'l q111etP-d down, and ts 1t \\i.l.S thought, "eat~ gn111g increased attention to the con1 l)~l'lllg tJH CP.11 tl sat1sfactor1ly settled U pan 1eturn1og hon1c, mcrc1al depa1tnient iseewhydrat ( d la11d1sso n11chl11Jss la,blc to Plyler~ hor1:1e happened to kick Arant on It lS oui 1ntent1on n f1twc to hrn·c at lcMt 1. o it 1kc T, tfJl l~cef 1 e id"I - Stea1 i it O\: e1 " ash '"than lh:lt '\Vhtch 1s undran1ed fot tl e the leg wlnch cau"cd Ai int 10 niake some one ae., :tl sto1y iunning n each edition of th~ wate1 f 1 h 1f a11 b u1 tl en 1 )Mt in the uRua.l ' t t th I '· th \V1tnes:i. and generallJ 1nore lll the Duly u.ucl water h<1' ng a fl cG passage th1ou.,,h trrc eo1l t 1 di tl l e HE a 8 again~ e 01 RP. i; rom. 115 a "e hope aJ;io to present tci all readers one or -lnB.UllCl the le\ cl )f tb.e v; nter table '-"'lll pass off in the quarrel .:ipruD6 up, ancl both of then1 !5prang t .... wood eng1 aT1n..,.A per -week 0 1 o Clear IL ul &l,-,1 c :\1ary F "\-V sends 1 s dro,in m~tead of over Lhe sniface of the llOll A\ ING asBumed the husmess lately earned on unde1 tne rwne ,ind iron1 th ir horse::. dre\\ the r knn:cs and C0Nsr1ru.E:XGI _r=rlhe-W1tnc~s n the '~ork1ng the.following pr111tod lip \Vhtch ehc sa;;e she Ptact-i al 1 r "st.1le of Con,aul & Co Rnd havmg had nearly '\Vent for each other about the eame t11ne man spaper the merchants paper the f11i1n knows from experience u; '\V:>rlhJ a placo in the '!Vi O gentlen1e11 '\\ho "ere lrt t;,OlUpftlPi '\"\"Jth er 8 pr.tpcr the clergy:mau s paper the la.d11::s lN thetll el'.lclea\:Oied tu ke li tbein apA.It hut paper, the child1ens paper the teetotalers R 1al Z\c Yo kc1 Jia\e tea<ly a little new Notes For Horsemen t! r p~per the Chr1st1an $ paper 1nilk in one sa.ucer, a pwce of wlnte soa-p 1n I JOHN DOUGALL & SON lhe both tho 0011b"tant·, berng ·toot men and ]Jo Ncn l3CRK A llOR!.:r.: .s Hoor another m 1 n clu'in doth folded t\ o or tb1ee resolute ot i)urposc, rushed at earli other as Puor niEIORS with ample facilities foi tho --- ~ tnncs On th e cloth 51 IC/l.d o tt the glove nea.t ?tI1r101 and I a~me1 eays -Nev r ha.' ea I edhot tnadu1en bereft of reason a.nd insensible to - - - d:i.nner Tho cont" t col tu ued nntil Arant s tu 1 '-'In oth T kc a piece of flannel dip it in shoe put on the Foot of a horse to bl n it level the rnili then rub off a good quantity of 8oap If you can find a bhlcl mn1th that l~ mecluunc kmle (wbose Jiand was wet with the blood oflnsunta3om·L; slipped from h1s hand, NEW DOMINION MONTHLY (nth 'i\etted flannel and commei1ce to t11b Ll1e eno11~h to le"el t e foot 'nthout iedhot iron t firmly with emplo.} hiro The bnrn1n_, )J.l c~ '.! deadens tho \\hen 1 l H81zed a p1t:ce of rail and knockeJ. 0 1 .,: e to,'ia1ds the fingers hold1n 0 PROBPECTll S FOR 1872 OthP:t parties ar If i; ou do not PJ\. Im dO\Vll three t1n1es t te lef v han<l Continue this process until the hoof and tends to { ontHv. t lL r1v111 ~ ut the scene about th1a tune, the cont he flatters himself that he can ofter behe-.;e tiy a1edhot poket on yQur nail a.nd k \c 1 f dnte looks of a dm~y color though Ilnl'l magaz1ne is the oldest and has the larg batants \\ere s~parated Both Plyler and see if it doce not aifect t} e g"o,-;tb est °'1culat on of a,ny hte~a:ry maga;i; 1ne in Oan cle lH { CCJlored t111 it looks dry and spoiled 1\..1ant had been drn1k1ng ciller7 u1 (l \Yele a a<la. It ;i.1ms a.t being a Canadian TR \.I:SING Tl;i.l:ll ]\f ~NF. OF .A. HOl SE - i J cf I ay it to dr.} and the opera.tor will soon be httle 111tox1catec1 Plyler Y..n.."1clL111 seven, bath m the cha.racter of its ma.~ter end 1n open feraon BR 1 acks "\fo subscnber asks I-Io"\\ g1at1fiid to ~ee that the old glove looks nearly :i.ud Arant in five, <l1fferent placeR It is tg1l1aw:1.y to C'.11.niid1'..11 v.11teH Jnthelat cP..n I the p:J.nne of lU) volt glO'\\ o b ..1 new It will be soft, glossy smootl1 and ela:!! thought botlJ of tl em ,1111 rcco\ er [PitJ ter field it has up to the p~se-nt been a frulure l'lG f~r &! 1emune1a.t1ng ~ts ontr1butrJrs and 1ts on the ! side of 1111:1 rrnvk? IIerbert in f11s the' should J ti( pubhf>he1r11$ concanifld buL a.a its c rcul;i.tion ' H111ts to Horse Keepe1 s fl.'l.j ::1 ""'lien it is 'J C.:ut~ Polatoe!J Select such as aie of un1 is fan we are in hopes that a good ad.'i ertia1ng than an.1 oth~r House m the trade west of the C1t3 of l\fontreal and Maternal Affectioi. may yet put lt on a paying baa1s fro in s12e '\\ash tho1n but do not d1stuI b i..hc defilre 1 to make he m9ne lw OlJ. the opp{l~1tt1s de he hopP,s that b.} I Vile do not thmk our Canad1an homes can find skin in anyway co1erw1th cold or luke>\arm from that towatds wh ch it nat ually g10 'is, lt 1ien talk ol Lhe Sil\: er cord of tne11ash1p el::.e'\ here 11 pubhca.tion nt 011ce so v1nolc8ome. should be wetted and combed sevei::W LJroes a ll ater an Inch abo-.; e the ve~etables lea\ e un Thrn 'iVlll suffice if it 1s not very sho1t -of the s1lke11 ties\\ luch b1un you11g lover'3 so n1te1esting and t!o C inw.han and we ask all co,.ered p 1nce on the the when ne.:\rly to the day togeLher-of the pu1u affection of husband Ca1wd1ruu1 to su.,tain it Its c1rculat1on is ruid bu~hy tn such cage some of the ha. r ma) '·l d 3 500 New Dominion 11,:[onthly One Dollar bo1linn point pour off the water and replace 1uu1 1~1 te a.s I f th ey '\\ere d n1au e as r:t. a llin<l fifty cents per annwn in a<hance Old be pulleli out fro:n:1 the under part on the side he may me11t a farr share of public patronage 1\ ith the qunnt1ty of cold water , the a.c to\\<1.rd "h1ch1t is de,,ned to make it gro·' this n1ant, and as pure is the love of angel~ subset bets sending tbc name of a new sub.:icnb t1011 of the cold "\'inter .sends the heat from the, 1124-ly Bowmam,lle March 17 1871 But a hn. tJ "ord, a thoughtless acL1ou, u1 er\ ith their own will gi;:t the two fo1 rwo v.:111 generallj ca.used it to fall ea"-il~ If thrn s111face to the heart making t]1e111 tnealy a ini\lconstrued expression 1ur.n br ~ lk the Dolla1 s ~dve1 t1sntg in Ne"" Dom1won :0i1onth docs not suffice the nt::ine sl ould be pla.hcd 111 first a ~light negh:ct son1e 1Il"ons1stency, lyper pago Eight Dolla.ra -0thro1v in a po1faon of salt, t1'Y thenl. with a. eight or ten brruds tbe end of eri,ch being loaded oi , tr ll111g fa> or demed moj sunclor the JOH~ DOUGALL & SON f nk to see whcu done pou1 off the WiiJter ar d Vi Ith a b1t of lead - .Ru cl beu l orib,11 '"econtl and e\ en the last nu:iy he destroy ' PIWPRIErons co' er the pot with \ folded napkin tO\\ el or GET YOUR 'VOR)i::\ 1~ COLI~ r.; j\f p Ca.qtle n ICK, cd, for the g1een tnetl. lIIOIJslc1 a1:i.) find flannel cloth let 1t stand by the the ten 1111n otn entrance tall blight t1 e laue~t fl< \'/!i!l~ utc~ peel and scud Lhetu to the table V'\-"'hen l\f1n11. ar::;k for a remedy fro: worms iu c<: Its It 18 potatoes are bo1le<l too fa11t the skins cracl be the op n1on of many ;et r1nu11ans th tt \ o ffi<I ot tln~ S'n eetest earthly patad1 e 13 t there 1s u. lo\e wlnch 11cslect cannot aro usually connected with nd1ge~t1on-th tL ll fore the heart 1s done To fl.(hl tu their delic1 FOR 18721 \veal rn-~ }ach IDJUry cannot dcstrov they produce ill health when the digestive or Oct Oct onsncs~ pou1 over them hot cream Jn ,vhich a an<l wh1eh e\ un Jealousy cannot ext1ng1nsh gans are dmordm cd Dr Dudd reeo1n1nencb little butt< h!'!s 1 een inelted (ur 1 ot) ai1d 1 LL U<i 1 RA 'l ED TllL g1v1ng "W h1te mu-stard seed('\\ hole) po'1idered It is the pu1e, tLe hol', tlle en<lea11ng lo' 1:1 i:.pnnkle " th peppt·n of a n1o+hlr It lS as gentle ar; the b10e:t:e mandrake sttlphur powdered' oim seed (cZ c i TI11:- (,ood mornmg M1l,e s,h me and its ea1ly out .1e are Might I Cht1Q1cw is These pa1uful u1fln.m1n a l(JY of 0ve1i1ng fiun as the Oiil\., and ceaSes onl;> OiJodi im antlterminticum )poplar ba.,.k t <i}t gin he boulcl to axe "hat 'ta1 ted ye es tlus murnm g 1nvelhngs gene1all:y attacl the toes heds, and \'illun hft:s last glea1n goes out 111 tleuth ger and cn;ucoal-of eacl1 two Gt nccs rr ix a.1 d ])unng all the 'Ic1ss1tndes of this cQa11g1ng fingers 3.Jld are attended w1t1J an intolerable MIKE- J1st be aise:y Tim and Ill tell .1e ma Jiffy Ye sec I 1'as gl\IC o e ouncf night and morning- u1 the fe"d ~ "o,, d, 111 8'1cknes.::. or in so1ro,v-1n life or --o-degree of 1tcbu1g In com111ou c.aseF< the fol toulcl }lSterd"'), that 11isther Gray av Tyrone lm<l got home HRJ;1\0JOGY rho ]3J:tll at rl Jt.l'I J? uet101 i"l rhe f >lluw1ng httu,,s 2 " ay large quantltlei:\ of In dl:!ath-Jn childhoods I alc)on tla}a- 111 loWlng treatment sbouJ<l be pursued As aoon ·n ilhgant new stock av fioods chape as dmt man and its Loc3.hon of the 01 i,;ans w th directions for as anJ part becon e;, affected rub 1t with r;p1nt \\ 01 n s -C:i..lllto1 011, 12 oz 011 6f " <u.u sctd youth~ uut1onb lecl hou1-ot i11 1-11 tul ootl s culture and tr:un1ng aJ d the 1-telations 0£ ~ilnd meself could hardly sltpe a "mk, all m 0 ht, thmkrng av the 'IRE GREAT FAYOllTTRS l oz ~011 of tan;)y 3 <lra.:.:hms-to be g vm OH. 'igoroui5 pnnu~-t 1e n1eit lit.1 clings with vf lO"~Inary or aromo.t1c c:.unphora.ted cieaan and 13"cly lescribe<l the sn.1ne ... n-wC;\lld offccnGn to her clnld the chape goods And slrnre enuff, its the full store he hasPHYSIOGNOMY or the R gns of Charncter afLerwa"Ids ap1Jly piece~ of ~oft ]uien n1018tcn an tmpty stoni teh fuJu \ti 1 uy nut~hti::i l.lf fine It is the !'..:lJ TIC aJll l the sno\\B nncl frosts of w1ih lllustiatton!:i a.nd h o\" to Read them is ~ fe~d or shorts v. ell seasoned with salt It hol( ld p1le> and piles a'i the natest patterns and he cl give ye the cd with calllpho1atcd s1nrits oap hn ment S1beru1 tLc tcmpe1a.te ieg1ons of 0111 own spe01al feature makms a> an 1ll1gant new gown fo1 Biddy for Sn cnt3 -fh c can1phor \ hnunent &c "\Vhen the i:n ellmr:is be rep""a.tetl l ntil the bo,vels ref!p ond - Il rl EIH~O.i..OGY 01 l'he :Nati al !It tm !I of 1!fn1 f;.i.tL laud anJ a1nong the a11d !Ii ncl~ of Illu~h a.terl -w1ll le given Cmts, 'lay for most nuthm and the Baecy tor a tnfle less b eak or ulcerate applj poult cei! and eniolh AT lHE A LE\.RNED ~ECOND wu~r.-An Atnca P!li'8IOLOG"I AND ANATO n: - Ih1< Orgl!.J.lrnn ent 01ntm.::nt for a flj :v days '.Equal q11anhties An shme it8 fonnmg me ye are, Mike, wouldn't the mm be lhe anx1ons c1r.c!'I and tender attc11t1on-=, t1on structure ,and f incttons of the human TIMfanner 1n the State of Pen11syl \ a1na n1arr cd of Gwect 011 hrne "\vater and p1oof B[irits f( 1m a miss ftom a fashionable boa1d1ng ;;chool and oft repE; lte(l ~ords of a i11otnet s love, bod"i with the law~ o'f hfe al l bf)a1th \\hat afther breakmg down n.n excellent R;pphcat on for clrilblnin~ for his second "1fe He "a::i struck dun1b are not without tncir hdppy 1nflnence li._.eon v; e should eat a.nd lunk ho:» clothed and how MIKE- Bieakrng down is 1t Shurn he kno1'sa thncl, ·1mth t"o a\ The to exercu~e leep and lne it1 :-1<,.1(.:0rdru1<.:C with with her floquence 111d gaped \'1 Lh '\onder the ln es and chai.11.1.;tcrs of their son5 hvg1en1c pr1nc1ples that I'll Jist tell ) ou "hat rt rn Tim if} ou want to git a stein rebI\ . e of aJU"'tlv offendcdfathei:; J"ll8.\ at lns s lea11nllff '\"'"un n1c:i y , s.ud lit, ..PoRTR.AITB sketche'3 a11d b o..,raphie.!!> of lead grate name "hen youre ded and he called a fillantrofized filosWALKING bore a llole through the snlid antb an<l check, fy.1. isea:oon, the 1 ~nng and struggling 1n 0 men and wonicn 111 all rlena1 Lrn1:n1r, o{ life 1fe1 and a public bm1facthar JlSt tell all :yotne nabomsanrl the chuck 1n a rrnlestone nnd "'h"' 11 tell Jon to p IR!llDIB:i of ~outh, hut the s:Hred 1e:isons nte special fea.turea V{H.1k1ng I~ good not stepping from shop to p <\RENTS lEACHERS L'l"D OTHERS - ~s a C!"t1tde n sha\ n1 ho'\ long tbe stone 'v1ll be going l ca1 nt hon1 o. n1oth(;1 ~hrs arc cngrn\ ed on rrnt '"' mankrnn, about Gray's chape store and you 11 do morn shop or f1ot."'1. ne1ghbor to Jl!j ,.,hbor, but l!itretch in educating and tra11111 g (h1lclten th s J\fa a 0 cleane through ' She has 1e~unt 1\.eu11str\ the heart, and retain their po\\ er through ztne ha.i:; nos 1penor lor the good av.) ou counth1y than ner St Patrick did for ould 111g out far into the co mtry tu the fr~s.he"'t frelclf::, and cocKneyolgg\, uncl t i.1k~ a. lieap 1bou t hlo 111 'ni.ues path , and even in tbe car Much gene1al 11fo1mat1on 011 the leadu1 Iieland "hen he bamslicd all th" toads and snakes out a> it and hight!t ridgeE! and qiu~test litn<:e Ho\\ oxh1des and aflinities l used tn1 eer of vice, they are continually tec111nng tc">plC!l of the da.y ilj gnen an 1 no efforts ar~ eve1 sullen the imagination ma.y ha.i;e been to think It wa· a r 1 su1.;l\.d in e-vc1\ tune toot .. n1 nll 11ntl bnng w1t11 the1n n~ fu1th that mver was m it ~pared to ina,kc this the most 1nte1est1ng nnd in amone its g11efa at home here it cheert up and that I expired , ho :vsom0devcn, she tellcd el 111Citen1cnts to good, the hallo,ved !l!cene<:i ~t1 uct1va a>i '"ell a.<1 the Best P cto1t"' I Fl;i.nlll.} 'TIUIm much oblaged w} e for the bit"' ad> ice, and wont deMaga.i.1ne e'\ e1 published Hartl ia the snn es IIo\'tevet li~tle~e the limbs 1nay have me that she knowed Letter-·he telled me eif ch1ldhood and innocence tam ye therell shu1ely be a grate run and ma;ybee J'cl miss EQT\B.,.I"HED I he JOl:F.::'.>iAL bas I~a(..1.ned lt been when :sust11.1nmg a too hea.v:; heart here th·t I bad been rnckmg m t" o kmds of heart that mil not ·nelt at ta e recollect1on :'14th Vohnn(! It has stea.<11Iy Jnc e:t;;flrl 11 fav some ha1gau1s The top a;'\ the mornmg to ) e -Im off to of a n1othe:t s pra' ers n.nd n1u1eobi u1ate they are bra.ced an l the l~g1ng gait becom111 gin ox g1n and h1gl1 gtn 1I' star.5 I in 01 dul'lng the man,: "\ ean; it bas been pubh,.ned slill ll e Leart of h11n who by a cou1~e of Gra3 s and 1vas l!.CV6!r mo1e Pl! ul<\r than now buoyant agazn. }tow1n er tier\ eJ se the memory a tumble <lo\\ n teetotal n:m.n an d ) et h tve [ ~.fonilly '\ea 1 ah:oi been dnnk1ng ox g1u and 111nh 0 1 i alJ 1 l) vice can '\1llinglv \\l'lllg her soul with ina.y hav l ~en in presenting all that \Vas agon Ringle nu1nbers 30 cents C uU:i f ten Ol In HJ nngu11;b, und bLing t.101\ n her l 'HJ hn.11 :";with life 1z1 l_, und 1ns i:!Lu1g only on whnt cannot be ie $2 and an extia C)py to 1\.0 ent ~s1ro\v to the gn.t\ e W a~ e offering tl "'" ino~t 1be11;1 ] P {:l 1 n1a tue>dd he 01t 1s Gui~ di~egarded ruld then it !lfnmnut 8 darh11g ch ln i hurt h s ittle - ---·Inclvr;e 1::> cents for!'! sa.n1Jle111nnbe1 >'i1th nev. ah:et 1:.1 ~Jul the sleep of -+-he memory is tl e day ctns1n puipo~cly chd he dea1 i ltwa"- flJ.l 1 he1e i.., notlnng mo1e Uldl\141.llJ con All wo1lc executed m the Later,t P1ctor1al Poste1 an l P1os1 ectu8:: tnU u. c nr Jete J t I -i.r:.Kliisc to the unhappv The in ere breath au accident to be ~UTt'l ' - Y c:a, 1na111n n , de1nncd than a ( uc duy the r~a.son k that Lrnt of Pren11um:i; :\.d h es~ Styles with Nealness and Despatch ing of the t>1uol "Jud on the f tco 111 the common and all I Yl'ant 1"'" n. ch ince to cri<' "- l ni people c~n co 1de1nn it w thu 1t ern y S l't WELLS, Pub! sher and at Lowe't Rates B(JWI!l>Jn!lle Sept 1870 tf 1i2 Hhensto1 e est h1"'h'.,: ~~ l~ re t ai1d comfo1 t "\t lnch n u~t be again I' 389 Broadway, New Yor'< ' ===="'========::=:=::=o.;:::=:=;>"'"'""""'.;.""";m::-vrncrnrr=:~~ s s TeniJJle ~ 11 ashion, Oshawa Fctll and Winter, 1871 and 1872. Large Supplies New Sea.sona.ble Goods. ---o--- Colffee t Coffee I l and TEA JUST as GOOD, / I I 1HILLINER Y. J\!IANTLES :MANTLES JOHN MOMURTRY'S I SUBSCRIBE I I I W THE F ARl\1 \ D RESS GOODS DEP \RTJVIFN'T to \~ G-roeeries a.nd :E'rovisions DRY GOODS. 'J\!IERCHANT' 0 THE HOUSEHOLD. a.nd 0-enera.l Advertiser. GUOCERIES AND BOOTS A:ND SHOES MOBBIS' TREWIN, CARRIAGE SHOP. 'r _ _ _=== .Fo1· t11e best and cheapest 75 CENTS DRY GOODS, I per ANNUM, m ADV ANOE GROCER,IES, <JR,OCKERY, A Blacksmith's Shop BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothmg made to m fnst class st} le, go to J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, TYRONE. AS USUAL , The Promised News Mr. J. ·Milne, H TvVEYfY YEARS EXPERIEN'CE IN THE TRADE ADVERTISE THE CORNER AHEAD, nm Purchase of Merchandise m the Cheapest Markets, GREATER Attention, INDUCE~fE~1TS · Good Tweed l?or $10.50. ------- Pro1nptitu~le and Courtesy, The 64th CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Era.dy and Mike Flynn I CORNWALL BLANKETS 1871 1871 Phrenological Jeuri1al, Clan Ta.tan's, A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. P The Choicest Variety, the cheapest MERCHANT OFFICE, GOODS IN TOWN . J* Gl!Y, Ty1~one. Noted for-cheap Goo{ls. · ' , -·l--=

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