THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1S72. R E M B B A M E R SABBATH SCHOOL LIER.ARIES AND RE·w1-\.RDS. --:o:-- Groceri,es Good Cooking Itnisens only 5 cent;"' pound, ,inr! still cheaper hs the Bo:x.. 1 J N T We l11we just opened one of the And all other s T. DARLINGTON, HA.YE Just reueived a 011oice lot of LARGEST AKD BEST 8ELECTED STOCK I . @F FIRST-CLASS PICTURES I Taken in A 1. Style, at FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY I NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, ISabl)ath School LIllr ar1es and .Rewards.1 ever of!erQcl fo.r sale in Eowmanville. · . " Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody , his or .her own j Pamter. SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. l l\ If CL~~ I 1l'J__ l'!.J --- oD's . I 1 · _ Cotton and Woo] en Goods «re aclv·tneiog, but you can hny them at El· liott's for a time, at the old prices. Now the time to secure 'f liat · you ne~d. ____ · ~hort i~ · SIGir O.F' THB RED l!'L.AG, Kiug Street, 'Uovnn11uvil1~ 1 Ea~t .. Nov. 28th, 1871. 17-tl. Dr'. .J. Ball & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitre EYE-CUPS. tholl· the sll1'unkcn audonfei!ihledoye, Byeither in youn:: or old, i!I at once sup]:!liad u~e, with that be3t and indispensible animal st11nul3'nt-Axte1·inl Blopd . Tho nerve11 reai1n1e their t&ii-;; tlle vcascb recover their power: the globe a:uumes its proper shape, size. a.ud brilliancy; a.lldi1Juased actien is arreated a.nd cured. '!'heir object ~!'I to bring the sig'ltt to a na.tnral ((Jcua,by restoring thl'l dim inished convexi t y or fio1tness of the Oon1ea, of the Eye, which iis gradually raisecl to its original conve.xity,c.:n1sing the rays of light to ConY<rrge on the retina """ ithout the i\iU of convex lenses or gln~ses; thus n. sµecial rft:n1dy fol' the~e wl1 ose sight is beginning to fail from Thoy add vitality and strength to tl1e eye thus securing a prope~ secretion,and removing ~be ca.use of all oq~anic diseases. 1'hi11 won· dcrful effect is produced without pain CJt the l en.'l.t possibility of injury to the eye. Mu.ny of otu· lnost e1nincnt physicin.ul!:, occuli!Ots, stucl.cnts anJ. diviut-a, hava had their sight llCr1flan ently restored for life, ~nd cured 0£ the follo\\."ing diseMe!:I : 1.'i!!!d Vision; 2. or J='re!'lbyoriittr, oi· Fru· Sightedne&1, or Dimnesl5 of ·v·ision, . con1monly eaJl.ed Bluri-iug; 3. Aftthengpiaior 'Veak: Eyea, 4. Epi1lhora., }::t1nning Or "\Vatery Eyes; 5. S~re E"·es-specially treated. with th{" t!:ye Cup!- 1 · cllre guaranteed; 6. Weakness of tbe l{.etina, or Optic Nerve; 7. Opthalmia, or Inflammation of the Eye and it11. a.ppc1ula.g-ee, or imper~ feet, Vision from the effectl'I of Inflammation; S. PhOtoirhobia. 1 or Intolerance o'f Light; V. Over'Vorkod Eyea · 10. :&Iydesopia.:.......movmg apecb or flop.ting bodie.s before the eye11; Am~,urosie, or Obs<rurity of Vision; 12. Cataract!!, Partial Blindness; the lo3s Qf sight. ' An)· one Can use the I Vf?l'Y Eye Cups with?ut the aid of ·Doctor or J\1ed1c1ne, so ns to rece1v· imrnerJ.iate beneficiti.l results .,.nd never wear spectacles; or, if using now, to lay 'them' a1.lid" forever. 6 guarantee a cure in eYery where the directions are follo"·ed, or ·.ve will re· (und the m~ney. z 0 0 rn H p <Q rn "' PartiM wishing to replenish their School Libraries, or to pmchaso Ro· ward s, wi"]! p le11sc to remem b er two t h" mgs : 4 F" O . , irnt, ur Stock of School Books is no old stufl~ j)icked np at Auction NUTS IN GREAT , S 1 h cl d -; _ _·_ a, es, nor ns it. been ou onr Shelves for years. ·we have sol out an .Also Bo1..-el· ·utl llo<c· of refilled our shelves,- half-a-dozen times during the post year, and h:we Deau(;iflll!l, now purclchatskecl so largely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please · come an a . c t1 wrn aw11y. with a.n 1\-~sortment of 1 1 We have not nmrkecl our books l!,t high figures, with the view 0 H0 ICE BI Sou ITS · of Second, taking off" large discount. They marked 10w for general sale, :tnd ])arlingtou ha.3 :tG'ain ;it.uotl1~r lot of ~- a diseount of TEN PF..l~ CENT. \Vi11 be oJLo,ved on. purchases ranging fi·om tho>S celebrated $1. to $50.; over that amount FffTEEN PER CENT. will be allowed. Dates, Lemon, Ors,nge ""' d t'l;t..,,...., 'E)"'els, """* "'" .n ·> "'" VA.RIE 'TY. I HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS CLOTBJ._NG,---Gen:tlmneln i;1. wa:nt o~ a gbo?d fitting suit should Prepared for imediate use, and noth- ea,rly at Elliott s Fnsluonab c 1rjlonng J!,sta Jrnhment.. ing but the imrest materi(lfa used, ' aml reqctiring 110 further mixture of Stitil'l fitctio11 guaranteed in all r easor,::i..ble cnse~. Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jnr. 'J' cornposition consist!l'. solely of Ha.m,ptoo, August 2Jl<l, 1871. bp-o23-m54 Pun Colo1·, Piwe " White Leacl, P t l1'e White Zim.c, Linseed Oil, Spirits of 'L'wrpentine, &: D1·yers, l~l I '-1 P'O'l!.E LEAF TEAS, A few only of those splendid W c respectfully invite an inspection of om' Bown1a.nville, Dec. 2211d, 1870. n12·tf EXTENSIVE AND VARIED· STOCK OF TWEED SHIRTS -----·-·----- ------ at S. F. HlLJJS. Pocket Books, ccarefn!ly and scientifica,lly combined. The consmne1· e>m lmve any desired shade of color neatly put u1, in Cn.ns, and all he requires to huy with the Paint is a Brush, as the , whole can be clone hy himsell~ or by any member of his household. l MlJR,DOCH have received am1 opened out a 1 I ----- Albums, 'Vritiug Desl(s, 1 PURE WHITE LEAD, A ln,rge stock just recr,ivecl, for ant·· unm painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers,including Jmncs' Genuine, ttnd t he Cclebrntecl BUSJN.ESS AND STOCK of tho J."'te 1da.rtin, will be plensl'"d to 1ee Ladies' Con1pa:nious, OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES A fnll St~ck Blotters, Inkstands, Note Pa1ler, Envelopes, itnd Publishing House, King Street, Bowmitnville. au 'BOOSTER BRANJJ, gtiaranteed pm·e. ALSO of Groceries and Confectionary kept on h~nd. &c., &c. 'V N.B.-·It ii 1ny inten t ion to ·upply the ll&!i'J'" Remember the Store, next to the West Durh1,m Steam Printing eolorn, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. , (JBll and see how cheap a house Cati · be ptcinted and decorntcd; for all these goods will besolcl ictRerliicecl /iyiwe8. · 2000 Gallol1s of '.~ta.nclard · OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. .l 2309 Certificates of Cure, From honest Farmer11, )fechanics and Merch21.nts, son1e of the1n- the mofJt eminent lea,ding proressional and business men and ·women of education a.nd refinement, in otn· counb·y, may be seen a.t our office. Under date of 1faroh 29, Hon. Hora.ce Grue· ley of the New ·~{oi·k P.1··ibune, writes: ··J, ·Bail, of our ciLy, is a. conscientious and respo:n.· tible man, 1\'ha is inr:u..pablc of intentiont~l decep· sian vr itnposition. Prof, "\V. J\oierrick, of Lexin~tun, Ky .1 wrotE' April 24th 1 1860: \.Vithout my Spectacles I ren yru this note, after using the Patent l'·ory Eye Cnps thirteen daye, and this morning 1>crused th8 entire contents of a lla.ily N e"'·spaper, autl <'ll with the unassisted Eye. Truly am I grateful to your noble invention, may Hea\·en bless ~nd preserve you. I have been u9ing epec'.ia.cle:! t .w enty vearg ; I am gev. flnty!oh~ yea.1-a old. Truly );ours, Pref. \V. ).fer1ick. R.E"\'.·Tos.EPil StiilTH, :Th--fa.ldt!n, Mass., uured of Pn.rt.ial Blindness, of 18 yea1·,<J' stan<llng, in one tninnta, by the l.,atflnt l\.'Ory Eye Cnps. Jil. 0. ELLIS, late :'VIa.yor of Da.yton, Ohio, '\"rot6 us N gv, lf.lth,1869: I ha-ve testi1d the Patent Ivl)l-y Eyo Cnp., ,,and I a1u f\a.tisticd they are 'good. I &In pleased \Vith thetn; they the grc;i.teat invention of the ag~. COUNTRY TRA' DE with c. BARKER, ~MANAGER. CO:NFEC'rIONA:EiY, a111 was fer111erly done by 11r. 1'-Ia.rtin. Iof differe,' t kinds. Threshers and I all parties . requiring such oil, are I specially in v: ·eel to. inspec~ the v:i,rious qualities, ie pnces ,bemg_far b~ low anything ewer offered m tins mark:et. ~IA.CHINE OlL H HORWOOD 10-tf 0. BOUNSALL, MANUii'A0 rURR 1 ~1roR'rE11, DEAJ,J!:R in all the Ya1i.etiee of 1 It, Au 600 Cook, l?,a·.;rlor, Hall, and :Sox 1~toves, arriving, and now on 1\Xhihition'. the largest and cl~eapest stock of McCLUNG BROS. will soil Crockery Chilllt, Glassware, arid Lamps, for the next 30 days, AT COST, prior to making a ohange in the Grocer¥ Departmen~ DIRECT Italian & American · Marble. A lo..rglj and choice .~clectio:1 .. of MONUMENTS AND CR.t\VE STONES, 11,lwAiys on lrn.nd, of superior 'vork1nanship, Md a.t lowest pricee. GENERAL HA!lllW/UI~, CARt:!AGE GOODS, Mm TmWARE . I in the County of Durham. I , JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Builcli llgs. Bowmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. I ~o·--· W1'0nght or C@t fton Fenees N .E A R-S I G H TED NE 8 ::J . t~es of AfpopiaJ: or .l'ttar-sight· use our ~ ew Patent 1: yopic Attach· 1neuts. applied to the lYORr Ey_r:.Cur1 1 ha.e prol··d ~.certain 1;ure for thi" di<Jea.'!lf!. For the worst s. B. BRADSHAW for enclo.~ iti.: burying lots. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., k ept on }u1.11d, er 'vrought to order. 'A cs.11 i1 re~pect(u lly reque1;;ted at tho 1v.;irk11, artn~ss, l (ing Street., Bowm.(Mivillt October, h:t, l 86f). would this opportunity of thnt:iking his numerous friend a for the very libm·n.l he hll~ received, Re fe eb !'llltillfi.ed thait noth- ing 'but 1 1 Dr. J. Ba.ll & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Iis 1 ·ecoron1eudcd by thon!'lru1dal for Inflamed Eyes, :ind Eye-lid;i, also Vlea.k Eyes, \V~tery lt:yes, Over-worked Eyoi;, Intol e1·ance of Light, Am.<1.urosi:i, or Obacnrity of ·yii.-!ioni or Speck~ on ·moving Bodies bc±ore tho Eyes, YVeaknel!I, of Retina, a.ud many other d iseases of the Eye, _ .\Jl rP.n:iOU8 1vishing fol' fu\J !);."U'ticulat8, cert,j. ficat\'l·; of cures, prices, &c., will please send your addrr..,!; l:o 01n· Ag en~, who "'1ill send our 'l'rel\tine on th\l J~j'e, of forty-four page~, free, by return l·tf ll\'.[]y_I}1jNSE ! I ope n to-day. Try it for Yourselves Those that have kied, are convineecl that 8. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else m 'l,01.Vll + mail. All cons-nltatio1~ LOW PBIOES j and Cash paid for any quantity of Turkeys, Gee·e, Ducks and Chickens at MoOLUNG BROS ! ·w ith 11.s jn:c. Our sole and exclusive Age11t fo r Lhe County of Durham, is , E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0 . N uv~. 24tl1, 1871 . A large stock of i TUE GREAT REMEDY } "OR who has on haucl an assortment of Eye-Ou ps, &c. Cloths, D1'ess Goocls,Striped, Checked wicl plcd1i Shawls, Winc~y1, Flannels, Blankets,Linens, lVool Goods, H ofa~l'JJ , Gloves,(ind'l', ,.im1n·ing~. all bouiht bufore thl'l n.d\.·.!l,noe in pl'iyo~. . . . ... ·-- ----··-------- CONSUMPTION and Acknowledged by l'RnD}' prominent physlclan1 to be the most Reliable Preparntion ever 1ntrodu.ce<l for the 1:.ELIEF and CUUE of all will be found, ltS trnnnl, well supplic<l. INSURANCE. Andes first to pay Chicago Losses. Chicago, Oct. 11, 1$71. Superior \V'orkma.nship, bl\!S "ained fol' hi1u :;uch a. lteady increase nf LUNG COMPLAINTS. Thi1:t well-1..-nown remedy is offered to the public, 5nnctjouecl by the experience of over forty year3, nnd wheu resorted to in season, r;$Jdom !nils to elI'cct a. speedy cure of A large imported Stock of .,.,,. To ANDL'l~ n.ot P.xce~d business- much larger than former; and !N~Ul'tANO.E Co., ·Andel'! lo!~el'J will . he tru 11 t~e that by $300)000. , . j h. E. RYA)I, Agent. A special line of Tarta.m, SO per cent lower than Jar.t year ia solvent and "Very atron.g, and hM already con1mencetl paying it11 Chicago losses. OtrrroN, Oct, 9, 10::30 p.m. I to-lliglit caeeful ly exa,1nined aJl Chica. "0 iusurancos in the Andes Insur.:ince Compa.ny ~f Oiilcinnatti. \Ve shall authorise our adjueters to draw upon us at ~ight ior every correct claim aa rapidly as n.scertained . Our losses by this gL·2n.t calamity are a. considerable figure, but nothing to cripple us. '!'he hour of duty is npon us, and we !5hall m~et it in ~he lion-hearted mau ner that th e ucc::i.s1on reguircs· Nevtir· heless, I fully expect, ill addition to surmounting- this s el'iou~ obstacle, tn pa.y the stockhold· cr!I of the ... i\.ndes Co1 npany a com· ort(l..ble d i,·idco fl n ext July. Respectfully, ANDE3 'l'he A lot last Season's Tweeds at strict attention to business Ooughs, Coltls, Cronp~ llroncbitls, Jn. llnenzn1}Vhooplng vough, Hoarseness, rains 01· Soreness In tho CJ1est and Side, meedi11g at the Lungs, Mver Complaint, &c. FRESH li'IELD, AND GARDEN Just received. Bowmanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. SEEDS 1 ly 20 per cent. 'below Cost. ' Gent'1 suits: by the best workmen. Every Garment made to dt. h· will continue to recei re tb. ~frr 'iupport. The best Black 'I'eas iu Town. by a tim<!ly rosort to this standard remedy, an is proved by hundreds of testimonlnls received by ·tho proprietors. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GHERRY The liest Green Teas in Town. S. B. BRADSHAW, Buttel', Eggs, .Jfittens, Soc/is, and Y cwn tccb-n as CC<sh fo1· Goods. S. F. HILL· A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS, for Christmas and New Years, at Low Prices will be found at . McCLUNG EROS does ttot. di·y up a Co'uuh, cnid leave the cau6e: bohi~id1 WJ is tho case 1vith niosti prcparatio11s, hue it loosen.a and clernises tho hit1gs, and allays i .r;·Uatiou, thus removing the oause Vf the co1nplcilnt. CLERGYli!llN, LA WYERS, SINGERS, :i.ncl all tl1osc whose occuplltiou requires nn nuTI:!ual c,..;ctci~c of the \'Oen.I orgnns, will -flnd thie thii ONLY PRn:PAnATIOX which 1vill effect~ ually ru1d Jnstnutnneoualy relieve their di ffi cul- J.B. BEN~ETT, Pr~s. R· & H. O'HARA, Agents, :Bowmanville. B~wnl:tri.viil<i, .!.11 tho1c th!!.t in ari·ea.r1 niu~t pay up, etJ· pecially the Ha.rdwa;1·e aacount. S. B. B. Bowmanville, 10th, 1872. Oct, 19th 1S7l. '3-t ly-15. 1 I ties, 0 ER T I F I C AT E, OF AGENCY FOR THE i\. NE-iw PICTt.TltE: ctALLERYI MARXUS prie~ors, Be"lvnro of Co;.,nterfeits. Rcmem.be1· that tha genulne TVlitnr's Ealb-am has on the outside Wrappe1· tlte 1;ignature of .. I. IJ UT'l'S,'; a.nd the Jlrint«l name q(the pt'O- ine enc 1vrapper carrfully before "SETJI JV. .lr'O 1VL1l: <;"- SU.f{~'-i\ JJOS~ T01>l." AU others 01·e bu.qe i1niiatio11.s. Exam,~ Ono Doll:ir a Ilottfo. Sit Boril ~i for Fi1·e Dull:lla. l'Rl~ I'ARlt D UY· Osborne Sewing Machine. 'Ve give thiK l'enewal of the Agency, ru;,5inoo ivc first received the appuintrr1ent, there have !Jocu others representing themselvc~ a3 AgentB, in "\V·e">t Lll1rharn. :,\les ~rs. :~ , · T IIE Subscri~r l'espectfully iuform1 thci p ub· lie, thttt, having fitted a. l\'t' r.\~ Pictnr~ ur Gallery, withal tho to a geuerous public, for }tnat liber:.,l re~pectfn1ly to an· not·uce tht~t on of incren~in:r busin·~IJ . G1·a.tef11l patronage, begs mof!!t SETH W. FOWii:E & SONS, Boston, Hass. 1 Aud iold by Druggiats und Dealers generally. 1l.fODEBN h~ TMPROVEMENTS, i.s prepa.recl to t..Ue he nov.· occnpice 1In vie,v· uC in1porU1inL cl1anges tu be TYutcle in n1J· buRi11e~·s, du1·ing tho ter part, of Febnrnry, I would offer th o rom;i.i nder of my ~~------- THE WHOLE Ol" 11!8 OLD S1'AND, · and ha!i :filled -----· ·AT pointed- our a.uthorised Agent for the \Vest Rid- .A · . t" f · · ' , .·t l ing of Durhnm, and North and South I n inspec 1011 o specimens 1s1nv1 ec n.ncl the South l"tiding of ·victoria. Vt/c will not 1 recognise the actions of auy other par~y c1a.in1- 1 Entrance the entntrlCt t~ the Tov.·n iTI'" to be ou1· j\ Q'.ent 1 unless the ~Iach1ne pn.~s 1 Hall. th~ongh yom· hallds, selling in the tibovc terri- · L. SEXTON. tory, fro1n a.nd aftei· this date. Bowm~nlille, Sept. 2"7th, 1871. \\' e do uot bin<l ocu·seh·0::1 to v1<.1otr&nt any l\Ia.chine' sold1 of ou1· manu(ac.-turc,in said territory, unle::.i~ going direct from the ]'o.ctory to yow· order, or to th3Jt of tt.iny of your sub Agents. Respectfully your~i 1 GuELrH, Dec. 4th, 1871. H. & H . U'llara, 13ow1na11ville. Thes<: i~re to certify that you are duly at}· Life-like .Likenesses, in e\'ery style of tho Photog1·.a,phie Al·t. every Shelf, Hole and Corner, with i\u DON'11 TO UALL A'l' Exceedingly choice assoroment of Good11 compr.ising w. PUBLIC WALTEB n. IN · Q QR N FOR SALE· Hcds, Cap8, Fu1·s, .JJ..ufalo_ Robes! Paper Collc!r, ·, lv eolc Ttes, , Gent's Fu,rnfrhings, &c. I w11,..~ · B'3J "1:ll! c;rc, o_ SON " · · ~if.t-\..SON'S For Harness, Saddles, "fru nks, Valises, GR.EATLY I)RY REDUCED Persons in w;mt, oJ RATES. P GOOTJS, GuEwH SEWING MAcHrNE Co. P.S.- ~Each of our .Agents will have a written crtificate c.f AgfjllC.Y fl·0n1 us, which rnn·chaser$ should iusiat ou l'!eciug. R. & H. O'HAHA. ~~ownu\11ville, Dec. 21, 1871. WHOLE, OR CHACKED John ll[cDougall ---- ' I' returning thank' to thell· numeroul!! Cu1tomer11 1 a.rnl t,he Public geue1·a.Uy, for past fa.vori, The whole of the Stock having been -v1oll bou,.,.ht. would reepectfully invite their attention to our present ~tock of F urniture, ~lt'! we have lately e u added thereto, that we 1n:iy theroby be enabled to supply a.Ll pn.rtie!'I 1vbo may })lease to favor U" , BARGAI!fS WILL RE GIVEN 1' """ith a call. Great iuducements held out to tho~e purchasing at OUI' Establishment. Pictm-e:'.!, ' f.;ooki~g, &c., framed _J;o ordei.·, a.11d i.1~ &very sytle. Sa.~I?lef of the<lifferent ~tind!: <4 which for c _ t . tt f F r 1.fould1ng1 oa.n be seen a.t lhe '"are-room. '~ ~ vrould n.luo be: to inform yol'I, that, having r:r1.1.r· 1 I 1 · ·~/0U"\\' an Whips, Bells, &c., will find thlli a good opporpunity of getting Guocls aL an1cese o ~urs, 1or cha.aedai . your lady, call on M. Mayers. POULTRY WANTED. 8TB.AYBD 0 tl10 Si.ib5cribees J.;ot 35, lOU1 I N1 Con of Clarke, ·n Y\·ednesday, 27th ult. 1 I A~r l T. E. SIMSON, SI)iSO::-f Bl~,OS., \. Bowmanville. Oaha\\'a. J o4Hf T1'owm~nvi lle, p r<"p:wcd to pay tho highe~t nlarket price fur all kinds of ponltl'y, clr{'ssecL pt·cmi~es, All k-irt.dll o,f Fu.:1'8 alte·rerl a·nll 1"~- w~ lllha,ll ba re·dy 1,t &11 titlleio;, to ~tt.en1l Funer~.115, on r.bort notice, pai.'J·ed.. N. B. Coffina kept on haud, ruid made to orderi a.t. t11'.'l · Highest 1n·i.ce JJ:J.irl. for !{aw T:'ur· Ilo\\rir.n.nvil le. Sc·pt,2St.h, J 87 1. I ! SPLENDID NE\V . HEA.RSE · l-Ut.l style 1 durability a.nd cheap· d 111 . th" . . "t ness,canno t b~eexceI!Gt · .IBv1c1n1y OF LOW PRICES. Parties indebted to me will much oblige, by settling the 1mrne n ~. soo 11 as possible. . ' ' . reasonable terros-. -YOU MUST PA y v.·fw To thoge in A.RREAJtS, lie 1\·ouldsay UP l"Jle:U;t! ar. Bs.y, iiupposcd to heab1,ut 8 year~ Old. ~ NEW DOMINION RETAIL PURNI:J. URB W ARE-IWOX. King Street East, Oshawa. d.taw:t, A"tt:. 20th, 1S70. the o'vner is requested to proiro prOJH!1'ty , :pa.y chargeii, '-»J. her l.'vny. '.:'Tov. 14:th , 1871. Ool. o~h IB7l .A.LEX. T .ll.OMPSON. tf· 1. lVIAitKUS MAYERS· Oppo8ite tf. '\V. :rOwke's Stort. 1.'ho~~1, 11~-i.vo n.keady s~ttl c d, '~' ill C·.pt 0111· he~rty t11rmks. S. MASON . Bnwa)'\llYil lc li>.:lc 3rd. lfR.if>. vV. MOl\iU RT R Y SIGN OF THE GOLDEN L 0 . I ~. · n10 Bo\VJll.1tnville. Apl"il 13th, l 871. , · ' ,