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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Mar 1872, p. 4

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THE 1\'IERCHANT, FRIDAY, 1VIARCH 1, 1872 --- -============::: llea11l lhe foin· ), o· pro$Cnpt1on !o1 it I '"11 and nm'"' it leos d~y A woodon roller ohould be ~bout long about inches c ampnor 1 d The H ·rd Heart - Broken I Po\\ m1dofuniformsurfaoo cd Op um one I now wnte fo1 you as follO\YS 1 1 t \\Opar,,,.q " ~ de1 pa1 t Act IJt t the gentle u1faut ~ pn.rt CM bonatc of Ammon1a. ( ne p::u t Gn c up t:) 10, e thy willing hen.i. t D1ssolve the c;:i.mphor ui ether to the tlncln1e.,s b t of c1oaru then add the op um and ammouu1 1 N o fond cf'lt parents Ille ting rca~ ' (et the drugge~t to ptef~a.rc it I{eep lt Ul i\ Y ~ uns like thy God a to lllfll c tt " blef'.t h t le 't [JI tb; cor,.;cd [ake before 1et1ung to ..l~angh~ Lts dcft.t mother ., 000 to kno" be(!, dose th1ee t o s1x tp1ainl! 1D a little \\ater 'lhe ten< e e2 t its love can ~ho'\ _ I he druo:;rgwt whop 1ts it lJ]) ·v1ll advise\ ou ho v to measllre y1 a ins Keep o~ ha.ncl n.t n.11 tunes, Bid th-i; ba3eae \.ile fe:l.r retre a.nd ta.\:e as ~oon a~ may i.le afte1 bccomng 'Ibis task l ) la.bor \'i'lll requuc thotoughly chilled "l"Il '"·\l>er g >od and k ind 1 he eflect: of tlus lo\' cl er rn seen 111 thv open111 5 'Ille Soyer" _ 0 .1.:"' \\ ants oo br-holtl his chJl 1 1 eo:igned of the po cs of the skui m pio luc:mg sleep \Van ts but thy J iclded heat t no n101 eJ \\Tl ilc howo1 er I recom1n en:l thrn pO\\ der, I \V ith hislal·.,.e gifts of lira Ce to sto"e adv1"e alVil\\;~ th at the w inrung p1 OCtl"I:! be te 0 t l t d t th1 cl ld ifi fie to thy sou no ;:i.nguish bru gs soi et o an 111 mos cases s ion su ce Avoid tak ng med c1ne v;hen Jou ..:an :F'rf m t hy: own stubboin v. ill 1t prings But CI LL<.: fJ thnt c uel foe You mc-mtwned the uso of warm drinks, ----s1x feot in tarnctei round a.nd.. twenty f;;.()=E=·~l"=-=R=='f~·G:=o:oc=:::==""'!IFt=h=e= -;=,~~=lo.::P:"o=1~"-1=,--=~-,=.=,-=01=n= m=~= n,~le=d:"".fi=rsFt~b=y'=,'.D=1=r~ l e=<l~do=~=,= , "".' 0Fn=,~h=yFl=m=,d"."."1t=1=n=,,=,=,,=d~o=w=n"".'th=e=a=o~1ll\=G==O=D=E=Y==,'=.iFL~o~J:tn~yy~8 g,;~c~~~nO~dlO~;~~~ar~F~O=R===l=B==~"".'~ '::~ ,J/==~=~=l)==')= p====l:=e===..., =====:;:==;::;;===="""""'==========~'"'"""='""""'""'=="""==""'======""'""'""'"""""'==:::::==-=--,,..,,,-:::==:::::======:;=====:::::=::::::=:==----~ --=---~-==-----It 8 lS sometimes made of etone and V.}len OllCC inndc \\ill last an nge '!he s:p1kv roller fs much iccotnn cn<led by eo1ne Enrrlu1h 'Vl1Jte1-s for mel lo\\:lllg cla) ey 0011! It IS ~l.30 aaul to tct lJene ficialJ,. 11 1 nssino over old irie3.dows that :i.rc gro.~s bound frn tl e puq o~e of n1ak1ng the g1ass more thrift) I h~ spiky 1oll1n is m e::rely o. \.\oodcnrol1 iV1ithHontceth or splkcs chn:c11 into it I hey rue about seven inches long d l h 1 "00 d , set f our riven t lree i w es into tie incbe:; apart in the d1agon11l rO\\ s round the roller the outci ends to be 1'ha.rri and .::quare Ib d 1 7 -1 9TiF?JF The cheap 815 t of J.Ja.die", boo!l.u&e itH~th<>b1}.<>t 1 Fotth ep:; 1 ortytwolear"th e Book has bcc.n $001ndered the r,uide o women l ll evm J th1ng tha.t lS ca.le 1bted to elevnte the Ihe old familiar writert:t whose etorte~ 8 ex have laro:;cly cont11buted to thl.8 end Ji~ne aJl been retained Manon Ha 1 fo.ud Iu) Cl ut alnlI J o uroe S Dorr, 1\.:letta 'T1ctoua Y1ctor S .A.nn1e lf"o!it :llni c A Hopkinson Sue Obeiotn ut" ood ~I1 e Dcnuon etc h..<\v~ r.. iepu'\;.c tiun fo1 ex ~ellence1n the1r\/r1tirif:,'8fa1~bovea1yotihern1n tlrn M(!.2.z1no bne Onr olored F:wlaon Plates n1e th~ n1ost cot 1eet of any publishe-d lll the counti) l:JEA U11l! UL SJ.'EE L P .LA1'l S Of these the Lad'i s Ee ok g1VH; fout tan ca~h yea1 01 11Jmal. fl.fusve -Gode) a 1i1 the onlJ maga z ne 111 \ b1ch inug c yircr nrcd f!Xl ic~s1y for it a.ppeara country tbat -- 72 v ..L.1 i Ii I fJ 0 Jr ashr:on, Oshawa [I _ _ _ 0,____ ' 0 Coffee '· Ti'a l l a1~d T:l"T,jnte1· 1871 and 1872. and TEA JUST as GOOD, 'f' La,rO'e /!"!_ood". and choop ae at any st.ore in Cann.d"-, or out of = Supplies New Sea."ona.'ble "' \if II fl " ' &.£ <Yf Ibo v -, 1-t kind' 1'10.t!ld!lee lJjlf[L'L/J\TEJl Y.. ti' it n.t 1 JOHN SUBSCRIBE MeMURTR'f'S --o--In t lns dcpMtn1ent a. g111.nd d1::i1)la.y 1.., sho""n of the moat beautiful due1gn originating 111 Paris London 'ind 1\ ey; York und.e1 the able n1a11agement of l\'Irs ~I J REDMAN (l!tte Miss Thon1:w ) !iIGJ:i OF 'Jll:iE G()M!Bli LION Kmg Street, Bowm·nville I I FOR THE · No1 I a1n nor C[tl" tb y brea~t f:lhall kno\ Shaler. f1 1n tby soul o ...nwhclmed opp1est Th encumbcr1n,., 1 lad fhnt brill:s thf xe t Lliat wast~!'! thy strengtl 11 bondag:e "' <UU h \V1th cou 1"-<>-e ·~ l re(l.k the enthra1lin,,. c i;..1n Let pre.ye1 ~xe1t lt~ conque11ng pow·e 0:-y ll the tc1npted tre1nbhng hon1 ' Mj Gocl 1111 Father Sl\.\O thy son J l;:, hetl;ld and n.11 thj are gone p1 unslat_ wufro 1 ~ ~{\.JO IN LutHJU THE HOUSEHOLD. Conversat.ons About Health (Front Home nnd Health ) Now, Dcc+or a.s w~hai;emetagain Jv.ould be glad to obta1u au:i information poSl!tble con ce1 nmg tba.t n1ost common 01 all nilmer ts, a cold .A bo 1t catching or cu.,.1ng it' Bot11 1 JOU JUBt Let n1e tell '"hat a cold lS Po1u la1l) 8pe11k111g a eold is the eonf1bon of the s}ste1n nnmed1ately ansmg f1om exposing the body to some !:ludden and r;e\ eie clull rhe ns.t 1ual ~ airroth of pai ts bemg lost the po1es of the slun become closed and cucula.L1on become"° imped ed \-Ve say of such a pcl eou He has C3.u ght tli cold No-...v Docto1 \'i hnt of the ca1 sea? They ai-e many and \ a.uud AnJ thing winch v.:111 c1ull tl1e body at the e:xtremitws or in othe~ pa ti! so as to close tbe pores "f t }ie skin, 01 im pedo the cnculation \Hll a cold Ple:i,se to g:n e me s.ome illustration~ llu1:r-1no11nng \Vh1 1e er ssn1g from J31ookl.)n on the fe ly beat, I <>9.\.V a youn 0 la.dy friend s ttl11 0 by th~ \Y1ndow, and thou..,,h the saah \VV..B i>but I ::iaw thel"'e \vas r. ciack throllhh wluch the cold '\ lnd faom w1thout 1nust co1ne lnto the waun cabin A8 it came dncctly upon the ex po,.ecl. neck of the la<ly I ha.d no doubt but that in lass than fi'ie 1nint tes she w·onld c ttcb wlcl unless she removed I tlie1~fo1e ~mgges~ed the c11tnge1 and she imu1ed1ately took n. le!'Js exposed seat Durrn"' the conve1~ntion "hich follo,vcfl she inenhoned t \ o ini:tu.uces 1 i which "'be ho.d taken cold \\h1le cro"~nn; on tr.e fe1ry lJoat though until mv htJ1t she had been tinn.Lle to de te. . t the pa.rt1c11Jar net wd of do111g $( She no1v te1nemh1::rs that n each cit~1;: the cold' u1U. c n1e tluough the cre\1ce of the \\tn low upon b"1 tntck Is that part of th,. bodj rr101e sn1:1ce1)til.ile of being ch1lled than ai1v oth1;::1 ' It is not, but \\.hen th:i.t pn.rt i5 <.:hilled the \Y!lole system at once l1101e l rcely af fectcd then tnoat uth'llr pa1ti:i ar~ when fi1st ch1Ued that ? Beea.use the sp1n.11l colun1n fruru ' h1ch the nerves of the main pol t1ons of t he body pass ont la thl;)U! l Olorticula.rlv cxro"ecl Of C0Uli3C' t be comes in1mediately ch1Ut!d, and tie \\hole "YS tern fl~ once Sl!lfcrs I see It, J >oc:tor A e1m1la1 "'ffcct 1s produced by u ttini nei\ the Opi:m n 0 or crevice of & 111ndo\\. n vh~ ho:..ll!e when th!o' ten1pe1atn1e of the aJr \\ ltlnn differ~ la.rgeJy frou1 thtt temperature 'v1thout In all !luch casGs the1e 1s n. c n "enc -which fal ing u:pon Any part of !he c.xposed bodv will ch1ll 1t A g1e~t n.1.any Ju\ \ c c~u..,,ht cold lll the ~ame "'ay in the t;Jtreet ca1s and L'1 the flnunbua cs Son1e pen:ons V1'1r:el:, pie' e1 t th,. . coill 111 such ca.'!:e:> e1ther by changing then sertt 01 bJ co\ c1 ng- the neck or otheJ. p n ts oc tbe bodily snr.: ice thuB c:xposej Yestor<lay I sa\\ ._. phyq1crn.ll in ~\ a.v omn1bu1J p1otcct tl1e back · f h s uecl< with a ne\\ sna1 ei ,d 1ch 1 e had b " ll t ead nJ A lady ui the ::iamo orrrn1bua covct(H.l l er ue"l: \Y1th a folded handkerchief Both were vise I -.;, i;h Doctot, vou ' 1 11 l"'O hon uLhe1 c:i.uscs of o tls I will do ao but I Inust n1c~t1011 t.£1(1m in lfO\\ lS ~-- Unef I think th ~t mnong the J t DJ roe~h odf3 of col<l ca.tch1ng the 1nost faeqnout are the se 1 S1tt1ng 111 ri, cur "l1 l 0:c1..dy l mted tit ll.nd i11uutr~ted 2 Sleeping or s1tt111._., with co11 ret.:t It is exceedingly itnp01ta.r>t that tl e ex.11 te 1 t ic s are kept ?.n.r1n 3 S n.no1ng in u open d ll 01 J a lw ;.t,y in R c.:oldl11yo1 J J::ht Lalk\\lthsnnc-fuend\ bo1s Just lca,1ug An) 1JOSe1vi ng J l)SlCHtn \\onld tull \: ou that tli l sn.1 ds cf lu.d1 efl n.nd not a .(e ~ gentleine l catc-1i cold in thu1 way e' e"'y j ottr D nit tall n the 01 en cloo1 \ ny111 cold weather 4 R 1nn1ng or; '1.]I l lg fast in a cold da:,; WJth the n1outh oven I11 Huch c~5cs the C! Id an is u1.11dh i:nh.,Jc 1 an l the lungs bee n~1e chilled a.nd the ' h le syHtcm soon i:iuffc1'8 In aU cases esT ec1::t 'i u cold \V~ather, and wnilc hurrymg nlonf t h~ st'l'ect 1nf.1: 1 1re th1ough the 80 tha~ the C'O J. ai1 m::iiy bceomi,i >num be.:01 e 1t cuhi~ij in vonta t with the delicate ~Ll'UCt 1 re (f he lua._,'J > tipea,;nng 01 read 11.g t!xhaustively in a bot t ,cn1 fl.ind then p~s ing sudden~y out int'l a c l tler t cm,flcratu1c Public speakers often su( fer n \vny But I must leuvc you now , a.t a.nother tune I w11l gn:e JOU BQIDG hints :i.bout the best w1y I[! thi~ of c l1 colds Our laat con ier:sahon '~as about colds u.n<l t:hen after telling you what a. cold i" I you 601ne b1nti concerning the inost common n1ethdus of ci: hc.cnng a cold If j ou de;sire lt I will now fulfil my promise to .say something a.bout cun11g coids Say {'l!l Doctor , it 15 for this purpose I h a.\ e '\ entn1c.d to cnll upr,n you tlns ino1n1ng First tbf'ln, ltt me im:i;:ire8a upon you tho fact th <>t nothing JJJ ea ier than ~o CJ.le a. tcm1mon cold, t TO\ i<lacl. measure~ he tMken in time ~l~ll)S? Pcrht!ps not alway~ but ce1ta.inly 111 most casefJ But whi e it 11 e'l.BJ to cute a. cold in it~ _ first stages it IS one of the most difficult th111gs a. phyfilcann rn en.Heel upon to do, to ctu t1 t c:;la, ot 1on7 eta11ilinu SO' lio\V Uecau!'le in the latte1 cot"'O the whole ls)s'"cm has become affected and ch deranged ] ew th1nga ha.rm the ·11liole syste1n more than c:out1nued colds I will first g1ve ycu ::i. gen~ral .. ulo 1 he first hou1 or t 'i'l af er catcluns cold it mn.y be c u cd by anyth 11 g \\luch tholoug11l:, iestor"'s the vttr1nth a.nd o <l1na1y circulation of th(I system Let this be nnmsd1at~lv attend'"cl to and the :results will foll(nv VliU sou gl\ e ti e method¥ Cei"ta1nlj , but I cannot eute1 into mnn1te <lireutions general suggestion~ m nst suffice. Thoroughly n l1Xln such parts of the hoch as inay h!!.V"' been fir~t chilled or affected by the cold An old phys1vrn.n said to n1e w})en I '"a~ attend ing bis lticturos durrng my student life We mu .. i (hne out a col<l by the same dooi th1ough which it en tert1d. I htn e found tl H! to oe excell~nt au vice If the cold has come from wet or cold feet, b J.,the tbem thoroughly 1n hot l'fa.te1 "ith 111ustard If the neck or spinal co1umn has been the door of in_gress for the cold, stand ox ~nt '\ ith the b tck 01 nefil the hot stove pipe or to\ ind the fira i;intil the pa1t is thoronghlv ,rn.J. rr.c<l and the cucula.t1on in those p a1 ts is ie $tlored to it~ healthful condition Imb1lnng \V!l.rtn di Ill ks at the srune time '~ n be of USill A thotot ~h br,th ng and rubb111 g uf tlHi skin v.i l ' !\ he of great ser\ ice These i ulea tho1ou.,.h 0 Jy fol owed\ ill geneially avail If auy me di iue be 1equ lit l 1 kno-..v of nothing b~ttcr thnn B ~~'"awing [.,csso11.J In this \'iC nr1; u.lso elone \\Te ha e al~o a Gluldrcn ~ a. lio ticnltural nn la. lico.lth depa.1 tn1ent (Jodc'J J In~alu tblc 1 eccpl3 llROn ever'i Siuh Ject for th~ Bou don I\ uH1ery Ki i:ho i Houso tha r. to ice.enc the 1u n hus pleasu1e in t.he and J.. ~tmd r y --:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::-='.:'.'.:::::::::::::::::C' _ _ ___ _ 1cqu1s1t1on ol pt O I r>rtJ, auc1 g1cat erp le 1:in1e Tut cd 1 nr;1av1ngs -.lh1s1s a ~0T1eflof engra.v THE FARM lll bestow1ug it upun :huntlj, !r endi:i, aud the 1ng1 thn.t no one ha.s ~ttem ptt!d but 0111i!~lva11 poo1 \Vhen, the1t fo1e, Bene\ uleuce) ear us Ladus Fivrw?J h or!. DqJa~trnent - Some t:f to do good lntt lacks the ineau"l., it il..\\akens h0 <le21gns in this clepartment rue pnnted 1n co 01"' in a style u iequalled Economy 1n Feeding Acqtus1tn enef'iS and tlie intellect to plan Tu a<ldition to Ali the abu·e attra.chona there for acqu1s1t1on, and ~he organs ot inJ.u'5tnal ,vill be pubJ1sbed in ntlily a double: page an (l:...,.,.otn the Canadr. F rme1 ) ent.:T~'f to furins.h tuean s f or gene11 us dH> gra.\1ng the geni.nal title of wlneh will be Mrs \'erilthy p111lau tl11:01)1sts, \vho J olropsPu..ity \Vcpronnscthe:!!e sketche11; I snppose 1t is manJ ye::w:o HlllCf' fodJcr ha.s trhutJon e ulo w 1nshtt teE:, colleges dtspen1:a.iir>.:: 01 (outline in then cJJarzi,cte:i;) to be r;n1 eno1 to a.n) been so \ \luv.ble ui Can ~<l ~ ::t"l it is tlnio ' niter ho:sp t lls d ) uo t CllJU" linlf so 11 ucb j)lea of ~he k nd herctofore.gubhshed J TI! .i~~.t~ u.ud nhen spcu1nng of tho i)lobaJJle scarcity of 8Ure n1 the acqu1 s1t1on of\' calth us ihe y do One copy one vllat $1l 00 hay 11 the comn g spnn 1 am nlet on flill told s 5 00 in bcston1.1J t 1u obe<licni.:o to Rene,ol r"o copies on year ln the reJ ::nn 1e1 thn.t C\ ury fw-mer is "aving h1s cnut ly·c lbC Aeq1ns1ln ent.: :i 1tse1f shll I hree copies one' car 150 hn.\ and feeding sh a\\ ind thus ts going on n u ntu.111 s in the 111<.:t1tut1on a kind oi pro 1i tu cop1e!'l one year 10 00 I ve coprns one ve~r aJJd ftn r.xtra ('.Opv euch a :n: ::it"r.1 of economy througho1 t t11c co1 1 1 pe1t' an d 18 gJo..t1fied to s c pco ft t nc c1ne to to tnc person gettn g up the clnb try that there must be plenty of L11.y lll th<> ~om a good c tnse, "h1le Bent 'Ii olence, the l eason, ma.kuig six. c:opie!l 14 00 iug sp11ug Economy 1n tlns c.:" li:! the '\ ord u.nd even t 1 1u ensc of ina1se, 1ecog 11ze the E1i:;ht coprns oue yl!la1 n.nJ an e:xh:t cop' to w}nch I take exception Ray is de(I..; and "'O good that 18 being done and t( be done nR to the p e1aon gothng up the club, well us the JU~t hono1 "luch 1~ accorded to n:ia.kmg nine co1ne!! 21 00 is strn.\v \Vha.t will be the Iei3u1t 'I 'Vhy ca.t ]:l"'ven copies one year Zl.Hd &n extra. CO})) tlc -i:~ lll alrm be dea1 iu the spnng 1 he econ bcn .. ficcn e '\'ls e\< 1 [P'Inc:e In his gorge .... to tlw p tirson getting up tbo cluh m~1ng twP-lve cop1ea 27 60 on1y of strtlt\\ feed in the maJouty of cooel'I may ous pala e so happv as Peter Cooper HI when he eees t 11~ good that rn I e1ng 1lont bv tl e 1o &ccomodate our isubanbera "'e will club be_ sc1nmeu up in the follO\\ uig p1ocess \Ve \\1th Arthur s Home 1viaga:zane :md Oh1ldron s 1' o baJ is fed thc1t: are 1 ut fe\\ ioots to endow 111..::nt of tl1e Coope1 In st.1tut~ 'l en\ y the 11ch f he opportuu 1t,, th<,. h n c of Hour :i.t the folk)w1ng puces f i:d and strav: is th1owu helter '-'kolte1 to the , l 'I ha rcceir~ of $1 00 v-ill pa.:,. for Godev ri 11 h f ! l c :i.ttle ..-1.:isum1ng tl at a .i.ou of 1>tra\v he \Yorth 1na:1.1ngt 1e ages j efla ten OL cev1.:.1ng LaUysBool a..nd~-11~hnr15J-fome 1tfcg1.Z1nefor hbe1n. thu::gl:i lio~ p H'i crtui1y doe;:, Ile11e one year 14 dollars n.nd a ... on of haJ' 20 do1lars let us volenceexc1tcCon1U1l1\ er1ess Lo defend the rrhe receipt' of ::::150 will p:i..yfor Godeys a.nn.1j sc thrn economy~ fi;:i ur~ up for the ben \veak and oppresscc1-a.11d in the su1geon, JJaUy rs Pouk 2u1a. t11e Clnldren a Ro 1 for one efi t pf those fr.rme s \Vho are not gn en t 1 that tLe organ of Destructiveness to perforin the yea1 so1t >f thH1g 'ho take a product to bevllluable se,cre o1>er ation for the pat1ents good F1 e Dclb.1s v:1ll pa.y for Gnde" :-J I .. a.dys P.ook Art hu1 s Home Mag::i.:nne and Child .. en t> becuu,«c 1t comm1111ds a b1gh puce uot 1>topp1nt:> A1nn \Vlll r1 sl. . 1nore and t nto1c an d fi ig I 1t Hour for O ne J eai to 1efh:ct upon 1ts \:alue whe!l co1npared totl1a.t linrde1 to p1otect a child or a \\ Lfc tbnn he Ihe money murst al1 be seut at one time for will Ht hi,,, G.t\Vll b( half, because a sac11hce ~ny of the 0h1bs :tnd a<l 1 twns may be maclr- to wb1t.:h ruust oc u sed as o. subst1 tnte It has bee i e<>.tabhsbcd b) the m ost e1n1nent tor tbe sake of other arOU:il"S tl1e 1no1al and clubs ttt cluo iates C~n4da. ~mb:;cr1bc s inust send 24 centn :tdd1 chem sts, and endorsed b:, tht1 nio;:.1, able of social <iua lit1e.s, wboQe conlbined i.ctnJt) t1ona.l for every subscnphon to the LadJ s Book and 12 cents toroithu oftheother n1ag:a. practical Eutish ;J.gt1cultur1st<.i thfj,t 100 lbs of const itut e h16her pn1cr ruotive"I for ac unee to 1 }:.ty the .Amer1ean post~\g:e good clo-..e1 l1a.y nre about equivalent 1n value tin l than C\ en those of se lf pte8eT\ a hon How ro Rrun'l -In rcm1tting by m:ul a as food, or iatb.ei as £csb ~orru1ng nutnm~1 t to Ph eiological Jou1n~l Post Office Order on Ph1ladelpb1n 0r ~ Draft 70lbs of good oat o;it1 aw l bert>fore JJy simple on Philadelph1:0. or New York pa.ya.ble to the OHll.RITY order of I A. Godtiv 1s prefe1a.Lle tv baink iule of p1opcrt1on reven tenths of a. ton of uri.:y nnt~s If~ Dxait 01 a. rorot Ofuce Order can lll a.l.iout cqu ":.\lent 1n feedin,,. qu tlit1e:s to one N 1ght k1;:i.sed the youug 1o:;e, and it bent not be l1roc ueU, send United States or Nation ton of l:ltra·v No-..\ se\ en ten+hi:I of 20 <lollais 1.3 ail Bank notee exactlj 14 dollr.irs or \\hen etra\\ l~ \\Orth the softly to sleep St us shone aucl }JLlte dC\'i 1 Address L A CODEY drops hunrr u11on lts boscm, and "atcheL N R Co 81'\h & Chestn 1\ St. l::it~e1 pnce aud lay v;orth 20 dollar~ the tl\O ito sweet slu~ubers :\Ior111nt; c nne \\Ith it:i. Ph1la.deJph1a U S exactly equivalent in -..alue aa feeJ. Ih ~ <l t uc1nJ bieezes, and they whispered to t bt is the d10tt m of sc enc~ , but" l :i.t ~:it) s p1 a.cticli!? young 10;:,e, a 1d Jt a\\ oke JO\ ous ancl srn1l Why tl at \vhereru:i there l~ no co\\ tha.t \\ill re 1ug L1ghtJy it swung to and f10, 111 all the fmse to ea.t cle::tu he1 10 lb s of good c;leive1 it JA looehness ot heiJ.ltL and ,., 1 ~cct yon~h1nl lll almo~t impo1:s1Lle to find an 01.1111nal that will cat noccncc T"cn came the a11lent ·Un goc1, J}[ () 1V TR EA J, JV 11' N E'S S her 10 lbs of the best atra·" or lll -i.n) other sweeprug hon1 the ea;:,t,and sn otc the) oung rose vl'l~h it.:. ~"orclnng 1a;ys, and 1t fa111tcd i:elative amotnts of pmport1on 'Th.Io eovct PROSPEC TUS FOR H72 the ma.n1ue made fro10 tbc anrmnl fed upon hay J)esc1 Led snd nliuost heartb1oken it drop is of rn.tH:h n10re \al e tban thB produce of peel to the dust ui its lo' ness -u1d tle.,pau No'v tho gentle 1Jreezc 1 \\lllch had been Du11ng t"{enLJ fi,.e yeas L1rn c ren at ~n of stra.\r l the W1tnes11 haio. 1nc1"a:,icd fron1 800 to about When, c come to ii§;llre np the 1 , c find ga1nl l ll1nn O\ er th e seti, pnshnig t n t le 20 000 the genc 1 ~1lyaeceptel 1 iuri, o~ cconom~ to bo hoiue boun l buik, S\\ <eplnJ O\CI hill and PLAIJOR.M - \Yct:tn.nd1\he1c\7eal\H\.Yl! Stood dal1;>, 11..: the nen.t cotfagc and still b1ook -~ ;,nd look for Buccess to th:tt aid w:l1 eh ha:s h1th fa2~ 0 It m::i.tTers not \\hat the pr i;e of hay tu1111ng " the o1d nnll, iann1ng the 1. l u 01v o e1to helped ua n1ay b , my beh.,r rn t1'at l'j 01 posMI. p1 l'<ily cltscase, a nd fnsku ig with the curls of in CElANGES - l he Da. h W tne11a h1tberto l!I and i; 1 nply io «tut:-; .....q feed the c;ost of tl e lat l 11 I l , l sued at noon, and 2 4 ri nd 6 o clock p m · 'vill lJOCCtit C ll c lOOC -canic ~upping a flng on d l1 1ng the sesa1cn of tb,e Dom1n1on Pa1h.11.1nent ter is ::.s g1e \t a.':l the fo1 me1 he1 eJ.1 and oi mercy a.nd lo' c , and wheu and 1 ossibly tht:!leafte1 1;t.ppear a.lso at 6 lll the I h ve been led tci rnnl e thee; re1nurl1.s fn m f 1 c fo~11ly batl eel 1ts h~ad in cool l e frc~h ruor1ung all other edit1or::; contn1u ng asbeieto ob:.'.! Vl1 ..... inr mblno-f:IM.l"UO s;;t inyne g hbors ll~ f'l hO\\ CT"' th e you Jo lOSC re'iI\ e<l, aud fl" P1 1ce $3perru1ntun1nadvllUC1;; Jn Weeki} Witness - Sllbsc11be:rs to tlJP. ba.rn yard:s that tht t dt::\ , as to substitute looked and icsnn lcd Jll giat1tude tn tie lnt~ze W eekJy ' ' itness will after l6t J anua1 y, l <J. ll lC kl \ away, singing Semi I llUllleC b tt BH! stra.wforlu>:y be lpphed"ithalaWei:iklvoftheshapeaud Thrn mn.y , OlJ{ whe1e ul e 01 Ject or the f ...une1 tln 011g h ilH trc~s l hns chari t.)' hk(~ the mze of the p1 esent Da1ly ~ 1tness which w1U l:i Ennpl'l"' to ~lllit:i t::uo~ gb a Jot cf cattle that bt:,t:1:zc1 gnthc1 s frll~,,,lEI ice iro1n th e Ul OO}.Jlllg be found to contain nbo 1t ss much n1ntter a.e b t flowc 8 it r<:heshe s and uucons1.:1on1:\y 1e1ps the p1es~nt Sr.>m1 \Veekl,. this making- an ad l l f\'l;e been bought at ve1 J o "N i~gu1c~ ut lo f1 lC\I u1d lll the pe1for1110.nce of it~ office oi d1v1011 of fiftJ per Cl;l.nt to the reading ma.tte1 the b1eec1er \\ho has on ha.nd goo .;ru c e 1'.inllnes"l wlnch E>leals ou the hc-:ai t llke ,.,.ithout anJ addition of price '] 11 \"V eel Iv vo111_ 0 1 ?rJw1ng oi 0f full ~gn the econ1in) l" ll d I \Vitnes" $2 per annu1t1 in a.dvn.ncc uch pert 11ne~, to e~s nn to c icc1 ,. " kl ) w '.IIus paper false ~for \\hen sr.>nng se ts in h e ; v1 1 not h"' en .1.n.011 t1ca1 In' ~~ ee J H 11ness __ ~ - - w1ll contmue C\f the samti shape ns h1tbe.i to but abled to show lus stock ln tb[tt fhst c1ts con -.;nil be hirger Ly the br6adth of a colllmU P-ach dihon ,vh1cb ,nll tnost ~ssurcdlv command' e1y Happiness in the Family C11cle way on every pa{fe t hus inn.king an addition of high figmes Il inaii ,, -o 51 'ii"tcd l 1 it lie ' aniiot 'e fifty pe1 cent to the 1ead111g matte1 W ~ek1y Bit \'t lulst I dep1cuat.., this !'..}' Stem of t'ui l!nn .... ... "' ~ .... u, u \Vitneq3 $1 111 advance pie subs... tution of stra\v foi 1 n.y,I bc1 e\ethcie h(LP1Y\ 111ns1a1ntlj relations lre 'i11l not CI UTIS enJ OY happu ess n.t all j\[an 1111v~ t cu 1tn ate "\Ve hai;e ue\et been able to offer any induce lfl f;fall a "ifay in -.,vluch1 tuitil t he pa"t uos aH: tri.erero1e nud look foi tins gr£1at e11u oi 1us lncnt w1nch hn.s borne fru t equal to the asr;i·t f:.u1 1y sta1ted i tn e eco1 tn1y of ha) can be ~c Intoiti at hotne, in the bosorn of Ins \\ ifc u.uce of those whose BtUce1e fr11;:1 dsb1p fgr t he comphshed ' o.n<l u i the tllection at lus clnldren A.totn id enterprise has 11on1l ted the1n to e.x :::irhon ou The: <:.a1ne ie::;ults tlui.~ l :ive led to the ab o hu 01, n JtcartJJ 111 tlie presenc~ of <:1. loving our behalf .... In all cd1t1nns where one person rcmLt9 for equn dent proportions as food bt:t\ CEn hny nnd fatllllj, the ht sband nn l fathe1 lurn&elf the one yeai in ad\anee for eight persons }ie will stHn\ hai·e also ~hov111 th~t 60 lb,, of ba.rlcy 111 aH ct1011ate l1ertd or ihe hon::::ehold, Cflnuot be cnt1tlicd to oner.op) ar.lchtional fo t hnnsclf eq 1al to 100 lbs: of ha) No" 60 lboo ofb~r bt.:: ot l! envrnc tl u'J. lu1 1 Jn\ Heh 18 no com Or a.11y por ~on rerr11ttu11 $8 for OU1 p11l l ca.t1ons ley 113 \Vorth 7;:i cer. 3 \\lnlc 100 ]j :-1 <f 1u:..:;r ir> pe~hl )[ i n bns n eflS d c ic, no or p0 .,1ng can will be entitled t.o one dollfLl s worth add1t1 onal AD,AN'l AGES - \.'\ e hore a.nnounce chQ11pe1 wo1th 100 cents If then we etb .i.1tutcgHi. 11 <l 11 ttes j or I lODOJ!:, 110 gHl!:pll J nri d 1111 J)apc18 than can be ~ot any-.. here elae rnd such ~ 8 batlej for a port on of ou..,. b"y we 1.1~ 8 rupulous eneniy, '~to Ill Y i:;ctlt to t> c~eo.per ndvertuung we tl 111k in iroportwx to S:\.\InQ 25 c"'nts 1 ci C\ t of five dolbn::i pc,_. ton ad\u.nlnJC of 1VCij \-VC k 101nt to lllJllre circulation than ia ofie1cd 1n Canada \Vhether of hav 111 our food , h b~t ,ye rrovuJc a ~miten hnn an l te.1.I f orn h1n1 lns ean1111 0 ;:, a.nd thr.1 pa.per~ are good as v.flll as ch"'ap the nub 1 u ,, (.:'l o~s b 1t e\ er 1 one near lun1 gn es he aie the best Judges All the dcp1utmcnts of ance pecuh ily ng- eel\ble to the~"'tast of th.., ! l 1ea.d1ng matter will be l eot up as horetofoi,:e 1n 1 i 1cfercnc 'lr:; aw n.n:e io 113 interests ln VVe n.rc 0'1V1ng increased attention to the cOln en mn J anc1 C ( ,_tu n:no:; f ~r uw e Ilt:U. p10 ducmg- A er\ t1 HF' th e ) e111 llo..te e tch otl1f>r lll .,. 1 I \t n me1c1al de-paitment qu~ l t ies nnc1 Inak ing ;:i. nc; h ei anu J~ ~ei ina dot 1g L1n1 he~rtf lt houo1, and \V1tLout <..1 s It is oul Jntention u1 fu tur.., to h ave :l.t nnrc B1nul11t on or :1flect1oli., 'n1patl11ze \\itb 01 r s.,ual story run11u1g 111 each ed1t1on of the 1 Letouricadeia 'D.g1 ucu1 1fuotl.i ion pll hun 1n alll11s"o1rov.s l1ope::>,JOJSil.nc1 tri Vv1tncss a.nd gene1allymore 1ntheDa1l) and l II 1 t t L we hope also to present tn all I~tl.dera one or et b) the light of nctual expe11ence ~ud e:q 1:1r1 niup 18 t '1 O' lDJ 11 erconr:H f.1. 01nc IS two wood tmgraTings pet week ment and the~ \\ 11 n.ss1 redly nncl tha.. bur e:i, fol lo\ ~cl 1) no re1norsc, 18 atte1 dell b\ no CoNsrr.ruENCY - ] he '\V1tneqs is the \\01k111g at(iQcents or cvenpcasn.tSOcents p"l bushel d 11:q11 et ng1tflcchoi1a Ol 1eg1ets f1e1i-; 1 , themerchantspa.pcr the f:lrm 1 norn ~al foc:d "heu +aken n· therij pc1icc~Ij a t eu(,)u, inn\ be 1 i1nse 1 t:r !!I pa.per, the clergyrno.n B p t.pe1 the I \dies 1s the mmit cc 1 COllJUl ctlen with ..,,00 d hry or "t c. \ ;:ind lf pofj \\ 1thouL 1 e~er\ e, fn1l b l:! s1:.r~ thnt no un pape1 , the c111ld1en s paper tl e teetotahn 'i 0 ' ea"n t ocL:.nuence o consequence can re P"per, the Dhn~t11t.n s p1per s1hlc-.... th tul'n1ps, that v.e can uuru1 the sul t ti l'Bfl om It hrn kiag<lom, and hct JOHN DOU G..1:\.LL tp~:;1!u~TOll. 8 present w ntet 51.nd 8prn1g HlS "Wl"t 18 _ _ _ _ _ ----------~· 18 be!,O\Cd by C"ie ty Slll>Ject Th11S 18 true e... onon1y, fo1 \IC can pnt 0 ll the honor.:d QUCe1l l1on1e none dispute ~~ strn\v to its p1opc use r.:s the a.b oibent uf all Lf'I Ucn 1gu S\~'1i.V ohe rulco hy sn11lee, ancl ~ the mu.nm1al eleine1 tf:I tbat arc I as .. cd by un tllt: w 1ole f1n1 1v JJ\ cs in her lo \ c anll can ~TB "\;V DO?~ INION JYI 0 1'7 T 11 Ly nnnnal r1chJy fed oc h:.q'lpy o )l.) w11en tl ey pc;a:;)"SB 1t I feel a. sured thu.t high feeJ1 10 will pay thi:. __ _ r R 0 8 r EC TU S ::r OR l 8 7 2 '" inter fo~ the deina:nd fo1 \\ell cvnd t10u1:1d cat 'lJu~ maga:r.1ue is the olde:1t ::rn.d bas i;,n~ l n.rg \~ u led a n 111-to elope \\ . . tll mv ~, ife t le next spring s.nd E11 mmer '\111 be o'Teat but Flc n1not be a Inu.11 e l cou1age, and .strong c,.t eJrculat1on of a,ny htera~ magazme iu Can ada It ...uns at being a. Can::i.d1a11 lvia..,~;.:ine s ch feeding must be pe1formed \\ th the ioa;ne o.e an ox 1-Ic must be one -n 1th a hcultLy both ni tlrn cha1acha of its matter and lll open Jud0 meut ai:; shows ~ran to be cheapc1 food t}ns constitutiun, a nd aolc to do \Vlth little sleep mg- thl;l. \\3.) to Car "d an wr1te1i:; In the bt season than hay or stra.'v .1.\ !l:ailor " t uld 8tl r. beet-one that;, b~e i ter field it h.i s up to the prcaent been ri. fa1 lu1e far o.s remune1a.ting its ontr1butors nnd its 'Many a. muck.le maks am.wJ le, 15U.)B t11e iccuston1ed to L 11g blo\'\'S My \\1fe ha.s so pubhshcis rn concc ned, but ;1.s its c11cula.t1on Scotchnia.n and he is u1 son1e things th~ 1 w111ce n1any good no1nts for n 1un.n \\ 110 co l Id a.p is fair we :! UL hopes that a good a<lvertrning of ccono1n s~s It is upon them iny sa\1n~s of prec1ate thern I can no t She can t~lk p~tron ge ma.y vet put it on ~ paying bami. ha,11 homes cs.n find anllllal~ fodder and of animal m.::.nnrC' t i \t the I 1as~e1 thn t bghtn111g can tiavel and 1oiuler \'\ o do not tlunk 011-r Cannic s1r.ccsBoffarmi1 depends than a1a1hoadwh1<itle cn11 scrcttn She elsewhere " pubhcat1on a.t Eince so wholesome 0 doesn~L care 1nuch for the an1cn1 ties, l;ut is so interes.i.1ng, and so Oanadrn.u, ttnd we 0i~k all Its circulation H! I l "Yi.: ecen i:;trn.,-; ~tncl s tins w1nte1 l 1ch 'i.;1 \ J)owc1ful 011 the cerb ties of l fe ~he Cani;,dJaJJs to sust ain it 3 GOO New Donu1uon ?l'Ionthly One Dolln1 ii I haJ. thf!m in my own bttt n ~ a.Hl \~ oultl m ako \'\' oul be l\- good as~ii,:tant 10 t \ ine;ar f:1c :!l.Ild uny <>nts per <',,hDUm 111 advance Old the tl11r<l p3.1t of flOltH:i hundr0.(h of loadii cf m i:i. t ory l'lhe 8 so sour, ;:i,n<l i'\iOttkl be t no 1 )le subscnbc ~ sendn1g th e 1 a ne of n ne\\ 0;nb~eub nruc \Vorth 75 ccnt 3 a load, lying '"et frozen con1pv.n1oi;i for a man living in a countty m "1th t hen· own \v1ll ?et the t' o for Two and rotten in the1r yards As the' st ~nd l:l\tiu '1ibe1e Rre p 1 cnt~ of b "<, sl es so Dollars.. Ach C\ tis1ng 1n :N cw ])oin1n10n ],.1onth \\hen coropli.:te]J rotten 100 loads Qf i:mch ue po" erlnl tn hng_$'IllR To a lnan who ieels ly per pago 1£ 0 ht J:h,1 ::i.r1:1 JOHN DOUG ~LL & SON, not. worth ti\ e load.':i of goo l ha1<ll v compac..-+ tl I1ke e11t 1c1ng my \\ ile to elope \Y1th h1n1 I PnorRmro1 s cot e1t1<l man1 ro will pa~ 50 dol1ars ancl tlie expen~!.!S of tl e Jv!y ne1gbbo1 u.nd I ha\ e not actL1..)ly m£1 lo a clope1ne11t Should Tll,) blesa1ng be con s1deH l of a.ny cOIJseguence 1 Ill thro\\ 1t 111 ' ager, but '"e aie '\ :1;tch1ng for the results of I 01 fu1 th er parLlcula1.5, apply to otu- two plans of opv ahoni:i \;1th r ,,.urd to ow HENH.:i JINKS hoce, wit h as 1nuch 1ntere ~t as if a g:iaa.t stct-1 e d,.pended upon the lS:sue H~ in 'iew of th"' FOR 1872 1 Pla~e M1ser1es :Everyth1ng low puce in the fa11 anJ I enppO<:il..! looku1tr fo1 Amiss ward to high prices of g13Jll sol<l nearlv evo<iry THE 1LLUS1'RA1ED hog ln lns pos2ei:s:it<Jn at fiOIDe such puces as 4;; l kep~ a hold 0 1 every 1 opli us, \\ho has been sbtj J 10 it a ~ea 'i'1... m 01 5 cente pe 11 1 one and even bought t'\ 0 cnoice breeding so \ ~ ~ir1 c "atenng pl Lee, "as R1tke<l t l e other ~ .u-rellO.,OglOa tow nt"'i I did not kill n nut tb 1 1ay by a fr end, \\ho thou ght be loo!..~J j ' t b tt t 'Yth emon._ ' 11°tgs, rnth'· urnsh,1!a1ytlm1r"1'"sam' 1l tho A FIRST-CLASS fAMllV MACAZrnE. I "'a-5 _ 0 __ JUl'i a ou o pu en1 up o..v IL en J t 1 10 bi.It changed mv rrnnc1 n.nd bot1 0 h n1y pml l Ye~ vbout C\Cr\Lhinl'J is rt 11-lti!.S at ihl:.; pH1tZNOL01.:11 - lhe B 1a1n nnd its l: unct1one: j co nfounded tr lp, s:ud p , tnOjlping las Lo 1-1ot1on of the Oq~nns "' ith <l rect1ons fo1 5 per c l't , drer.scd cultllte nnd ha.1n1ng, and the Reln.t1011s cf l\f1ntl ~fy hogs \\Ould h arve been J tiled \V t i.h a ce face and Body described t~in amount of f:;t;f1 n.t pc1hap.s ]50 lm; tne E\t:lyth1r~ unns:i 1 L{o\ so l PHYSlO .NOMI 01 the Signs of Ch:::.1act0r '~ould been \\Ct"'th 7 dollars an<l ;JO c en~ \Vell in the fi st pl tee the ace lffllnocla with illush[l..ho11s, :t.nd h~n,,: to Eell.d the1:i i~ n. ap1ect )To\ I, inti:r theui O\cr, and J ""cp tons a en 1:1 rcpii::st: J d tb e 8~1 il.11' spec ial feature nnsgo\ e ui ed, 1113 nus lel ln con in.! E1n·o oax orTlclVailLJalHsh; yof :l{a1. them ]ttst n1ov111g in gro'\\ th on bo led tunnps ·~ Illustrated will be given sw1U, an<l 1~annth. and aft r ne t"Sum1uei R pa... llei e and nns tnken 1n t1·1111l lTIJ 1o e1qoy PH~SIOJ Ou.Y A..'lD A!'; UU:MT - ThQ Organ ;i.n ture a,nd the ::in::no an:ount of grrun tht~t th-..J hnnself' 11115: time JS nu::; spe~ t bis couti tion structwti and functlons of tl c human 1 1 1 1 0 would ha.~e h~d thrn fa 1l ~hey 1\1il p1obabh I ~l~~~cSJ: :n~~epI:~~:f: r:~ a~ei;~ t~~tL ~~ ~ ~~~l ~oed~ho~1~r ~;l ~~d'1ci11°~1~~co~n~~o~li~~th BJ'11 ~; tu1n off :.00 lbn on an 1\erage :ind be \\O th nig:rt th e (n ::;t drn nfter lHs arrival the ser tC1 exercise sleep nn<l Jn c 1n ~cco dn, ca v.1ti-.. S dolla1s per hund1el o1 24 clollars n.1 wce \ant m1« ,a vs Lts~ha1r bruRb hoo t blacking hyg1en1c pr1nruple:s Altbouch as a. rule I cannot.. advocate ' iu shppt rs, nnd tluugi;:, u d 'coutubutes t~ ni~~~rnn !~TJ "8~1~~~1 ~1~ :ll'~1~~;;:t~;~~~: ~~ 1 i~~ tetm; O\ er hogs 1et 1t ui bet~01 to "'i 1te1 oveL I is in1s con:lior t t he con1pn. n is nns eel - :tore ~ p ecrn,l fcatu1c~ than to thro" them n.WP.J Janeou ~ , i:;e\ 1:1al old Misses nrc 1111-5 chief P uu N"'IS l ll:.ACllE&"> 1..r; ) 0Trrr. H:I - AR a gtn 1e ninl 1 ug and 1n1 s consti inng ) our tJOhte i11 educating and trauung Clnlc hcn t lus M:1ga .E1Ue ha.s no supe11oi con1teS.) int o 1n1 s co n l llCt, nn d ' l<i ciown Much genelii.l info1ma.tlon on the leading the \\11ole the \\-a1ter 1n1s pronounces 11y top1c~ cf the day lf'l ! nen and io effotts are Advantage of the Ro'ler n ime, and the bar keeper :tl\\ aj ~ iuakt>~ a spaied t o make this tho most m te1cisting and in 'J be .11Ii 1 01 and lhcrnic1 tlunks it strange that n11s co nit 1n rnak111g- change structive as '~ell oo the Tiest P1cton1t1 Fannly so fe\\ cult1vato1s W:ie tlna lu.bor 2u.v1ng 1nstrn 'Good grne-1ous I Any ruorc nns::;cs ~ Ma.wJ.Zine ev~1 pubhs1 u:d ESTABLISlil D -lhe JOUR~.>r has 1eached it ' inent Th" rolle1 has Ion~ been favorably I ' Y ei:, P Ie 1tJ ot en1-nns g_ uitoe~ 54'th Yolu1ne It ha.~ stead1ly inCI ea.aP.d in fa, thought oi in Grea.t Bntrn.n a-P-d cons1 lered ve1.,,: --------or dur ng the man~ year~ 1t ha.~ been pubh~hed nece.s~a,ry n1 an. impro' ed st~te of lnrnban<lrj ~nd \\art ne'ie1 lno1e popultt.l then now ,-~le are lp1 to mi stake our 1ocat101L by l.lllHf& - "'fonth1y :tt $3 a 'ear 1n a1h ~nee I" canno t be m~ed t'J aclvantage e:xc;,,pt on l::iincb loo11ng out ot t he \vay for ce1.:as1on s tfl 1. x ::l ng:le number~ 30 cents Club~ of ten oi rnor~ tba,t are froe fro1n s~umps and stonti~ on the l!U e"'c se gJe:i.t and rare '\11tue~ and b) atep $2 etch and an e.,, tr l\ copy to AG"ent face I'hey ate useful ln hroa\1ng the lumps p111g O\ er the ord1na1y one~ t 1at lie CL11ect We al Aoiler1u1_, the moet ltbe1al I'1e1n .i.n1B of bakl.ld ea.J. th in a. cla.y CJ 1!0iJ and f Jr pa.. ~111 0 ly in the rot 1 bero1e us \VI c n ..,, c reri l Inelo1i1e J 5 coul s for a :,ample .1.1u:nhel wit b uew Picto"1P.l -Po!'.tcr and P1 o pectus a ld a com 11Qt 0 over 11c,vlv S(lWn land th~t is to be lrud do' n '1e fancy we could be 1nart)TS 'nhl.!1 1 we Llst of Preroiu1n1 A(ld1 ess 1 \\1t h grassiand the f a1 me1 v;11l find he ca.nmo~i co1neto tet, we ca11ot let" a i_)l) rk1ng S R WELLS, Publizher or r n11ch e "l"'r on lunch tl1ii,t ha\ e been rol >\01 l -fl i1fore 389 Broadway, New York '"ou d you Iflcomn wnd tleohohc drinks? B) non eans \\a n ten 1 i=.inip Y w 111n "TI atei sc~son~U BQ as to rnako it p:1ln.tablo1 will s uffic ~ and rn mucl1 b( tter th :tn ale ,hol c 1>tnn11 ln.nts ° J B~ne\ ole11cc :.eldom act:-. ale ue Benevolence and its Action Morlel Cotta(!~ - 1hc only mana:une u1 this ~1vea therte des1gna u1 the Ls.<ly s - - o -MANTLES 1 l\fANTLES 1 :i.cqu1.::1 go~ t1venc,,s it el l hns no sl101 ger 1nce1 tn t o act on tha.n th at \Vlud1 co1n es fro1n Bene vole1i e is 'lt 1~ 1 101 e Cles>;"d to gtve up exp easly for eur own t 1adc Customen1 cn.n ielJ on getting a good fit ele0 ant style an<l bea.ut1fulh t11mmed --o-- D RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT A large stock of the mo"t st) hsh and se1 v1ceable goods importe<l this connection i111 sho,\ n n. full vru 1cty of turnnungs buttons &c match, in all colo.. s tf GROCERIES' being the q11e11t1on J M '\\Ould re,.pectfnlly gne a hint to tho1e 1n pe1 ( ' ple.x1t). that he keeps coni,ta.ntly on h~nd ·fi.nt cla1a !tock of { UHERE DO YOU BUY YOU]) In to Groceries and. Provisions and thone who buy from lnw will never iegiet that they a:re able to ;;.ninver Di ess-nwki11g done to ordm in ji?St class style DRY GOODS. 'I buy from John McMurtry · W,OUR 'MEROfIANT' 0 JTecivy English Wool Beaven and ]iancy Ove1 w((tings, 1'w~ed,s Shirts, Drnwe1s Hats and C'aps, Callais ((nd Finding· Tapest1'} Wool Umon Hernp Ca1peting,Floo1 Cloths Riu;s &o Cu1 ta;ns Damasks Table LP;,i ,a 'f.oweiing Blankets JJ01 se C'ove?S Plain cmd Fwncy Flannels Fancy Woolens SJ,,iw ls, Nu bias Sontx"tgs, Ladies' and Oh1ldien's Wool U nde1-clotl11ng Infantile Clothmg beautiful designs, nchly Embr01dei eel Complete Stocks m OATIJlEAL, CORNNE.J.L ..I.ND CRACKED WHE.J.1 Fiesh ai rivals of Crockery md Glasswa1e I and Q-e:c.e:r:al Advertiser. Good.s sent to all part· of t.Ae 'l'own GROOERIES AND BOOTS A:ND SHOES None but first class hauds employed m each department, and all "ork guaranteed MOT'l'O-Beet Goods Lo11 Pr1ces, L~be? cil 1',11rU1 Large Bi·&iness and p1ompt pay HOBBIS' s. TREWIN~ Coi n er K rng ,md S1mco«1 St.£ CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY Oslu1" a, Oct 18th, 1871 ly {weret of the Ont&no BMlk ) = Kmg Street, Bowm~n ville For tbe best and cbea1lcst I T oi Buggies, and rea.-~n~ble HE sub1«1riber rn preptued to P"'n Cutl!YI'~, a.udou 75 CENTS per ANNUJ\.f, m ADVANCE Wagons DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, OROCICEI-lY, eve:ry doccr1pt1on 11.t short notice te1 ms Carnages Ps.inted Md Trimmed A Blacksmith's Shop on the fire1ni11')! 1 were a.ttenti()n }.fl, 11um to ·ll l wo1k, and Geneu.l. BOOTS and Clothmg made to & SHOES, 01 cl er 1,1 fir~t Jobbmg .A ll 1u01 k done at thi.B stablfrh mm 1va1 ' anted T MORRIS class st:y le, g_o to A ea.ll 1a r~spectfuUy solimted 'l'HE OBSERVER, (the 01gan of (l :Bownuwrnlle Oct 1et ltl69 ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, the Bible Christian Denommation one of the best Family Pape1'S pnnted m the Domm1on) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollau per annum, m iidH~nce 0 TJ i one No' 2nd l 871 TYRONE. AS USUAL - -0 - - The Promised News 1_ - ADVERTISE [IA Mr. J. Milne, THE CORNER AHEAD, YING "'ssumed the busrness lately ca1ned ou undei tho name ,md style of Consau] & Co and ho;1>rng had nearly U"'O 0 Ip IN THK J S or TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, l Purchase of Merchandise m the Cheapest Markets, he flatte1s himself that lte c"tn offe1 A I GREArrER INDUCEJ\i1E~l'"fS than an} otl'er House m the tiade west of the City of Mr,ntrnal, and l.e hopP,s that by MEROHAN'r Good T\veed l Fo1· $10.50. -0- Attention, P1·on1ptitude and Courtesy~ he may merit a fair share of publtc ]'ati onage n24-1J Bowmanv,lle, March 17 1871 0 Tho 'Volume 0 ct CHIT CHAT. [Tim ll:i.'ady and :Mike Flynn] GET YOUR CORNWALL Oct BLANKETS ') ' 1871 'I IM - 1871 l Journal, I 1 11 11 ! 'Good mornmg, Mike sh me and its e:a-ily out, ye a,ie Might I Clan be bould to axe "hat started yecs this mornrng" M[KE-'J1ot be ,usey, 'l1m and Ill tell ye ma Jiffy Ye sec, I was toulcl y1sterda;), that .M1sthe1 Giar, av Ty1one had got home an ilhgunt new stock a\ Good8 chape as dmt man, and its meself could II<Lic1ly slape a "ml, all mght tluukmg a> the THE GREAT FA'\ ORI'rES the chape goods And shm e enuff, its the full stoie he haspiles and p1lea av the n"'test pa Hems ,incl he cl gn e ye the mR.kms a\ au ill1gant new gown for Biddy, for S1venty-five C,nts, Tay for most nutlnn, and the Baccy for a trifle less' The Variety, TIM 'A~n shm e its funn ng me ye are Mike, "ouldn't the m&n be afther bieakmg down" '.MIKE- B1eaking down, 1s it Shme he kno\\s ,, tbnck wmth t" o av ~h,ct I 11 JISt foll :you 1'i hat it is, Tnn, if :yon want to git a grnte name when yome ded, and be called a fulantiofized filosile1 .end a public b1mfacthor, JIBt tell all youre naboms,and the nst av m<tnkmn, about Grny s chape st01e, auo you 11 do more fo1 the good av you connth1 y than iver St Patrick did fo1 ould , I1eland, when he bamshed all the toads and snakes out '1,V it that nn e1 Vias m it ' 'l'IM Im much oblaged to ye, fo1 the bit av a.clvice a.ncl won't de- GOODS IN TOWN. tam ye there'll shmely be a grate run, and maybee Id miss some baigmns 'l'he top av the mormng to ye -I'm off to Giay B Choicest AT fHE the cheapest I I MERCHANT OFFICE, I l ) J@ GR!Y, Tyro11e~ / 1?. Y. OOWLE. Bowmanv1lle, Sept 1870 tf·Ml Noted for cbea}l Goods. All w01k e.xecutecl m the Ll\test Styles 1'i ith N eatnoss and De1p~tch and :tt Lowest Rates , t · ·

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