· · THE MERCHANT; l'EIDAY, MAHCH 8, 1S72. :s ·~·~"""7""'-:===""'""'-~>~·~ · ==:::=:;=:==:::=:>:!:!,.,,-=="""~·~,,_,,.....,..,,.""'""""'"""""""""=ww="'°'~ · """wr"""·""°"'""'""'::==-~~r·~·:"'"w*~ · ~·~~=:-~=-=-; · ~~~::=:;:~"'"'""""~'~F·""M:;:;:~:::~u"'°~~~~'.'.'."~~~~~;='.'.'.'::"'l=-;:=-=-==""'o:=:==:::::::=::::=.,."2_...""':no...,,..~=m11L.,.!C;:;""':c:;::::;::~:::::su::llll""'""""9!:0::..."'.'=a""'"'"'..llLlllOD::;;m..,......,..,.......;...,..,.....,........................,...,,,..,.,.,.,, I AT Ia I T FI E .I I I I ' · R 0 1\.1 ti 'W E M . R y l DJ.~. J. Ball & Co'li Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitre = E y E·O u p s .' I I[ 1 0 _ B~ ~t2 ~~ . " I £Y their use, the shrnnken and enfeebled ayei eithel' in yount: 01· old, i~ ii.t iJUCe snppliqict with that best 11nd indlr:pe u ~ible aniuir.1 stimn!ant-..4.1 !cricil Blo.;d. 'l'he nerve!! reBu111e their tenc; the \'Cimel ~ r ecover their power: _ the gloLe S0ill6thlllg long \'i/'all G6d by E·'lerybo. dy- E veryb0 dy of light t o co nverge on the 1·ctin· without tlt· 1 ·id of convex lenses or ~·1"'8se·; thn· ~special 1 his Or · her QWil :i;emdy f~r ~hese whofl~ i;iifht 1s bOginning tu f~l ti om a.~ w. l 'hey Ridel v1ta,hty :ind strength to tho Palnter. eye thus securing pro per scc1·etion,an.d rem0't'-1 ing ~he of all organic diseases. 'l 'his wonio. . fiR$1unas it.is proper r:tlu~p·, tib:~. and bi:illia1!cy; 1 n.llilieieased nction is arres te<l and CLU'etl, Tht:iir I obj Pct. i'5 to Lri 11;; t)1~ sight to :.i. ll':'tnral r~eu!, by· 1· rm~tonng tho d1n1ni1shed conve:uty or fla.tn e:is or t he C <·l'Ut!tii of the Eye, whid1 iz ~-ra.9.ually I raiged to \ts orig inal con vcxity,can·ing tho r·Y· CPUMe i' McCL UNG BROS, will ssll Urookery China, Glassware. and' Lamps, for the next SO dan, AT COST, prior to making a ~huge in llte G~oClel'Y Depar~mrutt T. DARLINGTON, ln view of irnportrwt d1anges to be mad~ in my business, during the latter part of February, I would offer the remainder of my "i 1\1 \_J .,.~ 1 { _ -L ·· E-;, 0 D's · ...( I · · STOCK A'l' HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for :imediate use ttnd noth. b h '· mg ut t e purest materials used, and requiTino· no further mixture of , b · l D. 0 l.1S, '[. - LU'p811t 1ne, flllC ryers. Theix compo~ition derful effect is produced ·w ithout pain or the lea.st possiUility oi injury ta the eye. Many of Olll' most eminent physici9.Jli!, uccul- 1 ist8 1 111tudt.!nts u.nd divinl"B, h~ve hud their 1ight .per.ma;ientl7 restored ff.l!' life, !l.nrl cnrec1. of the tollow1ng d1aeasei5: 1. Impn.irerl Vi~ion; 2. ·1· P1·~sbyopia, 01· Far Sightedne8.':I, 01· Dilnneii of Vision c01nmonly 1 ·nlledDluning;3. Aath enopia,m·VveakE:ro· 0 4:. l£piphora, Running or 'V a.tery Eyes; 5. Sore Eyes-specially tr· ..ted l' iLh th· Eye Ou~·oure guaranteed ; 6. \Vea.kness pf th1' Retina, HA Vlt Jtnt recci f"ecl & Choi ct lot of I NEW FRUIT$, Raisins, Currants, Figs, or Optic Nervo; 7. Optb.Jmia, Ol' Infiamm·- Da.tes, Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels, NUTS 1 GREATLY REDUCED Peroons in wm1t of RATES. consist !! solely of GOOTJS w ill find this a good opportunity of getting Goods "': UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES. .t <1s Parties iudebtod to me will much oblige, by settling the sn.ine as sooh II possible. l'iire Color, Pare White Lead, Pwl'e White Zinc, Linseed O'il, Spir-· i ts of Turpentine,&: DJ·yen, ccarefu lly D ,nd scientifically com. bined. The consumer can luwe any desired shade of color neatly put up in Cans, arnl all he requires to buy with the Paint is >t Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or by any member of his household. tion of tho Eyo a.nd its avpendagea, or iznpo.rfeet v i~io n fr·ni tbu df:..u:t :,i of l n fh,mlilat.ion; S. Photophobiu, or Intokr~.uce of L ight ; 9, Ovel'· "?lnrked Eyes; 10. J.\ifydesopia-movi...J.g s1)ecks or floating bodies before the eyes; .A11rnilu'Oi-;iH, t.1r ,Qbsourity uf ·v h;ion; l 2. Cat:ii.i·at:h: Partial Blindness i the l oss of sight. .Any oue can li~e t hu I vol'~ .Ji!y~ Ci1ris v,itbout the a ill of Doutor or l\fedic1n1:, so al~ t{) . recei v" im11rndl.i:-l,te . beru::fi.ci~.1 r eflttlt ~ u,ncl rievei· wei:u.· spcctfbcbH; 01., if using un w, to lay them 1'1>ide. forever. \·Ve g'l.rn.rant"e it mire in every ca,eo IN GliEAT VARIETY. A.lso J3.arreb. and Bor<:e of I I Ca.sh paid fer any quantity of T11rk&YB, Geue, Ducb and Chickens at 1 00. .... 1· Beaut.iful Candies, with An a~sortmcnt of where the dire ction ~ lll'l'l f1)1lnwed, or "'IT0 will re- H CHOICE BISCUITS. th6~R' McC):.UNG BltOS fund the money. 2309 ·certificates of Cure, Fro1n h onest }'armer~, :M.:cchan ic:'! ll.<J·l 1lf ~rch a.nts, Sflme of tl1t:1n tli e most c1ni nent l e!ld.ing PJ'flesfilonal a nd busines5 men aud '"< nnrm of eflucntion and 1cfi.n ement, i n our country, mny be seen at OlU' office. · Under dat l! o( Ma.:i·ch 29, lion. Horac'i! G1-ee~ ley, of the New York. 7'1·ibnn~. lv1·ite15: "J. Ba.11, of our city, it11 a. conscientiou!5 a.nd respon.· tiUle man, who is lllc{~pnble of intentk111d decep· 1 sion ur· im,ro~itiou , Prof, Vi . }1errick, of Lexinc;t.vn, Ky., wrot~ Apri.12--H.h, 1860: '\7 itbout iny Spectacle~ I pen :t-iu thi~ note, after u.sing the Patent 1vory l!.:ye · Cups thirteen day!!, e.nd thi s n1orning petused the ent ire c0ntentf!I of a DQ.ily Ne>vspapcr, ~nd all with the. una.5si<tte-d Eye. 'fruly am I grateful to your no'llole invent ion, m.!ty Hea"t"en bles~ and pre5erve you. I haTei be~n using 1pec~acles t~·enty ye"an; ; I ;im r.ev0nty-one y ears old. T1uly your1', P1·,r. \V. }fer1ick Partial I.Hindness, of 18 yc~r1" standing, in 0ne the Patent Ivory :Eye Cu}ll!.. E. C. E111s, latB :\fayor of Dityton, Ohio, ·n·ote us Nov. l.'5th,1869: I ha.ve teste(l the Pa.tminute,~· p Dru·lington hM a.gaiu received :1inother lot of celebrated PUitE LEAF TEAS, Quality;, t.h· T<Bt Bow1n..~uville, of I ! I Ch<apn<ss. nl2-tl ·w. I PURE vVHITE LEAD, I A large stock ju~t recr;ived, for aut.. umn painting, imported direct from the. English Mannfacturers,including J ames' G enuine, and the Celebr:1tcd . rn 0 ~ Dec. 22nd, 1870. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. ::::============================::::· 13owm.a.nville, April 13th, 1871. I IlOOSTER BRA ND, g1uw1.mteed piw e.. ALSO It.s:v· .Jo.s:EI;H; SMI'.l'H: ~faldt1n, }fa1'r;;., tnred of z 0 - ------·The Subscl-iber ha.vini pui-clia.eed the BUSINESS AND STOCK ef the late llicha.rd M1~rtin, will be pleased to 11e OLD OUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES JVIURDOCH BROS. · all colors, oils v~rnhhes, :1nd painters' materials. Call and see how cheap a houee can be painted and decorated; for all these good~ will be sold at&duoed. ~tand<trcl. ent Ivory Eye good. Cup~, and I an1 S!atisfied they are A lnl) Stock of .I au1 plea.sed with the1n; thev are the greatest invention of t~le age. · NE A R-S I G JI TED NE 8 i:J · For the worst oases of ;.l fyDpia, or 1{e<W-s:ight~ erlnua, use 0111· New Patont lt'lyopie Attachments. applied to the IvtHt T °EYE-C Ot>R, h.'llt proved a c·rtn.in cure for this diaeass. Groceries and Confectiona.ry kept on h~nd. have received aml opened out a figu1·es, 2000 Gallons of A Large Steek of :NEW FRUITS, foY Christmas u.d New Yelin; a,t Low N.:B.-·It i1 my intQntion tt'I 1upply tht · MACHINE OIL D:r. J. llall & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is recomn1ended by thousands, for I11il.n1ned Eyt·~, ~nd Eye-lids, n-1$0 \Veak Eyes, \Yatery Ey.es, Over-worked Eyeti, Intolerance of Light, Amaurosis, or Obscurity of V""ision, or Specks on moving Bodiei beiore the Ji;yl'ls, V'l ea.kne3! of Retina, and many ~)ther diseases of the Eye. Priees will '111 !111111.d at :McOLUN8 B:&OS C'OUNT'RY TRADE ·.vith ! of different lands. Threshers a.nd ; all parties req niring such oil, are ! specially invited to inspect the various qtrnJities, the prices being fa1· below anythin(< ever offered in this j market.. _ __ 1 CONFECTIONARY, a· wa.!i f'1lr1nel'l)· do111:1 by ') f r. bf1utin. · JI HORWOOD :Bot{mnn..-ill8, Dtoc. 7th, 1871. lO~ tf All pers@ns "\Yishiug £01· full pn1ticub.rs, certificates of cures, prices, &c:, will please send your address to our A gent,who will send nut· rrrc1.ti10 on thOJ Eye, of forty. four pn.ges, free, by return mail. I· OF AND vVINTER GOODS. , / arriving, and now on exhibition, the · Our solo and exclusive Agent for the County of Durham, is largest and cheapest stock of E. B, CRYDERMAN, Hampton P, 0. GENERAL HARDWAB~, CARRIA.GF who has on hand an assortment of GOODS, AND TIN WARE Eye-Cups, &c. 500 Cook, :Parlor, Ha.ll, 1 a.nd Box Stoves, 0. BOUNSALL, ER, I MPOR'l' DE.<\..LEit in all the laJ:ieti es of MANUl"ACTUI~l': ·, .A.U consultat·ion VJitlt 1.~ jj·et- . R, "' Italian & American Marble. .A. "ll\r~I:! anJ. choice l!!ulecti.ou of m the County of Durham, Nov. 2-1:th, J.871 . MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, .i.·· JOHN McLEOD, W ellingt,on Buildings. owrnanvillc, Aug, 8 th, 1871. INSURANCt:.. Andes first to pay Losses. Ohica~·o, y.onhol"\t'i:i~:r;;;.~~rkm~nohip,ru:dl 01· SABBATH SCH 00 L.JjlBRARIES . .A.NJll B. BRADSHAW -Wl'O>J.ght Oc1.St f1'0n Feneu £01· ·nclo·i>J: burying \oh. DJ ECT IMPORTATIONS. I I To ANDE.~ I.i.~rs u ztANC:R Oct. 11, 1871. Oo. 1 ".A.nrlc:a lop,11ef! will :Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on h<\nd, or wrouglit to ordel', rm1pcctinlly r~'lUe!lted at th" ·wQrks, A ·cdl ie not execod $300,000. , . ll. .E. RYA='f, Agout, 'fh~r ·.\.~D E~ irl solvent and "t'8l'Y strong, and l(i11g .Street, Bo1 1Jm.anv-illi October, 1st, 1869. · l·tf · - --o---- .\,·oukl tn.k(l thiu opvortunity of thanking his numerou111 friend!! for tht1 Yery liber~l pa,tronage CLTJTO:Y, Oct, 0, 10:30 p.rn. ' Ile f·eh: '5J\tidi-ed tA11.ot notl1I ho.ve to-uight cnrefully e:i;,.n.mine<l l\ll Chic11,.- he hns received. go irumra.ucee in the Andei'5 Insurancl': C01n_pauy ing: lJltl of Uinciru1atti. 'V e shall aut horise our adjust· era to draw upon UiJ at ~ i9b t for every correct cfo.i1n :'.\.'ii rapidly as :u.1cl'rtau1c<l. Our losses 'by this great calauiit y aro a considerable figure, hut nnl;l) ing to cripple us . rl'h@ hour of duty is upon Uf.I, u.nd we shill tr.i.eet it in the lion-h e~wt ed mann er tbr;.t th e occasion requires· Never. heles~ 1 I fully oxpect\ i11 addition to fnu·!nonnt ing thia seriou~ obstac e, fa) pay tho stockholder'!'!'. of the A.nde~ l n:mri:tnce Corn11a.uy :i, c<1Ir\or~ab1e dlTidend next .Tuly. lo61:le~. ha:s a.lready commeneed paying itl'l Oh.1ci11_;0 - -:o:.- - IMJVfENSE I Try, it fo1· Yourselves Those th:!,t.Juwe tried, are convintted ' that 8. F. IIILL sells his Goods aa low or lowe1· than t.h~,n any one else m To,,:on l ~. w" line ju et opened oue of the LAHGEST AND BEST SELECTED .5TOCK LO'lfV PBICES ,. Sabbath School Libraries and Relvards _ Re spectfully, J. B. IlENNl!~TT, I>r"'"' · 1'IIE GP,EAT REMEDY E'Oll R- & H. O' HARA, Agents, l~ow1ntt.·nville, and acknowledged by lllsmy prominent physieio.ns to be the most R e llnb1c Preparation ever introduced for the RELIEI.i' and CURE of all CONSUMPTION iz Bowman ville. '3-tf Oot. 19th 1871. open to-day. LUNG COMPLAINTS. This well-known rQmc<l.y .offered to the public, sanctiouCd by the experience of oYcr :fbrty years, and wh£n resorted to in season, . "eldom fa.Ila to eil'ect a Epcedy cure of R E I Coughs, Colds, IJl'oup, ll1·onchltls, Jn. lluenza,Whoo11!11g cough, lloarscness, Pains or Soreness Ju tile Cltcst and Side, Bleeding M B at the·Lungs, Liver · ()ompla!nt, &e. GROCERY DEPARTMENT ,. will he found, <lS by a tlmcly rc:iort to this st~dard Nmedy, as ts proved by Iluud1-cds of teetimonltih 1"9ceh·ed by the proprietors, (loos not dry 'UjJ a . Cough, ana lecUJ6 t /l.rJ cr.iitS6 beklud, as is tho case 1vitll. most PJ't'paraHons, but it loqseiu.1 and cleo.11s11s.. the l~H!].!I, and- alla.yS i1"1'itation, thus CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY T !S R m. A M. N N And all o lhel' M B R E Superior Workmanship, 1 has gained for bin1 aucl.1 . a 1teady inc:rea'e ef 1 bu.'.!ines8- 1nuch b.rgcr thAn for'rner y~ar8; &i1d I . he trust~ that by A large stock of Cloths, D1·ess Goocls,8triped, Checked and plain Shawls, Wi.ncey!, Pa.rtio., wi11hiug to replenish their School Libriu:ie,, or to purcbit~e Re-.: FlanneiB, Blankets,Linens, wards, will plea.se to remember two things : Wool. Good~, Hoise1,y, First, Our ~tock of School Boob i5 no old stuff, picked tl'l 11.t 'AuctioH Gloves,and T1,irriS:i,les, nor hM it been on our Shelve~ for ye:irs. We have iold out and 1 n:i11gs. refilled our shelves, half-a.-dozen times during the post year, and have now purch~ed so largely, thitt we have not room to exhibit them. Pleaee come and take them 11.wa.y. . Sec?ncl, 'Ye have n?t nmrbd our books 11.t high figures, with the view A special line of Tart1tns, 60 per cent of ~akmg off a l1trge discount.. They are marked low for general sale, and lower than 1a~t year a d1Mou~1t of 'UN PV.l\ CP:!S'f. will be allowed on purchaseg r11.nging from $1. to $00.; over that amount FIFTEEN :PER CENT. will be allowed. strict attention to business A lot last Season's Tweeds at T s ·wc l'cspectfnlly invite !1.11 iiiepection of our 20 per cent. below Cost. EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK Gent'a snits n1a.de by Lhe heist workmen. JlYOl',Y G:u-m.nt m·cle t-0 ~t. he will cm~ tin qt' to rf.ceive thtir 8Upport. usual, well s.up1ili0d. FIRST-CLASS PICTURES Takeu in A 1 Style, at FLETCHER'S PIC'£URE GALLERY S. B. BRADSHAW. .All thoso Lh~t a1·e in a.rrer..rs mnst p::i.y up, t1o1· 6. B. 13. Bow111a.nville, J'an. 10th, 1872. ly-1:'.i. The best Black Teas in Tqwn. The best Grec11 · 'l'ea~ in Town. . t·em,011Ln(I '#lie cause of tlte conipla-f.nt. CLERGYMEN; LA WYERS, SINGEI\S~ and nll those whoEe occup:~tion B1itter, E,q,gs, Mittens, Socks, and , Ywrn taken as Oc~sh foi' Goodl. S· Pocket Books. ' I ~~ "'lbu1ns, OF requires nn uu~fft:lct :r. HILL· A large impo1ted Stock of usnnl tic~. cxer~h11? of the vo.cnl orgll.lls 1 wHl find thjs the 0.NLY PREPA11ATION which vdll ually nnd Jnstantaneously r elieve their difficul~ pcoially the Hardware 1rncount. FRESH Ii'IELD, AND GARD:ZN SEEDS ,Just received. l3ow1:i:wv illc, Sept. 21st, 1871. 1 ly -----·---===::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=== = - -- - --·------.. - -. ,,_ - ·- .. ·-- --·- -- --· Ee,vare of Co1u1tcriclts. -··------ R.etMmber that the gen-:. d n6 Blllta)11 has on t-he outside 11wa r "I. BU1"J.'8, 1' and the prietors usE'l'l! JV, TON.n '.All others a~·e base imitation!" . .Rxa.ntinc t.fie wrapper caref ully before vwrcTrnstnu. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, King Street, Errat. J~owtm:i.n ville, N O\'. '.28th, 1S71. 47-Lf. l \ . N -E --wr1i r.r.~~ Sube.cribel' l'espcctfuUy infoun! t.he }lllb· i I 'iitr'I It 'B 'f,:::S!l[l~ e9 "'1\1,.Q..li\l.D. \J oil ~lrA"'"' O" llollor · Jlottk Sii Bo!U" for foe Dollars. PUU::l' .UU!.D l::'l 0 E R T I F I 0 A T .E \IS hlOl'ne ! :f'ICTU'ltE GALLEitY! ' --.. h e, th·t, having ntt·d up a New Pieturo , \Vriting Desks, Ladies' Co1n1uu1ion~, Blotters, l nkstaiuls, ~TOt,e l." }. ., · .'.J.II. 'f~) SETH W. Jl'OWLE &. SONS, Bost0J1, Mass,, And. eold by Drugg~&ta c.url · Den.lers gencrRlly. ~ 'i... OP AGENCY FOR '£HE ~ ,,.,o'W'ing· Machine. '· MODERN .. · · · G URLl'B , Dee. 4t h , 1871. Gallery, ,,,..ith a.ll thfl ~ ;i; EitS, bur;ini~~ ]JlfPROYl~]JfJ~'NTS, - - - .. - - -- - - - - - . ·-------. G1·ocer·ies Very Good Cooking RaiRens only ;) Box. r,en~s I . FAIL ~le~:-;re. ¥ \ \:'e gi ve th is r enew:il of t he ..,'\ gu1!cy1 as.since I we first r eceived the appointment , there· ha.ve I been otlwr· rcpreaent..ing t hem'6lve· ··· AgN1ts be ill prepl:'trcd to Lnke I nQt"u ~e thA-t Q .rateful to a ~encrou" public, fo,. """t liber·l patrmrnge, beg" mo·t .mpe·c~fnlly to an. on acoount of increa!'!n11; p,'"', l)""J.·.·, ca v · he UO\Y r.icctl.p ie:s ·ve·} O{)CC."' ~, \.~ · -'J:c . , . · &c. in we, t D urhum :. ' Life~like :Lill::e:nesses, l~hot. ogi·a.phie.A.rt. ' 1'HE .;' ·WHOLE Oft HIS (JLD STA ND, :;.nd h_n.5 :fi lled / ~ Iterneml-er the ~tore, next to the West Durhiun. Ste11m Printing and Pubfohing Hon~e, King Street, Bowman ville. . . . a pound, aHd still cheaper by the '1\ _ ;Ir , J.Y-L A S 0 ....1... 'N TO CALJ, AT 1, ~ ' S SU1\II~1ER F,or Rn.rncss, Sh'l.ddies} ' DRY GOODS AT COST. & ... t,;., Cotton :1nd Woolen Good~ itre advan<>ing, but you can buy them itt El· · ·· liott's for a short t ime, at t he old prices. Now is the time ~P secure what which for style, durability a.nd chea1i· 'l" B ~J. '!!' 'frunks, Valises, Whips, ~·ccognisc the u..ctions of n.ny ot,hm· pai-~y dairuto be ou1· Agent, uulei;.:i the Madnnc pn.::i~ through yotu· h='lnd;;, .selling in the alJove terri~ I torv, front a.nd after thi::i c.htte. . : VYIJ <lo not bind ouraelvcs to ~·:.LJ x ant any )ia- I L & I-I. O'H~ra, Bo wmanville. 'fh<:se >i'<: t o certify thot you ";"' ·Inly "l" pointod our outh origed Agent fo1· th e We·t Itiduig of Duth am, o.nd ~orth and S ou i,h 011bt.rio aud the South HJdin;j of Victoria. \""'{e will nof i n ever:.- style of the A ' n mspeclion of specimens is invited Ent::11nc e oppol!!it e the e:r.h·a.nce to the 'l'llwn llall. L. SEXTON· every Shelf, Hole and Corner, \~· it.I t a.n 0 · BAR KER . ' JfANA GER. I 111g w. Exceedingly choice assortraent of Goods Iorder,. or t-0 th.at of any of your I ! i 11 nleH H gnl ng direct from the ]·actory to you1· sub Agents, Iteapectfull,y yours, . a ur:LrII SEWING M.aoRn~E Uv. r s E1 · f "' ill h . . .- - ae11 o oqr ..!.._gents w ave a. writt en j chine eolcJ; of om· manufactme in said territory, Buwmandlle, Sept. 27th, lSil. - - -- - - - - · 'PFl'I 'l'tJ ""l'f'lf'l'l'l!l"I'\ '!!I .. di .&~ S"i aJJ rli compr1.sJng i\T 1 · · 1 ' rn I TO A ·O . \.:II U · Gent's Furrvisliings, &:c, . . . . · ·~ . 1 Bowu1anv11Ie !ann I1nplement Fo1wara. i~h ·J 1 f · kh . · JN. rul·ldul"lllnt: tnfank ·.to .~he1f .~um..,rou~ Ctutornera, .ttnd the ·Publie genera-Hy, fnr past fa.>Orii , 11 Ing ·Agen~y. c 1'11 H'l e 0 t ne · .,toe. . a.vmg b(! Cll i;v ~ll boniht 'WO :espect tJ. ~ lllYl.t~ t...,e~.r i.ttention to (Ill? pr~sent !tock o,f }furniture, a~ we b:tve lately w ... "C'l' Hciis,p Gap;;,c 'll Furs, Buffalo Robes I WA LT ER "* , aper co·s, ~' tCI~ '.i.ies, · · I 0 l w Iir+." PUBI~IO & ! ·! ' ' so N .... . that the -' 3rou n.ecd. ness, cannot 'J?e 6XCelled tn -- otti~o~t.e. 61 Agouo/ fron:i u·. whicll!mrchasers this \ricinit" sl;lould lllSlBt .011 see1ug. ft. c II. ()'~!.\.RA. " ! Eowmanvillel D ec. 21, 1871. i~ t he p la ce for farmera to "'et . 0 G ·ood 'fill ' ~ arm In1plements. (}·utte1·. . BARGAINS WILL RB CHV'l;N . &:!<led t~e1etr,i, ,that 1'1iO roay theJ: aby be enabled to 1upply ~ll p~rt1,,~ who ma.y ple.w.ise to favor U'f rr you 'va.nt a CLOTl:HNG.-Gentlemen in want of a good fitting snit sh.0uld early ;it Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Esta.blishment. _ . - .· i:'! RtiN [a.btion guaritnteecl, in n.11 rettwmible case:~ .. HENRY ELLIOTT , ,J u1. l'famp L on, Augu.;t 2nd, 1871. bJl·o23-rn54 · '!10 tho\ic hr .ll.RitEAl~S, Le would s~y Plea3e call and order the YOU ' 1 J . PAY UP vi',!(.l.~1:r a1) STRAY STEER. .l?... into tho pnllXl,) ~ sg -0f t11n S til'.l4Griber :Lot No. 12 1 in tho ::h·d Con. Ci'.\r~>vria-ht, ~ S teer, coming t wo yea1 ·s uld. 'l'lHi owner ca-n hci,;\:e h in1 1 on p roYiog pl'(1p~rty, n.n tl 1.) 0.ji ng e>;ptina~. jY(rw com.Pined Cfwppi.ng rind St-raiu nice sett of Furs, for 'l.4" ""A.r your Ia d: y , ca ll Oll ..1'/.l J.\'.L ayers ' . . ,. All kind.-s OJ~ F1~·1·.s alte1'ed a,nr.l re.. j)(l./i/l'ed, "1th_~~; Great inducemente hold cut to ~hooe purchrnng &t oar ]J:.tablishment. P ictum. Look1r:. Gl~ses, &c., fr2.1ned to 01·der, and 1i;i~ · e~-ery sytle. ~sa.mplef of thedi:ffereut kind11 ·or 0 ~=~;~~«' <:a.n be ~een a.t lbe vr.~-room. '~.would &1s, ber tu inform :ro~, tlui,t, h:n·ing purwe 1ha.ll lJ~ reft.dy 1<.t 2.ll time~, to 1..ttend Funeral:5, ou T)hort notice, al.id N. H. Oo.ffiu.1 kept on hand, ~,nd nlade to (!rde1\ the ~ "' ~PLE~DID ~ · NEW HEARS "E · -- O 1\lE a.' ' reu.~on.&bla t;rro!·. Those who luivc o,Jready s;.:ttlwl wl.Jl c<·pt our he~irtv t br.1 1ks. ' Bot\'Ul:"..nYille D ec ;;lr.d. 18t19. I 1 . G B .A.IN D:Rl'.Ll.1. ·n, l~ \""nh1.11 v1 lJ&, D~·c, , S. MASON . nl O Oai twdgh t, J :i,.n. · ~ rd, . 1872 . J. c rnim :i,;s, .fl. w. I Highest price 11aid for Raw 130\·.:n :a.n ville . 8evt,2lltl1 , l B71. Fu}:'~ JA1rnr.;, ul 1-1y Kine Street East, Oshttwa. · MARKUS MAYERS· Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. .tl·9'1, I JA., l k"? f. I ' '