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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 8 Mar 1872, p. 4

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1 THE POETRY. Im Not Too Young not too "onng for GoU to see, He 1-..n:H :!. my name and nature too .l"\.nd all day lon;; He looks at me .And e:ees n1y ~c..-t1ons tl..rough and through l 111 MERCHANT, FRIDAY, l\'IARCH 8, 1S72 lit: 1 stens to t;he \\ ords Isa~ He kno,\-t:i the thougl t s I h "' c: '1t}111, And whethei: I in at \\Olk or plaj Iles sure to set: it if I IHll shaking goets on \Vould you cxneot to find that drop of n.lcohol in one co1.cci of tl1c brurel '\'i hen' Ol openc l 1!i an nour aftt::" !\ o it 11ns rnu'lgled' ith cver3 p" rt of tho .. ate 'Ihe blood wh1ch 1s no v in u1y brain l~ befLrc I ha c finrnhed "nt1n,., tlue e,.,ntenc{; Du.Cb in my lu:n"t ::ond now i+- 13 10 mv foot u1 d no\' it 1~ in n1y lncr o.1d now po1t.1 ons of it rue 1n e e1"} pait of 1n3 3JStc1n .1)0 you tlnnl th ot one p l t of m~ Sy tern fed floru tbrn blood i:J l kely to get u p a httle pr1\ rite disease on ..t3 owl account t\ll(l n)::t1nt1nn a eo1 of 1nd"'lJond ent life' =-"~~~:::~_rn_1_ · =;:::~~onE1 , {c}t;Y~~co:gJ~·~o-R-:: - r11.orA'l'A!p le l\Il.T I TEN THIItTY Y...,.\.TI3 AGO should be exerc1.scd Ht s..,hool~ the e;f ficac10 rn k1nlls of rewards a11(l .p n1e.h1nent ' I I th e rnopJrtlOli!l an d 1 uncl s 0 fl 1b etty \\ llC l ::ihould beallo\etl, ancl ofiest1ui:it v;}ni.;h 1 he1 c are inan) other po1nts on "b1ch \Ve sliould hu 1 e v; ~hed to touch such RB lhui! \Yhen inchnP.d t) do :.i.un.," l:Io \ tn .;;1 1 le.:ts:\ut i-1- nuty le I 11 alw \~ s try to th111k of th s Im not too young for God to isee -Bd - Woods Bo c'!.old ltt.aua ame Lhe bout; l J stud' the auiount of tiOIItaJ) d l ' l 1 1 11 b Ill ~pe11c ent p1eparat1011 w UC 1 8 lO U ( e 1cquuetl the cftect of lee utcf':, u1cl so fo th on tll '\ lueh :=.iuhJccta there 1s tnnch p)DU lar n1u:co1 cept1on , but the length to \vluch tlu~ pnlcr Las ri.Jreach t!Xtcndcd ,-;arn:..i us THE FARM Sheep Shearing (lrom the Cn.u iid ~:E a1'Il'.1~r} · ; , tht::i~ deg "1 sis the l~ndy s \'\ e h:1.v£i .eccn thrn or~rnho l pc £01 u1ad lll tbat P"Oplc l a'l-e acql111e 1 JUSter not10 11 .. OU D 1 awi n{J £f.~erm.s In this we ~re also .ilone Canada w th snch carlc :ii:;ne~s tLat n,t the risl;;: the :.lUl~ect, c.11 h \C 1nade any lllflh?l"lal pro 'r\ie 1 ~ve a Cluld1en ~ n. 1-!ort oultu:rd f dwelling too much upon a isulJect ~ fu11 dts grcss 1n <onsto ucricl cf the~e 1uoduct1on8 and al:Ier:ilth depv.ttmcnt 1J In11 ~l u:tble .i.U:cc 1 )ta ui on c cry sub Na:n1es of D1sea.sos .;:us<i.1011 of \l.:h1ch h l:l been FIO often found iu our The) h~vt:> a~ v. e lune. before sa1 1 !uid itc....nnot be too often rf.'.peatl:c1 tl't\ 11a\e 1e,,.,t for th<::1 0 1 do1r r-rurserj 1(1ti.:her P"ouse col n1I!.S w~ no 1ld yo~ <">"'9.1 dovote" frw 1 ne::i oi.ndL1undry ' ] l 1 ~ DR nro LE\ fI!I l.>t::eu \\rJtten cne 1 ti Ya1n10 ~ t:lltnc Y, JJ un 'lintelEio iv ,gs-'1huneiase11esofengTsi.v to thts 11npo1t:i.ut sub3cct pi acliail n1 en ll.U(l " e ina:i; add, v. omen inga that no one has t.ttc.mptc <l but. ourse-h es (ln \Yood t; }(o sehold ]\f bazn1t::) Closely connecttid \Y1th a.nd p1cpt1, .. a-'·1Jr)' to 'Th~\ have Ueen \\IJtten liy t11 ~ n1ze1s who Lridi~ Fanr:y Vtorlc D·pa1tncnt-Some r;f Sr nd 1 p; ~n c enu g "1th a inec1 1utl fu~nd the opei .'l.tton of shcaru;;; i;i that or "ash ng \Jn\ C seen evils aud tltovght lhcv sa'\ 110\\ ht'l des1gnfl lll this department are pnnt"'U in and upon the thorough effect.l \ ene"'8 of that to ieincd' th~ lll and- tlH~Y 1111 11t } a\ c colors In f\. st~le un equalle d 1u Nev Ymk \Ve fell nto o. con\crsat101111.bout 0 I 111 ndd1t1on to nll the t\bove 01tt1act1oni:i the"c opc:1 atwn dcpe~ClS n great ):tt t tl e s~mple of the ... s of lu~ ases rc1nl'.d1e d tl ..,n1 anll ao cou1 t nuv 01 r. e se win be pt b ished n outl ly :-i. double page en I contenUe l tl at I JJth ng h<>d so bstruci:;ed the"\\' ol fo1 our Ca1 :11.h::i,11 nu::i.rl..eta 1f L fe\\ stlolc ... ofthe pen "ould do it i:naviugtli egentitaltitluof'\\bich , L llb"' ~frs J.'<o'i lD. \ash ng we bave to ccn+e id \ntJ1 B t t} 15 l;:, 11ot- tl 1 lt.l>"~ 1 to 1./ ~ 1 "C nc ., H.i:! nom t d a tt1e C hll<l1e11 h::n e L l pops f.J:.i.1ty Vie pro:rrust: hene sketches w1 !s LIH.l they c t.nnot be \\. orked quite Jn (outline in the l cb.a1acte ) tribes lpe1 1or to ~nv That wh le n:i !kS 1\c1e coine1nent1 c n-;e1sa. t\\ o antn.,.,0111:stic principles- to 1- cc the \\ ool of N 0 of t1 e I ind } ~ etof )1 c published ttolJ tl cy cot st;;;. t 1y m sled tl o in1nd of the i.11 superfluous fl..i .. t anCI at the $ rr t1me to u n1ech uncal " y 111 c a stea.m enoine 0 l hl s.ictan and that lheJ so m1sl"d the I e0nlc- Jo<1c the essence 0£ \'eight l th"' 0 11 0£ th1::1 antecedently fo11ned plan c11n pr 0¥1cle ior One copy one JCD.:E ltMS noo l lllergcnc "S \\l11ch inn n11.;:1;: rtnd do 1n [wo coptes one )Car 5 00 11.w.d~ d em so not on~l and unre:ll:lqnable-tbn.t \YQOl 7 50 fac~ir1ee\(;f\ da) no ... nteeedent stt<li.. Ibrcecop1eE; oneyc:i It. l~ thou 00.J1t by inn.1y th .. t l un111ng- ' U.t<" is the;, beclimc ho1 eful or des1 n.1r ne. O\ er a. wor l 10 00 t he beBt adapted fo the ~h0101 gh cleansing of OI thou4ht ca.11 nt1c11 ate the <l1/hcult1es I: cur cop1es one year ' h ch Jue J.llS htLl~ 01 noth ing c\ e11 to the pby \\ lnch occUI 01 the n1 eana of meeting thcI'n l 1ve copies one yea.i and a.1 extra copy th e '\\Ool and £01 th s1caso;_ we ha\e ficqucnt 131Cll!l <\. 11\an 'i?ln;f ou11d:s \~ell lo tie ear and to the v~rson gett1no llp tho cub ' making s1x: copies L4.00 I or 1 -~ -wou:ian i ~1ck 1hc friends ly seen fiock;i of sh eep du en two 01 lH t>l;l nules 1 looks "\\ell on paper, ancl see1uspln.us1b t E .... 1 1tcoptti1' one,ea. nndanextracopy 1 all c1.:nuor frn the of her n1 l:i dJ L'he alon 0 a dusty ioad to a r"'pld stream ntowlu d a11U Jca:nbl,, to ouc vil10 J~ uot ~ teacher a to th"' pe1son getting ltt1 the cluo Duct01 1s l n.rd l ushe 1 1 e LS not quite c-3rt:un the:;: are hasr1Jy p lunged and from o 1t or ,~Juch \\lll olten to a nH1n of ten y( us txperlt!llCC 1nak n ~ nine copu">i ~l 00 lout 1he 1 o.t tr.., of the ca."e l1unself Bl the theJ as quickly >11th1t 'n lll teaching U obvtOlMly u11n1ananc Ole and }~!even o pies one year a.nd :i.1 extia copy mist g1v0 t n, na nc "' qu1t Sui pose li e vere 'Ihe effect of th1s is to'~ ~~b htt e 01 no ical i\IJ n1cl fhe fTanl I oi th e ]Jl~ll thd lJOt to tlrn pet.son getting up the cl11b , l b ma.1nng tweh e coptes 27 50 to ~r.v J.he t1onble '\1th this wo n&n 1s Bhti ~ dll't from the \\Ool fo1the1vat1:1 lS in its ve'"y know , he niatenal he hau to \VOl ( 01 or t e lo accomollatt1 out subf!nbe1 "' ,\t: will club Hk Th inend '\\ould all c1y cit Of nature har l,i.\nd a ny oil from thtl w X>l that m'ly \\ iy ol wotldng upon it 1.he ur H t1cal w1th .A.rthurs }!Jme 1\1a.g,<1 zu1c ind Cl11khena ]Hti\-C been f ccd 1.3 C 1l11C cl l.W.:tJ bj thfl lllpld COlllGC "e kllO\· tl at' but' h0,t 1$ the 110.lllC school ma tcr, li!-.e n sk1\f 11 l 1wye1 kno\\:S Hour "t the foll:'lw1uz plli..:es wlw.t boys n: c and "hat they n. c in 111~m Tho u~c"1 pt of 4 00 -will })llJ for G-ode'\: s of the tn:.W.ady' ']he Doetu1 must gne the c tn'(:nt name or lose the1.r c.:onfiCkncc .llitcr he has Now, '\\O g1c1th prefer n, 1ooiuJ ro1 tl of bers and "Ji effect uuy gi\ en plan "ill be L:td} s Dook ::i.nd .Arthur 3 Ilou1e 1-It gaz tnc for 011 Tt'~"\ece1pt of 3 50 \lilll pa.y for Godey s given it, +hen he mu t std to rt and doctor cl .. .,,r stag nant '\aha "'1th a bn,td bottom a.ud l kdly to 1 a\.., on t1 E' Ln and 'hen any ne\\ Lnclyr.; Book o.ud the Children s Hoi:1 f>r one that maludy the peor le all Iec ll111g J nt how 1f tlns pond be fo:n:tcd Ly d"'mm1ng nu a shc:un, plan is proposed be .frtlls back on h1a pre ce 1cuifi, m d 11 pheJ 11rn knowledge of the )en.I ~J1s C \HH3 tleat"d when she was eullcring so much the bett~r :i,,s the1e is a con::.tant g: \.(I to an) 11oposal for tlte future A } 1,e Dollar!! vll pay for Godeys Ladys ' 1th this same name and how nicelv sl1e got ua.l c n1 < .mt slo\ ly ehangu1g the wi:rter In this n e\v' tlH.!Ol) Book Attlnu s Huue l\.in.~az1ne r:ndCh11drena 01 spec ulahon ,v 1 ll n ot decel"C 1vull and hO\V 11-Irs D \\ ae lnnlti eatetl and \ ater after t1. fc,v sheep been thotoughly Hourfo.oneyeo~ ] '[! conzeis ate 1in II 1 Inm l 8 to b e cecenel lhe1none n1ust a.Jl be sent a.t ouo t.-1me for _ thod 1boy wati;b. nud comi a.1 e b s t1 eat1ne11t .,,, Mhed 1s deposited sufuc1cnt of the oily lll:lt ut e' El') step Results \vl11ch th ey fancy anv of the c!ubs r.ud ad:ltt ons ml\y be mado to A tl 1zen other Docto1 s rue look1ng in .'.lt the ter O'l" y0lk of the fleece to form nu excellent \\Jlll llo'\ u g1i.;en contse, tht.! pract1cal cl nbswtc1ubrates doors a:ncl v;nH10'W! re:ttly to lepo1t a cco1c of RQnp and tho water conta.in1ng th s s far bettc1 school :na<:ter olten knQ~Vs \\ 111 1wt follow Canada sub cr1be15 must :;enr.121 cents addi ma.rvdloua Cl es of cnse.:i ' lth the sa1no l :.i.tne \.Ve canuot twnal for every "'Ub"cr1pt1ou to t!..te LadJ s ad::i.pted to remove impunt1ca lron1 the ' ool Experience is tlH saJe guide then but c:x 111 ess our rcgict that the educa Book and 12 cents to1 either of the other magn. 'Ihc f.11ende b"'caLly di"turbtid and tho f,,. +-hr1.u l.':1 the cleare$t of iap1d running stre:trr s " z111e?1 to ui.j the Amenca.n 1Jost lge 1n1ly Doctot is Hl hot" ater lhe m "chie,;ous Moreo> er uch w atcr h:n u1 0 been for au1ne t1un n.l tie ll1ses and ruanuals ' 1th )\ Inch How rro .REMIT -In rcmittu 1 .,. by iuail a; intenerencc of all the.,e o lte1de pu1 the public ha"'lntclv been 1nundatecl, have Po .. t Office Orde1 on Phil< or ::i. D1 .. ft tune comparat1 vely a~a.gna.nt nnd under the 1n New Yo1k p::i.~able to the ties cotnes of naming of t he disen.s" tiuenc" of a hot s11n d-0es not ~froid such a iiot been \\lltteu by pro.ct1cel n1t'n~ n1 n of on Phil idolphu 1 Put s<JJ.d iny 1aed1cal fr cud, you cant 1;;li't shoe] to the shi.:~p · he1 plunged m M doee well expe1 cncc n th it c n \dach thrj offc1 to order of L A C:ode3 rn prefe1ahl,, to bank instruct others \Ve , tn t 110 in ore trea lises n tes 1f a. Di aft or&. ro1:1t Ofhco Ordet' co,n on a f:itep :;. on cunt coin crse 'n ith the 1 am1ly b.. pror-u "'d send 1Tn1tcd Sto/es 01 Nat on \\:.lotcr or n. cold elem ~tle'U!l j ron \\D.Jtcrs \llro L.ave never not 1 on tt e11ng alBankno+"'s JOU cant ma1te vour fust.11escnptiou without rhe sheep if "'fj "u1h t1J lihow "' 1 0 1 sam .llddrc s L \ GODEY, gnmg the cnse o. nnme If )'OU wil sta) "1th pla of "ool must be turned d Lcctly f1om the taught, no n1on. plans of c<lnC<1t1011 from perso11!:! who have uc\ er cd u:.nted , i o 1no1l ~ E Oor S1x1.oh & Chestnut St!! me and go t 1 the D1spe 1sai 'Y to n1ori'OW I \ r.ter upon grass land, fo1 1£ drn en .,lonir a ... c 1 1cu1~s of cli" 1pline ho:in those who have Ph1l~del11h11i l.- S shot ld like to hea1 'ou d1:t.,no~e a r.lo:r.en cases dust) :road the "ocl becomes blackeu~d "1th 11evc1 cx:ercrncdd1F.c1phoc the1n"'-clvei fhe r.nd prescnbe for them v1thout ment1onu1g the dut nnd 1f turae l upon bare l"nd-: the. first 1c o J tuon of one practical ~chooln1t-Lster 1s 1 names of the rnal.a<l1es. t1on of the sheep 1s to ):"Ly itself down npou the worth mo1c thn. 1 Lhat of a 11111t1 etl tl1eo11 I was delighted with th opportunity a.nd ac barest spot that it c:tn find z~r~ -1!.let itc llcview cord111 0 Jy accompan ed n1v friend to Ins d1spen JJf0}1TREAL WIT1\ESS !\fany sheai the tluul dny n.ft<ir· "ash1Dg \\ e ~m.rJ prcfei to put off th'} opsra.t10n for nt lc'1.Bt a; PUOSPEOl'US ] OR 1872 Rca1 "nd Artific1al :Flowers r.lhc fust cn.~u \\lucl p1cseutl.'d lt .. elf I exci,ni week Tb~ \VOOl S th lS more thorOI ghly Jncd rncd, and M n1~ 01)ln10n that the ~om an ·nd that ' ~ ollt "luc11 J.B formed by th\'! inflcn Th.., R1Ub1ns t ,. ,11 an npoc .i p 11 but arnus ,-;as n.ot ucll I p1escnbtl<l est goo 1 :lli' sun s1hle pe1spuvtH 11 of the body is allowed Du11ng twent' five Jems the cue lat10n of <t· l ltJ..! tmy 1es1 cct1 ng ·:JO on101l The qneen the W1tnem1 has increased from 800 to about sb1nfl , inoro sleep a clenn s1i: n and ~oCo<l pla n time to spiead tself throllgh the fleece u1cHia11 of Sheba_, they ~ay ples'-!nte<l Lersclf 0n.., 20 000 food 111..:1ts 1\e1ght a.11d1mp tngthc :Joftnes totbe tlt~ 11 ea 1 lnotlnon e, holtl1nr:. n onelw du PLATFORM -\Ve st ..nd where 'e alway~ stood lhe se1.:ond \.\1\S ll )Ottng man 1ut}1 a iccl ibre wh1cl truLyfo~mi; the beautiful fe1.:l so ,, 1cath )f 1eal f10\ve1..i 3nd in the other a. ancl look fot bll.cC<!SS to t hat iud v;b1ch hn.s h1th ' 1loa.ted face- I e} am1ned h13 cnse ca1 efull} and till ch esteemed 1y e\ erj '"- o l b ye1 e1 to helped us , l!Uth ot rn trftc1al ones I el fectly true to 0FANGfl:l<l -ILe Daly W1tne:iil h1tbc1to 13 gave 1t. as my opnnon thait he was sicli I pie l he en sorue d1fie1encc of op 111on :t.i ~o th~ nut 11 ruid ri::qu estcd Solomon t > 1} s ted at noo1\ n.nd 2 4 and 6 o clock p rr '\\ill cnbed exe c; sc goo<l ru1 .snnslnne moie sleep, ..min,\hHhtoclltthc fleeco Some wh1l\h\\10ntn 'V'ILlc1ea] and \\h1ch the dunng the se~s10n of the Don1un u l:'a.ilnur ent a clean skin 1.nd goucl [l:LUl food cut a.lcng the bod) lh s ~Hows the she n.ra to arttncrn.1 She SIO Oll at n. suffic1cIJt dlStancc and possibl.} thereafter tppe:u also at 6 in the In all I exarruuetl fifteen cai.t:~ a id fou1 d be kert i11lowl!! le el :.\dm1ts of u. clo.. et cut'"1tl1 1o ren 11..1 1111ut in:ipEct1ou l Upo~,,1 1 le, an :I. ino1n1ng- all other e<lihoi:lf! cont1nu n asht:.,.eto per a.unuin in advance the:} wcte not ~ell II t: Docto1 had a b1a1 k out beL.'1,.. liable ton el the skin l ut as t1Je n1al c the appar nt s u11enc.::~ b t\\ een the foro l'11<:e Ju \V~itkJ } \-\ i~ness. S 1osc 1he1 .. to t11c in which the name of tl e d1.,,~aim 1ln 1 to be .' oss or ruouud the sneep gn es l. ncri.t t wo w tC &lhe co 11 J leti; ~( l m 1on \\ as fol Sem1 "Teekly \V1tnes:o \\ 11 nfte 1st January 'vr1tten. I filled I.! erv blank with th e 1vorthi 8 r~ttea.tancet) thclJ< ca\i; lP tlc nu101nc11t r.n zz1 d l1~0U:iCl\l JaeJu;iti:.;1 be auophP.d -..11~1 Ri 111 1\i~ eddy of the .i::ha }e a.ntl Not 1Vcf.l nncl ireacnhcd in c\er-.; cu;;e a ca e latter ]):"l,a become thr. inorC:1 general frt.!'lblon of bees hi1 n11u1ng w1d1out, I e 01 lel"t d a s ze o't th~ p e.;:ent Da1h \\ itness \ h1ch \\ill Lie fo ind to contain about M much matte1 as llw )fUCC!-:s of ~henr «IS 80 ~im le tliat , \\ 11d .l 1i Lo l;e op 011ed, nncl initne 11 J.tclv RU\ ful observiiince of the la" s of ho ~It1 I mg P ll e e.agn.t ious Jt cct;i i usl..i1ng forward nnd the present Sen11 ~ eekly ti us rnJ.lnug ~n ad Durl.l)J t RUbacqueut ride the Doct )l' io open ditiou of fifty pe1 wnt to tl e te\ding 1nattcr w i.ld here exr l 1n th best n1 ubod of ope: a augllting np( 11010 wr~atb \\bile not u 1 Jn 1n \'\ eekl3 J. the ccnve1sation with the rema:-1... th ..t a1 tlon forthebenefi ofthoso,-.;ho un~blet~ob dnilL 1 l l lliei i n,,,etl 11 the )ther l{r. \vithout r.n} :ti 1t1on of pnce 0 1 \V itness 2 I er annum in c..d, ance though it was trt e tba.t the uainea of n alad es t :un a i~g:ulM s.he:-i.1er, ot having too few sheep had ow of co llS" no <11ffi c ultj 111 nH1.k1n 1 Monttc:-i.1 (YVcckl.'r) "\"\1tne s -Tlns p\per 0 often proved !\ ~cno rn cmbnrassmenu still it t) 1ntkc the att"ndR-nc off\. p10f'-'ss1011al ucce<i hio H:c1~ )fl will cont 1uue 0f the same shape as hitherto but seem ed to L n. that \\hat I had done and said at .s:trJ "ould hke to try 101 theroselvo3 \\ill be ltng-e1 b3 the bren.dth of a col rnn And I'h '\:nlc1 \ 't-110 uo t ce Eln I so1ne \1 hat the rlrn1 ~nss.n, would soon bun~ the a1t Qf 've may IIDY that the use of sh~ p l3hcar5 cfl.rc au1ph fi es th1::i <: tor , ~ 1 \ s t h t it '\on kl tuake \\ ay on eve1y pu.,,,e thus m:iking an 1d<l tion <f fifty per cont to tht1 :reading mat 1 e1 "\'\ cakly ;rnodic111e into contlln pt 1nhandhng~oeep o.I<l. hav1.l.!g each ~he"'p ln u l~attf1l toet1cti1le i~nd- 1.) appl\111g \Vitne!'IS ~l 1n ~lvance You nw.y thmk so I icpb:>d, I do not good cC1nd1hon the onl~ c:::<;enba1s tu iu le tbe com angon of 11rrtur 1l b1:at hes ttnd CLUBS I tlunk t rn the true wny to redeem it from R.ny f u-mer h1t1 U\~ll chppe1 punt<: J f 0'\ cu1 to Jnctu s - \ oul<l }1cld i1 ' ' c t e\eI bee~11~lle to off I;' n) induoe contemFt In a i;<ntatn ,,.,apect \\ e docto s roo Catch th~ sheep 1n the tun nl 1uuuiei 1 e hJ pt 1 gc11t IJ t ral But so ne lughtr l(;'o:<=rn mcnt' hich has bo1nc huit equal to tht: a.<is1st hke the cle1gy 'I hey ~pen d )ea a in :.tudy1ng the neck and rump pl:l.tC 1+ 11 pon its r ulp l)e n iay be d"'O.\\ n honJ i t ti in to con(le1nn the ance of those ' hose su cero f1 umdsh p fo1 the t 10 nomcncla urc iu d tecun Cf:\ of 'J heolcgy I tween )Onrlcgs with it::> n.grun1:1t youi use ct 1onge ..<\.rtltic1nl flo"crs, Ill n.n.) enterprise lias i tornpted the 1 to exert on on senGe,n.11 11 01e tl a11cont~1npt1b 1 e J3eea1Jke 0111 behalf tell my fnends ;.imun0 them it 15 n,ll nonsen3e In all ea1tions wh ere one person .. e1n1ts ro1 knees hold 1t with )Ol l cnt l and upon JlB son1t:th1ng bctte1 \Vhoc\ct llaS eithcl .;ia thcee thmgi:; only 1n1slead tli e people tl1ey hf'MI a11d'\'11ththe1 1ght a1~l apau of atnng gn J(\ oril taste 1 r honeJ-whocver pos one J ea1 in acha ice for eight persons ne \V Jl be entitled to one cop/ ad h lonal fo1 h1m..,elf don t help them 1 1to a. ] igller 1 fe I say to ~prmged haJ.1dleless eha11) ~hca.ia 0$ ci::i u1 clustandn 0 n.n 1 I no \S "}at noun 01 \l y person rein ttmb 8 fo o U' public tbons them tnl e off vo lr ! loves :llJ 1 u me i tght do\\ n 1 cut tl ti wo l fi om roun 1 ~he i1t'!c ~hes 11-w1ll pn<is 1 1u1 ta~1on beauties will be cnt tled to one lh 1 l s \ orth :uld1twn }l lcll us tLat loV1$ to ("J id and and shvuldP:rs commenc1 ig closet .. l B heal ~.., 1 ~ 1 n al 1 j l l ng.:. and 1ncre ex terior h re "'mong Ui'! At\ \N1.AG s -\{e l 1e1e ai1110:.uwo chc ~pei eerHle uf our fella v man is rd the1 e s or it and and \\Ol 1 1ng round and rotu1d unt1 you 1 a.v o accon11Jli~h1ue1it::. \\ 1 1 "'il1.:11+ sc J n papern t h01n can 1 e got a!1y \here c se a1 cl Noth cht=aper adve1 tlsing we th nl ;.i, in l ropo1t on to then t:tke ho] l, nfl.ked handed nnd belp t 01 stup1)ed t1ie wholt1 of the ice' an 1 the t v .> 111 0 a tra cts ~he sagi ClOl\6 bee bit n. ti uc c rcttl ~tion than is off.I) cfl n vanad... Whether ganize ovary gc o l '\\ode You1 techn. cs tm~l ;ihou1dPri:; flO'i\Cr nn t lH th n 0 \\1llattract rt person of th e pape1s are good as 'V(-:11 as cheap t11e pub lund words sound b1 1nd n1a1l )Ot ru lea. ned I hen la.y tb e fl 1e<:>p l pon its side nnd holding St!Il~U but natuntl, r oral 01 intcllectnal ex 1 u arc t1 e best JUagcfl All the u p wtmcnt" cf rea.diug ro.3..tter will be kept up :.i.s l en~tofo1e mt:: 1 b lt tl1ey don t 1 elo u 1t down by tho p ess1u~ of the leg upon 1ta_necl.. ccll t.1 t" Arnfic1al udo1n1nJS il8 a sue Tust so with us ooctv I) \Ve "lend yea.1!.l nnd kncelnig 1 pon one kne cut c ntinuou ly ce<l tnvn n for suUsti11l11l aturact1 )l!S are \Ve a1e giving lllCremrnd"n ion to the c0 i nercu~.1 depart1n0nt i etuoy1ng: the ti eories name" ri 1cl tcchn1cs of iu udgeii from belly to b::icl until the ouc s de is onh fl. to1 to .;:1n1pleto11~ or n Jure t o lcna\ es It ir; 0111in"'1>11t1on1n fatiu~ to hl\e u.t med1cuie all cf w h1oh !{l us a a J n1 itatJon stripped, t hen +urn tho sheep upo1 i t" ot i cr ( ne serial story ruruung 1n each ed1t1011 of the ~- -- ~ _ ' ' itncsH and generally n:i re in the Da.11) 11nd for yirofes.::ii1,;n:1 l leauung an<l ill thti.t so1 t of ::i1de :i,ud h) and clipplll.G' in an x.wctly :ve hope. also to present t'1 all read'"l S one 01 thng b1tthopeople ue not bcl 1)(l} '"hfl,t e1n1i.har manne1 to that used upon the first 8 ae A Mot1wr s Piety t\.\ o \\ ood er g1 :t\ lllb...-a p~r week the:i- int- what they an~ ( :ytu"' fo - s tll~t the fleece is stupped from neck to t ump a.nd Col:i:STITUWCY -lhfl '\V1tncss is the \'01k1n6 -' \\ e euould ccme do" n a nong them and taking hes ext .. uded on the fioqt thei~ :ra. e the jj}leeiJ ,f v lJ i r uts \\ere s rnpulously att e11tn e Inan~pap ..r thn lUCrchants raper t he fai1n e1 spa.per , tho olergyma'J. e pape1 the 11:1.chea Lo J n:iked b:cn kd helu tho1u to organrne a gcntl'>' a.nd'!Set him outside the fleece w1thout to ha\c fannh: \\orsb1n HI ou1 Jarn ll}, tnotu p.ipcr the child1on s papti1 tlw teetot.ale1 a s stem of complet.::i -vc l t la.hon int1od 1Ct1on of allo\';1ng him to touch it with lu~ feet 1vb1l,,t in 11 ~ ai l e\i~rnn i;, and tv bave it at the p1op Chrwtia.n s ~aper e1 tune It \\ 1~ n gardl!d as a q1eat tlnng l ;i.per, the RUnsluno nto t1F·1r 11 l?es ::i, better Chet cheap the 11ct of rIB1ng JOHN DOUG \LL & SON d a euJ service, nn ct our moth er \\as pa.rt1 an P:norn ETO is baths ... 1rnlal lo .,yin as1un13, and a score of 1 o roll up the fleece, fit.,t tu 11 11 t Hl sides , ulrn l, car~ful that al1 fnrangerneuts should oth"l heahl1 Pl 1 ances '\ h1ch wonll f1lll"'kly which ~1ne fiom o.ft the thighs then commence be so n1adc tl at it should uoi be 01n1tted or i;c1 \c as tho.~ ou111.1e of pre"\entinn vhtch lS bet nit the tail and ,oll up tightly to -;rids thehea~ pusheu into n. corne1 .And even "hen a tcr than a to1 of cure folding in the belly wo:il aQ yon pioc::icd when ~cry lt ttle bo), I had tbat 1n1p ess1on ot it Eu SO.) s .. ome on~ tha.t ::io Jnds \ ~i3 wt 11 past the sbonldor:i , d10..w out th(! uecl... 'ool to j 10r I ncve1 h(a1d e1tl1er of n1y pu1ents "-11j 1'TBW DOMINION MONTHLY r:noo T'DC 'I cs FOR 1872 l ut as n. n1atter of fact CLoes not the na1no heJp comparatively th1n co1d t\\l"'hn.,,r it a.."ld turn I of rt ls so11c do, Sho ilcl ,ye not ha\e \\OI 1 111 the nndcrsto.ud1ng of the C!LSC 3J1d in the I hrn':lnc is the oldest a.nd hn.s the lrug iug 1t tightly a10und the 'thole roll, se u1e it slnp, !i l L let us 1-{0 to onr SC' e1a.l d tt1cs tictttrueut of the ma.ladJ 9 '\Vhat I 1nl:la11 be b) a t,\ sttng b-..1aht under itself I 01 \ he l fllr ou in tne l 1gf1t Let u s have c2t a1rculat1on of any htcrarJ maga.ime 111 Can 1 ad& lt aims a.t br;i1ng n. Cans.drn.n Mato \Ztne; 1s this Suppose a man hn.s tubercles in Sorr e roll up as ~ bo' e until the) co" e to the pi il.} c1 aud get to Uc 1, for TI e are all 'i'i orn both m the Bha.1 act er of 1 Ll:l lnoi.ttor awl in open 11 11 luuge-rn it of no conacquence that the d >C 1:1boulde:t tbet tur1 ing 111 il e 8h ul ie 8 the) o It HJ 0 the way to Canad a.n v;.ntets In the lat tor should listen and l:IJ<:icertrun the fr1ict ? begin at thP- neck and twist a,nd roll L I lear that n1any per0>ons feel it to be u. te1 field it hM np to the pream1t been i~ failure h'-1 LVY Uu1d(n It Iti s. holl o\\\ so far as remuneratlug its ontr1buto1r> and its Now ns the ph3 s1oal fll£1is of pulmonary disease :rca-11) c01 8t1tute the inost definite clear aga1r. until they iueet thri.t piw. t o£ th(! fieecc al standing l 1kc a cofl1n oct_weeu thcrn and pubhshors 13 concerned but a3 lts cuculat1on isfa.r "ea.rein hopesth,,tagoodad,erhs1ng .,.Jld com1 lcte acqu1s1t1on of the 1necucal p1ofe~ icad~ rolled when they IJ"cuie the "hole with. snruetlll 1,..,. "hir..:h 18 to th~tn of nioie llllpor patronage may yet put it on a paying baisis t Ibt \\ u1 no t ;;;:o 111 our House I a L l II s1ou fot the last hund1 ed 1t seeni3 a g1 "'at a strong piece of pn.ck1 I e- co1d ance VY e do not think our Cana.chan homes Ct(.Il fir.d 0£ thr: t1'.o "o would1cco1nm~nd the latter \\<l.!S u r11er1shecl yr e ll tJrn efl ina v1t Li 111at l par...i;e th eir '·ue, l b u t lJl"'C t LCa 11y e~ewhe1e a vubhcation at ance- eo ~hole~ome l)lt j t oci ' 1Ei '· b ti d ::i.s it t1es the fteccc t:.ght"'l and t1 fie.ace is mo~e ter \\ 11Jch 11otl11u r w as pe1 nutted to push so lnte1esbng and so Canadian and we ask all tl icJ .ut\\e een giea y ove1Tate , o Cunt ba.t a to ~uf.:!ta1n it Ita euculatlo11 is I made a 3 erna.l stud of Ph incal 51 n~ for 1 iea.:hly untied hy the sorter who u1 often both l 1dc or supp anL P d hy I Y g t cn~d by the b1eakir g of that t\\ lstcd'wool -which Dear pa11: nts see to hin e f amilJ ' orsl11 p 3 500 ::t"<l ow Dmnnnon l\.:I:onthly One Dollar n.n 1 fifty cents per annum in ttdHl-nce Old se\ er:-i.l years, nn per aps may S:t) wit1 iou d l l Id d t '· S un e1 i11e more ccnnnon 1 ctho l form~ thG Hl your 1ou~~ 10 -H.n ing O tue i.;llp b 1 tures piai,:er an d j)flHSe-BlOIDi n rr ind subscnbers scndmg the name of a ne" subscnb egot u!lm tiLat I ach 10-.;ed n reputation f or accur 0 ei \ ith thou· own will get the t'"o for lwo 1 a nrru h Ian( ' acy in u1gnos1<:i ut t 11.K t t: p1act1ca lhe shearer should e:i. ~r bear JU m1n:l that the e:\etnng It '1111 b(;l of gret\t mon1cnt both Dolla1s Adverhs1ng 1n N C\V Dom1n1on Month 'n.lno of thcp;c a1gns ha s been absuHlly cxagger to'- ou ~nd to vour cl11ldren But 1t \"\'. onlJ ly pe1 pcigc Eight Dollo.ris closer th@ clip i11. to the i'Jll:ln the heaY1e1 will be " \tcd the fleece: for it l~ at the loots of.. tho wool that be bet er not to hrl\ e 1t at all 1f you 'vere ~o JORN DOUGALL & SON Hore is a case with tl e left lu~ii::: studded ui 18 depeaited the ~ren.te:t amount of yolk, and regard Ji.. as a 1ne1e dt)J upon tha \Vhccls of PROPIU TORS iti; Ul')})er part with tu~:rclel!I Ihe HI eaa inorn1n~ dnt1c~, or L '"'ri!nn l l t\\ een j ou also th<i;t the "ool nea1ef5t tne bocly I~ by fru the an 1 iioctlH nal h p os"' :ritake It trnght thin<> 1ly w.i<:eL ta111ed for a trarned ear \nil discover ... o soft-"st and its presence upon the 1J>utfade of the lia\ e 1t aL the 1nop1:1 tinll.!l a1 d rrnt your tho ex;:wt condition of every pu.1 t of the lung fi eece gives th(l,t el v.et1c n11d ::;oft feel so lugh h "'art iuto It rrnd by (tod:; l l e ~1ne: 1t ,v1ll But when it LS du;co-.;ered \\ hnt oF it' It males 1) r: l"t:d by t1Hi bltyer i::,nd n11 nur~crnre , and hdp your O\\ u soul$, a1i<l beni.::ftt ) onr oil no diffc1ence in the tre,'l,,tn1ent 'Ve sl oulcl use theown1i-rsh< ldbe:lr1n nnnd thu.t to cut a. $p11llg S0n1c ore has;:ia1l tliata house the sa1ue food, the .au.rue t1uo1:1b1ue and bathing ahcep close \tis neccssal'y that the a.1umn.l ht! vlthout p1l)er1a u. nonse 1\1th a 1uoJ FOR 1872' A the same mr.i.n!lgement of s1oep and other con 1n good cond tH'll houc:e \v1tho tt p1iyer1s stn el't' a. house with 1}1L chtioo.s of rcstor~tion that '\Ve should in case he 'Jhe best of shearers will howcv r at ttn co ant Cl r1,c:t -Se{cr. ted had a s1milar shortness of b1 ent h 1 s~ of fl esh Such rncks in tl.Lfl su1nm£01 uu and dubility without the tube1clcit less o.ttende 1 to at once will beconrn the :placca )i or docs the fa.ct 1nflue11co oui p10Qno1us to of deposit of fhe:, ( gge which \\ 11 h~tch t[) the n,ny conmde1abk1 extent for we nll know that mo2L lo&thsome of tnaggot~ cnns1ng t he i:il op pc1 sona itre conata.ntly restored to comfottal le to fall <11\ 11\ l np1 <ll yin cone1 tion A l ttle t u B tit\\ een h .cnosl n. ill icl t\Il \\Ouk1 e, I health 'lth these tubercles in their lun,.,.~ a~ent ol the fu1~ele r;) lnsu1 u1r.e ComDanv '<> pent1ne 01. cold tar smeared nnmcd ate)) npo:J wh.ilo a great manJ pnt ents 1nth the &.." o1 IIa1 lo d er ti..:rec1 l11c cu 1u1U, hn.v1nn lf3 these n.1.w ..})Ob:! \\ill l. .ce.p the fhes way d I t 1 1 genera.I synipton1s, without tuber,,.,1t!S dio of '-Ue tic ... els O"" S~\ eri pllr1Sen,./ rs np1roac1 cd au ehl t:1 l, J dy, w'10, 1t Afte1 w:irus 1!' I t l w rn. la rno\'\n as conr:.:umptivn I pc lrcd "as deaf he nustaKc a.fter all is m r egarll1ng con I Selecting Rams l l:Ia.ctan, \\OU d \O 1 hkc to lll°'ll "'against sumpt1on a.a a disease of the lungs It b a ch rlhe : h rst ancl ino~t nnporL \nt nual.ifi.oation 01 UCCilj t:11ts j 111qu1re(l t I1e age11t 1 it t IH! sa.1ne aea!'ie of the nian "1th one form of cxpress10n ·1 t 1 '· t \ 1 ] t a stool>: ram i<1 cons itttt10n N (f n1 itter 110 v 1rue ex 1ul Il g 11::; IC e s 1:n the lungs Duieases aru nil systemic as a.r J got uJy ticket down to Keno lia gue<lu1 a1otl1er pl:i.ce It 1\0uld hAid1y seem perfect lie rori,y 1.lo in e\er> ether partwtla1 if Not n la hoad t1cket, nHtd:1.n1 I \\aul to 1vorth a seno11s r~futation-tb1s practice of hel:;,,lefectneinthisonepmnthels 'vothless; k11ow1t ~on w:-iuJd llle to lD!JLUe JOnr]de lookin1' ip vauom~ local man1fcstat1onsof i:i}ste Rm sto..,k "Ill be fueblc short l1\ed pooi b1ecd agn.1ast accidents mat1c 1nalad1es i::.nd j hen ol \ 1ng nnmes to them er"' ruid always alhllg Constitution lS to be I lll go1 ] ~ t o Osll ko 11 1.0 'lSlt lll } u~1 l tr and preteud1ng that the!!c local expression& detmm1ned by the full robust phyf'l cal di.;\e] who lll"l rwd l P there a1 cl brui J L t 5ot t the rea.l disea1:1e" opment tho c.:.cep full cht'Eit grv1ng ample 1oon1 bahv ' h f 0 ( ans a\n1f01m rlc,elopnH:m""cf lh earv,ent1 ::.fdlis\01ce little ..c!.S s O\' n lll one n my work!:I even a ,, uu ;:ihot wound 18 not a local nffcction houi all the patt.!J grv1n.., a lool of stiength and v10 \\7oul1..l ~ o 1 lik to Jn sure J cu r J1fc aguir st a.0 0 the manl:l pulse ,va1:1 70 o.nd hrn $kin rudd) 01 and by I1;;ro1ly aut@c00ent$ lhe ram should e.cc1denl5 I'he ball pa.s1:1ed through hui shouldei 1\ow not only be all ught himself but he should c:>n: e Shes hl Gll nuur1e1 t\\ O .}CUlB nnil n. lin.1F, and th at 8 the fhat child It~ fL gal h lS pu l se is 100 and his skin pale So far is from healthy, Vlgoroas families on both m<les A 11 ] d olso he ma.)7 have lu,.k1n,.., 111 h1sE>ystern the 0 c·c 1 m~ geut, ttl ou i:!t b t e gun1:1bot \'iouncl from being a focal trouble -o v I' in an 1nenrn 1ce aqcn~, ' zun. J u, 11 ton t of wea.k:nest; and di ease to he tleveli ed 111 luJJ that our specrn,1 atte:ut on must at once ue given t k P yeu ,, ru1t to 1nsure j our life agau1i::;t acc1 to the gene1al condition TJ1 :fi l h s oc 1 t l e nu appy cue Ju choo ing a. stock Hilll mis IS irnpo ~a:ut c en l 1 f tlle liole th1ongh the shoulder 0 rnus be sought A htrge roo1nv sheep ms] OF.I IL bettu breede1 Shu 6 f,Ot o.101 0 n~t late \l 1 ll; U01 ns [l;-:; 111 a w1~e mauagemcnt of the sy:-;tem lherc LS \\ell as ca11 he!<l no such tlllng a~ a 101.:a.l possible and nu1se t: Lrnes a heri.lHI fleo <.lnfl n1 Jes .Aot.::nt at tb'C top of lns \ OJCC .1.\. local d1~e1u;e ls ~mpossible A m:1n i:i oue inoie mutton I rn ln insnrance agent nntd an1 cant r anl not innny It doee nut pti.y for fJ.1e 'vool g10' e.r to tn v l lSt r( yOl'll life 1 ga1nst i!CCident I mllch :i.ttention to tlte de elopmcut of fan cy Oh I did n t undcr.t1t?lld 'i.: 011 !la1d ti c ol l Here1saciiskof\ a~e1 V'. fix1t otl ~ ·tit po1nt:i JI eae sn~n ldb e l c:i: 't tot h e bic de1 wh J ] id\ No, h,,.,1 11rtu1 is John 0) iny nan1e is 0011~tantl) M:id violently 1:1ha.ken 1' ow open 1:1xpect~ to re!lhsc a 1cy p n zes f <:rmo Re, o r 1 is b' aup, El.l"tll I 1iv fi \ Th lcR h< in J en 111g tl1e b nr e:l 'i\ e 1 n t u ~ 111 ]J of l<'ol ol l':iu' i! ? Ti'anne o:. 11a to cone \1(I e e cannot 1Jn1s l, 1owevcr \.\ 11h9ut ag:a111 ttd\ ertinJ to the 1nc1ea~ed and1J1cre11su g 1inn1b~r of wo1lis on th e sub JCCt ot education Booke oo e<lucahon La\ e n1ult1phed , 1tlun tb.e I tst fe\v ) enrs bcyoud 'Y , I l l11e che..,perlt of La.die~ 1',z i1.,;"' been.use IBt is tnc ber-it 1 ~ o the p~t fo ty Gwo) cars the OO.K has been con s1de1ed tha g nrle of wome11 in C\e ytlung that fo calculated to elevate the I >lCl: 'lb~ old f\mtb\! wnt"rfl \\hOflQ t:itorics ha.>e l:ugeyconti butcl totlns ""nd ha.\t1 all teen r etnintd I 1-Inr on IIvJland In) Chu1c end hill L oiue Doir ~ctta V1ctol'lU. V ictrn S A.unie F1ost 1¥1ra C A Hopkinson Sue Chesi.nutwoo<l Mrs Den son e~c ho..vo :\ ieputation fo1 ex cellence in thcu \\utin:.-:::lfar o,boYc u.ny otberrnn the Ma...,.azu1e In e Our Colo1ed Ftuin1on Plll.te:J a1e t.11e n\ost cor 01,;t of any publishc l 111 th er antty BBAU1IFUL SlEEL PLA11!S Ofthe>e the La.dy ~ }3 ok give'afr:Ji(?tc~ i )e~r Original -Godej 13 1s the onlv 1n t;a zwo in ""ht(:ll mrn:nc p ep:uctl cx1 t{)ssly fo1 it ..l ---o---·and Fall 1Vinter, 1871 and 1872. Large Supplies l\few Seasonable Goods. VII(! f« 0 Jr ashio1i,,Oshawa -. r · Coffee ol the vesy be1t kind' f Cot:iEi'e and TEA JUST as GOOD, r.nd chea,p M n.t =-ny store. in, or out of lt a.t MILLINERY. --o-In tins dep:irtrneut a gr1\nd clfopla.y u1 i;hnwn of the i:n )st beautiful <le~ign or.g1nlt.bng in Paris London a.nil New York under the able manasement of Mr.5 1! J REllMAN (\i1ss lhon:1n.e) JOHN MCMURTRY'$ SUBSCRIBE SIGN OF THE IJl)Ll!E.N LION -- o -- appears c unt1 y tb~t !;:l Eoo' "!Jiodcl Co(tar1cs - Ihc only mn"'a.z ne in tn1s t>i'5 1IA~TT.,ES 1 MANTLES 1 t DO YOU BUY YOUB WHERE GROCERIES' being the question J M \vould l espectfully gn e a hint to those in per pltJ:Ut\: tha.t he keeps conl3t&ntly on hlmd a,firRt class stock of all I recedl!JJ \\re cannot E ' ' that \\O th 1nl THE HOUSEHOLD sot U1 Custome1s can relv on getting } exfrcssly for 01r own ti ade good flt elc0 ant gtyle n1 d be3.1ttfully t1 mmt:d --a-- lI l FOR THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT A.. l.:ugt stock of the n1or;t stylH.~h anil se1 v1ceablc goods nbported th1JJ connection ls ;ho\\ n a f 111 'nrwty ot tr1n1m1ngs b 1ttons, &c metcb in all colors In to Groceries and. P:rovisions I and tho);;c who bu) from hllll will ne er ragret that they arc able to an.s1ver Dr,ea.-riwh11g done to 01 dm in )int class style DRY H~avy GOODS. I buy from John McMurtry " 1:; English Wool Beavers and Fa1,cy Uie1 coat11ngs, OAl'l.JEAL ~l'weed~ Shirts Drawers Hats and Gaps Oolla?S COR.N,1fEAL AND and Findangs 1 apesl1 y, Wool, Unwn Hemp I CBALKEJJ WHEAT Garpeting,Floor Gloths,Rugs,&c Gi<rltnns Damao'cs J'~ble Liz i <=, To1leling Blankets lfo?Se OovMs Plain and Fresh a111vals of Crocke1.Y and :P'ancy Flannels , Glassware F v\'oolens, Sha,v;ls, Nubms Sontrtgs, Ladies and Ch1ld1en's Wool C'.--0od11 sent to 1111 pa.its of the Town Under clothmg Infantile Clothmg, beautiful designs richly Embro1de1ed Complete Stocks rn I FLOUR 'MERCHANT' General Advertiser GROCERIES AND BOO'lS AND SHOES None but fhsb-class hands employed m each department, and all work guo,ranteed 1WOT10-Best Good$ Lou Prwes Libe1 al 'l'erms La1ge Business, and p1om;pt pay 0 CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY it' 1"'REWIN, Corne1 Krng nnd Simcoe Sh Oslrnwa Oct 18th 1871 (\H·t of the Onlar10 Bonk ) l} Kmg Street, Bowrnanv1lle t For the best and cheapes1 substt"lber 111 to build ar:d re THE pa1r 1 Wagons, BuggiM, rind Outtei·s, 15 CENTS DRY GOODS, GROCEI~IES, of e-;ery descr1pt1on a.t lhort not1u, a.:n.don reN!Onable term.1 Carriages Pamted and Trimmed . CROCICERY, A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1nu;eci: were special l· given to All pe1 ANNUM, m ADVANCE wo1k, and Geneu1 ' I BOOTS & SHOES ' and Clotl'mg made to order m first clas~ Johbmg All w01 lc done at th1S 3fablishm~ro tta11 anted .A. c.a.ll 1~ t'eitpectCully &0hc1ted MORR!~ st:yle, go to J THE l3owma.nv11le Oct l l5t 1869 Cheap Store, OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denornrnat1on one of the best Funily J>apen punted lll the Domm10n) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollnrs per annum, m advance AS USUAL Tyrnne, No~ 2nd J 871 TYRONE. --0- The Promised News MrG J. Milne, EI AVING a!loumed the bu,mess late!; cmned on unde1 the rncrne and style of Consaul & Co and htnmg had nea1ly ' 0 THE CORNER AHEAD, ADVERTISE lN nm 'IWE ,TY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with ample fac,ht1er, fo1 the Purchase of l'vierchand1se in the Cheapest ho fla.'tei, h1mse 1f that ne can ofter A SUIT OF MER,CJ-IANrr ..J 1 INDUCEil1fENTS Good 1 weed GREATER than any otkr House rn the tiade west of the ..City 0£ MClllt1ea)., and he hopes that by $10.50. he may ment a fan sham of public t>ati onage n24 ly Bowma,m1ile March 17 1871 -0- The Oct 1871 CHIT CHA~. GET YOUR CORNWALL Oct BLANKETS [Tim J3rad.y aiid. Mike Flynn] 1871 PRIN,.rING THE GREA'r FAVORITES I The Choicest Variety, AT rHE the cheapest 1 MERCHANT OFFICE, GOODS IN TOWN. I I I I F. Y. COWI.JE. Noted f'or cheai) Goods. BtrnHwnille, Sept 18i0 tf-52 All worl, executed 1n the Latest Style·, with Ne:<tness and Despatch and at Lowest Rates " ' I , - - - --- -----

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