E -' ; THE ERCHANT, F.RIDAY, - ·~ .,.,, !!CV 2 a lYlAHCf!: 15, 1S72. 0 ==~~==~==~==~==""""'===-===r.;=:====""""'===::============:;::=::::==:==o;:::==================-~==~~======:=zz::==s::::.=~oz===;=:.:>:>=""""'1:=:"""""'===;======::=a""""'====-=-----= -==;=;=::== Dr. J. Ball & Oo'a Pe.tent Ivory and Lignum Vital 1 £)- E Y E-0 UPS. the sht·tinken :i.nd enfeebled ·ye, eithci:.in young or old. is a.t- once ~up~hed with tha.t best l\nd indispensible ~illl.~ s.tpttulant -A1 te.riat Bt(}l)d. 1rhe nerve!!'. r·eume thr:ir tan0; the nisseb recover their ?OTh·er: the globe a.ssumel:! its proper shap$ 1 size. a.nd brilliancy; n-lldisea.ae.d action IB arrested and curerl. Their objllct ilJ to bring the sight to & natnral focu1,by \"e8toJ:ing tho dimini!hed convexity or fla.tness of the O(wnea. ·of t he Eye, which ia :rati.ually l'a.ised to its origina.l conYexity,causing the ra.ya of light t') converge on the retina- without tho 'lid of convex louses or i;lasaes; thu· A speci~l remdy for these .v.·hose sight i~ beginning to fail from ag-e. They add Yita.Uty a.nd strength to the ~yo thus securing a. proper secretion,a.nd remeving ~he Cauae of all organic disease·. 'rhia wonderful effect is produced without pain or the least poe;sibility of injury to the eye. l\!any of our most emiuent phyf:!icia.n!I, occul· ists, 21tudents tl.nd divines, have bad their sight pe:i-.u.rn.nently restored for life, a.nd cnr·<l of the foll(iwing diicascs; !. Impaired Visi(}n; 2. 01·_Pl'esbyopia., or Fx.r Sir1 htedness, or Di1nneRs of Viiiion coinmonly ea'fled Blu1'rinfJ'; 3. A~thenopia.,or \~leak Eyt11, 4. Epiphorn., li.unuing or Watery E_yes; 5. So:re Ey.es -specially treated with tht- Eye Out;>s011re guaranteed ; 6. \Vea'k11e~ of the H.et1na, or Optic Nerve; 7. Opthalmia., or Infl::unma· tion of the Eye and its appendagea, or imperfect vision frl':lID tbe effcctfl of Inflammation; S. :Photopbobia, or Intolerance of Light; 9. Over· \'lorkecl Eyes ; 10. Mydesopl.a-moving speckw or floating bodies before the eye·; Ama.urosis, oi· Obscurity uf Vision; 12. Cnta.ractl5, Pa.rtia.1 · Blindnl'ss ; the loss of sight. Any one can u se the Ivory Eye Cups without tl1e nid of Doctor or Medicine, so as to receive irnnied.ia.te bene1ici:J l'eaults and 11eve.r wo~r .spectacl0$; Qr\ if using ni'1w, to l.!by them Mi<lo forever. \Ve guu.rintee n. crlre in every case where the directions are followed, or we will refund the 1noney. B y their Ui10, I ' l I I .. ' ·· I l VE 1·ecei \'ed " Choice lot of 1 R0 AT rrHEY , I I I . T. DARLINGTON, IHA J "" I I o ISomething long wanted by Everybody- Everybody his or her- own Painter. · M E NQ R I . , , :M:cCLUNG BROS. will sell Crockery China, Glassware. and Lv,mps, for the next 30 days, AT COST, prior to making a change in the Grocery Dep~rtment '· · , In view of important changes to be nmde in my busi:ies», during th~ latte1· part of Febru:try, I would offer the rerna1.nder of my . ~i!:~ur~~;~!:s, MCL.EOD'S Dates, Lemon, Orange HOUSE & VILLA ~AINTS and Citron Peels NUTS . _" ' mg but the purest materials used, IN GREAT · VARIETY. and i:eqlliring no further mixture of Also Barrels a.nd Boxe:s of , Oil'J, 'rurpe11 tine, rq1d l)ryers. ~ .4." ~reparea ror imediate us~, ,_,na noth- "\VINTER AT . ' I 2309 Certificates of Cure, From honest Farmers, ~1echanics and 1\-lerchn.nt!!, some of tlt1~m the most en1incnt leading prxl~ssional and business n1cn u.ntl women of education aud retinement, in our country, may be seen nt our office. Under tla.te:: of March 29, Hon. Horace Gree· ley, of tho New York ~·ib1tne, wxite": "J. Ball, of onr city, i1' a. c011scientious and reapo:atible man, '"'·ho is inc:tpable' of int,entional deoop· sion vr imposition. Prof. W, Mm·rick of Lex.in~ton, Ky., wTote A.pTil 24th, 18jfJ: \\.tithout my Spectacles I ~en Y"IU this note, after using the Pa.tent 1 vory Eye Cups thit·teen days, and this 1norning perused th~ entire contents ot a Daily Ne:wspa,per, and All with the una.ssiisted Eye. 'fr~!Y a-.m I grateful to "your no'ble invention., rnny Uea.ven bless o.nd preserve you. ,,I hn..,-e been using spec<;a.oles t)j"enty yea.1'tt ; I am IJf.IY· vntJ~one yea.rs old. '.l"Tuly yourtt, Ptnf, \V. .\ ~ 'i\feniok. . RE\'. JOS.EPU S.'l!l'ITT, Maldtin, 1-f:.us., cured of Partial Blindnc8s, of 18 year~· standing, in one . , tninut&, hy tbt: Patent Ivol'y Eye Cup!!. E. C. E1,L18, late Mayor of Dayton, Obie, v.·rote ~ Nov. l1}th,1869: I have teated the p,,t. ent I vofy Eye Cup~, and I am satisfied they a.rti good. I am pleased ""-itb them; they :tl'e the grea.test invention of the age. ' .r ... n H p B eau~ith u . f l C w1 an o . ITS. CHOICE Blsou assor-~mcn di / Their comp<»ition consistsoolclv of , ant e a, P.ure Golo1·, P1we White Lecid, P w1·e 1. . . .z· L. l O 'l S . White ~vnc, ·msee(. 1,, ]Ji?'its of 'l'urpenf'i~w, J; Drye·rs, GREATLY REDUCED Persons in want of RATES. i I I Darlin&rton ha.s agAin received :mother lo't. 'of , tho9S celebru.ted l'UitE LEAF TEAS, Quali.ty ia the Test of Cheap""'· Bowmanvilie, Dec. 22nd, 1870. ul2·tf · ' Q · 1V t J ~ z 0 0 ") ~' 00 I T ~f~~· ~nl~of :1~e 1sp:1~i~ ccitre{ully and · scieHtifica11y · combined. The consumer c:tn lt:tve ·any desired shade of color neatly put Ill· in C·ips, >ind >ill he requires to buy ;wit?1 the Paint is a Brush, as the whole c>w be done by himself, or by any member of hishouseholcl. ·' DRY GOC)T)S 'L -- will find this a good opportuuity of getting Goods Cash pa.id for any quantity of Turkeys Geeoe; :Oucks and Chickens at McCLUNG BRO~ .trNEEA:RD ·o:r THE LOW . PRICES. - ·- ··--- -·--"-- S. F. HILL'S. Parties indebted to me will much oblige, by settling the srime as soon a~ possible. PU RE WH !TE LEAD, A large stock just rec8ived, for au+... umn painting; imported direct - froih tlie"English Manufactmers,incl uding Jam cs' Gemiinc, and the Celeprated · The Subsc'riber hl\vin~ w. SIGN OF GOLDEN LION. purcha9ed the Bownmnvillc, April 13th, 1871. BUSINESS AND STOCK cf the Jate I{i1.:ha.-r d M<l.rtin, will be ple»,._d to see OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES ROOSTER BRAND, guara,nteecl pwte. ALSO 'all ·ta,nd!lrd oolors, oils vamisbes, A foll Stock of Groceries and Confectio:ria.ry kept on ha.nd. NE A R-S I G H 1' ED NESS. FoL' the wor.::it eases of M'yopia , or Nea.r-~·ight· ulneas, use ou:i.· Kew Patent ]\fyopic Atta~h· proved a. c·rtain cure for thisi dirierLS·. tnentis, applietl to the lvony EYE-Curs, h'M1 and pa,inters' mate.rials. Oa,11 and see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated; for all these goods will be sold atBeduced figures. 2000 Gall,ons of ·MURDOOFI BR()S. ·have received and opened out a A Large Stock of NEW FRUI'l'S, for Christmas and New Years, at Low Prices will he found at McCL UNG BROS N.B.- -It fo my int1mtio11 to 11.,pply th· ::Or. J. Jla.11 & Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is rccoru1nended by tlloUo<i.uds, for Inflamed G 0 U NJ' B Y with TRA DE XACBiN~ ·01L Eyes, and li:ye-lids, also \Veak Eye8, 'Vfltery l_i:yes, Ovcr-\Yorked Eye:i, Intolerance of Light, .A.maurcsis, or Obscurity of Vision, or Specks nn moving-· Bodiea bet ore the Eyee, V"\o" ea.knes1 ag w·as forJnerly donfl by ].fr. Ma.rtin. . of llet.ina, and' rn any other <.lise~sea of the Eye. All pexsons v.·ishing for full particular1 1 certificates of cures, pl'ices, &c., will please send yfllur address to our ,\gent, who will send our Treati1e on th1;1 Eye, of forty-four po..ges, free, by i·eturn n1aiJ. AU. consitltat. io1~ with ti:f1·e-c. H HORWOOD Eiowm:tnville, Dec. 7tli, L871. 10-tf of different kinds. '.L'hreshe1's and all parties requiring mch oil, are ~BOJ&lE specially invited to inspect the vari- \.) ous quali~i ~s, .the prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. U d~ 1SSOR~111FrrEritJYI' ·_I_ li'Jl.11..Jl1 J_ 0. BOUNSALL, I MPOI\l'EH. MANUFACTURE R, '-" DEAl~ER in ,,u thll "l'<\l'ietief!I of Our sole and exclusive Agent for the County of Dlll'ham, ia who ha.s on imnd hn assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. Nov. 24th,,l871. 500 Cook, £1a.rlor, lta.ll, and :Box Stoves, · .arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of OF E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. Italian & American Marble. A librg"<; ---·1 NSU RAN OE.--- -Andes first to pay Chicago Losses. &lw~yi.1 GENERAL ·HARDWARE, CAllRIACE GOODS, AND Tl~WARE MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, m the .County of Durham. and choice .:selection of on hr~ud., FALL AND 'VINTER GOODS~ of superior wo1·km,.n;hip, :rad o.t lowe~t prioe-a. OP JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. owrnanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. s. B. BRADSHAW Wrought for Geist hon F~n~is burying lotis. enclrn~ia.g Ohici!.go, Oot. 11 1 1871. 'l\1 .A.NDZ5 l~SURANCE Co., -. .A.ude· lo.!laes will not ¢xccec1 $300,000. E. E. RYAN. Agent. 'l'hc AND.l!IB is solvent ~ nd very strong, n,nd hn.s (i.lrlil:uly c~mu rnenced paying its Chicago. loa15es. ·w ould takti thla opportunity of tha.nking his CJ,Il!"L'ON, Oct, 9, 10:30 p.1u. numerou· frienda for the· very liber1.l pa.trona.ge I huNe to-night cin·efully e:::.::amined a11 Chicar He fe~l· satistied tl:u~t notbgu insuro.nces in the Aude.s Ins urn.nce Con1pany he ·has receh·ed, in,_~ bnt uf Uiucinnatti. ~· e shall authorise onr it,Jju~t ers to dri.\\V upon ua n.t ~ight for e\·erY. correct (}laim as rapidly as ascert11ined. Our losses by tlii~ i?teat ca1an1ity i'.1·0 a considerable figure, but nothing to cripple us. The hm~r of duty i<J upon us, arrd we i!oha.ll meet it in th:e lion-hearted nu1nndr that tho occ:urion requires· .Never.l1cles ·. l f t1lly expect, in addition to s11r1no11nt\ng t l:k; ~ erioul!'. ob~taele, to pu.y the atockbolderii of tho A..nd~s Insuru.nnc Conipn.ny ~ comorta.ble clh·i dend next July, Rei3pectfully, J'. B. BENNE'l.1'1', .Prti~. ( ·nd Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hand, c.r wrought to order. rcspectfi.1lly reque'.;ted at t.he v1~rks, Octobor, l!!t, 186!:1. A call i" IRON IN THE BLOOD King Street, Bow1na'iti!ille 1-tf DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. IMJVfENSE ! Try . it for Yourselvps Tho·e that hin;e tried, are conviueed that S. F. H [LL sells his Goods a.s low or lower than tha.n any one else m Town! · A large stock' of Oloths, Dress Goods,St1·iptd, Gheckecl and plciin Shawls, WinMys, Flannel$, Blankets,Linens, Wool G,ood:S, ·H oise?'y, f Gloves,ancl T1·immings. a.11 bought bofore thG n.dyn.ncl:! in prio@·. LOW PBIOES ~o-,-- Iron, is The Peruvi.:in S11t·up, a P;·otecte<l Sol1'tion o.f tltf Pl'otoxide of $0 Cfl'Ut7Jt;netl ris to lia,-ve R. & H. O'HARA, Agents, . Bowma,nville. tlie ch.a1·acte1· of c.tn, i:tli1n01·i t, <is e<tsi.ly tl-iyestc<l a1ill assi1n:ilaied POIN'r·S OF SimpNcit;lj in· Construction, Ease of operation: Pmfection of Stitch, alike on both sides, owin.1 to pm.feet ten~ion on uppe1· ana lower Tkread. .RANGE OF WOBK :-From Gauze to Beaver Cloth. DURABILITY :-Will la.st a life time. open to-day. :Bo·Yrnaliville, O\lt. 19th 1871. '3-tf R E M B N A R M B E R Superior Workma.nship, ha.1 iaintd for him 1uch :i. tte'ady increc.11s of bn1ine1a-much la.rger than former yea.rs i a.nd with the bloorl as the simplest foou. ·. rt increases tho qiumtity of Nat1'rc's Own VUaUzin(I Agent, I-ron in tlw ()looa, and ctires "atho1.tB'lincl ·ills., " siniply lJy To1ifn,y u11,Invigo1·ati1iy an.a Vitali.~'iti{J .-iche<l cind vitcilized. blood pm·- the S11ste· n i. The cni- 1·epai1·i·ny tla1riuyes a,1i<l ·U-1l'tste, SeW1'Chi11g O'ltt 1no1~b-ltl meates evm·y 1>a1·t of the botly, di$ecise to fe e({, ttpori. :Equally a.d.a.:pted to Family WoI:k, Dress and Sliir't Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUC'l'IONS GIVEN. SCC'1'8- tio1is, <t1icl tcaviu,fi n.otlt'itia for A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than ia~t year h11 tn.1tt· tba.t 'by A T !S ~ N T strict attention to business A lot last Season's Tweeds a.t . This i.s the secret of the wonde>'ful s1tccess of this 1'em,e<ly in curiny Dyspepsia, Live>· Com,11lain.t, D · r opsy, Ch.1·01·iic Diar-· 1·liwa,Boils, ...~lel't'OU$ AJJ~ect'i,orts, Bla<lde1·, ll'e1tialc Cu11i1;la.in;ts~ EVERY MACHINE -WARRANTED: "We have also on hand 20 per cent. bel"w Cost: Loss of Consti.tutiona,l T'-ig M't Diseases of' the Kidneys anti and all <Useases o· r iuinatlng in ci b<ul state of the bload, 01' ac- Oliills a1iil Fe1;e'PS, H1tnio·r~, .A.gents, Yellowlees & .Quick~ _ And ail other S! h· ·will eentinue to receive their ·upport, Gent's &nit$ ma.de by the best workmen. Every Garment ma.de to fit. FIRST-CLASS PICTURES Taken in A 1 Style, at FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY Tile best Black · Teas in Town. The best Green Tea,s in Town: S. B. 'BRADSJ{AW. --.All t..hos1 tha.t a.rt in ari·ea.l'.I muit ptiy up, ~M pceially tht1 Hnr<lwaire aecount. S. J3. B. Bowm,a~:· ill0, I SIGN Oli' THE BED FLAG, King Street, East. "Bowni:in ville, X ov. 28th, 1871. 47-tf. Butter, Eg,qs, llfitten~, SoclM, and Yo:rn tahn as Gashfo1· Good1: 1 I s. F. HILL· state of.Uw system. Bel1UJ fre" J?·om Alcohol, in any form, its eneryiziny effects a1·e not follotvec.l by cot"l'espon,tllny ?'eacti,0· 1 t, but < t1·e co1n1Ja1iie'1. Uy tlcbitit11 01~ a loiv GROCERY DEP ARrrJYIENrr will be found, >is usual, wdl gupplied. A large imported Stock of I 1 · WANZER' SLET1'ER A, ABBOTT'S, .AND BARCLAY SEWING JIAOHINES . , Our Stock of Geneml Goods i~ 111rge, embracing :11J the Novelties of t.he clay, ancl all the necessaries as well. Picture F1·ame~-aU sizes, Thilouldinga of eYery st.yle, 'Vall Paper-a,, !'.plenllid =i.ssoitmeut now· in stock, A lal'g~ supply of beiJ,utifully ai;8orted- \Vindo·.v Shades, Children's Cartia.l'.{as, Oonc!,n·tinas, Brnshe~,_ Cornbs, Looking Gla!l~es, 1-Iusic, ]\.f ~a.iinm;, ·violins, 1,tinlin Bows, ""'ilioliJJ 8trings,Paper Colla.rs, N 11ck Ties, Sehool Books, l)ay Books, Bibles, ICnh·e~ and Forks,Pockst Knives, H.azori:., Spoon:'!, and Seise.or!'!. Cheapest Note Paper and Euvtilopes in the country . All those, and :t th'Ju~and othet· ri.,rticlcs, are to be fonn(l at . the V .AlllE:l' Y SJ.'ORE. 'V 1;1 are ::1.lway~ n l&d to :S<Jc !riend8, a.:ul think it no t.rouLle to sho·N Goods ; and -we guarantee as goC'ld value, &t M low prio~s i n::i ::1.11y othe1· hon1'0 in tJ1e tradE'. . rarties wishing t0 tolcgra.ph thei1· frie11r1s., rnay rf\l V ou h<1.ving their business done promp~\ y . Agents Joi· ] nrnan Liue of SteanH~L'fl, t~ntl Imperia] l3uilding v.nd Saving. Society. s·i1·iy sf.1·e'i'if)t/I,, viaor, f',t.ttd tieiu ver1na,,1 ient, l1ifir, .. I stitut-ion, life into all 1m1·ts of the system, anrl bwU1.!in(I i.ip an :fr<m ConTho1.tsaticls ha,1,00 been, fJhtt1'1'(Je!l CERTIFICATE ~ OF AGENCY FOR- THE Jan, 10th, 1872. __.. ly-15. by the 1ise of thi~ ·1 ·euwtl!f , from weak, sickly, s· 11,ffo· 1 ·infl crea- _i\ NE-WOs1;o:.\'Y.le Strwing :Ma.chine. \J;Tc give this re11eYnil of the .1.\.gcucy, ti.ri,since l':CC'l'U:Et.E G-A:t.:t.E:Et.YI we first ~·ecuived tho appointment, there have l)ecu vthers re1n·esent.i:n;5 themselves as A gents, in \Vest ])u1·htt.n1 :-- tw·es, to i.nv«li.ds cannot recisonr:<bly hesitate to give it <i t·rial. st<ronu, h~«lthy, an.ii lwp1>11 m en an<l _ 1Jomen; awl FRESH FIELD, AND GARDEN Just received. l ly . I i· B0\\ 111anville.) 7 · _ ~'.lal'cl1 "it11, 1872. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. n~3. See that oe<ch bottle hcis PERU- T G·UE/,PH, D ·. 4th, 1871. ~le"'~· R & IT. O'Ha.ra, IlowmanVille. Thuse are to certify that you a.re duly _ al?polntecl our authorised .Af[eat for the We:st l\.id· lug of J)urlutuJ, and l\"nrth and South Ontario, ~~nd the Sonth Riding of '\Tictoria. W c will not recoi.p1i.se the ac:tions of it.ny other va.rty claiming· to be oUr Agent. nnllli:!H the Macbjnf.l ])ass throu~h yonr lu:t.nch1, selling in the above tenit0ry, fro1n a:nd afte1· thiij date. \'\/ c 'do not bind ourselves to wa.rrant a.ny 1-Iao hine sold, of our ma.nufacture in said territory, unlc~s going dire{,1 fron1 the I~·actory to your order, 01· to tbn.t of n.ny of your sub Agents. ltespcctfully yours, l}uru.rn S1n\'I1'-'G- 1\f.ACHlNE Ot1· HE-Subsc1i.ber e!peetfully jnfol'lm: the pub· lic:: 1 th:iJ;, having fitted Up a. New Pict-.no Gallery, with all th1 · MAYERS, rateful to .n. i;encrous public, for 1'1\At liberal patroni:i.ge, begs most re15uectf11ll:r to t1in1iot·nce that Q11 ace6unt of increa~inll busin~~1:1 . hil now 0ecnpics VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass. Pn.1n1>hlets· F""·rce. 1 -B~wmanvil~:· S~~~2~s~~l-~~-. . ---'--=···o:-~:::--=::...======-=-=-= --- I TO T_FiE PlJI3LIC SPLENDID NEW HEAHSE, = == ====== I i · · MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, G J.P. D TNS l l'lORE, .l'rop1'ietcw, No. 30 DEY ST., MEW YOE.K. Sold b 'y D .r t1-ggints generally. HARD 1~0 B-~~JjIJ~VE® I }l n1tun1ing t.tiu.uk~ to their llUJIJa1't'u~ Cn;;to:rner,,;l :JJlHl th~ }'ub1in SON~ g-enerall;r, ,f or pi:i~t fa vor;,, would re~·pectfully in v-.itc :Lhell· ;;i..ttentjon to our prGJsent Atock of }'urniture, 11.3 we hoi.ve l a.tely added therGto, thnt wa tn!il.y ther:-:by be enn.bled to 1rn.pply' l'.11 i1arties who _ may _ple1o1.o;e to favor u :l i.~ith a cail. Great induccmonttl h eld ont to irhoriti p u rch:a.sh1i ~-.t 0ur; Ji:&ta,.blislimf!nt. :Ph.:tura.'!, Lookin!.:"" Gla.<;~~3, &c., fr:hlued to order, aud in ev$ry iiytle. San1plef of thedifiercnt kiltdo ol Mouldhl~"" cf!,n be :-een r.t ]JH'l Wnre -room. \V (j wo1dd i;i.lw be:: to iaform yg"· that, ha_Tin,r pur· chairnd a,. he i:i1. prepared to take [ifE WHOLE OF HIS OLD S1'AN.D, and 1i,... 11u°'1 I.ife-like Likenesses, .in "'ery 1t-yle of tho An inspection of specimens is invited Entr ....nco opposite the entrilncfJ to th· Tow·n . Photo~a.phic.!.rt. · I every ch ~ e , .i:i.ole and Corner, · with an If n DON'T ]'AIL TO CALL AT Groceries Vei·y Chea11. Good Cooking Rai8ens only 5 cents n. pound, ·and still c:l1caper b~y the Box. P. S. ~ -]~.,,eh of our ~<\...gents w.i ll h<'J..ve a written ~T t ifi~L!'t~. vf Agenc.y fro1n us, wJ1id1 purchasers ·houu """ton ··· ,ug. R. & H. O'HARA. 11ownnurvill~, l)eo. 21, J 871. [ I Br:.wma.nl'ille) I:C"" IS ; 1 Halt Excee.d ingly choice as~ortment of Goods compri~ing 'd5i""'~ El"O 33"'nA v b' --- rib.- >au~~lico ;.J · · I . For 'H>tniess, 8,tddles, H at8,- (fa-~l'lS, Fu,r.s, ' Buffalo Robe$ Trunks, /1 '11.'l'Ol'l'l'l'll'I'\ '!'!IA"'"' ,, u· ., 1'9 .,, · .tiO!JJ & ..., .!. Paper Goll®·s, N~ck 1'iM, Valises, tha.t the . Gen. t.~s F .f 'l.f/i'T//iBhi.-n.g3} &~. Whips, Bowml!-nville Fa.tm Implement Forward . · A ' l'hewhol1JofthcStock havu:1gbein'l':'-i<llbought Bells, &c., mg gency, Sept. 27th, 1$71. L. W, SEXTON. MASON'S " . WP. N. IL Coffin~~ kept ~hAll be rea<lv at tbll tinH!f:!, to ~Ltend l'un{"ntl.s, m1 shc1·t notice, cu bn.no:t, !'!ind m~de to orcle!', ;ii.t the a.ncl reaE01u1.ble tcrm5. N EW DOZ.f.11\70N BBT.AIL .FURNI'lURB WARE-ROOM . SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COS'l', King Street East, Oci1a,wa. Ooha.w·a, Aug. :Mith, 1870. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. tf·4R I Mrs. E. Ca'\vker, Cotton and Woolen Goods am advancing, but you can buy them ;ct El· Now i· the t~n:ie to ~ccure wl.at in retiring-from. husirH!f:!5, l.iegs to retur1;1 her a:incere thaukf! to her nurnero uSJ patrons, for their liberal 5Upport during thG tin1e she has been in businesso. At the aa1ne time. E!be be.za to :=.i1nounce, that she ha.8 retired in favor o{J1er t'iVo Sous, whom ehc trus~ii, by prope~·ty Robe Found. St!'eet,in. the Town ofBowroauville OXa Duke Rube. The nwner (;a.n have it by proving and paying for adYertisement J.\.pply to l' HOBBS, at Cii..biuet Factory Bowmanville ]:.,eb 2~th 3-2!'! ;.r,r. KINDS OF . is tho pl·ce for formel'S to g· t c~ll::H"ll'9 TAK.UN OUT Al\D and tiRlll.·oi·s I Good Fa.rm Imple.ment" "· Plea·· caHandordertlte · Cured without the Use of the Knife, by which foi· style, durability and olieap· liott's for a Bhort time, at the old prices. . If you want a nice. sett of Furs, for ness, cannot be excelled ' ' his vicm1ty .. ·. cl you need. . mt I your lady, call on M. j\{a,yers, Tothoeein ARREAUS,lrnwoukl"Y . P . ai1wl. BARGA.INS WILL RE GIVE~ New co!nbinecl Chopping M,i ll ancl . . , . . St1·aw Gntte?· I All kinda of .Fui·s alie·l'ecl wncl i·eAlJio leave your <n·derfor n flrat·clal!la DR. 8 . PATTERSON, of Bowmanville. Thi: bc"t of refe:r·enccs given iu Bow1naJ1villB and elsewhero. -Office on Church Street · YOU MUST I PAY UP CLOTHlNG.-Gentlemen in wa.nt of a good fitting snit should caH S7'RI01' AT7'ENTIO.'\' 'TO BUS INESS r1.nd supplying a. em·ly at Elliotes · Fa~hiouiible Tttiloring Eo.hibILihmont. STRAY STEER. Bt~er, FIRST-CLASS Sut;iR.fadinn guarirnteed in all rroMun:i.Hc cases. Hi~NRY ARTICLE, 16-t.f. GB.A.IN DBILL. It ""\V. J A1fES, Bowmanville, Dec. 14 1 1871. nll· liighezt prica paid for Bo?.-· m~nYillt? . Sept~28th, ~a.w Furs - .13owJna11ville, r ·~\ib 22 1 1872. ly-11121 -o!J. MARKUS MAYERS· 1871. I ! '.l~l\0!'111 who h:i...-e ah·aa.d_y :eettlet1. will vteai:e fi..C ·1 · ccpt our horn·ty t 111t11ks. J!o't'.-nM,nville n tic 3rd. 18l19. 8. MASON. " I . nlO EJ,LIO'l"f, Jur. to s\:ill tno1·it thn.t patron:igo so HlJq;·:\11.V b ~stow ed upon her. into the of t.he 8 ub5ol'iber, CA.1\fg Lot .Ko. 12, in the 3rd Con. Cartv.-right, a 001ning two old: 'J.'hr.1 owner y~a.n1 pr~nuise11 ca.i::. hn:'<e hin::., on pr·o;·ing llt'ope1·ty, anit l'laying c~ena~. Ha.mptun, Augrrst 2n<l, 187J .'i Sta.11 No. J. Market Buildings. Bow1 nf<n\"ille, Jan. 18th, 1872. Ca.rt\vright, J~_n . J'. GEDDES, 3rd, 1S72 . 41. · I I