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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 15 Mar 1872, p. 4

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t SLIZ . s= , THE ER.QHA.NT, FRIDAY1 llfAJ{CH 15, 1S72 POETRY God Bless Thee: IH JOHN RE 'l.l F. d bl ss thee I can t;;a1 MO mo I kuo\\ not 1\hat thy lot n1 A.) le I ua.unot e i:: t1 e l Ltl l ef 1c 1J. hr )ugh "'1 ich \\ e rcauh etct n, t:-; 11<:i 1ns 1) I J fr m "bee and ue bs ' l 1 ifo UH zes to ex: pl r~v 1c Au J l cat ( Uy l ( o 11 l~s~ the.Pi for thee I cal do no mOl e- · filln1g 1 J v; the ' at"'l boils a v""J eve iu i:.; $ ~ n Ht.h ~ l er p~1 aurl 'el J h tle sa0 e take one ou1on one t1 tlllp nnd t>\O 01 th1 ee I ototoes chop tl en~ fine i:md ad l to the soup, 't\-Jth o. snuill teacup of? lW to nato s let the whole boil :tu JlO r lm go1 then et1au1 tluough a colan er an l nd l ~spoonful of fl } to th1c..... cn it sh.,ht1y and ""ou 'nll 1 u. ::i. "O Ut of c1ce ant c )101 und delic ous onough to ten1pt an e-pwnre :\.U svup i:ihould be "c1 vcd hot Of COlU'SC \ h n veople li' e 111 -c, a. wnal v. A.J' and eat tl cir chnnc:rs at n <!lon in~t ~ai.1 of n10 ht j oui: soup n 1st be pMtui.11y prepnred the d 1y Lefore hnnd Ihe nbovc ·e otabl s' Jll be iimffic1ent for thro::c l nit of so ip &n l I venture tB say the1e a1e few fa1n1e1s fam1hcs were enough 15Craps of m a,..,, t o furrnsh the Qtock i\re not n el e ety w t k at le ii Rt. scr i"C I up 1l1 .able wa)b "'"If yo i htH e inu1.:n ineat V11th 01 1 1 o c.: > it is n1cc to tul o o!.lt bcfoJc a<l<l1n;:, the' cgctablo: '< and ~et ve it Qll Hl c e H of toa: t sc \"one l > ith butte1 ind l 1 stm1 d ' ith the Uroth ~ l e.i g tpon th ,ubieot Mi Wm Fortf Second Year JI mt man 3.rl1c e 111 on potatoe" m the Ooun <lODEY S L.A:Dl: S DOOK FOR 1872 t Gu tl ncn of J au 1th in <.lpeaku1b of ther;e n·h , , n:pcis t n f I nd 1es .i.µ,aft3.ZlllS u '· J. e Cue µCea.use r>port::i ::iayli B ut ll:lt no ones tppuse that it a tlie best :Poi the past fort) tw:o years the 'ar et es r a1se(l 11 tlns \ a ,..\Hll px@ve as hardy Book h"~ ~een considered th<> guide of women :tn las lasting is otheti:;; iat!'icd fr m the "-eel in eve"J thing ttiat ta calculated to c evate the b 11 I: l t h 1 15ex: lhe old fam1lia1 wr1te19', )"i'.hose storws a emc mi en:; rn i 1:; lrnblr tJ 1ot t cy 1 b~ q~ \atge ;... contrtl ni e.rl to this .end have all w 111 1..: c nt nw:wly gi en tu I it Sc '!'IC "J.11 go b<ick to tho on 1nany "'ill btt defoimed a U ~ t i l L) ~~ 1 1 fl uni tlu e,e t o fi \,, j e all mll1 "\ortll e~ T ha>omadema1yox1~ri ""M and TEA JUST as GOOD, ~nd cheap M a.t Anv n1ents o.nd know "dl the facts cf \\ h ch I tun wnhnb ])cl'1·'i <l.. c 0 18 ( 2 An Exc1tmg Weddmg Tour ary 'has a lovely stathgbt 1 ight rn l)peats. I \'i as t 1e happiest utan in the "orld, Mo l cl C Uu.ut8 - 'ilw ouly ma~az1nc in u1111 <'OUJ wy that gi\"es the se ~e !I LgllS ,is the Ladj s f0r ha1.l I not that eveuu ; daspt:('t 1' ha1 ds Bool '\ ith tl1e ~ we~te gt br1 le t11u t e ~er wore D1 (( llf u ~ ~" g In this " e ate also alone 01atJge Ll os su n1 ~, a1 d 1.~ard ti.le lu h in<tn ~ 'Ve have also a Chill en 1:1 a Hrutic1ltu1al1 bl s111g on c n pl 0 I Fehru I l l een retained. }.{anon Hin la.nd Inr"l ( h1uc c1 d,hiJl ] o ue Don Metta. "\ 1cto11a. \' ictor S Ann1ei J:l 1 o~t ::\ll $ C A Hoplnuson Bue Cbeiituut,vood Jvirtl Dunisou etc hn.1'e a re1) :i.t...tion f)t ex cellence rn then "\\11t1ngsfai nbove any othe1 a1n the Magazine hne Ow Uolored Fashion Fla.tea inc the inost co1 cct of any pubhshed in the counti'\ BEA.U~:ff!&L Sn EL PLA,:ES Of those tl1e I n,rly s B ook gives fou1 teen each ;; ea1 01 gnucl Must!..' - Godey s 1s the £iillv rnaca .,tu"' 1n 1ttore in Ca.nn.da tt at 01 ont of JOHN -9-In tb111 department a gr1.11d <li111pln.'\ 111 "110\\11 of the mo~t benutif tl ileslg1l ~ oug1nat1ug in Pans London and }\ew York undm: the able manaaement I of Mro M J 'R.~"';: ~·Miss 1homM ) I MCMURTRY'S SUBSCRIBE SIGl'i OF THE GflLJfJF:N 1 llJN \\htch n U'J c prcpn.rccl exprc<i ~l) for it I MAN'l'LES I l\·~AN1'LES ..-1~ H-.., 1 .£ Dl~Et::JS I I WHERE DO YOU GROCERIES 1 ht cd fnth ' ( l ku n "our tlt~G<ls and !,'1.te~ t } t l t':Ht J f \ c ~nth faith I{w a d in1plore h p1 e1n bPa.rt are ever blcst t 11 lcss tl ec I cal1 no mme THE JJ t (;J 0 FARM Sports OAUl Bl1.:l 1 Seedling Potatoes vs \ (1 n Tuf oore q I nr~l N c\ Y01k er ) Ii Y~~, t\\afJ; lTIJ "eldnrr ni ght a11d oft Ject fox tlie ~ o1do1 Nu1sc1:y J{1tchtn Hou11e \\ lnle H~ccn ll g tl e no1B1i co1 gratulatio11$ of anll l a undry rela.t1vers and ir1e1 d::- mv eyes hacl sought J :.L w ted -Ena_ra ]; gs - 'lhuusa iae1w3of en >:> r:.n· her belo,ed featuies \\ Ith pl1 l1e ind aftec \ng~that no one has attMrn pted but ou~elves t <l 1 t h d l b I Ladiell lf- ic1 lf 01 k Depc 1 tnc it - Sonie of 1on an 1ny ietr a svro en "1t JOY lie de:i:igns m this depa.rtment ar.e punted in and gl:tdness at the 1eabzaho l of 1ny fond colors n1 a J5t'\ile uneq·1a1led e~t hopes atHl drca..tus In admt1on to all the abo\ e attlactions there J->nt the hon for otu depar urt dr0 n u1 h v.111 be 'P bl shed monthly n double page en .wd ill else was fo 1 otten 1 u Ulj JI ipatle~c~ ~la,1ng the gcn1?raJ t1tjle ol wh ch '1-:Jll be Mis Of com e I hau ~11d a }{ea th depai ttnent got up t xi 1~stdy for our o vn trad(l Cnitomer111 ean rely on gettit\f good fit elegti.nt stJ le, and beauttfullv trin1med --o-- · BUY YOUR t being the quest1on J ~{ v. ouhl respectfully gn e & hint to those in per I ple:nty that h~ keeps oonJ!tantly on ha.nd n fit lit cln"s '.'!tock of FOR THE (~ oleysin:1!al1rnb le Rq;c i}} ~s u ion e\tl\: ~ lb HOODS D f1,p ARTMEN r J A la1ge etocik tJf the Dl)!St f'.;tyhsh :.tll l llCIYlCeablit goods llllIJOrted In th 1 11onneot1on HI shown 1. full "ni: ety oJ tr11nm1ngs button>i &c t n1a.tch in a.11 colors Groceries a.nd Provisions :w.1<l tho,;e "ho buy from.bun w1ll 1 evf:."r ie.g1t'!t that they are t\ble to anil\'i tir Di e·a rna%mg donfe to en de1 '!<n fi1 st ciaM l styl~ I DRY GOODS. ll·aiy English ll ool Bw1e1s (ir<d Fancy Ove1cocit1ngs T1leeds1 Slm ls Diawe1s Hats a11d Gaps Collars a,nd Findings Tapest1y Wool IJ1no1i Ilem;p Doma·!.·, 1 0,71/~ J. i ~m. r ' I buy from John McMurtrr" PLO LR OATlfF.:AL 'MERCIIAN'l1' ., 1 h l,VC l een tvr ~e rr c 'ea.J.. CYl Cl Ul e t ml!> w 11 r ol&t1 R ee l ngR '\hhont hove\ CI pro dnc11 g any Hpecrnlly int 1::re1:Jt1ng (1 1aluabl 1e aults u 1til thn e , e us go I 1 laJ1Lu l <i. 1 an titvo f ~ectlfr tn seedballs of tleE arl:y I o:'jc Ithenr1usedfort) scedhug '\\lucli:w q1egr<. ~n in a !:ltnglc 10-w in iuy g[lt don 1 i i,o 11 of OH 1 an fe1tilit~ cutu-ely witho ut 01 u u 1 ] cx ccr t a htlfo nnu ate f hmc sp11nkkd aoout tic e llla.J. o l.Ke lYJ \ c a1 llJJ tu otu 1orne an a1u1cl tL e ill'l CS of cl eer and ud sp~~Ll, I })laced u1y b11cle and hie~ rr1othei 111 th e &l e1gh, ancl u1 l I ~ 1 l ~ool!~op' l art1{ ; a I ~'.'.":'.,...:'."".::'."'.":':'.:::'.'"":::::::::-::-:::-:::-:-:::~ aiy ga.thenng the 1c1ue:. O\:CI he hnck of Ill\ noble sr tn of llor11e"' "ho seemin o'l) feeling t h eJO.) antt 1mpahe11cP. of the 1non1 nt, sp1:1.ng11K.0 l1got1un 0 ou ih <> h gh'iYHi ~ \Ve h d a 11de of t'i"I eJJt' nnle ~ 1 e{u1 ~ us but tLlP a1r \\ lS l een and biJA'1ng , the Pil<JOW brugushorrie J.W o Pl'\>VliSe tlle, e ek tclies (outltne m then cliaract c1) to be ~mpono1 to l'tni.: of the l 1nd heretofore pnl lrnhed l} TI?\!S (h r-i copy on~ JNW: :I 00 'I wof e <::op1e5 ear 5 00 'lh1 cc niesoue ouexyc al 7 50 }oucopie;> one,e\.r 1000 ] ' er.1ies tne year a1d anext 1aoopJ t o the per:.on getting p the club l4 oo malung s1x coprns E 1sltt ~pies one ye Liit and an o CORNlf EAl AND OlMOKED WHEAT l a rel ._,,nu \i ell lea en and t 1e v. l1ou11:1 ~ ould THE HOUSEHO LD GLEANINGS (Fr 'I i th I nnl ~""' Y ii ~ WUH II \~~H J ~!JSG JOO I 1 tt ' cl to I R J eiv:J.111;£ 1 a 1 1 lin <\_1c Huw;e 1"111 t:,; InJUUo 1s ~ l'er J lll\ t Sa\ 1..hat all healths VlaJ h; duung tl e lst) hl f l"\\ off ox~ gton a.n Lah"'m b ctn bon It t lhll ll 0 th(j 111,) 1.. \} fl H!1 e1 e:e taf es place1uc1 c x:; "'cn is 1bso1bed anrl ca11.Jon ij Urov.n off Io u a1 OXJ t>en 15 hit: an l ea1 b 11 d Rt] .A.l ho 1 h the nn10't rt of oxvgen taken u J Ly l lanh !t r:mg tl1c night lti not yet Jetei:1n1ncd if they lr to be kept int he sleep ng- 1oom 1t should 1Jc la1go and '\ell v nblatc l 111 order t1 at it i J:ty cn1 tH. 1 n ugh pure ru1 fo1 the t.'Ql sum11 t n of LGt.h skope1s md iJalJtli ] RJS harm J sill~ frolil iuhal 1ga;1 f c ttl rd l.:J IJl u1ts ln1 1 i; tl en eht ar; that \ luch J ls ah ea ly l eon Ln::atbc] by inun J lClt )01u 1lant"' tlcn as if the1i "\'\iCre hln an being'" enla1ge) otu sleep1oou n.c 1r11 3ll - D1 l J :S A 7oi ' ~ l CU L.El l.E\11 ~ Oee 11 0 a 1 t 1 n t Hl the R1 al l?C? Yu h_e;; ab tts<arletft e1 Isenlthe dnee.i.101s bnen nit s ve1 a yea1::; ago by an ~ntel1zgcut I hysw1a11 ind which I 11 tv follm\l'\d '\Hth I rofrt in n1y ow1 1ain1lJ D so:olve a luwp uf ~ali1 c h·~ as 1 ttge as u. hickory 1ut111 a t1 ml l#l Jf' cold' nt e tc de:u the tnH at and perntc on the k.1 l 11ev r,i U \i c cream tnrtl\r wa.t11r ~ eetuned to lrn l enough to DJO\ e the bowels dni lv but not tu pb) s c; thorougl lv T ll!t .ru the eruption co1ni'!!! thr)ugh the sku1 or begn1 t r tb the 1J <.h· t~ll '~ 1 w1tl oi I ei.:e f salt 1 ik DI.' ca1efnl \bout expmnn e to ta.Jung col 1 )[u11:Uog s l r tha1 l ed cJn" l} at s a 1 "e doct n; can d ' ith sca.llet fe, er tlie tbrqa f. veil" tie it"'<le ,; of\oi "' 011 " 111 ,. " 0 " 8 If fev 01 pa.8ses otl 1 o It ce ' th rnn"tetr l is 101 ~ \t:; 1t can Le bo11l l he S) rnpto1n~ in the C~8'"S I li:zve 1 al wc1c h1lh 1 tl v m ng f llo\\ ed 111 the cotrrsi of b cl;;elo11r b\ 'Lhescarlet~ru1tion lbeR1un looks r-;onietimes ac; if it had been sen.ldil l ']he fc\el hH.~tsfm_ t oi fi,c la)S aul \,_;hen it sub I! le sJ 1lowclbvp1ofuses\\e ts - AU:N't'lTB l 'l' \Jt.HlS T U l<E10 S ' I :l\T If l al as N Y in Ger1nm1L(n n l cl cb1aph says - :\. ft.< o t ~ ea.«ih kn)Wn by a nb:up vain Ut<a tl e I Ollc l ill o. l_Jll II ti L cup i:ne{ou1thft1l f"oodashcs the11fill the cup 11 \1th '\n.tn1 \\1te1 and rlace it 111 the sto\e Hold the fingu i tlrn n-ffcoted pa.rt 1 i the cup 11 t 1 the pa.ui 1s iernovc<l Ile cm ten s of the 1 I nn .st be J.·. ept 1!g hot s the l anll cn.n bcu.r Ji tht p!llll n:ii 11 s 1cpc~t the p1ocoss. In the nwie ad' auced flt~,,, Ha lJ J 1lt1Cf3 l )Ju.l e f <:jliI )Cl J ehn f:lax~er l 01 e en bic 1d and n11lk ii> "' od hut the best ~hug to ha " felo i t J a 1 ea l 18 t 1 pplj n sah e ni «lt f n c y e ot nu .... gg thlc'kuned '"'Ith \} cBt flo u A:v l)' we spell nJ Liee ro ck51tnll SllO\-\ c111Jts ilell 1a11dly to t lU iea.r "lulc th11 hn11.J1ng ot tlw Uell dunHd 1~ un:ll) 11.; ticutmcnt tln n1gbout the ;;easu l Pe1hn1 s the cor 11 U.llllIIeJ: t to OUJ. h l1 [ ) tho ughts '"' ~ moet interesting feature in this experiment w:-us \\et t( c hlll Lo &l)t: lk a t 1 ~l I ;.. l'i' hat tl t bl f lt lh .1,1.: l :\HI. ex l eme \at a cncss o i~s I csu s c "'or 1s conld l a1 nt the e( ~tac ~ !i\ of t lo\ ~I hu s band R nt \ lulc gt :nHng pri::sented a g1e::i.t dh Cl s1ty lll PI eaiauce JU I ol ;tge nd espec1alh n1 1 nil one halt ul ot J J 01 u ne\ "a5 ac.:ccin s1;r,e 1iJgor ilnd strougth lhe pr d 1et v t.'; J ( 1 pl <:he I \\hen "c re tched ti.le fol tit 0 f To lci:,s \ U rwd On<:: plant ba\e t\~o p· ~aL ~r-; hc1] en t1nough "}no.;.h neuil"' tl-te balnncc , l alioutthe 1.m wrtnl !'(ha1 e f 1ecannut weght 0 f i t I )' !i.SViC(arhed1nto 1t a.11d be half an twee Ihm , ns the sn1 tlle t JH!ld c 1n1~ cnful Jed In its glootnv shades tn in 1-Im e t1 an 1 aJf the others pi Jd 1 ~e l q1 tc nall "olunta1y Eb l\ e1 passed 0 er ine but, though t otatoes fiotn threo or fot 1 to peihnps r, dozen th ~ car] nes~ t"lrew ca,eh 1nonient 111 ore d enl'!e ' a kics snatdii: 1 f 1 ni tl 0 lq f iny bride tnL rn to a h1l1 111 IJJ Zl': f1 01 1 zi filbert to that of reas;::lued ine a pull1.:t s e g Of tho~e rematlln g R me p1 ~ d d !;> <l tl t \\ e had. ha'i Oli:!UlO. <1 CUl1"lLle1<1.lJle portion t t ice more an 1argei 1° a oe !S ~ 1 toci ic o1 tl e for ~ l \\ l1ell a 1< \\ 111ot.11111 g 1u i rn1111" 'a1y1ng \,_;1th one e ce1 twn f1om one poull<l to canH w:ul 1 g thron 0 h the trl?~S th"'t s~nt ri. twoi.tnlaha.Jfpoundator\tl;;int lhese seell <hiJltOH\. !uattthi+ \~llingh~toppedlts h R were ilsO as hvorse 1n fQUn & 1 d colo1 us 111 l r,r. 1111 rr 0 N ll n ther ier.ipe(Jt; 1::arly a colou; co nrnon t6 l 1: ad hen l ti at ~our l twlo..; "' befote while; fru n wlutet)dak iustJ rel aul 1ntho:No1 tb undlnC\\ toowcJl1tsfenrtnl uearlyc,c1"\ 'ar1et\:offoun w~~)u pl OCJtcrd 1mpo1u l1ghtcn1ng th""lCIIJ'I: but in a nia]onty of ca&cB rt, fainily llkencs11 t o gnl nnt steeds \'nth :i.11 rr1 stren 0.tli, nnd a.i.; the pa.ie11t Ea1lv l( c:oul 1 be ti W \:! d. 1 compa111e l the l ]on w1tl a CI\ thau sC:ind 'J.ho one exception tbove iud1cate l "'tands o t th"'lll on the rolild ~1th redoubled bpecd ":>0 prom1nent1y f101n itll the 1c:i ~ l i; reru:;on of ')i ]p., lvt n ~OU ue Cl utd, 1net III) c1r1 th w ) J derful p1 otluctivene!:s a:i:i to be'\ m' 1n of "h1lc lt tl e ~a1ne tune the } GJ 11 Ule sound-' I .1:. londe1 neut e1 51 eCl<hl. l10tir.:e t1:1 y1dU th~ 111-st year fimn the n SI l I l ltl , ot t l 1"' l "t l i t,\.: {Cl , t e in 1eu 1>eeJ w ts t e. tt i.ototoos of 1nMketal le B! e cl nc'C' " 1 ' w I11 c I1 p1omp1erI igam t l" hi Cit 1e b 1 1 tieargesttuer,\c1g ugt'?>eheolnc.:er.i a1 1 huJh tJplied.tntiienowe;\;~1tcd steudi:; FJr ia11g1n1::fromth1sdow11t)tbes1zeofahunsegg thcv, toJ, hal heaicl lnl rr.co0 nir.ed thr. uggre;nto wc1,.) t l ein"' 1:11x an 1 a half vounds \\ a1n1ng 1 hu:5 it '\HU be ub"Bl'\ e 1 wns fun1 pol ntls lll On on '\\ c 11c \.\ - j cs fh:\ , \i lien !lga111 ex e..,s nn 1 r en.rly tlne c t11nes 1::1 0 1te1 than the l.1 elnnd ns, louder m: ru u.:. J e..t _cnnu~ cho y1e1cl of any othe1 of th >< eeUlJngs 'l'he q nhty n1efl. ltnl soul J \\as "'anly teste 1 1nd fu nd excellent by n at ly I \\ 11 011 nn f <.:t nc '\'\ ""h 0.1111 o rr c'i rr \ lll who t1 ed them i 1 no 1nc;o I eq_p .J. to the n~ rv e t O k Pep I "' llOh:es to th G n \\or] ' ' lntc Pc1v-·h J3lo\v or any four best, uiche" '\)Hit rn it da11lng 1 Ihe next season >l.-bout three po u ds e e e it ' '\ otb1n 0 pet ...\ neu.J.: ce1.1n e the 1..Ccj"I l>iyu a l 1 into s1n 0 6 CJ es a1 l plant e in co1nn101 garu n I ti "t t l ~ o l e rr1on ~ 1.:tl r1:1 o el ono ine t c 1ie soil he1e 1.;orn b !'l. I gro\'ilt tbc p1e\10 1:1 yea1 11 v :in i e w~ " o v c.:i i onco plo\\cd and hgbtJytop di~ssed w 1th d t l c I l C&lIt n l Iang l ~ l Iii lla l ni'tn C ed uihes !ht'! ' ell Va.fl n.hnos"" ""hiee \'. t-!s the wohcs had~ cnti1l t 11cu 111.:'i 1n1U barr,,l s 01 n~ l'Ltl) a I arrol tn each I und i la t \ ere B\ eu now 11 on l i'! cd and upon men.sunng the .,,rot ud >HJ.~ f) < My fathet s hou;,i> ou r d ~ l\l na tion -vvas to be at the i::i,te of 380 bJ1shefa to t] e ac1 e Jll::lt Ley ) 'ld t ne io1e>i.i Could " e 1 ede:h itl which was to rt incs the yield of E:u1v h.o~ 0 ( 1t \ e flP \\ and bar.k o± n~ 8 eer ing ~n I t en tin1c':> as nn ch l\.S the\\ h el 1:: ch Plow a.lor ~ lil e th e drc Hl \\ ater~ of tho o ean, yielded the '""lllC !SQason Ullt' a den e dal11. '\V:t\C )f J11: 1u g fienL1$ lh 1:1 )JO tr uus p1oduct vcn 88 shll cont1nu0s aud in f 1 a lllOlll l E 1t lTt01f. l J col 1 tl cf"S nl b of 1 he pa8t sea.son it w ts fairly ttirJt~ l l n. l f1l n.lle1 Jie r ea1nec l11 0 1l1l ir; rew with Peerless) in the sa.n c ~o 1 pla.nted r.i.t '" Jtl a JO'i.Y l ry oi t c r11 l HY\ l ndP. ~unk to tho i::ame time, an l "\\Ith exactly the Gil tie botto111 ct tl c l'lleigh 011d CO\er& 1 her t e <i to slit ant 1 ( hoirt '2 tl ~ ght 110 ru cl tlen,tmcnt through utthP. season Ibo e' 1'-l'r p stol - a Eihot- a shoit pnusc , and iesult -was four b li!hcls of th.c so., d)n,.., 3.g wm;t tlte\l fn'\ c cy Anothei a IDOlllCl t only one a.ncl three fo :irths of ] ec less Otl c1e; to g._. intu "\\ tth a Cllt:5C! I flnng the clhpty \\l 01n it 1va..s sent for tuul last siui 1 101 t lbes a~ tl e neatest l rntu to I c ans\\Clecl even gre tte1 re u]h; lJHU u1y c: \ n D1 \:\, .,,1 by :t hellt<J n gi ow] I la Se(I s1:x vJ t h ree poun d s f rou hal f i 1)( n l (er I\I \: God and innsL we die l plant l uot\I ithsta.ndmg J:ie\Are d t o lth alJ mun .A. shnll note ter. or f1 OUl the bor1JeS n1er J lante<l. J1ear by, Pee1foss gM e b tt fi" e t old n e it wou rl. !';l oon h e ove t pecks flit four. pounds of B eed pla.nte l lo.:111bl e d espn.11 A thmi sa i d tJ oughts , l I b 111 111Y 1 1 1de,mj Col DC B1cliJ.no1lof :E1cC o qJ1ti& ) i.:1u ~ 1n c\Vl Je1 C a ti:: '.iUSI d-::; fiom one sinall 1 111 l a ~ 10<.ee ho1ne pin ent t ap1 11 !.:"' J1fe, lll,} n1 otl1er fion1 the "'nd of anotho1 - Jlot o\ r J a.lf ~ ponud 111 la :1; 'i\eight ihe ( olOJ cl "' :l YS he e:iqucted abOl~t Ha 1 n1v l 1other lli av Like light .. N fl oh ' th b d th t halfabuhclaul\-vas "' b1c:.itlytstoJ1l \: l l "'ti. Ill"'.., e1ue~10n, f h at cut} 1lOLg lll)Dllll ti 0 \.\ It enx j use 18 11 1110 ie.r In 1 he fo lnlii. the yrnhl ~ ~'.i three bu~hole aw to n } H I lhottde,,,cr1bed th s pot;:'l.t o 1 s + sc i. on youno COUl hi I and hl\.C ll!t:'iJllAticn fln hed cf cn,ch pla.nt to p1ot eet froJ u cut " 1n R I hey .,.. ert all planted at Lhl a~1ni;: tnne i 1~as 11ear1J ~ po .,1ble tle same soil an{{ hal the H<trna 8 {lj 0 making nine <::ap1~B "l 00 }_,leveu copies oue yea1 and 3.n extra c p} t o tlo :person gett1ng up the club mak1ngtwehe copies 27 50 '1o3.Ccomodate our P.ubia1beis, \-;e 'Hll club with Ai thu1 s liome I\fagaz1ne ar d Child1 ens Hour llt the followm' pnccs 'Ihc receipt of 4 00 ,nll pny fo1 Godey s La!i) $ n ook :tn l Ai tJ-n 1 8 IIomo l\'1 ~ g-az1ne for one J ctn · lhe IPc:e1pt of '-' oO ' l l pa"' £0'"' l ouey s Ladj ij Dool.:: i' thP ( hildic'1 s .t:Io 11 fo one year }'.h e n~n~r swill P11.) fc1 bodeys lildys Book A.rthnr a Honie Mai::. ~z1ne and th1ldren s H o a ~ n one i.: ea.i n1oney ruuS;t all be 15e11t at one t 1ne for any of the clubs aud add1t1ons m<iJ be m..i.dt! to clubs at clul5 rates Canada. subscr1be1a mu t send 21 cents addi t10nal fo1 everj aub:scn]:ilt1on to the Lady FJ Book and 1 ~cents ±or e1 thu of thr:i other nu\g-a z e~ I I }Hl.Y the ~meucti.n postage HO'\'\ 'lORt UlT -In iem1tfang a. Po!St Office ilide1 on rhiladelph1a or a D1aft (nPlul:\delpl111 r Newl'o1k paya.Lleto the o1der of I A Godey l'I preferable to ba.n1 119.tcs Ifa.Dia.tto,.,aPo~tOfhceOrtlei call uotbeproeur ed :s... ndlJ11tedSta.teso Natwn a notes J A <JODEY r; re'3N E ( 1)1 !=!ixth & Che!tnut StR Ph1l:1,d~lplua US .nep1Jr~onge1ng-1p et'htr~ t.:loply Q CHJ Gcwpehng,Floor Gloth'S Bugs &c G1irtains 2'011eling Blanlcets II01se Co> er· Plcnn a;id Fresh Ml n al8 of Crocker) .:tnd ' Fancy Flannels I Olaasware Fancy W ooleno Shawls Nu bias Sont(Lgs, Ladrna iind Clulc4 en s \\ ool Good ~ F< ent to ri.11 pQ.t~M of th~ 'T'o~n U nde1 elothmg Infantile Clothmg beautiful designs richlv Embro1de1 ed Complete Stock5 m 1 and G-enera.l Advertiser GROOERIE8 AND BOOTS AND SHOES but fiist-cla.sll lllLnds employed 111. each department and a.Jl I work guaranteed I 11:10110 - BMt Good·, Lo,, £;nces LibeiolTmm8 Ln1g~B,,'Jvnesa -- -- ---.,---- -- - m- Tiione zn om1Jt vet !J at'ldlQARRIAGE (woot of SHOP. ONI,:Y S. TREWIN, Coiner Kmg and SunM9 l'h '1y ' tli· 0nt...-10 Ban! - osha\\a vet 18th, 18il K111g Street, Blrw man v>Ile · ·F or the best and cheapest " ' lVagon· / of et erv ry~ B1iflrJW!, and Giitlet·8, -.ndon 10 CENTS <le~cr1ption at mh...,rt nohcfli fidk DRY GOODS, ' reuona.blo tenlu: Carnages Painted and Trimmed ]Jf () 1 Tl' E i ..L j_ L ur rr I 1' _, ..a nss I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, A Blacksmith's Shop on the pretn1!e1 w~re spccta.l n.'titct;nbon. 18 i:ntn per ANNUM, m ADVANCE 0 to all PHOSXF.Cllrn l on rn rind ; Duuug t'i~ entJ five ' the cu eulation of I 20 tl e W 1tt e~:s b:o1.s n c1 ea., ed frotn 800 to about 000 l'L .... ·Tl " .. "no~1au 1 Vi llerP."ea~a.yse t ood 1 "' I .... and loo! for r; tccess to that a d w}nch h~ hi th erto helped Ut! ()IJAN( J s - 'I he Daily \'\ itncss lnthcrto 1s :;;ueclatuoon nnd2 4- and6oclock pu1,·~1ll during the i;ei;:s10n of the DomnuJn Pa1hameot m 1 possibly the1ca:fter o.ppcar alsci nt li in the 11 th d t t l rnonnn a o e1 e f!nn11m 1 1011~ con rn 11'"' a1:1 e1 fore Puce per in ndvancc Ju \Veek1y W 1h lll'li:l S11J><cr1btiHl to t11e S~1m \V cekJy "\\ 1t1 eS!i will fufte1 lst Jm1ua1;:; be ... upphed 'nth a In \Veeklyof th<> sJrn.p,c and SllZBf of thlet o p1ese1t1t naboly bwh1ch w1ll ::1c ounl con a n a 1 1"~ ltness J:! m11c rna.tte1 as the p1ese it Semi\\ eek1y thn 8 making an ad d1tion of fifty pe1 cent to the reading matter W1tho tt an iJ.d1t1on of puce JH \\ ud <ly ~ttnefl<1 -PCI annum in nd,ance }:'.lontre~l (\1 eekly) \\ 1 tue:;~ - 1111· l p tl l will continue (1f tho s111ne shape a1:1 b1th1.;1t but will Le 1 u l!> er lJ} illl b1 ea.dtl uf a Ct l m11 each wa.y on e"\erJ page thus nln.lnng an nddihon of fifty per cent to the 1ca ling m:ittc ' ' li@kly \.V1tne"'~ $1 n:i ad\ancr.: tneI) t vh tch ha.~ bmne fnut equal to the assist n.noe of those \ hose sincero fl e uli-:ih1p fQr the u 1fe1 pJ tie bas p1 01untc l thetn to ex orhon on our behalf ..i.· In all ed 1t1011.~ "\\he1e one I .. Soll r1.:H t s for one Jear in acha.nce for eight pen;ol'.).s he '\Ill be e1 htle l to one cory ad:ht101 al for lnnsolf 01 a:i j person iem1ttu1u 8 t r o 1r p 1bhca.wons ,, 1Ubeentitledto(no<lllarsworthaddt10nal AD\ \:"<~ \ .1< ':> - V~ e here an11oun0e clieape.1 Genernl BOOTS & ". SHOE~, ,Jobbmg ... ~tablishmen All wo1 k done at this 11a, 1 atJt~a and Clothm~ made to 01dc1 m fil,;t cl a-s st} le, go lo \. enll rn reaplii:ctf illy eohette.d J MORRIS J3o ~rn ar 1Jle Out ll!lt JS69 ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, · __ Tur, OBSER \ER (the 0 1gan of the Bible ClumtJan Denomrnatwn one of the best l!,amrly Paper~ p1mted m the Domimon) clubbed , "1th the MERCHANT for !wo Dollan p«r annum m ndvancfl -t\S USUAL ---0- \\. have l.;J OLl.TD~ ne\ 01 beeu able to 01Ie1 any 1nd ca I 1j1c1ie .)i'ov 2nd 1871 TYRC)N E. '-=~=== or _ _cc ..::~-----='"-·~- l apers than can be got nnywhe1e el,.,e \tcuoul \-hon than :ind d ea.1ie1 a.clvert1s1ng :we tlnnk in IB ' Are Omo11s Healthful ' ' to each elie on clu~ter of GJ c.. It rn cmphattc3.lh rttG I ot ato the ¢ Wt. LI continuwg th1ongh the \ hol<' scu !50ll the t v E remai.nu1g f1esh nnd gree n throui;h till October The tubers all gro1\ in a large duQte1 ruounll and near the oL 1 Hmch:rwg the d1g:;1ng 'c1J eas' and exped1t10u8 1\o.xi to 1 L~ 1\UJ lerf 11 prodnct neness its late kee_p1ui;; qu ht~cs in spring are perhaps niost dei:nra.ble Intl es \me cella1 and undm the snme con hho1w where j F.adj Ilo-.e had sr routs two feet u1 l"ngtl and l 01 xeq_uentlj sh:nvdled and worthl0:: s for E:at1nz I the eyes of tin~ ~'" edl rng -rori ntnecl pcrfectlydo1 n1ant and the tt bet solid and cnsp I! wl1 ~n first du!!) It is e 18.l]y l er 1.. u1 good con htion in 5pr1ug till ne"\v l ot atue"- a1c ~lO\ n iea h for the · 16 table 6 A n nu \ it31 hydro1 hoUut Ill lu~ f1 enz1 To d1 s t1ngu1~h lt f101n \ e ~l SJ Oi ti;; \ luch a-t~ \fl c1011"ly of muons and rcc0T c1ed htH e been inuned Late l\o'3c, thl'Cl qeedhng 1 t nf all thet11; facts nia.J be le<lu el will be called Ca1upbell ~ J ate It o c a td iB l I hat u111 )Jlf.\ sho1 11 :i;1ot h<.:! eaten' hen tl c1 c t he u· ly \ tU eti; e. rf1\\l from eed of that na.m0 rn i, i 1evruhng cpuleruw For two sea.sons p £5tl:l10 E r ly Rose 3.; i:m :<-!- I 1 Th3.t on10us shced xiul fieque1 tl} d 1 0 Hl ha' e r:;ho"n a tendencj to ·poit O:a' npe11 a l leg >od ch"ll fcctuntr, -: I hat expe1 m1cnts 1 ; .du:n ht be made to test port10n Qf its crop later than it s natnra-l 1 or10d and in t1' o 01 th1cc 11 stance~ th e ~o abnorma1 t,1 l"!Xt(nt f then 11sefulues8 Fo1 many y~aH: spo1 tti Ji ave been so 1ght to be I c l ~tuatcd I lune 0.1:}!U~1:1 ll nation as 01d1n:ulj done aud hence ha l ' ith 1:mtisf11i<.; hou aJJJ menns of aid int1oduced M n f. \V ~ s and all urnle1 ti e nan1e of I ate Itoiie The 1no~t nati: r11l cdn n1 tigat111g- the 'unrs of U s ,1 fltem1 e1 d inon 11.$ to thete sports \\ onltl ~ ecD'l t l l e th11.t the 1 charactc1 can be ne1tho1 rchal 1,,. 11 n C1cau1 of taJ:t i b1 c1 it rue ma ]e bj n eung perJIUt.1 cnt b1 t that they\\ ill i; on a1 ort 1 :; uic tliil~l oon of Cl ea.Jn tru:trcr 'Vlth sufbrnent fluu1 tv 1nn.J e n. 1 atclt on~ l alf a t eas1 oon of sod i no one kno\'\E where or in wba.t d1nct101 lh s tendency to lati r riperung 1 doubtle !,; tl c I"' a1~sohed 111 t1u uu]k \\1t l which u11x the fiou1 ;\.d<l1t1 n of r.I\\ ceterung 1nn.kes Uwru :n 1cf l h t ,.;nlt' f o. '\;fla,1 en e 1 01rnt1t1t1on111 certain l ]a n +;:; with ou1y ~weet milk they uc vei.., go0d --.fl1 l ;;.,nd n1ost pl obablj: tlw iucir Hmt t:i Le1 t<. "a1 lo th11t degeneraC) Lllll d~c t\. th t.h h 1~ )1i O l tu.l e l ot la11 0 crou s to dJ~pept1cs -l u u Eltl:i "'\Y1 J~ n.nd destro:') ed so 1n ny of ou once ponuHu :i,n l 'al lablc varieties l'he idert t h ~t th e ~e le;:;, en i A Re1.iecl:; for Dysentery 1:11orts cane\el i e:;;ult1n 1ytlungic ll\ J lw rollo\\ 1n,., ,,nnplv 1 emed 1 ]u1::1 been 1110 \ ll. useful Ol \ aluable v. oul l t.ec1n 01 po<o.e i t o a.11 t o cure the ll ::it ubHtinAtc- ant.l malij,ril m.t fu1n s i ea!:iOll.:i.l le iH n.TogJ 01 ft rmer expcne:nte , and of a~sente1 y '" h<;n all tlie ord1mu y 1net11 rlc; the attempt to imp )$!;; t,!iouJ l OJ tl e. 1 nhho 11S vere inefft;ctu.a lal e hot watei one fo 1th of new au l des 1aJ1le 'ttr1ctiei51n rit ho e- 0 ,~1deJ ~ > Ri!lnt '\1nega1 half a Jlnt mi.x theu C<li ve1yquestlonablc JhattllC"'C"le~l:l u e i tunte to ntld co1nrnon t5! a.s long as t ill bti I without f)1n b .tlon I q tote fi n1 Ji.{1 ( 1 1<l ..... rlrni;olved i:;t1n1ug nnt1 ir11tat1ng 1t frc,._ ~ and I 0 }10\\n of Croton J all!:! N 1 in n e:i; fn:quentl:v ( n c fo1 £.n nclult one t~ble BJ oon I tr:WJt fru rJl th e N Y tiU i of Dec 6 18-"'1 wlic1 f t J t;\ \ ,h( 11 nntil the bloo<ly d1sehMgmi cca..qc he tl us RI ea.ks of tht::se "Late l osO fl,); 1 is 1..:1 nnL1l it c ;q erat1;s f eeh ou the boi cL I He say5 - 'Ih"" I Hile R) e (,, - ) 1t) is l n I <loubtetllJ an offshoot of the Ilose I Uave 1w t10ed it cru:efully fort\-i.:o years haYc pla.uted it About Soun i:;epa1atelj a.nd a.n1 not 0un·1nced tha~ 1t will I atn g-1 tl to finrl pt:ople inq_uumg about continue to m&n £ t n 1t clt as a di t not vci,r1et\ ..,oul)l:I 1 hey al'c dehc10u& 1"11oleE01ne and Its 11111c1p~ I cb::i,1 fl.Ctcustl.c S"Cms to be it-:. cou1 .,.e cco110m C;\l but the lna1orit-:; of hous~ l P.epers 1 g1a11111ind late111,M~s wluch 111(1,) o.,nse frorn sou e sel lom }: ut them upon the ta.blc:: I ue' er lJU) tcc1UeJ tal enk nt'! H &r cle 0 n1 1at1 H of t l e 'l!loup meat l hts of cold steul the bonef; of ... seed 1oa!!-t v~{ 1r.1"' a.i1Jremnanh of cold moat Hij:ulsostateB t hat 1tr .J t0 B il dee1dcl~e 1 wl i h t.:e 11 eB fr 11'..l tht' table ?.re collected for 81de11cy to dry rot in 'v1nter ::wd that the~ ie1a v ce1 Ml 1 tht n 11i tl n1m nng pnt into r\11 non WM mfenor to that of E itrl) R o!le or: K 1 .., f 1 ot ' itl cv I ' ate1 as soon aci it cQ1nte tl t U f: F. all es n.11 1 , n e fifth th t of I eer1 13 >'< J:l e bti ~ "lo ( fl f1 lh n 11 t Jt n:n ei; rtll l:ty 1cgo.a s i a 1nwo tlr '" of l l () Ltl ~ wv1fa11 ofo 11calcr"ha,_;ef1ti.:tswlnchs1s (n11t.:lua1 us i:, ..yen - On .shipboard at :\ v ( cat 111 ihc ;vo111 1&1!) 1u chtotrgc of ore 1 1 \rel n1a11ne1:1 \ltu eholc1 ~ a1n ug thc1n I 1 ~ \ed tha.t those who r.:at frecl) of muons s r 1 01< t;; them t be healthJ " ere attacked -I 11 lY, RIJ.d fatally Onions rind salt clued t h 1 te of o. rnttle~nRkB on, iny spn and aie llS dcre 1 ec1:fle ill all \jlUak b1te8 I haye £0 1) d fo n RC! a1atc \ itncsfles of pl ~no1nena t l'l 1~cted with small pox ~nd fr.n er 1 O u~ons n1 roolnH "1th !'ln1all iw)i r): a1 idly 2 Blisterf:l l llSC i n them 3 I hey retam a.nd oon1m1rnwatu the 'ir l t:I tHtnJ "eek~ after the ep1denuc l as s ibinde l 1 .i:\ .pI h ed to the feet of frn er I a.t1cnts the} t tp tdh 1.. 111 black Lhey pre,ent the i;p1 ea.rl of s1n11,ll pox in tlncklj por nlated tenemc ti{ by t'b~01 lJ11 u the J t 11 tl the fLngt,} pa k tll<l noUly sh.., contcr:;tcd \'. ith the hu ) O l j lnutes ' ' e :cne onr Horne .A ornent I"' . . ,., hie But, "l·· too - n1o ... soon ur <:ja1nted mother in Jaw ~ following us 11 r1eccm c 1l Aln1ost thc1c1 J:ne j nunutea and we nre e1fc Bnt on hke ayen 0 1n 0 <len1ons The horses l cotne the"t .; nu1e and probably h:.i.d it been lU 1 ettei eond1 1 staoge1 an(l Ice Aga1n around us len.p tion for it was a bt.tlc sh 1nelled by lrjmg 1 tl1e brute~ :aaac c 1cd \\1th Pie taqtc of the 1na1l carrrn.gc it would h tHJ 1a.1 ked tl c fill I blood ten Bowtn:er \\ e al\0 it a s we h l.Cl 1t llw I I fling lll) 8Elf t o ti c b )Lt011 l of theele1g11, tube1 !.$ in11d an fo11n hko the Laily llosi.: 1 1 e and fl. pru.r ot al ins n11.. Ul onnd rn:v neck and ~ Llld gav.,: i t Lhc nnme of at e I ose ~1 wh '\as a~ptecl pv1thout know1n~ ti ell: ' c1e any othei y:anct1es of thnt na1n e Ihc ful1 D w n" LS e»:.tracte<l f101n !\fa Elhotts dGsc11ptio1 I n :Alaj lll~t we recervecl t11rou0 h the c:o u tt:syof1fl1 Ca.1n1bell tv.o I ( tatoefl one of vhwh "e <.;Ool ( d t~11ll a.Le 6nding it u~aJy and taking ten as pcrfec...'tion Ui " L l.lke 1 at 1 ti e an<iwe1 Clea.11', a. tw nl le of an , 'c ~ he all In n v; n.s s t 1 gghn~ '\\ ltb none at ' ' e are g1~1ng u1croC1.S0d <1ittf 1 tun I i:: pnpei-s are good as weJI a!!! chea.1 the pub he are tho best Judges ~11 the depa1 hnents of re:td1ug matter '"-ill he 1 cpt U/,cl as lunctof01c tl proportion to offe1 ed in Cana.da.. "\\ hether The -Promised ~News II"' . the c1i11n 'I'HE CORNER ADVERTISE n 1ert.'lal departnicnt It is our intent10u u ht\ ic Lo l a~ c ait lerust one oerrnJ story running m each edition tJf the 'V1tne~s and gene1ally ruo1e in the a.nd "e hope also to tn esent to all rea Daily l<ra on~ or two wood cng1av1ngs pe1 week Co;-.;sTirJJE:!i!C) - 'll e ' 1~tl e wo1k g nianapnper theme1chantspaper the f arm er s paper, th 0 cleigyman s paper the la.die~ pa.per the chilchen $. pape1 the teetotalers Mr.. J. Milne, H t A\ ING assumed the b1~siness lately carnecl on under the n a me and stJ le of Consanl & Co an cl hayrng h,1d nearly AHEAD, IR TKK -~ j I papeI the Chust1a.n s paper JOHN DOULTALL & SON - - - - -- - -- - -- ~ - - - t ROP1U£IO:r.8 TvVEN1Y ..YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE TRADE, with ample fac1ht1es for the e)e 15 nun.rly level' ith the u fa.1 1ec1 of H eh p1nk1sh red nd "1th 1:i.n ;\V( ra0 ~ hvc '"'e 111 a1111 k1<'.jseg jell en 1ny rheel 1'Vc \\ lll die togr.thcr da.Ilrnt-" . l\.. t, ah "\ lEit for ( N r, no lusp NEW DOMINION MONTHLY I& PROSPEOTl S FOR 1R72 Purchase of Merchandise m the Cheapest Markets, he f\atte1 s lnmself that he can offe1 · A t on a un sr And 0\ Cl th b 1cl uf the :sle gh I bun lled tllJ durhn0 blldc unU k11tBIIl() n1y l ttnd to her fell hack l nconac1ouE! I \\Oke 111 the ar1ns of lll) tl.11XlOUl'I 111othe1 <1.nd tr 0 on1z;ed inqu111es after my bucle, c.:<uld only rr.spoud '\Vtth a eonvuluv& sbnddet ChawC'd I V the '~oh e::i, 111 t n Ill ~--- - ---- The Vme E\ Cly conn ti\. 1s rh sttngurnhecl b\ s inlc pecnlt 11 1node.,;, a comparison uf\\lneh with thosv of R co responding nature 111 other count11cs-c pec1ully in mnttcro tppa1entl) adnntt1ng of but 1 ttle i,;anet'\ - olten aflords a.1nuscnic11t a11d lnstructlon In illustra b)ll ol tins remarl\. ina' be cited tho ehar acteustrn B alutatio11 !) of U1hJ::1ent nat1onn,th@ 'a11ous nlodes of <l1e.:i1:>111b the hun, tad thu hs.s11n1l 11 1110 1umat1on of th s:.uue lette1 The cultn 1t1011 of the \ H.H! aHordi:; another ex n11 Jle In ou1 O\ u conut1y 1t is suffered [his 111&ga.:Ltne 1a the oldest and has the 1Lrg est eircnlat1on of !l..D.J hteralJ magazms in Can adit I t anns: at b mg a Canadin.n both 111 the ehmacte1 of its matter and in open iui; the \\ay to Ca.nadian "nters In the lat ter field it hn.s up to the present been a. fa1lu1 e s0 far as remunara.ting itl!l ontr1butors and ih pubhsh6rs 1s concerned but aa its cucitlation is fair we are in hopes that a ~oo<l ertunng pa.tronago may yet. put it on a. pa;,'mz bama \Ve do not thmk our Canalhan hom~s 01.n ti.nd else1;i;he1e a pubhcs.t1on at ~hcc so wholesome[ so in*'e1estmg so C uiad1an an l w e ask al C mfl 1 ans to sushnn lt Its circulation l& 3 500 ~cw Do1n1n1on ?t-Ionthlv One Dollar :p d fifty emits pe1 annum m ad\ ance Old subscribers eiendi'ng the name of a ne"Vi sub!cr1b e1 with then OVID will get the t \O for lwo Doll~1 s .Advc1tis1ng 1n Ne\\ Do11un10n ~:fonth ly per p ge E10 ht Dullar" JOHN DO'[; lTALL & SO:'< p ROPlUEHJJt S GREArrER , lN:UlJCEl\fENr.I,S G()Od th:i.n anJ otl:ier House m the trade west of the G1ty of Mc.nheal, and he hope11 that b:y Tweed ~fERCH,L.i\N'r ' ,, ' I Attention, Promptitude and Cou.rtesy, he may ment a fair shitr e of public pati onage n24 ly Bowmam 1lle March 17 1871 ===================~ =-= -================ I For $10.50. -0-GET YOUR -1 1 S4th Voh' FOR 1872 I to ex p::n1rl itRelf to ru1:, size snd nailed in t c b1 ! n 11 nes to the "all 01 rra.nie of a I'"> re en hon:> 1 al of the ld111e t.-he gro\\th 1:-; 11111 ted to fur I feet lll hc1 0 ht and e:leh tJee ts supported 1n an u1 ugh pmnt on In 1 ranee 1t is forn1cd u1to ;:nch~s ind on1au1ent \l alcove In Srr tl1n a it 1.1.S::i un1e~ tllc as1 cct of a pa1 a thtb as ngle tree~ 111 produce sev huud1°Lh'fe1nl1tof 0 iap~o On vhe banks I Oct CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and. Mike Flynn] CORNWALL ' ' BLANKETS Oct 1HE lLLU81BA1ED 1871 'UM - 1871 1'1t1cal pl 1t lnxun l..irlr:o unoHg .t11e l 1an lJ ec of the ] n ,.;est hncct t1c;1.;", d \ l Illg \\ th 1 " LC:!HL1ub uhc 1: xt1en1e t\\ 1gs 11 A~u. 111au1 J\,8 \ 1kl. ie uC011 !'3 hang tl e1r g1e 11 111 l pnrpl"' pen<lanLll ir 1n1rtual bov,.e1~ ol t1ell1s\\(1k On tne hmr..h....,., vf Leotnon LUd 1t hes in 1 state of hunnh tt u1 C O \ ~ung the g1oun l Jill.:e a <:Ut.:tunbe1 u1 l sul seqnenth sn\\ 1t u1 the v Ltlle) 0 1 Eschol in a po~1 t1011 tl1ilc1ent hu1n ttll tl1atha'ie been nan1ed Lhc1 Lln e vnies 11antul clo::.e together, unc eui.. ufl ~t lh~ he1ght ot five feet, tueet in the lpex: of a cone iorn1ccl b' thea steru~ \'\C ~hell: 1 e nr-. tie I, each iH Sul.JI 01 t ~1l by t\ o oth(l nd th ti cu Llletl tu su tnn th~ iro d1g101 tS clus tc1 0 101 'i\lJleh ~1 a.t 1r'='1on }lag d \\. n 1 e11 J 1 1 u s - du ~1 ~o large that, to cn11' 01 r: ti ~ p 1e::. ol 1i ( se ::. \\ titt i.:Olll pellel to [It e1t on 1st1ck Uu1rc 1\ h\O inr.1 l... d d1 111o<le is <lou1tle ~ tho hf;st thnt co ild Le a dopted rn the quarcer where it pre' a1 ,.; con.,IClc ing tl1e nature of the oil tu d c tmatc the \ alue Lt tuc lanL\ and tl e ohjcct of the cultn ito1 - Ell o I '1 l1t: I l 't ( r the elf cor I1OJ l1ai ly e.x tm pl~ 1Jy woid ::incl even J o eedecl by c v~1~ 110 L li er n1ake s h er \( lt n one of 0 H~ t1 \-JBl !)t::ll ulpio e1u e11t t 11 ~rl nnc)1t. An cl t lf: little ICU ard~ ~PI n 1 1< l y t11c ' ty - i he l nl Joked 101 rt 1rn::i , i deepest 11 d r n c <:On H tane "- n ' l e hn 11 6 Gouil monnng !l!ike shme allCl 1ts early out ye aie Mlght I Clan he hould to ax" wh,tt stm tcd } ees tlns mounng I J1st be m<ey Tim and Ill tell ye rn a ]!ff) Ye see I \H 0 A FIRST-GLASS fAMILY MAGAZINE. 111KE --ot onld } rnterdny that M1sther Gia.> av 'Iy10J10 had got home 1 t rn':llOT o ..- Tl e B1 a.1n and its .l unct1orn~ an ilhgant new gtock a\ Gooch diape as c1u1 t m 1fl, and its THJ 1 oca.tlon of the 01gans 'nth l r ecbons £01 GilEAT FA\ORITES vt l t e wt l t ;:.. n n~ ai 1th ItcJ[l.tlOll$ ol l\!1ncl rneself could ha1dl3 slape ,, wmk all mght tlunkmg rn the n.n l Bod de u beet the chape good< And<lm1c errnff, 1ts the full sto1e he hasPHYtUOG~01ll 01 the ' ~1<=> s of ( hru :i ter "\\1th illustrartwns an I ho to I,ea 11.he1n 1~ ~ p1les and piles ,,v the 1ntest p,1tterns and he'd gn c ye the spe.c1al feature n akms av an 1ll1gwit ne" gown for BlCldy for Snenty f11 c ErHNOi..O&'i 01 1. h"' ~ tt 1 il JI 1 t 1!f of 1\l " ' C1mts 'Ia) for most nutlun ,mrl the B.wcy for a tufie less Illu~tratcd w1U be en P:HY 8 H J \ \NI.I A::"<A < \ - lh1o1 01 ,,,an1<ia Tl \1 An <lrn1 e 1ts fnnnmg me } e a1 e M:1Le, wnuldn t the min lo tlon stru{.;tuie ind f u1ct ons of the human bod~ w th the a\HI ot life ru1tl health \~hat i fther b1 eakmg dov; n I 1\ e shottl l eat an l d111 k }1ow clothed and ho,,_; MIKE - B1 ealung do\vn is rt 8hme he kno" s a th11ck" mth two a 1 t< (!x t 1se slee1, ::i.n,l lH c in ricconl ni;;c 'i 1t 1 lhat lllJist tell you what 1t 1s Tim 1fvou 1rnnt to git a b, g1enw p11ne1ple~ I .PORTRAII::> sketches a 1d b 1ogut1 h1es 01 kt I gi,1te name when yome decl and be c1llecl a fiilant10fizecl filosing men and wom~ n n.U dcp u ~rnents t I Lif f' 1ler aJid a public bmifacthor i1 st tell all )Oure n1bomsand the spec al feattu es P\HE.Nls lrAcl:l__@SA:\l 0 1H J T:$ - Asa. g ude 11·t ,n rnaukinn about G1ay s chape sto1e and vou 11 do more JU educatu1g aJ d traunng <._ h ld er this J\J n,,.n fo1 the good a\ you cou11th1 \ than 1 ver St Patuck chd for oulcl <Cl J l'lH ) 0 Rll })fJllOJ ~!uch @eneHtl lniormation on the lead ng I1el L11d "hen he bamshcd all thP toads sn tkes out a\ it t v:p Ci u( tha (lay is cn en ancl 10 efforts ru~ that 111 vc1 was 111 1t spated to make this the most nte1estn g :md1n BLH ctn e a~ well a~ the Be::it P1cto11al } mnily Im much oblaged to ) e for the bit a 'i aclv1°e and "on t de- GOODS IN TOWN. 'TIMJ,.flt4az1nc O\ e1 pcrlihsh'"'d lam ye there 11 shm elv he a gra.te iun, and may bee Id m1·s E STABLISHED -J he Jou1 :-l'AI ha i er.ched it 54t h Volunle I t has steadilv 11w1eoi:-ie l J f ~ \ some bicrgarns l'he top av the mo1 nmg to ) e - I'm off to or <lunng the inariv ' it ]rn.s be n pnblrnhed Grny s a-nd \\ 's ne\el:' n101fl popula1 thun no~ Fhrenologioal Journal, p PRINTIN(i AT lHE 1 0 The Ohoioest Va.:riety, the cheapest lj :MERCHANT OFFICE. 1 Tmern - 1'1 >nthly at t} a v ~ tu in 1.h -a ~ e lt len,m'btrrs 30cents Ciu)l f tcno1 ID(JO 2 each a1 d an oxtta cop) to:A.gcnt '\Ve ate offering tl e most J heral I ic1D1Llm r:! J nclo::;e 15 centl'! fot a sinnple nnn1ber 1 ith J'IC \\ Pl( tor v.J Poster ttnd P apect < S and~ colnplcte l .1 ot of PHn 1 t I'! \c foh e"F> I11'. Y. CO,¥LE. All !'. mk executed m the Latest Styles with NQatneu md Despatch 1md iit Lowe~t Hates S R WELLS, PubL'lher 389 Broadw~y, New York Noted for cheap Good~. I Bo\\1na 1nill e Sept 1870 tf-Ml ·

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