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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Mar 1872, p. 1

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' THE MEHCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1rc ll a.tes largely in the 1 O'i\ nships of Darling ton Clarke and Cartwright It ts a corn1non platform pen to tl o free on of all qu~ tioria in -wlach the general pubhc ~r<? oonceined TERMS Stea,m Job Printing O:fiice, · KrnG Su ]<]Er BowMA.i."<VILLE Seventy Jive cents pe1 annum ver $2 00 Half do vance ad The Merchant and Obser Ill I 1 1 n \.Tc;S OF \.D\ J:. R:rISING ) e colum 1 3ti per a.nnun 10 Trn went ad.\:ert1sament! 5 cts per Ima :6.ret 1n Bertion and 2c per hne each sub,;eouent one J Qt a.rte du 19 i I AND GENERAL ADVERTJSER. VOLUME III R R .LOSCOMBE BARRISTER AT:LAW SOLICITOR 11' CHA NO! UY & POSIERS PAMPHLET::> CIRCUL <\.RS BILL HEAD o CHEQUES :t\OTES I HA"NDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKF.T8 &e &c &c BOWMANvILLE ON'I'~RIO FRIDAY MARCH 22 187' follow 1 We mu·t l a>e eome partrnular· I CitII e Ly 1t Lo11estl} enou[!h It 151 no business of:\ ours Let me pass I NUMBER XXV EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE . eeenit thrnktlat1fth01n1ne hneple h of 11 one' to spend the\ ou 0 ht to be l Pl' W th ao ne 11 e' 1 le ti of c l s o e gra 1 l e~se1 llal of happ1 cs l t ti o.nk S ome hea\ e1 rt 1 1 ot tr e of n.ll Jr 1 sL 1 I 1 c l A 1enrtfelt k ss / 01 reud to add to my horror 01 ce only I r 1;; l 1uy hea 1 an 1 sa or tancH'!d I sa.-w, BY A. C4 N \DI \N F .iR:JiER 8 \\ IFE ele1 dcr tun g t es of tl1nne clr.u.\ ng tl e n a s The Emigrant Ship I dot t know that I shall Hadn t you t tte rn:e the loor in of s1noke wh1e 1 had l v tI 1s t11lt: 11 t'-ren.seil :rtl:EETI~O A'f! SEA 0FFl:C:R -0:..<1r }IcClung :> Store $ame \i ery well I n1ust see if I ca i n1ake f:istene 1 Ellen ~111 l l l y 1 u ban 1 us f rf 11 v HJ ~ o1 ur c rt i 1 d~1 .:ill" o. J :1f Bnmaoomb s Dental Roomtl A (jail n sail a tlny mast vou An<l le he Y f nth a kmte l e had turned tl e key rn tl e loci thet dro11 cl t At la·t alter I at se me l a 1 a0 e ly Bo' manvrllc Oct 27th 1°68 U pol\ the oceans' erge tortt nntely l rought w1th hun in rnv pocket \\ fls 1n real t' 01 ly a few inn t tts srLE~DlD SELEUPIONS of ---~---~--- ~ An atom nud the wl\ter,s ts 1 a. 1 s lea B " n ffiV li Stntlon M 111 reul 01 I) >11th lns life he escaped 1 ut the I dor t kr u do 1btl lly thet aftet reached the bottom of the lane " h ch t rr ::i.s !Jllo ;f8 JAMES BIGHAM, Jew RT l an nssoc1at~ "utche I hnu home ..i. 1non1cnt s 1 c~ tat o 1 No I th nk 1t l n:d to o lr cottnge The ang1c "a::. a 1:1harp ore GOUlG E AS'.1 GO ~G 'V.ltS'l Pamter Gl.tziex Paper Hanger &c &c i\r. :i.1 '...L.'...!. 8il ) n )ni:;~nge1 73o ~n a1id '\:owe 1 tl e' 'vould have the trear:1u re better be~fasteued The clukhe l rn ght get and we turni:::i l w th s cl «peed as to s a '"f\;I1xea 4 30 u m- 1J:\:'la.11 11 05 a m l\ e l (~airOW Staggered llltO the roon1 Ott andr ndown otheg1te tttlef Otof the]1nd,\h eJsoff] c11pJreton8plC1UM I a.1:H!O ger ,.. {5 p m xcd All kin la of work l ron1ptly att&!ide l to and j Mo I 9 30 1 m M:µ l mo e <lea l than 1 ve a1 1 l f a d l l e1 e tl i ct d 'v to p1'.l, an 1 t s 1 t i:;L l f1 )1 h gh in tl e a t IIo ~ I g t ot t I 1 e\ r sahsfact on ~ uruanteed A1 Stage lea.v cs Bro l es Hotel fox Res :lo c - Next 1oor east of the B blo Ch1 ~ I hun there to the c1 ck 'o 1 know I 11 stue I c11J ri t Vi<.n1 fat the t tn (l ch TYRONE He made no IOI h 1 nt stoo1 d clo11 TI horse to be stopped R l mg to tl e door 9 2 tf T ione ~I.!!. ch Sth 1869 sne and lookell. at son1e part of the I ar1 ss with I threw my~elf aga :'l.t 1t , 1th such f a';) cin 1 l \\Cc nch a shghtl"V 1r.r.plexed 111 to breuk it in Ihe 100 ¥.a::. fill of For Sate, Or To Rent "hat i.., the n1atter to\ "s lake but the ope111ng 1oor o s1pated it HE HOU E 0 tl lW. ga a: I 0 chard No no I meant to come la k a little I "aw !hut 1t """ empty Then ROBERT YOUNG, v th or n.thout Sc en nnd u, half Acn.! s of ~ II i:imilecl tLroubh hertca1s s iflocuted bv the smo.<ee and o\erpon~red an 13,t 1 resent occupied by D Dttv boI S UIWEOl'I 11EBlNAJ,'i. pply on tl e Prt"1n1s or to I l nc' yo "ot ld but sometmies peu l' exc1te1uent I fell fainting to the floor l r\.Dl!A.J:hi 01 O~T ~n r o 'J!:'l'"F.RT?\Aln: COLL E lil!: i le nc\er co1ne back How many v.earJ motto ll':l ne\eI to do to dav \vl at th i.: cn. VY I en co1 "'ClOUsne~s 1et 1rned I found DR D ~"\ ID~ON EGS te mf3rro tl e hnb ta.nt$ 0f Bo vin1111 ille J' ul; 14U 1870 I the )81llS I 'e I been "a hng fo1 my poor I 1ut off nt 1 to 1nor o v "'b le I on tl e I 1 y If111 the hou se of a ne ghbo1 , th tie y Ile 1u U s .l nund1ng count1y that ho h as oon1 1enccd the r 1a.ct Ce of ha profe ~on 11.n l f tt cr to come I Ifo 11 as a sailor ns I have contrary "as p omp n"l le tde l \\ 1th I clnld1en all about me p1 tty "e 11 fn 0htell; oan be cons 1lted as to t1 c diseases of Ho R es t l l you Ile qua11eled w1tn Ins tr1end~ me to will and to do \fere synon) n ons and eel ul cou"e but cntnt:l} unhurt How the and ( a.ttle at Glo er I "\: e1 y Office K ng St a1 d Iar ~ ai,. Lo sea leaving Dlj mother I l w.1 1 lthi rne1<.:} J.Ul sL <.:h L Ja11 ns fire or glnnted \\a~ a iuyi:;i.tery which we HE SUBSORIJ3ER begs to m!orm ti· p ,1 Bo" m·r.v lk fan 4th 1872 14 lm Jc f V\ est D ham tl nt be is prep red to They bear our prec10 a t1d1ngs l o 1 a l me tth Ill) mother s inends And I fanc\ this 1 ttlA piece of t\v1ne "ill coul l ne\ e u1 1 n el b·race .s1tt1ng \V1th do nil l scnpbon of VV oolen 1via1 fac u i'l"1g &c 'I hough bri f ana n1dcly penne I he sent ' ral letters to us saj ing he '"a~ bri. g us ti rough tl 13 tune b1 t I \ 111 h r to tl e sto\: e ana l er at tent 01 en n he best style and at luwost rate« I \\ o watch tha.t treas re 1<1i len ba.. J Cash paid. or Cloth given m exchange I com 1g l ome Perhap, he may come even ccrtamly ncnd it to morrow he ieplted tuely a'oso1bed by the prntures of the fam "\Vb1le 1 ght still gleams around All 01 dcrs for ro~ Wool ~et as I climbed mto the cit Ill") old tasmoned ih Bible did not see it until Rornr, tbe WILLIAM TUER \.~ e ' n.tcb hrs1 as ro l sl a lows da k BEAUTIFUL TEETH I I op~ so He shall h~'° hIS share of pl etun Newfo mlland dog wl o h d been before ly 34 She fad~s bo1 zon crov.:ncd D rlingtm May 2oth 1871 rny diamonds too If he does lly the way rhl! har1 ess 1 e1ng a IJUSte l to his ~atis qu1e ly dozing by her l'llde attracted her at J: LU-ewell Uod speed thee on th) :vaj the gal J :M BRIMACOMBE L D S Vilat,,a:ilvourfa.tlers name and vours1 :faction 1f not to n111e he seaed him elf tent on 1, l1s evJdent uner.!tness after lant hone vnrd bound Teeth at T"\ enty flve Cent· ~ltllltt.llltC.C. PlWMPTL Y :EXECUTED I vc al va's Oh home s.rd bound lJ e u ag c t:pe 11 ,; called you Little :Nurse and beside me and noddrnga )ast good bve to which he sprang ti rough the,, nclow for Rooms o c ?t--IoClung Bros Storeg '!hat t 10 e8 tl e acarnat i.i " ug L1 cj Have 'ou au other na1ne ber.;1des the little faces press d ngan1st th~ '\ 11 lo ' tunate1) tak 11 g the ,\'hole t=nsh bod ll"'i w1 th 1 Bowma1 v1ll e Oct 1st 1870 It fl W ~~ o cl o t J ea t8 a.s v; ell Lnc \ 1 pane \Ye lrc.:n: e off h m n 1c running at full speed to the .As yet a I on elo :. tluong Of our~e I she an~l\vered la 1gh Ol r cuLtage w LS :::;itu lt!U i U1e little nea1est house soon returned \v1th son e of Mutal Life Assurance Society Also for the well known f1soutsaifutu1elotto1noull ing My name is Lucy ""\' \:allc, l;ingtothesoutbwct f ,}at\\as 1ts11uatet'! Grace 1nthen1ennt1n1e after ~r~a labor ti non soun l l ESTABLISHED 1840 ;w faU er s nan1e JS Th ornas i t ti in t t J.n1e t le "'i I 11 age of L ar oy 1 0 ta l a Jettu g (ow 1 t 1c two el ler cl iJ<lren Io tear the stubborn rod s for gold Ah I f <l erabl e l e gb t stoo ] b et"n:cen thro gh the \V1ndO\'i y,.}nd1 ,,,.as only about Ge.o.tlemen s & Boys Garments FIRST-PRIZE WANZER St WING Back with those fatal v.otd came the 11 o cons1 Or d g the ")':latient ground C.AN,-1.DA CIIIEF 0F.[1"10E8 HADE !:-'.:{TE?; MACHINE. "re re ollectlon of n. desert 1sland-of a fam1!'lh us and t11 e \ II ge ou our BHle a \ e1d ire I fot r feet frun1 the ground tool th baby To 1!!p1n to be-w to delve to l!o - e too .. :tlE~ES'I STYLES home" ard bound eel c1eattue chng1ng to the rocks, and s1g crowned gently r1s1ng ~101 c on ti e otbe1 a f 1 o 1 the cradle and \VM preparn g to fol at f\owrnanvillo July 27 1869 11 S'I JAMESS'IHEErMONTRE!i.L PQ 1alhnglo1elessly to the ship \\heh had n1orcabr1ptdP.~cent Vi tin lathr.r c1rr.u1 lo~ when tbe ne10-hbo1s nrn<.:ed Tie leftl1mtodtc \\a,1ttbehandolhea,en tousroaa "rnd11 pstbtle cottages an l houoebeugold antlbt It, assn h lo cs 0 15 CHARLES TOD, MANUFACTURER PRICES DIRECTORS LITEF.tATURE 'VALTER SH.A.NLY Eaq l\<1 P that had blo 1gl1t hlln thus face to face with farm housets oi more or le "p1eten" on suall) are of tl e most con bt t ble inater nS tf Enmslnllen '..'lov 24th 1870 DU;t;OAN MAODONALD J:.lsq the dead 1 a.,n s cluld ~ To what end 1 0 lr pre.sent e1rnnd \\RS to the !:>hop o ial i tw1tl stan hng all Effo)t~ soon be 1vI ~JOR 'l F. CA). PDF r.r i....:: I~ 8t Ilrl!\ne ""\ e1 J ea Iy i ext n1oro ng Ned Citrrow e which "e carried our produce ne rt uccnm u came a blackened 6010 } 1 g ru r Tu HoNOllABLE JonN .tiAM.lLTON Ha. ka DR U GS AND MEDICINES b rg Ont b"'getevelguardanangel came knocking lated fron1 tnne to time an<l.1i::ce1\~d1n RoterandOli "\"\! tey lned to a good Ar THE REl\IDF.NT SECRETARY - JA IES Ga NT OR THE at the don1 fhe1 was 1J ar =i\.\ er u.n l exchange grocene@ cloth es & Out l oa l ol l age and \\:ere ever art er wards rn affec SPECIAL FEATURES. NEAR 1 as T OF fl ICE she knocl cd ngo.11 and ag in Ti:rn1110 con~1stcd In part of a lmsket f eggs con t onate re1ne1ul e1ancc fur their Stl\lces on STORY OF .A NECKLACE the ha1 dle st e fon1 d tl~e 1oor lnlocl ed sequentli.: \Ve 'vnre ob]1 0 d to lnvc ra 1 c1 that ucca~ on THE ENTlRE PROFIT3 belong to and are d vid A "\\Ii" ed among6t tbe P()l q1 ho7ders .!."J. U' .n....t"fJ., OH!i.P1ER \I BOWMANVILLE the roon 1nte1antcd a11d a letter and a m Ieslowl'" Uan u~ual I ll!lt I lfll C> eei,e1 ng nl tfl \Pa nfter\ ur1 as Ln 1.<:S JJE LINED DY OTN:ER COMPA~I~~ Q ou \lT0UI D most respectfully tender h1s 8 n SHO"WB now '!TIE :SEGKLACE c '1.1 E AGAIN pacl t-1 d rcl ted to her l\1ng on the table often donl! before the yo l get cl ldrer to we 13 t 11 our na\v house btult on the "lgLt )rdere Punctually Attende~ 'lo kl d rl cer1:1 tl inks to l B n Ullf:lrous friends :ml IN 1'0 IHE HANDS OF THE l 1U8'I 1.fll.Ii:l! nl ' 1nch a,n «t,tr~ Pr~m.i 111. wir; l.J e "efJ. ii e can cuatorr ers and to the publ c gen-erall} fort} e Oct lot 18"0 Iamawretch}OU should ue\er ha\e tlecareofGr:ice \ho tho1gh h i t oftl old one b1t 1nore co1n1nohousan<l AND WHh.T SIR \.NGE lATI lJE F XL L HI M be a.~ured n.t the ord nO/t'JJ of th s Soc etji , ery libcui,l support he ha.s r ccn ed SJ.nee h a known tins letter said tor your pure years old h cl a mmd hr m alvance of hei comfo1table in even respect I iemaiked un ler a 8p6Cial t~r a? ginntnt commenc ng in busmess nnd hopes by cont1 \Cone! <led) natur cou1 l ne er reahze a being so baf'IO yqars nn l ' ho \\fie I e"Vet more 1 leilsed lhat th fite had benefitted us 111 at least n ued st1 c..:k pet flo) al attention to bus ness and SrncIAI ~ON FonirrurrADL.lli Po11c us issued offenno noth ng but the purest a.rtlcles at the ~Ioi::!t eJ t..unly LI e "\ llaur dld not dcse1' e ancl. treacl ero a The d1an1onds arc }Ours tba wl e er tt tel \V l !'ioH e s1n1111 one \\flj for 1nless t} e old house had been GENERAL GROCER, u11dc1 '"hioh only 10 lo or 20 J:"\.ru.1ual Pa) most rea$ona"ble pnces to ensure a cont nuance an r,nacl 5 \ but then there ire so tu n' duty or rcspon" b hty I cl-1mge l hei not to actnally consurne 1 we sl o l l 1 e\ er ha\ e Tl ey we1 e yot 1 father i,.; ments fire rGq ll'l'Jd each ) ~yment 1:1ecw a, of publ c [lR.tronar:e n KT ~G S1IIE1 P JlOrr }[AN 1 lLLE J IT would callspec:ir.l att nt 0 tel arer"i I 1lla1ns do not ae~elVC tl eRe Qort of tl ngi:i " l :i,t hal l ecome of tb1,, conscience take the bab, fron1 the 1al e b t 10 rock had a ne" one 1 i J arc al\\ a\;::; gett ng tl em "\.[ EXI door west of D ln f:lta s l ancy Stoic Pohcy for a sum a.sau1ed pror orhoUate to the uµer 01 stooir or ::it l cken vlllaJn 7 8he De"\ er kne him gentlj t0 sleep if .ae' ake el Ol it hL I l av"" felt tl e benPfit of1t in anotl er r~ IfJOUICq_11~good ltd cheap goods b'\'"O 1 uruber of premiums pn. d a;ndfr oj1 ani f t" e I.I 111 d d h b f "1=i"' ewuu' a1e te streenoig eorn thenL a call But the1c "ere tliose ~1 o cutld bave \Vould not (lleep to aniuse bun w1tl I HJ \\P.J ~a 1 ffi) hnsband gra,~ly it has 0 vayment 1 prem. i.umH ~ ...A.....'..... ~ ' another tw er t four lours 1 ad passed o'er n3 Bo manVlile Vet 15th 1869 There was tl::n:thu gs until onr rctuu tau~,l t n1e l e\CI to put ofi dong nn\tl 1g ],foDERATE PREMIUllt3 and llll!t t liLm1a.l co h ch rue sure tog ~e the bel'lt Silotisfact on l is bead had she not cone to l JS aid She told the end of an ugly stor' a Jo lt: iler 11 elolen goods and lus n:ccon1 It \\as a lo\ely da) 111 the latte1 I ait of which shot 11 be done at once 1util a n101c d t ons A well selflcted stock of Prosf;eetuie:11 PropQ.f!.fl.l !form~ &c f!upil c l called a doctor in an l offered +o paJ Hun pl1ce \\ho co1ld lave told her had they Septe1nbcr copious sho\\ers of 1 lll I ad c> lveu1ent season If the 1 U'lJCl':lS lad on a.p" 1ca.t1on at tho H&:bd Utfioc o any of DR[l.GS for lus '1s1t chosen hcnv they had ~a) la1d and st nn e<.1 alternated with nudsumn1cr s ur 8 n.nd the 0 1\ en "ay on that day when I niended 1t For the Township ol Da lington tho "-~oncm OJI} MIUALS She bought the sid< nan some l1Ule lux a n an tla night 1pon the rncrs bark fresbnc~softhe,erdurewassttll 1n] nTn~1 r;oi:lnltl\ he~o e \\'C started tholgh it J' \MES GHAN I Res 8ecret>ry P A1Eli1 liJEDlOJ4"\ ES Jr es out of h 0 rslen lcr p r, c and ol 1 how PHILLIPD tlnok ng tofu <la 11ch Loot) on, his body It \\as .sca1ceh: yet tune for tl e >lere a 1d "o Id not 1 interfeu·d \\Jth the safety H BR USIIES ·lender that pnrse """' She "atcl cd by HAMPTO::S There was a ~rey hmrcd hard' meed ydlo Y leaf thougl tl e ma1 le· l 11 hung of the d11ldre1 it would lave l l I tei cl.G E NT FOR llOWM 1.NVILLE li.1~ bed,,1de "1th 1nftagg1ng patience w01k Prt:>n1pt nttent1Gn gtven o ~alti s &(' on l afiOn C Il!i.llKER st lor too wl o su v- ~eel C \.TTO\V pafl.sing 1n out thc1r golden bo.1 ncrs as f to t1' the f ld to our n.r xlet\ 1.Jeca.u c t ,, ould have OO~fBS able ter1ng ing the \Vh1le as lard as e"'ir.r hc1 n1n ble 0\s~neI Office l{1 g St the !:ltreet an l logged bi!";> foot(_Stapa to1vards effect of contrast \V1th the living gi ec1 of ue lay cd 0 1r 1r.acl 1 ::i thern I inade \ v w 23 ly SHOLlDER BRACES little fingers could work t..I e IlV r tn l wJ o can1e upon lum-thank the other forest trees Tl e b1rls st l sang that if "' 'ere I e1n11tted t reach 1 ome Bo~ n 1:n\ ll<t,. fuuc 24th 1870 SUPPORTERS Etc Etc On° d~y he opened hIS oyes an l h1oke a h a,, en a 1 1on1ent too late-to find the chc!'!r lJ o.s they flutter d to and fro 1n the \Viti ti.. acct I nt I '"' 0 Tld use n: y utinost EN!'.I/1'CILLE~ ---, ~ a, tly on. hand long silence \\ ith a curse He 'vinted to Cales p1ornpt' attended to on roa!o a.ble te1ms cler. l was do1 e alrea ly winch he would hedge ro\vs and nun1e10 l~ little grolrlnd endeavors to ove1come the liab1 oi pro Fir ~ kno" \\here he \\'as-what he nad l een do P.A.I~T ha\e<lonchunself fo1 Tho1na;::; ')catlake a1uuels sk 1I1el 1lotg tle iencera1l>i ciastiallon tnd I tlnk \O l Villl nllo w m WNDON COLORS 1r.ARNlHSES mg-wl y he had n.ot been allo1 eel to die fcnu1d N cd ()arrow dead <lrop1 11 g sudden I:;. nnd dumr pcnrc l ruv s that I lave 1 een prett\ s 1cces:<ltul so that (E 1;.,bJ ohe<l 1803 "ul WHI1E LE.AD m peace 1 YeR he 1 ad ret lrned nuraculously t~rro 1sly 111 n101c thau o 1e re pect \Ve L1:1.-.. e 1~ H; n Kll'i G ST .BO\\ MAN"\ ILLE She tul 111 1n he I ttle s or.1 with rem ~nd HM 0 .ll J. 01!:~ lOIBrotlS n,t tl e e1y 1 w B p11ce8 F. GS to n1 ou111..:e to tJ e r Ul:ic tbat sratchedfrorn death Thomas We~tlake Old WI te· 1 l lalon 0 n1Le1 I ' al torc0 orltlata.'a memomblerde P oll M all I ondor bl1ng eloquet ce 3.nd telhn 0 hun told 1uore no-w open ng a. ebo1ce select on of Horses and Cattle Med1cmes had returned to England had n1ade frtut 11onotonous tas 1 on ind \ l! ~ oo rca l ~ l GE...'i AI i\.G]i]l'\CY FOR lJ \NAD A 21 St lJQ NkFJTS JUTS than she had IH lid lu tell fo 'he toll N B -Country Storeheepcrs supplied en the S:.i.01a1nent l\Ion re.:tl less ocaichfodiscl IJ anlthe man 'lho l ourdest11aton Ihala iumbcr of aitt The Marned Life RTBIJO~IJ\ FLOH IiR~ motit advantageous tc mis him the secret of he1 love ha l Su t f.umly lt!BeI teU 1 1n I cl s to p 11 d ase an l exan1i e as ' ell as tl e VELV1' £~ FE !TiIFJllB A choice selection of LA:MPS for sale cl e.a1 SuPscnbcd ve ~tcd ( ~ tnl nn I :R erve 1 ~ he1 i 1 er t]y le I C)VeI~ 1 r:;ufhcH:ntly ma iuges-h ' fie l ently ~ ~-ir UiD.v1lle Dec 9 1868 6m a d lfILLINERY Fun l £1 065 000 Sterhn Bt t hcie at lust he bad found hrn He 1r 01 ts of 1 new cl ut'n to J scuso a d to tell I e1 somctlnng o.!' h1s l 1stoIJ she ti} c I El 111 r o la>ct ear hich v ill be sol 1 at the o 6$L I 0$ l-f'1mds mvested u1 \ foll \ e<l. h m v. 1Lh «!, tre1nbllng C!agerness Just a~ \\ e hnd settled ll to our sa faction lOu 000 l a1 nt \\1th ~ome d1sappon1L1ueuL tl1ut I e L 1d lcar f11e.r ls wl 05C n1arr1e<l h-rcs '"1lle ti oe ~:OVE~TISERS tl rough tl c l us\ streets with no eyes for a ne1ghlio1 wl oin \\ e ha.d not seen. for sou1e Insurance1:1 against loss by Fue effected on ""'not a poet 1n l "1tl del gl t tl at he Sorni:tnlles we rue r1 ne the most frt..,;01s.bl0 ttirrns and losses pad "';\: t} ll per 0 M \: lo contemplate mak g con ought elQe follo\red hun on 111 lns pur trn1e canie n \VJ ich detained rs $t l1lon 0e1 not happy cnes out re~ereuc"" to the Board in n t acts w 1 i;h n~.,; e:papers for the iua:ert1011 of had )el a wild al d ac>enturous h'e and Lu ti 1 k that Ll e s1 nt o Im e deserts its poselec:s \ a 1der1ngs l nhl they liad re3ch so that, hen \Ve ttnnl;'.d our honie s l ea..d ~ lt "\ ol ct or Stra'\1 Bonnets ~lna.ned ic .r DODSWORTH RINTOt L nnos l \dve :t1scment ~ " hould send to seen stra1 ge laulb an 1 peor le car t vcs a8 soo ns the ruar iage cerenlOTij 1\5 UH al ed a lone Iv spot-Just st ch a spot a"' if h" 11 ome\\ :nd I s 1\\ with sotne s 1r1 rr e as Ins1 ect01 Ce Age i:.:: J.!ont o ~l Upon he sul~ <.:t of } IS w1ongs our ts I e1 forn:ied 8hll tlns ca1 1 ot le for & tf nl Bowm.111,0: viJlt:: Oct J s.t 100~ had had the p1ckmg he "ould,liave cho·en well as a sl gl t feel 10 of alarm ti at tl e R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent fo a. Circular or ~cl~i:m 2o cents for the1 f11erd Jal plenty to") E1eiybody smce n any of o 1 fr eu ls 1 n e lo g bl!CI 1n1 rr cd :'ilUll ha l already set and the soi"" g-u11 of for Bowmanv1lle and V1c1mty [ ONl HUJ'\DRED P ~C,E PAMPHLET hrn cl tldhood I ad cleated b m Irie had. for tl e "ork he had to do 11 l eu h u f tl e 1 11 ltd. hfo Se lll conta1nmg L1"ts of 3 oo.{l N"1wspapers a.nd esti Bo,vma.nville dune 14th 1860 36 aL wo1k ! I tw1l oh ""' stealmo up tl e \Rll"J 0 r I S~UED IH 1na.tes 15..°liown g the co ~t of advert a ng al.!o Worked hard for It u1 e\ aut.I fl t sl l \\ eek on1j to ncrci c tlc1r love fo1 each at} l m o 4;J 39 4" l'.J e~cth 1 slatJno1et1gbtlj onlnsbro\\S loal Vlfi.l:i l}Jl~tl\ le vyo?t! 11y hu~band in:\ y sef l hrnti!I to acho ti~crB and some ac hal lost e\el.) farth ng he po udsed ln the Nat ire ar pears to h 1e 111te1 led ll I 111 ROBERT ARMOUR count of the exper ences of "len Viho are kn1Jov.:n an l spoke bct\ver, 1 l l~ clenched teeth j 1 av ng purchuscd sc\ crnl ngr ult11al In .., SUUUESSFUL ADVE 'l,ffoERS Th· woiJd excert an c1101mo1oly valuable Bowmanv1lle Dec 10 1869 "edded couples sl o 1kl ei JOJ l apprncso I 11 otrangle l 1s u0\'1'3.Id s life out o1 plemcnts of no great weight 1nd1v1 iun.1li,: fi.1m a1e }"Ho1·q tor~ of the Ame l'.1c11n Nwspaper d1amoi d neck1ace that he l arl c rr1ed Dep11\e the b1 lo tl e 8 Clt:'.t) of its in te but collect \ ely inal 1 g no en1all loa l for AP l\'ION1REAL PRI CES 1 A l\ertuung Agencx. ~ k saf1::lt tbrou_}l a thousa.11 i d111 a-e1s onl) to ln 41 Parlt Row New l. or ' ~ ~ B 1t at th » moment there glided past 01eJ01se s0Uattlo1gl '\e ~eo 1t.:ces and ' :i.tch t le g01 tune sorro v that fol lowl:j aucl are posse ;:.ed of unequaled fac. hties or se be snatched D.\\U.} l' a robbers land at A do"\ t 1~ Qa1d to ha\ e le!t rl=i neRt a11 l 1 r.d A.11_ persons tr0s1 tt.E!~1na on the 1101 erty knov. n l~TE H.A VE N O\V A OOI\IPLE I1E cunng th~ insert c 11 of a.dte- t sen. cuts in all laot ln~n J the gloon1 t\\O slealtl V ti.gull:!:, sar1ly a1 x1ot s to get horno \\ c '\Vt re obll 0 ed 'l.3 Foulden JvI lls "ill b~ pro ec ted I Meo \, The} had I ot nct1ced h11n "here he stocd still tu duve niode1at 1) 1ar twl1 ul as i l1ng ; 1 g le ltl1 a1 parently beciui;e it;, JOHN McDOUGALl ment of Paper Bag· v.h ch we w1l! oell at Ne' spa.1 ~$RI d Pli!noil cal.13 at lu ~es rates 1Sovembe1 9th 1871 \i\711~ 1e1 ad descr1becJ. ho it\ as stolc1 Montre<l. Pnce~ I he pa.per 3 f the I e t quul coi 11 in o 1 la l I ec k lied\, some thot ght In an instant alter the mu l was not onh lnllJ l ut 10 gl lle June 5th 1871 tf 31) ity And v. o g11~r..a.;11t~e that noue of the I~ ag~ - --- -- --~ ~- - -thegrlsruJ, \\)y not a<lvo1tse Jorzt/ i ti I) rlc ep sl a lo" less bo"Vr; A1 <l tl e nn1v:er al ext ectat .01 .st1ck together lhe fo l OWJt!CJ is the wards the; were UJ on their v1ct1 n Obattrng tpon tl e '"' 10 rn httk tlen s of I Pe1bape the person 1 lo has got it might of all} oi.. 1 peor le s that tl e1r n1a1Jl'1ed A NEW PAINT SHOP PRICE LIST PER lOOC A Jal of savage 1 lov\s-a .::titled cry-a gos:-. p "Wh ch "\\e l he ....rd \ e drove on be sorry for \\ hnt I c baa done when lJtJ I \-ef! w 11le11 11 y or Delnded drenn1 "t>o S1:11e 1faruilv.""' HE SUBSCRIBEll h"' rented tho P· 11 hasty seaicb mteirnpted 1 v we-tlake s unt 1 we hnl ieatl\ renel e I the t I ot tie 5 by 7 05 l eru::i l 0\\ poor vou aie u\:\.- 1ng Lu l 1s crime ~hop o 0 11 1f G Haines Sho'v Room c T en nna aie chfft.llent 0 ne tl at the' app oacl -and tbe """'"n' fl 1111g left tl e l 111 "hen t lTl l g to 11a1 e so r ~ 1en nr 5i 8~ 130 where he w1ll be p1epa1 e<l to execute 1Mr1age HE Subscnber n returning thanks to thC' At tl is a lvicc the inan oi the TI orld h om ether people and th ti pe ce and pros 2 7 9 2 00 P11 t ng in all ts brand es n a style and at inhab tar l~ of "\-Ve&:t Durham for the liberal hur'-i.t ont laughrng vrct 1 J dead on the rnud\ ::tlld: sh t gle to 1 1 usl 1 ] I aw a 1..:l auge co1ne O\:i:r 3 Si 19 2 3Q ohn. gcs to s t all Y" pn t i11 rcsp11ot pent} \\-ill e et le their u.ttcnU.a1 ts ~uch s 1pport wht(lh they have given h m begs tom T,I 011as \\ e~tlake fou 11 111 the de i..d 4 ~ 11 2 80 1 J:i! ftcc \ l tch sti ck I 1e v t1 a. st J<lcn I llJ requeisttitL for1n ll ho!<; ... who a e n want of a I f I had i \e sl 1lln g I shoul<ln t "ate e I 'l hetter l y Jar cons1Cle1 themseh es 5 8:/ 121 3 30 W 110Rl'\ISO?ll" n1an s pocket a i1cher treast te tnnn the G lQ 13! 3 o5 ::Bov man 11~ Oct 9th 18"1 3 u !l tl e fian1e as other but fo11n uo111esol 1t ons it that '('"Y I don t think diamond necklace the v1llom hal stolr.i 7 10 15 4 2o :'?{ve days after th ~ coin ersallon to d dijfe1entl"'i fro1n otl r.1 n1arr1ed people 8 11 lo 5W ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. tl at tbeJ can be isunphed bv hun M chca.p a-s 10 11 17 0 80 Au old i\V:0 1.11an -wa ~ Jo l \ 11 iu' re.,,ol to is t1 at'\\ ll 1 eep then1 fron tl e rul:J' other house 1n the trad~ 12 12 17 660 one of tl~e name .of Carro v lives hc1c 1 la..ngerou,, coasts on \\ h1cb .so u1a1 y 1 ave He has also for ~o.le the elelra ~ J:ondon c ncl Gl@qow 14 13 18 740 20 14 19 980 1' es I en 'ivrecke l a l 1 l u1ne 1 OR '.l.1cl eta 01 u fv1mntion appl3 to 26 14 21 11 90 " RIJTT.IH-i '1 HOT AIR STOVE, She bas a packet for l 1 wl c 1 ebe " A N E ~v" Ap·nl oO 14 °3 l 4 00 Illl" ma.nv Ile J unc 9th 1S71 tf ... o \\ r.its Lo t1 r.hve1 l UtO his own ha lclB \\ RllE rEA BAGR f@r "'..: FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN ~o S1~e POETRY I A Memorable Ride I --- -- I 11r Fall and, Winter Goods, l I D ThICLEOD S, T GENERAL STORE, B Eugine Woolen 'Mills FOR CASH T I ! I B. ltEL:C.A.NCE I I ria0 es are o oral saving\.s Ill a co11i rr ur t' Su gle y ou1 g me especial y are hkc a .sh1p at sea \\1tho 1t a rud ler lo them it m tLters but little "h1the1 they- a10 earned No helpleos be1 o· depend lpou them hr " ppo1 t ::<! u l.111gl t sn iles a\td rosy l1ps \ c]come then1 hon1e at the clo c of 'll.av I hey feel that the' a1c l t anaton 111 the w01ll of hfc and' he l er 1 ving or dead or whethe1 the r characte1 ::ie good b~d or nd ffercnt it mattern but 1 ttle to tnc cornmun ty at large :Clow different "1th the n1ar11ed ma l Ile 1 tl e n11 0 ht y oak wlnch las a tender vme to s pport and protect troin the 111 le eto111 s of 1 fc W'Ll h s stron 0 arm he rlaree 111 d loes tl at \\ h ch a1n 0 le Inen \VO ll l not t ndertakc At ho 1e h1a manly heart beat,, In Ulson \I. ith the wife of his choice an l LI Ii t o tu 0 t!llie1 lo\ e thBrr God tl en co lnt11 cucl otl er t cu cluldren an l their fellow 1ueu Don t Know Adam \..s ~ te1n 1s " ard " a.s once t avelbng 11 the cars drea hng to be bored and feel n0 nuserable a Inan ipproacl c:tl ] 1111 i:; t Ju 1 and said D cl vou he 1l tl e 1 st tlnug u Ho1ace Greele\ 7 Gieelev I Gieele\ 1 i l \ ter Ho r c Greel, 1 " h i;i he 1 'Ihe nan' as qnet 11.l fh:r.: u:1 1hQ11le,,iu1 Geo ge F1a 1c1s Ira1u " .l'>.I<.:k l f! up a. good deal f n v 0\ er l1 Engla 1 do yo l thrnk they 111 1t lum 111 a b"'lI e 7 Tta ? 'I l llu ?. Geo1ge Franc1 T'n.11 11 1 sa11 Arten1 " ole1nnly I re\ e I a1 l of h1n1 I '11rn10 norance kept tl e 1na l i et ± r fitteen n 1 nter.; then he s nJ. Wl Ldu jot tht 1k abo t Genei 11,ra to chances for the l res1 ler cv 1 Do ) o 1 l 1nl tl CJ \\ 11 run l rn I Grat t 1 Grnnt 1 H b ot 1 e l Artcn1u.:; .) o ii p n to kuo\\ ino1 e auou t st ln 0 er tb :n1 an"V 11 i I l avc C'\Cl et seer The I a1 u::i fu11ou l c walke 1 u1 t l " Cnr hut at] L~ t ca u e bacl anJ sal l "\'. ou confo indi:-d 10 no1a1 iu R } d yo er le1ufAlaml ,\.rtemus looked up meek!) 1n] s \\bat \\US his otl el nan1e ? ;BREAD .AN:O :rlISOtTIT BA.EBB. The Fatal Gift, I Bowmanv1Jle Drug Store J 1:.TIG"'INBOTH J. Fletcher, '° 0 Dy STUFFS AUCTIONEERS r W:m.. Barton, Imperial Insurance Mrs. C. :130'0'NSALI., I B The r ' rs a bra' e b rd 1 c ne er no s the wI te feat! 1 b t uad 0 TIJ A ! C1 t t et~ te e1' \ 11 p eo1 le~ he l 8 It) 1 It is beo s rrml ge to kill tu ond t n es pi ' 1lege to kill beat ly Geo P Rowell Co Marriame Licenses, vvl Cot nterft'.lt ' It 1 e~ ate Ol te 1 a ll.l l c I or u lar c r1e1 cv that tl e gen nn An nr l generall; re 1dy to;i er fol 11s co 1rn,., Q -f!SiecH1li) '~ c1 it cannot a1 s \ r for it<:elf - P.APEB BAGS , A secret b rn>i a 1 ole t"l· rough son1e n en s 1u 1 <ls as qt 1ek a~ a co tl of fi c \\ ot ld tl rough tl en I ockels NOTICE. Ill rn LJe fortl nc h.kc ill i au t: l l cQ art! aJL to i::n otl er the Io \n t=-p e do1 w th tl e1r O\ n grease \. gn.r ulo ~ bttbe1 le1ng 1e1 ne l to shave a celeb1ated \VIt aske l hull H o"'i sballlsla\e yo1 s1r1- In s1le1c~ \\ US the icpl/ Little boJ s ehot Id be seen at I 11 L heard ns JOtng Precocity coollt retHl.TJ e l to lns teacher \\ l en he could not i:; av l rn lee'"-on T t A CARD· l I (I" T FIRST CLASS STOVE F ~n Irish 1 an illt::itratiag tl?. hor10 1 ~ 01 solitary conhne1nent stated that out of 0 1 e l t ndred persons se1 tence l to en lt 1e tl 1s pn ·I met t/o life fifteens 1v1>el t Lll\"E of R oj a.l l\fa l I NMAN f om N e v Y0rk eve Sat 1ng ve y T l y S t ea.1 er s sa I l lay nnl ~ bi y [ cketr; sold to a.nd from Englnn 1 I r lun<l and tue Cont 1 ent a.t a~ lo r<\tt s a ~ b anv otl r hue j 1 2 7~ bl ~I 10 11 L~ ' 8! Si/ ;J 7o ' E<.o YELI 0 1 \ LEE" & QC ICK Age ,1 now 111arn llle fo o. 1(.::1"" Da!e l;J.Hr nln i;i y :N ew Yo k nanv 1 e J lJtl 18""1 RHYME AND LIME. Al ttle Rl:}u e JU t r t me And all ttb ut the best Qf I 1mP. ] 1me fron tl e \\o est of the ery bel";t Not bs::it in any qunri r J ne t hat 11 a waJ s Qtru:icl t e ti.'! "When ma.king nto mo1 tar -- --- - -- - - -- --- Sole Ag,.nt bet r.:e Port Hop~ ai d Toro t0 N B }l'](lur Sacks n Stock C IHHKEI! 3 2> HOT n ( n1 ::i, DRU~ n Sewing an $25. -1'1Pe hav ng co1no too rue :sel1 nb 1 " t ~ I Spectacle~ and Efe Glrus:s C$ p tr£ ort ng to IJe of o r mako an( to beat onr name s stam1 cd t hereo we 1 e eb) caut on I ..v ll try an l keep a. goo l s [ r ly the p blic aga. n~t a l such impost~ s a.5 MB For t II!! alway;; wu te<l ~no~ J3cc Kr tn 1sour only Agent Hl \V est Ila v.lenyouallcomeJJ to bu"\; Du ham and a R e vard of 825 3 l e eby offer You 11 n t bij d sappo1ntcd ed for the apprehens1on and convict on of all You will Mv.ayij f d t dry and f h Emch 1mposte-r'3 a~ t y to lefrp,ud the publ c by And that is someth ng honn e ·fie1LD!; tl er trnsh as our make So come ~ong and try th !'!I 1mc LAZ un; S MORR IS & CO But don t forget l em uq Mont ca.l N ov 8th 1871 n7 tf rHotr3ofdehve" y fiomN ea.. m. tolf o rpm Bowman-rille 0 t 15th 1371 ( orner of Qneen iu d Ontw o St ect kno ledge tl:uit eert~ ll ! CORN I WH OJ .E I FOR SALE OR CIi ,\CKED John McDougall -~-- But1'lJ - ho~ '.l V\ l y-ho\' 1 V\ hy L t 8td THOS llOWDEN TO T HE PU BLI C Bo\ man"\ille Mi\1ch 11th 1871 no:::-:i tf DR ~ 'lHE CARSON'S MEDICINES. GREA.Tll:Q,, PUBT I C l3E NE.FII OJl' I \ s the t ti It tile only t1 'ae u1t 1t ter .An ol tl e "hole ,ton l o th t old cl1 u woman bad l rout: ,l t tl 0 Jong l 1st chan on l 1 eckla e u.1 d hat 11g le T\.erti 1 N10 the Sub.F:>cr bcr s pr"'n11.:ie$ Lot :if.I 10th Oen of Clarie on "\Vednesday 97th ult a lt lD t lo off in g1e it ag tatJon seen nglj lla.v J\.[are suppo&cd to beaibout 8 years old half .sca1eJ out of he1 \\lts t e o-wno ia: req iested to prove '.(.1Iopc1 tv p~y II , M fJC.aicel-.. lble to , o 0 tllout charge:, and take be1 a.way "' ..... ALEX rHOMPSO?i s pport )ct ta] I 0 ad.a 1ta0 e ol the mo Oet 5th 18 1 ti l - - - -- -- rnentary ahf'er co of l :nur e Oa1nn ha 1 ~m tolei out an l somehow crawled do1 n 1111 liitlil"ifl!l>VGI ~ &, B.&0"""1!'08. stair. rnto tie stieet - - - - - -- - STHAYED I p &; Butl&dge, ·I j 1)ARRISTERS AITORNE y , , S So11c1tors Conveya...-1cers Zfotaries Publ!e lindh1mgone tbe1001idoo1stand1 goren and the "md blm1rn 0 to a id Ji u th· flu n;; flame f the candle It t: <le 1 b t t t ' ' 01d8 or e1tl er 8 de to rnenl tic trnth at l the father ca gl t 11 l ,t dail ng ,oLb n0 to I s lieart l ele car1.e hnle '1 LUC) lived to h,rget I Bl wo1tl less love a.nd found auotl e1 I nr lo et l ) of I ct I lane) I l e I the an l o1Ll ::.ail r--....he s a 11ch old sa ]or no"\\h:tJ tell ng ln long storj a in :ric ilo 1~ e::.cnpe 1 YI r l I gh1- tie1 hrnents will fo111 iroru a desei t rs land and how a. shlp P ck locke l tl e1n a pleasar t n on 10 :'i.f ltc of the la k of 11c1 ed} n np \'.Ithni thiee l tY uf lus lesert in fb t rh I Cfi1de n1Jsclf t u t1c t!~ u Ht k Dt!pC!11tl. tp it dea1 reaclei Bit th e ~ton he had to tell "as not li 111 wltl te1101 I felt as 1! I m1 t I "l f1om ti ·t lov bro ~I t rnto 0<1stence b\ a mo011 ai:; ,von lrf l 18 the stor"V ah ea ly told you the \el cl n,1 l Hy to th H ie::i1.; c J1gl t stro ll she ~thened L.) deceit al cl Old Wl He eewetl tu undeistanu th t la'l tonoblc d1°1 hp and fii olh e i<um N ext we"k v.:ill conimence a verv I ltCJ 11ic ol dt:nth dependctl u~ o 1 h s effo ts ~ud I mat<:U thru igl thu influ e e of utr g 1 ng t l ni self ' 0 J O1 110 fi 1111aJu 1 aftet hfe al moot as 1ast as the est ug etor\ entitled the Exiles uf Salzbu·0 h e hei t e' e1 or "'thnil no i;iy;etch of tlle Petsecutwn of lJ.u, 1 tl e h11l c1~~l1n.., th1uugl the s ony fiowc:.t~ \\luch c nip e the br dal 'vreat~ nv Id 1 ttl e 11 uk that t: o sed th ioa.d over tie Hast) tnar11age~ based upon p1etended love, t h e y, a en es l l f d isapJ omted hopes 10\t , bo ids a " ut a moc mt} o and th11arted ant1c1pat10n Fannly altars erected u1ou unlo"\iJ,ng hear ate b1t \a"t rn n une1 to ol u l ery to thove 'vho are con pellel to asse 1I e around tlirn eu "'°' OvFR AP:ErnCII::;; Io.t-1.A~rM1Ls - 'II n.t ta I ent of aon e l 1] es to tl e1r lar do<::> an ount~ 111 some instances to 111 fi~uat1o n " e have 1 ea1 l of n lap dog biting l ecc o t of a n ale i.: it: tor s lt g Her n i1:1 tress ti o e:xp1es=ietl her compass on Poor h t tie dear creatntc I hope 1t w1ll not i 11k e hun s1c:l I I Pap, A colored fir1n rn Ne\\nrk Ne¥ Je1 ctha n0 s fferecl son1e pecun aiy e1nl r f, u en ts recently closed l us1n css in l th e sr.n ot iuen1be1s ga"Ve to tl e I 1 bJ1c the fol lov..u.., not1co - De U.1sholu ion Q i copar .s11ps heretofo re-::.t1ng t v1xl 111e anc !\:foses Joneg in le 1arber profesill1on am heretuio ieaolvcd Pus ans v.ho osc n1uat pay to de ::::;c11ber Dcn1 'vhat de fi tn o~e u1us cnJl on Jones: ~i::. de fi1ru rn 1n~olved - 1 u ic j ! )l :f O WI IC tJ ,

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