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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Mar 1872, p. 3

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· ' THE :MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JYI.ARCH 22, 1872. f Dr. J. Ball & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitai I AT rrH. E EYE-CUPS. y their uso, the shrunken and enfeebled eye! either in young or old, is a.t fr.Ince supvl1110. \Yith that b1:1st anU iudisRensible 5.nimal s:tnnulant-A1 ter· i al B!ood. 11he nerves ri;~ume t.heil· tone; the ·e:ssda r~eover their po,vel': the globe a.ssumes its proper ehap0, size. and brilliancy; a.lld.isea.sed action is arrested an<l ourf!rl, '!'heir object is to brin~ the sight to a natnro.lfoca19,by restoring the diminitfr1cd eouvexitr or fla,tneas tJ-f th1:1 Corn&a. of tho Eye, which 111 gi·ad.ui\lly raized to its original oonvexity,cau:sing the l'M.YfS of light to con,·er:;e on the retina. without the aid of convex lenses or gln.s.s.e3 ; thwi a 11peoia.l remdy for these whose si).{ht is beginnin~ to fail from a.~e. They :i.dd vitality a.nd strengtn to the eye thus securing n. proper secretion,and remoY· ing ~he ca.use of all organic diseases. T his wonderful efft~c:t is produced without pain or tho least possibility of injury t o the eye. Many of our 1nost emi nent physici!\ns. occul· iata, students a.ud divi nr-s, ha\·c bad t.heir aight perlil.:tnently restored fo r lif~. a.nil c~r.J. of the following diseases: 1. Impa.ired Vision ; 2. or Pre~byopi $., or Far Sightednes!;, or Dimne:ns of V"'isiont. co1nmonly ca.Lied Blurring; 3. Asthi:nopia,or \Ve~k :F.yew, 4_, }:ipiphora, ltun11ll1g or Vil atery Eyes; 5. Sore Eyes-spccin.lly treated with the }~ye Cups-cure gnaranteCtl ; 6. ~Veaknt>ss of the Itetina, 01· Optic N crve; 7. Opthu.lmia, or tion of the Eye and its aµp enda.g-es, or impel'· feet vision fr nm t'1e cff1;1cts of Inflammation; 8. Photophob1a, or Int.ole1·ance of Li:;ht; 9, Over· V\' orked Eyes ; 10. Mydesopia-mov1ng specks or :floating bodii.:s before the eyei; ..A_mauroais, or Obscurity of Vision; 12. Catanwts, Partial B ~iUl{JJOOH Bl{()S. have received anJ opeiied out a · T : DARLINGTON, HAVE .Juiit recel\"ed .a Choico lot or ()BOICE ·ASSOl. TllENT POIN'l'S OF SU'PERIO:EtITY. RANG'E OF WORK :-From Girnze to Beaver Cloth. DURABILI:J.'Y:--Will last a life time. ~· . " NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Sbnpticity in Constntction, Ease of operation, Pe?fection of NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Stitcli, atike on both sides, owing to pe1fect tension on upper ana Also Bat·rcla and Boxes of I' lower . Thread. with an ::i.s.-:ortrnent of Dates, Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, · OF HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nofoing but the purest materids used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers: 1 ·l I FALL A_ND WINTER ·GOODS. 1 I l ~ BiinctncsJt; the los8 Qf ai1z-ht. A11y one can use th.e Ivor) Eye Cups without the aid of Doctor or 1\Iedic1ne, so as to receive immediate bencfici:~l results and never wear spec.-tacles; er, if using nn\V 1 to lay t11en1 a.'3ide. forever. T~y--- e gual'antee a cure in every ca&o ·w here the directions are followed, or 'Ve will re· iuud the money. 00 JB.e auti:fwl Candies, l'hci.r composition consist!; ::iolcJy of 2309 Certificates of Cure, a.uts, some of them th6 JUo~t e1ninent lea.ding professional and busines s men n.u<l women of education and retine1nc11t, in ouL· country, may be 15etHL at our oHice. Under datt: of l\i!a1·cll 29, Hon. Horace Greeley, of the Ne\V Yol'k Tr·ib'11;ne, writes: ·:J. Dall, of our city, ifl a conscientious and respo11tiblc m!l.n, who is inc~qx\ble'of intentional decep· sion ur imposition ....... Prof. "\V. )ler1·ick, of Lexinr{tvn, l{j·., 'vrote April 24th, 11369: \Vithout 1ny SpeuLacles I pi::n Y'lU thi1:1 note, after using the Patent lvory l!:ye Cups thirteen days, ri.nd this morning perused the entire contents or a Daiily Ne,vspaper, and all \\o·ith the un;)f:IS isted Eye. Truly am I gr:itefnl to your noble inveutioQ, may Heaven ble8S ~nd preserve you. I have be en using spec~acle~ twent y yoar$ ; I am ~ev· onty·one old. 'l'ruly yoUM, Prof. W. ) ferr ick. REV. J OSEPH $ )JITH 1 M~ltlen, Ma..~ .. cured of Partial l:.Hindnef!f3, of 18' standing, in one 1ninutc, by the Patent Ivory Eye Cupa. E. C. l:LLIS, la.t~ \ia.yor of ·Da.yton, Ohio, \Vrotc us Nov.' 1,.ll)th,1869: I" test~d the Pat· ent I vo1~- Eye Cups,&nd I atn satisfied they are good. WI (',Jn ,plu::uied .with them; they a.1·e tb0 srcatest i-hveutiOn of thC age. Fr0m honest Farmers, M echanic3. and l\.{erch- .p 0 0 H "' CHOICE BISCUITS. Dnrlington has ag! tho.:ts celebrated rec~h·ed Equally adapted to Family. Work, Dress a.nd Shirt Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. Jf.ACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Piwe ColO?-, P'V"1·e Whii'i!'Lend, P'nre White Zinc, Dinseed Oil, Spiri ts of TivtpP.ntine, J: Dryers, ccarefuliy and scientifically combined. The consumer can hn,vo tmy desired shade of color neatl:y put Uj, in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, a,g the whole can be done by himself; or by any membe1; of his household. ,Jj nilothe1· lot '· of · i ~ PURE I.EA:F TEAS, Quality is the 1'<St of Uheapness. DoTI<-ma.nville, De"c. 22nd. 1870. EVERY ~ z ... - - - -- A few only of those splendid ·Agents, MACiiINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees &; Quick. We have also on hand DIRECT· IMPORTATIONS. ,. TWEED SHIRTS at S. · l!'. HILL'S. WANZER' SLET1'EB A , ABBOT1'"S, AN]) B.ARCLAY SEWING MAGHlNES. l 'l 1, Our Stock of General Goods is large, embracing all ·the Novelties of the day, and all the necessaries as well. · The Subs<:ribtir ha.vll1g purchased th1J PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just recr,ived, for aut, umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacture;ll,including James' Genuine, and the Celebrated BUSINESS AND STOCK of the lntcJUch~rd M artin, will be ple a ~t"<l to see OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES Pi1:ture Frames-au sizes, -~fo:~ldings of every style, "\Vall Pnper- a. ~plcndid a~a:ortm.e11t now in stock, _ A Jnrge supply of beautifully assorted Window Shades, Cl)Llrlren'a Ca.rria.~es, Concertina!!, Bru8hes, Oo1nbs, Loriking Gll1!:1!:1ea, Mosic, J\.fa.gazines, Violins, Violin Bowe, Violin ~ttings.Paper Coll:hrs, Neck Ties, School Books, Dny Dooks, Bibles, Knivts and lforke,Pock!'t Knives~ Razon, Spoo1u1 C~eape!5t N Ott' Paper a.nd Envelopes in the country. AJL these, a.n.d a; 1 an~ Scissor~. th.,usand other o.rticles, a.r e ·to be found at the ·vARIETY BTORE. We alwa.yaglad to see friends, and think it no trouble to show Goods ; and we guai-antee a.-s b'"ood value, ~t a.s low prieee na u.ny other house in the tra.rle. · . Parties wi"hing to telegraph their friende, may rely on h~ving the;r bu!'.inee:s dop.e promptly. ~.\gents for Inma.n. Linc of Stea.mera, und I:niperial Building anQ Sa;ving SQciety. \j t ---o. -.-- ROOSTER ALSO BRAND, _/\.. full ·St<'ck of Bowmanville, March " 7th, 1872. · , YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · . n23. ·open to-day. · guarnntecd znwe . . all stio,nclard colors, oils varni3hes, and pafoters' materials. Call and see how cheap a can be painted and decorated ; for <111 these goods will besolcl atReduced figiwes. 2000 Gallons of Groceries and Confectionary k ept on ba.nd. NE_A R-S ,,znetJ, rG' JI i' ED N JjJ S 3. :For tho \Yoist caaes of My0:pia, or lt...WA·-aight· use our Now Patent Myopic · Att~ch ments, applied to the IVORY EYE-Curg, has µro,~"d a cure for this . ·N.B.-·It is my intention· tA aw.pply the Dr. J. :Ba.ll & Co's. . ZO,ZO EYE-WASH. I<l recom1nended by thousand11; for Inflamed .Eyes, and Eye~lids, also Vi/" ea.le Eyes, ~V. at~ry 1Cytia, Over-work~d ]~yes, Iutolera.nce of Light, filna.urosis, or 0bscurity of Vision, or Specl~a (Jn moving Bodies beioro the Eyfls, Vt eaknes11 of '.Retin&, and 1na.ny other diseases of the Eye. _!\.ll persons wishing for full particulars, certificate~ of Cl.ll't'.S, prices, &c. 1 will please send your ~ddr~ss to our Agent,,vho \vill B1'nd our Treatise on th~ Eye, of forty-(uur :page<'!, free, by return mail. GOU NTR Y ~.... ith TRAD.E McCLUNG BROS. will .sell Crockezy China, Glassware. and Lamps, for the next 30 dayg, AT COST, prior to mak: ing a change in the ,Grocery Department MACHINE OlL as \V5.o; fenwerly tl'one by Mr. ~ia.rtin. H HORWOOD l3own1&nville, D~c. 7th, J871. 10-tf C. ·BO UN SALL, . ' MANUFACTURER, I MPORTER, DEALER in all the varietie8 of an GROCERY DEP ARTJVIENT 600 will be found, a.~ of differe11t kinds. Threshers .and all pat·ties requiring such ·, oil, mo specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. Our sole and ~xdusive Agent for the County of J:jnrham, ·ii; E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who ha,s on hand an assQrtment of ) All ctms·ultation ·with us/tee. Italian & American Marble. A ln·l'$"f.i and choice acleotion of usual, well 5upplied. arriving, and now on exhi_(Jitioli., t.lw largest and cheapest stock of Cook, ;pa,rlor, l!a.ll, a.nd :Box Stoves, Eye-Cup&, &c. Nov. 24th, 1871. --~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ MONUMENTS. ANO GRAVE SHINES, always on hand, of .superior worlanruH1hip, wcl at lowest pr~cel'!. ... ' GENERAL HIUJDWARE, CARlllAGf GOODS, Atrn TiNW1'1 R[ 111 A large imported Stock of the. County of Durham. I INSURANCE. Andes first to pay Chicago Losses. Chicago, Oct, 11, 1871. 'l'o AN0.1!8 IN8t:RA'NC~ Co., ··Andes losees 'vill :not. exeeed $300,000. Wrought or Gast hon Fences FRESH F'IELD, AND GARDI!:N" SEEDS J nst rccei ved. Bowinanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. Cash paid for any ·11.uant!ty of Turkeys Gees@, Ducks and Chickens at McCLUNG BROS . ' JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildi n&~· Bowmanv1lle, Aug. 8th, 1871. s. B. BRADSHAW ' ' . for enclosi91J burying lotl. Furniture Tops, Mantel Piecos, &c, kept on hP-ind, vr wrought to :)rder. i·ei;1Jcctfully raquestod at the 'vorks, A call is 1 ly , . E. E. RYAN. Agent.. King Street, Bow.nia.nvill.6 OctobDr, 1st, 1869 . 1-t! The .ANDES is eo1.-ent and very 5trong1 and J1a.>1 already comme n~t!tl !):'tying its Oluca!jO ]osse8. CLIFTON, Oct, 9, 10:30 p.1n . -1 · '. I ha Ye to~n i~b t ca.refully examined all Chicago insuranc~~ in the .-\.ndes !Il!llt'3nce CJorupany of Gincinna.tti . , \ ... esha!I authori;;;e our adj usters to dra.w upon us at ~igh t for e very correct cl:1.in1 as rapidly as ascer t~ined. Our losse3 hy tbi! great c..'1amity are a considerable figure.but nothing to cripple us . The hour of duty is upon us an d we sha ll rr1eot it in the lion -hearted m a -i1 :0l· ths.t the uccasion requires· Never· )1 el e~'· l fnlly expect, i11 addition to ~urmoun!J ng t bi$ ,,,1;1riou(I obstacle, to pay the stockhold- . ers of the .A.ndos In.suranr;~ Oo1upany a com· gr table dividend ne:i:.t July. Respectfully, .1. B. BE;)[NETT, Pre·. wouhl taktj thi21 opportunity of thanking his numerours friend8 for the yery .liberal patronage he hari receiv!i!d, I-ie feels aa.ti~fied th~t noth· ing but I: LOW PBICE. S l·ateful fo fl. geuerou3 }itlblic;, lul' pa.s~ liberal patronage, hcgs most rcBpectfl.llly to anno1·ncu that uu account of incre:.t11iug bu5iness .. G he now oecupiea and R· & H . O'HARA, Agents, . Bowmanville. Bowm&.Rville, Oct. 19th 18'71. 1 'l'HE WHOLE OF HIS OLD S1'AND, u,nd hn.· filled 'fllE GREA'r ]rn!IEDY F on 3·tf Property for Sale IN Su:perio~ Workma.:nship, every. Shelf, Hole and Corner, with an :... In view of important changes to be mn,de in my business, during tho la,tter part of February, I would offer the remai11der of my nnd ackno~vk:dge<l IJy nrnny prominent p hy~i ell\ns to. be the most Raliahlc Preparation evl'r iutroduced for the RELIEF nnrl CUlUCof alt CONSUMPTION 1 BOWMANVILLE. lfIRS"'r, ...1. Exceedingly choice assortment of Goods hs.s gained £01· LUNG. COMPLAINTS. One Aq1;e _ d'f L~nd . i·unni~z from Church Street tn Kiug Street, oppomt.e Col. Cul:itt'lj, ,vith him j$uch a steady increase of he trl.1sts that by comprisiilg Hats, Gaps, Furs, Buffalo Robes Paper Oollwrs, Neck T'iei!, G'ent's Fu1·nishi.ngs, &:c. f'lte wholt! ~f the Stock h.a.vi1~g been well bought business-much lairger than former years; <tl"ld GOOD BJUCK HOUSE, couta.i11ing ten ro01llii e.nd a cella.r,full eize; sta.Lli,i driVing housl; l ,an d 'vood- shed; plenty of hard,.u.ud soft witrt er. L ik e wise, goud choice fruit garden, \vith upples, p eare, q_uinces 1 }leaches, t)lums, cherries, ~-ud other s1 na.U fru it . S ECO~D 1 A Large· ~tock, of NEW :FRUITS, for Christmas and New, at Low Prices will be found at McCLUNG BROS ,. ' .·. WINTER STOOI{ AT This well-known Nimmly ia off( rcd t o the publlc, sauctionod by the cxpcriC'nce of ov et> forty ycnrs 1 nnd when resorted to iu scnf!on, seldom fall& to cft'ect I\ sriccdr cure of GREATLY REDUCED ' Persons in want of RATES. strict attention to business Cnughs, Colds, Croup, Jl1·011chitis, In· l!uenza, Whooping Conglt, Hoar%· , ness, Palus or Soreness In Hie Chest and Side, B1cedl11g nt the, Liver Complaint, &c, by a timeiy rc!ort to tills standard r emedy, m ; Is prov~d by bundrcde of tciitJmonirils rcccivefl by the proprietors. ' BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUAE!J: DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GHERRV dot>-S not dt'1J ttp a Cou(Jh, and loa.'!-·c tluJ A GOOD FRA1IE HOUSE, on Church Street, en.~t, co11tuining t"'.u x·ootns r.:.ld o, good cellar, with \Yood-shed and garden. THIRD. .If you want a nice sett of Furs, foi: your lady, call on M. M~yers. hii will 'Continue to receive their aupport. ' DRY GOOTJS, All kinds of .F'iws alte?'ed and ?'epafred. Highest price paid fqr Raw_Pu~ Bowrnfl.n,villeo, Sttpt,28hh, 1871. will find this a good opportunity of getting Goods " ': -ONE QUARTER OP AN AGRE, -011 S. B. BRADSHAW. Churd1 St . ea~t, with ltou:;e for tv.: o fa.. llliliee. FOURl'II. tTNHEAitD OF LOW a.~ PRICES~ eausc l?ch·,nd, as ts the case tcith ntrijSiJ preparations, but it loosens and clc(l.ns,cs tho httt0$1 antl allav_.9 irritatlnn, thtt iJ r6movi;nq the eause Cf the co>n_plaint. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SING:j;:P.S, aud all those whose occupntiou requires nn ut1~ ufm<tl exercise of the voe.a l organs, will fintl this the ONLY PREPAR.A1'10:i which wiil l'll'cctunlly and lnstant:meousl)" rcllcY~ their cli!licuJ... tics, ONE AGRE WlTH FR A ME HOUSE, -containing 6 roon1s, \Vith a. good ,,·ell, on Scugog St1:ect. F JFTH. MARKUS MAYERS· · All those thP..t are in ~trea.ra must pa.y up, ts· pccially the !£a.rd.ware account. S . B. B. Bowtnanville, Jan.10th, 1872. / ly-15. ONE ACRE, ON ONTARIO STREET. f.,JKE WISE A NE-W- ~ Two I?ti.ndrec'l. Acres of good wood land, being Lot 11, in the 10 Con. 'fowoship of An1aranth, Count y of \Vcllington, uei\ r 0l'a.Dgeville, and withiu th~ee 1µih1s of the Toronto, Bruce, and Grey l{ail Road. Ji'vr furthe1· particnhu·s inquire of I T M · B E R .. Parties indebted to me will much.oblige, by settling the same as soon possiole. . HE Subscriber r~pectfully informs the pub- " "-,.,. T_HE PUBLIC ,, ' · W. 1\!1:CM1J RT Ii Y SIG:f OF THE GOLDEN LION. ' ~ De,vai·e of Countc1-:ieits .. J?eme1nber tli.a.t thi genuine 1Vistar's Dol:1r.m 1u1s mi tlie outsid~ wrnpper tlie fdgnaf.u1 ·e of "]. BVT1'S," andthepi·intccl ,uime ofthep·oprielot·s, "SETH JV. J?O W'LE <f· SO~VS, BOSine t11e wt'tlJ>pCr C1.trf'f11Uy U tfore pu1·c1tas,ng. One Doi~ · Bottle. Six Bottles for Filo Dollar>. PREPARE:[) llY T0..1.V." .A.U othc-rs are imital.ions. Jtxam.· Bowmanville, April l ~ Ll1, 1871. lic, th~t. having fitted uf a New Picture Gallery, with p,} tha Z FRAZER I will i;dl cheap for cai;h 1 r..s I in tend leaving the country. Bowmanville, F cb. l !:ith. rn&o-n20-3rn. MODERN JM PROVEltfEN:J.'S, A N . L\Jld on exhibition~ at the B. 0. Book Room JUST Life-like Likenesses, in eve2_1y· style of tbe- Ph<?~OgTa.phlc A.rt. And . all other T S! j INwould i·espectfully invite their chMicd A attention t o ou1· prcseJ)t stock of Furniture, M W(I havC!l l~tely a<ldccl the:reto, that we ma.y ther~by be enabled to :n1pply f!;ll parties ""·ho m~y please t~ f~vor n· \dth a call. · Great inducements held out to those p ur chaa1ng a.t our ERta.bhehment. Pictu.res. Looking;ee, ~\:.c., fl'am~d to ordel', a.nd _ in every t>ytlc. s~~plef of thfldifferent J:tind· of :P..:louldings can be Reen at'lhe '}\..,.arf'l-room. \Ve wo11ldalso beg to inform you, tba.t, ha.YI·&" pur:- ~~~~~r~,et~u~o~?,~he P~gener~~J~I~·~;,, SPLENDID NEW H;EARSE, . u-i M A TO UALL AT S 0 N ,S l·lJ C E R T I F ! 0 L' -L'i . .I I A , AT E h' · SETH W, FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., Autl eold by Drufiglsta ruid Dealera generi1lly. OF AGENCY l'OR THE ""s oorne ~emng ,,,,..,a,o ine. \Ve give this reuewal of the .Agency, as ,~ince v..-e first received the appointmont , there have been others themselves as Agents in \Vest J)u:rh.:i.n1 ;, GUELPH, Deo. 4th, 1871. },fessrs. It. & H. O'Hara, Bowmanville. These arc to ce1tify that you are duly appointed our authorised ~\geut for the "\\""est Riding of Dnrbnm, a.nd N Ol'th and South and the Sonth Ridinz of Victorb.. We will not recognise tho actions of a11y other po.1-ty claim· irig to be our Agent, un~ef!s .tho Machine prtss throu1~h you!' hands, sellu1g- in the a.hoYe territory, frou1 and after this. date. ~Ve dp not bind OUJ'i!el".es to wu.n·a.nt ~hny M8,· ch1nc sold, of our n1anufac tureJn !:iaid tcrritm-y ltnlce~ g{·ing direct from the .i.?-actory to you; order, 01· to that of any of your sub Agents. Respeetfully your.i, Gur;t,.Pll SEWING- l\f.l<lttlNfl Co. P. S.- -Each of our .Agents will h:~ve a v:ritteu crtiticate vf Agt:ncy from. UB, which purchaflers should insh:i t oo 'Jeeiug. . _ R. & H. O'HARA. Howmanville, ])ec. 21 1 1sn. · --- - -- · -- --- -----~--· - e . '\\II' Two "Silver Tongue" Organs, An inspection of specimens is invited in \VaJnut. }'ou1· in polished Rosev:ood ex pe ct~ · Entrance· opposite the entrance to th~ Town ed ev ery c b .y, Oa.U and examine then1. Don:t be invci;ded into buying inft:rior iustrtnncnts. Hall. L. . SEXTON. If you want ptinnanent BD.tbfaction, you n1ust buy. nno of the "OJLVLit 'l'o~GUE" ORG.\NS, 13ov;mllin\'ille, St>pt. 27th, 1871. FIRST-CLASS PIOTURES Takeii in A 1. Style, at FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY w. ,we i;h~ll' bfi r Gady at all tin1es, to . ri.ttend }.,unerals, on 1:1hoi·t notice, nlld rea.sona.bla term·: ~. B. Coffin~ kept on hand, ;~nd made ' to order, at the ' ' RICE & BARKER. n23·4in. llow1ua.:uville, M:uoh..7, 1871. · - - ·-··-- ~------·--------- STRAY STEER. oo.n htive hin1, on proving p1·operty, and -p~yirig :tT IS A NOTED FACT . ., that the SIGN 0]1' :PJIE RED FLAG, ' King Street, l~ast. ! ·"Bo-..vmanvillc, Nov. 28th, 1871. 17-ti. I NEW DOJJJNION RETAIL PURNI'l URB WARE-ROOM. O~hawa, Aur:. 26th, 1870. . For Harness, 'es, Saddl Trunks, Valises, \Vhi ps, Bells Dana's Patent Sheep Marks. lMting, the least troubler-otne, a..ild most complete t.:VCJ.' inventcid. Th 1::y are n stid a.nd recommended b:ir many of the bost l:h·eeder,:.; n the united StateS and Uann.<la , such as G. n. Loring, S.tlem, l\·l nss., President N ow E ng}Rn<l '\\-"'ool Gruwers' Socioty; ,John S. Ro:;;s. IiCnnepin, Ill.; l>rofessor 1.'.L 1Iil~s, of tho StU.te· .Ag. ri.cG1tu1·a.l Co1lege 1 Lansing, ); Hon. Geo. Brown, Toronto, Ont. i Johu Snull, Edrn(inton, Ont. On each Mark fa starnped the O'Wll.;>t·'::; A.nd the SLt'.:ep's numbe1·. They will bo seut f)'f:!, by mail, or expre~ s, for only jo u1· l -!1ttB. ea.cit, and will lust for TW.E:-:l'TY YEARS. ~· must a.ccompany I~ll orders. MARKS THESE most the AR~~ 1'HE CHEAPEST, 1 l'\r.C. J Kin'g Street East, Oshawa . Opposite J. W. FowB:e's Store. tf·48 which for style, dur.,,pility and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 'l'o thoioc in ARltEA.ltS, he '\vould say ( "iAME into the promises of the Subcoriber, ) Iiot No. lZ, in the 3rd Con. Cartwright, a. Steer, corning two ye&rs old. The owner J. GEDDES Cartwr ight, J:tn. 3:rd, 1872. ,41. Bowmanville Parm Implement :Forward · ' ,,. . ing Agency, · ie: the place for fa!mers to get ez:penees. Good Farm Implements. Please call a·nd order t.11e CAUTION ! . New combined Ohopph1g 11.fill an d ' >'Straw c:'utte;·. . gor·d 1:mp1:)l.y of h .anl .and \vater, Ccrncr of Queen n.1ld Ontnrio go.Or! gnrdcn. Street."!. A p1·l y ou t he premises. W. COLENUTT . JJowrnnn Yil1 1:1, Ii'eb. 12tl1. r17 ·tf. J'.l: JCJ{ contv:ining t:!ix A and n ki:tcheu n.ttu.chcCl. ' "'i th a good ccll11J:. .A. soft and a · CO'l1'l' A GJ~ . J'oonlts .A.lso leave your Ql\ior for a flr:s t·c:lit«:s GB.A.IN DDIJt;L. R. 'V. JAi\:lES, BGivmnnville, Doc. 14, 1871. nll· I nn1 sell:! agi.:nt for Lli..ZA.RlJS RIS' perfected Spectacleo and Eye G!as~, 1 STRIG1' A1'1'ENi'EO.V 1'0 BUSINESS ses. 'rhe! nexer s1.1pply. 01' 'e nlploy fl.llJ' a~d S~tppl.f1lif; tl,. othel's. Howevel' ·pecw\JB tb" pretence FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, n1ad e l)y them tli n.t th ey have theni, do not. to still merit that pa,trun<:'1Je 80 lil1e: ndly bel:lto w·· bel ieve 1t y ou wi ll "lie ~ wii1 dh:.1 if you do; ed u pon h or. AAllOl\ BU CK EER, ngent for Stall No. 1. Market Buildings. vill e ncd vicinity. Uot'.·rur;,n-r1lle, J a.n. l Bth, 1S·i:t J t:-lf. in Jictiring from. bu&ne81il, -beg! to return her ~in- 1 cei·&-tha11krrto her 'numeiio1 1r1<>ns, fo-r thell· suppo11; during tho ~irne .she has boon iu L hUSlne~i. At the same tune, she begs to an- j µounce, that she ha& retired in fa.var of her two & l\f OH.- 1 Son ~, whon1 she t r usta, by Mrs. E.-, Cawker, ·1 I'ro :Bono_ l'ublioo. . liperal canears and 'tumo:rs . TA.KEN "OUT AND _ ~~LI, KINDS OF YOU MUST P.A.¥ UP [1(; . ARCHinALJJ YOUNG·, Ji<., Sal'nia, Ont. Orders ad clretiBe<l to the iv I 1n{ORN'r a nd OJ;;SERVER Office, for any quantity, will be fHl c<l at the above-mcutioued p~·ice, S.$ q uickl;t ns t hG. l\ia.i:ks ean be madl:' aud sent. rhofll'! "t\:ho havi already settled , will ;;!case cept OU? hearty tha.nks. S. · l'>IAf'lON. Ba.wm·inville Dec 3rcl 1869. ! - . Cured without the Use of the Knife, by nlO C. BARKER, .Bowmanville, D-ec.28bh, 1871. ly-rn13-ol. DR. 8. PATTERSON, of J~owmanvillc. Seed Peas F01 Sale. m · lfli~ Sub.'i$\ilwr ~ha s n c11~a?itity pf t li..i cele1 bt::_t1;P, ~l CJ_, QyV."[ BEAt~ tor ~' o le; also j.hl· D1\.NLAJ..1 Q_ ltO.RI<:, R \·el'y e~n·ly vnr iet.r. A.11 excellent l'i.'oppc1·i:. · .JA MES WELDON . Dnriingtcm, L ot } !~, 4 th Ccm n2;J-·iw Farin foi; Sale or to Let. · B f.l Ctln of D =i.rlingtou. n. goocl \,·ell a nd cistern. <-~lid 'i.'hc·: hi:>!it \.· f reft n·n ceHg iven in l~ow1nu.nYil!e di;ewh ei·e. Office on ('hu1'C"h 8ti·el't JJownrn.n ville, 1i'eh 2Z: 187Z. ly-nl'tl - ~) Oood builJiu~;:i and Possess-ion b-i .. ~ n .:in t11e 1.,t of A1>ril. li'or f1nth c1 pa.r ticular ~ fq,ply · on th e prc: 1n li'i~fJ to .ET:\f'G · the n o1 th~st ~tui.2-ter of fJ\lt 4, ln the FARM FOR SALE. Or lf by letl<~1" :t~ltl r ('. ::.::i. l yrone r . 0. -· , , A. :VIcFJm'l'ERS. ~·H<h' l g~od ::ita.~e of Cl.\ltivati~n . nllI.E 'Yo1th \Y..: st l:-Ill"J'Y 11..Cf-{.F,;j of Xiot 21 .l 8th Con. of Darli ngt on. 4:2 acre>< ri re iH ~ (:food m!t buil dings, l! or -pa1i1cnlan; a.p p !y on the prcmi.qex t o CH A RLES K:·LU'l'. Da.r1io~-t-On , J\l n-i-dt 15th 1871. 21-tf ,

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