THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MAI!,_CH.__2~, 18-72 Don t Tread on'. Your Neighbors Toes I' ~H;.:. ~=--=-====-=-'I "'- KlDDER --=~~~==~~~=--=~ ~=rn~EJtLY~UOJ1tt~~~~~~==~-=r~~~~====== POETRY. Shakm~ Hands I THF WEEKLY GLOBE ~.=Cf)'J/)/j-1 m l n f:r.< -a~-z._,:_()M- <Jshn'WU _ ~ IMJ\ fENS_E___! ed ·nd p1omISed, we fin<l ourselves at this time iustmthc·=ep0Slt1onthatwe\\erctenyeara ·go m iegru-d to varieties fo· gcncr>l cultiva hon, tho "W ihwn s .Alba.ny ta.long the lead, C"rcen P1ohfic Downer Inomphe do Grand, and two or three other'\ ell knov.. n sorts folh w 10 0 ~ close in the ""al e of tlns most JlOpuln.r of all p ll ere " a s1gmflca11ce m !the differen t - n odes of shak1nct hu.ncls, 0 wh1ch 1ud1catee,ao You1 f11end ina.y J:iave cont1ary '1\\ s fr'Oni \. Ol And see JU diffc1ent hght"Be men~ :lnd glad or son:J and sad ' ' hilc you 1u c the oppoeite quite Don t gruinble "nd giow l at the faults of ineu, But take the ""oild M t goes Au<l, wh ~te\er elqe you may choo~e to do Don ' t1rado1 your ne<ghbm & toes You must w1nter nnd sum1ner a man yon kl O\~ B f01 e you C'1.ll find hun out l{ebtt'!fi.ult:i: ttsttuc bu.tsoba eyou lull 1nany thc1 fl n\l doubt Respect tl10 op1n1onf; of ll<:h ttnd poor Of 1nllm:\.l.e ft1ends 01 foes .A.nd in trea 1 ng the int11cate walkis of lifo Don t tread oi1 j our neighbors toes 0 f ai \.S a single act Cllll <lo, the character of the peloOlJ 1 he 1fl8.der "ho bn.s obsef"V cd strnvbemcs · may iecoll the pecuhautrns of chffetent per sons 'llth whom he has sl 1Uren hands, ancl t lius n1 tc how charactenst1c " ts thrn e1n1 ple act Ho\v nluch do '\ e learn of a rnall ' l or 'vo1nan uy the s iake oft he hand 1 Who \\ould expect to get a luJ.Jl<lsotue donation d · t 11 l l -or a ona"1on a a ion\ one 10 puts out L\\ o fingers Lo be shaken uud keeps the th b t " , h l o · You 1nay lrn. \ for your plea. that people crowd :\..nd Jostle, n.n l push n.nd throng.. That their platu1 too oftc 1 npsflt your o" n Tl11ls 1rwKUJ.,, thu \\otld go "1on,,,(9) 'I wo ' l"Oll~~ h.:tve neve1 yet nlade onf' nght, As ma.ny a sequel sho\\a So whate,crelse JOU m11iy chose to do Don t facaJ 01 Y'Htr ncighbo1st1e::i 1 THE FARM -___::_--~========::=:::.================ Small Frmts m 1871 (l i(lll :\loore~ Rur ....l New Ymker) / . t-\.lthol gh the Rural lrcw Yo- ke1 l tS kpt its lt<tders [tetty' cU lllfOlmed Ill ieg,..1d to the 1ntroduc~1on of n:n' v i.11~t1es of the s111 tll fnuts during the pa:;t J cru it mny be "ell t 1 a'.l.a n .Jane°" O\ e.r the list and add some notes in 1elA lion to the 001npar t-hve 'alue (folder sortf! BL H IU31 BlllEF:! - Wi:; have 11ttlt: to n.dd in re g~d to blnc:kbcrne;.; No new ones of \aluo ha\ e bt:en intro luce l d n Ulg the seal)<:IU \t least nonl.:l tl1at au.: u .. tter than those pre\ ioualy eultn 1ted Ih"' Briton and "\\ ""11tern 1 rnunph are sa1U to l u excehent va11et1es foi the ex.treiue 'W !.!Stern States but with us at the L:Jast they a1c iufenor fa several of om older and. better kno,-.,;n soitH r1 he l urleJ iecened fto1n J{au fiaa a fe\ ye is s111ce, o;µpcars lo !Jo notlung rnor e tbai a common \nld \ru1etj a.nd of no l nrt1cular 'aluc An1ong the t\\ enty "'Orts m cult1vat1on, \\C pla.ce J{1ttatinny n.t the head of th13 hst as comb1ntng ino1e good qufl.J.1trni) th \ll tUlJ othei Ji or SlZe a.lone \\ o ha\ e none that 'ull equal the ' ' ilwu s Eatly but the plant8 U:11de1 111 ~ orthern localities and tlie fnnt h on1:i. sel ond rato 111 quaht} Dorcherite1 stt11 1u ldi:t a. front l ~uk fo1 ea:rlme~s the plants htt.rdy 11d the fruit goo 1 TI \81 BERI I.ES - ] he excitement 'v Inch p c i .'.nled v. few J e111s r;1ncc among fruit gro" crs 111 rcga1d to new \il.tJeties h ~s, in a great 1neasure fi11b1:nc~ctl but n. fe\' h<1-ve dur1ng tho J )Mt aeawn svmo Qf which ma) 1Je of va.lue ':tr e have all eaay 1;;u manj excellent s01ts in cul tnu.t..on that he \\ho unde1stnnds to make still fUI the1 pt ogress hr.g n. drfficult ta.';k 1n hand 'l bat it l~ poi:!s1ble we ~d1n1t, but n0t 1n obable at least not bj th(I ('bauce scedlrng 8yste1n so inncb 1elied upon u1 }ears past Amo111:5 the Ill,.,dt C'D.p rusp )Crr1es, tL few new lllc:!! na\ie fhe Burn'-' fioni l{aw:>..'l.S 1s bc(.li a1 nounced 8:.ud to iesemble tho Doolittle, although the 1. rigina.to1 sa.ys it rn better m fiavor Ontario 1s inotliei uew sort somewhat u.ftcr the style Of tht: }IcOorrornl (l\'[n1111noth Cln::itor} It i:s of HU gt.:: size, ari(l bd O\ ed to be "1luablc It on0 '"lna.tcLl 111.: ~1 Ne\\ ark \VaJilC Co N Y the u1.,1nal plant having been found growing Ihe Canada Bla1:k fruited with ta the wild pa~t J enr 'or the fir<it time but \\ u do not finrl i"" any bettcy 1f n.5 good ::t!i $0IlJe of onr old!ir fa\ or Lies '!he Yose1n1te (TiauL rece1 \ ed from Uah or1na where it rs s~ud Ll be of la.rge s1:oe awl excellent flavor hi..'! aln1ost con1pleti.ily fail l:d \\1th us :\. fe\'t plants su1\ned the waiter of 1870, and the pn"-t sen.son fruit d The ber r1ea qu te large, Beed grains small n.nd uun1 e10\tS covered w1th bloo111, S\\ eet JUtcy but not lngh fl.8'\ ored 111e J eucodenn1s froin 01c gon gt o~ .!l v1go1ouslv and bcttrfi abu11d tntiy :i..nd altht>ugn the berries rue large and of good flavoi their datk pnrphi,h colo1 n.nd dull bloom rnake them rmfit fot n1:-w ket The foll6\\ 1ng are ill excellent thoroughly tested (:OrtJ:! tha.t may be icll~d upon fo1 gcue1al culth thon -Doolittle l a.y B 'IhorulCBs Srnecn. a.nd }1c0ornuck Thc1 ~ 15eve1al twice beo.11ng s its af! \\ell as a 111mber of j ellow that nui"t be aJded a" fancy \'v.neti~s fox g:uden culture Iu foreign sorts v. e have neither iecel\ ed nnr tested anytlung bettor than those. \Yell known to C\ery fnut gro,ve1 In American vauctics tJf the u:.: d ta(luheu L s there are.; a few uow 01H~s clan1ung attentwn T~akln111 s choice fron1 Ilhno1s appen.r~ to be n. 'ariety of out cou111-.on "ild reel but "\Ve need 1nore experience '\ ith it before d1:Jc1dn g upon its mcl'ltu Re~t1ne's Seedlings lnon1 l:!l:'l \\ell, pa.rtic\11:.uly the He1stuie 'duch 1;i a l:it1ong ft,nd '\ft no 1s g-i u;~ er Lc111ef:i lm ge, l1~ndson1e and vf ex<.:elltint fla"Ol l 1ntbcr expe11enclj id io l u1t:1cl in to 1 lrl h11es~ bnt aa the!!e' \L"l ties ill come fro1n "' l1audy stuC:k (the ill ell) "c l fl,\'C little to fc1.u on tlus pot 1t A u:ianunoth "Va.1 ll'.ltj of the w1ld iloweun'=' Ul.~ 1 le111e11 cf th(;: 1'ortJn,e1:1te111 States auil] ei 11toJ L"S vu. 1, I tis J.\ utka HtJ, is 1n !:!cine ti tbu \\ c1:1te H I1tpe1~, but the state1nent JJ\ lt' 0 :1ld to 1t should be tnken \ ith con o de 1tLlc allo\\ an1:e 11.1a.emuch aB it 1s not a true l bei rv but belongs to whn.t 18 popula1l:,. J ao\\ n a!l the l lo" enng llramble, of wlnch w·e J (!..\ o t\\ < · c1y com1non llatn e species-one with hut,e pu1ple flowers (Rulius odo1at11.JJ) and the other "\\bite, (R .J.\1tl.".t:rf/1£.8) Ihefru1tofthesc flonenng brambles is quite laige tu.t of a voiy Hl8lp1d and iathol! 11aufleat1ng fla:\io1 'lhe 1)lants g rov ' 1go1otuJy in almost lLllY lnnd of eo1l, aud pro<lnce nu 11rnnensc quantity of sitckers It 1nay be that the ne'v I\fammoth anu(l1U11.tcd nn.s uono or these faults, but Qf this \\ o "ha.JI p1obably know mote a few Jeai:a li@cc 1 he " 1;.:lcon1c H! new a01 t cla11n 11ig a.tteJ1t1on It is a tw1ce bcuJ.·1nj" sort, after tbu style of Belle de ]ontencJ \Vlucl1 lt ie.sem hlcs very clostily, both in pl int and. fuut It 011g-1uatccl neax Mount Holly N.e" J erse~ Ou Rn \~TS -No no'v ·'·a.ntie.:i ot cunn.:ntg '\o tl y f note he.vo been 1ntroduced dunngthc l at:t -yea1 '!here has been no unpro\emcnt 1 11 ulo in cun~nt~ w1tlun tne past fifteen or twen tj J en.r.:, but there ii; LOOlll for it and 'VI.! hqpc 501nc one oi more of our entcipr1s1ng hor:t1cnl tur1sts will tRl e up &;;:11 ~-md - it a t.lpecia.lty and see \\hethor it lB po681ble or other 'i\ i:;e to p10Uuce a 1:1wectei variety any no" k110V.'1i ( "l 008EIHRilll:) -1.lus £11.ut 1~ ui 1e ~11~ the ~ ....n1e concht1on tha.t wo iin<l the currant thei e h ~· iug been but little pi ogress umde in the past four ~ear!>. Sn:nClt s In1proved Houghton is, howe\ e-r an :i.d' a nee u r1on the parent stock being con~idtirably largei u.nd of a. ltghtc1 color othcnuse but :n,1a.te11ally <hffercnt cula.tion of the da ly Globe of nearly 10 000 cop I ie11 per <lav and a. proport10ntlh: incroase in the l"'suea of the "'>Tceldy Globe - so that the aggnt M!l..ttt number of t ho copios of the drul) a.nd "oek Convenient Home D1rect1ons ly sold to the }Jubhc from 1st J~nuary to 31st Deceinber waa uo less th:i.n 8,417 908 :But this (From Ho1ne u.nd Health ) ye.:i.r-without any 1nattereto ca.use unu&un.l ex citement 1n the pubhc m1nd-bothcid1t10nsha.\e To Pre-u.ri.t SA1ppers ni Ham11-Tie them 0 CIS en l lf;UpOil an l~C lDgpa lll t 11teadLlvheldthe1rown &;:regatenum cloHely 111 a pa,pe1 !;lack an<l in ~ drJ room The huud coldly held Ollt to be shaken, and her of c:op1e1 e:old thus f~r Coneidera.bly cxceeC..s of 1810 a.t the 11ame da.te ( la.:ung fo1 Ltncn -.A.dd a toaspoonful of dra\v n a.way aga.ui as soon as l t d eccn tl Y that In the alvfilrtising depa1tment the progress fine salt, and one of finely "Cl aped "hite soap 1nay be, 111cl1cate8 a cold, if not u. selfi~h and made has been equally b'Tatifying In 1870 the to a pint of henrtless character "bile the hand. ,\bich number of ndH1rtusements rose to 27116 from 19l740 in tht- pr_,v1oi.1s year But 1n 1871 th1;1 :.fQ I1..eep ilftl.k Sweet - A teaspoonful of fine se1J.. s j ours nnd ur:w1lliogly iehnqi.ushe:i; number of last year h~ alre11.dy been la.rgel;r £X salt or r.f horse 100 sh in u. pan cf milk "ill keep its 'vaun, hear!) dusp, beloue.:; to u pt:rson cee<led, nn<l the total fQr the y.~iur will be about o4 000 it sweet fnr sc'l/eral da,ya \YllL a ge111 tl d 1spos1t1011 and u. ready \) m J his b,rge aniount of advertuung is not su1 pris1ng Ul v10w of the fact that the 01rcub. t1on 1'o Soften 1Yew Eope, -Boil for iwo hours 1n puth) with lns fellO\\ inea In a n oment of the daily Gl-Obe vacstly exceeds the aggre_¥.:i.te ary squeeze of the bow n1uch of the usucs of a,U the othi:n daily papers of the P1"(1 watei then ha.n 0 111 a warm 1-00n1 and dry tho1 onghly It retruns its stiffness nnt1l ch; \\hen heart often ooz1 s through the tingero 1 \~ 110, 'mce of Ontai.:10 put to.,:-ether 1nclud1ng or course, those cf I or onto, Han:nltQn, Ott nva, it becomes pe rectl; phabh that e' e1 expeuenced 1t, hus evct: iu1gotten I ond n1 1 and "Kingston Que~t1ons of the deepllst 1noment te the pco To F1 eiihe.n G lt -Alum aud common 'B u.It of th 0 feel111g con\e)ed by the eloquent press ple of Cana.da a.1e no'v pu:!)s1ng for aettle1nent, t:iach one ounce purlfi£d nitre tVi o onnce.:i tue o:.1 the 11and cf n. dJ1ng friend 'vhen the aud ~ ~olut1on oi them lliUt~t be found d inn!.{ the wa-tn, one quruter of a pint Tius mucli im 'J he action to be trurt:tn by our tongue bus c<'.o.scd to tspeak A 11glit hea.1 com ng yi:ru Pa.1hament rn Jegard to the Wa.qlnngton 11eaty p10\ cs the coJoi of gilt ~n tides it be111g l:i1d t, grasp ot h n1d 1nd1cates \\armth, 1""dou1, -the a.ct1on to be taken tu'A ard~ the unmtidiri.te o'er with a b1ush devillopement of e11r WJld Lttnd!:I and North execuuvenesl"', and 1-iLlength of chrnacter S1 ot.s on "lJ-fahO(Ja ny -Stauis aud siJot.s on nlu1e a. soft, lax toud1, \\J.tnout the grasp 'V cstern Temtoues-tl11:! adoption of a. .I\ a.t1onal RailwA.y :Pohcy-tl e OOopL1on of a ~ a.twna..l tnahog:.rny n ay be tal en out with a httle :i.q1 a indicates t11e opposite cha1actc11::1l1cs In Can'll Policy the a. lopt1on of a com1JLebcn""1ve foit1s and y,atc1 01 oxalic uc1d and "e.+ei rub system of immigration the steps no\~ to be tak th<: gtasp of persons \\ ltL I 1r~lj be nted, on 111 \itew of the uttei fl!..ilure of the G ove1n h n 0 the pa, t bv n1c&na of fl. C(llk t11l the colo,. 11 \Yhcle ment ce1 sus the best 1nodc of securing pur1ty 1s 1e~t1 red obsenmg nftc1\la11.h to '"a::;h. the generous rnrnds, there isa kind ol of Eleet10n an<l tlw perisonal Independel)ce of soul exprcslnon inost 1ehc~L Jr(" and ac membet:!i of Pa.1 han1ent and many other ques wood ~ !:!ll 'uth w "fa.:I nnd to dry tnd 1Jollah as nsual ceptable to l\.lndied spnils Dut whe.i t1ons v1ta.lly affeetrng tl1e futl re v. elfare of t he Domnnon, mrnt 1ect:1ne then solution :Lt tht1 M1<:s VVeakne;i:b prer;ients ) ou w1th n fe\\ 'com1nq,.Qeu1>1aJ. A Useful Va; n 1sll ~ 1 hree 1JU.rti; of blooJ. de Electu..-in for the Dom1n1on Par cold c]an1ru\, lifeless f1ng.:1 s fo1 you to hament, 1f tl1ey 110t prev1ousl) <le~lt \\tth111 p1ned of Jts f1br1 t1 e, four of hme and o. httlo a. atnte"'-manlike manner Ne' 01 before pl the alum, form a compositwn ~ lud1 wlien apulied shal. . c, )OU w1ll nntura!JJ tlunl\. 01 a. ho:-;pl h1sto1:y of Cana.da. "ere so many great su.bJeetia to cardboaiU, i~nders it as hard .!l..S \\Ood nnd tal, n.n udhn1ary, or :i. tou~b There are presiung at one 1no1nent for and thor1ugDlj 1mp01v10us to\\ n..ter It is a Chu1eso foolish pe oOllS \\hO thmk t pretty to hO\C no-;e1 bef"Hl w11s 1t n10re necos:m1y that c11cry clecto1 in th3 ]a.nd 1:1hould h:!t' e in lns hancls a prcpa1 i..t on inany of thl.l houf)CS 111 Pek1u being soft,\\ lnte, cold hands,'\ hen the fact is, 1t 11 f0:arle;s outspoken t1uth telling l'IC\'\spape1 coated with i*" Durn1g tl1e coming year the isame hue of 01 lj an e\ idenco that the' arc ill , or tl10.t, :pohc) on pubhc a.ffuue and the f:! energy in 'Jo Clt;a,n Pi;l1 oleum Lumps - 'V i!:!h th<:! \es u1a~n1ucb as tbe circulation of the blood 1s the collection of neWJ5 l\t the ea1hest moment 1-Jel w1th thn1 milk of lime "bich forms au pa1t1alnnd feeble, they aro not \\ell, and f:rom All parta of the \\odd that h~ve gained fo1 the Globe its pre"tmt pie emmence, w 11 be etead en1uhaon "1th the peti oleum aud 1 cmoves cv et) tl::i.ce of it and by waslnng a sc..QOncl tnne unless they bring about u ch tnge, a'ld 1n- 1ly put.sued 'l'he .cl1tonnl ata.ff Wlllr ecerve th" accet!ls1on Lluce warm l anda und vra1n1 feet, by tLc "ith milk of limo tnd a !:!mall quantity of c11lor of three d1stingu1shed wnten vt hose oontribu idc of hme, e\ en the smell m.:i,y be completely neceb&'UY bodily excicises, they arc on the t1nna on L1tera1y, Scientific and Social subJecte: rerno"'>cd as to 2eude1 the vessel thus cleansed road to tbe grave Colcl hand i:;, cold feet will add new g1 ace a.nd 1ntereat to our oolumne: 'lhe .staff of Foungn ~nd Home Corief!pon ht fo1 ket'11ng beer 1n If the n1ilk of lune be an l a. ltot he id u1e ind1cat1ons of anJ tlung dents it!I now being l.argel.} mcreMod 'v1th the used 'va.J.m mstea<l of cold tho operation ia i ~n but health determination that the (}lo~ shall be representlune was, '\hen 11natoc1ac~ ed in a.Il unportant news centres at home and dc1ecl much sho1ter deigned to extend a sulglc 41n0 e1,or at most, :J.broad by men of fh-st rate ability 1o Clca i 1.11i Coi:c1s - !\fix ihtt1 e of the f1n two, to be shaken by humble democracy 'I he Reporters eua.ff will be f.ittengthened eo est powde1ed \\h1tJ.11g \\:1th the le~t dllp of as to enable efficient to be E'en now \Ve bear of instances in w lncb ptomptly despatched toauypartof the Donnn1on sw cet 011 rnb the Co\ e1s '\ell '\ ith lt aud wipe them clean, then duf:t 0 ,cr them s.orue d 1 y 'iny noble lad.}' repeat.a the offence v. hen where ovente of public unportan~ may be In progiess wh1tiugu1 amushn ba0 , and rub bnght with i:salu tecl by a morCbun1ble n1d1v11..lual This 'l'he use of the teleg:1'aph wuc11 ,,,111 ba a.dopt ed to the fullest ex.tent and no ex:pen~e spared d1y leather 'lhis last 1s to prevent rust which f-. an ind1gn1tJ Vi lnch no true inu.n O.i. \VO lll the effort to place before the readere of the the cook must g11aid against by WJp1ng them 1uan "111 either offer 01 receive Refine· weekly Gla!M th(l ne\\8 of the wo1ld for the ·av dry atid putt ng them ly the fire wh~n they mcnt nnd tru; gentihtJ gives the '"hole GU!I p1evious to each pubucat1on A reha,ble 15ummary of the Deb!!.tts in the Do corne fron1 the dimng ioom fo1 if but once hung hau<l, and ie~pondc: oord1ally,u at all ' Tlus minion Par lis.ment a.nd the Prov1ucw.l I egisla. up daiup the uuude ·w1ll rw;t tci 83.) 1ng, "You are ~el 1r;i eqll1vtlel!t turefl 'vill b~ found 11:1 the weekly Glube during I-tdet11Jle Ink - lhe o]ieapest mater10,J f)r cor.oe, o , "hen p11rting, 1 ...\..d1eu 1 God the 1ntt1ngs of these bod1~a n1arl 1ng- lmen is cool tar diluted with benzine to be "1th Jou 'lb ere lS a habit, nmong rHE AGRIOULrUrtALDEPARTMEJST Tha.t ia a.ckno"\vle~ed by Gvery farmer to be the inopP-r consistcncJ Ano.. h<>r inexpensive u. iude cla<:1:1, &.fO' n;g out of O\er a1dent alone worth the subscnptlon price of the paper prescriptwn 18 to place uon .filings 01 old 111115 ter11peran1e1Jt on thtl pa1t of tho~t.: '\ho arc will be mnmta1ned with uudinnniehed lnterest n1ore strong and v1gorous thn.u delicate and in t1trong vinegat let them stand many unys refined, \\ hu 01ve yonr hand i. cruslung nnd11r a.n efficient ista.ff of editor!!' ~nd co""re1pe1n I nn 1 filte1 the liqmd Another wa) is to tflkc gr:i.<ip, ,v)nch 18 often i:uof!t painful In dtintl Severa.l uew a.nd exClt?ng tales: from the pens equal qu:.u1t1tiea of \ ernulhon aud coppe1 ts and thc 15 e cu.ees tbeie niay be great k1r1dncss and of R_Opular ~uthore: >'iill ttppea.r dunngthe )&ai No ex.pen11~ will be apar~dJu sticur1ng the very iub tbe1n up v.1th come oil varnish. lhe :first "~troug aflci;t1ou, but 1t 18 aa cntde as lL t~nd last prepa.r itions to be used with o. 1s h'"a1 tj Anotl1er g n ea vol\ a cold flo.bby late1t market repwta pnceis current, and gen commercial intelhgen<.:e fine brush · the second with n. common pe11 liand, with no te1npe1a1nent 01 lvarmth in era.I Every department of the pa.per 'v1ll be miun TVh1tcr1,ti9 S11iokul 1Vaflir-To olean o.11 d it, nnd )Oll ±eel ch1llecl 01 repclle<l. b; the 111 tho hlb{hest .state of efficiency 1:10 M to whiten smoked walls fiist rub off all the black netiati'ie infincncc in1pnrted, and yon retain for the weekly Globe its poe1tion as the loose dut upon them ,vith f\ broom and then cxpcct<d to t5hake the 11a.nin1atu Rppendage lt1.rgeet thtt handsomest, the most carefully con Is Lhe brat5p wa1m, ducted, a.ud the ohtapest "eekly paper on the wash theill down with a i:;t1ou..,, soda 1.} e '\ h1ch of a spurtle:,s bod' continent a1dent an<l vigorous 1 so is the d1spor.::it1on 'lhe sube:euption ·vlll cuut1aue to 00 'I"o dcl IS tv be aftc1" ard ren1oved b.) means of "atei Is lt cool, Jornial, nnd "ithout einotloll 1 la11~ per aunun1, payable ah' ays in w:h a.nee to ,,11ch a.1 ttle hydrocl lone acid has betln na. !!!O 16 the liaiactei Is lt niagnet 1c, t:lectrrc and the follo\'Hng will the club rates !or 1872 de<l WhclJ. tlw ·wa11r; arc dry a t1nn coating al, antl an1111 ut1ng 1 tbe dispoeit1on is the Club of five Copieil one year 9 00 Do Ten do J7 00 of lime, \VJth the add1t1on of :..1; ;;Oh hon of aL.nn s une As Vic shake hands, so \Ve icel, nud Do Twenty do 32 00 i~ to be applied A1te1 thHi h w be<.--01ne pe1fect so \\ e a1c ~Iuch of our hue cha1ai;te1 u:; Do 'lhu ty do 45 ~ ly drJ the i,valls are to be calc1nunod or co at ie\ ealetl in ah lkL ng ~ands And additional copy over tlnrty, at One c,1 with a solution of glue and D<1Ua1 and Fifty Cents tmr'La.rge pncee a1e given to pa.rt1es who get A Medical Mise. up Clubs Any ono 13 at hbarty to get up ii. l"'e ~ov 1/(/ f.1 on ]tfo~ lcl fi 01n Fiib~ u·s -.A. \;i1ter Club on his own resipon:.1b1lit} , and tho3e der111r 111 thi.! Chcniical ...(°\' cw11 ad\ IBl"S as the best method .A.n tne~<lote l>l told of \ 7 cl pea11, the em1 ing to do ~o shGuld send at ono:o for a Ciroi.11M.r fot rcmo,ing st::nns oflron mould fa om fabnc.. nent F1e1 ch su1:;eo11, who wa;:i a mtscrly, :show1ng the terms 1 thrt.t the nn\rk be fiuit' et with yc lo'~ s"1. lph1<le 11..hsagrecable n1an and died i::ome fe\v yea1r. Club paper sha.11 ba Hdcn essed Bep1111ate of ammonia bJ 1Vh1ch it "\ull be nnn1ed1ately ngo He hud succc:;s!ully pelior1nec1, on a Iv nnd may be for any post office Orders a.nd Remittances to be addrec:sed to blackened Aftm allowing it a m11 ute or two l ttle child fh·e old, t rnu t pe11lons THE OLOBE PlUNTIJSG COMPANY, to penetrate the excess of sulphido 1.8 to be 01 er tho11 I he mother elm~ to hnn a.nd f0RON1'0 v.u.slied out and the black !!pot ti.eated \\Jth eail Toi onto No\ :l3rd J 871 cold diluted chlorohydnc acid by -winch it H! a't k .l\{on" eul1, IBjt60ll is saved, alJd I lretaldly d l l1 b l1 now not 10\\ o express n1y gra 1 U e 1HE IJEST PERIODICALS OF TBE D..4.Y. ~nee :rcmo'c ina y, wn-.<:1 e "1th wate1 Allo\\ inc, howe , er, to present ~on with The Great English Quarterlies and rhis method us said to a\oid the seuous obJec llns pockl!t bopk, emb101dered hy n1y o'vn Blackwood s Edinburgh Magaz1neJ tio11 of \~eal. . enm; a.n<l rotting the fib1c hands Rep1"Inted. by the Leonard Scott Pubhsh1ng JV(rtc-1 Proof Clothing - The following recipe Oh, J\iadan1e, iephe l Y<.:lpeo..n, sharply, Oomp<i.ny 140 Fulton Street New York 11it for rendcrin,.... tweed and similll:l' cloths thor ID\ art is not 1ncrcly 11. question of fee lng a.bout one thud the pnce of the! 0 M 11f l Ik Ihe Edmburgh R1n 1ew 1 he JJondon QuarterIv oughly water p1oof has it is sa1d been tc~ted .r Y ll ias i ts requnenlent 1 e yonrs Review lhe "\Vestminste1 Rev1e,.,,.qbe:Bntish th t 1 t It A. li d l I Dress, oven," hich l.S 1uxnry to you, 1s nee· Quaxterly liev1ew published Quarterly-Janu "' 1 sa lb a.c oiy leSu s qui l.13 prepa.Iet ess try foi in< ~llow· rne, tLer tore, to re ary ~pnl July, October-.A.nd Blackwoo 111 by <l1ssoh111g half a. pound of Emgnr of lea.d and iuse j our charnung httle present Ill ex ~dinburgh ~fagazine (A fa s1.m1le of the half a pound of IJO\\dcied alum in a bucket of cbailge fo.r a lnOl" !l.Ubst tntn.l rcmtinera ong1naL) Published Monthly ~oft wate1, !!t1rr1ng the solution at intei,als un tion TEl=tMS OF SUBSCRIP'IION t l 1t buc01nea clea1 ,bthen }}Ounng-1t off 1uto n.1 But, :Afonsieur, what ien1uuei ihon do )OU ~-~~ ~~~ ~~o \:v~7e';,,· ~ ~Ooper ,·n othet l5uck~t 1 e cloth 01 garment is to be des 11e 1 I'i:x the fee j outs( It For any thre~ R1;1viev;~ 10 00 imn1eraed m tbts and left foi twentj fou1 hour:; 1'1vc thoueuud francs, ~1adan1e For all four l\.eviews 12 00 and then lntng up to d!J w1thout wr1ng 1110 fl1e lndy very quietly op!:!ncd the {rocket For Blackwood 8 Magazine 4 00 Dresses p1"Qt>ared in this way \\ill resLSt the ~c Uoo'k, '\ l11ch contained ten thou<:and fra.ncs ~or ~fac~woo1 nn~ fne ~evJew 1 ~~ 'e1-est i:;torms w1t!iout u.Uo' u1g- t1 e inoi:turc to in ncttis, counted out fh e, llld attcr pohtel3 F~~ :m:~k~~~~d t:hr~e it:~:~s 13 oo 1, pcl'letlnte I onding theu1 O\CI to Velpean,tetned Im For Blackwood and four Rev1ewt!I 15 00 ag1ne lus 1eehng.<Jl! CLUBS Row to Slop Honey Bees - I had th1 cc decan1p A dl.f"count of twenty per cent will be allow 1ng swarms that left iny n1nary I had ln \ i.;cl ed to clulia of four or more peraone fhus fou Take the Right Turmng cop1e11 of J3lac1...wood or of one ReVleW "ill be the first in the forenoou 01 the daJ it i; \ ar1ned but at i.lobout fout o clock m the af.te1noon it de \Vhen I \'a~ ~ ouug I \\ ao a 'el\ wilful e:eut to one addls ~BB for 12 80 ~ font cep1ee. of the four Reviev.e and :Blackwood for 48 and ao on pn.rtetlfor pnrtsunkno\\n ltgotoff l)Ollle ells sort of nLoj 1-o mauv i. knid \\Old of 'lo club:i: often or more, 1n addition tll tho tnucc before I got ready w1th the Joolung glas~ counsel I lln\ e aus\\ered, tho.t ' I \\ <'l.i:i old above <hscount, a. copy gratis will bo allowed to but to my su1priaa the thirct flafSh of th ti sun H enough to JUdge for myself Yon need the gett1i11 up of the club PRElfIUMl.!l not \\ 01 ue1, tb~n that I often got n1yself rays "1th the looking ....,lase matlu the bees fly ltJto tionble :New for the yen.r 1872 ma.y round and round, inste.... d Qf going straight £01 J ol>, said inv :fath~l to tne one aft~r w1thouL charge the n\unbers for the la.<Jt quar ward lS befo1c , nud thev 11n1ncd1utely settled noon lll the \Vlntcr, ' I want von to take ter of 1871 of such pe11od1c3Js M they ID8>Y sub scr1be fo1 U!lOfl a ttcc Tho second ewanu came ofi Jn the:-.e tn 0 b 11gs to B1own a M1l}r;i (NO\\' Or nu1tead of tho ahove new &ubecr1bers for the afte1noon It made no halt to settle but the m1lle1 lived about t\vo mile~ away) any tvro 1 th1ee or four of the a.hove per1odic.alB m&.y M pi. em1um on~ of the Four Re started drrect for the tin1be1 I follo~ed it and Be sure you take the right turning, Job brought it doun m the'.' \\iaj 'Ihu tlurd arid as l'" "ill be qtnte da1k before vou can views for 1871 N mther premiums ta subscriber.!! nor discount 011e g:ot nearly hn.lf a role aw ~y fiylug on th~ gi:t baclr, )ou hnd Lettet take the lantern to club!! ctm be sJloV1 ed unleBl'l the money be re e ~:it of the tunbet Ihe sun being on the \\ef'it \\1th yon nutted dtrect to the pubh!ihere No prerw:ums "e could not use the glass, bt t fl1l soon as we "Oh, I repl1~d, "I can till( 1 nl.} way can be glven to cluba To eec11re pl'Croinma 1 it will be neces!>a.ry to got the sun, thiec or fout fiashen flett cd it also Uack 10....the <lark with 1113 t:\CS :;hut tl1ere i; early 11.pphcat1on as the stAek avo.1lable [ ha\l! tho thiee s mn 18 thus .ruiestecl uid t1Lcv is no fear of 111y taking the VYIOD:.-i turning for tbn.t purpose is liD'ntl!'ld havo all done woll It v; as i.: ery :fool 1sl 1 n1 1ne to tns\' ei in Circulars with furthe1 partuml11.n mny be had that n1 tnner, as '" e hacl not ll\ ~d long 111 on appl1catlon l101ow1nv J.ocNail -'Jlu;;i 1 :1.111ftl almormtl l that oart of the countrJ, and I \\as the1e· Leonard Scott Pub Co co11Lhtion of the toe nail 1nay bl;! cu1cd bj allow I fore 1athe1 a sttaTJ3cr to the places around 140 F1'ltoii St, .Nott Y01k 1ng ~he nail to cont1nuc to "'tow without paring~ OLJ my vra) home, the rught set ln da1k THE HOUSEHOLD " HE GLOb ,,. PRINTING COMPANY J. ».u. gratt1fully acknowledge the 1taady progre3a 1n public appreClatJ.on ma.dd by the Globe during the Pa.flt year and the aubsta.nt1al support a.c corifed to i..t from all sections of the l)om1nion In 1870 tho intense rnterest unn emJly felt m lhe fearful contost then being w~ed ou the Europea.n and other exc1hug topics of the tlmlilContinent oa.wied a rapid advance in the cir 18'7'2 - - - - I l'f.l .J:' V 5- ~~"-fIJ(; ---- ---- I Ill--, W V .I! a ll "' ·~and Winter' 1871 (tnd 1872. t.a.rge Supplies of Sea.son a.ble Goods. ---o--- Try 1't fO"' ""'OU".,elves .,~ .,-fil MILLINE1l Y. --o-of Mr~ M J Rrn:.raN, (late M10· Thomas.) 8 Those that have tuecl are convmced that B F HILL sells his Goods as low or lowe1 than than any one else m Town! A large stock of Cloths, Dress Goods,St1 iped, Checked and plain Shawls, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets,Lmen&, Wool Goods, Hoisery, Gloves,andTnm ming· n.11 bought b~foni tht a.dvano· in pncee SUBSCRIBE 'v I In tlnr; dep1utmon.t a._s13lld dUJpln.y is 111hownof the most bea.utiful de$lgn ongrnating m P11.ru1 LondQn1 ao.d New York under the n.ble ma11a.gement MANTLES 1_ MANTLES got up exprest!lly for our own trada Cu~tomers ean rely on getting a. good fit, elegant stylo, a.nd beautifully tummed --o-- FOR THE - -o-D RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT A larg~ stock of the moat;. ~tyh~h an l eerv1ceable goods imported this connection is ~ho\.\n a full variety of trimmings buttons, &c match, JU all colora. Iu to A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than last year Dress-nwking done to orclei Ho jfost closs style DRY GOODS. Heavy Engh~h Wool Beave1 s and Faney Ove1 coat~ngs, Tweeds, Shi1t· Drawe,s, Bats andJJaps Collars, and Fvndings Tapcstt·y, Wool, Union, Hemp Garpetvrig Jlloo1 Gloths,Rugs,&c, Curtains Damas/cs, Table Linv w, Toweling, Blwnkcts, Horse Covm s Pla~n and A lot last Sea&on's Tweeds at 'MERCHANT' ' 20 per cent. below Cost. Gents nuts made by the best ~ orkmen Evet.) G arm.:nt made to :fit Fancy Flan;nela The best Black Teas m Town The best Graen Teas m Town Fancy Woolens, Shawls, Nub1as, Sontags, Ladies' a11.d Cluldrnn's Wool Butte,, 'Eggs, JJfitte11s, Soclc8 a11d Under clothing Infantile Olothmg, beautiful designs, nchly Emb101de1Y ai n taken as Gash /01 Goods ed Complete Stocks m S F HILL GROCERIES AND BOOTS ~\.ND SHOES I M:ODBIS' W :'Ione but first-class hands employed m each department, and 1111 work guaranteed J}fOTTO,-Best Good,, Low Prices, Liberai Te ms,.LcMg, 1Jwnne1s, and P' om:i;t pay CARRIAGE SHOP. a.nd CJ-enera.l .Advertiser S, TREWIN, ONLY Corner Krng and Simeo9 Sts Oshawa, Oct 18th, 1871 (wost of the Onl.,.10 Bank ) -- - - - ly Kmg Street, Bowmanv1lle For the best and cheapest tubeenbcr THE pm 1! prepa.1 ed to build and rt Wagons Buggu~, and Gutters, 75 CENTS per ANNUM, m ADVANCE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, of eveiy deicript1on, at 1hort not1oe, Andon rea.aon·ble ter:oUJ Ca.rrla£cB P&mted &nd TrlDlmed A Blacksmith's Shop on tha premi1e111 were speeial &tt1nho11 i1 given to .n Cnrnage work, and Genernl BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothmg made to order m first-class style, go to Jobbmg ua1ranted A eaJ.1 tB respectfully solicited. J MORRIS I Bowma.nville Oct ]&;t 1869 J. ELLIOT'S Tyrone, Nov 2nd 1871 Cheap Store, Tm: OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Chnstum Denommation one of the best Family Papers prmted m the Domm1on) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per o,nnum, m advance AS USUAL TYRONE. .. --0- I HARD TO BELIEVE. TRUE NEVEI-lTHELESS ! I THE CORNER AHEAD, ADVERTISE :d 6 Groceries Ve1·y Cheap. Good Cookmg Ramus only 5 cents a pound, «nd still cheaper by the Box IN TllJ: SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. A Cotton and Woolen Goods aie advanemg but you ean buy them at Elliott's foi a short time, at the old prices Now UI tho time to Beem e what you-l?-eed CLOTHlNG-Gentlemen m w1tnt of a good :titting amt sh-0uld call ea1ly at El110tt's Fashionable Tailormg Establishment Satisfaction guarimteed m all 1 easonable eases HENRY ELLIOTT, Jui bp-o23-m54 Hampton, Augu~t 2nd, 1871 l Good Tweed Fo1· $10.50. -0- I I it of a rrian \\lio \Vts go1ng ho nc fion1 \\Olk iai pl eferable to the r~u;h and painful c peuLtion ! nr ·' d l f 1 nit l1 a 1oou e::i. o ea.1 I ca ll ed ou t t o I <f tearmg off the toe n 'l.11 ¥llth forceps k f,.,I tl gl t lll now l ~e1e 111 it. r1 l WR) 101 ) Oct Oct .Remedy/or Coins-'\\ e I :t"\e alrew.l) ,,,'1.veu I 111tl1c1 s ho ise several ien1edies for these creatures of so much " "\Vh), n1y lad, lie eu1d, ' you arc q u1te THE lLL USTRA '1 EJJ torruen'*' in the \Vorld and here lil anotho:r,, oucli out ot the "" a?i 1 j on have talen thc~ V.:.l ong TIM- 'Good momrng, Mike, shme and its eaily out, ye are Might I ed !oi by Mr 11osc, of Sn.n Diego who aavs mall WUS gorng the oarne WU) as be bould to axA what started yees thlS mornrng" corn!!! can easily and surely be ctued by appl} ltl)Self, I \\as glad to ha:i.:e hin1 to1 u g tndeJ n 1ng a, good coat of gum arab1c every cvenin;:, on MIKE-' Jist be aisey, 'lnn, and I'll tell ye ma pffy Ye see, I was and by hJS fnemlly help I 0 ot ,afely home, flllST·CLAS_f~M_i_LV go1ng to bed He had had them for fortv ycm" tould y1ste1day, that M1sther Gray, av 'Iyrone, had got home though in iatbe1 a. 1uore huu1b1e ten1pe1 ot pRRI!:~OLOOY _ The Brain .'.l.Ud its Fnnetiona and had tued neatly all th,,. coin 1emed1es 111 nun 1 than that in '\htc.11 I set out I \\lf:lh ari ilhgant new stock av Goocls chape as durt m,tn, and its Locat1on of the 01gans wt~h chrecti.ons for e:nstence \V1thout relief until he h'led the tlus had been the only tune ln n1y life cultlue and t1aunng and the Relatiolls of ::\11nd meself could hardly slape a wmk all mght, thmkmg av the SrHA\\EF.Rlll.KB - N(nV stui.wbtnuf:IB ~Pl ear to abo\e, which ieailily cured hnn 1n 11 few ,;.reek" \vhen I Uid not take the rig Lit turning Md :Body der;cnbed the chape goods And shure enuff, its the full stoie he hasbe a.h\U.j lll 01J(lr mid w1th very shght in (I'ph \ 1 1) .. PHYSlOGNOHY, or the S1nns of Cha.racter with illustratiom, and ht w to Re:ul them 1s a. Small l'ux and.Sc(t/ let P(iei - J:he p1les and piles av the natest patterns, and he d give ye the d cations of a.n abatc111ent. From the South we special feature makms av an illigant new gown fo1 Biady for Siventy-fh e hayo Genern.1 BP-aurcgal(l Stone"R.11 Jackeou, follo1;1;'lnJ recipe" e find 111 t11e coueapond .. uce ETll~Oi,OG-Y or :Cit~ Na~ural History of Man~ 1\.s a. (;Joss \i'Otd begets a \\OtJ. th it is Illuatra.ted, \\lll be g1.. en ttnd ~outhe111 }Jxcofaio1 !he Weste1n States of the Stockto1~ Httc ld Surelv 1£ tbe1e be any Cmts, 'lay for most nutlnn, and the Baccy for w tufie le.s c:1 or;is, so "ill a lon<l one begt!t 1ts o 'n k1ntl PRrs101 OGY A?-; D ANA'lo~1r ~Tlu;i 01gan12a, end us s sce<lhngs, Caqsada1 B Rus1wll 1eMio11 for hope that a specific has been dll:WO' TIM.- "An shme its funnmg me ye are, Mike, woulcln t the man he tion, etructure and functions of the human 11eas If pe0 )1e only kne·w the power they et¥d for auch terrible as srnall pox and 1 )1,.lnaich of the "\Vea.., alld tIB·era.l mo1u \\1th afther breakmg down ' possess in Lt:1n15 kind, ho\\ lUUch nood would body with the laws of life nnd healtb. "\Vhat very prorr11su1J iunnes Iu the Eastern States 1:1ea1let fever uo tui1e should be lost by our phy they 1ch1evc for thc1nscl\. .;:<::1 ho\i; much v; e should eat and dunk how clothed n.nd how MIKE - 'Breakin~ down is it Shtue he knows a thnck wurth two av tnc1a11s u1 te.':lting its efficae\ It is sunpl;i, to e-xercu1e sleep and }j, e m ::i.cco dance with thore is but a slight falbug off in the numbet nnscry prevent for others 1 that Ill JISt tell you what it 1s, Tim if you want to git a hyi;ien1c pimc1ple.s Sulphate of zmc tn1e g-r::i,1n, fox 10, e (d1gi 0 of new· sorts exh1b1ted bi t still enough to show l'OR'.l:.RAII's .eketche~ ll.I d b1ograph1es of lend 1 I'ew th1ngs·1n this \Vorkl Uoublo people grate name when youre ded and be called a fiilantrnfized filosthat (It r st1a vbe1ry gIO\Vi!rs '~1de a\v i.1 c talis) one gra111 , b<'t. f a tea spoonful Hugar ing meu a.ud 'vomei1 m all dr<ipa1 tments of hfe, ifer, and a pubhc birufacthor J!St tell all yotue nabotus and the Du1rand s 'King of the North, and lur·ubull s mix w1Lh two talJh.: .epoonful;; 'vater Add after ino1e tt an poverty, 01 tlil! ie tr o.t pov1 rty, ai e sp~cial featu1 es Dose 1 nnd indeed 1t lS a aoi:e afthct1on , but, like PARENTS 'IJ::.A.CB}!)RS .A.);D 0l'Jll:!t3 -As I, '"'Ulde Champion ~u1d Ex:cels101 gne piom1ae of laree thorough. mixt \re four ou11ces :wat-v1 nst av ll\ankmn about Grays chape store, and you 11 do more all other ill~ that ili.::Rh 1s hon~ to, 1t has its iu educating aud tra1nu1g Childien this 1YYaga. SIZe, then othei inent.q must be dec1ded by ex spoonful an hou[ f0r :-i.n adult less pl'oporWou £01 the good av you counth1y, than iver St Patnck did f01 ould zu1e uo supeno1 antidote, its rellable reme~b; The J Ltd1c1 'Ihe correspondent pen nee lll soils not pi epared for ed to, for children ):fuch r:eneral nf01tn<ll>t1on ou the leading Iieland, when he barushed all the toads and snakes out av it ous apphcaL1on of industry, [: rudeuce <LI d top1c!I of th0 da.y rn g1\en aud 110 eifo1t11 are aoedhn 0 s The Ku1sena ra16ed bJ Prof Hunts asserts kno,\ledge of hund1eds of cns"'s whe1e en1p1 lance i::; a ce1ta1n cur e that mver was 111 it" spared to make thi11 tho most lntereshusand in I it htS beeu sucee~fully used for small po...'.:, and ma.u earned off the ln.,he13t prize at the ' Im much oblaged to ye for the bit a' advice, and won t deIf, C\er.; tln1c con:,c1encti wa.~ '~1011 0 it struct1ve as well as th& Best P1eto111d } :1.mily 'l'I~f This 'e1.) promuung haie used it 111 person and ni family for sca1 let xhibit1on last summer Magazine ever published s1gh!:!d, anJ every t1n1e rce.scu \Vas per \l"CI t tam ye, there'll shm ely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss EsT.A:UL sHn:D -'1 he has 1cached 1t berr~ was figured and tlescubEld in the Rm af. fever and states, ino1eove1 that its use fo1 ed it utteied cornpla1nt<:, 110 one could 54th Volume It has ~tCAd1ly increased 1n fav snutll pox has the endo:rsement of the School of some bargams The top av the mornmg to ye' - Im off to 1Yev Yor!.c~, June 24th page3f!( live fo1 tht n1oa.n111g wlnch .. wouhl till lns or during the inany yearR it ha..<J been pubhshcd 1vledw1nc a.t Pans Gra:y's and 'ra.s ne\ er more popular thu.n no\vPre"1 lent ~'"1lde1, from winch so inncl1 \\as soul l'1nnis -].ionthly n.t 3 a yt:tar in advfl.nce 1.:xpectcd r::eem-s to 1 it> e cai,,1sed so:rno d1s:!ppo111t Remcd11 fo1 tl e Ji. a1 A he - o\. case is rela.tul \l n1~d to W11c 1 e, c1 \'e find o IL t c ingle numbers 30 Q_entri: Clubs vf ten or ruoie 1nent it bmn ne1tliei as large r.n:ohfic or good ot a p~l sen auftering \\1th n1tenae pain fion1 em 2 e wh and n.n ext1a copy to ! gent t lnotbe1 '\ 11 ts a. p a' Cnt a \\lie, a o ts nrn.u.) we1e letl to believe It w11l proOably ache ~ho aftei: tryin 0 l,\ll other 11:.:rr1erltes \ ith 'Ve rue offen~ the most hbcu1l Pren11ums \\C bho1kl [J\U<:e /l.I (l tt '" 11 l fe ~\ Inclose 15 cents fo1 a s...1.J11ple number ·vv1tb 1 e"' t 1 e the sane position in whid1 \\ e find many out reliet, ·was fina.lly cured Uy ponung \llle 0 ar n ontl1~ o r ye~us hey v;lll I t 18 sp I tl Pietorial J,ostcr uud rrospecturs ..,nd n. con1pletc olctc1 :101 ts being nd~ptecl. hl certain w1li:; and upon a hot buck a..n.d \\lth a. fnnnel condnct1ng Jani, 'v ttdJJng O\ r l A c cl JJ.H.:e \\ e L1~t of Premnnus Addie"-~ loc~bt1cs vnd not to others tbt'l$tea1111uto the 111 Rcl1e>"' ~ as 111 c:l nnd shall be thc1 , \t ft cbin;; { v c left be S R WELLS, Publrnhe· '\ ith ll tl e g1 ri.nd 1mr 1vvcme lt::1 nnnoun~ p~ IIl"ll( nt hmd 389 Broadway New York The boot o" ,Jioe will <!·press the uail at 1 - tlicre wa· nc1the1 moon 1101 eta1 to be the cn'..l a.a it~ gro\\ s louge1, "h1ch w1ll giadual seen \.ftc1 first " alkinJ JU l lie wfly and ly~le' dc1t atthepo1ut 'vherc1tp1e.sscsupo11 I tbenin niot.he1, I '"as quite b1cnght to a and rnto the soft t1ss11es o( the toe thu:-! reinov stand \Vb1lst th11;}.,,1ng what I should 110, ing the irritation, the eore suou Ihm 15 I he ud so1ne footsteps The} 'VE'I~ those The Leonard Scott Pub. Co, .I ' l I a.lao J?Ublish the F ARlfltll s GUIDE to Scientific nndPracticalAgnculture By Henry Stevens ] R.S Edinburgh a.nd the J p Norton Professor of SClent1:fi.c Agnoulturfl 1n Yale Col leg~, :Now Hn.ven Two vols. Royal Octavo 1600 bages and ult ii ermous eng:rn.·ings Pnce 7 dol i s by m& po.!lt paid 8 dollars - - - - ' - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike Flynn] GET YOUR CORNWALL BLANKETS 1871 1871 twl;'i\,e :Phrenological Journa.1, S Clan l AT fHE A MA1.1AZINE, THE GREAT FAVORITES The Choicest Va.riety, the cheapest MERCHANT OFFICE, GOODS IN TOWN j 0 Js Gl!f, Tyrone. Noted for chea1l Goods. F. Y. COvVLE. Bowmanv1lle, Sept 1870 tf-62 All work exec\1ted m the .LateBt Styles with N ea,tuoss and De·potch and at Lowe·t Rat~B