" ·---- --·~ THE JVIERCHAN'.l', FHIDAY, MARCH 29, 1S72. E Y E-0 UPS. their t111e, the shrunken and onf-tebled eyot either in yoling- or old. i11 at unce eupi;>li·a be~t and indiripeQsible animal 5t11nulant-A1ttt-ial Bloo(l . '11he nen·e& :rOfJUme their t.mle; the ·;clilseb recover their power: the gloho uaumes its pl'opel' sha.p e, lize, anU brilli1.ncy; alldieea.fi~d action is arrested and cured, Th~ir objf'ct ia to brh1g the sight to a uu.tnral ft)eus 1 by reatoting the diminiahcd couvexitr or flatneA.<i of the Oornen. of the Eye, which 111 grMl.ually r~·e<l to it3 01·iginal convexity,causing the i·a.y1 1 of light to converge on the retinll. '"· ithou~ the f\.id of convex lense.:s or gb.. sses; thus :i.. special rem<ly for these whose sight ii beginning to fail 1 from age, Th~y Md vitality and strength to the <iya thua secui·ing ~proper secretion)and remo\'ing ~he CS.lHifJ of aJl organic diaeal'!Ci:I. rrhis \"{011~ darful effect ia produced v.-ithout pain or the least poaaibilit)r of injury t-0 the eyti. ~{any of ou.1· :tnost eminent ]Jhysicians1 occul· i¥t1 1 ~tutlen ts :4nd divinf's, ha.\'e had the ir ~ight p~l'jd.antntly rc~torei'l for life, ::.nd cnred of tho following- diaen.scs: , 1. Impaired ' rision; 2. or Pr~11byopi.!\., ~11· ll\n· Sightedness, or Din1uca;; of Vi~ion, counnon1y c-:r,lled Blurring; 0, .l\Rth~nopia,or \Vea.k Eyen, 4. ltpiphorn, lluuuing or Wat el')" Eyes; 5. Sore Eyes-.sp~cially trea.ted with tbf.' Bye Oups--· cure gua.ranteod; 6. Wefl.knegs of the }{~tina, O\' 01,tic Nerve; 7. Ol)tho.lmii~, er · Illfla,1u1ua · tion of t11e Eyo and its_._ a.ppefadagoe: 1 or imperfect vision from tUe effects of InffammRtion ; S. Photopbob;a., Ol' Intolerance of Light; 9. Over· v;.r orkcd J;~y~s . 10. nfydcsopi.o.- moving speckt1 er floating bodie~ l1e(ore tht: eye:..; .A.n1aurosis, or Obscurity uf Vision; 12. Cataract!!!, Partia.l Tilinlin~iu ; ths lo.Sil of f .dght. Any on e can uso the I vorj' Eye Out1 S without the nicl of Doctol' or· 1\fedic1ne, so ::1.3 to receive i111mcdiatc benellci.J results a.·ul ncYer wenr npee,tacles; or, if usi...-ig no'iv, to lu.;v them aside r for.ever. \Ve i;u~rantee a cure in every case ,.,here the directionf:l are fvllo\Yed, 01· we will re· fnnd the rnouey, . r y B Vlith that Bl{()S. · have received _ and opened out a I I I I JI.A.VE ,J T. DARLINGTON, uf6t reoei \'1!1 n. Cho.ic<t lot of l(JBOICE !SSORT1UEN1, POIN'I'S OF S'UPERIOltI'l'Y. lowe1· 1'h1·ertd. RANGB OF WORI[ :-From Gauze to Bc,wer Cloth. DUR.ABILITY :-Will b.~t a life time. I Something long wanted by Everybody-Evarybody l I his or her own Painter. · I I NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Fig's, I . . :Oaites, Lemon, Ora.nge ' OF Ia.1td. Citron Peels, I ! NUTS Also l3au·ds and Boxo8-oI with <:on M6ortn1ent {;f IN GREAT VARIE'rY. Simplicit.y in Construction, Ease qf operation, Pmfection o/ Stitcli, alik1~ rm both sides, owing to pe· 1:fect tension (!n upper ana Beau1.U.lu.l, Can.dies, FAJ··'-L AND GO()J)S. WINTER . I r HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepa.rccl for imedidc use, tLnd nothing but the purest materials used, and r.CL1Ltir.ing no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. 'J'h~it· cou1position consists solely of CHOICE BISCUITS. 1 Equally adapted to ·:Family Work, :Oress and Shirt M::iJdng, Tailoring-, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c . . J \lACHINES DELIVKRED I 1' }1,1.'(nn h011e~t Far1ners, J\.techa.nic11 and Morchants, some of them the most eminent lending professiont\l and b\tsine1'Js meu and women o( education and retinement 1 in our country, may. be J.1een at out· (lftice. Unde1· d3te of b:Ia.r~h 29, Hou. Hor~ce G-rce· "fey, of tho NQw York 1'riiJune, \Vrites: 1 'J. Ball, of our cit~r, hi a consCiicntious and respon· tible ma.n, 'vho is inc~pable of int..entional deoopor impo~ition, Prof. \V. Merrick, of Lexin4tvu, l{y., ,.,,.rote April 24th, 1~6:): \Vithout my Spectacles I )till y1u this note, after llf'ling tho Patunt 1 vory ~ye Cups thirteen days, and thls mo1·ning perused the entire content~ ot :t Daily N cwspaper, nnd .all with tho unM.;;isted ]:;ye. Truly am I grateful to your nol;ilo inventim1, ma.y Heaven bless l\ud prj!serva you. I ba.'fa ibcen using apt:c~a.cle ~ twenty yeare:; I Am :llev.en.ty-onl;' years old. T1·uly yours, Praf, '~r. ~ion 2309 Certificates of Cure, i th:P.Uiii1 LEA:r TEAs, D~l'lington ha!! ngn.in received another lot of . I I 1 Pu·1·e (/(Jlo1:, Pivre }I' kite ~cad, .f u ,1·0 White Zinc, Li1:8eecl Oil, Spir1 Is of :riirpent-ine, cf; Drye?·s, '\' AND INSTRUCTIONS GIV:EN. Qual'ily is the Te st o f Oheap nr.s.~. Bow1nanville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. n12-tf EVERY MACHINE A few only of those splendid Agents, Yellcvrlees & Quick. We have ftlso on hand WARRANTED. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. ' TWEED SHIRTS I' i" -it~- li"ii~--j I I Tho Subscl'ibcr ho..ving pnrchased the at S. l<'. RILL'S. W ANZBI'.' SLE1'J'EB A , ABBOTT'S, AND . BAROLAY SEW /NO MAUHlNES. ccttrefully and &cientifically combi.ned. The consumer can have nny desired shade of color netttly put up in Cans, aucl nil he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brnsh, as t he whole can be done by himself, or by :rny member of his household . ! J i !' Our Stol:k of General Goods is large, en1bracing ltll .thc Novelties of the day, a11cl nil the necessaries as well. Pio.:tnro F1·a1nci;·-·<ill £<izeS, ::\:to-,ldings of f.IV~ry 1::1tyle, Wa.11 Pap~r·-& ~11lc:aUid ainortm~bt now in stook, .<\ large sur~p1y of beautift:Hy 11soortcd V\'-:indow Shades, Children's Ca.rria.ges, Concertinas Brushes, Combs1 J,ooklng Glasses, ~iusio, 1\fn.gll,aii1c;i, ' riolins,Y-iolinBowa:, Violin8trings.Pape; Collttrs, Neck T1ea, School Book~ 1 Du.y Hooka, Bibles, Knive~ and Forks,P1Jcket Knive1 Razors Spoo.n8, and Scissors. Chea.pest Note !.,aper ~·nd Envelopes in the country. All tbe:.e, and~ t~')l~ r.:and other. art~cle1, n.r-? to be found at ~he VA.R.lEZ'Y STORE. 'Ve are alwa.y1 gla.d to Me friends, and think it no trouble to $bow (-toocb ; and we g t1ara!ttea as goel\ value 1.t a!I low pi"ice 1 as a.ny other hruse in tho trade. · ' Pn.rtiei; "'ishing to tfllegra.p[1 thefr friends, may rely on ha.ving thtiir buJ1.ine5f& done prmnptly. A~Gnt~ for lnm@..n J..ine of Stea1nera, a.nd II'(iperin.l 'Building a.ud 89.ving Society. IPURE WHITE LEAD, J J BUSINESS Ai'{D 8TOCJ( 1 of the late JUchrw<l Martin, will be 1 OLD plcs.:s~d to :rn~ -o.-- 1\fm·rick. REY. J08RPll Slll'l'H, Mald~n. ~Ias!!., cured of CUSSTO:MERS AND NEW ONES. A large .~tock just recr,j ved, for aut... umn pa.inting, imported direct from the English Manu fac. turer.~,including J amts' Genuine, imd the Celebrated l l P:1,r£i1d Blindnosa, of 13 ye11ors' stanlling, in 011e ) n1inute, ~· the Pa.tent Ivory Eye Cupe. l!i. 0. ELLIS, late \!~yor of Dayton, Ohio, 1.-rote "8 '!-lo"·· l-'>tb,1869: I ha.vo tested the Pat~ f&lnt J;vor:y Eye Cups,i:i.nd I am satisfied they nre good. I a1n pltiased with them; they are the · greatest in vcntion of the age. ROOSTER BllAND, gum ·cmteecl p1,,i'1:. AL80 all bta,ndttrd colors, oils v11r. uishes, A full Stock of llowmauville, :March ft1t~8'n?WLEES & QUIOK~ 23 _ . tljl·ll NE .t1 R-S I G II TED NE s s' I 1 Groceries and Oonfectionary kept on hRin<l. ,..., / For the wore:t cases of ilfYO)J~l. 01· lt1a.r-a1Qhl,~ to-day. t(lnut, uBe o\lr New Patent Myopic Attachlnent!I, applied -· to the IvonY Erll-CU:rs, b~.111 proved a C6t'tain curafor thii. dise11se. N.13.--It is iny iutelltion t·o 1utpply tho and painters' materials. Ut<ll and see how cheap a house cau be painted and decorated; fo1· all these gooclswill be sold atRcdv..ced figil1·r,s. 2000 Gallons of :Or. J. Ba.ll & Co's. .ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Is t'ecomme.n ded by thousft.ndsi...fo~ In-fl.a.med Eyes, a.nd Eye-lidl'o, also Weak .l!iyelil, W lltery ' }~yea:, Over-worked ]~yea, Iutolerance of Light, Ama,urosia, or Obscurity of Vision, or Spocks on moving Bodies be±ore the Eyes, \Veakne!:s ,f>f Retina, and many other diseasea of the J:!:y&. ,j\.11 persons wishing for full particulars, ccrti· tic&~ of cur~s, prices, &c., will please send your :A4drP.f!S to OUl' Agent. who will send OUl' Treatllio .on th" Eye 1 of f~rty-lour In\ges, free, by retu111 ana.iJ. All con~ultati<>n 1.l!itit U8 free. ~ 1 · COUNTRY TRADE t 1\IA.. CHINE CONFECTIONA:EtY, M \Vas; for1nedy done by Mr, M&r~in. H HORWOOD Bolvmanville, Dre. 7th, 1871. 10-t! 0. BOUNSALL, · MANUFACTUR~J 1\, an DEALER all tJ1e of II MPORTER, itl vai'iet.ie~ Our sole and exclusive Agent for I the County of Durham, is E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P, 0. who has on hand an assortment of Eye-Cups, &c. Nov. 24th, 1871. A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS, for Christmas and New Years, at Low Prioes will lie found at McCLUNG BROS of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requii-ing such oil. are specially invited tq inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offored in thi s market. 600 Cook, ~a.rlor, I-tall. and :Box Stoves, · will Le fo1rnd, M usu1il, wdl 8npplied. aniving, and now on exhibitio'n, the largest and cheapest stock of 1 / Italian & American Marble. ! .A li~rgu and choice selection of FIRE ! .FIRE ! H\:\lE 'l'ERRIBLE FrnE AT CHICAGO I~~:;~!~~~~~ ol ~~!ri:R,~;.~,n~1!~l~ :~; at lowe!!t prieaSl. W1·onght 01· . ' A ln,rge importecl Stock of I in SEEDS I , i GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE COODS, AND TINWARE the County of Durham. Geist Iron Fencu burying- loh. FRESH Ji'IELD, AND GARDEN Just received . Bowrnanville, Sept. 21st, 1871. JOHN l'YfoLEOD, Wellington Buildiw...>. C Ou1· Artist has :tn~.de two most elegant color('.d engravings, just the thiug for fra1ning 1 i-ep1·oscuting .i· }Hi...-; never been equalled. S. B. BRADSHAW -~ --- -~---- fol: cnclo~i::;,g IBowmanville'._Aug. _8~1::.:...18?1. ~--· 1 hicago CJ,s it AND was Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., 1·0&p~ctfully kept on hand, er '\'l'Ot1ght to order. rcque sWd nt ths "'orks, October, lr;t, 1869. A cn.ll is J(iny Street, Ro1unuv1ivillt 1-tf ·-----~· ·- ---·- --- -- __:_ -·-- ~-····V~____;:, __ _ no.N'T FAIL TO GALL Nr 0 ~FRArE~~ ~~~HJ E . . . ..__ , __~·---1 I 1 · hioago in Flame \~ing t'vo of lLt:i most interesting and truthful entol'rtt1'iugs ever pt1blii>hed. Entirely new. \Ve '1'i{l scu(l either of tbetu post paid, to any adtlre~, 011 recE:ipt oi \Yould t~o thili1 opportunity of th11.1, 'l.king hiri I numrou:!! friend13 for the vexy liber~l patrona.g0 he hM rece.ivad. He ftol5 ilatistitl(l tha.t nothing but lV.IASON'S For Harness, Saddles, ' k '.l - run s, \Talises, . \"h" il' lpS.. · Bells & ~., whieh for style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 1 we fil'st received the appointment, there. ha.ve been other~ r(~presetit.ing themselves as Agents, in 'Ve,i;t Durhnn1 :~ o\~~~:~h~. ~:.:::!. ~,:~~:.~n~: (XUE.LPB 1 Dec. 4tl1, 187.1 . .25cts or the pair for 40ots. EVERY 01\E SH OULD HAVE 'fHEM. AtiEl\f'!"S WANTED. \\\;: ..._.iHU: A.genta in evsry 'I1own and Villngo of Ontario, to whom the lnost libo.ra.l in?ucemcnta ere offei·ed. Send and obtain spe01men copies, and our priva.te Circu1a.r to Agents. A liberal di~ount allowed to X ews Dealera, &:c. Postage Sta.mp3 taken as part payment. 'llWS:unple Copi~s can be seen at thin ofi'h:e. 1~.ddrmis, LOW PDICfES to v. generous public, fur past liber~ patronage, begs mosl. rcsp~ctfully to a.nnot'noe t:h:i.t on account of . iocrea.~ing businel!lfl. ho now occupies Grr:.teful Cash paid for any qu11,ntlty of '.l'urkeys Geese, Ducks and Chickens 11ot MGOLUNG BROS I a.nd TIIE WROLE OF IiIS OLD STA.ND, To thoi;e in .A1tRE.A.RS, he would say GALE & CO., Bowmanville, Ont. Bowm:un·ille, 3-!:u·ch 5th, 1872. 3-ol0·m23 YOU MUST PAY UP _plea~c Mefiw·5, R. & H . O'Hnra, llowma.nville. 'l'hese are to certify that you are dul.v a.ppointed our authorised Agt!nt for the We!jt Rid1ng of I:h~rl1am , ~n~ North.~nd,South 011_ta.rio, and the South R1d1ngof V1ctona.. \Ye will not recog11ise the actionR of any othel' party dainiing to be our Agent. unle" tho Machine pass thl'ough your hands, sellirig in the,_...nbo\'e tcrritory, from ·nd nftor thi· date. ~ V\,. c do not bind oursel1/e3 to warl'ttnt any }la· ehine sold, of our ~anufncture,in i::iaid territory1 unlfc!ss going direct (rom tho 11" actory to your order, 01· to th1tt 'of any of your aub Agent!I. Resptictfi.dly yourH, G UELPH SE\VING ?rI.\cHr?.-E I l The J?e'r u,v lan S111·u·r,~ ~'ii :J~rnt;e{:t e<l Solution of ilw 1 1wto;i:.ide o{ .l.,.01ij is so co1nb{.1wcl <£.B tfJ htt-l'('~ the cha/1·actcr of a1i c!ti1nent!1 (Ni ea.~qify (ligesl.e<l r. 1 ,rirl '1ssl11illate!l tot.th. tlte bloofl ,ts the sf;n1>lt~.~r. foocl. lt i1icrea.:sc9 !h t· qu.1intltfJ ) j. ! Ilro :Bo:no ;J;lublioo. ALf1 KJND& OF Superiol::' Work:m.a.nship, hP.s £;aintd for him ~udt ~ ;t"ady ino1··ase of bu~inel!l'j-much liirger than former years; and h" tl'n!jt JJ tha.t bj every Shelf, Hole and Corner, wilh an Co. ThoKe l'1rl10 have ah·ea.dy Bettled, \\·ill ~vt Ilo\vn.,'ln~ille nc our hearty thanks ·. Exceedingly cholqe assortment of Goods S. MASON. c~iu~~rs and tumors T .Ki.JN OUT A.ND comprising ----- -·---Dana's ~atent Sheep Marks McCLUNG BROS. "ill sell Crockery China, Glassware, and Lamps, for the next 30 i;lays, AT COST, prior ·to malt· Dec 3rd. 1869. nlO P.S.·--EMh of our Agents \Vill haven "'ritten cortific.a.te c.f Agency from ua. whichpul·chasers should insist ou eeeing. , R. & II. O'HARA. V,own1anvillo, Dec. 21, 1871. of Nat1we's Own Vilali"ing .Agerit, Iron in, the blood. t:·ntl. c1t'1·es "atho"usr.tnfl 'ill~j" si.n"J.1;!11 bJfTonin.y UJ>,Invlgorati.n,ff ai~~t Jl'il<tlizinu the System. 'l'he en- 1rieates every 11ct1·t of' tlie bod11 .. »ic11ed·and vitalfaed bfoorl p m ·- ~ I Cured ,il'ithout the Use of the Knife, by. DR. B. PATTER~ON, strict attention to business of Bowman ville. TlI8 be11>t oi ref~rencel!i given in D,~wmanvil1e :and el:scwbcro. Offlco on Church Street Bowma.nvillo, Feb 22, 1872. ly-m2l·oU b~ Hats, Caps, Furs, Biif)cilo Robes Pctpm· Ooll,ars, N eek Ties, Gemt's Fu1·nishinge, &c. 'fi'he ·whe+le o! the Stoc:k having b~en well bought Pioneer :Boot Be Shoe Store ESTABLISHED 1888. 1·epai.1'in,g r.lft11Z.(J.,fJQf1. aifu:I, 'loast.o. setl/rclt·inft out 11io,1·bifl .r;fx-:r>t' :.. tlo1is, a.1ul lu~v'irt[J nA>thlil f! for.. BARGAINS WILL RE GIVEN ing a change in \he Grocery Department If you want a nice sett of Furs; for your la<ly, call on M, Mayers, \\ill continue. t~ receive thoir 1upport. STRAY STEER. A.}1E into the 1>remise11 of the Sub:soribsr, Lot No. 12, in the 3rd. Con. Citrt.wright, i.. ~teer aoming t'vo yeni1'3 old. .The ow~er oi1ui..h1 aTc hirn, 011 proving pr<ipt1rty, and "Pa.y1ng t.-ll:pense!, All kinds of Fiwg alt1wed and pc~ii-ed. ?'B' · O S. B. BRADSHAW, AU those tha.t a.re in l.ll"rea.r1 inuSt pRJ up, e1· peciaJ.ly the Ha.rd.-ware account.. Bow·manYille, Jan. 10th, 1872. S. B. B. Highest price paid for Raw Furs the roost lasting, Jea.15t tJ:ouble~omc, EI<.TAIN pal'Llea having inLe.rcsied th1.::m· most complete 1;1ver invented. They an~ used sch·cn in cit'culating reports to the effect and recommend@d by n1any of tho best B1-ol'lders that I WM about giving up my larg1:1 and ion the Unitad Sta.tea and Cru1arJa., such as G. B. cre'a.singbu8iness, I take this method of inform· Loring, Salem, Dias::!., President l\l e\v Engln.nd Wool 'Growers' Society; John S. l:?.o~-;, Henne· ing iny largo eirclo of frienrla and custome1·11 in pin, Ill. ; Professor M. :r.,fUe::!, of the State Ag- Da.rlington, Clarke, C:u-twnght, o.nd MAn"·ers, rieultural College, Lansing, Mich. ; Hon. Geo. th&t I have na intcntil"in of anything of the Brown, Toronto, Ont.; John SneJl, Edn1onton, 1dnd, to be fully con\·inced ca.11 aud see th6 Ont. On f;lfLCh Mark "ia stamped th~ own("l"e: largest, ch+.:t1.pest, and best selected stock of u~me .,nd the Sheop's number. ·1.'hey will be 8,ent/ret., by mail, or f-Xpress, for only fouw cen~ oodt, and \Vill la.~t for 'IWES"l'Y YIMJIS. evei· off1;1r;.id ior e:aJe in this Tcr""·u. H:tving been fl'I" On.sh must accompany all ordem.. purchaeed before tho recient advance in price1:1, I ARCHIBALD YOUNG, JH., am pre pa.red to offer ext!·a. inducc1nent~. I S;i.n, i:t, Ont. continuo to manub.cturc from the THE CHEAPEST. THESE MARKS ARE the and O cu:rin.y Dys]Jepsia!! Li,J>c.r ("!o;;iJJlaint, lJ·ropsy, C1wonio J>ic1· ... 'J'hma.,Boi.ls!! Ne.,"IJ01l:S 1JJJ'ect,,\o:tH,. Chills cmd Fc11e1·s, H .nu.o rs. Tl·is is the secl'ct of" thr: u.·o·:ri~· dcrf1tl success of' t/i.i s 1·cn?.o:ly iu, dise<ise to fee.fl 1tpon. I . I .j BOOTS SHOES & TRUNKS I>iseascs of the LG<lncys rtntS Bla<l<ler, Female Compla.int1<, a:n,fl all (liseases ot~'l.yi:natl nr;· lTt (t bwl state the blood, &1· acco· 1n1)<J,nie<l bl/ iici>ili.ty IJ'I ' a lou.J s.tatc of' the &!/Stem.. Bciny ['rec Loss of Constitu,tional Y.iym·~ ~ ~ or ;) J, GEDDES Cartwright, Jan. 3.-~, 1872. .41. Orders 0<ldre;sed to tho ME1wm:T aDd ~V.RVER ?ffice, f?1 &ny qua.ntity, will ha fllll)d at thf,l abo,p·m~ut1011ed price, ns qulcldy au the J..larks &tn b~ made and sent. On-1 B E ST 0 F M AT E RI AL the tr-ado. nndnone but the very best of workmenemplo:yod~ Detcr1nined to giye satisfaction as in tnn:s 1>ast, R.nd not to bo undt!rsold by any n1a.n in ,.:;in.y st·J ·e1t{Jtli, Vi(IO'~~, t:Vli<l 'JM.JU" lif~e i1ito .<tlt )Ja,-J~t;; of the S!ft~te1H., ener(Jizin(J cfJ'ccts """ not /al·· lf!U-'t!<l b/J CO'l'J'es1>01itl iu,g 1·cact1.01t, but aJ·e vc1·1n.a1if!3n,t!1 i 1ift.~ "' f1·011t Alco·hot, -in any fori n. u.~ 0. B ARKEH, Bowman·ill·, D··c.28th, 18il, . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Jy-ml3·ol. TlwHiglwstP1·ices i~i Cash . fo1· Jiirles Sow.o firat-olu.ss \vorltmt:ll wautcJ, no11c but tht: very be!:t ne£d apply. . ·,t lt·ut, ion.. <t1id b1tilf/.i1ig UJ> an, I1·01i ()o·n .- , ly-15. NE"W" Q/i.UTION la.ta Oha;~. :if. Thompson, the 'l\.iw11sbip ..of ,Dal'liI1::,..-to11, in the County P:CCTUBE G-ALI..Ji.'lltY ! I 'i. am ·ole agent r;;;J:'AZARUS & ThlOR· -o( A Ll,'p~;1!on~ havi11:f d1i,,.ima &g::tinst the ------ ---·-- -·-·'-------------------- 1Jf Durho,m 7 :E'ann<ll', .<leceasct.1, o.rc hercby_llotl:fie<l and ri'qnircd _to oencl to th;. u~~<ler~;gned Ex~\itQrB n:.t1ntd in the l~st \;\ill .-ud l osta111e.llt of the 8aid Charlc8 li'. Tl,wmp:.:im ; and to whom Letters 1-,.robatc have been grnntcd by the proper Cou1:t 1 or .ti:i l{obert p.u~sell Lo~ come, Esq., theu· Sohc1tor, v.t t!1e Tow·n of I~o'\'Jl1:tnville, on or boforo the T HE Subecr1ber respectfully infornu tho puo· 1 Ji~. that, hRving fitted up a New ric:turt scs. . . . , RIS' ped'ectrd Spectacles 'I'l- ' iey llc,·er Eye Glna; . 1 1 . 511pp y or c:lnp OJ any r~uJ EIE p·uBLIO ! ! TO T_ WALTER ~'onld Property for Sale IN RIOHAHD JIBED. J?owJn;inville, l\Iarch 12th, 1872. n11·3in -om. BOWMANVILLE. 0111.1 Ac1·e of Lsi.n<l running frciu1 FII.lSrr, Ch:u·ch Street to Ifing Street, opposite Col. Cul·itt',.;, ·with Gallery, with all the I otlu~l'3. However specii!iue the pl'etence ' th.at th ey l.t:we th.om; <lo uot it yon will he tP.Yn:1J le.l 1f you 1..'to, J3UC f.CEER, agent fol' Bo\vn1an.. _ . DE'R .",' Mo '-" .1r,i J.MPRO y ·i ·1uE· '""·S, 1.maue by. them ""'" ,u, & ·~.TEUT n SON ' 15th Day of May next. arooiutr:~ a.n<l the ,-~Jue. of t~e sum!;!, tiud allY) A f)f...'lite1ncnt of the same B howing the <la.tes, th(,! " ·'1e·ll"ke Ll .All he i.\1 prcp::i.red to ta.k~ 'I' n-ane"'.,G"', -I '-'_1·11c an~J vjci~_,_iL_.>_ '· . __ -,.· ·----~-·_,.LA~ Nllit ~ ~ ;;i _ I.A.A.ItO:N 1 . bchev~ JN i·~turnir.g tna.nks to theil' nn1n.e1·ou~ C11:..tolnfj r;, .,,ntl the Pnblie g·noi·illy, for past fa.T'or·, te!'lpectfnlly invite their :.t.ttention to 0111' 11re.sent P!tock of Furniture, as we hoi.l'e la,tely M.ded thereto, that we 1na.y ther~by be: t:D abled to supply all p~.rtie.!l ,.,ho tna.y please tv fa.vor 11.· ~·ith a call. Great ind,1cemeut~ held out to those purchn!>ing at our li:111ta.bli1>hment. Picturee, Lookin~ Gla.i;se.!l, ,ftc., framed to 01·d6r, ;tJJd in e"·ery sytle. Samplef of thedlff'erent kind11: of Mg\l.lding~ ca,n J:te p,c~n lhe V{ ~re-roo1n. \\71;1 ·wo·uld t\l~o bClg to inform ,yon, tb.a.t, }u1,-rb1r ri1u·: cha.scd,, · . . · - ' Andes first t~ay Ohicago I Losses. 1011:0, 0 ct · 11 , .l Oh' "871 . To .A.ND.ES !:.;stlftA.~CJt Go., "Ande&J lo~~t:fl "Tl'iH not exceed $300,000. E. E~ ltY~.\.N, _\f:rent. The ANDl!:S i!I eolvent an<l 'f'6l'.f strong, aud has akeady commenced p & )·ing ita Chicago lo&iilcf>, ~ INSURANCE. · i 1iva .llds ca.nn.,ot ·rectsona·bly /:,es ... itate to fJi-i·c it a trl.a.l~ Sec Uutt each bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown-iti, tl·8 glass, J~ .l ... Tltoitsands Ti.ave been, olu.1rnJfi'x! b !/ the ttse of tJt,is 1·enz.c({'fJ 1 f;:o~'j ~ u:ea.11:, .~icklt/ t .';1t1fe11i1z.11 c ,·.-:;,u,f.ttres, to stron.g ~ lie<iltli~t, a,n.{!, h.u..11.i>y 1u,en. lt't1'r:l 1t101n.c;i; (t,1Mf. J j :i .1 f R R 't I ;,~;Ya;;~~:!d~~the~~~di~lrt~~ti~~~f ~l~~c;~~~! 1 .. . oifyin" what sccur!ty, if ,ny, they hold ;L.:ri:io1." Andnuticcisherobygi;enth·tait·: In enry >tyl· of the Photo~r·phic Art. I E' ' ,0f ihe f:i"'icl Uha:d. ~ ]'. '!1ho!11pson,. or any ?.art i hei·eof, p.mongst the. pj1.1·t1.es ent1tled t\~1~to, n·ving rwii'ard to1 cl.,mbs .(1! 1U1~)oaf c:e nc. 1~:u'i' which shal tiwn Hl\' C e~n rcce:t.\'~ , · " ~ "' not he liable on account0f such distr1bution to <',ny oroclitor of v.·ho:w claim they ~h.-ill not then , ha.vc had notice. \VILLlAI\I RTJ NDLE. Jsuwrnauvillc P . inspection of spec.in;ieil.(j isinvited o. Entrto.net oppo:iJ:ite tbe e.ntl'a.nce to tl!e Toto:n Hsi.11. L , W- SEXTON· B.owma.n"ille SE-pt.. 27th, lb71. - --·-- .:r;m i.. ~ S A.·· \\YAmtfl.'tllfl\ 'el .Ir .. ~ ..., v r· ~., ~ '~ ah ' 9 ~M . · , M lk'. · 6 rfb. If:' ':> C'PLENDID ,~ ·· ' I"E "ARSE · l J'i'OU'>J "Jl, . ·.. .IL _ . . . . · . co!1t.arn111g tell rooms and ai.:ellttr.ful1 ~1ze; i::table , driving house,,and ~vood-i,;hed; !Jl,cnty o~ hardµJ1d !;o.ft wll.tcr. l.1kew1se, g~ud choice fru1t.garden1 w1th . ap}'.ll~J pears, qu1ncea,_ peache~, :plu1n::i, , ch,etTI~fi, a.net pt~er. small fru,it·. GOOD ·- BllIC"7 D 11\~S ;ic0 lt,_;_.; .- .Pro111·ii<:to ;·) No. ~s DEY ST., NEW YGI!Jr, - - -- .FOUR HORSE ·----- POWER ~ .. ', we 1hall bo ro·dy atoll time.,, to ·ttend 1"un01·al" on ·b01·t notice, ·ud reason.bl· term·.f 1 N. B. Ooffiiia kopt on ha.nd, 1 .n(l matle to order, n.t the ~~Chruch Str·et~;,.\.~~t~ning \".n :.:0~; ' go1i~~;~J~~~g~th:"'A:;d~;; r~::,i;~~1: ~~,:;~~~~ and 1 H. G·OOD O>'D SEC ... "'}' HOU "" I <.:~m'ON,Oct, 9,!0:30p.m. .. '1"!10 t 'I'll · r a.ble St eam &1ng1ne I D Q ~ U: gooU cellar, with 1vood·shcd all cl garden. THIRD. . i. NEW DWd1NJON RETAIL FURN11URH WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Osha:w:i. 1 Aug. 26th, 18· 70. Oi\TE QLTAl'T'"'R O" l ' r AC"RE ' of Uincinr1atti. c sh:l.ll authorise our adjuei.ers. to draw ~1aon us at f. i~ht for every correct. .J!J. .I! ..i .1. ; ACPl'l JOHN HO..,\.R., Bowrnanvilk P~ O, -'IlBNRY. :V,LLIQTT, JR., Hempton I'. 0. l l f l~X£el1 tm.·o of the la.'it 'V'ill an d 'l estan1eu 0 ']'h d~e"·ed Cl10.r1~i ~ r . . ompson, vv """ · . Bo\vm~nville 1 March 13th, 1872. u24-t<l, ~hatths Bnwm"llVilleFarn1 Implement FOr\v.ard v at ----- - . Pleruio call and ordet th., . l _ .Irn SUBSUl\IBim take:; plcMIU'C i!1 ;~. N . combined Cf,OlJ]Jing },fi.ll and I ·--.-~- ·-··-. . ,' or the )Ulilic that t h e aton; nuU Jl5 en.: y .1 1~ 1 a a ' . !orn,J )gt . le ·erv .,.ITT;ect "ll(\ undm· tlic 1Sl1'CW' Cut/e'1'. I i'n " ~·Ol now coiup c em ' ,, ···r '" ' . · · . ' · 'i .1 'J · ' inai1a.gcn1 entofexp 2rienc.:edl1:i.nds: lit;i u:1.now \~·£ fi.·t--l~ J . ~ . . . --··· prepared to ('XCC;ut;c every de>!Criptjon of work AtBO leav.c Y~\lj:' £U'( t:t or :\ 1 " (;;···ss FLE 'fCR:ER'S PICTURE GP.-.LI.1ERY r1-.1HE Hub8eriber h~<;; :>.. fl~l{tnt.ity of tho lielem class >Lylo, and with d,os~atcli. . ~, .k. ""'·. '"-.~-. ·-,·'\!~·~~L"' BE'D PLA brn,t.d o~ow:-; PEAS for sale; .·1'10 tlw Cash paid or Cloth g.:.ven 1n exchange ,~..o;1 -~A &.~ &ii#'&~£ . h.,.,,fl,. j SIG'!{ - () · F 'l.'IrF' :J :J ~ · ' D.4..NIA..L ORORI~, w "'-'l'Y ~arlv vanety. All for Wool. ' . M TUER I R \V . ,f _ .\.MES1 . ~h}g ~treyt, -Ei~:)t. excellent crop11ers, J~4.lvIES ·\\:l~L1)0N. _ _ . w 1 ruru1$. Eugine . 00 en AYL G d F 00 ;ng Agency, ,.. l $ ; t t is th~ iJ aqe f9}' t~rm~r.s 0 ge ' I 'I'll m"'n·"' arm Dlr " '( ~... .. · ·s " '" T A 'N' · A N T s. I a , B 11 ~ 111 ? a .1:i-ou1 .II.91-s~ I o-wer. PortaLi o ed n2an:{le· th~t the occasion 1·~uires· Nevet·- ~tt::i.rr. i }~ngine an;l, B.o.ilei-. ln runa.1 ng ordc.:r. 0 JJQT'!"C,:7:· hel-JbS, I fully expect, in a.dditlon to surmount. 2 sso af{stdlaros 1ur-!lin.g1..-athe, 1 Side J-'lancr'l 01'-l.b' j i 11tE T :'.!- I.n ... J. ~ {) 1J.i!,' ng this serioue. obstacle! to p:iy the stockhold- .. I ii:~wsh telEkl 0 l~ sl~;·t, n.~out ~? feet of f!OlJt~inir~g rooms, \Vith a gootl w~ll. Oil e~ of the Andel! Insura.nr:e Cornp:i.ny A,, (;0111· e~·a.1 ]:1' 1f~'th ws, t"e Ing, c.l ('1'1118 lh· fil· · . Saugog Street. ort'ible dividond next July · ni~ ur er pal' icu ara tt.pp Y to --;---. - . · n · u· II \V. H. MURJ..iEY, Bo\vr.na.11\·iile BEING the 1101-th ·east qu.artt!' of Lot 4. 111 the Fl"l'Jl, ~espec u y, Or to JORN MURLJ~Y, J .,·ttl.o u 1.,·ia·, ·.', 8 0 on of D llr)' l in r"'til'i11gfl·om buainu,1, bena ,_, I . ~ n :-. ~·i·t{ ... 1ngt on. G oo db u1·1a· inga, :.i.nc h k h o to return her sin.· J.B. BENN~TT, l~re1:. Bvwn1andllc, :r.Iarch 14th:1872 15 a good well and cistern. Pos~ssioo given on eere t 1:1.n to ei· numei-oua patrons, for their ONE ACRE 1 ON ONT.ARIO STRE~T · 1 Osha\Va. . Farm f,Qr· Sale or to Let. ----·--------..---------· -Mra E Ca.wker, . . Opposite J :w. Fov:ke'a Store. ~!·'t on Chureh St. cast, ":ith house for two families. :nothu1g to cripple us. 1~ounl'II. f I 1" l""A ~'l The h01~r of dutY is upon us, nn,d \Ve sha:ll rr1eet it in the lio~-heart. 1 mnst'"~\ cth1'! · ir. ?rea OManu 'y ...,. I .,-0 B S A L IY.· sasc.rtamc~; ob1 urfilossos by __ 1y are n. constuP.ra. e glire but niriE d . d J AND BO ILER ]ii,. 6 v 1 .J.' ~· t~n etsi~P. , offers fot >salt, jn l,ittlc J ""' rr- r T j I FIRST·CL ' -ASS PIOTUREQ -·--..--·---d p "" 'l'akeI' 1 Stvle at ,;Jee . . eas A1i.d all other .. · . .. on the pr·DlJ·ce to forfol"therparticulars·!'J>ly liber'1.l·Upportduringthotimo·hehosbeenin busineos. At the ··m· tim,, ·h· bogl! to ·n· A. l\lcl'IH3TERS. nounce, tli&t ·h· hasretfredin f&vorofbortwo Or J( by letter a<ldrE'fd:J 11yronc P. 0. 21-2w Sons, whom shQ truf!ta, by thelsto!April. LIKEWISE ' 1 ,;ia, e, . I . , ., . ·. -. ' I . ... . .,~tlILl~ItA Dn.rt111gton, ~t{l\Y ,,o 1 1 "-' · r ·~LJ ·')..I· ·! E 9wmirovillo, ·Dt"C. 14.1871. , nll- Howmn ii rilliilt ~·0 ~" ~Sth~ · lS7? , - 11~tf, 11?-«·ash1p of ~lnaranth.,C~unty of "".clhngtm1, ~ .L\f. ........ ~nd g~pp)yJUg. no!i,l' Or·a.i1gc'1lle, and wit.Jun three m1los of iho ti T · 13 · l G ·I' 'IR d lt~J..-v J i:) .llA. · .Q oipnto, lUCl', run re? ~·l\ 1 , ~ 03- · A [ I{IUKCOTTAGE,conLn.iniu(J' six romnec: t tilt·~ - .:.:. ti,_ t ' .. H' ·.' J }"'111' fur~bi.:r p=irtic.ulars inquire of' and a. kitclten attached, , ...ith D,. "'good oen~~r. 1 1 0 1 0··\ow· . '. " " " '"' ~·' '""'ii:.'~ .v . . z FRAZER A good Rupply of hl'J«\ and ,oft w"tor, nnd .· 1 . "' upcm - · T . 11 11 L. f b gooJ, g~rdc·\· Co1i:w1· of Q·ueeu and Ontario 1 . t 11 . Stall ~ 0. 1. B11ildi11gs. th~ ~~.1~n~.~·y.c~ oap or l!a;i ' t:8 i~i ei1c. e'1jV\P¥· Stteets: App.ly 011, tho l\~~i'(SQ:f:E:K UT'l'. . NI ASO>I · FI....,"-'"' SUUOT ATTBNTJO'I'{ TO BUS!NE~S ~f good ;voodl~u<l, being 1:0111 : lll ih· 19 (Jou. d. · ':'. Two Hundred. Acres , ,_ ., · .. . I "i R·&H. O'HAlitA,Agents, . Bowmanville. BowmlLl\vlUe, Oot. lStb 1871. -· '3M JUST - A:Rit:CV!fD, . And on cxhibitiou, at ~he '!~. 0, Booh Room - -- 'I:! .. o~ SA"' '!!I · r1 '""" RT"'"'L'I:' :.a.v 16.tt. , (, , · Two "Silver Tongue" O:rga.ns, in 'Val11ut. :b'our in po1i2lwcl Rcse\Y001l 6\: pected t.JVery day. Call und ex£trnit~c tb1:1U . L~u't bti invt-i~lecl into buying infe::l'io1· iustnane.nts. If you want per1naneut sa.tisfactlou, YOU iuu.:;t Luy one Cof tbe i: Str,vtn~ 'l1oxnu:r. 1 ' 01lO~\:Xfl, 1fark.et :pttrljngtop1 :j_"t 13, 4th Con i ·. '. , ·. ··, .. 112a.4w };uwman.villc, .Tan. lStli, 1A1:l, · · . ,. , "Rn)\'- 11\f!.nviU~, }' tjb, , . }5t.l1. ro&:o-n:lO-S.rn1 Bl1wn1ari\·ilJ1;1, Feb: 12th. · n7~tf. U0wtu 1it1vill.E'l ~JarcL 7, 1f::71. RICE & BARKER. . n:2?.-1iJ1,