--~-=-;;!is::::&...:e:: ~'-""'""'""'""'"'"""'""~ ========='=====-===________,.__ What are thy .Brother's Fanlto 7 lviort::O\ er if thy brnthe1 8hall tr"'spasa against thee go and teill him lua fault between t!u1e a.nd hnu alone, i! he shall hear thee, t11ou .has._ galned thy brother -~l\TT PO ETRY. Jl'IH rhv btoth01 :;, faults Oh wlui.t a1 e they"' \_ wotd, 1)crchance tn :ict1on, ~ 1ong Done 111 an C\ 11 day 'fna+}urr1ng W(Id 01 e111ng~de .. d \\ hich ca.useJ. thi.;:u i;udL offent.:e, 1;\Tasgnenwheu hod ln>t h G1 en" itho l ... I Lepe l"t nal say~ -VY hcu 11a1ls a 1 e used in n. '(lOS t1on U1 "hich th ey ~fl.l.c greatly ::mbJectutl to nJ.I and moisture, lt '"ill allra.JIB pay to prepat"c them 111 Tl116 :;iuch ai n1anue1 that the~ w1 ll :not ins t ina3 be accomplished without anj d1tficulty by h t f ~ l l and 01 "ating a. quantt Y na.li.'J ~ ta lO\e ' el throwlll6 the1u w 1n 1c quite lO Ul 0 v, vcss c11tau:11ng: ~oarsc 011 or 111elted g1tase fh"' n~ih~ should not be i;() hot that the g1ease will Lio mu,de to sn1oke f1eclv Cut natl prepared in Jo -==-=r:e k<cp w1 1sf1 o"' usting - !\. -------=z,-'c"nt·frc JOut "Temperance' m Brooding over Tron· bles THE MERCHANT, l'HF 18 72 FRIDAY, J\iIARCH 29, 1872 1 lhy I.I athe1 sf .i.ult S01n"' tufl ng 01 unmean1ne; 11-ct · Ile did not meo..n to sin H1a heut rn not so ca1lou3 glO\\ll B11t that ho vet tntty fc ..-.1 P 1haps o 1 wor l to hun tlon Mav n.11 tr.o . _ cubl hett.l lh) l;10tll r :-;f 1ult :Enrn thou.-::ihtl ..~ ungue Som.e c:. n1: le3S or unhi!.ppy v. or I 'lhy btoth~r me int not "iong Ht.~ n< t ~omc wo1d that ire fon1~11t,s Dropped fron-.: tln .l.lps or pen" }fo.st thou wt 01i;cn offence? OA th1uk ot tl1y f inlt thon -1 HE "lJE l'RIN1ING COMP AN\.' The "01<l. .. ntou1pc1ancc np 1 i~ uo too gen full GI k.Y g1a.te y ac 1 owle lgc the ste.'.tdy pro.Jresa in J er1ll\. applied on1\ to ~xces::.1\:c use of liq pubhc appicClD.tlo11 mn.de by tl1e Globe during uors, \Ir hi le 111 reahtJ a id even in its nleai the past yeu,i and the substantial support ac ' co1tlecl to it from aU aections of the Dom1ruon cal SClJue it in ean a ls '"ell J. H exce88l \ e use Iu 1870 the 1ntense inte1eat un1ve1eally felt in f l l t the fea:iful conte»:t ..hen be1n"' i-·a~ed on the 0 an\!t J 11 ti-of cntini;;, s eeptn6, int h\l .), E111opcan Con inent and othe1 ex(,:rting topics cxe1 cum, gllet JOJ, a1uusen1ent, stud) , "hen of the time, caused a i ap1d ~dvanct! in the ct1 e1thc1 of ther l hi indulged lJJ dlJUd1c1ou ~lJ culahon of the daily Globe of nea1ly 10 000 cop ' ie!l per day and a. p1opart11uate increase in the th f:I 1na.11nc1 are 1mp1o~ed lll C\ery icspect it O\er ex itc the t111ntl antl bod\, and the iss 1es of the ,,eel ly Globe - so that the El'Og1e Th y n1e rendc1..: rl tol.lglie1 and theJ \Hll out consl'qn~n ce JS u C OllCS llondtng exL iuation ga.te uun1ber of th\1 copies oftl e cla1l) and" etlk lMt ru1, kind of v;ood e'en tl ough btuied lll J ly sold to the ~ubhc fron1 let Jaunary to 31it J You 111n.' b.:. 1ntc1npernrc C\ en 10 ti:mpeitt u;e, Decembe1 '"<'H.i nu less th~n 8 417 SJOS Dut this the groun<l 1,:h1lt! nrp1epo.1ed )1mls are: com l l unle~>< H1 c w ·ord Uc 110rhtlj 11nde1"-+oocl "nd year \'itt iout t\ny m:ttte11:1to cause l.lllUsua ex pletely destro) od b) rust in ll. \'tllY ~1 ort t1mo cltement in the puhl n1 11 d-both ed1tlons ha.\~ Fh1 IJeett oyt!~ - Ilen.t up the ) olk of an egg its pnnc11)lcs apphe<l (JlSc1et!tl~ :::Son1e, ue steadi ly l.u~ld their own ru'J.d the agzi ega.te nnm c11.::iton1~d to a luxu11ous n1odc of hw111, be b~1 of cop1eH sold thus fru ccns1dera.bly exceec!& with n. tn.ble apoonful each of i.:uolas>1eR and fine t::l' that of 1870 at the "l:l.lDt:l date 1 ly ground bla.ck peppe1 1 act nbout 111 shallo\v con1e sick nnl aln1n1cil, b.ucl nbrnptly fltt!I In the athr;irtisin.,. dcpmtn1cnt tl 0 progi.:e srt plates eve11 two or three dn.)B in a. \\eel an<l their <l1 c t aba1 llo11 an1t1J ll fooJ t!Xposc mnde has bee11 equ~ly 0 ra.hf)1ng In 18"0 the ' ' IJ,Umbcr of n.dve1tisenienta ro!':e to 2i,146 from the fhes 'vill be t;;t.p1dl) <101:1tro)ed then1 el"lieS to u11 klnd 0 ol \-\{'aLht1, for the 1~ 740 1n the p18, 101u1 yeai :But 111 1871 the C cann g Pa mt -lo clean v:i1nt \'Hthout 1 mke of exc1c1s1nti Ill the OiJell all l ./ld5CJ(, nu1nbc1 of laat yea1 ho.s [l,lr1ady hecnlrugelyE.x aoap, use ]Jowtleied Fi ench chulk ~nd hot wa ceeded t-zon ln a ll ti 11ngs 1s t em per nice, J.llll inus 1 .... 34 000 nnd th4;: tot 1 for ihe yea1 will !Je about I I j Te11iple-~l ashio1i, Osha~a ITr:~ 1\~~~~!~~e~ ' ---0 '""'"'e ; l?all nnd Winte1·, 1871 antl 1872. La.rge Supplies of Sea.sona.ble Goods. ° 1 °' IThose that h:wo trwd, are convmced I that S P HILL sells lus I Goods as low or lowe1 than than any one else 111 Town' A lnige stock of Clotho Di ess Goods,St1 iped, Checked an,z pla'n Shew. ls, Winceys, Flannels, BlanketB,Lvnens, Wool Goods, Hoi 8 eiy Gloies,andTrvm- ' all bought ~efm e the :tdvan~o Ill l ' iJfILLINER Y. --o-In this depn.rtm(lnt a- g1,u1<l <l11:1pl ty l!; f>howJ1 of the inos+ beautiful de~1{-,rn onginn.t1ng tn Par1a London, and :to;ew York under the n.ble iti.ana.ement; of ].frs ].f J R.cOMAN (In.to ].{1as Ihoma." ) SUBSCRIBE I 1 :MANTLES --o-1 MANTLES' I 1 got up exptc::isly fo1 0111 own t1ade Customers cnn relj on gett1n0 a 0 ood fit elegant Htyle and bea.ut1fullv trunmed DltESS GOODS DEP AHTMENT A huge stocl .... of the inoi;t stvlit;)l and xe1'i 1cea blo goods 1111ported thui: c011nect1ou u ~ho~ n a. full 'i anct-.; cf t,,.1mro1ngs, l uttnns, &~ Jn 10 --o-- pnee!! l I :FOR 'LHE te1 it ncldi l.) the 1~h1teness of tho pu1nt \'iith out lllJU1 n git "-'h n soap iH need add a lit tle salfirri.tus to the J>uda wash \11th a flannel cloth then ruse and, ipe \vJCh a hn\'n cloth run.rd a filll""t the peunc 011 ::i \1 ~ influence of ,,.,,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.::.::.::.:::= THE FARM. Talk with Farmers (Ii'1 om overy cxtrc ue It aJiord.s to 111' un ug1eeable philosophy, if i\-e \\ou1d bnt applJ it and f l l l ts '" atchw orcl should be, a. cl ~e1 t1 mnu: , for chee1fulnee;i:: "lnle it JS a. chn.rn1 and ' d orna1r.ent, 1s ali;;o a p1ot1:chon an suppoit ' But, 011 lks sou1c care "or JJ lHl.11 01 th e J h ulv t: f 1t \I.{ 1h C' I 0 I t.:ll Sotin he n1a,y sleep btmeath tb c !iod 1 h01: crinst not see hun t heu G) gci.1n hin1 q nd fo1 f1r,nt to f )Ut 1 hou ll stnud ljefore thy God, "Ccount An l r~~1 tnc 1 stwe of l:fl,., 1od fl o ie tLdcr up a stnc~ tho Cu.nadni Fntnier ) L GHT AND ll.RAV1' LAND 11 <I I 1, l J 11 1 111 JP"01 c, 10\V ~1.n vc c eei 11 n °1 p1 essed w 1th peculiar tronbltJs I ha\ e snf ! er ~ d lo.!!~~ 8 011(] nnsJortunes I tllll nn,vell Calan11t1es thicken ~1ounU n1e If i t \\ere not foi tbis tlung 01 t11 Lt thLng, I coulll he \;hef!riul hut now I ea 1not Io eucb \.\C sa3, ilthch.1gh de,.pwudeur.y be cou~t1t uhonu l '~1th so1ue, 'e:t 1t a not be \OUd le ni.:dJ, and °"1th n1auy 1t ls nu·rely a h...L1l )'Ve d\\ell 111 n norld whi.:rc woes a1u intllt d do\\ n indJ51.CillH11HltelJ No inan cecapell I~ is n:Jt intended th \the should ...i\..tl\crt)1ty lS 11 ccseurJ to the de\cloprnent ot ehau cte:r It 18 the 111 0 ht wluclt o:ibo\\ s the How did tl e Deihl wheat do 1n R"lllduna.nd. ] t gave us n, capital ci op I got over fortv bushels an acre of the :fine:st aample I evei sa,.w I !lowed t'vo kinds of fall \Yheat ]a.st J:e:l1-the lJ e1l land the C:i.,hfornut both <lid 'veil but th~ Deihl w=-is fnr the best in quo.hty u.s, \veil us I qun.nt1ty Are :you shll s ~tii:!fied \nth that hght lan<l 1n dry "eather 9 "Ycs, I th nk I like it bef.ter c\ e1, ye at :ts I unde1~tancl more how to ti eat it I like it better than cla.y If \\ e are uul v smEt.rt enough in the apnn[ and get the crops 11 eai ly we are su1c of a fau- yield, let the re::.it of the season be what 1t may 'lhe hght land 1equires good fs.r1ning an<l not too much <..Topping with out 2ntc1vening gra<>t1 and pasture an<l fallow bnt then our returns are ce1tnin You kllow "hen I went on that place I occu1)\ about two years tnuce, the10 v.:as no manure on tne fanu, and nothing to 1nake it of 'rbe buildings ·v('1e i~ll gono to s1nash so tha.t the\ ha l to be lGJlan e<l and almost ~built lhe n1an who \VEW on the place before I "ent there cou 1d not get a liv ng, so he n1oveU off to henVJer land Jud:; w1., by his fa.ihue 1 I thou"'ht I ahould hn.vc 5reat ' l1fficulty in donig any good with the farn1, but I lvns so cnrly "1th rov spr1nrl," crop und the p10 ceechng fa.11 wheat, thi:ot the Ji y "cntbei la.at yeru did uot do 1nuch IDJUlJ to my CI ops nl thuugh others suffeted a. good Ueal I am so CHninccd of the ci,d\antagea of tlus laud 1 111 I c01npanson 'v1th hea\v clay tliat I \~ould not excha.11go it for a.Tl) <Jther of th ....t kind I now belie\e I know v;hs.t th1s lnnd is and I thwk I ~ee m) '\\:'.\V el'"'ar to nH\.nage it to good a.ch:.1.11 tage, and I certa1n1y 6hall stick to it. Tiow <l1cl the man p1oi_.rpe1 "ho wa.s on your fa,im lJefo1C' , ou f~! ter he got ou the hoi.n LCr land or ' He t.1.1\l 'ei y l:a<lh 1-lis <-TO!JS ditl uot pav lus cxpens..::i H..: is llO\\ qu1t1;1 out of heart, ml.lch more than he ,_,as '~hen ho occup1t'd iny pince lhc great fault about lus fa1 nuug '\'i3.8, he IH · e1 wRH active enough 111 eaily spnng, and tf)on Jo not t'>et )Olll c opil in earl;ir - on light land, the sun dries up the s1u race so much that thcv m1ght as "ell be pl!lntod in a bed of f!sbea at 1n1dsum1ncr "\\. hcie hon 1\~ is the la.1 d tiff 1 <l b rcao> 1 so l ia.rd in t,. wa.ve1;ir s cay, nn ufJ ~umn1c1 th~t nothing can be done ' 1th it unless it is t ~ken JUBt at tl c n.,ht !flt n ent :u 1 o1 b.?.it year~ 'I h) Ll )thci sf 1... lta lhy f tt-u H~ o crflow, S iouldst thou 1nu-sue hnn nuto ck th ' 'Vh) 1 1<1.te thy brother "'0? Go to hnu U en ' /., 1id lo vrt cn1pl ·yAnd ttill l 1m of his sin If ne \\ill hear thet1-0 "hnt JU} Th0n shall thy Li other Ihy hr t1Je1 ~lue \\111 ~ r n1lta l;,; tbtb thy :<Olli,' th)u h::\Et also foultfl th) ~elf J (e uid not 1ncan tl1ee w-ong Go "'pea.k to h1n1 of b)gone d ~} s sta1 s But,1f he in1nil lie Hghtl' lhsu1plined, S<J; v :)U a.r( still his friend (~o geutly t ll hun of his' o,~e, lielp to thJ h1oth01 lenU a lvcuu ty ord1nary cannot destroy its c11eer fu.ln e:ss Seine of the n1ost l.:lieetl ul n1cn \\ e over knc\\ ho.vi lieea, apparent 1 y, the inost '<lcsp1.;:ed o ~ fortune 'ond 1 hcj n c\ er brooded, 11us l"'Ig-e ~nlo tnt vt ~dve 1 t 1 ing hl uot iilU p1 i~ng in view of the fact that the eJt cl.ll::i.twn I of tho dru1fl "GloU~ 'a-~tly ex:ctied!> the &g...,u~ate LSSue-8 ef al the other da.tly p!l;perfl of the )10 vn1 ce of Ontario put togethe1 includin'"' oJ: cour~o tho~o of Loronto, Ha,m1lton OLt i a, London n.nd l{1ngHtcn Questions of the deepest 1nomcnt to the peo pJ1> of Cnnacla. n1-a no\\ pi~ssug for "ettlement o.nd a. Holu tion of the1n 1nu<:ot bo found dunng the coming Jc u fhe action to be takun by our Pa.1 li unent in 1eg ard to the a.~ h1ngtoa frea.ty -tha i!>Ct10 l to be taken to\.\ a.1¢1.s tl e. unuied1ate dov@lopeme11t of eur 'Y1Itl Lttude nnd North \V:eate1--n Ierntor1es-tho a.dovt1on of a National llarlwaJ ...Polley-the atlo11tL011 of a :N3..t1ona.l Oan'11 :Pchcv th~ adoption of & compreht n.;iive ti~ 1:1Leu1 of nnmigratlon the steps no\\ to be tak en in Vtl:lW of theuttei f:ulu1e of thtl ( o\ern ment cer1 sn~ tho best 1 nodo of scent ng purity of Election and tl:tti JH3l ~onnl Iudopcndonee of 1uembe1e of I'at:hameut and man:-; othtir ques tiorn'l v1tall.r "ffechng the futu10 "'elfat~ or the Ilom1n1on '"tnust J..'(lCit1\ e theu solutH)ll nt the corntnlit" General Elcot1on for tho Dom1n1on Par h.ament if tht'y ate not pre,1om:1ly dealt w1thin Ne\ 1 bMfore in the a stat<i.;i111anlike ruant 01 Jnstory of Cn.nadu. \\6H} S;) 1na11) c.rea.t subJegta preBS.mg a.t one lllonient for settlt?inent and neve1 beffl1 e \Vas it tr101 f.l n ecessa.r\ that eve1 y elector in the lnncl slrnuld ha'i e in his hMicls 1 ferules11 outtipoken truth toll ng 11e\vRpa.per D11nng the oomn1g ye:a.r tho eame hne of policy on pubhtJ alian~ ~u<l the S..'\me en(l1-gy in the collection of new3 at the earltce:t moment1 from all Jlarlf!. of the '\ orld that b:t\ e ga111ed for the GloOe1te ineseutp:i:fl: enunenee will bs stead I A special lme of Tartans, 60 per cont I mu.tch lll t\ll D1 es8-rnaking done to O? de? c1.1lo1s 11i ft, st-clctss style lower than ia~t year I DRY GOODS. A lot last Season's Tweeds at 'MERCHANr:I_1 I -vr Huivy E 1gl1sh Wool Bea1;e1 s cincl Fancy Uve? coatings, 20 per below T11eeds Slmts, Draive?S, Hals and Caps, Colla1s, Gent!! E1E1ts inn.de by the best \\ork1ne:n and .F'indings Tapest, y, Wool Union Hemp verv G a..rmont ma.do to tit Ca1petvng,Flo01 Cloths R1iqs & c Curtain~ Tile best Black '.leas m Town Dama~lc,s, 1 able L1~.11~, Toweling Blanl.eis H01se Uove1s, Plani and The best Green Tea.a in Town Fancy Fla1inels Fancy Woolens, Shawls, Nub1as Sontags J"aLl cs' a11d Ch1lclren's ·wool But}"1, Eggs, Mitt·Jis Socks, a,1d Unde1 clothmg InfantJle Clothing beautiful dcs1gus, uchly Emb101de1J ai·n taken CM Cash Jo? Goods ed Complete Stocks m 1 S F HILL ·---GROCEIUES AND BOOTS A~D SHOES 1 cent. Cost. a.n.d. tle:c.eral .Advertiser W None but :fhst-class hands employed m each depa1tment, and ~u work guarnnteed AlOTTO,-Best Goode Loi' Pi ices, Libernl 1 ern1s, Large Biiemcas, amd prompt pay MOBRIS· s. TREWIN, Corne1 Kmg ,md S1mc&e Stz CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY Osh,,,wa, Oct 18th, 1871 ly Kmg Street, BowmanVJ!le. 1ly p1:usued 'J: hy bioth... r s fa< lts, Oh 11ur.ih tho riot t J Who l ives that has not fault& Art thou all faultless foun1l' \\ eep, pou1 a flood of b1tt1Jl O\er thy bro ...her s ~n1s ] ut at: t11ne3~ teat ~ nc,r:r n101nncd ove1 whut 'Hts past and be 1t, 'nci; 1.:r cr1ed over spilt milk cu.._e, or, as Sancbo Pauza e;.;p1e:-:.ses \l1nds (hf CIC t!UJ1 J'l!S'On othcJ& Ci' iJ b-( thou aud spea.k to him THE HOUSEHOLD. RECIPES tff1orn '\cods 1:-Iousehold~lagw.tne) -= I I fer \\ondcrfullv 111 educat111g thc1n::iGl\es The1e h al 1t of \:Ie\v111g th1ngi-, t11c se cret mecL ln sm of then thought, tnay be p10 duchvc of 1esults directly opposite Hap· ptn<:: ~:j J:i wealth, questiou JJ ot depen<l e11t on health, fame~ IJo, uot en en on 'u a The cd1tonal staff \\lllt: ecc 'i o tho .a<":Cilsruon of three d1sttngu1shed \\i'lterJJ \vholiio contr1bu t1n111J on Llterar), Scientific and Social suh1ect!'I will t.dd ne'v grace a nd inture~t to ou1 <iolun1ns 'Ihesta.ff of lio1e}g-n and liome Correapon dents ie 110\\ being largolv lncreascd with thedete1m1nnhon that the GloUr. shall be 1eprcsent cd in all 1l)lportan~ news ccnt1es at ho1ne and abroad by mun of first ro.tc ability 'lh'3 lleportllis .staff '\lll be shen~thened ro ns to enable effic1eut iepresentatlve$ to be p1on1ptly despatchecltoa.n) part of the Dominion where events of p 1bhc importance 1r.ay be in P~YTC88 For the best and cheapest 1n1bsir:rlbc,. ta THE pair pP111pa,i ed to bn11d and re lVagoris, Bitggte·, and CutteT·, '75 CENTS I r LIB NorF s ends us the I CCII e fot AtlnL lolly s Ct1rke which she ~.r;stues Ol.lr houeekeep eis and cooka is ccmpoundetl 0 n ttue hJgienic pnnclple:o, \\nrro.nted uot to pampei the child ien Oue pint of 11ght br.,ad dough, one cup of sugaI one hnli cup buttm, Olli;/ ~ ... g, a half eup of buttennilk ot poui lnilk ~nd ll tcv,..'{poon ful of soda "ith 1>p1ces to taste 111ese ~hould be tho1 ughl) "Worked with the dnugh adthng fruit if you hke tl1en let it 8t1uitl iu the tin fi!ticen o1 twe»tv mu1nteB before 11ak ng ll l " tue \'\/ e liav c kno'v 11 \ El\ 110 1ei;;t fello\\ s to be HI) mwernble Altliou 0h no ph los o>ipl y cnu Unest \lee ul it:s n1 nnneQs and danger, ) et the "ant of it urn\ take \lie JOY atld gJ01\ iron1 )lltUc lb1<oi lS aJl Hll old story , Jet, old as it 1,.,1 and "ell as people know 1t, "ho auta 11po111t~ p1L:cepts ! \Vho cm keep h11nsclf pure !tom the tarnt of mcl1ncl olJ l Whose bo~o1n lB ever fresh· enc(1, a:; it should be, \\1th i:.,1 ititu<le to 1-Iei.n en fo1ti'otten 1iot its actual bless1ngs? YV1 u c n1 pas!';\ o'er t11e :::>t 1\ c oi J. hopt or \D aftccl1011 "ithnut o;;h ud<le1 iug, ilthough The 1H1e of the telf! 0 ap 11 ·w ires '"lll be adopt cd to tho fullct.t extent a.nd no expensie spa1 ed in tbe effort to place befo1e the ieaders of the \'ieekly Globe the nev.e of the v.orld for the 1ev en day~ p1ev1ous to eaob pu'ohcat1on A ieha.ble summary of the Debn.tesm the Do rom10n P.a.1hament antl the P10' inc1al I~eg1da tares v.111 be found in the \'ied<ly Globe duung the ~ttingA of thcrtc bod11!)S That 1a a.ckno\\ lo~ecl by every farmer to be a.lone 'vo1 ih the ioubscurtion pnce of the paper will be ma1nta1ned \1,;1tb uudim1nW1ed 1nte1wst nnder au affiment fit \ff of ~d1ton· and cOll "'15'.J)On DRY GOODS, · of e.'t'ery d~cnpt1ott, ·t shorl notice, andon reawnable tormJS C~rriaies Painted and Tnmmed nm AGRICULIURALDEPAR'IMEN'I GROCERIES, CROCICERY, A Blacksmith's Shop per ANNUM, m ADV A.NC.Ii I on fl-ht1 µrem1se1, were t:pec1al attention i1 g-iv6o to "11 c~ niltge WO! k, and General dent!>. t h ousand ln1n6 ones tl11ong tro llld 7 There ILLII Nol: ES ulso son~h.i lhc 10110\\ in 0 llilCJpe fo1 1...-rea1n Cake whwh r;he: l 1ononncca del1etous are sotnc 11ut they an.: ~(arc<, LtH] 111 theu fhr~e egg!:! onf' cup sug a1 , one cup flou1 rub sttengtu to \\ 11 a.ga1n.jt de~p u1 tUev hate o. two "-easpoonfuls of c1cn.m ta.rta1 in the flour pos e~s1on n101e prec1out:t tl1un all othc1 trcn diF:>r>olve olle teaspoonful of soda 111 t~'o t ~ble s111 e ~o tcn1pe1tincc JS 11101e desirable i;,1 oonf Us of m lk , stir all togcthei adding so<la t.h .n ten p e 1a11ce 111 11ood1ug O\CI 01d1ua1v 11 0 ln1:1t' tlus makes t\\ th ioa~e~l \dtea baked cn.s 11al1t1~ t-ipht in two u1 d Int in t le o O\\ ing c1eam One 1 nit 1 f uulk one cup of f! \1gA:r one half I d ' d c iurso tha.t depends g1eatly 011 tho \'cat ier n.n The Editor A School Boys Co?npos l i1p of flour two eggs 1 )Cat ecgs sug111 a.n we W.l know how unreha.ble t hat 13 No'v on J flour togeth1J1 and strr into the milk" hilc boil 1 1 J d k <l l t 1 ition I 1"' 1t an '\OU ca:n "0r cn11y nn a o ieavv I 111g seaJd to the co1 s18tcnc' of custnid >i hen 1 d t hl 1 d d th coolfla,or"1th len1011,'\anilla orroau and1f l d1u,11a otnolt nthce1ytou au vet·hJ iy '~t e·der Iheethtor1soneoftl1 h~Illt!'<t n11n1als oeAno a ogc erso1)you ei er as i oes tl l ll II tot] , ou choose, co' er the ]oaf\\ ith a. 11bl1t £1osting if ,. 011 lun c hea\ J clay land to work \'I hen it 15 1u JC '1.lJO " n w or ( e ca n go 1e cir 1oIJif-klcilfeaC i0il":D"Y Getatub uea1h I bv.tt-dhrod cus dte111oon u1dt!\~IlltJJ "1U1out }Jil\JUg full of rau1 or rnei water and put two pieces of Do you find clo\ er do hctte.,. ou hgl t land a CCl t also tnquci::ts and linngings Ile tlun wood a.moss 1t and set the beef on them th ... n on heavy clay? hns free ttc} et s to pie n1cs :ind straw Leuy at about the d1st:i.nce of an inch from t)le ·~a I ce1tainly do I ah\a.) s use pla.nt i, fl.nd fcstn al><, eets \\ eJ<l1l1g c tkc He 1t t > 111n1,un<l ter lleap n5 much salt ns will stand on the my crops of hay arc ver) good ru.ui I thinl t11e solilehnil's Jets a hclong, but not ofte11, for THE GLOBE PR!NrING tOMPANY, fORONfO beef and let it remn.111 twent" 1our hou1.!:! then 11 astu 1e afterwn.tds iunch bettm I ti! e t ,. d 11 fi I 1 le cau ta]~t: \1 un g s bock ,~ e 1 x. 1..,i:;ue, 'J'Qi:onto Xo\ :t3id 1871 take the meat off and bo1lit an JOU \'it nd Do you find turu ps do as ,v.-.U on :yo1u rJOtl I I I 11 l [ k it as salt as if it hnd been in pick.le for \\eeks- I as on heavier? w uc l le genera v c oes Ue\; er new 1HE BES1 l'ERTODJCAL' OF IHH .DAI the wn.tei ha.v111g drrH~n the f'alt con1pletely j , y os, 1 tluuk a great deal b etter 'I here only one editor get hcked His pape1 Lust Great Engltsh Quarterlies and through the b~cf I ti:! more naturril giowth foi Joung plants in light Cll U1~t dav nncl h e co \lUn t take notlnng The Blackwood s Edinburgh l\iagazme, F1 !ed Hal b?r1 -Ha vu the 1:11tee:-i aea.-;oncd smn Ho1la Their t ender roots nu st natu1ally havo I 'La k \"\ h1le other folk!::! 1 a\ c to go to bed Repnr tcd b) the J_, eonu.td Scott }Jublishing bou1s before frying ns it w1ll be Jess hiCcly to lei:;s to contend \\1th t han \\hen fotc1ng then1 erul), the.: editor can sit up l 1te ~·cry i.ught, Com puny 140 Fulton Street Ne'~ l'. ork at about one third the pnce of the or1 1na.nle: b1ea1" in turning \Vhen i e:tdv lo f1y tl.1p it in sehes 111 to hiud clai: and then o.11 hoeing is so and see all tant s go1ng on fhe hOJ s tb1nk Ihe Ed1ubu1gh R'H · ~\\, lhe London 0 Qua1Lerly t!gg_ beaten up and 1oll 1n l)lC(l,1c1 11nb>1 fry in much easit:r done It certaml) is tn1c Urn.t it is a 01 eat tlnn::i to til t up hll 10 0 clocl~ R1:1v1e\\ 'Ihc \\ cstn11nstoi ItevH:i\", Ihe Pr1t1sh Revie\l' published Qua;i:terly-J inn liot laid more 'veed::! .,,10\\ on hght soils, but if th tt goes \Vhcn I UP.1 o. inan I nJeun to he an ecutor Quarterly a.i~ ~pnl JulJ Ot:iober-~nd J3Iaek\\ood s Coin B1cad-Onepn1.t of sout milk one 11alf to piolie 1;111yth111J, it inoves also th it young ' }~d nburgb Magazine (A fac simile of the Then that will I tcruipoonful cf ~cda on"' ta.blespoonful of sugai., pants o f an KlllLl f111(I l t more 0011gfln1aI to so I can .:.ta' out lnzhts ~ ong1na.l ) rubl1shed I\:fonthl} IEJ,l'\1S OF ~UlJSCRil'IIOl'i la.rd the size of a hen 3 egg, t\\o egg~, and a, httle tlte1r growth, and ali>o t}1at seed" aie nH;ne lik.e be g1a11t1 The ed1to1 don t 11 t,Ve to Sil\\ 4 00 pcn Aon salt J\irx t 0eether, and with n. spoon stir in ly to gernHnate in light than n1hea.vy clri.J ~::nls \\ oocl or do n11y cho 1 1p1ug except \\ltlL In s Foi any ono Bovie" li 01 ~ny two Ile\1e' 11 7 00 ' i::nough sifted coin ntcal ns \\ill n ike t stiff bat 'l h"'n a.s u1 teams- why, iny horses cf u 1d do SClSSora l~a1ho.-ids c:et up excur?.1ons for For any three B.evic" e: 10 00 E or all fol.lr H,ev1ev.. !! 12 00 te1 H ~\ca pa.a" ell gt"'a.sed puu1 Jn the bat noth1ng w1tn clay land, especially lll dry ¥\ea.th hnn, kuo\\ ing 1f Lhey d1dn t l1t: ll uu,ke e1n 4 00 tci ttnd bo.kt:l froiu one half tc tht e~ qua.rtelS of er lhen all hauling In la.te autumn \\eather glt up aucl git In politics he don t care For J3lack\\ ood s }Iago.zinc For Blackwood and one R~v1cw 7 00 is i:;o n1ucb mm~ easil"' done On he ivy city <l I h t an ic111 u1 "' ) O'ien .i n1uch ix ho he goes tor 1f they auc on hH! For Blackwood a.u<l two Reviowa 10 00 F01 Bla.ck,vood and three Iicvie\VS 13 00 " lC! 1 ot Pte -Sci ape t lie kn.ts ftvin tho catTOt:i soil Lt 1a ne uly111 1rupos81Qle to hC\nl of a 1oot crop u 1 J\overrber ., 5pecia.lly 1f the autumn ha.-i been sHle If the\ a1n t hd goes /or e t illlJ" ay, For Bla-0kwoocl a.nd four nevie\l B 15 00 "nd boil them soft and iuL t hrough a. 61C\le To ] l 'vet '£hen a!:!'.a.tn fo1 past111e On beavv, '"et so lt lllllonnts to nca1 y t 1e san1e thing OLUDS ~ l mt of t11e pulp pu+ tlnee pints of mill &lX ·· A di~count of t' enty per cent '\ill be allow lJ"aten gga two tnbl 8 poonfnlci. of melted but eoil.:. cattle poach the land terribl) \.1,;he ren.~ There tS a g1i;at n1at1.} peopl1J tl}lllb to be eel to clubs of four or more pe1'3011s 'Ihus fo11 te1 the n ice of half a Inmon, and the grtttetl on iny fa.1m, I ne\t'l seen such inJLHY <lone I e<l1to1s who C:.l:J1't and '5Ulne oJ then1 hai.:e copies of Blackwood or of one RevH:i\v will be undufa.\\holeone Swcetena.ndsalttotal"lte h~venodoubttha.tinsomeye:uswh at '\\Illbe been 111 the protess1011 for ~ears They sent to one add1 c~u1 for 12 SO, four cop1ea of the ltev1cwE:o a.ud Bla<k\\ood for 48J and so on nd U..W e t he uui; a~ p11mpk111 pies a. much hcav1et c1op on clay th:.tn on hoht soils cant seo it, though It I Wl.::i ask~Ll if I four 'lo club~ of ten 01 moie in nddit1on to the but the a.)erage of ten yea1s, a11d I ri_ 1estion lf a.bove discouut a copy grabB w1U bG ~llowe(l to hall ratl1er have. a ed ucation or be a mrcus A l U'Jd ~Vay of Cookt l{f Onw-;u -It is a good it \\Ould beat it lllttcll Ancl for bailey-whj the gettll!l' up of the: club J 1u.u o boil 01Hons in nn1k iud "ate1, 1t1.hm1n \Ve all kno \ll light soil1:1 do much bettei for it r1de1, l 1vo11ld f! l) let n1c go and be an PnE1iHUlH! New SulJscrioe ! for the year 1872 rnny have !-.hes tlio ~trong taste of tliat 'ie~etable It 1a unde1 a.u a."\ierage i::cason So ta.ko it altogeth ca1to1 without charge, the numbers fo" the 1:1.st quar an excellent '\lay of 1:1e1'\111g: up 0111on.'1 to c:11op e1 I feel confident t1 e hght so1l 1s inore profit te1 of 1871 of "uch per1od1cal! as they n1ay sub then1 nftcr they ata boiled and put thein in a able, ttnd I an1 su1e it is much clcane1 a.ndmo1e The Monarch and the Architect scr1he for f.!te\ pan with a little milk, buttc1 salt and pep (i)r instead uf the aheve !le" eubQcriberr:i for agreeri: ble tu In e 011 than the cla-y Lon1s xrr ta1d11rr the air 1n the garden any t\\0 1 th1ee 01 fou 1 of the a.bo\e penod1cah pei and let them ~te" about fifteen minutes, \ !:.CTI~ 1 oI Ve1sadles'Wlth h~a courtier.::. sa'v Man 1 m2.y have as p1e1n1utt'l. one of the lour Re I }us g1ves them a fine fla;\ or, and they cr,11 be ~ b ' l f views for 1871 I arc I11 t cct, \Valk1nb H:'Ll'ed up \ery hot sard , tic t roug 1 one o Neithei p.remiuui;:. ln f:!Ubscribers nor discol.lnt Notes on Raspbernes 1 the al LCJ s lie 800n J 01ned th e old rnan,und I to dub~ can be allo'"ed unle~s the moneJ l~o re Boilt l I Hlwn Pudding -'lake ouc prrit o Mansard took off his hat, as \\a.a strict eh I m1tted direct to the pubhshera No prelllluu1s sour milk, half ate \cup of molasses, t\\O tablo \Ve have h mted ten loud.-, and make the fol quettc, 111 the presence of hi s so\ e1ejg11 b 1t can be given to clubs spoonfuls of butter or bud, ono t easpoonful of lowin comn1cnts Lhe oianJ I\1on uque hfted np hll:l hant1 lU 'lo secu1e premiums, it will be necessary to soda, one half cup of choppc(l va1sins H o.uy l)oohttlc nnd ~f111.a1u both "hnndCLnt le ners, hie:dly reprehension n.ntl said p 1 } i eep ml'lke oai l) apphcat10n ft.I!. th{l stock available ' ~ .. < for that pl.lrp( stt ie hm1ted Jund of fruit, stn in corn ni.1.:al rui tlnck ns c~n an l \Ve think leave nothing further to be de i.t on The evening 13 damp, and 'OU tnay I Circulars ,,ith fu rthei particul.aie may b o had bt.: .stirred Boil two hours in :t tu1 pudd1ng s1rctl in blaok ca.ps Should be planted about take coltl 'rhe courtier~, YI ho \\ c~e ull 011 :l.l)phcation Leonard Scott Pub Co tlrnhi "tnth a. hd to shut t ight, leaving room to equ<tlly, for home us~ but !o:r inark~t plant staud1ng bareheaded tuouud I ht..'; k1n 0 , ns I 140 .Fulton St, i\c10 Yorl.. use Serve with sug u and crea1n fia, ored with mostly )f1an)1 ~1S it ia a ,veek later and tkns was the custom, stared at ench other at tlns con1eis less in con1petition with Southern ber extra.ordinary show of courtesy But Lotus l~mon 01 '::i.n11la, or rsweet aauce 01 ayrup I I I I I Seve:i:al new a.nd e.xc1t1n" tales funn Ll -0 1>en1 of popular a.uthors w11l ttppca.r during the yel\t No expen!:!e v. ill be sp:i.redu1 '3~cur:ing the ve1y lateBt market reports p11ces current itllfl gen ca a.I con1n1e1c1al intell1geuct1 Eve1y departineut of the papei will be 1naui ta1ned 111 the b1,..hest r:;tate of efficiency, 1:10 a@ to 1etau1 fo1 the\' ecklv GlQbe it· po1nt1on M the la1gcst the handsome~t, the n1ost ca.1efully con ducted :i.nd the cho.;apeat weekly paper on the cont1nent Ihc 1rnbsenpticn \\-1U co itinue to oe J'viv dol ln.r~ per o.nnurn pn.ya.ble nJ" ays in ad\ ance and tl1e following "111 the club iate:5for1872 l lub of inc Copieii one yein 9 00 ])o lcn d· 17 00 Do I wenty do 32 00 Do 1 lucty do 45 00 .t\nd en.ch add tluna1 corry iilver tlurt', nt One Dollar and Fifty Cents @:'J"Latge pncea ~1e given to p&rt1es wl10 get up Club11 ""lny oue ia at hbarty to get up a Clul) on his own rP-sponsibibty antl those des1r ing to do so <>heuld send at once fen a Circnlair ahow1ng the terms Each Club pape1 sh all b8 add1 eas.:;d S"pn1ate ly and may be £01 any post offic~ OrdGlS and l:Wunttancea to be add1er::sed to BOOTS & SHOES, . and Clothmg made to order m fhst-class Si} le, Jobbing All wo1 lc done ctt this stc~bhsltmen tvai 1 anted ' THl~ go to A eall 11 I ea:pectfully so.U01tc:d ,T MORRie Bowma.nv1lle Oct l11t 1869 ELLIOT'S Clleap Store, OBSERVER, (the Org:in of the Bible Chnst1a,n Denommation one of the best Family P.ipera p11nted m the Domnuon) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per annnm, m advance. AS USUAL T)iOn' N"ov 2nd J 871 TYRONE. -0- -------·-- - - -- I !HARD 'l'O BELIEVE. THE CORNER AHEAD, LK TliB TRUE NEVEI-lrrHELESS ! Gi·oceries Very Che<tp. ADVERTISE Good Cookmi: Ramn~ only 5 cent~ a pound, ,,nd still cheaper by the Box SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. A SUIT.,IOF Cotton and Woolen Goods are adv11,nemg, bnt Jou can buy them Rt Elliott's fm a short time, at the old pnces Now I~ the time to secme what you need CLOTHING-Gentlemen m want of a good fittri~ early at Elliott's Fa.~luonable Ta1loung E~tablrnhment 8Ult · Good Tweed ' MERCHAN'r should call Sat1sfact10n g1111,rnnteed m a,Jl reMonable cases HENRY ELLIO'fT, Jur Hampton, At1iW1t 2nd, 1871 j bp-023-11154 For $10.50. -0- , ~> rccl Berf Chop fine the tough ends oft" o very lu.1gc beefatenhsi ancl a piece of rl'lr\V suet 1bout na lar 0 c as ha.If ~ncgg, sea.son with pep per ~t:nd ~alt , and a little dried summtir sa.vory J t hen a ld t\\ o '~ell beatt:u eggs, with about half t. vu1t of d1'le<l bread iolli ..>d fine, Clr as Jnuch ioilcd crack~rij <md a. p1 .. c1J of fresh butter a>1 1"1ge is LU egg, muke in"'o a. long roll \nth flour cuough to keep it together, put into a bak 1n 0 po.n "ith d11pp1ng as la1ge na ba]f an egg a.nd i.vatc1 enou6 h to keep from burtung B:tcke tts j ou would al oaating piece of beef~ 'vhen cold slice thin fo1 the table Some e~t it "1tl1 \ 1 1e 11"8 XIV, obse1 vrng their surprise, said, Gentle The Leonard Scott Pub. Co. Of the red, Kutl:ind gives us otu first berues, an abundant crop of rather small, firm bcrnBN fi of pleasa it but not high avor' canes pel f~ctly hardy, need;:. a deep rich soil to gne hoth cru c and berrJ mo1 e size H ornet gave us t h e Ia,rgeat oe1r1es J ve1y fi 11n I 1 bnt of second quahtJ Frnncoma and Ilnckle" Orange both productive and excellent. F>St!olff very fine in qt1a.Jity) runs tc1T1bly t o suckers men, )OU are atnazed but Ieaui t1ns' 1 can make a duke Ol a nuuquis with nly O \ 11 breath) but Go<l only can 1nil'l.c a lilnnsard Prfl"\ er turns ou1 'e1y \VHllt8 to ad" an tage --Bicke13 tetl I J I (!i:nUUb.\I f \lt (!UJ\hlt£t\ft, - - - - I - ··-·---"" THE lLL USTRATED also _ publish t 1ic F.a1u.1:n:n. s (.iu1n:n: to Sc1ent1fic a.nd P1:i..ct1cal Aguoulture By Henry Stevene ll RS, Edinburgh and the 11'1.te J P ]\Torton, J?rofessor of Sc1euhfic J'q~nc11lt 1 ra Ul Ynl~ Col leg-a Ne" Ha.veJL :fwo vols J~oyal Oc-:ta' o 1600 pa.ge~ a,nJ. nu ern1oui1 '1ngra-.;1ng· pod paid, 8 tlollat .:. .Puce 7 dollars bj mtt.11 ' GET YOUR Oct CHIT CHAT~ 1871 '1 IM - [Tim :Elra.dy and Mike Flynn] Oct CORNWALL BLANKETS 1871 and yet makes but feeble cane; ClaII' qmt· 1 Those who mo,t frer1uenLI> rn1t the "a productive vet) best in qu 1,lity, good su:(, too te11ng places JH U e su1nme1 lTi.:; n11lk1nen I Ph'l"enoloo-ioa,l J ourna,l, I ' I:' e 1 PI-lINTING AT l'HE '"'Ct for d>Stant marketing' s:ickeis 1mte too abm11.lantly except v;h~re plan s ·ue in cinand Thcla.stfivc nmnc l must ha' t: \\inter protection and :ue all much 11npro,ul hy htJavJ s111nn1e1 rn tlc}l)Jig- Why arc old ma1<ls tbe m ost cparmrng of 11ll people 2 Becnnse the) ate rnatckless A FIRST·CLASS fAMllY MAGAZINE, -- o -pu1n l' OT OG). Tho Tiu:i..u1 aud its Fu 1ctions I ocahon of the 01ga.ug \v1th chrecbons for Arpl1 Pi ddol{I - E0tl s1x: apple;; \\ dl, take out tbe co1cs put 11i half a pint of mtlk, thick <.lncd "'i.th three ci::gs the grated rind of a lem on, and bUgai.: to t:.i.ste Put puff paste around the dish, and Lake in a ::;low oven Gi-ate 011 sugar :i..ud s r \ti hot To G 7 tzt Pastry -whwh i::s th6 usui1l n1eth 0<l ada1)ted for meat 01 raised pies-break an egg $epart.1.tc the Jolk f1om t11c \'ih1tc and bca.t the fuuner fo1 a.i;,ho1t tune then 1~llCn the paB tiy l S ueady bakc<l take it out of the o-..cn brush it o ei.: v ith tlus beaten ) olk of tgg and l)Ut it back in tho oven to ;:,et the glaze TM Str1jled :Bug- How to Get Rid of it 1s lhe beat \H\.Y to den.I "ith the strip U bug to sit do" 11 by the hills nnd patwntly ~ atch for him If -.,; ou :U"' :sp1 y you can a..nu )y h11n l'lns hov,:e,er takes tuue It takes u.111'L.L) :ind part of the inght 1f ycu get up befo1e the dew HI off jOUr plants- it goes off veiy ea.il.} -YOtl Cllll Bpunkle i.oot o 1 the plo.nt and. soot 1~ uu plea"ant to the bug Bnt the best thiJlg to do is to set u. i 1 Ja<l to ca.tch the bugs The toad at once establi hes the most lnt1mate relation' ith the bug It is a plen.sureto see sttch nnlty amon~ the lo\\ er animals The chfficultJ 11'5 t o n:iakc the toad stay and \Vatch the hlll If you know your tou.d, 1tis all u(>ht If you do n<t \ou muBt build a. tight fence rouud the pants which the toad cannot ump o' "1 -III: S'u. n ie-1 1 i n J Y 6 1d a en To 1nakc couri.. 117aater -Soak 1Sln0 lru:s in a little warm "ate1 fo1 twcntj fou1 hours then evaporate ueaily a.Uthe\\ :i.ter by a gentle he11t d1seolve the rendue in ::t little pioof spmts of \Vme 1 and strau1 the whole through_ a piece of open linen The st1:uned ma.ss l'~onhl 1 u a std! Jellyv;hencool :N"o\li, oxLeud a :piece of silk on a. ~ ooden frame and fix it tight with tacks and pack thxeatl l\felt the Jelli;, -qncl av ply it to the silk thinly n.nU. ovenlv \\-"1th a hau brush A second coat11ig mllBt be applied when tho fi.r::.;t hasdr:icd \Vhen both itre diy, CQ\e1 tho \\hole ::iuriace with tn o or three coatings of Ba.ls i1u of Peru n.pphecl in tho same wa~ Pla<1tet thus nindv lH ery f,lhfl ble ~uft ne""er I lnen.k<t are laid for a ~e\\ minutes 1nto a solution of sod i,, they will bl! l)rotected from 1 1flL1t1g for a lon!l!" tir.oo i;:ven if e:-;poiu;d Gont1nuo i:1 y t) A NOl!Jt ~ttnoi:ipho1 f; RO!STING ~It ii! said that if 11ou ga.rci!en to ·ls , l.REVrNrr~a I1io:-i GAnnr.N '.looi.::i u oi;,: An old 1:1a1loi said, a fe\\ J L.)B UJO, ' I be I gan the '\ o:rld '1>1th notlung, n.nd I have culture and tiauung n.nd th~ Relat10n~ of l\11nd h"'Jd UJ\ fn~ n ~\ ci: sinr.<' I a.n<l BoJJ described .1 Pnys1oc;;:-10M'l 01 the S1gn8 <f Cha.111.ctei ....\. ne,....10 aftei (/'ft;i;JDg at son 1 Cl \v1th 1llustiations1 and how to Rea I them lf:I a. o ' o.-· e JI n~i;e, 15fJecutl featur@ shook lu~ hea<land sol--n111lv 1:J.1i, 'If de ETHNOiOGY or 11iehatiaa1HtstoryoJ l~('11, \t lntc folk :-. he so darl~ ai:i dat ou t <l.\r, I ~ou Illustia.ted will be ~i'ien 1 <let wl tits ( c co lot of de black 1olk 1 PBiSIOLOGY AND ~'11..TO:i.Ii -'lho;;i Orgruuza. t1on structu1 e a.nd functions of the liu1=nan A slio]Jlu;cpei hav1na fld\:Cltl d 1. 1 , t k bodv w1th thelawa of life nnd h ealth \Vbu.t ,., t,; u 8 oc "l\ie should e~t and dtJnk h i;;rw clothed and ho" to be sold under prune l:Ost, a nugh Loi ob I 0 exet cisc, c:leep and Jn e in ccorclauce 'i'i 2th serv e d th 1t 1t w ts 1nipos~1l lc Jor ln1n to do hyg1ernc pnnc1ples. J:'on.rRAITs akctt:b~s and b1ogiaph1c!'.I of lend so, as be had 11e\e1 pn1d arivth1u 1 tor 1t h11nself " 111g men o.nd w·onu:iu 1n all <ll.'ll a1 tnicnta of lifo, are 5pec1al feature s N ev~1 lay u i.-;tu n1Uling biock Hl the \Vay P\RR.i.~lS ] EACHERS ~ D 01'Hl:RB - As a guide of a nlan who 1s tryIDJ to all \<Ul CC lnmself in ednca,t1ng and tra1n1ng Child1en, this l\!Jaga. zme has no supenor ]ioue tl\ 1n the; \\ olld and upughtly, fol he 1\.Iuch ~1:mera.l 111forn1u.tlon on the lead ng ui likely to walk over it, aud lttugh at) ou top1ca of the da.y l$ gn en, and no efforts ai enfter" aid s spared to make this the 111ost 2nte1(>st1ng and in st~uctr\l"e as well a.s the Best P1cto1rnl Family , , lllg to tlie 1)CUl1 u arruvg 111cn ol A.in.gazane O'\er pul 1rnhecl E~1ABLIBlfi;D-The Jounwn has reaclitd it the p to,...i ain 1 ne, no Plfce cari be repen.ted, 54th Volume It has steadily 1nc~ca.cied infav wa.::; the D.llS\Vl .?.fr \VtJitc l'O:lce1v 0 <l f10111 his 01 <luung the n1any yea1s it ha11 been pnbhsh ed landlady lw1th whom he boa1dedJ upon nnd waa 1H1\ e1 tno1 e populr-n t11a11 now a"'lnng fo1 i second piece of pie nt dnn1e1 IKHMS -~lonthly at 3 rt Jeni in ::nhan<.:e i ngle nun1bets 30 cents Clubs of ten 01 1norp, 1 I 'SI nll I help yon to ali a n a vonug each and a.n cxt1 a. copy to J..~~mt J bcntleu1 an, nl1d1e~D1ng D.i b \~la at fl offenn,,. the n1ost hbmal i->1emiu1ns 1H i ~ cou ntr' girl "ho \\ U.' Dr parino- to I1wlur.;o lo cen1.o8 for t~'.Llr.ple IlUillbe"' with ne\Y .1. 01n a i.; tr l. t.: o P1ctoual Poster itnd Prospectus a. Hl t. cmnplete r1age, 111 f1 ant of ~ <lrape1 · tn.bli h1nent l.1 st of l)rcmiwns Add1cs!'.t 'Thri.nl" 'ou, 1;11,' s" pt>tlv ,. 11 "1 thegul S R WELLS, Pnbhsher ' 1J 1t f <1011 t SlllQ}," I o, 0 'Good mornmg M1l,e, shme a,nd its early out, ye ate Might I be bould to ax~ what sta1 ted} ees this morning" Clan Ta.tan's, MIKE-' JISt be a1sey, Tim, :ind Ill tell ye 111 a 1ifly Ye see, I was tould yJste1day, that M1sther Giay, av T)rone, had got home au Jlhgant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and itg meself could ha1clly slape a ·Mnk, all mght thmkmg av the the chaJle goods And shm e enuff, its the full sto1 e he has- THE l'<REAT FAVORITES p1les and piles av the natest patterns, and he'd girn :ye the m:ik1ns av an 1lligant new gown for Biddy, for S1venty-five Cmts, Tay for most nuthm, and the Baccy for a tufle less TIM - ' An sh111e its fonnmg me ye a1e, Mike, wouldn t the man he afthe1 bieakmg down' The Variety, MIKE-' J31eakm?, down is it Shme he knov;sa tlmckwmth two av that IJ!Jist tell you what it is, Tim, if you want to git a grate name when yom e ded, and be called a fhlantrnflzed, filos1fer a,nd a pubhc bmifacthor, JlSt tell all yourn nabonrs,and the ust av mankmn, about Grny s chape stoie, and you]] do more f01 the good av you countlny, than ivet St Patuck chd for ould I1e1'1lld, when he barushed all the to>tds and snakes ont av it that ruver was m 1t" TIM - " I'm much oblaged to ye, foi the bit av advice :ind won't detam :ye, theie'll shmely be a grate rnn, and 1~aybee I'd miss some, ba1gams The top av the mornmg to ye '-I'm of! to GOODS IN TOWN. Grnys Choicest the cheapest MERCI-I.ANr.l1 OFFIOE, J@ Glilf, Tyrone. Note4l for cheap Goods. l3<Jwmam 1lh Sep I 1870 tf-52 389 Broadway, New Yo:;k