THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C rculatea la gclJ in tho Iowuships of Da.r l ng ton Clarke and Cartwr ght It ill a c tmnon platform ;pe to tl c free drncu sion of all iucs t ons n h c] tl e gene a.l 1 bl c co icerni:J. 'lEUM~ :J WEST DURHAM Steam J'o'b l'rinting Office, Krn G STREET Bo"\\ MA:-IYU TE Seventy five ce11ts pe1 annum m ad vance The Merchant a!Hl Obser ver $2 00 ' RATES .OE ( ne column rolllUID AND GENERAL ADVERTit?ER. ~ --- - - -- · I OLUME III G'lill'j-= BOWMANv ILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL 5 1872 NUMBER XX'VTI POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HR '>:D" CfrWULARS OHEQUJi S NOTES LA.BE LS HANDBILLS CARDS TICKETS &c &c & - - ..._..,..,,, - -- Q EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE BARRISTE:A~~~~~OMBE SQLJnJ1QR J"1' CII 1 ii CRRY d 11 I FULL SUPPI~Y. POETRY The Early Hour OFFICE - Ovc1 McClung 1:1 Store J ~1 Dnmacornb ~ Dental Roon Bo llljlllV Ile Oct 2 th 1868 aamA flat ly T au s lcn.\. Dov; rn.21 '\l le Stat on trmc as 0110 v-s GOING E.: Sl' "\..1 ont cal 7 00 a in llOoam. 4 30 1 m 11 25 p m SPLllND D SELJ < TTO!SS of JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl ..z1er Paper Hanger &c &c f ~ ork ;prOmptlj lten led to v..nd satISfactJQn guara.."'lt ed Il.es1den.ce-~e t 1001 oa:'lt of the Bible Chns t an Chuch TYRONE 02 tf ] yrone March <tb 1869 ~11 I 0 GOING 'VEST ?\i1a. l 8 &) D. m Pu.a e iger I\iftxflrl Mxed Passen,,e1 0 !,)01mlMl 8 Oo p m Fall ?-nd W inter t Mail 9 30 I m. Mail Sta e leaves Bro Uc s Hotel for- ovei y train 111 I:i. Barbara l sa l Hai s trcmulou ly The re st ra ued sorro'ir in the i, Outl s br:eflsL b r t forth an I he dcsjler"tely b t Ins lip a, w1tl s bs he ont n 1ed L"t 1nj tears fall upon thy bu Jal !men Darbar0 and tl e 1 t nil be ble 1che l soone.r than \nth cold "at ~ Aiu 1f thou cutte t the cloth au 1 n " l eurt in t"i\ ain at the ~ame time shodil 1he1e l c ~ny to spare-oh give ~t ne fClr a \\ ind1ng ::>l eet H o ' l ve I dcsen cu Ihm from thee 1 ex:ckuu1c tbe afil cte 1 g 11 n1 a parox~ sm lor ~ r gc icJ For Sale, Or To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, ETERl'!>All Y G \DUA.TE 0 o~:rrn 0 JYIOLEOD S, i:tOt S UJIGEO IV VEI'EB NA.RV COLIEG E HE HOU S:H Out bu ltl T it n.nd nt r resent occup ed b 1 ~1 w1tl o nos :uul 0 chard Se" f;lll a J a. half \. :i of Dr Dav GENERAL STORE, e x cee l n Y l frh n th ca ly l ou - pply o i tne P r C'm sos or to t.o nUo:r1n the iahab1ta.nt:i of Bo 1nan BEGS that ho h a s 1 le and .:iurrouud1 g cou ii.Ty DR DAVtDSOK July 14tl 1870 el LITERATURE - ---=-1 · ;:;li:CUIION commenced tl +;: p act1ce of his p1ofcss 011t an I can be o is ltcd as to tl o <lIBeas s oC T orf:! es ttnd Catt e at (lover 3 L very Office I{1ng St Bo>; mar."-::tlle J nn 4th 18 2 14 lm F OR CAS H IiELJ:ANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society AU orMrs fo The Exiles of Salsburg A rnn LL!!'; G SKETCH OF rIIE I E I OF IHE '" :\.LDE~SE S () F,L\ T n TT - Conti ill d BEAU TIFUJ_, TEETH' J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Teeth Extracted at TV\ enty f ve Cents EST rnLISHED I·40 cANAD :\. OnIEF OFFICES f{Gon1s o c1 11-'IcCl mf Bros Store l ]) o v na.nv1ll c Oct 1st 18 U 1 1 :;T H.MESS't:I\EETM0~1REAL PQ PROMPlLY EXECUTED n. Gentlemen s & Boys Ga1ments ! ..iDJ' i N "'HE DIRJ C 1 OBS WALT R SrrA?<ILY Esq M 1 Chanma.i: St D t :KOAN lvl \.ODON.iLD Esq MAJO i 'I E 0AID' BELL 0 B LHE HoNOJ!ADLE JoFIN lf:\J\tJLTON H.i'l1:1,. fl Ha ks Al~o i~ent for the ' ell known RESIDENT SECRET.AR>' TJn~ F.NTIRPI PROFITS' belong burg Ont JA- GRA:<I to and a re d v1d on FIRST·f!BIZE WANZER S~WINC J'\E"\,ESI Bow S I YLES SPECIAL FEATURES . e l ~mong;it the Poltcyhuld""-rs L I VES DECLINED IlY OTHER CO!.II'A.."'lflES 0 MACHINE, at CHARLES TOD, . .MA.NUFACTURF S PRICES E1 .u skillen No 24th 1870 n 8 if BliEAD AND BISC'UIT BA.EEB. P O!J 1 OFFICE wh <h a.n imtra heimum would be 'l'(J(flJ. 4 TOd can BO WMANVILLE 0 1Je.1.s Punc u~lly .Att-'"n le l lo Oct 1st rn·o iv nl J. :Fletcheri GENERAL KU!G l~ be a"sured at tl e o dinary 1 ates of th s Sao ety a st ec al ar1'<W!gement S1 EOIAL I\ oN FoRFEIIABLE "' OLlOES UJSUcd unde1 wh1oh only 10 15 or 90 Annual Paj ments are teq ue 1 each payment secm~ug a PohC) for n. sum assured proporhona,te to the nmnber ,l)f pr em ums pa d an l f ee f r> i f t e ~av nc t of p e ~!ODERArE PREMIU!liS and 'lnost liberal COH dihons P ospcctuscs Pro1 O;:!al .E o m~ &c supplied on aJ;>ph at101 at t.he Read Ut!i.c the A.gen es or a iy of DRU~S AND MED ar TUE ICINES Bowman ville Drug Store, J HIGGINBOTHAM, 1!01.J ID n o t r cspectfullJ ten : for hi.s SJn rf ccr than] a to h s num ro 1 friends and cui:;to ueri:: tiJ U tut} I:! I bl ge era11 fu the "\e ' y hbe1a1 s 1port he has rece ed snce bis commenc g 111 bus1 ess and ho1 es by cont n ed str ck r atttmtwn to busll.lel:l::i and GROCER, ~IA:<f VlLLE A DE! ta STREET BON JAMEB GRA JST Re Sccrctur>' AG;El'i :r FOR BO\\ M \N VII LE C B<\.RI~l I C bss1 ver Office 1.l ng St \!EXT door west f D If you rea ;.re 0 ood a. d cheap goods g ve Oct. i '-lth 1869 n3 Fane) Store oife ::ing nothmg l?ut tJ e r urest a.rt les at the most rea ona.ble l r ces to eni:; rre a cont n tlJl.Ce of public patronag~ J H wou~l c ll spec l :1,tte1 tien to I s ery u1 e ior stocl of th::im a call Bo man 'lll DYE STUFFS > ' vh1ch rue ure to g1 AU CT IONEERS li'01 the Town<lvp ot Do.1 lmgton e tl e best satisfaction. Dowm:Hl'<"111e Juni;;: '. : 4th ~~~~~-,---~~~ - - 18 0 39 ~~ 1.. :vcll scl etc l stoc1 of Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON 1 Old Broad FOil H T PHILLIPS IB.MP I O:<f on re ~son GENEHAL (Estul li·hed 1803 HE 'l.D OFFICES .P1om1 t attc lt on 0 1veu to sa es & able t r rns St :tnd rail Mall London :\GENCY 0AN \.DA - 24 DRUGS CHE'Jf .J.CALS P.1 TENT 1lfEDICINES B Zl USHES COJ.11BS !:)}[ 0 ULDER St l1iCd Wm. S lCS] 10 B~'.t"ton., Sacrament l\{ontr fl.L ptl Eb iYISKlLL i'I ~thn le l to On l'fl:J.f:SOrtal h> t e l'U"JeJ B Insu ances flt~ nst loss by Fire are efl'ec e l ou the m or.i.t f:-"1.;;01able t e1 n a at d lo:'! es I ad \ th out refere ice to the Board in Louden u. th v i:ylo C l::it 1 rc E(::i.S to an ouuce to th0 public that r.:h · J DODS\\ ORHI Rl1\1CJUL BlWS Ho·ses and Cattie Medicmcs no open b a ho1ce select on of Inspector Gen Ag nts '\1ontxeal N B - Co ntryStorchc01 crs a prledontl BO~o/1~ HATS R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent m t n.d anta.geo s t enns. l :IJJBO~DS 1 1:,0H JJ RS A l o ce sel ect on of L WPS for ~ale cl ea-1 for Bowma11v 1lle and V1cm1ty Ji'BA11IER9 VEL! bi~ B vmanv llo Dec !) 1868 fm Bo 7man'\1lle Jm c 14th 1869 36 a d nIILLrn ER Y -~------~===='==-=~ mo43 3)4 ill 1 e sold at the lo est pos i g ncrJ.l 'hich ble p1 ec l le sons who cm ten plate mak ng co1 tracts w1tb: ne spn.pera fo1 tl e in e 1 cm Qf Ad ert i:> 11 cnts sh tl l seu 1 t o ~ 1 Lk \el e 01 ;:;h;'l..W Bonnet clean d &: .as usu tl & tf nl E H.A Yfil NOW A COMrLE'IE a so1 f r lr C rct la.r or enclflse 2 cents for the :Bo vmnnv1lle Oct ls 1800 mcnt of P~per ]~ags v.l ch e w 11se1 1t ONE IiUNDR!lD PAGE PAMPHilll 1footrea Pnces J he pancr s f ti o b~t qual contrun1 ,., L sts or 3 000 N wspapors and est ty ti: Ld e g utr.R. tee that l one of t] f) n te:; 8ho lllg: t hti cust uf advertis ng al&o ISSUED DY st o] together lh"' follo\\'"'lng s the I11any useful hlJlts to adve ti en; a1 d some a.c PRICE LIST PER lOOC cot nt of the expenences of men' ho m:e kno n " SUCCESS~" UJ AD\ ER'IISERS The ],fn.n1lln No :Bo v anv lle Deo 10 1869 fi1 m arc ~ rofJ et ors af th Amer ca1 N c s1 aper 9o Ad, i it SJng Agcn{.!y 3 130 Jira. Cl. :20UNSAI.L, Sub cube ru: 1 u ve~ted Ci:.p tn.l nnd I~ ] nnd J;l 965 000 Sterhug }i u ls veo;ted in Canada- 10.o 000 BR, ICES SUPPORTERS Etc Etc kept const ntly o I an l OILS Km G ST mm..,, 10fVILLE P.AJ(l,T COLORS V~lRYIHSEB an;;l WHITE LEAD PAPED BAGS TO AJ'lVE;RT ISJ:!l ltS ! Geo P Rowell Ar MONTREAL PRICES ' A W t Co ROBERT ARMOUR NOTICE. 9 2 00 \ll t er o l.S trespaaSl;~t} e I ropert) kno' Ii :ts Foulden !)-! !ls '1 11 h<:prosec ted 3 4 0 2 30 2 80 JOHN \!ollOlJGALL 3 30 · :Bo n:nnv1lle Juno 5th 1871 ti 3@ · ---~- A NEW PAINT SHOP T pa o age is l'f.' Spect fully i ~uestcd \\ MORRISOJS Jm 2 Bowm iv l c 00t 9th 18 1 5 cba,rges to HE SUBSCiiIBERhas ente I the P·n t Shop 0 0 M G Ifo cs Sbo &om "l ere 1 e w 11 be pr p 1re l to exec: ite Orunage p ~ t g l nll 1ts brar cfues n a style Ml l at t ili11 ~ C'IU I I 8 10 12 11 6 7 :tn l are pol! es ed of unequaled facilities or se Cl r ng tl e i ~e1:t en of atl vertrne1nent l -i.11 N cwsp&pcrs ttnd Pen ti 1 cals n.t lo :vest 1 No embe1 9th 18 l 41 Park Row New York A OARD. ~f" Size 30 No t 20 2o ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. ancl Glasgm~ J Bf 10 2 7ol 2 slf 11 3 oo Sole Agent bi!t vcen Port 1Iope a.nd loronk1 ::r:.; B Flour Sacks in Stock C Il.A.RKllR g ' LS FIRST CLASS STOVE that tl ey e1c1. be ~u1i1 ~ u by l1un ae cheap as any other ho ao m the He hafS al o fo !iale the celel rated ' 1 M 1 11 cl c, left Ll e t8,k of re mov flour to l 1s " fe aHd daughter tl e 1 edge vaB suffered to conhn e 1n its \\ill stat "11 e ho J melt withdrew to be cl amber d·c1 ly absorbed m the thouhl \, <Jf "I at l e had Ji ·t hea1<l There le nclosc I the sac red voln1nc t ming uve1 the pages of the New Testame11t H s m nd as "ell as his eies \\ere r vete l by the l ssuge VmilJ 1 say nto) ou it is eaSieI for o. cn1 cl to go through the ei e of a i ce<.lle than for a nch man to enter mto the krngdon ol God In great alarm Le b1d down the bool< 01 n fo1 some tune cont111 e<l p ng o and down the room !\t length be cal eel to l rn daughter Barbara he sad beta qua1t r n. ot our lines\ white flour as le ofbaco i and three score of eggs tuke them to the I olJ father and demc lnm to mclucle i~ rn l rn P'"' e tl at v.hen our tlu1e ar11 CH vi: r death 1naJ be happy \\1th a mm<l n ie tianq nl ze I l e tl en r tt rned to tb:e volun1e to v1 c;h he ' as d. a".'\r by un 1 re,.1st1ble attract on He turned ov r the len, es fo1 a long bn1e to find "hether the1 e ' ere otbe1 passages vi icl n l ke mannei m1gl t be appl ed to b mself Al l 1't le reacl The g o n l n\ a cert rn rt I n a 1 brot gb forth plent1f ti l &c L tke xi 16 But ( od 0 a1d into 1 i 'lhou fool th mg! t shall Lll\ oul le requ red of thee then ~lo e ::icball those th ngs be )\ h c.:h tl on 1 l ro' Jde 12 Tlisaffecteclhrn1 deep!J \\1th " se rnt shudder he took up the little loo! u g glu'" to sec whet! er there appeared any sl adow of that relentless deat11 "l o he le ied u gl t summon hllil so speed lJ "'"' H s cotn tenancc seen1e] taler than usnnl In urd er to appease lns chsquietude he occupied l nn selfWlth different mailers rn tl e co 1tyanl "here after a httlc t n1e he "ns co1:ited b\: l i;:.; dau 0 hter on .f e1 1et rn 1 on e Well "hat sa1il the l oh fat] er ? ea0 erlJ enqt 1 ed I\.ianhcl en He wisl el to know rep! el hsgi sled at tl e iest lt of her m1sSJon 1 whetle1 t :it 'us o I finest flout if "e h l or 1 lJ coi 11 steal of] o,n n.n] vhetl er our h lfl 1111 l only st ch omall eggs Ah co eto1 s in at nte pncst m 1ttered ti e angry !armor B t " ll lei cl ude ns , I s ! 1a ver 1 he asked nl o d YOB m\ father he "'ll include but as for ro e sn l the 1na1den colori 1g " th md gnallon ho began to add1ess s 1ch Janrrt a~e to m that I hast11i escaped 0 b from hun i: , tate l and llll\ a1dly ,bock d by the ans\,er} c received 1viaul ckcn retu1 el to 111~ l.:haniber "here h gave the Bible in chafbe of his "\V1fe "ith direct ons to con ce l 1t amoug ~ c1nle1dt1 er o ~:ffccts All the rect of the e'en ng he SI eut in co 1p ' ) ,v1th lus sons n loors \.t lGngth I e e1 t the eldest m search of J m nu hei W l en the latter came baek' ith the n ws I ut I c had found her ar d Batbara s ti ug upon \'.\ e1nlc1dti er s trur k un l 1 e aJ1 lti o t of he 1 e v tb1ck book ~fonl cker felt w l) u h!S u md The c icket wl cl he I card unwearied!) cbirpmg at tl e foot of 1 s lied throughout the sleepless night appcnrel to h m the death w tel t ckwg m ommon \\ arnn g He "as but I ttle rdresl el). bJ that nights repose C iI \Pl ER I II , 1 l vi 1 the p pcrs and fiddlers , copt n Ll l H n \lt1 out rcn1orsc are meml y pl lj 0 the weddrng lance I also I sl 11 Uo lancing\ 1th an a t} coir pat on au \tic\'\ ou0 er Alf Then \\hen ti ou sl alt i O(eC<l rnto ti y r 1pl!nl chamber with thy I belo' od be not alarme l sl oulilst thou hear ligl t Jmocktr 0 1t ii e " 1 d w It 111 be my 1a,t for vell \lie i Still he went ot .ii B t J10 aga n r sumed "bot eho ld st tl OU calC for a poor 'outh like me 1 fl' prnu 1 co us u who will one day occur y tln fh e estate is a '\ ery di1l'erent SlUtor C\ cu If lie hn I ed and SCJ.Ulntcd ten times 01 e and his Dair "as still n1ore f er\: colo1 ed Go 01 go on sa1 l Bai barn '\ armly vex 11y heart Hai s an l then my suffer n0 s w 11 tie uL i 1 cutl Hans loo! ed pon her solemn count~n ance ancl his heart "as softcucd Say thy self can I do otl erw1,e she deman le l reproachfully must I not obe, n y father \\ho daily urges me to mar , v ·nY. cousm 1 must I r oL lioten to my 111othe tvl o entreats 1ne earnestly to do so 1 '.A 1 I not much more unhappy than tho 1 ai l 1 Thou canst fmd sufficient con solat10 ' m thy holy book but to me it 1s lorb1ildc1 B t do prny earne,tli and d1hgenth- thou bast thi self o<l\Jse<). me to lo so That I "111 11de d said Hano plOU> ly J ill pray for thee aud for thy ha1 pinrias I J) goo 1 Eu Uura Ai d I replied ti e latter dryn g her 11ll tell 11) co 01u that I cannot bear l 11 that I o lv toke bin on the con1p l::; on of ID) fnther s con 1nand and ti en let hun clo as he plea cs Yeo lo Leg rn H ns 1 ut 111 "t Ol ce he 1a t1l y s z l b s bundle and will hastv ~t1 l~ Le -n:as--o t of rnght Earl i a soon comp1eben<led the 1eason of tl is H \ry al [ t depart 1 e wl ol e perce v d h r 111tcnded br1drgroom I tnping to varls l 1 tl ough 11 e OJ pos1te gate Ji t d not exagg~nited the l n ghtl ncss of Ins pernonal apf eai tnce The damsel a'\\a1tec1 l inr" th the composu c l.nd rcEo lut ou " ' h ' h1 h she \\as mspned with her lat con\ e1silt1on 'v1tl Hans The bnd groom though yet at a l stance de scpe l Barbara and opemng his mo 1th to t l 11 extent H 1 1a I a exclanncd h thy hthcr ' ill wonder , J e I am gone He hns been draggmg lJle oycr b <lgc an l I tch thro igh thick and I rn o I Joi ghed land and marshy n1ea ow>< d con ng to n1c :tbo lt the rnan ngcn1ent o! Uus gro lnd and the imp O\ e melit of tltut ft "a, 'cry tedwu> but I 0 I ruRu l brave]~ along Ho"°' er I >atcl ed m opportun \ anil h ckily ol j P· l Ha 1 , 1 at a oeat l he 1 a\ fl'\ " ll i a re for me wh !st I am s ttrng As ]Je shcltc1 tl b\ n y Dai hara s sile concl tied I e r i cl ed the cheel ofl s hude elect a1 ii l ut on a fon 1 an llo' e sick look , l ch bo e it inust be confes,sed resem l lance to tl g ' I l f a sat) i: B r barn d , ngage l I er-elf from t h ~ dun 8 , fi ugef' of h r ntended and an:uo ts h 0 aa ' n _ nt the spot whence Hans had d s apllCUl C ..., [ , he no\\ stood UD9~~,ded '11 What manne sl e should put into exe.cutton a de:;inn ' lnch Ql e hacl formed I.fer CO}lo.iru ('f ( feel ng h msel! higl ly flattered by her re mu n 1 !! cttr lum resun1ed the conver-sahon I lo not compiehend he said sl akmg I s 1 e d ' lat possesses thy fatbe; l o be so determn ed to 111 tke a farmer of n1e Ile ha< 1 ee1 awaie f om my J outh that I fin(\ I l ea.sure it it On this account he never hkeu me but was\ ell,atishedwhen ! took U 1 t f t into iny hen ltu lecome 11 cnrfpender .v. or b that m;ians t c 10usc was ree uon :\..T that tune thou ' crt a Oh who 0 RUTTAN" HOT AIR STOVE, CIHPTER rv To th~se re1tcrnted proposals Munl ckon The, eddrng cakes \\ere I akn g 11 ii l wt answer a syllable li 11 ahrny, sank O\eu. ox: 1 an 1 fo\vls ,vere sla ghtcrcd rt :::icr1ous-and placid med to.ton At tlie house and yard s\tept u.11 l o t ] lcngtl v} fln Peter could llOi 1 t pe.rce ve TLc ,vedd1ng hass la' rea ly Hai~ n des the g i:lat1f.l.fact ou of both n10U er ..P 1r was on the Alps 1 etcr 1:iee led 1n an anU Ja gl ter at the ince s ng exertions of ocean of d light Tl en othG1 -n;ore a. look 11an~ lie oul l angrily se1 e h1s g n tnd of anxiety Barbara sat with worn ::i.nd fad roa1n abo tt the whole d::n cd cont te1 anl:-tl N mghbors au l friends *ram <l1sta1 t parts Such was the"!!! te o[ tie ;:,lnppen on the coutrnued to ' sit th"i; patient Even Fathe1 e\ e ( f tl e m trn lgc rr he bride 1nak ng hei Gr1nsehi:i. lPI eared w1tl l 1 pot of holJ escape from 1 er tall at1¥e inother h"'i:)tened water and Elr:il eisor' to conRole hie pe utcnt nto the garden aud u 10 ht 1~Iugc uno igst Yet tr e latter b.\ llu 11cans dcr1 eel cd1fi\;a the cloce over} ang ng' clde1 trees to give tlon from this source The I r1ei:;t cot ve1sed , cot to her opprP.:;;Se l J ea t 111 i: nrestr ined '\V1tl1 hun at d decla1u ed against that ex tears ;:;he s1g eU for 1n tn d1ate cleat 1 erable L tl eran sn1 wl ich \VOS .sec1 etly her de p 1l tH.: ~15 Bl e failed to b~ ar the lo 1 sp1eatl1ng \~ lc1 nnd wider o\cr tl c land co1 f sed hun1 of hu1nan \ 01cef3 ' l cl ur and '11ch ha 1 already ran el a co 1s1der pronched neai r a 1d neaier Lu Lhe Sl ppeli able dunn i \101 of his rncome Tl 18 rcfiec 1 'I he vo ces became st 11 1nore 1 st ct b t hon "oi 11 thro\\ h1n1. into n. paroxysm of Ba1oal".1. not ccd tl om 1ot until a sound 111 rage rn wl ich le \vould J ace the room ut un son, ith her feclu gs the lamentat10u te1 ng lo cl complnmts a \lre·1ling' tut Uy of a person 1u suffe1 nn tcac} <l. 1 l l forgcttn g il tentlon f hls \lSlt n <l tbe Then it 'vas that she lool -cl 1p tr th u 1ace cond1t1on of the sufferer besn1earerl ~1th bloo l t d dust l 1s clothes l3e.s1des tbei:)e v11:ntor,;i George Froru1ncr torn ant covered with mu<l Peter \\as 1 mr c \mo no v and then and on thos occ :;101 s mg nt tie J ead of a mt ltttu le of peoi le m ~lanl ckcn gave orders Ll t the\ sl ould be the n11dst of' 1 01n v.. as carrred a ma i ~et ere left alone nn l he o 11 turn the con.' ersa ly wolf ded and who seemed strugglrng t10u upon \\orldly i ohes altho 0 1 he "ell with death An mde er oable pong pierce l kne that Irommcr alway· explC!lsed him Barbara s heall Hans had he eoma;1tted self very strongly on thlS text n1 d se>erely suicide ? a j uauel "ith Peter these "ere reprobate l ti e covetousness of the opulent the fr ghtlul thoughts 'l 1cb as<aletl her lhey11hocovet 1 ches observelFrommer m nd Ilut soon she rer 10acl ed hernelf bit fall mto temptnt10n and snares Thou tcrlj for it was vtth du 1 n shed gt1cf that canst ll t ~erve both God and bfatnmon she obsene l the "oui1de l man was not Art tho aeq a nted ,.,th tbe ·to1y of the Hans- no it was her f<..thc1 rich 11an :iu<l Lazarus 'l Ho v: the l eggar The \Varden c11c<l t I ndrcd voices "as bor 1 bJ a lgels u1to Al rahan1 t3 l oso1n a~w fc and du1gltertb e tlems hes1pon "b le the rich man passed mto torment? the nncons io1us sn:ffeH:Jl- Tl e \.Var len is Wilt tl ou too surrcn ler tl e 1 01 e of e'telnol to blame ' ho r laced h m on the most dan JO t r the morn enjoyment of worldly hap gerc L I t of the t1n1l er rnft I 1 css 1 Aul \ b, should \ e s inucll Mesm gers ' ere <lespatcl ed 11 haste for 11 ze eartbh p10spenty 1 Speak for tb' a surgeon mulhe1 11 d <la gl ter wa hcd the self Mon! cl en wl ether not~ 1ths\at drng blouil fiom the ' ound< of the poo ' f!erer al I ti ' ncl e \I ou l ast felt so perfectlJ l \an <l d P t·r co 1tented as to I ave nothrng rnore to desue1 w>th trembl ng haul cry out that the cal s n the ovc 1 would be Doe· not ti e app10 cl 10g th mderetorm fill l nrne 1 to cinders nobo lv he de l 1 m no thee)\ th n1 x ous feat f r thv propertJ ? or one could now laugh at '" n l c o s ges the Jo t lltJ ot a l 01lsform alarm thee for !lculaL101J"the s·f IJ ofthJ erops 1 Dost tl o 1 ti rnk By the npphcat o i of nple rerna 11e the ::i.n aoe l utal 01 intent onul conflagration 1u1c( n c10 :; .Mai 1 cken as b1ouglit to n ot a l truchve rnurra an1ongst Lhj cattle senoes A~lefontL, op ned l1s c\CS le s1m1os1llel Was1tnotthywealththat ctHtaljev lile1edlou.i pon the grouD ol exc1tel!he1l1Wlllofthe arlen mdevert bJ st 1ndcr1:i an l rarntng b s fi1 ger I 1 t me1 a ually tl rev. thee ou a. 1 ed of pant n l s ck c ng attlt1 de be said l\ltl gieaL diflic lLy ness rcr de mg th> d'1gbter a1 I] oor Hans Tl o i fool ti is r ght 1 all tin SJ 1! be truh wretclie ! 1 It we 1 ave lo l and ra rcqt ired of thee Ii1s w1 ole co 1 1Le1 au n ent let ts l e tl erew1th co tc lt vi; ore a. lool of inten e so ro tt l agni.n h Co vcrsatlon uI tl 1s 1 at re l 1 not f1 1 closed l rn eves R e " cl l sn1d o effect tl e doc le Manhcken At al te1 sonic Ile r 1eans the oil per o l or l conv alesceucc a n mber of the ers fnei ls of the Co p 1 asoen bled al I el1011se Bit ~fanhcken 1 horn they belie' c ge1 eially at n gbt ii; hen the Bible dra, n ngn1n fainted 1 akin~ h1;it 1 lo 1 I ro e froin ts I lucc of cot ceah ent 'vas lead ar d thetr m stake 11.0 n(ed to 1 mself 'l us expoun le l by A1 Ll ony \\all e1 Peter , elet:iSact p oh: ced ielo 1led larnenta was then s1or1 g abo\e in his chamber t1ons among t his frunilj D 111 g tl1 s C1the11ue Drul ar t and e\c l IIans thougl n10 tll 1ul seer c P-etc.x: ' as lits ly EI gaged fat ~ 1c<l th 'vork ' ere cGnstant a11 l t out of loors tos1'nnr. the cl arrc<l well ug tentiv beruere ot i:; ch occasion cakes o it of the ovµn pan the g1asd 11 t (lo be Cont nuel) te1 despa r n her fleeted that u1 1er ex HIL g ellC H 3hl ces the \\Clding W\S n i, Armeman Women 1 kclj to take place on ti o 1uo110 v , It woulu "Pl ear that no" here rn the patri CH\,PTER \ arcbal s' stem car11cc1 to a g1eate1 ext ot I or many weeks Mail l r coi fin l Du 1ng the to us bed graduoJL, ti ot gh slo vii reeo>er tha.n atnong the \.uner an1:i I fo t n e uf tl o fill er nll tl c 01 sand thea rng fr m the ser o ts ir JUpes lmh he had snsta1nccl I1 .c 1<ler to rel 1e\ c h1 c v descendants 1 e togetl er n one cou1mon d n11ud from the earu f s wl r.] opp1eso.ic d ell ~ an l ti us l 01 ses may be found ,. h cl frot l the l t ilJer of their mhab1tar ; a ii Darbarn frccpently re a to hrn o t of Han \\ emle1dtner s Dible Thi; t lat re e1nble lee J vcs ofte con pr sing ti rec_ or f 11 generations All the rroperty 1s ] ened ti at tho fatbe1 s C) es\\ ere freo cul1y held lT com1 lO l y the de cendan s of the fixed pon 1;l e r n 1 rs co 1nten ancc It b 11 lead of the I e Brothers ands ste s m fore lily occmrc I to h m at last t at i a I ent q ally ht until the death of the probabil ty he 1 i rlsel f- had ow , o heel the head no one can l osse.o nythu g separate w 11 an l paHi<l ',PP aran e of lns c 11 tor l I irom all the otl er U nil! marriage the merly so l loom1ng I iequently he 'vou ( ' \rmen an gul go al oi t a \Jrny hke they se ze her hand and press 1t loug a1 d fer c t u1e un\e1lcd and enjoy as n11ch fr edom as ly as frequent!; Barbara expe "e'nced pau 0 - . the\ could do m Ee LOI e' couutr es 1111 r ot less acute lrom l er d1sappo ute l love for Hans than from ti e consc101 sue s ti at ing love n1ak ng and n a1ry1ng to please tben1sel\e aR 11 n ore cn1liied l:it Ja she ] ad e11etl g r st 1 er paient for she had But once n arr ed and all s change 1 felt hoj py n the evil sur mse an l na gl t) Frorn tl at tune until sl el eco1nes a mother 1 ope again.:i.t 'v111ch .$he 1 o.d .t e1 tl ele ~ sue ne,er .spcnks to any 01 e except hei hus str ggle l \¥1th all he1 p ,,; er t n, in con e bu 1d a11 l then onl} rn pivate After she .,·uence of 1 er f ither s r:l sfort rne the detest d becon1es a inotl er l e ruaJ speak to her 0.l marriage wu lld 1 e 1 ec ssa111y rle.fer1e mother 111 la lir t an 1 after the lapse of h d t ti l l\ay s e 1 1a e\enrc1n te 1 agcn e' ns ce1t n peno ls to her owi n other her sis i )el hon1 the in1nost re css ~other heart to tcr i 1 ln. an 1 her a n s stcrR Sl e is al tl b h ti f tite i 1 1 Lo 1 el' Jat y t e 1 u o 1 er " ay 'eilccl e'en in her own he use sl e father for vd om she felt 1 evertl eless nc'\ er spc t1 to Inale strangers and she sel gieat aJlect o she \ o l<l 1 e freed fro1 th lorn or ne er le<n es the hou c Her finerj, suitor'\\ bo1n she fo nd tin po ~1 ble to Jove Je :i.:elle ' and 0:r ia1neut~ cau be i::ho\\ll 1o atone for this ev 1 ii o gl t she hi:ectetl only to U ose of I er o vn acx nnl n C\.ery all her and tender1 e 1' to the s1ftercr '\\U.Y her sec l on J<:! as i;.01npleie le ihut of the I l' nr:b ' o nen 0 Night Thoughts .l< OU A I ADY B SCltAP BOOK ] he day s Ju e \Ud the dai:kn ss Falls from the Wlngs of night As feather IB wafted do vnwar ls Ji rom an n ts fligl t ' 1 have \rntchetl the s r to r ght go do Vl n regal splendour Tl e rcu and golden clo ids lm>e faded slow Ii from the western sk,) - UI d anoth er div shroncl.1ng it elf u beaut ha did Ii ir y 1 fe w y- f e>er 0 Day dyrng so fill of lo\ elmc sgl1d1ug so ilently nnd urcvouably into the past-what reco!Jtl b"'areBt ti ou w1tli tl ce? Thou leave>i.t s \ ect 1 p ci:: on the l cent - 1 kc the soft fragrance of lyrng flowers Lovingly turns 11 \ gaze tu the \\. e l.\\ ard as the s m goes do rn be! nd ti c hills for there "here t1 e 0 old n .rrnet dv1 g 1 ~ tie home of my ch lduoo l Theie are tho !cat fa ml ar spots wheie my soul flits oft and recalls the past tlme r the Jr en ls of curl er J <'ars loved so loug auU loved so \\ell There too alas are ~ra\ es where those' ho\ ere tl e dn 1 gs ot mJ l ea1t he slcepn g Gra' ee ncve1 forgotten ncb thou 0 h far a\vay I :::.till \\ eep ov r The , nset has faded m bea i l tl c sta1 ot C\ening trembles l pou the last c1unsou cloud one bj one the stats con1e slo\\ly ont 111 the skv aml n ght l ke a wend au' beaut ful dream l11ngs o> er the cart! The night 'v1n l i:;1ghR through Lhe street~ tell n0 a mourntnl talc of all its restleS;, wnnilenng~ How it eob~ an l .e gh a 1d n1on.ns Sobs as a inother l ee1 ing o'er dead children s gh.s as lo ers sigh at part 1ng 1 oans as captives IlJoan m prison c lh1 t..nd as I listen to the s ghmg of the m1 d I tlnnk \\ 110.t seer es the oLato l 0'\i look tng do\ n pan ln yonder ;)tutcly rn nston the lamps bu\n bnghth a d tie " 1very tones of music n Jd 1u1rth fl.oat on the e~cn mg air It is al ndal ball " ill er do vn the street ti ere is anotl er 1 omc- durk uni! dre(lr No Rounds of JOY al'e hear l tr ercin tor lcath s icy band has Ju1d loved one low "W lnle others drean1 n 8leep there sleeps one with r g1l bro :i; a1 l C) cs for ever cloi:)e] to 1 on Ho Jrean1 sl all con to n ght or C'\ crn1ore tin bon1cs of "ea1th an l car tl e er il lren of lux.urJ sli: tn bcr on be ls of do n £Ln l yet nlns many a Jo\ eh ch 11 hes t nshel tered pon tl o pavernent cold Iu T1 son cell ll se 11 ing L il r:i ft e1 bO\\ n1any drng out the " cary lo 1r oi night a101 e <\.nd he silent star s keep "nteh Hr all al I e O\ er tl e 1 v--i 1b sleeper<:;j an 1 over U te t tn·s of the 1 et tomb The church clock sir 1 s twelve M l 1 rr1 1t l 1oods O\""CI the enrtl fhe>£tars bun 0 Wlth u leeper mean ng i 0'i"? u1 )O J._.1 l'>ky 1 hey I enl to ru e rn tot es u tter blc of the uni no" n of the far off and unatt 1 al le of the mrn ortahty of tl e so ii and T feel as often before that nil o ' I gl est nsr rat on<:;j o r 1 ablest e1 dea' orfl o 1 rest \ enrn1n0s n 1d er ' ugs !or a so1netl 1ug we kno\\ n t \\Int-all these are but l nb that bmd us to at uLl er and n nob er 1 hes thu.t dra\v ts h"'a~ en' ard The church clock sir I es Lhe hall ] our It 1 tl cl o r when the deal ar se nd nlk the earth A1ounl rue hoi;er the spu t of the paEt lookrng \11th u 1"1 choly eyes into nune an 1 touclnng " ith 1nv s l le fin 0 my hea t 0 er th gra' es oi 1 tr ec\; "" meu1 ory tlits away to gutl er .fiO\\ tlQ SI e b l1em 1 ack aul scatters t} en fo1e 8 g A <l the I <lreai 1 n1e n ga l g ur 0 n a t t' b ne mar i; a rea11 o t c yO'o The foe burns lo\\ n the grnt tie cl ureh l k k 'II gh uo of the, nd c oc str1 es 01 c ie s1 ei d l tl ht 1, "aim d ot 11 bas ie away 1e nJg " .. d Jeep a id J.ll nat ire 1s \\ rappc n s ho-.;aleto c · l J l l ~ Edmburgh Castle B f 1e the m>cnt on of artille v EI u b n b h C !lltlc as almost 1m11eg1 al le 1 y Joice "hen J el l 1} on adegm te garrison b 11 it"" ne\Crtbeless frequently ta! c t l) su! prise One of the most remarkable m sta lCe occurrc l 1n l 341, \V bc1 " 1lh :i.m Douglas coutr1i; ec.l bJ the tolltn ng strata gci i to rcco\ er it from Ed-. aril III of En 0 Jan<l fur wJ10m 1t " 1s I eld by a gur son of gieat strength Dou0 las ' ith ti rec otl er get tlen 011 v;a tcd on the bovern 1 One of the1, pretend ng tole n E >gbsl mer chant 1 r rruel h1u1 he had for sale 01 boa1\l a ve sel J 1st 1.rv 'ed n1 the Forth rt. cu1g of "ine strong beer an l b1scu1t ex 11 s telJ spiced at the eame tnne J>rO h c ing as i siu ple n l ottle of 'v1ne nr d anotl r of \ cc1 The go\ erner, taetmg an l "Pl ro\ 11" of them agree<i for the pm chase of tie ol h ch ti e feigned ca] tam req 1eslel 1 em gl t Joi ct \e1y ca ly next nor fl i l ordc1 <to U\ o cL rt rr I tlon fro l th Scots He came accord g1y to t1 e t 1 e app 1 tt l attended 1 y a doz n arn e I fol lo\\e l sg i scl m tie bah t of s 1loro tle gates bt: ng op ned for their rece1 tJOl they (; r I l J Ii in tl e e t1 u t O\. lt 11 ca1 og ln w ch the .1: ro' i 10 s er H p lo el to t e lo dcd thereby p e ntrn then from b lTIR Sl ldenly shut. The' the l<illed ti c porter and Rcntno an 1 blo v ng a ho1n as a s1g 1al Douglas ' ho w tl :i uan 1 oJ u l 1 e11 1 ad hut con c ale l 1 ear tl c CU"tlc l she l 1n un 1 JO nod the r con1paniont:i A sharp col.lfl.i t enst ed 111 ' h ch 1110 t of the 0 a111son being sla 1 the caotle ' as rccove1cd for the Scots wl o about t1 e i::a1 et me hal also cln\cn the Eu 0 hsh entire!) out of Scotla1 d He hath richi:s su:f!ic1cnt who hath e o to be charitable 0 1 I c;i M <\.N L INE of Roy·\ "\fol Ste"me1s sail f m N e.w York t;iVtirj Sa r ay an. l 1n vry ']] -sdav Ti keta sol<l_ to ru:id from l It la d Dnd the Cont1ne1 t n.t as Jo vrates aE> by r.ny utl B 1 e YELLOWLEB0 S. OUICK A ent Bo :\:n1anv1lle a.y IS ' York 1871 A httle l{h.3 me c:tme J\lSt n tune And all l\} o t he best of L me Luuc from the '\-\est of the.,..very best :r;rot b1:ial in an) quarter I me tha.t w 11 always stan l the test '\Vhe.n ma.k n into inortar I vllt v1-tn(l.R ee1 ag ol supply l OI lt s AlWa'\: s Vin.nted That ~hen you all come n to bu:. Yu Jl n t l e hsa1 pointed Yo 'Vi Mhich IS no1v m ise at al the pnnc1i nl ra IwaJ i;tat1ons w Ca.nadtt It 15 Just tlie th111g- for Ohurc1 es !falls and p bl c bu Id ng:3 Re a a.lso munufQ.ctunn.., the At the comn encement of th s 1 ar1ab\c ·lo 1t and ridd' "l BEST HOT AIR n ( r\.ll&<la Ma.ohines. A 0 nt fo R ill al ays find t dry and fre 1 t} e Whe le 1 & "v Ison the Ho e $25. And tha.t s som thing l onn c So 001 e along and tr;:. t 6.1s I me But don t furvet the mo,n y I-lours of deln e y fr n )hne a m_ to Fom p rr Cotner of c}ne n a l<l Ontu-r o 8t eet I.lWS BOWDEN no24 tf Do vm:in l th e Oslio S 0 Mucl ll a Bovuamnl::g ~~~CK~ CORN FOR SALE WHOIE, OR CHA.CK.ED John McDougall DR & Montr<rn. NlH 8th 18'"'1-- n manv Ile Oet 5th 1871 co tf ~ Il:L"R GREA 1: or l "CDLIC l3EKEFir 0 1 lHli .AG E CARSO N'S MEii IC INES. ) n l ror hich neit oe tb1i1 n ~ny Test mou aJ.5 NTO the S bsc obe SJ rem oes Lot 65 10th (i't few of thez ten losed n. vrappers aro nd CGn of Clarke 0n '"·/'e ar esday 27th ult a each bottle ) , ith 11 u merou.s h t of respectable ,ersons na1ncs >\ho test fy to the supe 'lor q al B y Thi re SUI! U8C] Lu 1P.l"J.10 ta yeat s old 1 THE PUBLI C the owner s requested to rrovc p1o]Je1ty ra.J t1e1' of h VMlO s (kn po n<ls z cha1.,es ~n<l take her awa, HE UN Dli' HSif. JS ED rn prep1ed to do J ng ;jyur .H EA T HO:.\'.I:f'ROc;i Const I at on B tter anv a.m01: nt of C stom Sa rng at h s 1\.:f Us Oct 5tb Vl 1 ti I L >er( m ou d . 1. eat f Lot NQ 1!) 6th Con Da ltngton Rates -1 ne $2 per tbousa1 1 l l emlock a.n l Ba::.s Cough D101 a \.\ orn Spec1fi c voo l 2 aO 1-I:udwood 4 lie l 1 also pav Pa. n Re c c1 &c the h gl er:."t I e l ll c 11 1 for soun l Hard~oo 1 ::tnd Basswood lo s cl hver d at tl e Mill ~~ IJ e nl o e 1'-led1c ne can Lo l truncd from D Stott Bo1'rosnv lle .R. Foth.e gill Ne '.!HOS SMII EI c & tle I A Orono BA~RISI ERS ATTORNEYS u A I TO 1::1 T 7 I otl er "oulcbt thou ? \~ell F 3lre 'W'ell, McGee$ &, buL I OW H her I Pe er tie nteude l l 1i legroo n lone <llBt ube l tie trnnqt il1t1 of tho 1 n te l fanu 1y At hr~ he '\ :t.f-l cc1 tai 1] n oi; etl b"\i h s k1IJs11u.ns m fort nc aid hal "\O\Cl to rnm the ·warden ' l u " the caose of ) i Jury to Mani eke But he became gradn ally le> s ns l n that ac ount and now bitterly comrlarncd I] it b1 ha p ness sho ild bo so long lelc ied At la,t be 110 pose l that tl e 1 au igc ee mony should 1e performed 1 y the ledside ol the patm t al 'l j h Goo l thougl ts are as usele ;, as 0 ood dream.:: if thr.y n11j Ruffer .:.([ to remain co1'\or1ng a111 ng thoughts lll47 } l l'lolic1t ors Con~eyancers No·anesPubhc O CJ lil None of us stand alone m the "orl l none of u::. cnn sink into an al ys ~ of n1 ery v1tho lh 1t l_gg 11 0 otherr:i :i.f e1 ~ r Bo lANVILLii. 0 er 11 M Mui tys Stro OFI' I CE I~ 0 f...\ a - P: r st door 1 orth oft e o[L0t 21 tl y n a1 ria0 e Io ion Oft cc 8th Con of Darl ugtQI 4 ;1. C es a e in a Po t J\I ne:'i tQ lo;:m at low ra e of nt re t may be th< suouer I goo I stal e vf cult1 a.tion Good ut buildin H. l' F , nEWEIL L B R l>Io G >E B l. Ko p:1 t oul J.H 1 un the pran 12"'J to l!ars ti l un h e a1 a. lieob CI \ 1AMES h .. TL'F.DG ] \.. CH \.RLES l<N ~pp ed a la1ge t ar rolhng tlo YI l er ched Bu vwanv n~ Dec 17ih 1~ 69 n &u Darhngt.;>n "fo h 15th 18 l 24 tf rr HE North Wet F T.Fly<\.( TI'.ffi S 11 Ii l tst1 v l tl nreser e a1 d pBrfoct our n at I C keen g t 1n good t 1n un d tlllI er irr piov1r g nd n ltt1nc1Dn it tO'\var Is rts oest state l ' · 1 i-----