-.......- ....... ' . . .,.,.,,,.-_ ,, - THE 1'.IERCHANT, FRIDAY, .APRIL 5 ' 1'872. American Organs! ' Property for IN S~le HARU: TO BEI:dIEVE. I '!~RUE NEVEI~TI-IELESS ! BOWMANVILLE. F IRS'l', One Acre of Land running from Chul'ch Street to King Street, opposite Col Cu't-itt's, with GOOD BRICK HOUSE, - -.:- co11taining ten roo1ns and a cellar .f nll i;:ize; stable drivinghouae,and wood-shed; plenty of hardp.nd soft wsi.ter. Likewise, good choice fruit garden, with apples, pea.rs, q-uinces, pe;i.cbea, plums, i.:herrie!!, and other emaJJ. fruit. Groce ries Verry Cheivp. 1 Good Cooking Raisins only 5 cents n, pound, dllcl still cheape1· by the Box. ~IUl=tDOOH BROS. ' I I A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, on Churoh Street, cast, containing t"'n rooms and n. good cellar, with wood-shed anf! garden. TH!RD. fl1COOND 1 ONE QUARTER OP AN ·ACRE, on Church St. castt with h ouso for t'vo frunilies. FOURTH. fl A VE Just recoived a 'choice lot of Raisins, Currants, Figs, T.- DARLINGTON, SUMMER I)RY GOODS AT COST. have received and opened out a. NEW FRUITS 9 Da.tes, Lemon, Ora.n.ge and. Citron Pees, NUTS IN GREAT l:lhJ1~atifru ONE AORE WITH FRAME HOUSE, contziinina 6 rooms, Yrith n. good \\·ell, on Scugog Street. FI.Fl'H, Cotton n,ncl Woolen Goods are advanGing, but you can buy them at Elliott's for n, short time, n,t the old prices. Now i~ the time to secure what you need. UHOICE ASSORTllENT _, ONE AORE, ON ONTARIO S'rREET. LIKE'WifSE CLOTHlNG.-Gentlemen ~n wn,nt of n, good flWng suit sh0uld cn,ll VARIETY. en,rly at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Estn,bli~hment. Two' Hund.red. Acres - haYe now completed theh· Twenty-First yc~1· of business, with a constant an<l still increasing growth. As the ruanufactot'Y is one of tl~e _ oldCMt, it a.h!o ranks among the bjghe~t in the country. Dnri.ng the lo~ experience of the ma.uufal.!tUl'ers, they h~11v~'- stewJily added to the capacity of their instr~m en ts, and have a\·niled ~hernselves of every n1ethud.t o improve _tbe qu~l-, · i~y of tone n.nd tu increas.e the mecha.n1cal fuc1litiei; for the perfunuer. And though they expect to contiun.e thC course of improvement,tpey a.1·0 a.bundantly su.tisfied '"-1th what has been tlone, and with the efl-timation h1 which their in.itruments a1·e hold by good .judges Of music. As heretofore, they 1'1ill 1.lsl:l tl:c best raaterials, without rtigarcl to cOl:!t, and gi\·e to cve1·y Orga.n the mo::;t thorough workn1anBhlp. :.rhey especially invite comparisons a.s to the quality ai1d volun1e of tone, a,nd as to the effective mechanical a.ppli::1;uccs. 'l'hey call attention to the fact tbu.t their Ql"gan~ nre sold A'l1 EXTitEJ.VlELY LOVv" PRIOES,M lo~· ns is charged for man}~ of an inferior sort. lla\ljug a, large, J.nd thorou¥bly ap11oiuted n1anufo.ctory,em~loy ing noue but skilled '\."rorkrnen,and having made a tninuto div.is1on of labor, they arc able to Il~O· ducu Organs at less rates tha.n iuost competitors. They .believe. also, that among other things, they have earned ~ reputa.tion for fair dealing, and thGy would assw·13 distant purchasers that no Organ \vill e'°"er l~a.ve.. their wa1"1.·rooms 1vith their kuo~vledge, thu,t i s not in ev~ry respect perfect of its clas~. ' _.\.s they have before s.t:.i.ted, they intend t() f!C· oure n. friend in every purchaser. 'l'heil· ca.to.· logue, ·vith full description and nccurate engravir1gg, will l;e;, sent fnrn tu any a<ldre~g upOJl np· plication. All n ecessa.ry inforraa.tion cheerfully furnisb,:d. Address ' OF rrHE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN <JO. of good \voo<llanrl, b eing Lot 11, in the 10 Con. 'l'o,vns.hip of Am_v..ranth, County of Y.l ellington, · near Orangeville, and within three miles of the Toronto, Bruce, arid Gro;iy l{tiil Road, F.or further pn.rtic11lar1:1 inquire of Co,il'u:lies, with an :umortmeut of ?. FRAZER I will i;;cll chel1.p for C1;Wl1, H.s I intc1lll le11Yiug the COUl! i ry. Bowmanvill<;, Feb. 16th. in&o-:n20-3Jn. CHOICE BiSOU!TS. Dn.rlingtou ha.s ag-ain recci ved ;inOth~r lot of thoas celcL2·ated · ' Satisfaction guamnteetl in all reasol\able cn,ses. Hi~N'RY ELLIOTT,- Jur. Hml\pton, August 2nd, 1871,i ~~====================================== FALL .AND .vVINTER GOODS. ..i I"O'RE LE.AF TEASi Qita.lity is the. 1~eJt CERrlfiOATE OF AGENCY FOR THE of Chenpn.ess. 1112-tf Bowru.n.nville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. NEW SPRING GOODS, ---<O--- Osborne Sewing Ma.chine. \Ve give this rcne\val of tho .Agency, as, since ·we first received the appointment, thel·e have ln~en others l'epresenting· themselves ns .Age11tgi in \Vest Durham :GUELPH, Dec. 4th, 1871_ Messrs. R. & H. O'llaru, BowuHutville. These are to certify that you are duly n.p~ pointed our authorised Ag1:mt for the West l'tid1ng of Durha111, and North ·~nd South Ontario, and the South Ridi.llgof V~i(;toria._ \Ye will not recogni.Be the w:::tions of any oth c1~ _pa.Tty cl a.inting to bo OlU' Agent, unless the Mnc11ine pass through your hands, .selling i11 the above terri· tory, from and uftei· this date. - - ~ \Ve do not bind ourseh·ea to w.iurant any Machine Sold, of our n1anufacture1in s:iid territory, w1less going direut from tho :Factory to your order, or to that <;if auy of your sub Agents. ' 11.espectfnlly yours, . G·uELPH ·SEWING 1\fACHJNE Co. P.S.--Each of our Agents \Vill h a.Ye a 'IVritten oertificate c,f Agency from u~. which pui·chase.NJ should insist on seeing. R. & H. O'H.A.RA. Bowman ville, D~c. 21, 1871. · A few only of those splendid T vv-E E D 8 H i R T 8 -n,t S. Ji'. HILL'S. Large Supplies & Stocks Complete. A'f TRE AT B TIIE R 0 y R Temple ~ l! ashion, Oshawa MR . 'fRE,VIN Is -plcMe<l.to announce, that he iJ:i 110\\' ' DIRECT IMPORTATIONS~ prcpru:ed to shew N M A t'C1 ...!J large and compr·ehensive Stock of Spring amd Summer Staple and Jlancy" Dry Goods, 0 N And would eepeC'ially mention son10 very striking a.nd nma.odngly beautiful line~ in ~ ---o- DRESS GQODS, SIIA'VLS, & 3.fANTLES. --o~ Something long wanted b:y Everybody-Everybody his or her own THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO. Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. ., Gpen to-day. Boston, Mass· J M BRIMACOMBE, ' Bo'wm&nv1lle. G·cnc1·al .i\.gent for tho Pro,·ince of Ontario. Bowman ville, ,...'\.pi·il 3i·d, 1872. ly-ol4-m27. R . Painter. STRAY STEER. into the premiseEl of the Sub1eriber; Lot No. 12, iu the 3rd Con. Cartwright, a Steer, coming two yElars old. The owner can have him, on proving property, &.'1d ~aying e~pens~s. O A~!E ~ · E will b~ found unusually attr. a ctive this aeason, r<1plet0 with so1ne of t.be choicest things in · M B N RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRDl!IMIMGS, &o. J. GEDDES Cart·wright, Jan. 3rcl, 1S72 . ,41. A R HOUSE & VILLA-PAINTS and a.a uuly FIRST-CLASS TALENT is employed to eupel'intend our _1HLLINERY, .MANTLE, AND Dl:\ESS MAKIKG, LMlie!! ma,y l'ely on getting Ne,.., a11d Fashionable G:ir1nents 'vell lnade. A Mrs. E. Cawker, in retiring fro1n business, begs to return her sint'K!rc tha.ukB to her nun1erous patrons, for their liberal ~upport duriug the tiine she haa boen in busille~s. At the same time, she begs to an· 1iounce, that she hag retired in favor of her tv;-o Soni'!!, ,Yhom shti trusts, by S';"RI(JT ATTE1VTIO.Y 1'0 BUSINESS and supplying a. FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, 1.6°tf. to still 1nedt that patron~go so libiitr!.lly bestow· ed upon b~r. Stall Ko. _ 1, l\Iarket Buildings. Bowtn_.1uvillc, Jan. 18th, 1872. S. B. BRADSHAW , would t<\klj this opportunity of thanking )1ia friends for the v~ry lib6r:\l patronage he haSi r eceived. He reel:i Rati!!li d th~t not.hing lJut · ULUlH:!rOUFJ P·iwe Colo·r, Pv,n Wh:ite Lwd, P.ure White Zinc, Linseed Oil, SpfrAnd all other its of Turpentine, & Dryen, FIRST-CLASS PICTURES ccarefully n,ncl scientificn,lly comTaken in A 1 Style; at bined. FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY The 'consumer cn,n hn,ve any de· SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, sired shade of 9olor neo,tly put U} in Cn,ns, and all he requires to buy Ki.ng Street, Ea.st. with the Pai11t is a· Brush, as the 1301vma.nvi1lt1, Nov. 28th, 1871. 47-tf. whole can be done by himself, or by any member of his household. Dana's Patent Sheep ~larks the must la-sting, the least tt'Oublerome 1 a.qd 1noi:;t _ complete cvtix in vented. ' 'J.'hey are used and recmnmeude d by ruanv of the best Breed r.irs n the Uuited States nnd Cu.nad.'.lr, .such aa G. il.: J:.roring, Salem, Ivlasr;., President N ew England , i~loul Gr{Jwers' .Society; ,T ohn S.> B.orm, IIennepin, Ill.; Professor !t.1. ],files , of the Stn..te Agricultural College, Lansing-, MiCh. ; Hon. Geo, Brown, Toronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Echuouton, 011t. On ench Mark fa sta1npcd the O\\'ne1·'5 name an<l the Sheep's n umber. They will be sent free, by ini~il, or exp1·c::1s, for only jour cent each, and will ht.st for rw·ENl'Y YffiAJIB. rJ,fj~ Cr.sh must a.ccomp:l.ny all ord!::lr~. !S T N T SI Prepn,recl for imecliate U'se, n,nd nothing but the purest materials nsed, and req t1iring no further mixtur1q of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Their composition consiets r::olely of Friend~, ns far as_Prices are concerned, call and judge fo1· your~e.Iva,, l l 1 l J s. Oshawa, April 3rd, 1871. TREWIN, Corner King and Sim coo Bts ly J GROCERY DEP ARTJ\i!ENT INSURANCE. · ·1 Andes fl~st topay Chi~ago Losses. ·ro ANDES INSURANCE _will be fou11µ, as nsu.J, well supplied. 1 ) 1 ly Ghicago, Oct, 11, 1871. Co.. ··Anfles loasea wil ~YAN. A large imported Stock of not exceed $300,000. THESE MARKSARil THE CHEAPEST. E. E. Agent. FRESH FIELD, AND ~ARDI"::N SEEDS J uat received. Howman ville, Sept. :21st, 18il. PURE V\IH!TE LEAD, A largo stock just rec~ivecl, for n,ut. umn pa.intiug, imported direct from the English Mttuufacturers,including James' Genuine, and tlte Celebrated Patent Ivo1-y and Lignum Vitia E Y E-0 UPS. y their use, the alu·unken and enfeebled eyej either in yonng or old, is at QilCu suppli&c with th:-..t best #tn<l in<lispenniblc anim:lil stimulant - A1 te1·ia~ Blood. ':L1hu ner\-eii:i re:::ume their tone; the vessel~ :cecova1· their vower: the globe a3su1nes its proper shape, wize, and bl'illiancy; a.Udiauascd action is arrested and cured. 'fheir objt·ct is tv bring tho sight to a natural focus, by l'e~toring the din1inished convexitr or fla.tness of th e Cornea of the Eye, which 11' gra.tiually ru.ised to its orir;inal conYexity,c~u-~illg the i·aya uf lig!1t to converge on -the retina without tirn aid of convex l<rnaes or gla.."86$; thus a speoial remdy for theflc 'IVhose sig-ht is beginning to fo.il fron1 ag-e. Thtiy add vitality and strength to the eye thus securing &· propur e;ecretion,:tnd remav. ing ~he cau;;e of all organic dh;eases, ~rhis u·on. d crful effect is produ. c cd without pain 0r the lea.at pos~ilJility of injury to the eye. · Many of our inost eminent physicians, occuli:;ts, st-udenta a.nd divines, have ha.d their sight erwanently r~_i:;tr1rccl for lif<J, and cured of the ollV\\ring diseases: . 1. .Impaired \..,.ision; 2, 0 1· Preabyopia, or F;!Lr 5ighte4uesil, ot· Dilnness of \,"'j5ion 1. co1nmonly eall!::lcl Blurring; 3. A~then£1pia,or 'lv~ eak ]:]y!::la, 4. :Ii:piphora, ltl:l111ll1ig or \Vatery Eyes; 5. Sote }:yes-speci!lilly treated 1 vith tbei Eye Onpi;c).i.ru guarantoed ; 6. "\Veakness of the H.etinn, or Optic N er~· ,); 1. OpthaJmia, or Infiamrnation of the. Eye and ita appendages, or imperfect vision fi·ciro tbo effects of In:Bammation; 8. Photo11bob1u., er lnte>lo1·anca of Light; 9. Over· "\Vorkcd Eyes.; 10. l\'Iydeaopia-inoving speck1:1 01· floating boaies bcfo1·e the cye:iil; i\._n1a.u1'0f:!fa, or Obscurity of ·vi~ion; 12. Oatari\cts, Partin.I Blindne!:lij i the loea of sight. · Any one can ilSC thll Ivoi·J Eye Cups \: r ithout the tnd of Doctor Ol' )l!edic1n0, ao a& to- receive immediate beneficb.l results and never \Vear spcctacl~s; or, if using now, t.c, lay them aside VVe gu:.1,1·an"tec a cure in e\'ery ca:oie forever. \vhere the directio!ls are follO\Vcd, or T\'0 will re· h1r-id_th~ money. B ROOSTER BRAND, g1lan~-nteed p 11. re. AROHlBALD YOUNG, Ju., Sarnia, Ont. LOW :tnd addre~sed to the MEMliNT 12.nd OnSERVaR Office, fo1 a uy quantity. will be £lied at the above-meution~.fl vrice, as quickly as the ~larks can be madt> and sent. Orders ALSO C. BARI.Um, Bow1nm1"iUe, f)ec.28th, 1871. ly-ml~-ol ail standard colors, oih varnishes, and painters' i:nateria1s. C:;,ll and see how cheap a house can b_e pa.intecl and tlecomtecl; for all these goodswill besold :i:tReduced fi9~11rcs. The ANDES is !olvent and Tery strong, a.nd ha,_ q i:ilready comtnenced paying its Cl1tca:;o lo13Sl.!S. CLIFTON, Oct, 9, 10:30i:..m. I h::i.ve to-night carefully exnmined all Chica· go insura.nces in the Andes Insurance Com-paay of Uinciunatti. VI" shall authorise our adjusters to d1·a'\\' upon UR at ~i~ht for every correct claim M rapidly as ascertained. Our losses by this great calauiity ai·c· a considerable figurt, but nothing to (',ripple us. 'l'hi! honr of duty is upon us, and we shall meet it in the liou-heal'tt:d 1nanner thn.t the ocoa.sion requires· Nev..erhcless, I fully expect, U1 addition to aurmouotng this s_eriou~ obstacle, to pay the stockhold· era of the Andes Iusuranoo Company a com_· 01·table dividend next July. Respectfully, e 1 j THE GREAT P.E:DIJ!.DY FOH. J'. B: BENKETT, Pres. OONSUMPTIOI~and ach.-nowlc<lged lJy numy promit1('11t phyHi· clans to bGthe most Reliable Prcp:i.r11.tion ev£>j" introduced for the RELIEl:t~ 1:.nd CURE of nil R· & H. O'HARA, Agents, .. . Bo:wmanville. Tiowma.n..-ille, ~c~:lJlth 1871. .. '3-tf } j ' FARM FOR SALE. .f'OUR HORSE POWER LUNG COMPLAINTS. ren1cdy offcrcil 'rhis well-known is to the r. 6 Superio~ \Vo~kmanship, acreB, I.1ot 30, 2 Con . of Da.l'lington, l mile '± fro111 Ebenezer churc11 1 fo:..· particular~ apply on the prernisc to .~ 2000 Gillous of :t'orta'ble Stea.m Engine AND BOILER , public:, i!ln.nctloucd by the c:qwrlcnce of over forty yt:1Rr'°, und \vhcn rcsorte(l to in scmion, se~dom fails to cm.~ct n speedy cure of THOS. W. HAlrnIS. Da;·lington, l\fa.rch 20th, 1872. ol8rn26-tf. Pro J3o:no :Pu'blioo. liaa gained for bim such & stel'tdy ii1crease of busine:!!:ii:-mucb larger th ii,n former years; :~ntl. }1e trusts that hy ALL KINDS OF MACHIN~ OlL of clifforent kinds. Threshers a.i1d n,ll parties requiring _ such oil. n,re specially invited to inspect the various qun,lities, the prices being far below anything ev er offered in this market. '· Oougl1s, Colds, Croup, nroucltitis, hi· llnenza~Vhoo11Ing FOB SALE. . . HE underBii,.."lle<l offei:s for s::i.le, in Little T Britain, a Four Ho1-se Po\vei· Portable Steam };J1gine and BoilefL . in l'lmning order. A.lso a first-class 'l'nrning athe, 1 Side Planet·! 2 Sn.w }!andrels, l Gi$.: Saw. about 20 feet of Line Slia.fting1 Saws, Belting, &c. Terms liberal. For further _E~rticulars apply to \V. H. l\iURLEY, Bowmanville, Or to JOHN MURL:KY, Litt!· Brit~in, Bow1uanvil1c, l\iarch 14th, 1H7!i! 24-tf ness, rains or Sorcuess la the , Ollest and Side, Blccl1ing iit the Lungs, Liver (Jomplalnt, &c. Cough, lloarse- 1 1!all, Cured without the Use of the 500 Cook, a.:nd Ile~ Stoves, strict attention to business Knife, by arriving, a.nd now on exhibition, the TAKEN OU'l' AND by a timely re~ort to this stnndt'l.rd remedy, as js prO\'ed by hundreds of testlmoniall'! reci"1vcd by the.proprietors. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUR.ED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WIW UHERHY cause behind, as is the case POINTS OF I :!?~111cl', docs not d..-y up a Oou.yh, and la ave th ,1 v~·tth :ni~;B~ DR. B: PATTERSON, of Bowmanville. la.ugest and chen,pest stock of 0 . .J?OUNSALL, M!'GJRTER, .MANUFACTFtrE R, nn prCP?l'atl-0111, but it loosens and. clcrru.'J<.::1 tho luny11, 4nd alla.yA i'l"'itaH011 1 ll!M i; removtnu the cau6e of the co1u1)laint. Simplicity in ConstJ"Uction, Ease of operation, Pmfection oj Stitcli.., alikl! nn both sides, owing to pe1fect tension on upper ana lower Tlwead. $309 Certificates of Cure, From honest Far1nerR, IVIcchanics and I\-Ierch· a.nts, some of them the nwst" eminent lending prof.essional n.n<l busineas men iinJ. women of education n.n~ rei1n~mcn.t, in our CE.rl1utry 1 may he seen at"' our officti. U ndl:lr datti of March 29, Hon. Hor!l.ce G·reeley, of the K cw Y ork !Pribune, w1:ites: "J. Ball, of our city, is !t. conscim1tioue and raspont ible man, ,.,.ho ie inc~ps.ble of intentional decep1'ion ur i1nposition. Prof. W. }ie1'l'i.ck of Laxingtou, l(.y ., \V"l'ote _,_'\.pri l 24th, 1869: \.Vithout m,y Spectaoles I Ren Y'"IU this not o, after using tht: Patl:lnt l vory Eye Cu pa thirte1J1~ days, f.J!H.l _this inornh1g perused the entire conti::ntf! 01 a Daily 1-. - lnvspaper and nll with t.J.1e unt>..ss.i:Jte<l Eye, ' Trlllv <Lm I grateful to yonr i:..oble inveu1'.ion, niay Ii"eav;:Hl ble~i! :1,nd preserve you. I httvc been using a11c c~aq]ei:; twenty yeai·g ; I am scv£.nty-oIJe yen.ri!l oltl. Truly yours, Pn.1f, \V. }iel'Jiok. R!!:Y. JO.SEPll SHITII, ~fa.ldt!n , 1'-fa.."'S., cured of P~rtial Blindness, of 18 .yc:.u'fi' ~tr.nding, in one 1111nute, by the Pa.tent Ivory Ey.e Cupi. E. C. BLLlS, late \fa.yor of Dayton, Ohio, "ifi"oto us Nov. 15th,1869: I hn.vo te.!!tcd the Patent I vo1·y Eye Cups,and I arn satisfied they n.re goud. I a111 p1ct~Eiecl with thcn1 · they a.rt:i tbe grt!ate~t invention of the age. ·_ ' hl'.P \\·ill continue to i·eceive their ·upport. TliA Le.<1t of referenceis give n in Bo\Ymaoville ::i.nd elsewhere. Office on Church St reet r13oY.:manville, Feb 22, 1872. ly-1n2J·o9 S. B~ BRADSHAW, Daily Line 'l,O GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRlACf I DE~i\.I.ER in all the Yn.rieties of GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durlrnrn. Italian & American Marble. JOHN McLEOD, A Jn.rgf1 an:d choice a_ e lection of Wellington Buildings. Bowmanvi!le., Aug. 8th, 1871. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those whose oc:cup!ttion requii·es P.n w-:.usual exercise of the vocal organs, will iiml this tho O~LY PREPAr..ATION" whkh will C'li't> rlr _ ually fl.lld lm1ta.nt11Deou1Sly 1·clic\' C their diilicmltiel!, Dcwa:rc of Cou.ntcr:fcits. Remember that tke genuiw: JVi.~tn.r's JJrrl.w-m has on Ote outside 'W1'<'P.P(!}' the llig1wfu1·e 1!f "I. 13 UTTS," and tlttJ pr·t11.ted nrmw of the JJJ'O pr1.s~ors, "SETI! JP"· .F'OWLE<f· SQ_;.\'S, JJUSTON.11 .AU others are bastt imitations. Examine the wrappe1· ca.rrj·ttlly before pui·chn.slnf,'· ~qua.Uy a.daptecl to Family Wor'k, :Cress and Shirt Making, -'!'ailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage T_rimming; &c: MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. RANGE OP WORK :-From Gauze to Beaver Cloth, DUR.ABILITY :-Will la.~t a life time. l MOHUMENTS AND CRAVE STOHES, ahvayfl ou hand, of superior workmapship, and at lowest pfieea. EVERY · MACHINE WARRANTED. All t..hose that are in -arr·ea.rs mu:'!-t pay up, especially the Hru:dovare account. S. D. B. Bov:manvillo, Jan. 10th, 1872. ly-15. The New Lake Steamer DON'T .· }'AIL TO CJALL AT Coe Dollar a Botti· Six Iloltles lw· Firo Dollors. .PREPARl':D TIY Agents, Tellowlees & Quick. We have also on ha.nd WANZER' SLE1'TER A, ABBOTT'S, AND BARCLAY SEWING "11£AORINES. W1'ought 01· Cast Iron F&nces SETH W. FOWLE &. SOMS, Boston, Maas., Aud sold by Druggists aurl·Dcaicrs generally. A NEV'V ctALLERY! Uf· Cohourg e"~1-y _ u1orning at 7 :30. l">ort liopc at ~)</clock for Rochest..e'" connectiJ.1 .. tht:re \Vitli t.he New "Yol'lc Central, N orthern Central and Erie R.11.ilway, for all µoit.t:s East, Bo11th, nnd South \V C$t. a -New Picture Gallery1 with a.1 the MASON?S \' l her rt'i::{U~u.r dnily trips, ice pern1itting.leavon or about 1st April n ext comn1e1we for encloBiag bu!'y4ig lots. ~ICT'O'BE mI-m Subscriber respectfully informs the pub· UTILL .l' lie, that, ·_having fitted For Harness, Saddles, 'rrunks, \Tali8~f3, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on haJid, er wrought to ()tder. respectfully re<),ncstcd e.t the works, Octobe1·, 1st, 186~. .A.. call is 1 Our Stock of General Goolfa is hcrgc, emb.racing »II the Novelties of th8 . clay, ancl aU the necessaries a.s well. Pi cture li'nl.mes-allBi?~s, Mo·,ldings of everrstyle, Vlall Pn.per-a splendid assortrne11t now in stook, A la.rgt:: supply ~f bea.ntifully a.asorted \;\, iu~ow Shades, Oh.il<lren'1:1 Carriages, Conot:1·ti11as, Brul\!h4;8, Cornbs, Loe k1ng- GlaS.scs, 1'.fusic, 1fn.gazini>-s, Violi1H1, Viqliu BowB, Y~iolin l:)tring11,P<1-per 90Uars, .N" eek 1:'ies 1 School BookB, Da.y Hookl!, Bibl.\ s, Kni veio ~ntl ForJ.i~,l\)cket Kniv"cs, Rl\zor~, Spoons, and Sc1s;iora. Cbeapcat ]\ T ote Pape1· ;\.n d Envulopes in tLe count-ry. All thijse, and a. t~:iusand other. art~cles, aJ:e to be found at the V AR1E1'Y STORE. "\Ve tLre a..l w.:i.ya glad to s.;:e fnendi:;, nnd tlunk it no trouble to show Good.s; and we gu~tr:i.ntec ai:l good vah1c, fl.t U..'I low ptice~ as any other h1Juse in the trad!::l, Parties wishing to telegraph their friend$, Ulay rely on h~vin"' their business done promptly , Agent5 fol' Inman I.in(' of Steamers, nnd Imperial Building a~d Saving Society. ' King Street, Boi1Jman uille l·tf M01JERN IMP RO VEMENT8, he ij! pu.:i1ln.red to take RETURNING. J.1ea.ved Oh<irlotte., Port of RC.chester everv evening at 9 o'clock, exc_ept Saturdays', wh~ll she .lea\·es at 2 o'clock p. JU,, for Brightou ,<lirect. The stea1ner calls n.t I3righton) 1\:fonday;i; and Colbo1·no every da.y except Wt:dv Thul's<lay, at _ ncsday, u.t Whitby, Osh:.:.wa., Darlington and Newcastle on \Vednesday, ehould frei~ht. offer. Dealers in ~tock will find this the cheapest and qulckest route to Albany; J3o~ton, New· York, &c. , &c. · Addres~ _ It. C. CA1tTER, . Port Hope Ont , Port Ifope, Mn.rc· h 18tli, 1872 25-tf. Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, tlurnbility and cheap· ness, cannot be excelkd in this vicinity '110 those in ARREAnS, he 'vould say The Subscriber having purcha.so<l the '.., EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons haviuJ c1a.ims a.go.inst the late Chsi,s. F. Thompson, of the TownrJ1ip of Darli'ugton, in the County of Durha.m, Fn.rmcr, decea.aetl, are hereby ttoti· fied aud reql.1ire<l tO send to tlle undersigned Executor!:!, named itl the la.st Will and Testn.nicnt of the said Cha.l'lea F. 'l'hompeon ; and to whom Letters Probate have been grante..'l by the proper Conrt, or to Robert ltussell Loa· come, Esq ~ their Solicitor, at the 'ro\YJ.l of Bowmanvillo, on or before the NE .!l R-S I G If 'l.' ED NE S S . Ii'oi..thc wol';":lt cases of lilyopia, or lf<Kw-r.ig/lt'Ylnes3, nse ou1· Ne·w P~teut 1lyopic .A.tktchmenta, applied ty the Ivouy EYE-Ccrs, b:i1 pro.Jed a certaiil. cure for this d iszMe. Life-like ·Likenesses, in every etyle of the Photographic Art. YOU TulUST. PAY UP 'l'hoi::e wlin have nJrca<l:-l settled, wiH j)lr:aee ac cept our he.i.rty thanks. BUSINESS AND STOCK of the lat e R·ich~rcl 1\fartin,will be please· cl. t.c srte Bowmanville, .March Yti~'rs~PWLEES & QUICK~ 23 . An inspection of specimens is invited Entra!lc"B opposite the entra.Ttce to tl1e 'llown Hall.· / · ' ' :Pi·. J. :Ball ~~ tecomni~ ndc~ & Co's. OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES L. w. SEXTON. S. MASON. Bo>vn-.'l., nv-ille DC:1c -3rcl 1869. nlO ZO ZO EYE-WASH. by thousands;.,,for InflrtJned Eyes, 1111d Eye-lid~, also Wenk ..t!iy~s, \.Va.tery Eyes, Ovel'-'\\·orked J~yes, Intol.crance of Light, A.mauro2is. or Obscurity of V'ision, or Specks on 1noving Bodies be!ore the Eyes, 'Vea.kness of Retiua., and many other disea.s.es of the E""e. .A.Ji pcr8ous wLshing for full particulfl.l'IJ, ce:ftiJicate.o of cures, prices, &c., will please Eend your ]10 'vill send our 'l'reatile a.ddl'1%s t~ our Agent, "\V on ~he Eye, of forty-four pages, free , by return 1na11. .. L1lf. cansu.liativn 'l'Jit.'i.. uofree. Eowma.n"ville, Sept. 27th, 1871. TO T_HE WALTER I IT IS A NOTED FACT that the A lull Stock of Eu'gµi.e \Voolen Milla. fortnll1g tli ~..pnh lic that the a;bov!::l inill is now compl~tc in"evel'Y respect, o.nd lmdcr t hfl inanagern(;lnt of eX'{)erienued bands. He is no\V J?l'epru-ed to exe cut~ evet·y desoripLiOn cf \York· in oln...<ia style) and '~h de:.patch. 15th Day of May next. Bowmanville Farm Implement Forward Ing Agency, i::J tho, place for farme~s T HE SlTB CRIBER tak es IJl~asi.ue in in- Groceries and Confectionary t!) got Good Farm Implements. Please call and order th4' Cash paid, or 01 th given in exchange . fo1..Wool. · ' WILLIAM TUER Darliugton, ~Iay OAUTION Our sole and exclusive Agent for New com-bfaed Clwppiny JYliU aiul Stncw- C1ltfo1·. the County of D urhn,m, is ' _.\J!)o lec:tve your order fo1· a. firl!t·cla11s 25th, 1871. ly-34. I um sole agent for LAZARUS & MOR· RIS' perfected Spectacles and Eye Glas scs. 'J'hey 11ever. s11pply 01· employ. a.ny others. HoweY er specious the pretc11cc made l)y th crn that they have t;hcm , do not bGlieve it "you ,Vill lie s\vindlel if you do 1 AAllON JJUCKEEil, ngont foT Bo':.rnu\n- E. E· CRYDER.MAN, Hampton P. 0, who has onJrnnd au assortment of Eye-C,tps, &c. Nov. 21lth, 1871. GDAlN DDILL. R W. JAMES, Bo'lrn1a.nville, Dec. 14-~ 187). FOR SALE. A UOOD st~tviceable~ IIoreei Vlago11, 111;1a1·- nll- ..... ly new, Podctling Box r.tt a.cht:<l , Apply tn DJ.GORY IIAYN:ES, Clu.n·cli St.. , east. Rowmnn\·i1le, l\Iarch 21, 1_87~. 2t>-tf. ville and vicinity. · A statement of the sarn~ sho\ving tlw <l11tes, the amount~ uud th~ "·nlue of the same, and also specifying ·wJrn,t security, if any, they bo]d kept on ba.nd. therefor. Anti notice fa hereby ghen that after the date above Jneutioued the gajd Executors m:1y iuuceed \vith the <listributiou of the assets of the rm.id Charles F. 'J:'hon1pson, Ol' aity part thereof, u.111ongst tblj yarties entitled thereto, N.B.-·lt iii my intontion to s11.pply the ba.\:ing rer;ard to claims (if a.ny) of creditors, v.·b1ch shall th-0u have bet-u received, and \\'ill COUN'l.'RI' TRADE not be liable on account (1"1 f such distribntion to any credito1· Of who:!e claiiu they shall not then ba.ve had n otice. with ¥lILJ... Ji ..,'1 :RU:-rDJ_.]~.· Bo-1~1u:1.nville P. - 0. JOH "' Li C' ' ...R, Bowman ville P. 0. JIE;-. ..."l ;.: liLIO'l"!', J n., 1-I:ttnpton P. 0. 111$ WM for1ncrly <lmie hy Ml·. ).fa.i:tin. . ~xee11t " ~ oi· ihe fo.9t \Vill au1d.'l'ostan1cnt of Chul'l~ IO _ vnlpson, decea:::Gll. H HORWOOD llo·-n.ai.1J· lle, l'vTaroh 13t11 1 1872. 11~~4-ttl. Bown1i·llYill1-1, Oeu. 7'J1, 1871. lO·tf WIGG PUBI~IC & ' ' SON, .· N l'&tnrning thank~ to their num~rou1 c1,2torner:'!I, a.nd the Public g1i1nerally, for pa~t faYOl'IJ, would re~pectfully invite their attentiou to our present 1'tock of Fu1·niture, a.3 wo ha·'f"e lately added tbei·eto, that ~·G ma.y thei·~by be enabled to aupply All pa.rtie~ who ma.y please to fa.vor u s \·1ith;. ca.IL G-reat induccimeuts held out to tko~G purchasing a.tour Esta.blishment. Pictures~ Looking GlQSSel!.) &c., fl'amed to ordei·, a.rid iu every sytle. Samplef of thediflerent kinda "of 11-Iouldiug~ cs..n be Reen a.t lhe \V are-roo,m. "'!Ve ,-;oU.ld a,Jso be: to iafoi·:in ycu, th.at, R.,;,·i·i pur·. cha.sed a. SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, we shall be ready n.t a.il tirriea, to attend Funera.le, on sboi·t notice, and reMQll&ble te1·m.a.I N. B. Coffin~~ kep~ on lut.nd, l'IJ1d made to order, at the , l .:YEW DOMINION RETAIL ·FURNI1 URE lVARE.IW OM, I King Street Ea;;t, Osll:ow:i,. o~ai\w·i:t, A~g. 26th. 1870 . Opposite J . W. Fowke's Store, 1' ) 1 l~ I- )