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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Apr 1872, p. 4

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THE J\IERCHANT, FRIJ)AY, APRIL '§I ' 1S72. t- POETRY. ' VIOLETS. Do you know little Kate ~ Her other name is Bate , 'I here she l.S, by the gate Of that rne:idow No then oome and look n.t her, Come and hero- her speak, Hester, I am aure )Oct will like her Very much indeed. USE OJ! t EARTH A.5 A. DRESSING l'OR SEV.Er.E I ! BuRNf:! -In severe bur~ of all degrees, Dr A, He'\\ son ad vis ea tho Ulle of earth, applied m the form of <l!) po~de1 1 or thick paste Heapplies tlie earth pow<ler Ol' pasto to the affected surface , O'ier this he pl::i.ces "\\axed blue pa.per, nnd confines all by the bandage It is clauned that by tlua method the pain is greatly relieved, tho discharge o.bsorbed, fi:etor d.imin1shed, and thu,t the honl1ng process is qu1cke11eCI him to be m wa1tmg, and returned to the king The '\vine question' \Yas still under discussion, and Itochester moved that David the cook should be rnlled m This wa· done, and the passagG produced, and rend aloud fro1n Judges ix 13. The lung smiled, the l[Ueen asked pm don, and tbe poor chaplain blushed Rocbester no\v asked the parson to ~xpla1n the text "rhe poor cravc:in chapl~t1n said ncve1 a Vi01Ll The earl therefore applied to David for nn expos1t1on. The honest cook immediately replied, ' ' Ho1v much n. ine cheereth mc~n your lordship kno,vs o.nU that it cbeereth God, I beg lea¥e to say, tbnt under the J Old Testt1n1eut d1spensat1on, tl;lere "'ere 1neat-offe1tngs and drink off~ungs 'fl1c lutter consisted of unnr, 'vh1ch by a nletaphor is said to cheer God,' as He 'Va@ 'vell-pleasect in the salvatwu He had ·ppomted; whereby His Justice lvas s,:it1sfied, His la w 1ulfilled, ..His mercy r~1gned, }l1s love tnurriphed, and the sinner "a.~ saved ' The king "as agreeably surpnaed at !us evangelical exposition , and Rochesle1 recounnended thnt the parson bhonld be made cook, and the cook 1nade parson ' THF WEEJ[LY GLOBJJJ. 1872. gratefu]Jy acknowledge the steady progress Jn public apprecuition by the GloQe dnnng the JJU.St year, ru.1d the substantial. Sl!Pport 11.c corded to it from all sections of the Domuuon In 1870, the interae interest universally flt in the fearful contei!t then being waged on the Eu1 opean Contrncnt, nnd other excitu1g topic!> oi. the time, CC\.used a rn.l.')id n.dvance in the cir· culation of the dmly Globe of nearly 10,000 cop iee per day, aud a proportionate mcrease in the 1ssues of the weekly Globe -so tl1:l.t the aggregate number of th~ copies of the daily and weok· ly sold to the public from 1st January to 318t Dccemher, v.~ no less than 8,417,008 But tb1t1 ~ ca1-\i.:ithout n.ny matters to cause uuusual excitement in the public m1nd~both editions steadily held their o·w n, and the aggregate nu1n ber of copies sold, thus fa.r,consulerably excoeC!IJ that of 1870 at the samo date In t b.e advert1a1ng department , the progre1:111 made has been equally giatify1ng In 1870,thu number of adve1t1sements rose to 27,146 19,740 ni the previous year But 11) 1871, the nu1nbe1 of last year ha.s n.lreadv bcen l&rgely ex· ceeded, and the tota.l foir the yi:ia1 1"111 be about 34,000. Thli::r largo a.mount of n.dvcrtis1ng 18 not su1· pr1s1ng 1n vnnv of tlie fact that the circulation of the d111ly Globe VMtly exceeds the a.ggr'T.nto is.sues of all the other daily papers of the Ir<>· Vlnce of Ontano riut together, including, uf courso, those of 'Ioronto, £\amilton, Otta\va, Lbndon, and Kmgston. Que13tlons of the deepest moment t0 the peo· plc of Canada are 110\v pressing for settlement, and a solution of them muat be found during the commg yen.i The act1ou to Le taken by ou1 Parlialllent in rega.rd to the aslnngtou 1~reaty - the action to be taken tov; n.rds the immediate devclopement of eur 'Vild Lands and North· 'Vestern T<irntones- the adoption of a No.tional Ra.ilw.ty Policy- the adoption of a National Co.n';ll PoLc) · the '1.doption of a compreheu~1vo system of imrmgratxon tlie steps now to be taken m view of the utter failure of the Go'l'ern· mcut census the best medc of securing pur1cy of El~chon, and thti personal Independence of members-of Parrha1nent- alld n1a.ny other ques~ tions vitally 01feoting the future welfo.te of the DomJn10n 1 inust receive their solution ll.t the coming General Electien for the Domunon Pm:· liament, if thC'y not prev1onaly dealt \vithin a stft.tesmanhke manner. Never before m the h1atOJ:)'. of Canada were so ma.ny f:,'Teat sub3eeta pressing at one mo1uent for settlement ancl ne\~er before was it n1ore 11ecessal'y that every elector in tile land E!hould ha' e in lus handf!: .a. fearless, outspoken1 truth-telling newspaper. During the conung year, tho sam@ line of policy on public affairs aud th(l ~ame energy 111 the collection of ne\vs at the earliest moment, from all pa.rts of the w0rld that ha· e gamed for the Globe1l;a p1csent pre em1nence, \vill be .&:tead ily _pursued The e<litonal stnff \\ 1llt' ec01vc the accession of three dti!!hngtu.':!hed v.nters, whose contr1bu· t1ons on L1te1ary, Sc1ent1fic a.ud Sc.i01al eub]ecta will n.dcl ne'" gi and 1utere>1t to our columns. Tile i;taff of Foreign and Home Oorrespon dents is now being lari;ely mcreaacd, \v1th the determ1nat1on that the Globe aha.II be 1ep1esent ed in all unportant news cent1 ea at home and abroad by men of first-rate ab1hty The Repo1 ters' staff\\ ill be streugthene<l, so ns to enable efficient iep1esentatnes to be promptly despo.tchedtoany\)artof the Dom1num whe1e events of public importn.nce may be in progress. The uso of the te]egiaph wires 'vill be adopt· ed to the fullest extent --a.nd no expense spared 10 the t:ffort to place before the readers of tho \\ eekly Globe the neW8 of the world for the sev· en days p1evious tCl each pubhcation. A reliable smnmn.ry of tho Debates 1n the 'Dom1nion Parliament and the Prov11101al I~egiala.· tures will be found ln the we1Jkly Globe dunng the sittings of these boc hes 'l'F.IK AGilICUL'l'URA.LDEPAR'.l'MENT . 'l'hat is acknowleg-ed by e~ery farmer to be alone v. orth the subscription pnce of the paper -·-will be mainta.llled mth 11nclim1n1shcd interest under .an efficient !taff of editors and corres-pon~ dents. Several ne'\V and cxmting ta.les, frotn tho }Jem~ of popular n.uthors, "'ill appear rli1nng the year. No ex.vt:nse \liill be sparedm securmg the vecy latest market reporta, pl' ices current, n:ud gea era.l comn1crc1al mtell1gence Every department of the pa.per ,,.;111 be matn· truned in the lnjlhest state of efficiency, t!O M to retain for the v. eekly Gfobr! ite pos1t1011, as the largest, the handimme::ot, the most carefully con ductetl, nncl the ehuri,pest \'\cekly papcl' on the continent 'l'h@ suLsenption \Yill conhnuo to be 'l'wo dol· lars per annum, payable alv.ra.ys in ad\ nnce and the followu1g will the club rates for 1872 · 9 00 Club of five Cop1es, one year . ;.;. Do Ten <lo · 17 UO Do. 'l'w enty do 32 00 Do Thnty do 4U 00 Aud each add1t1011al copy over thirty, a.t One Dollar and li'1fty .Cents. (~"'Large pnees given to parties who get up Clubs _<\.ny one lS at hba.rty to get up ~ Club on his o-,.rn respons1b11Ity, and those desiring to do ao, shl'!uld send at once for a Circu]ar showmg the ternts Each Club paper shall be addres~ed sep.trately. and may be.for any pol'lt offiee Orde1 ~and Rem1tta.nces to be addressed to IMJVIENSE ! Try it for Yourselves Those that have tried, are convinced that S F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else m Town 1 1HE GLOBE PRIKTIKG COMPANY CoMMOl'iic.ATION 01~ orn:Bn Du1.F.ASES Bl: Y".At· dINATION -1'-tunerousEnghsh, :U'ronch and Ger· 1nan, some of whom have vaccinated o\ er 40,000 cluhlren each, testify that they have never known a o::rnst: of such cmnmunication. A few phyrucui.n~ testify to a fe·v iisolated o.ises of th Out " If th t h 9 c rary C')' oxrn 1 t oqy inu 5ti there· fore, be extreinl'ly iare SUBSCRIBE Kat!l, de.:ir, '\hat brlllgs you he1 e 9 I've bt:en p1ck1ng )Iolets nea1, Beauties, the finest of th(l yen.r, For tuJ rr.ran<l1na.. If she asks me how they ~P cw, 'l'hc p1 etty v10leta, white and bluo1 I'll say, hke \\e cluldren do, In fn,1n1h os 'l'hese in a shady co' ~rt of lcn.vos, N estletl like swallo\\ s under the C(l ves, Ont of the" ay of the passing broc<Ce, So qtue~ a.ncl snug And thn5~ tnll sten1med stood up to tho s11n, Bron.<l"'n1ng their petals, till each one Ilad it~ f111l task of gromng done, BefOJ"fJ I picked it A large stock of Cloths, Drnss Goods,St1·irped, Checked· ..,.~ A Large Stock of NEW FRUITS, for · THE FARM. Cost of Exposure of Farm Implements Christmas and New Years, at Low Pnees will be found at McCLUNG BROS and plain Shawls, Wincey3, Flannels, Blankets,Linens, Wool Goods, Hoise1'y, Gloves,amilTrilm1ni11us. .aJl bought before the !lid' a.nee 1u prices. FOR THE SotnB >v1:11t: neighbors to moss und fc1 n Unde~ the t1-ec that bears the ncon1, OLhc::a ' 1th nettles see1ned ha1 mg concern Go'u.i to ~e~ then1 r J~ now who put tho violets thc1e, Iu theu homes 1n the open a1r, 1T\· u~:tthe good God, He a.)110 takul'I c:ua Of you and me Good lJyt.:"!, I must not stay ...,.\ny 1011gt!1 b~ the v.Ry, Co1ne to our house to monow ru:id pl ly, \V-111 you s.ce"' do a.. THE HOUSEHOLD. Discovery of Vaccmat10n (l'101u Hoiue «ncl Health) Dr r1 homaa, In his B1ograph1cal D1 0L1onnry. the follow111g- notice of J cnncr C\.ud his great discovery Dr Jenne]." ,,ns bmn at Berkeley LLGlou cc5te1shire, Eng]aud, in 1794 J:!o 5tud1ed sur gery at Sodbury, and nfterwnrds \Yent to Lon don, v. he1e be nttendecl the lectures of the eele btatcd John liunter 1 'v1th whom he fot meU an .nt11natc friendship. Ile co1n1nc11cod prnetiec at Hcrl~eley, iind obtauiod a L1gh reput11t1on for g1 \es 4 4 fir st called to th o subJect of 'accwation by hearing a country remark that Rhe could not the amall·pox because she had bad the cow-pox Upon investi· gn.t1ng the EmbJect, he asccrt.uned.thnt u11lke1s hequently c.aught a disease faou1 an eruption on the cow's udder, and that to 5uch potllona 1t 'vas 1mpos81ble Lo conu1nu11co..te bhe en11ill pux by inocttlatiun. Jenner i elated the 01rcumstaneo to se,·eral eminent men ln the profession, but they treated it \\ith ridicule By further expc1unonts he clearly dcmonst1 ate<l the fact that fl om one of the seYera,l eruptions to wh1ch cows were t!UbJect, the true co" -pox, ::i.s he te11ncd it, conld be prop!\.gnted to the human body, 11J1d then from one proess to another, and that this was n. pi:cventn e of th e small pox' ltftc1 near}"~ t\'ienty years of cxpe11nH::ntt:1, he published " An Enqu i y into the Onnses and Effoets of ,-anolm v- aoo111:E," (1798 ) and soon afte1 mm c than seventy s11rgcons and pbys1c rn.ns signed a declarat~on of theu entuo confidence in the truth of Jenne1's theory I-Ic \Vns re\\ ,\l dPd by Parliament for lus d10.:co' 01 y with a p1cscnt of £10,000 in 1802, and a grant of £20,000 in lS07 He also iecened n1a1ks of ch:it1nct1on from tlHl Emperor of ltu~aia and the King of PrusSla Died in 1823 Napoleon, the £.rat I\ench Emperor, also trented Dr Jenner "1th g re tt t.mns1d('.1ation, and at 'anon~ tinies Jibe1'1.tecl in 1ny pnsoners \\)10 \\ere confined in 11'1ance on hu:1 inte1cess1on \Vhen Dt. \-\ icl-ha1n 'lilVJ imp11soned 1 Jenner \V~ applwd to as tl1t' fittest person for sohc1t ing his libe1afaon This was nt the tnne of Dona va1 te's greatest P~nm'l.oi:.'1ty to England The tnne chosen for pteseuhog J cnners lette1 wo.s when the Emperor \vas 1n h1s can1age, and the l orlle/3 \\el t: about be ng changed On thu pape1, be excliumed, "Away T away 1 n 'l'ho F'.ililpress J oseph1nc, ·'ho accom1Jan1ed hnn, satd, ··But, Ewpei OJ, do you sco -who this comes I10Ju ? J cnncr 1 " lfe changed his tone of voice inst[l,ntly, nnd 13a1cl, ' \\"hat tho..t man ask~ IB nQt to be t<Jfnij eel," and the pet1t1011 \\a~ un:t.11c..:UY teJy gi:i..nted It is sru<l thP. I:n1pe1 Ol nevL:1 iefusi d any re quest JnRde by Dt J enue1, "ho, of course, v; a"' caref\tl not to ~pply too freqi.1ently '"'\1 Jiis attention v. a,-, The Queot!on of Rcvoccinat1on. A lotter J10111 Dr S E Vv""i1ls, of Ma.r)land, c~nd Si rgiccd llepo1 tev. R:\ys ".As the result of tny experiments and obsruvat1oun on tlit' subJeCt of -vacc1no.tion and ·acmne matter, I havo rome to tho conclu1non that the only test of non·fm~ceptib1lity to smaJlpox l~ ln non suscei,tibihty to vacc1nat10n, and by rer\:!atcd re\ ::i.cc111,itxoua t})e sy$tero 18 placed peife1.:tly out of danger That in most cases t "o 'acc1nat10~1s will produce this: lffimunity Ma.ny casetJ 1eqi.1ne three or fou:r \ac01nat1ons 'l ha.t the prophylactic effect of wacmn:i.tion ca i.not be Jndged of by the a-ppearnnec of the ('. cn.trix, nor by the time at r.hich -vaec1nation was pP.rfo1mee!, nor by tho oon!'lt1tuhonal effect (cLill or fevtir) sup~rv-enrng dunng the matu r.uton of the puf!tule 4,_nd la{ltly, that ln111:1 pox is a. specific d1sease 1 and 18~ -0nlv allied to inuall-pox in tho s:une relation that au ant1dote HI allied to a poison, and hy no moa.ns yet d1s coveicd can va.r1ulou~ matter be converted into published 1n thtl ....11!d11..:al V'lrCCUJ.e. 1 Buggy \V a.gon 1 rr:hra.slung :&fachine. (From the Canado. .b,nrmcr } A neighbor of rrune was telJ1ng me1 a few days SJncei about having Just erected a shed to con ta1 n blS fnrn1 implemeuts, anti, among othe1 The Habit of Defainmg. topws of conversation, "'e \Vere c11lc:lJlat1ng the loss ho had sustained by not doing so son1 eyears Ii there lS one lltunotn fault 111010 co111rmonci It seems he had d 1 ~pensed ,,ith such mou thu.n another, 1t is that of refleut1ng shelter fo 1 somewhat ove1 eleven years, <luring upon people bclnnd then· backs ]~very the time ho hatl been erectlng bis bains and va11ety of defamer 1s every,vberc found, cleaiung Ul) Ins farm Ho could not do all at from the n1alignant calu1nn1ator, \Yho hbels 'v1th -poisoned tongue, to the careless g0ss1once, he said, arnl l1ence '~as obliged to lea·e pe.r \Vho habitually tnlks about a.nd critlthe dr1v111g shed unbuilt, and hoped to be able ctscS others 'There are some per1:ons,' to do it next Jear, and ao from time to tllile it \vroto Wollaston 1n his Religion of Nature, bad gone on The shed .,. a,s not built until the \vho cat1y tbe1r sto11eti from fannly to fan11last autu1nn, a.nd cost, without reckoning hls ly u.nd propagate them ve1y fa st, liJ...e 11ttle o,.., \ 1"01k or teams, some\\ hat about one hun- 1nse~ts There are 1ew, very few, who have d.ied dollars. l! or this amount l1e hri.d a. Ja.l'ge the ~ill and the u.bihty to iepresent things con1fo1 table shod, partly open on one Endo, and trul) 'The ~rr1e 1uau,' says Arth ui Help~, so arranged that a waggon could be dr1v~n into ' \\ho would be a.shan1ed o"f talkrng at haz~ it, or rnthet· under 1t,thc contents to be unload ard about the propc1ties ot a flo\vcr, of a ed tl1rougb a tiap door in the flooi· above \vhioh weed, of so1uc figure m geometry, \Yill put op "'encd uito a gtro.i.u fi tted u \\lth b;ns for forth lna guesses about the character of his Y P brother man as 1f he had the lullesL authoroats, barley, h1an, ehorts, chicken feed, flour, ity for al] tho.t he was sa.y 1 ng · Often an &c J-w1th boxesw1thtJghtcovers,tocontaindried entire neighborhood 18 preJUdtccd in admeal and protect 1t f10111 flies in summer Un vanCe agaiust n. ne\V carrier bv some slnr loCT.d1ng waa facilitated by the use of a 11 pulley \\lllch acquaintance has le( drop Who block" nnd tackle attached to the raftera ovor- is tbe1e that ha.a not experienced the 1DJUS1 bead, by means of "hich all such goods or t1ce of a r emark made in anger or envy 1 huusehold stores that came under it m a. \H:t.ggon, '£he habit of cr1tic1s1ng grows on what 1t could ren.d1ly be hmsted up to the next floor feeds upon. until those tvl10 yield to it not abo\ o through the trap door, 1 ~.bich closed m unfuequently become confirmed railers or two loaves. and fell of itself, the \\mght so hft back-biters F1ou1 force of hab1t they look e<l resting on the upper ::nde of the fallen trap foI the t,~ults an<l fia,·:e of others, nnd seem'l'hia arrangement "'"as found to \vork exceeding iugl~ take sa.t1sfact1on ill detecting and ex1 II d <l h b posing thetu Did 1t e\ er ocClll' tu yon, y we ' an aavt: muc 1a. or in carrying bags rearler, to keep an account ior a stag le day of grain, flou1, &c, tip _the stairs, ln the corner of the inany persous yon have spoken of the shed All family storos "\\'t:re thus put againet, instlj or unjustl) 1 a\\ay quite safe fror111n11oad:, of rates and de GeIJ.eiall)r speaking, thC1nchv1dual whom shuct1on by damp, besides removing from the ove11ybody likes is the 9nc who speaks J1ouae a most obJectionablo rocs.<1 and litter kinqly of everybody, "ho in.Eitead of Ieta1l The comfort of this shed, n.nd t11e ecouo1ny ing scandal 0£-.. unpleasant facts concerning cfm1u:ic..ted "1th its use, was n~vcr appreciated perspns, ahvays has a good word or keeps unt1 l 1t \lias built and 1n use , and then the ,von· quiet He never says fl.llJ thing aqa1nst any der 'Vil~ how Oll ca1th did \\e do ,:i;1thont it so one r 'Ile was never known to Dreatbe a many ye.'.l.l's Underneath \lime pnckod ui wag .vcH(l ag,11net a soul/ are rernarks l\"'h1ch \Ye occ..'t~1onaUy heal 1ncldt! of persons "\Ve gons., ploughs, harnessi thresl 1ng mELch111e, d have t\VO such ncqua1ntanccs nO\Y 1n 111111 , horse-power cultn:ator, ci::i.dles, iakcs, forkfl, and \\'e nevei \\itness the corchahty ,vith and, in fact, all the fa.rm implements about"thc \Vhich they are eveiywliere ieceived, w1thfa1m, were be1e ga.tht:red together and out t lunking that 1t pays to keep a. btnlled ed sepnrately 'lhe heavy portions, such ns tongue, thrashing machrne, horse power and stnl ing inn,Suppose you rcsol ve nt the beg1nn111g of chine, "ere arra11ged \v1th iollers under thein. the weel~, that you will not inake an unim that they could be handled w1tho11td1fficulty, lnnd iernark ag111nst auy one, that though and load up when rcqnrred, dome hel11 Lwng ob tlt11:1 or may be true. yol' ,..,i.].l not ret~uned by the block and tackle .above n1ention pea ~ it , depend upon 1t, you '\\'ill lie hap~<l. 1'-Iy fri end \VM so pleased ~itb tlus 0011 _ p1ei \vhen next Sunday co,nes round, ior ven1ent addition to his farm, (which \Ya.s about 0\ c11 ha\ Jng 1uade the. resolution, though 200 ac1es 111 extent), tl1it among other things "e yon ha\ e not wlioll; kept l t Bnt after a t1111e y OU ·will be able to carry 1t out 1l1he determined to recl~on the advantages and cost as d 1 habit ot restraint an ina1nt0,,1n1ng s1 ence, cornpared "'·1th the losses hitherto sustt;tuwd \VIll ultimately become forrried, so that you from not ho.v1ng such she::lter) and )l li the un can ~vi th hold youi ftuig when others are plements ba1ng exposed so many yea.rfl to the pnlling people's characters to p1cccs weather ~Te hetefo1 e commenced a 1egttla1 in v ento~y, cl1arg1ng each in1pleme11t \nth its -The Uuseen Inheritance. cost, and Jndg1n,e of it" depreciation by ,.., cn.thcr and expol'nue alone., without including wca.r and An aged Chrrnhau inan wa s on 111'3 deathtear, which i eally \~aa nothing u1 coroparis1on bed, and \Y as h ap py in the p1oapect ul suou w1th the apparent loss and miserable a.ppear eutenng rnto the JOY oi Im Lor<l He bad a.nee that evety a1t1cle p1-esented Numbere a br~1t.he1 "ho bad n1ade the \\ orld the "\\.ere pa~tly 1otteni all \Vero badly sun cr,teked, grefLt object of lns hfe, and who, of course, none n ere prunte<l, and had an auction been "'aslve1y poor to\\ !1rds God, and \Vlth all lus worldly shrc\\.dnes::i was so sb0rt-s1ghted calle~1, and bhe1r tooh! and 11nplenrnnt~ offe1ed as to have tnade no p1ov1s1on for the \Yorld for sale, they would not have 1 calrz"'<l 10 pe1 to come, and had no 1dea of enJoy1ng an in cellt on their stool~ It ieally made t1uch a for· he11tance beyond the Pudable account of loss an<l depreciation inJva.l II1 s dying brotl1er ba.d given gieate1 atue as compared -with the cost of the shed, thn.t tention to the acqturement of t1ue J1ches we nuulo a. tubular account of the cost, p1 eaent than to the realization of wo1ldly wealth j value and loss Ly weather ~tlone. A.11 uon work and 111 hlS 111firnut1es and s1ckness he rewa.s of cou1ec but 11LU!3 hurt, but the wood work qnucd that Christian fneuds should in1nisand general appt:ar.tnoe 'vero " scurvy n in the te1 to lll:, nece ss1t1cs, ns the holy 'vomen extreme 'V c omttted all fair" ev.r aa useless n1n11 stered of their substance to the Lord. When lns i1ch brothel: ca1nc to see him or u11neceasa.ry for our pn1pose. he upbraided hnn for Riving so much attenL-OSS B1 tion to the t1ungs of God, and gH;1ng a\vay AltrlC'LE8 COST EXPOSt:RE so n1uch of lus snbstance for ichgious pur~ 2 \Yaggons $240 $ 50 pose~i anll subjecting h1u1self to poverty, 3 Ploughs, $20 $17, $15 52 18 when 1f be liacl followed his advice and ex· 4 Hu.rro\~s 42 20 anipJe, he might no\v ltu.\e been ic. tbe en2 Cultivators, $80 and $20 .10 18 Joyrbent of plenty, instead of beuig, ~ts he A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than H1Rt year A lot last Season's Tweeds at 'MERCHANT' ,,r 20 :per cen.t. below Cost. \Gent's sutts inade b) the best workmen Every Garment made to fit. · The best Black Teas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town. Butte1·, Eggs, Mitten,s, Socks, and Y a1-n talccn as Cash Jo?' Goods. s. F. HILL· a.:c.d Ge:c.era.l Advertiser I Oash llaid for any quantity of Turkeys Geese, Ducks and Chickens at McCLUNG BROS CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY (west of the On\Mio Bank ) King Street, Bowmanville. TIIE parr 1;ubticr1ber is prepared ta build and re- Wagons, Buggies, and Outte1·s, of every desc1ipt1on, a.t short notu~e, &lldon reaeona.ble terms. · 75 CENTS per ANNUM:, in ADVANC:li: McOLUNG BROS. will sell Crockery China, Glassware, and Lamps, for the next 30 days, AT COST, prior to making a change in the Grocei!r Department Carriages Painted and Trimmed· A Blacksmith's Shop on the premise15, \Yere special a.btentio11 is given to all Onl'l'iage work, and General · Jobbing. All worlc done at this stablishmen wa'l'1'anted. A call ill respectful]y sohc1ted. J MORRIS. Bo\liroanville, Oct. 1st, 1869. THE OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denomination, one of the best Family Papers printecl in the Dominion) clubbed w1th the MEROHAN'r, for Two Dolla~ per annum, in advance, For the best and cheapest AS USUAL --0-- THE GLOBE PR1NTING COMPANY, TOJ10Nrl10 'foronto, Nov 23rd, 1871 THE BEST :['EBIODICALS OF 1'I1E DAY The Great English Quarterlies and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Repnntcd by thai Leon.U'<l Scott :Publishing Co1npa.u.}, 140 }-.ulton Street, New York, at about one thud the price of tho or1ginanls The Edinburgh Rev1e\v, The London Quartedy DRY GOODS,· GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ' ,, l "'oo<l Saning- Sia.chine. 1 Cutting Box 8mall Articles-Cradlesi Rakes, Fo1ks, &c Lot of small thmgs, tooh! ~o Bags Reapuig l\fachine 00 320 55 20 100 15 24 9 1:; 5 15 20 tenned it, a burden to his it1ends. t\.,-1lh g1eat calmness and earr1estnes:s the dy1rig saint repheJ-l\'av1ng bis \Vasted hand to\\ards his poor, self-deceived brother 1 9wiet I quiet f Whist, whist, l'am ! I have o, L'ingdorii no begiLn upon and an iriher~ - 75 10 25 84 I I These conchunon:'J I coirnider fully 'van a11ted by my expernnents con d ucted in 1854 o.nd !S55) an account of "h1ch was puhhehed in your val uaW!:! JOurna.l of April lat 18f0 " Gasolme for Small-Pox· 'Ilic fol10111ng i; aluable prtiseripho11 I corn· n111n1cated to the public duung the inevalence of smnll riox nearly two yea.ts ago, through th\· :'.:-Tew· Orleans 1'1mes Since then I ha.·o used it as a lin1mcnt in erySlpclaa, ihcu1nat1sm,gout, cnrbunolcs, sp1runs, etc lts effeots bn Ye been 1vonderful AR a remedy for reducing the fiery zage of external u1fla.mmo.tion, there is nothing kno~n to equn.l 1ts soothing and grateful cool· 1ng influence rrhat g·isohne ls a g1cat refngerent and d1s1n fcetu.nt h; \\ell kno\\n When fl})onged careful ly upon the wholo body of a sina.11 pox pnt1ent, it reduces the tunudity and heat, neutiahzel'l the na.sty odor 'vb1ch exhales from the body. and productng a mo~t delightful, soothing and t rap1 d ""aporacom f ortable sensa.t ion B y ls fl rune d surhou 1t a b st1aLJt,, the ht::at f ro1n tiie 1111 face, checks the uke1abon process of the true sk.1u1 .and the1eb3 ptc\'ents p1ttmg It n.lso prevents othet persons front t ~king- tbC;i d1sea~e in the a.pal trneJ1ts of the patient by chs1nfect1ng the 1oom It has ·' ve1y cooling effect nnd doe!i not sma1 t Theie is no dauge1 (lf takmg cold fron1 its use, since it does not \Vot tl1c body 'l'o argue the probable mode 1n "'h1ch th1s simple remedy - irne Chaplain and The Coolt acts 1n mod1fy1ng the loathsome clisen.sei I hav~ not thne. AB a.Ji C\ tdence of its , alue, I ,~ould The \Ii iltJ Earl of Rochester, being once 1n eon1pany \v1th Charles II, li1s <1neen, 1ns t n.nce ti e Jmprovcment of a ll my O\"n eases. h l l f h F. . t ll h ll ad 1 h c ap a111, anc son1e m1n1stc1s o state, t e '·\ ery in e igent l' ymcia.o 'H re i Y see \\' Y I lung suddenly cxcla1 meU-' Let our- nnnds lt ought to do good theoreti<>,a,lly, and I am be unbendecl from the cares o± state 1 and sure there will b~ uo d 1sappointinent in prac give us a generous glass of 'vine, that cheer· tico. etl1, as the Scxipture saith, both God and Th~ followmg is the lnanncr ui. v. btt::.h l use n1ao ' The queen~1nt1n1ated th at sbe did not it tlnnk t~e Bible contamed any such declarnt10n, The chaplam berng appealed to, Gasoline, one pint · Gun1 can1pho1, one ounce agreed \\Ith he1 n1ajesty. Rochester, rlt~emP ulverized sulphite of so<ln., one tlr1.un 1ng thr. lung to be nght, vrcnt to the J..1tchcn Pn1e cni:bohc a01d, thuty <hop~ to inquire atnong the servants if any of Sponge the bocly with tho m1xtuH.: e'·e1y t\\ o them were conversant "'1th the B1ble1 and oi three hom:'"') until all signs of mfirunmahon knew iu which part of it the passage nnght Jw.,e ccasc<l Gnc fi \O or ten drops in ahtt]e be found F1 nding that the Scotch cook 13wcetc1u.:d v a.tc1 c' cry thrc0 hours -Tl!cnna,$ was acqu,ln1tcd with the loc[lhty and mcanu1g of the 1.heputed verse, Rochester ordered }{icl.olrron' ],.,. J) ) of 11enr Ot ll'a111 ~9-17 $305 'lhe abvvll ta.hie shov;e Ullarly 30 pe1 cent. absolute loSB by exposure, and in reality the loSB w a-a much more, ns t11e articles had not been hired out, nnd 've1e not at all worn to 1nJure thern, they we1C simply utterly destroyed by exposure, and had tbc'y boen offe1etl for sale, a much "Worse sta.tement '~ould ha\u betill l)howu. In add1t100, w.e reckoned a. l'Ja~ by iats and fowl, and v; ~nt of storage, at least to the extent of 30 dollars ::i.nnunll,Y, or 3~0 dollars !01 eleven years, so tli.a.t thP total lo~8 1vas estimated at 635 dollara fro1n tlrn want of a shed that co~t out of pocket n.bout 100 dollar., Of cotU'8e the bu1ld1ng "'onld 'bave cost tw1co tbat money, but so mnch wa.s dona at homo and by themselves a.s reduced the amount greatly Into thIS amount we did not add a cow lnlled by breaking mto the brun au<l eating too much '"heat, nor a horse badly lllJW:ed f101n the same caust-, both of-which aec1dents "ould hfl\c boen a.voided hatl therti been n granmy in wlnch t::i store the su1plu 8 b'l'aio. In conclus.wn, the amount large that my fnelld had suffercd,due altogether to the ab. ~ence of a. proper driving filicd and ahelter, that JI d l Th I v.t~ were iea y sul'pr1sc ou1se \Cl? e osses are in reahty not always felt at the tJme , the etched eathe t ls 11 till I "'r '~ r \vorn oo wi 8 co th cir 'J\01k 11 after a sort," unt1l, Jike the m1n1ster1 s gigi they \\lll all go to pieces at once, and have to be 1eplaced by new ones; \\ hereas, wider proper protect1on, the \VOod·\\Olk \\Ill not rot 1 and the iron 'vork; \~ 1U last for a long time I am 1nyself t18111g a buggy "'agon :purchased for $50 on tlie l~L o£ SeiJteinber, 1847, 01 nearly twentY·:fhe yeart1 sinct: My child's ·wn.ggon is no\Y in used bought 2<J years SL.'"lce , s'ome graui sho\els (steel,) forks, hqe:;i, and other articles, nre now good, and all were bought 16 years 1<1nce, \Yh0n I fhst roriuned th em. M<.1n.v ha"o ·1 been mncc, ttnd dest1oyt::d from caiele~snef!~, but some ate 1n existence to thIB da.y and are~ useable:-all O\ to having been taken care of nnd protected from the \\Cather C Who was the richer of the two broth~rs ·7 OLUBS. A d!fcount of twenty per cent. will be allow The one who bacl hiiS good th1ngs here 1n ed to clubs of four er inore person~. Thus fou this periah1u$' 'vorld, or tbe ono who ·was cop1es of""·ood or of one Review v;·1ll be begotten agarn to a lively hope by the re- sent to one addrcsa for 12 80 ~ four cepier;1 of the sur1br.t1on of Jdsus :lrorn the dead, four Rev1ews and BlackwOO(l fo1 48 and so on 1 und lwho kne\v that he \Vas hei1 to an in'L'o clubs of ton or more, 111 adchtion to the heritance which is incorruptible and unde- above drncowit, a copy giabs will be allo1ved to filed, and that fa.doth not a\vay, reserved in the getter-up of the ch1b l'REM1UM!3 hea'Wen1 New Subscribei s for the year 1872 mn,y have Dear reader, \vlule Jou p1ov1de for th1n~s \Vithont cha.rge, the numOen1 for the last quar· hone8t 111 the sight oi all u1en 1 let your chief ter of 1871 of i:!uch per1od1cala as they 1nay $Uh C c\rcpe,not to be rich in the \\'orl<l'a cstiu1at1ou s011be for. 01 instead of the n.ho'\ e, ne\V subsonbers for of God-to havfl a good bOJ?e through gra.ce of enjoy1ug the everlaat1ng inhentanco any two, three or four of the above pe.ri1Jd1 ea ls may have, as inam1um, one of the ·Four RelVh191i lS la1d up in '1e.:i.ven fol all behevere. views for 1871. Suppos111g that you hn\c ' n1uch goods Neither prem1um:i to subscribe1a nor discount bud up ior ina.ny years/ a.nd have no hope to clubs can be allowed unle.::s the money be re1 fur ete1n1ty- ' rhou fool, this 1nght shall 1n1tted direct to the publfahers, No pre1mums thy soul be 1equ1red of thee , then vrhose can bo gn en to clubs. To secure prcrmumaj it 'v1ll be necessary to shall those thmgs be w h1oh thou ha8t pro· e.\rly application, as the stock available v1ded 2' 'So is he,' S(~ya J esu$, 1 \vho lnyeth for tha.t purpose ie l~ted up treasure ior bunself and 1s not i 1d1 to· Circulars with furthex pa.rt1cula1 s may be had on application. \'iard God' itcvncc that I have na yet seen ' Rev1e,v, '!'he \Ycstm1nster Rtn1ew, 1l'he Bnt1sh Qua1tt.'ll,Y RcHew, published Quarterly-Janua..ry, ~4.ptil, July, Oct0bcr ~.And Blackwood'.!! Ec11nburgh 11'lo.gaz1ne {A fac snn1le of the ongmal ) Pnbhshed Monthly TERMS OF SUBSClUPTION. For any one Revie\v 4 00 per o.n. I.t~or a.ny two l=tcview!.I . 7 00 " Fo1 auy tJnee Rev1ewa 10 00 " For all four "Ro· iew s .. ., 12 00 " For'1; ood)s l\fagaz1nc . 4 00 !!..,or Blll6!k.,: ood and one _l1illview 7 00 For Bhwkwood a.ud t"o Reviews 10 00 Fot Bl.ack,vood a.nd three Rt:v1cws 13 00 " F 01 Blaokwood and four lle' iewa.. 15 00 " THE CORNER AHEAD, ADVERTISE; BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to IN 'fHE A SUIT1.iOF J. ELLIOT'S 1 Cheap Store, Good Tweed For $10.50. -0- MERC.H AN'r 1 'ryrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871. TYRONE. Leonard Scott Pub. Co. Be .At Peace with Yourself. t 140 .l!ulto" St, New· York \~'he1eve1 you ha'ii e life in the world, you The Leonard Scott Pub. Co. also publish the FARMER'B GUIDE to Scientific and Pract1ca.l .Ag11cultnre By Henry Stevet11!, l' R. S , Edinburgh, and the late .J. P Norton, Professor of SGienhfic Agriculture in Yale Col· Ie90, Now Hl\ven Two "\ ols Royal Octavo 1600 pages and nn· ermou.!l engru.vings. Pr10:.:e 7 doll«, by mail poet paid, 8 dolla1"S. have, as iar as \Ye can d1sce111, a sufficiency: ot adverse cuctunstances surrounding the hv1ng being, to occupy 1ts \i,;ho]e alt~11l1on, \\ ithout lea\ 1ng any spare tune for the plnJ of it~ ow·n bad j)a!:'SLous Take the case of roan fle appears to be too good for the pJace he oecup1 es, nnd a.lso, at t h e sa1ne tune not good enough. Tiy 'too good,' I mean too icfined, too scns1t1vc, too soft, too rcqulring for the bard and c1rcum stances by \Vlnch he 1s sturounded At the sau1e t1n1e Le is not good enough , fu1, bu.ving these chfficult1es to contc11d \\1th, 1t seerns as if he ought to ha.'iie very i e \v 1nn.ltg~ nant passions, n1 ·n<ler to _?Om bat favorably .v1th these coa1 se and bard c1rcumstauces For 11:..stance, to nonr1ch- nncl rncunta1n hrn k f bod1l.v 1 TJOWe1e, IS an cnorLUons \VOI or ·'I U l h I 11 l11n1 o o llt we ' 1e oulg t njot toh )aye bad an,r qnnrie sotnenees Ill nm , 01,t ougl1 he sees Jt not, he h<tS ieally not a n10tnent for qu,airehng .t\nd that so 1nany of lus kind arc> now hv1ng in such loathsome squal~ditj IS probably ow111g,could '\ e trace it up, to n1an 's quarrelso1neness Doubtless tho Icbthyot<o.urus could ha'e made the same compla1nt. Jn the -vast lagoons of a pnmcval \1.iorld, he had, no <l?ubt, sufhc1ent d1n1culty Jn ga111uJJ lus hvehhoocl, without bemg bothered \\ ith tronblesome c111111rels \\1th ot11e1 Ichtbyosaurians. It was qn1te enough to hl\Ve to gu.ucl .Lga1n~t 1 and cou tend \\1th, the esyecHtl encnues of l his iacu. ...'\..11d each race of hePlg!'. 8ec1ns to be bles::ied with these espct..:1al ene1uie8,- Oct CHIT CHAT. [Tim. :Bra.dy a.:c.d Mike Flynn] GET YOUR Oct CORNWALL THE lLL USTRATED 1871. BLANKETS 1871. Arthur Helps. - Fust do the duty \Yh1ch lies nea1e.,t you, wluch you know to be a dt t' Probably your s12concl duty ~ill the· " 'e beco1ne clear Persons of good tlL'Jte aud i »h t_,_1> n1cnt expect to be pleased at the sa1ne t.nH; t h( y .; info1n1cd, a n cl thus Jece1ve a fnct1011 1 ~t111 blc sat13- nd woo iic,cr more popular than no\\'. ci '!Eh.MS - 1\'Ionthly, at <1 n yer:n, in advance Jugle numbers,JO cents Clubs vf ten or mm c 1 ciwh, t1.nd l~n ext.Ia copy to Ag·ent '\Vu arft 0£feru1<r the most hbe1al P1em1un1~ nclose 15 cent:, for a sainple numbe1, w1th ne'v Pictorial Poster and P.rospectus, and :;i, complete List of Pi"l;lmiums Address, TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye are. Might I be bould to ax?, what sta1 ted yees this morning." Clan MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a .iifty Ye see, I wn.s A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE: tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, had got home --o.-Hll.&NOLOGY. -- The Brain and its F1u1ct1on~ an illigant new stock av Goods, chape a.s durt, man; ancl its Location of tho Organs, with du cct1ons for meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thmking av the culture and training, and the Relations of !\find and Body descnbcd And shure enuff, its the full stoie he has- THE GREAT FAVORITES. the chape goods PHYsroo.r;oMY, or the "Sign!'! of Characte1 piles and piles av the nate"t patterns, and he'd give ye the \Ytth 1llustra.t1ons and how to l\ead them," is a speCJal fea.turo. makins a,v an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five EIJJN01 OGYi 01 The Natiual Hrnlo1y of i1fwn, Oints, Tay fo1 most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." Illustrn.tedi \vill be g1ven PHYSIOLOGY ANIJ ANATOMl -'l'bGi Orgru11za- TIM.- "An shure its funnmg me ye aie, Mike, ~vouldn't the man he t1011, structure and functillilB of the human "The Choicest Va.riety, afther breaking down " body. w1tb t11e Ja,,\ s of hfe and health. ':Vhat we should e<tt and dnnk, how clothed, and how MIKE.-" Brea kin¥, down, is it. Shure lie knows a thrick wurth two av to exerct~e, sleep nn<l !J ve, in c! ccordance with that. I 11 j1st tell you what it is, Tim, if you want to git a hyg1eruc pnnciplee grate name when yome ded, and be called a fiilantrofized, filosPOR1 RAJ !'fl, !'!ketches and biographies of leading men and 'vornen in all dcpn.rtments of Ufe, ifer, and a public binifacthor, JlSt tell aJl youre nabOUl"S,and tJ le arc special featutea nst av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do rr.oie p .\RENTS 'l,EAC HKHS AN j) 0T'R Ens - ..As a guide in educating and tra1n1ng ChJldren, tlns Magafor the good av you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould zine has no supenor Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av 1 t l!uch gene1a.l n1fo1ma.t1on on the leading topics of the Jo._y IS given, and no G1fforts are that niver was in it." spared to make thls the most 1ntere.st1ng and in st1uctiv-e a8 well tUi the Best P1cto11al Fallllly TIM.- "I'm mucl:t oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and v, on't de1iriagaziuc ever pubhshed. tain ye, there'll shu1ely be a gra,te run, and mayh«Yd I'd miss GOODS IN TOWN. EsT.A.BLISHED.- The .Joun.N.AL has reached it some bargain$." The top av the morning to ye "-I'm off to 54th Volume It hM steadily 1ncrea&.ed tn fa.v vl during the many years it has been published Gray's. :Phrenological J ou1·na.l, P PRINTING AT fHE 1 \ " \ I the cheapest MERCHANT OFFICE, I I J. GRA.I, Ty1ton1t. Noted .f or cheap Goo els.. F. Y. co-wLE., Sept 1870 tf-52 All woi'k executed m the Latest Styles, with Neatness and Despatch and at Lowest Ratas, I' S. R. WELLS, Publisher 389 Broadway, New York. I , ' . j ·

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