THE MERCH <\.N'l AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1roulntea la.rgaly m the lo"nabipa of Dailil g ton Olaike and Ca.rt nght It it1 a common platform open to the bee discuss1on of all ques t ous in wb ch the general pubh co cer1 ed. 'IERYI~ WEST DURHAM Stea.m. Job Printing Offi.oe, Krna SruEE1 BowMAl'lVILLE Seventy five c 0 nts peI annum vance ver $2 00 Half do Qua te do Tho :Merchant and ~u 1 R.6.'.IES Of AD"\ l!iRTISING One column 35 r,er 19 m 10 'rrans ent advertisements v cts pc1 1 ne fu st sert1on and 2c per hne each subsequent 01 ti AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME III R R LOSCOIY.!BE 1 AB1IS1ER ITL 1iF iiCLIOITOR fo CHA~fT· RY .f:c 0.FFIOE-Oi.:er ~:fcClungs Sto1ti s mr. fln.t ,_s J 1'-f Br:unacomb e Dt!ntal Roo ns ly Bo ·mamille Oct 27th JSGS BOWM:ANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY APRIL 12 18i2 · POETRY 1llowrng Buboles mv took - - - - ...--- NUMBER w· ~--- XX VIII -- -- POS1ERS PAMPHLEIS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUE$ NO I ES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKE1 S &c &c & EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Guides Sacrifice 0 an excl s rn!J \\arm lay m ~ 0 u't 1849 a con mon fiat boat""" gltJ g p I h down the "Sen ah g an I ro nant1c Oh o It moved on ts comae a1 pa1e1 Lly WJt! 01 t an effo1t cu the part of its cre\v borne on ""'db) the s »ft c urent ' Inch ien !e1ad ti e 1se of oar~ entirely nnnece~umrv The dav rn "' ay w1tho tan) tln g oc c mrng to excclte the alarm of tie v g lent em1grants B t in the e c nng to theu con sternatrn1 th e) observed ti at the ,,.ster 1 sky l d sitl lcnly become darkened bv tic "l pcarauce of ommo IS look11 g clouds I a shoit t nc tl e tempe't '""rag Ig f 1 ous ly m the 'icrn l) and the prospect of the trn.\ elle1a uss rnccl a gloo 1ner aspect as tl e) detectel lhe forms of a number of Iuctrnns 'vl o \Vere skullnng along each shore and watclung the I oat n1ahc1ouslJ b t thej veie soo i loot from sight b) tho 1 1penc trable glooon1 The t inuer that "o.s mutterL 1g r 1 t i e w ::;" v.:a.5 no v boo n1ng ovCJI end t ie 1 ghtn n0 Hashed vmd 1) and glared almost conttuually 1 I le tic nd ho le 1 ti rn I0 h LI e fornst occast0nally Ip rnotmo somo maJeet1c k nb ol the mlle1 ness md sen I ng 1t heaulong to the ground The cxrer enced g ide npprchc d ng tlat the boat (which '""an a1 k \aid clum silJ co11st1 Icted craft) 'oul \bes vampe t 1f allo 1el to keep the cent1e ot tho tub lent stteatn, "he1e it ' ns ex1 o<.:i.ecl to the \V1ldeet \: s1tat ons of tl e I rnerml 1 tc l es t nr d seewg tl at ti eir onl' suf y \\.as111. re cl lln tl e ·helter of ti c lore steered 11 that d1 rect101 1 ut so g1eat i,: as the furue with wl cl it'"' mpelled that it rnn agro 1 l before teach1110 a SU table Inn hng place AfteI tl is ocomred the ala1m ol tl e VO) agers "as still 01catcr for th ey ve10 cer ta n ti ut the Indrnns they had seen ' oul \ soon be up v1th then1 Cong1 crratln$ ll l o the deck they he! l a short con r ltat1on a d came to the cone us on to a va. t tl c bre k u g up of tie stor n-ol wh1ch tho clot ds UO"li ga\ e c:v1denct>-belocu attemptt g to extricate the boat f o i its n t ldJ be I At last as the uoo 1 s i le 1 t rough tl e scatte1 1ng clouds th 1ntuallon of affa i r~ becan e I la1ner nnd t} e men \VCle lt go lg ashc.1e \Vhen ti ey ' ere .stnrtle l l y a d s cl a1ge of fi eai us folio ved b) n fo llul "at \ } oop \\ 1 ich arose fro i tlte tl d cts o l the bank As soon as tl e e1n 0 ra its real zed tl ~n ~ tuo.t 01 1 ey ul u~ged ail l t ouc into the cal in lncll occ p ell a central I ort on ol the d ck Ho; g ga 1 e 1 ti s reft ge ti ey closed and oarred tie Jooi and prepuei lo1 tbe confl ct' h ch seen cd unavoidable The <l ck as soo I s va11 i ng v1tl av ages \vho c1umbeted O\ er tl e indes of the boat ) elh g hi e demons The storm I a l b) tblS tune passed entirely a vay u1 d the b 1ght moon sl one bnlhantly on tile ace e belo u1nk ng surroun l ng oLjec s 1 ti ct. ly ' " Lie Tl e Indians ·wbo' le gro\v1ng n1ore bold au l fe trless by th r t::nco g 1:1 s tccess 110 v bega. 1 l acJ 1 g' ith tl cir to a ha11 ks at the cabm <1001 a1 ] 1 ot 1 t1l they exercise more ca t1on in thc.1.r n o e inents bit afte1 a st iboorn reSistancc tic &'l. ages ere dr ven f1on1 the deck and for a ti1nc nothing" as hear l f1ou1 tl e1u D n ng tlns calu1 the em g1nn ts l tI 1 an oth1 collsullatiou and ee1n 0 ho v n atte18 stood dee d <l to :l a :v lotl:! 1 01Jc1 Lo c.:.e ternune \Vlncl o tl ern sJ o 11 ial c the d le ttc attcntpt to steal a uo10 and c l to p t l the boat rnto deer 1 10tc rh1s lt cl less task fell to the lot of tic he o c gu de 'vho ::umn g I n self th a foI1n1 labki boat hook p1e1 red lo bo ashore \\ell bo; ' sad he it" nos hi ely \VC 11 never meet ag1n so gL e ine a sh:tke ol yo tr haudi:; u1t.l tl en it e,.., ell for cvc1 Don t feel so lov. ap1 ted ans ~ere 1 a1 ol! rai 0 er for if yo t' a t cu1 pu v I !I r JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glaz1e1 Paper Hanger &c &c Sta,g SPJENDlD SE~E IIONS of \Vinte:i.· Goods, Al For Sale, Or To-Rent ROBERT YOUNG, }ETlHlNARY I ll U \{.I!: OF SLRGEO v 'J!fERIN \RY CU LIG:E T lf.E HOUSE Outbu ldrngB m l 01cha d ith 01 itho t Seven an l :1o } nlf Acres of ill l at ] resent occup1e<l by D Dav deon PI ly on tl e I rC>m1l'!CS or to D vV liOLEOD S, ON! U IO to 1nfo1m e B t1 comn enced the r c ct ce of h a I rofess on EGS v lle a1 tl i:ibab tauts of Bo vma.ll 1 s;,.nro nding co t1y at he l n.a t} DR DA\ auv llo July Htl 1870 ID~ON GENERAL STORE, tl CC C h.J gl} {; ()ftp a. be consulted :is to e1 a d e diseases of Horses 11 ln and Cattlc at G lo :s L va y Offi e K ng St Bo inar.vdle Jau 4th 18"2 BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S 'Teeth EXtracted at Twenty five Ce 1ts Romns over ~fcOlnng Bro Store~ 1 H n' Ile Oct 1st 18 0 \.D ll.E L!ANC :El Mntal ESTABLISHED 1840 0.dN.\.OA.. CHIEF 0FFJOJ - -- --- ---- FOR CASH "Yes Is life sucl n. cl cat nfte all? JI ve vii to only toli e ~ dto<le r le s fo Like the fio vc s ti at blu SQ!ll au 1 [ill ? I here 1 ohei: obJects u life :rha.n tlus blo v ng of !JubUl~1:1 i y fr e1 l T ere 1$ Juty ftl d VO k even B nfe 13 lt the cs victor) t oo t the end L fe .A'.sst ranee Society Et t Mai hcken surpt sed t the od ft 11 pos.cseion of l 8 master 8 nnnd ans rnrecl h n 1 ou voisl lJ ti amo1 t Rall sad the Ir nee to J 1 didst 11 0 be ug t e pro luc of ti e Sci l pell ol it not cc to <laj ] 011 _ _ henceforth bdo1 gs to Peter Pommer tJ c Ho 1 c 1ptJ tl l sl ccpfol l , s of U e nghtful l rnpi etot I h n t; ti eretorc put Uock floe! s of the rnounta n 1 the cl an hun rn pos,oss on of the doc n en and I cellot ·<lied 11 allusrnn to the color of the l1avc no 101 ge:n a1 y co icern 111 tl e affa r clothes 118 utllJ \\or 1 by the country peol le His face fl rnlung Wllh ange1 tlie Al Rall the ll11dgm led bhnunc s of ex.claimed Tl o n1t 10 norant as a tl c poor peeple gr e\ es my he rt child-1! ght it lot rntbe1 be called thou Yes vo r II OJ>! p r;a1 M nl cken ob l 1racy i,o]ence un] 1 r le 1 ig" sled interrupt ug l.i n1 11 l I 'v 11 the cl anccl1o "'en as a child fo1 ol s cl i. ti Tl 0 mt not foi f 0 u tn ti lL re of! ea1c1 jhed tlrn prrnce I cam ot 0011 pchend Do t tho l ') tl e "'l enscs ho, thev can e cb'-llge tl e I Ic milk ol sh 1 l ' ne s 1 ns the 'l est10I tie 11 a1 the only savrng fa th fot tie hm 1 mpa at den 110 1 addie, ed to Pctci Po r. able h l·ko of Lutheran hei e,J Ho" starting is if fion1 a <lrc tm peaccf IllJ they might d we:\ 11 the Leso in bow ond replied 1>1th all I 1 nl t) A, of om Cln rel llhtclt r udeto tic path to your ~or l 1p l leases le ven eO.SJ to the professors \\hut s;t IJ e latt r n1uttcr n 0 on etl n 0 oet v e i 11 dt t le of lntcicesaoI"R un 1 ,, 11 ut rcn]y I s teeth d1sm1,scd all t c co1 p" ) except 1 eans ot gr ce does it offer to the (a bohc 1g Peter 'hom he allcJ bnck iron1 the I Cl nst nu And on tl c contiai v.: liow UBse1ublng ]f 1ch as t1 o ]alt l 1 crtle<l l.Juren ncl destit te ol co nfuit coinpatetl tl e wicked \\aid en Jct he , as 0 !a l to £ nd I mlh t is the loctri e ol the beret " to h 1 ell heedhom l epre on c nl clren the he>rt wh ch needs consol<t 01 And vho aW ougb he iad g 01 ! uu a be 1 t f ] yet- · ~ l ( l I n, s 131 Sl JAMES8 "RllEI ~iO Hi.E ~L PQ Ch~ n~n PROMPTLY EXl:CU'l'ED.,. DIRECTORS \V' 1.LIER oHA)ILY Esq t....M Dt11'0A..N ~fAODON U.D .lliSQ. MAJOI 'I E CAMPBELL THE HONOBABLN JOH~ B. Ge ltlemen s & Boys Garments ~ P b '!i, Out iIAJ B St ILrO?> Hilti:rie Ha~l s \.foo A eJ t fo1 tl e ell lu c vn RESIDEN'.I SEOREr!l.RY THE Ez. 'JTilE PROFITS JAM1s ('""~' The Exlles of Salsburg ~ IN 'llIE ~~ E W E S 1 S T Y Bcwmnnville July 07 1869 L "E S SPECIAL FEATURES. belong to and are d \:ld FlliST·PR!Z~ WANZER MACHINE, at s~wrnc 'l'TfRTITHiG SK.ETCH OF rnE OF THE WALDENSJ::S CHAPT1 It\ I ERSECllIIO:-.l' ---- - CHARLES TOD, od amongst tl e Pol cyho de s BREA:O AN':O ~ISCUI'r BAK.Elli. \EA f, Co ilP !..NC.EiS or 01 vl1 c:h an e-xt1-a l:>.te n un ~rould lie qu1 ed cl:!n be a-i;sured at t C 0 (L 1J t'fJ,( 8 of tl I S So ~lCtj LIVES DEQLINED BY ornER MANUFACTURES PRICES Enn1sl illeu J:ll ov "4th 1870 u de a Ej)ecial r CIJTl[lt nent SPEOIAL NoN nS tf FonFJHTADLE T>oLrcEs ss d 8v DRUGS i\ND MEDICINES AT lHE u1 de1 wh ""b onlJ 10 lD 01 .-,0 A n al PaJ pus 1 ment2 are tti!q rrc l each paymer t r ng a 01 Ji f( Ji: Pohc;) for a. s m red ropo :-t1onate to the nurnbet of1renuumsprud cndflecf o i.. / Bowma11v1lle Drug Stora BOWi;~ANVTLLE va;yme t of pre n. ly nl 11 s OS () d<ii Pu i ctt ally IULei le l To iV!ODEl ~TE PREMIO ~ ~n l libe al 01 Oct l·t 18 o dt J. Fletcher, GENERAL KI~G STREET \\.i} XI door west of GROCER, .J..'t lf o r~ lema. ::i.ll Bown1a.nvulo Oct 15th 1369 BOlt ~AN VILLE Dun8tan s Fane) Sto e u1egood anl cl cap goods gl've 1 I 3 custome -e rd to the public gene1a1l) fo.,. the Prospeetuses Pro oosal .boru 1:1 &c su1 11 el vet y 1 b -al su1 po t he has received Bl ce 1 lll on appl cat on ~t tho Heal Uffice o any of 9ommeno g in bus uess ri.n<l I opes by cont tho A ge lClCS ed 1:1b. d pe1sonu.l attent10 i to bus ness nnd offc 'Ing noth: i.g but tl e I u c t art cles at tl e JAME~ GR!l.NI most reusonii.1 lc pr ces to o ir,ui e "" continuance Re~ Seereta y of public p:.ttronage J Ii woull cal1s1 c iJ att 1 to1 to s o y ~G]NI FOR BOVIMA:'\HLLE ::iu~c orstok f C B!.:RKER Obsc e Office K g St 2;.o ly wl ich arc~ e to givu the be t ss.t1afnct o Bowru~ nVlllc T nc Utb 18 0 9 ODS. W J HIGGINBOTHAM, It 1 as t l rnd of JUbi lee a 1 ougst 11 th mn ates of the Sci 1 , p JJ uf ' het ~lai hcken ha\.1ng 1 ecat e c I f o n lns ade l 3 fir t appearance rn I tbl pmed bJ I s fa mly N c bad appeared so nv1go1at l natu1e prcaented 1no1e In the ua ns a d staliles °' OULD most resl?ectf lly tcndru Ills s n cer4' thanl s to hts nume ous fi ends and DYESTUFFS, A ell seleott!d stod of AUCTIONEERS Imperial Fire Insurance Co the Townsriip uf Dai l1mgton OF LONDON (Establ...hed 1803 H·AD OFFICES - 1 0 11 R ona St Pall Mall London ' s l ~-----------~---- DRUGS H T PHILLIPS Hli.MPTON J: 11 t att GENEil\L <\.GENCY 1'0ll. c 1.NtDA - 9:1 St Sac1a.n1ent 1\Iontre.lL Subsc bed and n este l C l n.l a ] llef'I Fund £1 960 000 Stelilo;; cd O'HE.MICALS PA1 ENT IIIEDlCINES BRUSHES COM:BS SIIOOLDER BRACES <J[PPOBTE lN E c Etc kertco st tl onha. J OILS PAINT COLOR<; VABNIJISES ancl WHI'J.E LE.i.ID B 1lOWMANVILL1' 1£G S to an1 o nee to tl e p blic thl'.t sl c s R o 01 u1 e. choice scleL.-tio1 of ST 0 l~I'm luspecto1 Gen Age1 ts I\1ontrcal att eve1ylo cst 111ces. co1 lda11 ve h s soul ha! departed f1om its frail te 1cn1ent Tl e r.tranger as I d1ecove1 eel fro 1. lus patisport and ma1r1a 0c cc1 t fl cate poved to be no otner tbon old Porn rr1er s lug1tlve son an l the boj h1i:i child is the sa1ne lame l ctcr uJ10 no'\1i 1:!ta1 dR in 'ot 1 ' Oil:!lnp 8 I resence and wl Dl:!e n :in1c the core I ot Drel el but Pommer When tho assemolv h.d a httle 1eco>ered flon1 tl 1 aston 1 cnt i\..1 lhcken 1e nn1 e I th· tbll d of I" nu atne and th1 s cont1u icd I consc cntlo 1sly hscharged tlie dt ty 1 Jud n le1taken I treated the little boy as 11\ o' l ch ld llo vmg 111111 to choo<:;<.: the e111r lovment fo1 \Vl ich he ev1nc ed lUOSb inchna.llon 1\.. secret v cc ho\\ ever cot ti uallJ n l omobed me that I no lon gc1 I osse 0 se 1 ll e Sch ppelof bv r1 0 l t and ti t 1t 1 el01 ge I m real ty to the grand son or tl testut r I o ieaciecl DlJ doubts and se n pies to lathc1 G maelm and re cel'\icd nlisol hon I ga\e 1nuch and often to tie ch ucl and al o to the poot b t 1t .., lH nll 1n v a the voice itl in my heatt ne\ e1 ceased to be heard In 01 :ler to en sme peace of ID nd I decided on g1vrng Petc1 l'on1n1cr 11 y laughter i l 111nrr1ngc "ith t c estote as o do\HJ au l I was on the I ornt of sacr ficrng ill) poor cl ild Ia1b1 a to Ill) selt h 1 ev 0 but I thanl God I at my foll from he raft rnto the Sal a ircnci c I w o l I o 1 a st l! mo1c fat l a\ys In ti J presence ti en ll1) lord 1 1 befo.;re these \V1tnes1:ics I s r render to Peter Poinmcr 11 iny claims to tlie Scht ppell of m d ti en adchesm g the be 11 1ldercd Peter l c sfl.11 I 1 a\ c nc er veil kno est cou~11 Ins beautiful Gia wus pnnce ti"' at to Int ut to loss to I now th ese rer egades n1e to iards I o ft en ti u k so 1eplied lus higl 1es , to 1 pbrud and ! lame mHelf on thJS account But 1t pams me to pumsh the llocK that 1 as l u11 d llandeied astrn' But if tl J clenlcncJ sl 0 111 occrunon the C\ l doers to experience the Jate of those vl o no ild rot 1 sten to tl t Hun1n..., \011.:e of the good shepheul 1 ° TJ on alaimest n1e sa tl the pr nee !tb R 11 Rall I 0 v often ba\c I Ir r ro~t1ated tnvself befo1.o. the Cl lClfi~ and be ought that my rnderstandiug ru ght be enhghtencd and ti at means 11 ight be granted me to tecall LI e heretic to His ' Ol:ie l 1ens 1 g ant 11 at1c1 ~ Vi ere c1oss The \ orthY 11 01 he1e has 11 \V somev I a.t d sappo nted ca t lus ej es or tl e 1 t::\ e :tled to iue a n1etbod ¥. l l.lh 1;,:·nu ot f~tl grot i land ie nu11 cd e leut to I TO\ c l eneficial I tried a s1 n Jar pt n Dv not 1 ~ St JJ lerstan<l me ti vl en I <l11ected ull tl e cle1gJ i1 the coun mil ll) aid by \ "' of com 01t t h n t ) to exr Ian to their co11gllgat ODS the Tl ou haet t ken a gieat step to ar ls thy \a>it o ffe1encc betwe n out glor10 ~ fn th pe ice m y1eldmg l p RO cl eerlt lly tie p1op an l th s ] ernicrnus h resy fl at tliia good crty of' b ch thou eit J stly lo~ %,ed ntcutio1 d1d nots lC eed n1a' -01.! ttr1but bu 1ftlo1"0 ldstbchJIJ 1101th) of on e 1 in a g1eat rneusnre to tl e clergy, \\ho Sa\ iotu thou i=:l ot ldst be 1ea 1) to ofie1 i in ti ro gh their long nnmstcrnt10n u ay pro c\e1ytl n 0 fortu1 ~ \lf.C chill a1 l even bably ha\ e lost n uch of then eal at d thy hfe A1t thou capable of th101 a5B duty I have tl e1efu e at tie sugges Maul <en pe s ely ga cd on nll 1 ho t1on of th1~ de\ oul nr1 or resolved to en ploy em dear to h m cl then 1 ieel ly 1q I eil tl e bretb1 n of Jesuci tl en ost e per enced I" U not te1 pt tl e Lor] and tl c1efute and 1 o't mdeJat gable cl ai J lO s m tho Ilea<e ti' 'l' est1on man ·Ctel H s " ll serv e of ot r I 01 I gu nst tl e 1 e1et cs I be done pi JSC I be h s 1 am n tc1 <l to despatch wi\ho t d lay press estate lh' " telli 1cf1sel I 11 da1 pl tc Ue felt q 1 t at a m wbat mam el I c sl oul! bel h m- d et! e1 lo ti a1 k or OHAPrER \!I ] ' l 4 1 I 11 n R llO~ 1· LJBOND HATS 1LO!VER8 LOSCO:MBE Ba:mater Agent for Bowmanville a 1d Vmmty 3G Horses and Cattle Ilred1cmcs N B -Cu utrJ Stor beepers s ppl cd on tho been l ear 1 tliro 1'">b the frc~h most ttdvanta.rreous tern H. r1 l~rng tl e ma.ti 1s ~ oho cc select on of LAJ\'Il S fo1 s ile cl a1 Bo i\."Jnan' ille Dec 9 1868 Gm Pratse be to Ilea e l c1 Bov. nanv Uc J me 14th 1860 FEA1'IIEJIO VEJ VET~ a :I !JULLTi\ERI h 1'V 11 be sold ....t t1 ~ lo e t r o~ I.Ii le 1rt:e ---- -------- - -------- mo A3 39 4 Ar MONTRE \L PHICES 1 contemplate i \.k n 0 con n.1 ers fo tl o nsc tin of A 1v:urt semen ts hould sen 1 to ll SI [ sons ho Allti:act>i' ith 1 t 1c Io c1 f l vo ce ol tie 1 i st Com m on tbrn Ioli l y !01 tie sake of o r Ho! L dy a1 l tho blessed Patton ~111 V el ct o Stra B r eta cl l e 1 &c Bo ma ill ae us ial Oct 1st l& 9 tf nl Mn~~iao:e icenses , 1~69 ],'font -ca Pr oea. rhe1 a.1 er 1s f tl e be$t <!' al 1 y and we guarantee that no e of th B g stick together lhe follo :ving is the E H<\.VE NOW A COMPLEIE a>so t Wincot of Pa.1 er Eaf:s ' hich vo v1ll sell t Geo P Rowell & Co fot a C cula or e1 Cl ose "5 cents for the ISSUED UY PRICE LIST JSv l ROBERT ARMOUR 0 ! Size o hy 7 5i 8+ o r:i anv lle Dec 10 NOTICE. \11 J ti tioms trespass ng on the p pert) kno n s ] o ild M Us " II b nrosec tad JOHN ~1cDOlTGALL Bo" mar i lo Juno tith 1871 tf 3G l 3 4 2 7 81 9 1G ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMEHLEI co ta tu g L str:i of 3 000 N spapera and esL1 m tes sho :vn g the . cost of ad ert sing aIBo PER lOOC many u~ful b 11 s to al ort aere and some ac :.\fa.n1lla Bo n co int of the e I e iencea: of rr e wl o a e kno n 9o 90 IIS S"C CCESS]Uf; .i\.DVERrISEl\S '.Ihe L30 1 20 firm a e prop 1eto1!'1 of tl ;\.n e1 cai IS:@ vspape 2 00 100 A lv~ 1a~111g ~gcncy 030 \t ti e fosti al of Corpus CI lot r tl e Jear 1"·9 all the bells of tie 1 un no s churches 111 the ccq1tal of Salzb 1g \ere pco.l ng 1ro1n an earJy hour 111 the 1 on 1 g at short l ter\'als 1 he n e 0 l bot ng 11101 n tauts re echoed the sole1nu 1:iou ds The g1eater p rt of tne I o scs ol that mty wh I con1n1an ls rt bea illf il r:1te \ve1e deco1a ed v1th tapeQ.b) v1tl ga lands :.n d itl 1lo\I. crs Im tges oi the V1rg n '~ere seen n several of the sheets adorned with fresh lea\ es 'vn ta1 era nr d ' ith gold and s1l v r ~ hicJ al 1 o gh countc1f01t still sl ed Jo1th a. da zl ng splen lor aroun<l .Evcrv 111cll,,e :vl erctl er "as a statu e ot a n nt I alb en ne"' ly adorned for tile occas1on 1'[en and von1en in tl e r hol1 la; clo l c cro vde 1 tne streets on then \vay to cl t rel N eai the platfort of ti Castle of Salz b rg bl' tie hugest ai d 1 o,t magn lic·nt 1 utan in all Ger1nan) \\hero g1gant1c cupids and art1hcial sl ells sculj \UI ed 11 lnte I atble contrn all) I om fo th an ab i lnnt strca.1n into the eapac o ia bas so 1e Rer~ a 1t gu ]s \\ ith thou "ell sco red pa1 s ie.st1ng C:Jll the . 11arg 1 of the fo l ta n "ere engaged in 1;01 vcrsat on Eac-1 11e\v come1 afforded the1u fresh n1ate11al for iail leI) tl 1e 10 s 5 6 7 10 N~ l~ 13~ 81 Jo lo 17 i3 ~6 55 58/) 2 20 2 55 3 00 11 11 uio 740 42<J A NEW PAINT SHOP B Il. I! ill \\ MORRISON Oct 9tl 18 1 1n2 AUl\ll LINE SlEl\i\llSlllPS. Fon T Live pool London l ct 0 11 10 980 8 55 14 01 11 90 10 00 "o 14 23 HOO 1150 30 WRITE '.IEA BAGS No Size '1 b)' 1 0 7 9 2 30 8; 10 51 2 8* 11 3 2u Solo Agent between Port Hope and To1onto N B Flour Sac 1n Stock n o iHKER 12 14 20 10 13 17 18 660 3 30 3 70 ! 30 4 95 oW GGO and a. a I assessed of 1rneq alerJ f[!.CllJt e$ or so r n"' the u:isert n of ad ert a.ement.!:l n 11 Ne sp~pe s and I tr od cali:; at lo est ateB !-lovetnbel Uth 1871 41 Park Row New Yorlt A CARD. s I port lu h tl ey have g ven him bege; to in fo1 n t.11 tl o e y} o a o 11 'fant of a. Subsu 1be in rcturrnng thanks to the T H~ 1 hal ta l t8 of ' ' ei;;t Durhrun for the l be al i that tney c::.n be su1 pl ed b) 1 m ns cl e p any oth r 1 ouse Hti hcie also for is FIRST CLASS STOVE <iiJ u g sohc1tat 01 to tl e 'ery reveren l general ol t 1 o Order for ti is pmpose W th an rncie<l Ilous smile the cha1 eel 1C11 sn1d Bit 1n; grnc10 s p11nce if the boots slio 11 l treat ti c holy b1etl "" of J csus r the same 1n11nne1 they have their pastora ! II ti e; sho1 lcl contnn e still to for ake the house of God an l b HJ t1 e110 .eel' es 11 the 1ccc ::ies of tl c forests o hear ti e n b e enla 1ec1 y tl eu 1 r leai e l br 1rcn i\l ho are b t too 'Illing to 111 struct tl er 1 'l l en let tl em be 00101 lied ndoq a n of r;cvere penalties to attcn l the erv1ce of Go I 11tei1 ose l tbCjmor vehemently I ho 1 hast I it the rtgnt rnaik,good p w1 sad the cho.ncel101 Q.1 1 I rg llns 13 the weak s de of nll lain ers a 1d on t1 a.t they must be assailed And I vo Id fiI e c' cry one "Ill die 11101 ns "bo """ i 1Jiil "1th a B1 l lc 1n l s I 0 SCSSlO ) r1 n eas\ re lS s 1re to vork m racles Eools cxclarned ti c rchb1sl op 'I! e p10vc1b W; t lt 1( I lkfo.sciten (Whats tic use at n tmegs to a oo ) B uot i apphc·ble In tins rnstancc r l mv le p oi I fo e ee that the .L thera 1 de claunc1s w 11 son1e tune 01 otl r b tteil) ie p 0 1 t ti at the\ ever cnt ustctl the besotted people nth the Bible I\ hat an mexLaust ible sou1ce of trot blcoorue conte tlo s I er \e1ae ct nf!: a l con rnd1ct1ons 1 U1'C tbey no~ ope led E\ en "'e ouroel\ es e 1 ucate l Joi tic Cl urch tnugl t l the I oh father of tl e Cl mcl and by ornl trndttwn ue ofter grcatlj pcrplexeu in o ir c1 de11.v vo1 to tuscovcr tl c t1 te sc1 e of an ob!'lcure l assage m he B1ble I How then will the uni ot ut:led la L) a.1r \C nt the hutl 1 Although I an1 a lay1r1an [ can I er ce1ve tl at thou urt pclfcctlv ugl t said tl e cl ucello But ti c J e 1sant1 v ale as etu Luorn ae ti en cattle a l ci b ~ l 1, go with )OU :\ o its bc,t for one lo go alone t l oue can do as r l r..:h or i ore a a ]ozen Yo te goin no v 1 cskecl thu r t g I Y Cf!: at once but ren1eu be as soo1 as I B hoH the boot clear handle the oata l e I y or yo 111 ot get oft ~ale the t a<lu the celaO a.te l " llUTTAN " HOT f\lll STOVE, stat ons n Cann. fo, wh cl o n '3 at all the p11n(l1[ ...,1 railv: ay It is J st the tl illn for Churcbe3 B.o.J!:s and I l lic bu !du gs Ile lB lso ma1 tf otu1 ,.,. tl e BESI' HOT AIR DRUIVI the.: i entia1 ee I ti" spac ous JU R ent I all on an elevated 5eat unde1 a cn.1101 y the po ;ve1f tl baron 'VU::; enth.101 eel t o scnl es ' ere seated n at lnm vho for ant of other l ght tit tlv \\ 0 mltqw said the a 11 IBh Aiter sa:i 111 0 th1s the g tuJe c1ut1outil" opened tie door and slipped out S andrng l deck u. moment he scrnt1 1zed the bark ti en th the gIIJt; ol l pa l!he be tear eel asl ote r.n l aln ost nt the nn e 1 stnut the HC ut; bee l 1 e al e ' th 'ell ug oa ag s 'lo i::wntn e aron J the c oon1cd gu le But tl ci v c1c tool te to p1e'e t I m f1 i accom1 !Jslm g bJS de 1gn !01 al rea<h Lhe bout "as slo ly 1"a11ng l sl 01e uud \vould soon be in the ct re1 t Sem ., this they turned thw attent10 1 to tl e undatted gmde ' ho with" v Id >ell cipra g tl o gh the c10 'd tl t surro nUe l l m kn ocki g th 11 i I et o " tl ti et ltl h10 temble boot hook o ti ey llcu ptc l to lo n or · ~ I 1 ) ' i I (1 B t DR CARSON'S MEDICINES. GllE\T-JJST P BT 0 J l'.JNElJI J:H.lil A E Ull' n WHOLE OR ~ Joh·1 Iv.tcDougaU TO THE PUBLIC I I ;i I p md Ouugh Drops *' '? ihe auove l\Ie he 1 e D Sto t Bowma Jle C33tl "'\Yorm S vc1 cPa n R Dail gtc hev1 S:c Dec Vutu.:ln LA~GUAGE-A JOUng man wl o l l L A. Gamsby 0 ono can b obtaJned f :on1 lt l the 0 111 Ne ' I allo\VS L111sclf to use a 'Y lgar or 11ofa ic word l IS no ouh I own tl at tl e10 Jo a m'7 ;l DR D \. YIDSON, 0 :FHlE try s :Ste ]3o G ' MANVJ r.-Ove Tu'[r ·v·c f.u o th o tl e 0.FFIClr. l~ Ot:itL.. VA-l:"":iru1-doo1 Poi'>t Office Mo cy to ~ F 1 rntr I LB an at lo v ates of i 1tc1est H McGEE [lA BA J .AJ.1-:::J RU'lLEDt>-R Bo"Wttnmv1lle Dee 17th 186~ zc:1&0 { ~