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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Apr 1872, p. 3

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··· t THE MERGHANT,' 1"RTDAY, APRIL 12, . 18.72. ==-=-=--=·==-==-=---= -=-====-...;:=-=-==-=--·-=== = = = = Spring.Stock~s ! Dr:. J.BmJ.i & co~s.1 _____ -------~---·--·-----·======== :AT THE Patent. Ivory and Lignurn Vitro I' ~Jr A ~:?~~If\ llii°J;dt:~ 1,c ~.!i:1lt1:a, a Begs to iriforilt t11e PutJic that, he lrns r~ceived ::i,nrl opened out, il bcn,utif11l and ~...-ell asso1ied Stoo!" of Jf A ] 1 f3 A ]i" ]) O ..d p /3 , for Spnug u~il Su11ir:io1· w1;icu:: J-~1~ 8Go~~ ~lU'· 1Jaf5e:lm ltr:ytln11g p1·nv1nn8ly offe1'Hl 1n tho Lown. .. , . , and bfa NOV.l<~LTIE8 1" 'BE , S'l"TLI"l'. .l. \.J l with that best ruid ind~11 liH !j; ible &nin1al stiun1lant - A 1 ltrioJ, Blood . ~l,ho nerves resnm" thei r t(lne j the vee\!eh reco~·OT t11ci1· pl)WCl': the globe assumes its propct· ~h~pc, _ ei:i:e. and brilliancy; alhliseiuH·d action i1:1 nrr ·e~tr.~·1 :ind c111·81l . 'rheir objrct is to bring the ~ight to a ral focus, by t~l:ltori ng t}11:\ dinrir1::hhed i::onvexity or fJ:::.tnt;~f; of the Uoruca. of tho ..Eye," whi_ ch,i::; gra.dUally raised ~qits ul·igh1a.l_r.ou v.e4ity,caUfling ,thc l'ay~ of light to eoQ.verge on tho retina witho1..1t the aid of convex l.ense~ or glasf<es.; thuLl a special remdy for these sight is ·begi.1illing to f:-i..1.l from age, They add vit~lity ti..]1tl strength to the oye thus sccuring ·a proper aee;rction 1:u1.d re iuo "·1 ing the cause of all organic disea~es. Thi~ wonr derful effect is produced without pain 01· th~ ' least pofisibility of injury to the eye. i · ~iany of our most eminent vhysicians, occul1 i&tri, stuc1e11ts and rlivinml, hav~ hatl their ! ight j perm.a }lently restored fOJ.' lifo, and cured of the follo"\v1ng dh;ep,aes: . 1. Impaired Viaion i 2} or l,n~sbyopia., or }1'ar Sif:,.,.hteduesf:!, O\' Dhbue:is of ·\."iE>ion~ . commonly ca led Blurring; 3. AF?thenopia,ox vYeak :EfeJil, 4. Epiphm·t1. 1 ]lunning m· \V a.tery E_ycs; 5. Sore 1 . Yeither ~hei~ -Lrne~ the sl)rmi.ketl a:nd'enfeebled eye, B iu you11g- 6r "'o ld, is-at once 5i1PJ?hed ·E, y E·C U P S : lVIUI-lJ)()Olf ' have re.ceived and opened out a JI A T. DARLINGTON, VI~ .T11st i·c~eived rt Choice lot of NEW NTTTS Raisins, Currants, Figs, FRU~TS 9 · ~Ic~I j]jJ()~f.)'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Proparetl for imediate use, and nothing but the purest materials used, « (JBOlfJE > ASSORTMEN1~ OE Dates, Lemen, 01·a.nge "\-Y orl..:ed Eyes ; 10. ·1-'Iydesopi.a-rnoYing speck:ii or flor:.t ing- };Jodie.~ j)efore the eyes; A.Jnanrosi~. or Obscurity uf Vision; ] 2. Cataral:t3, Partial Tilindnem.ii ; the lom1 of sight. Any one cau tll!~ _th.e I V or) Eye Cupr; w_iU1out :i.t fMr, rcinune11tti·;e .pric·1R, to give hhn u. call. ' the aid of Doctor or :.\ledicine, so as to . roceini imn1erJiate lJeneiici:tl results antl never -..vcar l!is Gent's Furnishings"" v1ill ha found spectacles ; oy, if using tn)\v; to la~· the1n asiJb Well V..SSOttCd· forever. \\' ~ guarantee a cu1·e 1n every CMO where the direction.'5 nre f:)llowcd, 01 tn~ will refu11d the mouey. The ·\v}lolu will r~p~LY inspection 1 and he cordially extB111.l1:1 a .a invitation to all b.h old friendE! nnd M mnny new onof..I as may fe'el ir.clinod to he bflnefitted by having Eyes-·v·.cially tre~ted with the Eye Oupsc11rl) gna.i·fl.nti::ed; (i. \Ve:a.lcue:;s of the Itetina~ or .. Op.tio Nerve; 7. Opthalmia., or Jnfla111mation of the ~ye and it.~ appendages, or imperfecJ; vision f.~oro the effects of Infia:rnroation; 8, Photopl iob1a, Ol" T1itolera.nce of J . . ight; 9. Over- and Citro:n. :J;leels, JN GREAT EarTelfJ and VARIETY. of Boxe~ and requiring no farther mixture of Oils, Tmpentine, and Dryers. Their c01nposition consists soldy of llSh· )<!fll,utif-;:d. C;-:~ndieS1, j .FIRST-CLASS GOODS, v1ith r:.n nl!!sortlnent of CHOICE' BISCUITS. J)arlington lu-"s :':tog{lju received another lot of I thor,is celebrated MARKUS MAYERS· PUitE LEAF TEAS, I Q1udity is th0 :test of Cheapness. Bowrr:a1J"\'.ille, ...c\.:_ -pril 5Lh 1 1871. tf. 2309 Ce1·t1ficates of Ctire, Daili:y Lbl.e "E'J ~ 0 \J fd'4. _ "f..T rro ~-- ~ ~ ~ hd rl'fi ~ ~ ~... ~ ~ ... The New Lake Steamer "NORSEMAN" .,ITILL on or about list April next commence , 't' . her regular trip_ !:!, ice per1nitting,lea.vlllg Cobourg every n1on1ing at 7 ;::lO. Port Rope !l.t 0 o'clock for Rocheater.conuecting- there -.vitli tl ifl Kew York Centi·fll, .Nnt1hm:n Centro.l and E1ie Railway, for :.tll points East, South, and Scnth \Vest. ' . RETURNLNG. Leaves Ch~u·lott6) Port uf Roehe1:1ter, every ovcning at 0 o'clock, except Saturday~. "\vho=in filie le~vi.Js ut 2 o'clock p. u1., fo1· Bri1d1tu11 direct. rrhe stcnn1cr cnJls r"t Brighton, :\-fonda.yei and 'l'hursdu,yi at Oolbutne every <lc~y exce1)t \Verl· nc~day, at Vilhitby, OshtHvn, Darlington a.nd N ewca»tle Ou \Vedue~~tlt1iy, should freig llt offer. Dealers in f.ltock will find this tho cheapest a.nd qu ickest rou~e;i to Albany, Ho!::\tou, ='few --~[oi·k, &c. 7 &c. ..:\<ld1·css, n12-t.f Vrcin honest }'armers. ~iec11a.nics and l\Ierch'- ' Bo;,vnianville 1 Dee. 22nd, JS70. a.nts, some of then1 th·e 1nost 13n1inenf lea.ding profei;sional and business men a.ud women of e,{. ucr..tion and refine111ent, in our c"u:.ntry, TU{ty be ~een at our office, ,~ T,l, "pi::1· s·mH b;i.vill,£ claims n ..g&,lt the Under date of :..1~r('h 29, llon. Hor:tce' Uree· ley, of tho Now York 1 '1 ·ib1lnc, writes : ".L L :I. Ball, of our city, i:-; a conscientiou~ t~nd re!;;JJOll· tibla 1naJ.1, who is inc:.tpable of intentionaJ. tlec9psion ur imposition. ' of the 'rownship of Dnrlington, in tlie COtluty Pl"of. Vil. Jt:Ierrick: of Lexlnqton, J{v.i wrote of Dur11au1, 11'anner, d~r::E;a.<sed, :~re hetd.,oy no1.jApril 2Hh, 1869: \"V ithput 1n:v Spectacles I _pen ficd nnd rrqnirt>d to send to the uuJci'Sig-ned :you thb. note 1 after using the Pakmt 1vory Bye E~ecutors, narne1.l . jn Lht:i last \V il1 a.nd Te."lta· Cups thu'teen days, ancl thii:.i morning perused nrnnt of the said Chu.des F. ').'hom1Json ; and th& entire contents of a Daily :Ncv·"-'P!l.pcr, nnd tu ·w}w1n l.t..JLt~ rs f'ro\10,t1~ heen grnuted br rill with the unassisted Eye. the proµcr Court, or to Robert Ru~sell Lot1· rl'iruly am I grateful to your noble invention, conw, ~~8q., tlicfr Solicit01·z .11.~ the 'J.'otvn ()f may H~aven bless and preserve you. l havii Bowmanvill"', on or before tne been using spec~aclca twonty year!! ; I am $C'l'· enty-one y.; olcl 'l'raly -\·our "- 1 J1'rof. Y.l. ~ier1ick. ' ~ H-EV. Jo8.rtl'H SMlHJ, J).fakleu, Mtlro;5,i cured .of A i-;t:~t1;Jln (l)1L of LJJC'! Hhowiug t]rn il.~tes, the P1i.rtial ]51indness, of 18 years' stnnding, in one amount~ s.1u.l the value of the S.'1n1e, aud also Efru ut"!, Liy th!:\ Patent Iv ory :Ryo Cup~. specifying \Ybat; ~ecurity, if any, they hold E. C. J.i~r,Lrs, ]n.te :'\fo,;yor Pf Dttyton, Ohio, therefor. ..A. nd notice is he1·eby ghen that after wrote u~ N l..l\'. l.iJtll,lSGJ}.: I li».v11 t«i>ted t.hfl fa.t- the date above lnentioned the saitl Execl..1tor~ ent Ivory Eye Cups, and I a.m satisfied they nr6 may proceed with the distribution of the assets I i:un pli:iaaed with t] 1en1; tht:-y ~'·e tlia. of ihe said Charles F. Thompson, or any part good. ~rc=i.t1'":st invention of the, nge. thl.lrof, s.mongst the parties entitled thereto~ having reiatd to claims (if any) of creditors, N EA R-SIGHTEDN ES,). 'vhit:h shal l then have bel'n received, and will not he liable on account 0f S\tch distribution to For the worst cases of J.1fvopia, 0r l\..,.~ai·-aivht any CN;!liitor of whose claim they r,haJl not then c:-Ziiesr~1 IL~e ~111 r New P.l),terit ~:r y opio Attachhave had notice. " ' ments, applied to the IvoRY EYE -CUPS, hri.s WILLIAM RUNDLE. liow,;,anville P. 0: rwovAcl a.. c.e' ctO'e for tl1is di&f:a,:::e. JOHN HO.t--\R, Bowmo.nville P. 0. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Pu1'c Color, Purn White Lead, Pnrn ! White z,vnc, Linseed Oil, 8pir- i · its of J'iirpentine, & Dryern, II ccn,refully rrnd scientifically com1 bin ed. . The cm1~u111~l' ean have nny de· ~ired shade of _ c olor neatly put ur, m OmlS, !tnd all he requires to buy with the Paint 1" a Brush; as the whole cttn be done by himself~ or by tiny member of his househol. d. FALL AND .,VINTER GOODS . · · ' I I b,te Chas. F, Tho1npson, PURE WHITE LEAD, DIRECT ~ IMPORTATIONS. 1HE FII\S1 O :F rrHE SEASON! 1 1 FULL ASSORTMENT -OF- A large stock just recr,ived, for aut... rnnn ·paiuLing, imported direct from the English Manufacturcrs,inclucling _ James' ' . Genuine, a,nd the Celebrated 15th Day of May next. ROOSTER BRAlflJ, [piarnnteed znwe.. ALSO AT 'fIIE -o--·- - all · standard colors, qils varnishes, and painters' mate1fals. Uall a,nd see how cheap a house cttn be piLiutechmd decorated; for all these goods wil I bflsold a.tRecliwed jigV.1'C8. C... 0.AJ:TER, Port Hope Ont l'ort Hope, 11:u·cl1 18th, 18i2 25-tf. I~. Dr. J. Co's. HEKBY1!]LL10'l"l', JR., Hampton P.O. Executors of the lMt ¥lill and Testament of Charles]'. ·'l'hon1p01c11, deceased. Howmanvillc, ~iarch 13th, 1872. n24-td. J.. & W . J . UcMurtry .& Co. Full Particulars Next Week. 2.000 Gallon;: of HA.CHINE OlL open to-day. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. Property for Saile IN BOWM.ANVIL LE. On~ ~.\ere of La.ntl running frorn I~1fRSrr, Clnuch Street to King Street, opposite Col. . Cu'titt's, with . _ · GQOJJ BllICR IJOt!SE, co.~tttinD.1.~ ten roo1ns UJl,Q a Cl<lla1·,fnll size; stable driving Ji <lul:!c:,o.ncl wnod-sJied; plenty of hard;ind the County oi'·Durhan1, is soft w:iter. Likewise, good choice fnUt gardt:n, with 5ipple:s, pen.1'St qirinces, peaches, plu1ni:i 1 cherries, and other Hnmll fruit. · l!J rec01nn1ended by thouf'!andsi...Jor l:ntlti,hled Eytis, :tnd Eye-lids, alsQ \Vea.k .t!.iyEis, i,V11t6ry Eyel'I, Over-worked Byci::, Intolerance of ]Jight, Amaurosis, or Obl?curity of "'Vision, or Specks · <in moving Uoclies betor~ the . It.yes, Wcaknes01 cf Retina, and many other diseases of the Eye. All pev~Oll8 wisl1ing for full particula.rR, certific:ttes of cures, -prices, &c., willJllease send your Ohic:i.;;o, Oct, 11; 1871. a.ddrfl£<! t.o 0111·,v.·ho "'ill sendour'l'reat,isc on th~ Eye 1 of forty-four pag-ci!I, free, by retu111 To AND.ES l:NSCRANCR Co., ··AndeS losses vril not cxc:eed. $300i000. mail. · · E. :El. :RYAN. Af;cnt. All cor:.81.iltatjvn: with ~l8 Jrce. ThC Axnms is solvent and ·TGry strong, and Our sole itnd exclusive Agent for h:.i.:--i com1nenco~l pa~ing its Chicago INSURANCE. Andes first to pay Cl1icago Losses. of different kinds. Tlrn~shers and all p1trties requiring ~uch oil. !tre specially invited to inspect the varii:ms qualities, the prices being far below a11ything ever offered in this market. ' .. 600 Cook, l'a.rlor, Ha.ll, a.nd :Box ....Stoves, m·rivi:ng, aud now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest sto'ck of lossc::i. C LIFTON, Oct, 9, 10:30 p. ru. I h~1Ye t o-1J.igl1t car~fL11Jy ~xii.nUned n.11 Ohic!I.· go immranccs in the .A.ndea Iusu:raJ1ce 001npany of Oineiru1atti. \V" e 8lrn.ll }1,11thod;i e our adju~t era to draw upon Uf:I nt fight for every correct claim ais rapidly AA 1-1,r;c-l'rt~ine(l Our loaae!l by this great are a con15iderable11gure, but nothing to l:ripplt.i 'li~. 'T'hf! hour of dnty is upon us, and we shall ineet it in the lion·hcarted 1nmnie1· t11~ot the ucc:1>:ion t·erp1frc5· Neverhc:lcs:;, I fully expect, in a.ddit1on to f;urmountii.g t.1.ds :-Jurio11~ ob:~tacle, to p11;1· the stockhold· era of the ...'\.ndes Iusura1we Cou1pany a co1n01·tttbllj di v ifl,~n(l nc-xt .Tuly. Respectfully, GROCEI~Y will be found, us usunt, wdl rnppliod. ·· A GOOD 1/RAlt.IE HOUSE, TlllRD . E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampt9n P. 0. , w ho has on hand an fk5sortmcnt of Eye-Cups, &c. GENERAL · HARDWARE, CAllRIAGF · GOODS, ANO THlWi\ilE m the County of Durham. on Ohi.i.rch Street 1 +:!a::t, cout:1.iuiuJ t·\1l rooroB aJUl a gooa ccllu1·, witl1 wood·Ghcd nnrl g0:rden. s Nov.- 24th, 1871. · B. BRADSHAV.l . ~ JOHN McLEOD, . W ellingtcin Building·. B1Jwrnanville, Au'g. Stb, 1871. A large impo1',Lerl Stoek of ONE QUARTER OF ..d.1Y .AGRE, on Cl1urch St . enst, with houi;e fm: tYoo fan1ilies. li'O l rnrl'H. FRES·H FIELD, AND . .GARDEN SEEDS_ ' ONB ,AeBliJ WITJI FRAkll!.' . HOUSB', con tainbig(j room8: with ~t good Scugog Street. ]'JF'l'H. \'.'l!Jl , on J.B. BENNETT, Preo:, would take this opportunity Of thankin3 numerous friend~ for the ·v ery lil_1eral patronage ht' lrns J'ecoi vc'l. J:{e fecla sati.1>ficd tha.t noth- R. & H. O'HARA, Agents, .Bow:m.a,rrville, Oct. 19th 1871. · ·--------- · Bowmanville. J u8t received.. Bo"·nmnvilic, Sept. 21st, 1871. l ly ONE ACRE, ON ONTARIO STREE'.r. ing but R of good woocUanJ, being Lot 11, in the ,10 Cou. Town:.lLi.p of .4..n1a1'anth, County of VY elLl11gton , 11ear Orangeville, ~,nd within three miles o! Uw rl'oronto, Bruce, and Grey l! ]{owl. }'91· further p.'>,1·ticulars inquire of E LOW Z FRAZER I» 1.:l. ::idl oheap fot ca-;b, ;:is I iutc11a lea" ing the country. iu&u-n20-3m. Bowma1ivi1le, rt~h. 15th. nnd M B N A R M B .R E '3-tf HAlill TO B.ELIEVE~ Nl~VEI~TI-IEJ.:,,ESS ! Pro llono Jilublico. · '.l:A KEN QU'l' .~:-ID · I I Wo:i:kmanshi:p, I Cured without the Use of the Knife, by }HU' T !S And N T S! >ill other A Groceries TTery Ohewp_ :· Uood Uooking Raisins only ,5 cent., a.pound,' and s~1il che:tper by the Box. The Pe>··wian Syrup, a Pl'otect-ed Solutlon of Ute Prowxide of the t~halt·actc·r of <tn, alhne·n t, as easily digested wul assi1wila.ted w-itlt the l,>loo<l a,· the simple-st /'ood. .lt-1.nm·easee the qumitity of Natm·e's Own f"itttUzing Ayent, I1 ·on in t1w bloud, awl cures "a,thou.sf.tirid ills,"' siui-1>ly bV, Toni-ny .up,Inviyoratin rJ ana 1 itali.zinfl tlu3 Syste11i. The en .. ?·ichcd and, vi.folized blood pei·me<ites · et'e1·y pwrt uf the body, .11~on, is so co-nif>in..e<l as to have SUl\'11\iER DRY GOODS AT COST. DR. B. PATTERSON, of Bowman ville. Thtt best of reference~ given in Bowrna11ville and elsewhere. Office on Church Street ' Ilownia.nv.ille, Fcb-22, 1872. ly-m21·o0 gained for hin1 such ~~ steady incr0t~<:.e of busincss- n1uc]l ltJ.rger that~ fo1·ma1·; and FiRSTCLASS PICTURES . Taken in .A 1 Style, at 8IGJ!r OF THE RED F/,AG, King Street, Eas.t. Cotton and Woolen Goods are aclvanciiig, but you cim buy them at Elliott's for a -short time, ntthe old prices.. Kowis the time to ~ecure what ho tn«t' tlrn.t by - FLETOH:ER'S · PICTURE GALLERY strict attention to business 1' Homnanville, ~o~·- 28th, 1871. 4i-tf. you need. CLOTH.lNG.-Gentlemen in want of a good -fitting suit shoul« ·eal.l ea,rly at Elliott's l~a.~h.i\inable Tailoring Establi$hment. Satisfaction guaranteeJ. in _ all rea,501111,ble eas~~ . ,.,._ ' · HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. bp-o23-rn54i Hampton, Augnst 2ml, 1871.~ 1 · :FOl\i SALE. ·· -A l"l\lUi{ COTrli1\G°B, conta.iHing- six roo1us h~t will contiuuc lu i· their support . ..1 . and a kitchen aU:~i..:hul, ~vilh a good celln..r. 1 A good si.1pµly of ho.rd i\Jld soft vrat0r, and a. · good gi1irden. tJorm~1· uf Queen and Stre~ts. 'l'er1us : 1300 dollars. 1000 ilollan:s down,and the rcm.aindcr a.s nlay be ngreed upo1i. Apply o:n the prerni~Gs. All 1.ho;;e that al'e in aJ.'rear.s JlHtBt pay upi CS· l 1 . \V. COLEKl.TTT. Ro,1anauvil1e,, 11\1b. 12th. 11i·tf. pecially the Hardware account. S. B. B., '[ Bo,o;.'"Jnanvilla, Jan. ] 0th, 1872. 1y·J :) . C. BOUNSALL, ACTUBJ': R, nn I MPOR'l'Ell, DEAL:81\. in all the varictieF.1 of ~IAN1JF searching out mol'bid secretio1u1, <vn.<l lcavi'1iy 11othl1ig for <lisease to feed 'tt]Jon. This is the secret of the won<ie>'ful success ·of this 1·einedy in --cM1.-Jn-r1 Dyspepsia,, l~ive1· Cont.-. JJlaint, D··opsy, Chronic Ditw~·hrea, Boils, Nel'vous Affections, Chills atitl l?e1)m~s, 1·e11aiJ'i1ig dt11nar1es an-tl 'tvaste, POINTS OF Hu1no· r s, S. B. BRADSHAW, : Italian & American Marble. .A. l~u·gu ___ ____________ -- $ol1d t:hoice l'!lelectiop of -- MQ~!UMUHS fl.MD CRAVE STONES, Mrs. E. in rl;!tiringf:.-om businef:s, Leg8 to return her ~;in t:ere tha.11k1:1 tl~ her nu1nerout.:1 patrons, for their liberul suppo1·t dnriur; the time she has been in bursiness. A..t the ::ame time, sbe begs to ?Jl- · nounce, th9'.t she has n.1t!red in favor ef her two 80118, \vhom one trusts, by -.l\. NEVV J:ICTURE GAI.L:!!lliY! rrJ-rE 8ubo;criber respectfully i11{urrns the puLlie, that, 11aviug fitted up a. New Pictur~ Gallery, with till the ---- nhvavo:; on Land, nf ~mperior vi'·orlun!\11..~bip, and " ut lowest priees. - lVro u.ght or Ua,st Iron Pencfs fo,i; euclos:in,g burying lot~. SPRING GOODS, ·---o--AT 'J' HE . 1872~ Loss of Constitutional Vigo>', Dise<iseB of the Kidneys aml Bladder. Female Complaints, and all tUsecrnes 01·ig-l11at-lnu in h, rm<l ,,tate of the blood, 01' .acclnnpa.nicrl b/f debUity 01' a low state of the s11stcm. Being free fi·oin Alcohol, ·in r~ny form, its en.e'r(Jizi,11.y ej}'ects a1·e not jOl. loivctl by corrcs1>on.(liriy 1·eaction, but pwmancnt, infusing e tren.gth, ·vigo1·, Simplicit;lj in Construction, Ease operation, Perfection qi Stftch, alike on both side.,, owing to perfect tm;sion .on {1ppe.,. an1 t · lowej' Thread. · RANGE OF WORK :- From Gauze to Bcnver Cloth. of D URABJLITY :-Will last a life time . . E·qually a.d.a.pted to Family Work, Dress and Shirt · Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Can·iage Trimming,_ &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTI6NS GIVEN: i '"'e STJiTOT A. TTEl·l"TIO.T\" TO lJLidT1VJ~SS Furniture Toµs,. 1\lfantel Pieces, &c., kept ou hand, or w1·oug11t to Ol'der. - .r.\. cn}l is respectfully rcr111ested at tl ie \J.."OJ'ks, , J(ing StJ"ed., l~ownianV?'.lle Lairge Supplies & Sto.oks Complete. /"fl . ..l stitution. <t1id lJu,iltliu y 'U.P life h>lo a.ll p«rts of the systmn, a11 a:~fl neuJ EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. -,1 I I1·01i Co· n- to still FIR8'1.' ~CLASS ARTICLE, mt:r~t tba.t. pn.tronage so liberally beBtow-1 ed 11pou her. 1~(}w1na11vill~. JaiJ, and supplying a I 1FOD "R 1 ," .a ' . 11 I-1" he is pnipare<l to take up PO.JT"'"'[E '"1'" ~· J~ ' ~·· to, Stall Ko ~ 1. Market Bnildings. 13th, 1~72. Life-like Likenesses, in every r;tyle of the Photogiaphic Art. -~~"'.:ber; l,t, ~~ -~- - ' - 1-tf . jj _I~-- -~MffeLi. !J · . l of the lC.,t; Hicluwdl\:h~rtiJ1,'ri)1 \)e ple::i.~<>J touee e111ip l e J1 itsliio1i, Osha wa ~ by the use of this 1'cmedy, from iueak, eickly~ suffe1·l1ir1 crsatw·cs, to st1·onr1, healthy, and '1.11tousa1i<l s h..alie. been.. cltange<i ·Aagents, Yellowlees & Quick. . We have also on hand WANZER' 8LE1'1'ER A, ABBOTT'S, AND BARCLAY !'!EWING 11IAPHJNES Q 1 ·· Dana's Patent Sheep Me,rks itnd reconnneuclod by n1any of the !Jest Br(~P.ders n the lTl'l.ited St11.tei5 and Uana.du,, $UChas G, B. LoJiuo-. Salem, J\.fass. , Pre::-itl.e11t ~\!cw En;;;lnnd 'V ool"C·rvwers' Soci <~t,y; .Toh11 S. J{,osa , Hennepin, 111. ; Professor 1'-I. ~liles , ?f the. State , icultrcrnl Collei;e, J,n,n.<nng, I.\f1ch.; lion, Geo. Brown, 'Co:::onto, Ont. ; John Snell, :Ed1nonto1!.. On eaeb )f fM·k is stan1ptid the cnvner·a Ont. .antl the Sheep's nu1nber. They ·will be'Jent free, by 1nail, or express, for onlp f'J '/J:·· ce,it, and ·sill latit for. r"·E~'rY Yl·i All.~i. ~~u Cash rnui>t ~cco1npa11y all orders ... An inspection of specimens is invited Entrance opposite the entrance to the Town J~ pleased· to . rrltE 'VIN all.Uu'!.Jl\CC, invalids can1iot ·1·e<:isonr<1,;b(y hesitate to it a t1·ial. See that e<1ch bottle has PEFlU· VIAN SYRUP blown-in the glass. ra1n.phletl3 .Froe. lu.tJ))Jf/ 1ner~ ctnll iV011'tcn. · and Uur Stock of G~nei·al Goods is hrge, 1Cmbmeiug nJl the Novel.ti~·s of the . day, and all the necessa.ries us well. . . . Pktur~ Fra1ncs-all ~izes, Mo·:Idings of ~very style, VV nll Paper-a splendid n1~ortrne11t no'v in 14ock, A large E>n11ply of beautifullv assorted W"iudow Shadl:!s, Children's <Jarri;:i, Conc1ntinas Biu!;hes, .Combs, Looking Glarsl'J'.ea,UJtiusic, Mitgaicinee, Violine,·Violin Bow!!, Violin Strings.Pape{. Colla..~, Neck 'l'ies, School Books, l>ay .Books, Biblesi, I{nives and ]'orks,P1Jcket Knive!! Hazon~, Spoons, t.nd Scisso:-·s. Cheap~::it Note Paper and Envelopes in the country. All the~e, and a th ')1..lsarrd other articles, are to be found at the VAR1E1' Y S1'0RE. Vile are always glad to 1ee friends, and think it no trouble to sho\Y Gc1ods ; and we guarantee a8 good "aluc at ti.fl! low pl'icee · as any other house in the ti·adc. · '~ Parties v.-iehing to t-legi.·aph theh- flien<le:, may rely on having thefr busirie!s done nr01nptly. .Agents for Inman J_.ine of Stearpcrs, and llnpcrfoJ Building and Savillg Society. "' that }w is ll()W prepared to Sbl!'W ..........,...._ HBS'P. MARKS AltE 'J'HE CHEAPEST T the 1oost la..o;;ting, the lo~!!t troulJk;·11me, and rnoHt coroplete (jY0r invented. 'l'hey u.rti UBed Hall. I : B USJNES8 ,, - · AX]) STOCK . I~r L. W· SEXT01\f. Bowm'.':'.'.':.~11~ Sept. 2ith, 1871. ·- l OLD CUSSTOM:ERS AND NEW ONES A vci;y laJ'ge and compnhensive Stock of 8pi·img mid 8mmner Sto,plR a,-1v l Fancy Dry GoodB, ~<\nd woulJ i·ptcin.lly 1ncntiou s~uuc ver~y striking nucl ~111azingly beantif1,J liues in , J, P. DTN', Pi·o1mietm', · No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by D.-uggh11.,g gc:n.crnlly. I.S A :NOTED FACT ' that the . i 1 ~ DHES8 GOODS, SHA vVT,~, & MANTLES. -o--- DON'T FAIL TO UALL AT Bowmarwille, March ~1~T$~J?WLEES & QUIOK~ 23 . · llowinanville Farm Implement Forward ing Agency, if3 A fGll SttJck of the place for farmers to gt1t GrocQ1\es and Oonfectionary 1\1.IASON'S For Harness, YOUNG, Jn. 1 Sarnia, Ont. !)nlers iMJdresi3ed to the }!ERCH~I a.11<l Or>SC.RYE'U Offiee, fot any quantity, ·will btJ filled nt the abovc-111cntione<l pdce, as quickly a~ the Marks uan lH.i 1nad<' and ~eut. C. BARKEH, .Bovnrrn:t1villc 1 Dec.28th, 1871. 1:'(-lnl:)-uJ. --·----~-- ·-- · - ~-:\.llCIIIB.A.LD Good Farm Implements. Pleu:.m call anJ order the The Millinery Depa,rtment 'vill be iol1nt1 unu:..uB..Uy u.tt1·active thi!'S f,rna.sou 1 repleto with some of the choicest th:iugs in THE PlTBLIC ! vVAL~rER . ~·e }{ew i;umu'irwd G!wppi.,1g Nill and Stnnu C'utte1'. .A.l:so fo::ive youi· order for a firnt-cla!i;; - Q OUNl'RY 'l'BADE with RI Bl30N8, FLOWERS, 1'1UN11flllf,GS, &c. at'td a"1 011ly PJRS1'-C'L,1SS '1.'ALE2fT i8 IT!n1ployod to supcrint(!ud our saddleJl, Trunks, \'riilises, Whipc;, ·Bells, &c., N returning tnankrit to their nuI.111:)rous CugLomers, aad the Pul:ilie gtnerally, for 'past ffl;roi-s I w<iuld ree:pectfnlly invite their attenti1:1n to our present 11tock: ol Furniture, as we .b.aTe lat·IY a<l9.ed the1 ;eto, that inay theraby be enabled supply ;..ll pa.rtieti whQ ma.;y plea5e to favor t() SON, . 11..:1 GB.A.IN D:RIL. L. R. W.- JAMES, Bi-'.lwmanvillo, Dec. 11, 1871. i1ll- Eugine Woolen :r-4il1s. rr1HE SlT.DSCl~l.b~~R tnkcs pka~ure i~1 1 iJ?-. forn1ing tlie IJUhhc that the above nut is now coinplotc in e\'1..wy respec.t, and unJe r the nui..nagerrie11t of (~xperien<:ed han~i:'l.. ET c . is llO\V pre~i:U'cd to exec·.itc.eve:ry deecnpt1ou uf wn l'k inc~ :;,tvle, :"l.nd with (le~patch. lll!LLINERY, <:!i ~fANTl,B, AND DltESS MAKING, STRAY _ STEER. -"iA..)f)E U1e p1·11mfaei> of the Sulnctib.;ir, ( ) Lot No. 12, in the 3rd Con. Cartwdght, a Steee, C<)lll ill:£ t\"0 yen.1·s old. Thi;) O\Yner ovn hnYe hin1, on proYing l11 r(lp<.irty, :md r11·,ying t!X!Jl.'IC:ltlit, w::\s forrnel']y done h· y :l\[r. ~lartin. Ladies iu.ay rely on gett ing New a1Hl l..,;;i,shionable Gt(.rtnent~ well made. ' which f,;-r style, durability and cheap· ness, eanuot be excelled in this vicinity1J.'o tlioite iu ..!"\.IGtEAl~S, he wOuld say inducements hiild ont te tko!!t purchasing at our Estttbliihment, Pioture:i J.1ookin1 Gl&sf!!e~, &c., framed to order, aJJd in every sytle. Sam.plef of -thediffere:nt lHn.d· of Moulding~ can be: ~em\ itt lhe ,Y,.re-roopo.. _\\~e vr(lu1d a.lso be: to inform. you 1 ths.t1 ha.'\' hag :pul'· chased a · a, tvith call. Gre~t SPLENDID W'! HEARSE, .' I H HORWOOD U(JWln~nvill<\ Dec. 7th, 1871. Friends, as far us Prices are concerned. c11,ll and judge for yourselves. YOU MUST PAY UP ~;lease 10-tf ~bM.h he n:iaJy at ~u tinws, to n.ttond :F'unl'!, on short not.iee, &.nd r~asona.ble termt · ~.B. ·Coffins k@pt onhand 1 m1clmad9toonlet, at th~ . ~ . " Cash paid, for Wool. or Cloth glven ilr exchange WILLIAM TUER A fow only nt 0Mho~e splcndfrl · S~ Oslmwa, Apri1- llrc1; 187]. .T. G:Ul)J1E8 C;i.rtwrigbt: .1211. :3:.-Uj 187'.f. ;tl. TWEED SHIRTS S. F . .HlL:t'.S. - TREWIN . ' . ' Comer King Rnd Simcoe $ts Thos-o wh i. lt:1ve ah·cady r:;cttled, will cG:/- o~n· hearty thm1ki3. nc NEW [J01111NION REl'AIL FURNI1 URE WARE'-ROOJL · King Street, Oshawa. Or~1rnwa 1 ..'l:ig. Darlington, ~f :ry 2fith, 1871.. ly S. MASON. n10 Opposite J, W. Fowke's Store. Wth 1 1870 ~ t I I I

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