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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Apr 1872, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, POETRY. The Opened Eyes. 'l'wo bli"ld men hea.rd that Christ was uigh , And sat-to '"·ait hig f18!38ing by. Then in bis fn1· aid they cried, With zeal thn.t would not be denied. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1872. ' THE HOUSEHOLD. A Plea, for Frugality. BY · · ' Did you eser k no1v an A incl'ic1111 ' '"ho avowed "Be silent," urged the ani:rrycrowd; that he refrained fr01n incurring any expen~e :But so much u1ore they cried aloud, j because he could not afford it ? I can recn.11 no '!'ill J esn~ iu his pro.gross stayed, instance of such frankness. An English And to his aide the bli1al ine.n badd. D uke, a 11uss:ia.n Pl'ince, will say this, 11 "Wha,t would ye n.t my bands ? meaning that there a.:re other u-scs t o 1vhioh he 11 Lord tha.t w~ might our eyesight gnin." elevates }1is income iuore satbfactorily to himself Comp~io11 filled the Sn.viou1·'s breMt,-· He heard, and granted their requeRt. thu.n 'Yonld be the outlay suggested; but one of om countrynien '~'ho preftirs a humbler to a On11 pityin g tm.wh l1is po,ver reYealetl, rrhe long-dark e:vc~ at once unscaled. more pr etentious hotel, and frunkly ~1..VO'\'S that '\Tith gratP.ful joy his love they own, h e docs it to $ave eXJJejJlSe, is exceedingly ru.r·1:1. And thenceforth follo·w hi1n alone. .Stcatning dO\\IJl the 11.hine over twenty yeat1:1 So to the Aoul by J eaus healed ago, I sa1'.' ma.ny thinga more impl'essive, but His wondrous mercy stands ro·1enled, uothing that gave tnc moro satisfn.ction, than Tbti heart ·w ith grn,tcful passion glows, A~d lQ\'?- in a.ll her fervor fio"'s. the specta.cle of a family,cvidcntly of the middle cla$s, intelligent and not 'vitbout l'i.!finemeut, Al!L8 ! that aught of ~~irth should dhn A flnme that burnt $0 liright for I-Iin1 1 draw together ou the open deck, and there, sit~ 'l1ha.t earthly lo\·e should e\'er steal ting in a cozy circle, eat the diJLoet which they 'fhe heart \\'here Christ had set his ~cnl ! had evidently brough t froni ho1ne to com fort Awake, 0 drowsy soul, a.nil press them on their summer-day's excursion for plea.sMore dot:icly after holiness; ure. That they enj oyed this mol'e than a n1cal In Hhn, 'vho gave thee eyes to sc~, h1 the hot, 1Jtifling cabin was doubtless tho fact; Unfading light is f\tol'ed for thee ! J. L. 1-I. sti11i the saving ef ncedlesa cost wa.<o plainly con· }Iappjncss is less valued wh eu we posses.~ siclercd n.lso. Who kn ows an Aroeric9.. n fli.mily of nny culture or consideration that dai·cs be it than v;hen \Ye h ave Jost it. thus indepencJ ent and ration..1.1? Word s cannot hea l the "'·oun ds th at \\' O rds One of my f avorite recollections fa that of a. can n1 uke. About Parsnips. lady ,~-h{1, thu'ty oJd years ago, \Vas newly uw,J:· He that loses his couscienco ]u\s n othing Over n liugc poi·tion of the habitable glube ricd, and was, w lLh her husband, a vcge ta.rj_;\n, left that is worth keeping-. thti-e is found rt biennial plant, having a. high , then tenued " Grabarnite."' She ba{l a young I NGRATl'l 'U.DB.- To oblige iag1-atitude is erect, lwa.iiching stem, and a 11ard, a,cii<l t'.i.nd wife's visits from thooe who bad been friends e1ight1y poisonous root. 'l'htt husbanJman, who when she needed sucl1 1 a.5well as rclatiyes from as in sup erabl e a difiicn] ty as to fill a sieve Gften knows but two classes of plants, \Yoeds homes fifty to a hundred mil1:1::i <lista11t 1 each of \Yith water. and useful onea,a~sign:i tl1is to the former grDmd then1 scru tinizing- with keen c:yce ]1er bearing in 'l'RR 'Line' OF BEAU1.'Y.- .i\.u illitt!rato dJvh;iinns of the Yegetu.ble ·world. Bota.niste her ne\y ?·ole of househeope1· and h ostess, v;ith· gounnuud sn~· s tbat the only line of beauty call it Pcistinacci sati'ca 'vhich nniue boii1g inter- out knowledge of or the faintent sympathy "" ith l:J c knovrs of is a. 'line' of pork. pr~ted by the market gardeners, s01ne of tl1e her peculiar ideas of diet. A t m;al.time, sho' LoK!OLY.-Sighing Lover (before the cinliest of whom civilized ~ud improved it, bnde them welco1ue to such fo0d as she had p re- kitchen ) : 'Is it lonely ye are t,hi!re without the cultivated pa.rs1lip. Not even the pared for her huaband and herself-no ten., no n1 e l'- A voice within replies: 'Not at all, grape ~n<l crab n.pple have expe1·ienced a. t,'l'Ca.t· coffee, no meat, no condiment but salt- abun- J erry.! \\T illic 1s been h ere for an h ou r.' er change at the ha.nd of th(~ 1~~tient cultiva.tor dan t and wholesome. no doubt, but as and .ii. rr1a11 out W"'es~ \Va s offered a p1ate of tbttn h~u1 this plant, 'vhoi;e 11j.t me occurii in th e unstimulating as that of any hermit in the \Vil· '1.rritingi; of the e1der Pliny. The tough fibre of derncss, or monk i11 his cell. Ha.d sl1e explain - n1 acraron i sou p but declilled it, declaring the i·oot hns gh·en place to t ender tissur~; its ed or apologised, tho charm ' '; ould been that they couldn't play off auy 1ilctl pipcacrid taste bas been changed to one tha.t is plt:!a!J:·· broken; but she simply proffered \v]1a.t she had, sten1s on hitn. u-nt and 1nvE>et ; while its poisonous prope1 til= :s and evinced no \'ln consciouslless that it '\'a.5 oth· 'Yonr dress,' said a. n1atch-making inam~ have disappeared In !twor of those of the n1v8t c1· than they were accustomed t o, 01· :might nu1.., to h er daughter, "vill never please the. wholesome character. chosen. Jler m.:lnner implied-" I know yo.i n1cn.'- ' I don 1t dreBi! to please 111erJ, 1 "'as 'l'bis excellent esculent, which l1as i>o ~any hiiye not con1e' bither for foot1, fur that you ha.vo the ropJy, 'but to \Votty other women.' good qualities, and so very few bad ones 1 is, in at home ; and I a1n sure yon prefer moro of my A inau, h earing that a raven \\1 ould live the opinion of n1nny, a neglected plant. G1·cen society with such fare as is conYenient 1 to sump- two hundred years, bought one to t est t11.e grocers in this city, as 'veil as nmny of their t uous Yin.nds '\.Yhich I must leave you Mone to truth of th e asRertion. He n ever feiuud out customers, have been su.ying so for some tin1e 1 prepare." If they were tolerably · well bred, the truth. for the reason that none have been obtainable in thia pleased them ; if not, ,~·hat matter if thoy llfoDJmATE-VER'l'..-A French countess the markets at any price. lVlany cattle that \vent s.oon and uever came seized a philosopher at the su pper table, have been winte1 ed on dry hay and still drier 1'ho better minds of the nge are pendering a andi siuk1ng her voice to a \Yhisper, said, stra.v.·, with an occo.sionnl bite of corn stalkR, by_ thousand projects which aim tv h elp the needy 'While th ey are cutting up the fowls and \Vay of change~; many Bbccp that have looked and ussuage the pangs of want. HoW to make ·we h ave got five tninutes to spare, d o tell out on the pastures so long in hope of $eCing the the weekly or monthly stipend of the ind ificr- me the history uf LLe wurld, for I want to grt.aa spring to life, 'and au equally number of ent toiler go further, fo ti. problem wh ich fitly know it so n1uch.' 111wine that have rua<lc their teeth so1·e by shell· taxea th e &ttention of tlle generoui; and humane, 'V!IERE SHE L1vH:u.-A gentleman \\·as ing corn, '"oult1 express the same opinion if They have studied long nnd \vith indifferon t introduced lo a young lady recently, and they understood the language of their masteni. success to enhance his means : suppose they addressed h er as follow e, ' \.Vhcrc do you 'l'he parsnip, like certain patent medicinea, is 1 were to give one yeai· to the fitohlem-" Ho'v live when you are at bon1e 1 -To v:hicb she exceedingly good fo1· n1en, and is likewise good s11a.ll we most wisely nnd effectiveJy circumscribe promptly replied, 'When I am at home I Why do not both man and beast for bPasts. bis n eeds'!" H ero is o. poor f amily Jiving in a live tb.ere. ' , haNe them in a.bundi:tJll;O ? 'rhc reaspn i2 twofold. l\fen hen e not ex· i.,"'l'eat and dcGt' city on a total incorne of $600 'V ORK.- i You don't do 'vork enough to perhnented in feeding tbe1n to animals, ~1U per annum-hardly nble, they say, t o pay the e-{\rn your salary,' snid the head uf a certain many w?men <lo not know how to cook thenL rent each inonth, though their room~ will ha.rely goveru1n en tnl depai:tment to one of his 'I 'l'he parsnip i~ said to have reached the higLef>t bold them, and e~ch inember works that ca.11 clerks.-' \\Tork,' exclain1cd Dandy. Surely perfection, n.nd to be the most generally culti· earn a dime : bow much of tha.t $600, think you, worked hard enough tu get here. for }V hat they might better do '\.Vithout? yu1.1 do11't expect n1e to ' vork no\v I h ere.' V3ted in ,, the Channel I slands and in Holland goes and Belgiutn. The little island of Jersey, so Suppose they saYud and wisely invested what "Vaitcr, ia this a spring chicken ? Iviost thcY thus ~quaHder, how long \vould they dread r eu1arkable fowl I ever atteu1pted an assault fti.mou~ for its dah'Y cows, is 1ikc·~' isc ve1·y fambus for its 11ar~nipa. Some ha;ye expressed the the peremptory knock of the rent-colleclor or upon., __ , Y cs, sir ; nice SJJring chicken ; Don' t opinio,h that the parsnip has had much to do in turn pa.le nt the thought of :i week ·w ithout nothing else at tins establii;hn1ent. you see sir, it 13pringa UJJ every tin1 e you giving reputation to Jersey butt<·r, and that the work? Iiov.- to impro,·e auc.1 elevate the c9u~liijon of try to put a knife in to it ~· Cnstoiner real~ little anima.l that gives the milk has bee n chang· n of ises tbe sad f:.i.ct ; nnd after a hair.hour's ed to & cert1uu exttlnt by its wintor and spring the L aborin g Poor is the divinest pi'oble1 futile exercise 0 ,-1 ,the knife a ncl fork, calls dh:t uf parsnips. )Ia.ny Ilo1la11d fannen1 t he age. 'l'he la.borer is no more a. ala Ye; hi:' is for a plate ol bash. in this eountry insist that there is no food like not even a. serf; he has renounced tutelage and rJari:.nips for du.fry CO\l s, if the obj ect be to make gua.rdianship. " Lord of himself, :that herituge SrARI~ L1·:Gs.-A little girl \Yas staudiug winter butter j while in tbe:ir opinion calves of 1voe," he di;::1nands lnore leisure, more culture, a t the .stn.tion to see lier fathPr antl a genshould be weaned on parsnips in order to gain more co11ai<l~ratio11 . He indigno.ntly ask~ why, tlcn1an friend off, \vh en sh e sutldenly obproducin g everything, he should possess aR<l en- served to her father, rcfcrririg to his friend, raP,idly and become good co'\'S. l'he pf\1"8l1ip is not a difficult crop to raiae. joy nothing. Ho ia mistaken every '\.vtt.y: he wl10 was tall and lank, 'If th~· train run s oft' Neither blight, l'U~t. or mildew affect it. Onr neither poss~S$0~ everything nor enjoys nothing. th e line and any legs are broken, I hope indu$i1·h)Uf:I entomologist ~ have as yet dIBeover- The capitalIBt, 1vho po.ys for the labor v:hich they'll ho Mr. H.'S.'- · What'· t hat for 1' cd no pet insect that preys upon it, and it is builds n. i·Ltilroad, is as truly 3. produc er as said the startletl H.-' Becau>e,' she added, hoped they will not, till the insect foes of some though he toiled daily on the gi_'adually ext end- artlessly, ' a unt Th.fay :saya yuu 11ave a. pair of spare legs.' -The al'rival of the train prcof our other c~culent s disappea1-. It is adapted ing t rack with plck and spade j BO is the onginvcuted any e::iplauatiou. :, to n. great vari ety of soils, tho ugh it prefers a ~er n.nd the contractor. 'l'hl'l rudebt track-layer A l\fnn "·as going aiong a road, when an <leep sandy loam, uwderalelY cnrichCd. If ma.y be part own er of t he road whr-n finished, if plante<l on 'soil quite H~U1dy it ahould be rolled he will de vote to thfa end 1'30 mueh of his ea.rn- angl'y bull rushed down UiJon hi1n, aud with The nfter the seed is planted. Too fi1n1 a clny is ings as be invests in Htiuor,.tobacco,&c. ; '"bile, his horns tossed hin1 over u. f~n~e. unfavorable, M ~t is liable to forn1 a. crust that if h e \Veck1y spends a.11 he. earns, he ha,<:j no right n1an, recovering fro1n his fal l, looked up is difficult to manage wheu the plnnts you11g and no clu.i.m to propel'ty in that rond. llo max and saw tlie hull pawing and teariogup the ground, as is t h e cnsto1n of thataninutl 'vhen and tro1der. 'Ille ground should be mello'v to a have laid every rai1, and yet be O\Yns nothing, irr itated; \\'hereupon Pat, sn1iling at bim, good depth. Horace Greeley tH.)'\1er 1J11t in the if he ha.s eaten and drunk u p his w:Y,;es so fa-st saiU, 1 If it \Yas not fo r your ho wing and plow too-de{'p for pn1·snips. T he spot selecttid ., as ho earned them. sc1·aping and your bun1 ble apologies, you 0 Sha.11 we ever be able to rOOuCe tho uoual brute ! I should think that yuu bad thrown for growing tllis crop i>hould be well drainell, eh:e the nia.ture roots will b~ lin1le to rot, da.y's wo1·k t o eight bonrs?,, me over thia fence on purpose.' Y cs; if tho laborer ' vill con.eont to fo1·ego especially if they re1nain ill the gtound over meanti1no the indulgence of all factitiow; ap1)e · wi:uter. Shitrp Lesson. Parsnips should be sov.-n in <l1ill~ tho same tites : Eight hours faithful labor per Uay will provide fur all our l'eal needs; '\.Yhile eigh teen a/:1 ~trots, beets, and turnips, ;u1d the d.lstauc1:1 Under the reign of the :fi1 st cnli ph~i there between t he drilla will ba d otcrtninod by the 'vill uot' 8uffice to satiate a.11 our; !"iUpflrimposed was a merchant of 13og~acl e'ltially rich am\ \Vay the crop is to bi:: cultiva ted , '\.Vhether by cravin~s for sensual indulgence: rl'he young hand or by th e bol'F.!e hoc. 'l ho 1-!eed which, in rne.;:hauic in a g-.,;:ea.t city, who eal:us fro1n $15 to avaricious. One clay lie b;i.rgninc:d \Vi tb a porter to u fielLl should be $01"11 by a tlriJl, should be cov- $25 per week, ill!iy t:Mily .accustom himself to Only seed -.oI last dance and drink it up ao as he rece1Yes it, cnrry ho1nc for hiin a large basket of por~ ered about an inch deep. :reara growth should be pJr.nted, a.s old seed is though he might and should Ba\·e half of it . and celain vases for ten paras . As tliey \\"ent lJOt su1·e to germinate. About five pounds of he 'vho so..ves nothing the first yea.1· of his inde- alonq·, he said to the 1uanJ-' 1iy friend, you seed is re.quired for au acre. V\.7 h eu.thl:l p lants pendence of parentarl gua.rdi11J)f'lhip, will i·1uely arc yonng, n.nd I au1 o1d ; you can still earn are alxn:t t-wo inches high, t11ey shoul<l be thin- begin to sav-0 thc, r eafter. " It is the first step plenty. SlJ,jl<e oli1, I entrent you , a para 11ed out to the distnnce of about six inche s from that costs," in this as in m.or;t things. 'l'he frotn )Otlr hire.' t.ittch ot1u:r. 'l'his, and the hoeing they must youth who has saved ha;l:f his fir=t yeael3· 'Wijlingly,' replie<l the p orter, l'cceil'e a.<! soon M they becon1e established, are in~s \Vill 15eldom to save thereaftex . · the 111ost laborious things in the cultivation of This reques t was repeated again and I have beard tnen talk of Benjamin JPranklill 'fl tlw crop. , pithy aa thongh thoy had h is agaiu, unt il, when th ey reached the honse, Parsnivs are a long tin1e in ma.turing; they countrymen sordid and ineanly pareimonion.B- the p orter had only a single paru. to receive. rihould be planted as ea.rly as tho gronncl will a. nation of mi~e1'8 ~\nd skinflints. l fail to see As they \\'ent up the stairs the merchant adn:1it of \Vorking, and should bo the last crop proof of tl:ifo .,_. Otu· chatities &re n1 uni6.cen t,not lo{ath~i·cd, if they are harvested in the fa.11,,vhich to say ostenta,tious-,vitness those eYoked by the said,-' If you will resign tho last para, I ... is ·not essential Freezing improves the par· desolation of Chic~o. During fo1·ty years of v.'ill gi ve you tlucc pieces of advice.' l:mip by cb<tnging moet of the eta.l"ch it conttt.ins, observation in this city·, I seldom kno\vn a. 'Be it eo,' said the porter. into suglll·. The pl\l't of the crop that is ·want· fair appeal to her benevolence to pass unheeded. 'We ll, then,' said the n1 erd1au t, 'if nny cd for use in the spring, either for t11e table, If biivin~ ·,yould extinguish pauperis1n, I think one tells you it is better to be fasting than market, or for stock feeding should rl'mall1 in 'l'housa.nd Million3 of Dollars would readifeasting, do not believe hiu1 ; if any one 'the gront1d whero they gTOW .' 'l'he remainder ly bo sub~cribed and paid to achieve thn,t end. should be taken up and placed whel'<l they will Alas! we all kno'v that a1msg iving would not tells you it is b etter to be pour than rich,do not freeze till they are '\'Anted for use, or else nohieve it- that, after we h<lod raised ~nd dia:- not believe him ; if anj one tells you i t is where they willfret!z;e solid .:lnd will r.ot thaw bursed the full BiUion,tha.t there would be more better to walk than rido, do n ot 1 elieve out till they nee U c(L R epeaLed h·eezing and beggars au<l inore su!It:i1ing froru want than him.' ths.wll1g} exposing to tlte ail', a degree of heat tht:ire now are . Bailing out the ocean is~~ ra.' ).fy goou sir,' l'eplied th e astonished porand <l1yness that wi]ts the roots. grea.tly injures tional undertaking compared with that of ex~ ter1 'I knew these things b efure; hut, if you them either for th"' use of1 1nan 01· beast . With tinguishiug··pauperism by aln1s-giving, \vill listen to . nJ.e, I will g ive y ou advice good soil, cl_ ean culture, a11 cl <t fair eeMOn, fro10 The great need of our afi'e is ~fanliness -that such as you uever heard.' -fi\'e hundred to seven hundred b ru;hels may be . spirit of Self-Respect ~d Self·'l'1 ust lvhich airrti e n1erchaut tnrucd round, ancl the porexpected from an acre. lcntly sa.ys; "You'" tnay have i\[i: Jions; I have A very large, overgrown pa.rsu ip, UiaL hM nothing ; I atn content with whfl.t 1 earn, and ter, throwing the basket down the staitcase, hcver been fi·ozen, boiled in soft w·nter1 jfl not do not ·~ra nt your Millions until I tJliu.11 have sai<l to bim,-' If any one tells yon that one a very snvory atticlt! of diet. A modol'n.te size fairly earned t hem. I do not seek you1·'Compnny of your vases re.mains nu broken, do not b e~ pai~nip that bas been frozen and thawed iu the nor vu.lue you one whit n1ore for your }.iillioui-;: licvc }rim .' ro11ud where it '\.VM grown, boiled in salt water, I envy you not t hPir pc::;se8£1ion; hate you no :Before the n1isel' could reply, the poTter 01·, better still, in \Yater s~ted by a piece of more thu.n I love yon because of your " 'ealt11; . salt pork or corned beef, is lnucb better. Eaten should y011 ever need my acr,iccs, you can have had nlnrle h ls escalJC ,\·ith the meD..t 01' \Yith salt fish or bacon 1 it is tbe1n by faitl:\' payillg for thnt done " 'C 1 Bnt the right \vay to serve v. pnrs- shall stand on a footing of perfect equality, as delicious. A King in his Old Age. n1p if~ to freeze and tha'v it, then boil and cool we do k no1v. ' If you fa.n cy I v.·ill l'ringe and · \Vhcn a young .,_.\frica.u lion r eaches the it, next cut it in thin slices lengthwise, a.nd fry sn1irk to win your favor, \vhen I can find cord. . it in lard 01· butter till the surface is of the rich '\.Vood to cut at a. fair price ~ln d t hereby live iu - age of b 1'0 h e is able to strangle or amber color of a prime buckwhea.t c;:i.kc . Re- ciuring no obligation, profiting by no p~tronagc j pull dow n a h orse or nn ox ; und so h e conmo\'e to the table while it is smoking h ot, n.nd whriitev ~r , t111}t s1.o ws that you d.J riot kno.,v tinnes to grow and increase in strength till you have a dish £t tv S(;'L before u. king. In roe. " he rea.che!> 11is eighth yea,l', -.vhen his t,\lon l:l, truth, no royo.l breakfast in sp1ing time is guite B ut t his spirit is only pmrni"ole in men of chili;· teeth, antl n1ane ti,re p e rfect~ autl grow no comµ Jctc tho.t doe~ not embrace :.~1nong other ]for t Wf'IJ t y )·ears after tl ic pe:i iotl dishes a plate of }larSnips prepa1·ed in this tenetl appetites a.>i '"'ell as heL-uic 1:<011ls. Dioge- · inore. nes in his tuhi asking no odds of A lexander of w·bich lie arri vcg at nuitu rit,y h is fangs and Wliy. - Pnii'l·ie }((!)"Jflcr. ~racedon but that he would no longer i nten·· ta lons .shO\Y 110 signs of <l~C<,'l.J ; but aftl:!r Keepmg Horses. the philO:!ophcr's flho,rc of the comn1on sun2hine, would have beCIJ. a pret ender and a che at had tlnit hr. gn:u1ually b ecotncs feeble, his teeth Horses kept in tho stable.<, and not doing much work should be nigufarl:.· cleaned and fed, Som e be pi_nedfo; 'the banquets of .L\pioin", the \rinel'I fail him, und 11f.:l grows' cubbish." l{e i~ HO fa.rmcrs seem to tbiik thn.t unless a horise is tO of Cyprus and of Scio, lie was the peer of the longer a n1at ch for the tremen d o us buffalo i be taken out to work he does not need cleaning. great conqueror, only berause h e La<l lou~ ago he is 0vcr-n1 atchetl c:ven by tlie peaceful ox; Such a. man, to lie cvnl-!istt"nt, ought not to \ himself unless he is going to town ! \.Ve fee<l trium phed Q.\'er the appJ;;titc~wh~rt::by the vai:lt so 1.e prowls ar ou nd the'faruui, an(l sn atch es our horses 01ie busliel' of chopped f! traw (say mn.jo1ity led captive and c1rnlaved. .Alex- a lanlb or a kiU ju~t a Salle ditl ,vh~u he set ci¥ht pounds), moistened with wate1· v,nd mixed· antler, enthralli>cl by ~gnoble yt1t hnpel"ious pa.swith t'\'O q11a.rta of hot ineal, to eacl1 team, sionei. instino~ivdy recognised his tuaster in the out \Vi lli his pureuts nea rly t hir ty ·yeurs bethree time a day. They ~·e allowed stra'v in their racks; but it ie a. good -p~3.n to take it out of cyni~ w'l1o eoromanded everytbiug bec.tu$e he fore. .A. 'voman 01· child at night cluu·es tl1e same fate. His strength aud eight nuw de. tbe racks at, sa.y, eight o'clock in tho morning, coveted nothing. and let them ba\"e uo food before them until V ainly do ,ve, by in"lention aftei· inYention, cline mort:l auJ. Ulore, till !!.Llghty lion noon.. Then feed the1n and l'erucve all that is left i.11 the rack at t'\'O o'clock, and fctd the1n increase the effici~ncy of 0111· exertions f:,'l'O\Y1.i lcau and man gy, aud cra\\'ls ab0ut again at ni~ht, letting- thein hr.Ye all t.he while \ VC see no lirnit to our desires. f1·on1 plnce to plat~(~, eating a11y oft~ll h e can straw they ,,·111 eat untjl 1norning. ln this '\'ay The Sewing Iviacbine trebles tho seM1st.ress's p~ck up, u~d d espising not i;v ~n '" t) sn1 all an horises th~tt are stnnding in the ~table will eat much more hefil'ti}y than if the food fa before capacity for e;;.el:ution: HO w.e COY!!r our dror>ses tininial as. th t: field niouSe ; fiU ;1 r ;.;tn.rves and them all t he tiinc. If they al'\! i.vork.ed, feed all o~· erwith riu1t:y stitdllng,a.ud so rendm: thern l ' \ lies, or is fallen on all( SJ. U.ll ' ' 11<l by a .1.\. few i ·nt:i·h'tf{<t~ more costly tlH1n before. Of 'vhat is the 1 a little more grain or h~ty, or can·ot~ 1n11y bti fed to the horsef:I with great · Steam-Plow- marvelous efficiency, if tho. plow- fe1v CO\Yardly hyena~, or di8C0 vc r cd t innble 3 advantage 1 sn.:t;- a half a bushel per tlay to each team, ..\.s spnng- approach.:s feed rnore hber·al· inan deserts the fi.eldJ insisting that he '\.Vill livc to n1ove beneath a t r ee, au<l. kncck~d OH t he ly. -Arn. A,1r1c-ult11rirrt. by sophif:h·y as a la\V)'er or by qu.tckery n~ a · b end hy son1e '\rundcrhig h unter. 1 I , I noru. OE OREEiLEY. (1'"1·oni Wood's Household Magazine.) 1-::================= doctor? Invent ru1d iinprO\'e a.s we may, 've shall be uo,vise the gain~~ so long a-e \Ve prActi· cally tisteero it to bo the chief.. end of man to produce aa little as ll e n1n.y ii.ind consume as much aa he can. The poorest a1·tisan to-day co11sllll1cs luxuries 'vhich \\'el'C once monopolized by the rich n.nd lordly fow. Is the artisan benefitted by thls diffusioll? r l'ime ,~·as , v. hen he 1va.s satisfied ,.,.ith coare:e bread aud coareer 1·aiment; n.t' 1cngtl1, he achieved t he possibility of being drunlc at Christma.s 1 though obliged to be sober all the rest of the yeD.l': should " ·c congrat ulate him that he m:i..y now, if he chooses, reel to bed eve1·y night, and that ho often ilnproves his pi:ivilege ? Is it fortunate for him that h,c may b~giu to d efile 11in1self with 'l'Ol>fLCCO " ·bile hiu·!Jly yet in his teens, and t hat he thenceforth snuffs, smokes and chews himse1f out of all na.· tural purity of t;.\!Ste, and a.t length .into hia coff. in? T o 1ny p el'~ e11tion,it is clcnr t hat far beyond ability to cat'l) or t.o flecuro n1orc o! this world's goods thnn non· fall to his lot, ho needs wisdom to g uide His appetites and £rmnef>ii to coutrol the1n. IMMENSE! Try it for Yourselves Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than thim any one else m Town! A lai·ge stock of Cloths, Dress Goods,Sti·iped, Checked cvnd plaim Shawls, Winceys, l SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Q) · A Large Stock ef NEW :(RUITS_,lfor Chr!stm&s and New Years, at Low Priees will be found at McCLUNG BROS Flamiels, Blankets,J;inens, Wool Goods, Hoisery, Gloves,nnd 1'ri!m- . mings. ~,Jl bought before the advance in }?rices. 0 I '° 00. A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than JaRt year ~ A lot last Season's Tweeds at 'MERCHANT' FARM. 20 per cent. below Cost. G ent 's suits m ad e by t11e best workm en. Every Garment to fit. The best Black Teas in Town. The best Green Teas in Town. - - - - --·-- - - -- - - ··- B1dte1·, Eggs, Mittens, SoekB, aaid Y ani taken as Cash f oi· Goods. a.nd General Advertiser s. r. HILL· Cash paid. fer a.ny quantity ef Turkeys Geese, D·cks a.nd Chickens ~t McCLUNG BROS CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY · (we·t of tho Ontmo BaRk.] King Street, Bowmanvi!le. TIIE, subscriber is .pr0parcd to build and repa.1r 1 Wagons, Buggies, nnd Cutters, of every· descript ion, at Bhort notice, audon · reaf.!onable termf.!. 75 CENTS Carriages Painted· and Trimmed· McCLUNG BROS. will sell Crouery. China, ·Glassware . .and Lamps, for the next 30 days, AT COST, prior to mak· In& a change in t>he Grocery Depa.rtment A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, were special A.tteution ie given to all per ANNU~T, in ADVANCl: Corriage work, and General Jobbing. All wo1·k clone at this stnblishmen Wrtt"l'rtnted. A caJ.l is respectfully ~licit'.·<l. ,J, MORRI5. , Tm: OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denomination, one of the best Family Papers printed in the Dominion) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per a.nnum, in a.dvnnce. Bowmanvillc, Oct, 1st , 18139. For the .best and chea1lest TIIE BEST PEllIODICALS OF 1'flE DAY. ·AS USUAL -0-- The Great English Quarterlies and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, I<.cprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company, 140 Fulton Street, New· York, a.t a Pout one-third the price of t he originauls. 'l'he Edinburgh Review, 'l'be London Quarterly Review, The \Vestn1inster Review·, 'l'he British Quarter!): Review1 pulJ1il:lhed Quarterly-Jan1~ ary, April, July, October- 1'i..nd Black,vood" }~d i nburgh Ma.gazine. (l!·. fae .15i1nile of the original.) Published Monthl:y . TERMS OF SUl\SORIP1'IOK. '}'or any ono lWvie'v ... . ..... . ...... 4 00 per Ml, For any two lWviews .... . ...... . ... 7 00 " For any three Review~ ....... . .. .. .10 00 "' For all four Reviewe ........ ....... 12 00 For :Bllickwood'e: Magazine .... ... . 4 00 ~or Blackwoocl and one R!!view .. .. 7 00 " }'or Bla.ckwood an<l two Rtiviewi ... 10 00 ]for Black,vood and three R~views.Ja 00 " For Black,vood and fotu· Review11, .ll'i 00 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, THE CORNER ADVERTI SE . 1 BOOTS & SHOES, AHEAD, IN THE .li. dii::couut of twenty per cent, will be a.llow eel to clubs of four or more person!!. Thus-: fou copies of Blacltwood or of one. l{e·d e'v '\\<ill be sent to ont address for 12.80; four copie8 of the four Reviews and Illack"'·ood for 487 and BO on, To club ~ of teu or more, in addition to tht1 above discount, ~ copy gratis will be allowed to the gettt1r-up of the club. I'RE~Il U Ml!I. CLUDe:. and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to A SUIT11IOF N ew Subscribers for the year 1872 may have "-'ithout charge, the numbers for the last quarter of 1871 of ~ucb peTioclicals ll.! they may sub· scribe for . Or instead of the above, ne\v subscriliers for any two, three or four of the above periodicals 1nay have, as premium, one of ~he · Foni.: Re· views· for 1871. Neither premiums to subscribers nor disco1mt to clubs can be allowed unless the money 00 re· mitted direct to thepublishci-s. No premhuua can be given to clubs. To secure premiums, it will be ncce[J!!:a.ry to early application, as the r:itt1ck nvaila.ble for that purpose is limited. Circulars with furt..het pa.rticulm:1' may be l1ad on Applicatioµ. J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, Goocl Tweed Tyrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871. TYRONE. , Leonard Scott Pub. Co. 140 Jt'i1ltoii St., New-York· For $10.50. - 0- The Leonard Scott Pub. Co. a,\Ro publish the FARMER'&.. GurD:& to Scientific and l~actical Agriculture. Ily Henry SteYcns, F.RS., Edinburgh, a.nd the late J. P . Norton, Profe8so1· of .Scientific Jl..~ricult ule in Y Me ColJege1 New-Ha.vcn. Two vol!:!. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages and nu· ermou~ cngra.,·ings. Pdce 7 dollars; by mail· post· ptJ,id, 8 dollars. 1 I · GET YOUR Oct ·C HIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike :Flynn] Oct. CORNWALL BLANKETS THE 1LLUS1'RA1'ED 1871. 1871. P - - - - -- - TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye are. Might I be boul<l to 'axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jfat be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. toulcl, yisterday, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, had got home - - :o:-HR:ENOLOGY.--1'he Brah1 an<l it!S :Functions an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man; and its Location of th e Orgn.n s, w:ith directious for meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the cu1tnre and training, and the Relations of l\lind and :Body described . the chape goods. And shure enufi:', its the full store he has- TRE OREA'.!.' FAVORITES. Pnl'SlOQNO::'dl', or the " Si~s of Chru·acter piles and piles iw the natest p:1tterns; and he'd give y e the v.·ith illustrations, <tnd how to li.ead themi'" is ~ i:>pecial featur(i, makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five ETIIN01.0GY, or Tit~ h~at11ral History of 1lfam, Cints; Tay fo1· most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." Illustrated, wi11 be given. PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATO:'ilY, - 'l' h li: Organiia.- Tll\L- "An shure ihs funning me ye are, Mike; wouldn't the Dl<"IU he tion, £.tructure a nd function s of the human 'l'l'l.e Choicest Variety, afther breaking down." body: with the laws of life im<l health. \Vhat w£' should ea.t and drink, ho'v clothed , and how MIKE.-" Breakin¥, clown, is it. Shure he knows a thrick wurth two av to exerciBe sleep :?.nd li ve, in accordance with that. I 11 jist tell yot1 what it is, Tim, if you want to git a hyr;ienic plincip1es. grate name when youre de~, and be called a fiila.utrofizecl, filosPoRTnAITs, sketches z~nd biographies of leading meu and women in all .depart1 n ents of life, ifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabonrs,and the arc sp ecial features. rist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more P~ut:E.Nl'S 'l !:.A.OlUR$ AND 0THEB~. -As a guide in educating an<l tra.inbig Children, this Maga· for the good av you connthry, than iver St. Patrick did for oulcl zinc ha.s no superior. Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it ' Much general i~orrr1a.tion on the leadiug topics of the day fa given, and no li:fiorta &re that niver was in it." spared to this the n1ost inter~:;tin:;:- and in· I ' TIM eltrui.;tive aa well :;i,s the Beet Pictorial Farr:tily . . - "I'm mu"h oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't de1 Maglirine ever published. . tain ye; there'll shurely be a grate nm, and maybee I'd miss GOODS IN TOWN. R l!:il'ilL HilLED.-'l 'he Joc;nNAL has re11oclled it some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."- I'm off to Mth Volume. steadily iucrea.ud in f~v or during the lnany yea1·s it h:is been published Gray's. l'hrenologica.l J ourna.l, 1 I A'l' £HE -· 1 the cheapest 1 MERCHANT O.FPIOE, and w...s never inore popula-:c than no,v. rl'EHMS. - l\fonthly, at 3 a yeM\ in a<lvs.nce. Single numbcrs,30 cents. Clubs of ten or more 25 e.tch, nnd an extra copy to .Agent. · \Ve ar~ offedng th!{ n1oRt lil)crnl P reniiu1ns. Tnclose 15 cents fo'r a sample numl.ier, 'vith uew Pictorial P ooter und :Proe.11ectua, aud a co1nplete Li ~t of Premiums. 1\..ddress. J· . GB!I, rfyrone. Noted for ' F. Y. COvVLE. Bowmanville, Sept. 1870. tf-52 All work e11::ecuteJ ill the Late~t Styles, with N eatnass and De~patoh and at Lowest Rates S. R. WELLS, Publisher 389 Broadway, New York. el1eap.~Goods. I ..I I ' '1

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