/ ' -· DON'T · Dr. J. Ball & Cos" 1 · A NEVV ! TO CALT, AT Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitre lVIURDOOII Ii RO~. hiwe received anJ opened out a I · .I .. . "'YOU J.\IUST Th1[c '1 lf ' · ) 1· _j 1.l'O r)'a KJ R_'j l_ HOUSE & VltLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate i'tse, ~nil noU1in" but the purest matermls used, a1~ req,tirincr no further mixture of "' Oils, '.L'urpontine, and Dryers. rl'hefr con1porJition consists solely of fJBOICE. ASSORTMENT OF r P.1u·e C'olm', Pm·e lVlvite Lwd, Pilrn White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spi1·its of Tii1'Penl'i1ne, & D1·ye1·s, ccarefo1ly a.nd sci6ntifically combined. · The eumume1· can lia,vo any de. "ieed shade of color neatly put UJ. in Cans, and all· he requires to buy I with the Paint is a Brush, t·s the whole can be done by himself, or by 10ny member of bis househ'olcl. GOODS. 0 ' ,J · Snbscl'iber i·cBpectful1y iufortns the pnb· -1 lie that ha.vinrr fitted 11p v. }(cw I'icture y ,thCll',USe, the shruukei; <Ul<l enfe1.:ble1 eye, . ' ' U<ilJet}· with all tho · mther 1n yonn.g or ol<l, is n.t once supJ?hed .1 with th·t b'st "nct indispensiolc "nbn~l stnn1!· J'.KODE·'Rl'T I"'1'1. ' 0 ]TE" rE,'·.L\ ·r1'-' lant-A~ tcrult Blood, 1J'l1e nerves resume their ~u - ~' J.1:1.. \. , :.u,,, >J, toue · the Vessels recover their powex: the globe assu~ea its p1·01)er i:ibape-, size, and b11.lliancy; li~ i.1 prepared to tak~ alldisea.sed nction is arrested and cured, '!'heir I obj l"ct fo to. bring the flight to a natnral focus, by " \V hipld, :> restoring the ili1niniHhed conv1;1xity or flatness Bells) &c., of the Coruea of the J.£ye, whh.:h is gradLI:a.llY in every stylo of the J>hot ogrn.phic .A.r t. vrhich for style 1 durability and cheap· rai~erl to its origina,l convexity,?anr:;i~g the r~~ys ·· ,. of h ght to converge on the retina w1tlwut the · · ness, ~an not be excelled m th:s v1cm1ty >id of co~vex lenses or glasses; thus a special An inspection of specimens is invited remdy fo1· these whose sight is begiuning to fail from ag'e. They add vitality ruvl gtrength to the 'To thO se in .A. RRE1\.HS 1 be v--oultl say Entrance oppo~ite the euLrancc to th1 Town eye t1nw securing a. proper ~ecretion,and rem~n: IIall . ing the en.use o:f all Ol'ganic diseat;elt. 'l'hifJ wonL. W· SEXTON. derful effect i~ produced without pain ()r the least possibility of injury to tbe eye. 'l3own1n.n\ille, Sc.<pt. 2ith, 1871. ~I1iny of ottr mo:lt eminent phv::iiciu.ns, occul'l'ho::.ie wh() han~ n.1rca<).y stttled, will ;_;..lease ae ists, stndentil auU divfn('s, hv.ve had Uieh- Hight cept our hearty thanks. I permanently i·estorr.S:l for life, and cured of the . S. ]lIA80 N. following diseases : . · 1. In1paired Vision; 2. or Presbyopia,· or Tar lo Howm·:i.nvH1e Dec ard. l8G9. n Sighterlnes.<:1, or Dimness of v ·IBion.t ...comn1011..ly llvfl?ORTEltl 1f~<\.!~ {r)j'A 0 T l Tl{J!: TI' ~:a .,..--.-~~-· c:illed Blurring; 3- Asthenopia,or \·teak Eyes, DEA.LER 111 a.11 the Yarieties of ~ 4. Epiphora,l{unningor,VateryEyes; 5, Sore Eyes-sp·cially ti·eatecl with th· Eye Cupi!& 1:,2 ~ cure guaranteed ; 6. 'Vea.kuess of the n.etina., b ~· or Optic Nerve; 7. Opthahn ia., or Infla.inma· mt! tion of the Eyo and its appendages, or imper· A la.1-gt: and choice selection of ~:~il feet vision fro1~ the effects of Inflammation; 8. u~ PhotoplJobia., or Intolerance of Light; 9. Over~ \Vorked Eyc!i ; 10. }fydesopfa.-1noving i.pecks ~ g or floating bodies before the eyei; AJnaurosis, a.hvays on hnnd, o! superior worlnna.1u~hip, and or Obscurity of \T'ision; 12. Cataracts, Partial _ at lowest pr.iabs. _ J3lindnesf.I; the loss of sight. _ · Any one can use the lvor)' Eye Cups without th.e a.iJ of Do0tor. 01· )fedic1nc, so as to rcccivo For H10rness, Sn,ddles, 'l'rutLks, Vali se«, MASON'S ' E Y E·Q U p S · THE B · p Ay u·p · 0. R n Italian American Marble. M n MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STOHES, !S 'r ,.. N A immedi nte benetici:i.l results and nevei· wel\r specttwl us; or, if uslng uo,v, to lay t.hcm aside · forever. We guarantee ·a cure in every case where tho directions ate fol,lowed, 01· we will refund th(J money. for euclm;io.g burying lots. Furniture Tops, Mantel Piec0s, kept on hand, or ·wTought to ol'cler. . respectfully requested at t hG works, J{iny &c ., , 2309 Certificates of Cure, } 'ron1 honest Farmers, Mecllanics and Mcrc11ants, some of them the 1nost e1nineut leading ·professional and business men nnd women of ed- A ~a.11 is S treet, flO'IJ; 1rta1'MJilW PURE 'W HITE -LEAD, A hirgc stock j u»t recr,ived, f?r aut,.. umn painting, imported dJTect from the English 'M:an\l.factlU'ers,including J amcs' Genuine, and the Celebrnted FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY DIRECT JMPORTAl"iONS. I i SIGN OF TITE BED .F'LAG, llowtn~nville, Nov. 2St b, 18'71. Fi RST-CLASS Pl01.U R;::'~ .._'-J . Taken i11 A 1 Style, at King Street, East. 47-\f, October, lat, 1869. 1-tf Da.ily. Line 'l_'( I .ROOSTER BRAND, giiaranteed pwrn. ALSO l1ll stand~·d colors, oils varnishes, -o---- "a'! "13· R 0 Clt E S T dlil ali\I The New Lake Steamer · 1\-Ier1ick. ucation and refinement, in 011r coun\l'y, may be seen at our office. : Under elate of 1\-larch 21J, }Ion. Horace Greeley, of the New York Tribune, writos: " J. l3all, of Olll' city, iii a co'nscieutiou~ and rcapon· tible 1nan, who is il\O:tpµ.hle of int,entional deoop8ion or jmposition. Prof_ \V. ll-'Ierricki_of LE:s:xiur.;tou, Ky., wrote .1\pril 2·i th, 1869: 'Vit1wut 1ny Spectaclca I _ pen y'1u thfa note, after us1ng the PaWnt l vory ~ye Cups thirteen days, and this morn.i-gg perused the entii·e contents ot n. JJaily N cws:papei·, and l\ll witl1 the lll1asE!isted Eyo. T,.uJ y am I g1·ateful to your noble invention, ma.y Hea.ven bless and preserve vou. I have been using spec~les twenty yeirs; I am se"cnty-on~ years old. Truly your/.!1 1 Pro!. W. A li~V iiJmi ~ , A 'l'heSubscriherluwingpurchasedthe 1HE FillS1 0F rrRE SEASON F1JLL ASSOR,.£MENT -01"- , BUSINESS A.ND STOCK of the 1ate ltiehard :l\.Ir,rtiu, will be ple.~:w<l to sae OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES and painters' materials. i Jali and see how cheap a house can ent I vo1·y Eye Cups,und l' am !'!atisfied they are good. I mu pleased with them; they are the greatc!)t invention of the age. 1vlalden, MS....'*!. i cured or p.,,tial lllindness, of 18years' standing, in one u:iinute, by the Pa.tent Ivory Eye Oups. E. C. ELLIS, late .'.\1n.yor of Dniyton, Ohio, i;1rote UF! Nov. V5th, 1809: I have teated the Pat· Rli:V, JOSEPH Sllll'l'H, · A. full Stock of NEW SPRING G·OODS A.'l' '.l'HE kept on baud. be pa.i nted and decorated; for all these goods will be sold atReclucecl NE A R-S I G HT ED NE' SS. N.13.--It fa my intention to tJupply the , fwuns. 2000 Gallons of '1XTILJ.J '. 'NORSEMAN" · . For the worst cases of lJf.yopia , or 1{car·8i(Jht.erlneMJ, usu our :New Patent ¥yopic Atta.oh~ numts, applied to the IvonY EYE-CtrP'J 1 ba!I proved a certain cure for thie disease. C'OUN1'RY TRADE with MACHINE OlL open to-day. of difforcn t kinds. ThresherR and all parties requiring such oil. a1:e specially invited to inspec_t the various qualities, the prices bemg_ far b~ low anything ever offored m tlns .ma.r ket. 500 Cook, l'a.rlor, Hall, a.nd :Box Stoves, . ,i,rriving, and now on exhibition,.the largest..aucl . c;hcape~ t ~ tock. of a.t 9 0 1clock for Rochoster,conneoting thoro with the New York Centrnl, Nortliotn Central a.nd Erie Railway, for all points East South and Is recomn1endetl by thon~aiuls 1 fol' Intla..\ned South 'Vest. ' ' Eyes, and Eye·lid.<i; :tlso \Veak :Eyes 1 '\V11.tery Eyes, Over-worked }~yes, Into1ernnce of Light, HETURNING. I . I Leaves Cill~rlottc, Port of Roche~tcr every Amaurosif'!, or Obscµrity of Vision, or Specks evoiling at 9 o'clock, · except Saturdays', when on moving Bodies before the Eyes, Vt...eD.k11eil~ she len.ves at 2 o'clock p.111., foi· Brighton direct. of Retina., and many other diseases of the Eye. ...<\'..11 persons wishing for full particulars, certi'l'he stea1ner calls n.t Brighton, ..l\'Iond11ys and Tlnn"Sday, at Colborne every day except \\T ed· fic11tes of cure1:1, prices, &c., will please- send yonr · nesday, a.t Vll1itby, Osha.wa, D!l.l·lington a11d add1·ess tll our Agent,,vho will send our Treatise on the Eye, oLforty-four }Jages, free, by returu Newcastle on W ednesday, should frejght offef· 1nail. ~ea.lers in stock will find this the chealJORt nnd AU consu.Ua tioi~ wltlt us free. quickest route to A lbru1y, ]3oston, Ni.:w York, l~C., &c. _ Address, Our sole and exclusive Agent for lL 0. CAl~'T'ER, on or about ls~ .April next commo11ce . \'V her regular daily trip~, ice pcrmitting,foav1ng .Cobourg every morning at 7 :30, Port Hope :Or. J. :S3tll 8G Co's. ZO ZO EYE-WASH. CONFECTIONARY, :it.Ii wa.':I Iorniedy doue by )Ir. Ma1·tin. Full Particulars Next 1Week. .. H HORWOOD Bowmaliv~n~, Dec. 7th, 1871. 10-H I GHlERAl , ·HllR!IWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bow:ttrnHviile, Aug. 8th, . 1871. OF AGENCY POR THE . GiiOCERY 1vill be found, '"~ usmd, well supplied. I A large imported Stoek of . . Port Hope Ont Port Hope, .1\ . f arch 18th, 1872 25·tf . t.he County of Durham, is E. B· CRYDERMAN, Hampton P. 0. who has on lmnd an assortment of , Eye-Cups, &c. 1 I Kov. 21th, 1871. S. B. BRADSHAW -c E R·T~fF TO~ A -fE: Os'borno Sa'V'rlng Machine. ~\ve ~ive thiR 1'eu0wn.l of t he .Ageni.;y, ru;,~iuce we tirnt i·cceiv ~ d the ap poin.tmeJ1t, the'rc hl\ve bccn.(1th'>'n; rllpte3cnting thcru :s e lve~ as .A.gouts, FRESH li'IELD, AND GARDEN J u~t re ~eiveJ. Bowmuli ville, Sept. 2ht, 1871. l ly in \\.'.est ])urlrn.n1 :1 WPH ld t,£:,j.a:- t.hib c.pportuniLy of t.hankillg hi~ uume1·ou:'! friends for the vcry'liheral patrQ)l:lo)'.l'f he luw rcceivell. Jie feels '5t\tfa.fied tlrnt noth~ ing but '!'!;IE GlUDA'l' HEMEDY FOR. CONSUMPTION introd!lc:cd for the !~ELIE~' G U.ELl'H, Dec. ·1th, 1871. B.; & }T. 0 1IIa.ro., Bownianville. 'fhJ.!s e arc to certify that you are dn1y a.pvuinted ou1· au tho1·iscrl Agt:nt !01·1 the '\Vest H.~d ing of D urhu.m and North and South Ontar10, and tha South Riding of Victoria. v.ire will !1ot reco<rnfae tl~c o.ctious of any other pruty clauuing io be ou1· Agent, nnlcss the )iacl1!Jrn p~s Unou :.-:h y ou1· hu.utls, selling in the a.hove tcrntory, ttpm. and after t hfo da.to. _ V°'I' c dn not bind ourselves to wo.u rant auy :Jlachinc sold, of our tuanufacturo in sn.id territol')·, nuler-.;i':i going dil'~et fro1n the Faetory to your "-wdcr, 6r t.o thnt of ::i.n y of your ~mb .1\gents. I{e spi;:ctfully yours, u U.ELl'U SF.WINO Th-1ACJ-UNE CQ. P .D.- -Each of our .l:\.gent ~ v.'ill have aw1·ittcu certificate Gf Agency fro1n 1rn, which purcha..'3ers i:;hould insist on seeing. R. & IL O'HARA'Howm anvilk, J)cc. 21, ] 871. ~1el:ll'lr,; , HARD T() BELIEVE. HA 'I'R,1JE ' NEV~EDI~THELESS ! ' nnd aeknowlcdgcd by Dtany prominent phy~i ~ clans to be ·the most Rc!inble I'repuration ever aud CUJ.Ui of all VJ!] J u.-.t r eceived a Choke InL of LUNG COMPLAINTS. Tbiu well-known remedy is offered to the LOW PDICIES publlo, sanotioncd by the experience, of o ~-cr forty years, aml when resorted to in f(';l son, -seldom faile to effect a ipccdy NU'e of NEW FRUITS, Rll,isins~ Groceries Very Good Cooking Raisins only J cent.~" ponnll, '.t wl still .cheaper by ·I Dat~s, l:t.emon, O:i.·angie the and Citron Feels, N'C'TS IN GREAT VARIETY. .A.h;o BatTels and Boxes of Currants, Figs, ·, Coughs, Colds, Crou11, llronclltlls, Inllnenza,Wh0011!11g Cough, IIoar~e ness, Pains or Soreness in the .Chest and Sille, Bleedlng at 'the Lungs, Tilver Complaint, &c. by a timely resort to thI!J standard rl'.!m~dy, a.A is proved by hundreds of tostimonials rccel\·cd by the proprietors, Box. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED .DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD GflEHRY SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Bea:u.~iiul Can.di es, Superi.o:r Workmanship, with an ar;sortment of . Eugine Woolen .Mills. fJ'HE ..L " / S:CTBSClllB~~R .takes plensure i1_1 i~· forrnmg the p ubhc that tht1 abovlj m1U 111 now eomplo~e in every i·espcct, and Ull(~er the nL:tnagcrnent of ex:p(;)ne11eed h:tn~8 ·. Re 1s now }'.ll't:!paired to c~ec"Q.te _evf rY dcscnpt1on of 'vork i :1 cla.f!s stvlc, and with des1p,tch. CHOICE BISCUITS. . Cott?n and Wo~len Goods are ttd.vii.ncing, bu~ yott ct~n J;uy then~ ittJ'iLhott's for a short fame, "'t the old pnces. Now 1s the tmle tti secure wln~t you need. OLOTHl~G.-Gentle'men in wallt of a good fitting suit should call early at Elliott's Fa.5hi0Ilable Tailoring Est.-vblishment. . th""s col~trntud Dtu·lington has a.gain r eceived anothei· lot of :t'-'D'~JE ~ImA:F Quaiity iF; the 1'est of Eowma.nville, Dec. 22nd, 1870~ EAS, .n12-tf lu\S g nin~ fo1- hhn ·~uch n. steady increase of bn1>ine~s- ·· n1uc:h la.rge1· than former yea.rs; and he trust~ that b;y cause be1tin.d1 a.s is tho oaso ttJith 1ni:tlit prcpa_ratiQ1LS, lnit it laosonH an.d cl<:n111~e1i thtJ lungs, anct. aUay$ irt·itation, tine s re1novtnt1 the oous6 of tile c(nn/plaiut. doos not dry up a Cough, and tettve tli.e .., , CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, 3nd nll those whose occupn.t.ion requires nn un ~ usual exerci110 of the vocal orgnn'!, will ilud this the O:N"t.Y PREP.t.RA'flO.N which will effect ually and Jostnutaneously rclie\"e their <!i l?k11l tiCJs. Beware' of Counterfcita. Remember that the genuine 1V:lstqr's JJaloam Ms -en tht outside 1crapper the sig11atu1·e of ur. BU'l'TS," rmd theprlntc<l name of au.pro· fo1· Wool. Cash paicl, or Cloth given in exchang~ WILI,IAM TUER Oh~r.ipnes.~·. POINTS OF STJPEitIO:EtI'.l'Y. Dj,tlington, l\Ju y :&0t h, 1871. ly-3:! . Mrs. E. Cawker, in retiring fro m business, begs to return her sin· cere thu.nlrn to her nun1erons pa.ti-om~. for th~ir Jil;el'nl su_ppo1·t durin g t he ~im a she has been in business. At the e:i11ne tune, she begs to announce, that she has retirerl in favor of h er two Sons, who1n sh e tntstl! 1 by aucl rnrpplying a IT IS A NOTED FACT that tl1e stl'ict attention to business > ' prieeors, "SE'l'H Satisfactiou guarnnteed in all reasonable eases. Hampton, August 2nd, 18715 HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. bp-023-1111 '5<1 Bowmanville Fa1·m Implement Forward. ing Agency, fa the place for fnrrncrs to got. · h-6 will 6orit.iuue io .recei,vo th:eir ~up11ort. . TV. li'OJVLE <J- so2·ts, BUS· 1'0N." AU of.h.ct·a arc base imitation.1. ~xum- inc the 11;rapper carefully bqfore ptwc/rnsing. One D~br a Bo!lk Si< BotUes for Fire V o l!aro. PRI!:PAlH~D SimpUc, i ty in Construction, Ease bf operation, Pe1fection oj Stitch, qlike nn both sides, owing to pmfect tension on 1tpper anci lower T!weacl. RANGE OF WORK :- From Gauze to Beaver Cloth. DURABILI1'Y :-'vVill last a life time. . BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, lira..., And aold by Dragsiete aud. Dealers generally. (food Farm Implements. Please call ru1tl order the S, B. BRADSHAW. I _ _ __ All tlwse that m'O in arroal'a n111;t 0 - peci'aily the H(l,r<lwars :w~ount. Equally adapted to Family Work, Dres_s a.nd Shirt Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MA.CHINES DELIVER!i..'D AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. sriuo1· AJ.'1'ENFJON 1'0 llUHLNES8 ============·~-. - ~=== FIRB'f-CLASS · ARTICLE, to still 1nerit tlmt patron:-:.gc so l iberally bestow· ed upon her. SPRING GOODS, 1872. ·---0---- New c9mbi·1·iccl C'hopp.~ng llfill and,j l St1 a'!.v Cuttej. :~so leave yom· order for~ liiot·cln" R. W. JAMES, 1871, nll. s. f"Y "P: ·>13. B. · ·1 13'1wnrnnvillo, .fan. 10th, l8i?. ~- .:·15. EVERY - - -- - --·-·--- .. MACHINE WARRANTED. · s~~~~,,~~~.\.~1:~~~s~ 2Buiici;~~~s. L~rge Supplies & StoQ~ks AT THE s~pring Stocks ! m · l r=.. , h . .1. Complete. ,if'll {;(!(I eltlip e o 1'f as M .R · fllOfVil l'.'J I fl9 ash ' l3owruan~l> ')g! 14, J INSURANCE. Andes first to pay Agents, Yellowlees & Quick. We have also on hand lV:INZEB' SLE1'Tl!.'B A, AJW01'1"S, AND BARCLAY SEWING MACRJNES '. .. (,)ca ' STRAY STEER. IO ' .t\~E ~lto the vre1nises of.the ·Sub'rleriber, Losses. To 1\ .)1 111~s INst:r:ANC!'.: Chicago Property for Sale I:'< ro~ JI.. R 1111 'l".IT ' .K'..1 n I ' . N" ' I i.., l'lca~ed to ru11w111iec, thnt lie. i:3 nuw prepared to ~he w a ·'·--EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. .Steer, (.'Qm1ng two y ears ult!. The ownc:.· , cftort lm.ve hirn, on proviug pr!1pcrty1 a,nrl \)1byiug not e:~ccud $300 1000. E. E. RYAN. A_gcnt. c~.pen.·e,. ' . . ,. ' . " Tl'w r'\r.11)1':.~1 is solvent aiid Yer.~ strong, ::tw1 i " · . . .· "".T. bDDJ'~ ha<! o.Ji:eacly commenced pa"fil'l~ its Chicago ~ C::i,rt.~vngltt, J::1.11 , .:. r d~ 18nL .41. ltiSflflij , · I,o\ 1\u .. 12, in tho 3rd Con. Oe~rtwright, a Chic1i,,go, Oct. 11, 18· 71 . Co., -·Andes losses 3-\·il BOWMANVILLE. Oae Aore of J,..und i·unuiug frmu I11Ill8T, Church Sheet to King Street: Col. oppOi:'ttc Our Stock of General Goods is farge, embmcing all the Novelties of the day, and :tll the necessarief; ns well 'V ull Paper- !l splcnditl a&5ortmeut now in Shades, Childre:r.i.'a Carriagtia, Conc·rtinaa, 13rushcs, Con1bs, J.. o.:iking Glae!'leB 1 J\iiusic, J\.lagazincs, VioliniJ, ·v·iolin Bows, Violin ~tring~,l?a-per Colh-u-g, Nec,;l~ 'l'fog, Sehool Books, l)ay Rook~, Bibles, Kniver; and ] 'orks,P·)cket l{niveo, Jlawrs, Spoous, and Sch!sors . Cheape1;1t Note Paper and 'Envelopes in the country. All thcec, a.nil,., th 'ntsa..nd other articles, are to be fonnd a.t the Y AlUE:J.'Y STORE. 'Ve are al \Tays clad to see friends, and think it H·J trouble to show (+oods ; and we gu~irantce ns good valul>., ft.t as low p1·iee~ as any othtit' house in the trade, Parties wishiug t.o teloQra.-p h their friends;o.. m~y rdY- on 11aNing their busine&s done pr01nptly . .:\.i;ents for I u1na11 IJhl(' of Stea1net-s-l.:l..ndi1t1perial Building and Saving Society. l)i t;tnr~ l'rmn<.Ji:;- oJl sizes, Mff.lldinis of ivery style, ~tock, ~ ..\ h11-ge supply of beantifillly rossort.e(l 'VindOw Cnl:itt':.;, with A. ·vm·v lc11ge micl comp1·ehensi-vc Stock of Sp;·i·1tg wul J_\._ J,L ])i.:l'W U S hnNiliti c]::i,im~ f1 (;Hirmt t he Sivm.mer .St<Jplc cwrZ Fanpy Dry Goods, negs t o :i nfor m the rublic th ::.t , he has 1·ecei\'ed <tnd ovenecl out a bea.utifr1.l and well ar;~ortcd S tock of And would csp c:dally n1t:utlou soiri e very i;trikin g au<l ~~fr1aziu ij-ly beaut iful lines i1 L late Chas. F. Thoro.pson, of the '1 'ownsh ip o( ·o,,rli ngton, i.11 t11e County <1[ J)u1J1 :\!ll, Jt'a.nner, dccef.rne 1l, r.u1· 11 wd 1 y l10Lified and l\.·ri.nit;..od to f.leud to the uuderSI&,'lwd JD X e0utor : ; , n aml.'d in the 111.Bt 'ViJl .mil TL· ~tumcnt of th._c enid Cha.de~ 'I:' . Thompson; r.nd to wbou~ },P,ttc H·s Probate hu1 ve be t~ 11 i;ranteil by , thq proper Court, or to l t9bert l{u~$ell Lo3· cotrw, H;;iq.I, thei1· Soli citor, ii..t the '1'01.,.u o( J~own10.1n1 ille, OJJ or be.fore the DRESS GOOD S, SHA \VLS, & 'J\llANTLES. ---o--. ff .l t :L 1 1 ':-! A lVD C A PS, fol' Sprin g and Su n nn ~l' wea.r. J-fis Stock surpa-::;r;es ~Ln.vtlJiug p1·evious1y uffei·f d i;1 thn Town. I 01.u~ro:-r, Ol:t, 91 10:30 p. ru . I lui, \· e to-niglit carefully exaJ:nined n.11 Chicfl.i;o i ns1n'ffilC'$ in tlie .:\.ndes Insurance Co111pany o:f Oiuclli nat ti. "7e shall authorise our a.djui;t Cl'S to 1l n i,1i,.- l1pon u s at ~ight for eveiy co1·rect cla.iu1 a.<.: r:.\picl1y :t-s ascertained. Ou1· 1o s ~cs by tbi:s ~ r t.:at r.;ala.rnity a.re a considerable figu re, but notlung to cripple us. T~e, ho11r ~f duty is upon u ~, a.ntl we sha.ll 1ncct it nt the. hon -h~ ~~rt ed mnnner that the oomtfilo111·eqnires· Never· h eless, I fully expect, hi addition tos1umountJ1g this serioue obstacle, to pl\.Y t11e r;.tock'holder.: of the_ ~nde::! Insura.nc:c Q01npn,ny a cmnortable d1 nde1ul next July. GOOD BRICK HOUSR, contru.ning- tea rooms ~~:nd a cdl:ir,fn1l :.i~e; sta.blc dri-..ing- homK,und woo<l·:o!hcd; plcuty of har<l;u1d i::oft '\YJJ.ter. l"..dkew ise, good. choice fruit ga rden~ with a.pples, pe:1.rs, quinces, p!;!ii<:h l'8, pltw1s, chm·ric8, a.nd other srnaU fr ui t . :n<:COND1 A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, on Ohurd1 Street, east: containing t·--.n rooms u.n<l n. good celJa.r, with wood-shed and gti,rden. l'HTHD. · Bowmauvtlle, 1\fotch 7th, 1812·. . . YELl,,.OWLEES & QUICK., 1123. ==~--- ==---===c··::-=-==-=-c:c-=: --·-----==:=:- .:::::::.:. The :M:illinery Department will be fotu1d unllliut~lly attrc1cLi~e this s~w.son, r eplete with eou1 e of the choicest t!1iugs in · · Itespcctfully, ~T. 15th Day of May next, A . statement of the sa1uc :tl1owi:.ig Hie <lO\tes, the B. BE~N.ErrT, Prt>r!. ONl~ QUARTER OF AN AClU.:, i huu ~ u aiw-1 hi;; R· & II. O'HARA, ;\gents, · Bowmanville. en Cliurch St. east, w.ith for two fronilit8. l'UBLIO '! ! "\VIGG & SON, a<l<lcd thereto, tha.t we inay thel'~by be enabled to supply a:ll parties who m_a.y plea.so to f~l'oi: 11s "·ith <'.o call. Grea.t i11du~ments held out to tho:3e purchasing ait our E-sta.blu1bment. P1cture11. Looking Gla~se s , &c., fra.mc<l ti.'> ('trder, Mid in every sytle. Sa.n:;plef of thedifie-reJ.lt l_til5.d11 ef l\fouldings can be fieen at lhe 'Vare·room. , ,.{ e i;vonld also beg to infonn you 1 th.at, ke;vu1g pur- l ·'OUfl'l'Jl, .:i' OVELTIES ARE STYLISH . ly oxt~ni..lt; a,n inVitution tu all lris old frieudcl and r~1; JH >i, uy new ones as u1ay feel inclined t o he lrnnofit ted by ho.\vin;; 'l'h<:i wh<1k will repay insvccLiun, anJ he conlial- 1' IRS '.l'-CLASS GOODS, 1 ' at fai1·, i·cmnno ~·:itive 1~t'iCf!S, to give 11in1 a C(l.U . Friends, as far l!is Gent's :Pmnlshingil '\Vill be found __, ·vve1l assortetl· MARKUS MAYERS· Bowmanville, April llth, 1871. tf. a1 nount.1 a nd the value oi the sntnc, and a]sn .specifying what security, , if any, they hold therefor _ And uoticti is hel'eby gi,·en that after JUBJJONS, J/LOWE'RS, 'l'HJ jlJNJJlJGB, &~. the date above 1nentionc<l t ho ...saitl Nxecut01's u.ud as only Jr 'fRST- C'L ASS 1'.A L/iJ!!tT i8 eiill~loycd to i,iuperintend our ma.y proceed with the dist ribution of tlfie m;~et~J of the s11i<l--Cluwles Ii:', 'l'hompsou, or tmy p:1rt ' thereof 1 tHnongst the parties entitk d t.h~r eto, ~H.LLIN:EltY, 1IANTL1£, AND Dfll!;SS blAKlijG, h:a,,·ib.g r egard to clainrn (if any) of credit-Ors, Ladiee in:.:.y r ely on ge ~ting .N"cw and _F'twhiona.lilc Gal·men t ::; v..·ell 11w..de which shall t hou have been re 1~eivt:d, und will 11 ot be liable on HcCOtlllt f!lf suc.h distribution to any creditor of whose clnim they .'Ohall not then as Prices a.re (,orwcmed, call arnl jmlge for yourselves. ha.,·-e J1ad notice. . . · , WILL~~,:[ I~.Ul:\-DI~ E. f.\ o-,1-rumrdlle P . ----·---- - - -- -,----·----.---.------ Bo,Vll'Ht nvillo, Oct. 19th 1871. '3-tf ONJC A ORH /VITII FRA1HE HOUi:ilt, contaiuiug- 6. l'OOJl:!G, with fl, go nd i;\·ell, on S0u;;og Street. l" l 1"'J'H . Al'.HIOJC COTT.A.GE, containing- isix i·oorut,; ONE ACRE, ON ONTARIO STREET. and a. kitdieti attached, with a.good celln:r, ,_.\. rrond £mpply of bu.ref and i:;oft ,vater, md a go~d g~wden. Cornet· of Queen a.nd Ontu.rio Street.-i. Terms :- 1300 dolla_rs. 1000 doll.a.rs down,aud the l·env.iindei· ·a..~ inay be agreod u1wn. .:\.j)plv on the 11 ren~ises. LlKL:\VI S C: ret ur11ll1,.. tlin.nkii to their nuni~rous Customers, a.lid the Publir. gfinera.Uy, for past fP.,Yon, I i~'vould re!P'ect.fully invite their attention to our present stock ~f Furnitu1·e as we ha,va la,t-ely 1 Two :Eundred Aci·eliJ of good woodland, being J.. ot ll, iu tbt1 10 Con. 'rownship of .l'.\.mru·nnth, IJounty of \Vellini;rtqn, neru- Oi·angeville, ::i.ud within throe n.1ik11 of t hB 'l'oronto, Bruce, aucl Orey l{i\H lload. Fur fnr thei· p;'l1·ticulars inquire of cha.sed a· TREWIN, o. OOJ-1J~NUTT. ~E _·_ ow _ll _ 1_ 1n_1~~ k_,F _ ·e _ b_ .1 _2 _ th_:__ _ ___ _1~~Li_ ._ ~ v·.r. SPLENDID NE\V . HEARSE., reasou~ble Corner King and Simcoe Sts Oshaw:t, April 3rd, 1871. ly I f ' JOR1\ R<DAR, Bowrn , nville P. O. L IIENRY}}LLIOTT, JH., IIainpton .P .O. l ' xccutom of \ho lasL Wi t.I ·nd Testamont of Uh:nles 11'. Thompson, d e ce ::i;~ed . · Bowmanville, March 13th, 1872. n2{-td. · A Jew only of tho so ,>plenclid we ahall be r1:>ady at a1l times, k1 ri.~tend l·~unflr;.1J~, on short notice, and N .13. Coffins kept on hand, t~nd inade to order, ::i.t the torM.e. T WE E D SH ltt J RT S Z FRAZER T " 'il) Be!lchetU) ft·r cash, a.s T inten(l lo:'tving t he cnuntrr13owrnanville, Feb. l 5tl1, m&o-a2i..l -3m. J NEW DW11NION RETAIL FURNI1 U.RE W.ARE-ROOX j S. F. HlLL'S. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Storo. · Qi)ha..+·a, Aug . 20th, 1870. ' '; '