' '- THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY,<r,, APRIL 19,· 1872. · cz====P =O:E:T: -~:-v: .=-:= ~= ::.===1:::::T:H:E:F:A:R:M: ,.::=:=-~~=Xl=~m=b=~=f=c=x=~=h=k=kc=n=~.===::=========:=====:=.===f=======::=========r=========;::::;:=::====7==1===~=z=Th=1~:E=N"~ - =s===:E:::=;!-~=.= -·===7 -=~ - -~~ ~ -====:==== --· I Valuable statistics concerning 'l'ry it for Yourselves The Sound of the Sea· When may a smith be said to commit Thou s.re eonnding on, thou mighty sea, For ever and the same ! The Bncient rocks yet ring to theo ; Those thunders nought can tame. Ah ! m1111y u. glorious Yoice is gone : F rom the rich bowe;irs of earth, .And hushed is many a lovely one Of moul'ufulness ri.nd mirth. Butter-Making, \ now lIJ.;CH :YILK ltBQUIRED Fon A POUND l BUTTEn. 01r felony )-When he forges. \Vhy is a proud won1an liktJ a n1usic book1' -She is full of airs. The Dariatl flute that sighed of yore Along the wave is still ; The llarp of J udnh pea.ls no more On Zion's 1nvful hill. · Aud 1'-I01non'a lyre hath lost the chord That breathed tho mystic tone, Anrl the songs flt Rome':i hig!i Lriuiuphs Are \vith her eagles .Howu. [ponrcd And n1ut@ the 1Ioori~h hon1 that n~ng O'er "Strt'a.m and n10uut:l.in free ; And the hymn tho lea{;Ul'U Crus..'\de1s sang Hath ilie<l in Galilee. ' nut thou art swelling on, thou deep, Through many nn olden clime ; 'l'hy billowy anthem ne'er to t!lcop Until the close of thue. Th ou li£tu:-t UlJ '.~i.J solun!l ·,oiee '11 0 every wind ~ncl sky, And all our l:'arth's greeu alwrce rejoicu Ju that one harmo11y. It fill! the noontide's cahn profound, '!'he 5t1111:1eti'8 heaven of gold ; And. the still midnight heru·s the soun1l .Kven as first it rol1cd. Let there be silence 1 detip and straugc, \Vbc1·e sceptred cities rose ; 'l'bou epeak'st of One who doth not chaugeSo roay our hca.rts i·epose. (In l\.ioore's Rux al N tiw-Y01·ker. A man being asked why he talked tu himself, replied, candidly : 'Because I lilrn Notwitl~tanding the gl'oat increase in dt~iry iug during the pa.~t ten yenl'a, and the introduc· tu talk with a mun of sonse.' tiou of butter factories. very fc,v statistics have ' Where are you going 1' asked a little boy been gh·cn showing the quantity of milk rcquir· of another who had slipped,and fallen on an eel for a pound of buttci·, m; an avc1·age, £01· the icy paveLuent. r Going to get up,' \'VfiS the season 1 front a largo nu1nUe1· uf cows. We have blunt nn.s~rer. uutnel'ous statements, fro1n,timo to time, show· N oue :u c so seldom fouuU o.lon~, and arc ing what the milk of a ~ irigl e CO\v \vill yield irl so soon tired of their o'vn cornpany, us those butter for short periods, and at different seasons coxcon1bs "'·ho are on the> best terms with of the yea.r. These state1ncnts a.re gencri!.lly themse!Yes. quite unsatisfactory, ino.')mucli :l8' the milk ' Do you think mw oystcrn are healtllif' !' from different brccd15 1 aud fron1 different co,vs of the imme breed, va1·fo~ g-ret~tly in quality. asked a lady of her physician.-'So for as I Then ~t.gain, the distance from the time of calv- kno"'·, they nrc ; I never 1{uew one to co1npfaiu of being out of heolth,' he replied. ing, feed of the co\\·s1 11nd other circumstances, An agricultural society ofTe!ecl a pre1nium have so much influence that most of the rccordi:s showing the quantity of butter made during for the best means of irrigation. A farmer brief periods cannot be taken as n. safe guid~ for reading it irritation, took his 'vife to the the ii.Neragc yield of a herd of CO'\YS during- t110 meeting, feeling sure he \Vould win the aen.son. '!'he question of setting rnilk deep or prize. Family Hecord.-' Can yott tell me how shallow, il:I one u: p on '"·l1ich dairymen atill differ old Satan is 1' asked an irreverent follow of. in opinion. Un~ man get~ mol'e butter for a \veek Uy di3ep setting, and a:noth~1· by shaUo\Y a clergym.an. ' My friend, you lll.ust keep your owu 1>etting. Neally all these eXl)Cl'iments arc un· sn.tii:;factory, b ecaus~ they have not bc6n con~ fa1nily record,' \\"as the reply. · It i" my business to sound the trumpet tinued long cnough,anU 1nost of them al'c \Vortll· 1ss1 because they have been cunductod., or ha\·e of patriotism,' recently oaid a Yankee speak· bc,cn made by pen;onti so strongly prejudiced in er. ' ri,hat's no excuse for so constantly fa.vo1· of tho one or the other syAtem, that accu1·- blowing your o'ivn horn !' exclaimed one of his auditors. ra.te ancl reliable results ca.n1iot be ]1a.d from Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goods as low or lower than than any one else m Town! SUBSCRIBE · FOR THE · (1) · 0 A Large Stock of -NEW l'ltUITS,ifor Christmas and New Years, at Low Prioes will be found at McOLUN~ BROS A 'large stock of' Cloths, ]);'es·s Goods,Striped, Checked and plain Shwwls, W·foweys, Flawnels, Blan1eets,Linens, Wool Goods, Hoise1'y, Gloves,andTriin\ mings. a.11 bought before the a.dnuict iu price:oi. Pr 00. c\1 I IA special line of Tartans, 60 per cent I lower than iast year . . - -" I l I I A lot last Season's Tweeds at 'MERCHANT' 00. ... 20 per cent. below Cost. Gent's euits made by the beat workmen. Every Gannent made to fit. of butter from an average herd 'vhich is kept in am hol lerin' 'l' tho ordinary way during the season!" 'l'!!ii ~Ius. HEMl1..'... "'is . A ton1perance eJ.itor, in dra,ving atteH· chPeso fa-0torics secni to have settled the ques_. tion that it t<'.lres on an averl},fl't.i about ten tion to an article against ardent spirits in pounds of milk to 1nake one pouud uf cnrcd. one of his papers, says ; 'For the Effcc:.s of lntempcrnnce sec our inside !' cheese; one season with another. Sotne factor· ies, it is true, report a. little better l'\:!$11lt tho.n Wl1y cannot a deaf man be legally con-1 this, but it is g(lner.ally understood that no den1ned lur rnurder 1 Because the lrnv Health ·Hints. cl1eese maker wonlcl be wa.rrnntl!d in buying ~ays no tnan can be condemned \Vithout a. UY IJH. W. ,V, HAL L. 1nilk to be made up into a ~ood H sliipping hearing. of a.n:yLhiug less than the 1 cbeeae " on n. basis <111 '\-.-uo<l'a Household ~[n.go..cinc) Th1·ee things u 1a.tly can11ot do,--1. Ehe ten pound average. \Vhat the dairy public cannot pass a millinety Htorc \\'itho1.1t stopIHE Gltlt A'I' PANACEA 1 now <lesire::3 to kno\V is the nun1ber of potmds of ping. 2. She cannot ~ec o. piece of lace tba.t is, the best" cure-all," for disewic. is co1umilk required. for a pound of butter, when the without a.·king the price. 3. She cannot priacd in three words, n.nd in all ordinary drherd~ o.re similia.r to the 9hecsc dOO.rying herda, · sec a baby without kissing it. cu1-i1sto.nces can be procured '"itbout money. and h'avc similinr feed and treatment. If ·we An Illinois posf-1naste1· give::. notice as Pcrha.pE:I that is the reason, together \\ ith the can detennine with any de,gree of accuracy this follows :-"Alter this date cycrybody must abl.icnce of all that is my1:1Wrious, why Yery fe\v question, dairyrnen will :1.t once be able to tell lick their o'vn postage sta1nps, fo1· my' rea<lel'8 will avail the1nselvea of the ren1cdy. It ,-.,.-hether there is moro p1·ufi.t in turning milk in- tongue's give out, is, perhaps, very safe to sa.y that to cheese or into butter. YVe have Btntiatics A Frenchman thinks the English language 1VAHMIH 1 REST A.ND CLEANf.lNESS from the creameries of F.1-·~uklin county,~. Y ., is very tough. ' l)are ia 'louk out,' ' he will arr~t more <li~eascs, will cure mote bodily 'vhich 've regard a.::1 of great value in helping to says, '·which is to put out your head and . tnaladics, than all the tnedicincs eyer swallow· solve this problem of "how mtlch nri.lk to the sec ; and ']ook out,' which is to haul in ed. As cold is death to all vegetable as well as pound of butter." your head and not for to see-ju·t conanimal · Ufe~ the-first step, in ordinary sickness In :H'r:.u1klin county Lhe creAitner:ies nae the traire. is to keep the body coinfortably well, \Vhile n. J o'vett Pan, and the ten1peraturo of the milk MuTCAL FoRBEA.RANOE W ANI'ED.-If cool, pure atmoBphere ia brcathecl '.rhat i.81 is kept uniform by means of cold ·vater flowing cover up well in bed, but let doors and windo,vs, under it. The statistics of the factories referred one member of a family gets into a passion, er n. fire-ple,ce, be k(fpt open to the extent of to rcproscnt yields from co1u1_.1arati \·ely shallo\v and is let alone, he "vill cool clo,vn, and having an atiuosphc1-c of nbout r:ilxty d.egrees or settings. If Borne of the Ora.nge county factor- possibly get o~hamed, and repent. But. or· leeB j e\'en if practicaLle, a, te1npernture colder iet1,or fnctoi·ios which on1p1oy the pool o.nd pails, pose temper· to temper ; pile on the fue ; dra'v others into the scra1Je, and let one than this it!! not usually desirable, for if 1nuc11 \vill furnish us statil:!tics aho\ving the average 11 al'sh ,.,-ord be follo,ved by another, ancl coldei· et.nd thu By8tc1n is \Veak, inflan1mn· from <leep settings during tho season 1 tho mcl'its there ·~rill soon Le a conf:lagratiou. tion uf the lungs-tliat ls, l}ncumonia-is ro:.id- of the t\YO systeins tnay be ve1·y s:..ttisfactorily 'My friend, said an American hotel-kcepily incurred-a. Uisea.se ·which i:i often fatnl compared and sumrned up. el' lo an over·rtvar1cioua boarder, 'you eat within a · week, · L. B. Sperry, of l\ialone 1 N. Y., Secretary too tnuch. I sha111ia.ve to charge yon an If ther(l is atill cl t endency to chillines1;, pure of the Berry butter factory, i·ep01·t2 as follows : extra h;1lf'-clollar.' 'An extra l1alf-dollar !' hot water c3'n be d.rank to any desired extE!nt, to -)?actory corn111cnced receiving milk 21th ~iay, replied his boarder, 'vitlJ his couutcnance 'fery great advantage, ns it promote$ internal a.nd closed Oct. '.28th, 1871; \Vhole nwnber the i·ery picture of pain. For p;oodncss he1.Lt, throwing it out\\·fl.rds, ca.n'Ying \Vith it \X)Unds of inilk received, '4?5,9SS j pounds of 'sake don't <lo that I'1n most dead no"·, eat· lar;.;:e quantities of tnotbific n1attcrs, thus help· butter made, 16,931, thus· showing a fraction ing three dolhir:3 'vorth: rind if you put ou ing to purify the blood. l"'ol' ages it has been over twentY-five and one·tenth pounds of inilk an extra half-dollar, I ;hall certainly bust kno\.\'11 tha.t hot dl'i11ks promote pe1·spirntion, to the pound uf bltttc1·. Sales of butter aYcr:1g· - I shall. and that a 1 · £Oocl s'veat," in the language of ed a lHtle O~'l'l' thirty-one cents per JJom1d· A Gooo ltEA SON. -~i\. ccuntl'y scliooln1~s the uneducated, does mol·e good in nni.J.titudes S. \V. Dickerson of the ~foria butter facto1·y, ter had two pnpi Is, to une of \\'hon1 he \Vas of cases t11an aJl physic. t·~ports as follows :-:Factory commenced oper· partial, anll to the other eevcre. One · nlorn· a.tion 2:)1·d I\iay, an(l closed September 16th, iug, it happened that th~oe t ,\VO boy13 were nE8'r 1871; whol1;.1 numbi:!r .pound1S of milk received, late, nod were called up to account fr)r it. of hotly ru.ul n11n<l, iu case of tliseaac, i:> ;.i f in- ::H8,2133, which made lG,056 ponnds of butte:r, ·You must have heard the bell, boys; \vhy ca.lcula.ble value. 'I1hu a,nimal creation instinct- being an average of one pound of butter from did you not con1e r-' Pleil.Se, sir,' said the favorite, ' I \Vas :i drean!in' that I 'iril:s goiu' ively court rest at tho very fu·~t onset of sick· 2:J~ pounds of inilk. ~:filk set in J e'vett pan, nee!:! or bodily injury, and they get \Yell without about Six inches deep, r.nd kept at te1npcratn1c to Cn.1Horny, and I t.Jiought tha school-bell 1 medicine. Hence, in a.11 orbina.ry n.ilmenb1 11nus· of 00° to a2~-cxcept in hotteat wen.ther, when ,.,.-as Lhe steamboat bell, as I 'vns gain' iu. ' '\' ery \\·ell, ' said the 1nastcr, glad of nny <.·ula.r rest, tl1at 'vhich is obtn.ii1ecl by ly:ing- it wcut up to 65° ; used dash clu\l'n a.ucl salted <lown on the back in bed, is a very gre:it aid in butter at ra.te of one ounce salt to one pound pretext lo ~xcturn his favorite ; 'ancl no,,., sir,' tnrning tut.he other, ""'·hat 1Htv0 you re1>torin1Z to health, jf i>ersevered in. nnt tha hntter; sales of butter 'verc made at ~10 9ents. to say r-· Plel\Se, sir,' Ra.id the puzzled boy, TILisfortune fr, that with multitq.des timo is P. tV. Shields, trensurcr of the l(eeler but· 'l - -1- iolM 'Waiting to see ~torn o:O'!' n~uney ; it is a man's great aim and a~sire ; his ter factory, reports that the fucto1'Y connncnced only means of keeving his wifu rull..l. cl1ildren taking iJl'Jnilk June 27th,and closed Oct. 22nd; from starving. Hence it is, that u.n i11t~l l igent the whole quantity of iuilk ieccivecl a.mounted j Bodily and Mental Labor. and humane 1>hysician often givc>J H"1edicino to 152,8;.,,9 pounds, 'Whjch nutdc 7,387,pounds of . · , -- · . , promptly, when he knows very " 'ell that rest butter or 1\ll average of one pound of butter for I' . L\. vigorous h?~lthy appetite and · d1ges1 1 1 0 ~ould be a better an<l a, tnore enduring cure, beand pounds of n1ilk; cause hiB patient cannot i;peud tho titne t) get set ~1lkfive ~chcs cle~p tn Jewett pan; churn- labor which b'.ecun~s au encouraging ;nd well byfilrnplere8t. 'fb'tin, ahn 1 he gives tnedj. cd Wlth revolving barrel churn; s..'llt at i·atv of I healthrul renluncration. So hen.ltbv and cine to other" in cases where l·c vrould not take one ounce to the pound, :ind sold buttel' on an I dPlicions ~leep ; sleep that is S\vcet, · l'~fresh it himself ; ho prefers to take ti1ne rather tha.11 aven·..ge a.t 31 ! cents per pound at the factory . i ng, n.nd ·iavigoratjng, cnn only co1uc as a physic. But there is anothe1· fonn uf re:-;t fiu· The Union factory, of Bangor, N. Y., re· consequence of corupet.1:. w tivc physical or more valuable as a reston~tivt:i, than 1nere tnus· portil 96 Llays' inilk., umolmting- lu 233,161 n1cntal effort. cula.r rest: it i8 the: blt::dBCd re1;~ whit:h is gh·en pounds 1 and 9,522 pounds of buttel' 1:1uld, inak· There are .:ionle inedicines whicl1 proniote by ing <lilt average of 24~ lJounds of 1uilk fm· a.11 oln1d sleep, and 'vhich at times it is ve1·y necesof Llltt&f. sary to use ; but such sleep is o.l ways artiIS LE.Er. Th~ Cold Spl'iu.g factory, of ~la.lone, rc1Jo1·ts ticiul ; it is a forced state, is dren.n1_v aud. The dis1J<isition to healthful d eep is 0110 of the ·141,267 pounds of milk recei\·ec] 1 nncl 19,776 unresting 1 gixing notbin~ of that delicious mo.~:t eucouragin:; sigus in the vl1ysici'an'H eye, pounds of butter made, or one pound of bnttcr nncousc10Ltsness uutil it is o\·er, which makes the 1ne1uory of a good uigbt's sleep a that a 1na.n is iukiug fo1 · the better1 when the froin 22 31 _ 100 pounJs of milk. pleasure and a cause or praise autl gratipatient htts bct..'H rackeJ \~·ith suiie1·i11g and pa.in The Borlcy Spring fo.ctory, of Chautu,uqua, tn<le. \Vhile ~ n1an i:> sleep1ug soundly, to the very verge of the grave, ln the slo\\' pro· reports 270,811 pouncla of in.ilk for 12,012 pouu<l::> healthfully and \Yell, us n, resu.l_t of 'Steady, grca~ of \\"akeful nl.ghtb uud uneasy \Voeks of anof butter u1.ade, Ol' 22 25100 pound1::1 ('f milk t:.> legitiniatc labor Ol' effort, 11e is oblivious of guhih. Thu in~reo..i;ing ability to sleep ii:! the one of buttc1". all things earthly. But so111el.i.ow or other first si;;n 1)f approaching cure of in~anity, as jt These statistics aru of great lJ1tctc!'t and v.al. the moinent he \\rakes up he feels that he is the waat of alee1) which drives multitudes to ue. Front then1 w ·e learn the fact that J1crlis of has ha.<l. a. delicious sleev, an<l tbc vety tu tLc 1nn<l·house. ThuH it is that the mo.'lt ex our cornmon cows al; pasture, \vitli 11'.> extra nt- thought of it is a. satisfactiuu. peri1:nced nurses_ seek to prevent all nofaef:I in tention to fee<l a.hove that uBnnlly giYen to herds th~ sick chnmber, nll alo.mming of doors, all in the cbccse·dn.irying dist1·icts, proUuce milk How i·11.i::; RAOK " ' As AnoLISH:ED : -~ror imsty opening and 1:1hutting of \Vindows, n.11 that baa yielded, n.s an nvcragb, for the i:;e~on, tnre applied to extort confesaioll was d1scarelesi; 1nove1nent of chairs, ftU'niture and uten· a. pound of butter from only 20 J-7 l)1Junds of coutinue<l1 it is said, ju the public courts of sils near the bedside. Thus also is it, that a n1ilk. Again, that the :J,;,'crage of five factol'iea Portugal: in conoeq_uence of Ure f'ollo" ing :,:uOrl tn1rso never allows a sleeping invalid to bo is only 22 6-10 pounds of milk requirc<l for onu ci1ct11n sta.nce :-A coi1scientiou!fjullge, hav'?.'a.kc<l .up, ho\rever important the physician pound of butter.. V\T e ha>e taken the average ing obScffveLl the effects of the raek upon may think .it to be that the m<:dici11e should be of the five fnctorics lnst 111 the list, bec:.t.uae the suppo.:-;ed crin1inals, in tuaking then_:i .confess takeo. first one namCd wru:i tloublecl ;vith l1efective anything, to the sacrifice nl' t~1e ir lives, to get re1easccl from the torture, detern1ined to But there is another form of rest, whic]1, if )\ater, 'vhich the ma.nag-er thought leaijencd the tTy a.n experinlent. It is a capital cri1uu in yield of butter, as the milk could not be held at not promoted, ev('rytl1ing else will always be that country to kill a horse u1· n1ule ; and unavailiuq; it is tho rest of the stonmch. It is the proper t.::mpcra.turc . he had one of the forn1er \\'hich he lllUch If we assiimc th~t 22 pound;; of n1ilk will valued. Ile took cal'e ·oue 11ight £q have o.ll ru:i :weak ill proportion as the other parts of the make a pound of butter ,\'l1ich sells at 31 cents, l~oUy ; ta.ke1:1 on it1:1 proportiona.l llbaxe. If a his servauts r1uployed, so that no 011e but man i8 So debilit.at'1d that he can sc:1l'Cely turu· then butter making llt factories is a. littltJ better the groom could go into the stable. When himself in bed, can acnl'cely rnise l1ia ~rm, can than clieese making- when cheese sells at 14 all 'vere fa!:lt asleep in tbcir beds, he 6tole u1g of the differ- thither hirn'Olf, ·ud cut the borae so that he !'!Carcely speak loud enough tv make. himself cents i)er pound, to si~y uoU1 heard, it 'vould bo absurdity itself to give him ence betwoc11 the Yalne 1)f U1p skimmed 1nilk bled to death. The groom was apprehendet1, and comn:i.itted to prison. He plended a. tn8k to perfonn 'vhich 'vould require the over the 'vlicy. , strength of a ,vell 1na.n. So it is w\Lh U1e SW· 'Ve should judge, fro1n theae sta.tistiC3 1 that not guilty i Out the pre1:1u1nptio11 lieiug strong maoh of an inv:alid:-sµch rfooJ should he given 22 pounds cf milk for a. pound of butt0r1 lUn.y again.st liitu, }10 was ordered to the ruck, as is easily digested, and omparativtily t:nnall be as ~-afely taken as: au <H eragu at butter fno. wh'"ere Lhe extren1ity of the torture, soon amounts at a time, Eat little and oft1;in, is a t0rius, a-s 10 pounds of milk for :.i pound of '\vrung fron1 hin1 a conft:ssion of the crime. Upon this confeai;ion, he l1nd sentence of f!af,, rule for thQ Hick chamber. B'..lt " ·how cheese at cheese fa.cto1·ies . It will be observed ha.uging passed on hiin ; '~·hen hie 1na8ter often?" jr; of tho ve1·yutmost itnpo1-tance.'\Vhat that tl1e earl y closing of tJ1e !actorie.::; has con· ·went to the tribunalt:, u :ud ihere exposed the would be often for one, '1.\·ou1d be seldon1 for sider.able influence on pel'centagcs. ~Che lUilk fallibility of confessiotif!, obtnincrl by anch another. 'l'he best genera.I rule is, wait until in the fall and early winter ls l'ich in Cl'ea1n,aud rneau:::., by owning the fact bin1sclf, and dis· the patient feel::; tha.t some µ3.rticular article of if these fn.ctorics had continued theil' operations closing t.he ruotives 'vhich hail influenced food "'ould taste good: get tha.t al'ticle as e:oon up to Jnnua.ry, ns is the case '\'ith many cheese hin1 jn 1naki11g the experintent. IY:I possible; tl1.at article, n.nd no otlier, except factorie'B, we have no <luubt the 11u::t.ntity of i it Le a little bread. 'There is not much daug~r milk for Ui pound of butt.e1· \\'uttlil have been l'e· ' INQUIRIES At'Tl:.n I-fR \Ll'JL-There "'O.S that an invalid will t:Jat toQ much of otw ;.~rticle dnced to ncrtr 20 pounds. one household rule which the Hev. William of food; it is the variety of the t~ble \vhich 'Ve s110.ll be glad to i·cccive im·the r $t.:l.ti~ti cs llarness g~utlr and successfully enforced, l)l"Onl.otea g!uttons; but stop v.rhile yet it tastes f1-om the butter factor ies. Such i·e1rn1'ts as nainely, that 11cithcr hirnself nor his sistergood, nnd cat t10 more of anything for at lea.st tho::io we bn,ve given ~u·c vf "er.v g-reat impprt- thc two Jnen1bcrs of hir, s1nall fiunily circll~ three or fQur hours, and not even then, unleiss a.nee to dairyinen, beca.Uf:I(' they establish so1nc- -should inquire after the otlm's bculth. therc is a decided call fo1· something. All the'"" thing U efiuite u.ud r elia.hlc f1'0lll ~.vhich a basis of Snch inquiries, he thought, s uggt!sted oilsolid food of a.n invalid shoulJ be cut UJI <LS fine p1'0fit:.c 1n1ty be estirr1a..tcd hy tho ~c \\"ho p~rposc n1euts tb at ot.herwioe would never exist, 'llpy,' said au ill-tempered old fellow to The question is co1\ota11Uy occurl'ing, " llo\~' a noisy lad, 'what are you hollerin' for \Vhen I an1 going by?' 'Humph J1 returnetl 1nauy pounds of milk arc required for a pound ~the boy, 'wLat are you going by for when I them. THE HOUSEHOLD. ===================' < 00. o , p H Tiie best Black Teas In Town. The best Green Teas in Town· Biitte?', b'ggs, Mittens, Socks, and Y a1'n taken as Oash fO?· Goods. a.ncl Genera.1 Advertiser s. F. BILL· HOBBl8' Oaeli. ;paJ.d for any quantity of Turkeys SHOP. ONLY (wHI of the Ont.no Bank.) Gee11e, Ducks and Chickens at McCLUNG BROS -- I z 0 · King Street, Bowmanville. 8Ubscriber TIIE. va1r il'l prepared to build a.nd re- 1 Wagons, Btl[Jgies, and Outter8, cf every de:.cription, a.t ahort 1'.otice, 11.nden ~uona.blo 75 CENTS' term1. .~ ~ · lllcOLUNG BROS. will sell Crockery Chinii., Glassware. and Lamps, for the llt~t SO days, AT COST, prior to malt· ing a ch&nge in th~ Grocery Department Carriages Painted and Trimmed· per ANNUM, in ADV ANC:i A Blacksmith's Shop on the premise!, were 111:pecial att~nti81'l ii c1ven to all Caniage work, itnd Gene1'al Jobbing. All woi'k done '~l this stabliehmen wa1'1·ant~a. A cn.11 ie rel!!pectfully solicited. .T. ~!ORRIS. Tm~ OBSERVER, (the Orga11 of the Bible Christian Denomination, , Bow1nanville, Oct. lst, 1869. one of the best Family Paperg printed in the Dominion) clubb~d with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars per annum, in advance. For the· best ancl cheapest ------- - - --- -·-- ~--- · · - - AS USUAL ' TIIE BES7' l'ERIODIOALS 01!' TRE DAY. The Great English Quarterlies and Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Re:priutcd by the JJeonard Scott Publishing Company. 140 J!'ulton Street, New York, &t about one-third the price of the originanl:t. The Edinburgh ~vie"·· The London Que.rterly llcview, 'l1he \Yestn1inster Iteview, 'l1he British Quarterly Review, published Quarterly- Janna.ry, April, .Tuly, October- And Blackwood'8 Edinburgh M~aiiue. {A fac·simile of the vrigiual.) Published ].{ont11ly. lforany one Reliev.· ..... , ..... , .. ,., . . 4' 001u1r n.n. For any two ltevie\ve.,., ........... 7 00 " li'or any three Review~ .... .. ........ 10 00 u l!'or nll four Revie"'18 ............ .. .... 12 00 l!' or Bla.ckwood's 11--Iaga.iine ..... . ... 4 00 " ~'or :Blackwood and one Review .... 7 00 " :For Blackwood and t\VO Raview11 ... lO 00 l!'or Black,·rood and three Rcviews.13 00 " l'or Black,vood and fo11r Revie~·s .. 15 00 1 .-BE>Y~ · I 1 · . ·- < . . GOODS --0- twe11~; t~vcnty·seven~hs ~~~:~J~re1 !E~ 1~ ~~ 1~~;~~:~d ({~) P~'ft:~?sdl~ ! ! · GROCERIES, CROCKERY, THE CORNER ADVERTISE j AHEAD lN THE TKl;tMS OF SUBSCRil"l'ION. BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to CLUBS. A <lh=count of twenty per cent. will be a.llow ed to clubs of four or more persons. 1rhu11: fou copies of Blackwood or of one Rev:iew will be aent to one address for 12.80 i four copies of the four Reviews a.nd Black\\'OOU for 48, and so on. 'l'o clubs of ten or more, in R.ddition to tht! abovt! discount, a copy gl'atis ";11 be allo,ved to the gett<~r-np of tbo clnb. PREMIUMS. 1 A SUIT OF New Subscribers fot tl_te year 1872 may have without charge, the numbers for the last qurwter of 1871 of such periodicals as they may sub· scribe for. Or instead of the above, new subscriberf! for any two, three or four of the above periodi ca.ls may have, as pre1niu1.n, one of tho ·Four Re· '\'iewe: for 1871. Neither premiun1s tc;i subscribers nor diBcount to clubs can be allo,vod unleRs the money be re· n1itted direct to the publiahere. No premiu1n1' can be given to clubs. 'l'o secure premiuma, it will be necessary to make early application, M the stock n.vn.ilabl~ for that purpose ia liklited. \ Circula.rs with furthe1 ria1·ticul.a.rs may be had un application. J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, 'Good Tweed 'l'yrone, Nov. 2nd, J 871, TYRONE. .. I J Leonard Scott Pub. Co· 140 Fulton St., Now-York For $10.50. -0- ~rhe Leonard Scott Pub. Oo. alao _publi1:1h t11e FADMEB'e Gu10:& to Scientific a.nd Practicail Agricu1ture. By Henry Stevena, :F'.B.. S., Edinburgh, and the late J.P. N\ltton. Profesgor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale Coll~·ga, New·Haven. 'fwG vols. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages and nn· ermoue t111graving!!!, Price 7 dollars j by maill)OSt- paid, 8 dollarf!, Oct CHIT CDHAT. ['l'im Bra.cly and Xike :&'lynnJ GET YOUR Oct. CORNWALL BLANKETS 'l'HE JLLUSTRATED 1871. 1871. I as pea-sized piect's, chewed very i;lowly, and not 1nn\llo,~od until it 11<-l.S Leen reduced to the fine~t pu1py con!:'istencc. The Uifforf'llCe be· tween a .etrono stomach a.ud a 'vcn.k one is, that it single article of food in limall po.l'tic1ts is di· gested much soo11c1' than if the1·e 'vcre sevcra.J. . to enter upon this bu8ll1cBs. CoNJ GOAL .AP.E'EU"l'lON.-A \vornaH \re nt iuto an apothecary's i;hop the otherday,,vith t'vo preseriptions, ouo for hc1· husband, ~1 n<l the other for her Coiv. She inqnire\_l \vhat \vas tl1e price of the-ni, aua tl1e apothecary Teplied it 'vas so 1nuch for the inn.n antl so n111ch for the beast. 'l1ltc 'VOJTH1..11, findi11g that she lw.d not e11ou9h nioney. rcdlecte<l for a. n1oment, iind eaid, 'Give 111e, at all events, the medicine for the cow ; 1 can £end ., is a.n elemtuit iu the cure of disease that ne(;d not be in8isted 011 ; it is scarcely po.!!:iiblc to be carried to excef-15 ; cleanlin~ss in person, of skin, ol sca.lp. of clothing, of l;edrling, of room1 of pantries, of closet!, of utensils . Remnants of food, bottles of medicine, l:lto.nding \Ye.ter, however fresh from the ::;priug- none of therie, no peri5hable ma.teri&l, should be allowed to remain one minute in the sick chamber, after its use. By all mea.ns, let the :tir be cleanly ; let it come in from the out-doors, \Vith the firc}Jla.oe chimneys open. If n. lamp were kept burning in a fire-place dU.ring night , even in the hotte~t summer, the purity of the atinos-phere \\o·ould be greatly 11rorooted 1 b~cause bad a.it· sinks to the floor) and nat1n·1tJly flows toward the open fire·place, fur u1y husband's to-11101To\v.' A Statistical Heporter wutcbeil while a tLousautl men passed a lookiug-glas~ iu u shop in PiccitdilJy. 'l'be result of·llis obser· vat10nsshowed thatninebundredaud uinetynine men glanced corup!acently at theil' im· to savr i1n f1·otr1 beiag ridieulous.---J. a"e a!j they passed; t11e other 1~11111 )\t"ilB Foster, blind. .F'our hun<lred-und fifty·t"Wo "'01net1 · I · , N ever cuu1p an1 un~c~s you c:-;pcct to do pass~d <ltuing the honr1 and a hnlf, and n on e of then1 looked in thP, nurror-all of the1u some good l)y co1npla1n1ng, being engaged intently examining each oth· era's a.1Jpearance and <lress. '11 he Philo· sophical Society js snid to be di~cuashJg t!Jc Knotty question whi('.h. ,v,ts tlie 'visel' party. TIM.- "(food moming, Mike, shurc and it1! early out, ye are. Might I be bould to axfJ what started yees d1is morning." Clan Ta.ta.n's, MIKE.-"Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was A FIRST·CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. that Misther Gray,_ av Ty1;one, had got ho1~e tould, yisterday, --:o:-an illi<'ant new stock av Goods, chape 01.~ durt, man; and its HRY.NOl.OGY.- · The Br.!tln. and its Functions Location of the Orgnns, 'vith directioIJa for me~eJt could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the culture and training, antl the Relations of ~find the chape goods. And shure enuff, Hs the full ~tor~ he hits- THE GREA'J' B'AVORITES. and Body deam·ibed. PHYSlOGNOliY, or the "Signs of (Jhanwter piles a.nd piles av the natest patterns; a,nd he d glve ye the '\\"ith illustration.~, a11d 11ow to Rea.d thom,n ia a. - makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five I special feature. · If 've save the lno111cnts of tiLne: we~ ,vill ETHNO.uOGY, or The l{a!urut Hi~tory of ltfan, Cints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." have l:!JlOu~h fol' evcl'y needful \Vork. Mo· Illustrated, 'vill bo g-iven. TIM.- "Au shure its funning me ye are, Mike; wouldn't the man he / men ts are the ruo.terial of ,vbich davs aud Pnrsro1 0GY AND A.."i'ArO.MY. --'l'hc 01"",,:anization, ~tructure and function~ of the huma11 afther breaking down." yea1'8 ar13 madl.:l, If these be \vell iwj}rovcrl, body: ,vith the laws of lifr1 and health, \Vha.t vre will hn.vc yeur.::; devot ed to profitable em- \ve MouJd t·at and drink, ho\\' <Jlothed, and ho'v MIKE.- " Breakin?; down, is it. Shure he kuows a thrick wurth two av · }:lloytuent. I to exercise, sleep and.live, in a.Ct'Unlf(.nce 'vitb that. ' I 11 jist tell you what.it i·, Tim, if you want to git a . . . . I hy_gienic principles. . . grate uarne when youre ded, and be called a fiilantrofized, filos\V1sc10111 1::.:1 ~ ,suppo s<·, t.h~ i1glit use. ul , PoRTnA 1'1s, tikctch~s and b1ogra.phie.s ofle~difer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours,and the kno,vle<lge. 1 o know is uuL tu lie ,vise. lllg men. and 'vo1nen lJl all departn1enta of hfe, ~In11y in en kuow u. great tleal} fl.lid are all a.re special f~tures. , . rist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more the more fo ls for l.i· t tl )· rrh ' P~\.HEN'l'S '1..r..~CHEilSAND O~·Rl<.M.-A!! agu1Je . . v 'v a icy dlO'~· c1c in educating and training Ohildri::u, tlris )laga.for the good av you c<'.unthry, th"'n iver St. Patrick did for ou~d 1s DO fool so greal a fool as a kuo,v1ug fool. zine has no 1:<nperio1·. Ireland, when he bamshec1 all the toads :md snakes out av it Bnt to kuo'v ho'v to use kllO\\'ledgu is to }t{uoh senerol information on the lea.din: have 'visdom.- Svnr9eon, topics of the da.y is given, and no l!lffort11 are that ni-ver was in it." spareJ. to make this the moat interesting and in- TIM.- "I'm i;nuch . oblaged to ye, for the bit av adYice, aud won't de1 have the ]1jgl.iest opinion of Ll..ic VtJ.luc of fitl'uctive tts ,.,.ell as the Be8t PictQrial Family tain ye; there'll shurely be a, graU. run, a,ud maybee I'd mi;s a. ruling passion; but if it monopolizes the Magazine eve:r published. · Es·r.t..BLISHED,-The JoulUl~AL haa rta.ched it \Yhole n1au, it requires that the object be a sorµe bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to GOODS IN TOWN. very comprehensive or a very cli~niticU one· 54th Volume. It has steadily iucreased in fav Gray's. ..... or <lwing the roa11y years it ha" be~u publis~ed h :Phre:nologica.l J ourna.1, PRINTING AT fHE P 1 1 'l'he Choicest Variety, the cl1eapest :MERCHANT Ol!-,FIUE, o.nd '\'as neYer mot-e pcipnlai· than no,\·. ~rxrt}IS.-1\-Iouthly, at 3 ~ yea.t"", in n<lvance. : Single numbers;30 cents. Club:s vf ten or mure 25 each, anrlan exLla.copytoAgent. \¥le 1u·11 (1f{e1·ing the most liberal Premiums. .A.n honest cmploy1nent is tlie best in her- Inelose 15 cents for it san1ple nu1n.ber, w·ith ne\v itatice that can ia.11 to ani· one. l)!eto1·ial J>oB~er and Pt'O~pectn:i: and a complete ., . . L1i:it of Prern.111111s. Aqdress, Life is a t1easurc cuul a hcr1tngc, only so S. R. WELLS, Publisher J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. - F. ·y. COvVLE. Bowmnnville, Sept. 1870. tf.,52 All work executed rn the Liitcst Styles, with Neatness and Despatch and at I,owe~t Rates far as we improre it. 389 Broadway, New York. " ' ' ' --