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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Apr 1872, p. 4

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-----a~- 14 ti THE !.1ERCHANT, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1872. POETRY. "My Father's Home." 1'ht-rc is a ""odd of plea-su lo, Of happiness and joy. _\_ world '\here heavenly trea.'itll'e Is found 'vithout alloy; A world of lifo antl glory, 'Vbere sickness cannot eotne ; 'Vhere dwell the 1.::1.ints and :\11geb-1l'is hean::11 - 1ny F~the1 's '!'here is a \Vo1ld of bea.uty, hom 1~. ---'-- - - THE HOUSEHOLD. "Useful Recipes. [J'):o1 n \.\-rood'8 HouseholJ. l\fn.;;.w:;iue.] .Rhttba1·b Pw.- Prepare the stnlks by peeling vff the thin, reddi8h skin, and cutting in half or tlu·se·quarter-inch pieces, ··hi0h spread evenly iu your cru~t-lined tius. Sift 011 a little flour,. to which add a bit of butter aud tea< ·up of sug.:i..r, if for a. large pie. Ilo,YO '\. e:r, 'vhcn it is desirable to economize sugar, or when a ' 'cry sharp, sour taste it1 not relished, a vinch of .,od.a. m::i.y be nl)ed to r ant.age, \\ ith l~ s sugar, as it goes fur town.rd neutralizing the acid. (We " 'ott1d here add: &' all your imrplua pie-plant, propn.rc ns for usc1 nnd_<1ry in the sun, am stove· heat turns it dn.rk-colore<l. Soak aud stew for winter uso, with sugar rind soda as nbove for pies. It makes!o a uice sa.uco for tea..) ... . ~=;:=== _ _____ _ __ THE FARM. Forcing Cucumbers· (In l\.ioo1·e'.:i ltura.l New-l:\n'ker. !ll·ob;:i,.bly few of the readers of tho ll11rrtl .Zfew Yoi'fer arc of the extent to which cucun1- j It is not 'vholly bers arc forced foi· iuarket. confined to our b.rger cities, but in the !'lina.11 in· land tuwns and villages this vegetable fa extensively L'Ulti\'ated. }Iy experience in forcing eucumbera occlln·ed in a village several hundred nrile.:> frotn New ·y urk, '\here I had eighth of an acre of frames tilled 'vith this vcgetnblc, while a nolghbor hll,d six ~pan roof hm.lf)Cf> devoted entirely to it.':! culture. Believing tlrn.t some of your l·eaders iuci,y be interested in this branc}1 of gardening, I will give them the pr>t< de· tails of rny operatioui:i a.nd f;!nccess, althoug-h I aha.11 take ::i. differont sta.ntlpoi.nt fron-1 fLOme of the garde11et'S ru·o1ul(l N 1 in\' York. Still, I will end~avor to sho\v the why and. wherefore,,., l1~ ch I 1 I tJnnk nu1 ny a1.1thor~ hav!3 failed to Jo. Ii ~n· instance, all f)ay tlul.t tho watering must lie done ; 'vith tepi<l. wate.r in cold 'veathe1· ; but in tho books that hv,;vt.: co1nc uncler my ob2ervation,uot one has stated the 'vay in which thia tepiWwatcr is to be obtu,inecl. The size of ~ash usually mn· ployed is 3xG, but I liku 4:t5 better, for the fnl· lowing i·ea.so111;1 :- lat, they aru not so liahlo to l'!cttl"' in the center in case of a lleavy fall of f:'llO'W; 2nd, tlu eo feet is fnither than a 1na.n crui rett~·h to trim the dnes ; 3rd, in this size ~nsh I can nuili.e iny :::;ka.w run.ti; 5xGA feet.; th~n tho sh·a,..- \Vill he h:ugthwise the sa.<>h, the 1m.n1e a!I shingles on a, roof, thereby pern1itting the rain and snow b.) pas~ off more icadily than it will crosswise of t he stra.'v; and it cau also bo swe11t off mo1·c ca.silv. Th.iv frames were made ou~ of two-inch pla.~k, tli\) ~ back, or tup1 18 inchct) in height; the hotto1n, or front 1 tv,·olvc in.ches,,vith 1 tv:o ."ltripa a<:ro~::i thu fran1t3 on ,..,.1Uch the 'l::t~h rested. 1· I ' IM1VfENSE! Try it for Yourselves Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL sells his Goocls as low or lower than tlu'n riny one else in I I MURDOOI-I BR,OS. have received and opened out a To""n ! SUBSCRIBE Whc1 c flow et~ never lie All drooping, pining, dying-, n parched sky ; 'lllc verdure is unfading, 1 The floweii» always bloom 111 c,·crla.sting beauty In hcaven-1ny Fathr:>i '~ hon:w ! I 'I I ' I · rrhc. ::c is a ,... orld of bl'ig-btuc::;s, Of brightness uubedimnod, \Vhcre saints b:IBks in the glory Of Ch1·1st, thoil- Sa,·iour·l{iug; 'l'lwv cast thoir crownB before Rini .lt~tl "'or~hip near His tbron(', .Rxnlting in hi..':l prescnce ln heaveu -1ny Fat11cl"'r.o h01ne. Crco.m. G'akc,- Thrr.c teacupfuls su.gar,tlu·e~ of I A l a.rgc stock of C/oth8, Dl'ess Goods,St?·ipul, Ch~cl"~d ! cmd plliin Shawls, Winceys, I Flannels, Blankcts,Lincns, Wool Goods, Iloise1·y, Glovcs,ci 1ul 1.'rimmings. all bongl1t before the ndvant:e in tnice1i. l l j FOR THE I I thick, aour ctoen.n1, fi\'e ·well-beaten eggs, t1vo C\'cn tea~voonfuls sod:t, flour?cnough for h11tter 1 fla\·0r with lcn1011. ThiR 'vill nui.k e b vo good· f; izetl cakes. Oluap C(lkc:.- -Twu curs flui.u-, one of sugar, one of s1veet milk, five tablespoon8 butter, two eggr:i, one teMpoonful orcnm ta1·tcr , one h!J.,lf of soda.. Si~i·ewBlrm·v Cookie~, lr,'xccl-lrmt. - Ouo pound flour, one pound sugar, one-half pound butter, thtCl' c,;gs, one tablespoonful gl'OUnd cin11an1on. nfix. together the buttei· <;.nd fl.our, then st: r in the ~·ugt1ir and cinnarnon; work the eggs in tu the paste u.n<l roll out thin, Cut <'\Ud bako in a CHOICE A.SSORTBENT I OF I special line of Tartans, 60 per cent lower than JaRt year . A 1 I Oft·ti1ues \\hen tiied antl ternptr-ll, , ,-1.! t:n lrn11 ble<l :-irnl C-:\f:lt tlowu , \\"o sigh for tbat .iuhi:HitanC1c, Tho:.e pleasures, an<l that crown ; Q 8,'\Viottr ! keep US faithful, Suffer u1:1 not to roam J;~1'0In th!.!O, but bring us safe 'l'o heaven - Our :E'ather's hutn e ! -· VouU1 1s Penny Afltccllan~1. l A lot Gent'~ last Season's Tweeds a.t ti uit" b:v the bi.'Bt "·orkmen. , '~l·ERCHANT' 20 ]?er cent. below Cost. quick OYen ~t once. L<:mon Pte.-· rl'ake two len1ons , four CIJS'S,two t>poonfu~ I I GOODS. I ~~: ~~~~y~~;!,ti~~~~~fiti~~: Yam taken ccs Cash f 01· Goorls. melted butter, eight spoonfuls sngar; squee7.e the Jtlice of both lemons, and !,'1'ate the rind of one. Stir tO!{ether the yolks, sugar, .butter, jn.icc n.nrl J.ind. Cover a plate with pa'!try, pour the n1ixturc in, a.nd,.till crust A plain dealer-..:.\ carpenter. I is done. Then bea.t the 'vhitc:> of the cg-gs to 'Ve all Ii ve upon a crnst--of the e:.u th. . :i. stiff froth, stir into it four spoonfuls sugar, · · f I ll b , put it on the pio, L1Jnd set it huck into the ovon 1 Why ts the pupil o t ic .e:tc 'e u. uu for a delicate bro'"·ning. This is for two com. Uo: v nit schoul 1 Becu.uee 1t1s u11der . th~ lasli. molt ~1ze<1 pie~. L c1non Pie, i{o. ~. ~G-rntv tho lJeril of a lem{)ll Why is a baby like a sheaf of wheat 1 Becau8e it i8 first cradled, then ·thrA.shcd, and 8(JUecze the juice into it. 1-fi:x with ii one and finally 1Jecon1es the floi.\·e1· of the fnn1ily. cup water, one of suga.1·, one tcaisp<ion· ful cor11·stairch, hunp of bnttor d:r.e of ti.U egg ; 'You ought to lay up so1uethiug for a finish ·w ith a second crust. This fo1 one pie. rainy day,' aaitl an anxious father to hie lla.n~ :Z'ou8l. - Chop some 1<.:ttn hi\n1, put iu ::t}Jrofli'gate soIJ.-' . .o\.nd ~o I have/ replied pau 'vith t\ littl~ pepper, a. lump of buttel' and the youth.-' What I'-' An umbrella: two egi;s beaten ; 'Yhen heated through, Apr"ad ....\daily paper lnte!y iufonnetl its ieaJers it on buttered toa8t and servo hot. that' an additional nun1ber of policc1nen I B-atte1~ Eggs, ilfittens, Socks, ancl a.nd G-enera.l .Ad.vertiser I !'HEP .!.Iu~G THJ~ Hor ~ni::us. -·I'\ o'er excavate, but always build your bedH above th ~ ground, for tho 1eason that cucuu1be1B require a large · ao1ount of ,,rater; and if a pit is dug-, that1vhich DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. KOBBIS' s. F. HILL· ·- - - - - CARRIAGE SHOP. ONLY are to be placed in the most exposed parts of the town, to prevent tlie robberies " '} 1ich buppened lust 'v1nte1.' Of all the prctt, little SOllgS [ Ju1\"C ever suug, '.hat i.:; one of the best "hii.:.h w1ncla up-=.. If n.t firet you don't succeed, 'l'ry, ti·y again. To keep Hanw 1,i Swm1i'tc1'. - Cut in slit:eb aHd tl'im off tho rind and outsidl' ; fry it about half as much a,<; you '\'onhl for th<' table. l>ack it tightly iu jars ; pour ovor it th e fat that ha!! beeu fried out of it, cloEo the jiir tight, set it iu a cool place, and when used, 1:.'1ve it t~ .eccor~d fi·ying befoi·c scrvin,g up. "li.~ iory-day The celebrate.l Hendersoll the actot was se1don1 known to be in a passio11. 'Vlien at Oxford, be \VHS one day debating "'·itb a felJow-student, 'vho, not keeping his te1n- ., Paddiny .- Half a. loaf of Btu.le per1 thre\v a glns.s of ,vjne in his lace. ~Ir. IIe11dersou took oi:tt Lis lu~ndkurcbief, '" i ped his face, and cooJl_y &Lid, " 1l'hitt 1 sir, '\YEH~ n. <ligres$ion ; UO'W for the nrgu1n c11 t." bread ~caked in a qus,rt of milk,; four e.!fga, four ta.blel.! poonfuls of flour; ~ little fi·uit, dried or f:re~h, i.s a great a,dclition. Stean1 or boil thr!C·fonrthB of non hon1'. Scr\'c with the folIo,viug sauce : A Professor of logic at lhc l~rii\· e:rsiLy of Edinburg once asked a pupil ,,.J1ile illuatrating eollH) sc1f·cvident propositiou, " 1Vi1icS(tucc " without ll'inc. - Butte1·1 sugar a.ud 'vatcr, thickened \Vith a little coru·sta.rc}l a.nd fla\·01·ccl 'rith lcn1on c:'l:tr.u.:t or l1J1non jitice and rind. J. i lu1t (A FaiH'V JJi.~h.) -- 'l'ake half a dozon eggs, ~uakc .'l.. hole at one ~end and "Ca.u a inan seo without eyes 1"- " Certainly," said the puµil.-" I-low, sir P' cried the e11raged professor. "Pray: air, ho'v do yon niakc that out 1"--" Ile cau sec with one, Bir," replied tJio pupil. u You. can tlo u,nytUing 1t JOU have pa· t.ierice," said au old uncle, who h<1d 1uatle 1t :.I'u 'make. H H en ' ~ fortune, to his nephew, who 11ad ncndy epent one. "'Vat~r can br. ca1·t·1eil in a Rieve, if you only ,,·nit. "- " flow long?" Sa rtt'c foi· t he < tboi'C 1' 1 ~dd-1. ng .- Oue cn p of hut· aaket.l the petulant spcul1t1n ift, \Yho w'as tcr, one cup of tiug~w , yolk of oue c~g; beat to· 1 impRtient for t11e old 1na11 s obiLuaiy.- gethcr aud stir in oue cup of boiling \\atel' J_,ct 11 rfill it frceteS !, ' ' \\' LLl:l t~l! cool l'el?ly. , iL 0on1e to a !;oil} :.uid ,,,h~n 1endy i·> l' ll f:i e: f1ayo1· ein1)ty the shell~ ; fill them 'vith blanc rn:ingc ; when :,otifi and <;old t <\ke off the shells; lemon riud v.:ry, boil in water till tcnd(:l', then ·cut in thin stt·ips to rt-i: t:mble ah-a\\' , and p1ese1·ve in E!uga.1· i fill ti. dt.!ep dish half !nll of jelJy oi· uice coltl ..:ustard, put t he egg~ .iu nn<l ln.y the st.Tlli\\'s, ncst·like, tt1ou1ul then1. A Merchant h,l.vil1g a consiJer· to taste. .A. nkc <lei>~crt i1:1 nm.Uc by filliug coffu~-eu}J f:I loosely with at1·e,vberries, antl polU'1ng· over them Gra.hrun Aollt', 111us11; or instead, thicken J aLle loss, Ucslred hie son I1ot lu 111ention 1t to anybody. The yontb pro1nised silence, but at the same tilue l'equested to kno\v ·whata.Jvantage could attend it. "If you divulge this loss," said the Juther, "\Ve ijhall have two e'·ils to support 1nstcad of one-ottir own g1 i"f aud th e joy of oui· 11 ciqh- bnrs. " sweet boilil)g milk to a consist ency which is t.11in enough to fill the interstices bet1\~ccn the 1Jel rie:::., n.nd yet thick ei1ot1gb t.o be finn '"hen i::n~l. 1'u1 n ont and serv e 11p wit.h cre nn1 aud .A BAD B1lnC, AIN. - An lowtl papel t::ay s sugri.r. thR.t t\ 111an in the Ha,ykeyc ::ltatei \\'ho b'fah 1'Jitl c1 ·.:; .- ·Tak e the re1nains of L~ny .fish had a wife who could do at least her \dtich ha.a been !:lt::rvc<l tllc preceding day, re1'hare of talking, agreetl, a few 11:ontl1S ago, IllOYl' all t he bones, toll or it well l\(i..x to give lier th1ee llollars !l week to u1a1ntan1 Con1pnrativc silence, deducting one cent for each snpe1fiuou3 word t he ntierl'd. She DO\V O\ves hiin cuuugh tu lay the national 'leht. togcthm· l1a.lf a teacupful of sweet n·cu1n 'vith two well-beaten eggs, o.nchovy i; .~uce a.ud pepper; add bread crumbs and n1n.shcd potatoe3 - equ.?.l qun.ntities- enough to 1n~"Lke a. prapet consistency, cut or inouhl into small cake~ n.u d fry in but t er or ]arU. S 1,-r1tM/.;lu l POI: (A f/ou 1 l D1dl). - -] 1'reshen, by In a ca1.;e of great hr1t a (io11, one of the cou11sel. usually a 11iiltl aJJil a1nial1le gert tletna.n , became so r.i1u1.:h exL:ilcd ns lo r;ch e a sheet of pnpe r, a11d tillO\V it v1olcntly hil:! ach ersrJ'),·, exclai.1i111g, '· 1'here, now, sir, co11::i1t.ll'r yourstjlf at:rta:k. "- " \~ery \VCll/' rtphed. the other, V .'ith in11wrtu1alilc ·'on1posurc, '" I do ; und yuu w1ll please to " ro1un·a . er yoursc lf·11 /5 lO · ' 7 1llit.:r1'l, th e will) a.ud (·xtiavu.guut Duke of Buckinghatn, Wt18 l:'<tyiug- one cfay to a f1 icnd, " I ain dfl'fud I t3 1J llll L1 ie a begg-ar at j !!oaking, some tueo so.It po1k; cut itinto n1outh- Ibre.'.tk into the pan 1\·ith the pork fro1n Bix to twolve eggs (:i.ccording to tho arnouut de::iired); i;tii· then\ quickly with ll. foi·k mixin"" the · po1k 0·while whiter. aud yolks thoroughly. If the fryiug has giYen out much fu.t, tl1uin it ofl bcfort> serving. 1t-Ieanly potatoes- baked 01 boiled- nG uriJly seryed with tl1i~ di sh. 1 fuls and µa1 t1y fry it. Just b~f01 o it .is done, l1.1:1t, '\Lich i.:; the n1t.>1:1 t teniLlr. thing in the I wo1kl:'--" Upon n1y word, iny ]ord," said h is fl'if'n<l, 41 t l1 l're H another thing Lnore tt>rrible, \\ hi('h you ht~ve renr:.on to uppreheutl, a1id that i:-, that yon w1ll lii·6 a beg· gar, at tla: rate you go on: 1 Rapid Eatmg. . A. 1eccnt writer, treating of Rus3ian c11::..to1us, gives us some fncts 'vhieh deprive the An1 enc1.1J.1 s of their exclusive elaiu1 to t he h.'.'Lbtt of rapid eating. Th e Rtt'Jsian takeH one-third of hh n1eal lftctnd,inJ at one table, l'.!1tl then fliW <lown at a.nother ta.blc to finish; both opeH-1.tions being despa.tched with all possible e.xpc<lition, eating being the onl)· thing 'vbich tb Rus;::ian does in a. hurry. "r.uncheou bars ' 1 are .said to be almost as bad for healtJ1 ns liquor bar8. The mischief of rapid, c~ting is enhancod by t\n erect posture. No doubt a gn~at deal of tho ·· indigestion" no'v so gonerl~lly complained o f, results f101n hasty s'.vallowing of food. 'l'ime sav ed .in such a \Vay ia 'voriSe thn.n tirne lo,,t. Literal Answers ' A lady noticell a hoy sp1inkli11g salt on t!1e pave1nent to take off the ice, a~1d rc1narked to a friend, pointing to the salt, "---N o,v,thaCs benevolence. "-" N<J, it ain't," said the boy, so1newl1at inJignantly ; "it's salt.·) So, ,,·hen a lady asked her servantgi1l if the man cleaned off the snow with a.ln.crity, lhe replied: "Xo, 1nu'am, he used a shovel." 1'he 1mn1e literal tul,"n of iuin<l inalic~oualy, is somcthues used intentionally, and, per- haps, a. little nnq thus Uecomes Eifectr; of ' the property of wit instead of ultmdcr. 'T hus \Ve hear of a yery polite anJ imprcsssive gentlon1an, w110 S[lid to a youth in the street, '· Boy, 1nay I inquire \Vbcre Robinoon's, the che1nbt's, i:;? "--"Certainly, s1r,·' replied the boy, Yery rc·pectfully.-" Well, Tobacca Smoking Children· an1ong my Iu.d," said Zinc Poisoning. by an a.scetie, rniddle-aged liit1y 'vith, "Bo) I want to go to Dover Street."'·--" Well, In the Ji:nirual of C!tonietru '\ n f,ucl repor~d 1na'a1n," said the boy, +:why dou"t yon go ~case of cht·onh: poisoning, "~·llluh "'a.f'I then 1" One <lay, up the Than1es, a party tra~'l to tl1 e use of a, submerged galvan1zed of gentle1nen s(rollh1 g on the bunks espied a. little fella'\\' dangling a line over the sidC cf a lJoat. " 1-Inlloo, boy ! " snid 011e of them ; u what are you doing?'-" 1::..isb· jng," c:UJJ e the ar:trWeT.- r: "'\'Vell, of eourse," said the ge1itlcman ; "liut "'hut 110 you catch ?11- 11 ]:;'ish, sir; y.-ha~ do you s'posc ? " the gentlen1aui after wai.ting awl1ile, "where is it? "-"I have not the slightest iJea, your honor," said the urchin. 'J'here was another boy, " ' 110 W3S ai.:costed A skillful experi1nent comes to the fol!owing t.:Onclnsion ~n the toxic action of tubru::co : 1st, The pei'l.liciou.s effects of tobacco upvu cbil<lr~n are incontcetable i 2d. The use of tobacco ca.uses pallol', pa.lpit!\.t.ion a.nd troubles of the digeatioll. 3<l. Children a..ddicled to tobacco are of h1ferior intelligence, and 1L t ai:itc more or lesa Ilronuunced for strong is applied tv tho plants will ~ettle uHclcr tl1c beds, Causmg the manure to rot and the hca.t t~ subside. A lways use fresh 1:1tn.blc ma,nui·c- thn.t whioh has not forn1entcd. If several fra.111c~ are to be used, di·iHv the 1nanuro to ·where tl1e bed8 to be made, making a long w·inrow, 1 care being taken tu prevent c~eessiYc heat. The mannrt: should not over four days in the rows wit hout being aha.ken up witB a fork. r.~y out the bed one footlargor in every 1vay tha.n the frame. Shake the mruiui·c Ci\re· fully, and beat down firn1ly and evenly with tho back of n. fork, lJut never trta.d on it with tho feet. I ishoul <l as soon think of walking over tho sash n.'l o'e1· the mD..nurc i.11 my lu·t·bed~. So1no mn.y think this of n1inor in1portanr.:e ; but ha.Y· ing tried both plans, I h1~ve become 1mti.sfied that a. hot-bed nUde in this "'ay 'vill h"at longer and give bettrr Batisfaction. The depth of the. bed .should be at least t\\'O feot when fn1b"h<id, if made oa1lv in the -season, although there is little to be -gainecl in mu.king th~1a before. the 15th of J'cbru:i.ry, for one must the light nnd. heat of th~ l!Un to raise cu· cmnbcrB successfully. As soon as the beds an.· 1 place the frame aud aaeh on them, audru:i the Lcat i·ises give n. little 'eiitila.tion. It f>hould iemain thirty-six hou1a or more be· fore the soil ie put 011, '"hid1 ahould consist of ono·tbird .,, ell rotted n1anurc and t..11·o·thirds of sa.udy 10:1.w,·well mixed togPthel'; tho soil sl 1ou1d be eight inchef:i deep. Plttut the seed in four-inch poti;, pnt ting h1 o or six. in each; then plunge thetu into one i.·nd of the f1 a1ue \Vhen the plants begin to KrOW 1 bank up a1ound then1 every three or foul· daya ; this 'dll Ci\U SC ne'v roots to shoot out front the CO\'ered ste1Da. '\Vlieu the pla.nts ha\·e g1uwn six iuch·,;8 long, ta1. . c the1n h·om tl10 pct;, and t rausplant into the fra1ne. I ur n utlly p lace two plant!:! in t11c i.:entc1· of each enJ i:ia:: ilt and out! i11 each of the ot hers ; la.y thti 11lant8 do,vn, coYerin;; the sten1 11p to the l<!a\'es. Choose a wat 1n .,. da.y fol' tra.n ~plnntiDg-, as tha plants arc v.;ory t ondcr, nnd should be ca1efn~ly protect ed while being c u.rt icd fro1n fi·~mc to frame. ..:Uter the _ vhie~ have g1·own eight':3Cll indieH, they Bhould be lnyered tlutt j~. six 01· eig'l1t inchca of the vine cotei ed ·w ith eoiL A~ the vine6 ad· vance, th0 lerives will touch the gln!)B; the sa.<il1 may then b e ra.i~etl by placing n. s tono or a bloc').; of wood undm each co1nel'. I nsu.nlly i:;ow, ;.\t the srune ~i1 nc I pla.nt 1ny cuc1nu'Uei· s<..~ed, so111t! Sih:bja. lettl1ce 1 a.lso .son1e olive-shapcJ. radisbea . .A.s sooll a:) la.rge enough these ru:c transplanted in t ho bed, leaving- a vaC:l.nt place n. foot square iu tL e t:lo'ntre of eac.h r;a!:l11 for tl1e cncu1nbe1-::;. T :\lways q-ct t'vo crops of radfahei:i Lefore the v i1ici,; begin to r1.1n, and as soon ,is this occura, the bed should bu cleaned, a,n(l il1l Ucad leaves n·1uo vecl, and the ;;round ,vm kod over with a hoo or rake. W.ul'BlU.N G. - 1 know oI no '\: cgetahle that rcqufrer.t a~ much \\D.ter :1:0 the .':ucumh0rs; nucl wheu one intendR to grow it cxtensivoly, thlli should. ieceivc cu.teful att~ntion. J use the con1n1011 wa.teriug pot; though if one has a fol'ce pu1np ~~nd hose, the watering mu1 bo don(l 1uorc r:tpiJly, and at less GXpense. I speak no\\' of watering in the sun1mer, when tlic water docs not re<1nire wanning. .Alwn.ys water in the o.fternoon, couuo.encing a.t about fuur o'clock ; close the sashes nUer 'vatcring; the plantl:i '1 ill , then be cb·y by u 101ning, which is the usual 1 tiinc for picJdng tho cueu1nbers 'l'.i':PlD YVA'lKR.-:Th-Iake a bed th(;J t;:u.u1e a s for a fra1nc; on this pln,cu t\~o bonrd:s crostiwise ; pl.tee u. hogshead 011 the boanls, then cover the whole with f1 e~h n1annre. As the heat subBides remove the old, eovcling ~dth fresh inru1u1·c M bc:tlui e I use a la.rgc shef't·iron funnljl in the top, a.ntl ~i, la.l'gO fnucct to dra"' the wa,tor ati wanted. \ri:::1'1T!LA'l'ING .--1l'hit1 U! a. very hnportaut point, and requiree u. g1·eat deal of judgment ns well M practical experien(·u, bef1J1·e one can be n, successful g:l'ower of this vegetable . A.t a ti.Jue of yoar ,.,·hen Einow stortus are frequent, und tho bet.Iii ha'"u to be ooyerecl with mats t\~O or three da.ys in succeBsion, t11e viucB 1Jecomc tender, and I have often to k~ep two 1neu bu;)y rafoing :<,,ncl lo-wering the s~rnhes. \Vhen the sun was shining brlght, the sasheii '\ere l'aised; when in n. cloud, they 'veni lowt.1rccl j but this seldom occurred. I u~ually i;ivt! a Iittla ventilation at niuc o'doeJc in the m', increasiug as the day grows " 'a1·n1er, thou;;h cucrunbei~ will stand a tcmµe1it.ture {101u 8(>° to 110°. As I tw.i<l 1.iefo1·c, ·we gain "\ Cl'y little hy maki11gbotbeds too early, Ueca.utic nearly ~i,Jl the flowcrf:! Will be lllales, n.nd it is in1po1 tatJ t that \\"C giVU vcntil.'.'Ltion foL· the p11rpose of sca.ttering the p olku from flower to fio,~·er. If the ,..-cather does not permit of this, it 111a.y sometin1c~ be aivisn.b1c to scn.tteL' the pollen by hand, that Li, by c 1 ~tting ofi the s~:ti:1inatc flowers, rt1~rl .shnk- ' ing tJvnu over the pistilhttc,:tl.t hough t h1$ i i; ael· I (wee! ol the Ontaiio Bank.) King Street, Bowmanville. -o--, .l n'HE. eub.!cri.b@:r fa prepared lHtlr to build and re- il'dliJ;J I 1 I Wngons, Buggies, and Cutt~1·s, m·onable tm·rn·. 75 CENTS per ANNUM, of e\·ery desc-l'i1Jtion 1 at s11ort notice, 1tndGn Ce.rriages Painted a.nd Trimmed. open to-day. A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1ni6e!!, "\~ere i11 ADVANCE !l'pecial nttentii."ln is given to nll ; Cnrriage work, and Generru Jobbing. GROCERY DEP ARTM.ENrr I will Ile found, a.s usuul, well supplied. l All work do1w at this l sfribl-ishmcn iccwninted. A call ia resp6ctfn11y solicited. I .T. MORRIS. A large )mported Stock of I lJowmanvil!e, Oot. Jst, 1860. FRESH FIELD, AND GARDBN' SEEDS _ _ . __ _ . - -- - - -- - - -· -- Just received. Bowm1111ville, Sept. 21st, 1871. l ly AS ·usUAL - - 0- - Tm: OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denominatiou, one of the best Family P.ipers printed in the Dominion) clubbed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollnr. s per amrnm, in :iclvance. For the best and chea1lest ' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, THE GREAT REMEDY FOlt a:nd acknowledged by many iiromment physicians to be the 1nost Uohablo !'reparation ever introduced for the RELIEF and CUJ:tE of all 1 COl{NER AHEAD, ADVERTISE CONSUMPTION rrhis well~known Is to LUNG COMPLAINTS. ren1cdy offered tlle public, aanctloncd by the cxpcr1 rnce of over forty years, nnd when resorted to iu ncnsuu, seldom fall!lo to effect a Bpeedy cnrc of BOOTS & SifOES, a;nd Clothing made to order m first-class style, go to JN TEIE Coughs,Colds, Croupt Bronel1itis, In· !luenza,Whooping uough, lloai·sc. ness, Pains or Soreness in the Cliest and Side, Bleedingnt the Lungs, Llve1· A SUIT OF Complaint, &c. by a timely resort to this etnnda.rd remedy, a~ ts provOO by hundreds of testimon1al11 Ni.:eivect CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by the pro,prletor5. do~s J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, Good 11weed For $10.50. - - 0- l\f.ERC HA_ NrI1 'n·eprn·atiuus, brit it looaens (lnd cleautH'S the lungs, tin.d allays tri·itation, tllltS 't'ctnovtnu the t::ausa of the ctnnplalnt. nnt dt'tl ttp a. Cough, and leave tltd .cau.·rn be11tad,, as i.a the case with '1u1st DR. WIST AR'S BALSAM OF WILD ~HERRY I 1 GET YOUR CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all thoso who3e occupntion requires nn uu~ \u:;ual exercise of the YOcal orgwe, will llutl tJns the ONI.Y PitEr.\nA .r IO!; wh1£h will ctrcctuill:r and lnatantaueously relieve their dtffi culti~s. Tyron.e, Nov. 2ml. J8i'J. ne,vare of Cou11terlelts. 1 "I. .B U1'TS, ' lM printed ,nrnne c.~the pro; pi·ittori u SETH JV. ItO 1VLE <f· RQ,,_VS, JJO!J· 1'0N." 'All of.hers are luue bnUations. Bxrmi· in' tM urapper carrfully before purchas!n!J. Wer that tlie genuine 1Vistnr 1 s Bahm.: Re111e1 1 litu on the outside nwapper the signature of I Ono Dollar· J\Jttle. 8!l &!ties for J!iie !1-0lfaro. PREPARl!D BY Oct CHIT CHAT. ['l'i:m. J3ra.dy a.nd Mike Flynn] Oct. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, :Boston, Mue., And sold by Druggists and Deaiera gcn@l'ally· · 1871. TIM.- 1871. CORNWALL BLANKETS I DRESS. 'l'ight·fiLting vlothcs arc r. st:rions evil, but a far greater 011e is their unequal c11stri· bution upon the person. One part over- iron pn~p. On inspecting the t.:ondi.tion of the punl_p, 1t '\'n.S found t1lf"-t tlie coatrng over a portion of :he surf~cc~ 'vas entirely ienwved, and ovor tue rema.nicte~· '"'ao cor~oded, r:;o r ~s to be. readily rcn1ove~l 'v1t_h the finger. Ihe prominent sy:inptoms ~ll tl~1s wc:c. hea~ac~r~,. ~a:usca. nncl gn~t~"lC di~tre~, pntn in th(. la1~01 Joints, and. p1:1.1 ~ml prnalyms of the ]owe1· hmbs and the l'tght a rm. n.c covery, even afte1· remov.aJ of the cau~c, 'iVa~ "O'Y ~low ~nd im"Perfect. I 1 I I j I I ! ! clothe<l, n.rnl another not half clad, iH very comn10u conllition, especially an1ong \V01nen arid children. \\7 ornen are go\·ernecl by fo.shion, childrc11 ,uc govc1 uetl by \\'O· ment and it is the gi:eat resources of fashio11 to produce ne1v effects by piling 011 the te~ tures, 110\\' here and now there, and by leaving other parts exposed. If the declared purpose were to ind nee <liseaKe, no surer and more effectual way could be fuuud to do it than this. The dcrangemeIJt cftbe cireulation is tlirect and in1mcdiate ; its healthy equilibrhn1J js destroyed 1 tl1e thinly·rlres.sed parts lose their blood to the most vascular. nnd intc1·nal d er::tngen1cnts gi\·e rfae to va rioua chrouic lioJily mlmento. of I able bu~iw.:ss, I ma.y 1>1:ate t hat fron1 tlic one l h1u1ili ed a11d thirty s:u;h, we picked and sold ele , ~ n thou:-,and cubumbe1g, 'l'hc largciitnuni- i Di.'. .A.. R. 'l1l111iuar.i mentionf! a scve i·c case of f ber cut fioni one sash, iu one day, ,vas 22 ))i.'.'Lbetes wl1ich be succef!fJ (ully treated Ly the ~t\ 1Jlage price through .,\ Iny "'ae six tlollars "l;tTILL on or about 1st April next co1n111ence l'l hei· i·cg-uL'l.1' daily trips, ice p~rn1itting,1t~av ~ biinply nwk ing buttermilk tho pa.ticut's sole pi..·i· d o~~ 11 , tlie tot.:i.l receipts for the sea~on ing Cobourg t.1very 1norni11;::: at 7:30. r·ol't Hope article of diet. Se\·e1·al other remedies hnd pre· W "l<ro ~800 Of c:outse the profitfl 1vonld depend a.t U o'clock (or Roc11 ester,connecting there ,~·ith viously bc~n triad without any apparent Lc11cfit.. zvin".!\~hat upon tho pi ico paid for ui.lnnrc Nea.r the l\w cnv Y ode Central. N 01-thcrn Central a.nd The patient took comparatively nothing else New Yoi k where it is '"orth fron1 the to six J ~ rio l{a.ihv:.ty, for all poin ts East, 8outh, :\11d ~outh , . V1.1 £ t. · but. butte~miJk. fo1· f'.lo1?c four 01· fi'i~ 'vce~, ' dollars a c~nl, the profitti would be lesi; thun RETURNI XG. during wluq:h tnne tho. nn~rovement rapid j ,vhe("e it is ,)nly one dollar fo 1· ~ two.hor~e ,..,.as· L eaves Charlotte, Port of Rochester, eY ery and permanent, resulting- in complete rc!ltor:L· I on load, the price p aid by mo. JI. U. I', O;lvening at 9 o'clock, except Saturdays, wh;in tion of health. j _ . · shu leaves nt 2 o'clock p.m., for lkighton di rect. 'fhe stea.nlf~ i· calla at Brighto11 1 l\olondn:ys .?n<l ) 'l1hursdn.y, u.t Colborne every du.y except Vil 1;:1cl· It was mentioned one day to j A the ot. a nesday, at VVhitby, Osh:twa., Dadio gton antl l.iincoln, that t\l.."O young ladies of hia nc.- I very plu1p. \~or11an bcfo_re [L' tinICHSbc flll'~, ~ewcabt1e On YVed:fieroclay, iJmuld freig ht offer. quaiutance h ad qt1arrelle<l, and loaded eac.h j t11e lattc r 'vln_ sperccl to lu1n, .And y,rJiy ~lon t ]Jeale1¥ in stock \\ill find this the ch en:pe>;t and Jbany: I~:oa ton, K e\\' York. olLer v.rith abu:se. 'I-lave they c~lled enc11 , you 1.ty cla1111 t o snch an accou1pl1~bed qui ek e~ t rou te to .A l\ ddref'.ls, other 110-lv l' flaid the President.-· Nn, sir.' ! beauty?'-· ' \Yhut right lnivc· I to her? &c., &c. 11. c. CAltTEn, '{ ery g~od ; t.hcn 1 'vill nnd e1tak e to re· i' said the gc!Jtlcn1ao.-' Evrry righ t, Uy the Port lfope Ont -cor1cile them. )Ct'W ofnailonB; as lhcflist rl1 ('CO't:e.i"&1', Port I{vpe, jyf[l.rch 18thi 1872 23·t£. l:hlttcrmilk~iet.iu th~-Ti·~atment Diabetes. 1 doin llecCB"'.l11'y. I:N'SF.CT.::;. --'l'he insects mol')t tioublesorue to cucinnber "\.illcfl giown in ha.mes fttc the g-1·een fl;v (Apltii<J and the coinmon cucuinber or square bug (G'rn'I':"" t?·tst!~'), The foimer cau n'ailily b~ destroyed by fturrig:bliug with loba.cco ; hut the latter is not so f.lC',S; ly got rid ofiaJlll the u1nst ef· fect110.l 1nethod is han<l. vi eking ~~nd crntihing.By bf·ing euni;to.ntly on the ak1 t , ~he first bug~that era\\·] into the fra1ne s may be lulled aud thcreb~· prev ent :i.ll inc~·easc !n number. . . I hi 1k ti t · 11 eau11g- ~i nt :mn1e inay t t i.t nn:rui.:; cucumb er~ Ior niarket \\ ouJd not bo .\very p1ofi.t· l 1 Daily Line '1'0 llOCH:ElST ER. The New Lake Stea.mer -- I "NORSEMAN" I ,,,.fill "Good morning, Mike, shurn and its ca11y out, yo are. :I.light I be boulcl to ax0 what started yees this morning." Ye see, I was MIKE.- "Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ola111 Tatan's, toulcl, yistercl>Ly, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, ch ape ns durt, nmn; and its meself could hardly slapc a wink, all night, thinking av the the chape goods. And shlll'e enuff, its the full store be 11as- THE GREA'l' FAVORITES. piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the ' makins a1' au illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five ' Uints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- " An slmrc its funning me ye are, Mike; wonldn't the man he afther breaking do wri." 'l'he Choicest Va.riety, MlKE.-" Breaking down, i· it. Shure he knows a thrick wurth two av that. l'll jist tell you whrit it is, Tim, if you want to git :< 1 "Tate name when yourc ded, and be calkd a fiilitntrofizecl, filos- ' ifer, uncl a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours,and the iist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, aud you'll do more for the good av you counthry, than ivcr St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, wh~n he bani~hed all the toads and snakes out a,- it that niver was in it." . TIM.- "l'm much oblagecl to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be ,. grate run, and maybee I'd miss some brtrg:i,ing. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to GOODS IN TOWN. Gray's. I 1 AT l'Hfll the chea1lest I :MERCHANT OFFICE, I Pr~sltlcnt g:en~lcnw.11 p1aisi~ig clinrn~s l I I J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cheap {:ioods. Bowman ville, s~pt. 1870. tf-52 All work executed rn the Late~t Styles, with Neatness and Despritoh a.nd rit Lowe·t Rates

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