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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 May 1872, p. 1

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· · THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Ctt'Cula.tea largely tn the Townshlps of Darhng ton Clarke and Cart vngbt It is a common WEST DURHAM Steam. Job :E'rinting Office, KING STREE1 Bo>I MA~WbLE latform open to the £1-ec discussion of a.11 ques TERMS b ions 1n vl ch tho general publ c are concerned Seventy five cents per annum in ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES OF AD\ .!!.RTISING AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. - - ---.- vOLUME I~I BOW1\B.NVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 17 187' N UMBER XXXIII tier the - - -- -- -- -- - POt>1ERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS L ~EELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. · RR LOSCOMBE · CHANGE OP TIME I r:.1i1 s lcav Bown ~n il c ~tat t me a1:1 .-,llo V!I GOING E :\ST 01 1MllllIS1J J AT LAW SOLICITOR IN CHA NI i,1 £c I IFULL SUPPLY. I Fall and Winter ctoods, AT .:is her ============ I that oue ot thesr. as B n ua a \\I et tie boslees I ad ldt I e1 sl e ha 1 ope 1cd the Trust in God \Vi POETRY I est co '""'t ou Little 1 d I e rn ag> 1e I he ~ rch b ~hop ,l0 lal East ~ccn s to l a\'e set tLc cxn. ntile of s 1:. ot 1 tural 1y a 1pcJ1d ne lampe tlu ouhh it~ princ1 p:il st1 ccts J OFFICE -Ovc1 }fcOlung s St l'e 1:1a ne On. a8 J M Bnmaoomb s Dental Rooms J3owroanVIllc Oct 2 th 1868 ly 1'-1 t eal _______.:__ _ ___ __ ISPLENDlD SE IE<.:1 TON~ of JAMES BIGHAM, ,\j[ GOING \ EST '\fa 1 :\llxed S 35 a m I Pn.<.i~enge 4 lO p m I Mail Paasengu[ 8 o~ I lll I Mt.~ed Moil 9 30 pm Mat! lea.vets Bro hes IIotel for 7 35 a m ll 05 · m 4 30 l Ill ll 2o P in Pamte1 Gl..zier Papar-Hanger &c &c k 11 L· of 01k )1 omptly atte d d to a>J.d sn.tiirlactio guaranteed 2 ti Res <le1 cu- :NeA.-t door cast of the E bJo Chris tan (] urch .L YRONJ TH one Mai~l 8th 1809 .. STORE, pron pt rowa d to th c 11 ) sou to l a.i&o Ihc giatef 1 on 0 of I c11venJy 1 a st" O'\Vn fie ea:sy then _ -~~or Sale, Or ROBERT YOUNG, VETERlNAJiY <HU.DU \.TE OF ONT \.RIO To _Rent SURGEON 'E1 rrRT::-iAR'i COL.LEGE 1tb 01 itho t Seven ru_ d a haJf Ac1 !-'.!!) of a1 J t 1 resent occupic l by Dr Da d5101 l ply o tl c Prem sea o to 0 ' rrHI HOU8tl Outbu1ltlmgs ' 1 010ha1<l 1 " IJ W MCLEOD S, GNERAL fl XC -~-~----- ai B con1 an l surroundm0 co ntrJ tl at he as cRced the I rn.ctice of l s pruf~a onH and ca.n be co isulted s to tl e d seases 0 orses ;ind ( attle v..t Glo" er a Li cry Office Kulg St Bown1anv lie Jan. 4th 1872 141 EGS to info 1n the 11hab tants of Bo vmhni , 1Ue DR D!l.VTDSON 1U e J ly Htl 18 0 C'diug}y cl e::ip 1 FOR CASH, It:EIL:CA.NOE BEAUIIFUL IEETH J 11[ Mutal Life Assurance Society AH or lerB f r BRI.MACOMBB L D S ES'I UH ISHED IS40 1 I Sl JAMESSTREE£MONTRE \L Pl/ · Teeth Extracted at Twenty f '\'e Cents o \};AI :\. CHIEF Orir:rc&s PROMPTLY :EXECUTED Rt1on1s ove1 l\<IcCl ng 13ros Sto es 1 ..Ho :vtnanvtll e Oct 1st 18 0 1 olook ou ~11 tl 1; ri cu of tea :s Of doubts of v..1sl efl hupes a d fea s As some I icl d111g st1a1n th t t ies Ou l scords n.1 d 01 l l rmo1 l.ll'I 'lo th nl lto v mauy a. 1a. nng 8tllllg lhi:i maste hrt 1 tune nay bnr g Ho fu l) to cl l tl e soul of Ir :le ].fay SJ k subdued a.nd iect fie l Jlo taught its nmost self t kno v M :i,y bless the han l vh ch ga. e tl e blo Each root of b tternese remo d Each pln1 t of heavenl\: g1 o Ytb unp1 ov Ins r t d ti is ho "\Vould not raise To heaven L s so1 g of cbee1f 1 t raise" 1 do v of ber <.! nnll a1 artment a d stood before 1t, e JOytng the cooJne>:if; nnd t1esh ness ot the 0 1 tar The s gbt ol ti oft 11 n100 I d l oure<l in s0tt 1atl1a1 ce l a floo<l of l gl t 11 on the qu et 1 ttte room en cU. I er to \1;:a111 with r1atern 1 ten lcr ess to o cc 110 be! ol<l \le cl 1ld she hid I lt \ ch ' d And then she thoa~l t o! hot lu\hful Ifatb wl o she k 1e· "ns at ti at u1on1e1 t ~earclnng for Lei 1n a11 d1r1;ict ons with Ilic J eep st a x1cty She \bou 0 ht f 1101'.Jllotl CI an l l oth ' >-lo cI \ourly expPet1og her'r'et 1ri~t en-.o.ibc nnnge t'.IF h nn l'"oned flt! c pcsente litself to hei n rnd Io n frnn I ei fI m h excited I y I e1 Cen l t aflect n fa tie aid lop ng to obta n ,o · 1 sl tell gc " 01 I er lathei, sl e l t It d I er apu1tnrcnt Sl c had ot a<l \ uce l far in to the pass ge of the r out:ie wl1ch}~1 12,ret and ttcr ]lOstrat1on of st1ength ha! !or t o daJs e cnted h r leav1 " before sLe folt l er d·eS3 gently rullel a 11 ca· I t1 t of a l0 l sc 'le a:.ked :i.n ex1 kn a t101 b t ti c en I est 'o cc on1j r1.;;peated tl e LrO'cnt al ice to c<:!e )Cut o cc I' o w II ot \ e able to see yom lathe ad le 1 tic g rl s if known g the secret ot B Llia illu gne:s.'S to leave the a ljudgel \o pe1p tual 1m lJI sontn<:1 t Save tbJself W1 I grnte.lul ti anks B 1Daia took lea e of tl e ) o ug g d a d q 1 tted \] e c \\ But sbc I cl 1 ot Hikel m01e than a sl 01t d , tunce ou~ in the friendly n1oon slune anx o ·IJ secl g f r a lat! h ch should le"d h r to ~nlzbu1g bP.fore u. JonP.l) ba\eJler :va~ a l\ anc1ng rap clly l o var<ls I e1 Oh t '"'I e1 Hai s ~fter the fi1st l rst JO\ of lelI) t at ti en ic 1 on ail heo1 tfelt tl i kf lnc·· to Provide me !01 the per 1 sl e lad c·c 1pe l the fa tht 11 pa » hapJ !)Te un ted p uc,;eed 1 oo ll ~ r ho1ne \:ar] JOur ne\ It ' as ti " pau tl at tl e baron sa as he gallo1 cd crass tl e bt <lge CU.AP IEH. X1 ult! ot oh 111 boe 1 " tb ti c deer est fana Jc sm at tl c times felt a truly pntc1nul aff to1 tor lni:; subJ<:1,; ii alC{ wa.s shocked when lte reflected on what 1 e call Tbf 1 ost ex er iel bcart or ~10und its I u bl c b' !dings Con8ton\ ie or e1ed ~on.tnntrnople to be illun mted one, tr.} astc C\e w·1th l1un1s ] ax can !le, \ll Egvpt as h gt tet! 1P with In I era iloa 1 0 ou tcst:ie1s of o 1 at tbc fea t of Isis and Ron1e received Cicero alle1 the flight of Cotal ne \\!tit" tl l lay of! nt JM fU d torcl es Y ct the practrcu of l r.illt1 t"> up u. "'hole c1ty at 1 bh seetn~ 111 Jact The tipcake \\as ly l 0 o:i a straw 111aLtress o i ti e JI 01 ai l he looked u1 suuU 1g mto h s sl5te1 s face S 0 e I er I 01 l s:ud the ci ster pro luc ing tl c caJc~s These are the vc ' ) t <l you 1 kc D 1t thats not all she tuu llJJhon!h 1 rodt c 0 I l IJ look at tl 1s · J 1st 1nod£::rn invention Pa l or cl 101 dot I ~ I DIRECTORS \\ \J r.n 8 1L'0lLY Esq t_}1 P Cha DUNC \N ifACI ON.A.LD .t.isq ~:IAJon. I ll C'AMPBJtLL B St 'l'IIE IIor;:oBABLE JOHN HAMILTON R. n1a.u rAILOR MA.DE JN THE H hme Hawks r.nANT Also;i1 t fvr U e 'vell kno ;\-"J1 GeJltlemen s & B<>Y s Garmen~s ~EWEST STYI,ES Bo-wn1an'\i Ue J ly 27 1869 RESIDENI SECRETARY lIIE E~TllE P.EtOFlTS burg, 0Dt JAMES SPECIAL FEATURES. belong to and m-od \:ld cd amongst the Pol. .cyl alders LI\ ES DECLINED DY OIHEU FIRST·PRIZE WANZER StWINC MACHINE, ·t MANUF~CrURES Enn liik lien No-.; To feel dee n g <la) by day - CHARLES TOD, Co tIPANlJ::S or 0 PRICES 118 t..f a:n.EAD A.ND :!3ISCtl':C'l' BA.KER. \EAR "'h1ch an ext a Prm uum. uo ld be rcquVI ed czm be assured a.t tl'l.t 01di ia'y ratu of this Society unde a ape al a angC1nent Si ~CIA.L NON } ORFEITJ.Bt.E POLlCES lSSUCd under wh1ch only 10 lv or 20 Annual Pay ments are reqlured each payment f!euur1ng a Polley for n. sum assured p101 oltlona.ta t.o t1 e n1mb rofp cmumapa1d anlf eef o t f1tu e vay ien~ of pre-i l 1 $ J\,fouicR.ATlll PREJ!IUMS <iJ d mv~t hLo M con d t1011s. Prospectu~cs Prot oaal .Form!:! &c isu1 i lied on ap1 lie ~t on ::i.t tl c Head Uffiee or ai of tl e Ao:oeuc1ea 18'"0 DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT THE Bowmanville Drug Store p 0 91 OliFICE J HIGGINBOTHAM, inost ret-1r ootf uU J tender b s s n WOULD ccrfl thanks to his num rous fr1ends and custo1ne19 and to the publ c for the very 1 beral su1 IX> t l c has 1ece1ved s nee his commencing in b s1ncss nnd hopes by cont n e l stnck pe1 sonal a.ttent1on to b smess and offer ng nothi g but tl e purest art clef! a.t tl e most reasonable I nces to 01 sure a. cont1n1 ance of 1 ibhc pa.ti oDage J H ould call e1 ec :i, l ttoJ tion to his very SUJ cr:ior stock of BOWMANVILLE 01<lel's P nctu Uy \.tten led 'Io Oct lst. 1870 }'\ nl Each harsher murmur die a av And semet sp1 ngs of JOY a. se lo hgbte1 up the ve~y eves .A band ll'nsible to f ~l 'V ot nd ng WIth ki 1 l design 1o heal In c ery bitter dru.ught to th nk Of Him vho learn d that t.:UlJ to d1 nk Again and oft n to lo 1 In rapture o \ that blesacd book Whose sooth ng words procla rn to theo That as t1 y da:,: B thy st.rt>n,,, th sl all be Then \1ilth chnllg d he t and steaUfast m nd High heaven before the ea th behu d Thy path of rain aga1 i to tread Till en1th rece ves tl y wea ied hadO blessed lot who 'ould n t 1a1se lu life or death the 1:1on"' of p a se ~ E1 lLl r AUCTIONEERS Fo1 the Township ot Dai lingtofi. JAMESGHAN1 'Rea Secretary LITERATURE I-I I PHILLIPS HAMP ION rfla5on AGE'.'H l OR BOWMANYILLE C BARKl R Obse1 er Office K1ug St DYESTUFFS, wl cl are au e to gi e 1 e best satl fact \. v.:ell ac)ectcd fltock of 01 The Exiles of Salzburg THIULlIN iro111tatte to1f.p cnto sal ~J le terms 23 ly Do vm nv llc T in1.1 24th 1870 a SKEtCH OP IHI l'EUSEOCIION · Wm.. Barton, EiC~ P.APEB BAGS A.L :M:OXTREAL PIUCES E H :'-10\\ A COMPLEIE a8'01t W r ent f I a1 er Bags \ h1cl we ' i'Jell at Montiea Pr ccs. lhl"paper thebestq_ual ~YE lll fl DIUJffS OHE'lUO.ALo ~t TIIE i, A[Dli:N SE~ Oli~P'IKR xni JSKlLLE 1f S ::.leis p1 uruptly atten le 1 to on rea.w ab c tel'n a PATEi'\1 1lllDIOINBS BRUSHES C011IBS SHOLLDERrBRAOES (Co t rn I ) Mrs. 0. :BO't.TNSALL, "\on !\{otz ls \CXnti n at tl l o u 1:: }r.;)ll.lf.l er cot ntc1 vas too sho 10 t be 1 C\t:itered B now or en ng a cl oice select on of 1'EA1'llEJlS KING SI BOW111<\.NVILI,E EGS to anno nee to t 10 p bl c that shi;; ity a.utl ve guarantee that st ck togethe1 'lhe follo rng IS 1101 -f e of the BagFi is the SUPPORTERS Etc Etc ke1 t (.:OJ Jl01fNBTS HATS RJBBONDS FLOH EllS PRICE LIST PER lOOC No l st ntl) on l ai 1 nu VELV.hl& est pos ~fILLINEJIY · 2 0 S zl;) J\.I~1ulla. ol by 7 9 JG n gt.mer al . . tuch ' ill Ue sold ::it the 1 s blc pr ce :l 7 8i Bi 9o l 30 Bio n 90 J 20 1 bO Ol'LS PAINT COLORS V.AR1'iIHSES and Tf HITE LEAJJ lowest l nces. 4 6 7 8, 8~ 11 2 00 2 30 ]I) 13 12~ 1 15 17 17 280 3 30 300 10 8iTh B l et ot Stra v B et:. cle.antid ~c a.ii sual tf 11 ua v Ile Oct 1st 18"9 8 10 12 14 20 25 30 No Jlarnaa:e Licenses, ISSUED 1S1: - - - -- 11 12 ll 14 14 14 u 420 ~o 18 21 23 19 5 80 u 60 740 9 80 11 90 14 00 s o5 10 00 1150 Horses and Cattle Medicines 3 30 3 75 N B -Country Sto1el eepcrs suppled on the ., oon a1 d Uc I l ndt red by ruffi.a 1>:1 o e' e11 4 3o most a.dvanta.gooua terms. \\ orse ru1bbt h :tpp n 4 9o A cl o ce select on of L t\.1'IPS fo sn.lti cl e p No no "" \ \on !fol el Hnlatcl l y 51'0 Bowmanv1lle Dec 9 1868 f 111 6 60 tlll· frnstrntw 1 ol Ins i I u, 1 co Id not thu k of letu n ng tl ec irorr1 such a occ1 e of j(·iCt' ll pe aol' s v.ho contemplate malt urr con But I shall lo 11 lye JO) it ttacts 'v1th cws1 a.1 e1a fo tl o us rt on of yuun 0 1na11 If I take tl cc bucl VJth I e A lve1 t1sen1ents should send to make no co1n1 la 1 ts therefore 2 20 2 o5 3 00 at the H:i1y aid he nns ered sl an h I felt unwell auJ I h·ve theiclo1c come out to breathe the frt!sh n r n. short "alk I hope will reruO\ e n1y tll 1es-= nnd rcsto1e ine to her con11 an) 01 then peur t no Lo attent! ti ee ret 1rned the otl et I hope l y that n em" to merit the tha1 ks o! thy beaut1iul m1o tre:.:is ] or alvuc tl on n11ghtest fall into a TO A.DVEitTISEitS ! Geo P Rowell & Co ROBERT ARMOUR Bov; mauvillB Dec 10 1869 \\ HITE n A BAGS ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS Liveipool Lonclo 1 oncl Glcisgow tl 30 10 2 751 2 8~ 11 3 2!1 Sole Agent between Port Hope and loro ito N B Flour Sacks lD. Stock i t · ~~ Size A l b;r g1 L& f ONE HUNDltllD PAGE PAMPHLET conta n ug L sts of 3 000 N ti spape1s and esti mates shov.u g the cost of adve t fl ng llh!o n a y scf 1 b nts to adve1t1sers and some lLC count o{ tho X.PC eoce., of rr e ho are known as SUCCESSFtrL ADVERTISERS The (i rn are J?IOprietors of th An e11can )le vspn.1 er h:dvertismg Agenc~, and are possessed of u e 1ua.le 1 farulit t.JS 01 se curing the insext en of ad ~rti~ements 111 all Ne .spar era and Ptlr od cahs at lo Vl:':Bt r[\;tea ~l a. C1rculn.r or enclose 25 cei ts fo ti e F O:rt Ttckets 01 ll f \ ma.t on n2ply to C BARK.EH ii. NEAJJS A~e t Bowroa.11 ille June 9tl 1871 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF IONDON (Established 1803 Hl!IAD 01!.EICES - 1 Old FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN NMAN LINE of Royal Steamers ·a l I 1ng fron1 !\ e" York e ery Sat trday and -very Thursda) 11ckets sold to and froin ~fail Park Row New York, Pnll Mo.ll London Broad St and GENERAL -\GENCY l!Oil CA:N \.D\. - 24 .,. St England -Ireland an l the Continent at as lo v Sacrament Montreal r&tel!I a.s by any otht.J line YELLO\\ LEES & QUICK Agent Subscnbed and inve.sted Cai tnl a id Reserved No1iembe Hl 1871 CORN FOR SALE W1shrng the tronble·ome fop al tl · bot tom ol ti e sea Motzel proceeded acco 1 pau c l b) I IS lormento1 ' ho folio cd h n like Ins ·hado \ Irr tated and pe1 plexed he at lei gth slopped before ti e I o ,c l \\ l 1ch he bod pluecd Birl a Heir Rhellllgen be srnd ad hess1ri 0 lns con1pan on n u lee almo::it choked \\i than 0er l a\e tl ck 1 <l1 ESS to \alt Jor n e l ere a short t1 ne I ti <l that t 1e fre8h air has 1 ot re1110\ eel n1v in llspos1t1on I wish to cunst lt Ill} pl \ s1c1an "l o ln es n this house Th~ phi Hcmn '\on Motzel I What m tl is bot se I su1<l the othe with VJS1ble incredulity- thv phys1e n lodg nh in so mean an abocle I Hea1 me Baror Aatd th e ) outh, semi g fa t hold o! h m I kno v the characte1 thou Lcarest 1. l iue evident conf 1s1on and va1n atte1 l t to Ue ce1ve u e by a falschoocl co iuce tne tLat Bovo man ville TohnG Dale J5Broad a.y Ne,vYorl Fund £1 966 000 Sterling Funds invested in Canada- 105 000 Bo" manv11le June 9th 18 l Insurances loss by Fire are effected on the most favorable terins and lossea paid "-Ith ol t reference to tho.,Board 1n London. ~~---~-----~---=--- WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall T0 THE PUBLIC 1ng Tl c I ape1s fun l 1po1 the I ' "o ei a1 <l 'h ch p·o\ed vltho1 t lo 11 t tl at man1 tho at ls 1 ad en brnce l ti c potestant faith oc as1oneJ no s nall coIJ stei nat1011 at the c l t ol ~alibu1g AUo\ e all t.L tngs rt '~ :i.s lee n1ed neces::i:n.ry to n~ce1 trun ' J ether tl e lo 1g 1 et f s gnaLutes ete vol ntarv 111. l' J etl er the iefra to1y a l~ect eic r Jly i:o nt uerous as tlie\ appear d lo 1e f10m tbe doc o el t It ' as 1 ot tl ougl t adv saUle to en1ploy Joice tberef.or.e 1ecou1::se was 1 ad to m ll rice The crafty chancellor rcro e Chast u \ on 'Ra!I together w ll 01 Hhcl1 0 cn mu sball o! th e pr nee 8 1ou<:.ehold and one SEC il 1r therefore re paned to the several nrdensh1ps of the mot nta1 a prom sing re<lresc: to all \vl o col ld llege ' ell g10 ndcd c iuses of cont 1 la.1 t 0 1 \he loth of J 1h 1731 they alfl el at Werllcn where mult1tndes of the peac:ian ry cont1n1 allv flocl 1ng to them de declared ' the full confidenca of Jartb!ul hearts tl e1r l1sconte 1t the intol erable files of thcjud1cnl ti b !lals and t tie o;:>p css1 e cl arnes fo1 f net l,;i as L\ll 1s other cccles asL1c ll tlcr 1ands 'Ii csc t1 rce d st gu le 1 pe1 01 ages b la eel so Jundl\ ' d uff·blv to 01 ls tl c complamants " o l nd been a<.:c.usto1 d o 1 ly to the contcn1pt nou s tie ttu1cnt of the r ' ardens tbat the.) sobn 10 ten confitlc1ce '>.tie 0 th Yon Rall p tt tho 1n st10u to the1 1 whether it vt as ti ue tt at u1any of tl em hnd cletl'.rnnued to lo "8kc !l" ch uch "Inch alone !forded tl t: rncans of sah atloi1 After some hes ta. t1un the pr nnpal s1 okes nun ans' crcd that the\ all bolongel to tl e Catholic Cl t rch but tl at pei ll'l\ps so11e of the lI n ght be inchnc l to pass tLc pale On he1ng clca red toe p1ests tbemselvet:i in Ie!'l.S figurative lan g 1agc H prec it Stuhllebnei drew a paper hom his bosom 'h1ch lie piesented to the cl tr cellor exphun1ng that it con ta 1 e<l the r ge 1e1 1 cm fess on of laitL B t n y children, sad Rheli igeu yo l 111 ist cat U.1d1y lnform us 'vhetbe1 'ou n eon to be Cathol c< Lutherans or Re forn er:i foi Lhese tlnee religions acr.;ord ng to the \\ c~tp11ahan Peace tlone can v :t J DODS\\ ORTH Inspector HINTOUL BROS Gen Agents Montreal haye free exercise in G-:!rtr in' a d the c1n R R LOSCOMBE, Barnster Agent for Bowmanville and Viciruty Bo,v1nanville June 14th 1860 UNDERSIGNED ";prepared to do 'I1HE any nt of C stom Sa at his Mills 36 CAUTION mo 43 39 4w lam sole agen· for LAZAl'tUS &MOR ltIS perfected Spectacles and E' e Glas Andes first to pay Chicago ses They never s1pply 01 empb, "") othel'S Ho vever 0 pecio lS tl e r er.ence G'htcago Oct 11 1871 made by them that ti C) ti em do "ot behevc it y'0\1 ~ II Le '" mdlel if ) ou clo ro ANDES ] N ~ RAN~l!l Co Andes lo!;!!:CS '{\ I not exceed $300 000 .A '>.RON BUCKEEil age· t fo1 Howman E. E. RYAN Agent The All DES m auh cnt and \'ery str!lng a.n l 'ille and v1(.j n1tv INSURANCE. Losses reRr of Lot No 19 6th Con Da.rhnµ ton Rates -P1ue 82 per tl ousll.Ild Hemlock nnd Baas 'ood 2 50 Hardv. ood 4 He will also pa.y the highest p1 ce in for soun l Hard voo l thou a1t engaged in so1ne i;1le d es1~11 I a d Basewood log:"'- 1e1Jve ed at the ].fill will denounce thee as the vllest oi bu nun THOS SMITH Dar! ngton Dec. 7th 1871 £1nll beings 1f thou pres mest to c1 te1 thi s d velhng It 1s fnll tune that no v on the perot hi nself 1s bountl to protect them 01 ha.' e you a ne\v confess19n of faith ent rely ) our o n 1 All no' 'olu >tar Iv acknowledged them S(;l\ e:s to 1 e Lutherans ar d on the rci ort bcmg c rculated of the parley which ha 1 take l place the people came flockrng to get I er fro1n all d1rcctrons They can1e in such Inl lt t des from e\ ery mountain every $25. ItEW A.BI>. lr a1 T ha\ing- come too u kno"Wledge that certain I are selhn,,, Spectacles and Eye$ 1 ort ng to be of o makti d to bear Pt.!dlar~ p l our names stamped thereon we he eby ca.1t on the publ c aga nst ~n Sl ch rmpo.:ittirs M I\-I1 AAI N lluo c.,i 1nl is our only Agent lU \'\ est D rham and a. Rt>ward of $2v is he ebv offe1 has already commenced pay1ng its Chic.ago ed for tl e app el ens on aud con net on of all such lmpostera as try to lef a d tl e p 1blic by lossos offenn~ then trash M ou1 m ke C11FTON Oct 9 10 30 1 rr L ~ZAHl S MOl\IUS ~ CO I h~ e to n gl t carQfu1ly exarruned all Chic:1. go nsurnnces in the Andes Insurance Company "1:ontrca.l Nov 8th 1871 I tf of U1nc1nnatti \Ve shall auLbor1se ou adJ st 130 vman ville Oet :Jtb 18 1 ~'lHF. (REA.TEST Pl.JBLIC I f!;NE]lr Ol! era to dra.'\v upon us at nght for every correct THE .AGE cla1m as rap1dl~ as ascerta. ned Our losses b) A n l fo which not e the many rest u n als this. great calan i)' ate n cons1 lerable -figur b t The ho l1' of dut;y l!:I .l:l. (a fe v of them tinclosed 10 apt e18 aro nd nothing to cr:ipple us bottle ) "itl ~ nume o s 1 st of respect I le t pon us a11d we shall meet it 111 tl e hon hear1 t N c e1 persons nan ea 't\] u ttist1fy t the supe 01 qual e I n anner tl at the occasion rcq_ nres BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS heless If lly e;q ect n1 addit on to surmount ities of hi.<1 vano ii Con1pol nds viz ng this scr OU8 ob tacle to pa.y the f.ltockhold tlollc!tozd Conveyancers Notaries Public I ung Syrup ere of the Andes Insurance Com1 any a com Con$tlpat un B tters ortable d v1den l noxt J Uy L vttr Com1 0 n 1 DR. GARSON'S MEDICINES. eve of thv betrothal ti uu should·! aban don th) bad mode of hfe 01 e me tl J "ord of ho1 ot that thou wi a1 d I "111 ac cept 1t I bis to ntc ncrcc;ly ans vcrcd Von Motzel In ·p te of thv lo 1bt0 I "ill not !ht s be d ctated to b; \l ee WI at then shall I puhl cly deela1e ti ee a sco u lrel 1 s:11 l Rhe1 nge1 Ye>:i rcitetated Von ~fotz el valley "' 1 '"' e that m the wardenol p of \\ <:!Iffer alone tluce thousand one bun 1 d 1 er::i:ons were r<;g1stered and ti en pas · S1'1011s as "ell a") tJ 1:!11 n ur e \vere all cu eft lly J otcd In tll the rn1deusl ps toc1c e e 9Q 6 8 rn In td1 al> of 11 des c111 hon,,, "'ho professe 1 the1 1sel \ eR lcs ro s of en l 1a 1 g l ~ e JJC\\ fa th E 1c l aged by tl ~ spec o LS nssu n vcs of the cl ancellor th e popuht on of SoJ,,b1 rg no lo ger concealed tl eu true ~cnhn enta C\Cn ~ Pa.r ewell, McGee, & BllJrt!, Co gh Drops W 1 he above ]..ledtc n Pa21 l{~lie er &c can be obtu. I e 1 from D Stott Bovaoanv lh~ R. Fothl'.!rg1ll :New ca.tle L A Gamsb) Orono fl '\Vorn SI co fie Hcspcctfulty J B BE:'-!NE IT Pm R & H 0 HARA Agents Bowman ville llo vmanv lle Oct 19th 1871 3 tf 047 yl and Un1-.;ers1ty of\ tu tori& College Cobourg Undergra l at" and .Q!'IZeme.n of the UwverBlty of Toronto nnd Un1ver$ ty of Queens C6llcgc Xmgston Mem der of tb,e C-Ollege of Physic ans and S ira:cons f Onta.r10 Surge.i y and Re1ndencf' on King Sti eet socond-...door east of Mr Maynarb G s1cutns of England ~U i\TE DR. DAVIDSON, of the Ro;al College of ph) :n.HYME A.ND LIME. L me f o:m the \\est of the very best Not beat n any quaiter J 1me that wtll always stnn l the test 'Vhen making mto morta1 I :v ll try a.nd keep a good s pply } or it lS alv;ays '\Vanted That' hen yo all cone lll to b J Yo U 1 ot bed sa1 po)nted A I ttle Rhyme came 1ust int me And >11 about the 1 est of Lune Hotel ---- -----~ -- NOTICE: All 1 e:r.-.ons t e~pass1 1g on tl e property l no n t'3 Ifoulde-n Mills v1ll b<:_ prosec ttl 1 JOH~ McDOUG~J L Yo will alwaJ.ll find t drv a,nd ffe~h And tl at 18 aon1eth ng l onn1e ~o col e along and tiy th s l c B t don t forget t1 e mone) Hours of deli' e:.1 fI01n N 11 c a. 1n to Four p 1n Uorne1 of li!l titJ1 a.1 d Ontar o Stret't than e er ti e' tot llJ absented ti emseh es f om tl e chmcl es so that on rbe day of thy patent of nob I ty """ eng10ssed v1th the Asst mpt on clll) three pe1sons attend 0FF1CE \T BO\\ MANVILLE- Over !YI ~fc:\I 11 the bloo 1 of th peasants whom tl y fatbe1 ed tbe se1v1cc Lt \Vaguun Fion1 that tnne t1y s Store groui d do n to sq iah l pove1 ti 1 c1 hu] s the I 1e:its vere to be seeu s1 cechng hcnn 0l!'J: ICE IN OSHA WA - Fn.::1t door no th of tl e Post Office this mav iou e tl ee frorrt th en i of tlune Lot sc to house 1n order t recall tl eu ei1 r g Money to loan at low ra-tel5 of interest flock hv n1cans of J lenaces and app1ob1ous abJectr es· E FAREWETL I LB IL ).[cG·E BA With these wor ls I e mfl1cted a severe teproache "' JAM.ES ltUTLEDGE BA blow on Von l\f otzel i; face "ho 110 v !oan1 Bo v nan.,-dlt. Dec 17th 1869 1ng: with rage dre :v his s vord and tan h msulter thro 1gh tie bodJ Utteung a p1e1c1ng cry \.Ton Rhehnrren fell heav Iv to ALL KINDS OF the ea1tb and the young baron htS "ea1 01 CQDC&rS 'tlUD.01."B co'ered with blood fled tuto the hon·· be ~AKE' ODT AND fore" Inch the cparrel ba l occuncl An alarmrng t rnrnlt armr g almo·t rnsta1 tlJ m Cured without the Use of the the strnet he rnsbc I ti 0 gh a I ack doo1 -.Knife, by wh cl ' as open an l n a fe ' mm te, l·fterwardsllShoPcsbools em heal<l r· f B JI ' 1ound ng acroso ti e \\ ooJe u1 l,;e of Sal 0 owmam 1 e b ng as I e hast ly gallo1 1 o t ol tl c c ty thein d1shonoiable kn"'e if 1t pleuseth thee Ho sDJd Rhel ngeu contcn ptuoush I had forgotten that no leally roblc bloo I floM n tl y vem' N otl rn 0 ln t tl1e nk of the ci deta it clerk $l 1t'lg i:;l l c c ]ates Dead to all scni1me1 :, of hono1 A 1 l en the pd tes u d JeSl ts rev le I an 1 xecrat~J LI e1r rel gton n 01c b tte1ly aftc1 n1ne1n the eve s of tt 11 hoiJ. ct:i tit p tch au l otl er Jt , as ru noi ed tl at the l ct t cs en led 1 I last e\tL o 101 g t surpJ se the capital 1cl m ~' oc e oll ti e coruL t bl 1n at Cl \\.ele ] ept Ll:u: .:::> at n Bit ~l 1; don t you eat your cake 1 A cat hol s for th "' p irposc t 'as sa1 l the) hstu t 1nte1 \ tb1ough tl e stretlt'3 fon1 sl t l s evi:'.:. I ca1 t .u ZZ) he ~ereto obt::nnposessonoftl<> ai:'len al n short t 11Je nft;er"'ard la iterns 'e1e pro\ i<lc<l a 1 l I u1n t hun 0 1y You 1nust cat lt They \e1e nt flr~t only iout~elf I VI II I e an l lco' at the flo vei Rn ls adt an I all tic castle, ti at voe at tl I ul he cos f01t heel ro clef at th' t ppoe J PlOJCct eruplo1 el d l "g tl e ' mter month but Lizzy wash 0 hte e 1 '1011 11 lst lie Re \CT" b l she k c v 1( he c;o l<l not eat the fol I cat10" o! Hot e1 ;; lz\Jt g was \Vtlle soon I ept cou t~rth buu 1 g speed h 1epa ml the I ass an I 101\Je,. of \ erlcratng lauipe \.etc rex_t in c1 tcd n.nd cake.;i \VCl l 8l ally s 1rrou ided by thro1 gs of c H 'l Eat · 1 rtle b t dea1 sl c be ged. It Lueg tog tLcr w1tn the nr~enal at K d ous Pans ans In 1 77 the rood \Jet vee nll muke vou fod b tte1 stadt c1c ga n,,,o cl ill l 1n d 1 t1on to P1 us an l \ er;::allles fo1 ucarl v n ne 1 1 s I dou t thmk Isl all o\er be better au these P'"l "'"t l ti e 1 e ghl 01hoo 1 of the in l ng h \\as l 0 hte l at d 1 l tl c pre cnt s \ert::t foru castles of\\ e ff (Jolin g Goll~ Jaie1 ce itu1y the F1e1 chm tro1 ol s bus stead ly tears rolled do :i. n tl e s ste1 s face bach M tte 1'tll au l H 1chbuhler was Don t talk w Ton el e so li bed You 1mpJ01ed 1tsstree~ lan l>' 11 t I !Le ll tro cl ea d r LI e c1rcr JnCe t 1 O l se:s an<l trees, ductiou of gas 1nuJ.e tic st1eets c.f Pans til ant go 1 can t l \ c "' ti out Jo I I\ !Jo exce1t so11r. of tl1e lu,ttcr [ 1cse P.d fo1 tl e Its h 0 ht \\ ll the1e t to cnre tor n1e 1 i+::'rpooe of placmg tor cl s l cl when as Lr lrn1 t U\ 1 ·0 ht '"' bJ d lJ ns nc,<;r l enched until 1n its iec<:nt hl Ive Leen tlnuku 0 sa1 l Toll gra.\el, 1 ghte I ' oul l "" e as alui r ueaco s 01 tl c n ii at101 its gl Ueu g boule\ ard aud I tl 11 K a gr at deal 1 1 g l i:lle that \ l 1::n o 1tbrea t of tl c looked fot cUell on sparkhng pukt:i \erch1llc1 n tl\ontcd l 11 g01 e lather \\ tll he d !! rent You Ir ti e Jf!a t1 nc tl e cc;.t 1 r pco1 I e gloon1 k· ow -a d I em h dtolPe I bIS vo oc nod lv1ng on the unqucst o 1n.l le JUSL1ce of the r Lon<lo 1 (.jlan s to ha c hghteJ lt stieets looked c ue1ol1y a1ound as Jf to sc lc~t any c.aut:ie an 1 the tnd of the P1oteRtant puncrs o l kn v tha.t \ it! lantt::11 s a s ci.uly a:s 14.14 b t tJ P. t1a one flhoul l be stcn g sc>nt n1essengers to l{at sbo1 v1tli ienewed aod tt at's 'hy he co111e:; d1t on seens do btlul Abo it 1668 tl e f tthet luuks 8.ppl1cat ans Tht! n got1at o 1s to "1 cl c tizi:::r s we1e 01cl I l to place a la np 11 ho 1 so I te und Sa) s l e can t alfod to Von S honi:Je1i:l the Saxou A i t c:i odor sen<l) ou to sr.;l ool anti. why he is so c1oso. entered mt! \on Z ller the an U'!i>udor ol h nt of the r }10 !:!CS eve .> D gl t dr rug tl e ' 11t r but as lite as 1636 the 11 le" as ;,1,1 d \ h' son1et u cs I c be.:Lts Jot - :;alzbt g am re nail ablo Joi tbe latter Don t speak ol 1t dcai sobbed tbe sist t could not ly any per.suasion 01 a 0 l nen ll lj eifrctly obeJ ed robbero tilled ita nar I \\utldntn J if1t,\asutfuryo1 be rn I ccd to exh1b1t ans efs o tie pit ro v stiects and hie RI ti piope1ty were But l do nl nd it L ZZ\ and it br!.:!aks 1 e\ Cl afe in tie dark CS!l GI SS Ian r~ of l s so\ ere1 0 n rn 111~ o u ltttn l lit ng nly he ut to he here anJ. se~ it But r:o1ne fot lo 101 0e 1cuson than I e a se 1t \ as tho ver lext in trod iced at th I tb 1c expeuec father "111 \Jc custom cf the prot st t ts tu pr n t ull ti e r the r n 1 uber wns ra11 llj nc1ea~ell n i 1 to aid ti e cloec oJ the CBUt ry the c1t1 Ile s ~v s he loves n1 e nn<l. it ruay ' p1occed 1 ns thrit ere of a p il I c 1 at ne As soon as th A1chl shop recc1\c l as z~11~ ot Lon lou \ve1e a.cul sto el to boast tuakc h1111 0 ood yo l Sl:!C B 1t the s stcr ' ts not to Le con £01 ted su1ances fro n tl e er1pc101 that he "ot: 11 of their tnagt ticei t 8 "~tern of street ho ht~ h ch far surp ll!setl th"t of P11 s fl e 1 on was all the 0111 to l 1 To lo e b m grant the a.1a ~I ch I e ha l 1 q 1cstcd he laid ati Ju tbc conde ce s101 wl11rh l c had ioa ls runn r t:1 r oin the Clt} lot sevl: 1 or 1011 11th er to sl o n nd is:.ued 1 prot:lamation gl t 1 ilcs \Vere lu ed \\ t1:i c Y~t il la np:, At the crossrng ol se eral of theo1 the effect kno vs aga11~t the 11:1surgents of Sul b J1g tl 1eat ;\ s ti ou 0 I t n1a.,.,1 flee t nu 1 \\hat o ld to o-n1 10 tl e1 l \ 1th irum d ate ex1 nls101 t 1 0 v ):i n di 11 a cl <lisnial air:i.y of B no! 1no lll they cl d 11 t ieturn to th e i anc er t faith " rotl!st u 1!':; h o'vev r con t ll ~ l l I hnl t :;ec1uecl t ht.:u or e of ti e \\ onde1s of vtnteln y rl e .r vith t >:i vect daurted ri<l1 tle(l the cd ct 'callrng1t I the L e No, 1 s · and poeta celebrated tl e new sal lte ir:o n tl e Po pi.; an l 'o lcl the l gl ilj 111 n1nat on of the o eigrown c I t l1 V1cunn llerhn anJ tl e other J u late to 1 1gl t he ~u1<l ci.t not l cnn t t to lJe ffi xc<l t tl e Joo 1:5 the r l 0 ises rop5an c1t1cs 10110 ed the exan1ple of IarH1 1U5t vLen ti e larl nesa can1e au 11 e ~ 0 h oi 101 J oo 1n l Ne ' I'01 k and Pl 1ladel ed I.:IA.l TEit X. pl" earl; 1dopted tl e custom R ue He I l Le- here s 01 su l L z 1 ut Ii the be6"1 mu~ ol Se1 I nu r 1"31 soo alone still cl 1 0 1 g to the ilhddle Age8 teung ords of hopP. i 1 i.:h J r.i l e la div after tl csc ace urence1;1 tit: n10 n tat lB of icf ise<l to l :::-1 tits stlecota the popes ste td be! ever! l e self TLJ to sleep a little s.1,burg Je> CI UCl tetl I th the roll of lj oppose l the he1et1ctl nvcnllo and drun a Nut era is Un. ds of Ausluan in pelenetl da1kne, to I gl t fell off H to 1 Jozc 1' 1 t 1 try ovei1 \n t11c once pea..:eL\ 1 countiy 't J<.:ngtt cnn c 1 \\ onUc1fL 1 fld\ n. c Won out \vhose a1uu2 d nl aL lu.1 ls t nco 1ous of :Eor tln e cent Uc:::; c \ll ::iat1on had 1alued the rca&;un ot tl e1r co uu g hsti :t ted the itself ipon 1ts lur1ps oi lanterns evidence oJ tbeu o vn evec:i t\..n unpcnal n w to sl nc in no\ cl brllh:u1cy coin nantl to 1etl ru Lu peace "nd tranq litv Ch u1csc "ho ~ec Lll to ha\ t:l or1g1natr.d \.\. th accon11 an1cd the qunrtc1 ng of thousands of out- I erJect1ng u ost 111o<lern iu ent1ons had soldu:;!rs ' bo of course e1e to l c support lo 1 been accnstumi::cl to s nk t bes 1 to 0 ed 1 j I rutesta ts lone The otta 0 c o! be la of coal an l ca rv its iat r-tl nto 0 s liars\\ c11 le1dtncr \Va:. ot exe1 pted flon1 the i h )Use;: a1 tl. C\ el the r st1<.;cts fo1 the these 1 111 Ide guests Deeph "e1c the purposes of ilh unnat1011 Tl C\ even used I 001 peo1 le hsappornt tl m their ex1 ec1" lt ior uunuf cturcs and cook Il t they 0 t ODS for inhtead o1 then Jel 'eranvc · b1ch IHJ. l ne'er ch-=covere l the <U of n ak ng on..:e tbev had hor et! from the en peror they'"" go In 1 92 Mr Will"'" !v!mdoch first It oeecn1eJ to 1i m ns ta J alo hr<;;ct fion:i the r s- b"'-t..'\1 ce dee cased Lv h1~ sold1e1;;1 used g ts fu l gl tt g l s offices 1:ir c. ho ises hca\ en e c Jcled l 1s ch ld s I ea I Neithor was I eter Pon mer bcttei ofl ~L lU Redrutil Co1n\\all 1he :B1rrrnngl an1 Fnther sad To l 1,..1 ~ t r 1 lease Sch 1ppelhol which was no v filled 1tl a n anufacturers at once aUopted tl e an en The 111 n1 \vent saltly to hi s soi t; bed ti )OI of rave1 ous sol hers ton 'Ihe lll pa1olled splendor of \he hgbt 111de sn.1 k on Ins. kneee an l took th e lads You had also bctler g' ti e1e he and attracted publrn uttent1011 The peace ol \\an h(U d tenderly in Ills O\\t He was to tbooe w bom be found sl ar ng the frugal 1802 transttory as a sudclen ill urnat awe! It \ as ct:lleb1ttted bj tie I cl ting of the lac meal at the \\ e nlordtners cottage Be km<l to L1 zy sa d Tom vi.tit 11 v makes bit little chfiemice to 1 e "hetl er I tory of Wutts & Boulton at B 1mrn~I am Iookiu~ into his f th!Jr s face She won t w1tl1 a flame that ;eenml to m al the br gl t hU\e ani o ie bt t yo vl 1 I am <lead ness of th e stara The U\ ent on sp1ea<l f tl e1 Let I er 0 0 to sci onl agau please over tl o \\ urld London a;::lla ned of t~ t>he ii') so for U f sci ool-once boa tcd a.r1ay of endless lamps i o v Oh m\ soi my son n1te1iupted the qhtte1ed w th bu d eds of miles of gas nO\V pe1 1te t father bursting 11to s0l s Yon l gl ts Par1saga111 called the \\hole '"01l<l ~ill get well Jet to w1L1H.:srs its tastt:lful ill 1nunat1on 'I h I sh oil ne'er get veil ·aiu '.!om B Jt c tics of tic Ne' World I ghtetl up e\ eiJ do t cry father I shat! sec ·t oth er } ou corue1 of th~u busy stret!ts Even llo r 1e- know And b; and b, -and a strnr ge )ieldcd to tl en ef 1 rnve1 ton the anatl e look cu1nc on ins face a lu k of JOY a1 d m ls ot Gregorv we10 <l.1sr garded und bt1e fa th nexpreos1ble by an l by '>e shall t1ca1 gas corupantes began to thro v linh t all n1eet Lga n sl an t ' e ? l\.1ss me please upon the hoiror. of the oapal city I be ari<l then 0 0 to bed or \ e shall wake s s tet boast ol1 au rn lei I o us X l Y hus no I he fothc1 cl 11 g back I s sobs kissed at least been rt:ahzed an l tl1e 111ole1ns the boy I prom se to be k n<l to L ZZJ have added a last ng splendor to theu he \\hispered She shall ~o t· school I c;1t1ct:i 1.:f \\ h1ch Pcr1cle~ of Angu tns had \Vlll never drink another dro1 As heaven uo cuncept1on 16 my vitness he added sole nnly I nevi! - - - - - -"111 The White Lily *l hu peasa1 ts of Su.lzb( r 0 ve :e aJJo ;vo i the 1 om took his little ti m arms fiom nrou1 d se of a ins an l ;i;C'le ther fore iead1lJ formed hrn l·ther, neck where he had pt t them nto a m1hta1 \ for It lS r co1ded in the Plc l:sc sa1d \ w1citfnl voice gn e tne a lor that la t ku1s u id tl en sank back on h18 Chronicle of Salzb rf; that 11 lCOti u11der the fio,ver To11 s so for.d of fiowe1s p1llo v °'h" u ted t\.1chb1shop \Volf D etr ch t} ey ra. sed three IIo\v sl\eet the fl.owcr looks in the tuoon sta.ndn <ls 1ga1nst the I ks and 111der the Ellen Slault.) "'as on her \"\iay to a fr1cn l .e command of Von Stadion chspla.yed great 1n with a bo1quct of flo"ers She stoppel ct I 0 1t tho 15 ht Tom What a happy boy trep1rl ty a.t thcs ige of Stuhl wu sso::nbe1g which I am to have 1t And to ha>e fat! ei p10 U is appeal an l look1 <lo" J <:aw a little 1 t.S altc1nately f) ne l fot ts n asters both Im 0 rru e to l:e better he ci1t n and to say I 11r li~ts and 1 rks poorly cla l 0 ti abo 1t t\\ clve J ears old I ell lo e L zzy and that I ell se I be1 to A d "ho s Tom 1 asked Ellen touch school-- Anet tl en he :l.or 0 ot h1nJ8elf in sleep cd by the appeal St1 eet Lights 'I he 11g1t passed lH 1ning Ju vned L z My I ttlc brothe He foll anil ht rt I JS zv "oke l:iefore tl c sun rose Her fhat WHO llilSl I:NilODUCED S'If:l!:f!;r TAU'S- buck an l r O\ he cu t n1ove h n1self the thought \vas oJ Toni FllO:Y TORCHES \ND DJ't LA~l"EUKS '10 doctor ·ays I ell ie>e1 get ,.u nl Ie I\ e sle1 t 111 n ght sl e 'AlU reproach fullv md I hdr t mran to sleep !1vo mm rt:l GL..:lilE OT! GAS <lo~s 1sl1 for fio era so uLes I i; nder if Ton1 v; ante .... 1ne in the Ell n I cs t 1ted for a mome1 t but ouly n1!"'1ht. l-Ie nn1St Le bette1 or he d ha\ c ]'t 1 I a.r) c s MngaZ'.lne for :?tfaJ) fol a 11or1c1 t 'Io take tt. 1:11ngle flo\ e1 calle<l J1 tl e reign of Lou s XIV one f tl c from her Loo 1uet' 01 l l spoil rt so peifect He wos bette1 As she leane<l o\cr tu n1ost 1nagn1ficent spectacles \ as s pposed ly had it Ue n nrran cd and it was for a loo! at l m I zzy 'isstartled bytl1e strange 0 lo be tl e ,encnl ligbtn n ol tho 'tree ts of lnend 1noicover " bo ' as :i.'Lot t to be ~ ir ' et beautiful look on lns face a look of di ' ne JOY as vheu a 1 artyr has pa~sed Paua fhc wo 1 l ¥as 111v1te 1 to v. tn eas reel B 11 tLe pleac1rn 0 f1ce of tl e ch Id, tt 1ou 0 h fire in to everlast1 g re::it He \\: o tld tie t o el scene It vas hcl e\ e 1 to be the and tLc L1 ounl t of the s ck b o I er ' ere llC\ el snfier ruor L ghest ach e\einent of inodern c1v1hs1t on more ti"' sl c eoc l<l bea1 ;;he s~lected tie Tho I ly I l done its "01k It had" cet nr::1th~r th e Cl"rceks no1 tb:e Romans seem to ha'e tho 1gbt of the 'onderful JI vent on Yet ti e hgl til ol t lC rreat Cltj cons ted onlJ of d n J n leuis an l to1cl cs d spersed at d1stn.r t iutervuJCl 1ud co1npa1ed \Vlth tl e bright g are of modem gos "ould ba\e seemed on y a luskv gloo u Whether the Gree! sand R omans Ilg! t·d the t cities at mght'" el1ll m iloubt It ts ptobable ti at Ll st nces oJ fcs vas lett n lt:t J ness ~ finebt flo ver in the bo llUet a lrugc wl 1te ene 1 the last hours of the suffering boy sug .:Pro :Bono :fublico. and DR B. PATTERSON lih and gave it to the ch1ld The e she mud put it 11 ate1 and it "ill keep e> et so 101 g And be1 e she ad led as the girl '\\Ith gr:ttef 11 looks tu1n cd to iu a\ fn is someth1ng to buy a fe,v cakes for \our brother " I ere do ) o ' hve 1 The cl ld lol I e1 a ldrng Oh '.!om be glad a 1 l then d sappeare l It "as not lon 0 befor tie httle ell her.. l ome It "tts room at tl e tup cf tl e honse lo kn g 1 encl gest ng pure an I beaullful thoughts and vhe t Ellen Stanley called earl; rn the 111orn1ng to see L zzy she Io 1nd it 1ving ln the breast of tho dead ch ld clasper m bis t\VO thin waxen bauds and she thought of 1 ts fat] er \Vl o fron1 that u gl t becnm~ a L ZZ'li TI- Ent t,o s houl a1 i 1efo11r d niau more tl t L that ne\el aga J I i i a h rsh 0 the hltes oi Pamd se and of the samts who held them A goocl woilc had been done also The last words of Tom "ere 1 cw1 fo1gotten by 'ord t lo 1ti J)owma '1lle J 1 10 Gtl 1871 tf 36 Bo' nn1 fHOS UOWDIN lie lH ol lltl1 l 8 l o2rl ti and lse l ere The best of cfe e ce:-; 0 ven u1 Bo vma1n ille 1 Office on Cl 1rcl St eet At the er d of tbe bridge e S:l.\ t o pc1 Bow1ri ::inv l e l t.:b 18 ? lv rr 10 fl sons s1tt1ng n ti e nnl 1 11 oo sl ad rt) er elosu1c beL 1 l Is that lo T z y I I l1 so glnl Elle i a J L '"' l ec" rn great fi ends r to 'I he lo n ei fro1n he1 s; 11 enor pos1t1on vas n ble to J rn c {01 ti e latter It \ as not cl nncc iely on t tl t tn We Ellen gne l fl. \Crtk l/OJCC n J l h l at so ae sacuCi e t the t me tl at As e o v so drnll e "l

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