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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 May 1872, p. 4

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··· ' . ' 'h&< zsaa:z:~.5 __L; ,~ J 1 ; !L -THE 11EHCH..;,.:NT, FHIDAY, MAY 17, 1S72. ~---: POETRY. He Knoweth our Frame. WRITTEN FOR A..."i INVALID. . j 1na.rkets 2s. to 4s. por ~wt., or ~ ct, to 1 ct. per 1 lb. more thnu most of our finest , Remember, ) proper boxes cost but little inore than poor 'ones· I ===·----- - -------· 1 count for finest .American b1·i11ging in foreign I l ' 0. ·BOUNSALL, MANUFACTURE It, I 1t!PORTER DEALER 1u the vadetitls uf 1 nu l a.11 IMl'vf ENSE ! llIARD TO BELIEVE.. Try it · for Yourselves ~ ~- i · He kno,Yoth our frame : Ile ren1ewbtreth that Never sen<l any poor Oheese with tho goo<l Wl' at.".! dust . Ps. 103: 14. ones, except under a different bra.ud, ns it not J.Jord, is it \\'rong- this state of things? only injures the name of the factory but gives Canadian Cheeae the name of being unreliable. I hardly kn 0 ...,- : Each little bird its tintb~m sings; The beat oheel;e aalt iiJ Ashton's ot HiggiDs' I feel ao low : _ Facto1·y filled, which is usually sold here at $1. So r estless, so dishe1u'teneJ, and so wee,r y ! 50 to $2,00 per hag; 240 lb3, Life seems tom<! so desolate and dreary! l\fuch of tho ba.d·fl.avored Cheese couhl 00 tH·oided by a .n1ore c'1reful selec;tion of Ren11ete. This body seems to drag n10 down: \Yc ho.v~ a.rrangemcnis to buy for some of the I c..'lnnot · ~ee J largest Butter and Chee:ic lncrc:hantl!I in Eog· 'l'hrJ b('a.Ut1'ft1l, t111fa<l1' ug 01·, land nnd Scotla.11d, antl ·we shnU be liberal purPrepnroil for me. eha.sers of choice lots. Some of thy childreu seen1 so full vf ligl1t ! But a.s for n1t!, my <lny is a11nost night! Yours very tr~y, ....!\.. · .i:\. . .At.ER & Co. I do bolietc it \V!l.5 for nic 'l'htt.t .JCfiUS died: ..\.nd Hea.ven'e door, I think I. ll CL· , Is opened wide: I dr> bul)t~vc that he will ll;;lt tne in, Conversations about Health. A.nd thathi:i hlonrl hA-s!cd me fnim 1n;v ein. Italian & American Marble. l 1 A lfl.rg~ and choice seleciion of o.lways on h a n d, of ~ u:perior wo1·kuu~n1'hiJ..1, and TRlJE NEVEI=lTHELESS ! SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, at lO'\YCSt pr~ce ;;;, Those that have tried, are convinced that S. F. HILL · .~ ell$ his Goods us low or lower than than any one else m Town! A large stock of ,;f lVrmight O'r' C'u~t hon Fences for cnclosiag burying lots. I Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., l kept on hand, c.r wrou ght to order. A call i$ respectfully reqnested at th1:1 \\'orks, G1·oceries Very Chectp. Good Cooking Raisins only 5 cents a pound, 4lld st1Jl cheajler by the Box. Cloths, Dnss Goods,Sfriped, Checked crnd plwiii Shawls, TYinceys, Flannels, J]lankets,Linens, Wool Goods, ]{oise1-y, Gloves,cind Ti·im[ K ing Street. Bowmmwille [ Octoher, 1,t, 1869. ' 1-tf mings. all bought bofore the advance iu p1·ices. THE HOUSEHOLD. DY .o!.. DOCTOR. l · 1 Oh why then ~hall I feel afraid'! "' lsitnottrue ?i-Iy sino; were a.11 on Jesuli laid , +\.r..~1 ~;'.ll'!O ' \" B tno ? Ilu,th he not grace enough fol' all tu-111un'ow~? Fol' surely he borno our gdefa and l'> OlTOWS l ~n~ Cotton >tnd \Voolcn Goods iire advanci1w but you can buy them at El- A special line of Tartans, 60 per ce11.t lower than 1ast year i ott's for a short time, at the old prices. Now fa the time to secure what · li 11.ther : nh h1nv sweet the nan ie ! Att thou not nea.r? 8 ay, dost thou pity me~-01· bfo.1ne ? I long to hear! }~xna:n ! J\jy lr.A.Tr{EH.: thiJ; i. ;; a ll iny t1·n:-;t That thou 1·e1nernh1 ·n·est I 111u but du:;t ! 'l'hou kno""·tor;t well my fran1c, f01· t.bou Hast fashiOncd me: '.l'h t! d:.s.rkn ef;b :\ll around 1no now· .I8 light. to thee ! Thell take n1e by the hand, nnd 1~11d tUIJ on, 'thy poor blind child !- until the ni;;ht bo gone ! ~ly Our lai:;t conversation was <.Lbuut col<ls ·uwJ their cure . 1 1:1hall not soon forget the hnpor· tant informatiol,l. you gaNe me. Indeed, I ha,vo nJpl:lateU it to s~veral of roy friends during the \\·eek, H.ud [!,lJ. t111ito v rith ffit! in t,hn.nk.R to you, Docbn· for your cAJ1HLe~y in giving it. ) ! "' A s v we t11uu. cOn!-:idcred co"ld.~ 1 1:1 uppote we j tn1k to-day·1t biwns ?" . · "~ go9d contrast, surely ; autl it '. ~ill g1·eatly gratify mo. " · "Burns are uf t\YO kin<l.s. TL.use prolluccd by hcs.,ted flolids or by n fl.a..1no _ h,.ve the cotn- CLOTHlNG.- Gentlemcn in want of a good fitting suit should qall A ertrly at Ell10tt's F ashionable Tailoring Estrtblishment.. lot last Season's Tweeds at 20 per cent. below Cost'. Geut'1:i s uits made by the best wot·k1n1.1n, Evory G·a.rn1eut made to fit, JlfoC:LIJ\G BROS'. Stiriug 8tock iH , complete in every departmeut, and wili ue sokl chet1p for Ca,sh. Uutil the 1:>hndows fiet! lb\\·a.r Befol'e the suu; A.nd gl·)riout!, cverlal:lting dny Shall lrn.vti begun ! !vica,uwhile 1 in love and pity lead thou !Ho, Foi' a.11 ixir expectation is f1'0111 thee! liiJ::AHT 'rO 1-i ,.;,\Rt, :.... mon name of' burns ;' those pr ocluced by flnidlJ ru:c c::tlled scalds.' 1 ' " "\:VhicL are "\YOl'im '(' " SeaJ,ds a:i a rul~. They D.J:,C ui:mally 1noro diffuse, both as t() s1ufatoe and depth, than burnfL 'I1he effect, ho\vever, of the latter is often the 1nost 13evere. '.L'he i:evurity of either depends, of course, upon greatly varied circumstances. 'l'he exknt of th':' ~ UJ'faco involved; the depth of the injury, th~ vitality and t:et1i:;iLility of the part effected, nnrnt be duly weighed in determining the severity or danger nf the accident in any given cn;-Je of buru or !:il~ald." Thia .TELLY fs bif(hiy recommended to Ladles as a zno~t e.~ccab;le Prcparat1ou for tb.o Toilet. For Bea.utlfylng the Complexion and rendering the Skin BO!!l White, OlellJ'. and fi-ee f1·om Drynoes. it ts. UDl'l'i'.~ea.. ..I~wJJ.l quickly remoye a·lRodnes'Romzbnese, 1 rau, Freckle?-. Pimples, and other lm~rtcc .lona. For Chapped Handa!Chilbla1IJ.B, Frost Bites nud S Jtl) Li~a, it cannu be surpaued. =-==-,-=--=:.== ==-==---------=--·=== - = === Satisfaction guar:tntecll in all rcaoounble caseo. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. Hampton, August 2ncl, 187 L bp-o23-mc4 The best Black · 'l'eas in Town. The best Green Teas in ToWJ1. Biittei-, Eggs, Mittens, Socks, and Yurn .taken as Gcish fw GoodiJ. s. F. HILL· Pde a 2;; cent a. · HOBRIS' CllltiE!eptlc e.ud dis!nfec~i ng P.ropertice ot Carbolic ,A.old ls agreea.Oly eccotecJ., has a healthy action on ';L'h ls Ton.ET So.Ai- pos'!eal!-es nll tho well-known CARRIAGE SHOP. ibe skin, prevents irritation._ removes tho effects ot perspu'lltlOn, and should oe l'el{nla.rly used by families. Cholt.~·11., Bmanoox 11.nd F ever Patients ehQ.tUd bewashed with tbis SO!tlli and it.a use by persona Jia.l:ll e t:o infection 'Will materially prevent i bespread of dieeaee. !'rice 15 cents per Ta.olet. (west of th· Ontltrio Bank.) King Street, Bowmanville. "Wl;lll, D00.to1·, '\vhat tltl(1i:; can y on give aa to treatip.ent ?" " r.rhe fi.rt;t rule is ge1wn~ l : let- the p:1.tiei1t. h1J isdf-po83Cll!Cd. 'l'he gn·at t>:at cfa,ngcr a.rfaeH often fi:om " t he shock to thf nervonf-1 system. A little ThL· folluwiug Circular ha.a b-$en Rddrf.ltt~Bd to self-posses~ioll on the part of the sufferer at th(j the Merehan~ in Cauadn, hy ...'\.. A. ...4...yl'r & time of the accident,n:1ny transfonn ~\ fatal oonCo., P1·oduce and Provi~ion )fe1·chau.ts o1 l\:1on- tingl!!ncy into a temporaa·y injury." trea1. Our agricultural readers will <lo \1ri1l to "I see, then; the groat iinportance of aotno give it their carefol attention, and govern the1n- knowledge of tho best course to pursue, for the great ' ~care,' or mental agitation i:nises chiefly l:H.ilves accordingly. DE.Ht S1& :--\Y"'"e beg to ca.I.I your attention to from nGt kno·.ving -.,v11a.t im1nediate application ~ the .J.\nnual Report of 0111· Butter Market to 111ake." 1 I< Very true . : by the Alontreal He1·ald, which we consider a full o.n<l truthful report, and cominend it to "Now, Doctor, what i:;huulJ lJO the ,#r1Sl rcyour tltt~ntiun, which is il.':l follo~·s ::!ort of the patient?" · BUTT.ER. d in flu111es f;·om "'Vhe11 the body is cnvclopD This article con1paref'.! favorably with any of the the clothoo being on, tho firi:;t thing to be products of CanMla in thu increase of production doue ·is lnstn.ntly to lie down on the fiool" aud. and export during the past ten ycarf:l; th o ex- roll ·the carpet) or a rug, or auy cluth or gar· ! ports for 1861.being 72,754 packageB, and for ment closely around the bod~.-, so n~ to exclude l 1871, 160,000 packageii. '!'here 18, ho\vcver, a the air fn;nn the burning "i:h eti3, aiHl thus put further favorable comparition between 1861 nnd out the flan1es. Or lie do',\'ll at once and roll i 1871, whi(;h ia of moro iruporta.ncc than qua.nti· over rnpidly, caUing upon s0>11~ one to throw · i ty, viz . . quaJity. The cho..i:t\Cter of Canadian blanket or. cloth of any ,~ ort, \Vet or ·dry, 9r : ilutter has been i:·ferrcd to byus\\·itb r egret for wate1· over you as yo11 lie on the floor, stifling I xnany ~years in re\ iewiug this trrtdc, anll it iH the Lurnint; doU1es u~tw·e cn your body and the 'rli e upright po~ition is: tho with. gl'eat pleasure that \Ye are able to reco~d a floor or grou ud. iunrked impl'Oven1ent, in +ht.! past two y(J tU'li$, in wor.~t-,bei ng fav o:rabl e to the flprend of the flame, the quality and getting·up of <Janadi:~n l~utter. ;i,nd p!Jl'n1itting it to cnoc!ope the more viiJJ 'l'o thi~ ~ubjt1ct we i:lga.i.n devot0 a considerable prn:ts." n But children arc frcqi.v.;ut,burnei.I iu i:;pr.ce, iu thr. hope of doing good service to the th~s way, and they are too much ft·ightenell 1.o ·trttde. Dul"ing the operation of the R~cipro..,ity T1·e:a,. do th,iB," " Trulyi 11nd their fright ca.ui;ing- them to rnn t.y with the U uitetl State~, uur best Butter was bon~ht by Americans for · houie co111l!umption flcrca.ming too and fro for holp, incrc;ises the and ·export to 1n:d<.:r A1nericru1 Ll·ands, curronta of air, and thus help::; to S}}read the and our store-pa.eked uni.I. tnetliu111 But tf.;) r wa.s fl111ue more ru.pitUy. 'l'he 1nother1 or the nurse, generu.lly o.11 that eyer found it::J way to Bt·itaiu, ia often a~ rnncli frighten ed a3 the child. I re· e dir:ectiou-lt>t the chihl be instu.ntly dfrl·ct frorn 1\fontreal, thus giving Canad!\ But· peat th. tor a very uneviable reputu.tiun in the l~ uglish thrown upon the floor, and the ±lo.n1e.'.i smother· Si1;ce tha repeal of the ltecipl'ocity ed. 'rhc body sho11ld be eu\·eloped closely, iu 'l'rl;laty our fine Buftcr has gone from M ontrcn.l either :l wet or dry ganneut. Use the curtain, tlfreet to London nud Liverpool, and i ~ or th e ta.hle-c]oth, 01· any other thing at hand. taking its stu.nd nlongsi<le of "' State" B utter. The mo.ill thini is to extin~ubh tlw Jl[i1nc by Since it has been o..scertained that we b::J.No fine 8hutti11g out the uil' which gives it life. There Bnttor here, British importers have adopted tho is no dauge1· in the operation. rrhe boldc;:it tu1d plan of buying only selected :Butter; the conse- ni.ost raviU action is the bef.:t, t.he most prto.dent 1 q ueriee has been that in the winter of '10 and 71 and th+:: lcn st rlangerous." "But what if no doth i$ at 11nnd ?' 1 uud the prc~ ent \viuter, there is a. 111rgcL' pro· ".:\iercly hugging the child rapidly nn~l clo~c i1ortio11 of re.j ectecl or poor Butter held over, in oomparison with gootl, than for 1na11y y efl.,r·s. ly in your arms and rolling on the fioor 1 antl · At the risk of being st!vere, wn bopr: it ma.y ~ell stifl ing the flame::i with a po1·tion of your- 1nvU for "gremrn" pricm;, ei:;p ecia fly 110< ni.oot of this dress 1nay suffice. A little pref!ence of n1lnd · grado of Butter iB consigned fo1· ~;a.le 9n a ccount '~ill be the assuran c e of succOf)f':," of country merchants, who t he greatest " What ntixt ?" power in effecting th1~ imvr0Yeu1et1 L i11 q:1ality ""\Yben the tLGcident has happened thrri:J m·n· t.10 1 nuch to lN tkoirell. . ed or sca.ld ed part l:!bonld be immersed in cold Hitherto thocotu1tt·y bny1~J'S lu1.\·c taken eYcry· " -ater, or envdopcd in "'ct cloths, or in dry cott hin" in i:t. butter keg, and paid u1neh the 6 am.e 'ton, or in flour 1 or in oile<l ca.llco. or in a:ny-· pri.:.:.t:i fur gooll as for bad, bclievin.:£ that if But· t11ing which is convenient to keep out the air t !..l t" took a 1;tart in value the \~hole lot would go fl·om th.;i inj·1rcd portion of the akin." 1 "'\Vhich is the best?" :ill a.t onu price. ]) urin~ the t>ea.iion of 1871, w~ 1 Ld icve ,\-o n.rc correct iu sa..ying, 75 irnr ct:nt of "Mo~t phy:iician~ think that con1plete itn · Buttel· exported ha~ been thorughly exan1ined, uicrsion in cold water is the best ·w here it is paCkage by package, nnd clu.ssified as to salti· practicable, bocnust- it not only ehnts off tho iwss, ealv1·n.ndJlaror, tho buyer stipulo.ting that air, but also eaur,;ea a. ritpid ru~h of temperature :~11 pac.:kag~8 uot up to the atu.nclartl of "good from the injureJ. partfl t o th e cold >vate1·, \'(jry iu1<l f;Ouud" .~Jwuhl be thi·owa ou~. If buyei.'l;l situil:w to the rush of hea.t from the Lurniug oi;. will ::W.hero to this mode of inuchase for two or scalcJ-ing medium to the body, thou:;h iu 1u1 op· thret· .r~ar:::, tho country merchants will soon positc direction. Thi!s reverse itt:ti(>Jl H oothR find uut tba.t it pays to buy "ood Butter 0Dly 1 the US!'rve.s and thus lessens the "hock to the n1nl the <lafrywo1nan will come to the conculsion nervlllus system. 11 j t pay'.! best to rnake t.he best in her power. u Perrnit me, Doctor, to ask 5till further, I ii se~· eral of the la.rgest butter districts the 'vhat next ?' 1 \ phi.a is beiug adopted of u1aking- it illegal tu "' '\Vhcn the pnin hu.s been ar.r csted by · the sell Butter off the market-place. Thia saves action of cold water, apply a thick layer , of atore .ke~pen; from tht.i nec~i:~ity of teJUng some .cotton '\'ool and bandage carefully, so as to of their best custo1nt:rs theh· b11tte1· is trash, keep out the air, and prevent the floating duat \vhich the buyer on the market is not afr~id to from coming in contact ·with. the · \vounded do.' p:i.rts. All that i~ necessary, in burns or scaldB '\Ve regret that so many coinplaints tue bdng is to keep this band.ago iii place until some u.bout the nsc of (i-odrich aalt, but it fa a pel'ienced friend or n1edical a.dxiscr can be obYult sec th:J.Jt I advise immersion in fu.ct that this salt is too strongt so ·intensdy salty that unle!:!S used in very li1nited quantity in cold water fi1·$t, a1Hl thCu the application of uUdng butt"r, it renders the butter bittcr,-- n.nd cotton \~·ool. If V.'ater be not convenient, flour it iweins impossible to get butter-makers to fore· · mny he usr.rl in plentiful quantity. It tU;\y lie 1 go ihc 011portunity of selling three or fonrpounds kept in }llace Ly a banditge,n of salt a~ tl~c price of butter. We ru·ecou\·iuced it would pa.y ev.ery store-keeper and buyer of General Lee'~ " Stimulant." butter to -gh~cjo11 nothing to the farmers a bag of .1.\.!1llton's-- oc C°Higgina' Double-8tuved Salt. About a week Lefore the battle of FredThere is one more improvement uee<le<l 1 ·viz., ericsburg-that is to sny 1 on or abou t U1e uDiformity of packages. If every county would :"lodopt a uniform size of keg and tub, it would be 6th of December, 1862-thc weather was for a fow days bitterly cold. General Leo a.n advflrtisement for tha.t county. 'J1hc · farmer "\YoulJ be largely " benefited and and bis staff \ cn1nping out-- ns n~ nal, the country made i·icher, if the country buyer.-; in teuts-ahuut llire~ mil~s to U1e ~uuth of be inorc particular to select au<l ;;rrade ms tbe Rappahannock River and the little they buy. Do not u1ake r:rin1 vly 2 ot 3 ctH. per town of Fredericsln1rg. rrherc \Vere sorne lb. th1Term1r.1J between poorest and best, but members of his staff who, although young inake 5 to10 ctsi. i1er lb . difference; thus encouraging ~he 1naker of the choice article. Do . enough to be his sons, 'vere 1nore tJcneible To him, nut use a poor lJad-fit't ing lid on your packages of the cold than their iron chief. on any account as only thl'l best lids stand ship· ll.f tu Ha1n~ibal, cold u.r heat n1adc )Ju differ1nent. 'l'his especially i·efcn:i to the factory~ ence ; for in both there v.·a $, ns ·r.,ivy \\·rites ,made 50 lb. i5pruce tub. Butter might a.hnost _as of one of them, calon:s (tC fr1'.yoris patUntia well be r.hipped 11<·ithout a lid aa with the badpc lr-nidlo labore ant corpus fatt-y crri:, ·ant titting, badly .rimmed Iida usually m,"dc for ------ · Th!e Sil'f.EI ie: a rap1.d cnre tor all Skin DlS"eaeee, Cats, wounds. Br11iaca, Iltu'JJ.S, Sore~ Ulcers, Ring. w~ l'etter Eczema 1 Scald .11ead 1 Scurvy_ 1 1 THE FARM. .: I Ab!celfses, Botls. P imples. &e. I t posses11ee o.U the e.B.d hElaling virtues or Carbolic A&id. w.J:tlch has been found b v Pilys1cl.ans cverywbero ~_po.ssess curative qualities not diaco,·ered ln any oUJer ehem.1co.l preparation. Price 25: ce:nt1, I I Wago ns, Buggies, and Ciitte?·s, rm&l'l<f' N· y, THE. t1 ubacra)~1· is prepared to pair build and re~ I I I of eve1·y description, a.t ehort notice, an.don rea.80nablc t~. nns. PQil\T'rS .OF SUPEl't-IOEI'rY. lLYGl!J OF WORK :-Frnm Gauze to Beaver Cloth. DURBILJTY :-Wiil List a life time. . ' I Simplicity in Construction, .Ease of opm·ation, Pi;»fect-ion oj 1 Stitch, alike rm hoth sides, ow·ing to pm;fect tension on wppm· ana lo'l1Je1' Thread. · · Carriages Painted and Trimmed. A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1·e1niRf'l6, were :s.pecial attention. is g1vt"m ]l;qua.lly ·a.da.pted. to Family Work, Dress a.nd. Shir Making, 'l'ailoring, Slio.e Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHI~ES to , alf " I ( _ Cn.niage work, and General Jobbing. DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. EVERY MACl{INE WARRANTED. & - · All work done (t{ this stablishrnen 1 Agents, Yellowlees " We have >elso on band Q.uicka ' wcii"1'anted. A call is reepectf.u Uy 1:mlicitell'. .T. l\WRRI 8. IVANZEI!' Si .li TTER A, ABBOTT'S, A ND BARCLAY SEWING ilfAOlllNE Our Stock of G~ncrnl Gooch is lMgc, embraciug all the Nowlties of the c hy, and >ill the necessaries as well. Bowmanville, Oct. lat, 1869. NE\V SPRINC~ ____ ,,,.-GOCIDB, -A 'l' -. 18 ' 1~- 2 '91'· Lairge Supplies & Stocks Complete. 'f RE ' for Sba 1p.g and PoliBhf~ Cutlery, Ts.bloA and r.ocket·K' vei:i1Ra.?.ors1 8 nrgic-a.l Jnst.t11mbnts,Sboe-. tnakers' Knivce, Plane Dits o.nd Chl!els, &c. Noth· fng has ever h een discovered, which h as sprun: into popularity more quick.JJ' or become ot so much va.Jue i n evP:ry householQ .to.d workehop for ~ncral usefulnesis. _ 1 'ce 25 cents. 'th!· !'~.A.RATION .ts unequallQd in its rap~dity P i.;:;tul'e ]rratncs- all sizes, Mo-·lclings of C\'Cl"j ' style, '"'" ull Pa.p1;11'-- a svlendid n.ssortmeut now in r stock, A large supply of beautifully assorted 'Vindow Shades, Children i:i Carriage~. 00ncertina.s, i Bru8hes, Combs, Looking CHasses, 1vlusic, Magazines, 'Tiolins,V"'"iolin Bows ; Violin 8trings,Paper I -----~--:;:::::;=:'-'::;.;;:;:::;;__~--=,... Collar~1, Neck Ties, School Books, Dayl1'ooks, Bibles, Knivesn.nd Forks.,P1JcketKnives, Rnzors i :Spoons, and Scissors. Chea.pest ~ote Paper aud Envelopes in the country. All these, and~ th 'Jusand other article8, are to be fonnc~ at the VARIETY STORE. Wo are a.lwaysglad to see friends, and tlllnk it no trou ble to sho\l;. Good3 ; o...nd ·we gua.rnntee a.a good valu e. a.t n.s ]ow prices a!:I H-ny other h·n1i5e in the trade. . Partie ~ wishing to telegraph theil' friends, n1<~Y rely 011 having their bu:i.ineas ll_one protnr1tly. Agent!; fm· Intnan I,iJH.' of Stean1e1·15 1 and Imperial Building and Saving Society. Bowmanville, March Ytf'rs~f>WLEES & QUICK~: 3 I Teniplc ~ Jt asliio,ri, Oslil't/i,ca :aocIIil's rr EB. lVIR. rrREWIN UO'\V · Dai ly L i n e For the l)est ancl cheapest The New Lake Steamer I s pleased t o anno\1ttce, that he if:! prep:i.rcd to :;hew A rery /m·ge and c01)ipnhensive Stock of Spl'ing Sn11i11w1· Staple crn.d Fancy Dry Good~, Aud would e:-; p(~\J i ally n1cut.ion !:\OlUO DRY "NORSEMAN" 1-;fTILL on or about l&t ..:.\pril ntixt cumi.n cnce l'V her rcgula.r dn.ily trips, ice per1n"itting,lc1~v ing Cohoul'g evf'l'Y n1orning at 7 :::lO. Port Hove at 9 o'clock for Rochestor ,conuectil11[ th cl"l'l \Yith the N e\V York Central. N orthcrn central and Rl'ic R.aihvn.y, for all points Eas t, South, and South VVest. GOODS ! · vci·y otrikiug 11nd utnrudn:;ly beautiful lines in ' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, & J\{ANTLES. -o--- GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ' tij · · The Millinery Depa.rtment will he found uuuBtut.lly attrn,ctive this season, replete ·with sou10 of the choicc~t tl1ings in RETUl:\NIN G. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, 'l'RJM,lflJfUS, &c. an.d :i ;i only FIRST-0.LASS 1'ALE}tT is employed to superintend our Leaves Ch nrlotte, of R.och e;iter, every. evening u.t U o'clock, except Saturdays, wh"'n r.;he le:i,ves at 2 o>clock p.1n., for B1·ighton d irect. The stemner calls at Brighton, 1\-Iondays anU Thursday~ at Colbornc every duy except "t/ed· uebfhl y, at "\Vhitby, Oshawu. 1 Darlington and. Newcastle on \\'ednesda.y, ~honld frei§ht offer. D ealers in E>tock \vill find this the cheapei;t a11d quickeo.t rontc to AllJauy, Bustou, l\1 cw York, &o. , &c. .Ad<lrc.:.s, Porl & SHOES, and Cl9thing made to order in fit st-class style, go to ~ M!LLINEltY, J\IA~TLE, AND DllliSS MAKING, Ladies may reJy on getting New ;:ind Fashiouablo G·a.rments ·well made R . C. CAl{!l'E::l, Pott R ope Ont Port Hope 1 )faroh 18t1), 1872 25·tf. ·Frieuds, as far as Prices are concerned, call and judge for yourselves. s. Oshawa, April 3rd, 1871. TREWIN, Comer King and Simcoe Sts ly J. ELLIQT'S BRADSHAW · ,· Cbeap Store, ============================~- TO T_HE PUBLIC stock N ret urning I v.-ouJd respectfully invite their attention to our presenj; o,f :Fnrnitul'P-, as we have lately added thereto that '\\·e tOliY thereby be enabled to supply all i1a.):'t1cs Vlho may please to favor vVIGG & SON ' thanks to iheir nun·L~roua. UustonVH'H, and th_ e Public generally, for pnst favors, SPJ~ENDID 1 " Tyrone, Nov. 2nd , 1871. '\Vould take this oppott uuity of th a..nk:ing his num e.r ous friends for the vtwy liberal patronage ·he has receiv ed. He f eelf:! ~o,tis fied t.hri,t noth~ ing but rrYRONE. " ·ith a. call. Great inducements held out to those pnl'cha.sing at our ~tablighment. Pictures, Looking G-lassef', &c., framed to order, a.nd in cYerY sytle. ~ Sa.~plef of the<lifferent ~indi;: oi 1\-foulding!l can be seen at U1e "\ We -.,vould beg to inform you, that, ha,v1ng pur· chased n u~ cOt CHIT CHAT. C'l'im :Brady a.nd. Mike Flyn11J Oct. "Good morning, .Mike, shure and its early. out, ye are. Might I be boulcl. to axP, wlmt started yees (,his morniug." · 'v~ ~h21.ll bo rco.dy at all times to attend :Fun~raJ", on ~hort notice, a.11d reasouabl~ t ernui. J\-IIKE.~ " J i st be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Y c sec, I wus N. B. CoJfuu~ kept on hru1<l, t·nd ID$.de to order, at the tould, yisterday, that Misther Gmy, av Tyrone, had got home NEW DOMINION RE1'AJL FlJR ;YJ'lURE 1VARE-R001lf ·an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as clmt, man; and its I meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinkicng av the. Opposite J. W . . Fowke's Store. King Street East, Oshawa. the chape goods. And shurc cnuf!', its the full store he hasOshawa.,Aug. 26th, 1870. pilcs. and piles ."':" the natest pattern~; .and he'd ir!ve ye the j nmkrns av an 1lligant new go,vn for B1clcly, for S1venty~five i anvnws vinci polem t. Slauding round the C ERT IF IC A T E the8e, · Cints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a t1'i£e Jess." I Perfection in butter-making can never be aT· carnp-fire upon the ruorningin c1uest.ion,aud OF AGENCY FOR THE _I: . 1 1 1 .1 'th shivering before each blast of n. bitiocr \Vind '['O C'Al·L A'l' d' l'IM.-"An shure its funning me ye arc, Mike; wuuldH't the !Ill.tlt be ] 11 0 fl\'e( a ..,,,. u e ei er coarse Ol' ana tan we ·which ca111e froTn the frc:zcn nort.h, u~d re- Osborne Semnl')'I Ma,chine. . ufther brertking down." salt is used. One Oz. of fine 81.hlt. to th o lb. of minded the sufl~rers that tli e thertnon:ieter _ _e I \ 1r · S Q N ' S" ·1i MIKE.-" Breaking clown, is it. Shure he knows a thrick wurth two av butter· is tho right proportion. WM .belO"iV, rnore than one lllCtnber or "\Ve :;ivu t~is~1:enewal of_~he .Agency, as:since .J...V...L A i , . . General Lee's staff \\·as heard to n1uttcr an we firs LJ·ece1ved the _appo1ntinent, thel'e have I For H.axness that, I'll jist tell yon what it, is, Tim, if you want to git a luu1 gctintod fo.r h Un s\teh a. ~teady i uerc a~c of CHEESE . I as·n irat1'ou for a rrlaoo of \Vhi 8k ·t0 d IT ~een otherti themi:ielvcf) as Agentrs, grate name when youre ded, and be called a fillantrofized, filosr, ., · · · < o ':9 . Y c), or in '"est i1urha1n :Sadd' bu~ineo1>- rnuch larger thri.u former years ; :tnd ·l_ hc mu.kc of 1n Ca·.~a<l<i.. bm~ iae~ca!:icd tio~~e other alcoho1~c st.In1ulant. N.o one (} UF.J.l~ H, Dec. 4th, 1871. ies, he t r usts t h at by . ifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nab6urs,and the rap1c~ly the past 3 <~r_4, yeari!, a~d .prorn1~es- to _r;.o ~.1c~d.tbat the g~neral ~ook any c?gn1saucc, I ~fe~!:ll'S. R. & H. O'Hara, Bowinauville. I Trunks, rist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more ?e still larger. In "\'1s1ting tl~e pr1;11c1paJ markets o~· \Vas (:!Vell a\,~arc of thrn hal f-ar ticula_ t e exThese are to certify that :you <luly ap -/ \ralises, for the good av you counthry, than iver.St. Patrick tlid for onlcl 1u :England and Scotla.nd this wmte1., we were pressaon of. a. w1.s h, . ]Jut prcse ntl Y en 1er~- pointed our authorised Agent Io:i: the \Vest 1-tidimprol:!Emd with two defects in Canadian llB c..<>:)11 · n1g ~0111 his tent .w1th a_ st.on e hottlc. or ! Jng of D~rba1n, ~n~ ~01·t~. a.ud.South, , Whips 1 Ii-ehmd, when he banish ed all the toads and snakes out ;w it trasted with Anleriean Cheese, viz,, uneu.ven dennJohn unc.ler lua arm, he <lre\v near to I and th~ South R~d111gof \·t a. "\Ve w1ll~ot1 B ll & that nivor was in it." , · attention to business ~t · d b d :fi . b ~ the can1p-fire and said : ' Gentlenlen the :ecogtJum tho actions of a.ny other pa.r~y claim· . e s, ,c,, striet qu<1t11ty .n.n poor n · tting oxes, . . ' ld h k' d ' ~ in(Y· to be ou1· Agent unless the ~1Pchu10 pass h' h ~ t I d " illt d h TB1.· "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and \von't de'Th(! objection to Canadian CheeB·l'l\'a.S :-'!In :n_orning· ls v ery co - t e 111 ne_ sa ?fa tb~oug·h youi· hands,'8elling in the a.bove te1Ti· \ w lC .L~f . s y e, ur~v ·Y an c eap- · ye; there'll ,shurely be a grate run, and ,maybee I'd miss every 20, !iQf or !000 boxe s we are eerta.iu to inencl t:nables Ille. to offer you a cord1a.l ; .tol')', frmu and .aite1· this date. uess, cannot be excelled in this vicinity ... pray bring your llu cupe: and taste what- I "\'Ve do not b1nd ourselves to \'.'&rrant ~ny I\!11__ some bargains. The top av the morning to ye:"-I'm off to } 11~ n--i ll continue to rec eive t heir suppoi·t . a pop.r one.s; .""_ <l then, the boxes fit so badly have here .' 'l1bere \l"ere oue or tw ' 0 on-lool·~ chine 1:1 old_, of o.iu· inan u facturc 1.~n · ~ .. said territory, 'l'o tho:ie. in ARREARS, hi.! would say Gray's. t k Cl tl b h th t h 11t in s 1pp1nge · rnese 1ey are ro en o crs '\Vho noticc<l a twinkle in the old sv]dierii unJess going dnect, from the Ji actory t o you1· TIM.' NK\V HEARSE, LOW Hl71. 1871. . n ·ON'T TJ"'IA.IL , 00 ~ 0 ·· ~ II' I I CD I pieces. Imagine the diffc1-encc in appearat1ce between an America11 factory with good-titting boxes, l ooking as nice as when it Jeftthe f:ictory, an<l i1 Cana<linn factory with one·fourth the cheese ' eye , and n lnrkin n- s nl.ile upoll his inontli w:hich taught the~1 to anticipate , o. scU.~ Bnt tl1<>: tnajority of the co1npauy }1ustily · fetched their drinking cups, and stood expect."tnt round t h eir chief. rr·Jie cork \Ya& d 1 l v.'ithout boxes, or at least with only the lidH or t'~tlkwn, a n rl kt l< di~ u?,~ proved to h e butter+ I f'D.l't!'l 6f rhns rot bnxc si. Yoi.1 cnn thu >1. P1t~lly nc- tn1 ~. - 1 31ac "i fJO(I ,,;; n1 1rt.fJa'J'1:11e. 1 01·<ler, or to that of ,auy of your s 11L .!\.gents. Re~pectfully you rs) GU E LPH SEWI:XG ~iACllINE Cu. P.S. -- Each of our Agents will a\Yritten certificate of .Agency froni ue;, which purc.:h:.i...:;;ors ahould insil:lt on sl·eiug. R. &: IL O'llA.RA. B0wnHnn ill e, Do,('. 21, J271. 1 YOU MUST 'l'ho~e PAY UP. S. B. BRADSHAW. All lhose thn.t tu·e in o ..r l"cnr:> nnist pay np 1 cs+ whu lut ve t'l.Jlr~n.dy Rettled, will please o.c c.ept our hearty thanks. J@ GR!f, Tyrone. Noted for chea1l Goo{ls. S. MASON. Bowro '\t1.villc: D tfc Jrd. lSGP. rilO peeially the H a.rdwnre account. Howma11vi1le, .r1 :n1. JOtb, i i:;72. 8. ,B. B. l y·lfl.

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