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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 May 1872, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1S72. SILV:EJB TONG'O':EJ. Just arrived and now on exhibition in om' Show Room, a new supply of Or:gans, Sty le 4, in Rosewood. Others are expected in a few days. RICE & BARKER. · j T. DARLINGTON, HA ' rE a. J \ist received Choice 10t of Bowmanvi!le, May 7th, 1872. · NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, A n cl yet c~n other aiYivoJ. Faw addi tional 0Tgans, 2 style 5, and 2 style 6. Call lm cl examine them :Oa.tes, Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd. Citron Peels, NUTS IN GHEAT VARlETY. Aleo .Barrels and Boxee' of MlJRDOCH BROS Spring Stock Of Dry Goods fa no1 v complete with all the novelties of the season. Men and Boys Suits, Great Vsu·ie ty AT THE Dea atifu.l C andies, ' vith an a.<;sort1ncnt of CHOICE BISCUITS. Dat·liugt on ba.s again r eceived ilnother lot of thoas celebrated · McCLUNG BROS'. Spring Stock is compl ete in every department :PURE LEA:!r TEAS, Qitali ty i'.s th e :l'est of (J/rn(t]1'ness. Bown1::i.nville) D ec, 22nd. 1870. n] 2~tf and wff1 be ,;old cheap for Ca5h. Millinery Goods, 1 CORNER Spring Stooks ! . · I Dress Goods, Para.sols, Kid Gloves, etc. Aloo a lru:ge Btock of I F. Y. COWLE. NEW SPRING GOODS, 1872.: - - -· O ·- - - Large Supplies & Stocks Completea A 'I' T HE Beg1' to infonn t he Public t ha.t, he h a.<i received itnd opeh eit ou t fAi 1Jeautif11l ~ncl wnll Msor ted Stock of HA. 1' s A N Tenip~e ~ Is lt asliio1i,Oshawa ~I R . pl~ n.r-;c d for 5 pring nnd S u1nmer pas1esi pre-.'iously w~ar. n aA o± P s, llia Stock 1u rin t h .., To wn. I G-entlemens Furnishing Goods, Tweeds, . T l{ E W IN His Prices are Low, ~ncl hi ~ Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shi1·ts, Ties and Collars, etc. wBon t 11'r il h, Mt/ 7th, l8i 2 l ly to announce, tha.t h o L~ now prl'pared t o ahev..- NOVEL'l'IES AHE STYLISH. A vei·y la1·gc an d co'inpnhen sive Stock of Sp1'ing ·y Goods, S umme» Staple rind Fancy D1 . . . A.nd ,,Onld t'lf!peda.lly mention son10 very atl'iking n.ud alnazingly beA.utiful The wh olti will 1 ·epay in!!pcct ion, ft.Ud h ~ cordial· ly extends All in vitat ion t o alt his old frien dil 11.nd a.111 mltny new ones M may feel in clintJd to be h·nefitted by ha.ving lines in DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, & - - o--- MANTLES~ FIRST-CLASS GOODS, ._, 1.t- fai r, r emunerntive pric~s 1 t.o givo lli~ ~call. His Gent's Furnishings will be found well assorted. 'l'he :Millinery Department will be found unusually at.tractive this season , replete with choiceJ:1t things in !$O m e MARK US MAYERS· B ol\' lI:a1 1 vi ll ~ · .A .1 )rH 6th, 1871 . t f. of the R I BBONS , FLO WERS, TR!JlfMINGS, &:c. ;tn(l t\.8 only FI1V5T-OkA.SS TA .llb~J!i....T-is employed to su peri ntcntl our 'l'he S nbRcriber having p urchnsed f.he M[LLINERY, MANTLE, AND DRESS MAKING, Ladiea may r ely On getting Now 11.nd F ash ionable Garmen t s well m~d ~ BUSINESS AND S TOCK of the late l~ ich a.rd J\fal'tin, will bo ple a~ed t o sert Fri ends, as far as Prices are concerned, crtll mid j udge for yourselves. · s. Osh:i wa, April 8rd, 1871. T REW IN, Corner King nnd Simcoe Sts .. OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES A full Stook of Groceries and Confectionary ly IMPROVEMENTS! · - - :o: -- k ep t on h n.nd. N .B. -·It fa tny intcntio11 to ~mpp l y t he E-I E PUBLIC TO T_ vVALrrER. \VIGG i~um ~rn u~ COUN'l'B Y '!' .RADE <-~ ~toCJ.r " SON, · with CONFECTION.ART, rct ur11-ing t hanks. to _ t heir Custon<ers , ttnd t ha Public generally, for pai! t I N·would r espe ctfull y invite t heLr ent1on to our rn·eaent of Funriture, as ·we ha.v e la.toly l REMOVAL TO LARGER PREMISES . - --;() ;- as WM f01mer1y done by ~1 r. 1'.fartin. f:JJ\' Ol'!:I, a.~de d thereto, tha.t ~ve may t h or::ib y he ena.bled t o supply all part ies who rn n.y please t o fa.vor us n·1th !" call Great 1nducen1ents held ou t t o thoi:ie puroha.sing at our Establiahmont. :Pictu res, Look111:g Glasses 1 &c. , fr amed t o order, and in e"-ery ay tle. Sa.mplef of thC<lift'orent k inds of M ouldings can be seen at lhc \ Vtwe-room. \\.7 e wonld n.lso heg t o inform you, t~n.t, . ha.v in g p u rcha.;:ed :1 'l':EOUA.S :SASSE'I"I' Has Rcmo\Ted his Stock of Shelf and Heavy H&rdware to the large and commodious premiees recently occupied by Messrs. McClung Bros. as a Grocery Store, opposit e the Ontario Bank. I i C ERTIFICATE OF AGENCY FOR THE Eowmiuvillv, Dec. 7th, l 87L H HORWOOD SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, Osborne Sewing Machine. \Ve gi 'fe thfa 1·cnewal of the A gency, ns,sin ce we fil'st rcceh'cd the o.ppoin tnient , t h ere h aYe b een oth ers r them~ clve:J as Agcnts 1 in ' V ct1t :Durham :G·UELPB, Dec. 4th, 18il. l\fessts. l t & ll, O'Ra.ra., Bowmanville. 1'ht0ise are t o cert ify t h at y ou are duly ap pointed u t 1r ~uthor:i s e ll .<\ for t he ' Vest Riding of Durha,m?. an d N ort.h and South Ont, and the Sout h Iliding of V ict oria. \ Ye will not recogn ii:io the act iou s of any ot her pru:ty cll\illl· i ng t o be OUJ" Agent, 11nlc~ s t h e :!\'Ia.chine pass thr oug]1 your h and8) seU ing in th (~ abovo territory_, frvw and alter this d11tc. \ Ve do n ot bind ourselves to wa1r ant any Ma· chiue sold, of our manufncturc,in t1td<l t t:rritory, un les::; gC'>iog dire ct from the ]!"'actory to your ord er, or t(! t,hat of any (!f y ()ur sub Agents. 1-tcspectfully your s, 1.:r uE LPH S EWING J\f~\CBI NE we sha ll be ready a t all tirne.s.,, t o oud F unerals, on short notice, and reasonable termS'. N . B . Coffi ns kept on h anct, (~nd made to order , at the SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND - --:o:--- American ...1... Organs! N EW DOJ.ilN ION R E'l'A IL FUR N I 'l UR E WA R E- ROOM. Oshaw· , Aug. 26th, 1870 _ King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W . l'owke's Store. r f1HE SMl'lH A::llERICAN ORGAN CO. 1 yeru.· of bnsiuese:, with a. con"Stan t nnd still in crea.sjng growth. A~ the n1anufactory is one of t he olde::it, it also rank s among the liighe1:1t in th" country. · During th e lon~ experience of the manufacturer s, th ey Lave st mM. l ily ad <led to the cap:l.clt/' of t l1eir instru men ts, and a \·aiJ ed the1nse ves of t;w ery method t o ituprove t he qnnli tr of tonu H nd to io cre""3.c t h e mech:;i.nical facilt1c.:i for the perfor)D c1 ·. An d t hough they exl ) <tCt t o coutinne the .:.:o:w·se of .improvern ent ,tbcy :tbnnrlautly sathrfi e!l w ith wlrn.t has been done, nn<l \vith the wtimation in which t Leir in· ·truments ar!:I held by good judges of mu sic. ·i\.s heretofore, they will tl.e best materials, without rcgnrd to cost, nn d give to every Org & u the 1 nost thorough workmanship. '!" 'hey especially invite comparisons as to the q uality and volume of ton.e, a ucl as t o t he c±rect ivc 1nccha.nical appliances. 'r hey call attc ution to t he fact t hat their Organs arc sold A 'I' EX TREMELY LOW low a> is cbarg"'l for many of ~n inierior sort. Ifa ving a large, and t]wrougbly apvointed ni~nufactory, cmpl()y ing n oae but skilled wrirkmen ,and ha.ving ;', rninute di \'is1on of labor, they arc abl e tn pro· ttes t ha.J1 most competitors. d uce Organs at Jt.!ss r c 'l'hey believe. also 1 tbat among other thin:,,"B, they have earn ed a i·cputation for fait· dealing, rmd they would n-ssur e distant purchase1 -s t hnt no Organ will e\'or leave their wartrooms with t hoil' k n11wledge 1 th ~t ia not in every rei'lpect }Jerf~ L't nf its clfil!s. . \~ t hc.r ha\ e before s tated, they intend to secu re fl fricnLl in every pm·chase)· . 'i'ht:ir ca.t alo:; ul.', with f uJI deilcript ion and Rccurate engra vin~~ . will bu Kent free to any ~<l.tlrcf~ upon np1l1 cation. .i\J1 u ~ccs:; a1·y inforw!l.t-ion ch tierfuly fnrnislietl. A ddress have now complet ed their T'ven ty-Firet Dana's Patent Sheep Marks most compl ete tiver invented. They aro usud an d recommended by m any of the hest Ilrecd cr8 n the UnitcU States a nd Can ada , such a.s G. B. L oring, Salem, M ass., President 1" e,v E ngland Wool Growers' Society ; John S. R oss, H en ne· pln, Ill.; Professor 1'-'I. )filtis, ef the St ate Ag· ricultural College, Lansing, Mich. ; Hon. Geo. B rown, 'roronto, Ont. ; J uhn Snell, Edmont011, Ont. On each 1\-Iark is stamped the owner's They will be and the Sheep's number. sen t free. by mnil, o·~ express, for onlv four i;ent each, and '.Vill last for 'l'WE~ TY YEARS. ~a Oa$h mnst accompnn y all orders. Mrs. E. Cawker, r Card of Thanks. For the very liberrtl extended to me during the period of my connection with th e Hardware Trade, I beg to return my sincere thanks to the public. My endeavor has been to s~rve the public faithfully and fully ; and the measure of increased suppor t. with which -I have been ~:rnred is evidence that business has been conducted upon correct p1inciples. Increase of business necessitating incr,o,ased accommodation, that want has been fully met. I hope to meet with rtll old friend. s, an.d m!'DY new ones, in my new prernises. - -:o:- -- REWARDS. --:o:·- mHESE Jli,\RKS ARE 'l'IIE CHEAPEST, in. retiring from buioin es11;, begs to 1·et urn he1· sin· .l the roust la.sting, the least t roublcrome, n.nd cere t hanks to he1· nu rderous p atrons, for theh liberal support dtu·ing the t ime she hae been iD b usiness . ..cit the aam.e time, she begs t o ann ounce, that she ha s r etired in fa,vol' of h er tv.-o Son s, ·w hom sh o t rusts, by We have ju8t e>pened one of the LARGEST .A.ND BEST OF SELECT~D STOCK S1'RIOT ATTE1V TIO.Y 1'0 B USIN ESS a nd supplying a. Co. FIRST-CLASS S ARTICLE, to still me1 it t h·t patronnge so liber.Jly beatow· ed upon her . P .S. ·--liad 1 ofulH' Agen ts will La ve a written certiiicri,tli c.f .Agency f ron1 us, which p u rch asers should in sis t on seciug. R. & !I. O'H.A lLA .. Bowma,n \illu, ])er.:. 21, 1g71, It Sabbath School Libraries and Jiewa.rds plea.~e AIWIHJ3 ALD YOUN G, Ju. , Sarnia, Ont . tall No. I.. Mark et _ Bu ._ il~i·n ~ gs _. D owman villc, J&.. n, 18th, 1 87=-~ _ 16--~~ Orders addressed t o t he M.&ncUNT and On tiEIIV ER Office , fo1 any quantity, will b u.filled a.t t be above ·ment ioned price, as quickly a.CJ the M arks can be ma de and sen t. 4 STRAY STEER. & C. BAHKER, Bowrn an 'ilh'. D i.'c. 28t h 1 1871. ly·ml3o into the of th· Subm 1bar, . C.UIE I .ot No. 12, in ptentiso· the 3rd Con. C-nrt"U·:right , S teer, coming two old. Tho owner can have hin1, on provii:ig p r < ipert y , a.nd paying expenses. ever offered for sale in Bowman$ill . DON'T JfA_ Parties wishing to replenish their School Li15raries, or t o purchaee ReIL wards, will to remember two things : ' Jn addition to my previous large and well-assorted Stock o f l F irst, Our Stock of School Books is no old picked up at Auction I Sules, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. ·we have out and Shelf and Heavy Hardware, M A s 0 N ,s I refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen times during the p·et year, and have F or }ln.rness) TO CALL AT ~tuft~ ~old QI _ 1 New Business. rl' HE SUBSCRIBER bege r espectfnlly t n .l in form t he public that M l\.I r . R . Ree<l's J. (:::£11 ES Cart.;vright, J"a.11. 3rd, 1872 . ,41 .. THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGA N CO. Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. J C~e u erul M : BRIMACOMBE, Bowmanv1l!e. A gent fo1· t he Province of Ont a1i u. llown1anville, April 3r d, J872. 1y-ol4-1n 27 . :P::. 0 :Son.o l?ublioo. 1 b11sines.s has ch<.~nged. h anda, hti h as open bm:nncss on his own acconn t in t he shop KE DUIU!AM BULL. ONB YEAY. two doors , , . . er.t of l\.furdoch Bros. ; 'vbert: be «ld, und two Bull Calves, vc r·y fine-price will kt:ep on h antl a tirl) stock of BoQ ts nnd low. S ho-:s suit a ble for t he season. Order 'vo1'k will M..TO.:VES.5 . h ave his prmnpt and best at t ent ion. rrwenty Bowrnroiville, ~pril 18t h, 1872. fi ve years experience in t h e trade , mo1 ·e than t h e lnst two of which he has spen t as cut t er-. 1.tnd gen eral maunger in J\fr. ReerPe e~tablishm en t, bns given him opport uuitiea of l earning what t h e I people l'eally want; He h as the1 ·efor no doubt of l-lED and \.VID'l 'E CO'\V witL a. white face. ' beitig able t o ~rive satisfaction to ~\.ll ' vho iohaJ.l She is about to calve. A1 )y 11c1·;;on giving ;ITi· fn.vo1· ~iin '.vith ~ t.lnll, and h?Pet! by piving due formation, or returnir1 g her t o t h e pTem ises of a ttention to bu,:;1nee-5 to 1·ece1ve :~ fm r Hha.rc of \Villinm ]~arly,G1·occ1,;..'~'U l be su itab~e rev.~ard e d pu blic support. wILLIAM EARLY. P. o" ma.nvi ll~',- :!\lay 2nd, 1872 m3l· t L DU RHA M BULLS . O :laddies, Trun ks, Ynli ses, Whips, Bells, &c., . P ersons nbo ul to build will find it their advantagt to give me (t call. which fo r style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity I To parties commencing housek eeping l ean offer special indu cem~n ts in I have purchr,sed the Bankrupt Fitock of Edwin Horsey, that e11ables me to offer my customers _ "I · GREAT B1 \.RGAINS ! now purchased so largely, that we have not room t-0 erliibit them. Plea1e come and take ·them away. Second, We have not marked om books at high figure s, with the view of taking off a large discount. They are marked low for general sale, and a discount of 'l'E N PER CEN1'. will be allowed on purchases ranging from $1. t o $50. ; over that amount FIFTEEN PER CENT. will be allowed. We respectfully invite :tn inspection of our STRAYED. A STOVES, :a:O'C'SE-:E"IJ'BNISHING GOODS, ~1:Y RTOOK :m~c., EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF YOU I\-iUST PAY UP ·r hof'le ' d tn h a.\·e e::i, J y settle r! will ac ccpt our hemty tha;kf:.I. Pocket Books, Albu1ns, Writing Desks, Ladi-M~ Coin panions, A t present ern braces ev ~ry article twrnlly k ept in the Hardware T rade. My st ock of Paints includes all t he Best Brands in the market, viz : S. MASON. nlO ALL KI:ND:S OF Ont a r io Bank! J. Ja,mes's, Walker~s, TA.KEN OUT A ~D s. 1 DI\' lD E ND NO. <JO. DR. B. PATTERSON, A of Bowman ville. Tha be.-.t of ref~reuces gh·en in Bowtn auvil l~ and elscrwherc. Offi ce on Ohu1 'ch Str eet 1Jo1vnu1,11 vi ll e 1 l'eli 22, 1872 . ly·1n2Jo-£1 Cured without the Use of the Knife, by S~ock of this I rurtitu t-ion, for tho ha.lf yea r~ bits t his day been, . Houfie artd quartet' .Acre· of land, 11ea.1' the an(l 'thut the Eame will be payable at the Bank Factory , adjoining Mr. J. P errin)s on the a»<.\ ite branoh ea,on a.nd a.ft er S.i\'l'URD AY,t he nortl.i .~ ll'or particulars, enquire on t he p r e1 niBcs. FlRST day of .JL'N.E next. E. BURN S. 'l'h fJ 'T ransfer B ook 'vill be closed fr<)m tihe Bo,Y manville, A pdl 23, 1872. 4in-o27-m30 16th to \;be 31st of ?i1.ay, b<'th daye ioclusive. N otico i!'l ahm ~iven t hat the A l>i~ !:\"T.TJ1 ..L FOR SALE . up (',apital cur~nt rs HE REBY GIVEN, '.l'H..!\T N O'l'ICE a divideu<l o.f four per cen t upon t h e p I .i\ NEVV l'ICTURE GALLEitY! :Sra,ndra,m's, (/;nd the celebrated ELEPHA NT 1VIIJ'l.'E LEAD, d;irect f rom A lez a·nder Ferguson's P ain t Works, Glasgl'.W: o,cknowledged by oil P aintM"S who have 'liBed it to be the Best Lead in the mc~rket. T HE S ubscriber respeclf nlly infor1113 tl1 e lJUL· lie, that., having fitt ed up n ::'>T~w P ictur e: Blotters, Ink.stands, Note Paper, Envelopes, &c., &e. GMkry, with nil t he !Ml'RO VEJI .t.:N'l'S, li1t is prepare d t o t:ik$ FARM FOR SALE. ..l 8th Con. of ] )u.r1in g-ton . 42 acres ate in a good 8t ate of cultivat ion . Good out buildin'"'s. 0 lj'or p a1 ticnlarf! apply Oll t}ic pren1i se;;i t o UHARLES K NAPP. D(l,rlington, .Dl a.rd1 1Gth187 l . 2.f tf. 4 BEES! FOR S.ALE by E. Ha1n pton ~ GE.l'\EllAL MEETI :"G of the Stook hol de·~ for th e election of Directors ;,nd A.mend ment; B. Crydennan, ne:.r of Ry-laws will be held at t ho B aukin" Hou"e iu Bowmanville, on MOKDAY. 't he 0 THIRD clay of JUNE next. tl1 F lE ~ or!,h \Yest Fll"'l 'Y A.CRES 0f Lvt 21 ITALIAN AND HYBRID BEES, at :-i. reduced price. Having been wintP.rcd in a 8.Plepclill conditiQn, and all containing Y ollng Queens, which is the gre~t e~t sectet of ~twceaH f ul hee culture . Cl~ely. . Th e chniv to be t akl.'!ii at 12 o'clock , n 9on,11 re· R.r order of the B oard, ONTARIO BA. NK., I . · d" "te 0 n t an ·o Bank I Remember t he Stand---1mme iat el y opposr s.lgll 0 f t'Il0 G0 ld6ll Anvil · in over:,r styld of the .Photographic Art. An Hall. in ' : '~ction of ~pcc imen s D. 1'ISHEil. Cralldcr , T. BASSETT. m .hn-n 10. 'fJ7lj' Hemelllber the ~tore, next t o the West Durh1un Steam Printing isim'ited and Publishing Hou~e, King Street, Bowm:tnville. } ; ntl'r i- ' , ·Os it0 the en t1·a11 Cij t o th e Town . . April 30th 1872 l3o'inn1inv ill e, April 20t.h, 1872'. } L. \V. SEXTON. Bo,1·ni.~~- 'v.d.ltl . 4w·:ro c. BARKER, MAN.AGER. Sept. 27th , J.871.

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