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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 May 1872, p. 4

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THE ~1EHCHANT, FRIJ 1A Y, :\1AY 24, 1S72 =- --POET _R _ v.Comforted - - --== Rachel S1lent hes the little sleepe1 'V1th the lilies on he1 bre!r.5t lender k1B8, or burat of weeping }.fa.y not stn her peaceful rest 0 =,~~= ::-~==T =H =E =H =o = u= sE = H= o= L= o= . =~=~~y=us0=~~~=~e=d .;,= ~~·= t p1= ~~"= i~;a= t~~= i~n= b~= ~:~= ,~~~.=== A===:T ::::=:=: T ::::H =====::E ::::::::::= y=i=o=.=B=O=U = N =S= A=L=L =,==;:==; H~A=:=R:::~D~==; T=;;;=O::===;;; B ;:::::: E~L;::=::J::=E~V~~E~.~'I' =r =:; ; ;::M ~ i==t=Yf:::::oEr=~:=::=:osu===r=Ese::::lv =:=-! es 1 ed and trembled mto hleand Laza1uscame R I'iPOR'.IER, MANUlAC'.IURE R rn I " "' Raising Early Flowers and Vegetables It as po11 that imsed a the dcnd , bul hun1 agency ed If\ stone be11e\e the ab trneuce Q E !tahan & American Marble. TRUE NEVEI-l THEL ESS ! Those that havo tued, e convmced It ls not e·etJ fannlythatcan P ' ess a hot bed iu \\ Inch to statt early flo\\ <;l s and vcoeta. ble yet all can have them by the expend1ture of a. httle more trouble A. kitchen wJndo\v, if the location is sunny \\lll supply all the hoht one needs tor use a fe,~ asteia bn.lsa1n.s stocks, \eibena.s, etc and to111 ato pepper cabbtg~ and lettuce plants can a.ho be sta1ted in small 0 Closed those svc; eet blue eyes fot cve1 On tlus changeful scene belo" Never on that polished forehead Ca10 Bhall ti ace one line of\\ oc }; eve1more shall b1aat of ' v1nter Rudel.) move he1 soft bro" n ha.11 Never shall those 'vnxen tinger.:i Close on aui;ht that 1s not f~1r er of God lCJUO \ the 0 And I total cntcrp11se has been instrumental 111 t'cmov lng 1 nany and m:::t.llJ a rock fr0n1 the dark tomb \\ hel'c the drunkard basi lain So that I feel I can a 0 k God to sanctify the enter pnec to a hlghcr cud than n1e1 aly hihnµ; a n1an i ra,111 the ditch I thank God that sorne who " ere 111 th e ditch ha.'e been ie \ll fo1 th 11 tbo DEALER mall the Hueties of N ni i:f' M o N ~ A ln.rg(;: and cl101ce selection of MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, alwa\s on hand of superior \\01kmansb1p, nn<l at lo\\ est pt ices SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST that S F HILL sells hrs Goods as low or lower than than any one else lll Town I µone where endlesf:I suru1ne1 01n luth Go11e '"])ere all the au HI lo'c }:IutUer 1 n1 the SLn iotn s bosom Nestles 11.0\'i )OUI 1:1no'\ \v}nte do\e To that A1k of Peace she fl 1ti..u1ed }...rom the stonn and w11 d 1n1U 10.1n Surt:!ly for her feet the fowler Now 1nay ~prcad his net-. in ' Hll 0 e1 the hm1t ef sweet safety 1\~\e1 canhc1freev.1ng10\t:! · I 01 her joys 11nn1ense ho11i!iot Stretches fnr n.s boundler>9 lo\ i;: 011 the gni,,' u li:J but a. ca.!:!ket \\- l t::H :t ve !Jill~"' Jen el . . l aic And whose kc~ our ten lcr Fa.U e1 Keepeth in bis holy C<\l e 1111 the dny of festal gladne~s ] ill the Lan1b s S\veet bndal 1nolll \\ ht:n on radiant b10,,. and b soin E'er~ Je\vel 1nust be \1-0111 fhen·ou1 tica.su1es S \vift unlock1n,, Ile \Vtll c' e11 gem restore louch111g Ntch with peerles>1 lnst1c 1 une may ne\ er trunu!h mo1e I (HU l that droppC'd so lately I 1om its fiagilc setting hc1c .A nd you laul asu.le iro sadly Bhnded lJy the falhn=> tea1 r hen your Yo 11hall fi.n<l a hght encu'(;led Pure a.nd p1 ecious tipotless oClll J hrough otu111a.l J ear1:1 to gliAtcn In your fadeless d1ntle111 Joa~ IH\Nt;. · ----=-=:=======-=--=--=--=--=--=-=-=-=.:::=:::: THE FARM =============~'==-=-=-=-=--:=- About Deep Ploughing ne\e1 p01hap,r, n. bottci: illustra twn of t he tt uth of th e moral <l1a.wn from the old fable of the chan1elou than has been cxlubrt.. ed by the Icauied ll1:;:cuss1(n the past year about thc"Vn.lue of deep plo,v1ng 'Ilus d iscnso;1on 18 1 1 I d 'ti! contn\uc m ag11cu tura pnpers an d f mm l t f th ers olubs Indeed it "as m one o ose "' d ~hat the dibCUl:H::Ion fir~t opened-the celebrate F.l.rint.irs Club of Ne\v y ork It has been a \V3S 0oxe' or flower pots T ake good ll.;ht s01l, if cleemed posslble nux ,1 Wlth leaf mould ""ll crumbled People t al k sometimes oJ tempernuce up bake the eaTth to d estroy all the larv::c of und religion I l no\v no su ch d1stu1ct1on I WOllllS etc nnd vlant yOlll seeds over the sur lll n1y OWll cnse UIJ te1nperance 18 p o.It ot hlS Or 0Wll face "hen the s01l JS cod to the hruod Scatter my rehg1on - 1 cannot be a Chns mu and a woderJ.te dr1nke1 UUJ n101e than J... can ::ico11ring- sand lightlv O '\' erthe seids shade fron1 be a thief and a. Chu:.l1a11 I an1 not 1udg the sun for three or fou1 days andi&oon JOU will ing vo~ D on t go away and say, 1 8a1d Be sure t ha t a cann ot be a Chr1stWJ1 unle.::s 11e have quantities of plants of all kinds to pl mt JOUr ~eed sparingly <l o not ci o,~ d the is a teetotaller I nu1 onl y JUd ~ 1u g Dljse1f, plauhi the1eby malnng then1 spindling and an d I o:: ay tli it "it h lTI} '\le'v of t hr horrible s1cl ly and co.using them to become "\\Ire evil ot fhu1 ken11 csq, "1th Hlj \ 1cw of the dra.wn If they do g1ow tall end slendor \\ n\ in ,v}11ch I ":.t n1e to it,, w 1th n1 v ' ew of pinch off the uppei leaves o.nd this w11l u1a.kc th e lnfluencc C\eri.: m n exert.fl, \\1th ID\ them more f.jtocky 'When they at"' two 01 'Je\v at the dnnk1nJ cust on1s of some tj if three lfiches h i~,1 1 t ranljplant 111to thu1 nl1 pot~ I countenance those custon1s I an1 \ iolnt1ng Prepared 1o1 unecl11te use a.nd nothor lalge boxes g: nir g them 1001n cnol1gh to 1ny allegiance to heaven \\re :ire Ji o t pie rng but the pm cst rnateuals used gro\\ Keep the plnnt.<i in the chrect 1 tys of tlte snunng to et t e1:u pe1a11ce lll th e pl tee CJf and ieq,mrng no further nnxtme of sun duung the grenter part of the day 'Ihe th e gospel but " c behove these ussoc1a h ons sprn1 b fto1n the go~pcl hke c\ er~ Oils, Tmpentme and Dt) e1s kitchen is the best place for plants dur1n~ th e o th c1 be iet olent as.soc1at1on day- r~mo\mg to a wanner room at 111.,, ht- 1f rhen compo31tion t:,;Ol 81St8 S lt:ly of th \s the sun because the nir 16 moist and with Sonte h ave s nJ th it .. bey te nd to n1fide1 1ty I dfl" \OU to ln 111~ 1ne 011c 111an \\ho ltll o 1te1 doo1 it is oftened fJ etihened 'lhus J ,} b l Pm e Calm Pu1 e Wlnte Lead, Piw e t\a~ e ' e r rnude au iulidel .} Jecon1n1g i White Zi nc Linseed Spi1 \'\lth httle expense and soinc cai::e e\ el J fCLmily tee totatle 1 f-{e 1uay have bee n :ln infidel CUll supply i t ~elf with all tho eatlj flo-wers Ul l l e{ore he s:1gnetl the pledge 1'. OU S:1.} \"re its oj Tu1pentine, & D.ye1s, \egE table::; they desne 1nust not J CCt;l\: C:: s uch au 011\j No w ti ourih ccaielully and sc1 ent1J1cfLll y com We 15 aj anrmalnatu ~ fo1 thclustv \J,,)HUS I aat a rn en1bcr of \Yhat IS ca lled 111 bmod untramniclled g1o\~tl1 of the chilc..I 1 ~ n.11 111 the in N e \V Eugland, the Orthodox C ng1ega doctri ne of its a.iumal cxrntenw It is a.t once t1onal Cbu1ch s hall 1 aRk a inuu ' ])o y on The consmnm can ha' e any de the most scns1h ve Ulrl the Jnost hclple'ls of all be long to DL) p11snu:.1on l bcfo1e I '\ill sned slrn,de of coloi neatly put U] u.rnwals, for 1t cannvt ohtain 1t 8 o\\ n foorl f( 1 stoo1) \\ 1th l11n1 and put shou lder to slio ulde1 l ) h e lp a lnau out ot the dit ch~ No \\C m Cans and all he reqmres to buy·us J I 1 j t At fo!'lt natu1c\\ill indicate tle iequrcd \\:1llwoicto:;et1~1 to lO go<t "c aro "1th the l:'amt is fL Brush as the wide ns th e pole.1' asunclei iu polll 1 ci'I and in "hole can be clone b) lmnself 01 by amount to be l)U( plwd Should nn excess be \\' } I l reh~10 1s 001n1011s i:. Ja\ c no 11 0 it o any rnernbe1 of hrs household 1 ~1 taken lt\v1lllJes1mplytl110,\n o ff 0 1 push int:n oft 11 011 1 the p 1 a U011 n because gJ.tated the let of voffilting "'1th a. child being th ey do 1 ot Uelie' c a~ " e be lie\ c I tell painle8s and natu1al axccpt when due to du:; you one tl 1u~ 1t p1ofess1ug Cl11u-;L1au::; and case As the child 0 ro\\S nature b still our nullli:itl'l o < l th e go pcl 11ad t.akeu th'°' posi A 1:11ge stock 111 st iet~necl f01 aut guide Ihc okl ada0 e that '~ e sho Jlcl get up t1011 they 0u 0 bt to L n e taken upon tl1 e urnn parntrng impo1t(d duect from the ta.ble btngn so often preached to t empera nce question 1 behe'e th ere \\Ould from the English M,.,nuf cc L tho httlo ones is at a.bsu1d1ty " e seldoui do be fe,\ e1 infid els urno11g t he tectotalle.t:-4 I In health the fed1 ng of satiety kn on some of onr i efo 1n1cJ d1 1 nl nrds have 1t otuseh es tm 01 s,mcluclmg James' deterrrnnes the 11 ecessa1y a1nount to be t il en sa1J hn fl tl in g-s , but i eu e n1Li;I "ho thcv Genume and the No animal oats inore than 1t iequ re~ and \VCI 11 ~ 11 on cr.tcred 1nto l hen ~oul~, Celebrntcd the human spe(.,'lea li'.l )tO exc~ption to thl': iule tht!v \I e c n iser ilile p001 1 "rctch ~d del)a:-. There 1s no created bc1ng so long in re lching it;i ~~ ~~\J }~~rt~~l t'.'Edtr ~~~~~ J 1 ~~le :r~~~l~e~ ~~c Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody her Painter A l!llge stock of Cloths, D1 ess Goocls St1 iped, Checked fo1 encl os1a~ b u1y1 n ~ lotl:I and ploin Shawls, Wnweys, Furruture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c Flarunels, Blanl,:ets Linens, kept on hand ot w"loni;:bt to 01dc1 A call is Wool Goods, Howery, i espectfull) requested at the \Vo1ks Gloves,ancl1 nm Good Cooking RalSlns only ~ cent~ a pound, ~nd sL1ll cheaper by the King Stree t, Boicrtuin'Ville Box mings Octobe1 lst , J 8611 1 tf W1 ought 01 Geist I1 on Fences Groceries Very (}heap. JVIcLEOD'S all bought before the advance in pr1000 HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Cotton ancl ~ oolen Goocls rue advancrng, but you cEtn buy them 1it El A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent liott s fo1 a short time, at the olcl pnces Now IS the time to secme wh"'t lower than iaRt ;y;ear you need CLOTHING-Gentlemen m want-;;f a good fittrng euily at Elliott s Fash10nable Ta1lormg Esticb!Jshmeot ~tutl should call A lot last Season's Tweeds at o,z 'l'his JELLY HI IJJJ'.!:hly recommended to Ladles as · most ri~recablo Pre[)nrahon for the Toilet For Doantltylng the Crnnple:non, and rendering tbe Skin l::'o!tl Wbito, Clear nnd !reo from D['yness, it ts untival ad It wlll q 11ekly remove a11Rednes11, llOU2:hneset, rrau Freckle!:' .Pimples and Other fm peYfectlon1 For Chappf)d Hands!Cb.ilbl&in~, Frost Bites and Soro L1pB it ca.nno be 13urpaued Sntisfoct.ion gum anteecl m till ieasot,able e«se· HENRY ELLIOTT, Jm Hampton, August 2nJ, 1871 bp o23-m54 20 per cent. below Cost. Gent 8 suits mnde by the best wotkmen E\ery Garment made to fit The best Black '.teas m Town. The best Green Teas m Town. Biittm Eggs, Mittens l'rtco 26 cents Socks, and Ya1 n taken as Cashjo1 Goods S F HILL PURE WHITE LEAD, TOILET SOAP posses1tes all the well known. entisept1o o.nd dismfcchng propert1os of Carbollo Acid ls a.greeabl:receotecl. has a healthy action on the ek111 prevent! 1rnta.t1on removes the effects or perephatlon, and ehould be regnlarly used by famlhoe Uholera.. Smalloox ani:l Fever Patients ehonld bewa.ehed "1th this Soap and tte use b7 persons Ua'blo to infection will ma.teriall~prevent lhe epreall ot dl<1ease Pl!co lei cents per·..L&blet. Tb.ts CARRIAGE I SHOP. Kmg Street, Bowrnanv1lle J maturity and none which reri uircs gieatercate l ood fresh an da.ily exerCJse caieful a' oid auce of a.11 menta.l stnnuh, except such us tho child necessa.nly recen CR 111 the dn..ily instLuc ti )n of the household from listen ing to its pa 1 e11 ts are all it needs fo1 &e\etal ycnrs If P os~ible it aboul<l be oent to a g:; 111nae1 1m 01 take exe1 c1se of some soi t commenced at home after rcachsng the ngo of six 'vh1ch should he continued t.t some 1nst1tut1on unMJ lt heco1 nes gtme1::1l truth that deep soils \\ere the best but a.ble to perfor1n without fa.ttg 1e the u1ost olnb h d h l sonw one of thes" plulosop e1s starte t e icea. ~ h l orate exe1c1~ea thn.tdecpplowingv.asag1 cat1nJu1y I..1..e ac Tbo n1cn "Who ba\ o iulcd the »bill we e wh ~t tned 1t, and k111:·\~ v.he1eof he spoKc Natu t.'l 1 t is termed bn.ckwa.rd 111 their Jouth It ts h tr(l to get o· e1 the statement uf tin. l not be denw<l In bu1ld1n~ man who rL'\ Clfl po..<nt1\.ely that the :1.n1mal is wot1lc .... up the sound There could not 111dee l Le the least bodJ and the sou nd ini nd came o.fter ThlS black doubt but that thoso who had t1pok~n I n this tlu th cannot be too forClhly unpiessed upon wa) fuunclthercsult sto boinJuriousJusta.e he th e n n::l~ofpa.1entsancl instructors Oh1lcl hadstatedtheji,ere Ji.-IorcoTet no\ comeaa ien lobaH inh11ted dehcate constituhuna 1uc often prone to ~tu ly at ~u m1maturc age I \ e1y careful 8tlt of expel1me11ts on e< ru b y tie · 1ly nnd the J6 ?\hch10 a.u College n \d1 ch n1any tJ acts l:f corn ti1ey tl eve1 op lnent a lly V"l) "'" ff t lighted po.t ent '"111 ofte11 enco ur age thero to ex "e1e pl anted, with t ht: s01l plHved o f d1 cren bl t crtion Ibey \\ill sing with ch1ldtsh trc c cl pths n.ndJus:t1npt-opo1hon to tlie d t ffei en l t h e an1oun t o f tl 1e et op 01 i speal.1)1cces or oth1;i1wise ex l bit some depths In p JO\\Jng d ic , 1 foc1 ea.~e B e51.1es t11i:; t1ure rue 1:11' 01cs of casefl tacultw"'. . ,~h 1ch ar· nexpecte l and thetefL.11e undoubtedly 0 cnu1nc and trnthfullj istated ~t ri u~ing but Jt 1 ~ at a. fearful co-:Jt wJ cre1u tlrnre wa.<:1\ btcd loss ft n1 deep How mnn) cnilch n there \\ho u.t fifte en plO\\Jllg or sixteen ate only ounnble of spe tku10 pieces On the othe1 ha.n<l thousa.nda cn.n tl'-s+1f y to 01 B1ng1ng at childish conceits who ha' e fina.lly the f ict that deep plo" u 1g ] 1118 been the great IJccorn.c ltutble to get out of tlus D U"IO\\ .,'lOO'\O founda.tionof succes~, ith tlict an 1 theJ \ uld lhts is the m11d..e..§;t x cvengc t h at natu1e tales ~s so )n abandon th cu hope of all t hat 13 blt:ssed Often the u\ ertaxed ncrvouo syst~1n g1Vt..:1' "s.y f tlio a.'i to give up this t1n1e 110norecl and tl e tnue anlcloca(a trt::n1bhng 01 tw1tclun 0 1u ur:cles) <luectl,, traccn.blc to nervous cxuite impt-o\ ed practwe lh c a.nunal is re to them Jl3.ll 1 party me-ntor evenlP1 l1ucepha.Zus(w~\tc 1ont11 ~ 1 lher e ,\ould be no ha.r1n in lh1s if 1e t he sad result bl I \\Oul 1 >nly ndnut that tln: oth01 rrn,.., i t poss1 Y 1 'l ukcthc boo!.sll. \\ tyan1 gl.Vl.l the n ch1ldlil he 11.ght Dut thcJ will not Ench fi.,hts for , I th game~ 01 even to:ys to encouutge O\ er 1 hu~frnontecoloi \~Ition eElice e1e isno iJH 1n \\ ork by ui a1 peal to t.he1r lo"e of ap1 ro 1 l behefthatanygo(deropever uruno r1om i;ita. lo-..~ tlo,ving, with the othc1 skinny ilo\1 the bat 011 - - -deep sub soil is but the ;,; enest lnoonslun o La.die S Shoes .But Wt! can l()j> k ou a.nt.l. decla.te the anunal 1s wlute It is e1t;J1e1 01 both of the othc1 t o u~ th~V~~c:tsh~tV~~lib~ 8~~leito!~~;~ ffi:~ 1 b1::fu~~ ~~~ or tlieri:: uithe absence of a1n pn.1t1cular color shill ha\c dcfornnties on all sides of us A "n e Icnow Jady\\tth a fasluonable boot on no~ ::i.d5\ys as the philosophilra tel ls "' h ite 1s l v.1gglcfl Mong the paveiuen t fl in 1ch 1n the sl1.1ue that deep ~oil 11! s01netune1:> an JI JUt \ ~lll aoJJ e mu.nner that a bello pa1adt1s the s~reets of Pdun lnu ... s-and 1nost .,,eneui.J.1) - thc cl c1 8611 has Ev en the healthful e\'erefoe of \\ all ing Lecorner:i 1 uch the best of the argutncnt \Vh ) then a. ffotunient wl en put-s ied n1 the con-.tant tlo these expeuinents Hi.ry 8() s.tatc of p; brought on by one of the tnost nu !here aro two nH. .':\ons why I he k i soil natural posttU'es or descnbe l by th" is a\ ery 11H.lefin1te one It l':'; 1 ut the~ il which beauties" hen p oinenn.cling 13roadway shod 111 ope1ate~ on pla.nt gTO\ th If wl a.t 1u be l the he ght of th e 11 esent Jnode ·vy ho ori.n do else J h~ tha.n smile\\ th coutl !HI tat sel3ing a b"'llc go good the more of tu11t :::ood the l;ctt;cr deep~1 the iw d tie 1 1101e fooJ.1t con tain;.; On t the otl e1 hn11d if ti e soil conta 1:; barl 111 ttt..:1 by with the inost Mtollnd n... el I[! 011 suppoi ed by the tnost elaborate l)o 'ffn1e gor,.eous of cour~c the 1n01c of tli s the "01 H e for the c1op isilks piled upon apan1c1 of ext1 a.vag:tnt iuze 1 tJ tt gio\\S Jll it t1lt1ngforwa1U onbootheels t\\O inches lugh 1'l 1 nuppose ti "" n b:; 11 t l>e filled \\\ h an e1 1 )~e uf lH n s 1ch {01 nat uwe a,s in::iny of on shoe3 that a1e much too ~hort f 1 the feet the il{ontgmnc1\ o 1 tj i-!01ls a1e the tuuung they cnca.."o' E ve1) stel see1n~ a 1ang an<l e~eiy b1eath a pain ¥le c:i.nnot 1 frna 1 f 1on1 f tins to the sui f:tcc ail ti e tu1111ng down of \\ oudenng "rvhere the common seuse of our'\ iv es the good soil bcln· n Q nld be ve1y bad lhe an<l 1nothl'1S ha.s gone to wh en. tl1ey torture dee1 01 1t ii,1 bur1e 1 the \Ordo of oou1 Btl l he them ~elvcs willingly attnc behcbt of f:tsl 10n. ) otu1"' 11i1nt fe£dn ~ u11ts ca.rlv ~tagP.e t1pon the innf'1cC can int kc no heachvaj through tlus 111 f rtil tt a There CD..11 be no Cll-CUmEtances rno1 fa"o' llt to the herut \ oriu o:r tie rn:i ) uthe1 cxt:u"'e~ " luch poor fa ttn ers ~1 \ u for I aJ l_.'0111 Cl Ops 'Ye8- but JOU <11\3 puttl!JJ t c1 ope1tl L1CC \nothci \Vc allkno'~ how much \\a.te- t he place of t11e gospel !don t tlank so ,dw:.:h lodgei:; 111 the soil inJlUe;, o. crop Unrler The go>;pcl is 1 the powei o f Goel unto snl dLa1n1ng 18 founded on this fact \Vatt~r must 'at10I1, t.o every in au that bel16' cth I he abstinence pledge and p1111c1ple \\Ill ~O tJuo11gh the 8011 rapidh bcfo10 plants \Vl11 do a cerhun \VOik, anQ 110 lTIUle Jf a drunk 0 ri \\ l1ealthy in it Now if :t .!!oil is wet re ard adopts it Le cannot be a <l.1unkard lf t ....11L°" moistu1e long, the decpei It is 1nade tho your boy never uses intox1cat1ng liquor he more '~ a.ter 1s in there, and tke v.o.ioe Io1 the cannot li e 1nternpe1nte Begging) ou1 pv1 crop hence ha.~ al'1isen the dogma in good soi aon, he 1110.y be a tlneJ n. liar a Sabl at h cultu1 o tbat underdrauung a.ndsubsoilmg should ln en k( r be ma;; be the Lo1dest u1azen HO o.long tol:!ether 'Ve do not fa\ or th1511ru1 f 1cecl blnsphe1nei t hat e\ c I h' t;d but be c plc 1tbsolutely '1 he1c arc tnany soils that cnnnot 1 en drunkard 1 h ere IS no virtue U'l.1g-ht be subooifod \\1thout be111g underdrai.ned in the tulal abstin ence pledge 01 p11nc1plc but the8e a.r:e tbti!!e whkh h retenti~ e hard to make a nHlD a nyth1n g e lse hut a lefoun pa 118 bt!low whe1e tlie s< nl.Ui stuicd ed dr·unka1d, a soLer 1na11 - 1t v. 11 1 <lo that _ _ _ __,,-~,;:::~ Yon sa~ th e grace of Gou a lone c:au effect ::::- ~ it Here 1s an 1Dffi1cl-u nU--i:h e1e "'1.8 HO \ l r :\iccx u t P.E\.'l A '~utet 111 thti Boston 1 tue 111 tetal abst1nt.:nce to n1a.1..c him a CI1r1a Jum n(tl of OhemntrJ,J tlunks fanntini e;:1ve the1n t1an , but I would rnth c: .n. sober in stJhcs much hcuble 1n ca1ttng muck fo1 veiy fidel tho.n a drunken prole i;so1 oJ H.:h g1on, httle end He hae analyzed several specimens because I lo' e the church bettet than tein "'lnch con tu ned :from 1200 to 1700' lbs \\ ater peiitnce n s~oc1n t 1on s, and I bebeve th ese "S t 0 tl10 t It} t .. t f ihe balance soc1at1ons a1e pron::iotl\e ol 1he ve1y h1 0 h on anc re gie i er pa,r 0 e .. t 1nte1estf:I of the Chtucb Suppose I ;...:o '~ 's sand a.n(l clav 'lhese specunenH only con 1111to the ditch and bring Ol t a. d1uukard ta1n~d flon1 seven to ten pct Ct!nt of org \ll c l stup bun of the gra\ e cloth e~ of inehu a In otb.ei words ~ fanuet carts Llon Ileadh1111 a1on ·and ,,f1 u!pc:1 enc<uJ mattf!r 2000 lb~ in 01de1 to get 140 to~OOlba of d e1.;ay agin'g \\Oitls In b1sea~, bung DJ l11n1 LS I ef1 \ egetnhle matte1 the only th ng of~ alnc to can to t he , e1y tluel:ihokl of ) our church Haven t I done a good "011"' by rnere bu hiru rnan agen c;; as tar as it goes I '\YouI<ln t Concerrung Children Over Much yon i11the1 1ia., c hun there so bet than I drunk 2 Drunkenness 1 ~ a ph\s1cal Study ev1I an<l it rnny be remoi.:cd b) B I I U:~Il! E en U1IP'.IO)l :\I D hun1an agency rJ1e 1 unn S Slil may not be .An expeuence of i:seve.ial yea1i:s 111 tha.t best tcinove<l, but he can no lon gc1 b e a drunk nrd S uppose ) ou have a friend 011 a of all schooh the houBti lwld, as well as u.n ac rrtunntancc of fifteen vcara with the t1eahnent death bed- (I n ot\ speak to Christian p10 of e\ my forin of c11ildi<:.h ills, has qua.htied u r; to fr~ssors~-111 a rai:Si11g fe,er a11d \OU feel 110 hope ofsalvahon for 1nru He bnes 1ns sa.j a fc\\ n:ord;, conceullng children fist aua inutte1i-I unintell1~1bl e Jargon Yon l u t Ill the 01 1e1 of 11npo11;anco is th1:: 1ues kno'" it is the grai.;e of God only th ~t c u1 t1011 of thou- 11hysica.l culLtuc l 01 the fi1stfew 1enew b11n 1n the sp1r1t o1 lns nund Bung years of their cxLStcncc theu annual na.turc you1 ru1n1s ter let huu point to the sa..,ri l1 ce needs de\ eloping and guiding t n1.:w Crea once nn1.<l~ fo1 sin The rnan knows 11otb t1on is going on n. human being unlike 111 ijOntc ing about 1t , he is rrrn.d, li e doeen t kno\V 1 t.ispects an) othei "r\ h1ch .. hae p1eceede1 it on the ~v1f~ that bends tearfu lh o'Ver 111m the globe, anU d1ffe1ent fro1n auy \\ htch "hull WI ut will) ou do l ~ 011 send fo1 the ph) follo"rv is to cxh1brt.ii,the muaclc of e;u<itunce s1cu1n by cool appliances lie 1cduces the Nothing 'vh1ch afft!ctti its bfc in tnJ of its fe\ er, and by mere human n.gency b11ngs NO\\, phases ,vhcLher physic ~1 01 n1ental 18 beneath the patien t to a sane state of nnnd co me blessed 1n1n1"te1 \"rh1 spC'I iu lns ear, our notice 1 It is a fa1thlul snymg nud \\01th) ol all The develop1ueut 01 the nuud must \\ a1t In this busy age thc1e is no danger of our cluldron acceptat10u, that Tesna came mto the wotltl to save sinners He hears, he tutdeL"sia nd ~ groWin; up duuces l be unpro\ et! n1etbod of <la" ns upon his mmd, and ) o u urnv 1ust1uctiou 111 0111 '-'chools "rHll p1cvent this light be the instrrunent of h1s sal\ at1on \\h~n \Ve shoulJ.1 ather rum to reta.u.l the cb1khsh in without that agencv ;;ou could not tellect fronl study, or ho1n continuous 1ucntal been apphcahon The b l !. c rp.u~t be put on or Rending my Bible I l1a\ e co1ne to ili c 0111 childrC'n w1ll gTO\\ np l)heuon1ena able t o concl11s1on, that w,1en huuJan uge nu.} c u1 1ead1c1lHtpsatthiee orfou1 yea.rA ofage "ith do no inote, then God d oes th e ,i; o1k At b1a1n de'\i eloped d spiopo1 tionately and ~1th the tomb o! 1.d ZUl"llS , Chust sa td rule the ner\ous "ysten1 1n lUl 11nlable cond1t1on U.\Vtl) the otone' Ile 1n1ght have ICil1oved bnll1ant 11ue1tain tlnections, but !'ln1e to snffe1 1t, but he &'1.\V fit to use liu nnn u stiu n1 en I\ r it n hc~lt.L 1 n niter ~ car!-4 t1l 1t\ I he) rolle I a11 ") the stone, 0 0 fheic Llu1l Liln1 h o1n th eu eyes an<l ~t\V tli crc '\\ as hope and t.he11 'vere b1out"1!1t iuto t he honse of Goel [ t n no t BO\\ 111 :1Jnn 0 a s up pos1t10 l only, b u t Llel uh 1g Ju.cts b 1t'e 1 1101~ tha.n our.;o.;: o curittl - y 1 1 0 1200STER BllAND, g ua? cr,,,n,.teed {'HI.II e ALSO rrHE pair suhacribcr i~ preparod to bulld and re 1 Wagons, Bugg ies, and CuUe1E, \\ l11ch I all THIRS T __ 1 l rooJ "" 1le1 h "1c 1~ scarcL, s :P s the Ile" ,. C , d JO 1ns l\..!llo lll1Sl:5ion.:n V 111 !lE!ece 'an It fioin a cons J e J tUle d is' u11.:P \.!! 18 laou_ht " I jla~s J b 8011H3 \~ O llle u 111 the 111a1kE:t [)lace\\oll) had \\-aterto stll one oithe111 1 t I sta.ndaid colors 011:-:; va1n1sl1es, n.ncj pain t ers ' ma t E:n1a1 s C dl an cl see h ow oh eall <l h ouse can r ll be I)", ell r11ted and decorated , fo1 a these goodsw11J be sold atRediiced 1 I · I of C'\ffi"Y POIN'I'S OF StrPE:RIO:RI'l'Y. oimpticity in Cu11st1 uction, Ease of operation, Pe1:fection oJ Stitch, a lzlie on both ·zdes, owing to pe1fect te11 swn on npper ana lou e1· 1'111 ead RN'GE 01 WORK -F1om Gauze to Beave1 Cloth DURBILI'l'Y -Will last a hie time I descllption l\t sho1t not100, ando11 rea.aonable te110s Carnages Pitmted and Trimmed fi{}Ult eq .2000 Gallo 1s of a I (el iue tu dunk I toll h l t t lwt I 1 J l iAenty I 0 00J. wate1 at n1y I Louse st1II h owC\CI ~ 110 LSIteel nie aga111 1f I \\OU 11 ( riot oi different luncls Th1eshers and dun! l rephcJ 'I here I one who can gn: e u<:: water, of w h l h if \H; <l 11 nk \\ e shall all pa1ties i equmng such 011 are ne\e1 tb1r t IIetliatd11uks ol tl11s watc1 special!) mv1ted to rnspect the van \\ J!I thist ag :un bittlu other1sthe,\1tc1 ous qtMhties the pnte· bemg far be of etetn tl hte an 1 lie '"Lfl dr Ilks of 1t \\ill low anJ thm ,; e\ et offered m tlns tb11 t 110 rno1e 1hI s tC]l1', d, \~h1 c h<l I sup mfL1ket posed \\ 01dd be un< er::.loo 8ec111e to ex sn 11 c wo tH .l er a) I eur10 1ti and se\ e ra.I Jon 1 , . nicu wlowe 1c nca1 cH11 e tuouud n1 e ,., to bear v r it I I u 1 .::n1 L to t b t;: " 01 nnn One oi tie j oun~ 11en sat I S 11 " I1e1e H1 tlrnt ,, lt i::I l \Ve "1:,h fu1 it \\ ht:re 1s li 0 uuvmg uncl now on exh1b1t1on the who l11s 1t I 1 ~ 1d Co ni c wttli Jne torn\ largest and cheapest Htod, ot houoe, u tl I,, ill "-LO \\ ) Oll I t IS J1..:~us Clu 1 ~ t Still lh ey t 1 1 not ~Cl..'lll to u nde1 sta 11<l. autl "-OlllU sa1d ' Cle 111 u"- t Ue a }Jh) SI c1 tn he \\ ll 0 1ve u s s Hllf.tbn Jn I 1d1 will p e \ e 11 t i ., IH 1 1 tln ns l t " \ s 11 II \ 1 ('gan t C(llc ct Itbounbt1tlJe<1ttorotl.\\flY uid Ill tt t111n to rilj lOf..1 0 11 , II u ' L t"l"r µei .., - 0 11 1101111e1" L~ il.H! ignor ,_,.... " ance ot thc~c p·oi)k \ 111 con sult !us u\vn , ., "dvanta..!' b' \) lltl1u u l11 nt:.l ll on t } )ill" ith Wellrngton Bmldrngs " ., J '"' th etn 111 l 1tdh.:ct1ng on th grt: 1t eon1n: on I I l Bowrnnm1lle, Aug 8th 1871 prine111Jcwlw1 t l {' hnJ a, cc o mt11sce · nnt111c pt=t\ Cd [o t I t ,_ ucst o l t llCH I\.!lC \ ledge thy sougl t ulll S)u,.,ht cageily, "hat w·ou lcl do Lh en1 gooll fheJ were plagued with thn st t h eJ h vcd \\hen."' \\atcr \\US scarce a,i cl dear tbe) felt 1nall) nn a11noy ance a.1 l -n; cre l11ntle1ed J101n 1nanv a duty, an1 lt::l arze l f1on1 111nt.:h cnJOJment, by I '·! I r.::on~t:111Lly suffering tl11 r:-;t B<l )e111g Ov 1 ged n t llHtdl t1 011 ble 01 x1 et g to seek the 1neani:; uf ;:il\a.v1ng it LuL tb ey heard ll1Cl den tal 1ne ntJ on of a 01L ut " a tcr which kcevs alJ "ho d1111k 1t frorn e\ e1 ll1u s t111g ag n 11 a ncl tbe;: instantly had f!hong desire to kllU\V '\hence t beJ 1n1ght olitn1u ihe p1 ec10 1B l J Jn Y ct quick to ex pe1 tence a bodily ur noj a11c~ tud 1 '1.p1ll t J li q ure after ( an c1rtl ly gootl t hey \\ e"'C ts 111 ~cu<.: 1Ule as a sleeper to t he 1111 ~eues oi .. h tn so ul s, and <ai--J.-c's o o a brcll" ... --·~ ,...., " abu ii t au inLe 1tancr. 111 tlie hca'\ells O, hO\\ often clo !laming p10 feosors anl e\:e n de, 0 1t ChustH1nR, nuL'kc l n,.,tl11 0 xe1tI011 0 to lH c rn e ckhvot cd fro111 so1n e tenl} oral ei;il quite as tolernlile '1.S an lHE GREAT REMEDY 1'01\ Ouental ::i thirst, \\bile they ai... o.lrnost or a ltoget be1 colU and actlo11}ess as to iuan\ an 11upo1taut troubl~ of their o 'fll nud others an£1 acknow ledged by mnny prommcnt phy si i1nr11orta1souls 1 Clans to be the most Rohnblc !'reparation evt'r introduced for the RELIEI! nnd Ct.:RE of all A Blacksmith's Shop on the prenuse3 \\:ere apccrn.l a.ttenhon i8 b'l\ en to Rll MACHINE OIL Equa.lly adapted. to :Family Work, Dress and. Shir Making, Tailormg, Shoe Fitting. Carnage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Cornage wo1 k, and Genernl Jobhmg All wo1 le clone at this stciblishmen cite 500 Cook, l.Sal."lo:r, IIall, a.nd Ifox Stoves, EVERY .A.gents, MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. 1 wmi anted A c8"ll 1s lt:8Jrnctfully J;ohc1te l T MORRIS W A \ZER SL1i1 1EJ, A \Ve ha' e fLlso on hn1 cl ABBOTTS, AND BAROlAY SMVIl'iO MACHJNR Our Stock of Ge11e1 al Goods rs hcige embrno,ng all the Novjlties of the day, and all the necessa11es «s well P1r.:turc l ran1e1;-all s zos 1\-Io 1ld1n0 s of r.n ery style \Vall Pn.Rer- a s11lend1<l n:aa rtmeut DO\V ln stock A. lr\rge supply of bcaut1fuUy assorted '\Vindow Sha(lea Children s Oa11 1 age Concortinas Brush es, Coinbr; Luok111~ Glasses Music P.1agaz1nes Viohns VwhnBows \ 1ohn:Str1ngs P;;1,.pe1 Collars Neck rl'ics School Books Da.y Books, B1bJea l{n1ves and Fork s P cket ICnives J{azora Cheapest Note and Envelopes in the count11 All these and a. Spoons au I Sc1sso1s tb'lusand otJ1er tt1t1cles are to be fouu<l [l,t the VARili.TY STORE W e are :il 'fays glad to see fuendc and tlnnk it no tro lble to sho v Goodi-:; and we g uara.ntee ns good value at as low pnces ns miy other houso i 1 the tuvlc rarties \\ is}nng t) te}egra1)h then fr1encL'!i lll<.l) Iely OU h H mg their bURJ.JH.lSH <lone pl ompt1y ~'\.gents for Innw.n Line of Stcnn101s and mporial Ilu1ld1ng ::md Sa\1ng Societ) :BowJnan \ l lltj Oct l st lSGfl - -- -- ~ ______..._ , _____ Bowmanv11le, Ma1ch 7th, 1872 YELLOWLEES & QUICK. 1 · Dailly Line 10 :ROCHESTElt. The New Lake Steamer For the best and cheapest I DRY "NORSEMAN" on 01 aUout 1st .A.prtl next cc u1n1en~ e \') h e1 regula.r d11,,1J.., trips ice verJrutt1ng lt::t\ l g Cobou1g every mo1nlllg at 7 10 Pm t liope at 9 o cJock f01 Roch e1:1ter connectmg t11ere,.,1th the Ne\V York Central -No1t1 0111 Central and Enc IWhv.a) for all po111ts East South, and South Vtest GOODS ' & SHOES, go to I 1lTILL CONSUMPTION GROCERIES, CROCICEhY, t-tj · · HETURNING Let~' es Ohailottc · t of Rocheste1 e\ e1y eve1 ng at 0 o cl Jek except Satrnda.~ ~ \\li~n she leaves at 2 o cloek p in. for Bughton dU"ect lh1;i stean1e:r cnlls at Bnghton Monda.vs Md TEMPERANCE .Vanity m Cln!tlren ~lany pt:1:sons h:u1ark t!J e \. a uity of dul LUNG COMPLAINTS. BOOTS ** <li en 01 e:-.:pres:o. a.stolJ 1c!Ju1eut at the an1ount of 11,, without llhc1t1nn to 1t8 pnncipal ca ns~ .No such tL111g, SB,)S <=nrnc rtJ:tel.e1, n..ln10"~ uJL per:sons ad\e1t to t h e en rlj de l'Ws "ell known remedy is om:rc(I to the pubhc, ~ani.:tloncd by J he experience of o~ er forty ycat!:I and when resorted to in senson aeldom fails to effect n. speedy cure of rh 11'f:Klay at Colbo1ne every day except 'Ved nesday at \Vhitby Osliawa D arlington n.nd Newcastle on \Ve<l.neada.} should freight offer ~ pt n 1Ly lltsplajed b, the hun1uu n11nc..I, a nd 1\.now full ,\ell that 'folly is bonnd up 111 t he l1ea ~t of a clnld But I do 1 at sn;; t liat n chili!· O\\ n folly or deprnvity is the pr uimp tl cani;;.e of Jts vani ty I sn.t, on the contrnr\, that the pi1nc1pal ca use ol tins \ lee lS the 11 discr etio n and ab.stud conduct Coughs,Collls, Croup, Bronchttts, Ill· lluenza:.WllOop!ng Cough, Hoarse. ness, rains or lforcness In the Che5t an(l Side, Bleeding at the J,ungs, L!vc1· Complatut, &c. by a timely resort to t111s standard remedy a.a 1s proved by hundreds of teatimonialll re<!civcd I.. D eale1s in stock will find this tl1e cl llapest u..nd quickest route t A:Jba.ny l3oston New· York &c &c Addiess.c l P ort I-lope ~f!lrc:h C CAt<TER Port !Tope Ont ,rnd Clotlung made to order m fit st-class style, 18t h, 1872 2o lf CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by the propruitora ol paren ts A tond lathei \\atches the prattle of au rnftut, 01 th e ~ nly t1torVJ of n. schoolboy ancl, on ob~e1 v1n0 anv mark of s n::artnt.:ss such as tlino'"'t e\ e1 v } l lllle1 01 1 tUe sch olar disph ys, I e cxclouus, OIL ho\\ cleve1 t ' V'ell, no,v, J oh11 1s :.i hue tdk er John l::> a fine lear11er John "111 soon bl! ~w 1 e us his ufiClf;ur as krrawnrg as-h1s gr .iu<lfatb c A jond iuothe1 not onlv re ni arks and ine1 t1on!'i tlio b11glit e)es or n e Lt clnn, or 1:1.1 cl'.: lntle ba1H.l<1 ot her UoJ ~ UH. 1 glrls, \\hen thej a.ud she '..lI ~ alone but she exln b1t~ her lla1hn g>< aud 1e peats t hei r httle ;,t.l.~1ng~, in th e .1.1u"11 li..:annJ, to a ny 1el atn e or cusual 'i:inor "ho1n she ean in tcre::-t l l h e1 u1 lte1na l feehnJS , and n 11ln sh~ H1 c1t..:s lhe111 to nl)('y l er, "he tells tbe111 of tlie 1r1 t.e 11]e1 purchase oI u eh irnung dress wl11ch '\\lll 111akc thetu look so beautiful 0 1, Ill order to fill their yot ng h ~ a1 ts to t he b1 in1 "rv1th hupp1ness, slle put !3 son1e 0 ewg tw and daslnng nl?parel upon the1n, UH..l Ue hgl1tcd l j expatiates on the 1Je"u1Jes of \he chess, and on the the char1n1> o( theu: O\\ u figure 01 appearnnce Who does not see th at but a tenth less of tlus co1H..1 ur.;t than is usu nlJ v praCLlS d \\ OUld )>TOduce all the \ :.1TI1ty which n1akes the nJost of cl11l d r~u shu t ::i.liout a t t1n1cs as 1£ t h ej had soul /: $ lik e a E\cn ca.::ual ~n:itors, an d c~ peacoc1}.s ' pec1all v 1 elat1 \ c ulten create 01 l!;Jll.n ntc the evrl as really us 1ucon s1c\e1 ate patent 'I once kne\V a little boj, e ~~s Mr Abbot, 'ot unu s un1ly b11 0 ht aud aunnatcd CJtn:i ten incc E \ ery 011c "ho cut erctl the house noti ce d the eh1Jd, und spol\ e of In s b e:tuty One d ~y :i gllntle1nan called upou l U5llICRS, lnd be1ug engaJed 111 con' er"atto11, t11d 1 ot J. IS , B. BRADSHAW ' ELLIOT~ Chea1) DR WISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY does -not dry u.1> a Cough, and leave the cause beh'f..nd, as is tho Ca8e 1vitl'- tnost prcrpat atWns, tnl-t it loosens and cleanses the hnigs, an<t allays irritatio>i, thus removing '1;/u cuuse of the co?nplaint. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those "hose occupntwn rcqmre e mt un usual exercise of the vocal organs \\JU find this the O::it.Y PRKPARATIO~ which v;Hl cflect unlly and instantaDcously relieve their d1fllcul ties B(lware of Oounterfelte Remember that the genui ie ~r ~ lJalflam Tui s on the outside U"r ip.per t/1e s~nature OJ I, BUTTS 1 andth eprintcdn imcofthcp ~o prictori>, SETH W: F01VLE(f SOi.\S HOS TON." All others arc base u utatwns Exam. we the wrappe1 carcf~tlly before purclu sin!J 'lyrone, Nov -2nd l 871 \\ ould take U 1:-\ op1 0 1t nnitj of thanlung his numerous friends for the veiy hLeutl pa.ti-onage he ha<:. i.:cce1vcd H e feels 1mt1sl cd that noth in,, but Ono D~~r a ~ottle Bu Bottles for Fm D olli!! ! pnJ th ll at tellt1ou to \he chJ!il to wluch he \\ as 1ccuoto1ned, and \\ luch l1e no'v began to expec t ao bis dne 1he vam httlelelluw 111ade n1tu1y cfto1 ts to attract n otll!e but uot succeedmg, he at last placed lmnsclf lnll m \.\; hJ don t yo u see how bcautLiul I be i hont of the gentlem 111i ond asked A cou1le of ne1rihbo11::1 beca111e so ln u11ical iha.t they ·would not speak to each OL-he1, bnt one, haviug been conve1tcd a t a c. an1p in eet 111g un Sr.ting lus forwe1 enenn, held out lll::> hand,sa¥11Jg How d 'e do hcinp 1 I ::un l 1l n1b1e enou 0 lt to fl 1k ~ h 1nds \\Jth Good mornmg, Mike shme and its caily out ye aie Might I be bould to axA what started yces this moinmg ' JUKE - J1st be msey, :rim, and Ill tell ye m rt pffy Ye see I \\as tould y1ste1clay, that Misthe1 Gra) av Tyrone, had got home an 1lligant new stock av Goode, chapc as dmt man , and its and meself could hardly slapc ,, l\mk all mght, thml'1ng iiv the the chape goods And shm c enufl, rts the full store he h11sp1les and piles av the natest patterns and hod gn e ye the rnll-kms av an ilhga,nt new bO\\ n fo1 Biddy for Siventy-five Superio~ Workmanship, Cm ts , l'ay fo1 most nuthm, ancl the Baccy fo1 a trifle less ' TIM An shure its funmng me) e are Mike, " ouldn t the man he afther breakmg dowrL MIKE - 'Breakmg down is it Slnu c he lrnows a thnck wm th brn av has gained for h nn tiUCh a f:!tt1a lJ JHCI ease of that IllJISt tell you \1lmt it is Tim, 1fyou want to git a l u s ne<:1<.i- n1uch l nrge1 than fot mei J ears and grate name when yome ded, and he called a fiilantrofized, filoshe trusts tb·I 1fe1 ancl a pubhc b1mfacth01, Jist tell all yourn naboms and the ust av rnankmn, about G1ay's chapc stoie, ancl you 11 do m01e for the good av you connth1), than iver St Patuck did fm ould Ireland, when he barushecl all the toads and snakes out av it strict attention to bn::.mess that mvei was m it TIM- I'm much oblagccl t-0 J e fo1 the bit av icch1ce and won't detain ye, theie ll shmely be '1 grate rnu and may bee I'd miss And all other h1:: \v lll contu:n1e to t ec t~ \e the l suppott some bmgarns '1 he top 1v the mounng to J e -Im off to FIRST CLASS PICTURES Gray's SETH FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass I lilOld by DrU£'f:,'1Sta a.ud Dealers gcDcrnlly w PltElAllED llY LOW cOt 1871 TIM - CHIT CHAT. i Tim I3rad.y a.nd Mike Flynn] Oct 1871 R E M B [8 M E R '"d 0 CD · ~ 00 "[ N K R A N by !S T S! TaJrnn m A 1 Style, at FLETCHER S PICTURE GALLERY _ a dog s B BRADSHAW. b nt 1Uan uia.) be a '\ oun iJnL a ~l a n ce 'l..t llif:' llan d1es pro' cs t11at h e l1:i n ot t he\\ 01u1 that ne\ ti <lJes SIGN OF 1'HE RED FLAG Krng Street l<'ast Bown1 i.n ... ilk ~o v 28tli 18"'] 47 tf AU t.l osu th ~t a.1e 111 a11. cari:l l'.l.luH.t l ~y :ip es pee . . ny the ll!tl' h\P.IC .n.ccount s n B Bo\\mn.n,1llc Jnn 10th 18i2 JyJ J. GIA.I, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. F

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