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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 May 1872, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C rouln.tes largely tu tl e To vnsh ps of Da.rlit g ton Clarke and Cart rr1ght It is a. common latform oven to the free disc U1810ll of all ques ons n I h the 0 ene1al p blic are concerned TERMS WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job :Printing O:Bice, Krno STREET BOW)!AN> ILLE Seventy five cents per annum, 1n ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES OF AD .lliRTISIN G 35 per ann m AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME III BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAY 31 187:.! NUMBER 19 POS'.IERS PAMPHLETS CIRCUL,\.RS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOlE::S I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c XXXV · CHANGE OP TIME OFFICE EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE· RR LOSCOMBE 1 1BhIS1ER AT LAW ~OLWITO'R nr CiH 4!'i ( FRY & ns J M Br1macomb s Dt1nt~l Roomd FULL SUPPLY. Let otl Cl'ij Of hmda POETRY CANADA ng of suun) c IrHMd the s a Theie s n t a dea e spot on earth Tl a Canada to me D ar Canada. lol'"ed Whc s In oy b 'l h e:;; t a. lan. l on ll l e ea. th Slall v nmybea tf:omth o lll -Over McClung s Store ear c tla.t ly BowmRI ville Oct 27th 1868 b~yo SPLENDID SELECTION S of JAMES BIGHAM, 1 I Pamter Gl..z1er Pap 0 r Hanger &c &c GODIG lfl':S'l GOH~G K!ST Pa.ase n ~ E.xr css } Stngeo 1 l\f xed ~ 7 30 a n ! M:ul 7 30 a. m All l ndti of wo k p 'Omptly atte ded to and sa.tisfact on gua a.nteed 9 20 n.. m Mi ed ::l 35 l m 35 p m \ Passeugc 7 35 p n R ea den e-N xt loor eust of the B le Chr s 9 20 p m Ex1 rcss 9 00 p m t an Chu eh TYRONB Tvro e Mar h 8th l 8G9 ?2 ti es B od e s H tel for eve y tra n Fall and AT 0-ood.s, J{e so U l:l er subm t to croucl ROBERT :YE>UNG, VE1ERl1'ARY ou f u For Sale, Or To Rent · D 1V ~IULEOD S, The r d c oss fla0 our f thera ra- c Wt1 ha l tasn. f end \..nd sl ould tlillt flag e e 00 assa led GENERAL STORE, own a v Ile xceedrngly cl ea.p S URGEON L'TER NAR COLLEGE he hal.i t a ts of Bov.: nan BEGS ville and s irou d ng co ntry that h has ::ad tl 1 and 0 ttle at Glove1 s L very Office K no St Bown ti:r.v He Ja.n 4tl 1872 141 cu mon c pract ce of 5 t X)fe s on and can be consulted ai:; to the d ::;eMes of l,forses FOR CASH .BEAUTIFUL TEETff 1 J M BRIMACOl\IIBE L D S Tee h Extrac ed a T venty f ve Cents Rlloma o er J\'I Cl ung Bros Sto e11 1 Bo man 11 e Oct 1 t 18 0 - :RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Somety ESTABLISHED I840 131 Gl Its glor cs 'le ll defend F::ur Canada bra.'\i e Nol nd on earth more free And h s o d be a CO\\ a ls arm 'I hat would not st ke for thee fl e S ot may boast his heatl er h hie 'I he Engl sh ma bis rose And E 1.n s so s ma.} I e the \ W hfjre Er n s sban rock g-ro lL present I v II relate to thee as "ell as I can all ti at bas h1the1 to hap[ encJ to u· Ibo w It ue lo·t won<ler that I l Me le ned to :vr te in so regular n. nuinncr Lut \)at ts not the ca·· The good people w th horn we arc lo l~ ng at my requeat } ave wr tt~n do n what thou here see1t And so I shall al vay111 conve ~e " th tl ee "1 en I meet " til Ch ·Lian heart· Oh ti at I 01 ly kne v how th s Jette1 co ld be \\ ell God c u ·) e l to tl nc ha <ls \\:I I tr st g ue th 1 can~of ts ieacl ne:i thee safel Tho ntust ] DO\"'i that wl n I vas so exrectedly huir el away w thout \ · g a\ le to take leave of thee an I fl) l tile P te t y heart w a read) to I ak" th gr ef Fr~nk and Josepl were sooner r · gned I hey had enough to do ' th tie r Packtest iu etopp ng his blood a I lnnd 0 1p his wott d wit! their pocket-ban<lkercb1efa after the cowardly officer ·tr 10k b rn w lh h a sul re 'I l ey suf fer ed Lut 1 ttle from the p ere ng November " nd for ti ·) kept \he nsel es tolerauly "arm with the dog h cl ti ev earned al ternately ref s I g to part :v tl h m.l even when I off red to a ihare in tht bur den So tetu es we overtook a troop of nie that he iil uuld preserve rt as a pleasing In Saxony ai:i. n1ucl aR we sa of it we Not' lo g atterward a beaut ful we1e tIQate l '/{th re arka.?le k1nclpe&t n1emento a1 d L m d l ttl· g rl bro 1gbt r e a very good warm coat of s >ch fiue clot that I al nos feel ashamed to go abont nit >\e were then lodged m those mna of ·h ch the landlord· vere Protestant. or wllh Prote· tant c1t1zenl!! a.nd members of co ln l My dear Barbara I have nevor take1 tl e g ft· of God rnto my mouth "1thout return ng h u heaity thanks but nornr w th such fer or ·· no Willlt iefresl n ent what strength did we noL receive f o 1 tl e 11.1 n and cxc !lent fool of vi ch e bud so 1 g Poor man l ow gr e\ ed I ·hall be if th a ·too<l n nee<l Af er a ot y oi fo tr da) s l rorn trio If I e had e en h·d ten 1 g \!e ·ha.11 lea u ti :! place to n1orro v do 1i. he "0 ild do no m01e tha.1 sat sf5 h s Car wai taken of our 6 ck n He holilp ta.I h tngr.r fot ~h1ch he has qu te mcnns enough the cLtl lreu were bapt ze J a d we al re n Saxoni They t11at w 11 bo rrnh fall rnto ce ved n u1uficent: ft1 trotn tie cit zens and te pta.t on a d snares , no" enter mercl anti felt great ha.pp ne1s n bt ng 1 to our new country Tl e nde in the \rr er a cart too between Rasen a d Gu nsboro gh I al us del1 0 hte preeents poure l i I on us from all udea One 11 ne '" set off !ro Rw e i late at Oh conldst tl ou but enJOY some of our r gl t m d lie v p r a1 open field some t rue I eforn the n rn ng broke to let t ho · petllu ty We ve1e not porm1ttc<l to I or;es graze a I ttle I have a most hvely make the short c1rcu t by Dre·Clen recolhict on ot a vnk1ng ia the cart e.nd It JS but natural oaid o r fr end!' host look ng o t n a nazen ent at vhat seemed at WcuHcnfele, that our .sovermgn the to be hund eds of ·mall dill strange lo k rng hghts s a tered ove tl e w de field k og will not like to see you 1 001 people My 1 cle \old me they were glo\\ wo1 n s who left your all I r the of ti e go·pel and I e bad 1 ever seen so n any togeth r winch he has abJnred for tl e ·ake of earthly before Nor have I ever had s 1ch a v ?ilon go n He wo Id cert· ih Le p t to shame of wonder as that a nee bo hood Eacl Fr day n tl e week-the <lay tl at by j ou mJ i cle can e to Ga nsl orot gh as )Ji~ekly car er-I was closely attendllnt upon l 1111 l t!D s ho ol h rg 1\ ere over having to read tl e l rect1ona on l is letters aud per eel - tor l · was never putt< school and to I is dym,, day K "" never a letter 1 tie book save round 0 ae he used to He n a le uch of me (I aµam use tie old L ncolr sl ire lang ago for I love it ) al i;avs gave 11c a ft!~ co1 pers for n) writ w. w.., ··J l oldn g for the firstt n ea Protc.staut ch rch l read) reached one of Its t vns which re All o dera for s ff~ e s and o net nee others overtook us JAMES:SIRE~ CANA A Cru Ol:i'F ci;;s I MONTREAL P0. But Canada loved Canada Is deare fa.r t< me No other lat d ho ever gra.nd so ti a.tour l u nbe " as co.at1nually inurea1 PROMPTLY EXECUTED DIRECTORS W \LUR SHAH' .Esg < DUNOAN ]\.:{ ODONALD J:!.SQ Jd P Cha rman A so Agent for the ell kno"'"ll Shall "' n my heart from thee The su tl at t nts her mapl~ trees V.. th Na.tu es nagic wa d Sh s down on peacef l y Uornes ng They were all poor people <lay labor era set ants nnd ch ldren "" badly provt ded v th clot! es ·· mi self lt ga<e u· 1 B. PE.ATE, r ULOR Gentlemen s & Boys Garments ~A ll C l>rDEJL·~ B St l:falnr e, IH.l HoNoD n E Jo .N .tLu.r L'ION Rawls· bug,Ot. RESIDENT :;ECRET,\.HY - J· !ES (}RANT M JOR I In our Canad an land Fau Canada. lo\ ed Canada :My heart a wed to th e Be thou the land of noble dee le And Emprr.e of the free ALEX H WING.:r .ELD -Mal bowtve1 so le co solat on that we were ot the o ly ex l~s tl o Jgh I lo not matn t· n that that as a 1 ght feel g And only SPECIAL FEATURES. THE E-NTtRE PROFITS belong to and a1 e div d· ed a nongst the Pol cykoldcrs LIVES DECLL.~ED BY OTHER COMP UiIES or on vh1ch an extra Prem n. oo ld be tq-u rul can be assured at a e ord nary rr,LUs of th s Soc oty u der a; spec al a '1 angemcnt SPECIAL FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SlWINC MACHINE, ·t th k ti 01e came v1th us 'ol nta1 ly one hundred and se\en wen who nltho gl Cati ol cs e e brtterlv ex.cla ru ug aia nst ElN'lHE l\EWEST n SIYL"ES the u J us tree w th "h ch \\ e ¥. re treated Tl us ve arnved at Salzb ri: late m the e\ en g II re 1n reahtJ we firit began to ex per enc& "a.nt and suffering .As for sleeping place(!; we we1e thrust into cold lie July 27 1869 MANUFACTURES PRICES Enn sK1llen :Nov 24th 1870 CHARLES TOD, u8 ti LITERATURE .BREAD AND :BISCUIT BAKE D. :\ E 1 I'. I 0 SI' DRUGS AND MEDICINES \.1' THE No:f FoRFBITABLE Po11c:ss asued, The Exiles of Salzburg THRILLING SKETCH OF lllE l E lijEl.JOrION OF THE ;\" ALDENSEl:i OFFICE BOWMANVILLE dC'l"S P net Attended 'lo Oct l t 18"0 AUCTIONEERS Jiv - --- l nl undei which onl) 10 lo or 20 t\..nnual Pay· n1ents a e req ured payment 8e unng a Polle~ fo a sum aSS).lrt'!d pror ort o ate to tl o 1 wnbcr of prem ums a.nd f ee f a t futu c vay itC1 t of p em ums MoD.tRAT.E P ElllUMS a d most hberal cond tons. Proposal Fo mi> &c suppl ed on ap11 cat on at the Head Uffice o.r a.ny of theAglj cljs Bowmanville Drug Store J HIGGINBOTHAM, lli Ot ID n o t spectf 11) te de J ~ a n f.f ce I:! tl nks to b s numerous fr ends a.nd CHAPTER X' II JAMES GRANT Rea Secreta ') (Cont nuc 1) c stomere D.Jld to thu publ c generallj for tJ e The ho ror1 of the <cone "1 ch Barbara very liberal support l e has recc ed s nee h s w1tr esstd are I e e S[ a. t>d to the r~ader commcncmg n bus ness aud hopes by cont n ed stnck pc 11onal attent on to busmess and "bin the drunkei .old .is fo <l that the offe ng noth ng but the purest art oles a.t the most rea.fionable pnces to em:iu -e a.. oont1n ance poor o nan had tu.I en ref ge n1 the heat of pub1 c pat :-o age ed oven ti ey slut I er up there l eedlosa ot J H would call spec n.l atteut on to h s 'ery .auper101 stock of I er c ea of agonj Burbnra ~a t 1 v the L.a red coq Iii She could not uceJ and Lei bran aeetut>d on the Township ot Da lrngto i ;lGENT FOR BOWMAN VILLE C BAIIKER 23 ly Bo Obse er Office K I g St DYE Sr"I'UFFS, h ch su e tog 1'e tho best na.tfafact on A wel:l ~~l ted stocK of H 1 PHILLIPS H,U,IPTOl'i P ~ t atlen t on gt n to s 1 s & ble t e o W1'1'1. Barton, :-J tles I ENNISKILLEN upt y attended to on reaaona.bli;, t e rr s. Mrs. C. :BOtTNS.A.LL, KING sr BOW?>IANVILLE - - -- -- - -- - -- .. DRUGS Imperial Fire Insurance Co CHEMICALS OF LONDON PATE~ T ~fEDICili ES (E·taul ·h· l 1 803. BRUSHES HE.AD OFFICES - 1 Old Bread St a.nd COMBS Pall Mall London. · SHOULDER BRACES GENERAL .\.o:mNCY FOR CANAD\. -24 St Sa.ora.ment Montre~l. SUPPORTERS Etc Etc Subscr bed and invested Cap ta.I and Reserved kopt co stantl) on hand 1s70 39 fire Ber.ft ot father 1 other h sland a d br tl e10 ·I e possessed only he httl· Peter wl o u eon tu .s ol h s n utl er s w1ctchedne" play! 1llv vo 1 l he t1 y arms around her JJeck I After so ne co n1n iserat t g ue gl.JUora had mterre<l tl e decease I vitl out 1.aln ody or paa11ng helJ and in unco1 secru.tctl gro nd according to thi decree is!)ued I y tl e a ch b1sboµ ag-a1n1t tl i: l ertt cs Barbara was de · rou· ol i·JO n r g her Hans an l of q 1tt ng a country ' here she and ber c} Id never EGS to an no u ce to tl o pu 1 c tha.t sl < B F nd £1 9M 000 Slerlin11 OILS PAI.J.'iT no open n0 a c1 otcc select on of ested 1n Can&ll.- 100 000 I(, N 1YE1S HA2S COLORS VARl\ IHSES Inau a.noes nst loss by Ifu e effected ou RIBBOl'. DS l!'LC WER.S the most favorable te -me ill d losses paid v.'lth· and WHITE LEAD more could I ope for I app neos l ut \h s too FEATHERS TELJJ<,,;; out rcfcrenct'! to the Board m Lo do as den ed h er 13'1' so1ue nfl.uencft 1 er cf d ~IILLTNER} at the very lo\\ est prices J DODSWORTH HINTOUL BROS torts to es a1 e verc h odered The om h ch ill be sold at tl e lov. est pos Inspector Gen A 1tnt.s ltlontreaL Horses and Cattle lVIed1cmes g ne J.l 0 II ander freq et tly h wself al a' i!I to sbl e 1rce N B -Co l try Stor eheepers suppl ed o the R R LOSCOl\IBE Barnster Agent most advanti:.geo s terms the g eat ter or of I tile Peter lo whom the for Bowmamrille a.nd V1c1ruty A cl o c..: i:;ele t on of LAMPS for sale cl cap gr m soldier 11as an object of avers on Bo vmanVllle Dec 9 1868 6m Bowin·nville J no 14th 1860 3G 8 l \," ] t The winter no"W Eet in w tl its froat 1ts n 0 43 39 4 V When Barbilra waa ly snow a.n<l ts ice g ·leeplesa upo 1 l er b·d and the ·ind ll persons \\ l o conteinplate m k ng cou t acts w t1 ne vspapers for tl e s of was l OVi I g ar d moaning 1.round her cot l\'Irarriaf!e, MON 1 Ad 1 sementa sl oul l send to t ge drt 1 g flakes ol ono v ago nat the ' n I SSC ED lJY B PA.PB BA.GS TO .A.DVEP..TIS::E:l:RS ! Geo P Rowell & Co Ar fREAL PRICES A ROBERT ARMOUR llo mi·n Ile Dec 10 1869 ALL A LINE STEAMSHIPS Fon Toksts Live11Jool London an d Glasgow FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN MAN LINE of RoHI Mail Steamers ea I I JS n<V f om New Yn1ft evef3 Sn,tu du.v and ve y Ihu sdav 'I c ets ao d to a l f u n E110 la.nd Ireland a d the Cont nent at a.slow rat1:1s as b_y..any the 1 oe YELLOWLEE;:; & QUICK Age t Bo manvllle Join G Dale 1513roadwa:i,; Nev Yo k Bo vo ru v lie J ne 9tl 18'Zl NOTICE. ~ll p r ons t espass ng on the l opertJ ~ Foulde l\f I s will be p oaec t&l. known JOHN McDO UG !I.LL ti 36 DR ~ CARSO N'S DB MEDICINES. G '!HE Gt \TESr PUDLIC DENEFlT OF Ii IR"El AO!i. Uo gh D ~ fhe ~bovo Med c nes can be obta ne l from D Stott Bo manv Ile R Fotherg ll Nev castle L A G:imsl y Orono m47 )1 do pnnes ti ckly f o'ted uver ohe would fan c1 that she henrd tl e 'oice of her Hans o tsi le piteously er treating for aJ.n saro \\ he1 may he bo now 1 ·he would a·k A sorro mg exile lorn I roam many usef 11 ts to a lverhac1s and some ac her.elf An ex: lo;) 1n Gods holy oause H as he a sh lter irom the 1 · PRICE LIST PER lOOC count of the expe ences of u1:1n wl o known BantSbed by tyrants from my home And then ·ho would No B OVl M SUCCESSFUL ADVERl'ISERS The n mbing colu 1 Beca se I loved the Gospel 90 firm propr ctors of the Ame ca.n Newspaper d -ea n Lhat sbc 1 ehelu h m trembling wnh I 20 Ad ert a ng Aif,ency cold in htiJ tattorc:d cloth1i. vauUtH 1 g about The banks and mountams resounded 2 lf>O 41 Par;_ Row New York, 3 2 20 a d a e p sse~a~f unequaled fac lities or sc 1n snow and ice and with trua atf~ct on with our l'"otces, and we sang until tl e aold 4 2 5!5 cu ng the nscrt n of ad rt .:1eme te a. all carrying her Urother1 upon hli iers commanded us to b1 rnlent \Ve arr1v 0 300 Ne vspapers and Pi::r o l ht lo vest rates 6 3 30 November 0th 1871 ihould~rs then she would see h n1 c orss ed \\ tbo t a. c deI t at D twar ngen and 3 75 7 tl e decl!!pt1 a s rlace of a snow covered lak" Thmsie 1<lorf "here we ema ned inactn: e 8 4 30 10 4 95 wh ch break n,, rn thev all ea k together fo e bhteen day· dunng hi h e wet· 12 5 60 It tho it any one I earrng the r er es fur help cornpelli::d to fin lour o n pto\1(') ons 14 G GO 20 as by good fort me that I had throe fior 8 55 WHOLE, OR Cl'tACKED Start 1 0 n terror she wol ld spi11 g up fron 10 00 25 John McDougall her 1'd the old servant awuk K "o ld rn· m n y pocket wb ch I bod taken to I av 30 1150 scold her while little Peter c ct!. out loud the costs ol laymg the claim before tho TO THE PUBLIC ly !h1nk ng that ti e sava;e ·oldier had co n t I I ad aln ost forgotten to tell ~ ou r. No Size grasped hrn1 when it wus lmt b 1 n other that I have 1Y1th 11 ·a half destroHd Bible ~~bl' ~j HE UNDERSIGN ED a prspared to do any amo nt of Custom Saw ng at his b'lills who hall tnnbraccd h n in her ago y wh ch I oaved from tho flames at Werffen 1 Sj 10 2 751 1eru of Lot No 19 6th Co Darlm.'l'ton Rates 2 8i 11 3 25 At length ·mtcr departed the snow dlS We were deta ied a long time at this place Sole Agent betwee l Port Hope and loronto -P ne $2 per thou sand He nlook and Ba-ss wood 2 50 H<W"<l 4 Hew 11 abo pay solved tl e avalancht>s th ln i dow into l ca i e we were forb <lden to enter the Ba. N B Flour Sac]f.s in Stock the b ghest pr ce in caSl for r:ound Hardwood C BARKER the re ccbo1 g v·lleJ> from the r lofty var1an ten tory unLrl at Inst the perm se1on and Basswood logs deli er1:1 l at the :?siI ll It 10 ·OJd to be gbto torrent· rushed along the g '"" re uf the elector was grantbd THOS SMITH Dari ngton Dec 7th 18 I I tmll s rned 1ta verdure and the blossou s oaat ba' c been vfdry graciously accorded of! the r wmter sheath a \he glorious s n must confess we did not feel sorrv "hen we RADUATE of the Royal Colle~e of phyascended higher and h gl er as oprrng ad had passed the front er of Salzburg and ·tep s 01ans of England and U wvers ty of V cT having come to o r kno\\ ledge that certa n va ced and the Ja1ks sprang up vards with ped pon Ba ar1an ground tor a. College Cobourg Underirra.clua.te a.nd Pedlars are sell ng Spectacles and Eye Glass E!" zeman of the Un1versJ.ty of Toronto a d thur soi gs of J I lee procla n ng the good We ptnceeded ruptdly for the Salzb rg U l ers ty of Queen\1;1 Coll1:1ge Kingston. Mem. es pu portmg to be of ou1 n ake and to bea.r o names stamped thereon ve hereby ca.ut on neos and glory o! God Bleatrng nnd low conn s ary a Herr Von Me nnnngen wl o ler of the College of Phys mans ru d S i.rgeons f Ontar o S rge y and Res dence on ,K ng the: V bhc aga nst all sucl m1 Ol)ters as Mn mg with JOY th e I eru· "01 ed to the tresh v s to accomp!iny ua ti:. our JOUrney s end Street second door ea-st of }ill[' Maynarb Au o~ nucKL EB s ou only Agent u W w:it Du ham o,nd n. R ar<l of $25 1s l ereby offer pastures of the Alps inultitudea ot lau bi! ke1 t h 8 } orse cont nuall1' on the trot Hotel ed fo t e ~ preht::ns n and con ct on of all tl e Nevertl eJe,, it wao already <lark and the s ch imposters a.s try to di: : f a cl the publ c by and gouts ins.k.ed aJ d sported aroun l etrer n0 their trash as ou1 moke Joyous sounds of l Iii:eon1:1 and poultry d tck1 ~ates hod clo ..d when we arrived at Kauff Gram Drills from $50 to $80, LAZARUS MORRIS & CO and geese uow filled the al Man a1on~ ba1e n Tl e e e ·tood shl ver ng after our lfont1cal Nov 8th 1871 n7 tf was seen tu walk n silence n d with do :vn o Isome march At last we co nm4!nccd Cultivatoi s, Gang Plows, b on Bo"rn" iile Oct 5th 1871 cast eyes thrnugh the sp ng r,;v1vecl pao 1 ng1ng to console ourselve111 A filln castle " UTE HAVEJ'iOW A COMPLEIE11&<ort· fl ment f Paper Ba0 B which ve vill FICll at fo a. C I"cula o e dose 25 cents for the ~Io trca. Prices The pape is f tl e best Qual· 0:-fll HUNDHED PAGJ PAM:PHLlll ty and ve gun antce thnt no o of tbe Baga con tan n L sts of 3 000 Nti vspo.1 ers rudest mates sho 11 g the coat of ad e t s 0 0 also st ck togetl er lhe follo ng 115 the bar sand stables where upon hard couche· at <l. w th en pt:} sto achs we were left to Tl ough fear or hatred f eezo at l 1surn 1 ot a so tl off~red us a tnorael of bread far h cl may God fur 0 1 e them But an old 01niJD pe1ce \1ng tl at I -y;ae w tho ta hat 1 he commencement of our JOUrney was bad n1ore instructl\e but n the nutol ography (for I lad lost tun tl c way) bro 1gbt me the progress el 1t as 101net1mes bad and ot a nan v; ho bas l ved a men1ora.ble J ft! 1ecrctly a \\ell 011 p~r tke ith nu er 1omct11ne1 better the end transcend1ntly ti e elem nt of nstructlvcncss nre n o e ous l ole$ 1n t wh ch 1he ptoc 1red I kno Y glor ou· May tile Lord preserve u1 from su btl \: blended at d reach a rnore bal~nced and un q e res lt, than n elt1 er fhomns not vi ere I \Jes ed her for this krndncS!I pr de aud vantty For my dear "ifo 0001 er can h~rdly be de cri\ ed a· JO the I ha l already nade u sort of cap a d coat wl ~re we aie now arnved the greatest 1 onor \ ulgar se 1se ll nan wl la:; r een H~ tl t v1sted fir ancl 1 ru~h \:ood w·h ch n as t y b rth poor and he ha; thrn gh I fe s shewn ua If we comu n 1 ght of o. v1l i:io e eas re protecte l ne fron1 ti e cold la&e or a to ·u4 all the bells are set nng ng been a. etruggl ng never a r ch u an l 1t ti ts is to b u i::ntloned ot to l s d sered t Aa ve fay a· th ck a· her mgs the n gl t to v.:elcome at d greet us \Vaggons ar~1 but the rc,.erae for he ~ n Ray :v tho t pa "d off well e gl Paoklest kep \our ··nt for tbe s1Ck tie aged and tbe ol 1ldren vrt!tence ti <tt the au1l 1t on 0 bctng l ch brothers wa n ar il tl s re[ a d tl o boys Beforu enter g any pince } undreda c:o1ne cou d 1 ever la) its grasp pon l s nature for tl e care wI I they had taken of h ll o t to meet 1s tbfi c t zens rece \ e u1 !.lnder and we h ve no h station n n<l 1 ng that I could not l owever close my e} ea in the reason vhj he never d d 01 co~l l co arms-not, aa in Salzburg to strike ua with centrate htu self 11to steady ~far n on or sleep for tl ou \\ crt al vays sta dina: before terror no but to al o ~ ti eir k 1 d !eel ng ah p \ as tl at the inext1ugu !>l 11 lc noble me v th our ch Id It al;o occ med to me towards us They present arm· they beat e~· of 1 is nat re for! ade it I hroughout how "onderfollv tie rnrd of tie Lord WM tbe drum· and all ts done JUSt ao if tboy his hfe l e hns been the sla\ e oi ideRE! bu.t accornphsl ed in regard to us where le says tl og ith kee est fervor for \l hat ht! bchev "ere ?\!ce1v1ng a. reign ng suv~re gn How e I to be true and good and r gh t and I But prav ye that your fight be not rn ti e ever through my great glad css I have le r~al v ctory a.nd 1?.uccel'ls cons1 t$ n thrs t} at v nt r nc LI er on th Sabbath day W·· he ha.s never sold his l onor ard r pnrihtness ~un wy stOl'J' at the end rnstead o! the bt t not n the w nter and on the el e of the grnnrug Now attend W · left Kaulf never taken up a cause to l ch I e \vus not Sabbath 1 \\ho would have thought that be. ern on the li:;t uf Jan ary after having attracted by 1ta noble aopeets H s ' c sSJ ti ese wo <l· m1gl t b~ ·pplled to us ..1.1 .. experienced so ku d a recept on b It that tudes ot oprnton 1nay he considered as prov I cannot co1 ceal t !tom thee though I tell we unght not be dazzled by Jookrng at the ng tl at bis nature s f ndarnentally emo t onal rather than log1col 1 t l e has not it ~ ith great pa n that th rty s x of U· lad aun1h1ne a tom pest eoo l followed At 1 e n toohsl ly changeable and l s va.r at1ons tbe r n n ls so weake el by th~ r afll ct on Kempten for Instance we \Vere ~fuaerl P.n lave genernlly- pe1 haps we m Kht ""' al we.vs-beet '\ar1nt1ons of p1op: ess He that they <l scrtcd the r faith ~by the trance by the warden Baron Von Fre1ber0 has been 1ournal st popul u orator J t'e :i.cher Lu xi not lav ti JS 8 1 to their acco int 0 In upper Titn ar a rucn and wo ne at the scept1ca.l lecturer poet 1 e has addressed tlte follo 1 g tnorn ng e weie taken to rnst gat10n of the priests oppose I our ~., exc tcd pol1 t cal multi tu !es and looked the '\iesi;els which v.ere to ca1ry ustlo TD the sage and we dared not re ma n ti ere at ipon furiu s election r1ots l e 1 aa bee repeatedly rn prison for Char11srn i d by Salza " th a sari gaze we took lea o o( n ght Thua it also happoned at lint at way of calrr ly cmploy1n"' tie even 1g oi n 1 OLll n1ounta1 ts-a "ell gla ce we cast A.ugsburg where the warden ot Holzapfol agitated life I c hos wit! rn the last e gl t pon the I at ghty c1t1 with its cruel m Von Heahem had exc ted the Cathohc ) ears and a I alf preacba<l 1 169 times and hab tanta and \hen cro vded closely togeth town council against u.a but bowe\:er the lectured 2 204 tunes vunteU every co lnty rn England and many of Scotland aud i for ti e 1u1 on tl e ~ atcr as p ercing Protostar t town council and citizens of their \\ales as "ell a· the Channel Islands a d cold After bat we cot soled ourselves" tth own accord took our part and treated u1 travelled umeekonable tho sands ot tl e hymn of tl e p ous Sche1tberger thus "1lh g·eat bene> olence On the 28th March n l·s S 1ch a man \\a· l kely to have we ar1 ved at Donau worth in Oetnn 0 dche l ad a hf~ worLh ~rrtt g and alter exarn n where a kind nian the Pruaa an corum1aaary W th the deepest dovot1on we and m n l d us of our well bclo cd homes The out nnocer t httle ch1ld1en entered tl even same smell of salt as at }{alle n the l!ame erable I ouse of God "here there n as a ser per1 ct al s nol e the eame va!!lt !;alt works Jn n I ed particularJy on o r acco nt We are soon to see our new so\ ere gn l y th· lie Tacoh Br cker Never shall I My heart bents at the tho 1gl t Really forge\ the turs of JOY tl at we shed and tl e Jil lg ng from vhat "e have already hear 1 of 1 est of the congregat on wept "1th u11 He htm and rece ved from fl n1 on our long commenced with the follow n 0 words fro 11 JO iruey be rn 1st 11 deed be the fotl er of his the book of Revclat on x 11 - And they people-a' ery diffE:reut sovereign to our over came by tie l !ood of the L·mh and arckllehop We poor exiled people o be by the worJ of tbair t.stunony and they of no !!Ort or Ule to I HD we bnng him noth loved not thnr hvu unto the death But 1ng and yet he des res to ha.te us and tx h · pr nc pal text "as fro MMthew x 32 p nd· upon us so much money But ~tay " hueoevt:1 theiefore shall confess me be I remember I have rndee l somethrng for fore men h m will I confc1s nlwo before 1uy him-I mean my half burnt B ble W ll he accept ot it I wonder 1 Well we 1hall F·ther win h ' m lea · i Groat! fort fled bv tlm sµir tual food ·· veil as by tho eee To 1norro\\ we proceed b, " ttewberp; l od ly suste ance wh cl ~e ba.d reel! ved to Potedam whe1e the k1ng is at prei;ent re w th firm co trage we I occe<1ed farther on 01d10g May God protect ti ee our way God preserve my Barbara and (ro be Continued} also our child not fo"'lelt ng mother errne ancl father Manhoken whom may Thomas Coopers Autobiography he speed l v del ver fmm l · bonds (From tho L ternry World ) Halle Ap il 26th 1732 Tho 1ns Cooper is unquest onably & re MY DEAR J3ARBARJ.. - I have not Tet arkable man and the autol ograpb1elil of found meana of l av1ng my firi:,t letter safe r markable men ts pe1hap· th 1t k nd of ly deln cred to thee Thou w lt therefore l trru.ture wb ch con b1nes the ver\: b1ghest an1ou t of instr 1ct1on A go d 1 ovel may receive 1ny conunu111cat ons all at once be more interest ng a good Ber non mny be hero 1 g paper lea l pencils and water colors a d rndec I ·howed -eve1y <l spo· t en o ndulge rue I th is became greatly at tnchcd to b n a1 d to the present moment rel"larU 1 s n1e1nor\ pla UI lettered 1na.n tl ougl le was-with fondest affect on I ti rnl Io 1gl t not to hsnms h · hum Ole a e 1tl out say ng ti at 1 i h s rnunl ool he was stro g and l andso 1 c and was 4 pattern of 1 l stry He had cuntr ved lo hoard p tl ree h ndre l spaJe ace gu ea· in a itock n~ foot b t fron1 Illness in the close of! fed I not advance 1 nealtl yet l e left a omall prope ty to I e dmded by h ·hem He states that in l ~ boyhood hew· tnea1 ed a aho ver of hvc frogs S ch a sight has been pro o need rnpossiblc 1 y some sc cnt fie a thor Lcs b t l e 1s as 15ure of what he sa a.s ot I s own existence The 1 i 1te frngR 1un p g al ve foll on the pa' ement at o r feet and catne tu1 bhng down the SJ outs from th· tiles of the ho1 se· nto the wutcr t b· At fifteen be began to learn the art cruft ana ID,)'.Btery Of $;hoe n ak1ng After a 11me howe\ er he quar ellt!d" th l 1s n aster and left bin1 and it was o ly through the 1u!\truct1ons of an a.econ phshed JOUrneyrr a1 that he learn ~ iea ly goo 1 lady s shoe ht nself n a poi tton to earn ten sh1Jhngs a eek Sudden!\ he became in ed to m·ke ~nd found Un ver ll> of C:aml r lge who had beon apj rent1ced to a carpenter and had learned to rend Greek Hel r~w an<l SvrJac all ir..>m self tu1t on by the t rr e he w s five or g x nd twent) '\\BS AP red vith the nn b t1on to be a schol a r ::;amuel Lee proles or of Ifebrew in the he examr ]c IYI ich fired rel g ous e lencei:.z a d be ver~~d 1n the current 1 terature of the ]ay Pretty we11 w n ust l:(ay tl s shoe 11ker ""n!'I not hke ly to st ck ve1y lonn to 1 l j ln111t HIS STUDIES young Coop r He tho ght 1t po,. ble that l e m ght n aster Lat n Gre k Hebrew and French Euclid at I algel ra con n 1t to mt"mory P:trad se I oat a1 d se\:en of ::>I akespeaio s best play· read h1stoty ·nJ I was bet veer n ctecr a 1 tl'.r. ty wl en I l egan to con1n t Rudd mar s Ri 1 n ent1 to n ernury-tl nk ng t g letter to begin to lenrn Lat n v tl tie book that 1 ee sed -tho gh I lo 1 I Hft.rwards I n ight l ave done b ette I con1m1tt~dalmo::i.t tl e ent1r· volume to memory-notes an l all After ards I foun l Israel Lyons small H~brP. "'I Gr rr mnr on a sta I l o gl t t Jor a al 11 lrng and pract1ce<l H.brnw '"'"'ting ns tl e st rest n eans cf beg l t r g to lea In e\ ery S ndai e>emng I got hold o! a Gteek Giarnmnr about a year after L >t did not master t ·arne·tly becat se I tl o"gl t 1t better to keep close to the Latin for POme tire I also p eked up a small Franch Gru n ar I ut that seemed so ta.y that I tl o gl t I co 1ld master it thout caie 01 t1ouble (10 be Cont nued) The Last Words of the Dying rJ · last w <l· of the Jyrng arc eagerly sougl t afte un 1 cnsl r ne l n 1 en ory e boson bv lornd one· fhe hero standmg u1 on tie field of battle an il the boommg of can1 on and the r ttle of inusketry is &tr ck cu down and lj 1ng be utter· some sent nc t, I cl tells tbe l v g he fought t CORN FOR SALE ing the autohiography lief re 1P. "'e' His prepared to sav that l wa~ v.ortl "'r1t g bra\ely and d ed lovn g Lis countlJ Gobel, gave us a welcome recept n and a 1d i.s worth read ng 01d.!l thu.s i t.tered arc cLapted in bu. from that time allowed to CRch 111an tour Thomas CoopeT wa,:i Uorn at Leiee!!l"l pra se p1ss Jn u1ed ately into h1stoi:y lnc.?. His father was a dyer are pre1encl to be h·ndel lown from gen groascheu da ly eacb wonran three and each March 20 1805 a wanderer by bah t when the boy child two grosschen for trti1.ve1hn 0 expenso.t and was little n1ore than a J ear old he vas re erat on to ger erat on Tins howeler we could not apend ao tnany moveil to Exeter On the day he vas t vo Tbe mot! et bendrng over th e coach ol preaentl Yi eJe eent to Uil from every ~uarter years old he tell rnto the Leate a Tri b tar) her dJ n cl I l eagerly h·tens for its Jaet 6 In Harburg we were well rece1 ed as ul&o of the Exe aid was taken out after berng rnrds As th~ he~rt s pnl·at ona grow fe e at Anopach "here the Margrave lefrayed carr ed a consr lera.blc w11v by tho strea n ble tl e resp 1at on$ become n1ore labor10 1s He was supposed to be dead but medical Qur travell ng expenses allowt:d u.a free sk ll 1estored him I remember he sav· ohe o lently hstens No~ tho pale 111 s are quarteri e'i eryw-here and pro\ ded u1 with most d st notly and clea1 ly hen g led L~ parted and she d1aws nearer unt I bet ear the hand of my father over St Thomas s com c· m contact " th ti e colil breatl vhen waggone 1 gg T DAVIDSON, $26. EEW.A.RI>. But the b1shop1 cofBamberg sternly re fused us a passage and we " ere therefore corupolled to go back towards Nuremberg where ve fared better as well a· tn the ter r tory ol Ba1<e 1tb We kept Palm Sunday (Apr I 2) at Erlangen The Landgravme Sophrni the w lo v et the late la dgrave re sides here and perm tted fifty ol us lo 'mt her castle \vhexe she treated us sumptuous ly and he1 servants hke" ise took twenty of m rnto their houses At ta\,le people of the} WA.It t 0 Bwige on the aftemoon ot that day He lt!arned to read almost w1tl out 1ne ruction she catches the last famt murm r of the dying one Oh how-'"shc treasures tu her I hest rank estee1ned it a pleas re to pon us Tl e landgrav ne is a most grac o s lady may the Lord repay her a tLouaand fuld 11 e go'ld that she did to us On tie folio v n 0 d·) we left Er ange an I wcrn accorupamed o ti of the c ty by the 'vhole n1vers ty singing Leart cl eet'.111~ Han ows, and many other new and 1mp1 oved im plem.ents cheap'Well, McGee, &, turagefll CHAI I:tll X VllI hymns wl o before takrng leave hstnbuted the money ti at had been collec ed for us m equal sl:ia.res to every 1nan v; oman and cl ild We 1 ept Easter S nday at Hof ~here s o u God .And v; hen our devout tone' 'fe I kew1se received the k1ndest The New Patented Combmed Dnll BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS and Broad Oast Sower will soon tsohc1to1. Conveyancers Nota.riesPubhc be ready which will sow OF AGENCY FOR THE Broad cast or m Rows OFFICE A-T Bow~ANVILLE- Ovc:r Mr Mc1\fur C·ll at the try s Store BOW.MANVILLE FAR~{ IMPLEMENT O:v:r OE IN OSHAWA- First door no1th of the \ Veg e h s renewal of th e .Ager cy aa s nee FORWARDING AGENCY P""t Office we fl f-lt ece ed the appointment there ha. e Money to loan a.t low rates of u1te1est Il W JAMES been others r~prese t ng themselve s ae Ager ts B FARE'HLL LLB R MoGEE BA m We~t Durham Bo :vma.nville Dec 14 1871 nll J .ia.ME6 RUTLEDGE B \. GUELPH Dec 4th 1871 Bowmanvill· Dec.17th 1869 m&o 1\-fessrs R. &. H 0 Ha.ra Bo~vmanville CERTIFICATE Osborne Sewing Ma.chine. ' '!hat whe '\Oll xll 01 e u to b ) You 11 not bi;: d snpl?.o ted "Yo ill al vn.) ~ find t dry and froi:b A..nd that s aomet l g bonnie So come along Wld try this I mo GUELP 1 SE v NG MacF NE Co But don t fo cet t} e none:y P S Encl of o A.., ents vill ha e aw ttfln e tdicate c.f \ge C) f um s fuch p r l!ase 'i3 Hours of delve 1 from ~ e~m to:Eo i 1 n Vorne f Qneeu ruid Ontar o Str t't hou l 113 st on aee 1 g THOS BOWDEN R & H OHARA Bo man Ile Dec 21 l 871 Bo vm~nvill o Mruob llt1i 1871 i o2t t f recogn se the act ons of a y other pa :ty claun ng o I e our \.ge11t tmless the Macl ne p aaa th oug-h yo rr hands se'llin 0 in the n.bove ter 1 tory fiom and afte1 th s date ¥; e do not b d ou solv ~to wu.nant a J :\:fa cl I e sold of o mai ufactu ei_:p sa <l te r to y tless go ng d re t from ti o !l·acto y to Jou orde o to th t of a y of) r sub Agents Respect( ll.} yourn ThesC9 a. e to certify that you are duly ap po nted our authonsed Agent for the West R d lng of Durh am~~nd North and South Ontario a.nd the South !tiding of V1ctona. We will not :RHYME .A.ND LIM::E:l. A I ttle Rhyme Just 1n t n e And a.11 a.bout the best of Lime LlDle f om the \ Vest of th~ very beat Not bea.t n any quarte1 J ime mil al~ays stand the test 'Vhen makmg into morta. I ill try a.nd k eep a. t>oo 1 au1 ply Fur t lS alway1:1 wanted It wa.s on a fine d·y m May m the year 1732 th a t a tra.ell ng mecl an c appeared at Barbara s door ~s she "'"' krn J ly of fei1llg bun · p eC< of brea I he po uted to a paper wl wh he kept concealed under h s coat and then rap lly and c~ 1t10 isly hid 1t under tho stra' of the deserted dog kennel Hao· aid ~our brntl ers he wb speted a· he went aWaj send the r l~ to the· Barbara tak ng the paper and her child w th her hurr ed into a thicket where having ~ro l3ono Publioo. ALL KI~DS \Vere heard m the stillness of n ~ht they tone! e I the hearts of tho mhab tant· who immediately cause the gate· to be opene I to Ui. S 1,.,1ng \\·entered the town vhere v. e were received by th!!. hght of innnmer ablo torcheo and cudles How many tears d1ci theae good souls ol ed at the rec tal of our d10treases c·pcc1olly when they saw our little children com· tnppmg along with the r trny ha1 ds bonmnbod with cold We wen aloo much p1t1ed for our clothes which were so 111 adapted to keep off the wclemency of tho weather I attraotod OF eancera and tuin.ors TAKEN OUT AND ! Cured without the Use of tho Knife, by I 1lled him to sleop she with tremblmg their attention more tha.n any one el11e hand· opened the packet which consisted And trnlv I must have made a apof numerous leaves \vt1tten in several h12.11d! pea.ra.nce rn my enormous wig \Vhich hung as followshalf wav down my back and m my coat of Kaiffba er 28tl December 1731 t1V1stod green b ohwood Let uo clo good to a ery one but moat of all to our brethreu }fa, Uod bles. the mv de· Bu barn m fa th IV tl tl eoe word· a gontleman To lea i tl at tho "' l o r cl Id and n otl ~ou1d t n MHelf Frank a d J o·epl are God of Bowrnanv1lle be ti anked l ealthy an I ' go1ous ti o gh [b l 6st of 1ef ren ces gJven 1n Bo a \ille "· 1 "' e euff red much from cold 1 u ger s.ud else" be e Office o Cl rch Street Bu t we u o l · ttet off at Bo vm·nvillo Feb 22 1S72 ly m2l o 6 and e> l people DR B. PATTERSON, er a e v. ell give ne l enrt telt sat sfo.c 1n ::sp1end d 1:1..ttue the mou eut be saw n ~ offe el el s costly fur ca1 lll excLanbe foi rny ng and then rau oft with it ill.I. c;: l ~ade<l v th :1.a m ch Siilt sfa.cticin as I 1 a at old Ell ii atd Weulner ed on oak-display mg a cat 1 layrng bag pipes to <lancing nnce in or e eorner and ] OLL' AND MADNESS - Folly cons ·ts lll a gamester ·haped hkc ·n ape playn g at tl e dra v1ng of falFe conclu?S ons from J st cards v1~h clowus rn another Above a! prmc ples by "h ch it is d st ngu1shed the legend irom madness,wh1cl draw&JUst conclus1on~ countess moreover sent us two larg" ham p from false pr10c1ples -Locke Gamester· &nd pw:s &like doe watch ers containing hnen and clothe· and one And pla1e w th thol!I· tboy a. me toe catch lMPORTA~CE OF Tn E -Those who know hundred tnd twenty dollar. besides wb ch In the inner room or pa.rlor was a. heavy the 'alue of human I le know the import were all d stri buted 1mon,;st us Each of ance of a year a day and even a.n hour us also received t"o pounil· of bread and antique clock and on tbe walls hung the ·nd the'"' whou spent amid tho lull eDJOY Twelve Golden Rulee of Good K ng two quarts of beer not to mention wbat wo Charle· and Death and the Ladv a ment of the vital function· o! how much mportaoce to our whole tJXIBlence it is had from th· cthzeu· A woman of Salz long senouo dialogue in veroe burg here gave lnrth to a son to 1Vh1ch tho In my uncle· fields and on the a l)o!ll ng therefore an eternal and irreparable loss counte8' together " th th· Counsellor mqors I saw wild b rd· and wild font fooL when tJaie 1a not enJoyed as rt ougbtBoh no and the Burgomastei We ·· stood ed c1eatt res n abundance weaeels Je1 rets Str '"' fo narta 01oles hedgehogs mre often taker recrea.t10 ser sponsors al d had t chr .te d 1 tl e cha pd and owl· a I ha vks ·hot The kestrel of vm t tu ti y L ' es lcet thuu becou e at tl e ca tie a d after ti e c re uony they ten hover d ovcrbt!ad and no\\ and ti en I ~ nve to tl rt! r u.t o ¥\ l 1::u tl ou got!c;t The p nto tl e 1uoun an lea'\ie th s servant presented rt w1tf sonre l andso neg fts At tl e glede or k te \\oulrl 80(1.r aloft n tie alley wl n l uu goest to the ctly Gcra the people luoked v th great \\ onder eouutry wns wilder at tl at t n e of day whose bear] flowed down to h s 1 ..eostand ofco rse f llerof1nte1estto m .. in the centre of L ndsey than it vo.s at he £L hru utlesubutLs aud reW!!Uler, the ~er uo1 n ::;t not be grt ttr ti an the treatmer t On the third day of Eaeter "· reached Scblmz m Vo1gtland where Henry I reigns with I is coni;ort Dorothea Louisa Here tho clergy come out to meet ,. the c t zens vere un ler arms and each of ua re ceived a billet for qnarteJa NaJ they ac tually strn~gled amongst themscl ves who eho l l 1ece1 e us and eon e wept b;cause they could not have 1 s rn their houoos The The bus\ and through weery day· and ntghts has been atc!uog at the bedside h , larlrng w fe until no v tbe dread mo ment approaches vhen she shall be wafted Hui mother a1 1ndustriou~ p10 is affection ate woman then n bar fort1t>tl yea.r cur b.yond the r ver of death U ml er no pre ned on the trade of dyer wln h she bad teoce will he now leave her and \VhJ 1 Ah Up to this he 11 wa ling and hotemug fot the last learned fro n he1 husband time Thon us had been a fine lookmg wt ·per As she spenke, her \\ orde echo ch Id He nuw had small pox and oubse a <l re echo througho t the mystic f1 ture q lent) u easles and scarlet fever and a As a ) o i g lady rends over \he hst- of whole year was ti us filled up mtli dread ufii ctJon lie rt mo.1ued nt Gu nsborougl ti e sla n n battle and her weeping ·yes 1nt l he' ns early 1 1n., in i twenty y~a~ rest upor. tl e narne of her lover aln ost h~r old He had an ui cle a veekly car er firot thought is D 11 e leave me a dymg who sho'?. ed lum tuuch k ndncas in ' host> cnrt he ueed to Dave glorious rides a1 l at message 1 Th· s~ eet st ter of a sh pwrccl cd brothe1 wl ose form of 24 acre· I e ·pent h s 1 ol da)· 1mpat1ently a va ts tbe arr val of eorne res cued from the ' reek to learn if her broth UNOLE LUKJJ e1 a· 1 e was swept beneath tl e dark wa·e· How viv dly tl e p cture of my uncle oeDt l er a dyrng word Lukes large thatched cottage at Market Yes dying \vorus are tho1e wost !ought Ra.sen remains in my memory T} e out after and chet ,hed by the human heart er room 1 al a wide open cl mne) My uncle s a.rm chair was unde-r 1t, and you A mid all the cares and d sappomtments tbat may surround us 1n hfe \ e ne\ er cau could see the .!!wallows nests 1n the ch n ney as ) ou sat m the cha>r On tho oh n forget the la·t fa nt' h spcrmg$ of tho dy aey front hung a curious old picture pant i1g and at th tee y-enra old used to be eel on a stool tn Dame Brown a School to teach one Master Bodlev ~ho was seven years old ha lettets When he was four his father died and his mother bade farewell to grand old Exeter She settled at Gamsboreugh on the lrent wb1eh thert separates the Coul(llcs ot L ncoln and Not ts heart that laot Goetr-bye that last token of going hon c to heaven or t rely at the good excl augt ··· l mg white as sno Trent border m·otei -Q1wrlu

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