THE MERCHANT FRIDAY SOALE OF ADVERTISEMENTS lOR A YEAR MAY 31, 1972 ' th you who knc v me m former <lays (cheer ) and yet no one here has vent tre l to call me an 1n1posto1 except the cG1nuee ti on· of n j fom>i; 'ho arc mteresied m so do1ug I aloo I ope that Jou will remem be1 that wl en I Ir t returned to England I va. 1 ' ted to con e do vn he10 by my for mer sol c1tor Mr H opk ns who 1s kno u to and v·n r nch 1eapected by ) ou all It JS not necessary therefore to say auy th ng mote of !\Ir Hopkms because ) ot know h m almost better than I do myself No 1f I had been an impostor l e I ad 111 hlS pos;ess on durmg all the t me locu incnts wh1ch would have con\ cted 1ue at once He vot Id l ave fo md o t 1f I ms an impostor and no one could bavt! lived m hie house a fortn gbt as I did Without ==========~=================~""="'========~======~====;==============;============~====================n-===== :\ eolun 40 I a.lf column 9Q of a column 10 small cards 4 FOR SIX ll01'T.1JS.. oue fo t :\. column 20 ~colmnG haJ.f 12 o o fo rtl .FO!t THREE :uo~rus \. col mn 1? half n. ol n fn.colmn5 OOCAS ON 1.I l o e fo tl illVERT SEMHNTS Fo r cents per 1 o for :first inserl o ru t (I ceDts per 1 ue for cttch subsequent nsert on 'Vants S tuat1ona Vacant t!tC v1ll be n rted for 20 cents £-st rnscrt ·n and 10 cents atlh subseq, ent one Tboso who advertise a. hole <:olumn or ha.If c0lumn can have the r s.d ertlseroenta'>cd .,nee ev y s x months f they des re t \\hotherit w~elo;alty or the prouptrngs of sometlnng else ' J ich cau·eu inch ex press ve ·ent11uenls Mi W1lk1e aaw m hun at least a a n p ls11 o I eai t 1f not t prudent tongue un l ·t aln g to l s s de in u f v no:i ent11 tl c ol l i 1an h sto y was told h ' " fe lay "l ere w11lo IS \\eep and ., Mi \\ilk c pres ed the bai d of the dea old man a1 d talked to l Illl o! her that was gone ai rn bidden tear stole do" n h10 cheek He bale nd1eu to us at Port Hope but o u ble srng followecl the imp !me tl ougl son e hat m I ' 1 lent old man We l ad soon left the Canad a 1 ol ore tl c .;i \ll ad ert semen\s > 11 be m.erted a l t l o dered otl e1 Hse by ntl New Advertisements home l er foiest g ud and gree Lad faded from o s 0 1 t \~. 1 ·J j) com pay had form e l themsclve go l' to ~ ls the hc.t rs awny 111 soc al talk a.n l song "h le a fe v 1 d t!ged tbemsel veo 111 n al ng e'er; body else 1 appy B· g a good loo! ng tcllo a k nd mv lat on was exte <l l n1c to be at state roon1 )lo - for d nuer ties e of b cl 3X 6 nt wl rnh vas expected the f ll co nple1 ent to the ten n v1tat10ns 1ss eel As the Gong pealed fort! its d scordant notes I started for No - I pem n e I got n but do t aek me ho v Tl e tuble clotl vas snrend upon the clean be l a d the prov1s1cn baskets lvere stowed a ay 1n an unseen corner I found that I ··an honored g 1est as one of my 0 ood fr en ls f1om Toronto forn ed one of the group Well Mr Ed tor I ha c been here tbcr ere grente1 prete so s but L Wonted Fa m For S:iJe-C Kn&pp }or Sa.le- E B rns For SaJe- S M r Durha.m Bulls--M Jones! Qu~o1 s Bll'th D.l\y-Solina S u{ T Strayed-J C rt · Seco d he.nd-R1ue & B ke.r Frat of the seas n-1\fcM 1rt y & Co Sf'ring Stocks M Maye · :N 01 geman Ca. -te Rxecuto s Not ce Sew ng ~{achmes Yellowlees ~ Q ck Prope ~y for Sa.le -Z Frazer r o Bono Publ co-Dr Paterson Tuet Al' ved-F Treb lcook Doctorr-W S Boyle E ar n For Sa.le-T W Harr s For Snle-At th s office Im1 lements R " J a.mes House and Lot for Sale-D W 11 ams ]1 gine 'Voolen ?.of Us-Cunn ngham & :Bo k St ayed- W Earley Cambrutn Wool n ~{ lls D Ta, o ?\[" ew Bus ness-J Smale lenrle s- I ~f }('!rns Bees Eet!a -E B Ccydern an LORD DU:E FER IN Cert fic&te-R & H 0 Ha,. Change of Bua1ne&s-Mre E Cawker 8 R Bradshaw Robert Young-Veterna 1 S r 8 eOn Stray Steer J Geddes I-a.tent Sheep Ma.rkn A New l'Ian-H H<>rwood 'lett~h ext acted 25 cenh-J if Br n: ::wombe 1 wenty five doll&r!!l Reward Immen·· S F H ll · A New P cture Ga.llery-L W Sexton ~ew Goods-Murdoch Brothers Hard to bel eve- H Elliott Dr Oa.rson s Med nes Iron01ongery- J McLeod A Caro-L Qu ck Spectaeles-Aaron Buc1d Photographs-E J Fletche Whose I ortra t have n 1ch pleasure n pl· g before our 1 ad 1 va bo n 1 1826 and JS tberelore 46 JeaIS,!>f age He as educated at Eaton anu Cl l1St Church Oxford an 1 succeeded to his Fathers i tie July 21 1841 and vas fo1 some yearo a Lord rn 1\ait ng to tie Quaen At tLe t me of tl e Famme 11 Irela 11 m 184G 7 le nade a personal inspect o of lLe stale of affa ro and o 1 l s return to E 1gland J ubhshol an ac co 1 t vl tel attracte l con01dernble a\ten\ on I J809 he made a Y acl t 'opge to le land a narrative of wl ch he g01e to the p bl c i tie follow ng year I 1 the t tie of Letters Jro 1 l 1gh Lat tu los o\.) ear later 1 · as se 1t to t e I ost l y L01d Pal ner stor a· Bt t sh Comm ss one1 11 Syr a for the p r1 osc oJ I osecut ng qu rics i to tl e n assac e of Christ ans ti ere m wl ch ca1 c ty I acteu v th g eat fl nne8' a1 d ab1l t For I s se1v ces on tl at occos on I e vas md a K C B I 166G l e 1us nd r Secre lary for Ind a His Lords! 1p s a L bernl m Pol t ca and a me nbe of the p eseut Ad mn 1stration a· Cl ancellot of the D cl v of Lancaster He ·also Lotd L e1 ter · t of County Dmrn L rd Duffenn 1s a man ot rnre S bolosttc atta umeu ts aud last ~ e r shared 1 lh Lord Granville at tie Cryatal Polaco the compli en ts ot the French Actors a I Dram at st. wl o declare! t] en to be as good F ncl sci ola s "' c e to be found Pars RIB Lords! 1p 1s tl e tln d Ii ol nobleman n succes o p01 1 om tl e ho oro pe ta 1 ng to the Governor Generalsb p of ti s great co try hn>e de ol el His Lo1dsh pis J st no v uu Di: golden op n on rn l > ello s lo put a c l to the existing law aga n·I part; iroce9' on. n Ireland lhe 1cn perancc folk lJ 1l OU nfotmat on be correct have a spec al fr e1 i n the Ne~ Go e 01 G ner 1 Report eays His Lordship 1s a Goon TEMPLall i ht Sad Effects of Whisky I W c learn tl at on Tuesda last a "oung lad son of Sam el All n of Cart BOWMANVILLE MAY 31 age l about 10 j eau d ed lrom the effocts of dr nk ng wh sky the da; previous UNDER A CLOUD appears that some J art es ' ho "ere go ng La·l veek f o n tho i for ot 01 tl en to to wash sl ec1 ga e tl c lad a bottle of "I s Lai' ve felt J lStlfied n vr t ng of o l k' to l old for them of th s he drank soi e rn 1 ay p101pect· m a ·on ewhat JUb !ant an 1 vas take l very ill only R rv1v1ng 24 Hhii1 S nee then I o rever mattcr11 are ho 1s-C0>1 cl a.nged ancl 101 I e present the Bow n anv lle u Bobcaygem Railway I un New Dominion Monthly der a clo ld Tl e 'Io vnsh1ps of Mamers Tb · popula1 Homo Magaz nc It s not cones to I and ell laden v th r te'resl g and n<tr ctn e read g ~o famlly shou d be w lhout a copv of t and ts lo v $1 oO per Hat places t " tl l 1cacl S·nd lot a copy J Dot gall & Soi hshcrs Mo treal Cheape1 postnge 1s one of the de1u.nds of tl e age Recogn z ng tl IS as fact B sn arck s about to srn mon to Be 1 nan ler a 1natters a Notice The West]) rham Scl ool Teacl er s Co cnt1ou will be held n Han ptou on Fi da; and Saturday J ne 7tl nd 8ll It 1s 'er) I s rable that tl e I e cl c 11 sl u lei nlereet themselves n tbs n ect g Ju COll v s 01 -tl e op1n o rve llo ts Mesau Cub tt UcLcod n 1 l o o tl tee others lcsc1ve tic' of ti· To t 101 tl c ealo s Lnanuer n vh ch tl ey lave et leavored to promote vl at tl e) uel e cd lo be tl e best rntere ls of tl s Mun c r al ty fo Ja1J n a good pl r} 080 18 I 0 C honor mad Ill · Hail titorn At tie Important o espoude1 ce A full attenda ce s rcqucslc l able than ta a cceed t I ----~~ PARLIAMENTARY - La 1 01 e large stock of Roo poper Chr stian Dou Store tren e 1 lous bn.rga ~ Vagrants On We lne day n gl t our co staLlc h s respects to · couplo of cl aractc1' One hod beCI 1 b b ng rither too freoly of theru Hairy Heu1y I as appea1ed bef e a i\fng stratc t vo I mdre I and l\Jty tl ree tt ues He 1s a 1es1<le t of Toronto !\ad 101 the benefit of b s health has been 1 st c t m mg Tbe Mayor ga e the to leave tl · to vn SCHOOL REPORT follow 11 g Month ; Report ol ti e [J on School ' h cl ve feel much pleasure I r bhsl ng afro ds giat fyrng "' dence of fact that the respected Prmc pal and his oadJulo s rn tl o effort to teach the yo ng idea l o v to shoot-have a tine field fo1 thcu exert ons We deem thH average at tm dance l 1gh!J sallslactory 1:1 :::::::: ;::: :;:: :::: Domgs at Enmsk1!len On tl e 24tl the \ llage had m rn ti a ih share of patronage It appea a that Prof Bice o behalf of the 25tl Batt Ban l had made nu v.rrnngcn ent th the Min s tet rn charge of the M E Cb1 rch to l ave a b g la) Mr ll to asS1st lllth mus c for the benefit of tie Chmcb m the alter oon and the Minister to suPi'Ort M1 B a concert m rel ir i 1 tie even ng Co1 sequent!; .., m '"1 ti: "1 ~ la ge Bills we e issued announ ug the Te· and Leet te ln tl · alternoon v1th m s c el~~il::i;l~:,?:i.,., s:s~o8c=:o~~~": h:Oin fou1 Brass Bando tu l a gra.1 d ~oncert ~ li'"S~ g 6~ ~~ at 1 ght, tl e proceeds of the former to Le ]="""i!.~ ~ o:"I" c:+ p. appl ed to' nrds the fund for bu Id ug a ne v ~ M E Cb rch and ot the latter to · d tl e Battalhon Band For the con o concert progratnmes "ere 1S1ued ith 1 rof Red ~IS 8l 2nd Book. mond of Toronto Theatre as one of tl c act 01s and their c1rculat1on \\e)l ass sted as ~ ~ :!; f::i 3rd Boal agreed on The 'lea an 1 Lectmes ve1e 4th Book well attende 1 a I vent oil ren a1kabl; well ' 1th the except10n that the rema ks of ne otl llook of the speal eIS were of~ ve1y I gh otde Non }{el:'! d nt!'! The proce d· must]~" bee cons derable I the even1n 0 the co ert. took plaee 1n tl e Orange Hall which cro ;vdc I to e cc s both by n embef6 of the cpr rch nnd lbc I n lovwg commumty The p ogramn e was entered mto m a 1 vel) manner ar d lrc v ] ees Hece ved forth the applar se ot the a drnncc and Fees Duo m ght la e gone off qwetly b t for tie t I i smg dur ng tLe procee<lmgs o Mr Cami Tctnl of Fees bell of Podank aid Rt M Pome10J M E Mm ste1 vho denot need he 110 c1ecl1ng~ as unbeconnng ~nd 11 n101a.1 and Lecture sod the church ould not ackno le lge any Rev Mr G 1tterr I as k ndl) onsented th ng of the kmd Cons derable confus on to s t Bo\\ ma1 Ile on Monda; next and was thn· ca lSed in the cro"d h gh vo ls cl ve his prom sec! Led 1e rn the Pr pamng bet een some of the or g 1 ators of · it ve Me\Lo l st Chm cl the scheme and several of the com pan left We must not forget to nert 01 tl at the act Encouragmg or from Toronto appeared n tqe color of an On the lelun of tie \Olur leers f on ~f1 can -COM last annual d ll 1 ·evcral ·ect one of tue Dot inion compla1nis 'vere n 1u1rous At \\ h thy a thu der stoun done co1 M to tie prov1s on that ha I been made for s1derabla damage A Flasl of hghtnmg their comlo1 t b 1t 1 e ar· pleased to be ab str 1ck the En~! sh Chm cl near the Rail le to at nouncc ti at tl o Mm stei of M ht a vav St't on knock ng the st eple to p cce las hrnctc 1 h s attentw to ti e neccss t es smosl 1g every W \ndow destrOJ ng the of tl el e1 abo t to a acmb e tort] e1r !:ill organ mak g tl H Her o ot the Cl urcl 1 rnl d1 JI o ti at tl e co nfort ai d healtl espec all; \] e gallerJ a complete 1eck 11 ay be f lly ecur I The Dom n on Gov ill James Geir e late Mayor cf WI e nm~nt huve l o lee h~ 1 to r cren:i.e tl c 1 el 01 T eslay e1 e ng last ;mm ol l" neve .jj1d I enJoy n metl more than m No on the steamer ~ orsema on the 24th We I ad no co1k sc1e vs 01 sealed of Ma) bottles l o pocket flasks nor lem Jho · but our tl rst vas quo 1ched l y the ad of t" o t nnblers f on the p tmp of tl e 1'. o seman with the best of all beverages (I ure cold Vifl.tir) and as finge1:a ' e1e maJe befort forke,we d spen·ed w th all 1 relent oh· and devoured tie sand: v ches tu no era p1ea and cakos " ti " rohsl l eriecth marvel ous altl oulih ti e rr o le portook of· some what p1 111 t c character D n er being over va started for a atroll on deck .l.way m the d11tance the sl ore of tl e Great Re p bl c a· ' s ble 1 o part cular change was man test and yet we ha.d passed from one country tQ anotl er lht sa11e ll 1e sky was o'er us and tl e snme r pphng waves flo ved qa ·tly by one nseparable tl ough yot apart Ma~ ti e ·epcmt on l ne wh ch div des ti et" o great nat101 s ne'er bt more \lStble than on that day when "e found onr.. lves lpon the sl ore of the great Amen can Rep bl c One th ng at least wa· TlS bl· the America i Almanacs had got the 1tart of 1 a they had got away down m July a.nd the chanre '\\ias somewl at 01 prt1s1ve to Canadia to,m filed n flannels ai 1 over coats \Ve took posseais on of tl e enen1ys country '1thout a shot be ng !ired An imperti ne t customer cxannnecl se eral leatl er bag to see' hetl er there '"ere not 1omo tire orackers o Waoln gto trett'5 to blow 1 p the C ty w tl apa t fro i that we' ere left to o r own 1nchnat on.s; " e "ere soon bo ndmg away toward· Roche·ter feastmg our 8JCS on tho bl!'aut fHl GencEee River flo nug n all its majesty anon some bean t ful orcharls m frll bloom rnt1l "ccouid hear not! I g 8llU See notb1 lg else bt t quack advertisement~ concen ing Gurghng 011 P n 1-.. ll·ro Ha r Restorers, Tl e Bloom of Yo th and Age HostoreJ aud Lad Just con cl ded 1n I nag at o wl en c fo nd ou !el es Eaoh took tie r "veral wa; v th · ht tie put; I 'ta tc l fo1 Mo mt Hor e Ceme tiy Tl· street le· hng to 1s bea tit lly h el v th ·hade bees an I handap ne d vell n 0 s an I many of then betoke eel a httlo paradise 1 theu neatness a.nd beauty as I hope many of tie 1 were ~bolt fifte·n nules o tl e Street Ca10 au I we lo md o rselves al g trng at tho ouha1 co to Mo nt Hope Cemetry A beaut !ul fountam 1S th o v1ng s1lve1 sho ~ers n then r rit vh h we '1ake our th rst and bat] e ou burn g .A. l old r end k nelly g lea us to th most lavo ed ·pot· 'l le g o 1 d Id an) h ng b ti level al <l to cl tub 1ls atee1 sides and de.see d n1to 1bii quu1t recee:aea re iu 1es both a steady foot and a strong conalltuhon Trees o{ vauol: s kinds stand sentmel over all the grounds and m the I ttle cluster frequ1ntly sl·ops tl e de parted Althouib bent on a day· pl aou1e a feelu g of awe etolo over me aa I thought for a n oment of the assoc1atlons of 1uch a place Forty fo r vearo ago on the 19th of At g 1st next, Mot nt Hope Cemotry w·· op·neu 200 acre· of la 1d 1 e VJthi 1 iits boundarm o d 22 000 already ·lcep \here be11 le1 a pop lat or ol neatly 800 ate left w th \I precmcts annually We ·tart for the h ghlantls that ve may get a glimpse of oo ne of 1\1 bea tiee time forb1ddrng an extended tom In a 1 Ille cl mp of trees -we found a s nal l ne v n1ade grave bv ite s de stood· motbe1 (we tt ought drare l m 1ablc ' eedo she hau co i e to otrew frtsh flowers o' tr ts grave tt! on tl e 1 ttle n1ot nd la· a wreath freoh as from the gaiden Not far from th · ve fo nd a I ttle white flag ota d 1 g sent nel at the head of a mound th s we ere informed was a eol l l!IC8 g1av1 w·l 1 l ac~o d ng to nnnt al e sto u had bee bea t lied an 1 adorned I coul I not help as I gazed 01 the l ttlc Bag n nt ter 1 gSolJ er e,,t th) wa fa es o e Sleep the !ileep thn.t I nows no breal Dream of battle -fiel 8 no ·o e D ys of dan 0 e1 n gl ts of k ng 11 les red aud o 1t 1001 exe c rte \.\as ot 'ery f eely melt l 0 od m A J or og man and l s lo el one wo Id steal a >y f om pyrng e es au l ij~e n gear to son1c secl idt:: l spot (e\ en though the a n fell and ti e "md blew col I) b t 'o 1ld ·oon tet rn to th· happv compai) a scmblcd 'de I con tented myoelf w th re·d 1g character an l tak ng notes It was qu te "' dent to lll) nn id thor 0 h not al rofes el Pl ya ognom t tl at the co n1 any vaa a very select oue One olu m was ox ee h 0 ly Joi al bv Seo b and as t1 e A l ltlc f u tl er o asauolber one u ch tAok my <onl10n uo flag morked tic spct no ecr ptt ral text stood tl re nor no wreatl of flov. e s ns shewed a rulle ~lab bore tl e n tials of h m "ho slept beneutn tbc sod nnd yet tl ere wu some lo\ ed one who 1 he had left for a little Forget me not had latch l eeu planted tbe1e tl ough g as· and eede strove for tl e a~ctndancy do 11 n tl o \ alley o co1u1 an on Jed us' here tl erQ tre ~on e \:a lts Thi tro l doors vt ere e;orne ;vbat iepul.!!1 e The 1 1son cell for ti o dead Our party glanced th ough the gratrng at tl e m men·e sto· e coffins o the end of wl ch lay vreathe· o! flo cr0 I tuned fro u tho s1 ot w th a OJgb I tbou~bt of the ruds slab '" ay up the i 10 m ta c Slde ' th its l ttle Forget me not tl.ic hon e of tho poor and glancing at tlie man fe1tat on· of wenlll arnl pon p as tl · played 'here I stood I wa; ren 1nded of tie worls s n~ DreJ afilti e poor slave~ lo ered one of tl er n mber t tho tomL rr n es tlus clay m st be your be ti e1 teofa.l)ou tu ii 'I he tall the v ile the re eren l 1 n t Must J e as low as our8 I I A cs e1e I ·st one! \\ e 1 a I not yot ga ne l ti e s n 1 l wer abo'\ie br be1y and tie ev dencc of the te1 an ts a d vork ng n en on the cs tates-tl ey are inen and } onorable )llen altho gb tbev' ork for then 1 mg vhv sl ould not the r e' Hlence be as good as Lord Be Jew s ! (Great cl eer g ) I u s t uctly tell , ou gei tlen en that the tattoo mg b s ness ' as ne ther more nor less than a cousp1 acy co cocte 1 at a moments 1 a ol~oct tio· when they fo nd thoy could not beat me m any other ay (Cbeero and Sname ) As there was 1011 e t me bel 1 e ·tart u~ I tbauk you kmdly tor the great rnler<st · au out 1001 inett ng' aa gotte1 ur Mr you taken in n1e and on n y beha1f Are now sbowmg a full asso1i,ment of W lk1e of the To10nto Asooc at1on fa 01ed and for the fall play vi ch ) ou rnsist I the as1em bly with 01 address and the cl 0 r sl all have and wl wh s ull I ask Agam thanku g you for your k od in\ltat on do vn sang seve al pieces approp1 ate for tl e oc here I 11 11 cone! <le by say ng I hope that ·as on an 1 I am oat sfitd that a good 11l the 11 ne w ll shortly cone when I shall P'"" on "as left of or r peace&ble nte 1 come anu l 'c among yo i ugam (Lou l A fine lot of llons and our des re 01 Jy to Jo good Pre cheers I w ll then prove to you ti at I am not the n posto1 the fo ger tLe \ Ila n c sely at 1 me the steamer le f t her oor and tl e agal ond tl ·t I I a e l eei br d rngs we were all somrnbat fnt1gue I and ed by the Attorney General (Great cl eer] 1 f)t to n lulge an) 'er\ great ex 1n 0 ert on· Mr G Or slo v M P agam cam 0 fol At lei the compan· eie coi, e ed vard and addressed the assembl) atter ' n 1 I ch an adiournment took place to the ti e cabm beforo r·tu g for the mgl t it asoerubly room of ti e Swan 11 here tie was lo\erm ned to th·uk Him who bad Clam ant received a deputat on from So th g dcd ls safely thus fa1 o 1 onr t p Mr ampton of the local defence Jund Mr A full Stock of rhompson of J 0 onto cond cted the exer Gu Hord Onslow M P with a fe v vords of woloome mtrnduc·d the dept tatwn to c .es a" sted bv members of both tl a 1o the Claimant who "as received w th tie ronto a d Bo na1n lle Association and warmth -n: l.uch had cba1acte1 zed the pre f om tl e Steatner Norseman away out on v10 lS p10ceed ngs He said l · W!lll glad to Lo...l;:e Ontar10 there 1 "'er o.acei ded a more be present to acknow led 0 e the ~real k nd ness be I ad rece1 ved f o i tl e people of heart) vo ce o! thanks. vmg U a1 from that Southampton o\.ftor a few more remarks All to be sold Cheitp little compny We bale each oll er a ot a general character he sad he wo 1ld hearty good lllght the choir s ng 1 ke to explam why Mr Rose one of hlS One mght counsel had left 1 · caee Go 1 ght t U ve meet in ti e mo n ng after go 1 g to the theatre he and some and rn a l ltle w lnle not! ng ' as heard fnends had s pped at Evans and while m Hig!te·t pric.e pate fo1 BUTTER and EGGS oave the revoluhon of the paddle "hcol· the room he beard that Mr Rose had told <lash ng atu d the wai; es I a~ oke nt four Mr Lawson of the Daily T<l·g apl~ that the case loekf\d ve J fishy and t was very au l fo tnd. 'e ere n s gl t of our Canad an 1 kely the film of Baxte1 Rose and N 01ton home The cho 1 although some" hat af would iet ie from it He sn d notb ng fected mtl a sl ght attock of sea · cl ness the b t the next mornrng he "en\ to Bax woun l p the tr p w t1 oeveral good st rung tcr Rose and Norton and hnd an interv ew pieces of m s e and 1 rec1sel) at 5 o clock with Mr Spoffortl tell g l n what he l al beard and uncle no c rcu nstauce1 we subm tted o r pro' 'on baskets to Her would I e aga n allo\T Mr Rose to appear Bo11mam1lle May 7th 1872 MaJest; ·a 1b nspectot of c lStoms for m on h s bel alt Mr Spoflorth ei treated vest gat on The Goo I Templar · Chou l 1m to rccons der h s r1ect.S on but he re l tl t nch to uterest ti e prooeedmga Tl e iterated his detenn1nat 01 and. tl at was tpc rea·on vhy Mr Rose J ad w1thdiawn com n1ttee "'ere UU\\ eaned 1n p1omot1ng trom the case and that mthdra ial Ind the el JOj rnent of tl e company the Capta n been followed by that of h s fathe1 He and officers of the Norseman did all n ti e1r thougl t that explanahon was d e to the po er to ren lcr tl c tnp an fl.g eeable one pub! c as tl e w1tbdra val referred to l ad oon e 'hat preJ ud1ced him n the eyes of a d t1 c Young Mens Cl r st an Associntton tie pub! c o\.ltho gh he lad called 86 nee 1 ha e no reg1ets at its s c MJ sin " tness s the fact vas to be borne 1n m1n 1 cere' sh ti at all the r futme r ndeitak that he hau the sworn test nouy of 580 v tne>Ses aud it ' a· o ly the lack of funds rngs 11 ay be charact:t1 s d by su b hal that l au prevented l m call ng the greater !owe 1 mfi tence· an 1 that · m Jar goo l 1 n portion of them All us on had been mnde preHs ous ns Vi.\S left on that occasion n1ay dur ng the tnal by the Attorney General to the fact that be lad g 'en 200 gumeas be tie rnsult of all ti en effo1ts A nore plea·ant and profit<>ble t ue I tor a horse That was ntended to pre11 d ce h1m 1n tl e m1 ids of the publ c Jor ex.truva e er spent in anj com1 any and I shall gance b t le would tell them that he l au The Labrador Sealing Fleet al va s look back with pleas lrC to ti e 24th bought the horoc on the contl I 011\]at1t wao of Ma; spent mdcr the a sp ceo of the not to be pa l for ntil le obtarned h s es U?\IAnA [ EDC \£AS'tROPHE tales and be "o ld o ly say l rtber that a Yo ug Mens Chr st an A'8ociallon ap1tal horse she-for it var.1 amnre-turne l Yo rs &c out (Lu ghter) Referr ng to the fact REPOUIEJ\ tl at h used to cone to t1 e court in a car r1a,,e wl le La<ly Duughty uoed to come m 'l RAYED from Lot No 10 3r I C01 ., on ·cab he sa d J e 1 o ld mform the Allot of Cnrtw '1ght two col ta C e t o year Question. Answered n y Ge e al that the catt age bad been I o {1c the EU tor of tl e Me hru t v ded by h" Jr e1 d· and that Lady Dough t\: no loubt rn ~l t I ave come a car Sm -It not my p rpose to g1 r age 1f sl e vas so <l1'posed He ti en rea lers of'° l valuable pnper tl e Merchant thanked the dept tat on f om Southampton a formal Essay n reply to one vi o sub and espec ally Mr Ora) vl o had s ppl ed 1cr 1es h mself n a late No of the ~{c cha it mea1 s to l 1s ' fo and l ldr n ' h le I e p SOl Qu We say thew ll s stunt lated to h tie· lte o; JOHN JlAW1' q an, I a t on by certarn DI ·een spr ngs Act10ns Party Processions tlolte t lead to e e1 ts ·· causes to effects rl c\ The Insol ent l a!:l made Ml As~ 6 nmCJ t of l n &.) have cons1;quences n1mcd ate or re We arc glnu to notice ti at L 1d Dufle 1 eetate to n c and tl e Ur d to s a e not tied to11 ote 'Io stealia an act on vheh may seeks to I ut an end to the fool sh and sl 01 t mect at my office l(m,q Street u Bo :vman NE YORK May 28-A shpp ng u e srgl ted I 1·h law agn nst party p ocess10 s v He o i have the gam oft ent) five ce1 ts for ita We have al ays held that st ch prob h1tt01 s chant of tl lS c tv represent g the New TUESDAY the Eleventh day of June 1mrned ate n] a wh1pp1ng for its ~ernote are ~rang n pi nc ple a d cannot efficient foundland fiun of Horve; & Co co ~rn s A D 1872 a Ten o clock 1 the fo :-enoon t o conseq tence Hu1nau act on3 Sl ppose the ly be put u force e en ti ough they were a the desp.tch ho u Bo ton m refe :once to the ts of lus a.:ffa rs a.i d to apt o nt freedom of tl · agent The quest on asked great deal n 01e reasonable than hey are exaggerated aceouuts ot tl e sealing fleet d e aster He savs the report lS cnt1 ely false CHARI ES BOOTH b) Quiz I answer as follows Labour As a matter of taste ve I ave never ad1 ned Intt 11~ Aaa pnte tmmprng thrnugh tl e ·treets \\1th bannera with res1 ect to all but three Hsselo an l tl at yo 1 m·y g·m monei To be temner ftyrng and under tl e rnspmng stra ns of that he 1as received advice· of tl e safe re Date I at Bo manvill th s 28th day of May A J) l872 m3o ate s tie 1 gbt ay to be healtl y wore or less Llatar t m ts c But if otl ers turn of moat of the fleet have d fferent optmons of the r value and UNCLE DICK BosTO>< Mav 28 -It " reported tl at the attract vcness why aho Id they not be al · holeeale destruct ou of the LaLrador Seal loweU. to follow the r whim so long as theJ ng Heet" not crcd teu I e1e A lette1 fro don t ob tr ct tl e l r l he ti oroughfare· St John· bv the last 1 a 1 s ys twel eves Sir Roger Among His Tenants 081 n Bown anv He la8t eek a but go through w th ti e r h stno1 1cs n a sels in all are lost or in es1ng 1 t t o or V.. atch and tt gold t\lbe t chain any 11e qu et I ea. abl~ rna.nner l One of tl e les ti rec u sn g have not been cit Jo g e son fi d ng the nd leav ng t at th !'!: office !Fron the London Stando d Moy 15 ) son! to 1 e learned n a freo c un iy 11ii to ough to be g1 en up for lost The ere· s of will be s itably re :varde l A1 y _persn fo l "l' esterdaj afternoon th· Ola mant bear" th eq amm t~ the l old ng and ex vessels kno vn to be destro~ ed "e10 all n possess o l of the same afte ti a date "ill poi the invitation of a number of ti e pressn1g of diftorent op ons by our fello v be prosecuted ex0«pt 45 out of 60 men on the br g Bo manville May 21 18 2 21 tf tenants of the T cl borne eatntes and of tht: ct zens We arc not obi ged to I sten to all Hu tsman 29 of these men leave w do·" towns1 eople of Alresf01d Hampsh re b ch that a a d or to w tness even all ~at is v th about 150 children and subscr pt ons ts distant some three m le1::11rom Ticl borne done \.Vben atten1pts are 1nade to ins tlt were being taken np to obta 11 re n$ for HalJ paid a vlSlt to ti e little '1llage of or 11 t 1mdate"lnd v1duals by such mea a Alre·ford Tl e Clam1ant has been of course tliere is fa r ground for the inter the r ·upport ------stopp ng for the last fe tlai s at the Gro c ference ol the pu c autuont es :But short v llngu of Tyrone a n1aoksro1th IS Shot LONDO~ MAT 28tll I ~2i'the Ropley the seat of i\fr Gr ilford Onslow of that wl y ·1o1ll 1t be thought offens ve X 50 Sl ·ble · d l>r v ng Shed 20 X 46 This even ng ~!t Gladstone repl ed ven M P for G l ldford and it vas arranged that a number of 1 en ohould tr 1d"· for a good D veiling House with one acre of laud 11 at he sl ould proceed ti ence to Alre·ford I 01 rs th an orange r bbon at the r tut briefly to the q lest10ns Jut lost n ght 1 y ~ lot of good f 1l t trees n t lo part cula s Mr D sraeh and 1vlr Ho se111nn concern ng apply o the p enuses to o ts de wh ch the townspeople were to ton holes or that otl ers sho Id h"' ea 1 ke He ma le no JAMES COLLACO'l1 make a dcmonetrat 01 i 1 is favor love for a green rosette 1 Let thEm if tl ey the Supplementnl Art le 1 y one May 23 1872 022 n 35 tf Shortly after three o clock a waggonette choose \\ eai nbbous of all tl e coloro n the statement of 1nportance and adde l natl ng dra v , by four greys drew up at fl e Grove ra1nbo\v and 1na1ch order or disorder to the mformat on already p saessed I y tne Soon afterwards Mr Onslow M P the from morn t ll de vy eve-if tbey th nk it pubhc on the snbJect HORSE ll \CING CONDEMNED Claimant, who appeared to be m oap tal best fgr their body 01 HO l No one l as any health wa.· lot tlly cheered At senral of r gbt to take off·nce &n l say But they A ln ely aensat 01 vas er ated n t1 e RADUA" E of the Un vers t es of Tm ty CollcgEl Toronto and V ctor a. Colle,,e C"' tie villas nnd house· of "ell to do people n ean u e How do vou kno they mean House tb s even ng by a bold protest f o n n the nc gh borhood ladies appeared u ti e you 1 and ti o gh they did are your op n Mr Thomaa H gl es aga nst 1 orse rac ng bou ~ L cent ate of t.1 e College of Phys ct.&n~ and o::;u geons Ontano v1odows or at the gates and l aved hand ons so sacred and ) our customs so petfect and tl e usual adJO riy ent ol Parliament Office and res dence S l er Stretit one cloo kercl ieff S r Hoger ackno vle lgmg the that no one can exce'Jt w th the J sk ot a. for the Der\iy wh ch occ rs to norrn gout) of)) Rt: d a Surge y Bowman'\' lle Ont comp! ncnt repeatedly When tl e out broken head e1ther condemn the o 1e or it H1 Gladstone I oved that the Ho se au Bo\> man ill· Apr I 30 1872 018 m31 If sk rts of ti e ulla~e ' re re.cheU. a ba1 <l way be for that matter 11 a m 11 JO rn mt1l ThursJay n1et the p:u ty and there 'vac on the ground sonal ""Y nd cule the other 1 Mr H ghes on r s ng to oppose tl e · lar~c bo ly of re pectable look ng men '\'\ e are glad then to ee comn or. seu~e n ottloa was recc1 ed th uon cal cl eera COMMERCIAL "' rug blue Sllk 1osettes The I orses views pre\ a !mg ar d ha l ti c proposal of uud la gl ter He pomtcd o the fact ti at were take fro1u the " aggonette and Lo1u Dufferrn as aa1gn that better days are the House adJOU ell o lj two hourR on ·m dst the mo t en th 1s ast1c cl eer ng an 1 11 store fo1 Ireland Tl e very q et css Ascenaion Duy Jor d v1ne ¥; orsh p an l tov. BOW'\f ~ VIr LE shak ng of band ith the Clai n>nt the a 1d good l un or " th wl cl Ron an Cat] plOj osed to ad]O Ill 24 ho rs tor the Derby no vu A'h\i LLE May 2S 1872. vel cle as drawn mto tl e yard of the ol cs nay con e to treat thE:: proceFs1on ng on It \\as rn o npat be with the d g ty of tl e Corrected by Tl ompson !\:: Bu $ S van Hotel d ere the people assembled the 12th of July or the Protestants tl at Hot !e of Con mo 1.s to recognI.Ze l o 'Se roe Fall Wl l 45 to I u~ to the number of a bot t 2 000 anU constuL on the 17th ot March w 11 go fa1ther to ng The English race cot rses had intro Sprmg 1\ heat I 35 to 1 10 t ted a mectrng '!be old J ople cspec al prevent Vlolence than any au ount of legal ducetl. tLe tnost co11 u1 t an l ns d ous sys Rye 0 60 to 0 65 0 60 to 0 6 ly floeked round the Claimant and ere I enactments wt th all tl e r threatenings ar tl tem oJ gamLl ug l 1ch 1 ad ever d sgraced Barley Peas 0 63 to 0 65 God bless yo l S r Roger Fron L \\ ag oil thcu fuss -Globe Wb le ha "' opposed to Oats any coun\1y 0 ~5 to 0 50 a spmted speech gonette M Onslo this 11 ec1es of am ~eme t 1 e bel eve l n B tte 0 15 to 0 16 rntroduced S r Roger and exprc .. ed tie manly epo1ta hke nte nat boat 1ace Dre sed Hogs 0 00 to 0 00 1 ope that the pubhc 'ould not stop m tl e r cricket an l other salulta.ry cor pet t. ans of Clover Seed 0 00 to 0 00 Special Notices s bscr pt10ns to the defence fund 0 2o to 0 30 of ht man strength an<l pl ck an! 1 ought Potatoes ERgS 0 10 to 0 11 The Cla mant then camo for rn1<l " d The \\ay to n meter to a m ud d · they sho l<l b encouraged Wool 040to045 as rece 'e J v th lo d cheers He sa l as arr ed rho mot Oil for ndJOUrnn e pro eased 1s to take Perll\ an Syrup Hay 13 00 to 14 Oo My ft ends WJ1a Is an l ne ghbor; I 1 "'e of i o by a vote of 212 to 8 Ao nsr al at this season of ti e ) ear there not very much to ~av hit to thank ) ou tccted sol 1101 of the p otox I ch g ves strength a Cl v gor to the s 'erJ I ttle produce of any kmd offer ng krnellv for the mvitat10 wb ch bas brought BOWMANVILLE PULPITS me once mo t. amongst you for t g ves whole .!System restores tl e l ge!.tlve orgo.ns TOROJSTO me great grat ficat on to coine here aruongst to perfect health thereby reston g the 5"'C"NDAY JUNE 9.ND .,._ TORONTO May lill 1872. those wl o kne me m former days and £1 scopal At l l am anl at 7 pm J18tol o6 \\ho kno [ am not tl e impostor tho vii n md to ts natural v gor H l 48 Rev D Macnab I an the scoundrel as b1anded by the At 000Lo060 torncy General (great cheenng) and , hioh The new com bmatwn of Hypopl ospb tes Canada Preebyter an -At 11 am and at 043to044 6 30 pm Rev M1 Smith. he has eertmnly not yet proved that I am mvented by 1\11 Fellow· (Fellows Corn 070to0 7· (Cheeio I hope that my da) · here VJll pound Syrup of Hypophosph tes) 1s muk K1 k -At IO 30 an Rm '.If Spencer 070to071 bagO 65 to 0 O be many more tha 1 the~ J ave been for I ng many ex\raordma ; cures tl rouijho lt Congiegat10nal -At 10 30 am and 6 30 OOOtoOOO pm Rev ~" Re k e look forward VJth hope and confidence to tl e [ rov es particularly 1 hseases of 6 80to640 regain n 0 1ny estate~ and I v g 0 ce n ore I the ncr ous syt>ten the hea1t a 1Cl ti c 1 ni::/! D s pies - o\.t 10 30 am nn 6 30 p u 0 17 to 0 Ia Elder J ClenJennan amon~·t Jou (Cl eers If n tl e Attor 0 17 to 0 l& Tl· AdHrtlSer s Gazette conta1 s u uch Wesleian Met! od t - At 10 "0 am on I 500too00. ney General stnte] I nut an I npostor for at10 of al,. to e.ery o e vl o ~a 1t 6 30 pm Rev M Hall 007to008 s irelv I l avo g en yo e cry oppn1t n ty 005to 006 newspapers Geo P Ro ell & I Pr mt e Met! od st - At 10 30 a1 Mr offt.nd ng me o t for I ha e 1 ved a nong ve1t1,es 14 00 to 25 00 J Orr and at 6 30 p n Rev R Bovie you v tl m} fam ly fo1 nearly t elve Co t] e J:< aw y c1k Advert s ng Age1 ts 12 00 to 16 oO mo tbs. You have seen me on t :vo or th ee are the p LI sl ers Sample cop es ocnl B ble Chr st ans -At 10 30 a m Rev H o3 to 5!). B~l e1 and at 6 30 pm llI C 13a ker I rn !rel o cas 01 · I h"' been cont nuA llv f ce to an a 11 .,. for 2oce t· tower from which & ' rw of the C1tv nnd grot nds of Mount Hope could be seen had to be scaled All the party excepting o ~ Toronto fmnd cl mbtd ti· ·ta rs and "hnt a del ghtf l ught met 01 t gaze A ay on one hond fiowe l the Ge1 eaee w th clumps of tlecs, and green sward 1 nrng 1t· banks Ou the other Ro bester with ts 60 000 uh·b tant· n costly maus10no 01 cab n home· as their poSltion m I f· enable them '11 e whole scei e preoentod w.. ono of great beauty md was suggestivo of taste and elegance on the patt of ou1 Amen c·n Jrie1 els We l asllly deocended after leaving o nam~s 1nscr1bed amongst a ftw thousand others 01 the top of the to ver we n ad all the la c poso ble for the Stat on or I ve1e ·oon off for Cl arlotta disc mng the· ght· of tic C ty we bnd left beh l Tl e co nm ttee A.fter co t ng tbe1 charges fo md th·t four yo[] g ladies an I two yo ng gen ta we1e n 1s::nng 'a1 ous aurmne11,\ere 1n l lged in 9.t to tl em ss ng o es S x ere too many lot an) special cal·m ty to befall L t ll doubts were romo.ed and the n ystc1y exphuncd by the a val per olllnt b ·of tl e 1 "' ug onea Two coupl·s pre med tatmg ru ocb ef at Ju t such , as sup posed ) hu tel r ru 1 for a Rev Mr Johnstone n Charlotte but J ad to return to U o boat v tho t ga n ng the r le. red berng detected I wisl to ask why ahot kl mi muther s cv I nee be gnored? Is Mr Hopk n· who d d all uy b 1s1 ess before I left England- s he to be gnored l o\.re nil tbese ho I ved 11 th , neighbor] oo I a I kne · me before I leJt Engla I-a c the; a1 to b gnored because a lord comes for~ ard an l swears be tnttooed me ? (Cl ecis and er es of All I u b g ) 'I hen aga ther~ vaa ll e m 1 tu y ev dencc-tl c ev1 J r cc of 11V brotl e1 officers-men vho · J. &i W. J. :M:oMurtry &i Co DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. Cloth and Gents Furnishing. ---o·--- FRESH GROCERIES, SALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND · Sign of the Golden Lion, :BoWJna.nville. Strayed Colts. S ' o, Watch Lost. 1 '"'°" To Rent. W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G ··t cu