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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 May 1872, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FOR SALE. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1872. 1 .. ===================::=;=========~~~-= · -=-===========-==-== '=====7='==================:==::;:::=============t=============="'=====;::=================================-=A How~ui and ~uarter Acre of land, near t he Fnotory, ad.10iuing Mr .. J. Perrin'1 on. t he north. _For pa.r ticl.llars, enqu1re on the premis Bowmunville, April 23, 1872. E. BURNS. ... 4in-o27-m 30 FOR SALE. Second Hand Democrat suite.ble for Cow A try work. Inquire at Morris's Factory. 1- nov;rnau ville, l'la.y 23rd. l 872.. ·- SECOND· HAND. O.R sale a. Second-Ha.r1'1_ Orga.n, nearly new. Dou_ b le R eed , four Stopsi, manufactured by Easty & Co., BratUeboro.:, Ver. tJ. S. Juatthe thing for \lStt in Sabbath ;:;chool or Lod~e. F 111.~I) JilJWVX~ znw ZZVQ "l) __ T Hown1a.n\' i1le :A.pnl 18th 1872 . _____,___ ___ _ _ RICE & · BARKER. · 2&-tf a1fi1s 6 Court of Revision. HE COUllT OF RllVISION for t he ·rownship of D11rlin;;,.-ton_, will meet at th . '!'own fiall, Hampton, on· the p1w '9 J/fi18 l; '8WDD.tQ zvu,0~17,ppv · .ino.1 ·znti~..J.uo .w111oiuv ia!i pn v · - ---------- - ·- ----.<il.81 "Tl.!. At!J{ 'aTI!AU'llUllO.OU . U:Dl'llVS: 'll :rnrn: FIRST OF JUNE, at ONE p. M for aJju<licatiu.g upon. appeals a.f;aJ:nst MBeas~cnts, and finally rtivising the asses111ment roll By orJer. R. WINDATT, T'p C/ti·k. May 20th, 1872. . ,,_1·- ,.... !~~:MURBodI-I BROS ___ . ' ~, - .. · FARM FOR SALE. 8th Oon. of Darlington . 4:..! acres in good state oi cultivation. Good out buildings. }..,or p~~rLi culars a.p1)ly on the premise.!!I to _ CHAllLES KNAPP. D:t.rlin~don , ~{arch 15th 1871. 24-tf . rrHENorth We st FIFTY ACRES of Lot21 · ·ship .M.aJ 11 u1 pa~oad:irn . a.l'll s.rnino ·pooMGSOtf TI1'f 01,{~S '~U1J.8JQ JO AId -dn~ 'll 'mooa MOt{S ino rr! ITO!~ -Jq!t{Xa no ~OU pU1! paApiv ~sn.r Stock Of Dry Goods Men and Boys Suits, ·. . ., l~ _now: cori1ple~e with Rll tha ~1ovelties of the season. · . .- Great Variety AT THE N0'1'I OE Us h ereby gjven that the CO URT OF REVISION for re-vising the Assessment Rall of tb e To"'"'D. i;hip of Olarket for the yeMr 1872, will bold its 8itting p.t the 'I own Hall, in~ OrQno, on the NOTICE. 'E:B:.A'lIS ' ·- - - - - ---- · - - - - - - - · Millinery Goods; · Dress -Goods ., ' ' CORNER !lcCLUNG B:ROS'. Sprinf Stock is . complete in every dep1.1-tm·t and will buold eheap for ~h . TENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1871! ;~_t the hour of 10 o'clock, ~.Vl persons in tereeterl n,re required to due notice of th r.arr1e . W. L. BllOAD, '.l'p. Clerk. Clarke, }fay Hth, 1872. n33-td · - Parasols, Just A~ri ved. Lar e Su lies & Stooks Complete. PICTURESBYTHETHOUSAND. g pp A to the great demand of thoae b&a.uO.WING tiful picture!'!, , ~ NE'V SPRING GOODS, 1872. o--'I' THE Kid Gloves, etc. .· ... -J . . ::: F. y· , OOWLE. ~ - Also~ ~l 11.rge stock of ~· _, f- ... c. CHICAGO AS IT WAS At<;"D ~ Temple ~ Jr ashion, Oshaiva MR. TREWIN Is pleased to announce, that he is now prepared to shew Gentlemens Furnishing Goods, Tweeds, CHICAGO IN FLAMES, we found it neco~sarr. to get anothe r large lot, a pair of which will be sent, 1)0$t paid for ONLY F ORTY CENTS Postage Stan1ps t o.ken as ~art payment. Spec inwus c<1.n be seen by calling at thie ~ffice. r . , A very large and coinprehensfoe - Stook of Spi'ing an4 Swmmei· Staple and Fancy Dry Good,s, .Aud would .m ention aam~ very striking and ama.zingly beautiful · · Ties and Collars, etc. ·Bawinauville, May 7th, 1872 . , l ly Agents Wanted In every 'l'ow11 a.od Villu.g-c in Ontario, to whom. tho most libcrnl induoemenia offered. A<llke~ .~ . hne&1n ' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, & MANTLES. ~o--- l'. TREBILCOCK, Bowmanville, Ont. inforn1 the public that as 1\:fr. R. Reed bu siness has changed hanJs, h e has ope n bn~nno;;s on his O\Vll account in th8 sho p two <loors \Vest of Murdoch :B: rof:!. ; where b e will keep on hand a 6.r:;t·class stock of Boots and SbO'~ l:I ;:;uitable for . the seai;on. Order work Vli ll h hLs prmnpt aud hcst attention. 'l'went y five year." experieuee i11 th ~ t1·arle, 1nore than th last two of which he has spent a:J cutter. aud g·en e ral ilmu~,ger i;i-1 ].fr. Re Ati.'s establishment ' h:m ~riven him opportnnitie11 of learning \vhat th e veoplt: reo.lly want. He has therefore no doubt of being able to g-iv e satil'!faction to a ll who sh all favor hiln with a call, and hopes by giving du e &ttf!ntion to business to receive a fair share of pu blic aupp ort. J. SMALE . The new atock ,i,--a.s opcued out on rrH.E New Business. SUBSCRIBEH bega · r·spectfnlly The Millinery De~artment t0 ·· will be fon nd unuaunlly attl'a.cLive _this aeason, rtpleW ,·dth .some of the things in RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, Jtc. fl.nd -a.s _ onJy F-I-.RST-CLASS TA.LE.tV.T is employed to superintend our · MCLLINERY, MANTLE, AND .DRESS MAKING, Lnd iea may tely on getting N e'v and Fashiona.ble Garmen ts well made Friends, as far as Prices are concerned, call and ju<lge for yourselvt!ls. ..... ' ~ . ' s. Oshawa, April l'h·d; 18.71. TREWIN, Corner King and Simcoe Sts ' ~ SATURDAY, 11th Instant Re1ncmbcr the plnce, t wo dool'I! 'Vest of M ur dl1Ch Eros. · .. . ly SABBA1,H SCHOOL LIBRARIES .ANJ> J. s. toria Colltge: Cobourg ; U ndergrn<luate an prizetn~in of lhfj U1ii ~· er~ity uf Toron tot. an d University of Queen's Cvlleg·e, Kingston. !\fem J e1· of the Colltigo of P hy;;ic ians a.nd Surq.~on s of Ont.'.\rio. Surgery and I~~sidenc~, on Aing St.ri..: ~· ~7-' i:;econd door (la.R t c;f J\.f.r, h.{aynarl) liot.,,l. A'I'E of the Royal College of phy Gl{ADU :-Jicians of :EnglaJ:1d, Univenrity of .Vic d UJ lU DR. DAVIDSON, Dana's Pate~~heep Marks I Valuable Farm For Sale I . - - -- - - -·----~-- . ' EING tho South ha:lf of Lot number S2 B Sixth Concession of the 'l'ownship of Clarke ' containing 110 acres more or less. Situo.ted ou e n1ile frou1 the villagl:l of Orono, Btiveu 'n1il1::!:1 ~nd tti ha.If from the town of Buw1nanville. 80 acre cleared,, tirnuer with cedar An < rx.cel lent orchard of gnifted fruit. Price $5,000 a pnrtion of which can re on mortgage ' 'l1itle und1sputa.ble. For further particular' apply to 1\-lr. Charles Tamblyn , Or.onQ, or to the office of this paper. May 8th 1871 m33-o20-tf. the mc,.st troublerome, most complete tiver vented. 'l 'hey used and recommended by many of the beat Breederfl n the United Sta'.tes and Vanada, such alil G. B. Loring~ Salem, Mass., P" resident b' ew England Wool Growers' Society; John S. Rose, H~nno pin, IlL ; ProfesE!or M. Miles, of the State .Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich. i Hon. Goo . :Brown, 'toronto, Ont. ; ~r ohn Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On Mark is etnmped the owner's nume and the Sheep's 1rnn1ber. They will 00 sent free , b:y mail, or expreRs, for ' only four tent each, arid WJ 11 lnat f6r TWENTY YEARS. ~ Cash m~1sta<:·compa.ny all orders. · AlWIJ3.BAI,D YOUNG, Jl<., Sarnill., Ont. - Orders addressed to the MERCHNT and 0.s8ll:RVI::B. Of!i.qe, fen a.ny quantity, will b111 filled at th~ above-mentioned price, a.JJ quickly as the Marks can be madt'" and f.ient. ARE THE CHEAPES1', THESE MARKS lasting, the and hi IMPROVEMENTS! --:o:-- I REWARDS. -:o:-- We have just opened one ef tht REMOVAL TO LARGER PREMISES - -- : o : - - LARGEST -AND BEST SELECTED HAVE J~t roceivod ~TOCK T. DARLINGTON, & 01' 'I'HOMA.S :SASSE'l"l' Has Removed his Stock of Shelf and HeaYy Hardware · to the 111,rge anJi commodious premises recently occupied by Messrs. McClung Bros. aa a Grocery Store, opposite the Ontari(~ Bank. ---::o:--- Choice lot of Raisins, Currants, Figs, C. BARKER, .Bowmnnvillc, Dea. ~~8th, 1871. ly-ml8o Dates, Lemon, Orange ·a.n'.(\ · Citron :E'eels, STRAY STEER. OLot No. 12, in the 3rd Con. Cartwright. ' a S t eer, coming- two old. The owna Ai-IE into the premise!! of the Subscriber on,u have him, on proving prvperty, expl!:l,rnses. ii ·~- fjj~lj j -1 ~ 1 ... ' and paying " ;,i ~ The Subscriber having purchased the Card of Thanks. For the very libeml l·atronage extended to me dudng th". period of my connection with the Hardware Trade, I beg to re. t urn my sincere thanks to the public. )Iy endeavor hall been to serve the public faithfully and fully; and the mea.sure of increased support with which I have been f&wred is evidence that business has been conducted upon c~riec£" principles. Increase of bu~ness neceSl!itating incrP,a.sed accommodatiou, that. want ha.s been fully met. I hope to meet with all old friends, and many new ones, in my new premil!es. ' BUSINESS AND STOCK of the lttte Richard Martin, will be to S!Jt J . GEDDES Cart,n·igLt, Jan. 3r.J, 1872. .41. 1 lo-...·. Sl\II'llI AMERICAN ORGAN CO. DURHAM BULL. ONE YEAR THE hav@ now completed 'l'weuty.Firsi ONE 0ld, and two Bull Calves, very fine- price ear of business, with a .constant and still in· ~their DURHAM_BULLS. M. * American ,organs ! y ever oflered for aale in Bowm-.nville. Parties wishing to replenish their School Libra.riea, or to purohne ward!<, will please to remember two thingri : , l'irat, Our ~tock of School Bookil is no old stuff, picked up &\ Autio· NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY. Sales, nor ha.11 it been on our Shelves for years. We h&ve sold out imd refilled our shelves, half..11.-dozen times durilli the P"S~ year, ·nd haTe Aho Barrels and Box .. of now purcha.sed so largely, that we.have not room to exhibit them. P l Beau.i:ifa.l Oandies, come 1tnd ta-ke them away. Second, We ha ye hot marked our boob at high ftgur·, with ihe Tiew with a.n a.ssortment of of taking off a. large di!count. They &re maxked low for general 1&1.e, &nd CHOICE BISCUITS. a di~count of.TEN PER CENT. will be allo,ved on purchue<1 ranlrini fro· Darlington ha-s received another lot of $1. to $50.; over that amount :fU'TEllN PER CENT. will be allowed. tho:u1 celebrated We respectfully _ i nvite an inspection of our · NEW FRUITS, Sabbath School Libraries and Rewards I.: OLD CUSSTOMERS AND NEW ONES :E"t1:El.:EI LEAF T:E:AS, QuaUty i· the . Test of Oheapmis. Bowmanville, Dec. 22nd. 1870. n12-tf EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF JO~ES.S. Bov.Tca1nilli::, AprH lSt,b, 1872. STRAYED. l\ED ·nd W HITE-COW with a white face Sbe is about to Any pcrsnn·giving ih formation, or returning h~r to tlie premises of '\\'~illiaro l!::£rly,Grocer,will beemitahle rewarded WJLJ.T AM EARLY EowmanvHle, :\lay 2nd, 1872 m31-tf: A STRAYED. in 1 Sheep. 'l'he O'.\'IH':I i::i teq uested to prOve prop (li.:ty, v~:i.y expeHSl:lS, and take her a.wn.y. W. CUR1'1S. D.'.~J:ling ton, _.\.pdl lfll;h, .1372. 29-tf. lhe Suhsmihct·'s 7Jr1:nnise3,_ Lot 13, 6 I :-.TTO Con. Da.rliogton, November last one FOR SALE. l AJ.\! still offe1'ing two or three buildin11 lots (ol' .s.-iile , termi ea.s~'· A g-oo<l title. J A.. "1ES MUIR m28·tf. Bowr.uanvillc: April 10th 1872 WANTED. 'l lFIItEE or four Coa.t 1\.'.Cake r.~. at t he "Bea'vcr Block." A pply t o · W. H. IVES. Bowroan\tiUe, Thfay 16, 1872. ro . tf.1133. As the nutnufactory is one of t he oldei:;t, it. aleo ranks &mong the highest in t he country. 1Juring ~e lonts e.¥.perience of the m P.nufacturers, they hl\Ye .steadily added to the n d have a'·ailed c apacity of t heir instruments, - at b~mselvea of every method to improve the quality of tone and to increase the mecha.nical fa.cil· And tho·ng-h tj:ley ext ies for the ,Pel'formtl?, p ect to continue the course 9f improvemeJJt, they a re abUlldantJy .satisfied with what ha$ been done, and with the ~i:itimation in which their inst ruroenta &re hold by good judges of muaie. A· heretofore, they will UBtl tie material!!, without l'egard to cost, a.ind give to every Organ t he most thorou_gh workmanship. They especially invite compa.risons .as to the 9-1 ut lity ~nd vo]U11'1e of tone, and as t{) the efftict· 1'e mechanical appliancen. 1'hey ca.lla.ttention to the fact t ha.t theil' Organ$ eold AT };X~ T RlllliELY LOW PHICES, .. lo.v Mis charg0 (1 for w any ()( &n infetior sort. Hll,ving a large, id thoroug-bly appointed roanufactory,employ ing none but skilltld. wotkmen,and havitig ma.rle minute division of labor they are able to prOn mo!;!t coropetit011:1, duce Orga,nill a.t lese rates tba. 'fhey beli~ve, also, that among other things, th ey have earned a. reputation for fair rlealing, nd they would aesnre distant purchasers that n o Orga;n will ·ever leave their wart-rooms with th eir kno\":ledgti, that ie: not in every· respect po rfect of its c1aas:. Aa they have before .stated, they intend to lile· cure a friend in every p1ttchaser. · Their catalogue1 with full de1mription a.nd accurate engrav· in ge, will be ient free to :i..ny a.ddroot'J upon ap1cation, All necesaa.ry inforrna.tion ·c heerfulfurniolied . .Address - - oreasing growth. A foll Stook of Groceries and Confectionary kept on ha.nd. Spring StockS1 N. D.-·It is TIL.Y intention to al1pply thtt - -- :o:-- - COUNTRY 'l'RADE with In addition to m11 previous large and well-assorted Stock of CONFEC'l'IONA:El.T, P.l!I Wfl,!i Shelf a.nd Heavy H&JL", I have purc_hased 'the Bankrupt Rtock of Edwin Horsey, that enables me to offer my cn.~_tomers formerly done by Mr. }iartin. H HORWOOD·iije, Det:.. 7th, 1871. - ·· · · 4 Mrs. E. Cawker, in retiring fron1 bua.ines~, begs to return her sine.ere thauke to her numerous patrolls, for thflh· hbe_r11.l auppurt during the time she hae been in buemess. At the sa.tne time, abe beo-s to annonri,cfl, that·ehe has retired in favor ol'her two Sons, whom she trustii, by GREAT BARGAINS · Persons abo·ut to build will fincl d their advw.ntag~ to give 1ne a call. To parties commenciug housekeeping I can offer sp ecia,l inducements in -~----' for &P:ring and Summer wear. His SWek p&He11 Mything pre\iou~ly offertd the To?·n. Pocket Books, ·Albums, Writing Desks, Ladies' Companions, ,...,Aoe ""'t1S Blotters, MAYERS, .!ill.a. Inkstands, a. beautif11l 1vi:!'.U HATS AND CAPS Note Paper, · 111urin Envelopes, Bigs to infoi·m the Pnblic thttt, he has recci'\'"cd and op4'ned out and a~eorted Stock of _ STRICT ATTENTIO.V 1'0 EUSINESS and eupplying a FIRST-CLASS S'l'OVES, HOtrSE-F't1:E!.NIS:S:INCT GOODS, ETC., ARTICLE, MY ~~TOOK At present embraces every article u~ually kept in th!l _ liardwM·e Tr3f!e. My stock of Paints includeHall t.he Best Brands in tha ,m1trket, viz : 16-tf. :Eis :E'rioes are Low, and his &c., &.,_ e"' Hemember the l'ltore, nut te the West" Durhl.lll Stetm\ Printiq and PubJi,hing Honse, King St.reet, Bowmanville. fi. to still merit that patronage. M libera.lly bestow· ed upon her , NOVELTIES ARE STYLISH. C. BARKER, T HE SMITl_I AMERICAN ORGAN. CO. Stall No.' 1. Market Buildings. :BowmaIJville, Jon. 18th, 1872. STRAYED. of th,o subscriber, Townr,hip of Dar· li_ n gton, on or £bbout the 8th inst., a. T\VO E ~nto th6 premises U ..1\~l _.,,ct 13, Broken Front, Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. BllEBS ! SALE FOR nampton, by E. B. CrydmnaJJ, near J M BRIMACOMBE, Bow112~nv11Je. Y.BAR OLD .(mar~) BAY COLT. Any pru-ty owu1?g thesa1d co,t can the .sam.e by f>l'O\"Jllg' property aud pa.ymg expenses. ISAAC METCALFE. Darlington, ~fay 14, 1872. m.3in.n33, General Arent for th· P1-ovince of Ontario. Bowman ville, April lkd, 1872. ly-ol4-m27. WAN.i:-ED. Cambrian Woolen Mills, Hampton. a.t a. re~ueed ~r!ce. Ha.vjl!~ been ~dntE'!red j~ .a. 8J_)lend1d condition, a.nd all containing Young Queens, which i.s the t.T&&test secret of 11ucce11afu1 bee ·culture. April 30th 1872 '113Hin ITALIAN AND HYBRID BEES Junes's, Walker's,TJra,ndr='s, and the -~lebrri.ted ELEPHANT WHl_TE LEAD, direot/1·omAle~x;,,_der Fmyuson, B. Paint Works, Glasg~w: ' acknowledged by all Painters v;ho have used it to be the Best Lead in t' rw rn,a,rket. · The -.vho1a will repa.y inepection, and he cor<lia.t. · ly extends a.n invitation to all biis old friends and M rn.any new onee: as may feel inclined to - be benefitted by having MAN.A91JJt,. FIRST-CLASS GOODS, a.t fair, remunerative pricf!s, to gi..-6 him ft. call. TO T_HE PUBLIC WALTER WIGG & MouldiDl~OIUl be seon atlb.e Wai:e·l'O<llll· !! 'ijis Gent's l'nrnishings wiJI be found well al!Sorted. Bowmanvill·, April 5th, 1871. _..., ·soN, t!ia:o.u· )llll;fo ., _________ ___ _____ _I MARKUS MAYERS· ti. B HE sub11criber return1'th11nks to hfa numer. to the D1-y Gontlio · bu3iness, 11ipply at this ous c1u1t.omera foL· tht;1ir lib1;1ral p1t.trona.~1e and office. ho pee to nlerit u. continun.nce .of their favo~'S.' I3owma.nvill ~ , l\lay 9th 1 1872 ru32 tf. Garding, Fulling, Cloth Dressing, nnd Manuf acturing of every aesc_ript.ion, executed at OY about 15 years of aga as a. 11 a.ppren~ice T House a.nd. Lot For Sa.le. . Y illag-.ti of I:Ianipton. House 32x26, contnue room!';!, Stone C~llar,. soft water cistern, wood shed, and other oon,·ettience.s Fm~ t~rn1s apply on tJrn pren)ise~, to · t~1nmg CAUTION 1 atn ·oie ogent -f<u:LAZARUS &MOR. RIS' perfected Spectacles and Eye Glas ···. TL.ey never $'1).!ply_pr emjlb/-·-.ll.IlJ N returuin' tbG:kM. to _their ~u.:mo·rou~ Cnatonl.era, a.·d tA· .Publie r·nerall;r, ff)l" l?ari f&VOPJf would respeeafully mvite thet.r &tte11;~op WO~ ' present etock ef Funiture, u we II··· laittlJ' odd~ tltoroto, bhal 1" m·y. theraby. be oublod· to wpply &ll po.rti08 wb.o - y plea·· to f&.,... .ot '<-it.b & call. Great induceaent· held out to-those!!J at our Xoiablisb1Hat. PieilOr.. Looking Gia""'· &e., fl'&llli!d to oreor, ud fu ew'T oytlo. lluapltf of ~t ldada...i S ITUATED in tho most des\rable part of tho 0 TJowrnrmVJ ll e, Mn.y 23rd, 1872. lo weiot remunet:ativ1:1 prices. A.ny qu£tnt~ty of good nierchantablti wool bought, for which the highest cash price. \vill be -:qE d.001· '\Yestof)fr . L.'sJcwel1·v pai<l. 'l'o those having large quti,ntities 1 special Store. F~:n' ga1·tic ula1-s, enq uirl'! of ~ in due-cments wbl be offered. . JOcEPH ANJJJ:tE\iVS, Se1u·. D. TAYLOR. STORE TO LET. Rem mb s. eof lgn :het h s . . . . Go1J!nn~n-~1:!f' iediately opposite Ontario Bank, vL' chated & . Wowou}dilJM bee toiilf-yn, · . . I Or Ha1npton P . 0. D. WILLIAMS, 274f Tm Bowmanville, April 26, ~~ASSETT ~H. -tf. Hnmpt.o.n, ~fay 2nll, l872 rn31·4.w . Rampton,_ April 4th, 1872. V J7 2. · I m.3tn-n30, ll!:hera. Ho wever specious tho r""'tence nt de by them that they have them, do not beliov· it will be sivindleJ if do AARO!f BUOIP!:EI\ agent fol' ncwnian· ville and vicinity.. - we sha.ll be re&dr - N .B. Coffins kept on -ha.u<J., l4D.d tt'll\\:1$ to order, at the SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, . a,t a.ll times,, to attend Funflrals, on shorl rlA>Mce, ttnd toMOM.ailt term1. .. . yoti you NEW DOMINION RETAIL FTJBNI7·URE WARE-llOOM.·wn,;ln;. 2tth, !ting Street East, Ollha.wa. lrl~. Oppoalto J, W. Fowb'a lltere. -~-----

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