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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 May 1872, p. 4

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· ...' - ----~- - - THE :.\fERCHANT, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1872. causes, you may vile on flannels an<l fu1:1 hll '\OU bend beneath the we1;ht of'f perfect .tval· anch1:1 of \\Oollens, '"'"'lthout finduli:l' t'l,uy but the most t1 ~nstent relief The trouble i::1 Lll"lJde of jOu, nnd i1ot out~<le, in the a.tmosphe1e, For s·wh cases, flannels will not avail 'l'he I cnwdies are daily cold sponge baths, the fust tlnnJ' in getting out of bod 1n the n1orn1ng , proper food In innderat.e quantities and a great Jeal of exorcise 11) tl1e open an The is the sovereign iemedy for chllhnc:i:; - walk, ·walk, \Vall.. ' \Vhenever you feel the chilly sensation conuui;r on, spung- up .tt once and begin to ex.· c1c1sc- tak1ng cau:1, Loweve1, to guarU against profuse perspn at1011-aud He\ et, when heated, to ""Lt do\\n tn a nool plMc ot 1n the open u.1r to reEt 1 unless it be ve1y wann indeed. Even in the \\ nnnest room, 01 <luung1:he \\ armcst wea~ the1, if you feel the shgbtcst ch1llinees, or if you have perspuecl ever so slightly, 11nn1ediu.te1y, on d1scontinuu1g ex.t1c1se, tluO\\ son1e extra. co\ Cr· 1ng about you tilJ th e f i;e)1n.; passes off 'l'hc c in<l e of aln o~t t\ll co]dij is O\\ 1ng to th e fact that the g::nment~ next the slnu become damp "ith pcrsp1rn.t1on, n101e 01 less , a.nd tlus when the ren.ction after exercise begins to be f1:-lt, ~·uaes ft. feeling as if the fast cooling body Wt.:fftl wrapped in a cold \Vttt sheet You feel clnlled th1ough aiul tlnough- )uu a1c ...tiff, t11ed and sore, and in a. few days a. severe cold <led.ues Jtsolf, \\]uch is often o.tumded with the ~ or.::t rcs1.lts ~Tow, the brreat goOd of wcnrrng fiauuel next to the skm, ls, that the perspiral 11111 does not so readily s \turate tt, 38 it does th.111 cotton gal'mcnts, and tbeiefme, tlie da.n1 p, clnlly feehng is not felt Thus, the hody ilol s; not cool off so quickl:v and n. cold is a' 01dcd But tlns HI not nhH1ys the l'rt: fiee per sons weanug flannel 1 who seen1 to ta.kc cold \\2th as much f ac1hty as those \\ho do not wear it 'l'he only su io preventatne, 111 any ca.~e '~here the pe1sptt11hon has been e)(:cess1ve, is'to get n<l of the damp inner gannents as soou as 1J0":)1ble, u1 a rr10<li:;rately waim place~ to rub the whol~ body \1gorouslj '\1th a. thy, coatse cloth and then to put on ili'Y clotlnng ns fil.!;t ~ pos:)1ble, and wear as much as you need to k eep you comfortably l\artn till the usual habit of the body 18 restored I f jOU arc constantl.}r ex.erc1s11,g, you don't Heed so 1nu cl1 clothing- as you \Vonld if pedectly C Luiescent and passne The next best thing tu th 1a (if )OU cannot ie 1no\ e your damp clotlles) ts to put O\ er your outside garments as much a<lditional cove11ng as is neoesSMy to 'vannth, so that ) our clotlnng '\Hll dry iap1dl:, flu111 the extra. heat of the body thuf:I gcne1ated nnd front the exoluSion of t 1w cool outs1dea1r 'lhe third and h~st roso1t is tvke1;ip 1n n1otion, \\1th suflic1cntbrrnkness to O\ er come the clnUy feeling , thus allowing the body to cool off g1ndually, nnd dcc1eas1ng the ntohou Uy tlegi ces If yQu are ,ible to do this, you need not be afr,ud of talung cohl , especially if Jou obsur\ e prudent preca.ubonf! as aoon :is iu your powe1, such as not i:ntt1ng 01" lying down to rest ui a 1oom coole1 than tho te1npc1 ature of your body, \\tthout CO\.'enng sufficient fo1 comfo1t It is mJ op1111011 1 that mode1atl'ly h e ~Jthy people , .. 110 ol.J~erve these anJ. olhet p1ecn.ut1ons, which corrinton sensa will naturately, and \\ho In e in other 1espetJts wisely and tcrnpc1D.tely, raay go th1ough hfe '"1tLvnt being obliged to \vent fla.nnel next the f;llnn, ,\nd m lY 1 morcol'cr, 111 so neglecting- to do, ll\ e to 1.t gooJ old ag e r he body lS JU~t what jOU Inijl-.C lt, fl.lld. lt d emaud::s JUSt \\hat you ha\e hri.b1tuateJ. it to require of ~ ou If yon V·lmpet it a.nd cuddle it, it w1ll 1cfutie to b u C olufurtable without pamper in,; and cucJdh11g Jr you accusto1n 1t to resist outer 111flucnce:;;, 1t \.\ill gau:i lll \ igor -Hc1 o.ld ()f POETRY. - ---- - ' The Weary are at Rest., n1J soul 1 behold the p11:1.c The Saviour\; love provides , Eternal life beyond the skies }'01 all \\ hom here h e guides A wic.:kecl \'-01 lU, aud wicked heart, "r1th Satan no·w are JQ111\l, Each acts n too successful pat t In bauwi:;1ng my uund 1 This 1s marnli' to be done m the little everyday acts of lite Tho great occwons that demand sublunc sacrifices a1e le\\ antl rare Wesley was the only re\ J\al preacher \Ve ever heard of that lad the n1oral courage to tell h is hearers, ' Cleani:sc your pe1 sons .tnJ d welhngs, l!lse I shall ne\ er behe" e that ) au have cleansed your souls I' 'Vcsley's duection:) to lns preachers on 1h1s matter are n1odcls o! pl!nn sreak1ng So often did he repeat Jns favorite saJ ing, an<l to su~h good purpo se, that a.1uong b10 people c1eauhness beca111e not only a bou ~e hold \vorC, over the 1ugged path of self-den1al 1R I J AT THE y Jl~ 0. BOUNSALL, I :MPOR'l'ER1 MANUFACTURER, an DEALER 1n all the varieties of 0 N M o N E ,... ~ 0 IMMENSE! HARi) TO BELIEVE· I'l'l'3" it: for: Yourselves TRUE NEVEI:iTHELESS ! SUMMER DRY GOODS A.T COST. Those that have tried, am convinced that 8 F HILL Bells his Goods as low or lower than than any -one elsein Town' I Italian & American Marble. A lru-gu and choice selection of MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, Wmught 01· always on bi;..nd, uf supenor 1vo1kmo.nsh1p, nnd at lowest prices But fighting in my Sav1our'i:1 st.tength, Though mighty are ID) foes, I ish<1.U a conq'ror be at length O'er 1111 that -:an oppn8c our article as ily 1',.oomry but a household rnlue , and to t111s day many Wesley ans iegard the " orris tha~ head 1 sa) n1g of holy " 11t; -Flnrt,- · l'helt why, rnv 80Lll, c01nplau1 01 fc ~tr.;. rrhc era" ll of glory sec , The 1no[e I toil and suffm: here, 'I he swet:ter tc"St w1l1 u~ r1 he \\ICketl cease flotn bouLlin,,, tl1t:1t: , rlu:: 'e:-ir) are at rest , So11v\', and sin, and riau1, anil cart:, I\.,.o more npptuacb the blm!t To·day and Yesterday Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody b" h lS or er OWll Painter. Cast hon Fences for cnclos1ag burying lots Furmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c.1 I kept on hand, or ·wTought to order, respectfully requested .\t the 'vqrks, Octobe11 1st, 186') A call ie: A large stock of Cloths, D1·ess .Goods,Striped, Checked and plwin - Shawls, Wineeys, Fl.a1111els, Blanlcets,Line'l113, Good Cooking Raisins only 5 cents a pound, &ncl still cheaper by the Box -------· ----------THE: FfoRM The ~~:fa.~e Jn confhct w1t.h tins th1ce.fold troop, !low \\t-n.1y, Lord, ah1I1 Did not thy pru1n1::1e beat ma up l\f:it soul rnm>t fau1t and d1e, ste1u, 1ealities n1eet u~ Yestc1da.) Lhe fntu1c loomed up before us: \Vlth br1g11t i,;1.:i1on,, ol hap1J1ncslii, golden d1ea1n~ tinted w1th the 1a1nbo\lo o1 p1on11st l'o- 1 day, those clruuHs havi.; va111 <l h ed, those "rn C<!Stle·" have tallen to \lie grountl, and HOUSE om buoyant hopco lie lm11e1l "Ith the l11J- p d£ J(in.g Street, Bmvnianville 1 tf Wool Goods, -Hoise1·y, Gloves,andTrirnmings. all lxmpt be~ore the advance in pnces. den e:oie Prol)r1etors and Hannt&eturel'l!I of the ~ele d t l ti brated VJctor1a. Carbolic Preparations. Labora.. tory and Works. Victoria Bau. Holhld& Street.. iep~i~ tl 01 ime 1 ~ e u~e 1 1~~e~- 'l'oronto, Out. Tho followltig_ Genuine Preparatious are 1014 b7 Yestrnla} the skies wern fa11 anJ lmgl1t, 1 Ill~ u . ~e pm cf~ ~11 " ena ~ f CLOTHING-Gentlemen m want of a good fittmg smt should call all Druggist&, l!e sure and ask for tho Vl<:TOB14 0 not a coulddunmedom VISIOI" 1,ut,through I an oirqu.rnog n~ ur Dix me f.fl.El'4IU,!rtoNs, and seo that you get them. eaily at Ell10tt's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment 1 the Ll.1111 v ista ol fu t ,, "e h e l1 1;,lJ lJtifore iyors s, nipen ine, an n1c1;1ones & VILLA PAINTS Cotto11 and Woolen Goods a.1e advancing, but you can buy them at El- A special line of Tartans, 60 per cent liott's fo1 11 short time, at the old prices Now 18 the time to secure what , lower tl!a.n 111$ year you need ol th e past lex A lot last ~ea.son's Tweeds at us a h1i-!h and lofty ca1ecr \Ye i::ho uld do '!'hen composition cousrnts solely of Cult~re of Sage. something, for the advancernout of our race. High on the purnacle ot f"111e ou1 names (l<nnn l\ioo1to'is Rural New Y01ke11 } i::. 111oi:1t p1otitably g1uw:u. as a second c1op The seed should be wwn in early spung 111 dnlls about eight u1ches a.part the Joung ph~nts kept f1ee fro1n weeds, and the g1onnd n.hont them pul\ er1zed by frcquenthoe1n; Pre' ll)US to sowing- the seed the gioun{l i.;lwuld be ~nr1che l with sonic hght k1nU of inRnu1e, thor u\1gbl) iotted and spaded unde1 4fter fininJ' clO\\ n with the take the bneS n.~ st1 uck out, tl1e seed :iOwn- one onncc being suffic1t..:nt for 200 feet of d111l-:u1d co\ ered h(.fhtly If the 1pound 1$ dry euo11gh to pcurut, 1t 1s ilw~\s be~t, .aftt:1 the i;t::ed i o so,,n and CO\ert.:cl, to 1011 th<.: bed or pat 1t do,vn \Vlth the spade 'Ih1s 1s very impo1 tnnt, part1culn.rly in dl'y ,, eather ~!any aigue th::i.t the less compttct the. ground t]1e greater its po\\ er to alisorb the dc\\S, and con· lleriuently the bette1 it is for the seeds J his, ,it first s ight, "ould appe:J,,1 to be ti ue , hut, though 1notc intnHturc is nbo1bed at night, it is also mm e ca.<nly cvnpm n.tedduringthe day n.nd1t is the ex:tren1es of moisture and dr.}'lltCSS. rap1t.:Uy a 1 te11111iin1g, t hat caW:!"' seeds to t;}U1\el mid d1e In very ch y \\ eather, 1f I have occaf,uun to 13ow, I frequently v;a]k tbe dt1lla, p~es~· ing the !:loil upon the i;eeds '"-"1th tbe ball of the foot A uniform dcgu:e of lnu1sture, e\ eu if it rn not great, with tho propc1 .tmouut of heat, \\Ill soon ge1D11Jtu.iti seeds 'lh1s is an unpor tant point, and 0 110 111 \\ lnch fa.i1ure vety often Pure Colo?', Pure White Lead, Pm e lVhitc Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spwshould be cnrolJed, std(· h) f11dt ~Ith tho1:;e its of 11iirpent trie, &; Drryers, o1 the noble ,u1d d1st1ngu1 ... lH d ot earth ccarefu Uy and scientifically comStop by step 11 e would asce11cl the lnll of binecl with the bught and · ~- RIA·CARBOLATED ~ i...YCERINE-JELLY --- 20 per cent. Gent's 1111te bel~w Cost. science, and otn long and l1Jli.:<01ne 111a1eh being ended, \Vould bhnrl out a.ch1ng Uro\\B glor1 011s chap let ot lf'atue Bllt tv Joj do we realize tho~c: tb. \! l't:)heJ Vl.SIOll~ 1 inany Jong nlld "'en1y v1gils ha\ e hccn kept, The consume1 can h>n e >my desired shade of colo1 neatly put U]; in Cans, .incl all he requires to buy w1th the Patnt is 11 Brush, as the whole can be done by hims~, 01 by any member of Ins house~lcl. This J:mr.t.Y 1s b1p;h1yrecommended to Ladlce as' a mo.!-t a~rctiable Preparation for the Torlet:, For Dea.ntifying the Complexion and rendering the Sldn Bott White, Cleur, nnd freo from D.rynoas. it is unrivalled. It \Vill quickly remove a1 1 Redueee, 1tot11?bness, '1'au, Freckle~· .Pimples, and oiber Jm.. )>Orfcc~on1 For Cll.opped llande! Cb1lblaim 1 Frost Bites and S:>ro L11J~ 1 it canD.o be surpauecl. i'tlcG 25 cents. Satisfaction guai·anteeJ m all 1easonable ease~ · HENRY ELLIOTT, Jm Hamptou, August 2nd, 1871 bp-o23-m54 . . . . --. -- made by the beat workmen Every Garment made to flt. The best Black ~l:eas iu Town. The best Green Teas in Town. Bidte1·, Eggs, Mittens, Socks, am:l Yarn taken as Cash for Goode. s. F. mLL· KOBBIS' 'l'b.11 Tort.ET SOAP poseesses nU tbo well-known anUsepUc and dts!.nfccting properli~a of Carbol1a Acid is agi;ceably~ccntect, has a healthy action on the sk1n 1 prevents irrltatlon._ removes the cft'eets of perspll'atlon, and should oe regularly used by tllmllJes. yholcra., Smallpox and Fever Patients should be washed with th1a Soa-p, and 1tl!I nee by persons liable to infection will waterialltproveut the eprea.d of disease. Price l:i cents per-.1.&blet. fo1 \vh1ch every othc1 t:o11:)1d e1aiion has SHOP. (WHI been set.,at dcflauc e 1 Ea1ly late lune we pn1suec1 Lbe phanto111 rarth]j fu1ne, n e ver fl,tgguig lll our hot haste, d1scollll!-ge111~1 1 ts but inc1trog us to greater d1bgence , an.J alas 1 too lat~ we leain that the spnug t1111u uf uu1 life hm lied ln tlic pu1su1t o! a " "· i{. fleeting phantun1, that has elude<l. ou1 i:;rasp Aud to Jay our heaits a1eofL fllleJ \I.Ith ~11-{lnng an<l bitt('r 1lu~appo111tnLent:i;, but \\e tur n i n ou1 hou1 ot afilichon to the pron11ses of A laJ.gc stock Just iecnvecl, ±01 aut. umn paintmg, mlpo1 tccl dll'ect fiom the English Manuf"actur(\rs,incluclmg James' Geoume, and the Celebrntcd PURE WHITE LEAD, otjli'i Onta>-10 Dank.) King Street, Bowmanville. I all ROOSTER BRAXD, gua,·anteed p<M e ALSO- THE_ 1:mbscr1ber 11 prep1ued to build And re· p·ir Wagons, Buggies, and Gutte1·s, of every descr1pt1on 1 a.t ahort notice, andon · rea!mnable terms. heu\ eu To day, l1y a rap1d 1ct1oapect, 'Vt.l reod the 1ei.:01Js of hies) ei:;U·1day, and how v1.n1ed they tuc, 1uuclt SOllO\V "~1th onlj hc1e and there a gleam ot s unslnuc, but fnll of so standa1d c;:_oloi:s, oils 'ui mshes, and painters' mate1iaLq Call and see how cheap a house oan he pa1JLted and <;lecoraterl , for all. these gooclsw1ll be sold 1tt&duced POIN!'S OF S"O'PERIO:RI'l'Y: Thi11 GinGLl'J Is the most rellable and eftle1ciou1 iRemedy ln all cases. of Sore Throat, Hoaraene1i11 l>lptherl:t, Dronchitls, Irritation or the Bronchi 'l'libes 151) comn1on 10 thiB cn.augca.b1a clb:nate, AethD'.18, Offensivo Breath, fficerP.ted Gums, and all difaa.!U~ of tb.a ?tJ,:outh. For F11bhc Speaker· r.nd !Singers it is invalnab1c. The in~re:llenta en· ter1ng tiito this Gargle aro need by all Phystclaw!, and tor the. cure or the above du~ordera aro now, undoa.btedly. the most popular in the paurl.a Jt,aica Price 25 cents. Carriages Painted and Trimmed- Work-Day Religion Gau H<tt1 1tlto11 <lays '\Ve \\ant n Jlli:hg ion tli.1t ~o1tens the ~tep;;, urjd turn1:1. the voice to rnelody 1 aud tills the eye \v1th sunRlnue, at1d l.:h ec ks the 11upat1e11t cx(.;larl'ln.· t1ou and hrash rebuke , a rchg1011 that is polite, defer{·nt1a.l to supeno1s. courteous to i11Je1101s, <ln<l. cons1de1ate to h1e11ds, ct H:Jig1011 th it got·s into a fannl \., lill\t 1 .. ee ps the husLantl. hon1 Ue11JJ s-p1tt:ful \\beu tile din~ figures. 2000 Gallous of o(,CUl'S oihce, w1ih ,\. 1athe rlj C c\re aud 1nothe1ly r1ofcs.,01 1~yn·lall, ~ftei a long seues ]O\\'.!, t:.Cltlug tJie ~olltclf)' lll f aunJie~, ,1 11d lil p(:nmcnt :) \\lth atm0sphe11c air, co1wlnded tli Lt tioU.ncing tlicru h> pleasa ut aud whuleson1e ll1fU1' of 01J11nost forn:ndu.ble d18e\.io:\~E!, IS\lch, fm Rociet}, that tbeu loneU felt nHL} tiot he example, as l:!Ini.11 pox, cholera, aud typhoid Jet1 into teinJJ tallO!l \Ve \.\11 11t ,,1. 1el 1 g1n11 we1e p1opa.gated by the flotation of 211\1s1ble sliail inteqiOM! co11tu:iuaJI \ blt\\ecn the 111 pa1ticks1nthc a.trnosphc1e, aud th.~t. h) the i11t~nnd g n l ll !.!S U!lci tO(k:)ot th \! \11 g 1 1\\n.y ot U!'IC of ::i. su1table bre~th tiltc1, it would h.J p1ac lih 1 ancl the seus1t1\ ~souls l htH file tr,ivclticablefo1 any pereon to ente1 a.n infecterl ling O\lt thLn1 .. Wellmgton Bmldrng' apa.itme11t w1tl1oll,t l1 &ugc1 'rlic s1unc a1lpai \\ic \1 tuft ,, i'l'{ 1g .. 011 Uint bi..:.tts LNl\ tl), ~atus he!j!~ted IftlghttievtcJ b;y.Jlre1ne11 en 11otonl'1 on-thc1exceeJ1ug t.1s..,uhti.: ol 1) Buwmcm\llle, Aug 8th, 1871 'n.bli~gl the1n to enter b~il<lLu~ :ftU ll Viith den13_, lllJ .uid ittO.]..!)l~-a h :b JOY} 11.1,.~! b.1n1eh0s smol{e without lllJlliy, a~ th <;l tilte1 \\ould n.1 slio1t iuea~utes 10111 the co 1p1t~r~ aruall liu.s re8t the pa1 ticles of cin ho11, of -...vh1ch sn1ok.:i 1~ l.. cts f 10111 the stalls, geLbles.:f1w.u the cotton "s, day faon1 h.e ch1 cko1 y Iro1n the composed, allowing only the nu to pass into ba0 '>11 suoar, n theJ_ungs iurther use of the breath filter is cotlee, otter f1 on1 tbe bu.t.-te1 1 Uee!.J tnce l101n ir n1eg.1r,, ainn1 fro1n breM, ~tryclunne f1om to facilitate in cxplo1ing and ~url..111,g tn wµie; :.lVJttCl tro·n nnlk cuns, uuU Uutton,11 1n1ncs v; here carbonic nCJd ~as rn present 111 nox f~iI:..Uie contn Lutton box 'Pfie--.r~ 1g1on ious p1uportwus tlfut iti to save tlte l<l \Vlll n()t mtJte. one. A 1 eceut trrn.l of hlters, n1ade !:J uLf!tant1,11Jy a<:i b;.rlf a pan of sho'"'e~~ bf .JOOO ]f:',1theT: nud the Slzgg:e$Wcl by Professor ~nda.U, lias b.tcly t.-tl::en othti ofa)oOt lta,tlie-11~ so....tbnt tl1e tirsLshall pltH'.e 1n Englan<l, and \\e will ~lescribc so1nc of- ~cTound to fID'ilQa'ket~ credit, an(\ the se the rcsnlts The filter its"lf consist,., of a CJ l coud to.Ji1s~ca'!h ; Jm 11 the shucs be pro· index, four 01 five lncht:slong and tv;o IUCbeS Ill m1se<l. t'.itl rfhUIF;Jtty ·1nOUlllJr.(', will It let ch,\uwter lts 1ntc1101 contains at the top 1 111 Tlnuti'1a)~ orn1ng i:;ptu-..DuL 1111 $.atuiday 1 of cotton \tool which has bceu n101stent!cl 111ght r lc does l)ot;. se11d t11t:: 11tLlt: hoy, '"ho ,\<Jth glycer1ne, then a la.y ei of dry cotton wool, bas con1e f·H the daily t].UJ.1 t of ulllk, to the Mth wue g::t.uze f Ove1 s at both end::1, and at t Iw bar11 laid to see the c;,dJ 1 R-l ld· s1:1ze the Iopfi p o1 tluJ1Ly lo s kim off the c11:,u11 1 nor _;,: oes \ .!!Rl1e.J' 6 ntl amoutb:pJece i!O altlped as tu · ~t 1t t:.urround stale butter w1Lh Jrl".j3 h, aud sell closel__i; O\Tet the mouth of the '~ ea1cr JJJ I f ,, II ff h ] k Potash for Potatoes ~1,.e "ho c or goou , nor se o t c s uc drav. ing the bt eath th1 ough tlns instrument, the Ouled breadl.ipnn the stab] c Lidf 1 no1 1 dea1 111 ;i rucent ackh css 'Dr N 1chi!>ls, of.tho JOtn most (ense &moIcc mn;y b e ent .e1e d "1 th 1mp11- con' tlie-ltpples, THE GREAT REMEDY FOi{ uHl of C1lem1stry, hJluJed to th~ ¥~1~~uor~tion lllty. 'l'hi.8 filter has been tested by the I1on· The iehgion 'tLa.t 19 to sa.ncttf; the world of out potato c..._op du1i11g the pa.St ~wenty 1 '..'don Fire Depar~1ueut \\.ith such snccei>:-; thnt the pays u~ debts It cloes not boi row· tnoney year$," and ina.d1; the follow1nb expli\n,~tiou 1c ...firemen Oftho..t city a1c to be pro v1<le<l with it Wlth h . .tle Ol"nO pnrposc of r t'! payment, by gnrtliu,; the c"tu~es of tlns'. falling off - I ha\C a ...for.1:cgiula.r uEe' 't\: hen places .o.1c to be ente1ell co ncea 1111 ,.,. 01 glo'1SJnn· over the fa:ct. It and acknowledged by many promlneot physician5 to be the most Relw.ble l'reparnt1on ever fi tl,d of potn.tocs uµon my fru"m wlnch I cxpectt ~ s~clihs'1ll}~e~ or Wells, wherb<earb0111Q acid gffl 1 Jooki upo~ nla'l1 who i.ias fullt'd In traUe and 1 introduoed for the RELIEF and CUltE of all '\'ill yield 300 bushels to the acre, ~dnch ru:a_y ktpres~t'JG.t l~ n~cesSaIJ. to ' add l~uothe:ctd, l.) contriiuea to live 111. l nxury as ,'\. tlnet It be Ie[j:l.H~; an old fa.$h1011ed c1op. 1 know ·Qf eottbn ivf!~l. and to place a I:iye~, of e~ckc!<l 1 looks upon h1u1 wlio 1Jr o~li18l'l:' to puy fifty thet tl:11s~r;:1·o~'ill remo-...e front the$01l, in tnb lime be~een the t~o'bottoin layc.r51 of cottou dollar;s uu den1and, "1th iy t1-1~·i:;t 1 an<l "ho 'fhis \'lCll kno\vn remedy 1a offered to the er~ aud tops, :i.t least 400 pound:; of potash I The :PJ.y~ct of the lnnc IS to an est the C;,l,l bonic n egl t..._cta to pa.y fifty dollars tHI demand, with public 1 snnet1oncd by the c~erience of over 1 ·<tll also certain it w1U) removc 15'0 pounds of aciil...v~~xlde gas'es .i.. r f or "1thoqt 1nte1est a.s a lu\.l forty years, nud when resorted to in season, aeldom fails to effect a. a_pccdy cure of ... phosphoric acid No\V these athoWlts arc very a. ~ r0co;int test co~sieted in !ilaci1i::.btler t'Xpell Conghs, Colds, Cronp, Bronchitis, Jn. lrug(', and ser\e to ::il1ow the potato pla>lt nH::n t'li ,...~,ho h:M:J. one of the 111~ t 1 umCnt~ placed tluenza,Whooping Cough, Hoarse. 1s a great consunJe.r:;Qf tih~ two &t1b 3 tances ' ::i.nd ovir lns 1noubh) \, 1 tb'111 a small clq~ct., 'Yith a ness, Pains 01· Soreness In the also, it show a t11at in. order to re-.toro our)1°tato r~bb)t land two birds for companions Ca1bon1c Chest and Side, Bleeding f1elds to theu former p1oduct1ve cond1t1on, we aCld J'M .~nd carboruc O"Itle ,vere then inJected at the Lungs, Liver ·TO CAL"L AT 11.nt1t 1n1pply :prosphatic compounds and sub until th.,o atmosphere of the _closet 'Yns 1cndered Complaint, &c. stances holdmg Mt.n·~ . m . large quantities. Foi hi hl M t th jg ~ g y p91 nous n "':':n1 " ~, c .._ r uuma fi oi 8 generations 1n Nev.; England, ou.- fa.theis ,., cie dead, bnt the experimenter came rJUt .,,t F by a timely f{l!!Ort to this stnndard: remedy, as havij been exb,iusting the soil, by rc1nov1ngf ,, ~ fl or Ha1ness, the enU o ..,0 :nµnute~ ·iiaviug :n1 ~;{1rct1 no mcon IS proved by hundreds of f9t 1monmll!I rccetvedj these agents in thell :riotnto ancl othei corps, '1:in1 euce" froh1 the 1::iox10us g~;s; but~e '\\Olk Saddles, , by the proprietors. >~ :iud \\C have iertched a tune \.\hen the vegeta of breoth1ng through the mnaJI lnstrument for Trunks, DR. WISTAR"S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY blcs are stnrv111g 111 our fields fo1 want of their 80 long a period and t ]1c..Jien.t of 80 s1nall au dots ttot d11J up a Cou.gh1 and the Valises, 1Jroper food Our far1ners have found tlin.t new apartment rendered h1m uncomfortable. Ex cnuse llf:IL'i.tul, 0.11 is the cuse uath 'nost p,.epa,.atlons, btd Ct loo8f»UJ and clea11sea laud J.:'tves the best crops, a.nd this LS due to the peruncnts a1e still n1 p1og1ess to determ1ne the Whips, the lungs, and allays t.rrltahon, thiis fa.ct that such fields afford the moHt IJota:!h begt mics.:nnd ~oons for1t.V~ mst)'U.ment, a.rid c10 t"enwving tl'e cm.r;se Of tlic complalne. Bells, &c, ' Bnt so long as ,.,.e crop our pasture!S so uni ea· long we may expect that the a.1r fi.lte1 will be CLERGYJ)[EN, LA WYERS, SINGERS, wlnch for style, durability and cheap· and all th,ose whose occupntiou requires an unsonab1y, \\e cannot iesort to new land, ti.!> land anmstrument of common u:ie - Sc1ant(ficAme1 1~ not new that has had 1ts and phos -iccen us'ual excrcn;c of the vocal organs, will find ness, ca.'lnot be excelled m this vlcimty tl11s the ONLY rREPARAllON \\hlch Will eJlcet pbatic ~laments removed by gvn.z mg n.nunals un.Uy aud instantaneouely relieve their d1flicul Remtmber that a potato field which gives but '.Lo tho!:le in A.11.REA.ltS, he \YoulJ say ties, 100 bushels to the acre iequtres at least 160 Gems of Thought fo,· the Sabbath De'\vare of Counterfeits. pounda of potash, but b) allowing the tops to Remember that the {ICnuuie 1Ytstar's Balsa11~ When rnfidel1ty /ian pernuude men \ho t kas on tile out$UlC wr<1pPer the sig1iatur~ of d..,-cay upon tJte field~, 60 pounds of this 18 10 "z JJ U'l'TS, ' 1 and the printed name oftlte pro tbev shall d1c hke beasts, tt1ey \\l!l b13 3tor1:1d to the soil agatn, as tha.t amount lH con p~eto:rs, "BJJJTH JV. 1 0 JVJ.,E (/' SOftS, lJ OS brought to ltve like beast· also TON 11 AU others are base imitatwns ]'."xam· l'hoRe 'Ahn h~'VO a.heady settle1l, \· tll :;le tse re ta.u1ed ln them A n1edn1m crop of pot::i.tocs rl'be burden of the gospel l S Jove , but It sne tJw 1ot upper ocn ejully before purcf1asin9 cept 0111 he .irtv thanks. requires twice as much phosphonc acid as a JS a love which speu ka the comrnands t)f One lJ-Ollar a Dotti· ~x Bott!O! for Fm Do\lan S MASON ni.cd1um crop of wheat, so that in t'vo years God .,.\\ ith authority, an<l. 1na1ats upuu o11e P.8EPAR&D BY Uoww'l.n-...1Uc Dee 3td 1SU9 nlO \\1th whea.t, the land is deprived no more of the dience to Hun as the onl) way "~f~tL BETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, Boston, Mass., ~-----------~----And &Old by D1·ugg1Btfl anct pealers generally. agent than it loses in one ye.u \\1th potatoeil and hfe. · of ex l'h" young plant:) .tre ullo\\ 1;:d to g1ow in the seed bed until Jul:y, \\hen thoy planted 111 the field, the 1owl! fifte en inches apart and th1:1 plants 1n the ro·vs ten inches ]1y frequent hoe 1ng and p1oper attention, the '< age \\lll eon1 pletely cove1 the .~pound by ca.rly fall, prov1dud, of cou150 1 that the ground ha.lJ bel:!n 1nauurcd, \\hen it ::;hould be gathe1 c<l befo1e f1osts A 1 eady market Hl fonnd fo1 it, in tho cities, in the gieen state, but those iinhnndy to ma1 ket generally <lry 1t and keep until \V1nt01 lodryit n1cely reqtnres some <.;ue ':\e strtitch stout twin ... ac1o~s n bu1hhn,;, 01 :.i.ttach 1t to the 1aftcr"', fua'i1ng th e ~t llug8 about 18 J11che,, apart, then cut the f:'at,c clu"'c to tht:: g1 ouutl and hang on these f,tun~ Afto1 a 1 it tl1;i pra t1ce rt is . :1 on e, as the pl ~nts, by being cut lo\\, ,. ill not a\ ernge 1nore th.~n three bianches each, the labor of hang1ni:l' inuch licihter th:iu 1f 1t sho11lcl be cutl11gl1 'l'he plants should not be c1owtled t1)0 uiuoh upon the sti 1ngs, u.nd sho u.ld be an ed, us thu:1 will tend to ,.:-111e the sage, \\hen dnerl, t h'dv g1 et:n colm 'Vhen p1epar1ng fo1 11111.rkct, ·fhtch it HI be~t to do on a damp day, we tnl.c fto1n t.Pe. strinb;;!tliul place in .i p1lC co11\:Cn1ont to the " ' OJkJuan, "ho, 'Wlth a block befQro hun, g1asps a a1nall hnnl fnLan<l cho11s ofI th' ~nds of the b1anchcs, wlnlc t"o or th1cc '\01kn1cn engaged in 1n small bunches Orn; uctn:e cho1Jpe1 will thus keep lu c1uploy .i1out three tyers 'lhe i.:oaise ends of the b1 anchcs <tre usele8f:l for ina.rtet purposes Some n1n.rkets prefer to buy by '\V~"tght, wl1en it1s piopared the same r\S \\hen sold IJy the "Lunch, except that it rs not L1etl, but i:lackcd Joo:,ieJy 111 bagfl, contaunng, 5, 10, or 20 l o\m<ls. We cons1dc1 tlns method of u'-1ng sage much supenoi to the old one of allo \ 1ng tl1e i;lauts to remain in the geound j fJ<"tl <'.ti Lt:l yj a.1 Bj this villn, it occup1es the J'lnunrl hut two and a half or three inonths, r1.nd inay fo1l01Y, as n Hrcond crOJ), earl:y 'eJetables th tt .u e cl<: ared off by the r11ddlco1 lasto Jul) J\f llIA CHINE OIL 1 Simplicit,11 in Consti uction, Ease of operation, Perfection oj Stitch, alike nn both sides, owing to pe1t'ect tension on itpper ana I lowei· Thread. RNGE OF WORK -From Gauze to Beaver Cloth J)URBILITY -W1ll l.tst 11 life time A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1em1see, were special attention 1e: given to all n er Jt; late-keeps the \V1ie fio1n tre1t1ug !Iutltl1 \\h en the husband t11:ii ks tlu JH~ \'\ Iv \\asbcU ftoor \\Ith l11s n1uddy hoot"", and n~u.l\.e~ the hu sbanJ 1111uJ ful oi the scraper and lb e door rn~t-kE" e ps thi.: 1uoth e1 JJ.tt1 ent when the bLtliv 1s C\(JS~, atnuisc<:i the child1e11 a$ "ell of chffo1 cnt kmds Thieshers and all parties requnmg such oil ai e specially mvited to inspect the vari1 ous qualities, the pnces bemg fa1 below tmythrng evei offe1ccl m this mai.ket Wi'J~~11~~1Dt1 -------- ----I l!qually adapted to Family Work, Dress a.nd Shir . Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND lNSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Carriage work, and Geneial Jobbing. 500 Cook, Parlor, Itall, a i:; The Air Filter. thern, \JTon1ptly lool..8 ulle1 1hcauning, and now un cxlnbttiun, the appre11t1ce in tl1e e iop, aud. the c11,;1k be; largest and cheapest ,tock of lnnU the conn te1, anU the sttllll.!o t lll the 111::;t1u~t~ a.nd. :Bo: Stoves, GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIACf GOODS, AND TINWARE the County of Durham. This DtSL"n'EOTAN'l' ieA euro preventive of TJ'l)hua and Typhoid Fe'i ers. Choler&. Smallpox, and itll Sn· fectioue discasos It will prevent Contagion 1a Cattle lthi t1.lao Invaluable!or D1siofectlng Water Closets, Drains, Cesepoole. Sta.blea.; 1 houses. &c, and for deatroyint!' nauseous eftlnvf& from whatever c11.usc an& It will 41'1VO awa7 Mosqnitocs, :Mothi, Fllea. Oockro&ches, &c :Me&t. 1 can be pre3erved from putrefaction b71t1 We have also on hand nsC\ Cn.rbohc Acid. was selected- by Her Majeety 11 Royal Commieaioncra. 10 preference to all otber WANZER 8LJ;111JiR A, ABBOTT'S, AND BARCLAY SEWING MACHINE p_roducts, aa the best D1sidccttint for the prcveri.· Uon of infectious Uleeaaas. Price 25 cents. EVERY Agents, MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. All wo1·k done at this stablishrnen wa?'?'anted. & caJl I> respoctfully solicitod .T. MORRIS. Ou1 Stock of Gm1eral Goods 1s la1ge,- erobiacrng all the Novelties of the clay, and all the necessa1ies as well ' Picture It i::nnefl-all 91zes, ltio ·ld1ngs of e-ve1y style, 'VaU Paper-a splendid a.ssoitmeni now in stock, A large E>upply of beautifully asso1 ted Vfu1dow Shades, Cluldren 8 ~arria.gee, Concertinas, Brushee, Combs, I~ooking Gla.sses, l\-IUS1c, Magazines, V1ohns, Violin l3ow~rV..1dlin .t;trings,Paper Collars, N eek 'l 1cs, School Eooks, Day Uooks, Bibles, Knives and }-,oiks1Pucket Kwves, RazorH, Spoons, and Scissors Chea.pest Kote Pa.por and Envelopes in the country ~ All these, and & th'luo;attd other articles, are to be found at the VARIETY STORE \.Ve are a.V.Vaysglad to see Inenda, and think it no trouble to show Goodis, and \\·e guarantee as good 'H\lue, at as low p11ees as auy other house in the trnde. Parties \\>"'lsh1ng to teleg1 aph their friends, niay 1 ely on 11a.v1ng their bufimees pone promptly, Agents for Inman Line of Steamers 1 and In11rnnal .Building and Saving Somety Bov.'lllanvdlc, Out lst, 1869. .' JOHN rdcLEOD, Thtl!I PBXP.ilU'l'ION is unequ.alled in its rapidity torBharpentng and Poli!lhfilg C.lrtlery. TablA and. l'ocket·Knives,Razore, Snrg1cnl Instru'Qlents,Shoea makers· Knive"1 Plane Bits and Chisels, &c. Noth· tng !las ever been dt!lcovered which "b&a eprnng popularity more qnicklf or become of eo much v.o.lne1u every houeeholQ. tl!o.d workshop for pneml usefalness, J.>rlce ~5 cent!, Daily Line TO Bowmanv1lle, Mai·ch 7th, 1872 YELLOWLEES & , QJ.:U K. ,, 1 I: "°' ROCHES TEE. The New Lake Steamer cOt CHIT CHAT. l'l'im :Bra.dy a.nd Mike :Flynn] 1871 TIM - Oct CONSUMPTION rr' .. LUNG COMPLAINTS. :b-,AIL J.V1:1\..SON'S ...,, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED "Good morning, l\>like, shure and its early out, ye am. Might I be bould to axil what stm ted yaes this morning" MIKE-" Jist be aisey, Tim, attd I\n tell ye in a jiffy Ye see, I was tould, yisterday, that M1sther Gray, av Ty10ne, had got home an 1lhgant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its 11TII L on or nbont 1st .i\.prtl next commeuue meself could hardly slape a wink, 11ll mght, thmking av the t'\ her i egular da.1ly trips, ice perm1tting,lea.v· the chape goods And shme cnuff, its the full store he has1ng Cobouri:r cv~ry morrung at 7 ~O Port Hope piles and piles av the natest patterns, and he'd give ye the at 9 o'clock for Rochester,connect1nR there ¥.1th the New York Central, Notthern centre.I a.nd makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Erie Railway, fer a.H points East, t50utb, nnd Cints, Tay fo1 most nuthin, and the Baccy fo1 a trifle less" South West RETURNING. TIM.- "An shme its funning me ye are, Mike, wouldn't the man he Lea, es Chailotte, Port of Rochcstc1, ever:y afther breakmg dowII" cve111ng at !) o clock, except Satu1 d.ays, wh.,n 1 MIKE-" Bieaking down, is it Shme he knows a thrick wurth two av she leal'es at 2 0 clock pm, for .Bnghton dnect 'rhe stcainer calls at B1 ighton, l\.1ondays and that I'l!Jist tell you what it is, Tim', if you want to git a 'l'hu1sdn.y, at Oolbmne every da.y e):eept Vi7ed· grate name when youre decl, and be called a fiilant10fized, filosnesdayt at VVh1tby, Oshawa., Darlington and Newca.<Jtle on Wednesday, should freight offer· ifer, and a public binifacthor, Jist tell all youre nabours,and the Dealers in stock v;1ll find this the aJJd nst av mankinn, about Gmy's chape store, and you'll do more qu1ekc!it route to A lbany, Boston, ~e\v Yo1k, &c , &c .Addresa, for the good av you counthry, than 1ver St Patrick did for ould R C CAR1 ER, Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes t out av it Port Hope 011t Port Hope, ~ia.rch 18th, 1872 25 tf that ni ver wa8 in it " TIM.- " I'm, much. oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye, -~here'll shui:ely be a grate run, and mayoee I'd miss - ... The top av the morning to ye "-I'm off to some bargains - .., C- 1",U · ...... Gra;}"s L£.::c. __ .rL __ 1871. "NORSEMAN" · ~ · ~ 1 "' · ·J. ~____,_ _c-__ _ __ S, B. BRADSHAW J. GR!Y, ,T]fone. Noted for che_ap Goo els. '~ I YOU MUST PAY UP \vould tako tlns opportunJty of thanking his IW..mC10,uS ff!,ends f<Jt the very hbe1al patronage he has 1ecen ed. He feels satiatiell that noth& 1ng but Fo1· the best and chea1lest. LOW PBICES DRY GOODS E .. ery human being ca.riles }ni; life in li f; face, an<l is good looking or tlte rever:)f', as THE HOUSEHOLD. The Wearing and the Leaving off of Flannel · thnt hfe bas bee11 good or YJ1 lh n1attcrs not what n n1an loses 1f he saves his J3.Qlll , but 1f l1c loses Ins soul, it matters not \Vhat he sn1ies 1\ NE\IV IfICTUR!l GALLERY! ' and sen1nt1ve. I! but 0110 f:illl forces its way In~ IJfl'ROVEJlJENTS, - HI the lll \ ana.u '-1e to that tender pait ol the soul, aud 1s sutfe1- iVODERli "1 launt:!ls nex:t theskin" ed lo dwell theie, the 1oad 1e paved fo1 a recom1nendation of the doctor to all 've~ly thousand Huq uities :hi.: is to take patrnnts "Flannel next the skin, wniter and The great man "ls he'" ho choosci; th~ su1nme:r," 1s the advice of all hygienic theousts ught ,v1th 111v1nc1ble rcsolntion , \\'110 reto both 'v~ll and ailing people, and on this one srnts t.he r-secrEit te1nptations iro1n 'v1t~out "'"' condlt1on, unfailing health is often riromlBed 1 an<l v;ith111 , wl10 heu18 the beat1est burd~u s j in e· ory fltyle of the Photog1aphic Ait Now, fo1 rny part) hold a.n<l have ah\aJ"B"hcld; ch~cdully, 'vho is cn.lmest in sto1n1s and · · that clotlungfahould be worn for comfort a11d 1nost fearless uudcr menaces and f1owns, An ln8peet1on ofspec11nens 1s1n,r1ted Preserve } our conmence al11 a) s solt .tud T HE Subscnbe1 1espectfully111forn1s the pub he, tl·at, h\ving fitt.ed t1f a Ne'v 1'1ctu1e Gallei y, wJth \l tho GROCERIES, CROCKERY, R E Life-like Likenesses, M B N A R B A M E R Superior Workmanship, has g~111od for hnn f:moh a flte~dy 1nClease of bu!1ncs~- much larger thrui former years, and he trusts thait by BOOTS & SHOES, 1 · for health - Yet I suppose th<1.t the ieal in1poi· ta.nee of flannel as a by.g1eruc agent is to be de I Gcc:1pat1on is the nr11101 of TI0V1--m.&nville, Sept. 27th, 1871 ~ \the soul ri.ere 18 a· ilatincal poe111, l1l · ~ pooclr ,. fi · el \h best fuend 1 which the tlev1l rnrepr~sewted a~ f1shrng for .... shoiild aa,·e ~ 1 "¥" a-un a.a e).i~ ' n1en ~anU fitting Jns bait to Ute taste an<l if, after fall' and imp~ttial tria.lswotO:ther means bus1~ess of h1s prey but the idler he ea1d of securing healthful warmth they find theu ga."e lnn1 no Lronbl~, a s he lnt ti1e naked SUBSCRIBER ta.keA VlE>aau1e ln lD " efforts una\ a.1liug. book, for1nrng the-public thn.t the abo' e 1n11l 11! Some people a1e ahva.ys complaullng of.. Qe 11~ , 1 lJe iuost popular doctruie to in each 111 uo\v <.:ornplete in evcly uispect , a.r:al und~r tht..: manage1ue11t of experienced hn:crlK Hi;, is J)O\\> uucomfo1 tf~bly chiJly In many ca.see: the. en use those t1n1es, and the hardest one to practH:e iJrcparcd to -execute 6 voo y des.criptlon of wor1~ of tlue will be foUlld ln defticthe chgc~tton or n.· JS tl1e old-iasluoued apostolic UocLnnu of iu cla~s style, aiHl ,n th clesp ~t cb torpid liver, oL the av01danco oi plenty of cold selt-d.omal Tlm 1s \he grace that pinches Cash pa!d, or Cloth give-,. Ill exchange water and thorough bathing, and the fa1lure to The daily battle of Ch11stia11 IS with that for Wool. take sufficient regular exercise 1n the open an artful,.subtle,greedy s11n1er self And the CUNNINGHAr,:r & BROOK. \Vht n want of \\Dinnth f.lp111H;s from the~t! ln gheat \}cto1y of Olli tcl1g1on li to foJJ O,\' J ..,JJa.rl1nbtnn, ~I::t y 2(ith~ 1871 1) :.14 \vho are deficient' ln natural heat-constitution II ·bl 0 oded and of ' defecthc ,ItaJLty0 detenwned o~Jy bya conscientoWI trial. and whose raltance ~ on truth, en t1rtue, On God, lS n1ost unfultenng and Clothing made to order in first-clik.s style, go to Entrance opposite the entianca to th· Tol'in H all '.11108" · The ruin of mo,st men dates from some I L. w. SEXTON. vacant hour., rr'HE Eugine Woolen Mills . 1 .s T N T \ $! strict attention to business And all other J. ELLIOT'S he \Hll conti nue to iece1ve their support Cheap Store, FIRST CLASS PICTURES Taken in A 1 Style, at FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY S. B. BRADSHAW. SIGN OF 1'HE RED FLAG, Kmg Street, East Bo\\ 1n;i,11v11le, Xov 2Sthi 1871 -Ii tf I All tho::ie that ato:; in a11ears m·1st pay up, es l)eC \;:i.lly the Hai dware account. S B. B Bowmrtnv11le, Tan 10th, 1872 Jy.]5 Ty1one, Nov 2nd, 1871. TYliONE.

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