) THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C rcula.tcs largely n the T o vnsh1ps of Dailing ton Clarke 11.nd Cart\"'inght It LB a. common latfor-m open to the free disc <:S on of n.U ques ions in ' lnch the general publ o are conce :ned 'rERl\f<:i WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing Ofil.ce, Krn a SrnEET BowuANHLLE Seventy five cents per annum, m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES 01 AD\J!.HTlSING AND GENERAL \ OLUME III R It :r;osCOMBE ADVERT~SER. ~UMBER xxxvr BOWMAN\ILLE ONTARIO l!RIDA'Y JUNE 7 1872 P AMPHLE;['S BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS L;\.BELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c CIRCULARS POSTERS EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. (For the }fe1cl ant ) lJLllRIS TEli A1 LATV sOIIG110R TN CH4J:Vf!PR} IFULL &c ly SUPPLY. or - OFFICE ~ l\.fcClung s Store :sa.n e fl.flit us J ~I Bruna(.:ombsJ::. ~R-Oo~- BoWln:u ille Oct 27tl 1868. · The Crar d 11 nl Ra h\a.y cor n enced \be stt 1Hne1 angement on I\fon 1 y non 1ng la::; t 'l.1an1s le t\c Bo llHtnv1lle stnt1011 as I llo s GOl:-lG v s r OOI?\G E \J; r.,.,0 1ge 7 30"' I lllrul 7 30 am E xp1es 9 20 an 1\f xed 3 3U 1\iI xe l 3 3::i I m \ I asB e ~er 7 3.? i\fail !) ~O p m ]:!}xpres.3 9 00 Stage lea-Yes 13ro h e a Hotfjl fo1 e\ e1y t pm 1 tn 1 m an SPLENDID SBLElJTWNS JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter GU.zier P a p·r Hanger &c &c All k n h~ of ' ork pro1nptly attended to n.nd Ratlsfact1on gua.ra. ltced :Fall and Winter ctoods, AT Rea1dencc- Next door e st of the Bible Olu s t an fb 1 "Cb TYRONE l yrone Marc! 8th 180 ) 22 tf For Sale, Or To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, VE1JlT~411Y 'G R\ PU I E 01 & HOIJSE Outbuildmg· aid 0 clarl 'and 11HE vitl en a. <'l.t p1esent occupied by D Din dao 1 01 D \V Tu101EOD'S, v tho i t Se" nnd half Aci s of pply o 1 the P1 f'rouscs or to n ~r VlllC GENERAL STORE, (lXCeeclin,,l) cl eat SURtEOE IEil l :-1~ DR D J\ }_} J.4tb 1870 ~VlD SON o::o\ralUO L GOJ l1' (.'.E to info tu the u1bab tants of Bow Ult BJl GS illc U s i ound g country that he har; ceU tl I I nd :i,n ! Oa.tule at Glove1 s L ve y Offi<.:t.' K ng St I c o1nme1 e [ ract ce of s rofess O!_li ca 1 be consulted ns to ti e d senses of .t1Q tfte8 FOR CASH RELIANCE Mntal Life Assurance E~lABLISHED Jan 4tl 1872 BEAUTIFUL TEETH J 11'! BRIIl'IACOMBE L D S Tee th Ex t acted at Twenty f ve Cents Rooms o e1 ~icCl g Bro Stores IJ v a v ll e Oct 1st 1870 1 - 14 1 All rlers fr Society 1840 Taiioring PROMPTLY :EXECUTED C N· U A CHIEF 01",FJCW'~ 131 SJ J U>IESt;THEE1' l\10N'l'REAL P<J DIRE010RS W l..L El SH 1.. t\LY Esq E CA }I P Chai mru D UN P'.JEATE, TAILOR Crentlemen s & Boys Garments MA.DE L~ rPBELL v B St '!HE Ho~OBA:BL~ JOHN HUdlLTON <\I'\ :M:AODON\LD l\i \JOH I Esq H1W.r1e Hawks AJioo Agent fi:r ti e vell kno vn burg, Ont RESIDENI SECREfARY-Jurns CTnA_, SPECIAL FEATURES. Pno,J'Irs belong to and ared '1d ed amongst tl e Policyholders lHE ENIIRE LIVES DEOLI:N"ED BY OTHER CO::.tPA.:.'UES 01 01 FIRST·PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, at S~WIHC l'1EWEST JJo nm ~TY LES THE me July 27 18Li9 CHARLES TOD, MANUFACTURES PRICES Enrusk1lle1 Nov 24th 1870 BREAD AND BISCUIT DA H: · \kAJ~ IO!J1 IHl! Ob hOWMANVI L LE Jr Jers 1 nctually Atte1 c1 l lo 0 t lR t 1870 I v 111 tho A.gene es \vh1ch an CT.t1 a Premium would be JI equ.1 ed can be assure l at tl e o din a. 11 ? a.teit of this So1.:1etj u Kle1 a special ar angement 81EoIAL No~ FoRFE TABLE Po11cxs 1sa 1e 1 under\ htch only 10 lo Ol! 20 Ann 1al Pa~ mentis a.re wq1ured eacl payment t1ecunng a Policy fo a sum assu cd proportionate to the nur1ber of prem1u1ns pa.id an<l./?"«f om f ture uay nent of prein ut s ~iODERATE Pl EMIUMS ru1d IDOS\i hbe1al con d tons Prm1pectuses P1 oposal .Furtnl:I & c SUI l lied on aJ?plicat1on at the Bead Ufficf: or any of nS tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT TUE Bowmanv1lle Drug Store J HIGGINBOTHAM, lXTOULD most t-es]i>ectf Uy tcJ der his s1nf) cer1;:t thank s to h e numerous friends and customers aud to thtJ p bl c gene1ally for the very liberal s ppo1 t he has rece vtJd since ~s comJuencmg 111 busn ees ~nd hopes by continued sti ck personal at.tent on to bw:nness and offen1 g nothing but tl e purest art cles at the most reasonable prices to 01 sure a continua.uce of public pahonage J H "oul<l call ~pcci al nttcnt1on to hLS ery superior stock of AUCTIONEERS Fu /he Tu wnship ot Dw /;ington JAMl'li GRANT Res. St!c1etar) AGENT 1101t BOWMANHLLE C BARKER Obse1ver Office King St 2Hy Bo vm,.ui;1lh1 Tune 24th 1870 39 DYE S'"rUJ3~Fs, H T PHILLIPS 1 ll lI ~1\'IPTON t i\ttenhon g en to .;,ales &l: on ie ar;io ;i.ble ter1n.c:1 wh ch are a ire to give the best 8a.bi;factlon A. ell selecte 1stock of W:tn. Barton, El> "1ISKILLE1" b cs p o ptly o.ttende l to on TC 1S01 able terms (Eat·bl shed 1803 Hl: \. D OJiFIOES - 1 Old Bron.d St Pall M all Loudon GENERAL and - 24 Mrs. C. IlOiJ'NSALL, Sacrament \GEN(;Y FOJ.l. ~Iont.re~l UANAD St B K l NG Sl no" M <\.:N VII LE EUS to nil no mce to tl e p bhc th ~t el c s ow 01 cn1ng a cho1c~ selection of BONi,ETS HATS llIBBOJl D ':! FLO IV1'1:.~ FE4TIIERS l ELVIS~ d MILLIN'ERY g e do "'lu cb "lil be eold n.t tl e lo voflt po!! mble I oc ~ill v 1 et r;t s cl£.ci..1e 1 &l: Subscribed and n' ested Capltal a d ltc~ i \ cd kept consta.ntly on. ha.n 1 F'il'd £1 930 000 Sterling OILS PAINT Funds 1n,. csted in CanaUD..i- lOo 000 Ir 8Ul fµl.ces aga nst lo::is bv F re are effect ed on COLORS VARNIHSES ti e moat favorable term!'! and loo;ises la.id with out refcrencfl to tho Bon.id in London and WHITE LEAD, J DODSWORTH RINTOUL BROS a.t the ve1y lowest i nces llispector Gen Agents Montreal Horses and Cattle Med1cmes N B -Co1mtry Storeheeper1' SUI phed on the R R LOSCOMBE Bamster Agent mo[';t advantageous terms for Bowmanv1lle and Vicm1ty A cho ce select on of L.A.1'.iPS for sale cheap EoWl:u.an Ille J une 14th 1860 36 Bowmanville De< 9 1868 6m m o 43 39 4w DRUGS CIIE11!ICALS PATEN7 1rfEDICI1 \ ES BRUSHES COMBS SHOULDER BRACES SUPPORTERS Etc Etc. Bo tf 1 BAGS 18~UET TO ADVElt.TISEitS I nev; 1 Ad' ertisements should send to Dl l\'IONTREAL PRICES pe1sons who contemplate nlak ng conAlltracts with spapers for the insertio of 1 UTE HAVE NOW <\. coMrLEIE aeso1 t f) ment of P aper Bagfl ' h1ch wu willsell at Bo 1 a '\i1lle I>ec 10 18U!J 1fontrcB Pnccs 1he paper 18 f the be~t q_ual itr and we guru-antee tha..t :p.one of the Bags I\ I\ STEAMSHIPS. stick together 11 e following is tho PRICE LIST PER lOOC Live111ool 1 ondon and Glasgo ~ S1ze - ?i:Ia.mlla B1 own No "L-,OTt '11 ket.:; OT nf rmaho1 app1) to 5by7 95 90 1' W A. NEADS, Agent 5f Sj 130 120 7 9 2.00 1 bO 2 l o 'mu.nv Ile J ne 9th 181.l tf 30 8; 10 230 220 3 _ ROBERT ARMOUR U WIE t 4 FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN ?\]\IAN l...IN.E of Ro) al ]..fu,tl Ste:i.me1s sa1l g from Ne Yflrk e eiy Sat 1rday and vet) lh trs la 'I1cl et s sold to and flom Englan 1 Ireland and the Co it neu.t at as lo v Bi/ 5 6 7 8 10 s;i 11 280 121 I r lotes as b_y at y other l nc YEuLO\\ LEEt; & QUICK Agont Bo\\ man ville JobnG Dfil(J loEroad a.} N e' 'York ville J ne 9t] 18 l 12 14 ·o 25 30 No 1 NOTICE. :\.ll per ong tr;;:::::: pass ng on the prope1 t y known ~s EO li.l<l ""n 1\1 lls w 11 b ~ -proscc 1ted 15 17 12 17 la 18 HO 14 19 9 80 14 21 ll 90 14 23 14 00 WHITE TEA BAGS Sze 11 11 10 10 in lo 3 30 300 4 25 o'IO 80 6 6Q a· for a. Cucula1 or enclose 25 cents for thmHUNDRED lAGE PAMPHLEl, COJ tauung Ll.Sta of a 000 Newspapers and estl· mates shown g LI e cost of advertisJ.Dg also Eany ueef 1 b1nts to advert.isel"3 and i:;ome ac· pount of the expe 1ences of wen wl o are known as SUCCESSl!UL ADVERTISERS The firm rue J?ropnr.tora of the American Ne vspaper Ad c1'tuung..Agen~, 41 :Park Row New York and a.re posseased of unequaled f o,cil t e ~ or so 255 curing the insert en of ad ert !lements in all 3 oo Nt:wepapers and P1;1nodu.:ala at lowest ra.tes No ember 9th 1871 3.75 435 4 96 5 60 Geo p Rowell pNE & Co CORN FOR SALE 6 60 8 55 10 00 1150 WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall TO THE PUBLIC HE I:NDllRSIGNED "'prepared to do any amount of Custom Saw ng art but Mills rear of Lot No 19 6tl Con Darlington Rate~ - Pine S2 per thousand HemlQck and Bassood 2 oO H a rdwood 4 H e will a.lso pa.y the h ghest pnco n ca ~h for sound Hard vood a.nd Baas vood logs lehvert:d at the l\hll ! "·brst 7 9 Bj 10 i10 2 30 JOHN \lcDOUGALL Bo v na1 \ 1lle Juno oth 1871 tI 36 2 Bi/ 11 3 25 Sole !-\.gent bet een Port Hope and 'Ioio ito N B Flour Ral:kl'l in Stock 2 75/ T C BARKER DR ~4}" CARSON'S Gram Drills from $50 to $80, :MEDICINES. .flRE \.TESl PGBLIC lfIE AGE BE~EFlr THOS SM!fff _D _a _ r_ lm _g_to _n _D _ ec _ 7_ th _ l_ 8_ 71 _ _ ~_ _1_'1D_l_l Tl ~ Of' · Cultwat01 s, Gmig Plows, b on H m 1 ows, and many othet new and nnp1 01,ed un plements cheap The New Patented Combmed Drill and Broad Cast Sower will soon be ready, which will sow <to 0 h D<u} 1 Broad cast or m Rows \Vo 1n Spec fic'p Call at the W.l n~1 e \Zel &c ~ The abo e Me<l c es ca1 be obta ne 1from BOWMANVILLE FARrI IMPLEMENT 1) Stott Bo v nan Ile R Fotherg 11 )le FORW iRDING AU8NCY ...,a.~tle I A Gamsby 010 o R W JA1HS B tte1 Lt iC011 0uU Bo,v1nanv Ile Dec. 11 1871 ull -- DON'T ----t:i ~A lL RHYME AND LIME. cancers and tu.JD.ors .J.: LO CALL AT Al t t le Rhyme en.me JUst 111 t111 e A i<l a.ll about the best of Lime L1ml'l from the 'Vest of the ~ ery be!!t Not beat 1n any iuarter I ime that Wlll alv; a) s stat d the test. '\Vhen mo.lung n1to mortar I will try and keep a. good 1:11 PI ly ] or it is alv; ru;~ _ v. ~nted '!bat .,.;her ~oi1all come l to buy MASON'S For }:lo "ess Sad dies 'Irunks Valises Whips Bells &c, which for style durability ~d cheap ness cannot be excelled m this v1cm!ty 'lo tl ose in ARREAI S 1 e ~ould sa) You 11 not be d1sappo1nted You will alv; a.) i; find it dr:v and fresh And that s eometh1ng bonnie So come along n.nd try this Limo B t don t forget the mone.} =ours of dehve,.f from N tne n m t0Fou1 pm Cou 01 of Queen and Ontario Street THOS JlOWDE::J" Bowmn1nille J\f111c1 11th 1871 no24 tf RADU iTE of the Roynl College of phy VOU MUST PAY UP swans of E gla.n 1 and Unners:ttJ of Vic tor a College Cobourg Underf,'T duate a.id fl.!_.l}!em.an of the Unners1ty of Ioro1 to antl U et~ t J of (~ueen s College Ku g1;1 ton h1e1n T.hocie vho l ve r.lreo.1y settle li w 11 ea~ e :w dcr of tl e College of Pl ya1c ana u. l S l~eons cept o 1 hearty tha. f Ontar o S 1r~CJ v au I Res1 le e 01 Ji. ng S MASON St ect !!econ 1 d 01 eai;t of J\: h 1\1:\ynat b Bo vw n 11Ue D c 31ll 1869 1110 Hotel G DR. DAVIDSON, to thee this great king the s.overe1gn of u 1 a re1 ort "l reatl ab10 \d that all ti e pn1;5 0ll hons of Christians His nppeurance "as by c1s ere to be release l Afte1 ma1) d ays T 1 av g come to our knowledge Jha.t certam no lneans al\ful or tern1 le on th e con d l J Pedlars a e selhng Spectacles an'!Eye Glasso1 so1ro v a a.1ad s nslnnc ap1 enre ike' es p 1rpo1t1ng tole of our make t1.11d to bear tiury on the cont1ary rather benevolent so iest 1pon 1 er aga.111 l l e troop of sol ou1 names stainped tbeteun 've hei eby ca.ut 011 nd very affable tor he conveil5e i with us f h hb the public n.ga.inst all such impost~1 s M A-fl, a U1 s 1 ng v1tl dra I t t c e g ot AARo~ :UuOKJEB: !Sour onlyAgert1n Weat .JUstaawedo 11.mongt ourricl\t:S \V1thout Joo ] 1ost lj t;Or1 ctco 11 det a nh e r an; Dwham u <l a Rev;ard of 69 5 18 hereby offer the least pade H e \\ore a dark blue trocl... longer f 0 11 1iroceed n_ to S lzl 1 o " to I " ed for the apprehens1on and convict on of all .., ~ sucl 1mposte1s as t y to defraud the pub1 c by coat, on '\ hrch spa rkle d onlv n. single stat present nt l er fatl e1 n lel, ra e 1 ea 11 offering tl en tra.sh a.so make of a very s uall «1ze 11nde1 his surtout ap 1 n 0 l er l ,. , l o \as l ot very ell t o tl e LAZARUS MORIUS & CO peared o " istcont tl c color of ied tiles care of a neigl b or and fl end she CJ cl Iv .:J'!ontrca.l Nov 8th 1871 n7 tf Bowman ille Ot::t 5th 18"'1 edged "nth a sn1all gold band SUO \\ \Vh ttc ha teneLl on l er ;vaJ to lej o l l er llaus trousers and lugh pultehe<l black boot(! .A.fte1 au 1ncar e1at on of one ' car ij d Upon h1shea.d rested a sn1all tliree cornc1 iat1011 tl e t vo fl.!l<l t vet t.) s fl e1s "e! e ed cap bu1tlereU v.1th white s~ ansdown seen stag 0 e1 got t of tie r dark loatl sun e and at lns left side huug a small rapm In d ngeo 8 11 ey stood <llilzlcd by th e l gl t ALL KINDS OF short a n obler lookrng ktng COU nowhere anJ glare of \a, \\hlc!J fot SI Jo g a f er be found Jic f rst took noLlce of a J outh od t l CJ hud i ot behelJ 111de1 tbe sb u 1ug TAKEN O'CT AISD \V bile ith a of fourteen y1.:: irs of age \vho had foroaken raJ 8 of t 1iay ctay s 11 lus Ca.tbohc pa1ents for the sake of the gcs deep dra' n 111s1 n1at1on th ey iul aled the Cured without the Use of the pel and aeked hxm ho' he cu llcl do so Jre~h au Ba1b1ra i 1Lently gazed Knife, by But the latter tead1ly answe1~ l I-Te th \t and it was sorne t 1 e befo1e sl e could re t.> lo" eth fatbtr or inother n1ore tll nn llle I~ n 1 $e 1e1 father 111 oni.;; of the guet stricken not wo1thy of m e Then the k11g 1sked for ns I all ct an l en ac1atel ""' he J ad be of Bowmanv1lle The be5t of references g ,. en m Bo,vma.nv1lle him 'vhat h e llO\Y intl!!nded to do and w} o con1e U ndei h is ardent en1brace s} e sl t 1 a.nd elscw here Office on Church Street \\onld take care of him 1h father and derec at tie d1oad'il smell ol rno I 1 d ch Bowmanv1lle Feb 22 1872 ly m2lc 0 . uiother have forsaken rr1e replied the 1 OJ ex hale l fro1u It r fall e1 as frotu a co1 pse but the Lord tal<eth me 1ll that had long la l dcr the earth Vi 1th The kmg ·mtled kmdly ·· 1 e placed haste she dre\\ l er 110\\ 1escr ed r lZC Le h<& ba11d on the boy a heo.d I now took vond the reach of her f01tie " a;; f ,be BARRISl'ERS ATTORNEYS heart and offered th1s grac10L1s prince the dreaded les th a1 hb1shop in ght i e1 ~nt llohc1toro Conveyancers Notaries Public burnt Bible as a memorial ot us poor pco ot l a 11 0 l Lera ted tie ' ct m of l ' or ple ,vbohadnoth1ngel.setopr1;!Sent On pi ~s o1 - t o ,,l chact lo vevo1 l e ha l 0FFIOE \T BOWMaNVILLE-Over l\Ir Mclfur· t :J 8 Stortl his accep ting it I 111forn1ed h 4~ o+ t he cu beeu c 1 pc- lle l But wl e J 1 Jel t cu1nstanceethro gh 'VIJcl itcu1e thnt tle alls f E:T ol c i:Jt l u1g al t tle l t;!l rl 0.F OE l.N OSIIAWA- Fnst door north of t h cond1t1on He 1 :itencd alter tlvcly Lu nH? sl e a.11 el tl eul fe t o :\fa 1 de a. J ori.t Office J\{oney to loan at lo' iates of interest and. then 01dere l tbe l 001 to be c rr1e J 1 tile rs-t I l f 1 o n t relj nb l luue 1 F. l '"' VF.LL I L ll I MoGu ll A into h1a hb1ary [ no v al "o entreatc l h nl I b11uself to th e JOj f l fecl g::; ex teJ l the J.Al!ES Rur1 'RoGi; BA m&o t-0 employ b10 rnfi icnce rn bd alf ol poor rec01 ery ol l 1a f1ce 1011 \I ll1 n font ile Bo¥>rnnnv1ll· Dec 17tl 18G9 $26. BEWA:ft.Il. aud tl c other 11 0 1 e1 1d I l el g l t hi;; r e,,111Jed tie Ul 1e ::sl v the ver 11d not forget ) ot r ht lo U e S ch I I el cl c ot t[ c trees and uead Vis tl c rr an1fol l 0 l hof of 'b ch I ga c I tl e dee I ol ~ It lorr , \\ l ich passed 1e!ore l1a feeule eyeR The City Grave 1 cannot n o v d erstan d lo v I co 11 I <l. \C \ 11 l so ]ol!g alnB had ga ed on noth 1g We la. l l 1;11 i ti e eMtl wl en tl e sn a1j I ad "30 1 1 h courag!j a to sp!.!ak to l 1 n b 1t the datl \\fLll s of u.1 r1son "\~ ith trlln falling fast Lut I c i,; is \ ery aiL.i.l le an t I e asst r l rne sport ht;. enJOj eU th e h ntanc e of tilnJ flow Wl e 1 the sky wa.s i ea.1 a:s de \th n<l l l icl g L I at Isl ol lcl soon hC'ar ho 111 l t t t e1'8 \\ h1ch ]us dat 0 hte1 pl eked fo1 l: 1rr1 ble·w the bla!'lt lu~.. ~ l<l not forwJ. 1 ie _ with tcais of thtu l f lnes~ l e ate th e su1 ple We la l her in the earth our a g 1sh "e e1 e Io v l e<l. tu table or 1 at~ff ri 1 \\I cb h a d ild ofi't!Ied h1n Tl en coul l tell As u s lei ce and in t ~ t'S we lookc fare\\ ell He clescnl ed the dr a11ness or h1s subte1ranea n dungeon the coll h e lad ve stood p ro vided endtu ed the hi. nger w I 1ch 1 al torrne ntetl J v l1ud un d b11 the lonl:'l1ng to bl old I 1s ta. in h vh ch boc:r (Lnd f el ng still so strong I y po1istssed hin1 l or he1 grn. e ai d fo o l co 11 1 pt o l th e th t t ine h e now 1nqu1red for l 1s Cathe1 ne their SOI 3 ~on in Jan and gu.nJ toh I her r esents fro I t i e ] l lg on1 cero After 0 11 i cal ilOD Poor Earl ard da1ed she po ~o n as I L say erace a1 d th e oftlee s tl n sel cs k elt \."\ere tl e first e1not1on of hap piness in her l--I er<:1 v; as 110 cu 1 t.ry gra e I e e th la k Uo r 'ith us 01 o t 1 11 g lea' e the tathc1 s rn1nd by the u elhgcnce of l 1s ro1 0bt ma.1 e its nest I A.1 J tl e br E'7.PS s cetly blo v t 'Oln the so th go od 111 0 on e n u1c a su retl 1s of h s fa 'v fe s J en.th '1 ~f ght t not slay tl e en ' o " th tll ese ' o <ls Ye sl all p <per tee bled l nsuand on the spot 1 She felt it and from tl e v; est VVJ ere the u ead(JW flo~ e s m ght bloom and rr y ch ldren je sl 11 l r SJ r v1th r1e rmpo<:::s1ble to an~ner lus enquiry "he all th 1 gs see1n so fa. r w() co lld 011} n.11s e1 bj tea1s f JO~ id therforctt 11 el theconve1;;;a.hon to Hane and I hat u en those in love ~1th 1 fu m g:l t lo g to th u h ait> er: of May Cul rewml lee re late lto]e, fat lerullthatbcli ddescrb tc.st them t here sn o Mn Uolbl cssai d re ard thee e<l11lisl \leis to her wl !st Manlcken Streets l oud w1th \YO rldly tu nult of plea~ 1o 'e tle Aul shE::u tea1".'.>ulJOJOnl ea 11gofthel ilnes and <Jf ga1 ihatlad beci slo:i.n to tle 1 001 Sllzbur I" E g rt t h e sa1 t.:t a1 v vl e e ~h e l o.cl flc l from gers pa It vot 11 I a\ e 0 lu l 1encd 1n.i' 1nnch ] e Sl:al t tree we e tl ose t1 at grew a1ound the sa l if my Cather ne l a I cone to meet churchyatd a11s were h gh n b t ·le hath done 11ght to stay at At 1 l 1gh nbo' e then 1 01 i:es titll osc lull against t he sk y l 011c SJ e s too ~oo<l a 1 ouse v1fe to l1ta. e Io c l en H ans an] h( r so 1s urt: all il But what of that' Slle ll t1leep \ B calmly fie t J.Iay the Lorl l 0 I 1co;:;cr\:c n ye};. as rmund celle1 t \Y1fe tone As fgieenwoodr. ad meado s we1e "\ nv 1g fre.ehl} 1J cd Il1tt1::1ly did Ba1bara \eef atl11sdt:l 1s1on To 1 <n al ke the d1 l of toil an l vood n ks s l fro l US lil l here lt IS brot ht to I S But Lo v cot ld she act othe1\Ise1 She at 0 ver tiill te pted 1 y legrees and by ma11y a bu t to c1 terl;!d tl e city lll the follo :v 1 0 ordeI 1'lot heeds she if ou dust 01 flo \:ers th e l:lo ds pnq are her 1Lther fot the 1nournful ncwe firs o i co 1n11ssa1v ou 1 or"ebuok next the t dews distil the scJ olar t vo un d t o then t vel ve can i8 ti ev ero r 1 n~ n tLc ca1 t of l p easa nt Ah no 1t matters little could \\ c but fe 1 t so v] o vo.s 1et1 u n 0 f10 n ~Jlzliurg to the 1.hd L te~ fo1 01d rs v; th as nan; c101gy To .,.;hat lone 11pot of darkness these n 01tal el mornta 1 s at d vl o lad lh gly gnen mci t vo of tl en on ho1oeback bchmu lCS go The hill PJ u an d1 l 1 ot Du At 1nust to dust et1.l th m at to ea. th lt 1s t} ein cn1ne the cand <la te:.-. vl o ha 1 ucco 1 then1 seats 1n it u1 dci tand tbetn but fol ui:d a. great nwn' pa1 1 ~ d :s fro111 I-Ialle ti en lollo ~C! tJ1e law of God Anl t.,.;ill,01k vthntlc g1ave ho¥ t1r\ e cb1hlren than the ' on11:~ n 11 d la.stlj 1 lnns for the 1 tu re 11 \ hic h vet:v nat lr leek the sod ally his Cat] eun e ' as 1.o enact l c pnnc1 the u1e1 Tl e i 1 oce~ s on ta;.! c1oi:ied And yet t 1.; ere swPet to kno'v that :Natures t 121 tj t h1eo "oggons co tu u1nn 01 r eff cts p l pa t I u t be ne1,Q,l borl ooi ot t} e ' lluge of pleasant th1ngs and tbe l oor s ck people 0 r cl ld1en B athed round her 1n l er solitude t h·nr tu1 e V< Ith their " cnk vo cc~ Legan to s t g :&I, \\ erfien the p eMant \vl ose '\8) now lu\ ful whisperings n n 01 oos1te u1rect1on ~et the tl ankf 11 God I v1 !l 1 ot leu e l l h1ch they \\er An i the ughtingnle somet 1uee cai e to s 1g of la 1 do\\ 1 an<l U".' > cha ce d r etc l 1t I ot JO lned Uy tl e tre 1 bl ng ncccn t" of ti e fe l er repose f 01n ti e c 1n t I ) far bleat d u c l co ) l gle l Hh the Io \'e r 0 U1 to .:iome gentle v1lla0 er as by the gr \Ve he Barbara aa 1 ~la. 11cl en wcatt i::d bj f< 1 st s ol the wen J l c melo l) sou id goes ed af 1 off ~Vhil \'e .oit n U ru our tl e fat1g ~ vi rch 1 e hacl long l een ace s ere tomed to see thc1e s a little graasi l l Jock ot iar from the roa l a~ rt rai sed on Let ts rest 1 pu pose for u1y " e'lk l egs tl ere a short tu 1e Ba1ba1a cast a t err lied look a t it and Tl:IRILLING- SKE'IL:H Oli TUE PEil;:;EOUrION ng pale cneil Oh no mi dear fa OE' TEE 'WALDii<NBM:) tbe1 I ot ti er e see I ere Iii a s one seat l te con \ en1cnt aud broad (Contun ed ) Y s j cs 1ia d ~{ anl cl E;ll sl ak n } 1S CFIAP'IER X\. Il! l e Ld tho 1 d ee mest in v old sv; ollen tect as Berln 2 d May 1 ' 32 ag1lo a 1 l 'o inb as \Ol I O\\ l lf thou could st !eel as I do th e tr mbhng of u j fhc flllti I ment of Ptal>e be to Uod 1 1 bs tl o l:ertn 1 lJ o ldst uot require lns \Otd is cont1nually inote glo110 sly n e Lo walk a l un h c:d ixices fl 1the1 A d<Spla) ed towaids u s Krn 0 s sl all le ~tor c st:at do not 1n nt1on t I h ad thy goord ans it imy:;; au l they a1e eo s icl a one lo 1g enough in Hol o 1 Salzburg Tho Lord hath a ppornted bis angels ove1 nnd more tl an n thJl sun l t1111cs I wish ed th ee tl at they ma) g ard thee m all t hy fo1 a soft seat of gr en turf No no '"a' a and they have done so Go fro1n il y 1 J 1s sa v ng he con forta bly hspoo::ed land and th) kin sfolk and out of tb1 lath h 1u1 seH on t11e turf tur1nug I s lace toward!) er s house- 111to a 1a1 l \\Inch I \ill show t..h e s1 ot of peacctul repose thee It IB fortunate for us that \V~ huvc \\ I " ' I as l)l g so 1ll f10m 11 y fall followed }us "ord his blessing ev1de1 tly g1nn1ngoil the r1ft ht! began t o Barbara I had attcnU.s 1s Ah J3arbara noth1 ti ' ' ot ld lle t1 e o ] of vel ome spol en Lo ti c true oa sc shall pr va.i.l a l re dy 1 xod my nnnd upon that place be wantrn~ to complrtc my hap1 nese if Ye the Po1 es due yoke ha e b ol ~ n po nt 0 to tl e oe nctery o v none of th ou and nly dear child and 0 111 parents Cana.ans 1lesB nga shall not fall "' ll 1 st tl eic WI o ~ ould have tl ought \'i"et e \\Ith me Fo1tunatelj I do not 'vnte We ::;t1ll 1eu a 1 I r a I arr. t:on ta ltlj He UO\\ turned. Ins looks to tl e other tl lS myself for 111y :flown g t..:ars wo Id t el: e1v1 n 1nerubl k n<l esses froin 0 side thou~h Barbara to intercept his view blot out C\eIV letter Ho vevc1 I will n ot Ch11sl ans :J1Jcl J e ws E c l u Cathol c sol p1essed be1 ell closely to l im Ah sec' be ur grateful for what Uod does " for !le d1er ' lo ".\I'. sta1 d ing sentl) on the long fl post erected near o 1r scat :.i.nJ. a boa11.1 best I ;'1\l therefore b1 eJ\y idate o thee bnd gc of Sch 11 vach gave a n1an of Salz po 1 it \:V l at can t be ) I et a c see all that baa Lefallen us But I had nearly burg tl r ~e le 1ce w th t i eoe "orJs It I S 1 e t1 ere 1 ot le tero c1 t upo1 l t l fo1gotten !rum my exceo;isn e Jff\ to tell not Ol l 101 l (to l ht t only t he pnest~ vi o Barbttra pas ion\t1.::ly embrat;I ghct fatl thee what happened between Halle a d oca 01 jOllrn1srry AQlnow .Bu1La.1a er i uplorc l him 'vith broken \ 1ce Let P otsclan Before we "ere pe1 n1ttel to e11 I trust co1 clu l e tn"\ 1te1 s go on fatl er ter I ot!::da1n a su1geo n can1e to ( xn.n11 le 1 s \\ell 1 igh heal< g l tl vilh JO) and n el Ouly I ove a l!Ltle patience lU) dear t tl e gate to ascertain if tl ere ~ ere nn' anchoh Con1e to n e ~p eedily I sbonl I ltkc to lrno' 1! I can still re ·d fe\ er or infectious n1alady a1nl g8t 1s As ca nst not 1 n1ss tl e ' vay any ch l<l. Virll sh o v H e 11 e v nearer to tl e I st wnd calmly tl e1e was notb1ng of the ]nu :I the cle1g\ L1 ee tie road \' e l ave h1l1 c1to tul e l nnJ real tl c lD ".'.>C pt1on th en t urn u0 himself tl c un1vcrs1t1eli! antl. the cluldreu of the o are still t o t i.ke 1th t stran,.,P. sn11le to 1 strembli gtla 0 h phan school came for uq and ti n0 1n~ sp r a r l k s c1y so I fo1 1ne le My eyes le s id l a >e be ome ttual soi gs all the \\ 3.J con lucted. s to tbe p1eserve tbce a fe 1n bod r >yal ga1dens On all Eildes \\~re ln xur1 tnt ve1y Lie cherous they would pct8uade iue A..1nen th at th ie IS ,i;ntten IIERE F\ITEIFUL TO trees m fuU blossom In one of the broad ti e ThJ I ('JVI C lll"' a l Carus1 rr E!5TJ TH IN Gou CATHERINE ~{AN wa.lks \\ c 'vere made to stand 111 t\.J1 extend ed long hne Then a numerous rehnt c of su i.t: o v g LICKE:-.f His smile changed to hoirot H rns hen} e percen:ed hts daughter on the noblemen and gentlemen approached IR Afy eyes were quite dazz1ed so iu tch did CIIAPTER XI X Io 1t of fuu t ng Hastil) he once n1ore their dresses sl 1ne and glitter i n thti s n Ba.1bare1. lead the lettr.r with tea1s oI luoke 1 at the record of lue nnbappn i::ss and llut 'vhen nt last a gentleman stepped for JOY Hga o an<l ugn.1n Sl e , as alovo all then t.h11.,w huuseU pro!::trate on tl e grave \\atd nnd th e people rnformed us that he deh 0 1tc1 >Jtl the pu1t \\] ich told her how of lus w1fe whom vi le fanat1c1~m had not "as the kl ig I aux1oush hs tene 1 in 01 le1 I ct flan:. spoke to tl e k n 0 Ll <l presented that I might not lose a won] t hat be utt er l 11 1\ltl the baH cons 11eJ B ble " e I ed \\ c saluted hun " ith great respect but flo n the flan es She concealed ti e [re not upon our knees I will no\v descr be ou:; co 1Ill u cat1ono in her bosot Soon ~{anhcl en I The Indian Girls ~evenge Geo ge G1anv Ile you \\ill I ot n1arry il e wl te n1n. 1011 and en.st p oor l\1 11 a from you Min a \OU l ttle goose vo 1 k1 ow fo1 I have told yon that I an compelled to u1ar1i Ida Welhngtou 0 r laws )Oll do not untlerstand but I a1a eni:1ugetl t h e: and in one \\eel we n.re to be married Listen Oeoige Gran' 1lle nnd bewa1e M n:a tlrn cast off Indian maiden tel!B you if yo t marry J our "l 1te Leal t) that she will be revrngcl You shall learn that mi hat1ed is as deep a!.I iuy love ~oohsh MHna )OU-- = = P =O= E T= RY= = GETTING MARRIED l The speaker stop} eU fo1 his com pan1on 1ad t11n1;: l JronI h1n1 ::in l spr g ng nto a. hght canoe 1noore 1 to tl e in er bank sl e paddled s111ftly fiom the shore Young G1anv1lle stool for n. mo ncnt 1n he moonh0 ht WatChlll~ the rar I lJJ l "ll) pear ng canoe \Vlth its s nnlE> occupant an l ti en \v1th a n1uttered c 1rse he t l't eU h 1s steps 1 the d rect1on of a stately h o 1se wl ch c Id be seen tl iough the treea not a great \lay off E icated m llxiry and ,.no\\ cd by h s pa.rents to have lns ow1 wuy George G1uu \llle had been spoiled e tu !\ON\ h~u qtute a jOutb and as he grew olde1 1t beca1ne n101c e' 1dent 1n his character Reared n his hands01ne hotne iu South Uarohna Gru.nv1Ue 1 ad frorn t n1e to tune n.ited tie large ct es of tlie United States and tbe1e 11 <lulged Ul the' ces "h1ch run youn 0 1nen Not 1nany miles f1on1 lus pn te1n11l ho1ne \\as tbe vtllage of a tribe ot Indians and freq cntly wh1le hnnt1ng in th · wood s, Uram lie had rested all n ght n the 'v1g ~an1 of tie Ina1an cln f 11 n a. the Clnef s daugl tt:!l a n a den of s xteen was beaut ful beyond clesc111 ton and 1 0 n or ng the ad I cs:,ces of the yo ng men of her t11be sl e ht\J l stene l to the hon ed "'ords of you1 g {.J"ranv1lle a1 d 1n a short tune l cca ne a v1ctun to wo1nau e tru t:1 t and man s pe1fidJ G «I \ Ile had 11 vn 1sed to nu1.ke bhn1a l 1s vrfe anrl the Indian g 1l b ~ he\:ed it un t I she at length found Ol t he ' as to 1nar rJ tl e c.laughtel of age1 tl1.: 1nan vl o had late lv moved 1 to the n e1ghbutl ool Up I eanng tht:> sn.d ue \S !\f na had tt on ce gotten into lier l ght en op an l pa<ldleJ 8\\1ftlv do\Vn th e rner llI ttl he c1n1 e to the re 1<lence of Gra.n'\'.1lle s fath er i\foori 1g ber canoe to tl e bank she l1 a l wnndered throt gh the giounds a) d n eet ing a seI\ ant, sent hnn to tell h1s jOUt g n aster of h er l 1esencc \\ tl f Par at hit> l eurt for blS treachery Granville obe) e<l be suu1mons and as be gazed in to the d i rk lov1 g eve.s vf lhe In<llan g1r1 his con sc er.cc ll bra dcd h1n foI Ins conduct to her D tt having bound l11n1self to 1-1 ss I la \:Yell ngto1 ln an engagement Vih1ch vas sl ortly to be consumn1ated ID 1narr111ge he ha:l detern1111cd to cast .frl11ua off bcbev l g he coul<l do so '\ th 11npu11ty Tl e intervie v Letweeu the two '\a~ at firqt a stor111y one and 1ts term 1nation the reader has eeen for rt commences th 1a storv Geor:,e Gram tile and Ida Welhngtou '"ere rua.r1 ed and left the1r Southern home to SOJourn for a fe,v J C;HS in Eur ope lour year· passed and n0 a111 they \'fere in the i; ~t ~r1car: hotne and haltng heard i Jthn1:-. au ce lus return of lns cast ff lo' e George Granv lle b egan to hope that her ti reat to hart lnm would uev"r be f iltilled Happ) rn the l ove of In· beam1ful mfe and little daughln !to wlnled awav day alter lay lll eI JOVDl@llt Ouce ouh: hn<l ho \ 1s1ted the In han v l ]age \\h e1e he had pns·ed many happy days in boyhood a.nil 1~a.rn11 g tl at M1n1a had left tl ere two l ears before and lad not s nee been l ea11 fr on1 be rode borne \\1th the last though t of h J.rrn fron1 her fad 1ng frotn l11s hrart But, hav1ng becorue p r [el by ti e soctety ol bl8 wite vl on he lov c<l tlerntcdl be b tterly 1eproached hnn self fot the wro J 0 do 1e the Indian gal Anotl et year V""eJ and Mr and Mro Granville mourned the loss of their little gnl \\ho ha<l d1el by so1ne 11ngeung dis ease which no sk ill of the ph ysician could cme or fat! om Another ch1ld a boy had been born to them and 1n tenderly canng for the little 01 e, they felt less keeuly the loss of th en little Uau 0 hte1 .NOV CCS rrre apt to poke f 1 at tl C f O::>r v t ms 0£ 1natr1 llony t1 ey look upon the 1 a1tc1 ' t h consJderabl1:: b tmor anu they r culc ti os vho have 'v oun d up a long or short cou1 tsh1p as the case nay be bJ get h 0 nRTl ed Sorne l ear le 11 a 1 age this as tl ey would any otl e1 atter of Luciir es.'! oth e1a seen1 to ]03e all tl c vis loin tt!et 1 they ever poa ses<:i.e l 11 e' e1 t hey l ad a J others nga.1n are tl c h.:q I est n1ortals i n the unn eree 1 'vi 1le a fou1 ti cl i.ss ex pi::neuce 1 o hu g but dbapp o1n t 11 :it nnd so1 ro\\ :3 f1on1 the be g 1 1 11 g to the ond of tl c .fhapter Such at ra gc cxr cnence s and fee~n 0 s ate not at t1 butable to t1 e n1ere tact of gettu1n mar r1 cl b 1t to a 'ar1etj of other influences, vh ch br ne:;s JOV 01 sort a \\ accord1ng to tl e I at i e of the parties engaged The mo lt.'.st flower droops and bows 1ta l ad 1f j ou touch its tcn de stenla while tl e giant 0,1,k lcf cs th i: rag on and b1t1ng Llnst t1 !:! I r natures ate chff~ 1 e nt hence the d ffere1 t t:ffect11 So 'vllh gett ng n1arned how pleasant a1e all tbu s t rto111 <l11; 0 ~ and ho v happy ttre th e de\ oted col ple in qt est of an un1on wlnch to th enl 1s to l rove the sesan1 e of all tl t 1s good but with others there ard n1anj oUJt:chonal le fcutute<:: bomeFi have to be t erd a ged r c \ r elat1ons h ps for ned, old fan Jlj ties l roken ui and allhougb t\\O fo1 cl hcnrt.s l !!ut in SJ p tl ) th ere are son1e regrctt1 after ull It is an a.ct \\' btch 1neans l le1 1ble rf'spons1l 1lity and though stru 1gl) LU ocat ng n atrin101ywefreq1ent ly fe\r,.th \t thf!re snot "uffieicut con~1d e r atio n gl\ et io t1 e sUbJ ct It is not an un on for n le\\ \Ve t k but a hie t1n1e hence ti CCC<;!:: ty of ca it1ou l efore th e f nal step lti t'll en Tl ere JS no act v;Jth so 1 l t h portn. ce lt cbt'd rnoi:e l tble to be t1 ns l extlt' e~ fa. rh s~en1 to ntel!t u, LITERATURE The Exlles of Salzburg v;1tl out any co s1 l ration \\hatev er 1 ence ti e fam h b t;ke1 1 gs a.t cl un I <Ll p) humes ~fair age isl ono1al l bt t \ e counsel ca 1 t 1on n.nd prurlence Jo e s I hncl th ey say Thu k :se1 o ~ h Lelo1e 1 arr es arc 11ade only to be l1oker se t )OUr nffect ou upon 01 e who ts oril y one \vho t4ic1procates v o i lo\ e a d Jon w1 1 neve1 regret lead n.,, 1 lo cd o e to tl e alta and making b<:i )Ott bi !c or in uthe1 vo1d8 0 ett1ng marted -JOH:-1:-.lY The Humanity of a Dog l here are often "e] l a t benticated cases wl ich the 11 st ct tha.t i;o nc doga possess I I "0 'onde1 ( 11 a. l ei::,ree u ses to the sulJ ho e L eig ht~ ot ah 1 an t.} that evc1 :;onl e h rr an be gs lad A. stoty of tlus nature rn toll of a. couple of dog<:: one ot "h1ch was a N wloun 11 tnd und the other u. rnastifl The) w. r e botl po v rl I d gs and ti ougb each \\a!i goo<l n tu red when alone the_y ~ eie very m 1cb tie hab t of fightmg \ hen thev 1net One da\ they had a fierce J.t d p1 olon,.,e l battle ( n a per tror1 the po nt of whwh tbey b th fell rnlo the sea and as the pier v. a1;5 101 g and steep, they had no 1ncans <.1f escape b tt bJ sw11nm1n 0 a considerable d1 tance Tl ro\ 1ng \Vater upon fii::iht ng tlog~ is an apJ roved n1eana of putting an enc.I. to tb eu host11It1es and 1t i s no.tural to : , I 'JO Re th at tl e two con bat unts of the sun c spec1eE1 t n bl11 g them se l~ cs n tl e set o 1 l lave the sane affect It h ad a I e1ch bega1 tc m ko for tbe l m I as l e 1 c t could The Newt un Ua1 d, Le nn an excelle it S\\ 1 1 n er very Ei} eedllJ ga 11ed ti c p er n v l ich he stood sbakmg h111 selt lJ t ut ti e qrune t 1c~ Wltch ng tl e i t1on s oi h s late a tag u l;jt \ ho be 11 g I 0 BWi 1 l \ u.S Stl ugi::.l D,... (!X:a sted in the \Vat e1 a l 1 st a bo t t to sink In ri al;hed the N c too 1 I la t d do0 took the other "cntly by tbe oo llar I ept l 1> head :tbo'\ie :vater a l br uC"l t I 1 u eaf1::ly on t1bore 1h(;!re vus a peculiar k11d of reco0 n1t1on lJ t veen th1:1 t" o n.111 ds they never lon,..,bt a 0 a u they 'Vere. al \ il s togeLI er and \\ e1 the Ne found! d lo., I uJ been ace <l·ntly k 11lo l by tl passage ol a 11ag gon o'er h1111 tl e otl er Jan gt isl ed, and t \ IC eDtly laruented fot a 10 11:1 tln1e l ] 1 UTILITif I Ba1ba1a no -:v unal le to .espeak enibiaced h c1 fatbe1 at 1 he pressecl Ins daughter to luo Jo11dy ancl des l"tc heart (le be Conti :Pro Ilono :Pu.blico. e 1) Giants of Ancient Times DR. B. PATTERSON, Farewell, HoQee, & Batledge, 11 oso ho fond of tl e man ello , or of poctr) -fond enough to pur,iie tic search for a fc, hundrecl lea0 ue!!I maJ ) ct sec i u the v..1lds of ' ' ester1 Arner1ca. t1 e foot steps of a g g nt1c racl? of ag1ent rn lt1tutl~ 101p1cssed on the top oftbe eohd rocks over ' hich they pasoed 1Jth all then herd, and ilocko:: a;; it 'vould a1 pear b) the ti acks be f-V.[tt tl e r :iterials of st ch rocks had q-10\ n l ah:l The In :hanq l p the M ssour1 ielate -an<l the tale is corrobo1ate l b) trust ' 01tl y whrte men-that such footsteps aro met "ith aud that an ong the mulhtude of hacks no v v s ble in th e sohd 1oc&:, I hat Ui<eful k l o vle<lge 8houl l receive Ret 1rn1 6 fro1n a bunt one dark stoimy 0 1 Ir t an l ch el c.a ,.e in an uot to n ght Gru.u,ille \Vas strickli:n 'Vlth woncler d1t:ipute B t in o r JO\ s of it htv \Ve to find hlo second cluld dead and lns w·lfi nay differ :fron1 son e vho tnke th1s I os1t1on ahnost cI"ar.ecl kneeling beside tho httle Th ere are those who cot.1Br e t i I:! term to the neceo::saues and corntorts of hie and to corpc::c All Lhe expla1 atlo 1 \\as that th e ti e nieans o1 prod ucn g tl rni Au i 18 it ch1l<l. ha 1111 som~ w1y obtained a po1<:.on true t hnt \VO neecl no knowledge but that ot s herb and puttln 0 it in tu hrs mouth it wl ch clothes a.nU feeds us 1 h 1d caused l ts death The son ' as placed A large a U 1nc1eas n.., p1oport1on of n1e In the fam1l v ton1b \vtth the daughter' 1 o chan1ca.l labor 1~ t-.. Yen to tl f grat1ficat1on of had gone bctore, and the brok~n hearted u elega t taste Ilo :v suuple vould he the parents vere left to n1ou rn their lost ch1l a rt of bt 1 ltng fit I u1ted Itself to the con dre str ict10 1 of a cun1f rt.al le shelter Ho\v Theaad Llov uealtuponthe)Otllg\\tle rnanv shpsshould e drsn itle and low brol Cher dO\Vl ana lTI a fe\V short n1011tl S 111RD) b ISY trades pt t to rest "ere dress she \Vas placed 1n the gra' c at d l r t 1c 1ccl 1ce<l to the stnndard of Wou1 <lolf\n 'v1tl gritifa.ud cn.1e Gro.nv1lle conven1en ee The ut1hty v.ould work de ter nH ed to l eave his i111t1lie hon1e> and great cl a11ges 1n to vn an 1 countr\ would again travel in Eu1ope lev cl to the dust the \Vonaers of a1ch1tectu1e Ile wos standing ues1de \he tomb of thooe voull " rn h<latc the fine arts and blot out he ha<l loved so dearly and ta.-k111g a la8t 1 nnnn1er'l.blc beauties ,vhich the hand of looK upon tl cir earthly resting place belore taste has ·pi cad over th e lace of the earth his dcpartt re when he '\as startle i b\ a !Iapprly ht man nature is too strong for the m ocking laugh He turned and stand u g unhtnno.n It cannot sat1sty itself with the near lum was Mirna the Ju h an gul \Vho n convcu ent '!\ 0 pas~ion unfolds ito;:;elf he had so c1 lelly wronged sooner than 1.l e love of the 01nan1ental 1'1at red by ) eais haggarecl by suffen u.o The savage decorat es lus pe1son [Ln:l th e but ;utb ·wild Joyous light rn her eyes olnld B mote struck ;11\h tho beau ty than }f1ma glanced at G1anv1lle \Yho in Et 1no the u"eB of itBia1n1ent ment read all in the n:oman s face S1 e So far frorr1 hn1 t1ng ou1 ~el\es to cocven ha<l been ievenged ient food and raiment, we enJ O) l it little a George Granville I p01soncd J our chi! repast "b1ch lS not arrrn 0 ed with ·ome de dt en and vour wife I told you to be"a1e gree of order and taste and a man "ho this IS my revenge shou J conciult co111fort alone in lua ward 11 ithout another word, Muna turned,anu robe "ould find hnnsell an unwelcoma left the spot '\bile ber v1ctuu cxclatm u g guest 1n circles " l 1ch be \Vould ,e1v re F1en<l 1ncarnate rcclc l and fell t 0 tl e luctantly forego \\ e i 1 U\ ate tl at the gro 1nd 1 pro1 enstt) to \ lu c1 \ e I il\ e iefcned often He found by his ser,an ts and ca.r lrral ~ o t i c;..:t1 \aga1 ce an l 1u110 1s lux i ed to the hon!'IC T\YO clays aftc1 he left t rj It tea I ~ e en in ts ex es1il:!s; that lus no.t1ve land ..1 1 :t.fte1 \\andcu g for tl e ltl i of L a ty ~ u le ht c ible p11n year~ a. l tokeu hearted n1a11 and a 'tel 1n toremoisetorllf!C!:lr\'\i Sil) he de} ft C lf} eufo nattl ell} SRlDglctrtth 18 tore gn lan 1 at 1 \ as b rought home a1 l ~1 o 0 h o I it ns o l o 1 g ar l nga nst ~ul bnue l l y the 8tde ot h s w le an 1 cl ldroi 0 rr1 i ot on R of ut ht "a.s