-"4:::: THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1872. O A . STORE TO LET. 1 11 .1 NE door Weet of ?tir . L. Coriiisb't! Jewelry Store. For ~aTticulars, enguil'e of JO:SEPH .A.NDitE\VS, Senr. Bovnnn.nvillc, )fay 23rd, 1872. S.1-tf. STRAYED; REI> n,nd \\"'I-111,E CO\V with a. white faue. Sh e i,; about to i:alve . ...<\.ny perr:; oJ1 givh 1g in · formation, or returning her tO thu premises of )i\7illi~un Enrly Grocer ,.....;1 1_ hf!lsuitable rewanled ' Po\vn1;u1villc, May WILLIAM EARLY. ~1111, I . N II tl~dcd TO T_HE PUBLIC 'Vr\..L rrER v"\TI GG & " · 1,:,72 in3l·tf. retur.uiDg tba.itk~. to _ t heil' l~ume:rou~ Customers, and t he :Public g<mel'aU y, fur pru!:t fa.vot-8, would respectfully lln'1te thetr attention to olU' present stock of Furniture, us we have lately thcreto, _ ,that ';Ve rua,y ther<lb}' be enabled to EUpp}y ~~Jl pnrtiCS who 1n.ay please to f.~VOl" l.il \\·i~h ~ call. G-reat inducements held out to those purcha..<J1ng at O"Hr Est ablrnhment, P1cturaa, Looku~g Glasses, &c., fran1ed to oi·der, n.nd in every sytle. Sam-plef of thedifferent kinds of Mouldrngs can. he f.!een at lhe W a.re-room. '\Ve wou1d also beg to inform you, that, having ptu·- chased a STRAYED. NTO the Subscriher'e premises, Lot 13, 6 t , OU6 Con. DMli"11gto11j in November las_ Sheep. 1'he owner is requested to proYc prop· el'ty, pllty expenses, and ta.Ire her away. SPLENDID NE'W 1 HEARSE, r.nd reasonable terms. I shall be ready at all times_, to attend FunN·aJs, on <:hort noticci r weN . B. Coffins kept on hand, 1.nd made to ot-der, at the w. Darlington. April 18th, 1872. CURTIS. 29-tf. I NEW DONJNION RETAIL FURNI1 URE 'W ARE-ROOM. Of:!haw:t 1 Aug. 26th, Ut"70. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. New Business. iDJorm the public that as Mr. R . Reed1 s .business has changed hands, he has open bu~ 1nel3>S on hill own account in t he ~bop t'vo doors \Vest of ~IurdClch Bros. ; wh(re be wi ll keep on hand a fin;t-class stoek of Boots a~d Shoi:s suita.ble for the season. Order wotk will have his pro1npt and best attention . Twenty fiv e yearg exper·ience in the trade, u1ore th o,n the In.st two of which he has spent as cutter. and general lll:.wager in l\fr. H..t-e1l'i:; ttst a.UlIBh ment, h as :;i ven hi1n oppor t unities of learning what th e people ren.lly want. He has the1·efore 110 doubt o~ being able to give satisfaction to a.11 '~'h_o !.= hall favoi· hin1 with a call, and hopes bJ-· br:iv1ng diw attention to bw:1iness to receive a fa.i.r aha.i·e _of - - -- - ·· --- ---- r · rr HE SUBSCRIEER be<.r· 1·espectfully to public suppoTt, Spring Stook Of Dry Goods fo now complete with all the novelties of the season. Men and Boys Suits, IHPBO VE111EN1'S ! ·- : o : -- J·. SMALJ<; . The new stock was opened out on SATURDAY, 1 U<J'Cli Bros . th~nstant. . " J. ~. REMOVAL TO LARGER PREMISES :o: - ltcmcmbcr· t l'ro place, two c loor8 "Vest uf ~iur.· A'I' TlJ.E ---·-·~ ---'-- -·- --- -·------ Mrs. E. Cawker, in retiring fro1n businos:~. begs to return her si~<;ere thanks to her numerous patrons, for then· Uberal ~mpport during the tim e she has been in Millinery Goods, I 'rHOiv.tAS :SASSET'r Has Re~oved his ~tock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware to the large and' commocl10us premise~ recently o~cupied by .Messrs. McClung Bros. as a Grocery Store, opposite the Ontar10 l:fank. . CO.RNER ST()RE. buE!iness. .At th1:i 1:i:.:tn1e time, sb~ begH to an· uounce that :,;he ha:;! retired in fa.voi· of lier two ' Sons, whom she trusts, by Dress Goods, --_- - ... McCLU.NG BROS'. Spring Stock is complete in every department and will be sold cheap for Cash. ---:o:--- S1'RW1' ATTENl'ION TO BUSI NE SS and suppl;ying a . Parasols, Kid Gloves, etc. Also a large stock of FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, bestow~ CJO.WLE. ----~·---------~- t o still merit that patronage sff liben1.Uy ed upon heT . Card of Thanks. Fo~ the ;ery liberal. vatr~nage extended to me dming the period of m.'t' connect10n with the Hardware Trade, I beg to return my smccre thanks to the public. My endeavor ha.~ been to serve the public faithfully and folly·; and the measure of increased support with which I have been favored is .evi.dence that business has been conducted upon correct prmcrples., Increa.5e of business necessitating incrP,ased accommo~at1011, that .w ant ha.9 been fully met. I hope to meet .with all old fnends, and many new ones, in my new pi;emrses. - -- :o:--- Stall No. 1. Market Buildings. Bowmitnville, Jai1. 18tb, 1872. 16-tf. l'ro :Bono Publioo. ALL Kl.NfJ~ 01~ ... cancers . and tGllDcrs 'l.'AKEN OC'l' AN D . Gentle1nens }"'urnishing Goods, Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts, Ties and Colla.rs, etc. Bowmanville, May 7th, 1872 Cured without the Use of the Knife, by DR. B. PATTERSON, .. of Bo·wmanville. Th1' best of referencea given in l3owm&nvil1c and elaewho1·e. Office on Ch1n·ch St reet :Bowmnnville. Fel:i 22, 1872. ly·m210-6 In addition to my previous large and well-assorted Stock o/ 1 ly Shelf and Heavy Hardware, I have purchased the Bankrupt Rtock of Edwin Horsey , that er.ables me to ·offer my cuutomers W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADUATE of t he U 'nivereitiei:s of Trinity G Collegei 'roronto, and \ ictoria hourg. Liccntin.tc of the College of PhySJ01ans 7 Colle8"~ ' .Cll· and Surgeons, Ontario. OfficA and rcsidc11cci Silver StreE:t, on e U oor south of Dr. Reid's Surgery, Bo\Ymanville, Ont. GREAT BARGJ-\INS ! Persons a.bout lo bui.ld will find it their advc~ntage to give me a call. To parties commencing housekeeping lean offer special inducem~nts in Bow1nanville: April 30, 1872. ol8·1 I)31-tf. CAUTION l am .; olo og·nt for LAZAHUS &MOH- lUS' perfected Spectacles ancl Eye GlasThey never s1 l pply- or en1 plny rtuy others. IIowever specious the ri\~~cn cc made hy them that they haYe flem, do not believe it you will lie swindh d if ye:iu do AARON BUOKEER, agent for Bowmunses. STOVES, ltOtTSE-FtTltNIS:EINO- GOODS) :E:':'C., lV.IY Ar.I'OOK At present embraces every article URunlly kept in the Hardware Trade. My stock of Paints includes a.ll the Best Bmnds in the market, viz : ville and vicinity. -------,---------·-·- -·- -- SECOND-HAND. OH a, Second-Baud Orga,n, 11ea.rly new. FDouble ltced, four Stops, 1nn.nufaotured ~ al e by Ti: asr;y & Co., B1·atll1;;boro', tl1ing for u s;e in Si~bbn.th v~er. lT . S. J ust tlrn 29-tf. · School or T-'odg-c. I --- ------·---·~----- HowrrHinvil1e 1\p11l l 8th 1872. RICE & BARKER. ·-- :k:-ughleWoolen rr1 IIE n (iO 'I' Mms:--- Jam.es's, Walker's, Brand.ram's, wnd the cetebmted ELEPHANT WHITE LE.AD di1·ect from .A lexandei· Fm·guson's Paint Works, Glasgow: <icl.mowledged by dz Paintei·; who have 11sed it to be ihe Best Lec td in the 1narket. . ~ l~BSCB.IBJ?R take"' !Jleasnre i~1 ii~forrum g t he pubhc that the above 1nill 1a ooni pletc iu (~ ve 1y rei:l pct, an~l u n ch!t· th e Jn an:; ':cn1ent of exp erienced han~ls .. H e is now }iJuj".·::,·cLl t o u."( l';Clt~O c ~· er)' tfos~~r1plwn of \vm·k in d 1~s style, and \vith despatch. paid, or Cloth given in exchange · for Wool CUNNINGHAM & BROOK. Darlington, I\iiay 25th, .18.71. ly-:.H. Ca~h I · DARLINGTON, fJ T. '\?'E a A .Ju~t r.e cei\'ed Choice lot of FOR SALE. Second I-la nd l)etnocrat i:;nit:i.ble for Co tul~ .L1 ..J...tTy work. Inquire at )forrif:!'EI Ca.rringo I1'nctory. Bowma.nville, l\>Iay 23rd. 1872. NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Da.t~s, Lemon, Orange a.nd. CUi:tcm~lreels, NUTS J_iist arri l"ed and now on exhi bition iii our Show Room, a new s11pply of Organs, Sty le 4, in liosewood. Others are expected in a few days. RICE & BARKER. Bo\ymanville, May 7th, 1872. Remember the Stand---immediataly opposite Ontario Bank Sign of the Golden Anvil. · ' T. BASSETT. Bowmanville, April 26,- 1872. m.3rn-n30. - -- -- --------- - ---.And yet ctnothe;· ai· 1·ival. Fou1· additional Oi·gans, 2 style 5, and 2 style. ·o. Call and e:camine them SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND INSOLVENT ACT --OF 1869. IN GREAT VARIETY. · --..:.. In tlj_c mattci· of JOHN BAWKS, an Insolt1trnt. The Insolvent has ma.de an _i\.ssignn1ent of his el:itate to me, and the Creditot·a Rl'll nt1Li6.ec\ to meet at my office 1 l{in;:::- Street1 in Bow1n:<,uvi llc, on Also BaiTels and Boxes of- REWARDS. - :0:-- Beautiful Candies, with an assortment of TUESDAY, the Eleventh day of Juue, A. D. 1872, at Ten o'clock in the forio:noon, to r ecei ve :-itn.te;nents nf his affairi:i, and to appoint < H.l CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington ha.s a.gain Teceived an.;thcr lot of thoas celebrated ---- ------- ~- ---- --- We have just opened one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF As"Oiguee. - OHAIU,ES BOOTH, l't1te1·im, AMignec_ :PtiltE LEAF TEAS, Qucility is th6 Test of Cheapnr:ss. ' J)a.toJ at Bu wm ·~nville , th le 28th day of ~fn.y J.'>. . :o. 1872. 35-2in. c~.mbrian rrI:I1~ -------~---1 Woolen Mills, Hampton. - - - - -- - - -- - -TO CALL AT Eowmanvi.llc, Dec. 22nd, 1870, n12-tf Sabbath School Libraries and ltelvards I JrA.l-iJ subscriber returns thapks to his nurner· ou.s custoniersfor tht'.lir liberal 1nt.tronage,and 3-. continuance of their favors. Carding, Fulling, Cloth D1·e1:18ing, and l\Ianufa.c:,-turin g of every a?scription, executed at lower:it re111unerative pT iCCfJ. A.ny quantity of g-~od inerclmn t~hl ti :wool bonght,, fm· which t h e hlghrnit cash ~)r.teo will ):ill paid. 'l'o tbo::; e hav1n~ large quautl.t ier-:i, s p ecml i nJ u ~;.fnwnt!:l ·.vlll be offered. ·"!. D . 1,..c.\.YLOI~. lia.!1 q1ton, :lltt.y 2m.l, 1872 n1:::11-4w. h op es to merit J.. & W.. J. McMurtry & Co Are now showing a foll assortment of .A. iirie lot of For H:u·.,ess, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability and cheapness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity To those in .A .RREAH.S, he would say JY.IASON'S ·NE'IV SPRING GOODS, 1872. ·---o,--- Large Supplies & Stooks Complete. KT- 'l' B 1; - e):'.er offered for salo in Bowmanvil!e. Parti~s wishing to replenish their School Libruries, or to purchase Re. wards, will please to remember two things: First, Our Stock of School Books is no old stuff; picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years. \Ve have sold out and refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen times during the p 0 ~t year, and have now purchased so largely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. Second, We have not marked our books at high figures with the view of t;aking off.a large uiscount .. 'l'hcy are marked low for general sale, and a discount of TEN PER CENT. Wlll be allowed on purchases ranging from $1. to $50.; over that amount 1·1FTEEN PEU CENT. will be allowed. We respectfully invite an inspection of our J... ot No. 12i in the 3rd Con. C. l >rtwnght, Steer oon1inrr tw o y ear i; oltl. Tli e owne1· can h:i..ve him i.,on proYing prup er ty, ancl paying expensi?s. STRAY STEER. OA11E into t~fi. pre1nii.!es of th~ Sub~cribf;1·, Oa1·twriglil:., J a·n. 3l·d,· 1872. J , GEDDES DRY GOODS AND l}flLLINERY. I :. 1"e11iple ~ J1 ash/iori Os/i,awa 1 9 lVI I~ [:5 T ]~, ]~ '\V I N 11ow .41. r 0. N E }(Hl/ . DURHAM BULLS. DURHAM IHJLL. Calv t!~ , Cloth and· Gents Furnishing. ·- - - o - - - YOU MUST PAY UP pleased t.-"J a.lJllO\ H 1c e, thai li e is prepnred to 1dicw ffil<l EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK l'ho!;e who have alreaJ.y settled, will pl ea.fie :ic cept ou1· hearty tha.nks. A ·ce'"!J large (iJld co1 nprehe17.sive Stoclc of Sp1·i1ng Sn:;1111w1 · Stclplc and Fcwcy Dry Goods, Pock.et. Books, Allnuns, Writing Desks, Laclies' Corn1)a.uions, OF 01d, 1-tnd--m·o Bull o:rn Y EAI\ very tine-pric;e M. ,J Uc\I . . S. 'MASON. Bowrri'lnville Di.:c S1·d. 1869, nlO .1'\.m l \',·oultl c:;.pocl ully n:cntioH son1e vc1·y ht rik in,o fHHl muaziu;;lr b~autiful lines in ' ;;s, . · ,. , -~~·~~~v i_ ll_ e ,_A _~:ril lS_ 't_ h,_1 _ 8~ 72 _._ _ __ A full Stock of Just Arrived.. PICT URESBY THE T H0 USA HD. G to the g re:,i.t flcm::md of O\VI?T tiful pictutes, ~ AND ----·-- - - - - - -- -·- -- DHESS GOODS, 8HA\VLS, ---0--·· ~\ii MANTLES. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the m()!it la.sting, t he least tro ~ Lle:-mne, and 1n'J$t com1)lete uver ini,·euted. '!'hey aru used aa "'!d recommended by n1auy of the best Bl"eede.rs n th!3 lT1)itad States and Ua.nada., such as G. B. Loring, Salem, Mass., President N ew EngJa.nd \V'ool l1rvwers' Society; John S. Ross, Jienne-· pin Ill. · P rofessor lvl. ].files, of the State Ai;ricclttu·;l College~ Lansll1g, ~ficb. ; Hon. Geo. Bruwn Toronto, Ont. ; J ohu Snell, l:dmonton, Ont. 'On each ~.fa.rk is stam ped .tho ow_ne1 ·'1:1 nil.me and the Sheep's number. '!'hey w1ll be ~e 1t f ree , by n1a.il, or c.xp1ess, for ortllf fcur Gent ·a:)h., and will J u i,;~ for TWENTY YE.ms. ' ~w- Ca.qh mnstaccornpan y ~1ll order(> ARCIIIllAf ,D YOU 2'G, J H., ' · · ·, - Sq.rnia, Ont. Order;; add1:essed to tho lVf Encu:.'i":r and Oiihi Elt\"_En Offi(:f' , fm any quantity, will b~ tilled at t bc nbove-mentioned rrice, as quickly [L3 the. I\1. ar k~ can he in:v.le fHl <l sent. T HESE ::VIAI\KS AltE THE CHEAP EST. F :RESH G·ROCERIES, All to be sold Cheap. 0 1 11;:~ l)cau- The Millinery Department wi ll Ue fonnJ 1i1n1suidly :i.Ltra.cti~ <~ t hhl ,t>~a~on, replete ' '¥ith sou1e of the choicec:t t.h ingc; in CHICAGO AS IT WAS CHICAGO IN FLAMES, we have foun.d it necessary to get another large lot, a pa,.ir of whi9h will be sen t, pcs.t Jlaid for Blotters, IUilJIONS, FL OWERS, TJUNM)NGB, &:c. . . ~ 1~11d ai;; vnl:y .Fll~S1'. CLAS:S. '1'.A. LE.l·t! P h em1)lo;ycd t o !:>U pe.ti t1tc11d our ONLY F ORTY CENTS Th!!LLINERY, llIANTLE, . ANJl DLU>SS 1UKING, ' Ln<liet. 111&,f ;·ely OU get.ting r~Te1v !Hl.d .F:ii<l.tiolmble c,-:;.al'lnell ~~ w~u mad\j ~ Friends, as far "" Prices are concerned, cttll :tnd judr,:~· fot yourselY..,~. SALrl1 AND Ph.i\S'fER ALWAYS ON H_ A_ N·D Sig·n of tlie ti-olden Lion, llowma.nville. J3ownm11:'iille, ]')fay 7th 1872. Poi;lage Stn.mpu t!l.ikell ai; J;<~rt [Xtyment. S.pecimcns enn be i:;ccn by calliug l\t t his Offi ce . Inkstands, Note Pa1le1\ Envelopes, ~ &c., &c. Agents J11 t~ ve1·y AdU.rtl~$ Wa~ted. Town a nd V--..illage i110ntario 1 to whom tho moeit liberal indnoemc11i3 are ofh.: Ted. ~it;{; \;t.P ~ ·~n T tr~ . .., .. !1"19 g J.{ernembe1· the ~tore, next to tlie W c~t Dnrham Stm1m Printing anrl Publishing H onse, King S tre'e t, Bowmanville. C. 13AlllZE H, U1 J·,v1uauville1 Dl\<.:, ::'.3th, UHL ly-mlJo F. TREBI LCOCK, llQW!lU\JlVi!le, Ont. O>lw.wa, April :lnl , 1 ~ 71. (jOruer :\ ing n.ud Simcoe St~ c& BARKER, NA NAGER. ly - .-.. ~ - -- ----.~ -=~-- ~---------------~ - _,_ ... -