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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 Jun 1872, p. 4

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THE · = ='==='= P = O=E = T= R = Y= . J ~' lL1t MERCHANT, FP.,IDA Y, · JUNE 7, 1872 == -=--=:1 I THE FARM. Why Animals Need Salt 7TT- - - The Poisoned Tongue It is the 1.:usto n1 in Afut: ~ lu1 hnute1s \\hen the~\ lia' e lnllctl a po1souous E n111\e, to vut off its head and carefnll \ bnry it deep Monah and Calvary tb~nli hand upon the lad neither ( 0 thou an"litlnnJ unto lnm '- GJ<N xxu 12 ' He spaied uot ]us O\\ n 8on bnt tleln i ed Jntn np for tu~ lloM \III 32 Goel r thou spa1cd st A.bra.ins son B·1t thou sp:n ed st E.ot O\\ n TI1ou Lehr>ld st the 'ichm bound, J3ut anotbe1 lo 1 is found , '\V)ien the nughty fai th is sbo\vn I\)l the l'"ni.fe 1\.'.\.S gleam1ng do,i,,n , Gorl t.l!Llll f'prued st Abrarr1 i:; so11 B i.1t thou st nuL Lh1ne o .vu, Spatcd st ne1the1 :::1]1a.tnc nor 'viong , Ihorn Clown, spittwg, "Dllt u1g thon n, LaJJ. r;t upon the LntnlJ of t~od A.11 cn1 sins l U 311 then I o~\ 1 { ·O t 1 thou <:i prucdst Ab1a1n "8 11 l)ut 111011 spa1edst notth1nc o'\n Sp t1 ed r-it lll)t tl e t1 n1to1 ki,..;i No1 the twehes n1llruthfuln t: ~ ..\ n.; u11:!h ol h~tlt::1emau e .B1 ttt' l CUJ. );t;I. uf (ah a.I I AT THE C. I MPORT EH, MAi'!UF AC Tu RE n DEALER 111 all the vm1etl 8 of BOUNSALL,--11J:A_}tl) I on TO BEI~IEVE. II Spring · Stocks! J · P1'0! J1\J:l1e" H J olwson of Scotland, <.: fl.yEt that half the salin e P1!l.tte1 of the blood {"'"5 per cen.t ) con~Jl!;,t of common H tlt, and as tlns lfl pru tl;y drnsolveil C\ e.ry da) through the skin and k1dneJ s, the necess1tj of continued supvlies uf 1t to the health;} Lo ly l"' sufficiently 0Lv1ous fhe Lile allio <.:ont tint> !:!otl ~ (one Qf the i11~r\jtl1 ent1:1 uf I:! ~lt) as a. !3pe01 'tl a.nU 1ndispeni:!able ~on ~t1tuent and 80 do all the ca1 ti lag es of the bod) ."Sbnt the supply of salt and ne1the1 w1ll the bile be abl e p1operly to 1JSS1!:lt d1Jestion, nor the c ~1 blages to he hi ult i1p agr:t lll as f tst as they natu) allv wai:;te It is better to })lace Ralt where the stock ran h \\ e free access to it than to give it occas1onally 1n sm \ll quantity They will lielp t he1nseh es to '\\hat they need, if allowed to do f! O f\.t plcMUre Qthor" ISC \\hen they be co1ne i:ialt hungry t]JOJ '\ 111 t tko lnotc thttn lf! '"holesorn e in th e g1onncl A uak~d foot st epp111 0 Oll one of these fang!" "ould be \\Onncl ed I he 1?01 ~011 \Vonld spread ln a \cry I short tuue all throu gh the i:n stern 'l'lus J veno1n l ast~ a long tune, aDd I!!> as dcad 1y after tli e snal... e 1s Jead as before Tho Red Ind1a11s used to dip the po1nh; of their ar10\\s Jn this po1so1i, so, 1± theJ tnade tl1e lea~t ¥.ound, their t1ctin1 "oul<l be sure to <lie The i:;uake s poison ts 1n its teeth, but there is sonic thing qn1tc :ts dangerous, auU much 1nore (Ommon in commun1t1es, "h1ch Italian & American Marble. A huge and choice selection of I TR1JE NEVEI-GTI-IELESS ! SUI\IIMER DRY GOODS AT COST. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, al\ ays on h1111d, of ~mpr:ri or \voikm anslup, and at lo'Vi e t pnces Something long wanted by I Everybody~Everybody W, oiiqlit 01 Cast hon Pences I, fo1 onclo" bnn;ing lots his or her own Painter. Furmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c , k ept 011 hitn d, vr 'uought to u1 ..1~1 respectfully requested at the \\ork~ [(i1'lfj Groceries Vet.If Good Cooking Raism~ only 5 cent8 a pound ,rn<l still cheaper by the Box \. call 1s Begg to inform the Pubhc that, he has recen ed and opene<l ont a. beaut1f11l and y, ell asimrted Stock of G l ' thou i;t iLbra1n I:! :; ])11 t thou "Pal eel "t riot th111 c O\\ n J L 1 b lu t) ~rtr \.,.01d ( f sol.Ace aa relief k liu 1 lct cd at hu-; a 0 ony (' od ! tWJl S} HI o.:d &t . AlJt llll i:i 8Ull J311t thou ::;par ell st-not t111nt o \ 1 ( h e1 t111s tU1Sl ottcd i:;oul \ ll th) \~ n\ es JD thundo.:1 i ol] r11l l11 :; ht!alt "lth QOllO\V bl <: UJ s 1 l hati its poison on It" to11guc Iruleo..:<l, your cb-1.nccs uf t:S c:tpe f1 01.1i a "~rpeu t r\I ( ci1cuter The \\OJ~t su akc~usua.ll\ glIJe twty 1u ftaI at tlic 1pp~1JacL of 1n in, u n1u:;s chsttn bed 01 attncl1..ell. But this c11:atnre, "hose poison Feedmg Stock m Mame lurks rn its tonJUC attack ::. \\Ilhoutp10\oca lhl: l w1nte1 sesmon of the )[u.1uc Bu ud of I t1on, and folk:\\ s up its v1ct1tn w1th l utir ~ g 11cult..··uralwnsh0ldth1s:ieai in the to,\n of inc pell:lC\trc:n< e \\ lll ttll you l11s Plllli::i rrhc sttttc suffe1~d la8t Sllll11llel frmn a. nan1e, $0 ,ou will al\~a\S Le able to ebun Sf1ut, BrY1.ctaanville 1 tf HA TS pa~ses AND CAPS , Ootoliei, lrJt, 18U9 for Spring &nd Sumn1er \\tiar McI_lEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS ) ou need Hus Stock l!Ur ninJi thlng previously offered in the To\\ n His Prices al'e Low, Colton .mcl \Yoolen Goods u,1e achrrncrng, but )OU ca.n b~y them at ]!;Jltutt s fo1 a sh01 t tune nt the old p11ces Now 1~ the time to secme \\ l11tt NOYELTIES CLOTlilNU - Gentlemen m want ol a good fitt1n!<( s1 nt shonld call eaily a t Elliott'" Fnsh10nnblc T!Lilonng Estnbhshment n,nil an~1 his ARE STYLISH "T 1 I THE HOUSEHOLD. The ' Why ' rn Vegetable Cookery \ \ J!V 1:1lw t 11 Ccl 1 \ fu1 l: Ui l c e u1 f :i ~t.i\HUb be lJ< il;;;r..l. i 11 t l1ttlll 11.ulk, b uttu u1<l ", tn<l \\ i~11 uf¥1 c1cnt \~ lL ei Lo \el y I tt lc more tba.nt o\ ei it ., Beca1se 1t 1t::11n1e;i :soft \\ tu t:oJk it lll u.nJ. the n1ill'" 1.·.ud u <1- t e1 111 11 l ch lt is; CO\)l'"cd \\Ill, aftei tho cclei J 1::. l 1 .flfl t: l, "e1 \ e .ror sa uce.£ 1t b e th1ckenl:ld '\ ttlt n e ill t"o t:i,blt::5lJ0011fuls of co1u flou1 1u1xed \\1th a httle uull.. ::mcl ruld111g it to the cel c1y and hquor it is in It is then converted in to n thick s n cc an 1 sc1, eel CLS such or if fo1 ste" P-d ederv th~ l [\ttc1 cn.11omflJ.n 1n the r;auce till 1\ n tud tl en Le plr. ced in a drnh r 11 l the sauc e :-;ti aiHed pln0 nc of Jrnsshoppers more i:;evcr cly than ev before , they don~ 1no1+:, c l:uungc iu Utah in tn.H C"'- past but no State cast o f t lie R ock y J.{1)11nta111 1:;ha::. evc1 suffe1ed poso'\ c1c aualam1 ty !his v11i1t 1.t1on hasnattnn1Iy tu1ned the tt tcnlwu of !v.t ru~1 ;:i to the study of the che i.pcst inuthod l f ft.:l!dllJg r ittlo.: Gn:at nu1n1Jc1 e of tl:ii.::111 .tie \\C1 0 111ug it.Cl u1ately ever) n10uthful off( ocl th ;1,t i::> on te11 by then cattle, 1.nd keeping ~ 11.Kou.l of each day ::i f e ud111g '\71um the w111 1 tt>t is o\.er the) \\111 be able to g 1... e 1c01 LI.ts that n1ay be relied on, IJld \\h1cl1 " 111 r:nlmge the a1 ea cf ag11cnltn1al knowledge 1n \ r:ry coi 1:11d able deg1cc R 10\\ sing 18 icsox t e..1 to t<: "'t:Oll.1'$1 le1aLle c.x t1.:ut. i.lso fr ell to t ho cattle ...<lftei I \ httlc "h1lc they beco1ne \e1y fond of the1n t\ncl t]u s str uige f ood 1:o ccnrn to ans we1 ve1 y well f n t he1n l h er e \\ ~ts a great d eal of \ 1.;1y lH tt:t· st ing 1n atter t:olJlfL.UllICatcd to then Uoa1d, 1\htt:h \\111 p1obt1ly be pnl:hshcU 1u :lue !:!UC't801l u1 thP t 1n11 i:Ll 1 cpo t of the boa1d, in the niean t11 ue t <.if\]e( t a fC\\ iten1s lU adv unt:e f· l Lhc 1 Hkit-::; of tLc Ill 1 al 1\ C! 1 tH !.. e: "\.[i l'bnyci fint.hi that t\\Cnt~ llouuds of \Vell cu1erl ht\j 'Jlll dn1d 0d tnto th1ee equal po1 t on s Ile 1s c tl led Slc1nde1e1 ' " than , Olten 11111 'eruon \'\ Or " · "'"l!Je11t "'" st11kes to th~ life ol t \\hole ~1n11ly or ne1ghborhoo l, de t1 0\lil;4' al l peace ,ind fident e bun P1ep.i1 cd io1 uned1,\te use, .iml nothmg but the purest materials used, and 1equnmg no fmlhe1 nnxture of IJ c po1sons 011~, TUlpentme, and Dijc1 s 'l hen compo..-;1tion cons1 ts solely of The 'vhol~ will repa.y tn~pectton_, and li e co1d1al ly extends an 1n"li1tat1on to ah hlB old fneud s sir; many new one" a~ ma:y feel inclined to be bnncfi.ttcd by having ! This J:mtr.Y is b1.'!:hly recommended to Ladles as a most D!iJ:recablu V'reparn.tiou for tb.o Toilet For Beautifying the Complexion, and re11dering tho Skin Soft White, Clear, o,nfl freo from Dryness., it 1a unrlvailecl It wlll c1u.1ck\y remove a1 1Rednee~ ltou!Z.hnese, Tau, Frecli.Jatc1, Pimples, v.ndolherim· perfect1on1 For Chapped lifl.lH.131 Chllblfun1, Frost Bites Rnd S"ro Ll11 ~ 1 it ca.nnC>& be surpaueu. P1' 1 e Colo, , P n1 e 1Vhite Lewl Pi" e lV/nte Zt7w, Lmsee<l Oil, Spii 1ls of Titrpentmc, & Di yei s, cc,irefnllv ,mrl scrnnbfical!b1ned " " ,1 tisiact10n guarnnteetl rn all 1e.tsonable cases. HENRY ELLIOTT, .Jut Hamp t< ,n, August 2nd, 1871 bp-o23-m54 FIRST-CLASS GOODS, n.t fair, remuuera.tne pnCP.s, to gne h1m a. call will be IHis Gent's Furnishings well aasorted 1 found com- An old bachE:lor i cccntl.; g in~ th " following to~t ' ¥loma.n~ the 111u11u t b :'l t.'.H cf infancy, the day star of 2n ulho od, the e\ cn1ng i;tu.r of nge Ble ~s our ::;hus and ma.\ t11~ y dw:i..\ f3 be kept l~t t desc 11 1c di stances. SJ 1 ghtly su c<l..rita waB the \ ru1l ec cl e1 ~ ) uian \\ l1n pau"' etl, a nd ad lrP.fle<l si 1111111 comn 0 lnto ilun ch nitt::l lhu ten non ha 1 b~ .,, un '\1th the rein nk Gl !td tiJ Re e y o 11 r::u l o me Hl ~l ,~ rt)S gltid to~ 1 thnsc h e1el:i,te \\hl eun t conic ca,llv ]3ut lcc1 ledly st'lf ).JO"-Se <1f3(jd \\ns the n1an ti Jl'l add1 et1<jed i n th~ p1 es~n c uf n.l'l n.sttln 1 1sl1ed congregation a1:1 Le 1er;pou 1le rl lh u1k JOl 'Yould )UU fu...,m Hlt.: TI 1th the t ex t? The conoume1 c1111 h t>e .my de sued shade of colo1 neatly put U):' m C<tns, .md all he requnes to buy \uth the Pamt 1s a Brush, as the whole can be dono by lumself, 01 by ·my mern be1 of h1R household I MARKUS MAYERS ti, Down·an11ll< A pnl 5th, 1871 Prlce 25 cents Tb.,1 TOILET SOAP possesses all tho well·known CARRIAGE SHOP. j I 0\ el It \"\ 11\ ~I otlld Seu.kale ue' i la1n buihn 0 "nter l~nt 1u m ilk an d \l a t ei nn..1 gn,lt , I rt ' t t _ _, or 1118 t eilA.l of n:11lk a Jttl l e xtcOJJ ll , ult e 1, i i o1bcefd11 in:r-?-B ecau~eka.le ic u1 res l1t l , PP l::I 1 to be co 1ked 1n i:wft w lttn a ud bu k ep t of a ood l 1lo1 c;:od a ·, < uldsoftenth c \~ntm bu t tu1H th e k <.le blacl'" Equal pn1t5 · f irnlk a.wl \Ht.te1 mt) he used, but tht n m1lK. 11:! expensi ve , W111 1 e by us1n :;i., httle f Lt 1n ih~ '~ att-1· t b c k;ole ts e ua.ll "' ood and is not gi easy "lieu s l \ ed q\" I 0 0 h ul<l p t b f ·v i y s o 11»u1ps ~lo c sp11 l 01 coo1un 0 l <iame io.:ai!Oll a.s f or ca.i10t stheu1 ~ - Fo1 tie ' b fl 1ey t>1wu l u c.pltthng de1:1ti oya t IJC fl a\ 01 e } t b 1 on y f Jr bo iled as duecte(\ f 01 ca1 rct lf 1 1 (,went~ nuuutes, ha ~ 11 110 u1 or ~n 10 ~11 ac eoichng to the su:e- t c Lrgcst 011 Y u1 Will ',\ L:; i!hould Cn.not r:s not li t! l ht fo1 boiling f - .Bec .... u:si.: the fla.vm 1s l Ht1rely loi:;t by isphtt1no the111 'l'hcy iequ ue boihng in E!oft \\ itt r s 1 da \\Ould bl<tc\ en them S01ne f:i.t, llS di 1 i 1ng t other f ~t should be ]) 1t in tho "al ei '~hen it h p lt Oll cold ,\lie n it boils fast, P' t lllt\\OOUUCel'uisl!.lt <ddthe ca.11otfl "hofo ti[ (lltl\O lO B8 1 11ols1l1t u1d 1) 11 then1 t\\o bouH; ]1 1 t :-t.(te1 tnty }Ia"li e b o11i;tl np rn:-1c l llC C tots tit: f )r boil 11 0 c~"1'l ots 111 \\ intei 1;1 b~ Lo11ell HI keep t eo v m gnod cond1tion for I .,.\.. kin<l h e 11 tcd httk spl us.:, bonn1::tcd nnd 24 hours ' ' he1 the cow m fed nn teu lh" 01 sll::\\\leJ \el"\ recent ly 'tppeaicd at .,he door of huy 1i.nd fi.\ c lL-. of me:il "h u w11l 1:.ee1J in the l l tuon1 "hcul hcl good uatu1 ed liege lott.l was su.1!\e conhtion as \i hcn ted on t'\ Enty pou1~ds j obo ut t o 1nJu1ge u1 \con ft:rtahle snoozu ·'J.fy of lrn.y t\..cco1d1ng to his c pc.1rrie11W twcuty I di in' I MU (!(ll ll,., sho11 u1g \Y h tt ~11 t.11 I '<br111g bushels of Col n arc equ1i,; alcnt to a. ton of hay It to c ll""tf 1t j ou" I don t tluuJ... of run thrng <.. o H e nnd lnss 1<j to bo undmstood tha.t the hay 1e-fencd to is I want {)::\lticulai~ Jn"t 110 \ .J cut \"\hen in bloe:son1 a.nd "til1out expos mu I \\Jll t ell y on how e i.; m 1 v. h::i.t I (1on t urctodcwotHUll l"flllt\OUL)br1ngnie \\h:1t1 s it, pra)' ld J\Ir Lciw1ence haskept."LcoltuJctt10 ina. - Prn.vdcutl tng r ie11idebt I cunsta1t1Jf gio,u1gconcht1on on ouc quart of f th I J )hn llt~ndoJph a t: tleb1auc d "it \\a,, our..:e 1 oats and ou1 pounc1s o 11a;} per (a.'\ e · I d 1 1 t tl t l on a tac cnustisol1c1tcdtobet Ly a stian,{~l, ia.t1on 1,; n H "C in o U'ee equn1 p n s a.nt one 1 d t b " 10 5a.1d .., 111th here "tll hold t h e i:;lakcs J)(.I). LlB 1uc1 nt ca1 1y 1no1 n1ng, noon an JUS e f n i (lri.J l: 'l'lns 18 thr.i ::;nlallest ration that I ' Just r;o, 1 ep11cd F u1do 1 h h11t \\ 110 v;11l f lt 'VI ti b hold 611utl1 1 Ja"li e (\CI 1 '"noi,,~n 1 ·\co ien ie a) 18 I 11n·Jt hv ho nits 1t , when lt JS of red top C1edito fTo w often n1 ii;;t I clln1lJ th1 ec f th (4rgost C<J iid{laJ 1s) L.e feed::i 1t without cutting p:ur of 8 ta, i e h efo1c I get th e an1on1)t o 115 T In all eai;e.:. he \\(!Ii.; h1s hay antl oats 1n \\aun little acco1nt'I - l)elJ~ol 1)o you tha1k atn ll f h aj .-, ng tot t ke~vlu.e· c 11lh ~ fu st fl001toaccon1 v.tter Hefeed:: h18cow .s onten JS o l. tt 01 ar tl foni c tua1t::i of co1 n me W. \\ ettn i.::o b1.1Lh \\it l odate llil.1 crotht ot"l:i ~ w o.,r m "~tm bcfo1 c fet:lhng J h t st cx11e1 in1 ents I \\. o 1 11 h uwi, 1.1ne ~u t1" lllbh t lmtnetha.tely aro inte1eshng and iuITTiu ctne L~i:\nse thcte is n.ftel then t.t .1 val in Ti Jia touk rcfug1 under no gueRs \\ ork al out thetu e\'cl Y particle of ne ttll th e hetl i lothes f oin a. '< iUl-UlJ r.; lun; 1 a.1ty food ,..,n cu to a.umals s1nce the:y l~ft the pa tu11J of ino~ tiui l ,, At one 1f t hern, gaQ p 1ng ha}! bcoll acu 11 Ltt:'l) \~e1gh~d i111cl the ve1olita fron) h ui..t \flntureJ. to i_Jt;:e ]J bej or d t he bu1 cll cfnJly u:co1ded 1\T \I uds, ll nd J '\ ul!al t.: l~ Ul!)Hll a the fly v.lnch h, l i! hai.: ed into th~ 1 l o m \.1 01rnn1g lns corr1 Stock Running at/ Large µ::uuon \\Ith ~!JU 'l. b lH ~ ltcl ' F ei o ll>I, Fo.:i rlieplat.:tice o:.;ftlkJ 1'"'lll£" i:itock CO\\ S lHgS, gu~ , 1 ti,;llO U:Sf; "\.,.C IU!g htl S W~ll oom i.: )lt b6 W H e esone oftlu crn.l' "hu e 11.. :li 1 .; fo1 u::iw1d 1 pu ll shecp-=- to \\an li.:i.: a nt tie ~ HJ nm ~ 18 a , t rouble1:1 ome"1tnd...y eiy ... '\a;:;teful one A g1cnt a lante.rn [JO ltull of tire \ - 'tie of the feed of tl tc fllllltH1.l ·t...1. l ~ e l ._,"11 )1 !JllC f fiultl 1::! t o.:i. t n ill t J e 1natte1 j A huge stock JUSt iecfi1vcd, fo1 aut urun [J«mtrn", unp01 tee! dncct 0 · from the English turcrn,mcludmg J anws' Genume, and the Cdebrntcf! PURE WHITE LEAD, the ekin, prevents irrita.tion\,remo\ es tho cft'eete or perspil:atton, and should c regularly used by farnilles uholcra SmaJ.1pox and Fe\ er l'a.tlents Bhould bewashed with this Moa:p, and i ts use by pereons lLa.ble to infection ·~nll mntcria.lly prevent tbo eprea.d of disease Pnco t5 cents per '.f'blet. nntlseptlc aud dtslnfcctlng propert1as of Carbolic Acid. is agreea.bly scented". ho.s a healthy ®tion on {we fi t.. of the Ontario Bsnk ) Krng Bu" 111,111 ville I ROOSTEll BRAND, T -pau HE subscriber ts<l to build a nd ro-- gvaJ ao.,teed zJlt 'J ( lVagon8, BuqgleH, J!iEd _!)utters, of c v(.! lj dcscllption, at sbo1t uo hce, \Utlou H!Rsonable terms , l h ] Ctll t.ndsoe 10,, c 10Ui-JCCi11l be1)rt.1ntedand deco1ated, forall I -' 11'" ]] tl' l d t lei'jc goo( lS '""l !)C o;::o C ,,t iec uce JifJ1l1f:8. ALSU all t!ita11da1d colo1 f:I) 011~ \ l1 n1Hhcs, I 1 <tnd prunte1si n1ate1111:; l?OINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Sim:pltcitv in Const1 uction, Ease of operation, Pmfection oj St1tcl1, alike nn both s1des, owing to perfelt temion on upper ana lower Thread RNGL OF WORK - 1"1om G.wze to Bea>ei Cloth D['RB1£I1 Y - \\ill l«'t a life tune 6'ari~ages Painted and Trimmed. 2000 G,dlons of A Blacksmith's Shop on tho pre1nmea 1 were l:ipecrnJ attentirn~ s given ° HA CHINE of chffe1 ent tmds OlL Tl11csheis and all pa1ties iequnrng such · 011 me spec1,illy nn ited to mspect the' auous qualities, the pnces bemg far he]ow anJtlung evei offe1ed m tlus ma1ket to all I Making, Tailormg, Shoe Fitting. EVERY Equally a.da.:pted to :E'a.mily Work, Dress a.nd Shir Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIYERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Cn11iage woik, am! Goneral Jobbing 500 Cook, :Parlor, :Eia.11, a.nd :Box Stoves, Agents, Yellowlees O~ne 1al MACHINE WARRANTED. & All wo1k clone ot this ~tnbli~h11wn Quick. wan anterl A call IB resp ectfully solicited ,T MOHR IS. ,u 11vmg, and now on cxlnb1t10n the largest ,LJ1d che.,pest stock of We ha\ e also on hand W A ~ZEI' :! 1111/:,f; A, ~ Al3B011"S, Al'iD lJ4RCLA Y SETYD'i!, ~IAOHJ1\E GENERAL 'Vl' :;hould sUlYl t l\1::t C:u1vts uot be S1.; l ~ned 1 ...., Bccau"'e the dd1cate fla\otJL16 \\ Oulrl be sprnl t: \ fb e\. fihot ld bt.J \~ a,,hed de 111 be pnt lnto hmliug \\ ite1 \\ ith a l.V 11:: f tt n.ufl tmlL he b0il cd f1 un fi fteen to t \ cnty 1n nntc'-', tl1 en he ti 11 ned and tlu O\ 11. into cohl \\ ater "\:\ ith i:t r kau cloth l ub ()H bJ c outside dun H-utl tln U\~ e tch en.riot "~it is l i~ uitu hot u i,L('1 till tb tJ lJ ltJlll ent of "Cl\it1g " li y :;b <uld S xl bv Loo1letl '\\1th ,.,u.: on!'; c LiJ l ag es, b1occoh, a n 1 turnip g1ccns ?- Hee ~use the (Jll "h1ch 111 these vegetables cuutiun, 1n( rt: ree1ui 0 1 kes the sod ct ex.ti ~i.;ti<, and lea\ cs t.L.c 4 0 IS\\eot an<l "liolcsoine lmt tht: \\ \tt..'1 "l'l <J.,fte1 bo1U.11 g tl1c g-reen:,; w1th sotl L 1 u ost unwho1e8omt.: perhaps poll:iOtlOU~ Ilo\~ w1 on., Ll11.; 1 1t l ti to (Lt 0 1cenl'.; not c okcll W lth "Odfl i\ Plt'cC of ,,0 da filbeit s1z0 1is ~m£111.;1e1 t f·n ~ Hn i,; li.n'='e ~a.UC r 111 of boiling \\ ~t e1 Llll 11 v g i ecu s l.rn. \ e i-ic ~l eolJ uny oil u1 t.1iem, b it ru o H B\ t: Chele ::i n111ch iuo1c \\ holuHO Hle fl l o.: tt1ug ' 1 n C· nk l '\ ith a httl~ 8 1J ~ l 1 o nL t}1 e " c 1 f t:abbn.;..., th.u uolz t 1 1 l .l in 1J. tfachu l 1 ' \\ h; slt 11 lit\ egl.;lt\bh~ Le \\1 ,,;} i.: {Ill lu,thct ed Solutwn of the P.·oto '" ii of Ct·on, 1s 80 co')nlnnr,d rt.ti to lta,l e \ uin \\ ~lt.1 l111::i t, then ul t:0l<l. to clca.ui:;o tl.u:' u l1T1LI on 01 about l"t A..p1'll ne..-xt cornmen~e t ile <ha'racte.1· of a.rti a ltrn,e;i,t, a !J fJ(Jn sai Jau<luttk t:t.-ol- Jhc h }t wa.te1 \\hICh j l,uI L E\fL - I sendjou1r1y<:111 c \.J> i,;oc n t'f he.i 11.:gulur dmh tiip,,,1ce p ermitting lt:la.V easll11 diyes!Bd aur t<>., Wli l 'tfefi ii;t Lv hottei than t'"pitl cai1--;es the insc~ts a~ :your h oum s head ia found t Q be .,,tah,onaI), ing CobouLg every nJOonng at 7 30 Po1t Hope 01 1f.. tllt t!tc blooAl a" th~ ~" ni1> lcst at 9 o clock fox llocheste1 connecting there "1th ntl s ind to f~ll out Lt ui ce lD<>t.cts do not and you st..,tisfied tli< tb c cnuse 1s poll e\il joofl. It increa ses t h< :l t an1ity the Ne\v Yo1k Central No.ithern C ent1nl and h a.'\s d i-;hk e ci] l ii at 1 and salt bu.t the hot \Va.slit\\ o or th1ce tnnes a day\\ itl1 ariuc ~, uu of !'ia,tu,11·e' s (>u n J .taliz11iy Enc Railv. ay fm all poin t s East South 1 and ,~ateJ I ]l tt theui 1 must be understood that til iche\ed Do not postpone until the ~oie n1 Ayent, Iron vi tltc blood, atirl 1 South ei:>t cu1 er.; #·lttliou. satid ill~.~' sn~(])fy onh a mall 1 opened J. cu1ed a \a.lnable \\ork ho1stj w ith tlHi RLrTJlWING 1111 lf1 tl ;. f g1ee1H! or one head of b!J. 'J. on,uiq t t tuq a.1icl uabbi'tgc 1t b L, u in1 "t bt: ' ashed and then 111 abo\ c iued1crne, and worked hun every cln.J I Lea\ es Chailotte, l')ort of l{ocbeste; ave.ry 11cal1:.:i1iy tlie S11steui. J. ne c "Jte\ enuig t1t !:>.....o c ouk -e xc~r t ~aturday3, wh1-1n 1:1tlbut.i.:'1 tl n J \\ IL 1ut(· tln: C.°< kl w ·te1 wlnch could not use the cornwon headflta.ll 01 butllu 1 lt:,he l a1t£l v 1tf.1.lizefl bloo l 1>crsho lea.ves at 2 dclock p 111, for Bwghton duect. I u~ed the llockwdl bit on 111ru t.B 1 bl" ~ n l th<. roughly cleanRe!:I them Sp1nael1, on lnn1 r; H,., 1/e l cv e1 ·I ]"JU 'J't of the bocly, The stewne1 cl\.1h at Eughton )i.Iondays and l . ., ].; t.:d i.:1 v "LJ.d ilCfl.k d e m.r. thus 1end~red that d1J. not inte1fere "ith lns 8 0 1 o IH ad - \x.; Thu1-sdny, at Colbo1nc o-..;e1'Y da:; exC~pt V\ ed 'e; 1(ii 1 l1 tfl ,fani a,ycs < t nil r af.ite, uesdi y at V\ \11tby, Oshaw a. Da1ltugton and f;: C({ i c T [11 fj Q ~l l 'tl"IOJ?blfl 8 C1 e\l t v de in ldd J t(L t n e 1 lJ. c '\e1y rap1dl.; D l Ham11tonCo,:N Y N e \\ Castle on 'Vedne "-drt:\ ~bould f1e1ght offer it>rt ,, nnrl t eat ,ny n-0tltz11y jo1· <, nsud ]t 13 W O Jl:l(": than ui,;elt:BS to ;i.tte1npt Dcale1 ::; in stocl1.. \\ill find this t}~ e chectpf $La.n d tr nu~a. ~ e t o f eed UJJori. t ) ~hfKUW vegl..':tllrbles in salt KU] wato.:r r1 he I Gr \.ND.EltH ~A S 1!bscr1bcl: a l'"s if l:>l tillicu; qmckest ion te to A lbany Boston N e \\ York 'l'ft u.;, ~ s t!tc >J(CJ ct o/ th e u 1) ·i1..l ai &lt!"S "~lnch salt create~ Ht tli e wn.tei pie I dl.UilCS ;:i, 1unn1ng :1-t 01u nost1il oul~, 01 if b 1th &e , &l Addres~ j < 7c1j a l t,u,ccevs of this ; l u-; 1 lly rn R C CArtT ~Jl \ t: lts all cleanswg piopett:leei. rlhe t:i:.i,lt.. may Me :i.ffected. In 1ta first Rtn.ges 1t lt: ahnost nn cn1 tnfJ ]_}y.,1~e]J-";1.a , Lttic1 <5'011t--...__ Poi t 1Iope Out 1 1 ill the 1n,.,ecb: {it doC-cS not n.l\'i ayi; do t)ufi), but possible to d1stiugumh gl~nders (1 om nassl gleet p llu n t~ DroJJ8Y, C!t1 u1ttt_.. !> tr. 1 Po1t IIopc, I\f uiv:h 18th, 1872 25 tf they B ticlr 011 bard and fnat tho hot \\ntet Gla.nde1s1:; sho,\n bJ the 11at111 e of the d1 ij :·liwtt, TJ<1ilr>, "!I'm i·ou· AJ{'cctt0'1 , , ('lttlls an.<l J?cie1 o Hu .. 1no,·s. ni.k~s them fall out at once, :1-ud th e cold water cha1ge 'dnch is glue} alld ahcky, and. oftt!ll ad 1 1 l "" 8 of 001 8/·tmwnal Vir101, cri ps and blancheB them heres to the JiostiJ.1 1 and ll:I also glossy lll appcm 1 n.,«·scs of Uw Ii:ulne11s and ancc 'I be lnung of the nostr1l 1s also ulcc1 n.t ~ B l<: iJ<ler, J:"emale Compla·nts, \Yln slun1ld Snvov Cabbages, ' "hltc heru. t eel n.nd there lS a peculiar expression of the '"· tl~,u rliseases ortytnattny tn -~--- i:tunmer cn:bbn ge8 a.nd cabbages thnt hn'ie been nose, cnused bJ the nsing-of the nostrils \\l11d1 1 ' ' r, fJ i s'lx1tt of th~ blo<1d, .,,. ac&lo11gt1me gl'O""\'i1og, be cut acros.'J the iibs of \\t:hive ne\Cl seen in any othe1 disease 111 001.11,am c<l l> iJ <le!Jl/,1 t u 01' (~ l!mt--+ <L the lea\ es, and no~ length\\ IBe ~ Bee.a.use \ll glcet the no<i.trils ate of a dull,leaJ.encolor 'v1tl:r ~. ta..t '"' oj th < s1;sie "1i. B ent(! ft ee ~<') · cahb.:i..0 e8 tht\t ha'ic been a lonr-:- time eonnng to out any spots. and tho discha.rge rnns 01 p:uts 1 o in Alcolwt, In m.y Joun , ·t s I eJ1<~·g, 'JiJ.fJ effects ll-'16 1 >t fol,,. inatuHtJ J1a'\e ext1en1ely tough fibres· if the 8e fieely and 1s not adl1crcnt l or· r-. t {;11 001·t et:iJ)01Hf.1u, g 1 (1 cut lengthwise one has to chop the fibres tu~ n. vut a1 e 21or,-1iri1t e J"itJ l11fU,· , 1th the teeth 1u eRtn10 tltem, ruid, mo1eo'\er, J 0 T ~KE TliI:: S WELLI NG 0 1..i T OF ~CO\\ SB H.: 1 Sll lfl ~ t ~ Ch{Jtfi, u tf](.,i' , ao t,(l 'lte10 sneh cal ho.ges take a Jonger time to boil, and A co1:i.csponde11t of the Ne\\ England } :I1rme1 l ife t1 i to all tJ l fl t~ nf tu f Sf}f'lteni, 1\te ofttn. r.:er"ed n. ta.st_tless_, O"li C~ don e, ,i,,nte1y reco1n1ne11da i1..1bb1ng the bag\\ ell with i;kunk s ~lliJ> mHrnr/ up m. Il'on Con12_~1:! Jf such greens be .cut ae1bt:s the stems oil, once a claj for two or three days lie adds <i'ltutlon. would ta.ku tlus oppo1 t11111ty o.f thu.ul'"1ng lus '" 4ll'c1 :rclcn of two inches in \v1dth be "ar:hed in "rihe 0 1 of n fat shunk n1ai; s:n e ten of your 'J'lw lWat, d B l«ti e b e<n elt<tnyed 1 numerous friends for the ve1} libcraJ patronage wairn ' ater theu 1n cold, and be boiled in bo1l ~---L l· 11the1i11e of1.lt1 s 1·rnietly, ft ·oin be~t cows, worth $50 l'!ach It is :i.lso good to he has rcCl.'l\. ed He feels i:tntudied that uoth 1.Ug w~t i u1 l a little ooda for fron1 fifteen ~o r;&;HE $1\UlH A:">lF.tu CAlS OHG !\N c o ,, _,,~,;__s 1ttfe1'lny OC(J,· rub on the lmi;: v.Jien hurt 111 summer lhc 1hav o now completed tht!n T \\ cnty 1 nat f ll-1' (' -. , t o $ ti ong, lrr,altli.JJ~ an<l :twenty m 1nut..1 s, not n n1on1E.:nt lono;e1, 1( so echtor says skunk R 011 iR velj soft and penet1at hl'f>JJ 'I IJ ff',IJ., e rtd u; o1nc1i; lldMl long the gtC( ns rue f:m cHt ;1,nU exeeechngly ten ing- that it ha~ ~1\£ been corua<le:c:ed ou.e of t1w yea.r of biuuness, "~th <1 1.: 0llStAnt and otlll 111 urenr; 1u,; growtlr A~ tl1c nu:i.nufuctory tB one of I (ti t: a ' ~ l~ ca ru iot. 1'eltson a bly h csd e.t and ,\} oleson1e,pnufy1u.r the b1ood nnd pl o best apphcahon~ for s c1atuh~1:1 111 h61rses and the olde:;t it also xanks arnong- t}1 c Jughcst in 1t a.t e l o yi'!. C i f ( f, t 1 lt:tl, J not ug htu.1.tltl\. tll~h of hn.dl) cookeU green" £01 any trouble '~1th the sku1 uf au nnals "hen t.he countlJ ])uung the lono ( xpen ence of the I " ' C th.4t ea cl i (;ottle has PERU .. manufactu1 t l r:;, th ey ha\;e steadil) addi:d to the a ~e ' ete tit of indigestion 1n 1 s enough to c1e it is chafed ca.µaL'lt) of the111nstiuments, Mid ha' o a' ailed \i IAN SYRUP blOIVi" 1. U ilt-e ulass. tb ~ iJC \\b O 0.: tt t 1 :t" ..-i . n p b lets F.i e c. lQ cure b :u n 1tch on catt1e two 01 tl.acc i,1 themselve1' of everv mcthocl to im1nove the qual I ~ 1t) of tone a.1id to inc1 u ~o th..: m echan1eal fa.c1L j \Vhy i!!hould the steu1,, o( b :u 1 l '\lute Cu.U I 1 he ~t1 ons of fit 1:1alt pork ar1J rcc01n1ncutlcd t1ea for the peifonue1 ~.\nd though they is.>1. b i<':> es he no' tn: cotiked \\ ith the othl.ll p n.1ts of pect to ooutin ue the oou1 se of uuprov emcnt,they J. I:'. DL Yh JfO:R TJ, l '1·op1·lclv1·, the cabba.;e ~ Becau"e they ta.kc twice as long Io Ct:RE .A. Hol-:.~1: Ar Pl 1t1:r-;a r l li E ~i~ abundantly satrnfied \\1 th '~hat has been No $$ DEY ST, NE ....V YORK cl inc, nnd with tie e~tnnat1on in \\hwL. th~ 1r n1 to cook ts the soft part~, <'lO that the lattei us an HALl't::lt - _ <\.. corresponi:k nt of the Couutr) and st1uuie11ti; a1e held by good Jtul.,.e· ot music Eh~l.d by l.l'ru g ~! .; ts gen~iall:;. unwholesome I astc hcfore the sbW.ks are done Gentlemt.1.u 1:111e<l a horse of thu~ h1.i..l11t by f .A.s herctoto1e tlwy will n~u t1 e bestro.ateualH and if they arc thro\\n a.wav eJtber before or eniug a surci ngle arolm<l the a.J.Jona.l JU:->t back without rHga1d to cost ancl gn e to e"~l) Olgn.n i.fter cooking the1n if: l~ \Vaste I he Stt.'ll"lS of of the B houldc1 "-' rro tlus t ) 01w '~:is fastented the m o~t thm ough \l.iorl n1ansh1p '1 he' espec1aJh J.,n \ 1t(l ( ompa.11::.01 ~ <),S to the eabbagcs tha,t cusp 1$hould have the r:oft and pa.sseU between the foJ c leg !'! , t1uough the qu ~ht) and l.iolun1 e < f t onei an d a.s to the diect green prut eut fl01n them to bo cookud b" itself nnJ of th0 halter and tied to thr: post Laying l vc necharucal :i.pplta.ncc"" 'fhc'\ oall attention the st en11:o \\hen stuppcd fnun the 6'1 ecn bu twd b11dc fo1 the usual pull the nn1mal found l1 c \\ as to tho fact tha.t then Org ins a1"t' :".! ,11 Al1 EX ln srr1all bnndles, cooked fo1 fro1n t'\cnty to pull1nt> on lus own body instead of tJrnpf st aud 11-t.h:MEI,Y LOW Ph.ICES a"' 1011. as1scha.rg· ed for man) )[ an infenor soi t Hav1nJ a. large, t q; enty hv c~nnnutes u1 plonty of boiling J ~oon ga'c np the practice eut11i..:l v l nnd thoroughly anvoiuted ID tn nfat tA.J1y,employ ~alt, and a. little sod and be served w1th but l ing no·1e but '!k1Ued ' 01 kmen, tnJ. having \ icci Uitu;.g seq:rua n t Ji l.l tug treu.tcd a ) oun 0 a mun1h1 rh ' i<j1on of labo1 t thev tu e able to pr) tel sauce ovet them Then ~ .drnh of aeakale rn has ga:inetl fo1 11 nn ouch ;;i, fitcad; i ncrt:1a~e of duce Organs atless rateatbi:iin lnostcompeht<"H'S l busnH:· $~- xnuch larger thau former jeai:r; and not more U elu.:1ou~ Ih(;se cabbage :;tern"" may bunik1n to an extiava.6ant dinner at a. gooU rhey behe ~e, also that ninon .,, other things h e tius.tH :that b) be called chardocns and \HU i;1at1fv tlrn t a,ein to con mce hu n (f the luxuries of a th1:1~ h a ~ c: ca1nea. a i eputatlunfo.r fall' <lea.hug palates of ull \\ho taste then1 thu~ t: okcc l soldier 8 life and hopU)N t o enhst h uu ,\fl.<.: w Md the } \Vonld &'!Bure distant puu::haf)e1i,; tl1at I 0 " no Q1uan will c1ci lcu.\e thi:.;1r "\'.itttrooms \\i1th "\r oung !>pn11g l g" P." , tf co1uso, d o u t 11eed touu<led when tho youth proteHte d h e W thi uot th('Jr kn!'!\\ ledge t.list lf:I not llL evei j 1ei.r ect W 11s treatment big enough fo a. sold1e1 - ' uot big eno lg!.l 1' perfect of Jts cta.'ss VV h) should l n1n1ps lJe. cut a.c11.;: ::;;i,; the fib1e echoed the :;ergeant " Why yon ::u e t \ \ o t .AH they hav e before. Btatecl, -they:intend to..»u 1 ne~ erypurchascr nnos oflcs" tl'a11l1alf n 1nch in thickuerui irchcs ~bovo the stlj,nd' d - 'Yu$1 .'."latd loo-ue cure1.hienc1 'lhelr citta l· 1 · ~ " ·~ :w1th t ullilescriptionnndaccu1atee11.,1a\ · .For thne reasons - First, the tu1111_p need onlJ Cha.\\ bacon, but when I i;ity I Ill not blg ln~s, ~ull be sent free to anJ 8ddrcss upon Lp be peeled very t1nn, lUstead of tu the usual enough, I mean 1'1n not fooI big enouglJ. phcatlon A.ll nec~<j sary 11Jfo1n1at1on t:hee1ful And all othe1 111auner tluckly and \va.:.tefullJi , secondly, bv lJ fn1nhll 1"c1 Addte"s hti will i econ e t hen support A ..11do" \\ho was "eepmg o>01 the new HE s:MITH Al'YIERICAN ORGAN CO. 0 .. cutting thc1n the fibres are cut across, so inncle giave of her hu1:1ba.nd, fina.lly d11cd 11~1 that ho\\ C\ e1 old the turrup JI'.; 1t is ne'er i:ih111gy, e) e"' and 13111 d " I here's one eomfort Hl it ;;i..11> Trenioitjli.Bt , opposite Waltham St ~ tlu rdl:y, theJ requu e fourteen nnnuti.~s to~·ho,v: I shall know whe1e""h e ui at n1ght ,., :Boston, Mass boil 111 plcnt-.; of boiling wat<:r and so.It, i.ud tbus FLETCHER'S PICTURE GALLERY t he delicate flavor (f the turnip i ::. p1userved An w1pert1n0nt '\muig fellow .oHei ed to b~t J ~ BRIMAC E, I ff!GN OF THE RED FLAG t.lso the:; can be inore ea.s1h ma h 1 xl 'lhe. the m1:st Hss of a. ladies s0hooJ, -wJ \o,\us I Bo\v1uanv1llc .A.ll thm;c thn.t n e 111 a.rrl.'liu s 1nu~t pay np es tl nnnc1 the cu-cles of tunnp aee c ut, the q_ 11d'" e1 lJ lti ~1f thf. pi ofic1encJ of h c1 pupils that not;~ _. ,, t th l ' , t Kmg Street, East ·l f l 11 · l 1 tl J 0J)\jl ~ 1 ~ en 1n e. l0\1~1 c c OJ. 0 l n a..i10 pemalh the Hai.:d\'.11t1 ~ ::11 cou nt S B B ,hey cook and th lJ lc88 fi bre [the' "ill ha'\ e s n 0 eon'.! o t ten \\ u f ( ec inc ie nonn n :-; , I " , , 1 \' 0 14 Dl- 7 Bowina.nv1ll e, Jl\n 10th, 1872 l \ Pi J3 0\\ffi::tfiV111c, '-!rt1 VH 1 i'iJ ... 47 tf B_QJ. manv1lle, ~o \ 28th 1871 l l Jf1 ~ n 1 11 1 u L ea~ J.. ~ ) ftllt p1opc-rly fed n.ntl 1re_µt .1. t1 :pud~ b icturned in th<'.: shape of 111:.i,utne 1. ]Jilt 1f <.: tocl'" is ,tllowed to 1 o 1111 at large, all t11e t )fLJnue (hr.pped by th in becomes the p~ r·qu rn 1te of sc11ne lonJ hea<led fa1me1 \d10 keetf'l th ~ t'(iatl clra iru.i <t.nd g 11 t te1s 0101 on to Ins fo.1Ul ) that h e 1ee<:; 1v1 f:I a.U th ~ \\at:1h nfte1 ever'\ rain r. \ . \-el) i10L1ceahlc ~a.Ut;C vf the povei t) uf the ~ tock rn ct ·w1 th in di:.tnL:t::i ,die1e this cu8t)n1 1s obser\ ed, rn the p.ronu~c u ous 1n1K1ng up occa:itoneJ by allo \ u1; t11uru1.] r.; of lxith genders to ruu unchecked I u I) 1c11 1)C~l1ties n, f t11)1c1 t:an not tell \\hen he <u1 t x pee~ a culf 01 litte1 of ings, and often they com :i at 1n01:;t 1u1,.1;i:usonahle times and of ' elj unde suable varentn,ge lhus, "1thout order or i;ys te1n in this pa1ticul:1ir a11d fron1 Wf·Ht of c:::u e g~ u c1aJ.lJ the i>tock ber.::mnes next to wo1 thle1:1s J.n ..l i::; 11anlly worth the feed it consumes Be HfoR 1t rn 'ery nnfau to others 'vho l<cep hettei fJtock and l'"eep them in paf!tu1es ·~vanderiug stock 1s .,, eue,ta-lly unr11h , and occv.s1onally get Jnto otlie1 fiel(ls tlian then o\\neis llt ttmcs ""hen then p1e1:1 t:lH: {l c an do m1sclucf "luch then owneis ci1 m t 1r,r11n.r It would be l;ettet for <tll cono..:e1ncd th tt no 8tock of any kind i;honld be allow~d to I un at large In 'vell orde1 ed and prosperous eo1runm11tiea tliIB pHi.t:t..,ce 1s con s1~l e1 cd the ievctse of proper m profitable tf snu pk a.ritl11ue v1c 1 " ped e0Lh a:;tound1ng V\ c k no\ \ r.rnn \\ hv } ~~ J ce11 r ni:: igcd h 6 lll , h_.le lit(J h n.g 1 1 1 0 () n 1g 0 t f 1 u tnbe1 1 HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE JOHN IdcLEOD, Olll Stock of Goods is la1gc, embrncmg ,,Jl the Novelties of the day, and all the necessaries as well 11 13J\\1u~1n ille O.::t h ;t, l8ij'J. the County of Dmham one l'h t lt.n. ll i I \, l"> ~ k l l u l Jld ~ l i..-:Il \1 ~\Jle l)OSl t 1 11 IJe1.; ~ tl 8l 1l ::; In \ l;;)l fu 11hl 111 ::::11l 01 \\ wk~d n.:::Hs, IJ it ::i.1 \ H in 111hrnti1 l e111111J t a11c p ro pnct) \n t uc t"1in l ! d1 ivn 0 l Wellmgton f3uild1ngo Bowm.rnv1lle Aug 8clt, 1871 P1, u } nuue ~--tLLl ~ ze" 1fo 11lo gs of tl~e1.'y stv]f, Wall Pn.pel'-- a fiplend i<l A.ti.Sol tn1ent no\\ 111 stock A lauze supply of beautifull; assorted 'V1ndo\\ Shndes Ch1ltlren s Carnages Concertinas B1ushee:, Uomb~ I ... ocktng Gla~ses 1'fu~1c A-lag tz1ne :i. 1 \ ' 1ohns \i iolin Bo"' s, V1olm t;tnng~ Papet gull " N ei.:k lw"" Si.;h ml Books l)ay Rnoks, B1hles, Knn es and Ji 01 ks P1JclH:t Kn1Vef:j,, Spoons and-r5c1sso1A Chea1c t ~ote Pap;:;r and E1nelopes in the country A..11 these and a th?usand. other art1clcij, are to be found at the TT.ARIETY STORE \Ve alwavs 0 la<.l to see fr1e1uls, and th nk 1t 110 tton ble to 11lio" (,oods and \\ e ,;ua1antee a~ good 'alne n.t ns lo'1i _prices as n.ny other bot Re 1n the t1ade Pu1~1e~ Wlsluug Lo ttileg then .(1.1ends 1na.} i ely on ha.v1ug theu bufl1Utl8fJ don& pro1nptly Ag ent~ for I11mn.11 L111e of Stca.tuers 1 .ud Iwpenal Building and Saving Society -----.--- -~_,_....,,.__ "-- - - ---- - -- . A. bn.ltl nun m u.le n1cnJ tt the exp8nse uf another \\ho covered lns pat tial ba.ldness "ith fl. '-\ 1g- a ldin,; us a clnwhN ' You see how "Lu.Id J im tnd 1 dou t \H~ :l1 " \Hg - 1' r.Irue, 1 Vi as the1ctnt lut tn cu1 t ~ bw.11 req u11e8 no thatch - ------- Bowman11lle, M: alCh 7th, 1872 . YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · n23 --~~~=========-=--=========================~ 1 I ~eat A \\ r.::ulthy 0 1;ml1 1 1 ~ 1 1 \~ 1 J o w1u1 ~ country h f h f ll t uearl " lost 11' " 1 e, w o e 111 o a n ver y;Juch fl )w~ th1oug:h 111,, eotat<..; He (l,,J111outw ell the n ru ro\\ c~uipe to hu; f11 en cl s, t xp ectu1g the n umi "Tatu lLtlOJlS Oue f tncn1 , tu old ~ , b1 helm, V11otc .1.s Iull \ S T ah~ n )s told Jou th it n' e1 '\\ a~ too sha.llo \'J.~he The Mew Lake Stea mer cOt CHIT CHAT. l Tim :Brady a.nd Mike Flynn] Oct Per UV l an 'j:;rup. ft I 1 t vt1 r f- "NORSEMAN" ' 1r 7 I ~ Gvod monung, il11ke shure and its early out, ye ttic. !ilight I be bould to axA what started yees this mornmg" MIKE - " .Jist be aiRey T1rn, and I'll tell )C lJl a pffy Ye see, I was tould :ymte1day, that Misthcr Grnv, av Tpone, had got home an 1lligant new stock av Goods, chupc as dmt, m:m, and its mcself could ,.lMrdly slape a wmk, all mght, tlnnkmg av the the chape goods And shure enuff, its the full store he haspi!es and piles 11\ the natest patterns, lUld he'd gne ye the m,1km" av an ill1gant new go\Vll for Biddy fo1 Siventy-five Cmts, 'lay fo1 moBt nuthm, and the Baccy fo1 a tnfle less" TIM - " An shme its funnrng me ye aie, Mike, wouldn't the man he afthe1 bieakmg down ' MIKE - B1eakmg down, is it Shme he knows a tluiek wurth two M ~hat lllJ!st tell you what it i~, Tun, if you wtint to git a grnte name when yome ded, and be called a fiilantrofized, filosifer and a public bm1factho1, pst tell all yome naboms,and the f nst av mankmn, about Gray's chapc stoie, and :you'll do moie I for the good av you counth1y, than iver St P.ctuck dul fo1 ould Ii eland, "hen he bamshed al1 the toads and snakes out av ~t that mve1 was m it" TIM - ' I'm much oblaged to y e, fot the bit av adnce, and won't de- j tam ye , the10'll shmely be a grate run, and maybee I'd 1mss some b!Llgarns The top av the mo1nmg to ye '-I'm off to Grays 1871 1871 TIM - I B BRADSHAW Je GB!I, Tyrone. Noted for chea1l Goods. ~ An1erican 0 rgans I, For the best an(l cheapest LOW DRY BOOTS GOODS ' -~l:!:.t':t GROCERIES, OROCKEl-lY, R E M 0 B I I 0 !S T A N R M B R Superiol:' W 01'knia.nsl:!.ip, E .. SffOES, 1 and Clothmg made to orde1 m filst-class st}1e, go to · st11ct attent10n to busmess J. .. ' ELLIOT'S Cheap Sto1·e, FIRST CLASS PlC'YURES Taken m A 1 Style, <tt S. B. BRA:OSHAW. 1 ·G I '1') 10ne Nov 2nd l 871 (

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