.. IHE MERCIIAN I AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1roulatel'I largely lll the TO\:\-')lRh ps of Darling · AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUMI); III RR LOSCOMBE JJ t Ti! !ST/ Ji A.1 L !IV WEST DURHAM ton Clarke and Catt v1 ght It is a cominou latform oJ)tln to the free discuSSion of all quea ionl:! in which the general pubhc atE:.. C@~ne ~ TERMS Steam Job l'rinting Office, Knw STRKCT BOIH! \.N\ILLE Seventy five cent' per annum, m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 It i'I~~ POSTERS l'A"MPHLEIS BILL HEADS CIRCUL \.RS CHEQUES NOTES l HANDBILLS L \.BELS CARDS TIUh.ETS &c &c &c BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JUNE 14 1872 NUMBER XXXv II ed n the I e 0 1 t of la ho l C"i er S..'1\V l nt n1oie LI nn t ce t 1 tlle sarr e clot] e· b it then th0< gl t I tl ei can nflorl t and have 1lenti an l 'hy sl ou d I enJoy it 1 D11 ~ otu patents C"i e excha1 0 e is1 ti) '? I a.skeJ T rn J u::ict coin 1 g to iba.t Xo 1 father "as not very \Vell L!U cate I u. onl.} 11odc1ateh \\ell off and l c nE:e quence oftl1s \VasnlwaJschsi nt anl Lirn d in co I any \v1th those 't l o n 1 e rerrardc l us 1 te a 1pe1 or Therefore i, on w o~ t l c st rpused to learn that foL fou1 months Ol r conrt.:5b1p had gone on a id ot 1 pare1 ts had not l econ~ ac 1ua1nted c,r at lea<.:.t i;\ ere not ou v1s1t1ng tl!rrns I thought LllJ fatl er ' ns anx ous to kno' 1uor...: abo 1t the Jo 11 g u an than be h C\V fro i inect ng 1 in ut our honse I vantt!d to :::.ee more 1nt1n1acy ou ti c pa t ol om par nls yet d d i ot I no v l o-v. to accornph.::ih t:iuch a desire One tl 1og I could not help uol c g \.fr~ La veo1 b~ca1ne more f;;i,. n l ~ than ever tall eJ a 0 reat deal abot t rr i riago anc.l so on and the fact is I sa v sl o ' as anx ous to make a match of rt No I Jelt IIr\Sell en 0 aged but hd not lee! li;pose l to b11ng tl togs to n co1is 1 n nation iottl I lw.1 ve10 l el the consequences a little Jong er in ID\ n1 nd Id d not kno v ~hat I.Ir Ln"i\ sous vie'\ s \Vere he had al va\ s bee i >:o distant and Ict1ceut J l rny l le enco that I o.loubted his <ppro' al of o ir ' arnage ana in that case d1J. not ' sh to rut lum tv any adc.l t onal xpense fot '] 01n ha 1 lei. ei.: told me that he ha la y r te r t1011 of dorng bt s1ness for bnnself and Ill) o vn income \\ ould not be sufficient to k!3ep n1c i 1 u1y cl a1 ge<l pos1L1on At length I resoh cd to u;;J, ; f·tl e1 · ad\H.:e nud began by as] ng 11 up non ho1n him conce1n1ng J s appearance I ti k Mr Lawson a very ii e lo k 1 g I g nan En1rna, 1 e r pl1e 1 You do father! q leot10ne l I dehbLtecl l) Yes r ~ e Jookll H 'ou1 g follow is that the one \ o n ould cl e c for lut1 re I usbai d rr y g rl 1 I e a le l I don t kno v "here I co Id ti I l is equal f ti er I iophed \Veil E1nrra if JUU l a~e cons dc1ed tl e 1 atter seriously he nn e ve1 l F.cntly >:Lroku g nip h:ur and th 1 he v1lt make u goo l help m·te that be ind i.strio /,S feaL ng God at d mak r g \ ot l ho1ue 1 l~asan t a1 d cbcc1 f tl th !us pres en cc iu f ict my child it you 11re .:ia <:Jfi d I n sure I fall be 1 le sed to see yo d ·PJ y and pros1 e ans I tlon t lrno v wl ' Uo s the1e silent 'v1tho it atten pt ng to spenk until be co tu ucd · CHANGE OP TIME a~ EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, FULJ_J SUPPIJY. .CC I~ 1 ==--=== PQ = ET = R~ Y = -··=·-'-·c:cc--oc Lea tty an l ul 1 acter I 1 f st aV\ o.ke1 c l :>OLICITOR IN CffA i'IO"'l·l Bo 'lI!am ille Oct 27th 1868 The Cottage Mai.den 0.ii FICE -0 er 11'1c0lung s Store sa1ne flat J M Bruuacomb s Dental Roomi:l [l Attic doon ay oi a cottage Sat a na1 le yo n0 and fa Her ej es e1e Lugl t teeth l c d y SPLENDID SELE01ION8 of JAMES BIGHAM, G NG £\ST Painter Gfazier Paper Hanger &c &c 011 l: 101nptly attended to and satisfact on gua.r:1:ntet1U Reside1 C!:l-Next door east of tlie R blc Chr s Puose ger } xp CS!! M xcd 7 30 an t)20au1 tJ35v1n All l 1n ls of i'all and Winter Goods, AI h te And 11 r ngfots h g he I a Io the cottage came a pooi 1nan He was yo ng b ta Ike l VI I en. e E om her I ocket ta n the ma1 l lool an I 0 a.ve vha.t she cot d I al<! tan OJ urcl !YRONE Tyrone March 8tl 18GU 0 2 tf For Sale, Or -To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, V1£11RTNAIY ~URCEOV D ~V T :NI CLEOD'S, \.t the 1001 av of od ho sc Sa.t a ma de ma.1 il:e l w1t1 .a.:i t: Au l t as vc J sntl to hear her ] lea ling f01 ad iutta.i cc the e One thei came vho ga.zmg on hei Sa. 1 My h'lcl l 001ne leavo tl tl loo ] ron its po to.ls I ~Jll a e tJ ec F tho l ca.v st "hen I w·as 1 001 Lea n we a.11 a. holy lesi;ou l Lll HOUSE 0 ltbu l<lrngs a d Orchaid ith or itl out Seven and a. half Acres f aud t I !:let t occu1 i!:ltl. by Dr D11v dl)o l l ly o tl c I r?1n1ses or W DH DAYIDSON 11 J ly lit} 1870 GENERAL STORE, exceedn gly l ap ha, ecl \lthcl1rahonsco itesytoler\vlose dredn dfittylo1se.'l ge 'S of l te 111 1l c generous feelu gs " tlnn 11 i Ha\ 1 1,..., res 1vo l o1 the SJ J ~ cos lv T 1ate11nl n ncty tbrov'ill 1n his lot \ itl the persec ited Pio ti rce feet in lcngtl in tJ e m d::.t of \ b ch testants he \\aafone of the land tint lat g1gant c pranc r g steed is bcl t d from left tl e 'alleys Ile was t 1 reco 0 1 I ~""d and \Vho e i1ostrils is ~s \. lo1ty Jet of "ate1, u1 s tspected fo1 r any Catholics l aUJoinilii' vl ose bide isl ld bJ tl e ,,tat 1 e raMroo1n them g11evrng over tl e \ rongs ol ti cu also cut o L ol tie ol d ma ble Leopold country To Rarba1a be paid e\ ery sc1v1ce Von l 11 m1an ca.t ed tlus nntgn1( cent str 10 on the J u1 nev and m her llness and none tu1e witl Ls costl \ sculpt re to be erecte<l rno 1 cd l er ith deeper attach ucrt to ~ perpetuti.t6 his inrn 01y il o l! "ho \\ bc1e is n1y lrnr Barba t 1 n1q l icd suffered from 11s sc\ eut\ ren nrke 1 that it Ha is Y¥en le1dtne1 \vh1le en1b1ac1ng l 1s se eU also o.s t n e1ue1 lo to t:;} o v father JJl h1.\V 11 e ]atter d111.w111g him that le p1eferre I Li te c1cat1 es to apa1L fiom tie multitnde who were JO) ful bis fella~ me" Freder ck W1!mi1 I lv engu 0 ed iu n ti.: al re og tions and g1eetu gi:; sa.1d to h1111 s1gn1ficently Hans lost ti o ii ot behe'c th·t death 1s S\\allow el u1 1 1 victory ! 0 death \ hem 1s ti y stmg 1 I know thanhou be! eHst, ml t van cot Id 1 the;~:o~eu~~~~~;,~;~:t :: ~l~e coc pnl hs t i l FOR CASH ----;;;;;;;;;~· 131.'AUIIFUL 1EEIH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Tee Extrac cd at Twenty f ve Cents - Mutal It ::E: LI AN C ::E: ESTABLISHED 1840 Life Assurance Society \JI orda s for Front these me dents n llf lI01 t:~ that beam to day tl c biigl tt>!';L 1'-IaJ to mo 'OW cause s st 1fe J ea I 1 ve too that trifles g1vc l lo the 1 oo nay be ei iolled ~ lol 1'1 JA1vIESSTREE \.VA!'I n.SHA?ILI Esq DU)';V :>! MACDOriALD c !\.NADA CHIEF 0FFllJY.~ r MONlREAL I <l t h r 11en.rts ::i.n 1 m.q,y "hen n c<l eld to s a hu ldredfoicl CHARLE~ '"\fAR8H L Rooms uver McCl ng Bros. Stores Bo u1anv 11 e 0 t 1st 1870 1 DIREOTORS l\fAJOR I E CAMPDEL.t. 0 B St lH:t:HONOJl\.DLE Joi N H~M1LT01" PROMPTLY EXECUTED H b.1 e Hawks ClRA"' D. PE.ATE, I'AILOH lvlP Esq Cha.irn an LITERATURE Also ;\gent £01 the :vcll l no n ]JuTg, Ont. RESIDENT SECREIARY -JAMES The Exiles of Salzburg 'IHitl.LLIN G S.K..El(JH OF 1H.E J:.EilSEC UlIO"N OF THE \VALDE?\8B$ Gentlemen s & Boys Garments MADE IN" Tltli SPECIAL FEATURES. lIIE ENTIBE Pao~ TS belong to and iued.iv1d ud a nougat the Pol yholdcrs LIVES DECLINED ]'; E ES'I Ile July 2 ST"Y LES 18GV FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SlWINC MACHINE, MANUFA< TURES PRICES Enn1skillc11 Nov 91th 1870 nS tf Jn: OTllER C0"111 A~IES or OU (C01 ch le 1) CHAPl ER XX CHARLES TOD, hicl an extra Premiurn would be requi ed uau be a8sured at the, o d nary ? ates of thu~ Society nde'I' a spe-0ial arrangement SPECIAr NoN FuRl:EITi\.BLE POLICES issued BREAD AND J3ISC'f1IT :B&K.EB. ~Jf,AR rOS1 OFIICE u1dc1 wh ch only 10 15 or 20 !\.nnual Pa.J menta ue req u1 ed ea.ch payment tJec u ng a l olicy for a sum assured proport o u1.te to the n rnb 1 of I rem1 uns pllr d andfrccf1 o " fut c DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT 'l'UE Bowmanville Drug Store BOWMANVILLE ) J rs J Oct ct nlly Atto 1 l I 'Oa!J ent of p ei1num.J l\ioOER \.'l:E PRE11U1IS und most hberal cm J HIGGINBOTHAM, lot 1870 AUCTIONEERS F II J PHILLIPS l 0 llTOULD u ost respectfully tender l 1s su1 l t 0 a. ff cere thanks to l 1s numeJo 8 I iends and customei and to tl e public generally for the P1os1 ectuses ·Pror os&l Fo 1n11 &e eu1 pl ed l\ nl very 1 bernl support he has received since his un tpplicat1on at the H ea.cl. Uffice 01 any of commcnc1ng ln bus1n~sa and hopes by conti tl u A gene ea nued str ck personal attention to busmess and J urns GRAN'[ offering nothin b 1t the pureat w-t clea at the Res Secretru ~ most reasonable prices to ensure n. cont n ance of pubhc pat onage .A.GENl lOR BOW.MANVILLE J R ' ould c ill ~l ec al attent 011 lo 111.a e } C B.il.llKER su1 er 01 stock of Obse ver Office King St 0 t lt~ H.AlvIPION gi e to Bale n.blc terrr1s ~c o ieas 1 03 ly Bowin uville J o e 24th 1870 39 DYE S'"rUFFS. WJD. B:1n--ton, E~ Imperial Fire Insurance lo OF LONDON (Estabh·hed 1803 llE\.D 0.J:FIOXS-1 Olcl l3roal St P ·ll Mall London GENERAL i\GENCY which are s ITe to give the beat satfofactt n A" ell selected stock of N"ISKILLEN" Mrs. C. :BOtl'NSALL, and FOR OANADA - 24 St B ow open ng a cl 0100 se lect on of /JOI\ 1\ BTS H.A 1S RIIJBOND S lLOJV.t:RS KI.NG Sl BOWMANVILLJ EGS to anno 11Lce to the p 1 he thnt sl c S ""c.: ament 8 }1ontreM KEA1HBRI:! VELV.!>18 nd MILLINERY vb cl '111 be sold t; tl c 1 YC t lX~ ml le 1 r ce Subscr bed ancl J 1::1eted Cap tat a1 l Reserved E md £1 P65 000 Sterhng I nds m ested in Canada- 105 000 J;cept constantly on han<l Insura1 ces against loss by Fll'e a.re effected on tho 1 ost favorable terms and losses paid \ ith OILS PAINT out reference to the Board u1 Lon on COLORS V .A.RNIHSES DRUGS CHEl'JIC.ALS PATEN1 MEDICINES BRUSHES COJtIBS SHOULDER BRACES SUPPORTlJ)RS Ltc Eta J DODSWORTH Inspector RINTOUL DUOS Gen Agents Montreal and WHITE LE.AD nt the vei v lowest pr ces N the Jnost advantageous terms. A cho ce selection of LAMPS fur sale cl ea1 Bowman"l-"Jlle Dec 9 1868 (m L i, ul a1cl &o R R LOSCOMBE Ba.mater Agent for Bowmanville and Vicmity Bo vinanVllle June 14th 1860 36 Horses and Oattle Medicmes n - Country Stor('hcepcts suppled Ol ti r 1 mo 43 39 4w Uarri.:aa:e Bo n a Licenses~ 1:-;;SUJ,<:D BY ROBERT ARMOUR lle Dec 10 lSr.9 ALLAW LINE STEAMSHIPS L t' e pool OJ~ of Ontano Lon lon a Ml Glasgow 01 1 f rmnt OJ"!J... afil)ly to F \~ A N.i:;.A.DS Ay· t Row uan ille J ne llth 18 1 tf 30 l1cket <ler of the College of Phye CUl.Jls and Surg_~ons S rge "Y and Residenc~ on Kmg fo1 n. Circula. o enclose 2;;i cents fo th.01 Stieet second <loor cast of .IYir ~fa.ynarb ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLEI co1 tainwg Lists of 3 000 :N e spape1 s n.nd est ma.tea sl ov.r1ng the cost Q.f ad vert1s ng also many usef l h nts to advertisers ai cl some ac count of the expenenoes of men who are kno'\\-"ll R.ADU ATE of the Royal College of JJhy ll persons vho contemplate m&kuig con s C,lll.?18 of England and Umvers1ty of Vic tracts with ne vspapm s for the insert on of tor1a College Cobo rg Un lergra.duate and ppzeman f the Unn; em ty of 'lo1onto and A lvert1sements shot ld send to Ur vennty of Queens College Kingston }fem G DR D.A VIDSON, 'I'O A:OVE:R'I'ISE:RS ! Geo P Rowell & Co .A PAPB BA.GS AT MONTREAL PRICES I firm ate p1opr1etore of t1 e ;A:ineriean N ew.spaper Advertising Agency as SUCCESSFUL ADVl"RTISERS The FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN I XTE HAVE NOW A CO.MPLE'J:E asso11 an<l a.re possessed of unequaled fac hties 01 se N1fA:N" LIJSE of Royal 1\-Ia l Stcau e1s sad i'l n1eut of Pape1 Bags h ch '\Ve will Hell at ing fron Nev.: Y k eve 'J S tu1da.J and Montrca Pr Ce5. I he paper JS (the best q_ual cu u g the insert1 cn of adveitu~ement~ 1n all Ne\VSI apers and Periodicals at lowest rates v iy rr1 uraday rickets sol<l. to and f "Olll 1ty ' n. d vc guaro,ntee that no1 e f thA .:Bag::i. Nol'ember 9th 1871 l£ ngln.n d Ireland a d t ) e Cont1ne1 t at as low stick together The follo t g s tl e t B 41 Park Row New York YE:i'..LOWLEES & QUICK Agent BO\\ n1anv11l1 Dale li.1lhoad11aJ :-.le Yo1k as bv ai ) Qtl er l ne PRICE LIST PER lOOC No ! l 2 Ile J re Dth 1871 by 7 5, 8! u Size MnwlJa. CORN FOR SALE NOTICE. \1 } c n s t 6!:11 a:!l:ll g 01 the I 01 e Ly L1 o n s J:o.o ltle I\'f Us 11 bt:_11osec ted ~ JOHN 3 4 7 8) 8~ 9 10 11 95 130 2 00 230 3 55 4 2o 280 330 " G 7 8 10 12 14 20 25 McDOUG'\.LL ti 3G 8" 10 10 11 11 11 13 WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall DR ~ CARSO N'S MEDICIN£S. i:uu lC 1KN1!1'1I 01 12 13 14 14 14 .No 17 17 21 lo lo ow 5 80 6 60 740 9 80 11 90 14 00 18 19 30 23 VI HIIE lEA BAGS Size 11:1£ OH.1A'fESl t 1 l ? 7 81 u~ by Sj g l 70 2 7o 2 30 8f Sole A >!'ent b~tw ~u 3 :tv Port Hope an I 'lo 11 10 to N I J lo tte -s J v Co liJ ]3 S cb u Sto1;.k C BARKEH Co gh 1J op \Vour Gram Drills from $50 to $80, Cultivatoi s C anp Plow~, Iron Har1ows, and many other new and mip1 01Jed im plements cheap The New Patented Combmed Drill and Broad Cast Sower will soon be ready which will sow Broad cast or m Rows T. DARLINGTON, HA VE Just rece1 ed a Choice lot of m47yl $25. REWA:RD. r cone to kno ;-;ledge that ce ta I JTl dJa s ares lli g: Sp eta.oles and E:ve Glass Et NEW FRUITS, Ra.isms, Currants, Figs, i-: Olll' s l t porting to be of on maki.: nd to bear o 1 ltines sta1npecl the1eon o bereb) eaut on Call at Uc tl e 1 bl c ag!lu st all s1 cl rnposter ::i.s 1\fn \ ROri BuoK l s OUl 0 l~ 1g nt lll '\Yest BO V\ M '\.N\ ILLE ]AR~i IMPLE~m~ Durham 1 cl a lte va.rd of $2<.> ia l ereby offe l OHWMWJNG AG8~CY ed for the a-pprehens on a ld. eonVlct on of all R. W JAMES sucl nnpost rs as tty to defra 1 tl c p bl c by ofic "ln 0 tl e1r trash ll.'I o u make Bowmanv lie Dec. 14 18 I nll LAZ iRUS MORRIS & CO r NUTS IN GREa'I Dates, Lemon, Orange and Citron :Peels, VARIETY llio Barrela tta 1 Boxes of !Hout cal Nov 8th 1871 Bo vmanville Oet 5th 18 1 7 tf :B.HYXE AN:O LIME. A 1 ttle Rhyme came Just int rr e And all about the best of Lime Lime from the Wes& of the very best Not beat many quarter ) me that will a.lways stand the test V..'1len inaking into mortar I Wlll try a.n l keep a gocxl au pply Fo1 tis alv; aye 'vante i Th:i.t when )UU all come n to hl) Yo ll not be d sn121oi 1ted Yo 'vill al VO.) s find 1t di'} and f1esl And that is sometluug bonnie So come tJong d try t l lB L me Beautiful Candies, with a.n assortment of Farewell, MeGee, & Bu:~led.ge, CHOICE BISCUITS Darlington has a.gain l ece ved anothe1 lot of thoas celebrated BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS ;:iolic1torJ Conveyancers Notaries Public Ol! v1c:E ar P't1:B.E LEA:&' TEAS, Quality is the T11t of Che <pness nl2 tf :Bo lna.nville Dec 221 d 1870 Bo M \.N\ I LE- 0 er M1 ~lc!t-I r tr:, s Store 0.1<11CE n; P t Office SECOND-HAND E ..ty & Co Second lfand 0 . ., nea Iv e v FDo l le 1 eed fo tr ma ufacti. red by OJ l:!ale u, 1-u 1 I-l t Ion t forgot the n101 CJ llou A of lelive~ f om N ne a.. n1 to Fo p m lvfone:, to loan a.t lo v 1ates of nte1est Uo er of f.lll ee1 nnd Ontnr10 Street ll 1 ""' E · L J L B n ~fcc Er. B 1. I'HOS BO\\mN J .il!ES l{UTLWO E B A l3tJ v\nan'i1llb Deg, 17th 186~ w&o Bo' ma ' Uc Match llth 1871 n~l ti O a llA\\A-Fu ~t door north of th th ng for l se Stop~z. l\ratlloboro Ve i 1 Snbbath School or Lo<lge US Jtst the ~ti Rowmanvrlle A1nl18th 18 2 RICE & BAJ,tKER A fo Jays afterwards tho rest ol the Prot·otants ot Salzburg wern compelled to qmt the !au l ol t1 en b i LI Earl v 011 the 110111111g of their de1)arture each left bis cottage and garden p1eparcd for a dnstant p lg11mage The fathe1 of f e fan ily com mg last ·ilcntly cloSJng the dooro surren de1 ed the keys to ti e n1::ir:> strutes of tl e 'il luge who stood UJ to recei. e them The Alp the men lo vs tl e past res \Vere all no :v deserted the domestic ammals that had long been seen pencefullj bro\vsinl") th~re we1e 1 o 'Y 10 lon 0 e1 toled sc0 I ed Co ~s \Vere lowing i 1 tl cir stall::i and horses ne1gh ing t nacc u~totne i to the sudden tr nq ih t v af:i 11 b1Ud ng a Jast fare ve il to ti e r n1a>:Wr an l the in lustr oua house'"' fe \: lo had for ti e last tlmo provided for them No l gcons \ve1 e 1 eard as 101111e1ly cooing on the ioofs no poultry \V re seen in the yards all were caiefolly collected and con fined rn cidei to Le de! 'crod up to their ne v o ~ne1S1 The baL 8 Iested sec ue n tbea cradles on tbe shoulders of theu n1others the l ttle cl11ld1en l old ng then go11n' trotted by tbe1r sules whclethe big dtl ongb vith 60I e 1.hlliculty 0 er ones under the heavy burdc " 'v Inch we1 0 hed them don n walked on before them Tb cu followed ·tnr l) l oung men an l ma dens 'veak ol l n1en anU ruat1on.s suppo:rted by stron 0 men and fmally the '1Ck m a wag gon-a. 1nLscellar eous crowU so1iounded by feroc1ou~ looking .soldiers Not a t ear was shed, as ' lent1' and peaceauly the I eyes ca.st l J ou the ground thej pa'sed along the path wh ch led them out of the village Arrive l near tl e churcl yard all entered thern as il bv ot o accord to take a last farewell of the gra.\ es of tl c r deceased rela ti\eS At aln1ost every n1e1nor1;tl c1oss 1ue1 wc1c piously kneehng uttering praye1,, \\ tl falteung tones si d heads un00vereu There rmght be seen brnt m pm) er tl e grey head of the nge<l. and the cmlJ loc;;s of the child Manhcl en and Barbarn pro·trated them sel' cs 'v1th anguioh at ( atbet n e ~ mor nd wlnch they were about to leave to the neg 1 ct of strunge1s \\ho \ eie no' to 11 habit the land Samia 1d 1n I rt St:ililn Litl ania iece1ved tl c e> les 'I here tl ey "e10 to re people tho·e 'ast 1bu · "h ch the plagt e hacl de 1he ne" bml hngs of those populated emigrants who J ll ahead) arnved there \Vere now in s ght and ass lred the veaned p lgr1ms that tl cv had rcachc l the termma tion of their JOUrncv \.. tl ousand u dus h10 l! hands ve1e felling t1ees aaw1rig hamn1er1ng cutting up tunber cans ng pla ns ond i rests to usound as '1ai hcken ar d l 1s con1panions drew near Hatch1:s nlallet and saw emooth11 g phun and ham n1er tro\\ el al d I ckaxe were ti ro\vn aside as the soi g \\M heard of their approacb1n~ f11enc.ls JOU e<l 1n by hundreds of voices All ab n dor .J theu ' 01k all !aft tic l hot :::.es and fiel<l::i to cleat e ti e exiles l he r n eet nt> "'ag )oyo to 1 ej ontl lescriJ tio11 IL ere was one abs nt 11 tl1ut day of r'3 JO iug Poor Barb no. the noblest I ea1t ll the l ar l ot cxtle lay cod ID a little churchyard near . .A . nspa\.:h She s1cket1e<l and d1t:'d on tl e JO rney 1 il e \ lla0e of L ttle N ordl ngen bnt they vo ild not leave her in n count1y \vhcre the hv111g had been refuse l the smallest el anty ll e puest had lo1b1 llcn tile rnhab1tauts to gtve a cup ol cold water to the heretics as tbey pass·d al d they kno v that decent bur al woul l be lemetl So they camecl Barbaia for two days m 1 vaggon t ll they laid her lll the shelte1 i g ar d peaceful churchya1d of a 1 ttlc village i1eat Anspacl the fu ieial hvmn Le1ng cl1a1 tecl by tl e \vbole com pany n t tLc10 \\ a/3 Olle Bat b w:a as abseut present who v. ns !l. wond r to many and of whom the reaier w·1ll hear \'i'lth wonde1!.. the young baron whodteappeared thatmght of Barbara s escape Dd1evmg that he had slain '\ on Rheh 0 en lnd t}ns fear nungl a 0 \Vlth lus other trouble , be ' aa tl ro\\ n into a ~tate o.f m serable despair In this fran1e of rn nd 'P. he 1 w l e1int:> ubo t, and st1ll 1gnorant o( Barbara s heth othal to u iothc1 l el a 1 beien befr en led b so1nc of tbc fa thfnl nergal ors of :lfonhcken and lus <l1squ ett <le took ti t:! !01 1 of geuu ne l Cl 1tei e for Ins past J fe When he knew all the story of Hans a d Bui barn I e Le ca.u g l ut at ti e 1 omeut fo1 bore n ak1ng an J 11 i 1 r1es o tl es ibJCCt of ln .a<l. los· Of the \\] olc 1 rnll tud he "as tl e 01 ly oue "ho i:!hed tears of affhction and ,et though weepn g b ttcrly he smiled when tie Ba on I ou Mot"'] wl o ow call ed h ursdi Cottw·lL ('>y the po ver of God) brongl t Lis little boy Petec to h m I eu ~fa l eken r; j:lc1 iot s ess 1 ch 1 ad 1 o v be cotnP hal tual g:..tvu 'vay to an ex1 iess on vcn1ng u of glud css " han h 5 two sons with PeLt:1 Pomu eL ar I h s young br de, came t0 "el m on h s casJ on the Bible con1P. u1dc1ub1ace1111 Ihc cnp1 le' ns ot11l co\C e I "ith ol "' 1g, and ! JS pa1 tnei also bu · maiks of the iurnl cmploJ rnent from 11b1ch he had JU>L forced bet """' Just as bMtv 111 manner as e\eI he i 1 p ientlv ins1steJ on the ne\\ con1crs follo v ing him,. 1n order to show· thcn1 his nc" house Unable to resist l 1s k rd aud 1 r gent ll\ tatiori they follo \el '\\hete he and bJS wife Jed the wa-5 First went Han· ca.Ir.} n1g Ins clnld n 1 : :. arms at <l alternate lj enress1ng l 1s httle one and w1p ug .i. vay the tea1 s 'vb cl 1 e co hl not reat1ai11 close behrnd J 1 i """ Oolt"olt to "hon Peter her tl en des was stieh:hing o 1t h s httl~ I ands then exiles as.) el al e ca1ue Manhck~n bet"eeu hist vo sons C\Jndants \ere celebr t10 0 the g1eat J lnlce of 1832 n sn1embrar cc: o tl e1 en1 grar on Packfa·t by their side Thus Lhe little company pW!scd ·long 11 to Prussia t hot sands fiockeU arot l d a ne vlv so \ll field:::. nn l gui:~n J aJows totl e porton ot land allotte l them and lo the d\\elhng vah its out house \VllS the very couute1pa1t of the Sch I pelhol at Wcrffon the k1u g to \vhose Ir tercess 01 tl e pr son 1 ad e t t ers 1n Salzburg w l r iebtcd fo1 theu rea Gottwnlt tornt1on to libert had also I rocured tor its i an e Han. from the sale of the Scl l ppelhol to v\ e le<ltner a I Gott valt I e vh1ch hJS cla m hatl been acknowledged tie l chcl lrcrr ·Dd grnc del ildrcr HE lND tl c mca.1 s for bu1ld11 g a substantial and com1nod1ou~ d\vcll1ng houses and \v1th the excel! on of their n1ounta1ns the exiles Why Emma Barker D1dn t nran-y a 0 am found all that the) had considered ir Thom&s Law .on recovemblj loot and still more a m Id uncl I was so forc1blj or re,,seU 1 j <.L COl er tolerant goverun1ent Henceforth the \\an sat101 I 1 ppene 1 to l e sonic L n° su ce de1e11:1 who ha.d so long been fellow suffer era hv ed togethe1 1n the most perfect bar " tb a cousrn lll LLe co 1 t 1 !I at I hope 1nv read er~ v.111 bea1 w1th 1ne f I 01ve 1t ruony and f1 cndslup Gottl\ialt as a tluh regenerate man hare hop ng tint it n "' be efi t as ell as terest omc of the atoned as much as was u1 his po'" er for the I \vas act n 0 :tti O\Ct eer un tl e f urr 'l1onga which he had tor1nerly done He l ecame the schoohuaster of the ne-.., colouv wl lie l uh sbanl 111 B iton and drscharged the d 1t1c· ol his o!lkc "ith zeal and rcgula11ty Hans sou1et1me alter acting on tl c advice of his father i 1 laTi ljll.\ e to Ins aon a kind an<l. fa1lhf 11 motbe1 an l de' oted I mself to hIS former occur» IU\ 1 l t1on of an ag11cultnrist Peter ble~Qed' itn to H:k Jot ::;O inai y t101A~ a1 d no\\ I ti ink children ana in the exercise of hI::i favorite of t I v1ll b t c er t i,;o eo 0 aged to etnplo' ment repa11cd whatever lvas broken honscs stables bar1 s or sl e ls-aJ..1d anotl ei u ng n u1 Lclo1e ) t 1 arr ...:d Ht rtou ! I I" CJ I iecollect so l ell ng of \vben not thns occup1e l a1nnsed h1mcielf by eam terwg ·bout the fields M.anhcken t royscll 0 yes sa1 l she s In g t v; n.,, ve1 y brought up h1' sons m hum1htv and obe Ii i eu1 be 1g a se1101 s case \\ith l :s too ence to God and di v1ded lus tin e between 1' ell Emma Io v vas it bwken off 1 praj er and labor n ( whole of the exiles D d e thcr ol you prove I ck le I prm ed by then peacclul and Cbristrn.n de It yo l lo so want to know Courn1 I 11 mcanor ti at the Javor of the krng had not tell Jo 1 f on1 l>eg r n ng to end sad sl c been confoue l upou thelll undescnedly good nat 11edly al o.l \ lrCJ I\ e fl lolwo.l I C!IAI'TEB. llI belle\ e yo l 11 agree i, nl ine 1u th1nk1ng I q e nd a fortunabJ In the Jescrted valleys of Salzb1 rg Got h;ic.l. '1;1vna10 csc.: : t1 alts fat! e1 the wa1den of " erf!en stood one too luok1ng v.lth tr1umph nnd exultation upon At Di. urgeut requc>:t to be11 hc 1 sto y the seveutceu fa1111a \vh1ch he had extorted s} c 1 c " ~ d ri. 1 eu1ei.: ti e .lhe a1 <l con1 f!om the exiles at so trrflrng ' pt ce He n1enced calc lated that the pi t ts of this proceetlrng I s j po·c Ll e la t of Ol I ' ug a CD 1 ' ould amount to 20 000 !Louns Allil thus s dorablc lt<::it n ce apa1t accounted tor n y ii was that l e had worked lnmsell lion1 the ne e1 H::tuen bel og to ha\ie ;}eel h1n1 befo1e bacl office of a low notari to be a w·althj ont: Jay at r Ag1 cultural a1 d Arts Ex! i baron o.u<l the po\\erful inler of a1 exten bit1on held In 1 ne l"lhbori 10 tovr n He S!Vc tcmtory-nppl mde and Lonornd by as in co1np:u y '" th another Joung man the I rJnce and his co u1sellors and .:headed '"1th \vho1n I a.s ac1uan ted when I inet b) h!S oUUJects 1 he nephew of You RI e In n 0 lr rn t al fne1d1 t otl iced us and hhgen had recovered fron1 l 1s \Yound anU. a· I was uuattcn lel by anyone l homas of f P.reJ t c h s co1n1 un y to t le uft:.er1 oon I Jorg vcn the fatal confhct w th h10 son ith h s nay e'en the umon of the latter with the confe~s I \\as pail la11' sti 1ck r ch young heiress to lVhon1 he ha l l een u.ppeara c l tho 1ght I had neve1 s~en «uch al audiso e gcn4JlO s fu, i.;: l n1y I fe prev10 slj enr;,aged \\as IJ ot aboolutely i p sSible Elatod wrth JOY he had des r l cd He u p l c 1 lJ neat an l appearc I to cve1ytl 111g in a letter be 1 a l des1atched t o be one of the i t>bt so rt I lad to eyes or 1 :s so t \ ienna to which pl cc I e bad ea ,, J 1 tl e 1 ~ ti o s~u l n l oue von I g veu 1 in1 strong letteisof 1nt1 od t ct on \\ 1Ll dcrs is tll to b to 11' at su 1 place Defore tbe greatest 1mpat1ence he a\va1ted } 1::1 on s J cpt 1ny atleut 01 ( xcLl on h 11 1et rn to c1own b1s amb1t101s project~ In I at l ng ' c had beco1ne old scri an: t::n c.:.es the rr ld·t of ti ese plans that he 'va' rn 1 ilg and of col rse I 0 nve 1 in a.1 1 v tat 011 to pa) inc a v1s1t at o l pla e Tl Hs he p101n 111") ui lie received n. letter fron1 bus soi ::icd to lo and to r al i 101 g sto1 sl vrt now kno u as Gottwalt I-le ea v at once 1 the sL:hemes he ha l I u 1 fo1 bis agg1 at dise Le 01e n any \\eeks our acq tfl11tauce l ad DH. i nt UefeateLl The no\v childless father ripened int> i11~nds] ip a1 d (on inJ pait at stormed au l rnvo l The haugl ti ba10n least f1 en lsh1p into lo\ e Before long I became q a1 ntel \Ith h 8pa1e11ts Ii, s \Vas the ruost miserable of men For the uncbnst1ar expulsion of Ins sub al ways ' ell l'l!cc1 ve l by J s 1notl c1 ' ho Jects the A1eh bJShop Leopold Vo F 1 seen1e l to tli nk of we \ IJ li1 0 l lv A$ to inru.n was re\va1dcd \\ itb a letter of app10 hrn fatl e l i e' er coil 11 0 htlJ co prehe1 d bat10n from the Pope and the title of Ex 11 11 or cau I VCI) v, ell dracrilie J iu1 to Oc 01 al J ho JO 1c l n o versa celsus T1ne howe\ er afforded. l im lJut 'hm he appear l to be a. 'e y in tel little eomlort "]en he lay upon hrn tleutl bed In v 1 n hrs attendants supported hm1 hgent ac ii vell educate l 1 m but suallj an l i:;moothed lue: luxur ous · det do\ n le o eu.t10 Ulelloo1 anualva\sappca1 p1l 011 s tl e Jong praye1~ of the numerous ed to I a' e n. \ ilu of en c on lt s 1n1nd It pnests "bo surrounded l un "ailed not to But tLi. d I not 01 t ib m' lee! ngs ho i;ngatietl iy thougl ts I ass tagc ] 1s an 0 uish He shnddored as he ¥; ....~ tl e so gave back the 91Jve1 wage ol the crucified thounLt 111 n vc1fcct10 l II 1;1 face was al Janners Saviour "hose eolllmaad of char ti I e bad ¥0.~;:; b11ghta1dc,liec1i1l and b so reckle~sl) transgressed No tcaro; of a a:ud coJ ' ersatior o \ 1nn11 g that I becan e In beloved wife or cluld aoothed Ins fc ered more ias<.:1 ated C'iClJ <lav I sn v him as the aying go~~ over I ead m nd no gentle band wiped the cold dan I fact I ol <le:i.th f o 1 l s p11tl cotntenanc 01 and i ot " smgle fa lt cloael 1 s glazed eie Union e te 1 11 cy (I coul I see plenty nf luj el lun1 1 1 s an l hcent se1 ulcl re 0 e ti g l f esse l WI c ti co ues~ t-Ight lo 1ng tr1 el1 e1 " .:i lj Thf1 La 01 m1 st h lVE: to t1 e ch \ll u g c>p al of Salzl 11 0 1he ' y ""Hoff!> l c oblc to s [ ..,... ns n ve1 l l ver\ 1 cJ c ccro c w 11 sl o v tl ee 11 e "l lies o CE l e r l then ) e nl >a) s dress Jongrng 10 ti o arcbbJSbop, wl ere 011c J i English Gramm· 1 You kuow Eron a t "ill be the most enous step in j o 1r life an<l after Lav ng once taken 1t tl e1e will br. o "1tl Uraw1ng Should ~ oi 1 husband prove extravagant dies1pateU. careless in his hal t~ or rn l .ffe1 e1 t to vou1 co11fo1t t\\ ot 11 be a sa l ex per1ence for ) o 1 8 I felt ahno't md1gnant with my I 1thcr for 1nsu t <l.t1ng that mhon1a.'3 would not pe1 h aps be ahvlivs as obhg ng kind an l c ie ft 1 as be had thus far appeared to be How e\ e1 ID) t tthcr s \\ ord!J I ad bee :'.'if o) ~n so ml lly ti at I sa <l. nothn g b 't Jelt that I o 1gbt to know tnore of 1 u bts prospects nnd } rn future intent ons than I <l1J I hat m0 ht I felt troubled a good deal aid it " " not until a late hour ti at I fell asleep lhenext mo1nu found n e ;-o eas1cr 11 m1nd illy app1e hens1ons I ad been atoused and in sp1te of iuy affec.t on fo1 lorn I !cared thore might be aomethmg \\rang At d1nue1 1ny father sa 1 tl al. l c had bu:'Jiness to t w n tl t afternoon and .seeing t 1a I ':ts not very \\ell asked rne to accom pany h1m I felt t would be a ind relief to get out into the open n1 tl erelore real ly agrne I to the p101 ooal An hot r a drive through a very 1 lc:usri,nt dl8tl1ct bro lght us too ir destination Al! hour moro and my father had fimsbed Ins busn ess an l we \\ere abot t to stn1t for hon1e when going up street to our I otcl vc met t" o 11en rhe elder I revog1 ised at firsts gllt it \\as I!tir Lawson cnrate Life s Pictures i ·ton ' told ol a i h la l 1 I "I o s lI was uttemr t og to lead along the otl et person "ho wa.a evidently in a Uca~Lly state of ntox1cat1on Ilis hat was off bis coat was torn and C0'6ted ' th mud He seemed resolved to t&y 'vhere he was not witl sta1 dug the endeavors of ~!t La\\.OOO to get h m to come down the stieet He repl1e 1 to the pet'Sl as1ons of the other w th a turrcnt of curses a 1d 'ile al use I telt aha d to pass an l caught hold of m1 J th c1 s arm to era\ e Ins p1otecl1011 I d l ot ve t ue to look at them agu n 1nt J J st 01 pos1te \hen oh 'hat was iny hor1or at l scovc111 g 1n that picture ol degradut on n o other tl a 1 1 hom ts LaW<iO i In ag ue ury feelings My Thomas on whom I I ad thought with such pride and who alwa)s looked so 1 at dso1ne and beconnng ~ ch a spectacle My 1 alt turned SlCk ["as con pletely dtsg 1Sted We ieached I one before I f irlJ iecoveied Illj senses I!t11ser able lS I felt in the mo1I11ng lll'\o cood1tion th~n v-. as far "i\ OI'Se 1fy g1eatest fears 'vere Jar more than iealJSed 1h father d d not rec u tCJ the subject until next da\ 'Il ei he told nre that the s ght I hao.1 mt cs.cd had not st rpuscd J m rn the least He J ad b~cn a.\ are of tLe J 01 ng 111un s hab1ts for so ne t n1c b t clid not knolv how tu b1cuk the snbJect to me le knew tl at [ fl.S co u pletelv bmlt up m hun that he' a.s e1en tb1ng to me, and the1efore lea1c 1 the con se l enccs uJ such 1ntcll gence It ts uee l le"'s to say that our cou1tslup cuuc to an abrupt conclusion I sent a note infornnng li n1 Gf mv determ nation to c 1t oft o I ac qua1ntaui.::e for e\ e1 Before the expnatlo of a year I O\\ e' Er he was married to as prett) a11d rnte]]jgent a young g il as ever you kne\v Marriage how eve1 d1 I not cure bad bah ts rat~cr c1eused ti cm 1or as cares increased took more liquor to dl'o v1 thcn1 unt l '\\9.3 bltn s1 el by l ts t th r as n. ct si=irace to the lam 1J auJ c t off liot 1 all sl are m the tat ma! estot<> He I vc· no' by getting n mal1Jobofro1gl orkcccaso oU\ rl c greatC'n pa.it of l 1s ~.uu 1n gs arc ~pent l 1s forn1cr n± 11 .) S l has ca h h t uan be ing an invisible p ter at 1 a elbo v I a1nt ng on tl e sot ls can as a reco1tl. of tl e acts uncl scenes of hfc dep1 t ng the 1 :i.es1on3 of his can:er \V th an iuten" tJ that at son1e fut n· daJ will h nt v th the l trtthf l den 1 ca.ho s an l b t I g rebukes. H Pl) for t ~ then lf sn1,;h dail and so bre scenes axe fe v untl then fi tf l su10 Id r ng fi ea nre eel l f:.e l l f er a <l 1nor holy scenes \\hen c baze bacl on the J anoran a. of our pa t, hve s, anLl rev e 'i' o r care er befor e en ering upo an( tl l!l ore of greater ca pal l ties llrru1 J ior s the t our iace afte r bapp1nuss b:l.S not bee 1 a mere t;ero.rnbl...: after r ct ~s an l if we ha\ e not g1ovelle l so lo 0 in the ea1th beneath o r feet that el ave lost s ght of the be rnt1ft I sk1co abo\e us Yes happy in clcer1 t ve ha\e no l 11 nt ug p cture of gl :ir n 0 n l'= iced or clo 1ded hope or J l~\ erte l asp1rat1on to po tit.as l l\ gn n of 1nal co 18 to1n ~nt as e turn this WU.) a <l th t 1 1 a 'a n en len or tu c cn1 e ts UJ b1a LI. n~/'· A Race For a '\V1dow / -