=___..:!! TIIE !YIERCHANT, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1872. -----,.--- - - ----===POETRY. Summer :Flowers Amusing Street-C~,r Scene. J _ -_- _ ___________ ing 'l'be lJnsseugcrs on one of the Ihker e 1 -street cars laugLcd sotne J t.~stc1da) morn_\.n anthorc~s o( the lw~t cenLLuy saul "'T'bc thln11ncr flow1;1rs sunle 011t <iga.11 ing nt a scene between tllc conclnctor und u. t m1nute details of household economy become After \'iinte1 's night, elegant and nihned, when they iue ennobled by ~Inking ea.1th grow faJl .t,;.i10, ~ r \\Cll-Jrcssc11 )Dung nlf! 1 f101n Geo1geto\vu _ sen t ill!fI.i t , , an <l th cy aro t rn 1y ennobled Making hedger.:n'iS b11ght, 1 -..\B--tThe err "~3 pnssmg-di:i·"'Ilthe ~1-'enue, j whe11 dono either from a sense of duty, or oonl~re.ttb1ng fl :\gl'UUCe on t!l~--- - Lhc young n1an at the t1u1c stJ.uJ.1ng on the s1deration for~ pruont, or lo~c to a. hugband BI.LllS·l'ng- hght-a1fd11Caltb, platfo11n tal1..111g1L aa~y, one Ioot on a trunk, "lo furnish a. roon1," continues tlni;i lady, "'is - (j~ ermg thP. rnci.ulO\> l~ndf.\ be v-.as app1oa.d 1 ccl hy the conductor and no longer a common place a.ff.au, shated with 'V1th t hen· golclen \Vealth Jns f01.1e dt::inanL1cd IIe quietly passed over upho1Btc1ersaud ca.b1nct makc1s, it u1 deco1 at1ng Sumti1c1 ftO\\ e1s spuug up '6·\.J11, lus fl\ 0 cents the place -n hen I n.m to lUeet a fuend ol lovm .And, ·with snnhng eyes, To ordei d1nne1 JS noL 111 e1ely arrltl)g1ng a n1c::i.l Cotl·'u"torI 1le111,'"111l \W"lllJ · fi1" cen'" iVoo the thoughtful 1n1ndt:i o[ uu.: u u " .... " w: 'vith 1uy couk, it is prep.tung ieficelu11eut fo1 Tu thcll tr.11ulnngil \\ isc lor thBt trunk bun whouI.Ilo\tJ 'lhesene.,;cssary occupa.t1ous, Summe1 flowers uu~tluct us ,\IJ Young Juan, (li1~s1t.lt1ug1y~ - rl'wentJ~ft~e v1e\\ cd In this light by a. pcr.,,ou capable of rro ha' c ho1)e 111 God, strong attachment, a.1e so tnMy pleaau1cs. anU l.:enls/ "7ell, I t1uu1'" I will not. pay 1t' Yol \VO each sln11l 11$t: a. 0 a111 afford he1 frtl rnorc delight tha.n the g:"Unes .nH.1 C-Tlten I shall put )OUI trnnk off J;'ron1 the grav<.l's d.uk sod y l\1,-Yo\1 h(td bP.ltct llOI, 61 )Ull lllay sho\\s wlnch conRt1tntt t11c amusement of the \\ otld ' Summ.c1 Oo .vcrfa nHliY tc11rJ1 us 1ovu, bB so11y for it Su ch lli 1he t c:fltn11c:n} of n , l t ly l)f th e l~t 1'c:i.ch u~ thP.t to lnl Oondncto1 in1lls "tl 1p, sLops co.1, 1ln1nps ccutnry to th e f:.Cntin1 cnt t.liil.t mn.y be mn.c.lu to 1 \Ye muHt work fo1 ot.hm ~' t:al, trunk on the a.\e11ne, struts car, ancl after iningl e int.lie niost ho1u ely oteUJJatiuns 'Ve 1-lust be glad t0 gt ve going s..:imc t\\O sq1uues approacheJ the w1ll uo\'i quote that of a modern female 'vnter Beauty, f1a.:;,Tance 1 time, and ~l1<rnght young u10.n 1 \\ho was still as calnt a::. a surn- and tra'Vcller, "ho, in h er pleas tnt book, called ~ot fol "ealth 01 g1u.11, n1e1 n101111ng, o.nd in .inang1y niocd ~ays "Sue \Vee\!:! on thu Lone,' luw thus de8Cl'lbed But the JOJ of Uo1ng gooJ, .:\.1u.I to soft~n pain '.Kaw l hn.\c put your trunk off, what ate tbe house\ ifeI"} of the d<tughttr of a l?rench nobleniaIJ, rus1ll111g o:::i. a chatuau ou that 11.ver ~ ou ;-;0111g to do <Lbont it2 ~un1m.,...1 tl{\\\ e1e that bnng u s JO) lhe bt.\veller ho.d Just a1r1ved und been intro J3ungus a..~o ::1t11.:ue;L.J. ~{ 1\I -(coolv) \Vt·ll, I duu t p1oposc to duct:d, \\}wu the followmg scene took pl.le~ 'Io t.:8..st off our load of ca1c, t.lo an_y tlnng a.bout it, it's no con cl l ~1 of " '!he b1ll of fa.1 e fo· duuit11 v. ati c111:1uu,,seJ in . Antl bf' calm at le1lgth nuuc, It \Yasn t my t1nnk n1y 1)lesence and settlo..:cl, enn~ facon, '\1th tho.t Let us learn ,~}ule ye shall tead1 C (fiti1cely) -1 ben wh; did you 11ot tell duhghtful f11l.1Jl 11e.ss and 8mty, wh ch 111 the 'Ihat Ife \\ho clothes thu flowe1s rne so~ "'I ]:t tench chil.lal:ter gives a. cJunm to t11u n1m;t \\Till not let us tilJC\e or tlic )( bf - Dec.muse ) ou LI.id not n:,l inc, a.nd tolling occur1Jnce 1'-1:i.lle1 u)i$-:0lle Louise then In tJ1e c01nu1g hour"'I told you ) ou'd be sorry lot 1t begJ"e(l 1ne to excuse } er for half nn hou1, as Hh c \Vas gmng to rn.:ike some c:Le~u:n15 and some .At tlus JUrH:ture n portl; Ocnnan eni pastilles I l'e\lui:'sted that I ru1gl1t :i,cco1u11a11J eiges fro1.n the ca1 1 Uhd ang11ly Rays " J\llne her, and also render ioyself uflef11l, \\ c acco1J. Gott, )Oil f1;lle1, wl ere 1s m1ue tlrunk1" ui.gly wenttogetl1erto thi;;d,u1y I1nadetarts Y 2if 1- i\fy f11encl, I thn1k that IS ) 0 111 a t.Anglu.rne, wlnlu 1:ilie run.de coufecbo)ul a.utl trunk <lo\\ n tJ e a\ C'DUC tlic1e Oc n1bo111:1 1 and all rn,n1nei o{ pretty th1ugs, with 11 Bll )iD8HTI - '!he te1np01 ary l'..:~ unmt as nn1ch ui.-t:ie as Jf l:lhe 11 ~u nc\-ei tloue an , y -thmg h1n<ltI r.. u1tual intctcst::! Gc1PHJ,ll-\-\'J10 pnts h11n on I I have the dse, ,u1d as nn.ch g1.tcc af:! i;ho drnplnytHl l l tl1c 1tiil.o 1nout"?yruilldo.,uo·l with 1 t lt jf, 1non1r.r; lo ply l11n1 I \\1ll :i;ee about dot sn.loon I could not help tlunkmg a.q I lool ell 1 Tiile! Th" -.;\r "~as stoppt:<l, a nd sho1tl.} nftel- x.t bei \Ht11 be1 ~ervnntE1 nb1nt he1, 111 <.:l.tea1 f1.1 l, J~t>t yrnll inutto Jio :11clt relia.1ce fri.1Ll1 1 hon W;t1d the conclndo1 \\as seea lo conie S\\ eat- ies11ec.:tfnl, a.ud r.mx1ous to attend upun he1, hO\\ cHt3 , <t.. id industry - J<rn1c1J lhsk, l 1 Jug 11p \\1th the ll unk on lns l)lldi::- 1 pn.1 t much better it wo 1ld b~ for tl1c young ladies lll ]le that lit t he .,.-,odd would11sc 1nw4 ta.kt 1l1e o[ t.he pcrfor1nan '3 e he did uot C'lJ OJ l1 dJf England if the.)' \VOt1ld otxasJonaJly rotu1n to the h,\!J1ts of t1c11 i;,Tandu1tnnmns, au(I nuugle ).J.tnO.HA':\l and 1Hhcrhse -Cenfuaus I ,1s \\dl ~ls dul the pasaengcrs tJ1e annnu.ted and 1.m Jeaung occupE1it1on:. of do "\Vhy rn n. IUOU 8t.: hkc n. lo td of h;:iy ~ Bec.-1. 1"-C n1estu life, o.nd the modest mauncrs and social the cn.t 11 cat it flJ.11\1.-crr1cJ1ts of b.omt, w1th the perpetual p1ac Yean:1 tlo not 1 11.t1e sn.gci:;) tht:J oul) 1.ti"k e old I Lls111g on hal'"[)S o.ud p1tllO"I, n.nd the 1ncoss11nt 1non '1lisplay n.nd RCl)tCh. after. gai oty, 1vh1C:h at the A fannei :;v.lhe1s wlrn.the i:;O,\S \\h1le fl.i f\~ :t1n prt'~( ut day rcndm the1n fl.nytlnng but\· hat an Sheep on R, poor Parm ru1>1abJe man of a 1cfl1 cting 11n11d ~nd del icate stres8 s1n"li.s \'ilw..t she g~itho..:rs Sotnc fariners of ( nr .t~quQ;rntancc fe· 1 r.n st:nhmc1 t ... '\ r1ul1l dcoorc iu the " oUl"1.n he tn1ght A. l~dy w1<lov.-e-d by the Clucngo conll J..C,'1 a nut it llot) has been 1ecentl}· 1e mau~cd lit>1 secow.l n11t1patby t o 8l1cep, fol t h e lt:."1.SO!l th..:1.t they w1r:>li to 8dcct a8 his <.:Otl)lJ:l.lllOn fol Dfe "Lite close \'ile l'..:nn ~1cle1 tli~ then cluef re ,~.l::; not ou1y 1u Uw n101 c tufi 111 g ,iO'aJJ'3 of t.11e huisb.ind cnlls hel his iehc of the g1o~i.t fu e w1nn1cudatiou 'l hey ctn only bit clmse "hc1e ]1ou~lhold it.hat thm Juung- I "'-IY uc 11nttell l.w1 O \V Holn1es 1ema1k!S llt Ins C\.UIC.11 way, tile vastnre l<J sl ort, and tho..: pasture is slwrt sdf t o 21g1ceably, 111 the garden, the fann 1 Lhat cryn1g 'v1do ,\ s ma11y fi1-st 'L ltcte is 1wth u1tly on puo1 f i.11n:,j l"" po1>r fa1111 "'111 neuer;l::lanJy :unong the lu.\.Jo1ct-::;, thc11 w1 \ eo und chilJ1c11, 1 ug hke wet \\ eathe1 £01 ttauB1 lauL1ug liu ent:11t11 be1ed wi th ln'lorn, '\\ ucds, ....nd h1uish iu ] \\1th the poo1 in the neiJhbo1hood u,nll the c1:1.-s "You1 culo1:-; ate bcautifltl," s.t!d a ch:uply t liu fence cornt:I s.. --U nJc:i s ich conchtions, ' 1 e u3.l w1iudt:1c1, ever)\\ be1c sJ1u \\as i::up onutend 1oughcd lady to .i poi tl:'\lt pn111te1 'Yef'!, " 11onld Bay to farme1 s \vlLO b aa t vcuty do1la1B 01 ing, dnel'..:ting, Jond, a 1n 1able, th o l.lOH f< it of ~ll HIS .e1ea he," You faA..l}flli11) and I deal ,it the upwa1Jt; 111 cash (or crudtt fo1 i t, awl then le~ n.rouncl, au(l the delight uf ht:t fi.1.nnl) She same shop ' J11n1 boa ow thu amou11t1f bl1 h U ) tu P ~.) one pe1 ftt:w up anJ dC.\\11 the lucL·> 1\ ith the lightuc:m "Sally, i ~.t1<.l a fellt \\ to a .rul who h Hl ied 1 cut a tnuuth fo1 the utic of lt), and I H\ est it 111 of a l))·) till t mn 1 oe , 1;.be sp1 ang 111t.o l1 bon,t hke na.naJc an o:u hau, "lc.e~p ct\\ iy f1om lne, or }ou'll S(t n1e o 1 ~8 mauy t:l\ u8, not older thuu thi ec Y( ar , <h tbu L ally ~·f tlie I .u.ke, ~tnd could 1 11n witb as llll.lch g ··wc ....nd Blnll W itb .ill th1a, file" "No da.ngct of th.it," ieph1d th~ ;ul, you C;Olli tiet fo1 that u1auy l)ut then>. t111Ei l:!L th.OL lll such :1 held a.a \1'0 lune dc,.cnbcd, nn<l hm 1n 111 <i \\as thorGughly cultn,\ted She harl you rue too gre en to burn 1 ' }11lton \.~as asked by n. f11e11ll, \\ hetJ)e1 he give them, 111 aUn1t1u11 to wl1at the} ea11 JHCk a\ e\cg~vnt t~"tc ui the .uttho~s of he' ow11 lru1 ruage, nnclC'l f:ltood Ijr1tm, Itah1Ln and Fng\\ ouhl 1nati11et lu' da11ghtcrs in the chffe1 ent np, a p nt of \\ hent bran anti. ontmeal dally, 1 They will h ab, a.ucl chaFn1 cd me " ith her convcrsat1on, language$, to \\luch he icphed, 11 no ~ ir, onci \v1th ficc ::i.cccss to "\\ate1 a.nd ~fo..lt 1 11st " go for· ) the bucrs, anrl cle:i.u then1 ont, wlulst '-h~ ernplovecl hc 1 fiuge 1 s in the fa.ncy tongue is enough for i \\ o 1111.n " ll V~l.} po1t1on of that :field\\ 111 be tr1)cldcn \ ·ner worl,, 1th wh1ch t]1e Fi'c-nch Jad1es occupy tlie A.. 1nin1ste1 at a colo~ell we~hhu.; 1 who w1sh"d n.ncl OH:l l fl.,.'J!Ull, a.nd tho weeds ha\e 110 cb1u ce n1 onient~ ~ } 11 ,_.h sotni.: call idle, but \\h1ch w1th to be humoroiui, s::t1d "On i:mcl1 occO."lOllS 1t l ~old them outhit 6.eld d1uJug \\ u1ter, :'l.nd ca1 them u.i-e alv. 1ys sociabh and 0 une1 alh Cfllt 1s t..'1tstorun·J to kiss tl1e bnde, !Jut 111 tlus cn.<;c, 1~r to thezn fce~l rtuffi.t.: cnt to ku~p t11em thin 1ng fully cmploy eJ " \\ 0 ,\ 111 omit it ' 'l'o -..vb1ch ur.::;'allaut 1 e1nmk Uct the use of a good Lut'.k in !5e<1.sou-Sonth l:f:i.vuiJ now slw 1v11 th(:l,,t tu undeit:itu.nJ. ::i,11J. the bndeg1oon1 bll;;'ltin cn.t l) tephell "On such IJown would be pi1;:feritble- a.n<l u1 thB sp11Db1 supenutend t.Il tho1.t beloJJg1::; t o dm ~1C$tic c(on ol'..:cu.')1ons it is cnston1u1y to pay tlie in1urntc1 Sl 0 if Jou. Jinie 7.11.ck ltl.i;;it rrwaus if Jou gi \ e the1n oinJ rn the p 11 [Jtl \ ucation fu1 a "'omv.n, let but in th11:1 Cll.fle we Elhall vuut 1t ' iiroper ,\ttcnhon .1JuLJeed 1 f.!JU(a1 lp), Jou 1~111 hei situnt 011 lJe "Lit Jt 111 iy, auJ. thaL 1 f)O fai An Engll'"hman and a Vi.7 dshu.1a.n d1..,putn1g 111lse rnorc la.n1b~ tOr~n Jou 11 avc C\' es '1 he fion 1 h "iug ·sha1ued of it, she ;.;hould digrufy 1t 111 ,vho~c 1,;uuutry \1a.s tho b~ st liv111~, the iitoney w1ll be more thr1.n doubled, iu:l the' oo by lter 1nru1uer of t:xo..:rcrn1ng it, a c.Hthon may \Vclf!l11na.11 said, ' 'l'hcl'~ 18 such nuble hcJU8e 11u<l 111anure will p i y fm tJ1cu foed and 111te1est be ncces ~arj :\trunst 1nak1ng lt::; dct:i.1ls too keep1ng 1n VVale::1 that I liaYe k110\\ n al.Jo, c a I 1 1 the spund' ~on n1ay put the ...Jield.m. J.;i'.frD, prorrtin e:nt 1n th e "Oc1::i.J. cul'..:lc, and t ullnng tou <lo:i:till cooks titnployed at one \'i oddn1g dmner " "\\ 1 th thr ce1ta1nty oi gett1n.; {ff!, pe1 cent in u.udt about them H0nor1:tble as i:s tbe per "Ay," icgponded the Fughslnnau, c; thu.t \\<tS ' ' c lSe of cro11 fouua.uce of tl1o:::c drnl) duties, 1t is ba.(1 taste to Oe1,;,iu~e C\'e1'y 1n:u1 toa~tcd bis o\\ll cheeHe ' -., s:l.y Inuc/1 about tho1 n .\ \1cll o.de1etl bouf!e Snut.ll <tHd Jone!"i ""Cle at thll men11,gcr,e, aurl Cattlo k1lllng Trees. h\8 bet:n fitly eon1pmc::l to .i. 1\,~tch, all tho tl1e con"Vc1~ation tn1ned on D:uwn1 's theoJy "heels and ::!prlUJl cf wh ich ~·re out of sigbt,and lt 1 ,, a. f 1Ct that :1.ll cat <'ful fnrme1 is mui:; t ha11.: it 1.,, onl} tllllWJ~ tbn.t they {JX18t , and n1e 1n "Loot( at that monkey/' "l'.l.ld Smith 'TLmk of it~ being an nncl.1:nelopell hnllHl.11 pi 'liu noticed, that :.l t1ce, scemmg e\ e1 so tLuity and orde1, by th e reguJanty with ·11h 1ch th eu 1c 0 lt'i:; no of wh<:Lte\ et luHl, to whi ch catth h Lve .wceS!;l suht> u.1 e b1 onght about 1wtn 1 ' ti::tid J 011ef4, conte1nptnously and u11de1 wlnch ~ ey staud, -..11ll "\ery Baon d ie 1001 e hum au tha.11 I run ' 'l'bo tune 11eccssa.11ly cons111ncJ hy the'" c dmly A little boy bavJDi£ been inuth 1JH118etl fo1 - as 1n the caf::!e of l"lOhtai} shn<le t·cc" 111 pus careti 18 cou,,iderable, let J:l<lic.:o beware h ow· tu1us or by Uie i oads11lc Tlug is a common oc h1!:! quickness of reply, a gcntlc1nau p1 esent ob they add to 1t by \'I ast1ng a inomcnt on nr.cdlcss c.:utTt"nco, ,nll1 the que8t1on 11nturally arises, capitulation and wml~as discusq1on of domestic served , that \'ihen chilch en wc1c l~o..:en 1n their , by lS 1t ~ l'~nst, iuhbing a t·ce by the necks y 9 utJi thcywe1e gcneiri,,1ly stu pid an(l dull \\h en l\.."ffant> \\hen they L:P, e do11e theu household they .:Uvn.uced in vears ll.nd '!. U"e 1e1 ~a Y\o b~t a. of cu.ttle rn lngltly inJu·1ous 1 awl if pm ,,1stcd in tasks to the UeHt of theu ab1htw,,, th ey ~hould -ici srnsiblc boy, i!ir 1 tuust 110 1 h ..1o c belln re will lle~tro) them sooni: : 1 01 late1 , bnt if the d1.sn11st> the t;nhJect from then 1u1ni.l., .md not L ) d th h 11 body of the trees be uased so t.hat t heu necl~s Jet the thuu;ht of it inttudo upuu othe1 tlunga 1 uine ec ( .., ,. uannot touch Jt,<lcath \Hll t:nsue J\1 1it as ce1ta1n "bf1 l' \.'IH.I<;lt'l'> Cu~J:\lli'i - A :youn~ litt;hin ly if they \\Cid allo,\ud Lo tuunple ro1u1cl it that have theu app1ovnatc place 1u tl1e t1ay's I I The \\'.1sl11ngtgn St!> ielatea the follow- I THE HOUSEHOLD. Domestic Economy - C. BOUNSAtL, R, I MPOR'.l'ERinMANUFACTURF all the vanet1e:; of Dl~.i\.LEH. 1 "" /JARll TO Bl]J--'IEVE. Spr~ng Stocks ! ·:rR-UE NEVEI-lTIIELESS ! SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Italian & .American Marble. .A. lug<:: and choice seleotJon of MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, a.I.ways on ban<l, of supenor \\:orkmn.nship, 11nd a.t lov. ost prices W1'tmght fo1 01· Geist 11 on Fences burying lot.~ cuclos1.~,; l\tAYERS, I 0 Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c., kept on hand, c.r '\'il'ln1gbt to 01dcr respectfully requested a.t the \\.orks, 01'..:tobei, l~t, ..\. C:"l.11 G1·oceries Very Oheap. Good Coukrng R,e1s1Ps ouly 5 ceuts a pound, ,,nd sllll che~ e1 by Box is King Sher,l, Bo'wmrt,iviUe H:lO<J 1 tf I Ll1e I Begs to 1nfo1m tlle Public ti at, he haa recened ~~nd opene<l out a beautlfnl and t\: ell a.'5sorted Stock of H A 1' S .A N D U .A I' S , (01 Sprn1J aJld Summm wc:a1 p~sses Fhs Stock sm anJth1ng-prev1ously offerEd 1n the 'l'0\\11 Prices are Low, CoGton .md V,Toolen Goods aie adv"ncrng, but you can Luy the111 itt Elliott's fo1 a sho1t Lnne, at the old pnces Now rn the tnuc to sccme wl1at NOVELTIES ARE STYLISH yon need 'Ihf.l whol~ will 1 epa.} Jnspechon, and he eoHhalCLOT lilNG-Gentlemen rn \>ant oi a gourl fitting smt shonld call eai ly R,t Elliott's Faaluon.tblo 'I'a1lormg Es+abl1shment S:it1sfact10n gn«t.mteecl m ,111 re,1sonablc ease,s HENRY ELLIOTT, Jw H"m]Jton, August 2nd, 1871 hp-o23-m54 ly extend!:! an 1n v1ta.t1on to all blS old friends nnd a;i n1anv n.cw ones as n1a} feel u1chned to be bencfittcd by having Men and Boys Suits, · ended to LR.d!C2 as a o Toilot. For rendering the rom Drynoae, it ia undvM ed It w1ll quickly removo l\llRodnese· Roa~bncsa, Tan, Frcc"-le~. Pimples, &ndotJier1mpertectton1. For Chapped Hands1Cbllblatns, Frost Bites a.ud Sore Lt~a, it cannoG bD .surpfH!Bed. FIRST-CLASS GOODS, I His Gent's I'unushmgs will be found well assorted MARKUS Ruv. n·andllc, A pnl 5th~ 1871 MAYERS ti Crumbs for Chickens. -- Price 20 cents. CORNli~l{ CARRIAGE SHOP. {west of the 011 t ~10 llau.l~) I F. Y. COWLE. .L Kmg Stieet, Bow manv ille. THE FARM. n11IE tmlJ ....::11be1 !.:; plcp.ucd to liuilcl 1.H lll p<iu Ill lVcigo ns, Bi1ggies, ancl Cullers, I of C\Cl.) dosc11ption, ~t ~lw1t nvtl<.:l, i e H~K>.u~Lle tt'rnll!I .uLdou I l I POINTS OF 011 Car11ages Painted and Trimmed. Simptuit.IJ in Conot1 action, Ease of operation, Per:fection oj ' Stitch, alike on br,th ·ides, owiny to per.feet ten sion on upper a1 ut lower Tlwead. BNGE OF WOR][ -From Gauze t o Bca>et G'loth DUBBJLT'l'Y - Will Ltst ,, life time A Blacksmith's Shop tht.1 Lh~ti.lS-.!~, \\ Ul e :.pecial a ttc11L10111'i gn c 11 to all ;E;qually a.da.pte~. to Fi;i,mily '\Voris:, MACHI~ES Thia Dr.stITT'ECTAN'l' auall'yl>A01d :b .. e;veri!, tectious die'CB$e.9 I Cattle. Jitisalso Olosete, Dta1us1 houses &c , aud f from w·ho.tever caneesnelng. t will dnvo away Moeqnitoee1 Moth.~. Files.., Cock:ro.n.chee, &c. Moa.t, ll'ish.:&c , can be preservea. from J>Utrela.cUon by itl!I ntl\,t-- Va.rbohc At.id \Hts a-elected by Bel' !olaJeety's '" Roya.I Commteeionere, in profcren,_ce t1> 1111 otb.er prudllcts, as the beatDlslC!ectantfor tbe preveu\ ttoa..ot ilifectiotLSdieeases. Fnce 25 cents. ., ---------~-.- Dres~ and Shir Job bing Gene1al Malting, 'failoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. DELI\'ERED AND lNS'l'RUCTIONS GIVEN EVERY Agents, ~IA.CHINE WARRANTED. TelltY\Vlees & Quiokm We h.we also on lw1cl No;· elt1e~ All wo1·/, done at this siablishn,e n u nnanted. ~\. call 1~ ie~ pectf11lly sobc1tcd ,T MORHIS WANZEll i<LDJTEJ, , I, AJJllOTTS, AND BARCLAY ·'LJJILV<J MAC'lllNE --- --- NC.-, S T E _J 1 OLU Stovk of Gcuernl Goods 18 h.1ge, errilJlacwg ,ill the cl.ly, and .11J the nccessm ies as well ~1ush 6$, Co1r1 bs, Lool,.111.:- G l.U*l~S, hfusJ(;, ],fa,; tzu1cs, Colln1 ~, Ne<k '11c~ School l3ook~, ]J lY Hookl!, J31blcs, of the y Pi . . tn1 e rran1es ~ ll.ll s1zea, ::\fo ' kltni;,"13 of <nery style, V·{ all Paper-a ~lend1d aseortm eut now ui l:ltock, .. \. la1t,o supply of b~CJ.utifu.ll.} .18801ted V"Y\ndo\.v Shade~ . Uh.ildren s Carnages, Ooncert1n:o1.s, V1ohn:i,Y1oliu Bows, ·v\ohn l:::itrings,I'apet Knives aud Fo1ks 1PocketI{1uve::;, R~;.:0111, Spoons and So1ssors Cho.:apc1:1 t Kotc Paper ruHl Envelopes 1n the countiy AJl the;,ie, ind a \.Ve a.re nJwnysglad to soo th1usa.nd other 1uticles au~ to be found ::tt the VAllIIi'l. Y STORE fnends, 1tu<l th.ink it no t1oubl~ to ~how Good,, , .tnd \\ c i;u:.1,runtee us good 'aluc, a.t as low prices as a ny othci hou8e ln the trade Part1es W1Shing to telegia:ph theu fue11J>1t. iuay rely ou havnig tliun· bu1:1u1ess done p1omptlv Agents for Inman ]..1n1e of Steanl ~1s, .ind lmper1al B11 1ldmg 11ud Sa\ ing Sut:1ety Daily Line '10 Bo\vmauville, :M a1ch 7th, 1872 YELLOWLEES & QUICK. i123 I RO CHEST Eli. The New Lako Steamer ·w.usc1.ll})loyedto~weeptln.: tl 11m11ry of <t h011s~ B n t \\ ,_ t ra.·npl Lng th e uu th uy s,nou Ii l to the 1 th e ,_ · 'l l IC 1eMOJl lS one 0 f Wld e 111 :b!accleefield ' and hn.v1ng' aseen1led k W'Cel'.i' d es t roy fill( lffi· oceup.~+1011 cOt CHIT CHAT. [Tim Brady and Mike Fly11n] Oct l "sutunnt of hiayicf~muon," t oo .L sur-.;uJ 'J'hIB com)Jlett:cl, he prt:prued to '11'. : sCt'nd, but Hustalnug the flue, ho found liinuieJf, on his lnnding ' 111 lhe office of a lnnb of Tl th e la'-",whose t inetht.~t1ons '\ i.:1 c put to iliti1it ·c scnsa iou uf })( tlt pal hN.! Jt" 01tld u~ l(ll JXl:':IS1blc to de:-;c1.1Lc - the boy, Wuifiecl kst he i;houhl lJtil pun 1.. bcd stood n~etted to the "]Jot, and t}ld la.wyct i;tiuekduinb, i:ta1tetlfio1n lurs eeat t lie 'ie1y of 1) but s 1oke not Sootv ho-..\ Hi age 0 It iTol 1 d u' c'im, 80 , lL found i~ tongnc,an iu acl'..:t'.'IJL~ \\ 1 uc11 the t~n,)rs of tlio man of ,n:d 111c1eIBt!d out. "1\fj father's t..'Umn1111' d11el'..:t1J 011lv ]fLW, portant ,tpphc.Ltlou t o the laws 1)f 'eget ablc gio\\tb. '!he ioots of pl rt.Uts need the '1.1r JU8t a.s rnuch .~ tl 1e leave& ru1d brnnchei\! 'l'hcn . t ti t l ti sh es, v. I nuI1, th oug h c.~sc 1s SlIUI1aJ. o ia o they must ha.ye -..-. ater) inust have .ut ~tho, \ t:G 1ust a bou t as 1nncIlas premcat cs tile W<\t 01 If 1t be 1:iJl shut off so tbi:it 11011<1 whwh is fiei;h ca.n get to th eiu th~y will exl1aust th~ supplJ l d \ ti ./d f tl t f on ian 1 aJH icn lC or ie \\.in 1nore So th., 1oot;; of t.rces :llHl 1 egctnbl· · "nut rui ° .. ' This \~ l1l::l enoub h The presljnue of suel1 au equl\ oc tl ,\ lxtng, eo introduced, unner1ecl hie he 11 t , .'.lnJ \~ 1th one bound the affughted J.~w y l r sought ref ng~ Jn tht: etrect fiom the <ue111y \Vhen the ea1tb 1s n1 it no 111al 0 1 nat1nal cond1t1011, lt H! full of channnJ~ by "b1ch n.ir gets to then1... 13ut if the cattle~u.rc nJ.lowecl to t1arrrp drn.,.n the earth , 1~aJ. the sun &11.le the '\ 01 k l1y baking it, at the same tnne a. 1 t nst l 1 ke ~ L11ck ia formed th.'.lt shuts off the mo1i:iturc 1 8oi:rowing 1s u. Uad tbuig at the best 1 hut ~nd the ti ce soon clwindks and die So a tree One of tho :-;UbJeet,, t.tlkt:d and. wutten a"Lout "LoitO\\ ing trouble" B pe1haps the most fool· cannot h"e if 1t,s ioots are \'..:O\ c·ed \\lt.L a close ] n. good deal at the pieseut time, lS How to hvc ii:h 11ncst1ncnt of "fo1e1gn ci:i.p1tal" that a ma.Iii. pa\. emcnt, tJiey ,, ill .struggle for bfu by c1l'.lep- Chea,,ply rnces of all the great staplo:is of hfe ut woin.tn can 1nake ...4-n amusing inst11ncc of 1ng to the suifa.ce ,\nd hoi1Sbng out,, buck beie ate lugh llcnt.s o.re eno·mou~ }"",~luo n:s are tlns t:;pey1es uf 1 ' operation" -J8 set forth u1 a a l:!toiw there, 01 fin.rl l~ ere\ ice \\here t h en exncting V\Tants multiply~ \vh1le resourc~a d1 down East 11eW$pape1, wherein a.man thus re nogi;s can snnff a., httlc fiesh nu, but 1f fought muu:ih How to tnake strap anU buckle moet, lated h1i:; Expe11.ence lll a :financ1al waY., on th~ a.ncl k ept dO\\n, will finally give 1t up l!.., 1010 is the p1oblerr1 \Vlnch p1esses on hund1eds of occas1on uf the fo.ilure of a l ocal bank the ubove fat..ts I thnik co.ttle of no beuefic ta hnuf)ekeope·s of the middle claois The d1fficul 'As soon MI h eerd of it, my heart Jumped oicharc.1 15 , and tJi c faimets \vbo s till persIBt in ty in the problem 15!n1econc1lc11reconc1la.bles 1ight up iuto 1ny mouth. · No-w 1' th111Ls I. Jatchng thett ~tQ(;k of cattle 111 then orchards The m1tl<lle r.lasfl fiZhi1), 6fl1e1:.lly \Va.nti:; all the ·;:;po.sin ' I got a11y bills 011 that bn.nk. 1 l'n1 inuat e ~ect the ti co to die off - Coi (!ounti u fine tlungs1 nll t11e st;i; le and display of wealthy gone if I hcv- tbnt s a fa0t.' So I put on 111) Gcnlkmau no1g:hbors 'fhe piohletn would Slmplify itsPlf coat aud 'put' for home Jlli5t as fast n.s my legs ibt once 1 would t h e muldle class fnm1ly ceW:!e t1y \\ ould carry me, fact 1s, I 1un all the w.ay. Pt Ult Trees lng to aripeaa what it is uot, and be content to And when I got there, I looked keerfully, nncl appeM an<l be thought JUSt what it rn It is (onnd_ihat I hadn 't got no bills onto that bank 'l'he fo1JO\\Wg' t"leven paragrv:phs ate worthy \vbat 1s <lone to keep up appea.1ances that clc -n01 -.,Hf otltN 'lhe11 I falt eas1e1 !> of apla.ce amoug the Jnost \aluable tules that I !:itloys the equ1hbi1u n 1 between outgo and in There have been <~ thousand 1nsta.ncrs of should [,,ovein a \~ ell 1egul ated home con1 a, <m.d Ju :i.kes hfe t dtuUge1y and \exat10n · borrow1n~ tlottblo" when it >\a;i not a \\}Ht I 1 " \:Vben fnut heos occupy the giouud, noth J:[ow to live cl1ct1ply 1s a question easy enough botte1 "~ucured" than U1 tlns ex:aJnple ing eli;c should, excerJt \Cly sho1t g1as8 to it.neme1 if one'> ill be content 'v1th a cheap 2 ':b'1 u1tfuli1~s ani.l growt11 of the tree unnnot ln 1ng f5ubstitnte co1nfort for 1;bow P.u.t con be expected the ~a.me yca1 \ l~n1en<:t\ u1 the })lace of L·sh1011 Study sun· A New :Fish Destroyer. 3 There irs no plum tbu.t the t;UJ 1 .ailto w1ll 11ot vlieity Refui:u to be begu1lctl into i ~t) le ot apo liVU1g above \Vhat is iequncd by vour position lf'u1 J ears pa~1, the fisl1e11ucn on the take, thou,::h au 'f !dud n1a.y sometin1ea C$C 1::bo1cs uf Lake OnW.r10 lt(t\'C not1cecl often for one yoa1 111 0110 pl.lee iu soCiet.y lnd ia Jlli:!tlfied by youi. re1:iotuce& 4- Peach. bot cr s \\ .U llot tlo un1ch dam.~,;e Set a. fa3h1on of sunphcrfy, neatiwss, prudence, tha.t fish, a.pparently 1n ht:ialtbl iosc to th~ :n1rf.ice of the \Vater, tlo~tlcU a.bo11tu:i a help- ,\hen strff clay 18 heaped up :t:1ounJ. the ttcc .i and inexpen~1vc11ess, which othe11:1 v11Jl be glad. to follo\v and thank you for int1odnl'..:Jng 'le,wh less <;ond1t1on for a fc,v ~1Dtl!'s, 1i11J tl1cn fout btgh 5 l'ca1 bJ1 0 llt still [lllY.Z les the grcat1ncu rJ1he yourself to do \\"lthont ,ithoui;nnd ,lnd Olle prot~ J1E:l1 '!Ina bus Lccn pn.1t1cularly noticed best remedy kne)wu ts to l' l!\nt t"'o fo l c\ r;1 y ty and sl1owy thing!! which we:llthy people pur ~1rnoug the her11ng, a eo1ue\\hat h,tndsotnc, one that cl1cs chase, 1111d pnde yourself on being Just a.s lHlll· s1lve1-colored fish, taken in 11ets The t1 ue 6 If you d011' t know how t o p1une 1 tlon't PY "1thout them a.s your r:ich neig1.bors w1th -.;auee of tlns mortality has i1ot beelJ known, hire <'Ii man f IOm the othel ~ 1Jc Of t'he :;lea, that thmn rut SO IIltlCb d1gIUt), Sin<.:cllty, kindllC$8J vutu 1>, n.nd love into yout: :snnple and inexpen 01 at least has not been publicly announceJ kno\I a less than you do 7 I>on t cut off a bid lo\\ e1 lunb 1 u1Uus3 you sn c ho1ne that its nu~mbers Wlli never 1u1ss the to our Jcnon ledge The fishc1UH:!n lien e charged lt to leeches, 01 otbcn ptnasttcs f<H:I· are .i renter and don't care "hat becomes ot ~t costly fr1ppenes n.nd !=ihO\\ y ad.onunents of fa~h lOll, rmd be happ1c1 m th(' cozy aud c01nfo1 t ·vhen your time u1 out. tcn1ng t h c1nse1 ves upon t t1e sea1 es of t 1le L blc npa.itmdnts than in'"lst of then wealthy 8 .l~.. tl ec "\\1th the 111ubs coPung ou t 11C.Ll the fi!)h, arul suclnng the life-blood ..A. short giou11 d la wot th t\\O ti ces t.u1umed up hvu feet, neighbors a1c in then splendid est.~bltshn1ents time since, Seth Grc1.m) a n oted 1Jl\:c.;1caltu1- o.nd 1 ~ \~oith fotn t1~u.t:1 t.nn1uied lt:u feti t , autl It doe!l not folh)w that 111 onlci tu hve che.\pl.}, one inust ltve 111cn.n ly 'J'he gtent st::i.vle8 of i:st, gnthe1ed sou1e cty1ng hc111ngs, floating so on, uutil they at~ not \\ortb .tuytlnu~ life ate not costly rl'aste, 1e6nemcut, good upon Irondequoit Bay, uud tnadb a. t:aierul 9 'l\uu dowu, not up chee1, \\lt, and e \en e le~ance are in expens1ve cxanuuation He~ fonnd, fastened near the JO Sho1te111n, not len,;then up (fille a 0 1 1u "'bich had eateu in the vitals 11 If you had your arm cut off, you \\ ould '!'here IB no trouble <~bout youu.; people mu.riy t> d' l U bl d f h L ~ feel lt at the hcttl t , a ti cc \Hll not fc..:eJ, Lnt rot ing \\ ith no outfit but htialth and lo\ e <wd a.n ,u1 \\'.'.lS t HtWlt~g 1c oo rom t e eal t.o thc hcu.it houest purpose, p1ov1dec1 tliey Wlll practise the of the i11:l1 "C nde1 the n11au1o~cope, Hus thuft and })rudencc to \Vhich then grand par \vaa a dlSgust1ng looking c1catu1c, so niadc cuts owed all then success, and n1a.l~c th cu Borers m I'ru1 t Trees. thought u.nd love supply what they lack 111 the \~1tll po" e1 to adbe1e, that once fastened Take 'ery tlnck soft soap "1thout diluting, me,u1s of di::;play rl'hose who begrn hfe :i.t the upon a fish beneath the gills, 1t could not i~t it to the bo1lmg point and pa.int the trees top oftbe lacldei· generally tumble off, v,h1le be sl1aken oil Wheu this parasite takes he with lt, applying it fteely, especially near the thoso w·ho begin at the foot acquue stcnthness, bold of an ex~osed surface, the fisa dashes groundi a.nd fron) thence up 1:10111e dLStnnce courage, and strength of aim n.nd \\111 M they himself aga.1n9t a iock or ha1J. snU.stance, among the b1anches 'Vhen put on bot it !.inkesi nse - Golden Aue and tears 1t off, ~01nettmes taking the sciles into the bark so 1hat oni;: a,pphcnhon m.ade about W2S££2 Tl1ese \YOnnds have been mu;taken for the the first of June pe1fectly protects the trees £01 1vle<11cal 1-Jocietiesi inc w1unc<l not to ask ii. real ca.use of death in the fish Of cour:,e the season, killing many youni; b01 er.;; and e.;:gs there 1s no re111edy-no way to prevent de- wluch ha.ppened to be at the su1fa.cc of the ce1tain 'Vestern 1u iniste1 to 1wcaeh fo1 them struct1on to the ftsh thus attacked , but 1t b uk. 'Tlus 1s by f:u tLe cheapest and bG " Tn )us d1 seaeo As1t st mode He has tlus te i'i.t l eady is \Vell enough to be 1nforn1cd as to the ieal of keep1ng the bore1 s out (lf np!Jlo tret\.t:1 yet so11ght not to the Lo1d, but to the phJ s1cHuu:1 Clil.USC of fi:-;h DIOl tahty. Anc l A.:-la .slevt with bt.:;.i fa.,ther~ " tned The tlis1nte1 cstcd 1ffection of 11iothe1s ofte11 leads t hen1 to dispense with all assista.nc~ fron1 their daughters in tllcir domcstH dfturs, "o 10ng as tlie' a1e in daily nttendonce upon school , or, m1 the r.o'nmon phra:::w is, whilst they l.\re "g-et ting tho.:1r edncat1on ' \Vb.ere t h e '3chool hour~ n1c d1hgently cn1ploycll,anil the to.sks labonoua, 11nd 1puch time lti ll:quired to prept1te les1:mu:-; at ho1n<.!, Jt JS part1culn.tly lmpo1t1111t thn.t all the leisure ~L gnl bas, should he \V1scly d1spos~U of but fa1 better '\Vould 1t be fo1 h( r health, that so1n~ of rt· Rhould be gn en to the stii ru1g occu pahon of the household, than that she should be ~1tting ove1 !\ frame of \\"OL><;ted or lace "qrk, lnnt1ng hct cyc::. 1 and wa.:.tlng hc1 tnnti iu 1ntt.k111g beu.d bags, 01 Ro1ne httlti ointunent.U a1t1cle of dr ess, not "'orth a tithe of thi; pa.ins bcstov. ed. 11 P 011 it 1871 TIM - 1871. "NORSEMAN" HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imedrnte use, and nothmg but the purest materials used, and iequnmg no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Diyern Then co1npos1tion consists solely' of ILL on oi abo11t Jst./\prilnext uornn1ence he1 i cgula1 da1ly tups, ice µerJmtt1ng,leav 1ng Cobonrg e\ ery mon1111g at 7 :30 Port Hope ait !) Q'clock for liocheste1,connecbn~ there ~"1th the New Yo1k Ce11tral, Noitbe1n ccntro.l and Eue Rinhvfty, fm 11U points ]?ast, South, i:uH.l Sout h West W RETCT\Nll\G Leaves Ohadotte, Po1t of Rooheste1, c\elJ eveu1ug t<t 0 o clock, except So.turdays 1 \\h"'n she leaves nt 2 o'clock p m , for Br1ghton direct J he steamer calli:! at l311ghtun, )fondays and 'l.1hu1 sday, at Colbo1ue c\ety da,y except 7 ecl nesda.y, at V>.1ntby, Osb11\\ a., Darlington ind Newcastle on Wednesday, should frei~ht offe1 Dealers 1n stock will find this thu ehea1)c8t and quickest route to ~o\.lbauy, Hoston, Nc'v York, Pv1 e Golo1·, Piit'e lVhite Lead, Pu1 e White Zima, LinBeecl Oil, Spirit_. of 'l'urpentine, &; Dryen, ccarefull.) and scientifically colllbined The consume1 can have any deshed shade of color neatly put UJ· in Cans, and all he requires to buy with Lhe Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or b.yany member of his household °" &c, &c Ii C CARTE}<., Add1e~s. Po1 t l{opo Ont Poi t Hope, March 18th, 1872 2~ tf "Good mmnmg, l\hke, shme and its early out, ye ate. Might I be bould to axA what sta1 ted yces clus morning" MIKE-' Jist be a1scy, Tim, <111d I'll telly e m a jiffy Ye see, J · w.1s tould, visterday, th,1t :Misther Grny, av Ty10ne, h,u] got home an 1lligant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hardly sl,ipe a wink, all night, tlnnking av the And shuro enuft, its the full st01 e he h;;,sthe chape good· piles and piles av the n,ctest p,itLcins, ~nd he'd give ye the makms av ,1n 1ll1gant new gown for Biddy, toi Siventy-:five Cints, Tay foi most nuthm, and the Baccy f01 ,\ t1iile less" TIM- ' An shure 1ts funning me ye arc, :Mike, wouldn't tho m,iu lie atther breakmg down " MIKE - " Bieakmg down, is it Shure he knows a tlnick wu1 th two ,w that l'l!Jist tell you wht1t it is, Tim, 1f you want to git a g«ite name when yome dcd and be c.1llecl a tiilautrofized, filosifei, uncl a public bimfacth01, jist tell all y om e nabours,and the nst av mankmn, about Gray's chape store, :tud you'll do more for the good av you counth1y, than ivei St Patuck did for ould I1e1.ind, "hon he barn shed all the toads and snakes out av lt tlMt IllYeI W'1B m it , TlM.- " I'm much oblagccl to ye, for lhe bit av advice, and won't detain ye, the1 e'll shurely be a giate nrn, ancl rnaybec I'd uuss some bargams The top av the mo111i11g to ye "- I'm off to Gray's · FO · PtJ E WHITE LEAD, A 1'11 ge stock just 1ec81ved, for aut mun painting, rrnportcd dhect from the English Manufactm ers,includmg James' Genuine, and the Celebrnted s. B. BRADSHAW · J. Gl!I, Tyro11e. Noted for cheap Goods. { l ROOS1'Hll BllAJ\'lJ, \\ould tJl 1:.: tlus oppo.1.hunty of thanking lus nun1e1 ous i 1icnds £01 the vr.i y hbeial pationa.ge he b as ir.ce1,·elL H e fei;:ls satisfied that noth1n,; but For the best and cbeµ,1lest giuircinleecl 1m1 e ALSO all staml<tid colors, 01ls varnishes, .111d painters' mateu.cls Call .tml see how cheap a house cau be p.rinted and decorntcd, fo1 a,ll these goods will be sold atReclucecl figtil'es. 2000 Gallons of LOW DRY BOOTS ,/' GOODS ' Cl~OCKER Y, GROCEI{IES, Superio:t' Workmanship, MACHINE OlL I ,v of diffeient kinds Tlneshcrn aud a11 p,irties requmng such oil aie specially mvited to inspect the vanous qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered m this market I bu:5111c~rs- mncll l~iger & Ill SHOES ' . fir8t-da8 S ::;ty le, go to · lrn::; ..,a1ncd fot hnu :>Uch a ~tearl y llli.:l ease of than fo1 tner years , ,intl he tru~ta that b;> and Clothing matl'e to onle1 500 Cook, Pa.rlor, lta.ll, a.nd :Box Stoves, auivmg, and now on exhibition, tlie lai·gegt and cheapest stock of st1 ict attention to business GENERAL HA~DWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, vVellmgton Buildmg' Bowrnanville, Aug 8th, 1871 J. he \nll cunt1ntte to rece1 ve then suppo1t Cheap Store, S. B. BRADSHAW. All those that. a1e n1 a.11 e us ~n m;,t pay up~ es pemnlly tb.e Ha1dwrue account S B TI J3<n\ u1nnv1lle..f.Jaµ l 0th, 1872 1~ lil 'Tyrone, Nov 2nd, 1871. fEYRONE. · ----