l THE MEI~Clf.ANJ.', FARM FOR ~ALE. FRIDAY, JUNE ~8, 1872. ==================================="-==--=~===-~---=----=-=========================:===-=-=---=-================-=·===-= - ================================='============~ Mrs. E. Cawker, / 4 ------ n1r1E North \V1::t.:1t Ji'IF'l'Y ACRES of Lot 21 in ~cti.J:ingfro1u Lusiness, bcg8 to retnl'n h er sin l. 8th Coll. of Du.dington . 42 acres arc in n. cere Lhaukf; to her n un1erous patrons, for theil· good st ate of cultiva.tion. Good out buil<linga }'or patWcu1ars ripply o_n the premises to CHARLES KNAl')"P. Darlington, ?i-fal'ch 15th 187! . 24-tf . liberal support dtuing the time she lfas been iv busine$S. At th~ same titne, she begs to announco, that she hO.s retired in favor of her two Sons,. ,.,.hmn Bhe tnist_ s, by I ·· · FOR SALE. ·\; Sl'BIOT Al'TENTION TO BUSTNESS and supplying. , ~till ofI.e dng t wo or t hree Luildi11g loW I .Air for sale, terms eaey. good title. ' , J A.'11];S MUIR. ~il- FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, to still n1erit that patronage eo libeHWly beat0wecl upon her. Bo,vmanville, April 10th 1872 --- -------- ----- m28·tf. Stall No. 1. :J\Iarket E,uildings. · BoMn!l.nTillt~, Ji'.n. 18tb 1 1872. ~- -· -·- · ----· -- New Business. 16-tf. . nuru · - ----------- SUBSCRI BER begs i-cspcc!Jull'y to :1 inform the public tlrn.t as J\..! r . R . lleed's business has ChanAed ha nds, he haa o-pen · .bus1ncs::1 on his own account in tl1e shop two doors 'Vest of Murdoch Bi·os. ; whel'e be will keep on b and :i. fi rs t-clas~ stock ofBoohs and Sh<><:s suitable for the sea::mn . Order ":oi·k will have his pro1npt and best attention. 'J.'-wcuty five years ex'perience in the tn\de, 1noro tb::i.n the 111.St two of ·which he has spe11t as ct,tter. nnd gent!ral manager in ~Ir. Reed's et;Lal1lisbment 1 has given him opportunities of learning what the people reo.lly lvant. IIe has therefore no <loubt of ·being able to ~ivc sa.tisfaction to aU wlio sbn.U favor hin1 ' vith n. eall, and hopes by giving due attention to business to receive R fair 1:hare of public support. JUNE, 1872. · Spring and Summer DRY. GOODS; --: 1 ... _, -- I J, SMALE, The uew stock ' vas 01.IBned out on SATURDAY, 11th · Instant. New, FaslviunaFe, ull(l Clteap McCLUNG BROS'. Spring Stoek is compleLe in every department [J,JUl Ren1en1bei,' tho place, two door:s doch Bros. w "\\'~eri:t vf M1tl"· , J, _s. F~l.l'Jlll} STBA'W, AND -.- . .. ~- - ,.,... ., . .Spring Stock Of Dry Goods h now complete with "11 'the uoyelties_of the ~ en.s on, will bo said cheap for Cll,s]L Dana's Patent Sheep Mark~ PAN~-\.niA HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAI'ES'l' T the most la.sting, the le3St troublc1101ne a.nJ ever invented. 'fhcy o.rc used most 1 ': ' · r , .- -- · · ., -. complete cl l 'J a.nd recommended by nui.riy of the boot Breeders ClDtUi..ng i11a.de to or er, t le · )i.S~ t n the Unitod States and Cann.du., such 'ru:i G. B. t1riinl.'l1ings only llSel1, o..ncl the lov-1o~ t Loring.J.. Salem, Mass., .President 1-le'v England l Wool tirvwer.s' Society; John S. H.os.s, H enne· price.' cllt""t_.rgcc. pin, llJ.; Professor ~f. J\iiles, of the St..,.te Ag· ric1fltt11·al Co11cgc, La.using, Mich.; Hon, G·co. ,... _.... Brpwn, 'I1oronto, Ont. ; John Snell, E dmonton, GOOP Ont On each !t-Inrk :ll; sta1npcd the o·wrie.r's ' name and the" Sheep's nurnbel'. They ..vrill be E:ientfrcc, by ,mail, or expresti, Ior onlyfc1u· i.:e11t ach, a.nd ·will last,for T\VE::d'r YEARS. ' w· Oaah ml.1Stac(.\oinri.any all orde1·0 · ARCHIBALD YOUN0 1 J i:., ;; . Sa,·:ina1 Ont.. Oblers A.i.dressed to the ~'V(ERCHNT and O.uKEH.V.ER Offi :e, for any quantity, 'vill be filled at tbe abo1e· neritioned price, ti.s quickly U..'i the Marks can be made and sent. · ,-o:- - , ,- , I -- J,,- &. W . 'J.. Kc:M:urtry &' Co . ~~ 1Vlillinery Goods, ! , ,,\,re 11ow ~howing a fnLl assoi-trncnt of Dress Gpods, I l)RY GOODS A.ND ._, ~IILLINERY. A fine lot of Parasols, - C. BARKJom, Bowni<n1vi11:e 1 Dec.....2Sth, 1871.Jy-n1lao , and Gents- Furnishing_ -~-o ---- Kid Gloves, etc. Also a lar ge stoc'k of I .. W. S. BOYLE, M. D: G bou:rg-. RADUATE of t11 e ·universities of 'J.lrinity College, 'foronto, and Victoria College, Co; Licentiate of the College of Physiciane a.nll Snrgeona, Ontario. ... Office &ntl residellce, t:lilver Street, one door south of l>l'. Reid's Surge1·y 1 B o,vma.itville, Ont. Bo,vmanville, April 30, 1872. o18-m31-tf. EGGS- and: BUT'l'ER Wanta , s. l'· HI~L .- . ~--~-- ----~, ·' A full SL'Ock of FRESH G-ROCERIES, .All to be sold Ohuap. Gentle:ineus :Pu1·nishi1ig Goods, Tweeds; Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts, I Pro :Bono l'ublico. .6 TrL KINDS 01'~ Hi[!hest p1'ice paic J~r BUTJ'ER and EGGS. Ties and Collars, etc. Bowmauville, 1fay 7th, 1872 · e~cers aad tu.mo1·s l ly TAKEN OUT AND Cured without the Use of the Knife, by SALT AND PLASTER .AL,VAYS ON HAND The J>effiVl<tn 15!/. >'!tp_, <~ F roiected Solution of t.w Pru_ toxide of I-ro.'!Lj. 'ts so t}ornbiu,ecl as to have · · DH; B. PATTERSON, of Bowmanville. 'i'h~ beet of references Sign of tlie Golden Lion, :eowme.nville. Bowmanville, May 7th 1872. give"n in Bov.nna.uville .' and elsewhere. '"Oflioo on "Church Street Bowman ville, Feb 22, 1872. ly-m2Jo.5 .. t he t:hU/J'l!Cter of..' fJ/t'i ali11ie1it-,- ltB easily .if lr1esteft ai!tl (t::Js·hnilated W'iih ti·~ 'lJloi><l ' all Ute S-i>nplest r food . 1l bWl"CU>CS th" anan,tity ot' Nat_ t.wc'.lf 01.vn fit1 tliziny Just Arrived.. PfC TUR E~S BY TllE THOUSAND. ' \7ING to th(! 0 · tifnl pictul'Q$ 1 greibt de1na.nll of thu::e beau· - CHICAGO AS ~T WAS AND IN FLAMES, CHICAGO I I ' riclwl? 1 .tu.d vital!zed blood pm'1neates C'V(}>'Y pm·t of tlw body, 'J'CJJCli'.l'iil-(/ t.l a/JJtaffCS a 11-i rI 'IV( .18,tfb... .... -· ..... A{}eJlf, J,1Jbrf1; f1i the Uloo.:t1 i:,1i<l cU:J'(~B "((. thOl/,$U'1lll ill$ ," si'lJi11ly by 'l'i,.1titi(J 11JJ,I n,v.iyo1·atlnr1 <tn,<l Vit,,r.l'izlri(J titt: l311steui. 'l'he en.- ===----=- ==========- -~-- - ------ I sBt.t/1·cltlttg --0·ul 'niorb·l d ::;ccro- ti.011.s; · a·nd lea'vi·u.g ·nof.hini(J fen' HARDWARE. large lot, a. puir of which ' vill be sent , poot paid (or we hu.vc fOunU it necessru:y to g el; nnothc1,. l?eP/ttl sitccess of tlt·'lS ·1·e1u..edy ·1,-n, c1t1·lu,-z1 Dy spe11sfa, Li ~ie1· Oonv- -· J)la·i1it, D1·0J.JSV J' Cli·roar,'iy J.J ia1. ·1rhf.X!,tt,.,Bo'ils,NervurtsAffeoll.ons: cli..4..ea,sb. to · fee(l -u;pou.. _ _-": Th~s ;,s tile sc~·et .of,thc f:'"'f- SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND -------- -----~-- ~ Chiils ctn:<l J!'cvers, H.1nn,0·1·s, '(,oss of C(mot#utionai Vi-rJ01 ', RE"W;ARDS. --l-:o: \Ve. have just opened one of the ONLY FORTY OEN'l'S Postage Sta.mps ta.ken as l)art pa.yu1cnt. Specimens ca.u . b~ seen by calling nit this Offic~. Agents Wanted. In cvc!'Y 1 .row11 and Village iuOnta.1'iu1 to wl1 c11u h c JUOflt liberal inducemen.is are o.IT01'cd. 1\.dd1·eSH Bta<lde1·, 11"-~nia.lf~ Co'IU-Jila'in,ts1 f.£..'n,<l .alt (llsea.ses o · r iftln,a t in,y iii_ o.. bail . . . ta,f.e 01" tl~c blood, or cicco1~i1><.l!n,-iPd b fl ·,tebilit_ IJ a. _ l ou; .~ fate offh ~~ s,11ste12·i. .J.)r:r n{} .f 1·c6 troni .... ~lf'olrof ~ ·ln, ltJitJ f'u1 11i, its en.e1 ·at.~ in U crJ"~~c1tJ a.1:r; 1i.ot fol ·· lou:clt l>Jf <~01·respv1ul1:1it1 1·eac- Disgnses of' tlw Ki<l-ncys lt-nd (:1· TONGUE. Just arriVed and now on 'exhibition in onr Show Room, n new supply of Organs, Style 4, in Rosewood, Others arc expected i n a few <lays, _ RICE & BARKER. How1m;nville, May 7tJ1, 1872. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK I 1 I OF I F. TREBILCOCK ti.0J1,J hut <tt·e Bowmanville, Ont. __ ___ __ ;._ __:_ ·siria str<:1t{Jth, 'V i!)o1·, a.fM. l ;ne1v ii,J'f:'·l;if.U a,l/, 1u1,1·ts of the s1J8te11i, (i'tttl btr,ildiN,g U-JJ ttn, 1·run, .Co1b,. . '_;tit1rfftou.· Tfwtt!J<.t1uls have Uecu, i;ft.a n,ge!l by t~io lt~e of"tft-i:J 't'A,!H,f!dJJ, froui 1vecf!1-b,_ su:..kly, su:fjer vny c-1~ea .-. ttt~·c.~ ~ to sirong, lieciltliy, a · r tll -it a,f (~ _ pe·P1n.u:ncnt, 'i.n.fu'* Sabbath School Libraries and Revrards ever offered forlsale in ~owma- nville . p,,(·Lies wi shing to replenish thei\- S,chool Libraries, or to purchase · Re _, , wards, will please r,o remember two -things : Fn-st, Our Stock of School Books is no old stufl: picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for years, \Ve have sold out and refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen 1 times during the p· st year, and have now purchased so la.rgely, that we'have not roonrt,o exhibit them. Please come and take them :tway. . Sec~nd, We have n?t marked pur books at high figurea, with the view of ~kmg off a large discount, . 'I hey aremarked low' for geneml sale, and ':discount of TEN Plllt CEN'l', will be allowed on purchases ranging from $1, to $50,; over that amount F'IF'l'EEN PER Clc'K'l'. will be al~owed. · Wo xespectfully itlvite an inspection of om lt.aP,PY · 1u en. <t1ic~ 'tvo1rMni; <tnd i,i;iua.li<l>: Clf.ivn.ot Tcason,.abl.y lies- to yive lt a, t·ri<1l. 1 ~ V!Af~ SYRUP bloum in the yldss. Pan11")Jl..lct:8 FJ.·ce. See tliut caeh b,0ttlc_ has PERU· P> ~ rT.. .P~ .D_ l}tSJt:I:0RrE, 1.'J'G }J l' ictQr, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. t:tolil by l!lruggl rd.~ ,11'Jid yet cinother a1·1·ivcd. Pou·;additiO'llltl Orgclftls, 2 ety/,e 5, and 2 style 6, Call cmd ea;oJJn ine them I g.,uerei.lly. t:J ... ------ - - ·~- - -- -- - -- -- ·~ 1'0 UALL A 'l' FAIL ---------------- ------ --&c~, EXTENSIVE AND l VARIED - STOCK OF Pocket Books, Albums, 1 Writing Desks, Ladies' Co~1panio11s, Blotte1·s, Ink_stauds, 1 ll>~ ~ have now cmnpleted t11eii· 'l,went,y.First yea.r of businet:a, ,.,,~ith a. constant and ,gtill incrcrwing growth. As the manufactory is 0110 of the oldest, it abo ra.nks among the highest in the country. Dlu·ing the lon~ ex pe~ienceof· the manufachu·e11:1, they have steadily added to the co.pa.city of t11eir in8tr\nnents, ri.nd have nv:iiiled t hemselves.of cver ymcthod to imprQ ve tho qual.ity or tone and to inerea~e the inechanical facil~ ! tiea for the performer. And though they ex.pect to qontinue tho cotu·sc of impruveu1ent,thcy a1·e abundantly su.tislied with \\·hat hag been done, al';ld uith i;Jle e11ti.nrn.tion i:a whicl\ thcit· instrnmenta ru·e h old by good judgeB <if muaic. As heretofore, they 'vill ns~ tl.e bc~t roateriala, without rega.rd to 1.;ost, and give to c\i·!Jry Orgail'" the n1ost thorough workn1rutShip. - They especially invito comparisons a.s to the qna.lity and volutne of to1ic, nnd as to the elfectivi:t mechanical appliances . They call atteotion to the fact that their Orgn.ns arc sold A'l' EX'fRE.MELY.LOVVPRICES.as low aalll chn.lged for mo.ny of au inferior sort. Havillg a l<\rge, and thoroughly appointed manufactory,e1nploying none but skilled worlnnen,aud having niade a mil1ute divi~i.on of labor, they are able to pro duce Ot-ganB at le:::;t; rates than ·n1ost competjtors. Tbey belieYe. also, thwt ainong other thinga, tho{ have earned a i-eputation fodair dealing, ~n< t hey wo1 1Jd assru·e d istant p_ u rchasers that no Organ 'vill ever leave their ' "art-rooms wjtli their knowledge, tha.t is not in every respcr.:t perfect of its clai:.\3. . As they have before stated, they iutend to secure a f1-i.end in every purchaser. Theil' catalogue, with full description and twcurate engravings, ".rill be sent free to a.ny addreSi:i upon ap· plication. All necessary infonnation checrfnl- MASON'S For Han1ess, Saddles, T;rm1ks, Valises, Whip~, American Organs! TH E SMrlll Al\1JlRWAN ORGAN UO, Bells, which, for style, tlurabillty and cheap· GOODS, 1872. _ NEW SPRING· ·0·- - A 'L' 'l' ll E ness, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 'l'o tLvw in .A.RREAltS, ·h e \\'ould say L~rge Supplies-& Stooks Complete. YOU MUST PAY ·U P I Tho~u ·,vh 0 ha.Yo ah·cu.dy H!:!ttledt will ple:}!JO ao cept our-he<i.t'LY tl)anK~ S .,,,r ~ 2'40N 1 · Nate P~1ler' l Envelopes, &c., &c. ~ Rememberthe Store, ne!x:t to the West Dmfocm Steam Printin and Publishing House, King Street, Bowmanville, Bo,.,, tl·';.tn·ille lJcc 3r<l, 1800. ----- .. -· -· ~U.11.~ · nlO le pleased Lo <1J.1uouncc, that he is now preparctl to :;;hew .. CAUTION l IHU 130J e agen t for L J\.ZAl{US &!\!OH.- A -vel'y lwge cmd CO?il:'}Jl'ehe?1.o'ive Stock of Sprinrt urni Snmmwr Staple cmd Fwncy D1'!J Cloods, .1.\.n·J would c;;peoiti.lly u:eutiou so111e very tl Lrikin;; <t\H.l a.niw..in~ly b1.;:i.uLi1ul . lines iu CR BARKER I · · ·1 1.IS' pcrfectcd,..Spc0tacles a.1 ul Eyo Glas 1. 1 se.s. ':ruey never SlJjJply or c1np Uj' :iny lelAN'1GER. others. 1Towever specious the 1:· =C ~/J119e nui.dc by llH~nr Lh,i.t they ]i [~v o t!1e1u, do ".lot b cJicvo it you \Yill Le l3'\'hu.lled i r )' Oll <lo .1.\.A.llUN BlJ<Jli. EE11, ugcut ior B'21Vflliail· ville antl vicinity. -~- -----.....---- DitESS HOODS, SHAWLS, & NIANTL:ES. ---o - ~- -- -- - - ·-··-- .... SABBA1 H SORQO:L LIBRARIES =-=1' TO T_HE PUBLIC · 1 DURHAM ,BULLS. ON.l.i! J>TfHIIA.1'.I BTJLL. ONI1: Y.fj1\.lt <.1 kl, and t.\vo :Bull Calver;, vc1·y fiue-pr ico Bnwn~:::,ii.villo, will be Iouwl 1fnu1m:ill.y ·~t t1·w.:t!ve tLi!5 HCR·SOll, roplelc w:ibh sou10 of the choiucst tJii ngs i t1 M. ,JONB83, _l\p1il l8tl1, 1872. ll1DJJON8, FLOWEll/'J, TlUMMl1lfG8, ,{:u, I 'vould rcapectfully invite their attentlOn to onr present stock of l i'urnitlll'e as we }1a.ve )at l - ~ded thereto, tha.t :ve.ma.y thereby be enabled to fJUpply all pal'ties who uay' plcasf! to favcreJ. ~umerou~ generally~ 1 - vVAI/r:ER IvVI(}G- & SON , N returning tba.nks_to _tbeil' Cuti·Lo1ncts, and the Publit1 for put fa.vars_. SPLENDID NE'V HEARSE, " , I Jy fumi$b0<L Address Eugine Woolen Mills. l .l fornung t.h~ pnbh c thn.t t11c 1.bbove null !ii 'i llOW complete in C\'".Cl'Y r espct, aud uu<lel' the inanagemcnt of expcric11ced hantlf:!. He iB now iprepared to execute cve1'y description of tvork n i..:fa.~s style, and with despatch. ;~nd as vllly li'.fRS'l.'-OLA SH 1'.ALEJ!{1' i:=l crop lo,red Lo ~u1H.:l"i 11Lcud 1mr MlJ,LINEitY, i\11\'NTLE, AND. Dl{ESS -HAKHW, ... Ladiot1 1nay re ly nn getting )l" e\V - nud ]fa::1hioH<1iUle u-~~·1n·euts wcll 1uade ~' call. Grea.t inducements held OJ.it to those pul'chasing at our ~stablishment. P if!Wre s J,,ook1~g Glasses, &c., framed to order, ~ud h1 o'v cry sytlc. Sample£ of thediffereut kinds 0 1 1'1-Iouldu1ga ca.n be isc~n at lh~ Ware-roo1n. \:\'e "rould also bog to infornL you 1 tha;t ba.\" jnr 1 p'Ul'· 0 chased a. · ' 'uth THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO ,- Opposite the ONTARIO BANK. ~ Tremont 7 st.' , ' ' ., · ,M .· opposite VTlaltham ' Boston, I!!! aSS· , I""A"O'~BB nlHE S!IBSCRIJJllR takes pleas.u-c i~ in· st. Friends, as fur >is Price' are concerned, call and judge for yourselves. ~5.1 we shall be rea.dy Jat' all times, to n.ttcncf lfuuerab, on ::;hurt no'tit:c, aud rewsonable ·tenu~. N. B. Coffins kept on hn.n~, t·J.td made to order, at thi;: · BR .,1 " Lu , ' Bowmanville. Bowmanville, April 26, 1872. HL3m-n30. I Geno·-al Agent fo1- the P:rovfoce of Ont»fo, -i Bowm;tnville, A:pril 3rd, 1872. ly-oli-m27. J · I j for Wool CJ ash pa1 'd ,.or "1 , . v _otl · l given in CUNNINGHAM & BROOK. ly-34 - e:::~c h ange ~- If\\ ft::c', "Wul\.1- I ll'\'11 ~ NEW DOilJJNION RE'~Ail FURNI'lURE lVARb'-EOOili, C1 wner King nnd Simcoe Streets ;t)aJ.1ingtOll 1 l\'I11y 2titli, 187 L Oi> lrn.wa, April 3rd, 1b7L J-r . O~h~wa,Au~. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store, 2Gtl1 1 1871). --- · I