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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Jun 1872, p. 4

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..... z: THE 1IERCHA NT, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1872. POET-RY. "Little Foxes, Spoilmg the Vine." " l11ttlo fo:-::es, spoil1ngi The beloved v111e, Tl'ustecl ~o my teutlu1 0 By the Ouc D1vfne Little foxes, \\ herefo1'C Havo ye entrance found 'l'o the vme so premons Growing in iuy grouwJ ' Belov~d I-::c=============-= I I 9 pccially feed and water, but be s.ure ~nd exclude all members of male po1'l:iuas1on- tlu1..t 1a to Hl)y, ne\ er allow n. cock of any kind ¥.1th Utilizing Stra\V for Fodder. them. Try th1a, and rest assured tho.t soft. I Ju..u)el! .A. Whitney iend the following p3.per shelled eggs and i:nck hens w1ll be at a d1sooullt, ·Lt the last n1eeting of the ll'n.mncrs' Club of the for I have aclva.nced no nl.lw theolies on un.A.mel'lcan Institute, on the above !SUbJeCt · practiced notions, but ' 1 speak that I do kno"', In Amoui;a.n farnung, oa.t strn.", espoo1ally and testify of the things 11 lcarnccl in the flcbool \~heo cut some,,lLat g1ec11 and kept 111 blight of cxponencc. co11d1t1on, 1s fed to stock with but little loss, I\-Iyst1c Bru.lgc, Conn but wheat, ryo, B.lld lxuley st1a"· are mainly used for bedding, and thus p1:lct1cally 'vnstea. fo1 sa,~dust, forest le:i.\es~ &c., costing nothing~ could be1ea.ilily substituted fox such uses. The English a1 e further advanced than 've in the u tihzattou of cheap fo1age 1 nuil the present sett.· son, " heu the p1o::;pect; oC a scant hay crop lends 11nusual lnte1est to tho aubJect, some of their lnethods oi preparing stra\\' for feeding, merit n1010 thnn 01d1110ir1rc.ttention. But iucona1dering the~e we nlust re1~etubet that an c~sent1al con· ex.1st~ bet'\ "'eH the moist summc1a of Eng · l.tnd and tlu~.. <lryb:u veat penods nf th111 country, ,vlncb doubtless n1Ul;:os much d1ffe1ence in the cond1t1on of tho stlan· J :.tnd aloo that ptocesscs fcns1blc on the lmge faun of an Eughsh tenant 'v1ll be difficult to c~1ry out on tbe sruallet cl.Cl cu..;~ uf many Aincnca.n ho1nestcads 1\.:Ioili· fie.1tlonl:! ntnst the1 eforc bi.: n1ade in the foreign ptai.:hCe, and in the se the fa1nler Ti!lll nc eJ. to ex.crc1~e lns own JUllgment w1t.h !:ik1ll and cute It g; fuunJ. by fal tho mo5I:; profitable to cut the etH\W 1nto 11 chaff," M it JS tcDnetl alnuad, t}H ( utt,1ng bc1n.; vc1y fua·-f101.:u tht-ec :six· teeuths to thLee-c1ghths o{ au 1nch 111 length ' r.l'h10 ' ' chti,ff ," in~te~tl of betng fed out a.t once, is l-.1;pt fn~ 801UC n1011Ll1s lll l'ulk tu t.ltj ba1118 p1epared fru tlw puipooc, awl THE FARM. a.t all times, oi the egg-producing mn.tenal-es· · 0. BOUNSALL, MANU1"A01'URE ll, .m I MPORTER, DEALER in all the. varieties of HARD ,;i BELIEVE. Spring Stocks t NEVE.Il'I'HEIESS ! I Italian & American Marble. ..:\ la.rg1 and choLCc J ~ clechQn of TI~TJ -~· -' .... . . ~'.~.~~!~~~n1~ of ~~p~11!R,~~~tn!!i?i~~~.\ !l.t lo\\ efJt pucee W1 uught oi' Gast Iron Fr;nces fo1 eu<..:lo::iu1g burying lots SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST.' THE HOUSEHOLD. Selected Recipes, 11ros Btewed.-Into an cnruucllcd 01 cov1Je1 stewpau put fou[ ounces of refined suga.1, the ve1y t111u 1ind of a large fL-csh lemon, and o..p1nt of cold ""ater \Vhen the sng:.u: i.a dtssol,·ed, add one IPOund of 'I'urkey figs, and pl H:e the ste~ pau ovc1 a mo<lcrate fire, whero they n1a.) heat tind f5'vdl ::ilowly, aud be 'e1y gentlj ote'r\· ed fo1 two hou13 or two houra and a half \Vhen tb ey are qu1te t ende1, alld to th~m the JUt~e c·f the lemon , rur.:i.nge then' 1n a gJ . . <: g diRJ.i, and sc1\e thew cold EnglUJk C1·rxt1n Che~c. - Put a. th111 ulvWL Ul a colander and !)OUr lnto it n. qua.rt of goo<l cre.'.Lm, lct 1t stand for two dn.ys, and in th.~t time all the n1 1 1k wJll ha\ e t u11 out of the c1c1nn , dra'1t the cloth togetl11::1 at the top, it a ht· tle 1 aud tie a. i:tung iound it "rlit.p 1t 1n a 1 ougli to\~el double toJ:ether fou1 tu:ucs, b11ry it lll tho gardt'u, 1o1rnd leave it there foi two oi thiec da~a. ~heu 1t ,, ill be npc. When) ou c.11;::- 1t np, 11re~iJ 1t into auy shape you like, u.ud ~t i::i J ,~ady for u se "I-'ot til~ l·ev, "--'l'ake a pot of ru1J hot t ·drich will bold about tivc quarts of' put in three pouJ1<l:i of beef {the rowul 1e the bt:8t) into ! tb<:l ".;1tc1, to taste, put it on the fire let it boil, 1nd ta.kc off the fat M i:;oon .is 1t t.'Olllel:l to I the t<JP J thrn nnist bo dour: 50 .,,·ornl tiwesj till 1t 18 quite ftt:e ft uni 61 eaEJc, then put 11 fi:" i:ur rots one 01 tw o tUll.lLl_)f.1, .tnd the he~n t' of a cub ~ bagc. In }!'l;.wco lttiruiiid 1 ~ ahYa:)-H addcclto 1 coloi !t, but SOllle Luint "Ugo.I 01 buaitS ouioii 'l'h<Jn JlUt it on.~, eiy shn\' fii 0 1 Joes as" ell foi 1:wvcia.l hour8 to i;uum1Ji·. rlhl 1 rei.;eip"' v 1ll iut<J,~ lhc mrn~t excdlcnt bo1Jtllon 'Vere th~1e tiny open1ng:;s Yo a1e \Cly sn1all, .t\nll ye ('!lll creep elyl.) '·Have ye leaped the f~nce3 ? lla.\a \."C climbed the "'all 9 Fnrmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, kept en ha.11U, tir 'vrought to older iespectluJly iequested at the wo1k1', &c A call ' is Box Groce1·ies Very Che av Uood Cooking Raisms Ollly 5 cent~ a pound , ,iml st1l che,1ro1 by tlw ' MA:RXUS Be~!> to inform the Pubhc that, he ha.o; 1 ece1\ eJ. anct opened out ;,>:, bea.utif1tl and \\Cll M"'Oltetl Stock of · 1']uongh a tiny space, Bt1t I thought I clo2c<l up 1-::0vcry opi:n spac::i i\ nd I v.; 11tobotl b,:. <la.) tun \ud I wa.tchl:l<l by 111gll'.t:, · Kiag 8l1 ect, Octobei, l"t~ BGwiru11iv ille ll ATS .AN lJ UA PS , 1869 1 tf fot $pdug nnd Summc1 wetu His S~ock istu · pn86os a.nytlnng previously offotd 1n the 'l'ow n fi'·n the nne you'1e ~po 1 hn,; I Ls my hea.1 t's deh,;h t 1 T h.Hc kept. the en.t-Ll1 \\u1ni. I Lon.t 1t.s pHH.;tOllt3 toot,. 1 I ha\~ t u1umed it bu:tuchc;:; But thvY heal no fl wt n , buy the1u ,\t · ou<111, "-'ottoH a!lll '"1 "oo,e!J C' ,oucb ,,ie ach-ancrng, l)Ut you c-M1 l1ott'~ for a sho1 t time. at the ol<l pt ices Now i~ tbe time to secure wLat NOVELTIES ARI£ Ell I His :E'rices Low, Wl"lLISll 'I h o ivl1ok 'nll 1epay ln:spcction, .trn.l l1 r (OHh~Ll ly extends all ill\ itattou to aU hrn old fucndR and as many ne\v ones as ln,~y foe} incluv.:d to bo benefittcd by ba\.u1g you need CLOTf:l. lNG -Ueu..tleme11 111 want o1 d guutl 1it111i;.; emly .1t Elliott'" lfashionnblc T.11loriu15"f(RtnJil i·l1111ent 511 1t slic11Lld c,d] l'r11 ti hiio 1i f(l"f\8 .flavc a~l3a1lud th~ v1111, Ttu.i;t>Jd to 1ny ti:mdllJ!£ Hy tho 011~ Dn ine, !U1d though I \e btx: i f::1i1Ll1f11 l "'1uce iL:i buthd~~ mo1n, 'lhey were 1n tho g.1r<lio11 \\hen tho lJ..1.b1; ' \llS bou) H 1 Men and Boys Suits, 'l'hll!I JELLY is bil'.!hly recomniended to Lndlos as · mo~t &:{l"ecablri l»rc(ia~at1fln for the Toilet. For Bcma.tlfylng the Cnmplexion,_ and rendering the Sldn Soft! Wb.ire, Olnur, and rrco from Dryne~ it i:>at1,faet10u g1 11u ,111 teed m ,1 11 ie lbu 1,,1Lle c«beo l"l , Jrn bp-023-m.H FIRST-CLASS GOODS, .~t, 1.~11, HE'! I{ Y T~LLIO 1t:mu11e1.ttl\'c i111cts, t.o ,..:1\ c hun a t:i.Ml IHis Gent's Furmshings will be found well assorted. , J they iti c tbto fu.1lu.1gs '11int I \~ould not H~t, \\ihett th1·" '\t'te l!lY f:nl111g:-; "\Vheu they 1hvelt m 111(' I ittle fault:; u11bco<letl l'ha.t ] 110\~ tl1;;Hp1sc. f'oi n.~r 1alij took th.~1;1 \V1th 1.11y 1t u~· ;~nd cy( ~ 01 l fl-on' the n101stnre contrunod tn lt tt th e time < 1.f storing, undergoes a. f>light chan~ which l t\UtltHiJ it nwn.· palatabl e to cattle, extewl Uut> lunitcU fc1ment1ng inocefJs tnany y<Jar~ (tuuce Ill com1uon use) is qf tht: n101 e ieccnt 11np10,e111 e11td to \\ 1c To I dunng tl~ ~J~t I t 0 \T TUE 1111 untlva.l ed It will quickly removoa ·I RednSije. Itoue:buess., ·r&n. Freckle". Pfmpl(l9, and other Im· per toe lon1 For Chapped Bands! Chllbltdne, Frost Bites a.ud SJia Lips~ it canno bo eurpaued. Prlco 2:S (;entis. I · MARK,US MAYERS· tf Bo\\1P,\.uv1llc, .A .pnl5tb. 1871 'u1U l i.:lwlt.: l i.:1 -0ftt:11 , [1ot I know I n1u~t, But. I J.o it ' 1hn1yg t.E JWetl do\\JJ lo the d11:)t , "'\\"1Lh .~face all c11ru~o11t 1! \\T ith :i.. hn1111ug blush. pteth.:nt 111010 esp1;:r,1ally tefe1s, Tlu~ con· s1~t 11 1n y.; the stul \" about :li· li per ccut ofgiccn ~hlHlsucl"ulent matenal, to~·etlw1 v,..1t,h o., cr1ta1u propo1~1011 of snlt, and then by ~toung 111 m~s, ca.uinng the flavo1 of the groen f ·1htf:1J Lo be oomrnt1n1catcd to the <hy, a.n<l th(l 11utr1L1ve clewcnts vf the l atter to 1Jo rcndc1etl tnoro soluble anll <l gest1ble b\· tho 8olvcut action oi tho lernu~ntation. 'rlrn iuethod ha<i been tried on a laigo scale and 1~ ieco1nmcudcd by P1of. Vudcke1, ehernIBt to the IWyal ..e\gtlCul· ... tuiJ.l Society of l:ugltinl1. J'he mod1t8 upi::"t'and~ !.ti tlif! Iollon:E C()RNRJ~, Acid Is AgreQa\'Jlysccntcd, has a.healthy actitJ'l on the skill, preventis 11:rlta.t1on1. romovea 'tbe cft'ecta or perspuat.l<Jn, and r>hould oo i:egnlarly used by f"mthea. ubolcra., Smalloox: e.nd Fever Patient· should bewashcd witll tha Soat>i and its use bJ p_ erl!lons liahle to Infection will matertallt,t>revent tho spread of dl!ease. :Price 1Scc.nt8 pcr-.1.e olet. Th'· Tott.Et' So AP tJOBSea!!es all the well-known anti.septic 11nd dte!nfccting properties cf Carbol:la CARRIAGE SHOP. ' F. Y. COWLE. l( iug Street, llowman.-1lle. A lJJ a.u 111\\ ar<l "lu,,p0J lliat 1 ca.nnot h11.:.h · ..\nd 1:;01netnnL'i:! tl ?.!:!ell1~lh Fish as Food 1 L1kt: the 'vice of God \nd 1t sn.yctb, 1 r om; CO\\ f'.lJ, U:olllJ now the ioJ 1J n .i clnltl\; f11111 botly , Till I lJc:lr ll 1nouu, ~\.nd its :soft fle"'h qn1>tf 1r01· a sw thine O\Vn ' ·our my l'~ther, pi t~, Pity ::ind forgne, Sla.y the little foxeo I allowed to ln: c 'l'lll they lt:ft the 1a1gv1 For tho swallt:l vine, Lill they toucl1~<l. tlw dta1 htt: Pc,uoi fu.r tLan ninit. " OlJ. u1y I ~th<.:!, hi.::11' iuu 1\-Ial.e my <la1 hug tlu11c, 1l'hough I a1n !:lo bu1nru1 , lr!ako hc1 ::i.ll '11v111e1 Slay the httle foxes, 1.'bu.t both \inea may bt' L:t<len with fnnt WOJ thy 'l'o be offe1ed thee·" ~Pu 'e (/o{{l Crumbs for Chickens. lt looks f11nny to "ct.: a ;ycnu1_.; l<J.dy '~ 1 Lh both h3.nds 111 :soft d1 1 u~h nud :t Jnl squito uu t1tt ~nd of b.t'1 llOSC ------===.::.==::~ "My son 'bllHl un ai1x11JIH:I (athc1, ' \\hilt , you use Lhat uasty tobacco"" 'lhc boy, doolnnng lo u>UH1tlel the qnei:ition 1u the 1>})11 it 111 wluch IL '\HUI a:;kccll replrnd " ru J~L tho ~\~ .-i. :Jtout uld lad y got out of :ti c1vwued om 111\Jus t he othei tb.~~, shu ex:1.;lauu e<l, ' · \Vt:ll,':5 ,\ 1ehef nuybo' ' l1o wlnch tlH d11ve1, Oj1llJ; be1 u..n11Jlo p1Qpv1 twu.s, rl·pltt.'1 1 ' So the oci cs tb111ks, u1t11n " ('f:!itinho, wba1 )OU g%d~l '~ i.t<l1 \ull \\tl,\ 1 to J11oct1u ' lMS Sunda~r 'i" ·'How you know 1 hab a' atdt r' 11 lieku.>;)e [ ::>eed tlie chau1 haog out the pocki.:t 111 ftunt" 11 Go,~ ay, n1ggc1 t H'po::so yvu sue a lrn.lt1.:l l ouud iny neck, you tn1k <l.11 111 hoAst 111:-iHlc ob rue?)' JUlCt.: ,, !'it:hool concert 11;1ccntly, a.nd '\ ,u; ttying lu ~ll· fo100 tho dootuue thaL the' !H!KIL~ of tho htU.., one1:1 \Yore 811.1ful, a.wl 1 e0tli:J iegulu.t.ilL.! lak· i11g out l11s "1\tcli ,tw 1 hnl<lin~ it ' J ' h ::iaiJ, ·· ... N"·'\V h e ~o l!! 1ny ,\a,t<h sllf)lJUbe 1td·Ju\ l{~e1) u /oOd t1nll, llo\ ' ,;oc~ too foBt, ,ind. 110' 1 lou r3lJ~ 1 \d1at sh<tll l tlo '\ ttb. IL~ " ~·" 1l it slioi.ite(I i1 ti l'.\ell h~ . . . Ueu youiigl$+c r . \ 1u;:.iu "ho Wt!.d p1atrJ.lll6 l 01ti.:1 sa..,1..l 1t "as 1:10 1.; ~cell1J:11t a be' ernge - taI>:ElJ u1 large quan· t1 t.1es-1t al\'.:1VS made 111111 fat " I 've ··" U tli" litn·," ~bi d anoth e1, "111lHn1 i t - " " ,. iuailc ~ ou lean ' "\\ l1e11." it::ikcd tlic eulogu.t ·' Lra:-it ~~t~u da~\ iu ol~t - :i.gaiust u pctitJ ' 1Le repl1\.:J \I 1th l1i 1:m1ilc p _.tli.d.\, is..,\· .,, }>ul1 p.'w1ug 111 u, helJ 1 an11 thl 1 d 1t fut> li woull bt.: to JUu~p o:m, 1 r ~t i b. l~uu by tho horns, Rind rub Lrn no~e 1n th e _,1 . lc\e1-eud i;u11Llcwa.n "Ll~ ~~ld11.;is.iHi,; :i. 'Lbc1<lea,\l3SOfunnyhclay <lo\,11 aud d to tl1111k Of lt. 1J1hc IYLOl'O be thought of it Lhc fu11n1e1· 1t seemed, and h(l ~ dl'tern11n~d to .du tt. BC1gns c1u1okly Lo~sed hun ovc1 the fence , u, smncwbat b1 iused. Pa.t le1R1 n·e1y picked Ja11ght c · "rell, t'a a. mighty fo1ne thmg l had my la.ugh fvor~t " Int h1w~elf up w~tb the consolatory rc1nark, A co\lplc went to the Rev. - - to get n1n1 ~ 11.:J. Mr - - l S s01uethlng oi a \Vag, and, by an ltmocent in1stake of course, began to icru:l f1om tl10 p1£liye1 book 0.8 follov.s ":\fan that ts bo111 ofV1oroa.n is fulloftlouble, ruld has but :i. Hhort ~ima to ln c, 'etc. 'lhe astoni.ahed brJdC· groom f!xcl<\imcd " 811,\you 1nretako' -..~ e to get iu:nuecl " u \Vdl, if you in8l~t I '\'ill i.-1ar1y you, but believe me, my fnend, you 1md ti1uch l>ettei be Lui11::d n lluRJED A.Ll\'E-An Inslnnan took Lbt.: con ti act to d1g a public well \Vheu he hiul dug ·Lliout twenty five feet dowu, he c~ne uue morn· n1g u.nd found 1t cti.ved in, filled nen.rh to the top Pat looked cautiously around ru1tl sa\~ no !'menu wa.8 near, then took off his hat nnd coat, u.nd huug thtm Oll a w1nrllass, cra~le<l mto aome buebes, and waited e\ en ts In a short time the 01t1zens cltscovmcd that tho 'veil had c:i.vcd in, u.ncl seemg PD..t's hat .~n<l coat 011 the w~11dlass they f:n.1pposed tha.t ho v;as J.t the bot· tom of the cxcu.vatlon Only a. few hou1 s of b1u~k d1gg1ng cleared the loose ea1th fl om tho yi;ull Just a."' the c1t1ze11s had re<·ched tho lfot· to1n, and they v.. c10 'vondeung wl1cre the body w.1s, Pa.t ca.mev;alking out of the b11FJ.hes, f1nd good· na.turetlly tltaukcd them for ieheving hnn of a snuy JOb, Som~ of bh,~ tn·ed d1g,;eni wcxe disgusted, but Lbo Joke "as too g,oo<l to .~llO\\ moro than a. hearty laugh "luch soon followed A tiavelct an1veU 11t n.n inn, one cold winte1 i::vcrung. and all the sent1:1 around the fne ~e1c oceup1cd, a.ud none of the guests showed any s igns of inalung ioo1n for him. terious effects will nlmoet ccrtn1nly be the 1c The...atra.nger then CJ.ll':'d to bis hostk1 "John ::inlt ~o 111to tho stable a.nd g1ve my hollie t"Wo dozen I ha'\'o g1Yt'n the catuiea, ,\nil uow for~ ctue. 0 y15tera " "'Oyeto1s." exclauncd tho hostler, 'l'aka the lien a.way from the rest of the nock, ",vby a holse doetJ not oat ,.oystc1B ! 11 "Do ,\ntl shut lier lU a V.'.~rm, diy place, and keep wh:.i.t I tell you,"' returned b15master, ";>ou will her on short allowance till she lays perfect 6, 0 " 1.'hc man left the room and all the guests eg-~s, and regularly, ot· stops laying entuoly 1 JUt:Ppe<l up from thell" seats and rJ.U out mto the 'vbcn aho n1a.y be retu1ncd to the flock . Ii ehe l'lLa.ble to see a. horau oat oysters 1vleanwh1le has become so 1vcakoned tha.t her d1oppi.oga are tho tr1;1,voller ha.d selected the bost sea.t around discolo1ed and la x, gne her a. shong dose of tho, and wus enJoymg hi111self, \\hen the Cayenne i)ep11ct, Lhe aeeUs of t-..vo peppe1s hoatlc 1 111ade his appmu.-wce ~ud said t hitt the i:hou1d be given fo1 one dose, <tlld ~hould be !iorac would eatuo oysters. ' All ught then,' pul':lhed well Jo1'>'11 tht.i throat 'l'"o 01 tluec ~:ad the traveller, " gn c me the oystei11 and the doses Wlll almost 1nvar1 a.bly effect a cure horse o. n1eastue of o.bts " By this means the l'e11n1t me to say a ·word in 1'Cgard to layu1g tr.tvellcr bad obtl\.uled a comforta.blc scat fo1 fowls. If they iwc shut up, keep them a.s qniet ca.ting lua oystel'fl :i.s possible, let thf1n have a suq)lus by the1JJt i 1 l'h (;! ftsh !I.le ntost t11;cehblo v.-}u, h h11\ u lcaat of the 01ly elcu1cnt 1u tbcu uo1npo..i1t1ou. Rich 01 fi.1.tty fuik. are npt to d12tu1 h tho t1tomA po,1e1 cutter u; :-::o conuecte<l w1th a ach, D.ll<l prove gtjruula.ut to the gt'n·l<'l$ysteu1 !ltcain d1n e1 tluc8h e1 thu.t the 1-.itiavr, after thu 'fhn'Ht and a:ii uncM) feeling :.tif..i frequently p10s~p.1rahon of the g1run, passes di1ect to tlw cut duccd by thern, and it ts tlus doubtle::is, th.e.t hw tci and IB con, crted into chaff Before ontcr 1 led to the 1)1ttchcc of drinking spirits '~1th this ing the cuttc1J ho.vove1, the green stuff (fo1 ex.~ cl::t<.t$ of foocl flcnce thc provc1b, "B1a.nUy ~ amt,le, iye cut before the kernals lune forn1ed) the Latin fo1 J]s1 1, ' It is \\ell, thclefot'\J , iu lS added to it :tt the rate of 100 l>OUlldS t.o the selecting fish, to choose th OS<." that cool, dry, ton of strn.w, and a bushel of salt to the quan· and are freest fron 1 oily ma.ttar 'lho sooum tity of straw 1S spnnklcd The chaff falls 111· K. fit1h l~ cooked aft.el bClllJ t a.ken from tho to anck~ lU w]ucb 1t is ca1-r1ed to the of \u.i.tc1 , lL.0 bettei it w1l1 be 'rhicn: is a popn1:1.1 t.to1agc1 \\he1c it 18 left fo1 a nu1nbcr of \>;eel~~ notion t ha.t , liko butcht1r..s' tuekl, fi:oL ts 1111pJO\:· \\1Lhout fcedmgThe expcu~c of cutting au<l cd br being kept a.while ~fo1e it is Uttcd fo1 atounJ i1:1 about one shilhllg, or twenty five tht: table Thib is u. inIBt nke. lh~H:1 ~a v.htte ceut1:1 for tl1e pioduct of an a.ere. But hel(j the cnrdy n1atte1 , ~lzunlv v1;,i1Lle ~tv.een the flaki.:s coot '\ould bo Jll.Or{", not only beca.use of the of il~shly boiled fish, \\hidt e.J.<l::i inuch to t110 hlJhc:r late~ of lal.>01\ but for the reason that flr.vor and 1$ lughly nutr1t1ou:-i , ']11us is u~ally the Ellghsh t..11a]s v.:ere n::.ade on a fant1of4,200 a film of albu1nen: p1oduced by tho con..;ulat1on ac1e~, wl11ch - penndtc<l the u se of a t"·elve of the sc1oul:! )l\1ces, coutr:.1ucd lll the mnsclefl. horse·vo\\61 stean1 engn1e, a.nd all the cconomv If the fi1:1h 1s kept long before c::>0k1ng, a b,rge 1esu1t1ng fto·n the u~!:' of the best mach1ne1y share of th1s is lest, and the fl Ho1 of t11e fish is B01led feed of any kind, potued hot upon this coiTuspond1ngly lmpR>u ed Fi-sltel n1e11 then1· prepared chxff is found to give excellentiesultsJ sch cs Ro..y that fish, tak~n dtrecth f1 on1 th1.: ll·' t and by th e use in conncct1on theiew1th of 011 to the kettle, arc as d1ffereD.t.1n fl avo1 and nout cake, corn meal, ot othei c'vncentt·atedfood, the eL 1ng p101t:us1t1ce, f1om fi:.h one, two, 01 three i ea.l Hutr1tne ·rilue nuiy be to equal or da:ys old, such as are pu1 chased u1 ou1 llk\.rkets 1 exceed th.~L uf th( lJe~t ineado""· lul.j' ~~t an Cl.'. a!:! .. uhalk n1 fron1 cheese " µcnsc little or no greate1 .F-01 this pu1pose Bi; lh-yu1g. salting, a1110J...111g, uuti p1ukhn~, g1ouuti cotton seed cake has beon found espeClal· the d1ge:,tll.nlitJ of fish is g1 uatly lllJUli.:Ll, ly ettlmv..:1ouf:!, usod iu th e p1oport1on of two though 111 somt;i ca~o.;1;1 its s~Yliry i\nd n1 tntn e huudr~~l w·e1ght to tl1e ton of fennented stra'\\i· ptopert1es may be 1mp10vcd Tl.c ffo1:1h of fish t:haff, '!ht.: a y1J.1ty ·~1th v. lud1 cattle cousu1ne 1s n1o1o digestible b01led than f nc<l, itnd fo1 1u tlns p1epa1cd foJdcr; ar·Sing fimn the delicate \aliili! should bu ti.lways cooked in tbrn w~ty flavor g1ve.1.t by the brteen iuo.tcrw.1, gieatly 111 'rh;:i.t of the luale fi>.lh lS 1n 1uost c1uH. '$ h1ctte1' f:atc1-cabes tbl valnc as compa1ed with ordu1ary cut 1n.; than th at of tho fumaJe, a:ud 1n eith er case, ~ti a.n, to i;ay notlung of the greater oa:sc \uth it ltl ll.t its greatest peifect1on at the p . . t'lod of the w]nch ita o1ctneuts of nutdt1ou n11.:.~!:11uulated 1n 1lt o1 roe Aftc1· spa.wn1ug {Juue, foi h appear Ht the p1<;iccssse!> oi d)gest1on to get mtt of conrlit.tnu, theu fl::i... h IJ1.Jt:on es eoft G reen co111 fo dder, uuknowu 111 Englu..nd1 n.11<1 flabby, loscs1ia.\ot, h:.u; t1 bhush ~erru t.1<1118 \~ oulll doubtless be preferable to 1~ c fo1 ml' ing pa.1 c:nt look aftc1 cooking, a.nll c:i L e..u thus is '\1tlt tlH~ cut stio,v., owu1g to tho g1c ~t . . r (tu.\n· so1notnnus p1oduct1\ e of n1ud1 ('\ill hty of sacchan21e matter it conta.u1a 1 but giceu If lob~ters and c1ab>i are fiesh, \\eh cookcJ, oati;; or the afteimath of clover 01 ru1;:m<low grass· and. eaten 111 1ea~onable quantity, they ag100 es '\ ould bo "ell ada.ptetl to thu putposo 'rho w 1th trw1>t f)totnaehs, though less d1gest1ble thall clnef ob,.tu.cle to the immediate adoption of the fish. 'l'he~ i:wmetnues, 11owe\ er, produce vio· method lll tnany parts of the country \Vlll Le lent clwlic, n ausoa, g1dd1ncs:!, rlcpreSflion, and fo1u1d in the p1actwc of defcrnug the th1ash1ug nettle 1ash, these effects Ut:ipeud1ng upon aome uutil winter, when green foniga 1$110t at ha.nd, }1ec11lrn.1 susceptibility of particular persons. but 1 n such cases CTUahcd or l ttspcd ClllTObl, tur· Lobsters are frequontly :::.oltl 1u1:mfl11.:icuUy boil· · I u1ps 1 sugat bcoLtt, nncl tbe hko ffilS it pc1 ed, and iu this 1:1taW w:o not noa1 1y ~o YI l10Ia. 1Je.bub5tttuted fo1 the gi:eeu fo1agc, although ~o1uu as " 'hen tho1oughlj cool\.ed Of aJt bnahes that are ca.ton, oyt:itets .uo the 3 n1.'<:e~ \1ould be l..,sg as~urcd at t ho outset tha.n 1 w1th the !il!Gettlent ..1u.ot prev1oul:!ly inen· inout easily il1gestcd, 11.nd tho mobt 11ut11l~ou~ j 1 tioned In tltOij1;; chstncts w]1cre th1-ebh111g H! ,nid they :>.te mo1c cligest1blo 13..\V than cool.eel 1 done 1 11 the field nothu1g- Uut the need of r:nuta Oook1nci coagulates and haic.l~ns tbt1 albumen I ' co1rugates t h c "b "· t o c ble iuac1nuey nee d 1:1tm1d 111 t 12~ '\·ay of t Iw 1nos~ and n r1nc, cans1u.; \ 1o~u uc \ oxtensive tests of a method of utihz1ng co1npar· less t::i;:al) drnso1' cd by the JU1ce1,, of the ,;t,01nahvoly '\\ ai,te fo<lder, " hu..1h abrou.d haa proved ach ... Rav. oyst~1a la.J. cly ev en ~ lth valuu.ble 1n pt3.ctice, and wlnch ucrt unly seen1,5 lll\'ahds or dyspcpt1ca: PersonH of a gouty faultless jn t heory. ha.bit, howcvei, pa1t1culruly 1£ they l1a\ e dsa· ... pc:p!il.t., axe sometimes violently diso1dered by ----~~-- --- t11em, a11d they have been kDO'\\"ll to liuug OU convulsions "hen eaton by "\\'Otnen soon after Prepared for imediate use, itnd noth" A Hen That Overlays." confinement Many of tho sauces eaten \ llt1\ fi~h are Vt::LY ing but the purest materio1s used, ' l'tuial Ne'v Yo1k~1 is a. Ou p.~ge 34.3 of the u1dige1:1t1blc compos1t1onE, &ud often the fish it- and req uuing no further mixture of cmnmlfnication by H $ubscnbc1 ," tuu.lu1 the Oils, Turpentine, und D1yer· u.bove head, aslnng ' fo1 a reine<ly foJ hens self 15 chaiged with ill effects YI lnch arc eolely Qye;tc1 sau:c is too uftcu over· laying, or lte!l.8 lrty1n.; soft ~helled ogga. ,, dt\' ';o the ~w.w.:e TL.en· t:oiopo::ntion conis1sti:> ao1 ily cf Ca1 eful obt:{)l vntiOn v..n<l cxrc11cnce ha;:i taught made ~o ba.clly, thut both aaUCP and oystera nre u~1fi.t !01 food me that the1e U! but on~ cauSQ for thoac 111'tgu Pure Ouloi-, Piwe White Lead, Ptwe 'Fish i~ less f)atio:fy111g to the ::i.ppchto than lantLcs and 1rupcrfectlons, a:i+d that ia ucak?iess White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spfrn1eat1 poultry, or ,pm<r, and, M it contaiua a I kno'v that the cause ts a.lmost mv.:i.r1ably at· ' its o/Tttrpentine, if: Dl'yei s, , larger proport1on of '~at(lt, is obviouijly less tributcd to the ;i.1;ant of shell mv.k1ng 11oi.u1sh1ug. On the other hand, 'vllole 'illagts ccaicfully itu<l scientifically comA well hen, shut"up on ... clean board floor, and may be found on tho coast, 'vhcrc Ush almost bined fed on whole grain, or unbolted iueal, w1th entirely takes the place of butchcra~.mcat, the gravel and water, \Vil! cont111UP to lay pe1 fect The consume1 can have any demha.b1tants at the same time bt11ng noted for eggs till she has lwdJie1 litter out, Qr, till she sired shade of color neatly put u1 tben· health and vigo1. - Pop 801,··"'1.ontkly. hAA become .so ieduced in flesh WI to stOJl laying in Cans, and all he requires to buy entirely. 1'he only ad'\lantage m giving hens hme, bo110, etc., is, 1t furnishes forthetr immed· As suou. aa v.,·e awake, our hearts should with the Paint is a Brnsh, as the 1 ~te uE-:e a [,'hell mixking lnatcrw.l, and relicveS" be m hcaveu. We O\\C God m the morn- whole can be done by himself, or by uuy member of his household the bodily e)u:tgtcs of an cxha.u$t1ng demand ing tlte first ftu1ts of our reason, before lye 'l1} 1c1e nre three pd.nclpal ct1.uses fol thci;e think of other tbmgs , for "' ery day ts but ·weaknesses, all ofv;h1chhave theu immediate the lesser circle of our hve o.--llr Manto11 efft:'ct on the ova.r1um The fus.t and gicateet ca.uee among ]a.rgo fo,\'ls 1.s co1npelltng them to 'fnE BEST Gu1Ts-The best thing to give fly JU getting to tbeu J.Qreh or nest. Asi· to yom enemy 1s forgiven~ss; to your op· mun painting, impm ted dnect a.tic fowls among heru; arc 'vhat heavy \Ve1ghts poncnt, toleJ_ance; to a friend, your heart, fiom the 1£nglish Manufacare .\moug inen \Vho would tluuk of requ1r to yout clnlcl, a good. e}.,amplej to a father, turers,including Jam es' 1ng a heti\ y we1ght, of two hllndrecl a.nd fifty Genuine, and the deferenc~; to you1 n1othc1 , condnct that or three l1unUred pounds, to Jump or cl~1nbcr Celebiated up the partition bom the fi1'St to the seconrl \Yill rnake h e1 ptoud of you, to you1self, fi~r to retire, and tLen, if he appeMed :1; httlo respect, to a.111nen, chauLy . BRANJJ, liunc 'or stra111etl the ue:x.t d~y, \Vonder at the Hu ~)'BT Wm'1KLE8 -Tho w11nkle· ob· i en.use, a.ntl yet th1:1i e lS JUtlt aa 1nuch propnety in served in some face>'.t running onLwaril aud gual'Un.teetl p u1 e tlie one case as in the other ALSO ' Large fowls should not bo iUO\\'eU to~ fly at upwmd fiorn the cotners of the eyes. ate aU, th,en nests sh{luld be on t11e ground or floor, said by Dr. Redbeld, lo md1catc prob1ty or all standa1d colors, oils va.lltrnhcs, .and thell perches should be so arranged as not peISonal truthfulness Persons with tins and painters' materials. to require auy wing effottu1 getting onto them 81 gn 1.u~e, accord1ug to him, ~u·e noted for Call an~ see how cheap a, 11ou~o cu.n It ie btittei to have them' ery lowJ tha.n to ltaNe always keepmg their proID1ses, aml fot be pamted and decorated, for all ~boom to get on to them with (or fioru), as rlomg ns they agreed to do. these goodsw11! bcsold at.Rediiced thoy .u-e J1able to fall off 111 the u1gJ1t. Musrc -'l'o muaic \Ve O\\·c one of tbt figivres. 'l'he ::11.:t.:ontl cau::ie is the oYut 1~twnt1on of tht.: 1nost pure aud innocent plcasu1es that " e tock, ef;;pecrnJly iI lt be la.1 "0 and clumsy can enJOY It hns po\\ ct to charm the eo r , 2000 Gallons o! A thh<l t:ausc 1 ~ u. alL-a111 layi.Jig. Hens to- caliu the passions, to soQtlie the bea1t, that well fed, a 11 d p10\1ded "1th all the and to elevate the mrnd. He "ho loves 1 uecessru.y e<rO' p1odumng ,na.tcri:ils ate liable to not music, particularly Yocul mus1c, is in1 get too fat i~ lay v.ith case, a.nd Th1eshe1s m1cl as is fie dceJ unfortunate. In the silence of t!te of different kiiid" ciueutly the case, a surplus of nu1.tro:W acou " oods, on tho bluA 'vo.ters of the r1vei, and all pa1 ties requiring such oil are muhtcs, a. \t·ay must be inov1ded fo1 its thspo· the boundl ess \vaves of the ocean, 1b 1s cc.i- "}Jecially rmrtecl Lo inspect the varis1t1on 1 an<l double yolked eggs roo produced 1udly lovelv, but never more so tban '\he11 ous qualities, the prices being fa1 beThia lS u11na.tn1a.lDiud should be checked, 01 delc pealing tln~ougli the gio1ned and d~coratecl ni1u; 'SUV~Cllb o1 J.. patJ H; p1cra.i t,;J to Gnihl ind it, of <:very du,cr1pt1on, n.t i;hoit, J10hcc 1 .~ndon icnimnabl() t<luns. m POINTS 011npl1city in Const1nction, Ease of operation, Pmfection' oj St itch , alike rm bnth sides, owing to pm:fect tension on uppe1' rtna Oan 1ages Pamted and Trimmed· .1 A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1eu11a0t.:, '\ClC s1 11;~1 "l 1~tt1;nt1u1 l 'l'bfs D1stNPl!:OTA..~1' la a l!W'C prevcntlveotTnhue and Typh01d Fever"· Cholera, Smallpox. and UlJ lnfecttons discal!lca It will prevent <·ontagioo 1-. Cattle Jtb also Dislnfecttng Water Vlosetil, DraLnB, Cesspools, Bta.bles, BID.ll,ll!'htcJ'.o houses, &c 1 and for de~tro·,iD~ nauseous efilavla from whatever enusearli,,1n!Z'. It v-111 dM.VO nlt&J lllosqnltoe!!, Moths. Files Caokro11Ches. &c Meat, lower Tl1read. ltXGE OP lVOR!{ -From Gauze Lo BcaYe Cloth DURBlLlTY --Will last a life time rn to alt 0 tv c11 ~ Equally a.d.a.pted '~o Fa.nlily \'Vo:t'k, :Ore sand Shir Cnrr1<t,gc w01k,~ and Geuer,tl I Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Ttimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Jobbing. EVERY .A.gents, Yellowlees MACHINE WARRANTED. & All wo1·k done at this s/abli~!ww 1i Qti. ick~ wa1 1·unted, .\call is 10cpectfully 1rohc1ted J. MORRI S Pish &c. can be preserved fromlutretactlon by lta nst\ Carbolic Act l was selecte by Her Majesty's Royal Comm.1se1oner!. tn preterence to aU otl:ier pruduct~ 1 Q.S tha bes~ Dieii:J'ectAnt to1 the proven· tlOA of lllfecttoue dlseasc!.. Fdce 25 ceqte. We have also on b·rnd WA.\ZJl.11' ,'1,L'lPJW .1, ,IBB01'1"' AND ll.11IOL 1 Y ~EWJc\r7 \lAl'liL\'E g1,im11»ltt~~n fl'hls PBEP..UU..TION is unequalled in tts OLJr'~tock ol 0<'11c1,tl Goud" m la1gc, embrnumg u,ll the NovPlbeb of the ch}, and all'the necessaues as well l'1l>tute .t':i u.mer-ulbHz1.:S, l\.1u -J<l.1ug~ of e ve1y style, \Vall Pape1-a. sple!ld1d asso1tmcut now ui 8tocl,, A la1ge supply of beautifully al:!sorted \V 111tlO\V Shades, Children'e ll~nnages, Couce1 t111,\s, B1uahe"S 1 C0111b8, L ooking Glasses, ~Ius1c, l\lagaz1nes, V~1oltns,,r1ol1n Ho\H~, V1olinbtnngs,P.~pt:ir Colla.1'fl 1 Ne< k rl1cs, School Books, Day Books, Bibles, :Kn1vea and ]'01k8,P·)Ckt\t IZn1ves, I\az.o1 s1 Spoous, nud Sc1:ssors Chen.pest N otc Pnpe:r and 'Envelopes in th1:: country All theso, anJ. ;i th > usautl othBr a1facles 1 a~'D to be fo und a.t ~L e VAlUJ:JTY STORE. 'Vo r~.lwa.:~ glad to oee fnends, antl tlunk it no -Woublo tu ~ h~n°' 1.:~oodt1 1 and \'iC ;;mua.ntcc n;,: ;;ood aluo , at aa l-0'~ iw1cea as auy other hohSO 1n the tta<le ' Pai h es w1sh1ng to te]egi aph then fueuds, n1ay ~cly on hti.Y111,; theu btt81ness done p1oinptly. J\gonts for In1r1au l.n1e of Stea.meHi, .ind Im1 er\t'$) Hn1ld111g and S;\Vnig ~oc1ety AT TETE y tor Sba.rpentng and Polishfnsr Cutlery. T&blP. and :Pocket ~mves,Ru.~ors, ~urgica.l Jnstra.mcnte,Shoc· makers' Knives, l'Jane Dita end ChillcJt5, &c. Noth· tng bat ever beeD dtiscovered which ba.11 111prung into popularity more qn1cklf or become of so Dlllch viiluem every bonseholO. .C'ld workeb.op tor l®tl?Ol u~efulne~l5.. Price 2!'.\c(,lnts. ra.pldJt~ re D>itily Lin~ 'l'O _Bowm,in\llle, Match Yit~J?_f)WLEES & ~IQK. n 23 The Jlfew Lake Steame1 ~ot CHIT CH4.T. (Tim. J3ra.dy a.nd Mike :Flynnrl Oct. l\!Icl_jEO:l)'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS ILL on 01 about l sL .Ap11l 11ext co11unt:nce her ie:;"lllr.r dn.11y t11ps, ice vennittwg,luav· ing Cobouig every morning v..t 7 30 Poi t Ilope at 9 o'clock for Rocheete1,conncct1ng the1ew1th the Ne'v Vnrk Centn1.l, No1 thcru Ccntlal and :E.r1c Ra.1hvny, fo1 all pomta Enst, South, and South ' '\Te,.t. W "NORSEMAN11 HE'lUliNING 1 Chailotte, Poi t of Rocheste1, tn l;lfY evening a.ti} o'clock, e:iccept Satu1days, 'vb"'n alrn Jen."·es at 2 o'clock p rr1 , foi Brighton direct Tho fitea111er c.ills at Bughton, Mondays and Thursday, H.t Oolbor110 e"\iely day except \Yt::d· ue,day, tit Whitby. Osh.~·wa, Darhngttn1 and Ne\~Ctt.<itle on \Vednoi~day, &hould freight offe1 Dealers 1u btoek will find tlua the che,tpeijt, and quickest route L(J .t.'\.lbany, J~oston, Ne,\· Y-0rlr, &c.' &C'.. Addi C8f:I, R. C. Ci\lt1'.El:l., Le.~'\leS Poi t liov11 1 Port Hope Out ch 18th, 1872 25 tf THI - - 'G ood morning, !lfike, shure ,incl its early out, 3fe tue ~li ght I be boulcl to ax" what started yees this mornin& ·· MIKl!: - " J1st be aisey, Tim, and I' ll tell )C ia a Jiffy.1 Ye sec, I was tould, yiste1day, that Misther Orny, av Ty10n', had got home ,m illigant new stock av Goods, chape as du t, mun; and its meself could lrn1dly sle,pe a wrnk, all night, hinking av the Lhe chape goods And shuro enuff, its t11e ful j store he haspiles and piles av the rmtest patterns, and l\e'd give ye the makins av un ilhgant new gown for Biddy, ~or Siventy-five Cints, Tay for most nuthin, ttncl the Baccy for a tiifle less." 'l'lhl.-- " An shure its fnnnu1g me ye are, Mike; woul n't the man he afther bieakmg down. " , MIK'.K- " Breaking down, 1s it Shure he Jmows a tlm k wurth two av that I'll jist tell you what i.t is, Tun, if yo want to git a grate naiue when youre ded, and be called a fii antl'Ofized, filos1fer, and a public binifacthor, jist te~I all youre nabours,and the rist av roanldnn, about Gray's clmpe store, an you'll do m,ore for the good av you counthry, than iver St. Pitt,-ick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it that ni ver was in it." TIM.- " I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye there'll shurely be a grate run, and may bee I'd miss some baigains. The top av the molDing to ye "-I'm off to Gray's. 1871. 1871. s. t B. BRADSHAW r~~~OC~t~t1 ~c~vet7o~a~· I nultl~ take thIB oppottun1ty uf thanku1i; hu; J. GR!I, . Ty1~one. Noted for cheap Goods. nume1 ou!> friends for the very libo1a} patronage he baa rc:cen ed He feelEJ i;atrnJ1ed that no\h· ing but For tl1e best and cltea1lest BOOSTER I I LOW DRY GOODS ' & .... GROCERIES, OROCNERY,. Superior h as ; 11.1Hetl Joi hu.11 sucll a ::iteaUy$:1e of bus1ness-1uuch larger thau [orme1 ye.u8 1 and ]le tru<.:ts th~t by Lt if: KA CHINE OlL arches of sonic lofty cathedral, 01 c11urcL . low anything wafting the soul to heaven on the p1n1ons market. of melody, aud raised m pral8e an,<! gloiy of the a.ll·\VlSC un<l beneficent Creator 1fattbe1~ Henry ever offered in this and Clothmg made to order m first-class style, go to I I I statesman in Queen Ehzabeth's time who retLred from pubhc bfe in lus latter <lays aud gave himsolf up to eerious thought· Hill Immel gay companions came to '1s1t him, and told him hew.ts becommg rnelan· choly "No;" berephM, "I am Kenous, for all n.1e serious Iound about ine. God 18 smous m obse1 vmg ns ; ChmL 1s oe110us m interceding fol us , the truths of God u1 c senous ; our epmtual enemies are senous m then endeavors to mm u, , aml why tlu u shonl~ not you and I be seno us too i Don't laugh at rehg1011 " tells a story uf t1 great 600 Cook, Parrlor, Hall, HARDWARE, "" GOODS A·'D TINWARE ! t n Iin Uie County of Durlm!Jl. JOHN McLEOD, 1 I 1 [ GENERAL auiving, aud now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of and. :Box Stoves' :;Lru;t attent1011 busmc1>s I CARRIA"r I S. B. BRADSHAW. ELLIOT'S Cheap S ore, I W Ir e ing Oll t 13 'ld. UI ings 1 wmanv1Bolle, Aug 8th, 1871 ! i\.ll thui;t that n.1 c lll nrroait) u1u~t pay up, cspec1~l:v the Hard"\'iare account S · .B B Ro,vn111.nv1lle,.Tiln. 10t11, t87Z ]J·l i -I I ' j 'l 'pone, Nov 2nd I87l rr Yli 0 NE. 'i t

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