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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Jul 1872, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1872. ~-~·===·-====================:;:===================================================:;::;<:===============================""'============== --=-========-=-=-==---= -~~-=-=-== -=======-=-_.:.----====--=----~c~~-c;:==-c= Valuable Farm For Sale. A NEW !':CBK ! Obange of Business in the· Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store. Card o! 'rhanks. very liberal pa.trona~e extended to me ain~ my commencmg ·bus1nes~ ;- at\d as in conee· quence of ether engagements, I am compelled to relinquish the aamc ; I have great pleasure in recommending to you, .Mesars. Andoraon &: I.Jo,, my sucCe&!Ors, who in el' er)" way quali· fi.ed. to a'ive you tts good Goods, and on u fa.vor· R.ble terma as those given by· me. Soliciting for t.h em your pa.tron;\ze, I am yourtt, lu. returning you my aincere thanka for the ~· uwnLer 32, Sixth of the 'l'ownship ofCla1·ke, containing acres more or Iese . Situated one mile from tl1e villa.go of Orono, seven 1nlles and a half from the town of l3owmanville. 80 ae1·eES cleared, balauce, tilnber with ccdnr. _ i\n excel· lent orchaJ.'d of grn.fted fruit. Price $5,000. a. portion of 'vhich can . i·ema.iu oQ. wortgagc. Title un41Bputablt\. For i\u·thel' particulars n.pplyto !)!1·. Cbarlea rra1 nblyn, Orono, or t o the office of this pape1·. ]\fay 8th 1871 w33·o20·tf, the ,South half of Lot BEING Conc.e1".1sio11 110 Just Arri veda · PICTURES BY_THET UO USAND. ·n' \VL."'l'G 'Lo the g1·eat demand of t..ho!:!0 bcu1L~' tiful I· I . RWHARD REJJD. --:o:--. In ref(Jrence to the abo\·e. picturea, . ANDB:&SON 8G 00., t.a.kcs pleasure in notifying the public of Bov1· man,·illc anc.l-yicinity,·tha. t they have . CHICAGO AS IT WAS CHICAGO -IN FLAMES, \Ve have fonnd it necessary t o get another large lot, n pair of \Vhich ·w1ll he ~eti.t, post paid foL' AND Purchased the Boot 8G Shoe Business of ].fr. R. REED, tcr \Vhich they have larg~ly added. 1 l'hey are now prepared · to hu"llish · ONLY FORTY CENTS l'o~t.~e. . Dt.1°n1pB talE~··ll i~ievs i>.i; everything in their line, AT LOWEST RA'fES. 1'he cuttom work is superintended bY b!r. J. ltced, who \Vas, for Hi years, the princii)a.l ·work1nan in ?rlt·. Reed's establislunent. can b!l i;ecu ~Y rart l)J:Yl HCfl.t. "8pccp t.:a.lliu¥ a.t tilis Office. - Agents Wanted In 'l'oWu u,nl1 VJlla.gc in 011t1u·i(!), to \\:ho.u:1 he tnoBL lili~ral iu<luccinenis a.1·.:; offer eU. Addre::;a A Call is Respectfully Solicited, .A lal'ic assortment of trunks constantly on ods Spring Stock. Of Dry Go. ' hand. · · _ Tho highest price in Oa.ih for Jlid<S. Thi·ee fi1·st·class w01·krnen wanted, no 1te othe?' need apply. McCLUNG BROS'. l'lpring Stock is coruplete in every department and wili be sold cheap for Cash. 1 F. TREBILCOCK. Bowmanville, Ont. I JliNE, 1872. A fu'll ~tock Io now complete with all the no;'elties of the se""3on. Anderson & Co. Bown1a11ville, Jtwc IStb, 1872. J . & W. J. MoMurtry & Co Arn now ~howiug uf a full assortment of Millinery 'Goods, Gooti.s.· -· ~-- - __.....,~ .:.- Spring and Sµmmer etf :DRY GOODS AND l\:IILLINERY. A fine lot of into the 'Pi"W'l.isea the Subscriber, C. liot No. 12, in tho 3rd Con. Cartwi·ight, a Steer, conring two years old. Thfl owner \..~IE STRAY STEER. DRY .GO.ODS. ~. ca.n him, on proving pl'opcrty, and paying expenses. J. GEDDES CMtwright, Jan. 3rd, 1872. ,41. New, Hashionuble, amt C!teap, Cloth and Gents Furnishing. -o--- · A full Stock of Parasols, FARM FOR SALE. 8th Con. of Darlington. 42 acres al'e in a ;_ood 1:1ta.te oI cultivation. Good out·buildings, fl 'or particulars apply on the premises to CHARLES KNAPP. Dnrlin~ou, Ma.rch 15t~ 1871. 24-tf. 'FELT, si!Jl'n.Aw~ AND __,..-.Q - Kid Gloves, etc. · ,\ cc large otock of r11HE North West l<'IFTY ACRES of Lot 21 STRAYED. t11e Subscrillcr s premh~e t:i.1 Lot 13, 6 I NTO Con. Da.rli'Ogton, in November la3t, on1 1 01\JtliiJ.ig ~a,de to order, the 1. best · trimmings only u sed, and the lowest \ price cbargecl. · GOOt> FRESH GROCER,IES , All to be sold Ch.,,tp. .Faucy Coating§, Vestings, Shirts, Higltest price paic f01· BUTTER, .and EGGS. Sheep. The O'l\'Der is requeal11d to prove pro);!· orty1 pay tlxpensee, a.nd take her Away. W. CURTIS. Darliogtou, April 18th, 1872. ~V-tl. New :·Groceries. , EGGS and BUTTER Wante 'fies and Jlowu;;u1ville, May 7t11 , 187:! Collars~ etc. 1 ly FOR BALE. Bowman ville, .April 10th 1872 !'itiU offering t'vo or three building Iota I A!l.f: for terms easy. A good tit1o, J Al\IES MUIR. ~a.I·, tn28-tf . Sign of the G-olden Li!')n, :Bowman.ville. owmanvillc, May 7th 1872. DURHAM BULLS. ONE (11~, DURHAM :BULL. ON1'1 YEAlt and two Bull Ca.Ives, ,·ery fine- pries s. TO .CALL A'r F. HILL M. ,JONESS. BowtnanvHl e, Ap1il 18th, 1872·. Mrs. E. Cawker, iu r.etiring from bUt1inea~, begs to return her sincere tha.nk:f5 to her lLlnnerous patrona;foi: their liberal snp{lort during the time she has been in A.t the same ti1ne, 11he begs tQ anbusiness. nounce, that she has t"etired iu fa.Vol' o! het· two Sons, ,\~h1>m she ¥ trusttlt by .DON'T FAIL F01: H;>j·ness, MASON'S Saddles, Trunks, Valises, ! - ·~ .. · Sl'RIQT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and supplying a. · --~------ ------- FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE, b~tow· Whipd, . 7 to still merit tha.t so libeea.1ly ed upon her . Bells; &c., SABBA11H SCFIOO:L LIBRARIES - -:u:- - Stall No. 1. l\farket Buildings. Bowma.nville, Ja.n. 18th, 1872. _ 16·tf. HA R DWARE :which (or style, durability ~nli c_ h eap·,ness, cal!not be excelled in this.viainity 11.'o those in -4.ltREAilR, lie "roultl say Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST T the most In.sting, the least troubleuome, .itnd ::most complete iin·euted. arc used and recommended by nl&n~ of the best Breeders n the United Sta.tee n.nd Canada, such MG. :B, Loring..z Salem, 1' 1 President l'l"e\v Engb. ud \Vool urowera' Society; John S. Ross, Heunc· lJin, Ill.; rrefessor M. 1'-liles, e! the State Agricultural College, Lansinf{, Mich.; lion. Geo. :Br(lwn, 'l101·onto, Qut. ; J onn Snell, Edmonton, Unt. On eaoh MM'k is sta1nped the o'~·ner's and the 8heep's number. They will be r;eni fr-er:, hr, mail, or express, for only four cent ('Ch; a.nd \vill la51t for TWENTY Ylll.ARS· ... c~sh muatacoon1pany a.11 orderr; ~ver Th~y YOU MUST 'l'ho~tl PAY UP AJiOa.Ht! tt,C TONG-UE. Just anived and now on exhibitiou in our Show Room, a new supply of01·gans, Style 4J in Rosewood. Others are expected in a few days. RICE & BARKER. wJJ.v h 11N(l ttlready settled, ·will (,'ept our h e:uty tlli~nks. . S. MASON. 1110 We ha ve ,iuc;t opened unc of t11c · .Bo,vu1'!'1i11ville De~ 31·<l. 1869. LAHGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOQK · Ob" Bowmmwille, Mn,y 7th, 1872. ARCIHBAI,D YOUNG, Ju., ____,.._._____________ L1'i1d yet ariothm· Cl?'l'iva/. Poiw wklUional 01'[/(l/}iB, 2 style 5, and Sabba:th Scbool 'Liln.·aries and Rewards ever offered for sale in Bown1a.n v jlle. Pm·t.iPll wishiug to 1'Cplenish their SdJool Librnries, or tu purclrnse Re \vatds, \vill pka,'Sn to rclnen1bcr t'vo things: · · , l!'in,t, 0Ul' ~tock of Schofil Bqoks is. no old stuft; picked up at Auction Sulcs, llOl' has I. en 011 OLll' Shches for years. vVe have sold out :md refilled. our shelrns, half.a-dozen timeH during the P"St year, and have now pm·chasetl so largely, that we not Toom to exhibit t hem . . Please come and take them away. ~ 8ec?n1l, c !Jave n?t marked our books at higl1 figures, with the viow of ~king oft a large d;scount.. 'l'hcy <01·0 marked low for general sale, and a dlscount of Tl!:N l'BE\ CENT. w1U be allowed. on purclrnses n111gina from 0 $1. to $50.; over that amount l"H'1'm;;N PER 01"NT. will be !tllowed. respcctfolly invite an illilpection of our · Sarnia, Ont. Orders n.dch·essed to the :MJ::RCHNT a.nd 0.BliERV!ilt Office, for a.ny quantity, will be :filled at tbe above-mentioned price, aa quickly as the liiarks can be made n.nd sent. C. BARKEii, Bowma.nville, Dtic:. 28th, 187Lly-m13G New Business. rrl:il!! &IJBSCRIBER l> egs respectfully to iDform the public that as l\ir. It. Reed's buHiness h:t.11 cbaup.ed bands, be has open busine~ on his own account in the shop two doors'¥ est of l\furdoch Broe. ; \vhere be will keep on hand a fust·claes stock of Boots a.nd Sbocs euita.blcfor the eeason. Order \York will have hie prompt and best a.ttention. 'l'wenty fi\.·e CX.JJCrience in the trade, more than the two of v,:hlch he has spent as cutter. and general manager in }!r. Reed'e establitihment, has ghren him opportunities of learning what the people really want. He has therefore no doubt of bclng able to ;4\·e ga,tiefaction to all 'vho shall f:LVor him \\'ith a call, ilnd hope.a by givh1g <lue att~ntion to business to receive a fair share of public support. · 2 .style 6. Call ctnd examine ihern --~---·- ~ ------- vy '~ ·we EXTEr~SiVE AND VARIED STOCK OF . J. SMALE. American Organs! year of business, '\'ith a. consti~nt and still increasing growth. As the manufacto1·y is one uf the oldest, it also : rau1U1 umong the highe st h1 the oountry. Du1ing tl1e lonQ experience of Lhe 1nanufact111·ers, they have steadily added to the of their instruments, and have av.ailed themselves of e'\·erymethod to improve the qualit;v of tone antl to iui.:rem:;e the mtichauicaJ. fU.Cil· ties for the p e1·formet. And though they e~ pect to contipue tha cou1·se of imn11ovement; t11ey are . abund<iutly sati::dietl with · 'vh:i,t l1as beei1 done, a.ncl \vith tJ1e ef.ltima.tion·h:i. which their instrumenta are held by good jnclge:j (Jf n1usic. As heretofore, they ·will use tl::e beHt ln.atm·ia\:,i , without regar<l to, and give to CfH!l'Y Organ the most thorough \VOl'ktnruu:1hi1), 'fhey especially invite complllrisuus Ml to U1e quality and volume of tone, uu<l as to t h e effective mechanii;.:al applianoos. T11tiy call a ttention to the fnct that their Organs t~re sold AT EX'fREAlELY LO"\.Y lo 'N u.s is charged for 1nany of an inferior sort. Having alnrge, and thoroughly apvointed rnanufa.ctory,employing noue but skilled workmen,aud having 1uade a ntinute division of labor, they arc able to produce Organs at lcssratea tbaa 1nost CCJnl._petitors. They belioye, also, that among other thingl:!, . they huNe carue<.l a. reputation for fair ilea.ling, a.nd theywo11kl aSijUt'C J..lista:u t }Juroha8er:g t11at no Orgn.JL \Vill cvct· lc~ve t]ieir wa:n·l'OOUlH \vith their knowledge, t.lmt is not in every respect perfect of ita class. · As they have befoi-e i;:tated, t.11oy iuteu<l Lu i;,ecure a frientl in every pnrchase1·. r:Pheir cata. loguc, \\·ith full djjscl'iption and actauate eugr;.tvings, _ will be sent free to any acldL·e~:;; upon a1J· plication . All neee1:11mry infonnation chec.rfully fu_ ruia1ied. A dtlrtma The ne\v stock was o" p cncd out on .SATURDAY, 11th Instant. .i'l temewber the place, i:tloqh Bros. t"'l\"O S:MI'IH AMERICAN ORGAN CU . THE have now· coip.pleted thoh Twenty-lt,hi;t Pocket Books . ' Albums, I ~ I doure \\7 cst of ~1u1·· J. s. NE\V SPRING GOOI>S, 1872. ----0'- - - ..VVritiu.g JJlesks, ~.. a.dies' I l'ro Bono Publico. ALL KINDS U.F Large Supplies & Stocks · complete. AT TUE Cou11)!tnions, ean.~en and tu~ors ·r11.KEN OUT AND 1 er1iple ~ 1 lu1d wunld . ]i asltit11i, OslttJ/Wti . M R. TRE)VIN 1, Cured Without the Use of the Knife, by DR. B. PATTERSON, of Bowman\'ille. ~~trd elsewhere. ls plca.<Jell to annlilllH.:e, tha.t he is now preparell°t() !:!hew· .Ih.e best of re:forenoes given in Bowman ville Office on Chuteh Street _ BflowmA-ztville, ]'eb 22, 1872'. ly-1n2Jo.6 A 'Ve1'!J /a1'ge tincl co1nprehcns'i1ve Stock of Spring t!ntl St~n~nwr Sttiple cind Fan cy D>'y Goo. ds, c~1md al l y .Blottel'8, Ink.stands, Note Paper, Envelopes, I &c., &c. J ~ Heme!llbcr the.Store, next to the West Dm:lm1{1 S t eam l'l'intin r,m[ P.uhlishing House, King Street, Bowmanville. · 111entio11 ::on1e very i:;triking :~ud n.ruazingly Lt:<\ULlful 1inc1i1 in .A Chemical Food & Nutritive Tonic. .l \"\7 heeler1:1 CQlllpound Elixir of_ PhOHpha.tei; iLnd Calieaya. il:J -owing to its· perfect reliability in building up conatitutionlS run <low11 \vith di~ea86tl cf the Stomach, Liver a.ud Kidui;-ys which arise from Dyopep~fo, or l i'eebleDigestiqu, ~nd result in poor blood and breaking down of t..he general health. It effectually relieves or a sense of fullness iu the Stoinach n.ftcr eat· 5u~~ lieut burn1 }'l~tuencc. eonstipation froru 'to,.·.,,id livor1 Bihou~ headaches, Irritation of the Ki~ :y autl Bladder from the i·ed deposit in the Urin;;J rritabili~y and re.!!tlessncss f?l}owed ,hY ~r-v.ouA Pt:t>stl'at1on alid ge:neru,l dehb1ty \\·h1ch :iue,, a~~ from the one common ca.use- · r>yspepi>t& iO;:' pl~eble Digestion. All tho~e c~eli· 1ca.te consti.W,t!on~l}t- lack energy and vitn.hty, ~aud are unahl~ to a.roose .the1nse!vcs to any.ex· 'ert.ion or undergo any fatJgu~, will be nston1ilh. ed at the rapidity with which the \~~ole systern ,is raised out of this 11rostrate oond1tinn M:n<l. en· ·ergize<l and vitalized under the of this pre· · a.ration. It it:1 harmless, clelio1ous, docs not itse its efft..-ct. and is not followed by a relapse. cSold by .I. H!GGIKBUTHAM ot One Dollar DRESS .GOODS, SHA1VJ,S, & JYIANTLES. ---o--- c. BARKER, · ,~fA NAGB'R . n1HE GREAT POPULARITY U~' DR. 'I'he Millinery Depairtment wi ll be found unu:.; ually att:r""~tive thio> eeason, n :plete witb ~11u1e of the · . 0hoicest tlriugg in THE Sl\1ITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO vV:.A_L 'TEJ-l l'eturniug t 1 1a.t1kf$. to .Llit:ir l .N .·wou1d rci)yectfully Jnv1tc \VIG(~ SON, " · f Tremont St., OJlposite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. J M BRIMACOMBE, ·:sowl?lanville· G·enoral Agent for tht) P1·ovU1i;e uf Outado. Ilowmanville, Apl'il :h-cl, 1872. l y-ol 4-1n2'7 .~ ~1u1.1:eirou~ Urn;tcJn1e1·H, and t.hc P ttblic benera.lly, for past favors, t1.~11· a.Ut!:Ul.1. orL 1.o ou1· p1·esent. stock of ]\u·niture 1 as \VO have lately u.c!ded thereto, . tho.t :Ye lnay ther0by he enabled to ~ur>ply ~~11 pa.rties \\'ho n.ia.y l'leaije to fa.vor u~ M1tl a:5 t .;mly Fl!J,SJ.'.(JL.1.SS TA LEN'l' ii; etu ployi;J Lo ~ uperiuteuU nur '\1th~ cnlJ.,. G1cri.t iud1.1;(:etuen t-; held ont to ~hooc purchasing tiL uur E:-;tu.blhih1nent. Pioturet1, Lookn~g Ghi~.Hflfl , &c., fri:i.lncd ;o o.nlor, ;..tnd,u:~ eve1·y f:lJ'!. Sinnplef of thG di:ffere11t kinds of 1'.£ould1ngs c1u1 be i,,ccu nt Lhc \\ 11re-roo1u. ,\'e Yfonkl <tL':K.I beg t-0 i11for1u yott, tbat, huvin'7 purM!LLI ~E RY, MANTLE, ANl! DltESS MAKING, ~ chased a Ladici; tnay rely un gettilig New· and JJ'n ~h ioua.lJlu Ga.nhe11t:~ v,;ell JJmtle ill BBOl\'i'J, ]iJ,QlVERB, 1'Hl1ll1111.Mlti:J, &o. SPLENDID NE'V HEAl{.SE, Opposite the ONTA;RIO BANK. lfowmanville! April 26, 1872. m.3m-n30· . Friends, as far as Prices arc concerned, call ::tncl juuge fol' roursclves . FOR SALE. SeconU. Ha.ud Den1ocra.t suitu.bJe fo1· CounAtry 1"ork , In oufro < "J..t }!orris's Cn.rrin.gc s. Oshawa, .April 3rd, 1871. we sl1 nll bo 1·1:tJ,i'ly !n.t all ti1ne,;, , i~o htt~11d 1"uue1'::.fa, on 13L.ort notie0, aud rear.;u1ui.ble te.rurn. N. B. Co!tins ke1)t on hu,ud, ti,nd 1nn/lc to order, at the TREWIN, Cor;rnr King :i.nd Simco.e Sfreots NEW f)QJ!LNION RET,ilL FIJHXIl UflN WARE-lW01li jper bottle. 1Jow.n11\nville, ]'eb. 27th, 1872, -026-~W· ltn _ Factory. Bowmanvillc, ]\fay 23rd. 1872. ly OsbaWl\,Aug. 2Ctb, lt.'71..l, Kiag Street El1st, Cchn':D.. . Op;os:te J'. W. Fowke's Store. · I

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