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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 Jul 1872, p. 4

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· THE MERCHANT, .FRIDAY, JU:&E 26, 1872. .. --POE1ijoY~~-~ I= The Byes. jfari, elom; iuBti u111eut uf ;:;1glJt, Not the c1tJatttre e source of hght, li'1tted for tlus mundane spheH~, Boaut<?ous cYcn in a teu,r \V01ks of God by thee explo:r..,ll, Mental stores of blif.!i:J a fford Ra.ng1ng o'er the lofty mount, Lingering near the bidden fo unt, Bathed in noon tJde's flood of light Ocean's grandeur, hen;\ en's orbs Scarce tlry wond1ous powe1 Rhs01 h:, , 'l' 1nspuatio11't:; va~e. VVaNes of so1row to a<;suage, Sa.cred gift ~o Arlam fi i-ace. Opcnui,; all ~he Rto1 es of g1acu Guiding man by tiuthti 1mbl tlllc T =H =E = H = O=U=S=E=H=O=L= D =-= .= Household Economy, THE FARM . Condensed Milk I" ould like a little information on the "ubJect of condensed rmlk I \\ant to 1\.nO'i\ "here theic IS a.n establIShment for condensing milk, wh;)t f. m cb mLlk ia worth u t 1oa1ket1ng, what an1ount of milk it takes for a gallon of conden sed milk, ~hat \'I ould bti the expense of an ap partns, otc - VVrLLTnr SHELDON, Oswego, c.l I. The1e ate t\1- 0 m three es~bha111ncnt1:1 fo1 coudens1ng milk on the ]fa.1lmn Road rl'he one at Brewster, N. Y , rn untler the 1nunagt:me11L of l\.fr. J uhu Grul Borden, whu rn a t:io.n () [ tho JU\ Cl) tor of the procesa for condcruuug in \ a.cuo 2 The sugru ed condensed n?iJk sellb In kG-i .it from 28 to 30 cents per pounr.1:,"the J.:Jla1u von densed nulk at :30 to 40 cents pe1 quart. 3. Jt £0111 gallons of 1nilk, as it conics from the cov;, to make one gallon of plain con dcnscd milk In other words, three qu~1te10 of itB bulk l ll wa,tor l;c1ni; e\ aporated. · 4 ...\. ..factory w1th au1tablc npptnatu~, etc , l"'Olnpletc, will cost f1om Sl0,000 to $15,000 Some of th0 f,ictories 1 with ar1p:i,ratu:-:1, etc , have cost as much as $50 000. I MPORTl<'R1 MANUFAC'l'URJI; H - . DEALER rn 0. BOUNS ' ALL, - ~... an the vanehes 1.1£ ,j.:H t ARI) T0- BEIA IEV E9 S~ocks ! TR1J:B~ ' 'l'o puier, holnn clinic Gn~tefnl to the H oly One 11 l'o1 flTIJnyments thu~ made kuu\.\ 11 G1 :i,teful for tlus wondrous globe, F 01 itl::! st.1111001 e \' ondrous iobc, I I ' :F'o1 the obJCCts, numcrou1:1, g1 ~~nJ , Beautify1n; sea. aud land , '"'"ale and mount, incr und ~ ,1 , lvlarvelous, glad "iinnet;.i, , U1'rn:dut.nsted heauty'~ sto1e, llif 1n h d 1iH~overed , lnd len i11'>1r t Xoblei:;t se11"e th3 VD\1-cr <l1~1 bv .Aided b~ the 01 b of da.y, N atmc's 1,idu i:iurve\. '1111 creation fatlc:s ~H\ ay A s 1L is «-::! die~p to keep gooU <.;ti.ttlt: ~-ts :vuo1 onei:I , J:JO it li:! ,i ~ eM} to 1uake good butter an<l cheese as poor; to maJregood bre3.d fl.S bad bread, to cook potntocs, pens, bc11ns, 11"'paragus, &c , well as badly lhe butter and cheeso made by one fartner's wife "i1ll often sell for much tnore than the buttf'..r a.nd cheese macle by ru.iotber farn1e1 113 wife, and thei:e is as groat nn mequa.l. ity 1.i the 'aluc eeouom1ca:l preparati,ons and use of nil the lliLitic.les of sale and consumpt1oll. ..,'\.nd 1nuoh of the bnd health and ..discaso1nfnm1hei:i, is .tltributn.ble to bad b1ead and cookcrY.. l"'ol example, ho\V U 1ffe1e11t is S"\YEH't and clenJl Lutter horn 1a11c1d and dHty but.le1 1 atld tHe imme iemark applies to chcci.>e 1 liow d1ffercn.t J ~ 8\\- Ce t 11gl1t b1e<1..J fron1 heavy aud sou1 b1eadi made f1om the r;;a1ue fiou1 T How differ· j cnt diy nnd mealy potatoe~, prope1lj- cooked, and the same potatoes soft !l.ind v;ntcrv v;hcn unpropexly cool\.~d I Or mcn,t p1operly boiled or 1 1oastecl, 01' · .A J 1d 1io v. itl.i other artwleH 01 foud- t50 diff.,rent ill nourishment as well as l 1n taste How diffc~nt the clothes of tbc far met and his f im1ly ·~ hen properl'\; " ushcd and n1endcU) ru1d done up,ru d thvn dothes ditty and I i a,t{g~d t. How chffe1ent tutwa.<:1heJ, d1t:io1dcily I : rnd dJRohcclfrmt c11tl L l1c11, flrnh clultlren cledn, I otdcily and obeducnt rrhe \Ufe <11H1 the mothe1 \ ts l::Q..O ;it iesponsible £01 11.ll these , Italian & American Marble:-j :MONU~~N~San~N D CCR~;(E°ns~ONES, r ,i,lwn.ys 011 1 1 NEV1"D I~/I'l-:Il~L J~fi S ! band, of superior workn1allillup, and at lo,,.~eHt prJces 01 I I SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. I I he~~ MABittTS mto1 11~ 1 MA YE:RS, N.Y I I W1 oivght Gust fron Ji'01,ces fo1 euclos1a.g lJm yrng l6tB, -I Punuture Tops, Ma.n:tei- Pieces, &c, 1 · kopt on h11ud, or 'uought to ordor. . .:\ \rulh!fl i e,;pe<.:tflt.ll v 1 t111ue:lted .t.t the '~01 k~ i' lV 1 lr 1 · f1roceries L o the JJubhc that, he ]uts Jece1v1:::d and npo11ell (1ttL ~ be ~utlf11l a1al well tt~::m1tt>d Stock oC ' Ki111L, Stice~ 13<!1£Y.tta·i;~:f0 Odube1, 1'1;, 18G9 l :tr"" ,.. ... q .-, -, .. R . 1 '1' 8 .1 ND Good Cooking Rai~111s only 5 cent:; ,, pound, ctrtd s'1ll clicc1 pu box ()-- l ot :S1J1u1g and Sur..oinei \.t:a1 llt~ Stod~ ;:.1 u p R~ Se S anything plC\ lOtlsly Ofil1 ) ed lll 'tht: rl10 Wtl Uotton ,md Woolen <Joodo u1e .lclY,mcrng, but y 011 can tJrnrr'i7t 1"=1 hott's fo1 a sboit time, at the old p11ces .:'11>.1 i , Lh c time t o secuie \\hat you need ULO'J'HlNU - Ue11LleJllel.l jJj \\o dl L OJ d gc1 111l id, Lllln e.nly .1t E1l10tLfl FaRh1011,i ble T.tilrn "'C\ f<'i1l 1 li -1. 1n e 1( sttlL ' Ill !'rices ;:xl 111· ARE STY J~ [ '~ l1 11\d lclll Plowmg and C11lt1vat1ng by Steam· ] he ll.~y will p1 vln~bly cmnc, when u. lai,.;e sha.1e of tlw mt.ltn.,,t1on of 1l1c land will be done by t:'team power 'l'he ste,in1 plow hao f01 tlorue yea1B been I n suc<.;ed1:5ful Ul:l6 m England, but 1n this count1y, wheie we ha\'.C HQ rrn1ch land especially f i,vorable fo1 i ts upe1ation, th6 nt tewpLQ i.t stean1 cultn u.trnn has been so few as to u.rnou~t to little 111 deu10nHt11:~ti11g its Htlu e .I.ti co111pa1ed \\1th ordma.ry lnethodti The :E 11gh::ih ina<:hines n.1c ponde1ou~, tlU1ube11::io1no, a11d cxpcn51vc, u.nd it is th1t5, qon(>leJ wlth the f~t thu.t tltc steam plow unplics a mo1 c thor ough RV~ te111 of agl'lcultu1 e than v. e ha~ e yet ndoptcd, th.ot hari ietaided tlw11 111Lto~Jr1d 1m1 In the inost successful E n 0 h><h unpl em ents thf: 1.Jlows a1c dra\~H brwk\\ ar.d~ nntl fol\\ o,rcfo Deross the field b'\ iueau8 of t}\ o en..,1ues, one statio11 od at e'ach end of the. fuiro\\:3 l'he1e ha\e been sev~1 al 1u \ e11t1ons 1nade in thrn count1y, 1n '\\hich the eugmc IS It locomotive\\ lnch tia\ e1 aes t11e field UJJd clra!!ii:! th!:) plow it Somo of the.,e rnach1nes ha" c n10rc oi lesi:; succe s'J· ful tr!tlJs, but the1e are still many obstaclei, to overcon1e bcfoie such a loco1noti\e en~ne for plo\\lng ca.n be 1natle a complete "Uccess There nre seve1a.l of these plows at work upon suga1 pl"~ntations in Lou1s1an,\ l'he c,me crop 1$ a. vCrJ exhausting one, and deep plo1\ 1ng l.S u eces ~arv One of the most enterprIS1ng pla.uters.,, fiud1n.r it nnp1avtwa.ble tu obtain the tequncd depth of s01l by ord111ary plov; ing, nnported a. set of stearu tuaclnuery 'Ihe results attained by tlH'-' were 8at1,,fad. Or J i tlrn.t tlie fiuit Jm11or 1atton wrts followerl by othf'r81 i11l(l 1u J..ou10.1a.n,t fl..t least, &team plo\ung may be con ..1de1ed .,n est tbliohed fact Aside fiout the thorough \\01ku1g of t he soil, one gH~at point in fo. '\01 of the <)team plow upon plantatrnns I~ that the lnost favo1able sea.:.;on for plo\Hng is a.utun111, Hind Un <: l ::> J USt tl1e tune wl1m1 tb (' tcan1s and h and1:1 are busy 1u .:;utting ci\Jle an'l car1J ing 1t to th e nnll The stea:rn-plows usually rcqu1reB :1nly two Ql tlnee hands to \>to1k them, though irr caue fields, where there 18 much '"tln:ash," more help 18 1equ1red, to keep tlLC plow s from bc1ng clogged· The plows me earned upon a fiawl:l, ,iwl a1e fiou11lwo to Ji\e 11111u111be1. The fra1ne <.;,1rnu~ t\\O sets of plo\Hl, ~tlld 1::i i:o a 1rxngecl that tt can be tilted nhen it ieaches the end (}f the field, and the di.rect1on is to be rcveised, thu.s lifting one set of plO\\S out of the s01l and bringing the oth~1 set into pmnt1011 for wo1k The plows a1 e moved b} niean;:i. of ... wire lOl)B, wlnch IS \\ouwl UlJOll a drum bdow ihe e ngm~ \VJ1en the }1lo\';i:; }llne reached one side of the fi eld and aie IJlaced in p1ope1 J?Ut!l t10H, the irian at the oppol':ilte ei1.;1uc 1.; r;1gnal e.J :1nd the plo\\.S d1a,\n, a.n<l they thus go bacl~ and £01 th at> fai:1t as cl. n1an can "~ alk, plo\\ mJ (101n t\ o to ti e fur1ows, two feet deep at tlie t ite oi six: to b'ielvc ~·e1es a day, acco1d111g to the 11,\ture of the land Tho cultH.~t1on Ue ttv eeu the rows of cane rn ,\ltio <lone by Uu;:~ <.; en ginos, eult1va.tors being substituted fo1 plows Mt La'\1 t nee, 1;\0ho nnported the f1113t plO\\S, c:,;tmrnteB tlJ :1.t, by reason of th~ deep tillage Le can give, two feet umte M.:1 of81X. utehes, the p10 ll1ict101t of $Uga1 pc1 a.ere ha" been conrsidcrably 111oi e t han doubled lJ pon tlw Uotlo1n l i.1 lf1H of tho Connecticut and othe1 J n ·ei i:i, DiJ.ld upon the 'Vestern -prairies, the oteaan })low \~lll jct lJe foi.u1d the cbe.tpest nu~aus of tilling the .:Knl. 1'1ie whol \\Ill ~ e prLy lllSfJt>.t.:LtvH, Hid h( -..:OJd.iP.,J ly c:-. L unds an 11n1t1&t1on to all h18 old fuencJ~J and < t" lnan y new· ones as n1ay Ieel JJH~ll ned to bo bPbefitt ed hy li,wmg Men and Boys Suits, Great I l IHI: 'ibis JELLY is bigblyrecoDl.Dlended to La.dl(IS as ~ mo-'t agreeablo l'rcparat1on .for the Tollet. '1101 lleautifyiug _ _tha Complenon, o.nd rendering the Skln l::!ort.-Wblte, Clear, and l'rea from Dryness, lt t11 unriv~ed. ~ It will Q.l)..lCklY removo all Redness, Ro~hnese, 'l'an. Freckles,_Pimples, cind other im.. portections. F.or Cha.p~d Bands! Cbilbla.lnit, l!'rost BltttB stid Sote Li4J6, it ca.nno be swpaued· !'rice 25 ~uti5. ~ FIRST-CLASS GOODS, II 1e18., 11 al1 l t t_;, U:Hs Infallible Cure For Small-pox \ :s tha.t hon'ld d1seac.:e, th() suutll pox 1~ ,;1ad u a11y,.01 k:mg1t·wr.y '""hrnu1, be )i 1";1e ;1J>Ot<L Ll11;: LrnH.J Lhc ~p1111., w ea.the1 seta ui, to hat.1t an d hn k fot inonths u1 out st1lieb;, .ills~~ and l.tnes, u.nd infest the \\hvle conntrv, :t reve1pt 1 wlnch bt!ats sotne ap pema.nue of bc111g :i. goo<l ou.t> I H now "going the iounds 111 the cities affhcteJ., aud \\ l i c1n u tlut:tl Jt "A Bt1l18u1ht>1 'writt>::i to, Mont1eal JH: N It y 11.twplnu, .\.11g J 11cl, 1871 l~ L L I O'l"I' J uI .i .. t lau, L81 11u11eiutne pllC P.S, to > tve hun ~ ealt bp- 023 rn 5} Crumbs for Chickens.· _ - -- - - - -- 'l he Olucago 1 1 ib1nw h,i8 an entu e Ht 1~ dri r.;r: .and does uots:'ty ii,\\uttl ll.bon t it .t.\ t:1choolnm 5 tu 111 I i eland 1td\ crtiw's tlif1t he 1' ""am.., Ht'> (}eut's Furmslungs will be fonwl well aSllo1ted I MARKUS MAYERS· Bc 11u >11 ill. ~ \.pt':!.} 5th, 1871 tf I - "' MO Dif iS'~-- \ ill J\.t:ep Suna:l..y school t" 1~· a \\ c:el ~'J ue ~ and Satuidil.;~yit. ~"-s al\ old v; \.\.ts l<i.tely wall n,:- Lluo11.,,h JOUtnal t nc of the ::it.iecf..s l lf J\Ior1llea l ~L 11 utl111ghL, ,1; "I ht.:rev i th rtppt'.nd alt c~1}!t wlnch J.t,t.s been pt1;tiol < allet1 out, "\-\'h o's t11e1 e ?" - "it lo 1, u8ed to U:l) knoWledg-e 1n h nucJ.reds of case:,! 1t 11:;,,t1ol, ,, su.1d sl1c ' clout be aft ~1d ) will p1e\ ent 01 t.'UIC the SJnall po~ 1 th :)11gh the An .AlR.blUtt.\ ochto1111 vufEin=- ,t g1oce 1y shop p1thuJo .H e filling 'Vhe11 Jenner <l1scovereJ. kept I.iv ,t w01u,1;n , i:ays, "IIci t0111n.tocs are ai:; the cow pox. in En,;land, the \.~(llld of science tc<l as. het OY.'11 t lrncks ," her 111d1go as 1lue as huded an avalanche of fan1e u1Jon h1s head, 1 but when the most Stlientl:fic school of n1edicint1 11..: 1 ()\:\. 11 eye,,, M1d he1 pep11ei ,ts hot ,1,, he1 ~') wn tJmpei " in the "' 01ld- that of J:'ar1s - publmliecl tln'l re.: '£went.) l::le"ll~n letter~ \\ 01 0} foi mJ lll an empt as lo pan:t"ea. for !;lmall 1rnx, it passed t n old thsuse<l vuiuv ·!l r.nndo u, thet numbei of heeded It is as unfailing as fate, and con stu itl leople ha."l: fng mistaken 11; fol a, poet j que1s ill e\ e1 y iust:\rwe It J $ l1fltmh1:1~ v.: h en ffi p bl I taken by a well person It \Hll £tlso C\U'C the OJ ce ox 1 11ca11etfe\Or Heie1s t11e receip t , as I ha\e ~"-11 Irish1na11 dropped a lett e1 iu th J.HJ~t~.f u::icd It and ~ured my clnl<lT.-.n of scu1lct fever, office tlw other <lay, \Hth the follow ing ineinu here it rn as I hn.'i eu ... cd1t tocnretb esrr1u.U }JO:.< 1andu1n on the c01nc1 , for tl11;1 benefit of all lB' '\\'hen le<trRe<l phrsicw.ns srud the patient n1ust dolcut post·mastt:l't3 into who1:1e b tJ.ids it inight die it cuied Sulph ate of zinc one g1:un fox 1 fall - "Please lw..':!ten tbe del::Ly of this " g:lo~e (lligitalisJ, oue f:,"l,lUl: ,.;l;.i,ceruie, one 'lhe 6i.hW... \"ho wiotc lus cd1ton,tlt:1 with talJle~iwuuful, n11x th01uughly1 ,u1d .,,dd font di.~lk on tl10 ~oles of his <:. hoes, and wen~ h.irc ottnC'es of water Dose . One tablespoonful foot while thu punttr::. '"et up the copy, has ~cry hour, for ll child, sm.~lle1 doses accord p urchtwed a 1ea.1n of second hand en~eloLJ· ", ing to ag_e :B1ther ilil'.!eas~ w1 ll dti:!appea1 in aud engaged a f,Ul to turn tbent 1nsidl;l ont twel~ e bou1:.1, If countncs wonld c9ropel tl'en A fa.the 1 \\as 1epioached with 'IA-i><l1u1g to physrniruis to use t]us t ht!re would be no need "'v\ till he Bi' lit of pest houset:i If you "\l,tlue advwe .tud exper 1ua..r1 y his son too ea.ily tle niorc reasonable," wa" the ad-..:u.:e -" t-\l1 1 Jenee, use tlnl'l fo1 that t errible dfaease I add 1n t.ha.t <.:aae, sighed the fo.the1, "he \\ ould the glycennc iri'-ten,d of h.1Jf ~t t eME:Oonful of nC'> Ct ln a1ry a.tall ii ::i:ugtti1 d ~{Yl CORNER srrORE. CARRIAGE SHOP · F. Y. COWLE. I I I Krng B0wmd ll lli le rr11B DUh:;clllJtjl rnpl i.l P<H vd V1 liullll aui l e p.i. r lV(igo11,·, Zltwg i1s, 1ind Un /lei' 1 l c ~ 011v t1011 1 ::i.t sl lutl 110L1~ t' j of <\eiv 1tt 1(11 1e,i::;oll tllo h1llrrH A_J GAMLl!I is the moet reliable aud e:m.oac1on111 Remedy mall cnscs of Sore Throat, Ho~rsone~1, Dip~eriit, Broncb1tia, Irritation or the Bronchw TubeEI eo common in thie changea.blo cllm.8tei Asthma, Offcns1vo llronth, 'Oleotated Gums, and &11 die:-eases of the :Moutb. SP.eakett an.d Singers it 11!1 invalua.blo ~'hls POIN'I'S OF , I I I C.. 1u oge , f ,uuted &nd Timuned. Simplu;it,11 in Co11 st11tctio11, H1 z,,J of operatio11, p ,,1:f'ect1 m1 11! I Stitch, alike on buth side0, 0111i11!J to pe1:/ect te111; iu11 on upper m>lL lowm· Thread. RSGE OJi' IVORK - From Gauze' t u De.t i e: Cloth DURBILl'J'Y -Will !Mt ,t Jiie tune I A Bla.cksmith's Shop '" .11 . t 011 th( t11u nh t;;;, \ t<l~t> l foj1il,;ulwu 1 ~ gn<.;11 "Does my son \ Vilhttm, thats n1 the ru:mJ -:iet plt·nty to e.d 'I" H:.1old an old ladJ to a 1ecrnit1ng se1geant, the oth er dav -"He sees plcnt\,' \\a~ the lnooruoxeplJ - " Ble1>S ]us liel\.l't th<!n, I know he'll l1a"e it 1f he can see 1t, he alw<ty,, would at home " '! he follov."lng n1ode8t .td · ei h se rneut JS pub l1shcd111aNew York p,ap~1 -"V{anted A Jo onng 1na,n wishes to obhuu board 1n a. l ospeet a.blc r:1natn fannly \\here Ins n101al depo1t1ne11t i.n<l ex a.1nple woulJ. be cons10e1ed equivalent Jtete1 enees l t\quu ed "Is 1ny face duty ' rc.:1natl~ cd a youu,.:- lady t.o her aunt, ".\ lulc se.~ted at the drnne1 tu.ble on t steam-boat1u11nu1g f11;~11 ( a.n o to ::\few Or h:lli1U:- 41 D nt) I :No,whydo,)OU.tsk " - "Bc cause that 1118ult1ng "nite1 irumstf> u!Jon putting a towel bus1<le u1y plate I have tluowu thr-..:e un1lt.:1 Lhc table, ru1d yet e\. e1y tin1c he <.Xnnes iound, h e p11tt-i .buJLher on hefoic 1ne " - A1nt tt<flt Pnpcr Jo~n B1J.LI~GS ON" r HJ ltACOuu~ - l'J·t, 1accuon l~"' ies1dent ov the United S tates ov A1ue11co, he enug1ated to thn; couut.1 } !>OOH ;tfLe1 1t~ d1sko\ e1y by Cohuubus i·11thout a cont, 111~1 uotlnng but his clawB to get 1ns hv111g-\Hth. He 1z one ov them kind of peumn':) '\ ho~e lHde is He teworth mo1c t11au 1-i.ll ~he lest of 111111 "ides aniong the hca\y t1n1be1 1 arid cnltna.tes the <.:orn fields fo1 suHt ena11ce, nw.1 underst.-inUs lui:i hJzncss, l:lu: farn1l) co1lfi1tits O'\ ,\ \Hfe aw.I Lluce chlldHiu, who teSlde w1tl1 l11m on the m~ 'Ide o\ ~ t1ee He can ::i.lwnys be foun<l .tt home durmg the dH.oy, b>i.v lcce1ve ca.U~, but 1us n~ghts :.w: e de\ oted t o look1ui; ~f~~1 luz o\\ll iffa1rs lfe <lreSS!eS in "oft fnt, a.url b1<:< t all, \\ hi (.<h iz iottnd, ha~ ling s on i t l'hei:;e ~ lllg!'ai e ov the"" 8:n nc n1atc11.~ls al:! the tai l is, and a1e \\orn 11po11 ull olci.sw11s D mrn g- the \\Utter Le 1 ct; hunself lll' Ui n. Jrn1d not :tlH1 l a.ys do v. n liyt 1111. f1 1-widts. p1uclcnt old .;c.11tler11an offe1s the foll nw mg - _i\.hH\Yt; sit next the ca.1 ve1. 1f you~can, at dinne1. Ask no wom an her ago Be ClVJl to all uch uncles and ;,itint..: 'yunr old!:!8t. Jiat, of coursu, f01 an ~ve11u1 ., pa1t:y Don t play .~t cheos with J<\i w1t!o 1\ e\ e1 con tr tdwt a man who studte8 l'ull down tht1 bhnd before you put on your , 1g J11 e"erystra.nge house it1s 1110 \\ ell tom <!UH ~ wheH' lhe br::i.ndy1skept, only thnik if you , ,,.,ie taken ill 111 the muldle of the n1ght 1 Keep jOllr own seCl-ets .1ell no bumitn bewg you tl)e yoiu wlnskers Vlnt<:! nnt one letter lllOH1 than you can help The man '\ltO keeps up a. lutr'e correspoudence is a ma:r:t;fi tied, not to th; ~trJ{~, but t}1e pof",t A YANKEE s NAG,-J).1ark says of lns horse 0 1 have a POl'se by the nrun e of Jericho Hern a rnnre, I have seen remarkab le ho"Hcs before, but none so ren1aika.blo al:! this. I wan tvd a ho1se that would shy, and th1i:i supplies tho want. I had an idea. that shying tndw.-i.teU sp111t If it v; as correct, I have got the most Sfunt"d home on earth. He slnes at every· tlnn" he comes t'\<.;fOf:lf:I with the utmost partial 0 ity He appea.1s to }1ave a mort:M dread of telegraph poles especially, ru1.1l it 1s £01 t.nna..te that these are on both aides of the road, because, a8 it is now, I never fall of t\\'"'lCe in succession upon the same side. If I fell on the 13aine Slde al w l.Yt'!, it \\Ould get monotonous aft er a '"h1le 'rhc crt!ttiture ha$ ~hied at everytlung he h \l'S seen to-day except a haystaek He ·wrilked up to that with an mtrepld1ty and recklessnes:s w us a.-iton1shing. AnJ. it would fill one with admiration to see how he n1amta.rned lus self·posseSSJ.0111n the presence of n barley 5ta!ek 'l'Jmi dare devil biave1y w1ll be the de<1oLl1 o( thrn ho1se s.o1ne day He has only one fault. His tail has been <.;ho11perl off, oi else he has set do"\\ll on it too hard some tune 01 othe1, a.ud has to fight the fhes \\i1th bis heefa. Tlus is all ,:ery well, but \\hen h e tries to kick a fly off the top of hi3 head w1th lns hmd fo ot, it is too nn1cl) of a vw:iety Ile is going to get him self 1ntO trouble that way t1ome day. Ile reach cs round aud bites my legs, too I do not v.ti e T'·trticularly about that-only I do not like to i!iee a horse too socm.ble 1 Hi..:u:sF0118~11G1\.1.;J:r:>\rnr;r -1\. Ventilate Your Cellars rihe followini-r advice fa ~ell" o... th heeding \Ve nll knov; how pl t>"i alent lo'iv fevt'1't3, e1ys1p eh1.s1 cu.rbunck:s, &c , tQWd.rds. tl1e end of winter and in the spnng 'Ihe best 1ncdic11l au th01 ities ag1ee thn.t thc;,-se tlepende almost en tnely upou hygen1c err ors, and chiefly ln the drink and the a.U' b1eathed J: iorn tl1e se~er1ty of oLu Cau:Hli,in \:\IJ11 te1s, nece~,..,ity compels tht hermetical closing of all cxtu1 nal open1n,;s iuto cellars au d basen1euh; 'lhe ICf:mlt 1s that t here is no\ entilat1on 1 and noxious ga .. es accumulate theri.> , lnd are slowly and Jnmdiou::ily diffused through the whole hou'Je rlhe poison IS not 111 {gmut1ty ~ufl 1 ur.11L ft'>1 lhti Rudden pro"'htltrnn of the unfo1tnnate 1es1dcnts. but M gra<lu,tlly tib· so1bod into the syste1111 .wd, bew,; w. . <.;IlLJHL1a tne, the p1oce::is goes on, until on soine lud..lel:ii:; t.lay, the Lody Le1ng "ell sn.turntcd w1t11 the sept ic po1S011, the tlawo.;1$ h t by a shJht cxpu su1e oi wld, £ ind n fo1m1dabl e u.uJ often fatal nwJQ.UJ is 1n1trnted ' Ve would the1efore tnost Ot111c;..tly urge every hout5cholde.r tu u.t uuce ll 1no\ e all b tnking:s up of cellar \\ indowf'!, and open Ollt and ve11til.tte thr;1 n1 ;_\_death oi ahn ge1111g illness aud t h1g docto1 s bill, nu\.y be spa.1 cd by 111 obe<l1ence to the simple hygienic law Equally adapted to Family Wo:i.'k, Dresfil a:nd Shir Making, Ta,iloring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. kIACHI~ES U.11111 1,ge w01 k ,. and Jobbrng DELIVERED I:::-<STUl!C rIOKS GffEN EVERY .A.gents, Yellowlees Wo h,we al 0 MACHINE 0 WARRANTED. & Quick~ ~ &r , IW) I wiled ,I MORHF A u d l rn 1~ lJ!ol Hully :-;olic1tc f on h,11 ul L\1, ,11.1 1 J IL\ 1, . wA,vzLu 8f,li1'1'u1 A, .urno11 .s , 1.\ JJ JJAHCLA v j 0111 8tu1l, ol G<'ac1,1l Uoods lli lrttgc, en.tlJ1 <1cJ11g ,1ll t lrn .l'1 01ell1cs oi !her d,1y, ,lJltl ,1ll tho necessau e, as "' oll I 1J1ct111<.:] 1U.Jll0H- ,tll::;l;6eS, ) 1ould1ugs of C'ieiy stvlc, ) 1 {n.ll raper~ a Hplt 1 1 d l n;~ otl liHll L IHI \'\ Ill stock, ... 1- l.'.l.t1ge 8UJ1ply of beautifully assm t ctl )VrndtH\. Shades, Cl11ltl1un's C ~t ll ~ ,., e8 , C01wtl1tu1.tb, .Brushes, Oou1b8 J..1ooku1g Glas::!e s, ~Imn c , 3.-1aga,z1ne ~ , Violins, 'il10li11 How ~ '\ io)J i ::;11j11gF1, Pa pc t Cullar:. 1 Neck rl1es Sehov1 Book~ 1 J)a) Books, B1hle..,., Kn1ve,,,a.n d tjor l>" P1j t l~ut IC1 1n E<i:!, R azot b Spoo11~ aud l'Sc1::;soi:; Che~pest l)ote ]\ and Euvelopes lll th e countJy \ll jh( sc , an d 1:1 thr:msa'nd other art1cles, a.xe to be fot\nd at' the v-..tRIE1 Y STOit E '\\IL u u uJ v.ays glatl to ~e e fuends, and t lunk it no tiouhlc to ,,how t*oocls nncl W( g wl.1anlco m! goncl \' 1h1 c) ,tt ~l3 lo\· pucc3 a.s any othe1 hov.tie 111 th<~ lt.iAle Pai ties \Vli:ilnng to telcg1a11h theu f11encL, n1u.y tdy on b 1\ m.:- I heu lJ 1.:.:u icst-1 Jnue ptornpLly ~i\gcnt::i fm· r~m~ll T I U<; lf 1':\t~.1uw1c, and IuJlJl:ll i '\.l J3 tuldLug .~ud Sa \ lllg' So1.1ety I Daily Line TO The New Lake Stettmer Bowm11nv1Ue, :\Lttc1i 7th, 187:l ~ YELLOWLEES & QUIC K. ) ' 11 :rn Remedy for Iud1gest1on. Planting Corn. At the M1ch1gan ..c'\..gucultural College, 111 llali tn ourn.;e of gl;'ottntl. '1 utkcy ihub,hl b , one 1h w: ln n o{ sulphate of q\'tllJuic, oue 1808, t'" o plots of land \Vere sst ap,~rt, substa.ntlr<JNhm of ex ti.wt of ~.inmvau lla,, Put the t1ally equally in ch,nacter of soil, cnch mensu1 · 'Ihe gxouud \'iaB ~arsparill.i. into a cup w1th t1uee 01 fou1 ing ffllty eight 10<ls u1 "1dth tea spoonfu!H uf cold \.Vater, let it stand piowed l\.lay 0th, and manu1e was spread i::iven hll dumoh 0d, t h en .W.d the othe1 Ille."led1cnts ly and wo1kell in by cultn atol and hairo~ I\fakc it into a strff paatu, it w1ll then be tt!ady Yellow dent corn ,. as planted ltlay 21st, in to make into pills "ith the u se of a littfo fiou1, iows four feet apart , one of the plots being 1'he p]ot:; inaduig ncuily one hundicd tiilfo The do;,,c J 'l plauted ln hills, the othe1 u1 dulls we1e cultnated and hoed .June 15th, ~nd July two p1lls I!"\ ery other n1ght. 7th, the plu.uts being thirmed, l:iO as to Jea'i o the san1e 11umber of ~talks on each plot, n1cludmg Arsenic in Wsll Paper ru.i equal chsh'lbut1on of plants tb!oughout the A WRIPERin the BntIBh J\i1i;.<lic,,..l Jvtun<.tl subd1v1s10n of tlie ploto:.. As nearly M possi1le, sa\.s -"Hitherto lt has been geuerttll) 1:1up <.;a,t;:h of the t\\ o plots 1ecer~ ed the amount po:.,ed that only papexs entirely gr1c11, and of a of labor w cultn atlon 'l1he stallrn were cut at ver.:y b1'lgbt shadti of green , wei e .~rserncal, but the botto1n, September 17th, aud stocked iu the fact 1s..proved by. the analysis of eminent good order 1 hrec weeks u.ftor\\ ttrds the corn chemist(:(, that c\ cry papc1 wlnch contains any i.\:as husked o.nd weighted 11.'he stalks were g1een 1n the pattern. no !natter how little , or then ag;un c:uefnlly stocked and we1e haul~U of what sbadc,as a gcneral 1ule contains a1"':1eni<.;, and \.VC1ghted in good condition, October 12th and is, therefo1e, lnJunous to h ealth One Thft cmn planted in hills \~&::! better 111 shade Qf green is no safe1 than another, for the qu.i.hty tL..t11 on that pl.tnted in Jr1Us Ent the very paleflt g1 e.enr; f.teq1 wn tJy c;ont ftm laJ-ge drill portion produced seventy fom and onequantities of arse111tc of copper, the brilliant mxth bushels of shelled corn and three tons of color of wlneh IS toned dol\J.l to any deg-ree of stalk8 to the acre, against sixty fhe and one -pn.lcnese by the a.dd1tio:n, of chalk, a.ntl some- half bushels of corn and two a.nd two thuds tons times of \\h1te lead, the result being that pale of stalkA pe>r :i.cui p1od11ced by the 1101 tion 111 g1een paper often couta1ns Just as"much arsenic hill' ns those of b1 1gltte1 ' color . The quantities of arsenic used lll green paperr::; appear ahnost un~ The Dignity of Mau lhruted, varymg from the fractional part ~ of a grain up to the fr1gl1tful amount of six, nine, Man .1~ a leeJ, and the weakest reed in fourteen gntllle nnd upwards to the square foot. nature , but then he 18 a thinki11g reed. I have beside m e l:mn1e pale green papers, the There 18 no occasion that the whole nn1analysis of -which give those a1nou11tA, and the I Id . lf f b ·' · illness produced in some cases all but fatal I \erse i:; 1ou arni itse or £s uestruct1on. have also lJy m1:1 a JJape'r ,uth'; reeu lea~E>s oit n A vapor, u. drop of wate1, 18 sufficient to '\lute ground, contrunmg no less than eight kill h1n1 . A. nd yet should the uni"VeI'l:le g1a.1n:s to the ~quarc foot, "l11ch caused most crn>.:h ]11rr1, lnan vtould shll be n1ore noble senow illness. 'Illere ;:i.ppears good ieason fo1 than that by " h1ch he fell, because he believing tha.t a veryJa.rge amount of sickness would know his fate, ,vhlle th e universe and n101tality anwng all C'J;1.88flS is attl'lbutabl r: ld b bl f t to tu tL.rn <.;ai1!$0, aud that it 1naJ p1ob.l-bly ,lcx:ouut in·ou e insensi e O 1 5 vie ry for many of the 1 ny~tenous <lu:leases of the pieThus all our dignity consists in thought aent day \\:hich so continually baffic all m0dical It is hence\\ e are to raise otuseh eo;i, and slnll ' not by the aid of space and dtuation Let <Vt CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and Mike Flynn] Od 1871 TIM - 187 1. lVIcLjjJ() l)'S HO)JSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepaied fot imedrnte use, and nothing but the purest mate1 ials used, a11d req11irmg no further mixture of Oils, 'l\u pentme, and Diyern Then compos1tion cou8i~ts solely of ' 1 Pn1 e Colo,., White Lccicl, Pw·e White Zinc, Linseed Oll, Spirit~ of 1'1irpwati1w, c& Dryers, ccarefully and scientifically combined. The consumer can have «ny desned shade of color neatly put up in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Bmsh, as the whole can be done by hrmself, or by any member of his household "Good mo111u11g, :Mike, slnue and its eaily out, YE '"' e. ~J 1 glil I be bould to axil" wh,1t stmted yces tln s rnonung ' MIKE - ' J1st be ,usey, Tun, ttnd I'll tell) c lll a jifty y, 't·e, I \\ M tonld, y iste1day, tlmt I\fi-tlwi Gr.Ly, cL\ Tyrnne, h.tJ. gut home ll.J_, 011 nr about lst .c\pnl next colll11rn11ee .m illigant new stock .1v Good s, chape tts dmt, man , <1Jlc1 its her1egular tl.nly tflps,1c peuuittiug,leav· iug C0Lou1 g ( ¥ui) u 101TUng at 7 e10 Port Rope mcself coulcl h a1dly sfape a 1;mk , ,tll mghl, l hmkmg ,1> tL e at 0 o'do<.;k fo1 Rochc::te1 ,connecting the1e with the < c11ape goods And s.lnne enu fl;,_it· t be hill st ore he l1,1 , the Ne\\ Yo1k, N orthern ( 'entrn.l and E11e Tuuh , y, for .~11 points J!..iast, 8out11, .u1d p1les and piles av the J1atest patte1\l'.ls , and he'd o, ve :y e Lh e South 'Vest ' rn,tkms iw an 1llwunt n ew :;owu fm Biddy, fm §h enty-fiye l RETURNIKG Cmts , Tay for mist nuthm, a.nd the Baccy ioi " LcJJ!c less " Loaves Oluulottc, Pmt of, e\Oe1y eve11uio:- u,t ti o'cloi.:k, ex<.;ept 1'3tttunlcl<Y;;, whtin 'l'l-Yl.- ".An shure iLsJunmug me ;ye aie, M<l,e , \\uuhln't t he rn ~1i be she lc11vc s at 2 o'clocl.. p m , for :Brighton du-cc,-t ,1tthet bre, down ' ~ The :-;te,uner <.;,\JIB ,\t Bu.;htuu, b-:lowJnyf:l and 'llnnsday, 3't Uolbon;i.e e\.el'j day except 'V~d MIKE -" B1eaking do>1n, is it Shme he kl1(1W S ct th11cl, wmth two ,,\ 1 nesday, at '\'lutby. Oshawa, barlmgton and that I'llJist tell you what it is, Tim, if you wtint to gi t a I K e\'lica..,tle ou "\-\- e(1nesda"i, sl1onlU freight offep Deale1s in !'3toek will fin"d this the cheapest aud grnte imme whe1;1. yomc <led, and be callec1 it J:ilfo,nt1ofized.Jilus" ; quickest J ontc to A.lbany, Boston, Ne"\\ Yort, ifer, and a public 1Jiniiactho1, jrnt ~ell "11 ;y ome naboms,and' the I &c , &c AU.dress, rist av mankinn, about Gi<t.) 's chape ~ tore, <rnd you'll rlo motc H.· C C.AH'T'F.Y:, Port Hoye Ont for the good av you counthiy, than IYer St Patuek did for ould l h 18th, 1:>i;72 2ft t.f I1elanc1, when he banished all t he toacls and snake, out av it that niver was m it ' 1 TIM.I'm much oblaged to ye, for lhe ))it av advice, .u,tl won't d etain y e , thei·e'll shn1ely be .t grate nm, a nd Hh1ybee I'd rnisY some b<ttga111s The top nv the mormng tu ) e '- I'm off to Gray's l 'v -"NORSEMAN" . I 1 I lI l S, B. BRADSHAW- I PURE WHITE LEAD,· A huge stock just ieceived, fo1 a:utmnn painting, imr.,01tecl d11ect from the English Manufac\\01tlcl takti L Li., 01J11v1LUlJ1Lv of Lha.nkn1J lul!I I uuuitnoll8 f11e11lh fo1 the ' etY hbe1al patrouage turers,including James' he bus ccn e<l~ Ile fc0lr:; 1:1,\t1HheJ bli..;'1-t 11 oth Genuine, and the III ; lJUL Celebrated J. GR!J, Ty1'011e& Noted for cheap Goods. . i;t BOOSTER BRAND, Hmts on House B1nldrng .A. JJ·\Per OJl tlus subJect, ri.;:ad by Ellv,,i,,1<l Roberts, F . S · .i:\., bef ore the 110) al Institute of Bt~tish _\.1r-J11tcets, closes as follows 1. :\l'e"\ier allow per\10us dia111" m pe1"\LOllS amL" 2 Never ullo..,v 1 i us study the art of tbmkmg "ell tl11s " qnani,nleed plite the foundation of ethics ALSO It is dangerous to show man too cleail} , all ,t>enda1d colo1s, orls '<11ru;h e' huw nea1 l1e ::;land.a to the bea::;Ls, \\ Lthuat and painters' maten,11~ shuw1ng hnu his greatness .·A.gain, it rs daugerous too clell.rly to 8hew lnn1 lns Call and see how cheap a house e&n I g1tiatness, "'1thoc1t inak1ng lnm acqua1nteL1 be pitinted and decorated, f<,n· all v.1th bis vileness Ag.nn, lt 18 f!till more the,e goods will besolrl at Red11c'd dangetous to lea'\ e lnm in ignorance of both. But it 18 very advantageous to inake him acqnamted \Hlh both. LOW I DRY GOO · t.:P.'l"'poot 01 d.in1u ne11 a figures. 2000 Galion s of GRO<JEl~IES, CJ~()(JKElt1 1 ' ,rnJI. ...3 ~ever select giavel <ts <1; builcling si t e if \\ell <limned clay can be obtained 4 )[ever a.llO\V dnnloug water to be th.~\ l1 faon1 a crntcrn .t w.tter closet 5 Nti\'erallow\vaste pipes to be inserte<l 111 to wnt( t cJos~t tr.tps OJ Nevci .tHow rai.11 \'iater to l un tu the .,,'lound if i t rn iequnecl ·bbovc 7 Nc"11c1 n.llo \" .... ate1 t n sta.nd 1 n pip~ expo:; ed to froist , 8 :-{e"\iet ,dlow p1pt!t:i lo Ll· hxel1 :50 th,~t theJ CaJ.1not etnpty the1n~clve:;; 9. N1::vei "11eut1late except by pipe s 01 tnb~s , inlet f!: and outlet 3 beiug of equal size 10 Never m~e ca.i:thcn:waro pipes foi up\\ fines 11 Ncvci alluwcli.indehers to lie tb+.J l:X<.;lu Only a Child lt '" harde1 to bnng up one clnkl than In a laigc Jamil) lhe ch1ldre11 help to lmng one another up. It is not merely t hat lhe elde1 ones assist in tuking ca.ic of 01x ~uppljmJ Let man, then, know lnm"elf Let. lurn lovo h1msclf, because he has a nature ca· rable Of good i hut let h1ru llOt tbe1efo1e HA.CHINE OlL ]i.t ~gamed the younger, Uut they all lnflue1H;e one au~ other profitablym many '-'·)>, vamty is sornetunes laughed into tnodeSt.}, uuJ. dll0- lnnl not thcrcfoie despise the capaCJty Jtself. Let him Jutte h11naelf ; let bun hn· e hnnsclJ }le 1a nnmed -with tho po\\'el of knov;111g truth, and of enJoy1ng happiness , and :yet he bas to nckno,~lcdge of truth.. that he ~bould entmt.a1n (L de$ne, at least, of ltnd1u~ 1t; and that he should yield e~lTt bt!c~~1~~ur~~~~!i)a~;t~ ~1 ~~!e~p 1b~~11~t of ditfoient kmds 'l'lucshcis and all JMrties requuwg such 011, ,uc specially invited to mspect the v,11ious qualities, the pnces being fa1 below anything ever offe1ed rn thrn market £()(Yrs & fo1 btu.1 11w~1,- H1w.:h ' a ::;."'ead.J l.:l1,se..i thttll fo111ir l h hu lt<i l:n l1_j11 b U c h 111i:; yea1~'l , or a n tl · h1nu1clt 1111pa1t1ally to its plll'Btut. Ancl is 1a.nee is subdueJ. 1nto humility E[Lch clnld kept constantly rn mmd that otlie1s rights, anJ. feelings, an U preferences as well as lnmself ; be forms the h~h1t of sivc hght,nWt t' ly bevaui:;e it lrni:! been Cllr:< to1ua1.) cous1den11g those nghts, feehngs and preferences ; and he is thus prepared to get a,{.ong, h~n·c Uccau::ic I u1u not insensible hnw 1nuch tb e hght of human knowledge is oLscured by human passion, I \Vould prescribe to hnn,\ e all things, thee dete::it,\tlon of hie own concup1scence, by which hrnJudgmeut l3 so fatally b1ae.seJ ~ u1 order that it may l;le1thet bhnd him '~ h1le he b ma.lnng bis choice, nor interfere with lnm \Vben he has chosen GOO Cook, Pa.rlor, lta.ll, a.nd Box Stoves, dt1 ent1011 to busine&s I ai11>ing, and now on exlnb1t1011, the largest 11ncl cheapest stock ul Th~ soul lb 101med Joi an e\. er1astn1g as we say, ,~llth t hose among w horn hb lot may be cast. Parcnst with one child have \Vorld, aucl 1La Uu1al1on \\111 be coequal '\.\-1th It lB a goJd th111g to obey the la'" ot Go<l, a cliftlcult task, and the best "ay is to get the yeara of Him, in \\hose brQ'\\~ there is but it le a better tlnog to love it Tl1e for!or then solitary chick as many play-lellows no wrinkle, a.nd "ho sits upon the tluone n1er 1s to In e a bo1rect hfe, tho latter 1s to of ofvn age as they conveniently cun for .eve1 have a new heart -Pascal. GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGf GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham. I S. B. BRADS.HAW, .All L:µol:)O that .ire in must paJ up, o?J 1)ec111lly the Halllwrue aocount S B B Bo\\ tnai;iville,~T an J 0th, 1872 1 y:jf! 'l'y1011ll, ELLIOT~s Cheap JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Building' wmanviBolle, Aug. 8th, 1871. Nov 2nd, l8i'l . . -=--=-~--- -~-----

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