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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Jul 1872, p. 1

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1 · THE :MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER 0 1 cul.ates lruQely iu the To nslur s of Da.rhng ton Clarke and Cart ;o,7 ght It lJ5 a. common lo.tform open to th free dis as on of all ques ons m which the generaJ. P\ l c concerned I~ R~1S Steam J'ob Printing Office, Kr::m STREET BOWMAN\ II LE Seventy.five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES 011' AD\: .t.RT!SING 0 ie column 35 per a 11 ut Hall do 19 Quarter do 10 Trnruuent ad ert sements 5 cts per hue first nr; sertion aud 2c p er line subsequent one AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. \TOLUME III RR LOSCOMBE RlllSUR .41 LAW sOLIOITOR BOWMANVILLE, ONIARIO FRIDAY JULY 12 1872 NUMBER XLI POSIERS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TIUKE'I S &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. rn C'HAN()H:RY £ FULL SUPPLY. SPLENDID ::>ELECTIONS of POETRY. Never Leave oif Hoping Never leave off hoping fr1eudH EV'en when in soriow - I hough the sun be h d to day It ahaJl shme to morrow And the clouds that gathet th1ck 'Vitb the r gloomy\ s.rn g A.Ji .hall an sh v Lh tho night J ea. ing gladsome mormng N c et leave l)ff hop ng fnende St1 li 1:1 tl stro~ g endes.lor l ve a.nd lo\ e and la.bo1 on Keep g heart for e i,:r Look up01 t} e br gl te s de Ul tl e g ef forgett ng I esa al ng th e 01 e ing n.3 Hopeful unrcg1ctt ug 0FFICF. -0 er ~:IcCl ng s Sto1e ftat s J !:f Bruna.corr l M Dental Rooini:i Bo vroauville Oct 27th 1868 Ly Fall a.nd Winter ctood.s, A'l For ale, Or To.Re.n.t ROBERT r7 E 1 ER J N A R -Y EGS to for u the 1hab ta.nts of 130 :v-1nan B 11 tind surrou hng uutry tl le oomn1enced the p_ractwe of hia profess on an I i mw· ROUSE Ou,tb~ l hos· " 1 '() c nr l a.Utl DW J\IIOLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, .L--.w t.1\ o" w1tl <JUt Se e ~ and a. ha.U ~c ij of t ii 1 ~ent: occ ~ icd---by Dr D t. Ison ) y ou tl e P r<'m ises 01 .to l C( <.1.t h11 DR DA~ mso" wm~ lie J ly Hth 1870 ---""--~-----'""-~~-~-- can be conf!ulte<l s to tbc dis eas e~ of Hor~es and Cattle :J..t Olove.r.Ji I very 0.ffice,._lLug §t Bo na ill JaJ 1tl 187' 14'l ~ APBD BA;GS - M:DNJ'JU;,,_~L PIUCE,S L , FOR CASH \11 oi ! " Io J M BRIMACOMBE, L ,D S All about h \ streatnu g Ha.o;i l 8 eyes half bLl 1 nnd f;PO ds Daysi n dismal lrcam1ng :I\ ove leave off l op ng- fne ds ]ling"' ay t.l l' sorro v Soun the n ght shall nelt a ]or a br ghte1 mot o., \..1 d the life tba.t 1 o\v is pnM!ed TI dden antl n sadness: Shall be strewn' th mnny flo ve 1 Shall be gay ¥\'"1th gladnes FM Tt need I ardly be stilted ti at Mr Snel embrac \ ti d shearteu 11g sto1 1sn1 fied cabman and rect1f ed l 1s disturbed the b r IOO n of the hotel the landlot \ can1c to I m and very co1 ttmpt tously grove was not a nn s1cal amateur of anJ Mrs Snel 0 1ove abandonecl her attitude of toilet Ul some degiee tuuched hi u on the shoulder and t Id him great pretence or cultn atton The g at 1\cak1 ess ao 1 supphcat1on 81 e lie v her Left al ne :Mrs. Snelgrme wept copious l e h:.A.d better go out What \.iO Jou rn~au1 Kolzwarn s sonata Tl e Battle o f Pra91 e self up SI e stood five feet six even Wl<h ly then she rang tie btll for the break 1 ll l~t ) l kn o v v. l lt l 0:1ea1 go off "a; to be l e1form 1 at Si de h m vilh a Ol t herb gl he,Js, an l l\US ceitarnly 'I hat f st thm~s to le cl·are l awav fhe h 111<1 \lthJu )ul\t:t:;Ottubencou1lete11 is \Vl it do yo i talk tu 1 1e 111 tl at score of 011btarv ban<lt1 manv real s0Jd1ers ts popul lrly kno\vn a~ ~ fine fi~u1e of a. m:ndeu looked scared at cl inq_u s1t1ve-for 111 ce a d 11 ch gu) powder IIan 1 grenade~ womuu -an l thrust hi;1 husband froni l er of conrac the tucnult In tho lneakfast par wo.y for 2 I 11 let\ ou k1 o ~ directly 1f you ~re not off in u veij i w 11 l uccs 111 put y;ero to be tbro\lfn at intervals nbout the with au atr ptnessthnt \las not \\ltboutan !or ha~ penetrated the k tch en regwns of l ou out or I ll se1 d fot ti c ostler to do it grounds r\o pans \'.;ere to be spared 111 e]ement at \ iolence the house and occas oned d le cxc1tementII ell looK here no·, what do you talk to tl e way of carrpng out and 111 JStratrng the Thats wl at a man f! promise 1s: wot th per!ormed her task bit clums ly She le me n1 t.bat ay fo1 ? 'Vhen I first t:an1e to l oaid w th Ju l I hid t.Le best 100 yout nteuttons of the composer then 1 1'his 11:1 ho v a. GEN'rLE"MA~ - here cen ed from her n IAtr~ss as l earty u scold fr 1 t purlo aid Jou used to SJt up n ght But il ·Just hke you Jame, I ne>ei she hud portentou· emphasis- keeps his tng as she had ever been vis tel v,: th du 3-t-tcr 1114l t ivt n e D r t talk to me , set my heart upon a 'thrng b 1! ) ou try to word Ent H s hko you inst Its you nll ing her \\hole experience of dornest1c ser )UU at~ l ut. the tiame ruau no\\ l j n g1-eat teal .Nut the sane ruu.n 1 l have not flmg cold wuter ipon it direct!) over Jam s You never intended to tak~ me 'lee I dun t look hke t he Of CVUI'ije said ~Ir SneJgrove His ac - never fro 1 the fi1 st Presently aimed by a sudden impul·e cha ged n y oa1 te I kno v you ne,er 1:111t:u~ ruciu no sir tud I don L k1 o v that I q u eecence sf:len1ed to provoke lfrs Snel d!l I knc v it d1r.ctly the vorls were w th a Jealous u flamed face );:i Snelg1ove arn the "al1 e n an 1t s you1 e-11.rsed tlr nk btovc gravel y out of } our mouth Did I ask you to take sent foi: u cab and follo '\ied l er h1 shand that has ch \nge<l 111u nn<l you re tie man :Jhe rose tvith angry eyes nud stirred her me 1 No You\ e got nll my Do I e1er ask you t take Sbe exam1neu the fragntents of t1 e sum to tell me are ) ou l ,ell lames \Otslautgoto thio JUry- mo mywbe1e 1 Did I ever \Hsh to put mars to inform l erselt on the suh3ect and tnont:y and yo11 have given n1e that wl.J1c h bas l t ned 1 e , and no v you 11 tell 111e of tl nL> flat ~on to 11 1<:cessary expense 1 IJa~cn t I drove to tho Session Houa.e t will yo l 1 W II I am \\tiling to go , II crcupon he deter nmed that he wou ld slaved and slaved for yo 1 1 I ·la ld hke W f.!:i ~he tl e more satisfied or disconcert row r fl,lll not the euu e Jnan I "M "rhere cert:11n}~ do }us duty aa l g1ar d] Hyman to kno v who bas a more comlo1table home e 11 She "as enabled after a small fee to are 1 gieat many men who w ll walt till If I e bad entertarned nnv doubt upou the -01 01 e cleane1-oi: better kupt (sLe said an usher to pe1 ce1vc lier hushand witl somehq_uor seller hav I gdra ned the1rpock subject he "oul 1 loubt no longer He co Id not-as a rr an albeit a h sband <f ter beiug addresse 11 kc that Don t be al emu Ehza I e said cooly Ile too rose f om the breaktast table a id he br shed the cll i 1bs f10m ti e cieases of h1s "a atcoat And that 1 e" honnet I boug1 t on pu1 I os~ sa1d !\irs Snelgro' e \Ylth n. s1 0 b (By th e by sl e preferred to say a pur I ose ) Well I daregay 1t\\ill remarn m faslnon fot a few da) s longer I hat , r gbt sneer at me that s the "ay ith yo l. n1cn A. woman does 1 er best to look her best and dress her best and be a credit to you-so tl at ) on sho tldn t thi k her a do\\ dy and feel ashamed of see mg her on ) our arm-and ti" is ho v she is treate I I wouldn t ha>e believed it of ~ou Ja1ues I daie,ay I ot obsen ed :Mt Suelgro> e "2th prn' okrng plac1d1ty You never loved me thats the trutl you never carecl a bit about n1e cncJ Mia Snclgro' e Of course not replied ti c I usl and th ats the reason I ma1u ed 'ou thats why I brought you here and surrounded you\\ ith every on:ifort not to say 1 xury and d d all I co 1ld to make you happyall because I di<ln I love Jou you mai be quite stue of that }ft Snelgro' es ironical speet::h 'Was a mistake :No ' oman ever yet t 1 det Mland 1rory-~irs Snelgrove Vias no ex cept on to this tule She sobbed af esh "ith added mpeluos ty antl llOlSC kep)- 01 has h s Y1Ct ials mcer cooked and s tne !!.eived p nctual to the monll!Ut an i o.11 t 1 chea1 er iate: tl an JOU Jalles Snelgrove Id have gone 11 d sernbbed "1thmyo\\n hQ;1 ds: e ci \ 1oard and stone ui the place soo1 C'.I tl au vol sl ould h ave had to con1 plc u of its I ot l emg fit m l · gbtly e1 Ol bh fo1 yo 1 H arn I evDr sprued myself or tho 1gbt of 11) self 01 coed for nnself when vout con forts been 1u quest on James Sneli.::ro' e 1 You k1 ow I r eVl:ll' have-and this l tl e iet un I get Im not a gad abo t-1 n \er \\aso1 e 1 m not a \Vo1nan for C\ er bet t on pleasure seek ng as son e 1s Peil aps I & l ould lave been more tho igbt of it I had heei Its 1 ttle eno gh pleast re I ever ask fo1 or e\ e1 get !01 tbe matter of that I d d nt tb nk when I mar r1ed 1t "as to beco1ne the slave of a ty1ant B tt ll at s what I m lo cone der myself for the futu1e 1t see1ns ~fuch more to the s&rue eff1::ct and 1ndulgu g in much iteui t1011 after thti manner of angry ~peake1-a, Mrs Snelgro' c I on red lo1 ~h clamorously and "1th pa8'1ooate volubility She paus ed at length rather fro 1 want of biealh than l1 fi 1e1 c\ in matter for speech H r l usl at l as so n a op1 01 tu1 ity fo r obqervaLlcu was perm1tte<l. l 1m bade her to keci I er !emr er ( Tcmpe1 sl e echod fie1cel) ) and le reasonalle ( Reasot able ) and not trilk no 1sense (No1 sense ) l n not to be allo" ed to spcal< I sup pose .) ou 11 l ave u e gagged uext !.1,. ' !if) dear do you "' a rt tl e " l olc ne gh horho d to hear Jon 1 Sl c dcdared th at sl e d d :ure wl o heaitl 1 er and in p1oof of her nssert1ov raibed 1 er vo ce stlll mme It must be sa <l that the lady "ua-no11 nlmost ba> hng I Ill not afrmd oi bemg of o>eil end I ve done nothrng and ·aid nothing to be ashamed of I don t core it all the 110rld ki.o"s how ciuelly )Oll '"used me And you call ' our:self a I au ~a gentleman I shall not hold my tongnc Jam es I shall not I ol l my 101 guc Mi Snel 0 rove bad ma1nta1ned his com posure ve7 fa rly He felt grieved and vex t was not ect and looked a little angt) s 1rpris1 g his s1tuabon was assuredly a pa1nfnl one Co1ne come '" (' ve bad qu1tc enough of tht· n ot a wo1 \ u ore Eliza and he tu ned on I is h eel He I ad spoken " th considerabl~ 8harpnes.q and for a moment there waa a km<l of l 1ll 111 the sto1i.1 Bit Mrs Snelgrove was not i n o. mood for s1 l ence or peace PrcsenLl) ahc \i,.as sc1eaunug forth ufresh I "'onld notgotoS,dc:nham with )OU no'v -no not if you v;ere to go lo'Xn on your bended knees and beg and implo1e me to - I wouldn t 'Im uot at all J kely to do aq hug so 1chotJc Thrn was a rud e ·peech pe1l aps but the p1ovocahon had 1 een great and tl ere were hm ts to ti o putience of M1 81 elgro>e .s of other huoband· He picpured to q 11 t he I ouse Then occune l "'ery dietreMrng scene I \\lll de scnbe it \Vlth all tie bre'1ty poss,ble She barred h1s rgress sl1e snatcl ed. his gloves from l 101 , she finng hrn hat on the floor and er !Sh cd it with her foot (a beaut lul glossy new hat -Snelgro\e l ad ever beeu uau tily incl ned 111 regard to hat.s it was a crt1el '\\anton sacrifice) she confiscated b1s umbiella H e (ScnpEd at Ja!)t ,.,ea11ng a \\1de awake - his ~ard en hat he found it on a peg m the hall He escaped with much loss of d1gmty and lnJlllY to l IB wu1drobe run p led and h'hevelled ' ith torn "nstbands ttv1;-;ted neck he und I tenret to ea.y sc1at cheu Landa Sl e sc r~amcd after bun \ lu 1 Jc v1xen sh 1busc and or proU Otl8 cp1thet s An<l n ii I she allel Ii It go to tLo I 1lace 11 I go by rnvself You 1 1ay go - - ML Sne1g1ov c11ed nug1 I b t t tie closing of the sheet doo1 ' itl a t ei:ce ban 0 l t Jc!ed U c completion of ti e eeutenc It cannot be state 1 ti ere fo1 c ' h thf'r :hl1 S tielgrovi.; ba e pciru s .:;1011 t o I ts \\ tc to piocce l f lushe l au l n.t tated-cl afit 0 L Jer a sci f.1 e of DJ 1 y and <leg adat o 1- t ' i; a co11lort to Mr Snelg1ovc to incl h1p1self alone 11 tl e stieet ot: t of c isl ot of l 1s 'vtfc sol ~ urgnt1on a The -wo na.u s s. l e1fcct - he i 1 ts d nnll then sad torment P01J aps he Lad 011g1na1J) co te1n1 lat d a r:i troue>c ex1 reo:. ., eei-h Extl'-t\cted 0t Tvvepty f ve Cent& Rooms over ).fcCl ng Broi:i Stores PROMPTLY EXECUTED 1 lo0ctlst180 LITERATURE SNELGROVE S MARRIAGE CHAP'.I::Elt III :e. PE '.A:'rE, rAil,OR Gaxmen~s Al&:o Ag~ t fo the ell kno vn Gentlemen s & Boys FIRST·PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, at S~WINC MANUlACTURES PRICES Ei ruskillen Nov 24th 1870 '\Vhen one 111ornn1g at breakfast-tune Mr Snelgrove rnformc 1 hl8 mfe ti at I ere gretted that he could not aa he had eng!l{;ed to do take her that dav to ti e Great Kotz wuru. l esh val at the CryBtal Pa.Ince 111 con sequence of his presence be 1 g iequ red else\\ l ere ~1 e snid v; tl some acr htv tl at she had fully expected as much and that that """ al ways the v w with l im When he a.'lsured her ti at he could not help it she replied that ahe '\as certaai le did 1t on purpo~ When lie stated m explanat10n LI at it was ndispensally necessary for h m to serve on a ~rand Jury at the Cleik enwell SesSlons Houee ehe said Rubbish When he p1oduce<.l the al mn1ons he ha<l. re ce1ved and eu leavored to n ake her under stancl its irnpcratn:e nature she \Verred that I e ne>er took her any" here ar.d \ ithot t doubt was nsl ru ietl to be seen out of doors "!th h s 111fe He told her to ica 1 tie sum mons fat hernelf she tore it rn fragments lie declared tba.t" ahe waa n :looh~h " otnan for lm pams she burst mto tears He ob se1 ve l ti at ct) ing ' s no usu u d abe cal led hnn a brute Mr Snelgro'c st ric<l I is le l tl I eld his peace He felt Ll aL the cl s uss1on v; as closed t anvrnte I e "oukl add no more t it Prer,eutly } O;\ e'er it 'ivaa resun cd but 111 n more subdued '\lay You k now J an1es you l eed not go to tJ is J urv o:r "hat ever you call 1t :M1 Snolg101e a tone :Mvdear, I must wa· dce1s1 le ' Yon <litln t atteu I the lust tnne you wern summoned (By the bye Mrs Snel grove prefe11e \ to employ the term ' ! others aQseu1bled 1n co urt he temng to the chaige of the Judge Sh e \\as too excited to heat nucl of tl is or to nodeistand aught of "hat sh e hearrl It clear however tl at be1 Jan es had not decet' etl lier-ti at the1e \\ n.s i o ca "bat ever for ber Jealot sly of L n1 01 her 1mpn tat o" rn regard to his good fo1th He was really doing l lB duty as a grand JUr} man he hnd not taken another rn her place to S}<lenl am Bl t that he was qm te ca1 able of o do ng she \\as st 11 pre1 ared to ma l tac for she was still nurSl g 1 et w1ath and she kept 1t ve1y "artn J\.Ioreover she \Vas angry- "\ie1y angry that so fat as she cot ld see s htLle cl'.lu e really existed for her augei (To be Cont i ucd ) fifte~u J B Gough Among Young Men I '" ent in the 01tj of Wasl 1ngton to see o. rnau ' 1 o waa a n eu1 ber pf Con~ ess Three gentlen1en 'vent with me to see h m He was oue of tl e most h gusting wretcheb I tbmk I ever saw '!:here he sat his hands so S\VOllen 1t see1ned as 1t the skin 'ould burst One foot \VOS lU n ehpper ana the sl pper """split down \o the toe nnd the foot actunlly looked as 1! it lay over it. He held m hlS hand a cane on the top al \Vh11,;h was Ina naiue a 1d the State o " h t:l he belonged and then 111 a half mrcle \\ere tl ese words Oh God have mere\ pon me There he sat pouring o lt a strea1n al c irsrng blaaphemy and pofamty Jron mormng till mght When '\'e went tll a eentlc1no.1 snJd a wol1d or t vo to lnm and he stamped with hi. foot a11d uoured Jorth such curses that it seem~d at! ii he 1nust ha-., e bee1 taught them by the v ry fienc.s !rain tl ..i netbe1 n ost p1t aid "e ianly stood by aghast and felt ti was no use to ea~ anythrnK to bnu Bl t there was a gentleman present "'ho knew bl.n n h1-a home ' ho kne ' hun '" berr he started m puhhc hfo ' lth prospects br ght before him \\I o kne" h1· wife and knew his chlldren and he came to h101, and he brought rout d h1n1 all the J,endcr cl 18tP.r rng hall ' :<l a;aoc nl uns f by go e <la vs Re 1'1.lJOkc ot ins horuc a1 d vf yt:~U'8 hone l) Ah beaot as he look~U. h~ \Vas a Juan He droµpe<l h s cane crusted his h·l\ls a ii he would l""'s the blood tram his fi ger nailo and drummed with his loot upon the floor Dickens bas said 111 onP. of his 'vo1k~,. that Mis Todgers 'vas a hard "'oman 1t took a great ct~al to n1ovt1 hf:'r ut _yet uway up a gr at 1uany sla.trt:i tn L~r hl:'art. 111 a 'c:rv rt:n1otl::l cori <:;r ea~1ly I assed IJ} was a door and on that door Vi as wutte1 \vowan su ln the heart ot a dru ka d ~way pa great 1na.11y patrol 1n u 'tty rcn utc coiner nH cover dover wt t;. cob vehs and slim ea<1ly pa sed bJ is -. door let na tap at 1t once t'\ ice seven tlwes seventy t1n1ea se-i; en and the q \er 11 g l p and the start ng tear \\ill tdl 01 e that a n un IS thert:: Ab a man I 1en1en1ber ieadn g that in the Bospho1us a beautiful Je\vel was dropped in the water and thej wautcd to tind the gem for it v.ns 'aluable but the enrface was BO rough they could not d1scer 1t Son1e one p1opoeecl to pm r a l on the water they did oo Ba\\ tie Jewel and got it Na v the dr rnkard s breast ie hke troubled waters heaving and ca8tln 0 up nnr~ and <l rt Let us druv th t> 011 of svn pa.thy UJ on the hear 1 g w;tti;r~ &.Id tl ere 1a U.Je\vel there n.1 d Jl ta st t1,; as G d put it th eie we will hM e it br ~ht and beal11tnl oneo are now ·hm "g hke etnrs tn the flrina1nent of talent vutue mornhty and iehg10n that have beer brought to the surface by ti e oil of sym patl y makrng the wate!S cleat so 11 at we knc\v w 1 ero to d ve after lhen1 Th ts n al started and ,] oak J s l ps 'l UJvered and his eyo filled By an<l by !1e sad dash ng a \av the tears as 1f thfy \Vere hung U] or h s chee,k and scald~d it Gentleinen "What do JOU want "1th me 1 What have yo con1e to see me fcr1 v; by gentlen en yot aok me to give up the drink Al an ah to gn e up the dr nk Gentlemen Id give my ngbt hand if I could qmt it b t I can I And he didn t Six weeks after tl a.t he passed a bo,v1e k111Je foui: t n1es across bis bo\v~ls and as found 'vclte1 ing m bIS blood 1hat inan was not u. fool I c wo1ked himself up from an obscure position o re present his distuct m the [J mted States Congress, and wLeu he 'va& sobe1 ~nough \Vas appointed on publt com1 1tteee us a nu1.n ot b 1s1ness au l talent I can gi\ e it up " the cry of the mg man as be en tere the a 1ter circle o ti e whul pool but I \VOil t I \VOuld i~ the CJ) ct the poor desr, ung wietch m tl c voi lex tu I cant n8 tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES A'r '.l'RE ~E1li FOST OF JI OE Bowmanv1lle Drug Store. ~tt~ttxnn.ce. cts of the lnst hall pennv ~ud tic r back ol the lust decent rag of dothmg ai d then kick tl em out end then they Will beg n to fii d o t that dnnk lTIJUres tbe1n nnd a great nan) \\ 111" nt till the} feel ti e contemptn ous kick of ti e l 'l 01 sellei sen !mg them nto th e g tter bt'I re the, v1ll 1 n t it 01 t Wne mil a ma1 fi d it o t l \~we lo a n101.;ker l:it1 onK <lr1 k is raging an l tie c IS nu influence ou t1 e face ul the ea1th tl at 1~ n ore dcce1 t1ve than tl e influence of dnnk Oh men are mcleed decen ed by ti I ba~c know·n men pos tively decel\·ed into the belie! that the) were benef ttrng the the tt:tl.Jpe1a.nce ente1prir5e l) gettn l':l drunk I It!m"n1be1 rend ur:: a sto1y and I behevc it was a tact tl ough I an not st re-o f a. 1nan ,i,: ho \\ail qt tc dr nk and n gentle nan cnme to lum and sad 'Vhat are you dong 1 Dorng 1 Well th ts JUSt what No b t what are you al out ! I 11 dorn;; What au I abo t ! r1 at' Jt1SI exactlv "hat I an nl out B t what is} o ir buSl nes.:s 1 B su esj;l 1 I n in the tcmpera1 ce bus 1 e1:1e In the ten perance bus ne s ? WI y b v 1 the wad l do you make ti at ant I \\I} look I re Ive got a bi other and bes a temp~ran ce lccture1 and I go along with hiru as a fearf l illustrftt o i of ti e e\ ls of lI te1npe1ance I don t kno f b t thnt nnn was honeeot fo1 1 u in will think anyth 0 aln1ost "her I e is 1 1 tic habit of drmkrng ---~-- BOWMANV ILLE ) Je' l u t >lly Att ded Io 0 l 1 ~ 1870 lI I Impenal Frre Insurance ~ Co LQNDON (Establishe 11803 l-iE o~.i:1<:ES-l Old Broa l SL Pall ll1all Lo lou Ga111.E:U./\L ;4 AUCTIONEERS I J J the 1 ow rnh1p ut Darli t{]lon J ~G:t:NOY FO <J \i:-1 \D 24 St: ll l PHILLIP~ R\MP1'0N able ter m en to sal "" & on e it Mont eal ....-OULD most respectfully tender h1s sin cere thanks to h a numerous fr en.da and custorners and to the p bl c generally for ti e very lib em.I support he has l ece ed 8lllC6 his coo unenc I g in bus ness and hopes by cont 1 ed str ck persona.I attcnt on to bus1ness and offeung nothlng but the purest articles at the most reasor able pr c I! to ons c a cont1nuan e of publ c .J H wo 1 ld cnJ.l spec al atte1 hon to l 1s e y S P til 10 i:i~ock W J HIGGINBOTHAM, Tobaccos Work A curd ug to ti c atatemel ls of D1 Ru bw the n u:nber of l lnat1cs is tuuch Jal){ r ln the nortl ern co nt e~ vhe1e the co s 1mp Lion of spirituous hquorg and the use of to bacco s nn ch grea ter than 1u soutbe111 cot ntr es ' I ere the people a e 'er_y sobe1 at <l small smokers Accord11 0 to ?dr 11ureau .not a sn gle case of ge1 eral par a l)Sts1ss£1e1 n Asia Mi 01 whe1e there Is no abu;:ic of a lcol ol cl quo1 tu d he1c they smoke n k1 d ot tohacco \ h1cl 1s alinost free tro1n n1cot1ne or the pecul ni r 01son Ill tobacco On the other hand u sat 1ty u1 1r ghtf u11y incre sn g tn E ut ope JU8t In pr01 ort on to tbc 1nc1casc ID the use of to bacco It a1 pealS that ham 1830 to 1832 tho 1even s tron1 the 11 p rt on tobacco 111 } rnnce rose Iron £1 2o0 000 to .£8 333 333 -a t1err endo s ti""ure c::rta ly t I a\e dis a~peared fro i tl e I ocket I tie f eo1 le 11 to ""~ kc But hai d n band ' ul tic 11 crea·a i 1 the co11 ~u tit u of tobacco thd e ap l ear;, t > ha' u been l r1 0 the S< nHi penod au auttruentat on ot J 1nat1cs in France from 8 uOO to 44 000 oi tather 60 000 1f we take u to .:1.ccou t otbtr lunatics. ll o e tenth the nlleged evils of tobacco sn ok111g be factR th e 1:nt re hu1nan rac" 2 ust be ser10 sly l JUI· I bJ tie fodmn v ed tor 1t uppt-aI S that the ~:verage an nu ti co sun l ho l y the hole hu1nan raeo 1 t 011 00 J <O) is at least 70 Ol nceo (four ~ nds SJX o r ce ) per head and the total qt ant t) u1 n ally cons n ed is 2 000 000 t ns 01 4 481 ( 0 0 000 pol nds \\ e gl t It JS lo ~C\tr tu the vou ::.: t} at th e evil ot smoking 1s hkelj to be 1u0Ht d1sast1ou!) "hate\ el Uenet t inav be der1~1:d fro1n smol tng iu u atunty a.nC. old age it ii:i ob v ous that ti P. yo ng i cet1 not the tictlt1ous ht!I p of 1 arcotlcs Parents sl oultl look to thl' and p1e ve11t the most deplotable phy i:; i.;al or n oral eousE: 1uence of the bub t of tl cir ch ldrcn )-lunv a ) OlJ-ng man dates ti e ru n of his l ealtl bock to ti e fir 0 t 'b1ff of tobacco " 1 cl bj dn t ot ng,ui:::eous prac t cc l e us at lei gth able to smoke in tne fuu isl 111tat n ot ma1 hood That s nok gt ust 1n patr tl e l )"\ Ht on 111 rl in p1u l I t:J n~rv s S) l::lte of d e J 1 ng sec " c~ r tu and ti at it. n ay lead to d1 t llAtt ne<ss or ex.ces~ 1 dr10 k 1~ 1nore tl an probable from the th rst \vh1ch it i ecessar lv oucas of- t t: t on g o Sub$Cl bed a-1 d I vested Capital <l Reso1 c I Fund £1 965 000 l:lterling 1 u ds mvested lll Oauad.,- 105 000 DYE sr-.rUFFS, :vh ch are suic tog ve the Uest satisfaction. A well sclectAd stock of W2:a. Ba1; tom, EN:N~~IiJLLE N: Ine ances nst loss bJ Fue are efiec;tec.I. on the most favorable terws and losses pa l v;it..1o t ref rence to iJ e :Bon.rd Lon ou Mrs. 0. :SOUNSALL, KING B sr BOWMANVILLE DRL GS CHE lYJl UALS J DODS\\ ORTH RI:'\ TOUL BROS ln!>pecto1 Gen. Agent l\fontreftl PATENT ldE'DlCill ES R R LOSCOMBE Barrister, Agent BRUSHES for Bowmanv1lle and Vicinity ,~ COMB'? Bo miu 11 EGS to ar 1 ounce to the p 1 bhc th t :3he ti no 01 cmng a. cl o ce sele t 01 of co~ ilJ!ia:S JI ITS JUBBONIIS lLO JVEl! S FEaTHERS VELT E1' and MILLlNEl/.Y n g1,.1nerct.l vh cl \.\"lll be sold at the lo stble p1 ce e~t J unc l 4Lh 1860 36 mo 43 394w f:JH 0 iJLDEll-BR.A CES SUPPORTERS Etc Etc Muta! :R.EI.IANCE ~ST kept consta1 tly on hand Life ABsurance Society rnLISHED 1840 ~WNTRliAL OILS pos P AIN:r, COLORS VARNIJISES and WHITE LE.tlD 1 1 151 JAMESSrREEl CANADA CHIEF OF~IO.KS at tho ve ~ 101' eat p11oeB. IQ as suaJ ruanv1Jle Oct let 1869 Vei hc~ "" Stra.w l3or net~ cle.n.n d &i.:: Horses and Cattle Medicmes N B -Country Storehecpers a pphed o the 1noat :tdvantageous terms .A c) o ce selectlon of I AMPS for sale cheap mons ed) tf nl Uar1·iaeze Licensee, I"35UED BY W ALU! SlllNLY E·q ,}1 P Cl auma DUNCAN l\1AODONALD J:.if:l<l;_ 7\.fAJOR I E CA f.PUELL B St Hila. t.l Tu~ HoNOBABLE JoII~ H ~MILTON Ha.whi DIRECTORS ROBERT ARMOUR Bo 'lna.nv lle Dcp 10 1869 RESIDENT SECRElARY - J 4>rns b rg Ont f>RANT SPECIAL FEATURES. THE ENTtRE PROFITS belong to and arc d vid ALLAM LINE STEAMSHIPS L ~verpool Lon don ll ed amongat the Policyholders LIVES DECLDlED BY OTHER COMP L"{IES and Glasgow or OU u uler a tpecw:r wri angcnient SPECIAL NON 1 ORFEITABLE POLICES ssued under v; l ~ch only 10 15 o 20 An1 u.l Pay FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN mentB req ured each payment se:mnng " N MAN LINE ol Roynl Mnil Steamers sail Pol cy fo sum assured proport onnte to the [ g from Nev Yo k every ::5aturday and vc 5 Tl 1rsday I ckets aold t and flom nurnber of -prermums I aid and J cc f1 01 i fuf/Ure England Ireland ai d the Co t nent at as lo v vay-nient of p en ums rates as b~ an~ oth 1 ne ~!oDEHATE PB:EMIU.US and m ost lil eral con YELLOl'iLEES & QUICK Ageit Bovvmanv1lle d tions Prospectuses I roposa.11 orm1:1 &c suppl ed JolmG D le Jo B nad ny New Yo k on application at the Head uffice or a1 y of Bo man He J ne 9th 1871 ---------·------- - the Agencies JAMES GRANT Res Secret:l.l'y \.U_ _ pe 8one trespass n.,, on tl e p1 ope1ty kuo n AGEN1 FOR BOWMANVILLE "l~ F oulden M lls will bi:_ 1 rosec te i C BARKER JOH.N ~1oDOUGALL Observei Office Kwg St Bo :vmiu v llo June 5th 1871 ti 36 23 ly Eo' m.rnville June 24th 18 0 39 Fon 'I ckets or f mat on np_ply to W .A. NEADS .Agent Bo man,ille June Bth 1871 tf 30 wb ch an ext -a Premium u:ov.ld be Tequ red can be as.su1e<l. a.t t!. e ord na 'Y rate.8 of thus Soc1etj NOTICE. DR CARSON'S ME:OlCIN:S:S. GltEATEST PODLIC BENEHT THE AGE CAUTION f 1 um sole agent fm LAZARUS &:MOR oll' RI;:; perfected Spectacles and E' e Glas ses fhey never suppl) or emplo; ~ny othe1s :flo :vever specious the ! "etonce made by them that they have ti em do at b heve t yo l ill be sw l <lid iJ you lo AHWN BUCKEER agent for Bo"man v lle ai d v c iutv [ 0 l.o gh 1 opo -t tir 11 o 'Vu,_ ~l t; li [run R I ove &c D Sttt Bo man ill It lothegl ·tle L A G· nsby 0 0 0 scan b obtwnc 1from Gram Drills from $50 to $80, C~tltica toio l1ltfl[J 1 1 ~e L Plows I1on He as l beru,l v spo cl an 1 1uoneJ " ""no gieat obJeC to hiu I h mM com too 1 knowle<lge thu.t. ce :tan Tho New Patented Combmed Dull dee de lly man of bus ess P dlars ro sell n Sp ctaclei:i au<l Eye Clas and Broad Cast Sower will soon t:s pu port ng to bo of o r mal a.nd to bcn.r have an ade 1uat 1cturn 111 so 1c e1 ape for which will sow be ready ow names stamped thereon we hereby caut on Broad cast or m Rows l 1s disLu1 sements rre by no 1nean8 b the r blic agrun~t all such tmpostet'S as Ma. E Just tee.ft yed a QJoce lot of \.ARO~ lluuKLER IB o r nJy Agent 1 '\V t:at Call at the 1ecte 1 to ex pend1tu1e C¥ell oi a profnc-e n 1 Durl nm and \Re N"a ·d 9f $20 JS h reby offe t e provide l l e got ao:nethmg for iled for tho app ehens on aJ d con ct o l of all BOW.MAN\ iLLE I AR\I un LEMEN I FORWtiRDING AGENCY s ch imposters as ti:ir to dfilH\ l tl e p bl c by thol 0 h it i 1 gl t hes 1neth1n ~ eo unprofit ofie11ng tbc1~ t ash as o r R W TA.MES aDle as tl e 1iost 'ac to is kind of pleas n e LAZAR(T8 MOlUUS & CO Ile vman v lie D ec 14 1871 nll Figs, But to vasle goo l solt l gold rn u I eat tbe Montreal No 8th 1811 n7 tf Sess10ns House-he could not stau<l that llo'Tii rn11.n illo Oot 5tJ 18 l Al the mere Ibo ~! t be bt tloned 11 his A I ttle ru ~me came JU8t Ul tune pockets o iather he wonld have done so And {J.ll about t} e best ( L mo. Llme'from tho '\.Vest of the very best NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY if buttons to pockets I ad been rn !asbwnNot beat n any qua.rter lhey were not I tme that v 1l al va)S stand the test Also Barrels and Boxes of Bl; 'Vhen mn.k ng into mo1 tar \\ e must bo lo ti c blace some olh r I will try and keep a good aupplj BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS day he sa1 l For it is ::t.lways \VO.nted \V th an Mso -tment of ;:;olic1to~.; Conveyancers Notaries Publu1 Tl at ;v} en you all oom~ m tp buy Yes ' her there s no one tLerc I\11s You 11 not bed sap1 muted Snelgrove observed petulantly I nuder You \ 11 al vayfS £nd t dry and fre~h 011 1c.s AT BoWMA.:RVlLL.E-Over J\h Mcl'riu1 l'ltnnd some du.y v; hen tl ere i;'j ta feat 'lal A1 J. tl ri.t is something bonn e trJ s Btor Darl ngton ha~ i,gain rec~ived :1ll.Otber lot of So come along and try th1fJ L me If it comes to that "e neithc1 of us earc thoas celebrated 0.ll'fI<rE N 0:SKA,'fA- Fu"l!t door north of tb :But don t forget the mor ov P 't Office oo 'ery muel abot t Kol· vara ti at I kno v Ho1 "f! of del 'i'Sf fro n N nea n to lo rp in Money t o loa.n at lo v rate;; of iutP.te$t Uo net of tl,ncen and 0 1 tar o Street of avowed l\11 Snelgrove ]or ny I art ~ F ""' ELL I L B R McGrn J A Qualit>J is the Test of Ol eap iess Taos BOWDEN I o n I ne1 er even beai l of I in t l t l a J .A.M:ES Rt:1LEDGE B A Bowrruumll March 11th 1871 no"4 tl Bo vmauville Dec 22nd 18 0 i 12 ti Bo vman lb Doc.17th 1869 m&o httle while ago $26. :REWARD. 0 - - - -- -- - - Illt:7 .)' TIar 1 ow and marw otlw1 v 1ie1;, and 1mproned zm plements rheap That a the ver) I ason wl v I must go tl s t11ue Bo N"mani; Ile Dec. 9 1868. 6n Mrs ,\lnelg101e drurnme l upon the table until she 1nade n.11 the bread cru1nbs dani.;e But "hatever is the use of a grnl d Jury N o use ll I e 'Sons ho contemplate maku1g con Ja1nes 1 sbc r1emauded prt!sently tracts ' th ne' spapers for- the ini>ert1on of ' t all- you I now it 1,11 t Advert semcuts should send to My dear I 'e nothrng to do with that & 09 So fa· as he had an opm10n l pon bo oub for a C rcular 01 enclose 25 cents for tl e1 ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET Ject b-11 Sne]gro\ e y;as 11 chned to agree cont am ng Lists of 3 000 JS e\\ spape -s and est with In·" 1fe and that the grand Jury syo mate~ sl o vu g the cost of ad vcrt smg nany useful h ts to advertIBFS and some ao ten1 of the country 'vas about as utte1l; f oount of the expe iences of---llleD who are kno vn tile and prepost10ns an arrangement as could as SUCCESS]UL AD'1EltTISERS The 'e1y many peopl~ t fi mare p1op11etors of the .Amer:ican lSev. spa.per well be conceived A<lveit1s ng Agenc3 may be noted are of a 1 ke wa) of thrnkmg 41 Park Row New York It lB to be sad ol co f'e that Mr and Mrs and M'e possessed of unequaled farulit eR or se our t g the insert en of ad ertiseruents in all Snelgrove knew httle and underatood less Newspn.po1s and Penod1cale at loweet rates about tl e grand Jury svstem of the coun\ly NQvemhei 9th 1871 Very n any pcop1e. arc 111 like case · Still it was clear that a del ate upon the advantages of giand ;uues abstractly con in retir1ng from b 1s1ness begs to r eturn he1 Sln ce1-e tbauks to her 1 nerous patrons for tlie r st lered could eer\ e no sort of 1seful liberal s ppo t during the time she l as been D purpose upon the p1esen~ -occas10n M1 business At the same time she begs to an nounce that she }las ret re<l 1n favor of hEll t vo Snelgrove had promlSe J to take his wile to Sona w horn she tl'Usta by the Crystal Palace Then there had beei STRIOT ATTE1vTION TO BUSINESS served t pon him a snmrr1ons to attend the and supplying a SeSSlons House WI at was he to do 1 Should be take hrn "ife to Sydenham a1i l to st ll tnent that patronage sol oerally besto" defy the sun mons 1 Or should he obey ed upon he the s 1mmons and d ·appomt Mrs. Snel Stall No 1 Market Buildings grove! It was a difficult matter to dee de He 16 tf felt that through n~ fault of bIB own he was placed rn a dilemma Disregaitl of the sun1mons mignl entail up n h n a fine d1s appointment of l 1s Wlfe " oulcl kmdlc her rat} very ceita1nJy It \vas hue as] c I ad mged that a i preHons cccas10us I e had neglected h s lut1es as a gHu d 1 iy r ar cl th tf erlu with i np m ty B t I t he a.' I c l ad st led ti at was 10the1 rn argu net i fo 1 ;:; uUe lteuce Lo the p er.:cr t. I " <l le lt ' s not likely that he rnt ld I ayi be allo~ ~ l to escape seiv1 o u d poy 'l'O ADVlll:RTJ:S:m:RS ! Geo, P Rowell A Mrs. E. Cawker, FIRST CLASS ARTICLE, 1 knew t I ve sa d so all long I was ' fool to t1 mk other111se WI v co Il<ln t ) ou lqave me J n peace I I "as happy en ough before I met you and-and I nngbt have married .eoine- son1e one else- who d _,,.lo d bo;i,; e loved 111e bettt>r, and treated me ktndc1 Mrs Snelgrove spoko with d fficulty Excite1uent interfered \V1th her art1cula tion ' \\ ell its too late to thmk about that now M1 Snolgrove observed pl 2losopb1c ally We re mnrried nud we had better make the best of it If 1t "as a nns take - Yot do rg1et1t tleu his v.:ife ex claimed with a start and much Jnddon firm ness of ' 01ce She suspended hi;r tears for the moment they "ere so to sav dned up by the lite of the angf:l \\ h1ch no'v poSS!!SS ed I e1 I kne\V 1t I "as ceitain of it You I ate me you loathe me- at d-you love some other v.: oma.n Don t be fool sh El za Don t Ehza me I m ashamed of you Jaine Yuuveno heart )OU\eno feel ng Ho1 can I beheve thlS story sbou a sumn oue Very likely its all a trick Its a planned thmg no doubt You dor t want to take me to tlie Crystal Pal ace because j o l wa.IJt to take some one el e rnstead I know you I M1 Snelgrove tossed h1shoa l coi tc1u plu oueli He felt the acct satlon to be so eg reg ous that lie could not trnst h mself to reply to it 1n u oids Tam es Mrs tlnelgro' e · chi'lrges af mood were apt to be somewhat abrupt She fell upon her husbands neck weeping ter nbly You d-0 love me James don t l on I Of course I do A little 1 A great deal if ) au hke Jame There tliel'e ti at will do, El za Mr Snelgrove spoke rather testily HlS wife s exuberant cwottons \Ve1 e 1ncon' 0 1nent and perplex ng Indeed they had tendec1 to the crumphng of l rn shut 11ont and oil er wise to the det11ment of Ins s lal tr 1lncss of pe1 sonal 1.U:ipect Do t kuvo me Ja1 ' ]on l l e ot u I n l lo yo It " t mu I I k of yo 1 ti P la e ::lo c otb e1 lay 1 Cc11:i lill y t A Curious Thmg About Dreams There ts n curious tlnng nbout d1eams, and that IS the sl ort :Period m ' hich they occur This baa 'Often 1 e"'ll meas ired-by 1 ot ng for cxau ple the hon1 01 1n1nute "hen one hM fallen asleep dreamed a long drea1n ri.n l Many remarkab1e-1n stances of thlS have been gn en I shall add to tl one iroru n1y 01.\D experience Very late one lllght, when weaned m body and mud I "as dictatrng to u lnend wb it was req u1red to be sent to press early next rnorning I spoke a sentence and suddenly fell asleep I dreamed a 'ery 101 g aud com1 lete dream then I awoke feelm g q ite refreshed bot toi a moment utterly confused as to "here I was or "hat I had been domg Reco,.rrng my self I began to npolog se to ID) fuend for having so long detamed him at th ti hour of the n ght ex preosmg the I ope tl at be had been able to employ hunself profllabl) m prepu.rwg h10 college exerc1sP.s "hen at last turt in0 mun I-for he had been u1tmg with h s back to tne-1 c ask me with an expression of 1 onder nud nlmo t alarm if l !elt tn well or "Lat did I mean l I "antlered much more .,] en l heurd ti at he Ind neve1 lilied his pe11 not liad ceased writrng and tl at I w·s uro lBed by I s repeatrng the last word of tl e sentence so that I could not possibly h "e slept above three seconue And thus a lont:i dream which seetns to oc cup} an ght has often been found to have ace p et! perhups only a tew seconds be foie wakrng Tl IS ma) account for a fact of en noticed bvmen recovered from dro"n u1g that Just before Jecom1n 0 unconsc1ou8 their whole hfe ·eemed t o paas before them bke a panorama au<l t me was nothrng rn the rapidity of thought -Norma' UcL od I lo IO ]C! nltl!..!S ..,_ l HA" T DARLINGTON, James Mi s Snelgwve ie e e<l l er 11antfeMtut o ~ oi klndness fo1 l Pt lord NEW FRUITS, Ra1sms, Currants, Da.tes, I.emo:c., Orange and Citron Peels, llsrewell, McGee, Hu:tledge, Bea:a:tiiul 'Can.dies, CHOICE BISCUITS. J?'C'E.E LEAF 'I'll:AS, Tl ey 11 e1e a little ill timed SJ c ' us nut. 11 voman of very a.cute I e1cept101 01 810ll she "ot Id have apprehended as much SI e 21 LI at bu lu.r l tl "o ld ha · seen loo that Mr Snelgrove· so n' av )et he di! not Jee! n rnd' ··made up that he h1d qu te de 111ehned to exult in 1i i:; '1ctory beua ac be term1nec.1 to aLlead the Sessions HouE>e and \vaa well ass lr d that no 'v1etched a con not to take her to Sv denham Indeed the lhct ot ght never to have takei place At plao of her campaign had heel "ltogethe1 the same time he co ldn 1 adm t that he ill adv sed SI e had opposed her husband had been a all to blame " the natter until she had ro 1sed the obstmacy natural to h m as to a good many other n en She It hall been a wost rn<cemly shnmc!ul had offended J s prrne and r 1 flletl J 18 Lusmes· Still it was ovet-/or tic p "'-"' l sense of dignity She had cotnmcnced 11 and he \\as ficc-hee to Uo hie dutv to l a per 0 Ly and then had tried the effef:t of i.;ountry aa a grand JIU~ man lt ai:> 1 ot ~ n 1ore coax ng and caress ng hne ol argu mu ch J e felt to I ave struggled sc hotly for net t Post1bl al -.;ei~lofLbts oderof And o ltnottbesl l 0 gl e rcco mcncep1ocecd n~ o ld lave been n1u -e ::; ccees b con uu_ 1 ful It W:tQ: no v in son e <:lO!t a. po nt of H e called a ell ~nd \as dr1\en ~o the hon o1 'v1th l\I ;: :; clg:ro\' c to u u l11n1 \Ud Sess1or s 1 u 1<:ic On h s 'u.y 1 e bougl t u. to lCBl·t !us 111fe s soh CJ~mgs He lo c l er hat pi ., ented bis wide awake to the grat I W) e1 l fi d o t ti at It s 11 JUI u 0 me I will give 1t U[ When Wlll yo l find it out 1 In a tO\ n l l New Ihmpsbne called b-lancheste1 11 c re ur stan ce occut1ed \VL cl I related to the audience that eamc C\ en 1ng il )our g man 'vhe1 t~enty one yeats of age received 6000 dullars-a very prett) sum o! money about £1 200 yo know fa .. a man to go into b 1s1ness "' ith -b 11 he thought ho "oul<l b we a ~ood time with blS money so he put up at a lash 10nable I otel nn<l got a pair of horses and dro\ chis frtt!ndsabol t aud gave Cha1np 1 0 n~ s 1ppera-Champagne at mght you kno v and ieal pam the uext rnornmg and sham enough as regards the enJoyn1ent At the cxp1rat1on ( f two years his money \vas gone and ) otrng men I "111 tell ) ou one tbrng When your monev 1s gone i;our acquaint ancea are gone pu~tt) lnuch for there is precious httla frtvndslup formed aroun I the wme table that JS fnendship that is worth an' thLDg I would not gn e a etrnw fo1 all the friends I have made around the d1 nk 111g table '"hen tl e 'vine \\aei circulated free!) No give me the lriend that looks nt 1 e \\ ith sober eyes an 1 ates iny fa lts and fa.ihugs-a.s "ell us anythi g dillerent from my faults ti at I may possess B it ti eo mans money was gnne and he had made no fi ends He had not goi e the 11ght ' ay to make t1 m You ca1 not make :tnenUs by tr a ting them by 81 v1ug then Cl ampagi e s ppero ~.he ·at oue day in Defore 'o nsk a ta.vor of any UHU JUSt con.s der tl iee thugs Fn st... Can j on not aT01d it 1 Second Can tl e one yo 1 npply to grant it 1 Tb rd "ould you if your plai.;es 'vcte re\ ersed do for your fnend "]at yo u .sk I m to do for JO nelf1 It 1s \\"el 1 to tl 1 k of th i:i as t n1 l.) chnnge tl e " hole cpest1on

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