-'THE :PllE~CHj\NT, FRIDAY, JULY 1:!, 1872. CORN FOR SALE · OR CRACKED John McDougall NEW SPRING· GOODS, 18'72. - - - ,o-- - JUNE, ..6.. full Stm.:k of Large Supplies & Stooks CompleteH ·~ .A. 'r rr R E Spring and _ Suminer J. l'?EW FIRM! Cllange of Business in t he Pioneer Boot & Shoe St ore. Ter1tple o Jtasliion, Osltawa DRY ~OO . DS .. IlARDW ARE I · MR-. N ew", F ashiona.ble, and C!te1ip FBll'l'~ Va.rd of Tllu1n:ks. In r t urning you lny sin1Jere tlrn..uka for. the \·ory libe1·al J)atr onage exten<lod to 100 i:;1 ucu rtiy con11nm1c1ug bu~iness ; and ms in con sl'.!quence of other cngngerneuti:i, I am co1npelled 8TBAW, AND A very lm ·ge ancl cu1 na.Jrehe,nsivc Stock of SzYl'i.ng mui . Swrnmei· Staple anli Fanc!J 1J1'?J Good-s, _.\.nd would especiall y men tion so me ve1·y f!.~ riking nnd a.1nazinglybcauLiful lines; in tietl to give you as good Goods, and on a.s fr1NO l'· · able tcrma us those given by n1e. Solic:iting for thc1n your pn.tron~ge, I a.n1 your~, to relinquh,,;h the same} I ]rn,vc great pleasu1 ·t: ju rccoi:umendiog- tQ you, Messrs. Anderson & 1 Vo ., tny $UCCeflsori:!, ""ho are in C\ ery w·a.y quali· -o--Olothing made to order, the best trimmings only used; a.nd the lowest price .charged. ·. "---~- I DRESS GOODS, SHA W'l.S, & il1.ANTLES. - -o-- RIClI.Utll · --:o:-In refereul,;e Lo the abo.,.1::, ]~.l1:ED. AN:OE:B,SON & CO., t.a.kcs pl ea.inu·e in notifring the p nblic of Bow· u1a.1n·ille and vicinity, tba..t they hu.vc 'l'he Millinery Department will Oe. fow1d unustu.Jly a ltnwtive this seasoll , replete with so1 ne of the chaiccst t hings in New· a~ooenas. r::c:1 ~ GOOD '"' ' ' of )11-. It. JtE.ED, to 'vhich they l 1 r;t.vu hu:g~l y :~ddod. '!'hey ar u n O'w pJ.'Cpared Lo fnnnsh cverytlli11$ in t.hej 1 · line, Pl.uoha.sed. the :Bqot &Shoe J3usiness AT LOWEST RNl'ES. RIBBONS, FLOWE.RS, TRJJ1FM1MGS, <fee. 1u1tl M only I!TR S'l'·GLASS 1.'A L EN'l' is t:Hq,iloyed tu aupel'.intend oui· P:I P> l;rj t::;j MURI)OCI-I BROS Spring Stock Of Dry ' Is .now complete w iLh iill Llie no velties of the sea.5on. M!LLTNERY, MANTLE, ANJJ DLUiSS MAKING, ~ J 'l' br: cui;totn wo1·k it; :luperiutcnded hy 1\fr. S. ', 1teed, w11_o w:i.fl, (or ,16 _ye;:n:.:i~~ y riudpal wo:·k1o;t11 lU i\Ir . l·cod s estalJlii;!1n1ent. A 1:1,~·gu n.5>sortrrrnll't of trunks oon~ta.utly w1 ha ad. 7'/w hi,yhr.;rs{ pt·ice jJtGid ·i·n (:tt6h for l li~c.· . I I J..i1d it$ nmy rely on gcttlug Nevv and lfti.:J1ionalJle Cu.1'luc11ts well_ n1nJ.e ]friends, us far >IS Pr ices nxc concerned, co,ll ;rn d ·j'mlge for yo ursel ved. 1 EG,G-$ and BUTTER \'.Tante A Call is Respectfully Solicited, I Os lrnrn April , 3rd, 1871. s. s. '1'0 UALl.A'l' P !:::> F.n; , P T R EW ~ N · C~o.rner l\. ing· aucl Si1~co~ ::--:L reet~; t 'J'kreeJii·st-class 1i'O'l'!crnen wwitrd, nune othe1· neell ctpply. ly DO}\{'ri1 lfJ\_ lL~ p:; · =a P>~ t:;tj Millinery Goods, Dress Goods, Parasols,- Anderson ..~ Oo. ·s uw1na.u vjJlc, J Ln 1 c 13th, 187::?. <ct ..._______ValiBe.r,Whips, Bells, &c., which ~Ql'JtY.l.9, dura_b~~t~ \l!ld: ~h~ap· ncss, c'?lll,ot l!e excelled in this vicinity '!'o 37-IJ. - 'ri;: tflijc,,;- l:I:t Kid Gloves, etc. Abo a, large stock of - -- -- - - - -·------·-- ¥01J i;J11)~e i n .AllB,E..,ili~,~ Le would e:a.y --.. . ~ ~fQ;G.T ~AY ·up i'hui;ti ·whu have already t;ettlea, will cept Ol.lr h~trty t hanks. i1lea~c ac I ... r· ~nlO 1 · Gentlen1eus l'"'urnishing Goods, rl,weeds, Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts, Ties ancl Collars, etc. Bowmauvillo, :Thfay 7th, Hl72 l ly BO vVMAN VlLLE 1'4achinG and lmplemenT .Another lot of those splendid Instruments,. " Th e Silver Tongue." Just iirrived, and · on exhibition o,t our Show R oom. MANUF .ll..CTURING COMPANY. 111AN1.7FACTUR8RS OF Bowm!4.nVill1:1 - De~rd.1.869, ._ ~""""""'"" '\..SON. - ' L effel A1nerican Double 'l'urbinc VVLttcr 'Vhe el Iron and ""ood '\"Vorking J\fn.cbine1·y, ·Pl CTURES BY THET 110 US AND. ~,l t.iful pictnrcei Circular Sa'v :Milla1 Shingle }.1ud1 iuc~ , Gdti ~ I\ \Vl1ifG· to the lvlill :.Ua.clllnery, :atOE &; :BA:S.ltER. Li.ij:IOAGO · AS w1;: ...... - -------IT. WAI;! /\.ND gr~at de1nand uf t]i'(')SC bc·~u - ....., Lath ]tfills, Sc1{-l{ake lle<:tJ?1Jfl:! 1 ' 1\-fo\viug l\J: a.ch i.1Jet:1 . Connnou aud Ga.ug P lo,\·s, li'a1111i.ng :J.Iil1:1, la.l'ge lot, a r,a.\t·.pf. wl~ich ...v.iJ.l. be _ J:1tll1t1 i1ost Ju~,,; '.lnu1id -· H:lCAGO IN FLAME~. · it. uocc'S sary ptud· (or · _ T · ~o ' get. ~~u~h~r ·. --~ Chopping M~ll~ , . J'e<!d Gu_~~cn1 , &L:. ONL'"'( itiORTY .- C~N'l'~ - Postage SL;i.wi:~pn_rU pay111~nt. _S1J~: · imi;ns can be· i;;l;len Qy illillu1g at tlus Office- . A. JU. GIBSON, Manage1·. Bownuiuville, Jnu·~ 20th, 1872. 10.:J8Mo20Mly. 1n e-..-O:ry ~L' own and Villag.o 4i (JntW"io, t.· J ,~· hv1u he lllO-S~ Jihent\l inUu1.: cblenis -ar~- Q.fJ:'ert!-d. - · ' Addre·~::1 · "'! . Agents Wanted Opposite the ONTARIO BA~K. .. Bcrwrnan ville, April 26, 1872. m30.-n.Sm . . . . ·F : TREBILCOCK. '-now anvUle; Oi1t.- SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND REWA_ RI>S. --:o:- - Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the rnoet la..5tiug-, the le:IJit t:roubleR01nc 1 aull 1nost coni_plctc ever inven ted. 'l~hey a1:c used and recorurnou ded by 1u::i..ny of the b e.st Drcedcxl:! u the U n ited Sto.tes an<l Canada, su c:h as G. B. J,oring) Salen1, MaaJJ. , Prcsid('nt 1-fe\Y }'-!ngl and \Vool t.±rowe1'i' Society; John S. JWes, Hennepin, lJl. ; Pl'ofessor M. JY1iles, of the Stat e Agl'icultnral. College, J~a.nsing, M ich. ; Hoo. Geo. B1·own , ·eorcinto, Ont. ; Juba.Snell, E<lmon ton, On L. - On eo.ch J\iiark i i'i stamped t h e owner's nu.rue and th~ Sh eep's n umb er . They will bo sent free , by m ail, or exp r csfi!, for only jmrr cent ach, and 'v1ll last for l'WENTY YE.AM. ~ ... Cash m ustaccomp any all nHlers S; ,xnta, Ont. 01'd.cra addressed to the l\1BltuliN'l' and OBtil~RV:EH Office, f otJl.DY quant ity, will be lUlecl at t he above-1u cu tion ed }Jrice, as quickly M t he ___ __ --- -.. We have just opened one of the LARGEST " .A.ND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF r111u:sE MARKS Alm 'J'IIE CHEAI'EST, Sabbath School Libraries and Rewards e ver offer ed for salii'. in Bowmanville. Pttrties wishing to replenish thefr School Libraries, or to purchase Re wards, will please to remember two things : · , :First, Our ~tock of School Books is no old stuft~ picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it been on our Shelves for yea.rs. W e )mve sold out and · refilled our shelves, half~a-dozen times 'during the pnst yeiir, ·and have now purchased so largely, that we h~we 110t room to exhibit them. Plea~e come and take them away. Second, We have not marked our books at hi"h :tlgures, with the view 0 of ~aking off.a large clisconnt.. They are marked low for general sale, and a discount of TEN PER CENT. will be allowe~ on purchases ranging from $1. to $50.; over thiit amount FIFTEEN PER CEN1'. will be allowed. We respectfully invite an illilpection of our · "U WllIB.ALD Y OUNG1 J'ic, Marks can be made an d sent. C. BARKER, Bowni.anviUe, Dec. 28th , 18'7l.1 y -m13o .. - ---- - ·--------'- -"""--"- -have now compl eted their TwentJ:-l..,i;st yeM" of buAiliess v.rith constant and ~ till inci·ea,.sing growth: As the nianufactory is one ~f the oldei:st, it ::iJSO ranks <l.DlOng the higbe$t_ Ill the coul;l-\ry. During the lonr; e;x-pcrienoe of t h e manufacturers, the.y hate 3tead1ly s.dded to :the capacity of thefr iuSitrurnentsi and ha.ve availed themselves of every method to improve .the qu~ iLy of tone and to IJwreasc the mecha.n.1cal fac1 ltica for the pel'former. And though tl1cy expect to continue the course of improvement, t hey ii>l'e abundn.ntly saWsfied with \v}rn,t ltae been 'vnc auU with the est.imatiou in \vhich t h eir int.. _ ...,:fitents o.re held by good j udges of music_. t!tr ~ ·-.heretofore, thr.y will use .tl.e best materials, .~ 8 ~ J·egard to cost, and g1ve to every Organ w1thou t.Aoroug h ,~·orknu1.nsl1ip. . th;-,most, ~chilly invite cowpfu:i~OIIS aa to the l~ey "'<Jlu1ne of tone, u.ncl as to the effect· ~l~ll-tlity a.ul . \ · ,ppliances. They call atten~iou. ne meohau1cal ~ 'cir Organ~ aru aold A.T EXt~ t~~,o f<~ct tlw.t t.... 'l?RlCRS,as low ~sis chD,rg'IRLM.ELY .LO\.~ ·~.. -~ior sort. l-Iav.i11 g a lt:i.rge, ed for uw.ny of an 1nf1;;. 'd rna.nufactory,cn1ploy9'nd t horoughly _ a.ppo1utt ~en and having IJ.rn.de n1g !lone bt~t .tikilled \vorlo. '\Jy ru·e able to proa n11nutc divuuon of labor, t~ ~nost cornp~titorn. < h;c,e ?rga?!l a~ lei;~ rates th~.u ~ ·~ oth er thin.gs, lb\:ly believe, n.ltio, t h:tt ~~non.. {air d(;.·aHn"· L iley }u"l.ve eitrned a reput.:i~1ou for -4ial:!t:rs and they \vi-:~illl assure dLSta1~t pun,. _ '"1ll1S \Vith JIU 01'gan 'v1ll over lea.vo th<=rr w~trtru, '"e··pect t heir kuowl edrre, tha.t is uot in every ~ ;-; perfect of ik'! clas:;. · "'c A s they h::~v e before & ta.ted, ihcy intcud -to .. cure u fJ:iend in every pnrchascr .. r.l.'h eir cat~ loguc, ·with fnll description and accur~it e engra\--jngs, will be su11t free to any ad.dresR u pon o.pJlication . All neecssu.ry info1·uuttiou cheerfuly furnished. .A.ddresl$ A Chemical F'ood & Nutritive Tonic. '\.V heeler MUotn-pou nd Elixir of P h osphates aud Calisaya is owing tu ita per fect r eliability in building up con~titu tions run dowu with diseases of ihe Stolnach , Liver and ~Kidneys which ari~c from D,yspepsia or Feeble Digestion , and rei:mlt i11 i1oor blood an d hrea1:in:; down of _tJie general health. It effee;t-uully reliever:i pain or a seuse of full ness in t h o Stoma ch aft e-r eat· in~, H~art b urn, lnatu enco, Constipation from torpid hver, Eiliou~ hea<lachea, Irritation of tlie JGdn1· v a.:nd Blndcler from the reel deposit in the U1·inc;· irritaU ility ~in d rcstlesimes::i followed by 11ervou 8 p1·ostration a nd gener n.l dolibity which ineYitaDl~· arise front ~~e o~t co1n11wu cause-:Dyspe1 nna or F0eblc ]J1gci:! l-t011. _i\.J-1 those delicate constitution s thu.t lu<.Jk energy anU. vit ality, u.nd are unable to arouso tben1 f5e l ve~ to an y ex· crt,ion or undergo nny fatigt1e, will l.ie nstonishc<l at the rapidity \Yi t h which t he whol e systen1 it> raised out of t hhl p t:ostrat c cund it-ion ~tn d en· crgized p,,11d vitnJ.h.ed under the use of t his pro· pua:ation. I t IB lta.1·1ulet58, <lclicious, lloes uo t l_ ose i ts efJect., 1u1d is not foHowc<l by a. relapse. ~oM by J'. HlGGI~B O'l'HAM at One Dollar per botU~. 13.owm anviJle, li..,eb. 27th, 1872. o2G.n139·11u rr.IIE GREAT POPULARU'Y m' DIC American Organs! ' CO. ORGAN THE SMITH AMERICAN a. EXTENSIVE AND Pocket .Books, Albi1ms, VARIED STOCK OF 'luC:L!JNG "'.BROS'. Hpriug :::lt.ouk is complete in cvexy depattincn L ,i.nd w ill be sold cheap fo r Oa.sb. Writing Desl{s, Ladies' Companions, Blotte1·s, Ink.stands, Arc nor ol1 owi ug a full a.~sortme n b -~ ..- - --- csa or :Pro llono ::Publioo. ALL KlND::> O.l!' DRY GOODS ANJ) IVIILLINER.Y. A fine lot of Note Paper, E11velopes, &c., &c. W Remember the Store, nex t to the West Durham Stea.!U: Printin a.n d Publishing House, King Street, Bowmanville. tb:l cance1~s ao,d 't~o1~s ou·r AND TAK1'lN Cloth and Gents Furnishing. ----u---- c. Cured without the Use of the Knife, by BARKER lifANlGER. DR. B. PATTERSON, of J:low1mm ville. 1 l THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN' CO A fu11 ~tock of 1.'he be1:1L uf i·efereu.ces g-iveu frt .Buwtuau villc 0£.lice on Chu1·ch Street ]'eh 22, 187 2'. ly-m2Jo-o aud ehmwherc. Bo-wtna nv ille~ New Business. SIJBSCRIBEJl beg· r6'peetfully t.o iu fol'm th e public U1a.t a& l\L'. It. Reed's hui:;iness has changed hrtn ds, he ha8 open !Jusil1 ~61' on hi1:1 own <lA:couut iu the itwp two doors Vi est of :Murdoch Bros. ; where be will keep on hand a fust-chi.ss stuck ofBoot::i and Sho· : s 8uitabl e for the season. Or der ·work \Vill b11ve h is pro1npt an.cl b est nt teniiou . 'l \vonty Jive y ears experience 1TI thv trade, in ore th nut.he last two of 'vhich he has spen t as cut ter. and ~cncrn.l 1nan a.ger in )fr, 11.eed's estn.blishment, ha.'3 given him opportnnit ies of leC\orniur;- \·:hat tl ie peop le really \vant. lfc ha.<.1 therefore uo doubt of being able to give 1m,tisfn.ction to all \Vho shall favor him ...vith :'Ii ea.11, and hopc8 11 y ~iv:ing due attention to business to receive n fall' sh:trc of public tiu pport. _Tremont St·, opposite Waltham St· Boston, J.\llas;;. J M JUtIMACOMBB, Bowmanville· Geue1·t:1.l A.gen t for thc l }rovinoo of Ontario. :Bowtnauville, April 3rd, 1872. ly-ol4-1n27. F ~t=tESfI J...I GROCE RIES, to he sold Chuap. rr_ HE PUBLIC ·wAL~ER vVIGG & SON, \Ve - " · · pa- ~ t r1UiE -----Highest pri~<: paic fo1· ]J!,TJ'TE.fl aud EGGS. K returni ng tnAJ1ks to their nu1nt1rou s Cus b omer s, and the Public generally, for fa;vout I v.rould respeotf.ully .invite thci1· attention to our iweMent i;tock of }'urniture, as ha.ve latelY added thereto, tha.t we ma.y ther aby be enabled t o s upply all patties \vh o m ay please to fa.var Ulf v.ith a, call. Grea.t induce1nenb! held eut to th05e purchasing ~t our Est ablishment, Pictures Looking Gla.sHes, &u., fratncd t o order, and in e\·er-.y sytle. Sa1nplef of tbedi:ffereut kinds l\-1ouldiI1gM can be seen at lhe 1iVare-roo1n. \V ~ \\'oulU a.foo beg to inform you, tbR.t, h aving pur~ <:b aaed a. Valuable Farm For Sale. the South hal f of Lot number 32, B }~INU S~x~h Concession ofthe'l'uw1i.r.:hi:l.J ofCliltke, conta1nwg 110 :1crt:s more 01· lcf:!~ . S1tu~\t~d one wil u from tho village of Orono, i:;bveu miles and a half from the town vf E uw1nn·n ville. 80 acres cleuJ:e<l 1 b;.i.lnnco, timhc.r ·wjt,h cednr .A.n excel· lt:n1t orchard of grnftell frnit. Pnke $5 1 000. a portion of \\'hich can rem aw on mortgage. 'l'itlo un dJsputr.i.ble . For furt her particulars apply 'Lo :Mr. Ch arlt>s 'l'airiblyu , 01·0110, oi.· to the officl' oI t.hfa pA.per, May 8th 1871 ' m3il·o2U·tf, of SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, . ,ve1:1hall be t·eady (11t all t i1nes, to attend }'uneraJs, on ~hurt notice, itnJ. re:.1.&1nable terml3. N . B . Ooffi.ns k apt on hand, t1,nd m ade t o order, at t h e , Sign of."the Golden Lion, Bowma.nville. Bcnv..manville. Ivfay i~li 1872. . ' NEW DO.MINION RE'l.'AIL FURNI'l. URE WAJ!E-R()OM. · O sh ·w·, Au~. J. SMALE . . King Street East, Oshawa. 26th, 1870 . Opposite J; W. Fowke's Store. - '