'!' THE MERCH A NT, !·RI D.A Y, JULY 12, 1872. POETRY. A Story of King David See I Chronicles, Chap. x1., 0, 15, 19. THE FARM. Talk wit]l Farmers. THE HOUSEHOLD. Our Housekeeper. Pastry - Every housek eeper is supposed ' to know all nbout pastry ; u.nd yet it so often fruls to be the light, :flaky article whic:h it should b{', J 1n order to be delicious o.nll wholeson1e, that a few suggestion~ may not be de t1'0P Very good pa.stiy nia.y be made Uy taking two ·thirds the proportion of butter to flour, instead of the old rule, 11 pound to pouud all the '\ 01ld l'Ound." Be sure that your materiale are pe1fectly nice, for if you mu$t use \Vhat is atroc1ousJy called "cooking bt1tte,r1 " then use it in con1hinn.tio11s Wlthsugar, orrnob.sscs, and eggs, and e.pioe . Bu.t pastry~ being made 011ly Qf Bour, butter, w~ter an<l salt, should never be imposed upon by iufedor ingredJents, O{ it 'vill tell the tale very quickly. Having -..ve1ght!d you1 butter and flour, take out one third of the butte1 and crumble it into the :flour, '11.dd1ng salt 1( your huttet" is very £1 esh, but this is not gene1ally need ed. 'l'hen get ice-wate1 01 tl) e coldest 'vatet you can find, and pour it gradually 'vith one hand while you st1r w1th the other, until the paB te ii:i of a consistency fit to 1011 out. Flour the board,and roll th.is out, i~nd put ove1 it small 11ieces of the buttel yuu lun;e ~:tvcd out) say a f.! la.l'ge rui a bean, and about two lllChes &pill t, "<\fter thLS is cove1 ed, dredge in some flour lightly, turn ove1 the edges of the pastry, pound it oa ce or twice w1t.h the rolhn~· p1n, n.nd t(.)li' out as bo fore, using up your but te1 n1 th1""tJe or four 1011 ihgs :Sake Ill .o. qui ck oven, aad do not op en the door t_ o look a.t it fo1 a fe\\ 1 :a111utce Noll ,put some pa.stry \ t:t'Y thrn , :tnd cut it iii piec~~ four llir)hC1' "icle and SLX inches long, splettrl '~ non e end :.i. I.inc of qtunee or stra wbel'ly ot oth er nice Ja.Jll , th en i oll it over aud ov-e1 and ba.ke it q u1(kly. 0. BOUNSALL, MAKUF ACTUlt 'ffi.:B ., ;in I .ll1PORTER DEALER mall the Var1otiea of 1 H~RD I .. ' ' You ask nieto t ell you about 1ny fann, nnd ho'v I can manage to pa.y for my 300 acres, BY GEQ MURRAY and ha.ve enough money owing to me, to pay for another hundred. 'Yell, I do not deserve Twas the harvest-time and u. 'varnoi kii)g much credit, I assure you, for I have not done In the Cave of Adullam lay, as ,veJI by th~ land, ui the land ha.':! done by me: \V'cnry of battles 1 a.nd languiahmg I have cropped it hard, too hard I am -afraid, 'Vlth the pitiles3 heat of <lay , welfare, and perhapalur mine aleo for the land's · Pa.le he lay, as one who hath dietl , in tbt' long run . :But you see, the land I o'vn A nd hiij foes \\·e1 e a.round hitn on ev~ry side ie spt!ciaUy good, and I often to.kc two crops Through a i.;torm-rent crcviea Lo bent his g11ze of wheat running, from the same field. Tho 1Tpon Ephraim's vale belo'\', i-ea..son of this extretr10 fe1·tility I hardl~ kno\v. And wa.tched in the quivering noontide blaze I live, as you a.re ,...-ell aware, up to\vards the The tent8 of the heatheu glow ; uorth "I.Yest, and I ho.d a hard hme of it at-first. And the foen1en's: garrison held en.eh pln13c, \Volves used to t ake my sheep, and bears my City or htl..n1lot, that eye could trace. hog; but fin.t,lly I overcame botb ma.ra.u<le15, . A. bw·n111g fe,ei <ionsun1ed the k1n6, u.11d rr1y Btock hl:lh been l:la(e ftom wild bea$ts,for And he panted \\1th keon deSJre some y ea1 s1 although uo,v, and then, there is a -Foy a fresh cool draught fl om some 1notu1La1n strn.y w_ olf in the !lettlcm(>nt 1 who does soml;! spnng, muschief among;;t t he sheep . It 1a "ery easy to 'Vhilc his b11un seemcll all on lhc , det ect the 1a vages of ·wohes,from those of dogs, llut rivulet ue::i.r 11im or fount was none , ' "hen a inan has ha.d as much experience as I 'f hey bad l.Je!jn IHpped up by the fierce, liut sun. hn'le And now I h r.vc v.s h andsome a. cleared fu.rm , of two hund1ed ac1ea, u.s you \Vould de· rl'h~n ho thought bow his enen1ies slaked th ~ ir sire to see, aJIU another hundl ed still uncle.1..red, thirst of 1.1,nd C 'lUally valuabl e. Al th ' ,q .fl 11,. B ~ t h lr·lJe1n's gate "Our huild114~:~ a.ie ttlso good, our ~tdbk Aud a cry ~:hom his kingly bowm Lwst , abu11dant , and fine, and there a.re few c ha.w. :l s he couched there, desolzi.te; bnt.'k s to our cAmfort a.nd happmcB s. No doubt, · Oh! the co,l, pttrc wittera of Be thleh~w , I desc1vo some of this, as I hnve worked hard, l\Iy parohe<l lipr:1' a.gouy pines for the1n 111 and n.t fhl;jt lived equally 1w.rd, and b:i.ve always 1 ' Tu it son1e <lrea1n tb~t I panting lie endeavored t o take advan t age of .toll chances to I1 1kti a woodland hea.st at bn.y 1 mako u1 oney. So l ll oue Sflnse, ~lY ]Jrospei ity Im a.el's anoinfod king, an1 I roay b~ said to be fa11ly eLv1ned. Still few v.ould 'l'o parish of thirst this d~y 2 have done as; \\·ell as I have, ii the land had not Ob I that some help mn,te a draught \\ Oultl give been good, and fertile ,- and 1t was a~l luck, foi Of llethlehcui's '"ators that I might Ji\ ~ "' when I settlet.l here, I did not kno'v good fro1n .\.diuo, the Eznite a. stalwart chief, badland. I have ofteu thought ho'\' different .And WaJ.rior co1nradea twain, m y prese.nt prrn~pect il would ha'\ e been, had I happen to lo cate on poor, v:et, or !landy add Heai·d the sick 1no11a.rcl1'a low crie8 of g1ief, soil, as I so often see bette1· lllCll thnn I nru And vowed to assu,1go hif! pain , a~ghng to mak e a farm of. Some men nnght But for three, I \\."eeu, 'twas a hopeless task i> nccoed , but 011 lJOD r land, a poor mania heat t is To seek the boon that the King <.hd ~ soon absolutely ln ok('U ; (IOP ti.fter ~rop, fails, 1 fh1;:rr fleet, strong course1s flew hkc w111<l1and there ue_ver set-ms to wroe the abu ndant 'I'ho1r swords like lightning flashed , hcn·ve$t, t11at he <lees on othe1· men's farms, nnd As ouwru'd, to jeopardy seeming bhnJ , hence he is nbsolntely dtshc;:i.::tened, o,nd a.t last Ltko n.ngels of death they dashed, gets too poor to live on the lnnd,and too poo1· to 'l'ill at Bet.hlehen1'1;1 ga.te, after bloody deeds moye ri.way. Most lands in my section a.1e all They 1eeled in theii:. tiaddlcs :ind r euted tllen' 11.J.1nost equa.lly good, nnd hence ate very high 1n steeils. puce I n fo.c,t carulot be bought fo1 money as Ice cold '\ o.ter they dl'ew t1·om the well, a gener[l.l r ulo ; yet the land doea: nt>t look pal'And soon by the same red track, tioularly good, when yon. exanune 1t closely. \Vhile tu rows o.ud Javelins rain·like fell , But on e thing I do notice , and I believe it :::i. Rode gashed and gore-stained ~baf'k, n1ost ilnportn.nt iten1 iu th e r«::lect1on of lands 'l'hen they sOtlght the cavern, and cried, .. 0 generally', t here is a clcep fnnblc subsoil~ and king, wl1cn I want t\HJ crop!;! of 'vheat in two yea.rs, Water ftom Bethlt:hem's well ~we b1ing.' I pu t down the ple>ugh un inch deepei. and e\o·e1ything grows most luxuriously Con:;e· Dizzy and feeble the king: atood up qnently, I consklei a good subsml n.bsolutely To honor the mighty th1 eo, Ancl with trembling fingers upraised th e cup, ne cessary to a J eally good fann 'Vhile its 'vaters sparkled free ; " .A.a to Canada. t h.i1:1tl1:1s a.nd wild oats-\\'e Still he \vould not sip 011e drop, but poured neve r sow Wllcl m~ ts, and eon:::.cq~tently h<t Y e '!'he blood bought hfe·dra.ught to tho Lord. none, and Lhistlcs do not seem to tbrive specblly \Veil with me nnd my neighbors I ha'\ie ofAnd he spake, 11 0 Lord 1 be it fa1· fioru in e ten seen auch instances , Jn. my tl'avels througl1 110 do thi$ sinful thill.I{ ; Cana.da,- 1veie son1e societies n.re pe1fectly in'I'his cup HI the blood of these u::i1i;hty three fe.sted, and others arij almost entirely free. Yet Who were 8tiicken to save thl!'ir king '" there are quite enough tLUitfos goto seecltofwn· So he would not dl'n1k in his so1 e di8tress ish a good general a vet age c1op 11f the land had a. 1 Could a. king do more, 01 a hero less g.rea.t aptitude for them Somo of my neighbore; ···From, the New Don~nnon Monthlgfo" Ju ly. a.Lm not1eed this pecuha1it y 1 as 'veil as I d1d. I have often seeu new land follo·wB, tl1at have laid unlogge d fur one or t'\O aumn1eisJ quite cove1ed with Cnnada tbist:es, 'vben t he faJJow " a.a altogeth er otu1onnd ed by 'voods, .All shrn.ld 1na11'y. Every I -.hould ha~c nr..A.s yet \ V t have C'l'O\\n but few· tu111ivs. other I. One eye !;eeet but half the '\\ orld \.Vh1l st wo cnn get 20 to 30 hushels of whoat n.n Beer fill,,. 1nai1y ~bottle, and Lhe bottle m nny n.ci·e, ' ve ca.nnpt expect that m1tny turnips will 11. hie1·. be grown. The ttu1e n1ay come, v.h+.!u ou1 wheat ~1. m:.iJl catmot pOS8 f:; .inytb1ug th~t 1 s bettc1 urops rua.y fail, and \\e n1ay theu be oompelled t!un a good" o m~tu, llOl' >\nythtng L11 a.t is ' \ OJ'RO to inake a chango. VJ.CTL."i than a. bad one. Italian & American Marble. A Lu gti a.nd choice selection of I, ----. TR, TJ E - - N:EVEI~TIIEJ.:.iESS ! I .TO BELIEVE. \Spring Stecks -! MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, nlv.rays on hand, of supehor 'vorhmanship, and a.t lowe:st prices. SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. W rnught 01' Oast J,.on Fences for enclos1ag bury:ing lot11. Furniture Tops, :Mantel Pieces, &c, k ep t 011 hand, or 'Vlought to order. respectfully roquested o.t the 't21'.ksi. A C<1ll is Hf I I Very Ohect1J. I~~~::~o~nblic~~~a~~~: anu opened out a beautlf1U and well J Stock of a.~001·ted HATS Good Cooking Raisin s only 5 cents a pound, mid still cheaper by the box AND GAP S, October, lst, 1860, K i,iig__Streei, Bm.y4.anville -- o-- fo1· Spung and Swn1net \\·ear. HIS Stock sut· passes tt-nythmg ptevionaly offe1cd in tho Town. I 1..:0tto11 a nd ·w oolen Guocls are advanomg, but you can them at El- ! jiijtt'~ l'u.- a -sbo1J, time, at, t he old prices. Now is tbe time to secure what Victoria Ca.i:bollc ~rc~!_t.r&tlons.; Labor·· tory and Worh:~, Vlctorla BIJ!. M~tnd& Street. 'l'oront°' Ont. The tollowlng_Gcnulne Preparauona are aold b-7 all Drngglets, ""De euro and salt tor the VlC'lom& b~atecl :Prioes a.re Low, an<l lus Sole ~Pronrlet01'8 and M&nttf&etll:rer1 ... of the Cele· yon need NOVELTIES .ARE STYLISH . Men and Boys Suits, l"DPAB.6.'l'IONS. autl_Beo t1l&t1ougct thom.. CLO'f HlNU - Get1tlewen m want ol a good fittJn g s111I. sliottld call early a L Elhotts F,ashfonahle Tailo1~ng Etablishment S:i ti · l'l1· Jt10li g w:u an tced 111 al l ic,lsuna!Jk eas es . --~ HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur lI>J,~npt,on, Aug 211 cl, 187 J. bp-o23-m54. rl'ho ·whole w1ll repay inspection, aud he oo.n ha\ly extends an ln,1ts.tion to all hls old fliends :i.nd .~ s inany .new onea al-:! nw.y fool 1nclinod to be bf'.nefitted by hcn ing FIRST-CLASS GOODS, His Gent's Furnishings will be found well assorted· MARKUS MAYERS· . Bo,~ t1.a nv1lle. A pul 5th, 1871 Oheesc Cal. ~. - 'l'hl1 Jm.t.Y is highly recommended to Le.ales ns a mo.3t a~[eea.ble Prenttrat1on for tho Toilet. For Beautltylng the Complexion. and rendering the Skin Soft. White, Clear, nnd f'rco from Dryness, it 1e unrlvo.lfed. It will qulcklv r(lmoveal!Redness, Rone:bneas !f'au, Frcckle!l. .Pimples, a.nd other tm~ l)er[ecttoni. F01 Chapped Hand&, Obilblalnt, Fi:pst tf. 011J,1t{!c TVci.s!nn[lt 01i P ie . -The cake fol it is made of one and one-half cupi:; of sugru·, one-ha.If l cup of butter, two thirds of a cu p of milk. t " o cups of flour, th1~e eggs, (JU\} teaspoonful of creu.nl. ta1tru.· put dry iuto t lw Hour , one h o.lf teaspoonful of soda d~ssolved .u the milk. Fla~o1 \\itb i;hc Juice . l 11d grateU rind of an 01r,nge. :B~k c ve1·y tlu n tn fonr iound pans. Wheu cool, bl ke the J11J Ce of two 01 au:;es an<l grated undof Dnc orange,8 we:et c!l w1tb granula ted l'mg-ar, and sp1eaJ it 011 the V{a,.hington yno ns you would Jelly. It has a very :h ea:h t:::itt~ , and it 1a very con venient to mnk c nt t his sCai'!OH, Dy ~pcp tit Cook ies.- 011e cup inob. s~e ", onchalf cup i;ugar, one egg, one tablespoonful Vlll egnr, one of wa:ter, one of gingei·, ·oue of soda, a11tl s.tlt to t aRte. Bltes and SJre LlJi>S· 1.t cannot bo surpaase(l, P.rlce 2~ cents. KOBBIS' !CORNER STORE. l cARRIAGE SHOP. I ~ \~e t>t of the Ont11l lO :Bank.) F. Y. COWLE. I I I Krng S treet, Bowman vill e. TI-IE aub-.c1.ibi;i pan· l :s prepn.1 ctl to butld [tnd ro· Spo1 i:;e Ccd.e - One p1ut s1itc<l fiu·tr, 0110 pint sifted i:mgru , six egg ~, cup t\\ a-th irds full of wann w~te1, le111on. B ca.t t he 'vh1tc.;; of tlie: eggs to a stiff fioth; b:iat th!: ie st (except the Hour ) lifteeu minutei:; , aucl flour and whit es of egg-s JU et before µlw:.u1 g in o' eu, !:iti1ri11g only enough to fQ,1 :\ evenly. rrl1is 1~ exeelleut fot roll Jelly c~kc - One JHUt tJu..,k c1 oan1 nJod et trt-ely sour, on e! leaapoo11tul oolla, one teaspoonful Cream t1 11 tar , flour suffic1~nt to roll out. Bako in quick O\ en r l 'hese <tre pronounced bettet thau e...'tke. Puh·e11ze tl1e soda and creanl. tartar Vt:r) finely with a kn1fl:!; antl mix in tho flour hefore adding it to the other ingredient~ , for eithet cake or bfacuit 1'ca B~sc111t, Wagon s, Biiggies, un d Gu tter s l / of every d escri ption, t1.t shot t 11ot1 co, :l.ndon re~,so11able tennE=. I POIN'rS OF StTPERIORI'rY. Carl'lages Painted and Trimmed· I Simplicity in Constntction, Ease of operation, Pmfection oj Stitch, alike on bot11 sides, owing to per.feet tension on ttpper ana lower Thread. RJ>.'Gl!: OF WORK :- From Gauze to Beavm Cloth DURBILI'l'Y - Will last a life time. A Blacksmith's Shop on the pl'enu ses, were spccrn.l attention is g l\ en to <iJl Equally a.da.pted. to.Fa.:inily Work, :Cress and Shir Cnrriage work, and Jobbing. Geneml Crumbs for Chickens. f u.egar in tlu·ec lVeeks - M olasses 1 -y eMt one pint; warm rain '\·ater, 2~ ga-llons. Put into a keg or 3ug, n.nd tie a p1ceo of gauze oYer the bung to keep out flies and let P~·11,ie qu~rt; I I y!a M~king, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. .MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN m t=tll' To Puh slt 11i1 it1.-F.'ll s t 1ub you1 · ttns '\1th u.. I dainp cloth; then t.lke dl'y flour and inb it on j t}i01n 'Vlth you1 hands ; afterwards take v.n old l n c\\ 8pape1 and ruU the Hout oif, au<l t he ti us , \'i1ll shine a8 vrdl aa Jf half LlJl hou1 had btie u ! spent 1n rubbiug the1n with bi ick-dust 01 · de1, "hkh spoils the hanch; 0 11e J![l[J Cake - 1 eu.11 of lJu tlet, 1~ ?ups l)f suga1 , 3 cups of flom, 1 egg, 1 cnp of S\\ Qct tmlk, 1 tcn"'pobnful or soda, J cup of i a.is1ns. EVERY erawa.7 ·Meat, bylte esty's otl:ler Agents, MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. Wc luwe also on hal!Cl All wo1'k done cil this stabl,islww n w a1'1·cinted. ,\_ i't:i.11 is re~p (' otfull y soli1J1tcd. ,T MORRIS pow·- 1 ' rloe ~ceuta.. for tho preveIA.· · l·VANZHJI SL.b"l 1'8/C .l. , lBBO TT'S, A N D BARCLAY .SEWfJ\"G ilJ AOlllN E An old toper ad<llesses lu~ bottfo thu~ ·' "l'is ve1y l:ltra.nge that y ou and T 1'ogl:'tber catmot pull , ]'ur you ate full ·when I al!i llt y, Aud dry ivhen I ,i1n full."' 'l'he wit de1:1ei vetlly "on hw be t. l\ho, 111 colli pany1 when e' e1yone was brag-ging of bm tall ielntion~, wngercd that he himself ha<l :t bto· ther tweh·e feet high. H e bad, he .:..-i.id, " two half bl·othenc, 0.'.1..C L lll(:ll8Uting ~ix fo el ' "Humble a.s I n.m, ' 1 so.id n. b11llyJ,ng Y u,.11kee M }JOUter to a mass meetint-: of the unte:rr1fiod, 1 ·I 8hall 1e1nembe1· that I a111 a fraction of thi s U111· nifi ~ ent republic. "- " You a10, indet!tl," sa ill a b~atander, " an<l n Yulga,1· 011e tnto Lhe ba1 l Bo1n11<1.nv ilk, Oct. l t tl 1869. Salt as Manure. 1 . R , Qf Sout h ])unflics, :i.sks for :some u1 formi?.tion a<;; to the vo.luc of salt .w a mri.uure, &c. Ou1· correspon<lent say~ , " n ow th-., l'!alt J5 t o bt· h~<l 1n hull. a.11--a lo'\ u,to tli ere is httlo doubt of its coming- int o geueral u~o, Jf t11 e f!:t>UllJng c-.onu1.unity couid only l ie rna<lc tHh U t! of l l fl v~lu c M a fe1 t ahzei. " \Ve h eat tll y <:n· dotf:IC these wo1 ds, aud bcheH:i with '11 · R . that salt, especially on !H!count of 1ts compn.rath'e cheapness, is <lestu1od iu n. couuti·y like Cnnnda., far r e1noved hotn the lnflul:lnces of sea b1eezes, Ou1 Siod.· of' 0<'11e1al Good s 1s large, cmbrac;ng ,tll the Novelties of the iltty, and all the necessaries as well 1'11 tin c .F 11tuws- ull 1$1zea, ~Io1,ldings uf every style, 'Vall Pape1-a. spl1.1ud1J <t.SSol tlneul now Hl stock, A la1 gc supply of beiin tifully: usso1 ted "Vindo'v Shades, Child1cn's Canwgca, Concc1 tina8, E1ushef:! , Uornbs:, Looln ng Glnsaers,' ~iu s ic 1 l\-lag,\z1nes, V1ohus, \·1oliu :Bow~. 10lin ~tr.ings 1->apel ColhtJ,, , Neck Tles, School Book :., TJ~~y l~ ooks, Bibles, Knives and Fo1k1;,Puckt!t Knnes, I~aio18 1 Spoons, an d Se1 ssou~ C'he:~pcBt Note raper and EnvelopeB in the cou11t1y All these, ancl ~b th 'lu~auU othet ait1cles, aN.! to be iouud ~t t.ltc VA RIETY STORE. V{e ti.Jc a.h\aysglad to seo flwnd.:! , "~ud think 1t u o itonble to r-.hovt Good a, n.ntl "e fpltUAOtee as g-ootl value, at as low prices as any othcl' h ouse 111 tho t Htde. P~1ti e r:i wJ.Shing t o telug1&p h theu Fucnds, nrn.y 1ely on having- theu· bmnness Jone pron1pt1y. .._'\.geuL::i fo1 ) -c<nw.1l L o1 e of St e.tn1e1 s, .~nd In1pe11al J3uild1ng and Sa \'iug Society . JJea uMful Oo.ke.- ·3 eggs, 2 lu ps oi suga1, i cup of but tor, ~ cup of sweet unlk , ~ CU.l)S of flour, 1 t ea..'>poonf nl of c1 e:u u tarla.t, ~ ml p soda Dent th o buttei·, sugtl1, ruul yolks of eggs togfl- l thet : t hen ia.stty the whites. r nt a.u together t!.nd ~til' quickly .Fl.~"or "it h lu nou., b.tke 2.5 nunateti. J)n1d{: the quu.ut!ty llJ'l<l put curia..nW 1 in one half, and you Jiavo b vo kind s of cake. 1 AT TH ~BJ nnequallod 1n it!I rapldltr y I Bits and Ohtsel~ «;c. ?ilotb!K has e'<er been dtilcovercd which h&s eprUDg bito popnl&l'ity more <1uicklf. or llecomo 01 so much value in every llonsebolO.~ "'ud wotkshop !or 'encral usefulnesa. Pdce 2.5 ceuts. surgico.l Instrument!!, Shoo· UebiD.g Cutlery, TablP. and v· to take a pronUneut position among~t 01u fer ~ tih:t:ers. t g:iin. \'Vo hu.vc oueaelvCJ:i'U.$eJ 1,; alt, 1111,l 111 c pe1fe0tPtite1· !-'opp, of .Poppvillt:i, iu P <.·11p County, l y couvin ced of its grcn.t valu tl, antl that lt is fancying l1imself to be ve1y p npullu· ·w1th his worth mo1e on account of its compa1·nt1ve chenpla<ly-lovo, popped the q_ue:stluu to 11er Under t11e ness,tho,n other forhhzers upon light lands . VVe poplfu· tree where t1he ltifeut.:d lHu1 to hel }lOp· have at p resen ~ n. flenes of experiment s llll.der py, who, when w:iked (01 Li s uon1:1e1 1t, labonng wa.y, aud sh.ill JJa h.ippy to give their rcB ults nnde1 the inflnenc0 of gi ng l:lr po11, vupped lnm witb the Cl'O t1S. upou 'vh1d1 salt 111ixull with va1-11 I I l'.JUt of thl) doo.l t~) thC' tune uf "Pc·p g0es the 1 i ous otbcr substance!:!, and !!o.lt alone, ha.vQbeen \\'e:\sel '" a.pplied, shnll have come to maturity. An up-coun try gill ste1)pcd to the windo' v of While Uf;!arly all expe1 iraenta agre1;: a:;i to ~ tho post·offic~ in a Long Ir:il.tnJ Yillagc, a few great vt1.ltt~ in the }lf!,O of. . sa.lt as a fe1 ~llizcr, the da.ys since, and naked £01 a lettci. exact method of application, or the n1ost cco"To wbatna1ne '" was tLe enri,uoy. nom1cal and b~e-ficial substances with which " \Yhat name"' inri_uue<l the datnl'lel, in ::i to use it, have not yet been fully determined 1i.~g-0, " You'1 e ve1 y 'luquis1th·t'l to be em·c 1 " \Ve trust that ma.ny of out itW.ders will ex· and out ~he nouneed. ])eriment and give us the..11 iesults. It is only by $uch '\'ldely diffus ed experin1ents upon vaiiTa.king Notes. ous soils and GI ops,~ and under different climatic )'!any yo::i.is ago, when there 'V6le slaves 1n influenct) thn.t we c~n 11rr1ve at a ti ue hgbt a nd illa<:s~\<. husetts, and some of the best men iu the knowledge of the con1par11t1ve c:ffoots of 1:1alt. oowmunity ownet.l them, tht1re -was a clorgyrna.n Its chitif effects upon cereu.J.s, 10nd especia.lly in n. town m Essex county, whom we may call on \\.heat, is to d111solve in the soil the ailiea R ev. :rrrr Coggswt-11, ·who ha.cl an old favorite ~ orva11t named Cuffee. 4.\.a 'va.<i often the case, 'vlllch is needed to strengthen the !;traw, and to Cuffee lia.d as much liberty to do as he ·pleased form a pa.rt of the hull of the kernel John Johnsou, than \vhom no tiot1udi:::1 aguas anybody else in the house ; and h~ pfobably cultnral autbo1 ity ia to be fouu.d in America., cutertained A high respect fo1 lumself. Cuffee on the Sabbath. might ha' e beou ~een found that under this high manuring, Iris wheat in the minister's pew. looking around vdth a lodged -quite badly, but tha't a dless1ug of salt grand a.1r~ and, so far as appearance} indicated, remedied th1s evil, doubtless by making more profited as much by his master's preaching, a::. of the silica conta111ed in thI.S soil available to the growing plant and thus stiffPning the straw. tnany othe1a about him. It has constantly beeu ptoved that root ci:ops, Cuffee n6ticed, one Sunday morning, that several gentlemen were taking notes of the aer- espccilllly m angold wurtzel, arc very greatly nwn, and he determined to do the sawe thing. benefitted by salt, and indebd ioquirc a great So, in the afternoon,he brought a piece of paper quantity. The benefit of salt upon cereals is not so apand pen and ink. Q1nt'k Loaf Cal1e.--·UJ c up ~ ot flour, 2 cups of sugai:, 2 1 ni.cet nlilk, j cup butter , 2 ten.spoonfuls m roin tru:t n.r, 1 soda, ia.is1ns o.nd cnrri:.11ts 1 uut mcg Dake. th.rce.qun1te1s of an hour, Ilai11cd Donohnuts.--¥ 2 cup1; of !S"'eet nlilk , 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, a p iece of la.rd th e sizo (If an egg, hcup of ) ea!:lt l ( uoed it at night; in the n1ou1u1fh if hgbt, kne.td it O\ e1·, ,\·}1en raised agldn, lOll out, ;J,D.ti cut them £~nc.l let them h e on tl1c boatd until light l..ieioro ft,r1ug. I Crull(.'1S. -··4 tablespoonfuls of sugu.r, ~ t:.i.blt:- I spoonfuls inelted butter, 1 cup of milk, 1 egg, 1 te.tspoonful cremn t.(oliat, ~ sod .~ Roll tlnn and fry quick. Cloi.:e C:a/..:t; ---1 coffee-cup of hn tter, 1 eup of sugar~ 1 tahlespoouful of m(1la.saes, ~ t.cibl cspoouful clo' es, do. of cinnn1no11, 1 nutmeg, ~ cup of milk, 1 cup chopprd u:nsins, 1 of a tea.spoonful sodn, 3 cups of fiour. Prepared for imediate use, and nothT«p10ca Pudding ... 3 h eapmg tablespoonfuls ing but the purest materials used, of tapioca ISOnked lll a. cup of \V:1rm \\'O.ter, 3 ancl req lliring llQ furtllel' mixture Of' eggs, l~ pints of milk: scald the milk and stii Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. in the tapiot;n. ; beat the yolks and ~ cup of '!'heir comJ)()81tiou oon!:liats solely of suga.r together, an d stir in whilat. 8calding, pout , into n. drnh. a.nd then sth· 1n the whi~<,;S beaten 1 Pu1'e GolCYJ', PU1'e White Lead, -!'iire to ftotb. Flavo1 to suit t he taste. White Zinc, J.Anseed Oil, Spii·..., Oingr:r&read Pudcling.-~·1 cup of molasses, ~ Us of Tiiiyientine, &; Drye1·s, cup of butter, 1 cup of \Vater, 1 tenspoonful of ginger, 1 round teaspoonful of soda, 1 cup of ccarefully and scientifically comchopped raisins, to bti stPamed two' boura in a. bined tin pudding form, n.nd eaten with s,tuce The consumer can have any de· D aily Line 'l'O Bowma uv11le, M at e h 7th, 1872. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. n 23 ItOCH:ES 'I' EB. 'Ihe New Lake Steamer cOt CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Bra.dy a.n.d Mike Flynn] Oct. 1871. TIM.- l871. McLEOD'S "NORSEMAN" "lUILL on or about lst April next commence t t her ·egular daily tr;p,, ice verm1ttmg,lcav· 1ng Cobourg every morning at 7.30. Port Hope at 9 o'clock for Rochcster,conneotmg there "1th the Now York CentrM, Northen1 Central and Erie Railway, !oral! points East, South, and South West RETUUN ING. e-..en1ng at g o'clock, except Satuulays, wh 0.n she leai;es at2 o'clock p n1., for Brighton direct. The steamer ealJ. at Brighton, .Mondoys and 'l'hul'aday, at Colboruc every day except \Ved· nesday, at Wlntby. Oshawa, Dadm~ton and HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS I Leaves Cha1Jotte, Port of Rochester, oveiy I :r N ewcnatle on Wednesday, should freight offer. Dealers ui ·tock will find this the d1eapest and uickeat route to Albany Boston Ne\V York ' Add"'"· ' ' c., &c. R· C CARTER Port Hope Ont Po1·t Hope, ch 18th, 187.2 25-tf sired shade of color neatly put n1. in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the Sour-Milk Cakc.---1 cup of eour milk, 1 cup whole can be done by himself, or by: of s.1gnr, ~ cup of butter, 2 cups flour, I egg, 1 any member of his household. level te1;1.spoonful of soda.~ cup cliopped 1aisina. Spice to auit the tm;te. Apple FJ·uit Cake ·--1 cup of dried apples soak· ed over night, then etenmed until F.1oft, put them into 1 cup of n1olasses, an<l simmer them slowly nnt1l '\'\·eH cooked; when cool, add 1 egg, ~ cup sugar, ~cup of butte·, <r>nc-half cup of m1lk, 2~ cups flour, 1 tea:ipoonful of soda, oneha.If cup orerun tartar, and 8IJice G'oUage Pudding. ···2 p1nts of flour, 1 eggs, 1 Cll.p of sugar, 2 teas1)oonfuls cream ta.rtar, 1 of so<la., 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 cupi:; of 1ni.lk Bake in btips one-hiili hou1. 1 1'0 be Q;.-i,Leu with a sauce CinC? nnati Sponge Cake ---2 cups of sugar, 3 of flour, 5 eggs, 6 tablespoonfuls of boilin~ water, 3 teaspoonfals of ba.king powder " Good morning, Mike, shuro and its early out, ye me. Might I be bould to a xil what started yees this morning." MIKE-" Jist be (iisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tould, yisterday, tl1at JYlisther Gray, iw Tyrone, had got hoJ?e fill illigant new stock >W Goods, chape as durt, man; and its mes(;]f could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the the cha.p e goods. And shure enuft: its the full store he htlS"l es an d p il es av th c nat es t pa tt erns; an d h e'd give · ye th e pi makins >w an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM."An shure its funning me ye are, Mike, wouldn't the man he uJtl1e1 breaking dovvr1. 1' MIKE.- " Breaking down is it. Shme he knows a thrick wurth two av , ·· ' ] · · T' 'f t t 't i that. Ill JISt tell you w mt it IS, !ID, I you wan o gi a crrate name- when youre ded and be called a £ilantrofized, filos>' bli c b' · ~ hor, ' JlS .. t t e 11 a 11 youre nab ours,and tlle if· er, and a I)U m11act rist av mankinn, about Gray's chapc store, and you 'lid o more · S t. p a t ric ' k d'd ~ on Id for the good av you counth ry, t h an Iver I 101' Ireland, when he banjshed aJJ the toads and snakes out av it that niver was in it," 'l'Il\L- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to some bargains. Gray's l8tJ .. · · ~ S, B. BRADSHAW 'l'hc minister, happening to look down in his parent as that cf the nituites or guano. p~w. could hardly maintain bis gra\'ity, as he Upon these crops salt shouhl be used {pure el\\'I his negro Ii spread out H to his task, ,.,.ith salt) at the rate oI about of 200 lbs. per acre in 011e side of bis face touching the paper, and h1s the sp1ing, M atop dressillg; for at this season tongue thrust out of hlli mouth. Cuffee kept at the sa.!t' 1s 1uorc rnpid1y brougl1t 111 contact with, his notes, ho,vever, until the sermon was con· and assimilated by. th e roots of the growing ch1de<l 1 knowing nothing, and caring as htth>, crop. '~l c would R UU1 up by fJ.UOting from },fr. about tlie wonder111eut of his in.tste1. \Vlum Mr. C. had reached horne, he tohl Cuf. Gardiner's prize essay on ' ' Special Manures,·' foe to come to his study. laid before the Royal A g1icultrual Society of ' '\Veil, Cuffee," said he, "wh8..t \\ero ~ou England, h11809 doing in iueeting this afte1noon ?0 " That all <l.reS!:l1nge; aud u1anurea containiug "Doing, rnassa? Why taking notes t" " 'as a. lai.-ge amount of nitr ogen, as guano, ealts of the reply n.mmonia, nit1a.tes of soda, &c , make the grain " You ta.lung uoLes !" grown by them light~r in 'vcigbt per bushel, 1· Srutain, tuasea.; all tht: fiCllLlemen tt~kc while at the same time they g1ve inorc hruil1cls 11otos/1 replied Cuffee. per u.c1e1 llti \veil' l:L:i n101e stra\\. " 11 Tlillt on ii 'Veil let nle see the 11otc8," said M1 . Cor;gfi the other ho.nd, such rna.ritUe .~s " 'ell. co1nn1on salt gn:es heavie1· grain per bushel, but Cuffee thwciupou produced Ins sheet ofpapez, f< ner burihds per acre.·) u Thitt the 11108t JU(lit:Jous u.nd economical nnd his master found it. covered all o\.el' with all sorts of ma1ks aud hues, as though a dozen method ia to use a mixture of those M oommon sp!?e~ dipp?d .in ink ltad run ,~\e~ it. . ! salt with nitrate of soda., or any of the othe1 s, ' ' J;iy, this lil all nonsense, 8tHd tho muus· 1 tbe one ,.,.111 gnr1.1 quantity\\ hi1e thlj other will ter, as he looked at the "notes." give \Yeight." .! '\Ve~, massa., 11 replied Cuffee.' tho't 60 1 " Tha.t guano does not lcssen,,-the weight of a.11 th.e t11ne that.you was pre~h111g. graip quite so mueh a!l: the nitrate~ of soda and Tlus \V~Ul the first and la.st timo th~1t Cuffee po~ that 11 mixtnre of it "·ith salt 1\ould, took notes at meeting · there is reason to believe, become one of the best dresstngs for wheat cro1Js." 'I1he fi1st act of Divine justice iu tLc in"That aalt \vill, in all plu.ces far !rum the sea, fant church at Jerusalem wao to purnsh covetousness. And yet the clrnrch has in genera.I be found advantageous· as a dresSlng i>ever dealt with thrn oin as it should. Who upon grtu n cropl'1, a.lt hough it does not bring ever heard of a man being disciplined for away a rnsh of gr.?wth lilte the nitrates, it will covetousness 1 FOr other sins men are cast ho found, in such places, that 1~ will cause th~ out of the church ; but in this sin, ,v)uch grain to grow to weigh more and be of better the Bible calls idolatiy, they live and die quality ln clearness of color and iu plumpness PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just received, for autumn painting, imported direct from the English Manufac,\ould tall:e tin$ opp.~nt:u,,n1ty of t h u.uk1ng l1U! turers,including James' numetouJ:1. ffiend<f'for tlte "ery hberN patronl!ogo Genuine, and the he h.., receive.;!. He feels satisfied that n!>thCelebrated ing bu~ J. GB!Y, Tyrone. Noted for choap Goo(ls. For the best and cheapest ROOS1'Ell BRAND, gtw,ntnteed piwe ALSO all st,rndard colors, oils va1mshes, tmd painters' mr1terials. Call and sec how cheu.p a house can be painted and decorated ; for all these good.swill he sold atRe,luced fig·iwes. "I Will Never Leave Thee," ln th ese " '01ds th e English language i:ul::; to give tLe :full n1cunlng of the Greek. It hnplies, H Never, no, n1::ve1 i uo, nor ever!" Tlns v.·orld i:S n. ·world of "leaving, parting, separation, failllre and d1sappo1ntn1ent. " ~rlunk of fnahng sometlung that \Vlll never leave nor fail. Gro.sp this pl'ornise, "I \\'11l neve1· leave thee," aud sto1e it 111 L OW !DRY GOODS ' Workma.nship, 2000 Gallons of ",! you1 heart ; you will want it so1ne tla.v. The hour will conic when you "ill fillet I1oth1ng so cornfort1ng or cheeriug as a sense MACHINE OIL of God's companionship. Stick to that \vord " never. " It i s ·worth its \Veight in golJ. Chng to it as a dro"1.·n1ng man cling~ to a rope. Grn$p it firtply as a soldier attacked on all sides grasps bis sword. Though your hea1t f'n1nts, a nd you u1e sick of self, frulu1es and jnfir ulities even tlicn the p101niae will not fai l. f') of different kinds 'l'lneshers and all parties requiring such oil, are , specially. i;1vited to.inspec~ the Ybi- 1Ii.IS gamed £o1 hun ·nch a steady mc1 eMe of BOOTS & SHOES, ous qualit1~s, theJJr1ces·be1ng.far ~- 1 busineef5-n1uch la1 ge1 than former yea1s; a nd "~ever low anythmg ever offered m tins market. ___ i he t> '"t' tlrnt by and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to tbem into 'v1der sight, purer conception thnn our O\Vn, and receive fron1 then1 the u111tcd sentence of the Jndges nnd councils of all tim e, ngainst our solitary and unstable opi111ons -Rusk'!.11 "ilhout one honest rebukc.-Hali. creepa on, and fr1cnda can do no 1norc, aIJd GENERAL HARDWARE I CARRIAGE you arc starting on that journey from which To use books rightly is to go to them fm A man without decision can nover be there is no return-even then Christ will GOODS, AND TINWARE help ; to appeal to them when our own ' ,,\id to belong to hnnself. He belongs to not forsake you. Jn1owledge and po'ver filil; to bo led hy 'vhatever can c11p~lum; and one thing "Never ,, When the day of judgment in the County of Durham. ·· N ever!" Though the devil wlnspers " T shall have you at last ; vonr faith will fad, a.nd you 'iVIll be n1ine"-:even then God will keep his word. arriving, and now on exhibition, tho "Never!" When the cold chill of dcntb largest =d cheapest stock of 600 Cook, :Parlor, :Ha.ll, I a.nd :Sox Stoves, strict attention to business I he v.·111 eonthit\e to rece1ve thea sup1io1 t J. ELLIOT'S 'l'y1one, Nov. 2nd, 1871. Cheap Store, after anoth er v1nd1cates its right over hin1, comes, and the books a1e opened and eter~ by nrresttn g })1m wlnle he is trying- to go on. 11ity is begnmiug-even theu the promise Such 1nftrnnty of spirit coufes~es hiin to be will bear all your "eight, Clmst w1ll not 1 \Vellington Buildi11gs m a de for s ubJect1on, an<l. be passes, like a ict go his hold on yo11r soui.- Rcv. J · slave, fron1 own er to o\vner. - P'ostcr 's Essays Ryle. 1 Bowmam-ille, Aug. 8th, 1871 S. B. BRADSHAW. .t'Ul p~ ci ally JOHN McLEOD, a. that are i:n 111rears tnus t pay up 1 ef! t he Hard'Wrn e oeoount. S. 13. B 11omna nv1lle1 J an. 10th, 1872, l y-15 t.J~ o ..e '