---1--1 c ioulates la1gely ID the ro,V11 hips of Darling: TERMS THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Ion Clarke and Cart rJ.gl t It s n. common latform open to the free disc s iou of all quce 011e in wlnch the g nerhl I ublic tl,.1'(" oo cel'lll!: l Stea.m. Job l'rinting O:fB.ce, Kma SIREEr Bmnnm ILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad va.nce The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES 01 0 tc cohu:n 1 Half Jo Quarter do alllllll AND GEN'E RAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME III RR LOSCOMBE B IJRT!:!TEl ATLdW sOJ TOifOR TN C:HA1'0Eli Y Oli FICI!: - 0 e l\fcClung s Sto1e 1m.n1e fl ~ t aa T b-I B runacon1b s Dental Booms ly Ho "1llan ille Oct ~7t1 1868 .l:lOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY LD 1872 NUMBER XLII mo; ed his hat oud dabbed his mu»t fore hea I \\1th h s handl crch ef Ilrn hand trembleu 'ery 1 1cl os I e pc Im metl. tl s n leed I e Jo 1 I !UB suuple opernt10 l POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL HE o\.DS CIRCULARS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CAHDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. FUT~L SUPPLY. POETRY The Old School House J tellect v.l endo vn e1 t and downs of hfe S rpris1n 0 ISn t 1 t ~ .A grand J ri.: al\\ ayr:i In iore8 tt least o e Qmte su1 prmng and so forth b JI ooll tie lor na o ac larlv Whu\ Stud" of the ma.ttcr cna.1 lea o 1e to cla.a~ wo ihl bo the goo 1 of it 1f 1t joM i everf' fy in some degrno tie cnm nuls anu unlor Tl is "as q uitc t CHA NOE OF TIME SPLENDID SI LEvIIONS of 0 1 t 1u allet J t e 24th trn.u s the Buwllla mlle Station us folio s JAMES BIGHAM, Gl "'101 Paper Hanger &c &c · d vrna 1Ia~l '"J::S'I' M el -:lfo I "'" [J ts t a "'7 lt.1 a in l lu ~ lf\ p n Fa.ll a.nd Winter G-oods, I $a.t a.n l OUl to da:.i; Jal 1 Beside the old brook stre m"here e ve1e school l OJS ill okl. t inc 'Vhen manhood was a drca1n Ihe brook is choked with fallen leaves 'lhe pon l s l 1c 1 ~ vfly l sea cc bel eve ti D,t 'ou ~oulJ 1 I o v IJ e dear old place to day I h 11 2 nuns \ emblc 1 l ns eVtllJ <lay Hf 11.i.c r:cl10olhouse is no i 1ore J ol Beneath ti e Jo e ~t t I! s JI 1 For Sale, Or To Rent ROBERT YOUNG, VE1Jl/ 1' 1 1 , r W j HOUSE Outu u l h uge I O ch d Tf:IE ntl or \.\ 1thout Seveu an l prcser occupied by Dr Da faon ~half Ac1~s D f 'v ~IULEOD S, 11 Lrvl e1 }{a g11 OU b t the 1 ren ises or to lJR DAVll)SON .UV 11 July 11th 18 0 GENERAL STORE, ~cc utlu '!he bill befo1e them I appcncil t be one r.elat1n 0 t o a vety troc10 m ta<:e oi \\ tfe beatmg ]brow 1t o 1t su l Mi Snelgro\e for the lt!st tune takrng any actn c part m the proceedrngs I daresay J s ' fe deserved all she got I be groun l ·I ted "as LLW:clh S1 ffi ie1 t o Jtsttlj the 1gnon g of tl c bill .Still H ' ns 1guorecl -rn1 cl1 s a1 I eared ultnnate lj tu the surpn e al t he ' ife beater and rcully to the JUJ ol the beaten "tfe By and by tbe Jl dge \\ ru, co npbmentmg the g rand JUlY upon tl e sa:-.acitj and dis c11 nu11at1on th ey had ~v1 nc ed 1n the dis ch u tie o! t he i d tie biI1 Snelgrove s d t c;:; weic over \\1th h s btotl et Ju r he vas 1 o > at liberty to pn1s c l s 01d nary avocations St lJ a cu1to1u l teva1lel oi iewunhun t] e grand tunate~ who become the typical curlosittcs of the institutions 111 which they find 1ncar ceration or shelter as th e case inay be The dn1s1ou mt st not be unde1stood too arb1 tral:lly but the v1s1to1 n1av rel) 1Jio1r. 01 less upon being introduced to or permit ted to mspcct firslly the officer m the 01my \\ho has se1ved \\ ith credit in a c1ack 1eg1 ment bit has been brought low by peer r Hlrv neces ity de' cJowng 111to dishonesty secondly tbc r.ount1y gcntlc1nan \\ho 011ce O\\ ned rich landed po.::ses>11ous anll hunted ! i u v c ofo th W the U d bo 0] t P .APEB BA~S Al MONIREAL PRicrs I !_ 1 FOR CASH J:) E \.UlH UL lEEIH J l\II BRIMACOJl'.!BE L D S roe tl E ::-..il a cted a t TV\ ent~ fi.,_; e C ents .ll a Mont1eu, 11 cos. IJ e1aper 18 f tl e bestqual~ ity :i. d vc guai tee that 1 m c of tl c Bagl'i st ck togeth m lhe folio vwg IB the J:: l{A\ l "'0\\ A EI aaao l W1n t of Pare Bags whwh we ' v1ll sell at OO~ITJ ~ - A l u ·d e u fv PRICE LIST PER lOOC ] A 1 9 u Iy fl 7.e <J;j lkiorr J'j o er )1cClu g B1 l 1 Oct 1st J 8 0 ::i Sto eB q 3 I ij Sj lO 10 ll 11 s, 8~ Gentleman s & Boys Garments ~EWEST :M ~ 8 10 14 20 7 12 12 9 10 JI 19 131 lo 1" 17 8.:i 7 Mrunll· J5 1 30 2 00 2 30 280 lhown VO J 20 1 ~o ? Taiioring PROMPTLY EXECUTED I 20 130 2 55 o~O 0 3 oo l 2u 80 gg il 00 3 30 :J 7o A' ~} C V<!ll k O l J7 uGO ~ 5 60 JN Tl r, SIYLU:o 25 30 13 14 14 14 ~~~-~~~~~~~- ~~~-~ CHARLES TOD, "rum Nu 18 lU ·1 3 7 40 80 11 90 14 00 lEA BAG S 6 !JO 6 55 1000 11 oO I 70 2 10 3 OQ I Io o FIRST·PR!ZE WANZER SlWltm MACHINE, MANUFACTURES PRICES E u.::;k lleu Nov 24th 18 0 18 tf llltEA:O A.N:.O BISCUIT !ZIAK.EB. I 2 751 ~o DRUGS AND MEDICINES \ Ill.ID . \.E i B JO S T ()JllC.F Bowmanville Drug Store OD LD most Tespectf lly t ende1 his su ceie thanks to h!S n m(:rous fnends and custome -co a tl to thtl publ c gene 'fl.Uy f01: t he very liberal support h e has 1eceived since his Mutal Life Assurance SoCiety comm encm 0 m business and hopes b) conti r 11 ed. stnck p ersonal attent or to business and offe:ong :uothmg but the pur est a:t t cles at the 1£8 r UlLI:;lHED 1840 n1ost reasm able pl ces to ons ie a cont111ua1 cc of pt bl c l a.tronago U.A::-1 :WA 0B.IEF 0.ld! lC.U~ J }I vould c tll spec al atte1 ton to lu e1y 11 5 1 J \\1ES8TREETMONlRI \I Et/c ~u1 Cl 01 stocl of BOWMANVILLE I 113 J> uct all) \._lt le l 1 I ' I W J HIGGIN.BOTHAM, Oct hl 18 o AUCTIONEERS /t 01 ii I vw i ahip or Darli 1glon 11 f PHILLIPS OB pL aL L t OU H ~MPfON g !jJl to "al able t n nr:i 8 ~ (JI e~ l S JAN y E sq M J? CLauu au 1'-1 \CDO'il"ALD F.::5Q. -. :rv.r A.Jon r E cu.rrBELL o B st liilni c, \~AL w Du~OAN DIRE G1 Olt~ DYE STl:JFFS, 1 el a.i e smc tog ve the U st sati..i:lfact1011 A veil selected stod of W :tll1l.. B Ent--ton h t) I i:; TIU~ HONOBABIIE JORN ENNISKFLLEil' o opt..ly ntte1 dcd to o l r aso l tble t u burg Ont. lt;ESIDENI SEOHE'l ARY - J cl.1.IES GR >I i i:i Ji BOLTON Ha.wks- DRUGS CHE1 l1JCALS SPECIAL FEATURES. I IE EN.I i t.E P uo.1i l:l belong to an l r..tc d1v1<lOO amoI r.i st thij Pol CJJ.holden1 PATEN1 M .b'.DlCJNES BRUSHES C0111B/:3 SliUulDliR HRACES Mrs. C. BOtrNSALL, B KING S I BO\VM.ANvHLI EGS to aru OlU ce to t..he r bl c thu.t bl c no 01 en1 g a cl o ce sele(;tl n of l!O; ~Ens JU. TS JUIJBO~DS 1 H IV I M JEATHEI~ 1 1 l f;J , d MILLI ~£1J Y l cl v llb f.l ol<l a ttl c l H :-s EOPPOR1ERS llo Mc ke1 t co1 ~ ~tu,1 t1y -01 l a id. OILS c:,;l.100 ~ I le J {.;tl PAI1i'1 COLORS V ARNIHSE!:J ancl WHITE LEAD lo vest pl ces. L tho vet;} Horses and Cattle Med1C111es ..: I V t:L Htr ~ v B o1u e l s tsual k el Xe 1 inost 1 bm al cou ll t ht 18'10 ti ul N B '-riountry Storcheepers supplied on th e Dl08t ad·<mtn.geous tcrmg A eho ce selection of L \.MPS for sale cheap Bo 1-"Illan 'llie Dec 9 18GS 6m Ha~:£'iatz:e Li~ enses~ J.ijSUIBD BY J \'VIES GRA.c'f r Res Scc..Tcta " ROBERT ARMOUR 11 1 ille Dec 10 l tiG I ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. f. L' WM pool Lan d i an l Glusgv w l AU.1::"'11 l lllt BOWMANVILJ 1 0 BARKER Ol.ise1 ve Office Klll0 St 23 ly Bo vm n \Ille Jui c 24th 1870 3!1 · Ad'\ crtiseme1 t R l o 11 en<l to TO A:OVERTISEliS l I rsoni:i who 001te111 ltttll a.k co A lltracts w th ev; apa1 e1s fo the se t f 11 ~ l l 01 Geo P Rowell & Co f a Cu culu.1 m en lose 20 cent s for the ONE HUNDRED PAGE P .AJ\U IILET contamrng L sts of 3 000 Ne \.Spa.1 era and estl n ate· >hOWll g the ;x>st of adverts · alsu many uscf l hints to advert se1s ar d some ac· count of the experiences of n en ho ai e known "" SUOOESSl'UL ADVElUISERS The _ finn are p1opnetors of tl e A ne1:i.can Ne spa] e1 A lv t 8 ug Agen x_, QOh. l'ick t :-; o u1krmat 101 a1 ply to W A NEAD:O, Age Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON m<l [E·tabful ed 1803 HE lJ 0 .El!IOES - 1 01 l n1oa I St I all M wl Loi dote tf :JO nd ate possessed of unequaJed fac1ht1es o s He lozeU n11 c i on the I call it u 1 clean \\ hv you n 1nht eat GENEUAL \.Gt:t'CY 1!0 () N" I:A - 21 St curuig tho insemcn of $dv<>1t !!e)ients Ill Wl ganl to n utte1 Sacrament ~:Iont1eJJ. Ne\\'spa1 e -a a 1 Per otl cal.a at lo estTate::i bench I e w s rn 1 curuatose sW.te vhei I e oil U e floor Everytlnng possi ble 1 clone ' No err ber 9th 18 1 Subi:1c1 bed a1 l rnvcsted Cap to.I a. l IWse1 cd h eel h itf Llte cases tliu.t en. ic beioie 1 11 f01 the pt so1 ers com f ort t h e treatrnent 1s Fund £1 965 000 St ,.Juig Still l e w ns allnntted oo nll] ande to be tn 111 e' e1y respect ac11nirnl le .i rr he system 1s ] u1 ds nn ested in Cnnadar-----. 105 000 beyot d 1m11 ovement l he pitch they carry Inslll'ances against loss by Fie a e elTecictl 011 m ret 111 g from bus nes8 begs to 1 eturn. he1 sin adnnrnblc J 1dge-nlbe1t lt "as aloo couceu these tlungs to n ow a days S uch a contrast the mostfa,01ableterms aul loses paid w th- cere th TJ.ks t o hei numerous patrons fot t heu eel ti at he \Vas ccrta1n1y 1n l 1s dotage 1 bc1 al support d uni i; t h e tlllie she has been ID o 1t refere1 ce to tho :Boa.rd in London If ll e JUdge played Ins po1t well- ele to tho old piachee Why a ie v yea1s 1 ack bUSlness At t he same time $he t o an J DODSWORTH RI:NTOUL BROS not nee tLa.t l':ihe has retired m favor o hc1 t vo 'atrng force to the d10 mL) poetic tragedy 1' you ll bcheve me tl e pusonei~ ha l scru:ce Insp ector Gen. Agents Montreal ~01 s who1 she ti11ats by v..re re now \Jl [ CJ s t1es1ass ng on tll!ol p 01 ti1t..vk 1 0 vu -Mr Sru:lnrove s sin ill sl arc u tile I e1 ly eno1 gh to eat-shocking R R LOSCOMBE Barnster Agent S1Rl01 ATTEN110 N TO BUSINESS 5 ]! o ilden :&1 Us nll b~ prosec t ed going to inspect 01 e ur two of tie veils formnncc " "" exec 1te l but mui.Jfe1eutl) JOHN McDOCTG \TI and suppJpng a. for Bowmanville and Vicm1ty H was h stles sull er ;bstlactcd Indeed It l:l to be nuted t hat mstit 1t1011s fo1 the ~o v111a.i ville J re vth 1871 tf 36 Bov.'mnn~1lle Jul\.e 14th 1860 ..,6 J c r esembled ru.tl c1 a i:;upe1111 metal.} wl o ct ini nal 01 tl unfo1 tun ate c1nsscs iue en mo 43 39 4w to still mer t tl t p \ttonugc &o hocrnJ.l v bestow I ad dou Lt s about LI i:; ..l:ala1 v 1 c1ug laid do\\cd \\1th a sort of 111usentn cha.1acte11st1c 1 ron ho1 than a rccogn sed mc111bcr of then.tr cal con1 Stall 1 JYimket Blllldmg~ pa1n f cting v1tl n ey c to d1stu1cbo~ Bo v11ai v Ile J w 18th 1872 16 tf prof~ ss onal fame lf'S lH~ CREATES'! rGBIIC DEl'iEl 1.1: 01 Oulticato1 s Gang Plows, 11 on 41 Park Row New York JlllY fot lhen I bors ll e 1e a1d w 1s not of a ve1y pec10 rs I nl B t th ev "ere 1t ·]l eared pnvilcge I lo spcct a mold pn son e tabh~bed 11 counection ' 1th the c111nin ll ca it irr vl ich 11oceediugs they had tak en ' sinull sl ar Man) of the JUlOl S declrnc l to avml themselves of t1 s adva11ta 0 c-Qome indeed scoffed at it open 1, ll ey ha l Lau eno gl of tl e l"ll' and took the ol l blli d 10a 1 J ol 1 fl at a dered up tl e h 11~ its p1occss fo1 one wl 1le fln l \ ere glad l 1s <llirke1 th wit used to bo m10 i 0 h to turr then backs upon it nnc1 to A1 1 .seen 1:1 1:10 lone at cl st 11 hult\ eli:ie· whe1 e rt8t11l so 1nucl1 tin10 \\as 'lho b11da jet a g u101 the bough1:1 foli to hn1 e ooen ' asted that a little more 'Vhere once the sweet g1apes hl l e or less cot Ide t 1eally matter The l 01 is But 2 ot a. \:Olce of human kind of hus1nc~s ' ere over the dav \ as prac WI e1e aJl o 1 vo cca rm g ticully gone I sat rue on the fence John Why not sec the pneou 1 Mr Snel 0 1ove 1 hat st.ru <ls as 1u old time r ul certain of his colleagues askeJ the1n lho f:;al:llO half paud Ul the I au sch cs Its Ill m o"e lays 11ork We We led ao oft to cli ' l.rA1 d thought how o er tl e bni s of life sl a n t, pe1l aps !Jave anot.11er op1ortun1ty Our playmates had passed 01 aud 1 o doubt u. p11 on iu st b e [!, curious Ar ti left me counting on the spot kinu ot 1 lace S ippo e we go i 'I I e faces tl at u.tc go1 o Go 1.Jy all meo1 s sad the fo1ewai a l dicssrng bin sell lo Mt Snellgrove He LITERATURE bad taken qmtc u Janey to Mr Snelg10H since that gentleman had so p10mptly as SNELGROVE S MARRIAGE scrted L n1sclf aud jropoaed the 1gnox1ng of CHAPTElt J V tie bill agarnst tho 111fe beater '!he fute Listeinug to the gra\ e 81 d 111 ~aauieU man rega1ded 11r Snc1:_grovc as one of t he tones m "l tch t he Judge deh vered h10 lllO·t pt om smg grand J mymen be hil.c\ evei cbarne to the g iaud Jl 1 ~ \ lk·L 1 g Ins ,vise tn et w ltl iuct his experience 111 that ie fu.c~ a1 tl unp1e ss1ve manner tl e '"lnle you ga1<l' as con('i1de1able Go by all mean s wo l l I we tho ght he really behc\ed all you 1l find it exo<ed gly mteiest no Its be &ncl Histnm 10 abi 1 ty abounds m too late to do u 'l ti m g Ill con e " th ) o He uformcd the it -you like B 1tlsh co lits of la1> J UL\ that they \\ere no\\ req i icd bv the The) wcie much 1miresscd of comse legr;laLuic ol the t co nliy to d»chaige with the massivenes, of the bmldrng with the vast amount of stone ::ind uon tl1ut had ce1lam of the gnvest luties 1 b1ch co 1ld devohc upon the CJt ens of ai J stttc No bc~n emploJed 111 1ts constrnct1ou Mt inean trustwas uow in thelr han<ls-no Snelgrove h ad rarely ~ecn a n edifice of such t ti d 1d t I d d 1 f light rosponSlb1ltty rested upon theu shoul s i eng 1 an so ' Y 'remm e um o a represent>hon of a !ottrcos he had once d e1s 'IL ey \Vere ca11ed npou t o atel in tlie b bl d vn drcahon ol the maJesty ol the law to found at the ti catie p10 a y uung u f 1'>.ing J om I or some sue h f !Je1fo1t J functions of' a.st lustoucal 11 tere1:1t per o1mnnce o t l d I I of which ex1 e11er cc h a<l. I JO\ ed ti c ovortl p :1J I cy rave1 ::sC( var ons passngeo an u th l t <l. d ancl "hrch tune had so to speak mvesteu com oi. cy were cone uc e t p au w1tl a I rnd of sanchty He <.11d not doubt dm1u hme and lheie 'lhe) found all tfie J bl t1 ti how ev e1 that with the ' itelhgence he could anangerncI s c m rn e Cj were gt-ea ' j t d tl I cl tl t k 0 per ec 1scip me an or loercen e thej posseaoed and " rth the dih s rnc wi l gence J e va· orvrnced they \\ou!U exer gamentwn ol th c establ1sh ment rh ey \\ere crsc thev would achieve the task mh uste<.l led rnto the kitchen and surveyed the to them completely to ti e 8'Ll1sfocl101 of method of piepaung the foo<.l !01 the pnson d lh C) even ····t their giatehl com t1)mcu They would ers-1 t \\us surpnsmg """e caret lly examrne the bills that wo ild be tho soup-it was excellent no one co Id submitted to them and inoi 0 mce uioon posoibly lesue Detter fo1 his own table they rh e fore1nan cons t I tu t ecl b in1se lf then1 n1 accordance ' th the te1ms of the r decIa cd t f l ta J f ti 0 t1 s 1hei woulds tt Ul ls ·rt IllSC the a s:t ~ p e~cnsryl s owmadu fio t lC c' dc1 ce n d find U1at the l llls we1e true 1DS ion J; or I ne gio' e s e 1 en. ion he ennched the mfoimat1011 ~upphed by the or ignore them ns the !.:Ucnmstances of each !!overror ,\1th many valuable obset\ations case 111 ght le~d them in their d1sc1etion ·· to deternu1e au<l. oo ou It sounded !tke of hrs O\\n He had frequent!) vmted the w1sdon1 llc1hap:::; the Judge lumst:!lf lll : :;o11-al\ rt)S as a g1andJuryman It wis understoo 1-toon. muvL p ride nod interest ·ho ght il su lime perhapo had t ak en .. cl 111 it and \Vas anxious tl at it sl ou1d b e tue e ge o!f t 1s ap prncrnt1vc skill m such oe and that it should respect-for he 11 as an octogenanan He seen to the best ac\vanta0 could lave madr speeches m bis sleep-] e1 be explore l Jo n lo 1ts nost c 11101 s pat f ect 111nanne1 beautifully luur Ced is to tlculals n oiiderful 1811 t 1t 1 he sard l'etfect paragrapl s if peihaps a htlle inliane lll 1e n J3e1 eatli tl e gtass g o vu ba k J 1 I loo] eel fo1 ou old SI rug lb t b bblcd <lown ti e al<le l ll I In ee I aces from the sw ~ lhe iusl1es g10 upon the br nk The pool is blnok and bru e \i l uot a: foot fo1 n u.nJ a day It sec1 s has tio l len thei e 1 icad ou lLa.Il a t101 the l t.tk Aud fou 1d tho p~b]Jl i; 1a1 e L d 1 benc loth t1 e hollo v de As \\C 1 ad ptled the n there tlte southern dtv1Slon of Blanks! re but '\Ii hose profligate courses lnd proneness to drmk have reduced h m to th e desperate pl gl t m whrnh Jou no v find h11n (genernl h t lus specimen I as Leon 1eceutly bi ak in!" stoues in tl o ro:i. I 01 ' 01ku gas a day laborer in the docks or as L 1 avv.} on 1 rail ai.: Llld 1 s appearance o I rt culurly squolid) and ti mlly the derg) mau or the n1vc1"S1tj n1an "bo was once cleeu el of s1nguhu crcd1t to 1 us college vhorn :s.:Jtnf::: stra ge wa1 p u l 1s wo1al 1 nture I as Jen de1 ed.pccu11atly amcn&Lle to the censme of b1s country s crrnunal tnbunals Of theee specu11et s t..hc fhdt aucl ti ud arc perhaps ti c 1uost common Mr Snelgrove tu b , to tr I hroc gh ti c n1odel pi son 'vo..s 11 trod iced to vanous ex an pies which co 1ld fauly be <.l stub 1tec\ amo1 g these classes it be ng 1ecogmsed that tl c 1 bouod('illes <LH.J ol u1 clast c kind 'lo be sure the countr} gentleman wns 1 ot re preseuted on the occas101 but ti e otl e1s \VeJi:: there in com ected th hrs bus ness oflana lie unlocked th1s lra,ve1 und took tio n Jt t b He of lei toro wt tten 111 a sprn vi 1gi11 fm cd l u 1 1 At tl e top of tl , pocket wus un 01101 g sl l of bl 1 c I a pct 1 eally wLole f1 ame culloush agitated IIiest1ength folded seemed sudtlenlJ to have dese1 led Ji m This doc ncnt he crucfully cxanuncd \\bile he Jclt his heait beat 10 ' ith a pam It \las a certified cop) of Ll e lCf,~St t) ol ful turbulence He e11te1ed a 11e1gbborrng ti e n uanage at the paush clnnch of Ru tavern- it '-" RS the ' ell c nducte<l llouse hIB friend the forem m had all lied to - nd be! le }frnnu1' · uf James S nelgrnve bncl fortified hm1,elf' 1th a stro1 g dose of bran elor aa<l Eliza Uol bs sp noter both of full dy and watet He ti eel to eat b sc it age Ge 1-gc Snelgru\e tl e father o~ Jan1e" bt t J c as t ml le to acco1111 l sh th t lm berng lew1 be l as l ten b10ker an l Gideon mo 1th wus too parche<l !01 ti at some vhat Hobbs tl c lather of Elizabet! Lem~ '" a Lbe na1nes ot tLe ' iLnesses we1c aud article of food a1 il l rn ppet t e !1 d lab o1e1 adde l ui d 1t \\us shown ti at ti e oJl'ici~L fo led lnm , 1ng cleign1 ~ \\u~ one John 0 10, e :rt-I A H e pe1ce1ved that Ly the I tbhc 1 oi se wl o iudec l certified ti e concctncs;3 ol th e clock it was not so late as !he Jrn t fancied extract fto111 tl1e register 1t so h e abruptly lia led a enb un I was rheie an be 1 0 m stake S'1d Mt elm en rnto Lhe city He cl l not proceed Snelg10'\.c she pas;.l'cd l 1s bancl act ) .:IS lus to h s office boweve1 but stopped rn tLe \\ et Ioiehn.1 l lns face gbaf.!tly vlnte uule1 neigh boil ootl of tl c Mans on huuse at the the gasl 3hl I k e tl c mou ut once 1 doo1 of un old la·luoued c ffee ho Be It was cert 1 ulit; L1 i ectlv l ct t,es up01 'vasa Uur:k close son1ewl a t i::.habby 1~ so rt.~ h m H e vua 1 ot the k n l of man ut c yet was dee med cosy by u ai j vho fi id co l l fa l l 1 le1 l>f) Its all qmle d eat sc r ethmg CIJO}able m wait ol c\uyl1gbt ::\[" tnau :i1;1c v:; uull <Jil l \ 01 l Eh a s ol. und tbsence of flesh an lt ' "' cluefly 10 y v. ije ma1kable fo1 lhe f ct th·t t kept lrles of I) several ne\ spaper~ Its custome1 ~ had the prn1lege of 1Hspecting the back i ur'lbers of the leachng metropolitn1 u l a fo11 p10 CLIPPINGS vmc al JOmnala Ver n1ont is 1nourn1ng the lo;:;s of its toads Upon h s request M1 Sne gio\ e v 1 s supplied wit! a fil e of the T n 'news1 aper Ih e\ wee killed Lv the exce,sive cold of I================= gt eat force Shockrng lSn t 1t 1 co mmented ~Ii Snelgro\e s fnend the forcmou Cavalry oflicet-man of good fum ly-<l1sti11gmshec\ hunself in the 011ruea I un d crstund-come to tl rs rwo years Iugeu10 s fra ud upon brotl er ol!icer Ibe tlnng ieduce l to ~ othmg to be said for I m a Sj stem Really a had case ~ ou kt 01 \.n 1 1 et gentle manly Jookrng n n ch I-\ ould be au 01nun1eut to an) d1a\\1ng room cettu 1 ly You can see l 1a ln hta1y trruning C\ cu the pH<:on dress cant h <le that ~on ]mow Su 1-vciy sud -Ah and this i. a vei v cnriouo case-ca1ne before the grand J rJ only h t sess10n I lemembet going very ca1efully through tl etlepos1t1ons but the thing \Vas aa clear as the suu at noonday Tle1ew s notl1 g tole s:.ud fo1 the prsoncr we could lo 1 otl ng but 1 r ng n c:L ti 1 c b11l an:l the common Jui v I understand found h1m gu lty wit! out even turn ng round u1 then box.- iem co i l uu know- ancl. ) et yo \\ ouldi t bchc' c It to look ~t hnn .l'\.nd there seen1etl to Le lfo st neyed wilh some d sm " tl e bt lk) mu·, of p1 ntec\ matter that "us placed be loic lum I hen he stea hly set to \\ ork at exammmg ti e copies of the Law Hep01ts generally Pl mted 011 page 9 of the great JO Urn al ho\vevet and pa1 t1culo.1 l v it was to be observed he perused the repo1L;:; of cases tne<.l at the Clerkeuwell Sessions House Ile had l een for some little time intensely occup1e:l thu e: wheH 1 su:iden touch c n ti e al oulder mndP. lun1 start in a a cur ousl ) nlu.nned way It was pla u l 1s nerves ve1c in a very un:::;tlunb co d ton He co Id v1th dtfilcdtyiepi " a sc1euu1 Hollo Snelgwve "l u l I"" e thon 0 l t of see mg Jou hem ? last \.\.1ntci anU no\\' the ct t '\orms 01 wl tel U ey fed c.L e 1av111:1 it all llrn1r own way a 1d rue do1u 0 g 1eat damag~ 'I he Ne vfoundland pape1s state LI al the seo.son is 'e1y back\\ al] Fa,.nung opern t1011s a1e nntch dela.yed n 1 iepo1ts fro1n the outpo1ts concer1 ng tl e fi:i.he11es are dis Acco1d1ng lo t-l1op1ov1s1ons of u ne v rrnl ih a law, evci v Frcnch111au IS 1 ow sul~ect to ] e1soual n1 ht..f1rv ser\ iee 1ron1 20 to 40 either in ti c ct1' c arn ' 01 in the reset vc ti eie ate r o r ore c :i ht1tn1 e nt bo tnt1ea the !) sle n of suoatltute, ' ' abol sl cl A vedU1ag and l b 1 U1 uccn1rcJ. on tl t! P1 tui ~ i l I'll 0 her last hip out His Ex: The inq uuet \\as ~ cot[ ul ent elderl~ cellenc) Earl D ifter 1 give a\\ay the gentleman \\ho lad been s1tt 1 1g: ovcL a ? ot bade an l m the lalte1 case stood go<.llather slol\ 1v dyw 0 llrnt of I oi t m a n UdJU n rng box I I no apparent 1notive- sort of morb1 l love of No otl er way of accounting for 1t College man-well u10ught nptook high honors I behev'l;-yet "as pos cssed with extraordrna1y fancy fot ptetend mg to be a clerg) m1u P1 cached I rn<ler impos1t1on sta.ncl, 1n 'auous places a.n<l. as found ad mrrable m the p ilp t-nnn of first rate abtl1tiee-unposed upou l. gre t nuu1ber of country rectot;.i !Ia.cl tie 0 tft vou undc.1 sta <l l ut n ove1 or<l::uned No 1no1e a sur I Mrs. E. Cawker, befs NOTICE. 'Or . FIRST CLASS No ARTICLE, DR CARSON'S Gram Drills from $50 to $80, MEDICINES. Fla11 ows, and many ot/ie1 uew and nnp1 oned im plements cheap Fot Mr Snelg10H s thoughts were pie oeot p el He \\ ll! ti nkmg about huneelf - lns \V !e- 1.ittl' q 1a11 el " ith her He w ts brood g ove1 tl past- look1nt:1 o-loon ly to va1d8 the tut ie Tl c New Patented Combined Dnll and Broad Cast Sower will soon be ready which will sow B r oad cast or m Rows Cill ttl o BO ii !l ,\..NI ILLE l AmJ l Ml Ll Ml t-; l FOH\V \ llfJlNG A( CNC l i vc :.idet ng I ow it'" oil l et t l t:VCl 1 l Cll L u ,i, t l1 e J cl o vc l rt, ' tal ty ,urelJ to its bio· I 'Pl ul to ti e popula1 I a.sf:! on tor cont1 ~ t It \ s t lei ght t.o man) to thu k ot tbe J iec ou' 1 l ei d md deeding that l po 'he "hole I l al ;:;U lo s1 ik n lc 1ttl.i~1 a1ne s ofl s 1 le ~ll.:: l l ) l uJ I i 1llc l) $25. T. DARLINGTON, J-Il\.J J st1cc 1vel lot of ~ Clute NEW FRUITS, lo 00 Ra1sms, Currants, Figs, liked it and had won so me ap1la1Se m 1t He deult wrth the matte1s couun 0 before Ho ]nm w1tl1 1nuch 1 u8-k dec1s1oi iud savc l 1'T1JTS IN GREAT VARIEl Y lus fello'v Jurv1neu 11 teh lluublc I! or one l3o il11ru v lli:: l\>I d J 1ti 1871 no24 tf or two of tl ern would J ave to.ken o. sor t of Also Bru rel:; and :Boxes of consc1entious v1e\v of th eir s1tuat1on as BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS gra1 d J 1) me i Cnmec\ awav bj th e elo i;olicitoro Conveyancers NotanesPubllc ' 1tJ u1 :i.soortment of quence of the J dge they I ud posit 1ely be gt n to belie\ c th lt tl e 1 scr ccs \ere ot a l ADi:; HE of the ltoyal Oolloge of pl v 0 J: !UJll AT Bo MA~'\ I LE 0 ""1' er l\f 1\Icl\{ r cntlcal k nd s c nn!-1 of } gla1 U an l "C n1verro.ty of V c ry:, Store n:lto ha ag u 1 ce ve<l nnothe1 lot of tona College Cobo rg U ndergi: adua.t e and tl Diul Stop .::i:nd ti e toie 1 an at length e e 0 IC E l:t\ OSHA A-F :-st <loor nortl of tJ o~s celebrated P! 2en1an of tha "(: n vet!'\l ty of Torol to:.__nt 1 Po~t Oil ce gomg too last 'Ve 1e fund all these to be Unn ere1ty of Queens College K:mgston M.em ~foney to loan L10 'I r n .t s of :i.ntei est der nf ti e College of PhySlc a..ns and Surgeo 1 true bills we 1 n 1st no v ignore o ne E Furn ·ELL I LB R M cG" H A f Ontar o S n:gmy a 1 Rei:<1 lcnc{' on Kiu Q1 alitv is ti· Teot of C1 ' 'JYI "' J .a.MES Ru:rLEDGE J3 A Why l some one o.sked- a veri Jo 1 g Street & ew1 d <loo1 ea.st of }.11 M a ynat Bo manV1lle Dec 2?nd 1870 n12 t f Bo vman' ll· Dec 1 th 1869 m&o man 'vhose appearance Lespoke httlc in Bo v1nanv11lo Oet. 5tl 18 1 Mo tte·l Nov 8th 18 1 17 tf :Oa.tes, :Lemon, Ora.nge a.ncl. Citron l'eels, 1 connect on \ llh LI c ml ous repL le the) t au 1 l i t 'ct' h 11rd to suuc:ude1 the prcpostcro rs ftct1on It su1 plied 111 t cou nesi:>es seen c l to veo eu t 10111 that sanplc su ch rn hie su1 t a1 c iJ. the l o e 1eo1 lo ve J,I senlto uf 111or:il v] 1ch I'1 so ~al ted by t1 c (.;Ulll rnuu1tj - posi:; t ly becau"'e it taxes tl cu 1 1 prson the l>ette1 tell geuce >O sl:ightl:y l.n 1 dolt can pt cucl.t lo t u tt'h· tl.i foienutu ot tl e J ry \~ as "ell 1 1 n tl e b s1n e.sl:l a s ncto1s sav Ile i se1n101 pan such a text and 've a1c ull 1 ad plu.ve l t1 e pa1t 011I1ev1ous oct:asions much f t 1c of p1caclung tha.1 "'e u e of ge1 ltstcn1ng to p1enche1~ Farewell, HcGees & Ru:tled.ge, So in the establishn1c11 Ls we are co nsul er 1ng there IS tlwa.ys to be hsc.ove1ed llU in u ate "hose 1 os1t10 ex.cites 1nrngle l s1u Beaui;iiul Candies, G DR. DAVIDSON, CHOICE BISCUITS l"tT:RE LEAF TEAS, pr1Be and sentiment of this nature That lw should bo here 1s the exclamation tl ink uf ] HI paet - con;:; tle1 l 1s presei t Is not tie c mpot ,on sta1tlmg I And tl ei of co rse f 'o r fn icy is fectu l or your n1orahs 1 g fi t s stro 1glj on yo forth \ Lth you i aJ indulge in n1 lch choice co11Jectu1t.: us to the r t ue oi t..1 e pc>roo l l l v e"' vs t a Jail a 1efu,,e a c;:ius l " 11 \\ e ha 1 a ~Cl lOI w1 n1 glcr hei c last ' eek s tl e 1 npress \ e ~ 1 rnr er 1n your ea1 I I e t ps Ami s 1pposc ch1ld1en had been bo u I It' o 1ld rnal e no l1Jle1 encc thoi gb 1t \ o 11 I e l ncou1 01 1 aid 1 ou tl e l oor tlnr gs u1d n o dot Lt u l net of pat1 a ent u11 0 l t be obtu e l lo ,et them ugh! d leg tut sc tb et 1 l arha111eut yol i:;ec cali ma a 0 cn1 nt Shf)ckl g tlun 0 h tu an lep1 iv1tj Conl ln t <.lo nny mo1tal tL111 0 an 1 p11vat.e ad.is I kno'" h i.ve be1;in obtmned 1u :;ucL. a ses get on ;vithout pusons :i.nd pun1ah1 l er b; could we-\\ t y bless mi soul how pale though a. puvate act let 11H! tell y i is a11 ) ou loo! Mi Suelg10;e s face was ccr expens ve affair l et us hope the seo mJrel to. nly vc1 \ wl ltc I see hov. it 113 Yon didn t do mythrng q 1 tc so bil.c\ "' yo1 re n ise your[\ 1 ch I ought to ha\e ti our,bt st ppoou g l laiesnv I e only p1eached n l ud of 1t b 1t 1 ue\ ei touch lunoh mysell A tea l prnyc1s-sot eth11 g of that ku d good brrnl ta t m d I n al vays hold ou to ti is da) the co1 gre 0 at on don t k1101v 1 ntil d nnci But r uare say ym feel t1 e that he had nt g Jt what J 01 rnu) call tl e wa11tof 1t Do ov tleref.! agoodtello\ l l :t lln1aik upon l1n EJectlu 1:: 1 f:i O go au l get u gl ass of shciry and u. bi"'cuit verv l kc tl c gen 11 e n et il now a 1 ysTberc s a vc1y v. ell conUncted hou(l.e close Good night by I must be off fo1 I vc a tram to catch And ~11 Snelgto\e WIS ~ell alone lle Take caic of you1self qJie whole tl m0 s studied h1a Lack numbers ot ti e 1 '1 " ' hr been so ne\V to you-the co111t aud the a little wlule 10110 er fo1u d v.lw.t h,.. waa pnsou and tl at-1Ls a little upse t yuu earnhrng lur appaiently n ale some en Im an olc\ hand ut 1t You U come to oe 111 tue· ID his pocl et Look uu l then l e also tune !01 tie srrer ff doesn l aye one long quitted the coffee house m pence "e shall meet agam rn the JUrj He proceeded still fartl et I lo LI e City box some of the se d 1) s I don t do rb Goel I - to hrs office ll hnehmeb Street muee t bless you '\.nd tl c lornman de] artcd It" os closed for tl e n ght He rang tl e bell ancl 'vas of co 1rse recognised and CH a l FEll \ forth with admitted b) tl c ho sckeepcr bT S elg ove stoo 1 u.101 c fo1 a te v 211 1 He hgbted tl e g · " d u ilockccl tl e utcs out~ de the pnson l J douUt l.IS to ion ~ o. fe VV th n tLc Q nfc \Yf\.s a dra er ate de' ot ng cont n lo ls w h lb er he should bend !us steps He re wh ch he iescrvcd for pnrnte pal'er, JJOt suli ect Thats all I Llrmk Vv e vc 1:3ce1 pose-l.ll1 ght c1y off He stooU up ho ¥e c1 a11d sa.l 1ted 1es1 ect Ile 111 0 1 L 1 h e weie v1!11111 t:l o 1g h f lily ti o go vcn or un l ti c pu1 ty he b101 ~ht U e1e' ot ltl btJ n )thing t I re\ ent hnn v. tl liu 1 11 to the cell Cuuuus, Bit h e got passmg false chcqu·s learned m the Jaw he U ought that ai y at last- \\onde1ful number of char0 aes n1an1age-sa) t op 1t a case -pe1fo1med by ·oamst l im- took m country rndesmen of this rr an sup1 os1ng in las ~ss une<l cl aructe1 all k nd, N othrng fo1 it but to oouvict of a mm1<te1 that he had e1 e r been gmlty of b1m at last A game of ti at sot t r.i usl collie lersto~d hat h e s ch a deed-and it wa, to an 1nd s one1 01 late1 yon J now had rndeitakm the d 1ties of a curate 111 Uc \\US trrcc\ lost se~ion ino1e tl ar one pau1Sb n 1U t le1elo1c tile T Onh last se·own Name of Gro\e-but cnse m1gl t e;is1]v ha\ e occurrcd-anU he had iuan\ an alias I remen1bc1 the wo ild now s 1ch 1 murr uge hole! goo~ w cOJ<e part c ila1ly because my mfe s siste1 s pornt of fact un l be b ndmg upon the husba nd has a cousin named Gro\e uu re parties 1 lahon of course One of the most cu11ous 'ii hy should 1t ? demanded M1 Good cases l ever remember AU he got was a eno1 gh The sco 1ndrel \\.asn t ordained few fees from cotmtry rectors for actrng B 1t you see said .111r Snelg1ove hm tempoiauly as cmate Never staid long m oruusly the ceremony "onld \Jc pcdorm oue I hu:e ' as too cunning for that It cc\ m a chmch nil came out m the com~e of the trrnl al What docs that nrntte1 lt s ti c pat though the ieal charge agmnst b n:i "as son 1narr ef< i ot the cLnrch Such a 11 ur sometl mg qmte differen t-us I said pnsSlng riagc would be n 111 nnd , oil no qul!stlou ficl t101 · chequ~s '!hey wante 1 to p10ve at all about it hrm n al but tJ at was no use not a brt And wl at ICtnedres , u voi l l tbc No note mad than you 01 r Yet strange par ties have rn such a enso 1 Yo 1 oee 1t th 11 0 'vasn l 1t ~ A ruan of ]us pos1t1on would come ve1y hnru ipon them rhey an l 1lnlit1cs -fiL st rate scholn.1 I under \Vould be quite bla1neles:::; 1n ti 6 wattet stat d-to Sink so low You woul ln t J:ie 01 cour,e 1t would \Je hard upon U em heve 1t to look at hm1 Most gentlemanly Its hard upon a man wl er a \Jurglu1 lookrng mun pe1fect address attrnct1 ve breal s into 1 ts 1 ousc or \vhen bu~ pocket 1:1 111anucrs So it appeared 111 evidence picked He · not to I lame ) et be suffei s Tl1e p1 so ·er wus tull und slight "1th a 'l l c only thmg tie patties co ld do wo ld dtoop1nn narrow chested ti 0 urc Uc } al be to get tnarued over a 0 a1u iU:i so0n us pos d1v \\llY 10\ colored hnu very prnk eye srble m cl to take care the' ma le goo<.l JOb l ds small fenet eye· and a singularly long chin I-I1s appearance altogether \\as of it the secon<.l tune but 1t 1on t I l ely ce1ta nly rnm'1kable He seemed perfect such a tb1ng \\ oul 1 I appen t\\'1ce io 11) !Jocly ly at c"'e-but h ttle distressed by I is "1tu But one ol theu - th e 11w let · · 'I at1on at 1 took l ttle notice of hu; 'ISitors isn t it 1 I arson really t han) ou or me Mt Gooc\c1 ough excl 1m cl bl1 S nel ma krnd of gasp lu be smc How ate ) ou 1 ] ou hard Tl e Jollo vn g is the nu nber of n sbt ly look yourself n en ts compos1 0 t} e Peace I ul llt!e Ord el:l Im 10t very ' ell- lea<! ti1· l-tl "t d the Jact said ~:11 Snelgto\ e and tl e1 as t1a fat t1 e pc1forn1ance of tt c cho ce t i though 1naved 1;, :i sud lei irn1 l l oc be ie strumen al p eces - \ ol ns 4o0 \ iolas 15J I ol oncdl os lC 0 Cout1a Basse , late 1 to:h s comp n o l i:i ad\ er tu res at loO Flutes 21 Clau01 cts "4 Oboes, Cleikem ell 20 Bass>ons 20 F1cnch Hmm 24 Grand JUIJ ch l (~1c~ t lit 1 aau cc of rrnmpets 04 'lrom))one" 32 B·ss l ub"' cuur::;e to a man of business but n1ust be done We must respect t he law It s ll 6 Tyn pam (I am) 6 Small Drumo 10 Bas, lhun s 4 CJ mbals (pa rs) 4 G1eal veiy well to t lk abot t abohshmg the Drnm 1 G t~at ri10nglo 1 Total I 000 grond J l ry sJ slem How could we get on There " 11 be m addition to tires u m1h w thot t it 1 that s w I nt l 11 t tu l no ' tar5 band of one th ous11 <l pe tfo1m01s He tohl uf h s ' s t to the mo lei pnsun USE OF LEMONS I t is vcll In o >11 ti Rt aud mentioned "itl soi 1e minuteness tl e captn ea be hud tltel t rn spected I 1 r egu1d lcn ons ~p1 okled \\tth loat Sl ga.1 con1 to the pst:! t Uo clergy1uan p11sone1 Lis inter pletely all·) le\e11'h tln1 st a1 d u.rc theic est seemed much stared Fmally he sub fore invalt blo in a s !.:k ioo11 Iu\n.lld1:1 1ottcd w1tl t sort of ssckly rn quctude and \v1th ft:ve11sl ness ctn eaJt!ly consu1ue two l cs1tation to J 1 s f11end heth c1 us one 01 three lemo1 s 111 a U y A len1on 01 \VO gtu\ e an l Lady D He t go ltr other to tbc in fan t l t uia) no&- be generallj kno'"\ n that and Iufu. t l orn nt sea undeI t..he Ilntrnb fl" 0 I as porochml r gl ts ut Sterne) thus taken at.. L ea tune 1~ au enhre s lh st1ti te l or ti c o U r iuJ suppeL of suuune1 and 'voultl g vc rnanv a n1an a co1nfo LtaUle n1ght s sleep a id a n apoetite foi l renkfust to\ 111ch the) a est an 0 ers vi o v; 1ll havi.; · then er p of tea 01 s 1ppe1 ol t chsh au l ctke a 1 Lem s anl c1ca 1-JJdmily lleiald l'ROHMHL PLO UGHIYG \faTc!lis - l hc Agrict ltul I and At\s Assocrnt10u has de t ertn1ned to I old two gra r d P1ov1nc1al Plot ghrng Matches this season at a date snbaeqt ent to that of tbe provnlctal ex.ht brtion und to offer $400 m pnzes at cacl match One of these matches 18 to be hell w thin 20 miles of Belleville ut betwce t Belle>rlle and h.rng,toi md the otl 01 near Lonr.:lol) Tenders are asked io1 ~O acr es uf la.n 1 foi each nw.tch a1 d imple n1en t 1nanufactu1e1s and othe1 1:1 are inv1tccl to oJler s ipplementa1y spectul prizes 'l hc1e h ut these natches w1Jl cun bo little doubt L excite a 0 reat deal of 1l tCJest a mong the fa1m1ng co1n11 un1 tJ ~~~~~~~- The Cholera Traek 1hit the cholera 011 0 rtnates in tie fat east appeurs to be no\v a au:fficiently v.ell estabhsl ed fact I he methods bJ ' 111 h it Iii s11e d In a vesteil) direction are Llso no\\ 1 uderntoocl and a 1eport by .M1 Simon the Medical Officer of the London Bo LLcl ol Health shows tlie routes by ' Inch it bus usually travelled He now calls uttent10r m th1S document to a n ew 10 le by wl !Ch th n UU\\C1come vis tor JS ]lltCl) to fin 1 t mo1~ iap1d nd ens~ 1~ay u to Eu1ope TJ c °' cholc1a 1s m fact I k elJ to come by ra J "av M1 J N Radcliffe ' ho son c l! me su ce m . . Uc L 'ery lnc1 i e;.:.posit1on of t hi; ster 8 lhe ehole a tool o i 1ts ' 1) ti ro gh Eg vpt and T 11 ke:y m ! 8U5 66 has also nutde a ie:pott 01 tl e uu v io1 to thro t gh N 01 U e1 1 Pero \ E" c1ytb ng t1 at q twkenti tiaflic bet veen the East an l \\ est fac 1 tates the 1 rogicss of dtiease .illr lkdchffc points out tl (lt tl ll cont1nenL al Infect1on et te red R 1ssI l. In 1869 bv the 11e\\ ro ttc thror gh rrauscaucasw , 1lus1oute rn being rnp di) developed It leads from the COJ p au Se> by \ ai of T11l18 to the extreme so uthern pou t of the Black Seu at I ot lhe boies of the Black Sea ie ahe ly co111cetcd w ti the iail ' 'Y'tem ol \) te1n Europe :i.ncl a h ue o! 2a1l :v ~J 1s p10 J coted b·tween Po tr Trfhs El11abctl pol and Bal oonnectm 0 th e Caspian vith the Bladt Se1 lll' H tdclille I om ts lbut by the completion of tlus line ut tra1J1c cont tg ions cu11e1 t Ill Pe1s1a will be ext.ewled t o Europe' 1tl greater facility tltun l cictofo1c '" h ch COll::il<l.ering tl e plague st11ckeu i.:ol.l cl1tion of that counl!J 1s of sta1ll 1 g 11 por ta.nee rhe Eu101ea l Go \ ernrnc1 ts arc alne 1o tln ~ l uwe er a,n l 'vhatcvL:t p1c ca t O t s can be ado1 te l "rll no do lit be taken lt b) no n em s follo\ s ti 11 el lern IS to Ueco nc cp elem c tlus or ne t ye tJ' but 1t lS !:l\t1sfacto1J to ln ow that sc ent1fic men c" ttcnt1on to tll o